Effluent Treatment Plant of Sugar Waste

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© 2015 IJSRST | Volume 1 | Issue 5 | Print ISSN: 2395-6011 | Online ISSN: 2395-602X

Themed Section: Science and Technology

Effluent Treatment Plant of Sugar Wastewater – A Review

Sanket D Awasare*, Harshavardhan U Bhosale, Nita P Chavan
M. Tech Student (Envi Sci & Tech), Department of Technology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India


Sugar Industry is also called sugar cane mill. The production of sugar from which is carried out. As we known the
cane is cash crop. So the sugar industry is the major industry which takes part in the growth of the country. Sugar
industry is one of the major industries which have been included in the polluting industries. Sugar industry
wastewater has a high degree of pollution parameters. Present report thus gives the different parameter studies such
as pH, BOD, COD, etc. also the study of the sugar industry Bidri – Shri Dudhganga-Vedganga Sahakari Sakhar
Karkhana Ltd. The parameters permissible limits which are prescribed by the board are also studied.
Keywords: Sugar Industry, cash crop, pollution parameters, BOD, COD.

I. INTRODUCTION only creates problem but also wastes the water resource
. In this aspect the present study pointed out the
Water is an essential part of all living organisms. In this pollutants concentration in the sugar industry effluent.
connection water plays a most valuable and important Once determine the concentration of pollutants in the
role in the natural cycle. Among the whole water effluents, the wastewater treatment system can also be
availability, only 3% fresh water is available on the earth. modified as per the modern technology to remove the
In the available fresh water sources, entries of pollutants maximum concentration of pollutants in the wastewater
have been significantly increased from industries and .
domestic/anthropogenic activities. In this scenario the
conservation strategies plays an important role in the In countries like Cuba, Jamaica and India the sugar is
conservation of fresh water bodies as well as water produced from sugar cane, while in other many places
quality. Huge quantity of fresh water will be consumed beetroots are used as the raw material for sugar
for the production process which will be held in the production. A large volume of waste of organic nature is
industry. In the mean while the amount of consumption produced during the period of production and normally
of fresh water is equal to the amount of discharge of they are discharged onto land or into the nearby water
wastewater as effluent [5]. Rapid urbanization and course, usually small streams, practically without
industrialization in the developing countries like India pretreatment. Condition becomes worse as the stream
are facing severe problems in collection, treatment and flow reaches a very low level and eventually when
disposal of effluents. Unmanaged organic waste enough dilution water is not available during the period
fractions from industries, municipalities and agricultural of operation. Putrefaction of polluted stream water
sector decompose in the environment resulting in large caused by heave discharge of organic waste, resulting in
scale contamination of land, water and air. This is the odors nuisance near the sugar industry is a very
leading to serious public health problems and common phenomenon. In fact, all the concerned bodies,
environmental degradation. Unfortunately, due to the both sugar industry and pollution control agencies are
lack of knowledge, financial support and sometimes aware of these problems and are trying to find an
unwillingness to spend on treatment of wastewater, most economical means to stop the nuisance created by the
of sugar industries in developing countries discharge sugar industry effluent .
their wastewater without adequate treatment. This not

IJSRST151522 | Received: 02 December 2015 | Accepted: 09 December 2015 | November-December 2015 [(1)5: 102-107]
II. METHODS AND MATERIAL though small in volume, contains high BOD and
suspended solids. Additional waste originates due to the
A. Sugar Industry leakages and spillages of juices, syrups and molasses in
different sections, and also due to the handling of
2.1 Manufacturing of sugar molasses. The periodical washing of the floor also
contributes a great lot of the pollution load. Though
Sugar cane is normally harvested manually in India. The these wastes are small in volume and are discharged
sugar canes are cut into pieces and crushed in a series of intermittently, they have got a very high BOD [1].
rollers to extract the juice in the mill house. The milk of
lime is then added to juice and heated, when all the 2.3 Effect of waste on receiving water
colloidal and suspended impurities are coagulated; much
of the color is also removed during this lime treatment. The fresh effluent from the sugar industry decomposes
The coagulated juice is then clarified to remove the rapidly after few hours of stagnation. It has been found
sludge. The sludge is further filtered through filter that it causes considerable difficulties when their
presses and then disposed of as solid waste. The clarified effluent gets an access to the water courses, particularly
juice is then preheated and concentrated in evaporators the small and non-perennial streams in rural areas. The
and vacuum pans. The partially crystalized syrup from rapid depletion of oxygen due to biological oxidation
the vacuum pan known as ―massecuite‖ is then followed by anaerobic stabilization of the waste causes a
transferred to the crystallizers, where complete secondary pollution of offensive odors, black color, and
crystallization of sugar occurs. The messecuite is then fish mortality. No question of the discharge of this waste
centrifuged to separate the sugar crystals from the into sewers is arises, as most of the sugar industries are
mother liquor. The spent liquor is discarded as ―Black situated in the un-sewered rural areas [1].
Strap Molasses‖. The sugar is then dried and bagged for
transport. The fibrous residue of the mill house is known 3. Company Profile
as ―bagasse‖, which may be burned in the boilers or may
be used as raw-materials for the production of paper Shri Dudganga-Vedganga Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana
products, or may be used for generation of electricity. A Ltd., Bidri, Dist. Kolhapur was established on 10th
flow diagram of the process of manufacturing in a October 1956 under the Bombay CO-operative Societies
typical sugar industry is given in Figure 1 [1]. Act, 1925. The details are show below in Figure 2.

Figure 1: Flow Diagram for Sugar Manufacturing Process

2.2 Sources of wastewater

Waste from mill house includes the water used as

splashes to extract maximum amount of juice, and those
used to cool the roller bearings. As such the mill house
waste contains high BOD due to the presence of sugar Figure 2 : Certificate of Registration.
and the machineries. The filter cloth used to filter the
juice need cleaning. The wash water thus used produced

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (www.ijsrst.com) 103

Table 1: General Information of Industry
1. Name and location of Shri. Dudhganga
industry Vedganga SSK
Ltd. Bidri
(Mouninagar) Tal.
Kagal, Dist.
2. Site location The river
Dudhganga is at
2.2 km from site.
3. Total plot area 177 acres
4. Built-up area 15 acres
5. Area available for the use of 36 hectors Figure 4: Process Flow Chart for the Sugar Manufacturing
treated sewage / trade Process of Industry.
effluent for gardening
3.2 Water budget
6. List of products / Sugar – 600-650
byproducts manufactured M.T./day Daily requirement of water is given in the table below.
Molasses – 5400- Table 2: Water Budget
6000 M.T./M
Bagasse – 36000 For Sugar & Co-generation
M.T./M Cooling
Pressmud – 5400 Process
bearing, Was
M.T./M Imbibition
hot hing Labo
Electricity – 20 liquid,
water, In
rator Domestic
M.W./hr. Oliver & er
pumps Clea y
7. List of raw materials and Sugar cane – 5000 glands, ning
process chemicals with M.T./day Spray
annual consumption Bagasse – 45 TPH pond
Coal – 13.48 TPH Effluent Effluent
Effl Efflu Efflu
uent ent ent
Efflient is
treated in
3.1 Process well-
Total effluent is treated in the State-of-the
art ETP & treated effluent is used for
Figure 3 shows the process flow for manufacturing of septic tanks
irrigation purpose.
sugar in Dudhganga Vedganga SSK Ltd. by soak

3.3 Co-generation Project

In year 2014-15, a total of 76519808 units of electricity

are produced from the co-generation unit of the industry.
Among the produced electricity 15495423 units of
electricity and for co-generation unit 6578560 units of
electricity is utilized by the industry itself. The
remaining 54445825 units of electricity is being
Figure 3: Process Flow Diagram for the Sugar exported to electricity board, from which a total of Rs.
Manufacturing Process of Industry. 330427000/- is the profit to the industry from the co-
generation project which is situated within the industry
Figure 4 shows the flow chart of manufacturing of sugar premises.
in Dudhganga Vedganga SSK Ltd.

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (www.ijsrst.com) 104

5. Suspended Solids 100
6. COD 250
Effluent Treatment Plant 7. Chloride 600
Total Dissolved
The consumption of large volumes of water and the 8. 2100
generation of organic compounds as liquid effluents are
major environmental problems in sugarcane processing
The flow diagram of the ETP is shown in the diagram
industry. The inadequate and indiscriminate disposal of
below (Figure 5).
this effluent in soils and water bodies has received much
attention since decades ago, due to environmental
problems associated to this practice. The sugar cane
industry is among those industries with the largest water
demands and, in addition, is an important source of non-
toxic organic pollution combined with the fact that India
it is second largest producer and largest consumer makes
it all the more important [7].

Like any other industries, the pollution load in sugar

mills can also be reduced with a better water and
material economy practiced in the plant. Judicious use of
Figure 5: Process Flow Diagram of ETP of Industry.
water in various plant practices, and its recycle,
wherever practicable, will reduce the volume of waste to
A. Screen chamber cum oil & grease tank
a great extent [1].

The screen chamber (Bar Screen) is used to remove the

The operation of the ETP is such that it will give an
large floating objects. The untreated effluent may
effluent of such standard, prescribed by the Maharashtra
contain large floating solids, paper etc. The screening
Pollution Control Board (MPCB). The following
chamber prevents these materials from choking pipe
prescribed standard by the board or under EP Act, 1986.
system and clogging the pumps, impellers and aberration
to equipments.in this chamber, all these materials are
Dudhganga Vedganga SSK has provided an ETP. The
removes by bar screen which are 10 mm wide and 50
units of the ETP are:
mm deep, arranged with spacing of 20 mm between 2
1) Screen Chamber cum Oil & Grease tank
adjacent bars. For removal of trapped matter frequent
2) Equalization Tank
cleaning activities is carried out. Oil & grease chamber
3) Mixing Tank
works for the removal of oil & grease from the influent
4) Aeration Tank with aerator
which may cause damage to pumping unit, hazard to
5) Clarifier
biological treatments. The combination of the bar screen
6) Sludge Drying Bed.
and oil and grease chamber is provided in the ETP as
shown in the Figure.
Table 3: Norms for Sugar Industry

B. Equalization Tank
Sr. Standards Prescribed
No. by Board
Equalization basins may be used for temporary storage
Limiting concentration
of diurnal or wet-weather flow peaks. Basins provide a
in mg/l, except for pH
place to temporarily hold incoming sewage during plant
1. pH 5.5-9.0
maintenance and a means of diluting and distributing
2. Oil & Grease 10
batch discharges of toxic or high-strength waste which
3. BOD (3 days 270C) 100 might otherwise inhibit biological secondary treatment

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (www.ijsrst.com) 105

(including portable toilet waste, vehicle holding tanks, IV. CONCLUSION
and septic tank pumpers). Flow equalization basins
require variable discharge control, typically include The study concerned with the ETP for sugar industry. It
provisions for bypass and cleaning, and may also can be concluded that, the overall performance of the
include aerators. Cleaning may be easier if the basin is effluent treatment plant was satisfactory. The individual
downstream of screening and grit removal. units are also performing well and their removal
efficiencies are satisfactory. The treated effluent meets
C. Mixing Tank the MPCB standard for discharge in inland surface water
hence it can be said that the plant is working efficiently.
Mixing tanks are generally provided for through mixing This treatment plant is high potential for, reduction for
of the influent which if held in the equalization tank. pH, Temperature, TDS, and COD. The treated
The mixing is carried out with the help of mechanical wastewater at outlet of ETP is given to the garden area
stirrers. of the industry. The details of the same are given in the
table below.
D. Aeration Tank with aerators
Table 8: List of Trees Planted in the Industrial Premises
Aeration is the process by which air is circulated
through, mixed with or dissolved in a liquid or substance.
Hence aeration tank are provided to aerate the Sr.
Type of Tree Planted No. of Trees
wastewater by the biological treatment of the waste can No.
be carried with greater efficiency. 1. Rain tree 289
2. Gulmohar 185
E. Clarifier 3. Nilgiri 500
4. Saagvan 600
Clarifiers are settling tanks built with mechanical means 5. Pleta forum 35
for continuous removal of solids being deposited by 6. Glyricidia 349
sedimentation. A clarifier is generally used to remove 7. Ulta ashok 200
solid particulates or suspended solids from liquid for 8. Spathodia 4
clarification and (or) thickening. Concentrated 9. Umber 5
impurities, discharged from the bottom of the tank are 10. Jambhul 83
known as sludge, while the particles that float to the 11. Bhendi 5
surface of the liquid are called scum. 12. Silver oak 80
13. Jacaranda 46
14. Coconut 900
15. Chikku 80
F. Sludge Drying Bed
16. Mango 112
17. Supari 12
The sludge drying beds are used for dewater the settled
18. Fanas 20
sludge. The excess sludge from the clarifier is
19. Limbu 35
discharged to sludge drying beds at intervals so that the
20. Kadhipatta 25
concentration of MLSS is maintained in aeration tank.
21. Peru 79
These are the sand beds of 250 mm of sand over about
22. Aawala 9
equally thick well-graded gravel layer, underlain by
23. Bottle brush 12
perforated drainage lines spaced 2.5 to 6 m apart. The
24. Bottle palm 53
bed should slope towards the discharge end at rate of 1
25. Chinch 9
in 200.
26. Kavati chapha 1
27. Pivala chapha 4
28. Badam 1
29. Hirava chapha 2

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (www.ijsrst.com) 106

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