Effluent Treatment Plant of Sugar Waste
Effluent Treatment Plant of Sugar Waste
Effluent Treatment Plant of Sugar Waste
Sugar Industry is also called sugar cane mill. The production of sugar from which is carried out. As we known the
cane is cash crop. So the sugar industry is the major industry which takes part in the growth of the country. Sugar
industry is one of the major industries which have been included in the polluting industries. Sugar industry
wastewater has a high degree of pollution parameters. Present report thus gives the different parameter studies such
as pH, BOD, COD, etc. also the study of the sugar industry Bidri – Shri Dudhganga-Vedganga Sahakari Sakhar
Karkhana Ltd. The parameters permissible limits which are prescribed by the board are also studied.
Keywords: Sugar Industry, cash crop, pollution parameters, BOD, COD.
I. INTRODUCTION only creates problem but also wastes the water resource
. In this aspect the present study pointed out the
Water is an essential part of all living organisms. In this pollutants concentration in the sugar industry effluent.
connection water plays a most valuable and important Once determine the concentration of pollutants in the
role in the natural cycle. Among the whole water effluents, the wastewater treatment system can also be
availability, only 3% fresh water is available on the earth. modified as per the modern technology to remove the
In the available fresh water sources, entries of pollutants maximum concentration of pollutants in the wastewater
have been significantly increased from industries and .
domestic/anthropogenic activities. In this scenario the
conservation strategies plays an important role in the In countries like Cuba, Jamaica and India the sugar is
conservation of fresh water bodies as well as water produced from sugar cane, while in other many places
quality. Huge quantity of fresh water will be consumed beetroots are used as the raw material for sugar
for the production process which will be held in the production. A large volume of waste of organic nature is
industry. In the mean while the amount of consumption produced during the period of production and normally
of fresh water is equal to the amount of discharge of they are discharged onto land or into the nearby water
wastewater as effluent [5]. Rapid urbanization and course, usually small streams, practically without
industrialization in the developing countries like India pretreatment. Condition becomes worse as the stream
are facing severe problems in collection, treatment and flow reaches a very low level and eventually when
disposal of effluents. Unmanaged organic waste enough dilution water is not available during the period
fractions from industries, municipalities and agricultural of operation. Putrefaction of polluted stream water
sector decompose in the environment resulting in large caused by heave discharge of organic waste, resulting in
scale contamination of land, water and air. This is the odors nuisance near the sugar industry is a very
leading to serious public health problems and common phenomenon. In fact, all the concerned bodies,
environmental degradation. Unfortunately, due to the both sugar industry and pollution control agencies are
lack of knowledge, financial support and sometimes aware of these problems and are trying to find an
unwillingness to spend on treatment of wastewater, most economical means to stop the nuisance created by the
of sugar industries in developing countries discharge sugar industry effluent .
their wastewater without adequate treatment. This not
IJSRST151522 | Received: 02 December 2015 | Accepted: 09 December 2015 | November-December 2015 [(1)5: 102-107]
II. METHODS AND MATERIAL though small in volume, contains high BOD and
suspended solids. Additional waste originates due to the
A. Sugar Industry leakages and spillages of juices, syrups and molasses in
different sections, and also due to the handling of
2.1 Manufacturing of sugar molasses. The periodical washing of the floor also
contributes a great lot of the pollution load. Though
Sugar cane is normally harvested manually in India. The these wastes are small in volume and are discharged
sugar canes are cut into pieces and crushed in a series of intermittently, they have got a very high BOD [1].
rollers to extract the juice in the mill house. The milk of
lime is then added to juice and heated, when all the 2.3 Effect of waste on receiving water
colloidal and suspended impurities are coagulated; much
of the color is also removed during this lime treatment. The fresh effluent from the sugar industry decomposes
The coagulated juice is then clarified to remove the rapidly after few hours of stagnation. It has been found
sludge. The sludge is further filtered through filter that it causes considerable difficulties when their
presses and then disposed of as solid waste. The clarified effluent gets an access to the water courses, particularly
juice is then preheated and concentrated in evaporators the small and non-perennial streams in rural areas. The
and vacuum pans. The partially crystalized syrup from rapid depletion of oxygen due to biological oxidation
the vacuum pan known as ―massecuite‖ is then followed by anaerobic stabilization of the waste causes a
transferred to the crystallizers, where complete secondary pollution of offensive odors, black color, and
crystallization of sugar occurs. The messecuite is then fish mortality. No question of the discharge of this waste
centrifuged to separate the sugar crystals from the into sewers is arises, as most of the sugar industries are
mother liquor. The spent liquor is discarded as ―Black situated in the un-sewered rural areas [1].
Strap Molasses‖. The sugar is then dried and bagged for
transport. The fibrous residue of the mill house is known 3. Company Profile
as ―bagasse‖, which may be burned in the boilers or may
be used as raw-materials for the production of paper Shri Dudganga-Vedganga Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana
products, or may be used for generation of electricity. A Ltd., Bidri, Dist. Kolhapur was established on 10th
flow diagram of the process of manufacturing in a October 1956 under the Bombay CO-operative Societies
typical sugar industry is given in Figure 1 [1]. Act, 1925. The details are show below in Figure 2.
B. Equalization Tank
Sr. Standards Prescribed
No. by Board
Equalization basins may be used for temporary storage
Limiting concentration
of diurnal or wet-weather flow peaks. Basins provide a
in mg/l, except for pH
place to temporarily hold incoming sewage during plant
1. pH 5.5-9.0
maintenance and a means of diluting and distributing
2. Oil & Grease 10
batch discharges of toxic or high-strength waste which
3. BOD (3 days 270C) 100 might otherwise inhibit biological secondary treatment