Mongo Mongo Mongo Mongo: DB DB DB DB

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Year 01 Semester 02
Group Assignment 1
MongoDB is an opensource database which is use all around. This is a
NOSQL document database which is written in C++ language.
MongoDB is a database that allows schemas to manipulate easy as
applications changes. But this will still provide the functionalities of any
average database.
The main features of MongoDB are
 Scalability
 Performance
 High availability
 Reliable
This will work on collection and document concepts.

A collection in MongoDB is a group of Documents that have similarities
and relations among them. It’s like a table in a Database. This will only
stand in a single database.

Document is the basic unit of data in MongoDB and also a unit record in
a collection.
All documents consist of a dynamic schema which means documents or
data units inside a same table or a collection do not need to have the
same set of fields and structures.
Advantages of using MongoDB…
 MongoDB is easy to scale.
 Schema less-MongoDB is a document database which one
collection holds different and number of Documents. There is no
concept of relationships.
 MongoDB as relational databases.
 No complex joins.
 Faster access of data because as this use internal memory to store
 Auto sharding -This means it will save data with multiples

Disadvantages of using MongoDB…

× We can’t write queries very easily to select a specific data set from
tables as there are no JOINS.
× The server asks for a huge ram space in order to run MongoDB.
× As MongoDB is a NOSQL database it needs proper knowledge and
practiced database admins to maintain it. So, this will lead to
additional costs.
× No structure of Table designing.

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