Summative Test No. 1 in English 4: Written Test # I A. Write The Letter of The Correct Answer Inside The Box

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1 in ENGLISH 4
Name: ______________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Grade and Section: _________________________________ Score: __________________

A. Write the letter of the correct answer inside the box.

1. A paragraph has __________.

a. five main parts b. six main parts c. three main parts
2. A paragraph is made up of sentences that explain or present __________.
a. different topics b. the details of a topic c. various ideas
3. A paragraph length should __________.
a. at least five paragraph long b. be one page long c. vary based on its purpose
4. A paragraph should __________.
a. focus on one idea b. have excessive sentences c. include irrelevant details
5. A paragraph should not __________.
a. focus on one main idea.
b. include inaccurate statements
c. support the details around the topic
6. Why are dictionaries important?
a. Because you can use dictionary to look up the meaning of any words that you
can’t understand.
b. Because it has information to help you understand a word and use it correctly.
c. Because it gives you the correct pronunciation, syllabication, accent, history
and meaning of words.
d. All of the above
7. Dictionaries have thousands of words that are organized ___________.
a. alphabetically b. by length
b. geographically d. phonetically
8. Dictionaries often contains information about grammar and ___________.
a. location b. motion
c. pronunciation d. publication
9. A __________ is a reference work that lists the synonyms and sometimes
antonyms of words.
a. thesurus b. thesaurus
c. thesarus d. thesurus
10.We can also use __________________ if we have internet connection.
a. Dictionaries b. computer
d. Thesaurus d. online resources

PERFORMANCE TASK #1 (10 points)

A. Write a paragraph about your 1st week of Modular Distance Learning experience and its
importance to your studies. (Make sure that your paragraph contains complete parts)

A.Carefully read the story “The Best Gift of All” to answer the following questions below. Then, put the
letter of the correct answer inside the box.
1.Who had a feeble voice? a. after one week
2. What test was given by the king to his three sons? b. along the way
3. When should the son return and present their gifts c. He gave him food and flowed the land
to the king?
4. Where did the youngest son see a young boy crying? d. He has given him the greatest gift in the
5. Why did the king find it difficult to decide who e. He wanted to leave the kingdom to the
would become his successor? best hand
6. How did the 3rd son help the young boy? f. jungle
7. Who bought and presented to the king the most g. none
beautiful woman in the world?
8. Where did the second son’s men find the fastest h. to find the best gift
running horse I the whole world?________
9. Why did the king give all his kingdom to his i. The King
youngest son?
10. What was the gift of the third son? j. The second son k. The third son
B: Read the following short texts. Then, 15. The text above shows _________.
put the correct answer on the blank a. description
b. narration
The little butterfly is lost. Suddenly, it began to rain.
c. procedure
It . looked for a shade to hide. Another butterfly is
16. What is the purpose of the text?
hiding there, too. They talked for a while and found
a. to give solution
out they are neighbors. When the rain stopped, the
b. to give the steps in coo king
two butterflies flew home together.
c. to tell a story
11. What type of text is written above?
a. Descriptive Identify the following text as Problem and
b. Problem and Solution Solution, Description or Procedural.
c. Procedural
12. What is the purpose of the text? _______________17. Calamansi juice is all-natural
a. to convince and refreshing. First, prepare three calamansi
b. to discuss problem and solution and slice open. Next, squeeze the juice in a glass. entertain Then, add water and sugar to taste. Finally, you
13. What text gives specific characteristics or features can add ice before serving.
like size, shape, location, and color. _______________18. Father planted tomatoes,
a. Descriptive cabbages, and eggplants in our backyard.
b. Problem and Solution However, the dog keeps destroying the plants. It
c. Procedural is very playful and loves to run. Father decided to
14. On this text, the details are provided to help the put a fence around the garden to keep the dog
reader visualized image, or form a picture in the mind away. Since then, no vegetables were destroyed.
about the topic. _______________19. I don’t know where to put the
a. Descriptive papers scattered in the room. I do not need them
b. Problem and Solution anymore. Suddenly, I had an idea. I started
c. Procedural cleaning up and collected every old newspaper,
magazine, books, and projects. I sealed them in a
Scrambled Egg with Shrimp
box and sold them at the junkshop.
______________20. My bedroom is my favorite spot
1. Break the eggs in a bowl.
in the house. We painted it blue and pasted glow
2. Whip them for about 2 minutes.
in the dark stars on its walls. From its ceiling
3. Heat a pan on the stove.
hang round balls with dim, yellow lights. It feels
4. Saute onion, shrimp, egg and malunggay leaves.
comfortable and relaxing to stay here.
5. Sprinkle cheese and add salt to taste.
Look for the meaning of word using dictionary, thesaurus and online resource. Write
your answer in their proper column.

Word Meaning Synonym Antonym


KEY ANSWER in Summative Test No. 1 and 2

No. ST No. 1 No. ST No. 2
1 c 1 i
2 b 2 h
3 c 3 a
4 a 4 b
5 b 5 e
6 d c
7 a j
8 c f
9 b d
10 d g
11 11 b
12 12 b
13 13 a
14 14 a
15 15 c
16 16 b
17 17 procedural
18 18 Problem and solution
19 19 Problem and solution
20 20 description

Word Meaning Synonym Antonym

big Large or great dimension, large small, little
quantity, number or amount
clean Free from dirt, marks or stain Stainless, Dirty, greasy,
pure,hygienic, stained, untidy
neat, tidy
delicious Highly pleasant to the taste Mouthwatering, Unappetizing,
appetizing, tasty, unsatisfying,
yummy yucky
intelligent Having or showing intelligence, Tender, clever, Stupid,
especially for a high level bright, capable, nonrational,
keen senseless
peaceful Free from disturbance, not Quiet, calm, Noisy,
involving war or violence relaxing, unpeaceful

The Best Gift of All

Once there was a king who

was already in his twilight years.
He had three sons , but he could
not decide who would become
his successor. He wanted to
leave the kingdom to the best
hands. Which of the three
princes would become a very
good ruler?

The king thought of giving them a test. “My sons,” he said in a feeble
voice, “you know very well that I love our kingdom. When I die, I wish that
you would love the people as much as I have loved them. Therefore, I
wish to choose which one of you will be the best ruler of this kingdom. For a
test, I hereby command you to go forth and seek the best gift for an old man

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