Overview of The Catalytic Production of Isoprene From Different Raw Materials Prospects of Isoprene Production From Bio Ethanol

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Catalysis for Sustainable Energy

Minireview • DOI: 10.2478/cse-2013-0006 • CSE • 2013 • 100–111

Overview of the Catalytic Production of Isoprene from

different raw materials; Prospects of Isoprene production
from bio-ethanol.
G.O. Ezinkwo1*, A.M. Ilolov2,
Isoprene is a valuable monomer for the rubber and most chemical
V.F. Tretjakov1,2, T.A. Mutombo2
industries. The five carbon monomer is used to make synthetic latex similar
R.M. Talyshinky2,
to the natural and it is becoming a monomer of choice because of the
possibility to manipulate its properties. The rapid development of synthetic
rubber is a result of the huge demand for this material. Currently, SR is 1
A.V. Topchieva Institute of Petrochemical Moscow State University of Fine

used practically in all spheres of industry and national economy with its Synthesis, Moscow, Russia Chemical Technology,
global production exceeding 1.3 million tons per year In this paper, various 86 Vernadsky avenue, Moscow, Russia
methods for its production and their shortfalls were studied; the prospect
for isoprene production from bio-ethanol was also highlighted.

Isoprene • Synthetic rubber (SR) • Catalyst • Isopentane • Isopentene

© 2013 G.O. Ezinkwo et al., licensee Versita Sp. z o. o.

Received 30 July 2013
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs license,
which means that the text may be used for non-commercial purposes, provided credit is given to
Accepted 25 September 2013
the author

1. Introduction rubber due to the possibility of purposeful manipulation of its

properties [6].
For over 130 years now, isoprene has always been known to Below are some of the methods for isoprene synthesis used
be the main component of natural rubber, however, before the on an industrial scale;
1940’s not even one synthetic latex by the complexity of its 1. Synthesis from Isobutylene and formaldehyde.
properties could completely replace natural rubber. The situation 2. Dehydration of isopentane.
changed dramatically after K. Ziegler and G. Natta discovered 3. Oxidative dehydration of isopentane.
a new catalyst system for the stereospecific polymerization of 4. Synthesis from propylene.
unsaturated hydrocarbons, and by the efforts of various scientists 5. Synthesis from acetylene and acetone.
from different countries ( USA, USSR, Italy etc), effective methods 6. Recovery of isoprene from C5 fraction of liquid petroleum
for the synthesis of cis – 1-4- polyisoprene -a saturated analog pyrolysis.
and substitute of natural rubber, were developed [1]. 7. Liquid phase oxidation of hydrocarbons.
The rapid development of synthetic rubber is a result of the Almost every one of these methods is available in several
huge demand for this material. Currently, SR is used practically technical options. One reason for such a variety of methods of
in all spheres of industry and national economy with its global isoprene synthesis is as a result of the possibility of the use of
production exceeding 1.3 million tons per year [2]. many kinds of raw materials.
According to the market research firm SRI consulting, In Russia, methods 1, 2 and 6 are the commonly used
Goodyear is one of the world’s largest consumers of isoprene, whereas, in the US most isoprene is a by – product of the ethylene
using it to produce poly-isoprene - synthetic version of natural industry. However, one of the decisive factors in determining
rubber. The enzymes company ‘‘Genecor’’ figures that the world’s the prospects of a method for the synthesis of isoprene is the
market for isoprene is worth as much as 2 billion USD per year [3]. availability of resources and the cost of raw materials used [7].
Isoprene, a colourless volatile liquid with a characteristic Moreover, with the increasing scarcity of fossil fuels, issues
odor, is a homologue of 1, 3 –butadiene, in which hydrogen at with supply, the ever growing demands on the worlds natural
the second carbon atom is substituted with a methyl group CH3 resources coupled with “ man made” global warming due to CO2
[4]. Under normal conditions isoprene is flammable and toxic. Its emissions, it has become imperative to investigate sustainable
maximum permissible concentration in a work area is 40 mg/m3. and carbon neutral alternatives to fossil fuels [8]. Due to political
It is practically insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol, ether incitements as well as emerging tax policies, there is huge
and other organic solvents [5]. incentive to the use of monomers of a biological origin. Ethanol is
Isoprene or 2- methyl – 1, 3 – butadiene has great significance one of the most relevant potential sources of bio – carbon today.
as a starting monomer for the synthesis of stereoregular isoprene Production of bioethanol occurs via fermentation of sugars and

* E-mail: [email protected]

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Overview of the Catalytic Production of Isoprene from different raw
materials; Prospects of Isoprene production from bio-ethanol.

corn feedstocks, while the second generation bioethanol from side reactions, trimethyl carbinol, methylal, dioxane alcohols,
lignocellulosic feedstock is under extensive development [9]. diols, ethers etc, are formed. The formation of isoprene in the
In this paper, the most common industrial methods of isoprene second step is also accompanied with the decomposition
production and their shortfalls were studied; the possibility of of dimethyldioxane to iso- butylenes and formaldehyde,
isoprene production from ethanol was also highlighted. dihydromethylpyran, hexadiene, piperylene, terpene
compounds, green oil etc.
2. Synthesis methods Isobutylene contained in C5 fraction of liquid hydrocarbon
pyrolysis is the raw material mainly used. However, the presence
2.1. Extraction of isoprene from C5 fraction of liquid of n- butane compounds and butadiene leads to the formation of
petroleum pyrolysis. isomeric dioxane compounds which decompose to a wide range
This is the simplest method of isoprene production which of by- products.
involves its extraction from C5 fraction of liquid petroleum The second step of isoprene synthesis from isobutylene
pyrolysis containing about 15 – 20% isoprene. This fraction is and formaldehyde is carried out in a section type reactor using
produced as a by – product in the production of ethylene and energy from steam heated to 973K. Acid phosphates of group
propylene. However, the transportation of raw materials from II metals are used as catalysts, calcium phosphate in particular.
different refineries for the industrial realization of this method The selectivity of phosphate catalyst is increased by its continous
creates some difficulties [1]. Environmental issues are also activation in the process, by the introduction of small amounts
there to be tackled especially with the recent tightening of of phosphoric acid vapour directly into the catalysis zone which
environmental laws. leads to the formation of acidic phosphates on the surface of the
calcium phosphate catalyst.
2.2. Two step isoprene production from isobutylene Ca3(PO4)2 + H3PO4 → 3CaHPO4
and formaldehyde During catalysis, coke is deposited on the surface of the
The reaction of unsaturated hydrocarbons with formaldehyde catalyst, this is the reason for which regeneration is done every
was first described by H. Prince in 1917, he studied the reaction 2 -3 hrs by burning off the coke in a stream of air mixed with
of styrene and formaldehyde in the presence of sulfuric acid steam at temperatures above 773K. The process flow diagram of
as the catalyst, which resulted to the formation of formals of isoprene production from the decomposition of dimethyl dioxane
dioxane -1, 3. Fitski and Friedrickson in 1932 discovered the is shown in the figure below.
possibility of using princes reaction for the synthesis of diene Dimethyldioxane vapour is mixed with steam and sent to
hydrocarbons. In 1946, soviet scientists M. I. Farberov and M. reactor (2) to which steam heated to 973K from the the steam
S. Nemtsov et. al discovered the possibility of developing highly heater (1) is supplied. The gas mixture enters the cascade of
efficient process for isoprene production using this method. The heat exchangers (3), in which the products are condensed.
method was actualized and implemented in 1964. The condensate consisting of two phases –the organic and
The synthesis of isoprene using this method is carried out aqueous, is allowed to settle in (4). The oily layer gets washed
in two steps. In the first step, isobutylene is condensed with out in (5) where the extraction of dissolved formaldehyde takes
formaldehyde in the presence of an acidic catalyst such as place. The washed stream is sent to rectification column (6),
diluted sulphuric acid to form 4, 4- dimethyldioxane -1,3 as where the lighter products, mainly isobutylene and isoprene are
depicted below. separated from the decomposed dimethyl dioxane and other
CH3 less volatile substances. The stream from (6) then enters the
rectification column (7), where highly concentrated isobutylene
CH3 C CH2 2CH2O CH3 C CH2 CH2 is collected and returned for synthesis of dimethyl dioxane.
The distillate from (7) – raw isoprene is sent to columns 8, 9 for
O CH2 O further rectification in order to remove impurities with high boiling
points, mainly cyclopetadiene and carbonyl compounds, which
4, 4 dimethyldioxane- 1, 3 are washed out in colum (10). The distillate from column (11)
is sent to vacuum column (12) in which by-products with high
In the second step, 4 - 4- dimethyldioxane -1, 3 is boiling points, mainly isoprene oligomers or green oil from the
decomposed into isoprene on a solid phosphate catalyst such second stage of the synthesis are removed from the recycled
as calcium phosphate. dimethyldioxane. An extragent (made up of the mixture of iso-
CH3 CH3 propyl alcohol and dimethyldioxane) can be recovered for the
extraction of the byproducts of the first stage of the process from
the recycled dimethyldioxane, by rectification.
O CH2 O Isoprene The contact gas from the reactor goes for condensation,
while the condensate is sent to the settler where stratification
In each of these steps, the main reaction is accompanied into oily and aqueous layers is carried out. The oily layer
by numerous side reactions. In the first step, as a result of the undergoes rectification in a double column system, which gives

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G.O. Ezinkwo et al.

Figure 1. Flow diagram of isoprene production from dimethyl dioxane decomposition. [1]
1-Steam heater, 2- reactor, 3 – condenser, 4-settler, 5, 10 – columns for washing, 6 – crude isoprene distillation column, 7 – distillation column
for recycled iso – butylenes, 8, 9 – column for isoprene rectificate, 11- MDGP fraction column, 12 – recycled DMD column, 13 - absorber,
14 – desorber, 15 – distillation column for light organic compounds, 16 – recovery column for formaldehyde.
I steam, II- DMD Vapour, III – washing water, IV- recycled isobutylene, V- boiling impurities, VI- isoprene rectificate, VII- MDGP fraction; VIII –
recycled DMD; IX- recovered formaldehyde, X- waste water.

yields to iso- butylenes (which is returned to the first stage of 2.2.2. Disadvantages
the synthesis), fraction of raw dimethyl dioxane, and isoprene One of the major disadvantages of this process is the formation
distillate which contains traces of carbonyl compounds (mainly of numerous by products up to 0,5 ton/ton isoprene. In order
aldehydes). The raw isoprene is sent for rectification (distillation), to utilize some of the byproducts, trimethyl carbonyl fraction
in order to get isoprene distillate, which is further rinsed with undergoes decomposition which leads to the formation of
condensate in order to get rid of carbonyl compounds. Finally, isobutylene that is recycled into the process which significantly
polymerization inhibitors are added to prevent the polymerization reduces its consumption relative to 1 ton of isoprene. The
of isoprene in the distillation columns. decomposition of dihydromethylpyran fractions allows for the
production of additional 2% of isoprene.
2.2.1. Advantages of the method The need for the recovery of formaldehyde formed during
One of the major advantages of this method in comparison the decomposition or cracking of dimethyloxidane is another
with others is the production of a product with high purity and shortfall but it can be taken care of by using a process in which
with relatively simple methods of synthesis and purification intermediate products like methylbutanediol or isoamylene
employed. Below, in Table 1 is the composition of the isoprene alcohols are formed, which can easily be converted to isoprene
distillate in %wt. with high yields at relatively mild conditions (453 – 527 K) on
phosphate catalysts. However, the development of an industrial
process which inculcates the formation of these intermediate
Table 1. Composition of the isoprene distillate. [1] compounds is hampered by the absence of methods for their
selective production.
Compound %wt A more successful way of isoprene production through
methylbutanediol formation stage was developed by the Russian
Isobutylene 0,006 institute of organic chemistry in collaboration with All – unioin
Isopentane 0,002 scientific research and design institute of monomers in Tula,
Russia [1].
Isoprene 99,69

Methylcyclobutane 0,0002 2.3. Isoprene production via the dehydrogenation of C5

Trimethylethylene 0,10

Isopentene 0,18 2.3.1. T

 wo-step dehydrogenation of isopentane into
Acetylene compounds 0,00015 isoprene
Catalytic dehydrogenation of saturated, unsaturated or
Cyclopentadiene 0,0001
alkyl aromatic hydrocarbons is the main industrial method
Carbonyl compounds 0,00033 for the production of butadiene, isoprene and styrene.
Dehydrogenation can be done in two ways; one step and two

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Overview of the Catalytic Production of Isoprene from different raw
materials; Prospects of Isoprene production from bio-ethanol.

step methods. In the two step method, isopentane in the first - Isomerization with the migration of double bonds in pentene.
stage is dehydrogenated to isoamylene, which are further CH CH
dehydrogenated to isoprene in the second stage of the process
as shown below:

iso C5H12 iso C5H10 H2


iso C5H10 iso C5H8 H2 CH CH

CH3 CH2 trans- Pentene -2

one- step method is different from the two step in the - Cracking of the feed substance, intermediate, and final
sense that the dehydrogenation of isopentane and isopentane- products.
isoamylene mixtures is carried out on the same catalyst without - Deeper dehydrogenation accompanied by cyclization,
intermediate separation of isopentane and isoamylenes. aromatization and formation of compounds with triple bonds;
An important advantage of the two-step process is the - Reaction of olefins, diene hydrocarbons and water vapour
possibility of the use of highly selective catalyst at each stage resulting to the formation of oxy- compounds;
and high energy consumption significantly undermines the - Coke formation.
competitiveness of the two-step method in comparison with
the one- step method. The dehydrogenation of isopentane to isopentene is also
The dehydrogenation of alkanes, isopentane in particular is a accompanied by the formation of light hydrocarbons of C1 – C4,
reversible endothermic reaction. heavier of C6 and above, CO, CO2 and coke. The production of
isoprene from isopentane in comparison with the production of
CnH2n + 2 CnH2n CnH2n - 2
butadiene is more complicated by the fact that a larger amount
of isomers are formed in this process than those formed during
Alongside the dehydrogenation of isopentane, the following the dehydrogenation of butane.
reactions also occur:
Shortfall of the method
Isopentane and isopentene which posses the hydrocarbon
CH3 skeleton of the final product are scarce due to their wide usage
as high quality gasoline additive instead of tetraethyl lead. This
limits their usage for isoprene production.

CH3 CH2 CH CH3 CH2 CH CH CH3 H2 Technological overview of isopentane dehydrogenation

into isopentene
CH3 CH3 There are various technological options of the above mentioned
process amongst which are;
3-methylbutene-1 - Dehydrogenation in an adiabatic reactor with a fludized
catalyst bed
- Dehydrogenation in a fluidized bed with pulverized catalyst

CH3 Catalyst
The process is carried out on Al-Cr-Li, Al-Cr-Pb catalyst system
2-methylbutene-2 promoted on K2O. Al- Cr-Li, Al-Cr-Pb, Al-Cr-Zn systems are
more active than Al-Cr system promoted on K2O. The process
In this case three isomers of isopentene; 2-methyl butene-1, flow diagram of isopentane dehydrogenation in fluidized
3-methylbutene-1 and 2 methyl butene are formed. However (boiling) pulverized catalyst developed and implemented in a
3 – methylbutene is about 65% of the products formed. In semi industrial scale at the research institute of monomers for
addition to the formation of isomers, a large number of other synthetic rubber, Yaroslav, Russia is as shown below.
side reactions occur but the most important ones are as follows:
- Skeletal isomerization of isopentane Dehydrogenation of isopentene to isoprene (stage-2)
iso C5H12 n C5H12 iso C5H10 iso C5H8 H2 H
- Isomerization with the migration of double bonds in
isopentene. This process is a reversible endothermic reaction. The industrial
2-methylbutene = 1 3-methylbutene-1 = 2-methybutene-2; dehydrogenation of iso-pentene is carried out on solid catalysts

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G.O. Ezinkwo et al.

contains about 10% of isoprene and at the same pressure and

temperature of 873K, the fraction of isoprene increases to 33%.
Lowering the partial pressure of the hydrocarbon can be achieved
not only by conducting the reaction under vacuum, but also by
diluting the feedstock with an inert diluent such a steam. Thus,
the thermodynamically favourable conditions of dehydrogenation
of isopentane to isoprene are high temperature (above 900K) and
low partial pressure of isopentane vapour in the reaction mixture.
One-step production of isoprene by dehydrogenation
includes dehydrogenation of isopentane, the release of C5
hydrocarbon fraction from the contact gas, formation of
concentrated isoprene and its subsequent purification.
Dehydrogenation of isopentane – isopentene mixtures
into isoprene is carried out at reduced partial pressure of
hydrocarbons, which is achieved by using an inert diluents or
creating a vacuum in the reactor.

Advantage over the two-step process

The simplicity of the equipment and technological design of the
process with regenerative cycle results to low capital investment
 rocess flow diagram for isopentane dehydrogenation in a
Figure 2. P and operational cost, flexibility of the process in respect to raw
boiling layer of pulverized catalyst [1].
1 – heater; 2 –reactor; 3 – regenerator; 4 –recovery boiler; 5 – materials since C5 hydrocarbon fraction of any composition can
electric filter; 6 – burner. be processed on the same plant. In Russia, the process was
Streams: I – Isopentane; II –fuel; III – air under pressure; IV –
developed by the firm Yarsintez in Yaroslavl, Russia.
air for transportation of catalyst, V– contact gas; VI – steam
condensate; VII – steam; VIII – Nitrogen for transportation of
catalys 2.4. Oxidative dehydrogenation of isopentane to
with oxides of iron and chromium as the active elements. A Two stage oxidative dehydrogenation of isopentane into isoprene
typical composition of Cr-Fe-Zn system (in %mol) is as follows; Below are the reactions that occur during the oxidative
CrO3 – 0,5, Cr2O3 – 5-6, ZnO- 2 – 4, Fe2O3 – 15 -17, ZnCr2O4 – 45 dehydrogenation of isopentane:
-50, FeCr2O4 – 20 -25 1. Dehydrogenation of isopentane to isopentene ( iso-amylenes)
CnH2n+2 + X2 → CnH2n-2 + 2HX,
2.3.2. One- step dehydrogenation of isopentane into Where X = О, I, Cl, Br
The production of isoprene via the two- step process in contrast
iso C5H12 I2 CH3 CH CH CH2 2HI
to the one-step process is carried out in two different reactors and
on different catalyst which invariably complicates and increases
the cost of the process. In addition to these, the separation of
isopentane – isopentene mixtures is a big problem which is
iso C5H12 I2 CH3 C CH CH3 2HI
absent in the one-step method. One – step dehydrogenation of
isopentane into isoprene is an endothermic process, in which the
dehydrogenation of isopentane to isopentene and the formation
of isoprene from isopentene occur simulteanously. The yield of cis- trans- isomers
the main product is controlled by the thermodynamics of the
iso C5H12 I2 CH3 CH2 C CH2 2HI
iso C5H12 C5H8 2H2
Or, if X = O, then
At atmospheric pressure and temperature of about 773K, 2CnH2n+2 + O2 à CnH2n + H2O
the quantity of isoprene in the equilibrium mixture of isopentane-
isopentene –isoprene is less than 1% but at 873K the isoprene 2. Isomerization of isopentene ( isoamylenes) with the migration
content reaches 10%. Increase of the equilibrium content of of double bonds.
isoprene is favoured by the the reduction of the partial pressure CH3 CH CH CH2 CH3 C CH CH3
of the hydrocarbon source. Thus, at a temperature of about
800 and a partial pressure of 0.02 MPa, the equilibrium mixture CH3 CH3

Download Date | 8/21/15 2:47 PM
Overview of the Catalytic Production of Isoprene from different raw
materials; Prospects of Isoprene production from bio-ethanol.

cis-trans-isomers However, the stoichiometry of the reaction is such that the

CH3 CH CH CH2 CH3 CH2 C CH2 formation of 1 mole of isoprene requires 2 moles of iodine, which
invariably makes the realization of this process economically

CH3 CH3 infeasible. Iodine consumption can be greatly reduced by

converting hydrogen iodide to elemental iodine in the reaction
CH3 C CH CH3 CH3 CH2 C CH2 and this can be done effectively with the introduction of oxygen
to the reaction.
CH3 CH3 2HI + 0,5O2 → I2 + H2O
This reduces not only iodine consumption, but also
3. Dehydrogenation of isopentene increases the selectivity of the entire process. However, oxidative
dehydrogenation using iodine in the presence of oxygen does
CH3 CH CH CH2 X2 iso C5H8 2HX
not completely solve the problem of iodine consumption since
the quantity of iodine compounds formed is large. A more
effective way to reduce the consumption of iodine is by the use
of solid hydrogen acceptors. The acceptors react with hydrogen
CH3 C CH CH3 X2 iso C5H8 2HX
iodide in either of the following ways:
MO + 2HI → MI2 + H2O
M(OH)2 + 2HI → MI2 + 2H2O
CH3 CH2 C CH2 X2 iso C5H8 2HX
Oxides and other compounds of alkali and alkaline earth
metals, transition metals and others in melted forms or deposited
4. S
 keletal isomerization of isopentane and isopentene, on solid inert supports such as alumina, silica gel etc, can be
hydrocarbon cracking and combustion of hydrocarbons used as iodine acceptors. These acceptors are then withdrawn
from the reaction zone and are subjected to treatment using pure
Advantages of this process oxygen or air:
The main advantage of oxidative dehydrogenation of C4 and C5 2MI2 + O2 → 2MO + 2I2
hydrocarbons for the production of butadiene and isoprene which 2MI2 + O2 + 2H2O → 2M(OH)2 + 2I2
is, its practical irreversibility and the absence of thermodynamic The released iodine and regenerated catalyst is returned
limitations can significantly increase yields of dienes and allow to the reaction zone. In this process of dehydrogenation with
the process to be conducted at lower temperatures than those iodine, a high selectivity value is achieved, which is as a result
of the ordinary dehydrogenation. of the inhibition of cracking and deep oxidation of hydrocarbons
The first reports about the use of oxygen in the dehydrogenation by iodine. This kind of process is implemented in the industry.
of olefins appeared in 1934 – 1935. Prior to the mid 1960’s, catalyst
for oxidation and ammoxidation of hydrocarbons such as bismuth Oxidative dehydrogenation of isopentene (2nd stage).
– molybdenium and tin – antimony catalyst were used. Further In contrast to the oxidative dehydrogenation of butenes, the
research lead to the development of two types of catalyst; catalysts oxidative dehydrogenation of isopentene ( isoamylenes) into
based on Iron. The catalyst system for the oxidative dehydrogenation isoprene did not receive significant attention and invariably not
of olefins, which are bismuth phosphate and bismuth tungstate further developed. The selective catalysts for this process are
were proposed at the end of 1959, but at the beginning of 1960, oxides of iron, vanadium, molybdenum and magnesium. The
molybdenum oxide (or other compounds of molybdenum) common pattern of changes in the activity of metal oxides in
promoted by bismuth oxide were suggested. Furthermore, the oxidative dehydrogenation of n-butenes allows for the
phosphates, molybdates, tungstates of indium or its oxides on presumption that the known effective catalysts of oxidative
supports, and also catalysts consisting of oxides of molybdenum, dehydrogenation of n-butene will also catalyze the oxidative
titanium, antimony, bismuth, copper, cobalt, tin, lead, cadmium, dehydrogenation of isoamylenes. Iron phosphates with a
their salts or mixtures of salts with oxides of phosphorus, bismuth stoichiometric excess of phosphorus is used as catalyst. Isoprene
and tellurium were proposed for the oxidative dehydrogenation yield and selectivity is 70 – 80% and 80 – 90% respectively. It is
of olefins. From 1964, extensive research on the development of also important to note that ferrites of magnesium and magnese,
catalysts based on ferrites of metals such as magnesium, calcium, molybdenium – antimony, uranium – antimony, tin – antimony,
zinc, strontium, cadmium, barium, manganese, cobalt and nickel bismuth – molybdenum catalysts have good catalytic properties.
for the oxidative dehydrogenation of olefins were conducted. The
yield and selectivity on the best catalysts samples were found to be 2.5. Isoprene production from propylene
65-70% and 90% respectively. The synthesis of isoprene from propylene was first suggested by
The most efficient hydrogen acceptor is iodine. Iodine Gorin and Oblad in 1946. The process involves the dimerization
simultaneously catalyzes the dehydrogenation process. of propylene of propylene on aluminosilicate catalyst, followed

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G.O. Ezinkwo et al.

by the thermal cracking of the dimer. The yield of isoprene was The raw material used is propane – propylene fraction, which is
however low but interests in this process was revived in the pre-dried and purified. The reactor unit consists of two units. At
1960’s. the exit of reactor (1), the feed mixture is throttled to a pressure
Isoprene synthesis by the dimerization of propylene gained level close to atmospheric, condensed in the cooling units and
practical attention after the discovery of selective oligomerization then fed to the separation units. Conversion of propylene in the
of lower olefins in the presence of organoalumininum catalysts described conditions is 70 – 85% at 97% yield of dimmers based
by K. Ziegler. Dimerization of propylene in the presence of on the reacted olefin. The condensed feed enters the evaporation
solid acid catalysts takes place by the mechanism of cationic column (2), where the catalyst is separated from higher oligomers
oligomerization of olefins. In this case, a mixture of isomeric of propylene which accumulate in the system as a result of
dimmers are formed from which isoprene is obtained by the continuous operation. A small portion of the catalyst (tripropyl-
pyrolysis of 2-methylpentene -2. This process includes the aluminum) is removed from the reactor and replaced with freshly
following steps; prepared catalyst and sent for regeneration due to poisoning and
1. Dimerization of propylene to form 2-methylpentene-1 thermal decomposition. 2-methylpentene-1, along with other light
2CH3 CH CH2 CH2 C CH2 CH2 CH3 hydrocarbons and unreacted propylene is distilled from the top
of the evaporation column (2) and enters the rectification column
CH3 (3), where the separation of low boiling hydrocarbons takes place.
2-methyl pentene goes through a system of rectification columns
2 Isomerization of 2-methylpentene-1 to 2-methylpentene -2 and then into the reactor (4) for isomerization.
CH2 C CH2 CH2 CH3 CH3 C CH CH2 CH3 Isomerization of 2-methylpentene-1 into 2-methylpentene
is conducted in the gaseous phase at a temp range of 423
CH3 CH3 – 573K and a flow rate of 0,15 – 0,5 L/L(kat)/h over a fixed
bed of solid catalyst at atmospheric pressure. The reaction
3 Demethanation (cracking) of 2-methylpentene-2 with the mixture enters the pyrolysis furnance (6) to which over
formation of isoprene. heated steam is also fed. Furthermore, the separation of the
CH3 C CH CH2 CH3 CH2 C CH CH2 CH4 hydrocarbon and aqueous phases take place with hydrogen
bromide dissolved in the later. Aqueous solution of hydrogen
bromide is mixed again with fresh feed. Methane and light
Figure 3 below shows the basic process flow diagram for hydrocarbons are released from the hydrocarbon fraction while
isoprene from propylene production implemented by Goodyear the target fraction is sent for purification and subsequently the
scientific design method separation of isoprene.
1.Dimerization reactor, 2- evaporation column, 3-rectification
column, 4- isomerization reactor; 5-separation column; 6- Disadvantage
reactor for initiated cracking The disadvantage of this method is the low efficiency of the
Streams process of pyrolysis: Isoprene yield does not exceed 50 – 60%,
I propylene; II- catalyst solution, III- residual oil; IV – 2 – methyl and therefore the overall yield of isoprene is 45 – 50 %. In the
pentene – 1; V- 2-methylpentene-2; V- isoprene. industry, this method is used on a limited scale.

 rocess flow diagram for isoprene from propylene production implemented by Goodyear scientific design method. [1]
Figure 3. P

Download Date | 8/21/15 2:47 PM
Overview of the Catalytic Production of Isoprene from different raw
materials; Prospects of Isoprene production from bio-ethanol.

2.5.1. Isoprene synthesis from ethylene and propylene In the presence of excess acetylene, mono or disodium acetylene
The possibility of obtaining isopentene and subsequently isoprene is formed.
from ethylene and propylene was proved by Ziegler et al. The NaNH2 + HC≡CH → HC≡CNa + NH3,
process was carried out in two stages. In the first stage, reaction 2NaNH2 + HC≡CH → NaC≡CNa + 2NH3.
between alkyl-aluminum and propylene takes place with the In liquid ammonia, sodium acetylide reacts with acetone to form
formation of diethyl-isopentyl-aluminum at approximately 473K and an alcoholate of dimethylacetynylcarbinol.
2,0 MPa. In the second stage, diethyl-isopentyl-aluminum reacts
with the remaining ethylene at room temperature and average
pressure. Light hydrocarbons separated from the reaction mixture by
rectification which is composed of 80 – 85 % of 2-methylbutene-1, CNa
undergoes dehydrogenation with the formation of isoprene.
The main set back of this process is the large number of The alcoholate is then reduced in excess acetylene:
circulating organoaluminum compounds which makes the CH3 CH3
process presently infeasible for industrial application. HC CH CH3 C C CH HC CNa

2.6. Isoprene from acetylene and acetone
The first attempt to synthesize isoprene from acetylene and acetone In the second step of the process, dehydrogenation of
was made by Merling in 1914. He conducted the condensation dimethylacetynylcarbinol ( methylbutynol) to dimethylvinylcarbinol
of acetylene with acetone through dimethylethylcarbinol ( methylbutenol):
and subsequently obtained isoprene. However, due to the CH3 CH3
stagnation in the development of the method at that time, it was
not implemented in the industry. Interests in this method was CH3 C C CH H2 CH3 C CH CH2
revived in the 1930’s when A. E. Favorskyi et al again conducted
the condensation of acetone with acetylene and proposed an OH OH
industrial method for isoprene production. However, this method
had a number of shortcomings that inhibited its implementation in Colloidal palladium on a carrier is used as the catalyst source.
the industry especially the low selectivity of the second stage of The hydrogenation of methylbutynol is conducted in a liquid
the process and the use of explosive solvents such as ethers at phase at a temperature range of 303 – 353K and 0. 5 – 1 MPa.
the condensation stage of acetylene and acetone. Subsequently, The selectivity of 99 – 99,5 % is achieved in the presence of an
the Italian company SNAM improved this method. inhibitor which allows for complete conversion of methylbutynol
The synthesis of isoprene using Favorskyi’s method is made to methylbutenol.
up of 3 stages. In the first stage, condensation of acetylene In the third step of isoprene synthesis by Favorskyi’s method,
with acetone (ethylization) takes place with the formation of catalytic dehydration of methylbutenol is carried out as shown below:
dimethylacetynyl carbinol. Firstly, potassium acetylide is formed CH3
alongside the formation of a monohydrate of KOH as a result
of water molecules bonding with the unreacted KOH as shown CH3 C CH CH2 CH2 C CH CH2
HC≡CH + KOH → HC≡CK + H2O , OH
KOH + H2O → KOH ∙ H2O.
Then potassium acetylide reacts with acetone to form The dehydration process of dimethylvinylcarbinol proceeds
dimethylacetynylcarbinol: with complete conversion (~97%) and selectivity of 99,8%.
CH3 The produced isoprene is about 98,5% pure and does not
require further purification, since it does not contain harmful
CH3 C O HC CK CH3 C C CH contaminants and can be sent for stereospecific polymerization.
Methylbutynol can also be converted into isoprene through iso-
OK propenyl acetylene formation stage. The reaction takes place at
553K on aluminum phosphate catalyst
Hydroxides of other metals in these conditions do not react with
acetone and cannot catalyze ethylization reaction.
A method was developed using liquid ammonium solvent. In CH3 C CH CH CH2 C CH CH
this case, the catalyst is sodium amide, which is formed by the H2O

reaction of sodium metal and ammonia OH

2Na + 2NH3 → 2 NaNH2 + H2.

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G.O. Ezinkwo et al.

As a result of the hydrogenation of the triple bond of iso-propenyl 2. Reaction of hydroperoxide with 2-methylbutene-2, which is
acetylene, Isoprene is produced. and intermediate product of the process, and then the production
of 2-methylbutene-2 oxide.
H2, Fe

Advantage O OH
The advantage of this process is the possibility of conducting it
under mild conditions. CH3 CH3

Disadvantage CH3 C CH CH3 CH3 C CH2 CH3

The high cost of raw materials and the problems associated with OH
the explosive nature of acetylene. Industrially, this method is
2 - methylbutene - 2 Oxide tert - Pentyl alcohol
rarely implemented.

2.7. Isoprene production via Liquid phase oxidation of 3. Isomerization of 2-methylbutene-2-oxide to 2-methyl-1-ol-3
hydrocarbons. CH3 OH
Isoprene production via liquid phase oxidation of isopentene
is based on its epoxidation using organic hydroperoxide. The CH3 C CH CH3 CH2 C CH CH3
process in the early 1960’s was developed by an American firm
“Halcon”. It consists of 4 stages: O
1. Isopentane oxidation by atmospheric oxygen to tert- pentyl
hydroperoxide: 4. Dehydration of the alcohol to isoprene:
isopentane O OH
tert - Pentylhydroperoxide The flow chart for the process is shown in the Figure 4.

unreacted alcohol

Isomerization of oxides
and dehydration
2-methylbutene - 2 oxide


2 - Methylbutene - 2

tret-Pentylhydro separation
Isopentane - peroxide and By Products
oxidation epoxidation extraction
tret - pentyl alcohol

Dehydration of

 low chart for the process of isoprene production via Liquid phase oxidation of hydrocarbons.
Figure 4. F

Download Date | 8/21/15 2:47 PM
Overview of the Catalytic Production of Isoprene from different raw
materials; Prospects of Isoprene production from bio-ethanol.

3. Prospects of isoprene production from About 5% of the ethanol produced in the world in 2003 was
ethanol actually a petroleum product [10]. It is made by the catalytic
hydration of ethylene with sulfuric acid as the catalyst. It can
The depletion of oil reserves due to over dependence on fossil also be obtained from calcium carbide, coal, oil gas, and
fuels, issues related to the environment and climate changes other sources. Two million tons of petroleum-derived ethanol
have necessitated the exploration of other alternative and is produced annually. The principal suppliers are plants in the
sustainable resources. Ethanol is a renewable and potential United States, Europe, and South Africa [11]. Petroleum derived
source of bio-carbon today which can be used to produce wide ethanol (synthetic ethanol) is chemically identical to bio-ethanol
range of chemicals and bulk petrochemicals. and can be differentiated only by radiocarbon dating [12].
Bio-ethanol is usually obtained from the conversion of carbon
3.1. Bio-ethanol the potential feedstock for Isoprene based feedstock. Agricultural feedstocks are considered
production. renewable because they get energy from the sun using
Production of bio-ethanol is a prospective way to reduce photosynthesis, provided that all minerals required for growth
both the consumption of hydrocarbons of fossil sources (such as nitrogen and phosphorus) are returned to the land.
and environmental pollution [9]. The desire to produce bulk Ethanol can be produced from a variety of feed stocks such as
chemicals in a sustainable way and the availability of low-cost sugar cane, bagasse, miscanthus, sugar beet, sorghum, grain,
bio-ethanol in large volumes has, however, resulted in a wave switch grass, barley, hemp, kenaf, potatoes, sweet potatoes,
of petrochemical production from this commodity. Ethanol is a cassava, sunflower, fruit, molasses, corn, stover, grain, wheat,
renewable energy source because the energy is generated by straw, cotton, other biomass as well as many types of cellulose
using a resource, sunlight, which cannot be depleted. Creation waste and harvestings The production of bio-ethanol from
of ethanol starts with photosynthesis causing a feedstock, such lignocellulosic biomass materials is shown in Figure 6.
as sugar cane or a grain such as maize (corn), to grow. These An alternative process to produce bio-ethanol from algae is
feedstocks are processed into ethanol. being developed by the company Algenol. Rather than grow

 ormation of bio-ethanol and its transformation to other petrochemicals.

Figure 5. F

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G.O. Ezinkwo et al.


Hemi cellulose


Solid cellulose + Lignin Xylose sugar

Cellulose hydrolysis

Xylose fermentation

Glucose sugar + solid lignin

Glucose fermentation Distillation for recover bioethanol

Bioethanol Solid lignin for boiler

 low chart for the production of bio-ethanol from lignocellulosic biomass materials [9].
Figure 6. F

algae and then harvest and ferment it, the algae grow in sunlight and starch into sugars. Saccharification of cellulose is called
and produce ethanol directly which is removed without killing the cellulolysis. Enzymes are used to convert starch into sugar
algae. It is claimed the process can produce 6,000 US gallons [14-16].
per acre (56,000 litres per ha) per year compared with 400 US According to Bomgardner in [17] microbial fermentation holds
gallons per acre (3,750 l/ha) for corn production [13]. promise for making renewable rubber intermediates: isoprene,
Currently, the first generation processes for the production of iso- butane and butadiene. The compounds cover a wide swath
ethanol from corn use only a small part of the corn plant: the corn of ground for the rubber-making industry. Five-carbon isoprene
kernels are taken from the corn plant and only the starch, which is used to make synthetic latex similar to that of rubber tree.
represents about 50% of the dry kernel mass, is transformed Two leading tire makers – Goodyear and Michelin along with
into ethanol. Two types of second generation processes are Synthetic rubber manufacturer Lanxess have entered into
under development. parternership with industrial biotech firms to advance the
The first type uses enzymes and yeast fermentation to convert the commercial production of these rubber intermediates from
plant cellulose into ethanol while the second type uses pyrolysis sugar. They are motivated by tightening supplies of both natural
to convert the whole plant to either a liquid bio-oil or a syngas. and synthetic rubber, driven in recent years by strong global
Second generation processes can also be used with plants such demand, especially from emerging economies.
as grasses, wood or agricultural waste material such as straw. In Russia, Research work is ongoing in this direction at the A. V.
The basic steps for large scale production of ethanol are: Tropchieva Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis in collaboration
microbial (yeast) fermentation of sugars, distillation, dehydration with the Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technology
and denaturing. Prior to fermentation, some crops require named after M. V. Lomonosov and is expected to continue in the
saccharification or hydrolysis of carbohydrates such as cellulose next few years.


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