Duties and Responsibilities

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 To support and to promote the ideals, principles, thrusts, and objectives of the SPG/SSG, the School,
and the Department of Education

 To ensure fair, efficient, and effective delivery of services to student body

 To formulate and recommend programs that will address relevant issues and concerns of the students


• To plan, to implement, and to enforce policies designed to protect and promote the student’s rights
and welfare

• To spearhead all DepEd driven thrusts, projects, programs, and activities of the SPG/SSG

• To create committees as may be necessary to address the needs of the students

Monitoring and Evaluation

 To monitor and to evaluate the students’ activities in the school and in the community.

 To monitor and to coordinate with the SPG/SSG COMELEC every election period.

 To monitor and to coordinate elections of other recognized campus cocurricular organization

Student Representation

• To serve as representative of the students in voicing their opinions, suggestions, and grievances

• To make recommendations to school authorities regarding student matters, affairs, and activities

• To act as Coordinating Council of all co-curricular organizations in the School

• To participate in the crafting and formulation of the School Improvement Plan (SIP) • To recommend
to the School Head the granting, renewal or revocation of accreditation of campus student organizations


o Officially represent the student body at any function on or off the campus

o Enforce the constitution and by-laws, and other regulations that may be promulgated

o Sign all the official minutes, project proposals, resolutions, correspondences, and other official papers

o Head the Coordinating Council of School Co-curricular Organizations


o Assist the President in all matters where his/her assistance is necessary

o Assume the Office of the President should the position be vacant

o Head the Internal Affairs Committee, conceptualize programs, projects, and plan activities with the
Grade Level Councilors/Representatives


o Keep accurate records of the minutes and document proceedings in every meeting

o Provide immediate documentations and reports for every implemented project

o Head the .SPG/SSG Secretariat


o Keep all financial records of the SPG/SSG and be the one responsible for any information related to
the student activity fund

o Serve as the disbursing officer of all the SPG/SSG’s funds

o Prepare the annual budget of the SPG/SSG

o Prepare accurate and transparent financial reports every month after every activity, and at the end of
the term

o Formulate pertinent financial guidelines for the organization

o Serve as an ex-officio member of any and all Finance Committee for the purpose of considering
budgetary and/or financial matters for SPG/SSG

o Conduct an inventory of all SPG/SSG property and submit a report, in writing, of its condition and


o Certify the legitimacy and correctness of the disbursement of funds

o Audit all expenses of the SSG/SPG funds

o Assist the Treasurer in formulating guidelines and reports

o Act as the assistant head of the Financial Committee


o Disseminate and promote the thrusts and objectives of the SPG . SSG

o Build and maintain a credible image for the SPG/SSG\

o Take charge in the promotion of SPG/SSG projects and activities

o Head the Publicity Committee


o Help the presiding officer in maintaining peace and order during meetings

o Act as disciplinary officer, if necessary

o Chair the Student’s


o Represent his/her grade level in all the meetings of the SSG/SPG

o Serve as the grievance desk for their respective grade level

o Conceptualize and implement programs and projects, and recommend policies for their respective
grade level


o Act as grade level head coordinator of all the SSG/SPG programs, projects to the Grade Level
Councilors/Reps per grade level
Duties and Obligation of Members
Sec. 1: Every member has the responsibility to observe, at all times, the laws of nature, the
environmental laws of the Republic of the Philippines, and the rules and regulations of the
school and the organization.
Sec. 2: Every member must pay all YES-O fees on time as authorized by DepED issuances
and/or by the Parents-Teachers and Community Association.
Sec. 3: Every member must support and promote the thrust and objectives of the YES-O.
Sec. 4: Every member must abide by the YES-O constitutions and by-laws.
Sec. 5: Every member must participate actively in all school and organizational activities.
Sec. 6: Every member must exercise his/her rights and perform his/her duties as a YES-O
member responsibly.
Article VII
Powers and Duties of the Youth for Environment in Schools Organization
Sec. 1: The Executive Committee, composed of the officers of the Youth for Environment in
Schools Organization, shall be the governing body of the organization.
Sec. 2: The YES-O shall have the following functions and responsibilities:
a. Formulate, recommend, implement, coordinate and monitor programs, projects and
activities for the environment;
b. Create committees deemed necessary and expedient under the circumstances;
c. Advise and make recommendations to school authorities regarding environmental
matters, affairs and activities;
d. Serve as a representative of the school, and participate, in environmental fora, symposia,
gatherings, trainings and workshops in the division, regional, national and international
e. Act as the Coordinating Council of all environmental concerns in the school.;
f. Turn-over papers, documents and properties to the succeeding YES-O Executive
Committee Officers;
g. Orient succeeding officers on current undertakings of the YES-O; and,
h. Exercise such other powers and duties as the school authorities and the Department of
Education may, from time to time, grant or delegate, consistent with stated principles;
objectives and policies.
Duties and Responsibilities of Officers
Sec. 1: The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the YES-O. He shall have the
following duties:
a. Preside over all meetings or may designate another officer to preside a specific meeting;
b. Enforce this Constitution and By-Laws and other rules and regulations that may be
c. Sign all official minutes, resolutions, correspondence, and other official papers of the
d. Represent the YES-O or designate his/her representative to any external or internal
affairs or functions; and,
e. Perform such other functions inherent or incidental to his/her office.

Sec. 2: The Vice President shall have the following duties:

a. Assist the President in all matters where his assistance is necessary;
b. Assume the Office of the President should the position become vacant;
c. Supervise members in planning and arranging meetings or programs of activities;
d. Perform such other duties assigned by the President of the YES-O Executive Committee.

Sec. 3: The Secretary shall have the following duties:

a. Keep accurate records of the minutes and proceedings of every meeting;
b. Keep a file of all pertinent document and papers of the YES-O and make them accessible
to the members;
c. Call and prepare all notices of YES-O meetings;
d. Head the YES-O Secretariat;
e. Perform such other duties assigned by the President of the YES-O Executive Committee.

Sec. 4: The Treasurer shall have the following duties:

a. Keep all financial records of the YES-O;
b. Serve as the disbursing officer of all the YES-O fund;
c. Prepare the annual budget of the YES-O;
d. Prepare financial reports every month, after an activity, and at the end of the term;
e. Formulate pertinent financial guidelines for the organization;
f. Perform such other duties assigned by the President of the YES-O Executive Committee.

Sec. 5: The Auditor shall have the following duties:

a. Certify the legitimacy and correctness of the disbursement of funds;
b. Audit all expenditures of the YES-O funds;
c. Assist the Treasurer in formulating guidelines and reports;
d. Keep and update inventory of all property of the YES-O;
e. Perform such other duties assigned by the President of the YES-O Executive Committee.

Sec. 6: The Public Information Officer shall have the following duties:
a. Popularize the thrusts and objectives of the YES-O;
b. Be responsible in building and maintaining a credible image of the YES-O;
c. Take charge in the promotion of YES-O projects and activities;
d. Perform such other duties assigned by the President of the YES-O Executive Committee.

Sec. 7: The Peace Officer shall have the following duties:

a. Help the presiding officer in maintaining peace and order during meetings;
b. Act as disciplinary officer, if needed; and,
c. Perform such other duties assigned by the YES-O.

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