Planificare Calendaristică Clasa Pregătitoare ANUL SCOLAR 2019-2020

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Conf. Programei aprobate prin OMEN 3393/28.02.2017
Manual utilizat: Play English, Ed. Sinapsis
Profesor: Ilas Bianca
Unitatea de învățământ:Scoala Gimnaziala ,,Virgil Caraivan,, Suletea, Vaslui


ANUL SCOLAR 2019-2020

. Unităţi de Competenţe Nr. Săpt Observa
crt învăţare specifice ore . ţii
Greetings: good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night,
UNIT 1 Introducing one's self: My name is, I am a girl/boy
Fairytales Characters: Puss in boots S1
Greetings Asking questions: What's your name?, How old are you?, How are you? 1.1, 1.2 S2
1. Hello! How old are you? I’m ____ years old. 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 4 S3
I am… Drawing a portrait and presenting oneself to others S4
My family Family members: mother, father, son, daughter, grandmother,
Occupations grandfather, family tree
Occupations: doctor, teacher, artist, cook, reporter
Asking questions: What do you want to be? I want to be a … .
Good morning, teacher!
Good morning pupils!
UNIT 2 Classroom commands: Stand up!, Sit down!, Clap your hands!, Come
1.1,1.2, 1.3
in, please!, Raise your hand!, Be quiet!, Open your book!, Close your S5
2.1, 2.2, 2.3
My school book!, Write!, Write on the board!, Clean the board!, Go to the window!, S6
2. 3.1 3
School greetings Go to the board!, Go to the door! Go to the wall! S7
School objects Classroom vocabulary: pen, pencil, book, notebook, ruler, rubber,
My classroom scissors, globe, school bag, computer, board, window, wall, door, desk,
Numbers: one, two, three, four, five
House vocabulary: window, door, wall, roof, garage, chimney, S7
bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, dining room, living room Happy
House objects: bed, chair, wardrobe, bookshelf, rug, desk, lamp, Hallowe
computer, toy, table, sofa, mirror en!
UNIT 3 Toys: teddy bear, robot, train, car, kite, ball, doll
Asking questions: Mary, where are you? I am in the bedroom. I sleep in
My House the bedroom. S8
My house What is this? This is a robot. S9
2.1, 2.2, 2.3,
Rooms in the How many toys do you have? I have five toys. S10
3 2.4 5
house Drawing one’s favorite toy. S11
My room Christmas vocabulary: Santa Claus, Rudolf, snowman, Christmas tree, S12
My toys angel, present, ornament, snoflake, elf, candle
It’s Christmas! Writing/Drawing a letter for Santa.
Asking questions: What do you want for Christmas? I want a robot for
Reading a poem: Little reindeer
Singing a song: Jingle bell
Numbers: six, seven, eight, nine, ten
UNIT 4 Vocabulary: head, cheek, hair, eye, nose, mouth, chin, shoulder, arm, 1.3
My Body finger, leg, foot, toe, hand, stomach, chest, body 2.1
4. 3 S14
My face and my Learning a poem about body parts 3.1
body Emotions – vocabulary: happy, sad, angry 4.1
My emotions Clothes – vocabulary: blouse, trousers, T-shirt, short pants, dress, skirt,
My clothes pyjamas, shoes, boots, slippers, cap, scarf, gloves, hat, coat, socks
Drawing favourite clothes.

Vacanța de iarnă/Semestrul al II-lea

REVISION Units 1, 2, 3, 4 2
Types of animals:pets (cat, dog, parrot, rabbit, hamster, fish, guinea pig)
I want a cat. I want a dog. Draw your pet activity, colour and trace
activity; I want a cat, I want a dog.
animals on a farm (cow, horse, donkey, pig, rooster,
duck, hen, goose, turkey, rabbit, sheep, goat) – I am a farmer.
Crosswords activity, Maze
animals in the forest (wolf, cow, bear, hare, S18
Pets 1.3
hedgehog, owl, squirrel, deer, badger); wordsearch activity S19
On the farm 2.1
animals at the zoo (leopard, jaguar, elephant, tiger, S20
5 In the forest 3.1 6
gorilla, crocodile, giraffe, lion, camel, rhinoceros, penguin, zebra, snake, S21
At the zoo 4.1
chameleon, koala, hippo, kangaroo, flamingo, parrot, monkey), S22
Sea animals
Crosswords activity, Match and colour activity S23
sea animals (whale, shark, octopus, dolphin, starfish,
seal, fish, sea-horse, jellyfish, seashell, turtle, frog, crab, skate), maze
activity, crosswords activity, maze activity
What is this? This is a dolphin.
insects(bee, butterfly, ladybug, ant, spider, mosquito,
fly, grasshopper)
UNIT 6 vocabulary breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner 1.1, 1.2
6. Asking questions: What is the time? It is seven o’clock. 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 S24
I eat breakfast at seven o’clock. 2
Food and drinks 3.1 S25
Meals of the day Vocabulary: grapes, orange, banana, apple, lemon, watermelon, 4.1
Fruits and strawberry, plum, pear, cherry, onion, carrot, tomato, potato, pepper,
vegetables mushroom, cabbage, cucumber, garlic
Structures: I like/don’t like oranges.

Vocabulary: spring, summer, autumn, winter

Structures: What is your favourite season? / My favourite season is …
UNIT 7 Vocabulary: sunny, warm, snowy, cloudy, rainy
Structures: What is the weather like? / It is a warm / sunny / rainy /
Seasons snowy day.
My favourite Vocabulary: blue, red, yellow, green, purpple, white, black, orange, S26
1.1, 1.2
seasons pink, brown S27
2.1, 2.2, 2.3
What is the Structures: What colour is it? / It is … S28
7 3.1 6
weather like? Vocabulary: Easter bunny, egg, basket, card, grass, lamb, sun S29
Colours of spring Structures: Happy Easter!, Egg hunt S30
Happy Easter! Vocabulary: birthday, birthday cake, present, candle, paper hat, today S31
My Birthday Structures: Happy birthday to you!, Thank you!
Days of the week Vocabulary: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
Structures: What day is it today? It is … today!
How many days are in a week? Seven days are in a week.
Vocabulary: bus, car, train, ship, plane
Structures: I take the … to go to the … 1.1, 1.2
Vocabulary: singur, eat, talk, paint, run, swim, use the computer, dance 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 S32
Summer Holiday
8 Structures: In my summer holidays I can paint/swim, rung 3.1 3 S33
Means of transport
Vocabulary: cloud, sun, umbrella, beach ball, palm tree, sand castle, 4.1 S34
I can
swim ring, sunbed, crab diver
Summer is here
Structures: Happy Holiday!
Revision Units 5, 6, 7, 8 1 S35

Competențele specifice pentru clasa pregătitoare, în conformitate cu programa școlară sunt:

1. Receptarea de mesaje orale simple
1.1 Oferirea unei reacţii adecvate la salut şi la o întrebare/ instrucţiune scurtă şi simplă rostită clar şi foarte rar, care este însoţită de
gesturi de către interlocutor
1.2 Recunoaşterea denumirilor unor obiecte din universul imediat, în mesaje articulate clar şi rar
1.3 Manifestarea curiozităţii faţă de sesizarea semnificaţiei globale a unor filme şi a unor cântece pentru copii în limba modernă

2. Exprimarea orală în situaţii de comunicare uzuală

2.1 Reproducerea unor informaţii simple/ cântece/poezii scurte şi simple cu sprijinul profesorului
2.2 Oferirea unor informaţii elementare, punctuale, despre sine (nume, gen, vârstă), despre universul imediat, cu sprijin din partea
2.3 Participarea la jocuri de comunicare în care reproduce sau creează rime/ mesaje scurte

3. Receptarea de mesaje scrise simple

3.1 Manifestarea curiozităţii pentru decodarea unor mesaje scrise simple şi scurte din universul imediat

4. Redactarea de mesaje scrise simple în situaţii de comunicare uzuală

4.1 Participarea la proiecte de grup/ la nivelul clasei în care elaborează cu sprijin scurte mesaje scrise

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