(#1) Summative Test Third Quarter Name: - Score: - Grade/Section: - Date

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Name: ______________________________________ Score: ____________
Grade/Section: _______________________________ Date: _____________
I. Directions: Read the short selections carefully then answer the questions that follow. Write only
the letter of
your answer.
Rosa’s Flower Garden
Rosa has a beautiful garden. She was able to grow many flowers in it. The flowers are
of different kinds and colors. She has red, white and yellow roses. there are
gumamelas, santan, sunflower and daisies, too.
Many of them are fragrant. No wonder, butterflies and bees hover around her
garden, with their wings listening against the sunshine. Indeed, Rosa’s garden is an
attractive spot to behold.
1. Who owns a flower garden?
a. Rosa b. butterfly c. bee
2. She grows different flowers in her garden. Which of these is not found there?
a. rose b. ilang-ilang c. santan
3. What two adjectives are used in the text to describe Rosa’s garden?
a. beautiful and wide
b. beautiful and boring
c. beautiful and attractive
4. Why do butterflies and bees love to hover around Rosa’s garden?
a. because of the many ornamental plants in it
b. because of the lovely flowers in it
c. because Rosa does not drive them away
5. What does the word “hover” in sentence 7 mean?
a. dive b. fly c. swim
6. Which word in the same sentence does not give a clue to its meaning?
a. butterfly b. wings c. garden
7. It is a list of words with their synonyms and antonyms.
a. dictionary b. index c. thesaurus
8. The girls were surprised when they saw the beautiful flowers the delivery boy brought. What is
synonym of the underlined word.
a. frustrating b. pretty c. fast
9. Watching the movie with all of my friends from school was fun, but it was too long.
What is the antonym of the underlined word.
a. lengthy b. silly c. short
10. Mrs. Blackwell assigned a difficult project for the students to complete during their vacation.
What is the
antonym of the underlined word?
a. easy b. caring c. hard
II. Directions: Circle the adjective and underline the noun it describes.
11. Danny caught the red ball.
12. The dog found a large stick.
13. My mom is a pretty lady.
14. The little tree is easy to climb.
15. Lisa likes rides in fast cars.
III. Directions: Give the correct comparative form of the adjective in the parentheses to show
16. Baguio is ________ (cold) than Manila.
17. Cars are __________ (expensive) than computers.
18. A jet plane is _______ (fast) than a helicopter.
19. The first honor pupil got the __ (high) grade of all the pupils.
20. The sun is _______ (hot) than the moon.


Name: ______________________________________ Score: ____________
Grade/Section: _______________________________ Date: _____________
I. Direction: Read and analyze the paragraph. Underline the word signals that were used.
1 – 4.
II. Read and analyze the story. Choose and write the correct answer.
The Wind and the Sun (Aesop’sFable)
The wind and the sun argued one day over which one was the stronger. Spotting a man
traveling on the road,
they sported a challenge to see which one could remove the coat from the man’s back the
The wind began. He blew strong gust so fair, so strong that the man could barely walk
against them. But the man
clutched his coat tight against him. Then, the wind blew harder and longer. The harder the
wind blew, the tighter the
man held his coat against him. The wind blew until he was tired, but he could not remove
the coat from the
man’s back.
It was now the sun’s turn. He gently sent his beams upon the traveler. The sun did very little,
but quietly shone
upon his head and back until the man became so warm that he took off his coat and headed
for the nearest
shady tree.
5. Which event happened first?
A. The wind and the sun saw a traveler.
B. The wind and the sun argued which of them was stronger.
C. The wind and the sun challenged each other.
6. Which event happened last?
A. The wind and the sun argued which of them was stronger.
B. The wind blew so hard and ended in despair.
C. The traveler took off his coat and looked for a tree.
7. Then, the wind blew harder and longer. Which of the underlined words is a time connector?
A. Then B. harder C. longer
8. The sun gently sent his beams upon the traveler. What kind of adverb is the word “gently”?
A. manner B. time C. place
9. Which of the following sentences states a fantasy?
A. The traveler held his coat tighter when the wind was strong.
B. The man took off his coat when he felt very warm.
C. The wind and the sun argued about who was stronger.
10. Which of the following statements expresses a reality?
A. The man took off his coat when he felt very warm.
B. The wind and the sun argued who between them was stronger.
C. The sun whispered to the traveler.
axil - the angle formed by a leaf with the stem
axillary - located in an axil
calyx - the collective term for all the sepals of a flower
corolla - the collective term for all the petals of a flower
drupe - a fleshy fruit that contains a single seed
lenticels - raised pores or short lines on the stems of plants
panicle - a loose irregularly branched inflorescence
pedicel - a tiny stalk that supports a single flower
First, prepare two cups of rice and two cups of water. Next, clean the rice by removing
stones, insects and palay. Then, put the rice in a pot and wash it once or twice without
rubbing the grains. Finally add two cups of water, cover the pot and place over the fire
until it boils. Lessen the heat and let it simmer until the rice is cooked.

11. What does the given page show?

A.glossary B. thesaurus C. index
12. What does a glossary show?
A. list of synonyms and antonyms
B. list of topics arranged alphabetically
C. list of difficult words used in the book and their meanings
13. Based on the given page, what does calyx mean?
A. collective term for all the petals of a flower
B. collective term for all the sepals of a flower
C. the angle formed by a leaf with the stem
14. How are the words in the glossary page arranged?
A. alphabetically
B. according to their order in the book
C. according to importance
15. If the word “ligules” is to appear on this page, where should it be placed?
A. After panicle
B. After lenticels
C. Before lenticels
II. Direction: Arrange the adjectives inside the parentheses in the correct order.
16. Cynthia gave Shiela (beautiful yellow a ) dress on her birthday.
17. Mia ate (sweet red ten ) starwberries last night.
18. There are (white seven big ) sheeps on the farm.
19. Mother bought (sour green lemon ) for visitors.
20. Gabby has (fat brown four ) puppies as his pets.
Name: ______________________________________ Score: ____________
Grade/Section: _______________________________ Date: _____________
I. Read and analyze the following sentences. Choose and write the correct adverbs in the
1. We must borrow books ( once a week, in the library ).
2. Bel loves to read ( during Saturday, at home )
3. We met some writers ( yesterday morning, at the principal’s office ).
4. The pupils have learned about fables ( since they were in Grade 3, in the school ).
5. Alfred wrote the poems ( during his free time, in the province).
II. Copy the adverb/s in each sentence on your paper.
6. The Santos family goes to church during Sundays.
7. Nena wakes up early in the morning.
8. The church choir sings beautifully during Christmas
9. The children play in the park after the mass.
10. The children play with their cousins at home.
III. Read and analyze each sentence. Underline the Cause (why it happened) and box the Effect
(what happens).
11. Robby threw the ball in the house so the vase fell and broke.
12. Keegan was hungry because he skipped lunch.
13. Sandy had a stomach ache because he ate 2 bowls of ice cream.
14. Gina couldn't find the cookies because Papa hid them in the cupboard.
15. Kelly studied her spelling words so she got a high score on the test.
IV. Read and analyze the poem and answer the following questions.
By Christina Rossetti
Brown and furry Caterpillar in a hurry,
Take your walk
To the shady leaf, or stalk,
Or what not,
Which may be the chosen spot.
No toad spy you,
Hovering bird of prey pass by you;
Spin and die,
To live again a butterfly.
16. The word “stalk” in line 4 means
a. follow b. hunt c. stem
17. What does the second to the last line connote?
a. The caterpillar rests in a cocoon for a while.
b. The caterpillar suddenly falls from the leaf.
c. The caterpillar dies after spinning.
18. Which sentence about the poem follows the correct order of adjectives?
a. The poem is about brown furry one caterpillar.
b. The poem is about one furry brown caterpillar.
c. The poem is about one brown furry caterpillar.
19 . Before becoming a butterfly, it used to be a caterpillar. What kind of an adverb is the
underlined word?
a. place b. time c. manner
20. If you are to complete the graphic organizer below, what will you write at the center?
brown furry
walks or crawls spins and dies
a. butterfly b. spider c. caterpillar


Name: ______________________________________ Score: ____________
Grade/Section: _______________________________ Date: _____________
I. Direction: Write R if the sentence is an example of a reality and F if fantasy.
_____1. Mr. Dandan vacuumed the dirty floor.
_____2. Third graders in La Huerta Elem. School take the LAPG.
_____3. Rain made the roads muddy.
_____4. The pig said, “Let’s go to the dance tonight!”
_____5. The mouse ate the dinner table.
II. Direction: Complete the table.
6. big
7. dirty
8. quiet
9. happy
10. hot
III. Direction: Encircle the adjectives used in each sentence below.
11. John went to the busy store to pick up red apples.
12. The tall man at the counter felt that John was a very kind gentleman.
13. The hot sun rose in the morning and set in the misty evening.
14. Many of Earth’s greatest wonders have been labeled as historical monuments.
15. Often, there are many animals which are placed on the endangered species list because they
are hunted.
IV. Direction: Circle the word that completes each sentence.
16. These grapes are ___________________.
angry strong fresh
17. The elephant is the world’s ___________________ land animal.
largest weak short
18. Father has the ___________________ feet of anyone in his family.
slow biggest wise
19. Joe is a ___________________ little boy.
large grand nice
20. Nina’s ___________________ brother is going to school.
younger full round
V. Direction: Complete the columns with the comparative and superlative forms of the
21. Hard
22. Good
23. Lazy
24. Careful
25. Attractive
26. Creative

VI. Direction: Number the sentences to put the events in order. (27-30)
_____ Now I can play the guitar pretty well.
_____ I started taking guitar lessons last year.
_____ After just a few days, I could play some chords.
_____ Then, I learned to play some simple songs.


Name: ______________________________________ Score: ____________
Grade/Section: _______________________________ Date: _____________
I. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
_____ 1. The water ___________ from the waterfalls to the dam.
a. flowers b. flip c. flows d. flag
_____ 2. We sing Lupang Hinirang as the Philippine _______ is raised.
a. flag b. flows c. flip d. flute
_____ 3. The __________ is full of delicious food.
a. play b. plot c. plans d. plate
_____ 4. I want to visit different ___________ in the country.
a. places b. plants c. play d. plot
_____ 5. I can ___________ stick figures.
a. draw b. drop c. drip d. drag
_____ 6. My sister had a bad _________. She woke up crying.
a. dress b. dream c. drop d. drama
_____ 7. Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao is a well-known boxer. He is famous around the world.
a. around b. boxer c. famous d. unknown
_____ 8. Megan Young was adjudged the most beautiful woman in the contest so she was
crowned as Miss
a. crowned b. beautiful c. woman d. most
_____ 9. We recall or remember Fernando Poe, Jr. for his action movies.
a. remember b. action c. movies d. forget
_____ 10. The actress is so candid. She is very honest in giving remarks.
a. giving b. remarks c. honest d. actress
_____ 11. At what street can you find the pet shop?
a. Main Street b. Cherry Street c. Lemon Street d. Vernon Street
_____ 12. What building can be found at the Grove Street?
a. Bank Radio Station c. School d. TV Station
B. Write 1-4 before the items to show the sequence of events. 11-14
_____ 13 . She dressed up.
_____ 14 . Lina woke up early in the morning.
_____ 15. She went straight to the bathroom.
_____ 16. She had her breakfast, then she went to school.
C. Write the appropriate order of events using the signal words to complete each sentence.
( First , Second, Then, Finally )
__________ 17. Buboy planted a seed.
__________ 18. out came a tiny leaf.
__________ 19. it had more leaves and taller branches.
__________ 20. it had fruits.
Name: ______________________________________ Score: ____________
Grade/Section: _______________________________ Date: _____________
I. Read the short selection carefully then answer the questions that follow. Encircle the letter of
the correct
1. Who went walking along the beach?
A. Totoy and his father C. Totoy and his cousins
B. Totoy and his friends D. Totoy and his mother
2. What did Totoy see in one of the holes?
A. shrimp B. A shell C. A crab D. A jelly fish
3. Which adjective is used to describe the crab?
A. tiny B. huge C. Brave D. Coward
4. Why was the crab trembling?
A. Because it was disturbed. C. Because it was dancing
B. Because it was very cold D. None of the above
5. Looking closely, Totoy noticed a tiny crab trembling in the cold. Which word means the same
as tiny?
A. deep B. Little C. Shore D. Cold
6. Our ancient heroes were bold enough to fight for our freedom? What does the word bold
mean in the
A. Courageous B. Nose C. Impressed D. Brave
7. When she stands, my grandmother's knees wobble. What does wobble mean?
A. Dance B. Steady C. Shake D. Weaken
8. Yesterday, Lito was sad because his pet was sick. Now that his pet is well, he is pleased. What
does pleased
A. Lonely B. Excited C. Angry D. Happy
9. Which of the following sentences states a fantasy?
A. The little Red Hen found a grain of wheat in the farmyard.
B. The little Red Hen baked the bread.
C. The little Red Hen walked around the farmyard with her chickens.
D. The little Red Hen talked to the Goose.
10. Which of the following statements is a reality?
A. The Goose volunteered to plant the wheat.
B. The duck said he would bring the ripe wheat to the mill.
C. The little Red Hen cares for her chickens.
D. The little Red Hen ate the bread with her chickens.
11. Which of the following sentences is a fantasy?
A. Many pupils were waiting for their new teacher to arrive.
B. Some of them cleaned their classroom while the others played.
C. She told the pupils to study hard in order to get good grades.
D. The new teacher turned into a fairy after talking to her pupils.
12. Which of the following statements is a reality?
A. The new teacher turned into a fairy after talking to her pupils.
B. She just disappeared right before their eyes.
C. Suddenly, a beautiful lady came.
D. The fairy reminded the pupils to study hard.
It was a cold morning by the beach. Totoy and some of his friends were walking along
the shore. Their small feet dug small holes in the sand as they walked. Totoy noticed something
moving in one of the holes. Looking closely, it was a tiny crab trembling in the cold. "Sorry, little
crab." Go, get yourself warmer deep into your haven," said Totoy.
13. This clever boy can explain his drawing instantly. What is the synonym of clever?
A. smart B. Dull C. coward D. Shy
14. Mother's gold bracelet is costly. What is the synonym of costly?
A. Cheap B. Expensive C. Inexpensive D. Affordable
15. The antonym of clean is _____________.
A. Dry B. bad C. Messy D. Cold
16. The antonym of narrow is ____________.
A. Wide B. Wise C. Rich D. hard
II. Underline the adjective in each sentence. Identify whether it shows POSITIVE,
_______________ 17. My house is big.
_______________ 18. The Earth is larger in diameter than the moon.
_______________ 19. The Pacific Ocean is deeper than the Arctic Ocean.
_______________ 20. I am the shortest person in my family.
Name: ______________________________________ Score: ____________
Grade/Section: _______________________________ Date: _____________
I. Direction: Determine the cause and effect in the following sentences.
1. We didn’t have school on Monday because of the flood.
CAUSE ______________________________________________
2. Alyssa was very tired Friday night so she went to bed early.
CAUSE ______________________________________________
3. Becky’s flowers died because she forgot to water them.
CAUSE ______________________________________________
4. John ate three hotdogs for lunch because he was very hungry.
CAUSE ______________________________________________
5. We ran out of milk so we had to drink water for dinner.
CAUSE ______________________________________________
II. Direction: The verb in each sentence is underlined. Circle the adverb.
6. The man whistled cheerfully.
7. The stairs creaked loudly.
8. Jenny hid quietly in the covers.
9. Yesterday, I ate a big slice of apple pie.
10. The ice cream melted quickly in the sun.
III. Direction: Box the adverb of place from the following sentences.
11. We saw many animals there.
12. The doctor saw infection inside the body.
13. The fame of the king spread everywhere.
14. The soldiers were standing outside the gate.
15. When they came near a village, they felt hungry.
IV. Direction: Fill in the sentences using the correct adverb of time.
today tomorrow yesterday
16. Can I see you _______________ at noon to discuss the assignment?
17. I was late _______________ for my meeting at work. I was caught in traffic.
18. Starting _______________ I will leave earlier to be on time for work.
19. I had a wonderful day at work _______________, I am planning on going to the cinema.
20. Today, I am going to ask my friend to go the museum _______________.
V. Direction: Complete the table.
21. _______________
22. _______________
23. _______________
24. _______________
25. _______________

VI. Direction: Write each word under the correct set of guide words.
baby - eagle fan – ice igloo - noise
dream green kiss
hoping dinner book
fantasy foolish loop
cruise grass jump
foil draw ignite


Name: ______________________________________ Score: ____________
Grade/Section: _______________________________ Date: _____________
I. Direction: Read this glossary from a book about plants.
flower – a part of a plant where new seeds grow
leaf – a part of a plant that grows on the stem
light – something plants need to grow
root – the part of a plant in the soil
seed – can grow into a new plant
seedling – a young plant
soil – the Earth that plants grow in
stem – the main part of a plant
water – something plants need to grow
Now use the glossary above to write about plants.
A young plant is called a (1) __________________.
What part of a plant is in the soil? (2) __________________
What can grow into a new plant? (3) __________________
Write two things that plants need to grow. (4) __________________ (5) __________________
II. Direction: Use the index in the box below to answer the questions.
Astronomers, 2-3 Moon, 31-32 (p)
Astronauts, 5-8 Neptune, 33-35
Earth, 9-16 (p) Pluto, 36-37
Mars, 17-21 (p) Saturn, 38-43 (p)
Mercury, 22 – 30 (p) Space Shuttle, 31 (p)
6. This book is probably about __________________.
7. Where could you find information about Pluto? __________________
8. Are there pictures of Pluto in this book?
9. Does this book contain information about Space Shuttle? __________________
10. Information about Neptune can be found on pages __________________.
III. Direction: Complete the Venn diagram. (11 – 18)
live in saltwater some weigh more
than an elephant
live in
have gills
can be found in a
many people have
as pets
are fish have several
rows of teeth
IV. Direction: Find the word that best completes the analogy and write it on the line.
19. ball is to bat as chalk is to __________________
white chalkboard write
20. peanut butter is to jelly as cup is to __________________
saucer glass drink
21. pen is to paper as brush is to __________________
hair comb bristle
22. gym is to play as library is to __________________
read books room
23. lock is to key as violin is to __________________
instrument bow music
24. needle is to thread as ham is to __________________
eat pork eggs
V. Direction: Complete the analogy using a word from the list.
vegetable hand girl scale
dinner water day
25. Toe is to foot as finger is to __________________.
26. Bird is to feather as fish is to __________________.
27. Brother is to boy as sister is to __________________.
28. Morning is to breakfast as evening is to __________________.
29. Apple is to fruit as carrot is to __________________.
30. Car is to road as boat is to __________________.
Name: ______________________________________ Score: ____________
Grade/Section: _______________________________ Date: _____________
I. Find a synonym for the underlined words. Choose your answer from the words in the box.
_______________ 1. The fearless soldiers are ready to defend their country against the enemies.
They are not
afraid to fight with the enemies.
_______________ 2. The lion’s snout is similar to that of the dog.
_______________ 3. The strong typhoon wrecked some houses. The men were busy repairing
their houses after
the typhoon.
_______________ 4. When the clown moved his stick, a rabbit appeared. The kids were awed by
the clown’s
magic trick.
_______________ 5. Our ancient heroes were bold enough to fight for our freedom.
II. Write the past form of the following verbs.
6. study _______________ 11. buy _______________
7. take _______________ 12. clean _______________
8. wash _______________ 13. build _______________
9. bring _______________ 14. pick _______________
10. change _______________ 15. fight _______________
III. Identify the figure of speech used in the following sentences.
( simile, metaphor, personification)
_______________ 16. My brother is the fresh, untouched powder that was protected from the
_______________ 17. Her lips reach out and grab me as her eyes smile at me.
_______________ 18. The wooden table was as solid as a rock.
_______________ 19. The camera loves me.
_______________ 20. She runs like a horse.
IV. Circle the adjective and underline the noun it describes.
21. Danny caught the red ball.
22. The dog found a large stick.
23. My mom is a pretty lady.
24. The little tree is easy to climb.
25. Lisa likes rides in fast cars.
brave impressed destroyed nose courageous
Name: ______________________________________ Score: ____________
Grade/Section: _______________________________ Date: _____________
I. A. Study the map below and answer the questions that follow.
1. At what street can you find the pet shop?
a. Main Street b. Cherry Street c. Lemon Street d. Vernon Street
2. What building can be found at the Grove Street?
a. Bank b. School c. Radio Station d. TV Station
B. Write a - d before the items to show the sequence of events. (3 – 6)
_____ 3 . She dressed up.
_____ 4 . Lina woke up early in the morning.
_____ 5. She went straight to the bathroom.
_____ 6. She had her breakfast, then she went to school.
C. Write the appropriate order of events using the signal words to complete each sentence.
( First , Second, Then, Finally )
_____ 7. Buboy planted a seed.
_____ 8. Out came a tiny leaf.
_____ 9. It had more leaves and taller branches.
_____ 10. It had fruits.
II. Arrange the adjectives inside the parenthesis in their correct order.
11. Mother bought (fresh, white, a dozen of) eggs in the market.
12. The teacher punished the (naughty, three) boys in the class.
13. There are (brown, seven, big) cows on the farm.
14. I want to buy (leather, red) bag for my father this Christmas.
15. I ate (sweet, red, ten) strawberries last night.
III. Tell whether the underlined phrase is Cause or Effect.
______ 16. Andrew got perfect score in the test because he studied his lessons.
______ 17. Mother prepared much food because there was a visitor.
______ 18. The children must eat nutritious food everyday so that they will become strong and
______ 19. Father came home very tired because he worked the whole day in the farm.
______ 20. Rita got up very early in order to catch the first trip of the train to Bicol.
IV. Encircle the adverb of place used in each sentence.
21. The children buy their snacks in the canteen.
22. The farmer plants palay in the rice fields.
23. We attended mass every Sunday in the church.
24. We can feel the spirit of Christmas everywhere.
25. There are rules and regulations inside the school.


Name: ______________________________________ Score: ____________
Grade/Section: _______________________________ Date: _____________
I. Arrange the adjectives inside the parentheses in the correct order.
1. Mother gave Ana (beautiful yellow a) dress on her birthday.
2. I ate (sweet red ten) strawberries last night.
3. There are (brown seven big) cows on the farm.
4. Father bought (sweet green a dozen ) apples for the children.
II. Pick out the adjectives in each sentence. Write them on your paper.
5. Miss Santos is a kind teacher.
6. She has twenty five smart pupils in Grade IV.
7. The children love to play under the tall, green trees.
8. They gather five kilograms of fresh, red tomatoes from their vegetable garden every Friday.
III. Read and answer the questions below based on the pinakbet recipe.
9. What can you say about pinakbet?
What region does this recipe come from?
The paragraph gives us some information about pinakbet.
This text is called an ( informational text, text that enumerates )
10. What does the recipe tell us to do?
Let’s read the procedure.
A recipe gives the procedure of cooking a dish.
This is called a (procedural text , informational text )
11. What are the ingredients and utensils needed in cooking pinakbet?
A list of ingredients and utensils is an example of a (text that enumerates , informational text )
12. Procedure or steps on how to cook pinakbet. ( informational , procedural )
IV. Underline the adverb of place in each sentence.
13. There are many people at the park.
14. There are children playing everywhere.
15. Some boys hide behind a tree.
16. Some girls are skating inside the skating ring.
V. Study the sample glossary entry below. Answer the questions that follow.
attendant /attend’ant/ n. waiter; servant
brigade /brigade’/ n. subdivision of army
exile /ex’ile/ v. expel; deport
implement /im’plement/ v. carry out
limb /limb’/ n. a large branch of a tree
17. What is the first word in the list? Last word?
A. attendant B. brigade C. exile D. limb
18. How many definitions were given for the word “exile?”
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
19. What does “implement” mean?
A. servant B. carry out C. expel D. large branch of tree
20. What word means “a large branch of tree?”
A. exile B. attendant C. brigade D. limb

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