English Language Drills

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English Language Drills

5. Use a mechanical drill.

Understand the purpose of drills. There are a lot of good reasons for For students who can't understand the meaning due to the
using English language drills, including: lesson being complicated, make the lesson easier by
 To practice. expanding it.
 To fix a new structure in the mind of the students.
 To improve students' linguistic skills. 6. Practice a communications drill.
 How we can fix something in the mind of students? This a kind of drill that while you are teaching, you
communicate with student and students by using ideas.
Learn the types of drills that can be used when teaching English. Motivate the students to share their ideas and to discuss the
There are several types of drills (each is explained in the topic.
following steps):
1. Substitution Drill
2. Transformational Drill Past Present Future
3. Reputation Drill S + V2 + O
S + V1 + O S + will/shall + V + O
4. Chain Drill Simple I ate pizza
I eat pizza everyday I will eat pizza tomorrow
5. Mechanical Drill yesterday
S + was/were + Ving
6. Communication Drill S+ will /shall + be + Ving +O
+O S + am/is/are + Ving+ O
Continues I will be eating pizza when
I was eating pizza I am eating pizza now
1. The substitution drill. when you arrived.
you arrive
 Replace or change a new word, for example, Bob S+ had+V3+O S+ will/shall + Have +V3+O
teaches English. S+ Have/Has +V3+O
I had eaten all of I will have eaten all of the
Perfect I have eaten all of the
 In this replacement, type one or other words like my pizza when you pizza by the time you
Learns, Studies, etc. In this way, they will understand arrived. arrive.
the example easily. S+ Had been +Ving
S+ Have/has+ been S+ have been +Ving +O
Prefect +Ving +O I will have been eating
2. The transformational drill. Continues
I had been eating
I have been eating pizza for 2 hours when you
This is a kind of drill which transfers one idea to another. For pizza for 2 hours
pizza arrived.
when you arrived
example: He teaches, he taught, he will teach, he has taught,
he is teaching.

3. The reputation drill.

This is a kind of drill in which you practice pronunciation.

4. Practice the chain drill.

In this drill, we practice a series of dialogues.

For example:
 S.A: how are you?
 S.B: I am fine.

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