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Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini

Volume 13 Edisi 1 April 2019

Playing "CABE" (Searching and Whispering) to Increase Chil-

dren’s English Vocabulary

Venny Eria Ndraha1

Mozes Kuriawan2
PG-PAUD, FKIP, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21009/10.21009/JPUD.131.11
Accepted: 15th March 2019. Published: 30th April 2019

ABSTRACT: This study aims to increase children English vocabulary aged 5-6 years old by playing
CABE or searching and whispering. This research is classroom action research that was conducted
in Marsudirini Sang Timur Kindergarten, Salatiga. The Subjects of the study were 20 B1 kindergar-
ten children. Data was collected by teaching English vocabulary by playing CABE in some cycles
which includes four stages in the form of cycles, there are (1) planning; (2) implementation; (3)
observation; and (4) reflection. Research instruments used in this research was in sheets observation
checklist. The results of a percentage of pre-cycle was 13 %, cycle I was 31 % in first meeting and
was 66 % in the second meeting, cycle II was 75 % performed in only one meeting. There is an
improvement in pre-action and any action on each meeting until it reaches 75 %.
Keywords: Early childhood, English vocabulary, “CABE” method, Learning English

© 2019 Early Childhood Education Post Graduate Program UNJ, Jakarta

e-ISSN (Online Media): 2503-0566
P-ISSN (Print Media): 1693-1602

Corresponding Author:
Venny Eria Ndraha
PG-PAUD, FKIP, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga
Jln Dipenogoro No. 52-60, Salatiga, jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]

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The English language is the dominant language in almost every aspect of life that is very close to
early childhood (Musthafa, 2010), such as in toys labels, games, and gadgets operation. There are
several aspects of English; they are reading, writing, listening, speaking, and grammar. In devel-
opment, children have been equipped with the introduction of English. The way children learn
and how to teach them depends on the level of child development (Nugrahani et al., 2017;
Nurvitasari, 2016). The basic component of learning English is understanding vocabulary. Vo-
cabulary is the basis for writing, reading, listening and speaking. By mastering the vocabulary,
children will be able to develop the language they learn, including English.

The observations conducted at the Marsudirini Sang Timur Kindergarten in Salatiga English in
the B1 group aged 5-6 years showed children often experience difficulties in mastering English
vocabulary. For example, when a child asked about a land vehicle described earlier, which a train
in English is "train", but after being asked again, the child answers a "motorcycle". This is related
to the child's memory (Imam, 2016). They learn English not intensively, only once a week which
is every Thursday. Learning English is carried out during the learning process only in the core
part of learning so that the habitual use of English vocabulary (such as greetings or learning pray-
ers in English) is not done continuously or consistently at school. The learning process tends to
be monotonous, the lack of variation of learning method (only using the assignment method). In
addition, there is no evaluation for English so none can assume children’s iimprovements or in-
puts for the learning method that has been given by teacher to the child in the chase. Learning
activities is like cutting papers, matching images, sticking pictures, and writing words. When
teaching and learning proccess, communication between teacher and child during the learning
process less using English.

"CABE" or Cari Berbisik method is an alternative method of learning implementation to enrich

children English vocabulary. In this method of playing "CABE", children will learn about the
vocabulary and meanings of the English vocabulary. This game trains children in the ability to
hear, remember and express or speak.

Language in Early Childhood

Language in a Large Dictionary of Indonesian Language states that "language means a system of
sound symbols and arbitrary that used by members of a society to cooperate, interact and identify
themselves" (Bawono, 2017). Language can also be interpreted as a tool for human interaction to
convey messages or ideas that exist in the mind (Muflihah, 2019; Wiratno, T., & Santosa, 2003).
In line with that the development of the language of children aged 5-6 years is divided into three
parts, there are: understanding language, expressing language and literacy. From some of the
meanings above, we concluded that language is a symbol of feelings and thoughts to convey
meaning and purpose to others. Because language for early childhood is very important, each
child must be given the right language according to their development.

Language development in early childhood consists of speaking, listening, reading and writing as
well as language development in adults. In the early stages of language development children are
expected to be able to use language as a passive understanding of language and can communicate
effectively which is useful for thinking and learning well. Language development in children aged
4-6 years emphasizes the development of hearing, speaking, and early reading / reading early.
The development of children's language as explained by Vygotsky that children learn languages
from adults collaboratively, then internalized and consciously used as a means of thinking and

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control devices (Vygotsky, 1986). In addition, this was also stated by Lenneberg (in Yamin, 2010,
p. 137) that the development of the language of a child follows and is in accordance with the
timetable of his inexorable biological development. A child cannot be forced or triggered as much
as possible to be able to say something, if his biological ability has not possible to speak a word
yet. This biological growth will also appear in the physical construction of a child's mouth. When
a child is born, the physiology of his mouth is still very limited where the larynx is still high, his
tongue is relatively large, the area of motion in the mouth is very narrow, and his tongue still rests
on the back of his lips. According to Chomsky (in Yamin, 2010, p. 141) said that language acqui-
sition is natural and an ongoing instinctive process and runs constantly step by step by following
the genetic term in accordance with the principles and parameters contained in Universal gram-

Language ability is one of the areas of early childhood development that is prepared to improve
children's abilities and creativity according to their developmental stages. The development of
language skills aims to enable children to express their thoughts through simple language appro-
priately, to communicate effectively and generate interest in speaking. The field of developing
early childhood language includes the ability to listen, communicate verbally (speaking), have
vocabulary and recognize symbols that symbolize it in preparation for reading and writing early

The most sensitive period of language in a person's life is between the ages of two and seven
years. All kinds of aspects in language must be introduced to children before this sensitive period
ends. In this sensitive period, it is very important to introduce the good and correct language,
because this expertise is very useful for communicating with the environment (Montessori, 1991).
Based on this theory, it is appropriate for English to be introduced to children as early as possible.
Given that English is the first foreign language in Indonesia, the learning process must be done
in stages. The choice of material that is appropriate to the age of the child and also effective for
the cognitive development of the child's language and pleasant learning situations must be a major
concern in the success of a learning process.

On the other hand, it needs to be understood that an early age is the age of play. Every child is a
unique person and they need world of play to learn. The right approach needs to be created by an
educator so that the process of learning English is more interesting and enjoyable without leaving
the correct language rules. The approach used should be in line with the aim of introducing lan-
guage in general. The goal is children understand the ways of speaking that are good and right,
dare to express their ideas or opinions and can communicate with their environment.

The methods and techniques that are to be used should be selected and adjusted to the children
abilities. The professionalism of an educator in developing and utilizing these methods and tech-
niques is needed so that the learning process can run better. Teaching methods and processes in a
communicative context include the context of social situations, culture, games, songs, and music,
reading stories, artistic experiences, crafting and prioritizing physical movements is very suitable
and effective methods. Furthermore, music and motion are very successful methods in the process
of learning English, especially for early childhood (Matondang, 2005, p. 134). Essence music
(song) is the art of composing tones or sounds in sequence, combination, and temporal relation-
ship to produce compositions that have unity and continuity (containing rhythm). Various rhyth-
mic tones or sounds are also called songs. Music or song is a unity that cannot be separated and
can be used as a means in a learning process. Furthur more, movement (motion) comes from the

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basic word motion. ‘Motion’ has meaning as a transition place (activity) that is done after there
is encouragement (inner / feeling). Movement activities can arise after someone listens to a song.
Using music and movement as an approach in the process of learning English and presenting it in
an interesting and fun way in a process of teaching and learning activities help children to be
happier and more active in learning and make it easier for children to understand a teaching ma-
terial because in conducting learning activities children are invited to perform and demonstrate a
movement. Therefor, motion and song is an activity that is very pleasant for children and can also
be used as a motivation in the process of learning English in early childhood.

Movement is body language. Children express their feelings through movement activities after
listening to songs. Children have an active relationship in responding to singing through motion
and if the body can be described what is felt and understood by the child to music (singing). The
activity of the movement itself is needed for early childhood in training and developing their gross
motor skills. Singing for children is not only voices and songs, but at the same time brings the
contents and meanings of songs, and displays songs with motion such as free movement or dance

Learning English in Early Childhood

English has become an international language that is used in almost all areas of global life. English
has also become the world language that dominates the communication era to connect and transfer
knowledge throughout the world. This gives the assumption that mastery of English is a very
important requirement for today's modern society because mastery of English makes it easier for
someone to expand their association internationally. As Fromkin said, "English has been called"
the lingua franca of the world (Fromkin, V., Rodman, R. & N., 1990, p. 259). The position of
English in Indonesia is the first foreign language. This position is different from the second lan-
guage. Mustafa in this case states that a second language is a language learned by children after
their mother tongue with the characteristics of the language used in the surrounding community
environment (Mustafa, 2007). Whereas, foreign languages are another country's language that is
not used generally in social interactions. The position of English in Indonesia has resulted in the
rarely use of English in social interactions in the community so that English is a language that is
difficult to learn because English is a foreign language that is not used daily in people's lives in
Indonesia. In fact, mastering English is a very important skill in the current era of information
and communication. This greatly determines how we can interact globally. The current issue of
globalization requires quality human resources that are capable of communicating in various for-
eign languages, especially English as an international language. This foreign language expertise
is needed to master science, have broad associations and a good career. This made everyone from
all walks of life motivated to master English. The tendency of the community to master the foreign
language made them compete with each other to enter their children to learn English as one of the
skills developed. This is based on the assumption that children learn foreign languages faster than
adults (Santrock, n.d., p. 313). A study by Johnson and Newport, 1991 showed that immigrants
from China and Korea who started living in America at the age of 3 to 7 years had better English
skills than older children or adults(Santrock, n.d., p. 313). Another study that stated that the use
of mastering foreign languages was earlier, stated Mustafa, that children who master foreign lan-
guages have advantages in terms of intellectual flexibility, academic, language, and social skills.
In addition, children will have the readiness to enter a social context with a variety of languages
and cultures (Mustafa, 2007). So that when adults become children, they will become qualified
and capable human resources. Children's understanding and appreciation of language and culture

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itself would also develop if children learn foreign languages early (Mustafa, 2007). The reason is
that they will have greater access to foreign languages and cultures. However, teaching English
in Indonesia is different from teaching English as a second language in a country where English
is a medium of communication. In Indonesia, the position of English is the first foreign language
that must be taught in junior and senior high school while in elementary school is one of the local
content lessons which are actually not (or) not yet a compulsory subject. Although at this time
English has been tried as a foreign language as a subject or later as a "medium" in bilingual edu-
cation (Chamot, 1987). In fact, a bilingual learning program is currently being tested for mathe-
matics and natural science courses in 4th and 5th-grade elementary schools. The purpose of teach-
ing English includes all language competencies, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
English is also very different from the first language of children (Indonesian, Javanese, Sun-
danese, and other regional languages in Indonesia). This difference in linguistics is important to
understand so that learning can be justified. These differences include speech, spelling, language
structure, pressure and intonation, vocabulary, and the value of foreign language cultures. English
is also known as a careful language (tenses), careful numbers (singular-plural), and careful people
(feminine and masculine).

The study of (O’Grady, 2008) formulated 5 (five) basic characteristics of the way a child learns
English, as follows: (1) Children start learning their language by listening. The hearing is their
main strength in "gathering = finding or gathering material" in aspects of the language. For chil-
dren, language is sound that has functions and meanings. Interaction with the environment helps
him understand context and meaning; (2) Children learn languages very quickly. Only by hearing
one or two times, they can capture a reference to a sound for an object or meaning. Body language
and intonation of words is a huge help for children in understanding language. Similarly, even
though the child's strength in learning to speak is listening, a child cannot learn languages just by
listening to the radio. Children spell interaction with the environment to gather the knowledge
needed; (3) Children learn a language from its function, not its form. The child does not realize
how confused it is called grammar, although he will gradually learn it. In other words, children
can understand a complex set of sentences that are above a simple level, after which conclude the
core and purpose of the sentence; (4) Children do not need to be notified when making a mistake
in the use of language. This is because children can realize and correct it themselves and need
time in the process. Let the child explore the language knowledge themselves needed by the child
to correct mistakes. If parents want to help, it is enough to give the right example; (5) Children
imitate or imitate language to the people who are closest and most interact with them. That is
where the dialect is revealed to children. In foreign language learning, children imitate the pro-
nunciation of words, very well, when the source of the model recites the words properly. The
description above explains the main characteristic in the child's learning process is listening, im-
itating and experiencing.

The way children learn English and how to teach them depends on the level of child development
(Nurmadiah, 2018; Sophya, 2019; Zaini, 2015). The advantages of early childhood are one that
mimics, and children are often not aware of themselves and are usually ready to enjoy the activi-
ties prepared by the teacher. In providing English subject matter, it must be adjusted to the level
of child development. Material scope that can be given to early childhood, among others: 1) color
names; 2) one to ten numbers; 3) family; 4) animals; 5) fruits and vegetables; 6) parts of the body;
7) I am/You are; 8) There is/There are; 9) I like/I don't like; 10) simple classroom commands like
stand up, sit down, open your books etc. There are several methods in providing English language
teaching activities in the journal (Khairani, 2016; Nurjanah et al., 2015), among others: 1) games

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and songs with action/games and songs followed by body movements; 2) total physical response
activities followed by physical movements in full; 3) tasks that involves coloring, cutting and
sticking/tasks that involve coloring, cutting, and sticking; 4) simple repetitive stories; and 5) sim-
ple repetitive speaking activities that are repeated reset it. The method of teaching English that
has been described above is an activity that has communicative value which is packaged in three
phases called “3P” (presentation, practice, and productions) in language (Khairani, 2016;
Nurjanah et al., 2015) as follows: (1) Stage of material presentation (Presentation), namely The
teacher introduces several vocabulary words and there must be three things clearly, namely, what
they mean, when they are used, and what they say; (2) The practice stage (Practice) that the child
can listen, and speak by imitating and repeating. This activity can be done individually, in pairs,
in classical groups. Language practice can be done if the child already understands English that
is used; (3) Stage of disclosure/use (Production) that is a child can sing English songs or tell
English that has been learned to others. From the description above, it can be concluded that the
method or activity carried out can be given to children. The most important thing is to be able to
create a pleasant atmosphere that can be enjoyed by children so that children feel happy to learn
English in their daily lives.

Mastery of English Early Childhood Vocabulary

"Vocabulary is a collection of words that are owned by a language and give meaning if we use
the language"(Khairani, 2016; Nurjanah et al, 2015). Vocabulary is a set of words known to some-
one and owned by a language and gives meaning. From the description above, it can be concluded
that vocabulary is one of the central languages and is important in language learning. Without
sufficient vocab, one cannot communicate effectively in expressing ideas both verbally and in
writing. The benefits of learning vocabulary and characteristics of teaching materials (vocabulary)
for early childhood, as follows: (1) helping in conveying intent or communication; (2) the number
of vocabulary words directly related to fluent reading; (3) assessment of a person's intelligence
can be seen from the number of vocabulary possessed; and (4) supporting the development of
verbal and spatial abilities (space/place). Teaching materials given to early childhood have char-
acteristics, as follows: (1) simple grammar; (2) type and completeness of vocabulary need to be
given because there are almost no language lessons outside the classroom; (3) vocabulary is lim-
ited, so it needs to be accompanied by a picture; (4) students hardly hear English around it, so
repeated pronunciation exercises are needed; and (5) vocabulary used is not far away in daily life
and simple for communication (Tomlinson, 2012). One component that determines the mastery
of language skills is vocabulary. Using creative methods such as activities that use technology
that is close to the lives of children such as mobile phones can also build students' interest in
accessing teaching content (Kurniawan, M., & Tanone, 2016).

Method of Playing CABE

“Cari Berbisik” or searching and whishpering stands for the word CABE. Playing CABE is one
of the activities carried out by children, which involves the active role of children in learning to
train the development of their English vocabulary. In this game, a secret box will be provided
containing the vocabulary according to the current learning theme. The secret box contains a pic-
ture card in which there is a vocabulary so that it attracts and makes it easier for children to
remember vocabulary to be played through playing CABE. The application of the method of
playing CABE is to improve children's English vocabulary, as follows: (1) tools and materials
prepared are secret boxes and paper (cards) containing vocabulary in English; (2) summary of
secret boxes placed in front of the class show the box and the teacher explains how to play; (3)

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how to play, as follow: a. The teacher greets the children and tells a little or talks about anything
(this activity aims to arouse students' enthusiasm in order to attract children's interest and curios-
ity) b. The teacher explains the activities that will be carried out. c. The teacher prepares the media
(secret box) to be used. d. Children are divided into 4 (four) groups consisting of 5 (five) children
including the group leader. e. Each group will advance to the front of the class, according to the
group order. f. The group that came forward, its position was lined up like a train. g. Secret box
prepared by the teacher in front of the class, each group leader will search by putting his hand in
the box containing a lot of English vocabulary. h. Vocabulary obtained will be whispered to group
friends until their friends are the last. i. The child whose position is at the back will express vo-
cabulary, designate pictures and convey to his classmates the English vocabulary obtained and
the meaning conveyed into Indonesian. For example, “banana” means “pisang”.

Based on the searches carried out, the researchers found several research results related to the title
raised. based on data analysis, hypothesis which states that by "using message learning strategies
capable of improving children's English skills" this is proven and acceptable (Imam, 2016).

The method used is classroom action research. This research was conducted at TK Marsudirini
Sang Timur, Salatiga. The subjects in this study were 20 B1student aged 5-6 years old in in TK
Marsudirini Sang Timur kindergarten, Salatiga.

The purpose of this study was to increase the English vocabulary of children aged 5-6 years
through the method of playing CABE at Marsudirini Sang Timur Kindergarten Salatiga. This
classroom action research is carried out by following the steps of the research procedure (İlin, G.,
Kutlu, Ö., & Kutluay, 2013) which includes four stages in the form of cycles, there are (1) action
planning; (2) implementation of actions; (3) observation; and (4) reflection. Then for data collec-
tion techniques in this study in the form of observation and documentation.
Table 1. Aspects observed

No Aspects
1 Understanding language:
a. Communicate verbally, have the vocabulary, and recognize symbols for preparation for read-
ing, writing, and counting
b. Answer more complex question

2 Literacy
a. Mention known symbols’ letter
b. Understand the relationship between sound and letter form

Table 2. Research Instrument

Aspect Indicator Item

Express Communicate verbally, have the vocabulary, Children can recognize 1-2 English
language and recognize symbols for preparation for read- vocabulary
ing, writing, and counting
Children can recognize 3-5 English

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Children can recognize 6-8 English

Children can recognize 9-10 English


Answer more complex questions Children can mention 2 English vo-

Children can mention 3 English vo-
Children can mention 4 English vo-
Children can mention 5 English vo-
Literacy Mention symbols’ letter Children can mention the next 2 letters
of English vocabulary
Children can mention the first 3 letters
of English vocabulary
Children can mention the 4 front let-
ters of the English vocabulary
Children can mention the first 5 letters
of English vocabulary
Understand the relationship between sound and Children can recognize 1-2 sounds
letter form and letters in English vocabulary
Children can recognize 3-5 sounds
and letters in English vocabulary
Children can recognize 6-8 sounds
and letters in English vocabulary
Children can recognize 9-10 sounds
and letters in English vocabulary

The indicator of the success of the quality of the learning process is at least "good" with improving
student behavior (e.g. aspects of motivation, learning, interest in learning, student activity, col-
laboration, etc.) and indicators of the success of classical learning outcomes of at least 75% of the
number of students who reach the specified KKM. Data analysis of children was carried out in
several stages calculating the percentage increase in English vocabulary of children through play-
ing CABE in the following ways:

(1) Percentage of ability achievement

(score observations achieved) / (maximum score) x 100

(2) Maximum score = maximum score x number of items of observation (4x4=16); (3) The per-
centage results are filled in the tabulation table in the column (%); (4) Comparing the results of
the percentage of achievement in each child with the percentage of success in each specified cycle.
Achievement status is obtained from a comparison between the maximum score of each cycle and
the percentage of achievement of each child, with the following conditions: (1) S: Has reached, if
the percentage of achievement ≥ percentage of success, ( 2) B: Not reached if the percentage
results ≤ percentage of success.

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Classroom action research was conducted at Marsudirini Sang Timur Kindergarten in Salatiga,
located at Jl. Seruni 115 Salatiga. The location of the school is quite strategic, because it is close
to the community, right in front of the highway and adjacent to other schools, it is an elementary
school. St. Theresia Marsudirini 77. Marsudirini Sang Timur Kinddergarten has two B classes
namely B1 and B2. The study was conducted in B1 class consist of 20 children, 9 men and 11
women. Before carrying out this classroom action research, the author observed the teaching
learning proccess to determine the development of English vocabulary skills of children aged 5-
6 years old.

Pre-Action Data Description

Before conducting the research, the researcher did an observation twice and conducted English
learning to find out the mastery of English in children in group B1, on October 11, 2018. The
research was conducted with the opening of learning by inviting children to sing with the "baby
shark" movement. The songs are sung together twice because all children already know the song
and the movements. After singing a song, the researcher submitted several vocabulary words in
Indonesian to the children, for example, "grandma, grandfather, daddy, mama" and asked for their
English. Only five children can answer because the vocabulary is often heard by children. Vocab-
ulary submitted, can only be answered by 5 children from 20 children in group B1. The following
is a graph of the initial reflection results that are used as pre-cycle data. From the results of the
data, it is known that the child's ability to learn English language skills reaches 13%. From the
data above, it can be said that the status of achievement for 20 children has not been achieved
because it is still below 75%. Children did not focus on the process of learning English because
researchers have not used methods and teaching aids or learning media. The next step, researchers
need to discuss with the class teacher about the steps that need to be taken for further learning.
Based on the results of the discussion, the researcher made several plans to take the next steps to
improve the quality of English learning and increase English vocabulary. The researcher agreed
to implement the first cycle of the first meeting on October 18, 2018.
Table 3. Assessment of the Pre-Cycle of Children's English Vocabulary Capabilities

Pre Action
No Initial
Percentage of Achievement Achievement Status
1 Yo 75% S
2 Ag 25% B
3 Al 0% B
4 At 0% B
5 Ax 0% B
6 An 0% B
7 Be 0% B
8 Ne 62,5% B
9 Cl 62,5% B
10 Ib 37,5% B
11 Fi 0% B
12 Ze 0% B
13 Le 0% B
14 Ka 0% B
15 Ti 0% B
16 Ri 0% B
17 Be 0% B

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18 Ce 0% B
19 Fi 0% B
20 No 0% B
Average 13%

The results showed that the ability of children to learn English language skills reaches 13%. From
the data above, it can be said that the status of achievement for 20 children has not been achieved
because it is still below 75%.

Cycle I Actions

The stages in this study are planning, implementation, evaluation, and reflection. The action plan-
ning stage in the first cycle of the first meeting begins by making a learning plan. The researcher
created an activity that has been carried out as follows: (1) Prepare a Daily Learning Program
Plan (RPPH) which becomes a reference for writers in carrying out the teaching and learning
process or conducting research; (2) Preparing learning media that will be used to support the
learning process by playing CABE uses a secret box containing 10 vocabulary words, pictures of
fruits, and watching videos about fruit using a laptop. Learning is carried out in accordance with
the chosen theme; fruit names in English; (3) Compiling an observation sheet about the activities
of children's English vocabulary through playing CABE which contains aspects of assessment
includes children having vocabulary, answering questions that more complex, mentioning letter
symbols that are known to understand the relationship between sound and letter form; and (4)
Prepare a field note sheet that will be used to record each data or event that is not listed in the
observation sheet, so the writer can obtain data objectively. The first meeting of the first cycle
was held on Thursday, October 18, 2018, with a fruit theme. Before carrying out the game
"CABE", the author prepares all the tools and materials that will be used, to support the activity
of playing "CABE" in increasing children's English vocabulary.

The teacher explained and gave some vocabulary to be used in the game and prepared the media
(secret box) and the image. Children were divided into 4 groups, consisting of 5 children including
the group leader. Each group will advance to the front of the class, according to the group order.
The group that came forward make position was lined up like a train. Media that has been prepared
by the teacher in front of the class, each group leader will search by putting his hand in the box
containing 10 English vocabulary words to be taught. Vocabulary obtained, will be whispered to
his friend who is the most back. The child whose position is at the back, his job is to express
vocabulary, point to pictures and convey to his friends, the English vocabulary obtained and its
meaning in Indonesian.
In carrying out the game "CABE" researchers are involved as facilitators so that researchers can
control class conditions. The activity of playing "CABE" that has been done at the first and second
meetings has been obtained data related to the English vocabulary of children with category S
(already reached) and B (not yet reached). The results of English vocabulary skills in kindergarten
children B1 through playing "CABE" at Marsudirini Sang Timur Kindergarten Salatiga in the
first meeting are listed in the table below:

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Table 4. Results of Children with Percentage of Success of First Meeting Cycle I

Cycle I Actions
No Initial The first meeting
Percentage of Achievement Achievement Status
1 Yo 0% B
2 Ag 50% B
3 Al 43,75% B
4 At 25% B
5 Ax 18,75% B
6 An 43,75% B
7 Be 50% B
8 Ne 43,75% B
9 Cl 68,75% B
10 Ib 43,75% B
11 Fi 43,75% B
12 Ze 0% B
13 Le 43,75% B
14 Ka 37,5% B
15 Ti 25% B
16 Ri 25% B
17 Be 25% B
18 Ce 0% B
19 Fi 18,75% B
20 No 12,5% B
Average 31%
Based on the results of the first cycle of the first meeting of the percentage increase in children's
English vocabulary, from the data, on the learning process and increasing mastery of children's
English vocabulary, the results were 31%. From the table above shows that there has not been an
increase from each child, because it has not reached the achievement target of 75%.
The second meeting in the first cycle was held on Thursday, October 25, 2018. Before carrying
out the activities of playing CABE, the researchers first prepared all the tools and materials that
would be used to support the implementation of the activities of playing CABE. At the second
meeting of the first cycle, the media used was still using secret images and boxes. The media used
as a link for the implementation of the second CABE play, which still uses the same theme; fruit.
Results of English vocabulary skills in kindergarten children B1 through playing CABE in
Marsudirini Sang Timur Kindergarten Salatiga at the second meeting are listed in the table below:
Table 5. Results of Children with Percentage of Success of Meeting II Cycle I

Cycle I Actions
No Initial Second Meeting
Percentage of Achievement Achievement Status
1 Yo 75% S
2 Ag 75% S
3 Al 75% S
4 At 25% B
5 Ax 50% B
6 An 75% S
7 Be 43,75% B
8 Ne 100% S
9 Cl 100% S
10 Ib 100% S

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11 Fi 75% S
12 Ze 43,75% B
13 Le 75% S
14 Ka 50% B
15 Ti 100% S
16 Ri 75% S
17 Be 0% B
18 Ce 50% B
19 Fi 50% B
20 No 75% S
Average 66%

Based on the results of the second cycle of action in the second meeting, the percentage increase
in children's English vocabulary, from the data, the learning process and the increase in children's
English vocabulary mastery had an increase from the first cycle of the first meeting, resulting in
66% of the second meeting. The data above shows that there has not been an increase from each
child, because it has not reached the achievement target of 75%.
Reflection in this study is evaluation or assessment in learning in action in cycle I. Based on
observations and analysis in cycle I, there were several problems encountered in learning cycle I,
including the following: (1) Increased English vocabulary of children in one class not evenly
distributed, because there are still children who have higher ability scores and those with low
ability scores (2) There are vocabulary that is easy for children to remember and there is a
vocabulary that is difficult for children to remember (3) The media used is less varied, so the
child's curiosity less enthusiastic in playing CABE activities (4) While playing CABE there are
still children who tend to play together with friends, for example when each group leader comes
forward to take vocabulary, the other child goes to another group and interrupts friends in other
groups. The implementation of the first cycle of action is known that there are many shortcomings,
so it is necessary to improve actions so that there can be a significant increase in children's
vocabulary skills in English in the cycle II.

Cycle II Actions
The implementation of the action in cycle II was carried out in only one meeting and the
researcher prepared in advance the Daily Learning Program Plan (RPPH) as a reference in
carrying out the teaching-learning process or activities of children's English vocabulary skills
through the method of playing "CABE". The researcher also carried out other activities at the
stage of the implementation of the second cycle of action, namely planning improvements to some
of the problems encountered during the implementation of the cycle I actions. The stages in this
action research are the stages of planning, implementation, evaluation,and reflection.
Improvements were made in this second cycle, including researchers trying to make a new rule
in playing the game "CABE", maximizing action that is more interacting with children, giving
motivation and enthusiasm or strengthening, spurring the spirit and attention of children,
researchers also change a media interesting in supporting the game "CABE" by changing the
appearance of the outer box and the image that will be used.
The results of the English vocabulary skills of children aged 5-6 years in group B1 through the
method of playing "CABE" in the second cycle meeting are listed in the table below:

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Table 6. Results of Children with Percentage of Success in Cycle II

Cycle II Actions
No Initial
Percentage of Achievement Achievement Status
1 Yo 93,75% S
2 Ag 100% S
3 Al 93,75% S
4 At 75% S
5 Ax 75% S
6 An 93,75% S
7 Be 0% B
8 Ne 100% S
9 Cl 100% S
10 Ib 100% S
11 Fi 75% S
12 Ze 56,25% B
13 Le 93,75% S
14 Ka 93,75% S
15 Ti 75% S
16 Ri 68,75% B
17 Be 0% B
18 Ce 56,25% B
19 Fi 50% B
20 No 100% S
Average 75%

Based on the data above, the results of the assessment in the second cycle action children reached
75%. This proved that in this study it was stated that it succeeded in increasing children's English
vocabulary because it was able to reach the achievement target of 75%. From the results of this
study, it can be concluded that the English vocabulary abilities of children aged 5-6 years old in
Marsudirini Sang Timur Kindergarten can be increased through the method of playing CABE.
The results of the evaluation of all activities about increasing the English vocabulary of children
aged 5-6 years old in group B1 through the method of playing CABE have had very satisfying
results which is 75%. All children participated in CABE playing activities very well, enthusiasti-
cally and enthusiastically from beginning to end. When the improvements made in cycle II can
be seen that the improvement of children's English vocabulary skills through the method of play-
ing CABE has increased very significantly and has reached the level of success expected and
determined, which is increase from 66% to 75%. The results of observations on the action of cycle
II, about increasing the English vocabulary skills of children aged 5-6 years in group B1 through
the method of playing CABE have shown that the results of children who entered the criteria have
reached 75%, so the activity of increasing English vocabulary skills children through the method
of playing CABE are stopped. In line with research (Kurniawan & Tanone, 2016), vocabulary
learning is important learning to develop children's language skills. Especially in introducing vo-
cabulary, there are various methods that are suitable for the purpose of attracting the attention of
students to engage with various methods and media to support them by playing CABE.

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The results show that the method of playing CABE increase the English vocabulary of children
aged 5-6 years old in Marsudirini Sang Timur Kindergarten Salatiga. This method is applied by
searching, whispering and expressing the English vocabulary and its meaning in Indonesian. The
average percentage increase in English vocabulary from pre-cycle to cycle II. Before the action
obtained, the results show 13%. The first cycle of the first meeting 31%, the second cycle of the
second meeting 66%, and the second cycle reached 75 %.


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