Novel Pre Treatment Techniques For Extraction of F

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Research Article Int J Environ Sci Nat Res

Volume 7 Issue 3 - December 2017

DIO : 10.19080/IJESNR.2017.07.555713
Copyright © All rights are reserved by Papita Das

Novel Pre Treatment Techniques for Extraction of

Fermentable Sugars from Natural Waste Materials
for Bio Ethanol Production
Megha Srivastava, Shubhalakshmi Sengupta, Papita Das* and Siddhartha Datta
Department of Chemical Engineering, Jadavpur University, India
Submission: December 06, 2017; Published: December 14, 2017
*Corresponding author: Papita Das, Department of Chemical Engineering, Jadavpur University, 188, Raja S. C. Mullick Road, Kolkata-700032,
India, Email:

The demand of traditional/domestic fuel is increasing day by day. Bio ethanol, a non-conventional source of energy is a solution to this
problem. India stands second in sugarcane production worldwide, so a huge amount of agriculture waste residue is produced. This study
presents the extraction and analytical estimation of cellulose and hemi cellulose of sugarcane bagasse and extraction of soluble sugars from it
for bio ethanol production. At first samples were prepared and analysed for bulk density moisture content, ash content, volatile matter content,
fixed carbon content and calorific value. Cellulose and hemi cellulose estimated after the treatments suggested their efficient extraction from the
sugarcane bagasse. Different pre treatment technique are performed to increase the amount of fermentable sugars and to decrease the lignin
content present in bagasse. Then the pre-treated bagasse is placed for enzyme hydrolysis followed by fermentation to produce bio ethanol. The
result suggested that waste bagasse can be used as a renewable source of energy for bio ethanol/bio fuel production in an environmentally
sustainable and economically viable way.
Keywords: Sugarcane Bagasse Cellulose; Hemi Cellulose; Lignin; Bio Ethanol
Abbreviations: SEM: Scanning Electron Microscopy; TEM: Transmission Electron Microscopy; FTIR: Fourier Transform Infrared; NDF: Neutral
Detergent Fibre; ADF: Acid Detergent Fibres

to unleaded petrol, it acts as an octane booster replacing the
Rapid industrialization increases the demand of fossil
conventional additives for this purpose (Meta tertiary butyl ether,
fuels. This causes fuel crises and it affects our environment. Air
which can create adverse health effects). For this reasons ethanol
pollution is responsible for several major problems like global
is used widely as a fuel [1]. There are three types of bio fuels: 1st,
warming, acid rain, and the deterioration of the ozone layer. The
2nd and 3rd generation bio fuels based on their source of biomass
list of the pollutants includes gases like carbon dioxide, carbon
and limitations as renewable source of energy. First Generation
monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide etc. Emission of
bio ethanols are produced directly from food crops including corn,
carbon monoxide is higher due to incomplete combustion of fuels.
sugarcane, barley etc. by fermentation. Second Generation bio
The increasing concentration of gas makes it hard for our body
ethanols are produced from non-food crops such as agriculture
parts to get oxygen they need to run correctly. Air pollution can
residue, wood, organic waste, food crop waste and specific
result from the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, natural gas,
biomass crops. The Third Generation of bio fuels is produced from
and gasoline to produce electricity and power our vehicles. In the
microbial biomasses like algal bio mass [2]. Second generation
similar way nitrogen dioxide which mostly comes from power
ethanol production from lingo cellulosic materials Ligno cellulosic
plants and cars react in the atmosphere to form acid rain. Bio
material shows a promising option in ethanol production due to
ethanol, a non-conventional source of energy is a solution to this
their output/input energy ratio, availability, low cost and higher
problem. Ethanol when used as a fuel as it offers many advantages
ethanol yields. Renewable ‘plant biomass’ refers particularly
such as it has low price, and comparatively less emissions than
to cheap and abundant non-food lingo cellulose-rich materials
which comes from the plants.
Ethanol contains 35% oxygen that helps complete combustion
In countries like India, a huge amount of waste generated
of fuel and reduces particulate emissions that poses health
from agricultural production of various crops like cotton,
hazard to living beings. Ethanol has a high octane number (99)
mustard, chilli, sugarcane, sorghum, sweet sorghum, pulses,
than petrol (80-100). When ethanol is added in small quantities
oilseeds, etc. that do not find any alternative use and are either

Int J Environ Sci Nat Res 7(3): IJESNR.MS.ID.555713 (2017) 001

International Journal of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources

left in the fields or are burned. Hence, these could be used in bio lignin from the lingo cellulosic matrix. So an effective pre treatment
ethanol production which is a good alternative to use it in an strategy is needed to minimize carbohydrate degradation and the
environmentally friendly manner. Use of agricultural residues production of enzyme inhibitors and toxic products for fermenting
helps in reduction of deforestation as our reliance on forest woody microorganisms [11]. Thus in this study novel techniques have
biomass decreases. Short harvest period of crop residues preferred been applied to extract fermentable sugars from sugarcane
them more consistently available to bio ethanol production [3,4]. bagasse. Different acid and alkali pre treatments were done to
Production of bio ethanol from lingo cellulosic biomass is still a remove the lignin and hemi cellulose fractions and the most
challenge because of its very complex structure where cellulose effective technique was obtained based on the characterization
and hemicelluloses are formed a complex matrix with lignin. In analysis of fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy,
grain ethanol processes, the fermentable monomeric sugars are scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron
liberated from the grain starch and in cellulosic processes, the microscopy (TEM) and estimation of the cellulose, lignin and hemi
fermentable sugars are the cellulose and hemicelluloses [5]. Ligno cellulose fractions of the pre treated samples. Fermentable sugars
cellulosic materials consist mainly of three polymers which are were then extracted from the pre treated samples by enzymatic
cellulose, hemi cellulose, and lignin. degradation by micro organisms. A marine fungus (Aspergillus
sp) was used for the first time in this study. The sugars were then
These polymers are associated with each other in a hetero-
fermented further to obtain bio ethanol.
matrix to different degrees and varying relative composition
depending on species, type and source of the biomass. The main Materials and Methods
objectives of the pre-treatment process are to speed up the rates
of hydrolysis and increase the yields of fermentable sugars. In
all pre- treatment processes, these goals are accomplished by Sugarcane bagasse was obtained from Midnapore, West
modifying the structure of the polymer matrix in the biomass, Bengal. Sodium sulphite (Merck, India), Decarbohydro
thus making the carbohydrate fractions more susceptible to acid naphthalene (Merck, India), Tween 80 (Himedia, India), Disodium
attack or more accessible to enzyme action reported that the ethylene-diamine-tetraacetate (Himedia, India), Sodium borate
main processing challenge in the ethanol production from lingo decarbohydrate (Himedia, India), Sodium lauryl sulphate (Merck,
cellulosic biomass is the feedstock pre-treatment. Pre treatment India) , ethoxy ethanol (Merck, India), Acetone(Merck, India),
is done to reduce the crystallinity of cellulose and increase Cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (Himedia, India), Acetic acid
the fraction of amorphous cellulose, and to break the matrix of (Merck, India), Nitric acid (Merck, India), Dextrose (Merck, India),
cellulose and lignin bound by hemi cellulose should be broken to Cellulose powder(Merck, India), Sodium hydroxide (Merck, India),
reduce the, the most suitable form for enzymatic attack [6]. Hydrochloric acid (Merck, India), Iodine solution (Merck, India),
Potassium iodide (Merck, India), Potassium dichromate (Merck,
Suggested that though the combination of grinding with other India), Sodium chlorite (Merck, India), Decaline (Merck, India) ,
pre treatment method reduces the crystallinity of the biomass Carboxy Methyl Cellulose, CMC (Merck, India), Peptone (Merck,
superfine grinding of biomass with steam treatment showed India), Sodium nitrate (Merck, India), Potassium Chlorite (Merck,
better than ground residue when hydrolyzed [7,8]. Chemical pre India), Magnesium Sulphate (Merck, India) , Ferrous Sulphate
treatment involving dilute acid and alkali are also sought after (Merck, India), Dipotassium hydrogen phosphate (Merck, India),
pre treatment technologies Sugar cane bagasse is a waste of the Ammonium Sulphate (Merck, India), Agar, yeast extract (Merck,
sugar industry and a cheap source of lingo cellulosic material India), Dinitrosalicylic acid, DNS (Merck, India). Aspergillus
for extraction of fermentable sugars for bio ethanol production. sp. Strain was isolated from marine waters of west bengal and
Suggested that sodium hydroxide (NaOH) presents the greatest Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain (MTCC 170) was procured from
degradation and subsequent fermentation yields with compared MTCC, pune.
to other alkalis, such as sodium carbonate, ammonium hydroxide,
calcium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide [9] used NaOH solution Preparation of Raw Material: The raw bagasse was received
to treat the pith component of sugarcane bagasse (0.2 g of NaOH at about 30% moisture content. It was sun-dried for 4-5 days
per pith gram) and obtaining a maximum digestibility of 71% and finely ground by hammer milled .The sugarcane bagasse was
at 92°C. Described that acids hydrolyze hemicelluloses thus chopped in small pieces and was placed in sterilized petriplates
produce a liquid phase rich in xylose, with minor amounts of and dried in a hot air oven at 80 degree celcius temperatures till
lignin derivatives so it is an outstanding method for hemi cellulose constant weight. It was immediately grounded in a mixer and
recovery and it has been successfully applied to sugarcane bagasse stored in polypropylene bags for subsequent uses.
[10]. Physicochemical Analysis of Raw Sugarcane Bagasse:
Again, found that different pre treatment methods have Samples of sugarcane bagasse dry were taken for its
singular action mechanisms. They either decrease cellulose characterization which was to analyse for moisture, density,
crystallinity or the degree of polymerization. They increase ash content, volatile matter, fixed carbon and calorific value in
accessible surface areas or selectively remove hemi cellulose and accordance with ASTM D 1037 (1991), ASTM D 2017 (1998) and
ISO 562/1974.

How to cite this article: Megha S, Shubhalakshmi S, Papita D, Siddhartha D. Novel Pre Treatment Techniques for Extraction of Fermentable Sugars from
Natural Waste Materials for Bio Ethanol Production. Int J Environ Sci Nat Res. 2017; 7(3): 555713. DOI: 10.19080/IJESNR.2017.07.555713.
International Journal of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources

Pre treatment Techniques of 20 KV and working distance of around 38 mm. Hundreds of

SEM images were obtained on different areas of the samples to
Milling treatment: Chipped and grinded bagasse was put
guarantee the reproducibility of the results.
into 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask. It was then moistened with distilled
water. The flasks were incubated for 2 h at room temperature. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM): TEM (JEM 2100
HR, JEOL, Japan) with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS)
Alkaline Treatment: The bagasse sample was pre treated
was used with a field emission gun; this provided high resolution
with different alkaline concentration ranging from 0.5% to 5%
operation at 200 kV and 1.05 A.
NaOH solution. The alkaline pre treatment was done in two
different methods. In first method the bagasse was pre treated Estimation of Pre treated Sugarcane Bagasse
with NaOH solutions of different concentrations at 121oC and 15
Cellulose, Hemi cellulose and Lignin content
psi pressure for 1 hour at the ratio of 1:10 (1 gram of substrate
determination: In a refluxing flask, powdered sample was mixed
with 10ml of NaOH solution). The pre treated bagasse was washed
with cold neutral detergent solution. The neutal detergent solution
with tap water until the pH of the filter reached 7. The washed
is prepared as follows. Disodium-ethylene di amine-tetra acetate
bagasse was dried at 6000C overnight to constant weight and
and sodium borate de carbohydrate were dissolved in distilled
stored at room temperature in air tight container for further use.
water by heating and to this added sodium lauryl sulphate and
In second method, the bagasse was treated in the same process
ethoxy ethanol. A solution 4.5% Na2HPO4 was then added to the
except auto clave; it was kept in room temperature for 15 minutes.
mixture. De carbo hydro napthalene and sodium sulphite was
Steam Treatment of Milled Alkaline Sugarcane Bagasse: then added to mixture of sugarcane bagasse sample and cold
Ten gram of chipped and grinded bagasse were put into 250 ml neutral detergent solution, which was then heated to boiling and
Erlenmeyer flask then moistened with distilled water. The flasks refluxed for 1 hour. The contents were filtered through sintered
were steam treated by autoclaving at 121oC and 1.5 bars for 20 glass crucible (G-2) and washed with hot water. The contents were
min. then extraction, filtration and determination of (TRS) were finally washed with acetone twice and the residue transferred to
performed as previously mentioned. a crucible. The sample was dried at 100oC for 8 hour, cooled in
a decicator and weighed. The residue was designated as neutral
Acid Treatment: The bagasse sample was pre treated with
detergent fibre (NDF). To calculate hemi cellulose content, the
different acid concentration ranging from 0.5% to 4% H2SO4
amount of acid detergent fibres (ADF) was subtracted from the
solution. In this method the bagasse was pre treated with H2SO4
amount of NDF.
solutions of different concentrations at room temperature for 1
hour at the ratio of 1:10 (1 gram of substrate with 10ml of H2SO4 Cellulose Estimation By Anthrone Method: Cellulose of
solution) as per method of the pre treated bagasse was washed the sugarcane bagasse samples undergoes acetolysis with acetic
with tap water until the pH of the filter reached 7. The washed acid/nitric reagent forming acetylated cello dextrine which gets
bagasse was dried at 600C overnight to constant weight and dissolved and hydrolysed to form glucose molecules on treatment
stored at room temperature in air tight container for further use with 67% H2SO4. This glucose molecule is dehydrated to form
[12]. hydroxyl methyl furfural which forms green coloured product
with anthrone and the colour intensity is measured at 630 nm in
Alkali and Acid Treatment: Different alkali pre treated
spectrophotometer (Perkin Elmer, Germany).
bagasse samples were again treated with 1% H2SO4 solutions of
different concentrations at room temperature for 1 hour at the Extraction Of Fermentable Sugars Using Aspergillus sp.
ratio of 1:10 (1 gram of substrate with 10ml of H2SO4 solution)
Inoculum preparation: The isolated and identified fungi
as per method of. The pre treated bagasse was washed with tap
culture was sub cultured on Czapek modified medium (CMM)
water until the pH of the filter reached 7. The washed bagasse was
with agar containing 2% CMC, 0.2% peptone, 0.2% NaNO3, 0.05%
dried at 600C overnight to constant weight and stored at room
KCl, 0.05% MgSO4, 0.001% FeSO4, 0.1% K2HPO4 and 1.7% agar and
temperature in air tight container for further use.
incubated at 30oC. Fully sporulated plates were obtained after 6
Characterizations of The Pre treated Samples days. The sporulated plated were flooded with 20ml of distilled
water containing 0.1% Tween 80. Spores were dislodged by gentle
Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy: The
pipetting. The resulting spore suspension was used as inoculum.
infrared spectra (wave numbers in cm-1) were obtained on a
Magma - IR 560 E.S.P –Perkin Elmer spectrophotometer, by means Extraction of fermentable sugars: Five grams of sugarcane
of a KBr disk containing 3% finely ground samples. bagasse (pre treated samples) was weight into 250ml Erlenmeyer
flasks and moistened with basal medium containing 0.2% NaNO3,
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM): Scanning electron
0.05% KCl, 0.05% MgSO4, 0.001% FeSO4, 0.1% K2HPO4. Peptone
microscopy (SEM - FEI / Inspect S50 model) was used to observe
was added to the above media as nitrogen source. The flasks were
modifications on bagasse fibres. Samples were adhered to carbon
inoculated with 5ml spore suspension per gram dry weight of
tape and sputter coated with gold (sputter Emitech / K550 model)
substrate. The inoculated substrate was mixed thoroughly and
and observed in the SEM through the use of an acceleration voltage
incubated statically at 300C.

How to cite this article: Megha S, Shubhalakshmi S, Papita D, Siddhartha D. Novel Pre Treatment Techniques for Extraction of Fermentable Sugars from
Natural Waste Materials for Bio Ethanol Production. Int J Environ Sci Nat Res. 2017; 7(3): 555713. DOI: 10.19080/IJESNR.2017.07.555713.
International Journal of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources

Estimation of fermentable sugars: The solid material was Estimation of Raw Bagasse and Pre treated Samples
then mixed vigorously with 100 ml distilled water for extraction
Cellulose estimation of Pre-treated sample: The
of soluble reducing sugar, then filtered with cloth sheets to
percentages of alkali and acid treatment and acid alkali treatment
separate the content into solid and liquid parts. The liquid filtrate
which showed the best optimized results by spectroscopic
was centrifuge at 10,000 rpm for 10 min, and then, the content of
analysis using anthrone estimation were presented in (Figure 1).
total reducing sugars (TRS) was determined in clear supernatant
The better extraction of cellulose was observed using both the
by DNS (dinitro salicylic acid) method.
treatment of acid followed by alkali treatment.
Bio ethanol Production
The production medium was formulated according to where
fermentation media was added to the hydrolysate obtained from
fungal isolate through solid state fermentation process and then
sterilized by autoclaving at 121oC for 20 min [13]. the medium
was inoculated with pre-selected yeast isolates. The inoculated
cultures were incubated at 30oC for 48 h at 150 rpm. The
fermentation media was prepared by adding 0.1% MgSO4, 0.2%
KH2PO4, 0.3% (NH4)2SO4, 0.3% peptone and 0.4% yeast extract
to the enzymatic hydrolysate and filter sterilized. Initial pH was
adjusted to 5. A 12 h old seed culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
(MTCC 170) was inoculated into the fermentation medium at Figure 1: Concentration of cellulose after different
5% (v/v) ratio. Fermentation was carried out at 30o C in static pretreatment.
condition. Samples were collected at regular intervals and
centrifuge for 10min at 4oC and 12000 rpm and supernatant were
taken for estimation of ethanol. Ethanol was extracted from the
fermentation medium by a rotator evaporator (Buchi, India). The
ethanol-water extract was used for further estimation of ethanol
content according to a method by [14].
Estimation of Ethanol Content
Spectro photometric method: Alcoholic sample was added
directly to the distillation flask, diluted then distilled. Distillation
was carried out at 70+ 2 0C and the distillate was collected in
volumetric flask containing potassium dichromate solution. The
contents in the volumetric flask were heated at 600C in a water
bath for 20 minutes. After mixing and cooling the contents of
the flask, the absorbance was recorded at 600 nm. The amount
of ethanol in each sample was determined by using the standard
curve of ethanol. Figure 2: Extraction of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin using
different pre-treatment method.
Results and Discussions
Table 1: Physical properties of sugarcane bagasse. Estimation of Cellulose, Hemi cellulose and lignin
Estimation of Raw Bagasse and Pretreaed Samples by ADF
Proximate analysis Results
and NDF Method: The ADF and NDF method was applied on the
pre treated and after treatment sugarcane bagasse to estimate the
Bulk Density 86.6 kg/m3 cellulose, hemi cellulose and lignin content (Figure 2). The results
revealed that efficient hemi cellulose and lignin removal along
Moisture 11% with increased in cellulose content was observed in case where
ASH 3.7% both acid and alkali treatment was done. Cellulose extracted
about 35-43 % through pre treatment method and in case of acid-
Volatile Matter 14%
alkali treatment, 43% cellulose can be extracted from sugarcane
Fixed Carbon 82.3 %
bagasse. Thus from the cellulose estimation study, it could be
Characterization of Sugarcane Bagasse: The characterization inferred acid and alkali treated samples showed effective lignin
of the raw bagasse was carried out to determine its physical and fraction removal and increased in cellulose content which can be
chemical properties. The physical properties are given in (Table the best source for extraction of fermentable sugars from waste
1). materials.

How to cite this article: Megha S, Shubhalakshmi S, Papita D, Siddhartha D. Novel Pre Treatment Techniques for Extraction of Fermentable Sugars from
Natural Waste Materials for Bio Ethanol Production. Int J Environ Sci Nat Res. 2017; 7(3): 555713. DOI: 10.19080/IJESNR.2017.07.555713.
International Journal of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources

Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) spectroscopy cm-1 was found. This bond is attributed to b-glycosidic linkages
between the sugar units. When the raw bagasse is examined, the
band of 895 cm-1 is not notable, mainly due to the coverage of
cellulose by hemi cellulose and lignin matrix. Thus the treatment
resulted in disruption of hemicelluloses and lignin and revealed
this characteristic peak of cellulose.
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Analysis
Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of the raw
bagasse and the pre treated bagasse are demonstrated in (Figure
4). In the SEM micrograph of raw bagasse, a complete and
compact lingo cellulosic structure is clearly observed in (Figure
4A). After undergoing pre treatment by acid and alkali (The
treatment which gave best result), the structure of bagasse has
Figure 3: FTIR of raw bagasse and acid alkali pretreated been damaged to a certain extent. It is mainly observed in the case
bagasse. of acid with alkali treatment where major cracks are seen on the
bagasse surface (Figure 4B). The disruption of the lingo cellulosic
The FTIR analysis of the raw bagasse and acid alkali treated
structure becomes more pronounced and some tiny holes are
bagasse is given in (Figure 3). The best treatment method observed
exhibited on the surface of pre treated sample. So with this pre
from the previous analyses was chosen for FTIR analysis. The FTIR
treatment method, the lingo cellulosic structure of bagasse
figure revealed characteristic feature of a lingo cellulosic material
has been destroyed in a significant way and smaller cellulosic
[15]. On treatment with acid alkali, a characteristic peak of (β)-
structures were revealed.
glycosidic bond corresponding to that of cellulose at about 900

Figure 4: SEM image of (A) raw bagasse and (B) acid alkali pretreated bagasse.

Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) Analysis In Figure 5, the TEM micrograph of acid alkali treated sugarcane
bagasse revealed reduction of size in the treated samples and also
showed characteristic cellulose fibre like structures. Thus, from
all the above analysis and observations it could be inferred that
effective pre-treatment is required for extraction of fermentable
sugars from sugarcane bagasse. Milling of raw bagasse followed
by acid plus alkali treatment gave the best results. This treatment
reduced the lignin and hemi cellulose content considerably and
increased the extraction of the cellulosic fractions along with
reduction in cellulose size. This pre treated sugarcane bagasse
samples with steam treated alkali, acid and acid plus alkali were
further evaluated for production of fermentable sugars.
Enzyme Hydrolysis

Figure 5: TEM of acid alkali pre treated sugarcane bagasse.

The efficiency of pre treated samples to produce fermentable
sugars was evaluated by measuring the total amount of glucose

How to cite this article: Megha S, Shubhalakshmi S, Papita D, Siddhartha D. Novel Pre Treatment Techniques for Extraction of Fermentable Sugars from
Natural Waste Materials for Bio Ethanol Production. Int J Environ Sci Nat Res. 2017; 7(3): 555713. DOI: 10.19080/IJESNR.2017.07.555713.
International Journal of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources

(TRS) released from the samples after 48 hours of enzymatic that Raw bagasse with milling and acid alkali pre treatment leads
hydrolysis using Aspergullus sp. strain. The applied pre treatment to better extraction of cellulose from which higher amount of
showed different effects on the total reducing sugar yield for the reducing sugars could be extracted. The reducing sugars extracted
bagasse. Data of different pre treated samples were calculated from these pre treated samples results production of ethanol. The
from standard curve of glucose concentration (mg/ml) showed highest ethanol percentage in ethanol water mix was obtained
the maximum yield of TRS in the case of acid plus alkali treated about 26 % in this study.
bagasse sample (figure not shown). The hydrolysis yield (or
percentage of cellulose conversion) was calculated for the total
process (total hydrolysis yield).Considering the concentration of SS would like to thank UGC D.S. Kothari Postdoctoral
glucose, total hydrolysis yields reach maximum values between Fellowship scheme (Sanction. No. CH/15-16/0163) for providing
8 to 9 mg/ml for acid alkali treated samples ,due to the large financial assistance. Authors are thankful to Prof Aniruddha
increase in cellulose accessibility in this sample. In the case of Mukhopadhyay, Department of Environmental Science, University
2% acid treatment the glucose yield reached up to 7-7.5 mg/ml of Calcutta, Kolkata for the characterization facilities.
which also can be used for fermentation process for bio ethanol
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How to cite this article: Megha S, Shubhalakshmi S, Papita D, Siddhartha D. Novel Pre Treatment Techniques for Extraction of Fermentable Sugars from
Natural Waste Materials for Bio Ethanol Production. Int J Environ Sci Nat Res. 2017; 7(3): 555713. DOI: 10.19080/IJESNR.2017.07.555713.
International Journal of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources

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How to cite this article: Megha S, Shubhalakshmi S, Papita D, Siddhartha D. Novel Pre Treatment Techniques for Extraction of Fermentable Sugars from
Natural Waste Materials for Bio Ethanol Production. Int J Environ Sci Nat Res. 2017; 7(3): 555713. DOI: 10.19080/IJESNR.2017.07.555713.

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