EMMANUEL B. AZNAR, Petitioner, vs. CITIBANK, N.A., (Philippines), Respondent. G.R. No. 164273 March 28, 2007 Facts

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EMMANUEL B. AZNAR, Petitioner, vs. CITIBANK, N.A., (Philippines), Respondent.

G.R. No. 164273 March 28, 2007


Petitioner is a holder of a credit card and claims that when he presented his credit card in some
establishments in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia, the same was not honored. And when he tried to
use the same in Ingtan Tour and Travel Agency (Ingtan Agency) in Indonesia to purchase plane tickets to
Bali, it was again dishonored for the reason that his card was blacklisted by the respondent bank.

To prove that respondent blacklisted his credit card, Petitioner presented a computer print-out, denominated
Ingtan Agency with the signature of one Victrina Elnado Nubi which shows that his card in question was
“DECL OVERLIMIT” or declared over the limit.

The Regional Trial Court rendered its decision dismissing petitioner’s complaint for lack of merit. It held that
as between the computer print-out presented by petitioner and the Warning Cancellation Bulletins
presented by respondent, the latter had more weight as their due execution and authenticity was duly
established by respondent.

Upon motion for reconsideration, the decision was reversed. Judge De la Peña ruled that the computer
print-out was printed out by Nubi in the ordinary or regular course of business in the modern credit card
industry and Nubi was not able to testify as she was in a foreign country and cannot be reached by
subpoena. The same took judicial notice of the practice of automated teller machines (ATMs) and credit
card facilities which readily print out bank account status, therefore the print-out can be received as prima
facie evidence of the dishonor of petitioner’s credit card.

On appeal, the Court of Appeals ruled that the computer print-out is an electronic document which must be
authenticated pursuant to Section 2, Rule 5 of the Rules on Electronic Evidence or under Section 20 of
Rule 132 of the Rules of Court by anyone who saw the document executed or written; Petitioner, however,
failed to prove its authenticity, thus it must be excluded.


1. Whether or not the “On Line Authorization Report” is an electronic document?

2. Whether or not the “On Line Authorization Report” constitutes electronic evidence?


The petition was denied by the Supreme Court for lack of merit.

REPORT, a computer print-out handed to petitioner by Ingtan Agency, to prove that his credit card was
dishonored for being blacklisted. On said print-out appears the words “DECL OVERLIMIT”. As correctly
pointed out by the RTC and the CA, however, such exhibit cannot be considered admissible as its
authenticity and due execution were not sufficiently established by petitioner.

The prevailing rule at the time of the promulgation of the RTC Decision is Section 20 of Rule 132 of the
Rules of Court. It provides that whenever any private document offered as authentic is received in evidence,
its due execution and authenticity must be proved either by (a) anyone who saw the document executed or
written; or (b) by evidence of the genuineness of the signature or handwriting of the maker.

Petitioner, who testified on the authenticity did not actually see the document executed or written, neither
was he able to provide evidence on the genuineness of the signature or handwriting of Nubi, who handed
to him said computer print-out.

Even if examined under the Rules on Electronic Evidence, which took effect on August 1, 2001, and which
is being invoked by petitioner in this case, the authentication of the computer print-out would still be found
wanting. Pertinent sections of Rule 5 read:

Section 1. Burden of proving authenticity. – The person seeking to introduce an electronic

document in any legal proceeding has the burden of proving its authenticity in the manner provided in this
Section 2. Manner of authentication. – Before any private electronic document offered as authentic
is received in evidence, its authenticity must be proved by any of the following means:
(a) By evidence that it had been digitally signed by the person purported to have signed the same;
(b) by evidence that other appropriate security procedures or devices as may be authorized by the
Supreme Court or by law for authentication of electronic documents were applied to the document; or
(c) By other evidence showing its integrity and reliability to the satisfaction of the judge.

Petitioner claims that his testimony complies with par. (c), i.e., it constitutes the “other evidence showing
integrity and reliability of Exh. “G” to the satisfaction of the judge.” The Court is not convinced.

Petitioner’s testimony that the person from Ingtan Agency merely handed him the computer print-out and
that he thereafter asked said person to sign the same cannot be considered as sufficient to show said print-
out’s integrity and reliability. As correctly pointed out by Judge Marcos in his May 29, 1998 Decision, Exh.
“G” does not show on its face that it was issued by Ingtan Agency as petitioner merely mentioned in passing
how he was able to secure the print-out from the agency. Petitioner also failed to show the specific business
address of the source of the computer print-out because while the name of Ingtan Agency was mentioned
by petitioner, its business address was not reflected in the print-out.

Indeed, petitioner failed to demonstrate how the information reflected on the print-out was generated and
how the said information could be relied upon as true.

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