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[Sultana, 2(4): April, 2013] ISSN: 2277-9655


A Case Study on Implementing ITIL in Business Organization – Considering
Business Benefits with ROI
Naznin Sultana
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, City University
University, 40 Kamal Ataturk Avenue, Bulu
Ocean Tower, Banani, Dhaka, Bangladesh
[email protected]
This report presents a case study that leads to an analysis of IT strategy in telecommunication sector of
Bangladesh for a case company. The case company is banglalink (BL), the one of the leading telecommunication
service operator in Bangladesh, with over twenty
six million mobile subscribers. banglalink’s nature of business
b is
highly technology dependent. Its entire operation is directly or indirectly dependent on technology. So a consistent
IT framework can ensure that IT investments would drive business areas to meet their goals. However, no IT
framework was found adopted
dopted during my survey period in banglalink. The report includes the results found from
both the interview and the survey conducted to collect the necessary data for a deeper analysis. The analysis is done
using several well known methods and frameworks. Finally ITIL has been suggested as the possible IT framework
which can be implemented throughout the organization. Adoption of a structured IT framework would enable the
organization to perform its business in an orderly and effective manner benefiting th
thee customers and, in the process,
aid in its own competitiveness and growth.

Keywords:: ITIL, ITSM, ROI , SLA, SLR

Information Technology Infrastructure organizations are becoming increasingly dependent
Library. A standard non-proprietary
proprietary approach for on IT in order to satisfy
atisfy their corporate aims and
managing IT that helps make business sense of tools, meet their business needs. ITIL is a cohesive best
standards, and processes. A framework to best practice framework, drawn from the public and
practices to manage ITSM (IT Service Management). private sectors internationally. It describes the
Areas of focus includes
des service delivery and service organization of IT resources to deliver business
support. Recently some features like Security and value, and documents processes, es, functions and roles
Risk Management, Infrastructure Management, in ITSM. ITIL is to be adopted and built upon by an
Application Management are added. This is a organization as per its purposes and needs. ITIL is
framework that align IT services with current and supported by a comprehensive qualifications scheme,
future needs of business and customers ers as well as accredited training organizations, and implementation
improve quality of IT services delivered. The main and assessment tools. In today's competitive market,
benefit of implementing ITIL is that of reducing the being ITIL complaint is a definitive edge over the
long-term cost of service provisioning. competitors.
Information Technology Infrastructure
Brief Overview of Relation ITIL with Library (ITIL) is a series of books that are used to aid
Business the implementation of a framework for IT Service
The Information Technology Infrastructure Management (ITSM). Being a framework, it is
Library is a set of concepts and policies for managing completely customizable for application within any
information technology (IT) infrastructure, type of business or organization that has a reliance on
development and operations. ITIL is the most widely IT infrastructure. The ITIL originated as a collection
accepted approach to IT Service Management in the of books each covering a specific practice within
world. It promotes
motes a quality approach to achieving ITSM. ITIL books are developed by Office of
business effectiveness, economy and efficiency in the Government Commerce, U.K. (OGC). It is the
use of information systems. The ethos behind the world's de-facto
facto standard best practice framework for
development of ITIL is the recognition that ITSM. OGC also has qualification certification
program for ITIL followers.

http: // www.ijesrt.com (C) International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology[918-924]
[Sultana, 2(4): April, 2013] ISSN: 2277-9655

ITIL is cornerstone of good quality ITSM value and the treatment of services as business assets.
and a necessity for quality assurance. It provides a ITIL describes the life of a service from conception
systematic, process-based approach, supported by to retirement, within a Service Portfolio detailing
procedures for key IT service management processes. aspects of planning and development as well as
ITIL is Technology independent. ITIL gives a objects, specification, description and requirements
detailed description of a number of important IT of the services in use or being offered for use through
practices with comprehensive checklists, tasks and means of the processes. Each process has a home in
procedures that can be tailored to any IT the lifecycle stage book where it is most active. The
organization. lifecycle approach gives an improved, holistic
The ITIL series consists of several books structure within which to describe all the functions,
providing guidance on the planning, delivery and processes, roles and responsibilities that constitute
management of quality IT services to support ITSM Best Practice.
business needs comprising issues pertaining to The two basic requirements of ITSM are:
Service Support, Service Delivery, IT Infrastructure (a) Service Delivery: ITIL's Service Delivery
Management, Application Management, Business component includes tactical processes necessary for
Perspective, Security Management. ITIL has clear planning and delivering quality IT services, which is
definition of various terms used in ITSM in a concise defined in SLA. Service Delivery best practices
yet comprehensive manner. address Availability Management, Capacity
ITIL provides a comprehensive set of Management, Service Level Management, Service
guidance to link the technical implementation, Continuity Management (contingency planning) and
operations guidelines and requirements with the Financial Management for IT Services.
strategic management, operations management and (b) Service Support: ITIL's Service Support
financial management of a modern business. Among component focuses on the operational processes that
the benefits associated with adopting the ITIL which enable companies to provide IT Support and
have been identified by the users are improved maintenance activities on a day-to-day, around-the-
customer satisfaction with IT services, better clock basis. SeService Support Dicipline includes
communications and information flows between IT Service Support Service Support disciplines include
staff and customers, better management control over Change Management, Configuration Management,
ITSM and reduced costs in developing and Problem Management, Incident Management and
implementing procedures and practices within an Release Management (including software and
enterprise. ITIL improves the performance of hardware control and distribution). This includes
processes which are being followed in an service desk facility as single point of contact and
organization leading to high quality output. disaster recovery mechanism. The objective is to
It goes into great detail regarding the minimize disruption to the business by proactive
process, implementation and the content of the key identification and analysis of the cause of service
deliverable of the Service Level Agreement (SLA) incidents and by managing problems to closure.
and Service Level Requirements (SLRs). Organizations have significantly cut costs,
ITIL contains tried and tested processes. It have improved processing time and have enhanced
has a quick-start approach to help in making the best their overall service provisions. Since IT is what
use of time and resources available and see quick drives business today, service provision to customers
results. It led to improved productivity of the has a major bearing on the interests of CIOs. The
organization itself and also of delivery of third party accurate measurement of service provides them with
services through the specification of ITIL. The well strategic information for decision making in their
defined ITIL processes also minimizes duplication of quest for return on investment and the alignment of
efforts, dropped hand-offs and unapproved work. IT with the business.
Additionally, individuals gain a better understanding From small organizations to multinational
of roles and responsibilities and how they each enterprises and anything in between, this best
contribute to the success of IT and the business. It practice framework has helped many improve
separates administrative tasks and technical tasks to efficiencies and bottom line figures, putting IT back
help in assigning the most appropriate resources. In in business.
short, ITIL improves efficiency, effectiveness and
economy of the ITSM. Objective
ITIL describes the management of IT The main goal of this case study is to
Services in the context of the lifecycle of those research on the case company and do some statistical
services. The focus of ITIL today is integration of IT analysis on a single unit of IT infrastructure i.e. IT
into the business, assuring the delivery of business Helpdesk unit and measure both quantitative and

http: // www.ijesrt.com (C) International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology[918-924]
[Sultana, 2(4): April, 2013] ISSN: 2277-9655

qualitative way for the betterment of the service Analysis of Usage of ITIL Service
support by reducing cost but yet providing optimal Management Processes
services. Aligning IT with business goals and service ITIL service management process comprises
objectives by focusing ITIL which separates of two core service sets: Service Support and Service
administrative tasks and technical tasks to help in Delivery. These two core sets are made up of 10
assigning the most appropriate resources. disciplines listed below in Table 1:

In order to accomplish the aforementioned
goal, following sequential methods have been used:
• Collection of information about overall situation,
its impact and consequence in
telecommunication sector in Bangladesh from
secondary and unpublished sources, media,
internet , articles, papers or the like.
• Study and review existing services provided by
the case company and identifying proposed
services(ITIL) as the best practices which can led Table 1: ITIL service management process with
to improved productivity of the organization
itself and also of delivery of third party services Considering the above discussion on ITIL
through the specification of ITIL. As the well service management process below framework in Fig
defined ITIL processes minimizes duplication of 2, with any third party vendor who implement ITIL
efforts, dropped hand-offs and unapproved work. can be adopted by BL to implement ITIL in their
Additionally, individuals gain a better organization.
understanding of roles and responsibilities and
how they each contribute to the success of IT and
the business.
• Interviewing experts from IT infrastructure and
as well as Technical and Service support
department of the case company.
• Design of a set of related components to provide
these services.
• This case study was conducted for BL by
considering the IT Auditor’s feedback and
Figure 2: Sample ITIL implementation team structure
In Fig 2. there should be two project
Benefits Achieved by Implementing ITIL manager , one from BL and another from third party
Ultimately IT Service Management is about vendor. From vendor side there should be
maximizing the ability of IT to provide services that implementation team, trainer and consultants who
are cost-effective and meet the expectations and will report project manager of vendor side. On BL
needs of the business. side the implementation team member will be from
different IT units. They will report to project manager
during ITIL implementation stage. Both manager of
two sides will work together and follow up the
procedure jointly.
So if the case company wants to go for ITIL
practice they should form a team with specific roles
and responsibilities given in Table 2.

Figure 1: Major benefits of ITIL

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[Sultana, 2(4): April, 2013] ISSN: 2277-9655

6. ITIL processes & definition &

Implementation & Training. Ex: SM, IS,
7. ITIL processes & definition &
Implementation & Training. Ex: SE, SS,SIP
8. ISO 20000 Audit.
For the proposed three phases discussed
above the case company has collected budgetary
quotation from local vendor company which is given
Table 2: Proposed Team Structure with Role & in the Table 3.

Typical ITIL Implementation Approach for

To implement ITIL for the case company it
will be convenient if they implement it in three
different phases according to the suggestion of ITIL
consultant as the case company is not using ITIL
right now. This is shown in Fig. 3. The description of
three different phases are :
Phase 1: This phase focused on awareness Table 3: Budgetary quotation from local vendor
training for decision makers as well as different
project teams. ROI (Return on Investment)
Phase 2: It focused on real implementation, From the budgetary quotation presented in
efforts required considering ITIL framework. Table 3, it is found that the case company requires
Phase 3: It deals with obtaining ITIL USD 137K to implement it. So for getting optimum
certification for the case company through ISO 2000 Return Of Investment, I took several interview with
audit team. Helpdesk unit General Manager and some other
helpdesk executives to collect business data for my
study purpose.
Based on the gathered information the
following calculations are made:
• Average monthly salary of Help Desk executive
is $600/month.
• Average cost per employee $7 per hour.
The example, shown in Table.4 the
following assumption are also made based on one
year data from Helpdesk Trouble Ticketing
Fig 3: Proposed implementation plan System(TTS is a SW by which the case
company provides IT support to users through this
The total plan is divided into eight different workflow management software. User raised problem
sections which is shown in Fig.3, should be ticket through this software and their support agents
implemented in sequential order in three different resolve problem through built-in workflow, so that
phases. The eight different sections are: they can quantify how many tickets per month, per
1. Program Planning & Kickoff. day, per year resolved through how many agents and
2. Baseline Assessment & Gap Analysis. which SLA time).
3. Action Planning & Project Scheduling. Table 4 also provides ticket information of one year
4. ITIL processes & definition & and from that table the following information is
Implementation & Training. Ex: Request found.
Fulfillment, Access, Problem, Incident & • Average total number of helpdesk Tickets is
Effort Management. 12,000 per year.
5. ITIL processes & definition & • Average Downtime related incident Tickets is
Implementation & Training. Ex: KM, SWT, 1080 per Year (9% of total tickets).

http: // www.ijesrt.com (C) International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology[918-924]
[Sultana, 2(4): April, 2013] ISSN: 2277-9655

• Average Recurrent related incident tickets is Limitations

1080 per Year (9% of total tickets). In absence of proper IT framework, it may
• Average Configuration related incident tickets not be ensured that banglalink’s information and
is 2880 per Year (24% of total tickets). related technology supports its business objectives,
• Average other tickets is 7000 per year (58% of its resources are used properly and its risks are
total tickets). managed appropriately.
• ITIL has been proposed to implement on IT
helpdesk unit based on one year data of trouble
ticketing system but its pros and cons would
only be projected when it is deployed.
• Another limitation is that in the absence of
adequate data due to the confidentiality of the
case company the result obtained is not the
optimum one.

Implementing ITIL is not a quick fix nor
will it be easy to implement. It takes a lot of thought,
commitment and hard work to successfully change
the way the IT organization does business. There
needs to be upfront planning, training and awareness,
ongoing scheduling, roles created, ownership
assigned, and activities identified in order to be
successful. Implementation and credentialing the
ITIL in ITSM requires knowledge and training. ITIL
is intended to be non-prescriptive, expecting that
organizations will have to engage ITIL processes
with their existing overall process model.
Even with a successful service operation in
place, there is still a need to consider improvements
at every opportunity. This will help protect against
losing competitive edge and will ensure that the best
possible outcomes are being achieved. Continual
Table 4: Counting and measuring tickets from TTS Service Improvement focuses on the process
software elements involved in identifying and introducing a
cycle of service management improvements.
Using the information given on Table 4, I
just tried to find out best ROI, worst ROI and average This survey provides approximate benefit
ROI scenario on four different ITIL processes(i.e. that can be achieved but true outcome is not
configuration management, incident management, quantifiable until or unless any company do proper
problem management & capacity management) practice of it. The real benefit is vast than that is
which is given in Table 5. estimated in my paperwork.
From the analytical data in Table 5, it is
clear that if the case company will use ITIL only on
their Helpdesk unit they can return their investment
within 3year 5 months in best case scenario, 4 year
10 months for worst case scenario and 3 year 7
months for average case scenario. This case study is
done only on a single unit (IT Helpdesk) of the
company. But ITIL can be implemented on entire IT
department even for whole company. In that case
ROI can be achieved more quickly and will get more

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[Sultana, 2(4): April, 2013] ISSN: 2277-9655

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