The AI Insurance Pricing Company

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The AI Insurance Pricing Company

Modeling Approaches :

Data-Scientists & Pricing Actuaries

Actuary vs. Data Scientist
The main differences

...a belief that actuaries of the

future would increasingly
incorporate a lot more data science
and thinking into their day to day
jobs and actuaries would also
possibly move beyond the
traditional realms of insurance.


Actuary vs. Data Scientist
The main differences

Going forward, the skill set

collectively known as data
science will be borne by a new
generation of data savvy business
specialists and subject matter
experts who are able to imbue
analysis with their deep domain
knowledge (...)


2 Approaches of Modeling
Data-scientists and Actuaries typically have different focuses during modeling

Heavy reliance on the Actuaries DS Data-driven

data’s meaning focus on focus on approach

● Obsession with
Context Data ● Reliance on artificial
adverse-selection risk intelligence and
● Expert-judgement before automation
models “score” ● Obsession with scores
● Models transparency ● Models understanding
used for sanity checks

Classic ML approach
Global Parameters and Model Parameters

Models creation is automated :
- The user defines global parameters GBM
- The algorithm fits on the data and produces ● Number of trees
the model. ● Trees depth
● Learning Rate

The model itself is often less important than the
global parameters.
For instance, when building a GBM, a user will find
the global parameters maximizing the back-test
results (through a k-fold), not the best model. ● Ensemble of trees
(split points, split variables,
leaves estimates)

Indirect Models Explanations
Black-box models can be analysed

Most ML models are black-boxes: they can’t be directly understood, but can be analysed.

For instance, a Gradient Boosting generates predictions from an ensemble of decision trees:

Each tree leverages all the dimensions of the data, generating interactions between the variables.

+95 other
= + + + + + ... trees

GBMs are really great because they just work : it is straightforward to produce automatically good models.

As a GBM typically involves hundreds of trees of depth 2 to 6 (generating 2 to 6-ways interactions), this model is not directly understandable
by a human.

For this reason, powerful model-analysis tools have been developed.

Example of black-box analysis
PDP : understand the global impact

Driver Age
For example: a Partial Dependence Plot (PDP)) and Individual Conditional Expectation (ICE) showing the impact of a driver’s age.
Example of black-box analysis
ICE: visualize the conditional impacts

Driver Age
For example: a Partial Dependence Plot (PDP)) and Individual Conditional Expectation (ICE) showing the impact of a driver’s age.
Example of black-box analysis
ICE: visualize the conditional impacts

Driver Age
For example: a Partial Dependence Plot (PDP)) and Individual Conditional Expectation (ICE) showing the impact of a driver’s age.
Classic Actuarial approach
Direct Models Visualization

To be understood, models must be:

While model interpretability techniques can
● Reductible: the models can be splitted and
be applied to any model, a direct model visualized piece-by-piece
understanding is restricted to the specific
class of models: ● Parsimonious: the model must incorporate a
limited number of effects to be analizable

This class of models restrict human-understandable models to simple categorie:

➔ simple rules
➔ shallow trees
➔ Generalized Additive Models (including GLMs), with parsimonious interactions

Direct Models Visualization

Actuaries have been focussing during the past 30 years on the GAM modeling, because it allows the modeler to decompose the model’s
effects and:
● Validate them
● “Force” them if no exposure is available

The GAM models are defined by the shape of their formula:

+5 other
= + + + + + ...

Driver Age Driving Experience Vehicle Speed Contract Mileage Vehicle Age

Here the model itself is visualized and fully understood by a human.

Analysing a GAM
Only a limited number of variables play a role; each variable’s impact is fully known

Mixing ML & Actuarial
Trees Ensembles and GAMs
Strengths and Limits

Strengths associated with Trees ensembles models are related to their creation process.

Strengths associated with GAMs are related to their models structure.

Trees Ensembles GAM

Models structure Models structure

● Sum of small effect of all the variables ● Sum of effects of single variables.
● Trees depth

Models Understanding Models Understanding

● Via reverse-engineering or local analysis ● Direct visualization.

Models Creation Models Creation

● Machine learning ● Human-creation
● Machine-learning

Global Parameters and Model Parameters
Applying ML to GAMs


It is possible to design an algorithm fitting GAMs, ● Smoothness level
based on 2 global parameters: ● Parsimony level
- Level of smoothness : how significant should
the selected effects be ?
- Level of parsimony : how many variable
should be included in the model ? FIT

We developed this algorithm : Models can be MODEL PARAMETERS

generated automatically for many values of the
global parameters (machine-learning Grid-Search
● Effect functions values
approach), tested on back-tests and fully analysed.
(one function per selected

1. Parsimony has a cost (but it is worth it)
Understanding / Accuracy trade-off

Complex GAM Black-box models

Best models with interactions (GBMs, RF, NN…)

Complex GAM

Higher Accuracy
Bad models
Simple GAM
No Model Linear Models

Better Understanding
The accuracy is measured on a back-test; actual results when moving to productions will not be

1. Parsimony has a cost (but it is worth it)
Grid-search result

Grid-search results:
each point represents
one model.
Gini Score

The gain in models quality and

the fading marginal
improvement are clearly

Number of Variables

1. Parsimony has a cost (but it is worth it)
Grid-search result

Grid-search results:
each point represents
one model.
Gini Score

The gain in models quality and

the fading marginal
improvement are clearly

Number of Variables
2. When you start looking, good models are hard to define
What is overfitting ?

Which model should be selected??

Out-of-sample Gini: 20.5% Out-of-sample Gini: 21%

Robust model Noisy Model

Driver Age Driver Age

Model on the left has stronger results on the back-test but does not inspire much trust.
Model on the right might lead to better results once deployed in production.

3. Interact with the models
Spotting the issues is nice..

Number of Rooms

3. Interact with the models
… solving the issues is better !

Number of Rooms

4. Price Update & Fading Memory
Parsimonious price update is key

Vehicle Age
A clear model structure allows an easy identification of mismatches between an old model and new data,
CONFIDENTIAL and of the coefficients causing them. 25
4. Price Update & Fading Memory
Parsimonious price update is key


Good Fit

Vehicle Age
A clear model structure allows an easy identification of mismatches between an old model and new data,
CONFIDENTIAL and of the coefficients causing them. 26
4. Price Update & Fading Memory
Parsimonious price update is key

Vehicle Age
It is now easy to fix these mismatches in a parsimonious way, leveraging the elements of the models that are
CONFIDENTIAL still good. This parsimonious updates eases the model validation process and provides a fading memory, 27
mixing the information from the old model and the new data.
5. When you start looking, good models are hard to define
What should we do with time-consistency ?

CONFIDENTIAL External Risk Assessment 28

5. When you start looking, good models are hard to define
What should we do with time-consistency ?

CONFIDENTIAL External Risk Assessment 29

Mixing Data-Science automation and Actuarial Expertise

ML & Back-test Actuarial expertise Understanding and capability to interact with a

performance and transparency model is key ; model’s simplicity has value.

● Allows automated models ● Minimizing the back-test Models must allow the inclusion of expertise,
creation error is not enough safety and provide extrapolation capabilities.
● Based on statistical criteria ● Performance can’t be
measures before deployments Transparent modeling can and should be
● Easy to measure & reproduce
(and sometimes not even combined with machine-learning techniques.
● Data-driven after)
● Pushes toward complexity
● Direct interactions with the Transparency is not “under-sophistication” or
over understanding
model itself is key to include all “primitiveness” but realism and efficiency.
the operational constraints.

Thank you !

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