Assurtech Fintech Global 2019

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Profiles of the InsurTech100, the world’s most innovative

InsurTech companies that every leader in the insurance

industry needs to know about in 2019
2nd Annual

Part of Europe’s InsurTech Week

InsurTech Growth Forum: Global InsurTech Insurance CXO

‘Scaling InsurTechs’ Summit Forum
2 March 2020 3 March 2020 4 March 2020
Presented by FinTech Global Presented by FinTech Global and AltAssets Presented by FinTech Global

Early-Stage Private Meetings &

InsurTech Forum Roundtable Events
5 March 2020 6 March 2020
Presented by FinTech Global & Insurtech Invitation Only event

Join the Most Senior-Level

Gathering of Insurance
Leaders in Europe
Limited number of half-price tickets are available at
The INSURTECH100 is an annual list of 100 of the world’s most innovative
InsurTech companies selected by a panel of industry experts. These are the
companies every leader in the insurance industry needs to know about as they
consider and develop their digital transformation strategies.

The INSURTECH 100 list will help senior management and insurance professionals
evaluate which digital insurance models have market potential and are most likely
to succeed and have a lasting impact on the industry.


A range of factors was considered to make the final selection including:

• Industry significance of the problem being solved
• Growth, in terms of capital raised, revenue, customer traction
• Innovation of technology solution
• Potential cost savings, efficiency improvement, impact on the value
chain and/or revenue enhancements generated for clients
• How important is it for insurance executives to know about this company?

4 INSURTECH 100 Profiles

Founded 2010 Employees: 101-250

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Operations & Servicing,

Claims, Policy Renewal/Customer Retention

Subsectors: Insurance Comparison/Marketplace, Auto

Insurance, Data/Intelligence, Life/Health Insurance,
Infrastructure/Back-end, Consumer Platforms

Regions of operations: Argentina, Colombia, Chile

123Seguro is a digital insurance broker, founded in 2010. The company compares, sells and manages insurance policies
(car, motorcycle and life) from top insurers, in Argentina, Colombia and Chile. The company operates in two different
models to acquire new customers: B2C and also B2B2C which charges the insurance companies a commission of the
premium of each policy. 123Seguro already distributes insurance policies from over 30 insurers in the region and will
be expanding its product offering to more countries in Latin America in 2020. The company’s product is available via
website, iOS and Android apps as well as Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp through the use of chatbots.

Founded 2017 Employees: 251-500

Value Chain: Proposition that supports the end to end value


Subsectors: Auto Insurance, On-Demand/Travel Insurance

Regions of operations: India

Acko is India’s first fully digital general insurance company aiming to redefine the general insurance industry in the
country. The company provides innovative products with personalized pricing based on customer behaviour and data
analytics with the aim to provide a seamless experience across the value chain from purchase to claims. Acko has
already insured over 40 million Indians and holds 18% market share of digitally transacting users in the country. As a
category-disruptor, Acko also introduced the revolutionary Ola Ride Insurance which provides benefits in cases of loss
of baggage or laptops, missed flights, accidental medical expenses, ambulance transportation cover, and much more
while being able to purchase the cover on the Ola app. As a result, Acko holds over 8% market share of all car insurance
products bought online in India.

Founded 2013 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Proposition that supports the end to end value


Subsectors: Auto Insurance, On-Demand/Travel Insurance,

Infrastructure/Back-end, Consumer Platforms, Data/Intelligence

Regions of operations: US, Croatia, Austria

Amodo platform enables insurers to develop a new category of products based on usage and behavior data. The most
common products being placed on the market based on Amodo technology and new set of data are Behaviour-Based
Rewards and Short-Term Insurance Products. However, many of Amodo clients also use this technology to distribute
traditional non-life insurance products, which only adds to overall monetization. Amodo has more than 25 Projects glob-
ally, with users increasing at a CAGR of 210% from 2015 to 2019. Amodo technology and methodology is approved by
Financial Institutions around the world such as AIG, BNP Paribas, Porsche, P&V Insurance, Triglav Insurance, and others.

© 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd INSURTECH 100



Founded 2017 Key Employees

London, United Kingdom David Vanek
Co-Founder & CEO
[email protected]
Vincent Durnez
Co-Founder & CTO
Employees 11-50
Regions of operation: UK
Tiina Björk
Chief Design Officer

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Policy Renewal/Customer Retention

Subsectors: Life/Health Insurance, Insurance Comparison/Marketplace, Consumer Platforms, Agent/Broker Platforms


Anorak is the new standard for Life Over nine million families in the UK face Anorak has created the world’s first
insurance sales. Its software platform the risk of financial collapse when the automated life insurance advice platform
enables any financial services company breadwinner dies. In the US, it’s 37 million based on proprietary technology. It is a suite
to offer personalised life insurance advice families. It’s a massive global problem. 80% of APIs built on:
and product recommendations to their of life insurance products are sold offline • Proprietary algorithms
customers – at scale. Anorak is on a through financial advisers. This is not
mission to building the world’s smartest life scalable and typically only targets affluent • Predictive machine learning models coupling
insurance companion, unlocking the mass individuals - leaving an entire part of the data science and actuarial science
market and giving millions access to the right market untapped and with no access to
This results in a unique insurance
protection – not just the cheapest. To do this, protection advice. Anorak makes it possible
recommendation engine with infinite reach.
the company uses data science and machine to scale to an unprecedented number of
Anorak’s platform and technology are
learning to power a service that gives people consumers regardless of their net worth or
integrated by banks, brokers, online money
access to tailored advice about their life and proximity to a financial adviser.
management platforms, price comparison
their risks.
websites, etc.

Anorak is the world’s first fully automated life insurance advice platform. Based on proprietary technologies, the platform and APIs are
integrated by partners so that people access life insurance options whilst using everyday services such as challenger banks, money apps,
online retailers, mortgage brokers and investment platforms. Anorak technology makes life insurance sales truly omni-channel by offering
in one single system (i) a direct-to-consumer platform and (ii) an agents/brokers platform powered by the same recommendation engine.
Anorak was co-founded in 2017 by David Vanek, former group CFO and Vincent Durnez, former CIO at AXA Direct.




• Client companies: The platform is integrated with

This document is being provided for information purposes only. It is not designed to be taken as advice or a recommendation for any specific investment or strategy decisions.

© 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd COMPANY RESEARCH PROFILE
INSURTECH 100 Profiles 6

The fragmented and non-scalable nature of the

life insurance distribution sector has caused a
massive protection gap, according to Anorak
co-founder and CEO David Vanek.

one mortgage in every two is not protected with

life insurance, and a lot of people have little savings
which means families cannot cope if they are hit with
a severe financial loss due to death or illness. While
there is a clear need for these insurance products,
little is done to help the mass market find the cover
they need.
80% of life insurance policies are sold by a fragment-
ed base of independent financial advisors and bro-
kers. This creates a bottleneck, hence causes the
gap. Typically, life insurance is sold offline and is fo-
cused on a small group of consumers that can af-
ford to seek financial advice. Whereas, the average
person does not have as readily available access to
these services. They are not likely to take out a life
insurance policy as its not mandatory and they prob-
ably will not understand the importance getting pro-
tection. Even if they did want to get life insurance it
would be tough to find a personalized solution.
He said, “it’s a complex conversation, very personal,
Anorak was co-founded in London in 2017 by former and emotional where advice and help is much need- Group CFO David Vanek and former AXA ed, but nothing is really built to guide people apart
Direct CIO Vincent Durnez. It was created to help from the very dated distribution network that exists.”
consumers get a better understanding of their life Anorak was designed to help everyone find a policy,
insurance needs and find the protections right for regardless of their net worth or proximity to a finan-
them. Initially, the company had explored opportu- cial advisor.
nities in the P&C space; however, after six months of Anorak is an automated life insurance advice plat-
testing and research in the area, they decided it was form which provides consumers with impartial, regu-
not the right fit. Vanek said, “[Our type of solution] lated and personalized life insurance advice. Its tech-
doesn’t really apply well to the P&C world because it’s nology is integrated via APIs into its partners so that
a highly commoditised market where the shopping a customer can easily access life insurance options
experience has been defined by price comparison while using banks, money apps, mortgage brokers
websites and the consumer has very little appetite and investment platforms, etc.
for anything much smarter than a price comparison
A consumer answers a few quick questions, Anorak
will then identify what protection they need. It will
Unlike the P&C marketplace, the life insurance space show how much cover the consumer needs and for
has a lot of opportunities waiting to be seized upon. how long, detailing various suitable policies from
The life insurance market is “highly archaic” and across the market which meet these recommenda-
“everything needs to be invented, customer experi- tions. The consumer then simply picks the one they
ence is not even at the concept stage and the pro- want and applies online or over the phone. The In-
tection gap is massive.” He went on to explain that surance space has lagged behind other areas of the

INSURTECH 100 © 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd

7 INSURTECH 100 Profiles

financial ecosystem, such as banking and payments, to invest into, but also for startups to find the best
in terms of innovation. Appetite for the InsurTech backers to aid their growth. Vanek stated that Kamet
space has risen a lot in the past five years. Last year, “have been supportive since day one” and have giv-
a total of $3.4bn was invested into companies in en the company access to useful data for its models
the space, compared to 2014 when just $504m was and connected them with players in the market. One
raised. Albeit things might be headed in the right di- of the biggest benefits with working with Kamet has
rection, compared to the WealthTech space or pay- been that they “were very keen to create disruptive
ments space it is still behind. A total of $4.6bn was innovation, not just make marginal improvements to
invested into the global WealthTech space last year, insurance current.”
while a whopping $19.7bn went to payments compa-
Finding the right investor is tough and the year-on-
nies in the same year.
year rise in funding volume in InsurTech since 2016
Given the banking and payments space has been en- shows more companies are looking to get involved.
gaged with new technology offerings for a little longer, This will make it harder for startups to find a backer
it has given consumers a clear idea of what they want which really knows their stuff and is not just trying
financial services to be. The rise of challenger banks to get on the bandwagon. When Anorak began its
and mobile payments have shown people now want journey it was a pioneer in the space, Vanek stated,
easy customer experiences where they do not need and while the life insurance technology segment is
to meet with someone face-to-face. This has meant growing, more transformation is needed and so is
insurance companies need to be able to offer their more capital, but not everyone can be a winner. “any
consumers the streamlined and transparent experi- investors who are not truly spending enough time
ences they would get with a banking platform. understanding the problems and the solutions will
This is what led Vanek and Durnez to create an au- be frustrated by the InsurTech space where usually
tomated service which is personalized to consumers. patient capital is needed to support disruptive inno-
The company launched its initial services in Septem- vation”
ber 2018 and has already seen some big companies With such a large opportunity ahead of them, the
integrate with it. Some of its clients include Starling company needed to ensure it had the right team.
Bank, Nutmeg, and London & Country. This was not to just take advantage of the market,
He said, “[Adoption has been] very good, but obvi- but so they could survive the turbulent waters start-
ously, you keep integrating and improving things be- up life can be. When Vanek and fellow co-founder
cause by nature we are never happy with what we Durnez were looking to bring their idea into an actu-
do and we keep improving user experience. But the al product, finding the right people to work with was
response is very positive, because it’s the first time the first step.
someone is looking at the life insurance distribution Anorak uses a lot of data and machine learning tech-
from the end-user standpoint, and not from an inter- nology to analyse a consumer and find the best prod-
mediary or life insurance carrier standpoint.
ucts in the market for them. This means you need to
“We really defined a new standard for selling protec- have a variety of skills and talent onboard: software
tion, and it’s starting to be very exciting for the big engineers, actuaries, designers, digital product spe-
players in the market i.e. the banks and the life insur- cialists, data. Talent acquisition is a constant effort -
ers themselves. Because they see it as a way to cap- for example good engineers are “rare in general” and
ture data, profile customers to be able to retain them being a startup makes it even harder to reach them.
in order to have a different type of conversation with
He said, “[It is tough as] you compete with business-
them along their key life events – as a companion.
es who are very attractive from an employee stand-
There is a lot of excitement around the platform
point. When you do find someone, they already have
we’re building because it’s opened up a new way to
an offer from Spotify, and from the leading banks in
engage with customers.”
the city, from Facebook or Google. We need to be
The company has not only received interest from cli- highly convincing before they join.”
ents, but also investors. Anorak has raised a total of
Anorak is looking to continue marking its presence in
£9m in venture capital since it was founded in 2017,
the UK market over the coming years, but by 2021 it
with AXA Group’s innovation arm Kamet Ventures
will be looking to begin its international expansion.
having backed the company from the beginning. It
can be tough for investors to find the right companies Copyright © 2019 FinTech Global

© 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd INSURTECH 100

Reinventing Bancassurance for the digital banking age

About Staring Bank
● Starling is a leading digital bank in the UK
● Via a marketplace, Starling provide customers with access to financial services and
products securely on their phone
● Anorak is Starling Bank’s partner to provide Life insurance advice and products to
marketplace users

Make life insurance accessible with APIs and Open-banking

● Anorak connects to Starling via APIs and a 2-way OAuth identification protocol
● Anorak uses bank transaction data to profile users and build a personalised
insurance recommendation
● Users can complete the entire advice journey online or be connected to an agent
(who uses Anorak for Advisers platform)
● Anorak’s API and platform gives access to whole-of-market from personalised
advice to quote to applications journey

Create high engagement and great customer output

● Strong engagement from Starling Banks users who value a digital first service
delivering personalised advice
● Users are keen to share their data (incl. bank transactions) given the highly
personalised outcome
● Anorak engage customers on more than simple term life sales. Personalised advice
leads to high penetration of disability protection (income protection and critical
illness cover)
● ⅔ of users are transacting online only, and ⅓ engaging in a hybrid journey (online first
the agent)
INSURTECH 100 Profiles 9

Founded 2015 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Underwriting & Risk

Rating, Operations & Servicing, Policy Renewal/Customer
Retention, Proposition that supports the end to end value chain

Subsectors: Life/Health Insurance, Home/P&C, Bancassurance

Regions of operations: Switzerland, Austria, Germany

Anivo supports its customers with its technology platform to develop innovative insurance products in the shortest possi-
ble time, introduce them to the market and distribute them highly efficiently. The offering is aimed at primary insurers, re-
insurers, banks, telecommunications providers and ecosystems in areas such as housing or mobility. With the AnivoCore
distribution platform, established insurance companies can shorten their innovation cycles considerably by placing new
insurance products on the market within a few weeks without having to burden their own IT resources. Anivo’s Bancassur-
ance solution enables banks (but also other partners) to expand their service portfolio with innovative insurance products
close to their core business and make it more attractive at the lowest possible effort. The company has developed the
following partnerships: Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank (Bancassurance Partner), Vorarlberger Landes-Versicherung
V.a.G. (Insurance Partner using Anivo’s technology), Baloise and AXA-Arag (Insurance Partners offering insurance to banks
using Anivo’s technology) and Swiss Re (Insurance Partner offering insurance via Anivo’s technology).

Founded 2013 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Proposition that supports the end to end value


Subsectors: Infrastructure/Back-end, Consumer Platforms

Regions of operations: United Kingdom, Poland

Artificial builds digital products that harmonise the insurance experience for broker, underwriters, MGAs and their cus-
tomers. Using the latest cloud-based tools and techniques in Machine Learning, Artificial digitises the insurance value
chain by offering better customer and user experience. The company captures data from digital and paper-based texts,
online forms and images, making it simpler and faster for insurers to collect the information they need for more sophisti-
cated pricing, product building, distribution and portfolio management. The company is already working with established
insurance firms such as Axis, Aon, Capita and Ping An.

Founded 2017 Employees: 51-100

Value Chain: Proposition that supports the end to end value


Subsectors: Insurance Comparison/Marketplace, Commercial/

Enterprise Insurance, Auto Insurance, Data/Intelligence, Life/
Health Insurance, On-Demand/Travel Insurance, Infrastructure/

Regions of operations: India, United States, United Arab

Emirates, South-East Asia

Artivatic is a SaaS platform for insurance consisting of 50+ APIs and 10+ Plug & Play products aimed to assist insurance
and healthcare companies with streamlining and automating buyer onboarding journey and profiling, document extrac-
tion and digitisation, customer behaviour, health profiling, risk intelligence and underwriting and claims administration.
Insurance companies using the platform see reduced cost and increased engagement from buyers as well as better cus-
tomer satisfaction. Artivatic is already working with 16 clients across paid services, pilots and POCs and has established
a partnership with ICICI Prudential Life to build its new underwriting decision engine and profile users to provide tailored
products and services.

INSURTECH 100 © 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd

Planck creates all the relevant underwriting insights in real-time, with unparalleled
accuracy and coverage. As a result, commercial carriers can grow new and retained
businesses, while substantially reducing their loss and expense ratios.

To learn more go to pages 44-48 in this report or visit our website.
11 INSURTECH 100 Profiles

Founded 2016 Employees: 1-10

Value Chain: Proposition that supports the end to end value


Subsectors: Commercial/Enterprise Insurance, Consumer

Platforms, New products + tech platform

Regions of operations: United States, but quickly expanding to

Bermuda, UK, and numerous other EU jurisdictions

Assurely is an InsurTech that creates and delivers insurance products for new and changing industries. The company’s
aim is to change how risks are accessed, how they are transferred, and how they are managed. Assurely’s first product,
TIgerMark™, protects Issuers engaged in technology-enabled capital raising strategies such as crowdfunding or digital
securities against investor complaints and lawsuits. TigerMark simultaneously provides a symbol of trust, comfort, and
safety to investors who benefit from a simple, streamlined, and easy claims process to request their principal investment
returned should the Issuer misrepresent in their offering documents, steal, or misuse the funds. The company onboard-
ed its first paying customers in July 2019 and has partnered with AXA XL as an MGA.

Founded 2016 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Policy Renewal/

Customer Retention

Subsectors: Life/Health Insurance

Regions of operations: United States, Israel, United Kingdom,


Atidot is an insurance technology company empowering the life insurance industry to become data driven and optimize
their book of business with big data solutions and predictive analytics. Founded by a team of data scientists and veteran
actuaries, Atidot offers a cloud-based platform that provides data-driven insights to inform decision making, drive new
business strategies, and create new revenue streams. Atidot works with leading life insurance and annuities providers
to take control of their existing data to upgrade their risk modeling and to improve policyholder behavior prediction to
improve sales, retention and in-force management.

Founded 2016 Employees: 1-10

Value Chain: Underwriting & Risk Rating, Proposition that

supports the end to end value chain

Subsectors: Commercial/Enterprise Insurance, B2B White Label,

Data/Intelligence, Government & Infrastructure

Regions of operations: Globally

Audeamus Risk is the world’s first Resilience Intelligence Platform that provides real-time monitoring, profiling and online
auditing of organisational resilience against any type of operational risk. The platform delivers advanced appraisals to
decision makers about the company’s resilience posture and its ability to face adverse events or protracted business in-
terruption. Most importantly, it allows management and regulators to understand how it may affect its financial position
and reputation (long-tail risk). It continuously audits a company’s capacity to restore operation in an increasingly complex
environment of co-dependent supply chains. Due to its broad IP, Audeamus Risk is recognised as one of the global
leaders in dynamic pricing of operational risk. Audeamus Risk’s Module No.1 is Business Interruption Insurance trading
platform (BIAX B2B), which serves to quantify losses and measures impact on a company’s balance sheet within a par-
ticular time frame. BIAX is bringing a new level of operational risk transparency through enriched resilience data in 4D.

© 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd INSURTECH 100



Founded 2017 Key Employees

Madrid, Spain Julio Pernía
CEO & Co-Founder
Product name [email protected]
BDEO Manuel Moreno
+34 910 888 180
CTO & Co-Founder
Employees 20-51
Regions of operation: Europe and LatAm
Ruth Puente

Juan Luis Torres

Regional Manager for

Value Chain: Underwriting & Risk Rating, Claims, Proposition that supports the end to end value chain

Subsectors: Auto Insurance, Home/P&C


Bdeo’s mission is to disrupt the insurance The insurance sector faces dramatic Some of the technologies that Bdeo uses
industry with a comprehensive visual challenges: margins are falling because are:
intelligence solution that changes the of the increase in expenses. Fraud is
way customers connect with insurance deeply affecting this net loss. Insurance Artificial intelligence to provide damage
companies. Beginning with underwriting fraud costs due to fraudulent claims recognition & estimation of the type of
and all the way through the time the claim account for more than $40B a year only in damage
is processed, Bdeo enhances the customer the USA and it is difficult to detect using
Augmented Reality to provide accurate
journey with a smart visual channel that’s standard methods. On the other side,
measurement of damages.
able to recognize risks and close the new customers, especially the youngest
underwriting process in real-time. ones, are demanding a radically improved Blockchain to provide digital evidence of
user experience. Bdeo’s solution helps the multimedia
to solve these problems by reducing
the average claim-processing time and
therefore improving the operational
margins, reducing fraud, and at the same
time radically improving the end-user

In the claims process, Bdeo recognizes damage and provides assessments in real-time, and in the closing process, it allows insurance
companies to detect fraud or pay customers in the event a claim is approved. According to this vision, Bdeo proposes an innovation
addressing both operational and customer experience pains of P&C insurers by means of a true automated fraud-resilient underwriting
and claim processing product, able to accurately process policy pricing (underwriting) and loss adjusting (claims) while ensuring
customer’s satisfaction.



This document is being provided for information purposes only. It is not designed to be taken as advice or a recommendation for any specific investment or strategy decisions.

© 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd COMPANY RESEARCH PROFILE

• In less than two years Bdeo has established a presence in Europe and Latin America, collaborating with the main insurance companies
in these markets.
• Some of Bdeo’s clients:
• —

• —

• —

• BDEO has been included in the “InsurTech Impact 25” list, developed by Oxbow Partners, as one of the 25 technology companies in the
sector whose technology is capable of transforming the industry and has been awarded as the most disruptive startup and the best
InsurTech in the South Summit 2019 in Madrid.
• Estimated revenue in 2022: €5m
• Estimated staff numbers in 2022: 75

Julio Pernía - CEO & Co-Founder
Julio Pernía, holds a degree in telecommunications engineering. He began his career as an entrepreneur in 2006 with the founding of his
first InsurTech company, Reparanet, the biggest SaaS platform for repair companies in Spain. In 2017, Julio co-founded Bdeo, a visual
claims management platform with AI capabilities to help loss adjusters and insurers during claims processes. As CEO of Bdeo, Julio
has expanded the company’s client portfolio in Spain, Portugal, and LatAm while earning international awards for innovation in Spain,
Portugal, Mexico, and China. In addition to being an entrepreneur in the InsurTech Industry Julio has worked in the sport technology
industry. In 2012, he cofounded Director11, a sport management SaaS platform which is currently the most-used product in the Spanish
La Liga. International clubs like Real Madrid, FC Barcelona, Olympique de Marseille, Valencia and Villarreal are currently Director11

Manuel Moreno - CTO & Co-Founder

Manuel Moreno, also holds a degree in telecommunication engineering and has co-founded Reparanet, Director11 and Bdeo with Julio.
Currently, Manuel is fully dedicated to Bdeo as CTO, with the ultimate responsibility for technology.

This document is being provided for information purposes only. It is not designed to be taken as advice or a recommendation for any specific investment or strategy decisions.

© 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd COMPANY RESEARCH PROFILE
INSURTECH 100 Profiles 16

Founded 2014 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Underwriting & Risk Rating, Operations &

Servicing, Claims, Policy Renewal/Customer Retention

Subsectors: Data/Intelligence

Regions of operations: Unites States and assessing customer

requests for Europe

Roof claims are some of the most expensive to resolve for P&C insurance carriers. These events cannot only cause prop-
erty damage but also liability and business continuity claims as well. Betterview’s predictive analytics helps insurers to
quickly assess roof conditions for residential and commercial properties in real time. Betterview does this by using ma-
chine learning and computer vision to analyze manned aircraft and satellite imagery. Betterview then combines this data
with other sources, such as building permits, assessors’ data, and historical weather to determine the characteristics and
condition of a roof to determine the risk of future roof related losses. Since the launch of its property risk management
platform in August 2018, the company has over 12 carriers in production.

Founded 2010 Employees: 1,001-5,000

Value Chain: Proposition that supports the end to end value


Subsectors: Life/Health Insurance

Regions of operations: Latin America, Asia, Africa

BIMA uses mobile technology to deliver affordable and easy-to-use insurance and health products that emerging con-
sumers need but cannot access through traditional channels. It uses its proprietary technology platform to digitalise reg-
istration and automate premiums payments whilst using its 3,000-strong global agent workforce to educate consumers
on insurance. By combining the power of mobile technology, key partnerships with mobile operators and mobile money
providers, and a human approach to education, BIMA has been able to achieve scale and profitability. As the leading
insurance specialist in emerging markets, BIMA has already reached 31 million customers with insurance products and
2.2 million customers through its mHealth services.

Founded 2016 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Operations & Servicing, Claims, Proposition that

supports the end to end value chain

Subsectors: On-Demand/Travel Insurance, Consumer

Platforms, Parametric-based insurance-as-a-service platform,

Regions of operations: Asia, Europe and North America

Blink offers an innovative real-time data driven travel disruption solution. Once a traveller registers their flight details,
Blink monitors that flight in real-time. Any flight disruption that occurs to the registered flight, automatically results in
a traveller being notified instantly. Real-time event notification allows for real-time problem resolution! The traveller is
immediately offered service choices that can instantly remove the stress and consequences of the disruption ranging
from airport lounge access, cash which is immediately deposited into the travellers’ bank account, through to booking
and paying for a hotel whilst also booking a new flight. Blink is a world leader in parametric insurance product innovation,
transforming its clients’ complex offerings into superior service experiences with simple, intuitive, online products in
sectors such as Travel, Climate, Energy and IoT. Blink partners globally with insurance and financial services companies
driving innovation in Asia, Europe and North America.

INSURTECH 100 © 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd

18 INSURTECH 100 Profiles

Founded 2016 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Operations & Servicing,

Claims, Policy Renewal/Customer Retention

Subsectors: Commercial/Enterprise Insurance, Auto Insurance,

P2P Insurance, Home/P&C, Life/Health Insurance, On-Demand/
Travel Insurance, Infrastructure/Back-end

Regions of operations: United Kingdom, Indonesia, Poland,

United States, China, Mongolia

Blocksure is a technology company that has created and developed a blockchain-based solution (Blocksure OS) for the in-
surance industry. It provides better service (speed and accuracy) at a greatly reduced cost. It utilises the core attributes of
blockchain to deliver improved data security and integrity. Blocksure OS is aimed at the intermediated general insurance
market, in particular on-demand products; schemes and microinsurance for property, travel and motor insurance but it
can be deployed in almost any area such as commercial P&C, life and health insurance sectors which are already targeted
for development. Blocksure OS delivers proven user benefits in terms of cost reductions (up to 90% reduction in back
office costs), superior efficiency, removes a number of superfluous processes, provides cutting-edge reporting and better
products/services. This benefits the customer, brokers and intermediaries, insurers and related parties, thus providing
enhanced benefits to the insurance supply chain.

Founded 2016 Employees: 101-250

Value Chain: Underwriting & Risk Rating, Operations & Servicing

Subsectors: Insurance Comparison/Marketplace, Commercial/

Enterprise Insurance, Home/P&C, Infrastructure/Back-end,
Consumer Platforms

Regions of operations: United States

Bold Penguin develops B2B software used by insurance agents and brokers, as well as insurance companies, to break
through the confusion and complexity of the commercial insurance landscape. Bold Penguin helps its customers rapidly
increase the speed from quote to bind, allowing them to write commercial insurance profitably. A process that once took
an average of twenty weeks now take days, which is supercharging small commercial insurance. With Bold Penguin’s
innovative software solution, brokers can build a quoting interface in any of their existing systems with no crazy re-work,
confusing workflows, or fragile data exchanges. Rather than replacing them, Bold Penguin’s Exchange is customizable
and works with current systems that risk managers use. Along with a dynamic, master question set, which speeds up the
underwriting process considerably, partnered risk managers are able to select their desired risks and focus their efforts
to increase sales.

Founded 2012 Employees: 101-250

Value Chain: Propositions that supports the end to end value


Subsectors: Pet insurance

Regions of operations: United Kingdom, Sweden

Bought By Many creates and distributes insurance policies designed around customer needs and the company has
made its first foray in the pet market. Bought By Many is making pet insurance better for owners. By speaking to thou-
sands of pet owners and looking at millions of online searches for particular types of cover and services by pet owners
the company has found the gaps in risk coverage and then launched policies to address them. Bought By Many launched
unique policies underwritten by Munich Re’s Great Lakes Insurance SE in 2017 and now covers more than 100,000 pets
and was voted the most trusted pet insurance provider in the UK in 2019. The company launched its unique pet prod-
ucts in Sweden in August 2019.

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INSURTECH 100 Profiles 19

Founded 2016 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Proposition that supports the end to end value


Subsectors: Auto Insurance

Regions of operations: United Kingdom

By Miles offers the UK’s only pay-by-mile car insurance policy that works in real time, giving lower mileage drivers a fairer,
more flexible way to pay for cover. There’s a smartphone app for members too, which includes handy tools, including the
ability to track their car down when they forget where they’ve parked, to help locate their car if it’s stolen or to scan their
car for fault codes. A fixed annual cost covers the car when it’s parked (which can save lower mileage drivers up to 40%,
compared with a traditional annual premium) and journeys are charged for on a monthly basis at a cost per mile. The
company’s rated ‘Excellent’ on Trustpilot, was recently voted ‘Best Car Insurance Provider of 2019’ and ‘Best Insurance
App of 2019’ at the Insurance Choice Awards, and its members have insured 15 million miles on pay-by-mile policies
since its mid-2018 launch.

Founded 2014 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Propositions that supports the end to end value


Subsectors: Commercial/Enterprise Insurance, Data/

Intelligence, Life/Health Insurance, Consumer Platforms

Regions of operations: Mainland China, Hong Kong

CareVoice is an international Shanghai-based health InsurTech making health insurance digital and more personal. The
company’s main product, CareVoiceOS, first healthcare operating system for insurers,
digitizes healthcare and insurance journey with members’ interest first. It allows insurers to make health plans more
tailored, efficient and compelling to their customers. The company has 13 insurance clients (including Ping An and AXA)
servicing nearly 500,000 insurance members.

Founded 1977 Employees: 501-1,000

Value Chain: Proposition that supports the end to end value


Subsectors: Insurance Comparison/Marketplace, Auto

Insurance, Home/P&C, Data/Intelligence, On-Demand/Travel
Insurance, Infrastructure/Back-end, Consumer Platforms

Regions of operations: United Kingdom

CDL is a leading UK InsurTech with a strong track record in the insurance and financial services sectors; its solutions pow-
er some of the UK’s most profitable insurance retailers and deliver competitive advantage in a marketplace where mar-
gins are notoriously slim. Clients include Sainsbury’s Bank, Tesco Bank, Swinton Insurance and,
and it transacts around 7 million live policies on its systems. CDL has launched the Chorus mobile app as a ‘proactive
Insurance’ concept which identifies a consumer’s insurance needs and pre-populates information for their verification.
The big win is to minimise - or even eliminate - the customer input required to generate insurance quotes, whilst offering
the maximum commercial opportunity for insurers. The first iteration offers a proactive customer journey for home and
gadget lines and an artificial intelligence assisted car insurance sales process.

INSURTECH 100 © 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd

20 INSURTECH 100 Profiles

Founded 2016 Employees: 51-100

Value Chain: Proposition that supports the end to end value


Subsectors: Auto Insurance

Regions of operations: United States

Clearcover lowers the premiums on auto insurance policies in the United States by rebuilding the cost structure of a
traditional insurance company and being more efficient. The company’s model is based on the fundamental insurance
equation (Premium= Losses + LAE +Premium Tax+Underwriting Expenses+UW Profit). The lower LAE, CAC, Service Costs,
and Fixed Costs can be made, the less the company can charge in premium for insurance. Clearcover is already leading
the insurance industry in expense efficiency. Clearcover has sold thousands of policies combined across the states of
California, Illinois, Arizona and Utah. They primarily distribute their product via integrations with companies like Credit
Karma, Chime Bank and The Zebra along with partnering with independent agencies.

Founded 2014 Employees: 1-10

Value Chain: Claims

Subsectors: Auto Insurance

Regions of operations: Israel, Europe

Click-Ins has developed a state-of-the-art, next-generation platform for motor insurance and car rentals that inspects
vehicles and detects damages. Utilizing digital photos from a mobile phone, it’s a snap to submit information to gen-
erate a report; no additional manpower or equipment is needed. By applying its unique DamagePrint™ technology for
damage signature matching, Click-Ins detects bogus motor insurance claims and immediately reveals potential fraud. A
hybrid method based on a systematic engineering approach, combined with Deep Learning and 3-D modeling, yields an
unprecedented level of precision. The company has several paying customers including Hachshara GO Insurance, and
as the winner of the BASF Damage Recognition Challenge, Click-Ins is initiating a pilot with the world’s leading chemical

Founded 2016 Employees: 51-100

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Operations & Servicing

Subsectors: Insurance Comparison/Marketplace, Life/Health

Insurance, Infrastructure/Back-end, Data/Intelligence, Life/
Health Insurance

Regions of operations: Hong Kong, China, Singapore, the


Coherent’s mission is to ignite change and challenge the status quo of legacy systems and processes by empowering in-
surers and intermediaries with solutions that make insurance faster, smarter and simpler. Coherent began as an actuarial
consulting company with four team members, growing to over 70 people in Hong Kong and Shanghai over the next three
years. Their venture into insurtech began with Seasonalife – a comparison platform that helps brokers and insurers to easi-
ly compare different life and health insurance products and gain access to the latest market intelligence. Since then, they’ve
continued operating in the life and health insurance space, developing multiple solutions, all with the aim to bring greater
efficiencies and market transparency to insurers and intermediaries. From enabling insurers to roll out their products at
lightning speed with Product Factory, through to the award-winning product comparison platform Seasonalife, and smart
EPOS solutions, they now have 21 major insurers such as Manulife, Sun Life, FWD, and more than 4,000 intermediary users
as dedicated customers.

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INSURTECH 100 Profiles 21

Founded 2015 Employees: 251-500

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Operations & Servicing,

Policy Renewal/Customer Retention, Proposition that supports
the end to end value chain,

Subsectors: Commercial/Enterprise Insurance

Regions of operations: United States, Europe, Australia

CoverWallet is the leading tech company reinventing the $100 billion U.S. commercial insurance market for small busi-
nesses. Based in New York and launched in 2016, it has received more than $40 million in funding from renowned inves-
tors including Union Square Ventures, Index Ventures, Two Sigma, and Foundation Capital. Powered by deep analytics,
thoughtful design, and state-of-the-art technology, the company is the easiest way for small businesses to understand,
buy, and manage insurance online. CoverWallet manages the full end-to-end experience for insurance for small busi-
nesses. From the time businesses go to the site to learn about the types of policies they need, to getting quotes and
purchasing their coverage online, all the way through the process of generating certificates of insurance and updating
payment methods, CoverWallet handles the full lifecycle of insurance for businesses. CoverWallet is partners with lead-
ing insurance carriers and offers policies from companies including Progressive, Starr, Chubb, CNA, Travelers, Liberty
Mutual, Berkshire Hathaway Guard, Blackboard, Atlas, Markel, and others.

Founded 2015 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Underwriting & Risk

Rating, Operations & Servicing, Claims, Proposition that
supports the end to end value chain

Subsectors: Insurance Comparison/Marketplace, On-demand/

Travel Insurance, Infrastructure/Back-end, Home/P&C

Regions of operations: Germany

Covomo’s purpose is to help people to protect what they love wherever and whenever they want to by closing the gap
between insurance and the customer through state-of-the art technology. Covomo is an Insurance-as-a-Service Distribu-
tion plattform with more than 1,500 product insurance tariffs, its own booking engine for seamless integration, and pow-
erful B2B partnerships with leading partners such as Verivox. They are launching Germany‘s first on-demand insurance
product “blanket” which is a pay-per-use insurance product for smartphones, laptops, cameras, and (e)-bikes, integrated
in a digital safe underwritten by Allianz. Covomo is the only distribution platform in Europe focusing on product-, special-,
niche- and annex-insurance with the broadest range of tariffs available in the market.

Founded 2013 Employees: 101-250

Value Chain: Proposition that supports the end to end value


Subsectors: Insurance Comparison/Marketplace, Commercial/

Enterprise Insurance, Life/Health Insurance, AI, Data/

Regions of operations: Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai,

Beijing, Jakarta

CXA is Asia’s first employee wallet and AI-driven population health ecosystem that integrates directly with the entire spec-
trum of health providers to offer immediate savings by removing intermediaries such as TPAs, brokers and agents.
CXA enables employers of Fortune 500 MNCs as well as SMEs to shift their existing employee healthcare and insurance
spend to pay for flexible benefits, corporate wellness and disease management initiatives in order to improve population
health, combat chronic disease and reduce costs through employee personalization.
CXA is also white-labelled by banks and insurers to digitally cross-sell healthcare and insurance to the B2B2C employees
of their B2B enterprises by leveraging crucial demographic, work-life events and health data to cross-sell relevant financial
and healthcare services products to the right person at the right time.

INSURTECH 100 © 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd

22 INSURTECH 100 Profiles

Founded 2017 Employees: 1-10

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Operations & Servicing,

Policy Renewal/Customer Retention

Subsectors: Insurance Comparison/Marketplace, Commercial/

Enterprise Insurance, Cyber Insurance

Regions of operations: Germany

CyberDirekt is the first digital platform which offers advisory, comparison and realtime quoting for cyber insurance in
Germany. The standard paper based application process of commercial insurance has been changed towards a more
client-oriented focus. Brokers have to submit industry and net turnover to get a market overview of premiums and ap-
propriate cyber insurance tariffs. The digital application process can be finished within a few minutes. SME customers
get access to adequate prevention services against cyber-attacks. Customers receive a vulnerability assessment within
90 seconds and access to an extended report with detailed results. Moreover, policyholders can use the CyberDirekt Se-
curity Awareness Training and Phishing Simulation test to tackle the human risk factor. Combining cover and prevention
changes the way commercial insurance is thought. The probability of loss will be reduced to create a less risky commu-
nity of policyholders, which enables affordable premiums in the long run.

Founded 2014 Employees: 51-100

Value Chain: Marketing Distribution, Underwriting & Risk Rating

Subsectors: Insurance Comparison/Marketplace, Commercial/

Enterprise Insurance, Home/P&C, Data/Intelligence

Regions of operations: United Kingdom, EU

The Cytora Platform provides a set of easy-to-integrate APIs that automatically enrich insurance submissions, unlock new
distribution channels, and provide the foundation for automation. Their core use cases are automated underwriting, rein-
surance portfolio enrichment, and digital affinity. They give customers a compounding data advantage, using a combination
of AI, big data, and cloud technology. Their Risk Engine continuously ingests billions of data points relating to different risk
and perils across commercial insurance – such as company financials, local crime rates, and building occupancy. AI is used
to structure this information and connect it to a single business or address. This means insurance companies can be pro-
vided with all the information they need to make an underwriting decision in seconds. Customers access this information
using the API Platform, which is flexible, easy to integrate, continuously upgraded, and auto-scales to meet usage needs.
The Platform is powered by the Cytora Risk Engine, which continuously captures and connects information from multiple
sources to build an ever-expanding view of risk. As new data is added, customers integrated with the API can access new
information instantaneously, improving the quality and integrity of their own data over time.

Founded 2007 Employees: 101-250

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Underwriting & Risk

Rating, Operations & Servicing, Claims, Policy Renewal/
Customer Retention, Proposition that supports the end to end
value chain

Subsectors: Long-term care/Health Insurance, On-Demand/

Travel Insurance, Home/P&C

Regions of operations: Germany

DFV Deutsche Familienversicherung AG, the first stock market listed Insurtech Company in Europe, was established as an
insurance start-up in 2007 with the objective to provide insurance products people really need and immediately under-
stand (“Simple. Sensible”). DFV Deutsche Familienversicherung AG is known for its multi-award-winning supplementary
health insurances and offers the following products: dental insurance, long-term care insurance, inpatient insurance, out-
patient insurance, on-demand accident insurance, liability insurance, household insurance and legal insurance. Based on
the highly modern and scalable in-house developed IT systems, the company sets new benchmarks with consistent digital
product designs as well as the option to graduate via digital language assistants.

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INSURTECH 100 Profiles 23

Founded 2001 Employees: 101-250

Value Chain: Pricing Analytics, Product Personalization,

Underwriting & Risk Rating

Subsectors: Home/P&C, Auto Insurance, Life/Health Insurance,

Commercial/Enterprise Insurance, Data/Intelligence

Regions of operations: North America, EMEA, APAC

Earnix believes that for Insurance and Banking Institutions, personalization is key to increased customer satisfaction and
loyalty as well as to improved business results.  Recognizing the complexities of financial products, Earnix provides an
end-to-end Pricing and Product Personalization Software Suite, driven by world-class data science, analytical modeling
tools, and integrated machine learning. The Earnix 3D Personalization Suite™ empowers Financial Institutions to offer
the right product, at the right price, at the right time, while optimizing business results, maintaining governance & com-
pliance, and improving the enterprise-wide pricing and product personalization process. The Earnix 3D Personalization
Product Suite™ is made up of three products that together let Insurance and Banking institutions deliver the right prod-
uct, at the right price, and the right time: Earnix Price-it, Earnix Personalize-it, and Earnix Detect-it.

Founded 2015 Employees: 101-250

Value Chain: Proposition that supports the end to end value


Subsectors: Commercial/Enterprise Insurance

Regions of operations: United States

Embroker is the digital insurance company committed to transforming commercial insurance by improving the way
businesses of all sizes manage risk. With a radically simple approach, Embroker is replacing the 1970’s technology of the
insurance industry, with a first-ever end-to-end digital insurance platform that provides better coverage and reduced
cost; all in minutes, not hours.
The company has partnered with Amazon Web Services (AWS) as one of only two startups in the US to be able to provide
customers with web hosting credits to the AWS platform. They are also the exclusive partner of Zenefits for P&C insur-
ance. Embroker, the easiest way to intelligently insure any business.

Founded 1993 Employees: 501-1000

Value Chain: Claims, Policy Renewal/Customer Retention

Subsectors: Commercial/Enterprise Insurance, P2P Insurance,

Life/Health Insurance

Regions of operations: North America, APAC, Europe

FINEOS is a global software company providing modern customer-centric core software to the life, accident and health
industry. They help customers move on from outdated legacy administration systems to a modern customer-centric core
product-suite FINEOS AdminSuite for Billing, Claims, Absence and Policy Administration, enabling improved operational
efficiency, increased effectiveness and excellent customer care. FINEOS AdminSuite is designed to manage the modern
complex structures and relationships of group and individual insurance processing to optimize plan, coverage and data
management, operational processing, and business intelligence. FINEOS is the leading provider of core systems for life,
accident and health insurance carriers globally with 6 of the 10 largest group life and health carriers in the US as well as
6 of the 10 largest life and health carriers in Australia with partnerships with companies such as EY, PWC and Deloitte.

INSURTECH 100 © 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd

Business Results

For almost two decades, Earnix data scientists,

financial experts, and software engineers have worked
to create a comprehensive analytics software
solution that solves some of the most difficult product, Follow Us:
pricing and channel challenges faced by financial
institutions. With Earnix - insurers, lenders, and other
financial institutions can now incorporate into their
product, risk, and delivery systems the same advanced
analytics that make personalization possible for the tech
giants. 1
Gore Mutual Insurance Partners with
Earnix to Improve Analytic Agility
and Speed Time to Market

Gore Mutual, a Canadian mutual insurance company that has provided community protection
to personal and business customers for over 175 years, has partnered with Earnix to provide
the best service possible to their broker network and customers. As part of an initiative to
better understand their end customers and improve responsiveness to a constantly changing
market, Gore has partnered with Earnix to continually improve analytical processes and
better operationalize the speed of rate deployment to the marketplace.

Analytical Process Improvement.

Gore traditionally has done risk and demand Gore has turned to Earnix as a partner to
modeling, in order to understand customer provide an end to end pricing and personali-
propensities and exposure and determine zation platform, which takes their operation-
the appropriate costs of risk transfer. As alization of analytics to the next level. Earnix
Gore has advanced to managing this mode- will provide a real time rating engine that is
ling process holistically, through the use of connected to all of Gore’s core platforms
an end to end data management, analytics, – including policy admin systems in the back
and pricing platform, they have realized the office, and customer interaction systems in
ability to understand their customers at an the front office. The ability to develop, exe-
even deeper level. Gore utilizes predictive cute, monitor, and refine multiple pricing
analytics to derive insight from the informa- structures and strategies with high perfor-
tion that they receive, and in turn support the mance and reliability allows for improved
effective underwriting of risk accepted. governance and control. For Gore, the capa-
Understanding and applying risk and de- bility to deploy rates and rate changes in real
mand thresholds to customer segments time allows the pricing process to be opera-
enables a more effective insurance transac- tionalized very quickly.
tion for all stakeholders.
As Gore works to distribute these analytic
Speed Rate Deployment. and time to market improvements across the
Managing the rate deployment process at business, many other future advancements
organizations like Gore requires accounting are being considered as well. Machine learn-
for many variables. Price changes must be ing tools and capabilities are being re-
made, approval and governance of changes searched, as a way to automate processes
must be received, and proposed changes and understand their customer base even
must then be deployed to the market. Gore further. Being able to use the Earnix rating
knew that only an end to end system with engine capabilities to take any analytical
real time rating engine capabilities, integra- model developed by any tool and use it in a
tion to touchpoints such as core and policy real time manner is also an exciting possibili-
admin systems, and the ability to monitor ty. The partnership between Earnix and Gore
rate change performance would be the best is creating a strong foundation for future
solution for them. advancements, including the use of analytics
and personalization in every project that Gore
26 INSURTECH 100 Profiles

Founded 2014 Employees: 51-100

Value Chain: Claims

Subsectors: Auto Insurance

Regions of operations: Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, South


Fixico offers a new and fully digital way for insurance companies to handle motor claims. The end-to-end platform pro-
vides a unique customer experience, an innovative repair management solution and a digital marketplace that guaran-
tees the best repairer for each individual damage. Fixico is expanding rapidly across Europe and is currently active in the
Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. Operating from their headquarters in Amsterdam, the fast-growing tech company
collaborates with more than 2,000 repair shops, has handled over 200,000 damaged cars to date and established suc-
cessful partnerships with leading companies such as AXA and Aon.

Founded 2013 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Operations & Servicing,

Claims, Policy Renewal/Customer Retention, Proposition that
supports the end to end value chain

Subsectors: Insurance Comparison/Marketplace, Commercial/

Enterprise Insurance, Auto Insurance, Home/P&C, Life/Health
Insurance On-Demand/Travel Insurance, Consumer Platforms

Regions of operations: France, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain,


Fluo’s mission is to make insurance great again. By solving the most painful experience of insurance customers, Fluo helps
insurers to be more relevant and more efficient. Fluo has developed an algorithm which helps users check if they are
already covered as well as algorithms which help users check if they can find the same guarantees they need or own at
more competitive price. Fluo’s technology is available through APIs and Webviews to insurance distributors as well through
its own mobile application. Using Fluo, customers avoid duplication of covers and get the best price of the industry while
insurers benefit from one of the most competitive distribution channels. Fluo has partnered with Allianz as one of their
main technology partners in travel insurance, and AXA to distribute their loan, home and travel insurance. Fluo is gaining
customers at a rate of 10,000 customers per month.

Founded 2015 Employees: 51-100

Value Chain: Underwriting, Marketing & Distribution,

Operations & Servicing, Claims

Subsectors: Home/P&C, Data/Intelligence, Life/Health Insurance

Regions of operations: Germany (Austria and United Kingdom

are to come soon)

Getsafe is reinventing insurance. The company, based in Germany is using technology and artificial intelligence to help
people identify, organize and protect what they care most about in life: with a few clicks, customers can easily buy insur-
ance in the Getsafe app in less than three minutes and then manage or change their protection anytime and anywhere
- simple, transparent, and fair. Instead of set terms and fixed conditions, Getsafe offers monthly memberships and daily
cancellation. The current product portfolio includes liability, contents, bike, legal and dental insurance in Germany - with
new products continually being added to the portfolio.
Together with renowned partners such as Munich Re and leading venture capital investors such as Earlybird, Getsafe plans
to hit 100,000 policies by the end of 2019 and expand into other European countries. To date Getsafe has raised €20m in
venture capital.

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INSURTECH 100 Profiles 27

Founded 2017 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Underwriting & Risk

Rating, Operations & Servicing, Policy Renewal/Customer

Subsectors: Life/Health Insurance, On-Demand/Travel

Insurance, Consumer Platforms

Regions of operations: Canada, United States

Goose is a consumer-focused Super-App for Insurance, with a mission to deliver consumers a simplified self-serve pro-
cess to bind insurance coverage across both P&C and Life. Through the Goose mobile App, consumers can discover,
learn about, and buy insurance coverage instantly across all lines of consumer insurance. Goose launched its first prod-
uct “Travel insurance on demand” in Canada. Goose is now increasing the lines of insurance it offers to consumers, such
as life insurance, personal property and identity theft. Goose will lead the disruption of consumer insurance distribution
and how consumers purchase insurance. They will also help solve the issue of consumer under-insurance by making
insurance more accessible. The company has product partnerships with Tugo Industrial Alliance and Gore Mutual.

Founded 2014 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Underwriting & Risk Rating

Subsectors: Auto Insurance, Data/Intelligence

Regions of operations: Global

Greater Than provide AI based insurance solutions that predict claims cost in real time and enhance current premium
models by providing granular risk insight for underwriting for OEMs and insurance carriers, who want to access real-time
insights, identify bad risk and reduce the claims cost by 40%. The company’s flagship product Enerfy Global is a full-ser-
vice digital insurance solution enabling real time risk insights. The product is a turnkey white-label solution providing total
brand adaption of all its features and apps, including web shop solution, smartphone app, claims handling to tools for
digital marketing and end consumer communications, as well as gamified parts to nudge drivers to improve themselves
as drivers. Greater Than partner with several insurance carriers in Europe and Asia and is the technical platform of the
global FIA competition, the FIA Smart Driving Challenge.

Founded 2016 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Underwriting & Risk Rating, Operations & Servicing

Subsectors: Data/Intelligence

Regions of operations: United States

Groundspeed is a data science and artificial intelligence (AI) company serving commercial property and casualty insurance
carriers, brokers and managing general agents (MGAs). Its solutions unlock the value in unstructured information such as
loss runs, exposure schedules and policy data to automate core processes and provide powerful predictive risk analytics
that improve margins, identify profit pools, and improve customer experience. Insurance carriers receive over a billion
pages of documents each year in support of underwriting, claims management and risk mitigation. The manual process of
extracting key data led to a loss of 95% of valuable information, unsatisfactory accuracy and bottlenecks in the underwriting
process. Groundspeed is focused on creating frictionless underwriting and one-touch insurance analytics from documents.
Groundspeed’s Adaptive Data Pipeline converts unstructured data from insurance files into actionable information and
predictions. Groundspeed’s adaptive data pipeline is a deep learning solution driven by an ensemble technology approach
using machine learning, computer vision and natural language processing techniques.

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29 INSURTECH 100 Profiles

Founded 2016 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Operations & Servicing, Claims, Policy Renewal/

Customer Retention, Proposition that supports the end to end
value chain

Subsectors: Insurance Comparison/Marketplace, P2P Insurance,

Home/P&C, On-Demand/Travel Insurance, Consumer Platforms

Regions of operations: United Kingdom, Western Mainland


GUARDHOG has re-invented and re-imagined insurance designed for the peer-to-peer economy, offering flexible us-
age-based cover that takes the uncertainty out of sharing. Most home or landlord insurance policies don’t cover the risks
created by having super short lets or paying guests and GUARDHOG fills these gaps. As well as providing direct cover
to private individuals, GUARDHOG is partnered with over 350 home-sharing businesses and is covering thousands of
hosts. With bespoke technology that allows cover to be put in place automatically, each and every time a super short
let happens, customers are provided with a seamless, efficient and cost-effective solution. These specialist services are
backed by some of the biggest names in insurance, including RSA, Hiscox, Canopius and Munich Re, who not only allow,
but encourage, everyone to get involved in the exciting new money-making opportunities offered by the sharing econo-
my, so you can be sure that if the worst were to happen, GUARDHOG have got your back.

Founded 2016 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Underwriting & Risk Rating

Subsectors: Home/P&C, Data & Intelligence

Regions of operations: United States

HazardHub is the only third-generation provider of property-level hazard risk databases. Their team of scientists trans-
lates huge amounts of geospatial digital data into easy-to-understand answers, providing risk assessments that can
be used to make real-world decisions. HazardHub provides comprehensive, national coverage for risks that destroy
and damage property, including perils from air (wind, hail, tornado, lightning), water (flood, coastal storm surge), earth
(earthquake, brownfield, Superfund) and fire (wildfire and fire protection.) The HazardHub API instantly presents over
100 billion data points with up to 700 data elements per place, providing unmatched insight to the underwriting process.
The API is lightning fast and offers unlimited scalability. HazardHub has quadrupled from 2017-2018 and expects to
quadruple again this year.

Founded 2013 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Proposition that

supports the end to end value chain

Subsectors: Insurance Comparison/Marketplace, On-demand/

Travel Insurance, Infrastructure/Back-end, Consumer Platforms,

Regions of operations: Europe, Middle East, Asia, Africa

Hepstar provides a travel ancillary product hosting and merchandising platform that aggregates suppliers across the globe
and recommends products based on distinct customer purchasing behaviour in travel and related distribution channels.
Hepstar’s hosting solution includes product administration, reporting and fulfilment functionality, while its merchandising
features include machine-learning capability and optimal packaging of products to ensure optimal revenue for the entire
value chain. Hepstar’s agile merchandising platform is designed to personalise the travel insurance and ancillary product
offerings, as well as optimise revenue for its partners. Hepstar analyses anonymous and non-sensitive data and profiles
the customer in real time to ensure ancillary offerings are relevant and personalised to that specific customer’s needs. By
aggregating ancillaries from various global suppliers, Hepstar can offer its partners access to a wide product portfolio and
ensures the product offering is relevant for each customer. The company has partnerships with companies including AXA,
Collinson, MAPFRE Assistance, Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited and ERGO Travel Insurance.

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INSURTECH 100 Profiles 30

Founded 2017 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Underwriting & Risk

Rating, Operations & Servicing, Claims, Policy Renewal/
Customer Retention, Proposition that supports the end to end
value chain

Subsectors: Commercial/Enterprise Insurance, Data/Intelligence

Regions of operations: UK, France, opening in Germany and

Spain in the next 12 months

Hokodo’s mission is to make insurance and financing available to the millions of European SMEs left behind by today’s
financial service industry. Hokodo uses innovative, cutting-edge, technology to develop insurance and finance solutions
to protect SMEs participating in B2B trade. By integrating into the technology SMEs use day-to-day, such as cloud ac-
counting platforms and B2B marketplaces, Hokodo makes insurance and financing available at the point of need. The
company launched with Invoice Protection, and it is forecast that this will help protect over €200 million worth of B2B
trade in Europe over the next two years. Hokodo is backed by leading European VC, Anthemis, and the EU’s Horizon
2020 program. Hokodo’s insurance products, underwritten and distributed using Hokodo’s technology, are backed by
the Channel Syndicate, a unit of SCOR Global P&C.

Founded 2011 Employees: 1-10

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Underwriting & Risk

Rating, Operations & Servicing, Claims, Policy Renewal/
Customer Retention, Proposition that supports the end to end
value chain

Subsectors: Home/P&C, Consumer Platforms

Regions of operations: United States, Canada

HomeZada is an online and mobile set of apps that empowers homeowners to track the details of their home to save
time, money and reduce stress. These apps specifically include tracking a home inventory to understand the home
contents, managing a home maintenance calendar and home repair, design and remodel projects for better cost and
schedule management, and finally tracking all the finances of the home for better visibility. HomeZada also supports
its partners in industries like mortgage, insurance and real estate to gain and retain more clients in today’s competitive
environment. With branding and cross selling opportunities, HomeZada partners stay connected with their customers
beyond the initial transaction of securing a mortgage or policy and selling a home.

Founded 2002 Employees: 51-100

Value Chain: Underwriting & Risk Rating, Operations &

Servicing, Claims, Policy Renewal/Customer Retention,
Proposition that supports the end to end value chain

Subsectors: Insurance Comparison/Marketplace, Commercial/

Enterprise Insurance, On-Demand/Travel Insurance,
Infrastructure/Back-end, Auto Insurance, P2P Insurance,
Consumer Platforms, Home/P&C, Data/Intelligence

Regions of operations: EMEA

ICE InsureTech is a provider of core software systems to Insurers, MGAs, TPAs and InsurTech start-ups, with a customer base
that is 100% referenceable. The ICE Insurance suite is a modular, end to end solution for policy administration and claims man-
agement, designed by insurance professionals for insurance professionals. Our award-winning innovative software enables rapid
implementation, flexible business configuration, is proven and robust, all underpinned by great technology. ICE InsureTech, part
of the Acturis Group, was founded in 2002 to introduce automation & efficiency to the insurance market. ICE has partnerships
with Munich Re and Kofax. Munich Re’s Digital Partners have selected ICE InsureTech as a preferred Policy Administration Tech-
nology Provider for their growing stable of insurance technology start-ups. ICE InsureTech are a licensed reseller for Kofax CCM
and as such are able to offer a fully integrated document production solution at preferential licence rates.

INSURTECH 100 © 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd



Founded 1998 Key Employees

East Windsor, United States Jeffrey Chesky
Chairman & CEO
Product name [email protected]
iInsure Matt Chesky
Employees 51-100
Regions of operation: US
Tracy O’Brien

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Operations & Servicing, Policy Renewal/Customer Retention, Proposition that supports
the end to end value chain

Subsectors: Insurance Ecosystem


Insuritas is a leader in insurance agency From 1980 to 2019 the number of The first global insurance ecosystem. The
outsourcing for financial institutions, insurance service employees has more iInsure platform has the infrastructure
enabling them to own a complete than doubled from .463 million to 1.1 and rules for the first global insurance
insurance agency without the significant million. They support over 250,000 marketplace. iInsure brings together
capital investments required to build or variations of insurance products/coverages insurance buyers/users and insurance
buy an agency, or the inherent operational manufactured by over 6,000 carriers product producers, by leveraging Big
risks. Insuritas is an insurance ecosystem working inside a terribly disconnected Data, Data Analytics, Data Lakes, Micro-
that operates inside a unique legal vertical. iInsure is the first insurance segmentation, Personalized Digital
construct that allows it to access the platform (PaaS) ecosystem where people Engagement and P’URLS (personalized
massive amounts of customer data that is can shop, compare, buy and service URL landing pages).
housed inside the financial institution and all of their insurance needs in a single,
merge it real-time with publicly available frictionless, omni-channel, product
supplemental data sets. agnostic ecosystem.

The Insuritas virtual insurance agency ecosystem reengineers the way insurance works. The iInsure technology allows consumers and
small businesses to shop, compare, purchase and service all of their insurance needs from multiple competing carriers on a single digital
platform. Insuritas is the first insurance ecosystem platform engineered to connect insurance buyers and all of their lifetime insurance
needs with an infinite number of insurance carriers in a single, virtuous insurance agency eco-system facilitated by financial institutions
globally, replacing the current, highly fragmented and antiquated customer acquisition, quoting and policy issuance model. The iInsure
technology operates inside virtual, private label, multi-product, multi-carrier insurance agency ecosystems embedded inside ecosystem
orchestrators (currently financial institutions) to present their users (consumers and business owners) with the ability to shop, compare,
buy and manage post-purchase services for all of their insurance needs in a single, frictionless, digital environment supported by full
service, on-demand white-glove agents. The platform is omni-channel, and carrier and product agnostic. It will become one of the largest
insurance distribution platforms in the world by 2024.

This document is being provided for information purposes only. It is not designed to be taken as advice or a recommendation for any specific investment or strategy decisions.

© 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd COMPANY RESEARCH PROFILE


Investors: Friends & Family
• Seed Round - $2.1M
• Series A Round - $9.6M

• Insuritas partners with over 200 carriers and 13 tech platforms

• Customer acquisition numbers: The platform has nearly 200 financial institution clients with over 10m retail and 1.6m small
businesses in the addressable market – underlying policy production has a four year CAGR of 30%+

• Client companies:

• Estimated revenue in 2022: $75m -$100m

• Estimated staff numbers in 2022: 300

Jeffrey Chesky - Chairman & CEO
Mr. Chesky was the Founder & President of Banc Insurance Services, Inc., where he pioneered the design, installation, and outsourced
management of insurance agencies for financial institutions nationally. BIS was purchased by Jack Henry & Associates, the nation’s
leading bank core processing company in 2004. (JKHY – NASDAQ). In 2008, Mr. Chesky led a group of private investors in a buyout of BIS
from Jack Henry, and renamed the company Insuritas. Mr. Chesky also pioneered the development of the nation’s leading management
consulting practice for insurance agency integration strategies for bank acquired insurance agencies post acquisition, called the Agency
Integration Management Group. Mr. Chesky has over 20 years’ experience in the banking and insurance fields. Over that time, he has
served as a Senior Vice President of one of the nation’s 100 largest insurance agencies, Director of Institutional Investment Management at
Mass Mutual Insurance Company, and Vice President of mortgage lending at both Fleet Bank and Bank of New England. Mr. Chesky also
had the distinguished honour to serve on the White House staffs of President Jimmy Carter and Vice President Walter Mondale and on the
personal staff of Governor Michael Dukakis.

This document is being provided for information purposes only. It is not designed to be taken as advice or a recommendation for any specific investment or strategy decisions.

© 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd COMPANY RESEARCH PROFILE
31 INSURTECH 100 Profiles

The best is yet to come

Insuritas has been at the forefront of the InsurTech revolution
for two decades. While its leadership sees some challenges on
the horizon, they believe they are well positioned to transform
them into opportunities for growth.

father across the dinner table growing up, and even-

tually joining the company after graduating from col-
lege in 2012. Having helped the company grow to its
market-leader position in the U.S. today, Matt Chesky
believes there are still plenty of opportunities for en-
trepreneurs who know where to look.
“One of the widest gaps between consumer expec-
tations and reality today in the InsurTech space is in
the insurance shopping experience,” he says. “Many
of the newer innovations in the distribution side of
InsurTech are focused exclusively on digitizing a tra-
ditionally analog shopping experience, but don’t nec-
essarily solve for some of the other frictions inherent
in that process.
“We think that building an omni-channel insurance
ecosystem, that incorporates world-class InsurTech
to reduce those frictions, or even eliminate the need
for users to shop for insurance, represents one of the
most scalable opportunities in the space.”
The InsurTech space is going from strength to
strength. This is evident given how the investment fig- And that is exactly what Insuritas does. Founded and
ures into the sector are growing every year. launched in 1999 as Banc Insurance Services, the
company pioneered the idea of conceptualising, de-
Back in 2014, $504.7m was invested into the sector
signing, installing and outsourcing management of in-
globally. That number jumped to a massive $3.5bn in
surance agencies for financial institutions across the
2018, only to skyrocket above $3.7bn in the first nine
months of 2019. With over 1,000 deals having been country, enabling banks and credit unions to offer the
signed off in the sector to date and 2019 already look- auto, home and business insurance products their
ing it will be another record year, it’s safe to say that depositors purchase every year.
the opportunities for tech solutions in the insurance These features formed the core model of the com-
space are only multiplying.
pany when Banc Insurance Services was acquired by
Matt Chesky is one of the people who has witnessed Jack Henry & Associates, a leading bank core process-
the proliferation of these opportunities over the years. ing company, in 2004. And they were still enterprise’s
He is the President of Insuritas, the U.S. leader in in- key features four years later when Jeffrey Chesky
surance agency solutions for financial institutions. He bought back the company and renamed it Insuritas.
is also the son of the company’s Founder, Chairman
Since then, Chesky senior has been pivotal in propel-
and CEO, Jeffrey Chesky.
ling the company to the heights it has today, often hit-
As such, he has been able to see the growth of the ting the road to spread the gospel of its solutions at
sector first-hand, both by talking about it with his conventions across the U.S.

© 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd INSURTECH 100

INSURTECH 100 Profiles 32

Through his and his team’s hard work, Insuritas has out the region, empowering its retail and commercial
become the leading InsurTech company in the U.S., customers with the ability they need to find the cov-
connecting people with the insurance products that erage they need from a massive group of insurance
they need through a seamless and transparent shop- carriers.
ping experience. Today, its fast growing partner net-
Through the years, Insuritas has developed several
work of 200 banks and credit unions is serving over
high-tech solutions for its clients, including its E-Insur-
ten million customers across the USA.
anceAISLE, LoanINSURNACE, InsureNOW and Agent-
Moreover, today Insuritas maintains relationships FORCE platforms.
with over 75 insurance carriers to ensure its end us-
Rather than taking its foot off the metal any time soon
ers have access to competitive pricing and a compre-
when it comes to innovation, Insuritascontinues to
hensive array of products available.
roll out new solutions for the market.
Through its platforms, Insuritas is empowering finan-
In September 2019, it unveiled its latest addition to its
cial institutions to leverage proprietary data-mining
already bursting portfolio of products: iInsure, a first
techniques and integrations with a broad array of in-
of its kind technology that enables banks and cred-
surance carriers to make highly personalized, digital-
it unions to fully integrate insurance quote and buy
ly optimized insurance offers to their depositors, all
capabilities into their high-usage digital banking plat-
within their brand. These strategies help further their
commitment to the financial well-being of their cus-
tomers, while driving a critical source of non-interest The company also recognises that the InsurTech in-
income for their institution. dustry will have several hurdles to overcome in the
near future. Indeed, the industry has to evolve with
This model of building an insurance ecosystem where
the ever-changing regulatory landscape and remain
carriers, customers and Insuritas’ financial institutions
conscious of new technological innovations.
partners come together to drive mutual value is pur-
poseful . “The insurance agency distribution model Nevertheless, Matthew Chesky believes one obstacle
evolved to meet users’ preference for a trusted, ob- will be harder to tackle than any other. “The biggest
jective advisor to assess their risk management needs challenge in the InsurTech space today is customer
and connect them to a carrier who could offer them acquisition,” he says. “Our industry has seen an accel-
the right coverage at the right price,” Matthew Chesky erated influx of new entrants and capital over the last
says. several years, that, with the continued expansion of
the direct writers in the US, have significantly driven
“As the independent agency system in the US contin-
up the cost of customer acquisition. Any scalable in-
ues to consolidate, we believe that financial institu-
surance platform in the US will need to solve for that
tions will continue to see this opportunity to step in
and serve as this trusted advisor to their depositors
as a logical extension of their core business, as well as
a tremendous opportunity to drive customer wallet
share, retention and recurring non-interest income.”
A testament to this fact is that Insuritas – two decades
after it was launched – is still finding new customers
and partners to join forces with.
In 2019 alone, Insuritas has launched partnerships
with banks and credit unions in eight states across
the U.S., and has expanded its addressable market by
nearly a million households.
Most recently, Insuritas launched Marquette Insur-
ance Services for Marquette Bank, a full-service in-
surance agency for one of the largest privately held
banks in the Chicago market with 24 offices through-

INSURTECH 100 © 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd

35 INSURTECH 100 Profiles

Founded 2000 Employees: 51-100

Value Chain: Proposition that supports the end to end value


Subsectors: Infrastructure/Back-end

Regions of operations: UK, Poland, Estonia

Insly helps intermediaries and insurance companies digitize their distribution and administration, providing intermedi-
aries with a cloud-based system to sell insurance online and save time on administration related tasks. They provide
underwriters a platform to rapidly deploy their products to market. Initially started as a spin-off from a broker company
that pioneered online insurance sales in CEE, Insly has accumulated a strong team with a unique combination of insur-
ance and IT experience. Insly has been built from the ground up as a cloud native solution and provides a combination
of frontline distribution to back end administration and premium accounting functionality.

Founded 2013 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Policy Renewal/

Customer Retention, Proposition that supports the end to end
value chain

Subsectors: Insurance Comparison/Marketplace, Auto

Insurance, Home/P&C, Life/Health Insurance

Regions of operations: United States

Insurify is a virtual insurance marketplace that leverages predictive analytics and natural language processing to simplify
the process of insurance shopping. As a business devoted to consumer experience, they deploy the latest in artificial
intelligence and machine learning technology to match customers with quotes from the insurance companies that fit
their profile and needs. By partnering with the nation’s top-rated insurance carriers, they provide comparison shoppers
in all fifty states an intuitive and comprehensive shopping experience that leads to cheaper insurance quotes from trust-
ed and reputable insurers. Insurify enables users to conveniently compare insurance quotes based on price as well as
quality parameters such as discounts, reviews, features, and the overall quality score of the carriers. Insurify has seen
250% growth year over year on policy sales.

Founded 2017 Employees: 1-10

Value Chain: Proposition that supports the end to end value


Subsectors: Speciality Insurance

Regions of operations: South Africa

InvestSure protects investors from losses in the share price of listed companies that are caused by allegations of man-
agement fraud/dishonesty. Fraud/Dishonesty on the part of management is near impossible to detect as an ordinary
investor. However, when news of such breaks in the media it can have catastrophic effects on the share price, and hence
on an investors personal wealth. InvestSure created a world first insurance product that protects investors from losses
in the share price of listed companies that are caused by allegations of management fraud and dishonesty. The product
is completely automated from buy to claim, with average claim settlement time at less than 45 seconds from the client
selling their share to when the claims money is available in their investment account. This is enabled through integration
to the platforms which allows real time requests and actions via our API’s.

© 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd INSURTECH 100

INSURTECH 100 Profiles 36

Founded 2015 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Operations & Servicing,

Claims, Policy Renewal/Customer Retention, Proposition that
supports the end to end value chain

Subsectors: On-Demand/Travel Insurance, Infrastructure/

Back-end, Consumer Platforms

Regions of operations: Germany, UK, France, Switzerland,

Portugal, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Estonia

INZMO is an InsurTech start-up focussed on providing the most advanced platform for insurance and assistance servic-
es. INZMO is the only platform serving all the parties of insurance processes by providing tools/platform for insurance
companies, retailers/corporate partners, claims handlers and end consumer. INZMO has clients including Uber and

Founded 2016 Employees: 1-10

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution

Subsectors: Commercial/Enterprise Insurance, Auto Insurance,

On-Demand/Travel Insurance, Infrastructure/Back-end,
Consumer Platforms, Home/P&C, Data/Intelligence

Regions of operations: New Zealand, Australia, Singapore

JRNY helps insurance providers protect people better through its highly configurable and artificially intelligent Insurance
Distribution Platform. Using the Platform, insurer networks can sell more of the right policies to the right people, deliver
better customer experiences, improve internal efficiencies and bottom line, while more easily complying with regulatory
obligations. The Platform hosts a suite of three JRNY products: With JRNY Chat, client interactions can take place in a
conversational interface, 24/7, without the need for a human, and can automate key parts of the customer journey like
advice, needs analysis, quoting, purchase, claims lodging, policy management and renewal. The JRNY API integrates with
CRMs and legacy systems to streamline internal efficiencies and maximise ROI; while the JRNY Dashboard allows com-
panies to analyse data and conversations so that they can know their customers like never before. JRNY currently has
partnerships with IBM Watson and FaceMe.

Founded 2017 Employees: 1-10

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Underwriting & Risk

Rating, Policy Renewal/Customer Retention, Proposition that
supports the end to end value chain

Subsectors: Insurance Comparison/Marketplace, Commercial/

Enterprise Insurance, Infrastructure/Back-end, Consumer
Platforms, Data/Intelligence

Regions of operations: Brazil

Kakau is a subscription-based digital platform that uses artificial intelligence technology to deliver more accurate insur-
ance results. The company’s innovation/production line is simple, transparent and digital, seeking partnerships with the
most reliable insurance companies in the market. One of the innovations is the introduction of secure subscription, thus
leaving the user free to pause the subscription at any time. The big goal in front of the company is to turn yesterday’s
insurance into a financial and social inclusion tool. In the front end, Kakau democratizes insurance with digital MGA and
on the back end, Kakau Sonar solves fraud issues for insurance company. Artificial Intelligence technology coupled with
analytics capabilities for Big Data enables a complete revolution in product and user experience. Kakau has more than
12,000 users on its platform.

INSURTECH 100 © 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd

37 INSURTECH 100 Profiles

Founded 2015 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Proposition that supports the end to end value


Subsectors: Commercial/Enterprise Insurance, Auto Insurance,

On-Demand/Travel Insurance, Infrastructure/Back-end, Home/
P&C, Data/Intelligence

Regions of operations: KASKO have offices in London, Riga,

Hamburg and Singapore and have launched digital insurance
products in the UK, Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and

KASKO offers “InsurTech as a Service“. The company’s cloud-based platform allows digital plug-and-play insurance products
to be launched in as little as six weeks, allowing for new product ideas to be tested and existing ‘on-paper’ products to be dig-
italised. The various modules KASKO offers include the white-labeled customer journey, digital quote-offer-bind, issuing policy
documents, taking payments, policy administration and capturing first notification of loss (FNOL). As the platform is open it
can also be connected to third party solutions, or external data sets to enrich underwriting or reduce the customer journey.
KASKO is currently working with 20+ insurers in five countries with 40+ active products and its customers include the likes of
Allianz, Baloise, Swiss Re and Zurich.

Founded 2016 Employees: 51-100

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Underwriting & Risk

Rating, Operations & Servicing, Claims, Policy Renewal/
Customer Retention, Proposition that supports the end to end
value chain

Subsectors: Home/P&C

Regions of operations: Florida, Texas, Georgia, Alabama

Kin is a data-driven insurtech that uses public and private data sources to simplify the quoting and application process
and to offer custom insurance products to each customer. With a focus on serving areas impacted by hurricanes and
wildfires, they are committed to helping homeowners that are often neglected by traditional insurers. The company
offers first- and third-party insurance products with a pleasant UX and excellent customer service from licensed agents.
They are one of the only insurtechs underwriting risk in Florida and focusing on sustainability as an insurance company,
with healthy loss ratios and educated risk modeling. They have a partnership with Brinks to facilitate the purchase of a
home security system, as well as various third-party insurance relationships to broaden their offering of home, flood,
and auto insurance.

Founded 2015 Employees: 51-100

Value Chain: Proposition that supports the end to end value


Subsectors: Life/Health Insurance

Regions of operations: United States

Ladder has reinvented the life insurance process to offer instant, fully underwritten term policies online. With stellar pric-
es, no hidden fees, and the flexibility to adjust or cancel your coverage anytime, Ladder is on a mission to close the $16T
life insurance gap and fuel the resilience of 50M underinsured American families and their communities. By leveraging
its unique full stack platform, Ladder is spearheading a data revolution to make life insurance as fair and accessible as it
can be. Ladder introduced Ladder @ Work in October 2018 and Ladder for Advisors in January of 2019. Ladder @ Work
enables forward-thinking companies to offer affordable, portable Ladder term life insurance benefits to their employees.
Ladder for Advisors provides financial advisors with an efficient way to help their clients consider term life insurance as
part of their ongoing financial planning.

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INSURTECH 100 Profiles 38

Founded 2017 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Proposition that supports the end to end value


Subsectors: P2P Insurance

Regions of operations: UK, Malaysia

Laka is a unique insurance model that sees the customer only paying for the true cost of cover. It is a model where
both the company and customer wins, aligning interests for the first time. Customers join a group of like-minded people
(affinity groups), e.g. cyclists and share the actual cost of claims at the end of the month. Laka is building the mutual
insurer of the future where customers don’t pay premiums upfront any longer. Instead, Laka asks for a share of the ac-
tual claims cost at the end of the month, up to a clearly communicated personal cap. The company has partnered with
insurer Zurich in the UK to act as an underwriter and reinsurer on the loss. Laka has a strong network of support and is
a Startupbootcamp InsurTech and FCA Sandbox alumni. In addition, Laka is currently expanding to Malaysia on the back
of strong local partnerships.

Founded 2014 Employees: 101-250

Value Chain: Proposition that supports the end to end value


Subsectors: Life/Health Insurance, Consumer Platforms

Regions of operations: Canada, US, UK and Ireland

League is North America’s leading enterprise health OS, a data-driven platform designed to provide a single access hub
for employees to engage with their health, lifestyle and benefit programs. This new “front door” to healthcare eliminates
the current sea of point solutions via an integrated ecosystem of over 100 insurance carriers, healthcare partners and
HRIS systems. Customers like Unilever, Uber, Shopify, and Lush Cosmetics are amongst the hundreds of employers
currently using League to revolutionize their employee experience, drive better benefit utilization and reduce costs.
Through its open architecture, League’s platform allows employers to deliver benefit programs that actively support em-
ployees’ health and wellness. Its cloud-based infrastructure connects forward-thinking businesses and their employees
with health insurance, flexible spending accounts, health content, health rewards, curated health journeys and on-de-
mand, live health support. This has led to 80 percent of members adopting at least one new healthy habit. By helping
members understand their coverage through 50,000 benefits concierge chats — with an average first response time of
less than 10 seconds — League helps HR teams spend 80 percent less time on benefit inquiries, on average.

Founded 2015 Employees: 101-250

Value Chain: Proposition that supports the end to end value


Subsectors: Home/P&C

Regions of operations: US, Germany

Lemonade injects transparency, technology, and trust in an industry that is often lacking these elements. Powered by
artificial intelligence and behavioral economics, Lemonade replaces brokers and bureaucracy with bots and machine
learning. They promise zero paperwork and instant everything: paying 30% of its claims in three seconds and breaking
the world record for fastest claim paid. As a Certified B-Corp, where underwriting profits go to non-profits, Lemonade
is remaking insurance as a social good, rather than a necessary evil. They’re aligning interests between themselves, the
insurance company, and their customers, and adding a new element: charities chosen by customers, which brings out
the best behaviour in everyone.

INSURTECH 100 © 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd

39 INSURTECH 100 Profiles

Founded 2016 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Operations & Servicing, Claims, Proposition that

supports the end to end value chain

Subsectors: Insurance Comparison/Marketplace, Commercial/

Enterprise Insurance, Infrastructure/Back-end, Auto Insurance

Regions of operations: United Kingdom, United States,


Luther makes enterprise processes connected-by-design. To achieve this they have developed modular, interoperable,
software components that can be rapidly assembled to execute a specific function of a process. These components
then allow it to orchestrate the execution, verification and coordination of all functions in a process through its smart
contract infrastructure. The outcome is a streamlined process that removes delays, errors and expense for our enter-
prise customers and their end consumers. Luther Systems solves the fragmentation in enterprise processes which
includes: lack of standardisation, manual data entry, processing data errors, error propagation, lack of real-time data
validation, and manual compliance checks. Luther’s product solves these problems by streamlining and automating pro-
cesses, establishing standardisation, performing real-time data validation, saving the customer and end-user time and
money. Clients include Allianz, Aviva Investors, Citi Bank, MTN Telecommunications and Acre Software.

Founded 2009 Employees: 101-250

Value Chain: Underwriting & Risk Rating, Operations &

Servicing, Claims, Policy Renewal/Customer Retention

Subsectors: Life/Health Insurance, On-Demand/Travel

Insurance, Consumer Platforms, Data/Intelligence

Regions of operations: India, US, MENA, Southeast Asia

Mantra Labs is an AI-first product and solutions firm solving real-world challenges for the digital insurance landscape.
Their key products are FlowMagic, a visual AI platform for Insurer Workflows, Hitee, an AI enabled industry specific chat-
bot, and an insurance specific Lead Conversion Accelerator. With FlowMagic, insurers can create, customise and monitor
workflows built to scale across the insurance value chain. It comprises of AI-powered applications which can be strung
together to execute any workflow. The jobs can be scheduled, executed and monitored directly from the platform. Lead
Conversion Accelerator is an AI-enabled tool that allows insurers to maximize capture from the sales funnel for AI-driven
lead allocation, prioritization and conversion. Multilingual AI-Powered Chatbots allow insurers to fulfil routine service
tasks via NLP and ML models trained on insurance-specific parlance. The company has partnerships with companies
such as IBM Watson and Nvidia.

Founded 2014 Employees: 51-100

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Operations & Servicing,

Policy Renewal/Customer Retention, Claims

Subsectors: Insurance Comparison/Marketplace, Home/P&C

Regions of operations: United States

Matic is a digital insurance agency focused on making the insurance search and purchase process more convenient, af-
fordable, and transparent to consumers. The company’s proprietary technology platform integrates with national, A-rat-
ed carriers’ systems to deliver digital quotes in less than 60 seconds and bind within minutes either online or through an
agent. Matic’s carrier marketplace has 20+ carriers (and growing) and has resulted in $300+ in annual premium savings.
Using their mortgage industry experience, the founders saw a unique opportunity to distribute its offering through
mortgage lenders and servicers, delivering value to both the mortgage company and their borrower. Matic leverages
partnerships and data from lenders, banks and mortgage servicers to make the HOI shopping experience seamless and
the company has grown more than 500% annually since 2017.

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INSURTECH 100 Profiles 40

Founded 2011 Employees: 251-500

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Underwriting & Risk

Rating, Operations & Servicing, Claims, Policy Renewal/
Customer Retention, Proposition that supports the end to end
value chain

Subsectors: Auto Insurance, Infrastructure/Back-end, Data/


Regions of operations: United States

Metromile is a modern insurance company, best known for pioneering artificial intelligence, machine learning and telematics
technology in the U.S. auto insurance industry. Metromile Pulse, the telematics device the company provides all policyholders
for free, enables substantial savings in premiums for drivers and empowers them to turn their car—regardless of age, make or
model—into a smart car with real-time vehicle diagnoses, street-sweeping alerts, trip and gas planners, and vehicle location and
recovery. AVA, Metromile’s AI-driven claims system, speeds up the process of verifying and paying out insurance claims. Using
Metromile Pulse sensor data, AVA can reconstruct the scene of an accident to determine if claim details are accurate instantly.
When the claim is verified, Metromile can approve payments within seconds automatically. The company’s artificial intelligence
technology also improves insurance carriers’ marketing and policy purchase by equipping them with real-time underwriting on
an individual customer basis. Metromile recently partnered with the car-sharing platform Turo to create fractional insurance, a
new type of car insurance that prevents drivers from being double-charged or “double-insured.”

Founded 2017 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Underwriting & Risk

Rating, Claims, Proposition that supports the end to end value

Subsectors: On-Demand/Travel Insurance

Regions of operations: France, Europe

Moonshot-Internet is an Insurtech that develops on demand B2B2C insurance products and services for e-commerces,
retailers, payment and travel firms. Incubated within Société Générale Assurances, Moonshot-Internet provides person-
alized and contextualized insurance for a wide range of affinity products and services. Unique in France and one of only
with such a value proposition in Europe, Moonshot-Internet’s solutions are based on three pillars: technology, data and
customer experience excellence. Indeed, the start-up delivers innovative automatized and intelligent products that can
go live in less than three months! The experience relies on API for a plug-and-play and peace-of-mind experience. One
of the most popular products are a “flight-disruption real-time detection” that triggers an access opening to a partner
lounge and a “AI-based broken mobile screen detection” allowing direct compensation thanks to a simple photo. The
Insurtech’s partnership demonstrates the market trust with companies including Rakuten, Djobacash and Roadzen.

Founded 2016 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Operations & Servicing, Claims

Subsectors: Auto Insurance, Home/P&C

Regions of operations: US, Netherlands, Germany, Italy,

Southeast Asia

MotionsCloud streamlines and automates property and vehicle claims processes powered by AI computer vision to
evaluate damages with data-driven and customer-centric interfaces for insurance companies and policyholders. Motion-
sCloud reduces claims cycle time to three hours instead of three weeks, saving up to 75% on the claims processing cost
and improving customer claims experiences. The vision is to provide an end to end automated touchless claims process
for insurance companies and policyholders. MotionsCloud provides technology modules that connect into the existing
claims system. AI computer vision damage evaluation as a core module complemented by a personalized self-service
claims mobile web app for policyholders to capture claims information accurately and remote live video inspection for
policyholders and claims experts to perform claims inspection seamlessly. Today, MotionsCloud is serving clients in the
US, Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Southeast Asia including P&C insurance companies, claims management compa-
nies and insurance brokers.

INSURTECH 100 © 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd

Pascal Bied-Charreton Nicolas Serceau Laurent Leconte
CEO CMO & Co-Founder CTO

to provide protection to anyone for anything anywhere !

Real-time compensation
EASY CLAIM No declaration
Minimal documentary evidence

based on

Pure technology driven Dynamic real-time

service-led model underwriting based on AI

Parametric triggers and


Unlock value & efficiency of each stack in the insurance value chain


Simple, transparent Customized risk profiling Insurance as an API Parametrically triggered
& unbundled insurance based on AI real-time settlement
Embedded insurance
Contextual-insurance / Augmented real-time Video & Computer Vision
«peace of mind» offerings segmentation White-labelled B2B2C
solutions enabled adjustment

Our Products


Loss, theft of payment’s means Goods damage
Income protection Shipping return
Shipping delay
Collaborative payment Travel cancellation Broken screen (phone) Show, sports cancellation
Luggage tracking
Transport delay
Missed connection
43 INSURTECH 100 Profiles

Founded 2016 Employees: 101-250

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Underwriting & Risk

Rating, Operations & Servicing, Claims, Policy Renewal/
Customer Retention

Subsectors: Commercial/Enterprise Insurance, Small Business


Regions of operations: United States

Next Insurance is transforming small business insurance with simple, affordable coverage, tailored to the needs of each
class of business. The InsurTech offers policies that are easy to buy with instant, 24/7, online access to services such as
Real-Time Certificates of Insurance, Additional Insured, and more with absolutely no extra fees. Revolutionizing traditional
insurance processes, Next Insurance is utilizing advanced technology to offer the industry’s most innovative small business
insurance policies. The company now offers policies to over 1,000 classes of business across the United States, including
Contracting, Construction, Consulting, Fitness, Beauty, Entertainment, Education, and more. The cloud-based web and mo-
bile solutions utilize big data and machine learning for a fully online, simple and tailored user experience that caters to the
insurance needs of today’s small businesses. All insurance processes including risk assessment, underwriting, pricing and
document generation are fully automated so that any small business can obtain a policy in just a few minutes.

Founded 2015 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Operations & Servicing,

Claims, Proposition that supports the end to end value chain

Subsectors: Auto Insurance, Data/Intelligence

Regions of operations: The Netherlands and neighbouring

Openclaims is an Insurtech that focusses on repair management for motor insurance claims. Often insurers have a lot of
processes in place, from claims handling to underwriting, but nothing to really help the customer when damage occurs.
Their main goal is to digitize and optimize the repair process. Openclaims fully services customers through their online
SaaS platform. Everything is covered, from the first notification of loss to the actual repair process. Repair Manager lets
insurees easily report and describe their claim through the white-label online customer portal. Based on claim data the
algorithm selects the best-suited repair facility for each individual claim based on location, brand, model, the complexity
of repair and body shop workplace planning. The Repair Manager platform bundles everything in one place with envi-
ronments for the end customer, repair facility, insurer, expert and Openclaims. Because the process is adaptable for
each individual insurer, extensive possibilities of customization and adaption are offered to insurers company values.

Founded 2015 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Policy Renewal/

Customer Retention

Subsectors: Auto Insurance, Home/P&C, Data/Intelligence, Life/

Health Insurance

Regions of operations: India, UAE, US

Pentation Analytics has developed a proprietary, machine learning based analytical product ‘Insurance Analytics Suite®’.
The product addresses multiple use cases such as Retention/Persistency, Cross-sell, Acquisition, Underwriting. The prod-
uct has been implemented at leading Insurance companies in India. The product is available on cloud and on-premise
and is aimed for the business user. The Insurance Analytics Suite has a three-layered application architecture: Layer 1:
Insurance Data Model, Layer 2: Industry level machine learning models, Layer 3: Use case focused applications Insurance
Data Model which enables the organization to become analytics ready for both structured and unstructured data; have
early wins from data discovery/visualization.

© 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd INSURTECH 100

INSURTECH 100 Profiles 44

Founded 2017 Employees: 101-250

Value Chain: Proposition that supports the end to end value


Subsectors: Commercial/Enterprise Insurance

Regions of operations: United States

Pie Insurance provides workers’ compensation insurance directly to small businesses. Pie also partners with local, re-
gional, and national insurance agencies to provide coverage to their clients. This way, everybody wins. Small business
owners can now save up to 30% in three minutes — which means getting workers’ comp coverage really is as easy as pie.
Pie’s founders decided it was time to build an insurance company the right way — working backward from the customer.
Everything from quote to claim is designed with small business owners in mind, and the company uses predictive analyt-
ics and high-quality data sets in real time to better match small business owners with a premium that fits their actual risk.
Pie operates as a managing general agency for Sirius America Insurance Company, a subsidiary of Sirius Group, offering
A.M. Best “A” rated workers’ compensation insurance.

Founded 2016 Employees: 51-100

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Underwriting & Risk

Rating, Policy Renewal/Customer Retention, Claims, Proposition
that supports the end to end value chain

Subsectors: Data/Intelligence

Regions of operations: US and Canada

Planck is a leading artificial intelligence data platform that provides real-time risk and underwriting insights for commer-
cial insurance. Planck creates all the required and up-to-date underwriting insights about any business, with the highest
coverage and accuracy (over 90%) in the market. As a result, commercial carriers can grow new and retained businesses,
while substantially reducing their loss and expense ratios. Planck’s customers use the platform to pre-fill application
forms, validate submissions, get instant valuable risk-related insights, implement a one-click quote (no forms at all), audit
existing books in preparation for renewals, and more.
Planck works with over 40 carriers in the United States, including three of the top five commercial insurers.
Planck was founded in 2016 by software-as-a-service and insurance veterans and has about 60 employees in Manhattan,
Tel Aviv, and Plano, Texas.

Founded 2015 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution

Subsectors: Insurance Comparison/Marketplace, Life/Health


Regions of operations: Brazil

Planium acts to disintermediate some levels within the health insurance sales process by simplifying and digitizing the
sales process. The company has developed software that digitizes a carrier’s entire health insurance sales process and
is marketed as a service (SaaS). The contracting operator pays a fixed amount of customization, receives a “store” on the
internet and pays recurrently for a policy sold through the store. The company has two differentiators that distinguish it
in the market. The company’s core asset, developed over the past four years, is the platform that allows an operator to
have their environment available and fully customized in less than 60 days. The second is the network created by inte-
grating the platform with the carrier legacy systems, as each carrier has different or differently customized business rules
and management systems. Planium had three clients by the end of 2016, 12 in 2017, 30 in 2018 and 50 as of July 2019.

INSURTECH 100 © 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd

45 INSURTECH 100 Profiles

How to update underwriting to the 21st century

Insurance is changing, and Planck is leading that change through
its platform which automatically and accurately assesses risk
factors in real time.

products and business lines. Since then, the scaleup

has expanded its offering on a monthly basis.
Not only were insurers pleasantly surprised by how
quickly the company’s solution could answer many
questions, but they were also amazed by the data’s
accuracy. “They had never seen an equivalent perfor-
mance”, Yacubovich says.
Of course, insurers had already recognized the need
for a solution like Planck’s. “Carriers have already
identified the need to provide their customers, es-
pecially the small- and medium-business segment,
with a much better customer experience and faster
quoting and onboarding processes”, Yacubovich says.
“Carriers also acknowledge the limitations of the ex-
isting system using standardization, such as ACORD
forms, as well as the limitations of self-declared sub-
He explains that the underwriting process has long
been a time-consuming one, fraught with frustrations.
Firstly, it involved the submission and quoting process
from both clients and insurers. Secondly, the existing
method usually relied on flawed or incomplete data.
Thirdly, the underwriting process was often based on
Elad Tsur, Amir Cohen and David Schapiro found- one-size-fits-all questions that could fail to encompass
ed Planck in 2016. Tsur and Cohen had previously individual clients the way bespoke solutions would.
launched and spearheaded the growth of the data “In order to overcome the existing obstacles, carri-
mining company Bluetail until it was acquired by ers need to gain access to accurate and up-to-date
Salesforce in July 2012. Before joining Planck’s found- data to justify the cost of the process compared to
ing team, Schapiro had clocked time as the CEO of the earned premiums, especially in the SMB sector”,
data analytics company Earnix for almost a decade. Yacubovich continues. “The good news is that the data
Planck is named after the physical constant in quan- is out there, and companies like Planck that are expe-
tum mechanics and has quickly grown to become one rienced in dealing with big data and artificial intelli-
of the world’s most promising InsurTech scaleups. It gence are already helping carriers gain a competitive
specializes in scraping and analysing huge datasets advantage, allowing them to grow their [slice of the]
to quickly and accurately help insurers in their under- pie by entering categories that were less profitable
writing endeavours. in the past, provide a better user experience, reduce
underwriting expense ratios and improve overall loss
“The better we can assess risk, the better it is for ratios.”
everybody”, says Omri Yacubovich, vice president
of marketing and business development at Planck. So how can modern solutions provide greater flexi-
“Consumers will pay the right premium, avoiding bility to the underwriting process? In Planck’s case, it
cross-subsidizing higher-risk policyholders, and insur- starts with the underwriter, an agent or a customer
ance companies can grow new business while reduc- simply entering a business name and address. “The
ing loss ratios. It’s not utopia, but a reality for carriers business name could be a DBA, [doing business as].
that work with us.” It could be a registered name. It can be anything that
describes the business”, Yacubovich says.
Having launched the new venture in 2016, the team
spent the better part of the following three years de- He adds that Planck has built a proprietary technol-
veloping their minimum viable product. In July 2018, ogy that allows it to identify the business even with
Planck launched its platform for multiple insurance partial or typo-riddled information.

© 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd INSURTECH 100

INSURTECH 100 Profiles 46

Once the client has entered a business’s name and model”, Yacubovich continues. “Furthermore, it will
address, Planck’s technology crawls through thou- search for additional look-a-like predictors to further
sands of open web data sources to find out everything enhance its relevance and accuracy.”
it can about the company. “Anything that’s out there”,
Planck’s technology also enables insurers to quickly
Yacubovich says, “we scrape the internet and we get
react if a customer’s risk profile changes. This enables
all the relevant data for that specific entity.” But that’s
smoother and more streamlined renewal processes
only the beginning of the process.
by minimizing low-value-add data activity, allowing the
But having the data is not enough – insurers must be underwriter to focus on new risks, coverages and ex-
able to consume it in a way that provides them clarity posures.
about the risk and allows them to action it. And that’s
The way Yacubovich sees it, solutions like Planck’s will
where the processing and insight creation phases kick fundamentally transform the insurance industry. “In
in. The scraped data is analysed through a combina- the future, carriers will underwrite and define pricing
tion of image processing, natural language process- based on risk types and the overall probability for
ing, unstructured data analysis and other artificial in- each of the policy’s related risks, given the known and
telligence technologies. “[Through that,] we’re able to unknown factors combined with the deviation from
extract valuable information out of the various data similar businesses, so they don’t need to identify and
pieces”, Yacubovich says. evaluate any particular field or potential predictor
For instance, a selfie taken in a restaurant may be based on generic standards or their own experience”,
enough to find out whether the establishment has he says.
smoke detectors or sells hard liquor, or if the floor “For example, the risk of robbery could be related to
looks particularly slippery. Having information like this operational hours, but also to the amount of cash or
could, for example, empower underwriters to more valuables stored in the business and possibly even
accurately assess the risk of injury in a dancing area to the proximity to certain other businesses or insti-
in a bar. tutions. Also, the overall reported crime in the area
Once extracted and analysed, the data is taken can contribute to the predicting model, and so forth. I
through the third phase, which is where Planck’s tech- believe that down the road, instead of asking generic
nology creates the insights underwriters need. “We questions about the hours of operation and valuables
use deep learning algorithms that we train based on or cash stored in the business at any given time, the
gold data, as in data already proven to be 100% ac- carrier will be able to receive specific, customized risk
curate”, says Yacubovich. “So, we can train our algo- probabilities and use those to price and issue quotes.”
rithmic model to find the truth from all the different The InsurTech scene has grown tremendously in the
data pieces that the system has processed. During past six years. In 2014, the global industry attract-
the third phase, the system takes all the extracted in- ed $504.7 million. By 2018, that figure had jumped
formation and then creates the truth per field or per to $3.48 billion only to skyrocket to $3.72 billion in
question that we are trying to address.” the first three quarters of 2019 alone. With so much
Traditionally, underwriters also conduct their own money being spent on innovation in the industry, one
online research. However, Yacubovich explains that must wonder where that leaves underwriters.
these findings and the subsequent analysis may be Yet, Yacubovich doesn’t think underwriters need to
biased. Comparatively, Planck’s technology can scan look for new jobs any time soon. “We’ve seen this shift
all the data available to the public. “But instead of ask- in many other industries”, he says. “Even in tradition-
ing hundreds of questions or dozens of them, which al industries like farming, instead of seeding, planting
would take hours to complete, and even more to be and watering based only on the farmers’ knowledge
validated by the carrier, that can be completed within and experience, farmers have started using mechan-
seconds”, Yacubovich continues. ical vehicles and equipment that do the same much
With better information, Planck envisions benefits for more efficiently and accurately. Nowadays, farmers
carriers and customers alike. “The immediate upsides are using IoT devices to get even more accurate and
are more accurate quoting and lower pricing for the profitable. However, they are still farmers.
lower-risk policies”, he says. “I also believe that such a “The technology advancement hasn’t replaced the
future will change the nature of underwriters’ work. need for a farmer to define how much water each
Artificial intelligence alone won’t be able to achieve it, seed requires at different times of the year or the ex-
but I believe that underwriters, just like smart detec- act time to seed a plant in a certain type of soil. It has
tors, will provide the artificial intelligence with possi- enabled them to be better at what farmers have been
ble input, such as predictors they identified in a par- doing successfully for centuries, at larger scales.”
ticular case.”
Speaking of the future, what is next for Planck? Hav-
And when they do, the algorithms become smarter ing launched only three years ago, the company has
too. “The artificial intelligence that wasn’t trained for already set up shop across two continents. But it is
that particular example will evaluate the actual at- just the beginning. “Right now, we’re laser-focused
tribution of that factor and make a decision about on growth and covering more insurance questions”,
whether to include it as part of the risk assessment Yacubovich concludes.

INSURTECH 100 © 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd

Case Study: Prefilled
Planck Pilot

A Leading US Workers’ Comp Carrier Increases Submission-to-Quote

Efficiency with Planck’s Artificial Intelligence Data Platform

The Goal
With over 50 years of experience providing workers’ compensation coverage across
multiple states, a leading small- and medium-business (SMB) workers’ compensation
“Until Planck, our
carrier was looking for ways to continue its profitable growth.
underwriting process
One of the lowest hanging fruits was to leverage third-party data to prefill their agent
was more like an art
portal and feed their processes validated data. This would 1) reduce the underwriting
than a science.”
expense ratio, 2) increase speed to quote, 3) reduce loss ratios, and 4) attract more
independent agents. SVP of underwriting

The Challenges
The quoting process requires the agent to answer dozens of questions and the underwriter to manually validate all the
submitted information and fill in additional required information that isn’t necessarily part of the submission questionnaire.
The carrier’s agents complained that the submission process was too complicated and long, and the underwriters spent
hours validating the information manually. The overall quoting conversion rate (from a new submission opportunity to a
quote) was relatively low due to the following:

The agent didn’t fill in all the questions; some remain unanswered.
The agent used default answers, which are not necessarily the right ones.
The underwriters found inconsistencies and discrepancies in the submitted information, which caused the underwriter
to spend time investigating these answers.

The Solution
After evaluating various data providers for insights on SMBs, the carrier chose to work with Planck due to its high coverage
and accuracy (over 90% in both parameters). With Planck’s API, the carrier autofills supplemental questions in the agent
portal in real time, and the underwriters get a second opinion on the submitted data in their policy center. Neither the
agents nor the underwriters have to gather and enter this information manually anymore.
For the agents, the prefilled submission saves a tremendous amount of work. Even fields that they would usually skip
(keeping the default answers) are currently prefilled with the actual truth.
The underwriter started reviewing the agents’ prefilled answers and additional insights provided by Planck side by side.
To maximize the underwriters’ time, discrepancies between Planck’s findings and manual entries from the agents are
highlighted, allowing the underwriter to focus on the answered questions and quickly catch contradicting/missing information.
The Results
The carrier was able to dramatically reduce the overall time for a new quote, from days to minutes. It also increased the
quoting conversion rate by providing consumers with a fully automated portal and giving the underwriters accurate
insights that simplify the manual validation process.
The accuracy of the submitted information increased by over 300%. The submission errors went down from 38% to 9% –
a 422% improvement. When considering the underwriters’ accuracy, the errors went down from 31% to 9% – a 344%
improvement. The coverage (hit rate) of the submissions increased from 79% to 98% for all of the questions.
Making use of the actual value of its insights, Planck continues to expand the segments that the API is integrated in. The
company regularly adds new underwriting insights that haven’t been asked before and that have a high correlation to the
risk, thus reducing loss ratios without further increasing friction with the agents.

Improved Agent Collaboration

Streamlined prefill data
Reduced unanswered questions or default answers by 1000%. Before Planck, 21% of the questions were unanswered,
and several of the answered ones remained on the “default” response. With Planck, only 2% of questions were
unanswered – a 1050% improvement.
Reduced turnaround time to minutes

Improved Underwriting Operating Model

Reduced non-underwriting activities to close to zero. Now underwriters spend most of their time on risk assessment,
building agent relationships, marketing and portfolio offerings.
A structured decision-support model allows for highly objective underwriter decision making.
Faster processing time and increased productivity

Complete and Accurate Intake Data

Submission and work intake processes have become consistent, with unified intake
“Planck tech enables
formats (even when producers submit information differently and with varying
us to ask questions
quality in their support documentation).
that we never were
Accurate or complete data from producers
able to ask before.”
Significant time is saved, and there’s no need to collect data manually or wait for
case data from producers. Chief Information Officer

AI-powered data platform for commercial insurance

Planck is a leading artificial intelligence data platform that provides real-time risk and underwriting insights for commercial
insurance. Planck creates all the required and up-to-date underwriting insights about any business, with the highest
coverage and accuracy (over 90%) in the market. As a result, commercial carriers can grow new and retained businesses,
while substantially reducing their loss and expense ratios. Planck works with over 40 carriers in the United States,
including three of the top five commercial insurers.

Contact Us

Want to [email protected]

learn more?
+1 (212) 203-5817

340 Madison Avenue, 19th floor,

New York, NY 10173
49 INSURTECH 100 Profiles

Founded 2008 Employees: > 10000

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Operations & Servicing,

Claims, Policy Renewal/Customer Retention, Proposition that
supports the end to end value chain

Subsectors: Insurance Comparison/Marketplace

Regions of operations: India, UAE is India’s largest insurance marketplace and a leading InsurTech brand globally. The
Group has backing from a host of investors including the likes of Soft Bank, InfoEdge (, Temasek, Tiger Global
Management, True North, Premji Invest, besides investments from other PE funds and family offices.
started with a purpose to educate people on insurance products and has had a significant influence on how insurance
is bought in India. It has helped in driving penetration of pure life insurance, health insurance, and such products which
were barely bought earlier. From receiving traffic of 180,000 visitors in 2008, has come a long way and
today hosts over 100 million visitors yearly and records sale of nearly 1,000,000 transactions a month. Currently, Poli- accounts for nearly 25% of India’s life cover, and over 7% of India’s retail health business. It accounts for
roughly half of all internet-based insurance purchase in the country and is more than doubling annually.

Founded 2012 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Underwriting & Risk Rating, Policy Renewal/

Customer Retention

Subsectors: Commercial/Enterprise Insurance, Data/Intelligence

Regions of operations: Offices in Los Angeles, New York and

London. Clients in US, Bermuda, UK, France, Switzerland,

Praedicat provides a web-based toolkit to help its clients identify and quantify potential latent bodily injury liability loss-
es caused by commercial activity covered under typical general liability, product liability or excess casualty policies.
Praedicat’s technology connects emerging scientific evidence to risk in US litigation and provides data and software to
its clients: Praedicat has three existing products - 1) CoMeta - used for insurance underwriting and horizon scanning
2) Oortfolio - used for insurance portfolio modelling - probabilistic and deterministic modelling metrics to describe an
insurance company’s specific risk profile 3) ChemMeta - used for risk engineering by insurance companies and for
product stewardship by global industrials. Praedicat data, for the first time, allows insurers to identify and quantify the
future drivers of loss in liability policies or treaties. Clients include; Swiss Re, AIG, Allianz, HDI, Riverstone, SCOR, Hamilton,
Zurich, AXA XL.

Founded 2015 Employees: 51-100

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Operations & Servicing, Policy

Renewal/Customer Retention, Proposition that supports the end to end
value chain

Subsectors: Commercial/Enterprise Insurance, On-Demand/Travel

Insurance, Auto Insurance, Infrastructure/Back-end, Home/P&C

Regions of operations: Currently operates in the UK with an IT office in

Bulgaria. Regional offices registered this year in Ireland and Poland with a
view to expand further in the EU, US, Canada and India.

PremFina Ltd is a UK-based premium finance company that promotes financial inclusion by making the £3.25 trillion global
insurance premium market more affordable. It allows purchasers of insurance to spread the cost of their insurance premiums
over monthly instalments, instead of a lumpsum upfront payment. To do so, it supplies insurance brokers and underwriters
with financing and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) that makes insurance affordable at the click of a button. They in turn, generate
higher profit, greater autonomy and increase the lifetime value of their customers. PremFina’s shareholders include global
investors Rakuten Capital, Draper Esprit, Thomvest Ventures, Emery Capital, Talis Capital and the company’s founder. Partner-
ships include; SSP Ltd, Open GI London Ltd - broker software platform integration. Microsoft for IT (Azure), Barclays and HSBC
are used for banking. Experian Ltd for credit checks. Call Care Ltd - outsource for end client services. Bottomline Technologies
Inc for secure payment processing. As of 31/7/2019: PremFina has 79 live insurance brokers – a 22X increase in under two years. 735k live end
customers (compared to 413k at 31/7/2018). Clients include 10% of the Top 50 UK insurance brokers.

© 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd INSURTECH 100

INSURTECH 100 Profiles 50

Founded 2009 Employees: 101-250

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Operations & Servicing,
Underwriting & Risk Rating, Policy Renewal/Customer
Retention, Proposition that supports the end to end value chain
Subsectors: Life/Health Insurance, Consumer Platforms, Data/
Regions of operations: The company operates globally and has
offices in 10 countries.

Prenetics International/DNAfit focuses on preventative health care, therefore helping to tackle major future health issues. The
company empowers consumers, policyholders, employees to manage their own health as they enable individuals to under-
stand how they are genetically built, providing actionable reports, encouraging people to take a personalised strategy to opti-
mise their health and obtain their goals. Through DNAfit, Prenetics International offers a range of highly comprehensive, ad-
vanced genetic testing products to suit all: Diet Fit, Body Fit and Health Fit. These tests provide a selection of in-depth and easy
to use genetic insights to help customers personalise their diet, looking at a range of factors including carbohydrate sensitivity,
lactose tolerance, caffeine sensitivity and vitamin needs. Prenetics also has a range of clinical tests with whole exome sequenc-
ing technology. Prenetics maintains successful partnerships with Insurers, Corporates and Strategic partners globally, who they
work with closely to ensure people have the very best advice to live healthier and happier. The success of these partnerships
has greatly helped increase awareness and consumer demand for genetic testing. Clients include Bupa, Swiss Life, AIA, Pruden-
tial, Puma, BNP Paribas, HSBC, LinkedIn, Generali, and FWD.

Founded 2016 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Digital MGA, Proposition that supports the end to

end value chain

Subsectors: On-Demand/Travel Insurance. Home/P&C

Regions of operations: Belgium, Netherlands, UK, Ireland,

Spain, Italy, France, Germany

Qover has built a digital and legal insurance infrastructure to offer the possibility to any digital business to seamlessly start
selling insurance. The company has OpenAPI-sed insurance and offers white-label front-ends for anybody to start distrib-
uting insurance. Its platform is modular and can seamlessly integrate any insurance product in any country, fully compliant
with local regulation. The company gives the opportunity to any business to seamlessly integrate insurance to their product
offering in a couple of minutes. The company can build any non-life insurance product from full product conception, legal
infrastructure and full digital solution in ±6 weeks across Europe. It covers over 50,000 customers in eight European coun-
tries. Clients include Deliveroo, Immoweb (Axl Springer), Poppy Mobility (VW group), Cowboy (e-bikes), Creditea, IPF Digital.
Qover has partnerships with Coverholders of the Lloyds of London, MunichRE, La Parisienne, Baloise, NN Insurance. The
company is carrier agnostic but thanks to these coverholder licences it can develop products quickly in the whole of Europe.

Founded 2015 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Underwriting & Risk

Rating, Proposition that supports the end to end value chain

Subsectors: Commercial/Enterprise Insurance, On-Demand/

Travel Insurance, Infrastructure/Back-end, Home/P&C, Auto
Insurance, Data/Intelligence

Regions of operations: United States

REIN is an enterprise insurtech platform, solving the complexity of connecting insurance carriers with data-driven eco-
systems and drastically accelerating the time-to-market for new integrated insurance products. The REIN platform is a
cloud-based, API-driven solution that delivers value across the entire insurance value chain. The REIN platform powers
end-to-end insurance processing and includes tools that can be used individually or together, in order to allow organiza-
tions of all sizes to incrementally leverage specific tools and integrate them into their existing workflow, or scale up and
power their entire operations with REIN’s insurance engine. REIN leverages APIs to provide platform tools which include:
AI-powered data analytics, billing, FNOL generation/submission, jurisdiction management, rating & underwriting, sanc-
tions verification, regulatory compliance, authentication, reporting, document generation and more. REIN is working with
major insurance carriers, large digital businesses, global aerospace companies and global OEM automotive businesses.

INSURTECH 100 © 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd

51 INSURTECH 100 Profiles

Founded 2015 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Operations & Servicing,

Proposition that supports the end to end value chain

Subsectors: Infrastructure/Back-end, Home/P&C

Regions of operations: United Kingdom

Reposit founded the UK’s deposit alternative market using cloud technologies and data analysis to assess a tenant’s risk
profile, allowing them to purchase an innovative insurance product instead of paying increasingly large tenancy deposit
lump sums. Reposit ensures landlords and tenants are better protected than previously legally possible - freeing up
money in the process (there is currently £4.5 billion tied up in deposits across the UK). Reposit is underwritten by top
5 Lloyd’s of London syndicate insurer Canopius. It sees the landlord named as the beneficiary, ensuring tenants keep
the ‘skin in the game’ feeling. Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and protected by the Financial Services
Compensation Scheme (FSCS), Reposit streamlines processes further by digitising end-of-tenancy claims and removing
admin burdens. Established partnerships include UK distribution networks Tenant Shop and UKtenantdata, and partner
agents such as Lomond Capital, Way of Life, Pattinson and Webbers.

Founded 2015 Employees: 501-1000

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Underwriting & Risk

Rating, Operations & Servicing, Claims, Policy Renewal/
Customer Retention, Proposition that supports the end to end
value chain

Subsectors: Auto Insurance

Regions of operations: HQ: Columbus, Ohio. Currently available

in 28 states across the US.

Root is a car insurance company founded on the belief that good drivers should pay less for insurance since they’re less
likely to get into accidents. The proprietary Root Insurance model and smartphone application leverages mobile phone
technology, telematics and data science to track driving activity, such as acceleration, phone usage, braking, turns and
mileage (looks at over 200 driving variables). Root uses a combination of telematic data and internal algorithms as the
primary inputs to determine rates which helps them to be more accurate when calculating risk. Root requires a short test
drive (measured through each driver’s smartphone) to understand driving behavior before providing rates to consumers.
Unlike other auto insurers, the driving score is the single largest factor that determines policy rates. Root’s customers, on
average, save $1,187 per year on their car insurance policies when compared to their previous rate with another provider.

Founded 2017 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Operations & Servicing,

Claims, Underwriting & Risk Rating, Policy Renewal/Customer
Retention, Proposition that supports the end to end value chain

Subsectors: On-Demand/Travel Insurance, Consumer

Platforms, Parametric-based insurance-as-a-service platform,

Regions of operations: United Kingdom, EU

Setoo empowers e-businesses to build and distribute personalized insurance and protection products, increasing revenue
from ancillary services and delivering exceptional customer experience. With Setoo’s parametric insurance-as-a-service
platform, e-businesses can create new, super-targeted protections within minutes, addressing consumers’ actual concerns
and generating automatic compensation without the need to file any claim. Setoo operates as an MGA and is approved
by the FCA in UK and ACPR in EU. Setoo’s platform is also live with OTAs across Europe. Setoo’s fully automated platform
leverages AI, machine learning and parametric capabilities, which enable personalisation, real-time pricing and claims-free
products with immediate compensation, while remaining compliant with the Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD) and
GDPR. The platform was tested and approved by AXA. Clients include lm group, Omio (formerly go-euro) and Invia Flights.
Setoo also has other customers already live on its platform, and the company has an impressive pipeline with large enter-
prise accounts at advanced stages.

© 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd INSURTECH 100

INSURTECH 100 Profiles 52

Founded 2013 Employees: 251-500

Value Chain: Claims

Subsectors: Life/Health Insurance, On-Demand/Travel

Insurance, Commercial/Enterprise Insurance, Auto Insurance,

Regions of operations: Europe, Asia, United States, Canada,

Central America, South America

Shift Technology delivers the only AI-native fraud detection and claims automation solutions built specifically for the global
insurance industry. Its SaaS solutions identify individual and network fraud with double the accuracy of competing offerings,
and provide contextual guidance to help insurers achieve faster, more accurate claim resolutions. Force detects and pro-
vides context for a wide range of fraudulent activities, from opportunistic claim exaggerations to schemes executed by or-
ganized crime networks. It’s a SaaS+ solution that combines sophisticated AI and human data science expertise, replicating
and multiplying the deductive capabilities of an insurer’s best fraud handlers. Luke is the only AI-native claims automation
solution that’s smart enough to significantly increase the volume of claims that are paid immediately, without the need
for manual review, while accurately detecting and flagging potential fraud for further investigation by claims handlers and
SIU teams. Shift is currently working with more than 80 clients around the world including AXA, FWD, CNA, Assurant, P&V,
MACIF, Pacifica, Covea, MS&AD, and Spirica.

Founded 2014 Employees: 51-100

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Operations & Servicing,

Underwriting & Risk Rating, Policy Renewal/Customer
Retention, Claims, Proposition that supports the end to end
value chain

Subsectors: Life/Health Insurance

Regions of operations: Singapore for now - but with growth

plans coming soon.

Singapore Life provides digital life insurance services. Singapore Life offers high net worth universal life solutions for
those that prefer Singapore and the Singapore regulatory environment as a destination for their wealth and protection
needs. It also offers protection solutions made available both digitally and through financial advisers to the retail seg-
ment, revolutionising how easy insurance can be. The Company incorporates multiple InsurTech solutions to improve
the customer experience. Singapore Life represents the next generation of life insurance where customers are empow-
ered through a simplified insurance purchase process. Singapore Life has partnerships with Aflac for cancer insurance,
RailsBank for transaction technology, Munich Re for risk sharing and UnderwriteMe for risk assessment.

Founded 2015 Employees: 51-100

Value Chain: Proposition that supports the end to end value


Subsectors: On-Demand/Travel Insurance, Data/Intelligence

Regions of operations: US, Canada, UK

Slice Labs is the insurance engine leading tomorrow’s cloud-based, on-demand digital services ecosystems for the new
economy. Using AI, machine learning, and Ph.D. behavioral science expertise in Slice’s Insurance Cloud Services (ICS)
platform and Slice Mind capabilities, the company is enabling insurers, technology companies, and other service pro-
viders to build truly intelligent and intuitive pay-as-you-go digital insurance products protecting the insured anytime
and anywhere. Slice is creating new on-demand insurance products with digital ecosystems in mind. The insurance
industry is at a turning point where we’ll see it become truly intelligent, operating in digital ecosystems in such a way
where consumers and businesses often do not have to think about whether it’s functioning—it will simply be there for
them. Insurance will exist in a more valuable and wide scale manner reshaping traditional home, travel, cyber, and auto
insurance, and even creating new digital insurance channels that were never imagined prior to the recent AI revolution.
Clients include Legal & General, AXA XL, The Co-Operators, Nationwide and SOMPO.

INSURTECH 100 © 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd

53 INSURTECH 100 Profiles

Founded 2011 Employees: 251-500

Value Chain: Claims

Subsectors: Auto Insurance, Infrastructure/Back-end, Home/


Regions of operations: United States, Canada, Ireland

Snapsheet’s end-to-end claims management platform is a SaaS offering that is an open, modular, and cloud-based sys-
tem. The unique architecture and configurability enable the system to be launched – with minimal integration – within
months, rather than longer system redesigns that can take years. Additionally, the open-API architecture enables any
3rd party to easily plug-in to the platform and allow carriers to craft their own, unique claims ecosystem with the latest
technology. Snapsheet has written over 1m estimates worth $2.5Bbn in premiums and are capturing approximately ~5m
photos every month. The company has leveraged this data to drive enhancements to our operations and software plat-
form, through the use of machine learning and AI algorithms (e.g, automated communications, photo identification, etc.).
This has enabled it to automate key processes of the claims process and process claims more quickly. Clients include
Zurich Insurance, Aviva Canada and Atlas Financial Holdings.

Founded 2000 Employees: 501-1000

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Operations & Servicing,


Subsectors: Life/Health Insurance, On-Demand/Travel

Insurance, Auto Insurance, Consumer Platforms, Home/P&C

Regions of operations: Poland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland,

UK, Scandinavia, Japan, France, Spain, Italy, Serbia, Romania,
The Netherlands, Belgium, US, Canada, Brazil, other American
and Asian markets

Sollers Consulting is a multinational digitalisation driver in the insurance and financial industries. Drawing from its global ex-
perience, Sollers Consulting has created RIFE – an omnichannel insurance platform which equips insurers and their partners
(brokers, agents, banks) with all the tools needed to quickly implement a new product, define a new distribution channel or
add a partner to a digital ecosystem. RIFE is a best-in-class customer experience platform which guarantees the implementa-
tion of seamless and personalised customer journeys, allowing insurers and banks to introduce and manage their omnichan-
nel strategy at a significantly lower cost. Sollers Consulting employs over 600 business and IT professionals with a dedicated
RIFE team. The company has supported over 70 financial groups worldwide including: Allianz, Axa, BNP Paribas Cardif, Basler,
Generali, Zurich, Santander Consumer Bank and ING. Sollers Consulting cooperates with more than 15 technology providers
such as Guidewire Software, Tia Technology, Fadata, Oracle, AWS or Microsoft.

Founded 2016 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Operations & Servicing,

Claims, Policy Renewal/Customer Retention, Proposition that
supports the end to end value chain

Subsectors: Life/Health Insurance, Commercial/Enterprise

Insurance, On-Demand/Travel Insurance, Infrastructure/
Back-end, Auto Insurance, Home/P&C, Data/Intelligence

Regions of operations: EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa)

Spixii designs and delivers white-labelled automated solutions for the insurance industry. With a vision of helping more people
get better protected, Spixii thrives in successfully delivering solutions for critical customer-facing processes such as under-
writing and claims. Thanks to a fast-paced agile delivery framework, implementations can be completed in under six weeks.
Spixii solutions leverage proprietary insurance chatbots technology with stringent security and processes developed to meet
the high standards required by the insurance industry. Spixii solutions are trusted by blue-chip companies including Zurich
UK. After implementing the Spixii claims solution, Zurich UK won the British Claims award in 2018 and has an outstanding
Net Promoter Score in excess of 70% for the claims notified via their claim chatbot Zara. Aligned by constantly improving the
claims experience thanks to insights reported by the Spixii solutions, the partnership between Zurich UK and Spixii is an in-
dustry benchmark embracing the InsurTech ecosystem. In June 2019, Spixii was also awarded the Claims Technology Partner
of the year.

© 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd INSURTECH 100

INSURTECH 100 Profiles 54

Founded 2012 Employees: 51-100

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Operations & Servicing,

Underwriting & Risk Rating, Policy Renewal/Customer
Retention, Proposition that supports the end to end value chain

Subsectors: Infrastructure/Back-end, Life/Health Insurance,

Consumer Platforms

Regions of operations: North America, Japan

Sureify is a SaaS platform for Life and Annuity companies around the globe. Sureify’s sales, customer self-service engage-
ment solution, and their up-sell cross-sell solutions enable life insurers to connect, service, and sell to their new and existing
customers using the most life insurance focused platform in the market today. The enterprise platform solution is secure,
scalable, and delivers pragmatic features with the basics of the everyday digital life insurer front of mind. The Lifetime
Platform is made up of three core products: Lifetime Acquire Lifetime Acquire is an end-to-end accelerated underwriting
e-application. This omnichannel product drives direct-to-consumer, call center, and advisor sales. Gone are the days of ex-
pensive and time intensive changes. With Lifetime Acquire, configuring questions, workflows, and UI elements is simple and
seamless so that you can continuously drive sales across all your channels. Clients include Principal Financial, Vantis Life
and AAA Life. In addition, Sureify has two of the top five multi-line US carriers, and one of Japans largest carriers as clients.

Founded 2016 Employees: 51-100

Value Chain: Underwriting & Risk Rating

Subsectors: Data/Intelligence

Regions of operations: United States

Tensorflight offers instant property data powered by AI. Thanks to the use of automated object recognition system for
images, and more precisely machine learning, the system can instantly analyze and define what is on the satellite, aerial,
and street view imagery regarding property features. The company can process a large volume of addresses within a
short time. Its solutions can improve risk modelling, underwriting, reinsurance, sales performance, and entry on the new
markets. Tensorflight’s solution uses Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision. Given an address, its algorithms locate
the building at that address, extract satellite, aerial and street view imagery of the property and then automatically ana-
lyze the images, returning the information about the building such as: footprint, surface, construction type, number of
stories, roof pitch, estimated age built, distance from the nearest tree and more. Its product is fully scalable in the cloud
and can process over 20k addresses per day, accessible by an API.

Founded 2012 Employees: 101-250

Value Chain: Underwriting & Risk Rating

Subsectors: Commercial/Enterprise Insurance, Auto Insurance,


Regions of operations: UK, Mainland Europe (several countries

including Ireland, Germany, Spain, Portugal and Italy), South
Africa, USA, Brazil

The Floow is a leading telematics provider delivering solutions to insurers, auto manufacturers and fleet operators world-
wide. The company’s capabilities comprise excellence in data science, cutting-edge technology and the innovative use of
social science to provide unique insights to its clients and their customers. Its intelligent telematics solutions which allow
insurers to price policies fairly and accurately, help drivers improve their performance and enable auto manufacturers
and policymakers to design vehicles and road systems that respond to evolving needs. The Floow also invests heavily in
research around mobility, particularly focusing on how vehicles will change and develop and their work in this area has
helped the company develop new solutions, such as its DataFloow service, which makes use of mass-market anonymised
data collected through a variety of devices providing local authorities and relevant organisations with unique insights into
road and transport patterns to plan for the future. The company’s clients include Direct Line Group, Fidelidade, Liberty
South Africa, AIG, Plymouth Rock, ACG, HDI and AmeriTrust.

INSURTECH 100 © 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd

55 INSURTECH 100 Profiles

How Sureify is positioning itself to become the

Salesforce of the Insurance Engagement market

In your own words, how does Sureify’s service work?

It’s a SaaS platform, so it works by giving access to
cloud environments to both carrier users and cus-
tomer users (applicants and policyholders).
You have previously said that Sureify helps bridge
the gap between carriers and customers. How do
you do that?
Our LifetimeEngage product focuses directly on this
idea. LifetimeEngage provides web and mobile ap-
plications to our carriers’ customers where they can
interact with their carriers in a variety of ways. The
apps are configurable so that each carrier can tai-
lor the experience for their customers. Some have
taken a wellness approach, others a financial educa-
tion, lifestyle, or social approaches. There are many
mechanisms of engagement to leverage using Life-
timeEngage, including wellness challenges, rewards
programs, educational content, and interactive fea-
tures like polls and quizzes.
Sureify was launched in 2012. Where did the idea
Sureify has been described as the Saleforce of In-
come from?
surance Engagement. What do you think of that?
I always wanted to do something in insurance that
changed the existing way of doing this. This came It’s quite the honorific. While we certainly aren’t as
from a love and respct of insurance due to my fa- developed as Salesforce yet, I think there is some
ther being a lifetime insurance agent. I realized that truth in that statement. There are no other compa-
the industry had lost touch with today’s buyers, es- nies providing a life insurance specific engagement
pecially millennials and where they were headed. solution the way we are. Some competing products
Sureify went through a couple interations as a con- in the market have narrowly focused on wellness en-
sumer-facing service (a style insurance gagement, which only resonates with a select con-
platform, a life inurance learning platform, an IoT sumer market. LifetimeEngage includes robust well-
connected life product) before we arrived at the en- ness engagement but offers many ways to engage
terprise platform it is today. beyond wellness: financial education, lifestyle, and
Why was creating an interconnected set of services social approaches are possible as well. Combined
for the life insurance ecosystem such a promising with the data collection, analysis, and population
opportunity? segmentation that is possible with our platform, Life-
timeEngage is well positioned to engage many differ-
So many technology startups have valuable appli-
ent demographics. So, insofar as our platform is a
cation in the life insurance industry. The problem
malleable tool that can be wielded in diverse ways to
is that carrier’s legacy IT systems are challenging to
drive engagement, I think it is accurate to call it the
integrate into, and carriers need a lean way of exper-
imenting with these new technologies. The ecoystem Salesforce of Insurance Engagement. However, Life-
idea is a response to that. A big part of Lifetime’s time as a whole does much more than engagement,
(Sureify’s platform) value is that it connects insurers including omnichannel sales enablement and policy-
to the multitude of new technologies and gives them holder self-servicing, so I wouldn’t use the phrase as
the opportunity to begin experimenting. it overlooks important parts of our offering.

© 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd INSURTECH 100

INSURTECH 100 Profiles 56

What was the first step to realise the product? The InsurTech landscape is booming. Since 2014, it
has raised $13.5bn. Why do you think we’re seeing
Like most software products, it was all about getting
this push into the sector now?
an minimum viable product established in the real
marketplace. We were able to do that with Principal Laying out the precise historical causes is hard to do
even in hindsight, let alone in the midst of an event.
Financial Group, who bought what we today call our
From my limited perspective, I think the low-hanging
LifetimeEngage product. The idea was to create a
fruit for technology companies is just becoming very
web and mobile experience that encouraged healthy conspicuous. It was always conspicuous for those
behaviors from policyholders and drove engage- who were looking, but insurance isn’t sexy in the way
ment. The initial offering was basic compared to all that other technology opportunities are. Now that
the capabilities we have today, but it was enough to there is higher visibility into how many opportunities
demonstrate resonance amongst real policyholders. there are for tech innovation in the insurance indus-
try, a veritable gold-rush is taking place.
During the first few years of Sureify’s existence, you
had three jobs at Sureify, Vendus Product Labs and What’s next for Sureify?
PandaDoc. That must have been hectic. How did Sureify is focused on building the best platform for
you manage? life and annuity carriers. This isn’t changing, which
means we are only expanding product capabilities
It could not have been done without a very loyal
and overall paltform maturitiy. We see so much to
team that shared my vision. That and a lot of caffeine do around platform, data, and AI that our platform is
and red wine. really just getting started.
In 2016, Sureify raised a $4.8m Series A round from
Plug and Play, SixThirty and Hannover Re. How did
this round come about?

The round came together by chance, as Sureify was

purseing changing the insurance industry and part-
ners like Hannover Re were looking to enable thier
life long clients in the space. In short, the Insuretech
revolution took place at the start of 2016 and Sureify
aligned with some industry leaders like Hannover Re,
Plug & Play Ventures, and SixThirty.

What did the round enable you to do?

It enabled us to make some strategic hires, expand

our initial platform, and also gave us inroads to the
digital sales world, as Hannover Re is a technology
partner in addition to an investor. Through our part-
nership with them, we were able to stand up another
product, LifetimeAcquire, that leverages Hannover
Re’s automated underwriting technology to make a
straight-through eApplication possible.

In July this year you raised another $2m through

a debt financing round led by TIMIA Capital. What
will this round enable you to do?

A lot of engineering hires needed to expand the

platform, but also some other key hires in servicing,
design, and product management. Building out our
product team is a crucial way we are using this fund-
ing so that our platform can become very scaleable.

INSURTECH 100 © 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd

The disconnect in perspectives: customer v. life insurer

With 33% of life insurance customers unable to name their carrier1, insurers are
increasing their efforts to keep customers engaged. Traditionally, carriers have relied
on agents to engage customers, but the agent distribution system is adverse to building
a strong carrier-customer relationship. Independent agents have little incentive to
promote a single brand, and they tend to focus their time on high-income customers.
Sureify Green
Bright Blue

Also, customers often prefer digital platforms for interacting with insurers, which
neither carriers nor agents offer.
In light of these issues, Client A asked Sureify to help its own lack of customer
engagement. Client A sought to understand how in-force customers would respond to a
Dark Blue
1. Sureify, “Customer
web/mobile application centered around customers’ life insurance, wellness, financial Expectations in Life
H1 Gotham Medium
H2 Gotham Black and lifestyle. and Annuity Insurance
2019,“ 2019
Body Gotham Book
Gray 01 Gray 02 Gray 03 Gray 04
#7a8399 #c2d6f2 #ebf3ff #f4f7fc


fter a six month period, data from
the pilot program were analyzed,

and the results were evaluated want to see the
against the decision criteria. The full program offered on a
range of analyses, and their results, is long-term basis.
beyond the scope of this case study.
Below are some key data from surveys,
app analytics, customer feedback, and responded 7 or higher when

customer behavior. asked how likely they’d be
to buy a financial product
SURVEY DATA related to the program.*

A few weeks prior to the test period’s end,

a customer survey was distributed via the

web and mobile apps to gauge customers’ responded with a 10 when
satisfaction, buying propensity, and asked how likely they’d be to
other properties. Every policyholder refer the program.*
participating in the test was surveyed, and
67.9% of them responded.
*On a 10 point scale


The policyholders who participated in the test were asked to share on the program’s
impact on their wellness. Those willing to share were asked to submit a short summary
of their experience, along with a photo of themselves.
Numerous stories were shared of dramatic weight-loss, better exercise habits, and
increased motivation for self-care. These stories were submitted for public viewing,
which suggests the program has potential for grassroots marketing, community
building, customer satisfaction, and behavioral change.
Type Color
Persistency, the percentage of a carrier’s in-force policies remaining

Aa LifetimeEngage’s
in-force without lapse or replacement, is a crucial business metric for
life insurers. At one point, Client A wanted to test the efficacy of digital
lapse notices originating from LifetimeEngage vs. their traditional notifications were
mailer notices. Policy data were brought into LifetimeEngage so that
automated push notifications could be sent to customers near lapse.
Sureify Green Bright Blue
300% more effective
at getting customers
#c3e254 #19c4ed

Customers near lapse received push notifications and could access a

link to the payment page from the web and mobile applications to pay
their premium. Analytics showed that LifetimeEngage’s notifications
to pay premiums
were 300% more effective at getting customers to pay premiums and
Orange Pink Dark Blue and avoid lapse.
avoid lapse in comparison to Client A’s traditional methods.
#ffbb33 #f24080 #004080

H1 Gotham Medium
H2 Gotham Black
Body Gotham Book
Gray 01 Gray 02 Gray 03 Gray 04
#7a8399 #c2d6f2 #ebf3ff #f4f7fc


fter the six-month test period, Client A’s executive team
determined that the pilot program was a success and
expanded the program to qualifying policyholders in all
50 states. Client A has continued to benefit from Sureify’s Saas-
based platform, which has continued to add features, analytics,
and technical capabilities. Their success with LifetimeEngage
has led the executive team to adopt product features from
LifetimeService as they seek to further integrate servicing and
engagement for their customers.

See more at



Founded 2018 Key Employees

London, United Kingdom Mike Brockman
Founder •
Product name [email protected]
Theo Jonny Valentine
Employees 11-50
Regions of operation: UK and China

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Underwriting & Risk Rating, Operations & Servicing, Claims

Subsectors: Consumer Platforms. Theo is a next generation telematics device marketed to consumers and insurers. Services
provided from the data includes reward programs, access to cheap motor insurance, accident services and in-car advertising
and risk management.


ThingCo is a new InsurTech focussing on ThingCo solves the insurance telematics The technology is all hosted by AWS using
developing Next Generation Telematics conundrum and makes telematics available, the IoT tools. Our application is show-pieced
using the latest technology. ThingCo’s core cost effectively to all segments, puts control by Amazon. We have successfully deployed
proposition and services are built around in the consumers hands, makes telematics this in China as well where the AWS platform
next generation technologies which combine a consumer led desirable purchase in its does not support all the IoT functionality
telematics, HD Cameras, ADAS underpinned own right, delivers a cost-effective model that is necessary. We are using many AI
by AI and Intelligent Voice. This is all hosted to insurers potentially free, saves lives and algorithms to determined voice control,
by a State of the Art communication platform reduces accident rates on the road. crash algorithms and liability assessment.
built on AWS with serverless technology, ThingCo is also developing an advertising
and an App for customer engagement and platform that can be played in-car using AI
interaction. and Big Data real-time deployment.

ThingCo has a product suite branded “Theo” that serves both the B2C and B2B markets. Theo is a device that goes in any car, hard wired
on the windscreen and provides telematics through 4G, crash detectors, front facing cameras, ADAS and intelligent voice using Amazon
Lex technology. The device speaks to you in-car if you have an accident and can notify you of rewards through the App. With future
features coming such as in-car safety warnings on blackspot and hazards. The device collects more than 1000 pieces of information
a second, all in the control of the consumer. ThingCo provides the services; reward program for good driving, portable driving score,
access to cheap motor insurance, a smart FNOL service if there is an accident. Little Theo is our B2B product; no camera but solar energy
powered and therefore wireless and self-fit. It has military grade gps and voice and is supported by the same services and App as Theo.
The solar energy can power 50k kilometers per year without re-charging.


• Customer acquisition numbers: ThingCo has just launched in test and learn mode and going on Amazon in Q4 2019. The company
is expecting 20 sales per day of Theo.
This document is being provided for information purposes only. It is not designed to be taken as advice or a recommendation for any specific investment or strategy decisions.

© 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd COMPANY RESEARCH PROFILE
60 INSURTECH 100 Profiles

ThingCo wants to change car insurance

Car InsurTech ThingCo aims to give drivers more control whilst
helping them drive safer

surance initiatives. Whilst other InsurTech companies may

send that data directly to the insurers, it’s up to the user
to decide what to do with the data collected from Theo.
“We collect 1,000 pieces of information a second from this
product and that data is yours, not these horrible insurers
who use the data against you,” Brockman says.
He adds, “If you don’t want the services don’t have it and
no one will know if you’re a terrible driver with a terrible
driving score, keep it to yourself, no one’s going to know
about it.”
In case of an accident, Theo is set up to immediately check
if the user is okay, to connect the driver with ThingCo’s
accident team and to alert emergency services if needed.
Brockman believes this will be especially important for old-
er drivers who often find themselves increasingly worried
about hitting the roads. With Theo, he’s certain they can
be assured that they would get help quickly if they need it.
“You don’t have to do anything, we can coach you through
the whole situation and call out emergency services if it is
necessary,” Brockman explains. “It hopefully makes older
people a bit more confident to drive.”
However, this is just the beginning.
For instance, ThingCo is currently considering adding an
advertising feature to the mix. “We’re developing what we
The internet of things has transformed everything from call a promoted message service,” Brockman says, adding
shopping and home security to how we listen to music that he’s conscious about the ads not being intrusive.
and adjust the temperature in our homes. The insurance
As an example of what he wants to avoid, Brockman points
industry is not immune to its influence. After all, car insur- at Google’s Waze app and how the ads on it cover the
ers having used telematics technology for over a decade. screen even when driving. “I think it’s a bit dangerous,” he
So hooking it up to other smart devices was not a huge says. Instead, the ads on Theo will be designed to be quick
leap to make. spoken messages that won’t be too obtrusive.
However, Mike Brockman wants to change the game in a Moreover, the ads can be combined in a way to boost the
big way. He is the CEO and founder of ThingCo, the In- safety of the driver. “Theo could also do things like say-
surTech startup. “Thingco is all about taking telematics to ing, ‘Hey, you’ve been driving two hours, so it’s a good time
the next level, to the next generation of telematics,” says to take a break and we just arranged a free cup of coffee
Brockman. at the next Starbucks,’” Brockman explains. “It opens up
The enterprise’s unique offering is centred around Theo, a whole new way of risk managing your journey in a very
customer centric way.”
a smart voice-controlled dashcam. “So you’ve got voice,
camera and telematics all in one,” Brockman explains. “It’s With the scope of the vision he has in mind, it is easy to for-
the voice that makes the big difference. Because with intel- get how new the startup is. “We’re only 20 months in now,”
ligent voice you can provide a lot of in-car services to turn Brockman says. “In that space, we’ve already got our first
any car into a smart car, so that you can talk to it and it can product out to consumers who are buying it. We’re under-
talk to you in situations of emergency in situations of an standing what they want. We’re understanding what our
accident, or simply saying, ‘Hey, watch out. The next corner devices need to deliver. And we have a next generation
is a known black spot.’” on the go already to address some of the feedback and
making use of developments in solar energy. We’ll have an-
Moreover, the user can choose to use the data recorded to other one on the-go after that and another one after that.
get lower premiums and even collect rewards, depending So you’ve always got to be looking at how technology can
on how safely they drive. However, that choice is the one make your product better and how it can generate better
of the key things that differentiate ThingCo from other in- consumer value. And that’s what we’re all about really.”

© 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd INSURTECH 100

INSURTECH 100 Profiles 61

Founded 2015 Employees: 51-100

Value Chain: Proposition that supports the end to end value


Subsectors: Commercial/Enterprise Insurance, Home/P&C,


Regions of operations: United States

TheGuarantors is an insurtech company dedicated to creating winning opportunities for the real estate ecosystem. For
over four years the company has been rethinking industry inefficiencies and market needs to build innovative insurance
and financial products that drive growth and protect long-term prosperity. With a focus on data and industry expertise
in real estate, risk, and finance, TheGuarantors optimizes the relationships between landlords, leasing staff, brokers, and
tenants by taking risk out of the leasing process and making it more efficient at the same time. Designed for multifamily
assets, Guaranti is a program of products and solutions built to optimize protection throughout the renter lifecycle.
Securiti is the first financial amenity for office leases - a smarter security deposit that costs a fraction of the price of a
traditional security package of cash or a letter of credit, with the same coverage landlords have come to expect.

Founded 2015 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Underwriting & Risk

Rating, Proposition that supports the end to end value chain

Subsectors: On-demand, episodic liability insurance

Regions of operations: US (General Liability insurance is

available in 48 states)

Thimble is a digital platform that allows small business owners to buy on-demand general liability insurance, professional
liability insurance, and aviation liability insurance for drone pilots in as little as 30 seconds using the company’s website or
app, available on iOS and Android. While Thimble does not underwrite the actual insurance, it acts as a gateway to connect
small businesses to a new product it created to meet their needs: hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly policies. Its general
liability policies are underwritten by Markel Insurance Company, while Global Aerospace guarantees for its drone aviation
liability policies. These custom policies disrupt the fundamental business insurance model not only through a simple, savvy
and clean interface, but Thimble has also created a new way to calculate risk for rate-setting on short term policies and
brought a whole new product to the market in episodic coverage.

Founded 2016 Employees: 51-100

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Underwriting & Risk

Rating, Operations & Servicing

Subsectors: Insurance Comparison/Marketplace, Commercial/

Enterprise Insurance, Auto Insurance, Life/Health Insurance

Regions of operations: Brazil

Thinkseg was created in 2016 to revolutionize the insurance industry by offering an all-digital consumer experience
and by building and pricing products in an unprecedented way. The company offers customized products from leading
insurers, thinking not only about the profile, but also about the behavior of each client using telemetry and artificial
intelligence. By reversing the chain, we first identify the customer - or rather the different personas - and then build the
most appropriate product for each one from thousands of possible combinations. That way, users can count on unique,
tailor-made products, fair pricing, and digital experience where all stages of hiring, as well as tracking your insurance and
claims records, can be handled by the Thinkseg app for Android phones and iOS.The company has 25K active clients,
generates 35K+ leads per month, has 2K registered brokers and has facilitated 8m quote requests. Thinkseg has part-
nerships with Azul Seguros, Bradesco, Sul América, Mafre, Allianz, Porto Seguro, HDI, Tokio Marine and Generali.

INSURTECH 100 © 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd



Founded 2014 Key Employees

London, United Kingdom Alex Dalyac
Product names [email protected]
AI Review, AI Estimating Razvan Ranca
+44 7377 354 438
Employees 51-100
Regions of operation: North America, Europe, Asia
Adrien Cohen
(Offices and presence in New York, London, Tokyo,
Munich, and Madrid)

Value Chain: Claims

Subsectors: Auto Insurance


Tractable develops artificial intelligence for Automating visual appraisals of asset Our solution uses deep learning for
accident and disaster recovery. damage. computer vision, and patented machine
learning techniques.
Our market-leading AI solutions use photos Whenever accidents or disasters hit,
to automate damage appraisal, allowing property is damaged - cars, homes and Our AI is trained on many millions of
insurers to improve accuracy, reduce infrastructure. Every time, you need a visual photos from opt-in customers and
turnaround time, and deliver a revamped assessment to assess the damage, unlock partners, and the algorithms learn from
customer claims experience. Tractable has the funds, and return lives to normal. Our experience by looking at many different
a world-class research and development AI does just this. Focusing on auto claims, it photos and examples. Once photos of
team with over 30 years of combined looks at asset damage and predicts repair damage are uploaded, the tool is able to
research experience. costs from photos in real time, just like an recognise what parts have been damaged
expert, so claims can be settled faster - in and assess how badly they have been
minutes, instead of weeks - and livelihoods affected. It can then recommend decisions,
restored. based on its confidence level.

AI Review allows insurers to evaluate and audit their entire claims process, helping them identify inefficiencies and detect inaccuracies.
AI Estimating allows insurers to make an initial damage assessment based on photos, with limited human involvement. This removes
bias from the process and benefits everyone - from bodyshops to insurances to appraisers - and streamlines the claim handling process.
Our core algorithms and products are built by combining the expertise of in-house motor engineers from top-tier insurance and collision
shops with that of AI researchers from Oxford and Cambridge universities. We develop our algorithms to deliver significant value from day
one, and they can be implemented and integrated in less than 60 days. In the past few years, at scale, we have seen our products deliver
up to 1% improvement in combined ratio. Our products are year, make and model (YMM) agnostic and have been successfully deployed
with leading insurers over three continents.

Technology adoption: There is a belief in the industry that an AI solution is coming to the market and will change how they appraise
damage, but that this is several years away. But that solution is already here, and in play with major insurers – now we want to engage
with more of them!

This document is being provided for information purposes only. It is not designed to be taken as advice or a recommendation for any specific investment or strategy decisions.

© 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd COMPANY RESEARCH PROFILE


Investors: Venture Firms

Investor names:

• Customer acquisition numbers: Tractable have signed up, as paying customers, 12 of the global top 40 insurers across three
continents in the past two years.
• Tractable’s AI solutions have processed over hundreds of thousands of auto insurance claims, positively impacting people’s lives across
Europe, North America and Asia.

• Client companies (that can be disclosed):

• Estimated revenue in five years: NA

• Estimated staff numbers in five years: NA

Alex Dalyac - Co-founder and CEO
Alex Dalyac is co-founder & CEO of Tractable, a company that develops artificial intelligence for accident and disaster recovery. Tractable’s
market-leading tools use photos to automate damage appraisal, allowing insurers to improve accuracy, reduce turnaround time, and
deliver a revamped customer claims experience. Founded in 2014, Tractable has a world-class research and development team with over
30 years of combined research experience, and has raised over $30m from Insight Partners and other top-tier investors. The company is
based in London with offices in New York and Tokyo. Tractable was spun off from Alex’s research at Imperial College London, where he
led the Computing department’s first industrial application of deep learning. Prior to research, Alex was a hedge fund quant and an early
employee of Lazada (acquired by Alibaba for $Bn+).

Adrien Cohen - Co-founder and President

Adrien Cohen is Co-founder and President at Tractable. As President, Adrien is responsible for leading Tractable’s commercial and
operational activities. Adrien began his career at Goldman Sachs’s Investment Banking division in London. He then moved to South
East Asia where he co-founded Lazada, which quickly became the leading e-commerce player in the region. He spent 4 years between
Vietnam, Thailand and Singapore, building Lazada Group from the ground up into a market leader in 6 countries with over 7,000
employees. Lazada was later acquired by Alibaba, then Adrien decided to come back to Europe where he co-founded Tractable. Adrien
graduated with a Master’s degree in Business from HEC Paris and from Tsinghua University in Beijing.

Razvan Ranca - Co-founder and CTO

Razvan Ranca is co-founder and CTO of Tractable. Prior to founding Tractable, Razvan was a machine learning researcher, and published
papers on problems ranging from reconstructing shredded documents to building poker bots to better inference in probabilistic
programming languages.

This document is being provided for information purposes only. It is not designed to be taken as advice or a recommendation for any specific investment or strategy decisions.

© 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd COMPANY RESEARCH PROFILE
64 INSURTECH 100 Profiles

Picture perfect
Tractable is able to automatically assert auto claims for insurers
by leveraging deep machine learning on pictures

to take photos of their setup and have an AI ana-

lyze it in real time, to validate that a weld could be
safely performed and that bad setups could be
detected and prevented without slowing down
Having trialled the software, they quickly realized
that there was an even larger opportunity for
this technology if it was applied to auto collision
damage. “With accidents and disasters, cars get
damaged most often, and parts are easy to re-
place – and bodyshops take lots of photos of car
damage, which is what you need to train an AI,”
Dalyac says.
To sweeten the proposal, the global ecosystem
for auto claims is worth roughly $300bn and in-
volves everything from repairers, part sellers and
paint sellers to towing companies, auto recyclers
and car hire companies. In other words, the po-
tential user space for the software was huge. “It’s
the perfect AI task: heavy on image classification,
where AI can surpass human performance.”
Tractable’s technology gives the old adage that a The technology uses deep learning for comput-
picture says more than a thousand words a whole er vision and patented machine learning tech-
new meaning. The InsurTech scaleup’s business niques. “Our AI is trained on many millions of
is based on its artificial intelligence-powered photos from opt-in customers and partners, and
technology that can automatically assess car or the algorithms learn from experience by looking
disaster damages, enabling insurers to get a bet- at many different photos and examples,” Dalyac
ter idea of how costly it would be. explains.
Alexandre Dalyac, Razvan Ranca and Adrien Co- “Once photos of damage are uploaded, the tool
hen co-founded the venture and now respective- is therefore able to recognize what parts have
ly serve as Tractable’s CEO, CTO, and president. been damaged and assess how badly they have
Together, they have grown the company from its been affected. It can then recommend decisions,
London origins to an organization with offices based on its confidence level. The system’s con-
across three continents. Along they way, it has fidence level will depend on part visibility, photo
recruited close to 100 staff members and attract- conditions and the extent of damage severity.
ed more than $30m in venture capital. This means the AI can also interact with the per-
However, they started out with a research pro- son taking photos to request specific additional
ject that applied its tech to tasks that required photos on the spot.”
visual checks. “What AI can do, which humans It didn’t take long before the company began to
can’t, is to run thousands of visual photo checks attract investors. It raised a $1.9m seed round
across different events, all in real time,” says Da- led by Zetta Venture Partners in 2015. This cap-
lyac. “We first looked at construction setups, such ital injection was followed in 2017 with a $8m
as welds. Construction workers could be asked Series A round led by Ignition Partners, the ear-

© 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd INSURTECH 100

INSURTECH 100 Profiles 65

ly-stage VC firm. In July 2018, Tractable raised a Imperial. By contributing to the progress of that
$25m Series B from Insight Partners. idea – whether it’s within the research team, or
applying the research to real-world situations or
When asked why the Tractable founders choose
helping our customers realize the benefits from
the VC firm as its partner, Dalyac’s points to the
it – everyone at the company is making a power-
fact that the investor has over $20bn assets un- ful contribution.”
der management and that its startup support
has led to over 40 IPOs, including recent ones Tractable’s research team includes top machine
like DocuSign, Pluralsight, and Smartsheet. “We learning researchers, but is also an eclectic mix
are excited to work with them as they showed of physicists, neuroscientists and research hack-
us that they really understood the scale of our ers, with various levels of experience. Dalyac
vision and what we needed to do to grow and says that they are all “curious about how theory
meets the world,” which is the thing that bings
become a global business, and we’re really glad
them together.
to work with them,” Dalyac says.
“This matters because this team works in the real
Tractable has also announced several partner-
world, with mechanics and car bodyshops, every
ships with organizations like Thatcham Research,
day – so they need to solve the problems those
LKQ Corporation and the Automotive Body Parts people encounter, as well as new ones created
Association. “Based on requests from insurers, by using an AI,” he adds.
we are partnering with preeminent players in the
industry to drive more value to our customers by “We also have real expertise in the auto field, as
combining AI appraisal with top data sources,” we’ve made a conscious decision to hire motor
says Dalyac. engineers and auto experts to make sure that
our solution isn’t just something that comes from
“These partners are some of the best in their the lab – it needs to work for the people using it
field, for example LKQ is a fortune 300 company on the ground, and help them do their jobs bet-
and one of the largest global providers of alter- ter.”
native vehicle parts. Combining industry leading
Having supercharged the team size, Tractable is
AI with live parts information and highly accurate
now revving up to expand its reach along further
repair times can reduce cycle times and help avenues. “So far, we have mostly focused on auto
consumers get back on the road more quickly claims, but with the rising frequency of natural
and safely. AI appraisal at FNOL means that a re- disasters we recognized that we could apply our
pair can be scheduled, parts can be ordered, and technology to help restore livelihoods quicker
a rental deployed -- all much earlier than in the there as well,” Dalyac says. “Part of that is by ex-
traditional process. panding our reach in the global auto repair eco-
In their ambition to scale, the founders have system – Europe, the Americas, and Asia – bring-
opened offices in New York and Tokyo with a ing our AI to insurers, repairers and the rest of
presence in Madrid and Munich as well. The the supply chain. Further, we’re seeing demand
company has filled these offices with roughly 100 across the vehicle life cycle: maintenance, lease
returns, used car sales.
employees, many of which have worked at tech
titans like Uber and industry leaders like Gold- “We also see demand for visual appraisal of prop-
man Sachs and McKinsey. erty damage from natural disasters, the mission
aspect of which we’re motivated by. Our technol-
Dalyac attributes Tractable’s recruitment success
ogy can help in this sector too.”
through its entrepreneurial, objective-driven en-
vironment. “In practice, that means we give our Looking to the future, Dalyac says that Tracta-
staff a lot of ownership over their areas, and em- ble is looking to go global. “We are now working
power them to make a difference,” he says. “We with insurers across the world and are opening
find that encouraging this type of culture has offices to cope with demand, recently growing a
aided recruitment whether it be engineering, re- team in Japan to ten in just three months,” he
search, business development or operations.” concludes. “We’re focused on bringing new insur-
ers on board from across the world and making
He continues, “Developing this culture is particu- a difference for them, while also expanding how
larly important given that Tractable comes from our solution can be applied so we can help make
the research space - after all, it’s a company born improvements across the auto claims journey for
from researchers from Cambridge, Oxford and insurers, bodyshops and end-users.”

INSURTECH 100 © 2019 FinTech Global and Investor Networks Ltd

66 INSURTECH 100 Profiles

Founded 2017 Employees: 51-100

Value Chain: Proposition that supports the end to end value


Subsectors: Life/Health Insurance, On-Demand/Travel

Insurance, Micro Insurance

Regions of operations: India

Toffee Insurance specializes in contextual micro-insurance products that decrease the financial risks carried by unin-
sured masses in India. With experience in both product development and growth strategy, the founders designed Toffee
Insurance to deconstruct the existing products of underwriting partners and then package relevant policies for individual
customers; product insurance is sold at the point of sale, whether that be online or offline channels via APIs, mobiles and
SMS transactions. The digital-first approach has resulted not only in insurance offerings that are less than 8 dollars a year
but a streamlined claims process that is completed in fewer than four hours. Their portfolio of cycle insurance, income
protection insurance, daily commute insurance, dengue insurance, credit insurance caters to digitally active youth with
monthly incomes under USD 300. Since its inception, Toffee Insurance has issued policies to above 115K+ people across
150 cities in India, with 80 per cent of its users as first-time insurance purchasers.

Founded 2012 Employees: 51-100

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Claims, Policy Renewal/

Customer Retention, Proposition that supports the end to end
value chain

Subsectors: Commercial/Enterprise Insurance, Auto Insurance,

On-Demand/Travel Insurance, Infrastructure/Back-end,
Consumer Platforms, Home/P&C, Data/Intelligence

Regions of operations: United States, United Kingdom, Japan,


Trov’s platform powers digital insurance solutions for innovative businesses in the finance, insurance, mobility, and retail sec-
tors. Born from the company’s flagship On-Demand Insurance application, Trov’s white-label product line spans end-to-end
solutions for homeowners, renters, and small businesses, while its intelligent protection is also built for the emerging needs
of mobility, commercial fleets, and personal auto insurance providers. Powered by Trov is a portfolio of end-to-end digital,
white-labelled insurance products designed to be rapidly deployed by financial organisations and insurers. The Powered by
Trov platform comprises four core insurtech modules, including Policy Sales (quoting, binding, billing, and adjustments), Claims
(consumer and business interfaces), CRM (customer management), and Business Intelligence (conversion, engagement and
risk analytics). These modules are the building blocks of the white-label insurance product line and can be configured for a
variety of policy types including homeowners, renters, motor, and SME. Clients include Lloyds Banking Group, Waymo, Suncorp
and Groupe PSA, among others.

Founded 2016 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Operations & Servicing,

Policy Renewal/Customer Retention

Subsectors: Home/P&C

Regions of operations: United Kingdom

Urban Jungle offers contents insurance which is genuinely designed for renters. This means that it isn’t just a buildings
and contents policy minus the buildings. The company doesn’t ask any questions that a renter is unlikely to know the
answer to, and they include tenant’s liability insurance as standard. It is designed to be intuitive and simple - customers
can get covered in two minutes and still be fully aware of what is and isn’t covered. With the help of its great underwriting
partners, Urban Jungle is offering the first version of its dream policy: pay as you go (true monthly policy), completely
transparent and fixed pricing, plus enriched cover with accidental damage and tenants liability cover included as stand-
ard. Having a pay as you go policy is great for its 20k+ customer base, as not everyone wants to be tied down to 12
months. Urban Jungle offers contents insurance to Monzo Plus account holders.

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INSURTECH 100 Profiles 67

Founded 2004 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Underwriting & Risk Rating, Operations &

Servicing, Claims

Subsectors: Commercial/Enterprise Insurance, Infrastructure/

Back-end, Data/Intelligence

Regions of operations: United States

Valen Analytics, an Insurity company, provides proprietary data, analytics and predictive modelling for property and
casualty insurers. Valen works with insurers who are actively looking to utilize modern approaches to pricing, risk selec-
tion, claims triage, and premium fraud. Valen’s InsureRight platform, which was built to support the agility and efficiency
of analytics and IT teams, boasts a full suite of data automation, versioning, validation and transformation capabilities. It
analyzes the structure of an insurer’s data and provides visual validation and relational reports that help identify infor-
mation that is missing or contains errors. The InsureRight Platform also provides ongoing, real-time business integra-
tion with a tool that is specifically designed to allow insurers to use and modify data analytics in their dynamic business
environments. Between 2016 and 2018, Valen’s customer base for the InsureRight Platform doubled from 26 to 50
respectively. Existing clients include Canal Insurance Company, Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company
and Missouri Employers Mutual.

Founded 2014 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution, Operations & Servicing,

Proposition that supports the end to end value chain

Subsectors: Insurance Comparison/Marketplace, Infrastructure/

Back-end, Life/Health Insurance

Regions of operations: All 50+ states in the United States

Vericred is building infrastructure for the digital distribution of health insurance and employee benefits. The Vericred
Platform serves as a data translation layer, connecting insurance carriers and technology companies that are transform-
ing the way health insurance and employee benefits are quoted, sold, enrolled and managed. Many solutions have been
developed for InsurTech companies focused on the under 65 individual, Medicaid and Medicare markets, as well as the
group market. The development of quotes for health insurance and employee benefits products is complex and highly
varied by line of coverage, product type and carrier. Without Vericred, each InsurTech company seeking to deliver these
quotes would need to build and maintain a “rating engine” that determines plan availability and calculates rates based
on these complex methods. Vericred’s Multi-Line Rating API enables innovators to focus their resources on building the
user journeys, differentiated feature sets and distribution that distinguish their product from others.

Founded 2017 Employees: 11-50

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution

Subsectors: Pet

Regions of operations: United Kingdom

Waggel makes pet insurance easy to understand and simple to use. It’s completely digital platform allows a seamless
journey from purchasing a policy all the way to making a quote. Waggel wants to be more than just the insurance and
offers members a rewards platform where they can access exclusive offers from leading pet brand partners. Waggel’s
proprietary technology delivers an end-to-end digital insurance solution. The system is built on a micro-service architec-
ture. Waggel’s state of the art claim system uses OCR technology to convert PDF documents into a readable format in
seconds and the easy to use interface allows handlers to process claims in minutes.

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68 INSURTECH 100 Profiles

Founded 2015 Employees: 1-10

Value Chain: Marketing & Distribution

Subsectors: Insurance Comparison/Marketplace

Regions of operations: United Kingdom

Worry+Peace is a discover and experience marketplace for insurance. The company doesn’t sell insurance, it connects it,
so it exists across the funnel. You can work with its platform, from search right through to review and storing of quotes
and documents. It is a trio of applications stitched together to offer both buyers and providers a better place to connect.
Search connects to the company’s marketplace which hosts both managed and unmanaged listings. Buyers can shop
incognito with their own custom insurance email address and inbox. Its pouch wallet lets them sync purchases and doc-
uments. Buyers can review and follow brands using an all-new review model that makes stars look silly. The company
monetises by offering a transparent “top positions” auction for product listings across 770 product types. Clients include
HomeProtect, PolicyExpert, Hiscox and MoreThan onboard.

Founded 2011 Employees: 101-250

Value Chain: Operations & Servicing

Subsectors: Insurance Comparison/Marketplace, Life/Health

Insurance, Consumer Platforms

Regions of operations: UAE, Egypt, Kuwait, KSA, Oman, Lebanon

yallacompare is the Middle East’s leading comparison site by employee count and share of online insurance sales. By
using its platform, consumers can compare and apply for bank accounts, insurance policies, credit cards, loans, cars and
more in nine markets across the MENA region. Additionally, yallacompare is committed to bringing more transparency
to the region’s finance industry, and actively works to educate users so that financial literacy can be improved across the
Middle East. The company provides transparency to the customer in the Insurance marketplace as well as providing an
online platform from which Insurers and Banks can offer their products more effectively. A problem has persisted in the
MENA region where the Insurance sector has traditionally lagged behind other regions in terms of its digital adoption
and penetration. Yallacompare has been a pioneer in tackling this problem. Client companies include Tokiomarine, Ori-
ent Insurance, Noor takaful, Etisalat and ADIB.

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INSURTECH 100 Profiles 69

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