01 Manganey v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. Nos. 147773-74, 546 SCRA 51 (2008)

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G.R. Nos. 147773-74. February 18, 2008.


SANDIGANBAYAN (Fifth Division) and the PEOPLE OF
THE PHILIPPINES, respondents.

Criminal Law; Falsification of Public Documents; Elements.

—To convict for falsification of a public document under Art. 171,
paragraph 4 of the RPC, the following requisites must concur: (1)
the offender makes in a document untruthful statements in a
narration of facts; (2) the offender has a legal obligation to
disclose the truth of the facts narrated; (3) the facts narrated by
the offender are absolutely false; and (4) the perversion of truth
in the narration of facts was made with the wrongful intent to
injure a third person.
Same; Estafa (Art. 315, par. 2 of Revised Penal Code [RPC]);
Elements.—The elements of the crime of estafa under Art. 315,
par. 2 of the RPC are: (1) the accused made false pretenses or
fraudulent representations as to his power, influence,
qualifications, property, credit, agency, business, or imaginary
transactions; (2) such false pretenses or fraudulent
representations were made prior to or simultaneous with the
commission of the fraud; (3) such false pretenses or fraudulent
representations constitute the very cause which induced the
offended party to part with his money or property; and (4) as a
result thereof, the offended party suffered damage.
Same; Conspiracy; Except for the mastermind, it is necessary
that a co-conspirator should have performed some overt act—
actual commission of the crime itself, active participation as a
direct or indirect contribution in the execution of the crime, or
moral assistance to his co-conspirators by being present at the
commission of the crime or by exerting moral ascendancy over the
other co-conspirators.—There is conspiracy when two or more
persons come to an agreement concerning the commission of a
felony and decide to commit it. Direct proof of previous agreement
to commit a crime is not necessary. Conspiracy may be shown
through circumstantial evidence, deduced from the mode and
manner in which the offense




was perpetrated, or inferred from the acts of the accused

themselves when such lead to a joint purpose and design,
concerted action, and community of interest. Conspiracy must be
proven as convincingly as the criminal act itself—like any
element of the offense charged, conspiracy must be established by
proof beyond reasonable doubt. For a co-conspirator to be liable
for the acts of the others, there must be intentional participation
in the conspiracy with a view to further a common design. Except
for the mastermind, it is necessary that a co-conspirator should
have performed some overt act––actual commission of the crime
itself, active participation as a direct or indirect contribution in
the execution of the crime, or moral assistance to his co-
conspirators by being present at the commission of the crime or
by exerting moral ascendancy over the other co-conspirators.
Same; Evidence; Circumstantial Evidence; Requisites.—
Recall that petitioners were convicted allegedly on circumstantial
evidence. Under Sec. 4, Rule 133 of the Rules of Court on Revised
Rules of Evidence, circumstantial evidence would be sufficient to
convict the offender if (1) there is more than one circumstance; (2)
the facts from which the inferences are derived are proven; and
(3) the combination of all the circumstances is such as to produce
a conviction beyond reasonable doubt. A judgment of conviction
based on circumstantial evidence can be upheld only if the
circumstances proven constitute an unbroken chain that leads to
one fair and reasonable conclusion pointing to the accused, to the
exclusion of all others, as the guilty person, that is, the
circumstances proven must be consistent with each other,
consistent with the hypothesis that the accused is guilty, and at
the same time inconsistent with any other hypothesis except that
of guilty.
Same; Witnesses; Corroborative evidence is necessary only
when there are reasons to suspect that the witness falsified the
truth or that his observations were inaccurate.—We have
reviewed the records and we agree with the Sandiganbayan that
the testimony of Angluben was credible, consistent and
categorical in contrast with the testimony of Mangangey, and
there is no need to corroborate Angluben’s testimony.
Corroborative evidence is necessary only when there are reasons
to suspect that the witness falsified the truth or that his
observations were inaccurate.


PETITION for review on certiorari of the decision and

resolution of the Sandiganbayan.
   The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
  Vicente D. Millora for petitioners.
  The Solicitor General for the People.


Sometime in October 1986, the Municipality of

Paracelis, Mountain Province undertook the widening and
partial relocation of the Banilag-Minoli Road. The project
was awarded to private contractor Leon Acapen. The
description of the work to be done and the terms of the
contract included, among others:

“1. Roadways and Drainage excavation (removal of slides and

overbreaks) [for] 1,800 cubic meters at P18.00/cu.m.; and
2. Roadways and Drainage Excavation (widening and
construction) for 4.010 cubic meters at P20.00/cu.m. x x x
Quantities given above are only approximate and payments of
the work shall be based on the quantities actually accomplished
and completed which shall be measured and determine[d]
accurately and shall be accepted by the Municipal Mayor.”1

The project was allegedly completed on December 8,

1986 as shown in the Certificate of Inspection and
Acceptance dated December 8, 1986. The certificate was
prepared and signed by Construction and Maintenance
Foreman Dennis Mangangey, petitioner herein, who
attested that he personally inspected the project and that
it was 100% completed in accordance with the agreed
specifications. In another Certificate of Inspection and
Acceptance, with the same date, the signatories, namely:
Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator Gabriel
Wanason, petitioner herein, as the


1 Rollo, pp. 19-20, 46.


Mayor’s representative; Municipal Revenue Clerk Anselmo

Forayo, petitioner herein, as the Treasurer’s
representative; and Bernardo Acapen (now deceased), as
the Engineer’s representative, all attested that they
personally inspected the work done by Leon and found the
work in accordance with the approved program of work.
The Government subsequently issued a check for PhP
106,970 as payment for the project.2
In February 1989, a certain Simon Naigsan wrote to the
Regional Office of the Commission of Audit (COA) and
complained about the anomalies in the construction of the
road. The COA Regional Director directed Technical Audit
Specialist Engr. Hospicio Angluben to conduct an actual
site inspection. Part of his affidavit/report on the
inspection stated:

“That Item 105-1 started from Sta. 0+000 to Sta. 4+620,

having a total volume of 1,800 cu.m. for excavation; and Item
105-11 started from Sta. +620 to Sta. 6+420, and had a volume of
4,010 cu.m. for excavation;
That all the above works were awarded to Mr. Leon Acapen for
P112, 600.00;
That for Item 105-1 there was no accomplishment and for Item
105-11 there was only 365 cu.m. actually accomplished;
That the contract was certified 100% accomplished and was
fully paid for P112,600.00, the full amount of the contract.”3
As an offshoot of the affidavit/report and for failure to
complete the Banilag-Minoli Road, provincial officers
Engineer Dionisio Padua, Senior Civil Engineer Francisco
Tigcangay, and Paracelis Municipal Treasurer Tomas
Pocyao, and project contractor Leon were charged before
the Sandiganbayan in an Information4 dated August 14,
1991, alleging that they conspired with evident bad faith to
defraud the government in


3 Id., at p. 48.
4 Records, pp. 1-2.


violation of Section 3(e)5 of Republic Act No. 3019 also

known as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act. The
Information was docketed as Crim. Case No. 17007. All the
accused in this case were acquitted on October 27, 2000 on
Amended Informations to include private contractor Leon
as an accused. Amended Informations for this case and
Crim. Case No. 17008 were filed by the Office of the
Special Prosecutor and a joint trial was held. Criminal
Case No. 17007 is not a subject of this petition.
The Amended Information docketed as Crim. Case No.
17008 for Estafa thru Falsification of Public Documents
charged Paracelis Mayor Matthew Wandag, Municipal
Revenue Clerk Forayo, Municipal Planning and
Development Coordinator Wanason, and Construction and
Maintenance Foreman of the Office of the Provincial
Engineer Mangangey. It reads:

CRIM. CASE NO. 17008

“That on or about the 8th day of December, 1986, in the
Municipality of Paracelis, Mountain Province, and within the
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused,
all public officers, MATTHEW WANDAG, being then the
Municipal Mayor of Paracelis, Mountain Province, ANSELMO
FORAYO, being then the Municipal Revenue Clerk of Paracelis,
Mountain Province,

5  SEC. 3. Corrupt practices of public officers.—In addition to acts or

omissions of public officers already penalized by existing law, the following shall
constitute corrupt practices of any public officer and are hereby declared to be
x x x x
(e) Causing any undue injury to any party, including the
Government, or giving any party any unwarranted benefits, advantage or
preference in the discharge of his official, administrative or judicial
functions through manifest partiality, evident bad faith or gross
inexcusable negligence. This provision shall apply to officers and
employees of offices or government corporations charged with the grant of
licenses or permits or other concessions.


GABRIEL WANASON, being then the Municipal Planning and

Development Coordinator of Paracelis, Mountain Province, and
DENNIS MANGANGEY, being then the Maintenance Foreman,
Office of the Provincial Engineer, Mountain Province, while in
the performance of their official functions taking advantage of
their official position, committing the offense in relation to their
office and conspiring and confederating with one another, and
with accused Leon Acapen, a private contractor, did then and
there willfully, unlawfully, feloniously and by means of deceit
defraud the Government by making untruthful statements in the
Certificate of Inspection and Acceptance signed by accused
Gabriel Wanason and Anselmo Forayo in one and by accused
Dennis Mangangey in the other and both dated December 8,
1986, and in which they had the obligation to disclose the truth,
by making it appear that they have personally inspected the work
for the widening and partial relocation of the Banilag-Minoli
Road in Paracelis, Mountain Province, consisting of the removal
of slides and overbreaks and the widening and construction
thereof, and thereafter found the same to have been fully
accomplished 100% in accordance with the plans, specifications
and requirements thereof, when in truth and in fact, as all the
accused well knew, there was no accomplishment on the removal
of slides and overbreaks and only 365 cu. m. out of 4,010 cu. m.
for the widening and construction had actually been
accomplished, and as a result of such false certifications, Leon
Acapen was paid the amount of ONE HUNDRED SIX
(P106,970.00), Philippine Currency, through a check which
accused Matthew Wandag subsequently encashed after obtaining
the same from accused Leon Acapen and causing the latter to
affix his signature thereon, thereby inflicting damage and
prejudice to the government in the aforesaid sum.

All the accused in both cases were arraigned a second

time on August 9, 1993, except accused Wandag who took
flight to the United States. All pleaded not guilty.


6 Records, pp. 178-180.


All the accused were acquitted in Crim. Case No.

17007 but convicted in Crim. Case No. 17008
excluding Leon
After a joint trial, the Sandiganbayan, on October 27,
2000, exonerated all the accused in Crim. Case No. 17007
while it convicted petitioners for the crime of estafa
through falsification of public documents, with the
exception of Leon in Crim. Case No. 17008.
In its Decision, the Sandiganbayan found that the
signatories of the Certificate of Inspection and Acceptance,
namely, Mangangey, Wanason, Forayo, and the late
Bernardo, in their own official functions, falsified a public
document when they attested that they personally
inspected the work of Leon and reported that it was 100%
completed in accordance with the plans, specifications, and
contract requirements notwithstanding that the work on
the aforesaid project was not yet finished. The
Sandiganbayan found that petitioners conspired with the
accused Wandag to defraud the Government.
The dispositive portion of the Decision reads:

“WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered, as follows:

1. In Criminal Case No. 17007, accused Dionisio Padua,
Francisco Tigcangay, Tomas Pocyao and Leon Acapen are hereby
ACQUITTED of the crime of Violation of Section 3(e) of Republic
Act 3019, as amended on ground of reasonable doubt. The bail
bonds posted for their provisional liberty are ordered cancelled.
2. In Criminal Case No. 17008, accused Dennis Mangangey,
Gabriel Wanason and Anselmo Forayo are hereby found GUILTY
beyond reasonable doubt as principals of the crime of Estafa
through Falsification of Public Documents defined and penalized
under Articles 315 and 171 in relation to Article 48 of the Revised
Penal Code. Absent any modifying circumstance and applying the
Indeterminate Sentence Law, each is hereby sentenced to suffer
an indeterminate penalty ranging from SIX (6) YEARS of prision
correccional as minimum, to TWELVE (12) YEARS of prision
mayor as maximum, with accessories provided by law; to pay a
fine of P2,000.00 without subsidiary imprisonment in case of
insolvency; to indemnify jointly and severally, the Republic of the
Philippines in the amount of NINETY-



(P99,670.00); and, to pay their proportionate share of the costs.
Accused Leon Acapen is hereby ACQUITTED on ground of
reasonable doubt. The property bail bond posted by said accused
is ordered cancelled.
Let alias warrant of arrest be issued against accused Matthew

Petitioners’ motion for reconsideration was denied for

lack of merit. Hence, we have this petition for review
under Rule 45, raising the sole issue:

“Whether or not, under the facts alleged and proven, the

accused may be held liable for the offense of ESTAFA through

Our Ruling

We deny the petition.

Prefatorily, the Sandiganbayan acquitted Leon, the
purported contractor of the project on ground of reasonable
doubt. It noted that during the preliminary investigation,
Leon admitted that he was not the real contractor; that he
did not do any work on the road; that he signed the Letter
of Acceptance printed below the Resolution of Award dated
October 21, 19869 and the Municipal Voucher; that he
received the PhP 106,970 net contract payment;10 that he
indorsed the PNB check payment for PhP 106,970 to
Wandag; and that it


7 Rollo, pp. 67-68. Penned by Associate Justice Minita V. Chico-

Nazario (now a member of this Court) and concurred in by Associate
Justices Anacleto D. Badoy, Jr. and Ma. Cristina Cortez-Estrada.
8 Id., at p. 174.
9 Evidence Folder, Exhibits "B" and "B-1," Formal Offer of Evidence
dated November 2, 1994.


was Wandag who exchanged the said check with a demand

draft in Wandag’s name, all because he was being
threatened and coerced by Wandag. Leon reported these
matters as early as January 8, 1987 in an affidavit, shortly
after he signed the certificate to the Monitoring Committee
of Paracelis, Department of Local Government. His
affidavit was appended to his counter-affidavit executed
during the preliminary investigation. In our view, Wandag
had coerced Leon and used him as a dummy so he could
himself get payment for the unfinished road.
Essentially, petitioners contend that the findings of the
Sandiganbayan are bereft of factual and legal basis, and
that the circumstances relied upon by the Sandiganbayan
are insufficient to convict them of estafa through
falsification of public document. They reason that the facts
from which the inferences were derived were not proven.
Furthermore, according to petitioners, these circumstances
are insufficient to convict them beyond reasonable doubt.
The Sandiganbayan, petitioners claim, relied on the
following circumstantial pieces of evidence in convicting
petitioners: (1) Mangangey erroneously testified on the
starting point of the project; (2) Alfonso Dilog and Franklin
Odsey, who Mangangey mentioned in his testimony as his
companions during the actual inspection of the project,
were not presented to corroborate Mangangey’s testimony;
(3) during the preliminary investigation, Forayo and
Wanason testified that no actual inspection was conducted;
(4) Bernardo, before his death, admitted he did not
personally inspect the project; (5) during the inspection,
Mangangey could not attest to the measurements of the
actual volume/quantity accomplished by the contractor in
accordance with the pakyaw contract; and (6) Wandag took
flight to evade prosecution.
As to the first circumstance, petitioners contend that
the Sandiganbayan merely speculated that Mangangey did
not know the starting point of the road project. They claim
that this conclusion of the Sandiganbayan was based alone
on the


uncorroborated testimony of COA Technical Audit

Specialist Engr. Angluben who said that when he
conducted the audit, he was accompanied by Bernardo and
Leon, the private contractors and some residents of
Paracelis. Yet, petitioners claim these companions of
Angluben were not presented in court to corroborate the
latter’s testimony. They insist that the Sandiganbayan’s
reliance alone on Angluben’s testimony, without
corroboration, could not be used against them as this
would violate their right to due process.11
As to the second, petitioners assert that for the same
reason, Mangangey’s testimony that he conducted an
inspection accompanied by Dilog and Odsey could not be
used against petitioners since Dilog and Odsey were not
presented in court to corroborate Mangangey’s statement.
According to petitioners, the failure to present Dilog and
Odsey again violated their rights to remain silent and be
presumed innocent. Besides, they posit that the burden of
proof to establish their guilt lies with the prosecution.12
As to the third, petitioners submit that the alleged
admissions of Forayo and Wanason during the preliminary
investigation, embodied in the July 15, 1988 Resolution of
the Deputized Tanodbayan Prosecutor, are inadmissible
and hearsay since the investigating officer was not
presented to attest to the alleged admissions. Moreover,
petitioner Mangangey asserts that even if the admissions
were admissible, using these as evidence against him
would still violate his constitutional right to due process,
under the res inter alios acta rule provided under Sec. 28 of
Rule 130, Revised Rules on Evidence, which states that
“the rights of a party cannot be prejudiced by an act,
declaration, or omission of another.”13


11 Rollo, p. 17.
12 Id.
13 Id., at p. 179. 


As to the fourth, petitioners assail the admission by the

late Bernardo that he did not personally inspect the project
as a circumstance that led to their conviction.
As to the fifth, petitioners submit that the
interpretation of the pakyaw contract on the volume of the
work accomplished is not a finding of fact but only the
Sandiganbayan’s conclusion and consequently cannot be
considered circumstantial evidence. Moreover, they aver
that only facts from which the inferences are derived, and
not conclusions, must be proven.14
Finally, petitioners assert that the Sandiganbayan
should not have considered the flight of Wandag as
circumstantial evidence against them for not only have
they been steadfast in their claims that they were
innocent, but they were also willing to submit to judicial
inquiry, unlike Wandag who took flight.15
Petitioners insist that from the evidence submitted, it
has not been established that petitioners conspired to
falsify documents to defraud the government. They posit
that aside from the lone circumstance that the
Government paid for an incomplete project, no other
evidence or circumstance was adduced to prove that they
indeed conspired with Wandag. No proof was shown that
they had knowledge of Wandag’s criminal intent to defraud
the Government as it was established that Wandag alone
committed the offense. Moreover, they point out that it was
Wandag alone who benefited from the crime as petitioners
were never shown to have shared the proceeds with
Wandag. Consequently, petitioners conclude that absent
proof of conspiracy, they could not be held liable for estafa.
In all, they assert that the evidence of the prosecution did
not overcome petitioners’ constitutional and legal right to
be presumed innocent.


14 Id.
15 Id.


Wa nda g ma sterminded the fa lsifica tion

of the documents
The Sandiganbayan found that Wandag masterminded
the fraud and that the local government funded road
project was neither submitted to public bidding nor were
the required documents on the road project in order when
it was launched. Ostensibly, Leon was merely pressured to
sign the contract.
The Sandiganbayan convicted petitioners of the complex
crime of estafa through falsification of a public document
penalized under Articles 315 and 171 in relation to Art. 48
of the Revised Penal Code (RPC). We quote these
provisions below:

“ART. 315. Swindling (estafa).––Any person who shall

defraud another by any of the means mentioned hereinbelow
shall be punished by x x x.
x x x x
2. By means of any of the following false pretenses or
fraudulent acts executed prior to or simultaneously with the
commission of the fraud:
x x x x
(a) By using a fictitious name, or falsely pretending to
possess power, influence, qualifications, property, credit, agency,
business or imaginary transactions, or by means of other similar
ART. 171. Falsification by public officer, employee or notary
or ecclesiastic minister.—The penalty of prision mayor and a fine
not to exceed P5,000 pesos shall be imposed upon any public
officer, employee, or notary who, taking advantage of his official
position, shall falsify a document by committing any of the
following acts:
x x x x
2. Causing it to appear that persons have participated in any
act or proceeding when they did not in fact so participate;
3. Attributing to persons who have participated in any act or
proceeding statements other than those in fact made by them;
4. Making untruthful statements in a narration of


ART. 48. Penalty for complex crimes.—When a single act

constitutes two or more grave or less grave felonies, or when an
offense is a necessary means for committing the other, the
penalty for the most serious crime shall be imposed, the same to
be applied in its maximum period.”

To convict for falsification of a public document under

Art. 171, paragraph 4 of the RPC, the following requisites
must concur: (1) the offender makes in a document
untruthful statements in a narration of facts; (2) the
offender has a legal obligation to disclose the truth of the
facts narrated; (3) the facts narrated by the offender are
absolutely false; and (4) the perversion of truth in the
narration of facts was made with the wrongful intent to
injure a third person.16
The elements of the crime of estafa under Art. 315, par.
2 of the RPC are: (1) the accused made false pretenses or
fraudulent representations as to his power, influence,
qualifications, property, credit, agency, business, or
imaginary transactions; (2) such false pretenses or
fraudulent representations were made prior to or
simultaneous with the commission of the fraud; (3) such
false pretenses or fraudulent representations constitute
the very cause which induced the offended party to part
with his money or property; and (4) as a result thereof, the
offended party suffered damage.17

Fa lsifica tion of public document proven

There is no question that petitioners were public

officials and employees performing their official duty when
they certified in a public document that they inspected and
found that


16 Relucio v. Civil Service Commission, G.R. No. 147182, November 21,

2002, 392 SCRA 435, 441; Lecaroz v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 130872,
March 25, 1999, 305 SCRA 396, 413; citing Art. 171 of the RPC.
17  Fernandez v. People, G.R. No. 138503, September 28, 2000, 341
SCRA 277, 286. 


the road project was 100% complete per contract

COA Examining Technical Audit Specialist Angluben
testified on October 28, 199418 and stated in his affidavit
dated August 27, 1987 that the facts in the certificates of
inspection and acceptance were false. His testimony was
based on the specifications of the pakyaw contract as
evinced by the Individual Project Program for Roads and
Bridges in the Mountain Province,19 the original Cross-
Section of the Program for Banilag-Minoli Road widening
and partial relocation road project,20 and the earthwork
computations. According to Angluben, the earthworks dug
were only 364.5 cu. m.,21 short of the estimated 4,010 cu.
m. He also found that no earthworks were done on the
estimated 1,800 cu. m. for removal of slides and
overbreaks.22 The payment of the completed road project
was going to be based on the actual volume of the
earthworks as clearly specified in the pakyaw contract, vis-
à-vis the estimates of the volume of earthworks in the
project. The only conclusion that could be drawn is that the
Banilag-Minoli Road was far from finished at the time the
certifications were signed by petitioners and when the
government paid for the road project.
Based on the aforesaid documents and Angluben’s
testimony, we agree with the Sandiganbayan that
Mangangey lied in his declarations. First, his erroneous
identification of the starting point of the project puts into
doubt his claim that he personally inspected the road
project. Second, we find it suspect that Mangangey, a
foreman and a supposed technical expert of the Provincial
Engineer’s Office, could not specify the width and the
extent of the work done on the road. Third, Mangangey’s
report that the actual earthworks excavated


18 TSN, October 28, 1994, pp. 1-46.

19 Evidence Folder, Exhibit “C.”
20 Id., Exhibit “G.”
21 Id., Exhibit “G-4.”
22 Rollo, p. 40. 


were exactly the same as the approximated volume of

earthworks to be excavated is highly improbable. He also
offered no proof to rebut the results of the technical audit
of Angluben.
As to the credibility of Angluben, it is a familiar and
fundamental doctrine that the determination of the
credibility of witnesses is the domain of the trial court as it
is in the best position to observe the witnesses’
demeanor.23 Angluben’s oral testimony is supported by
documentary evidence. Under the circumstances of this
case, we are not inclined to depart from this principle.
Besides, Forayo and Wanason clearly admitted in their
counter-affidavits that they did not personally inspect the
project when they affixed their signatures on the
Certificate of Inspection and Acceptance. According to
Forayo, he merely relied on the late Bernardo’s signature.
Wanason said he signed because he was threatened by
Now, as to the requirement that the accused had a legal
obligation to disclose the truth of the facts narrated, suffice
it to say that a Certificate of Inspection and Acceptance is
required in the processing of vouchers for the payment of
government projects. Patently, the falsification of this
document by the petitioners caused the release of the
payment for an unfinished road at great cost to the

Elements of esta fa duly proven

Similarly, we find that the charge of estafa through

falsification of public documents under Art. 315, par. 2(a)
of the RPC was likewise proven. The first element, that the
accused made false pretenses or fraudulent
representations, need not be discussed all over. We have
sufficiently gone over this matter. The same holds true
with the requirement that these


23  Llanto v. Alzona, G.R. No. 150730, January 31, 2005, 450 SCRA
288, 295-296.


falsifications were made during the commission of the

crime. The falsified certificates of inspection and
acceptance resulted in the government paying for the
unfinished project to the disadvantage and injury of the
State. Altogether, the elements of the complex crime of
estafa through falsification of public document are present.

The question of conspira cy

Did petitioners conspire with Wandag to defraud the

Government by making untruthful statements in the
certificates of inspection and acceptance?
There is conspiracy when two or more persons come to
an agreement concerning the commission of a felony and
decide to commit it.24 Direct proof of previous agreement to
commit a crime is not necessary. Conspiracy may be shown
through circumstantial evidence, deduced from the mode
and manner in which the offense was perpetrated, or
inferred from the acts of the accused themselves when
such lead to a joint purpose and design, concerted action,
and community of interest.25 Conspiracy must be proven as
convincingly as the criminal act itself—like any element of
the offense charged, conspiracy must be established by
proof beyond reasonable doubt.26 For a co-conspirator to be
liable for the acts of the others, there must be intentional
participation in the conspiracy with a view to further a
common design.27 Except for the


24 Talay v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 119477, February 27, 2003, 398
SCRA 185, 201.
25  People v. Cordova, G.R. No. 83373, July 5, 1993, 224 SCRA 319,
339; People v. Martinado, G.R. No. 92020, October 19, 1992, 214 SCRA
712, 732.
26 People v. Gregorio, G.R. No. 153781, September 24, 2003, 412 SCRA
90, 96; see also People v. Garcia, G.R. No. 94187, November 4, 1992, 215
SCRA 349, 361; Perez v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. Nos. 76203-04, December
6, 1989, 180 SCRA 9, 13.
27 People v. Macatana, No. L-57061, May 9, 1988, 161 SCRA 235, 240. 


mastermind, it is necessary that a co-conspirator should

have performed some overt act––actual commission of the
crime itself, active participation as a direct or indirect
contribution in the execution of the crime, or moral
assistance to his co-conspirators by being present at the
commission of the crime or by exerting moral ascendancy
over the other co-conspirators.28
In this case, the ascertained facts abovementioned and
the encashment of the contract payment check obtained
through the falsified certificate of inspection prove the
commission of the crime. Wandag’s guilt has been proven
with moral certainty. As co-conspirators of Wandag,
petitioners are equally guilty, for in a conspiracy, every act
of one of the conspirators in furtherance of a common
design or purpose of such a conspiracy is the act of all.29
Now, had the conspiracy of petitioners been proven
beyond reasonable doubt?
Recall that petitioners were convicted allegedly on
circumstantial evidence. Under Sec. 4, Rule 133 of the
Rules of Court on Revised Rules of Evidence,
circumstantial evidence would be sufficient to convict the
offender if (1) there is more than one circumstance; (2) the
facts from which the inferences are derived are proven;
and (3) the combination of all the circumstances is such as
to produce a conviction beyond reasonable doubt. A
judgment of conviction based on circumstantial evidence
can be upheld only if the circumstances proven constitute
an unbroken chain that leads to one fair and reasonable
conclusion pointing to the accused, to the exclusion of all
others, as the guilty person, that is, the circumstances
proven must be consistent with each other, consistent with
the hy-


28 People v. De Roxas, G.R. No. 106783, February 15, 1995, 241 SCRA
369, 378.
29 People v. Liquiran, G.R. No. 105693, November 19, 1993, 228 SCRA
62, 74; People v. Rostata, G.R. No. 91482, February 9, 1993, 218 SCRA
657, 678; People v. Pama, G.R. Nos. 90297-98, December 11, 1992, 216
SCRA 385, 401. 


pothesis that the accused is guilty, and at the same time

inconsistent with any other hypothesis except that of
Based on our earlier discussion, the facts and the
circumstances earlier mentioned when strung together
duly prove guilt beyond reasonable doubt. Mangangey did
not inspect the road project. He could not say where the
starting point of the subject project was when he was
supposed to have inspected it. He certified that the subject
project was completed exactly to the approximate volume
of excavated earth without making any measurements of
the earthworks accomplished. Forayo and Wanason
willfully signed the Certificate of Inspection and
Acceptance, and certified that they personally inspected
the road when in fact they did not as admitted in their
counter-affidavits during the preliminary investigation.
Wandag took flight––a sign of guilt.
In addition, it has not been shown that Forayo and
Wanason were under duress when they signed the falsified
documents nor that any of their constitutional rights have
been violated when they made their declarations in their
counter-affidavits. Both Forayo and Wanason did not
dispute the finding that Mangangey did not inspect the
road project. They instead only gave separate excuses on
why they signed the certificate. Also, the non-presentation
of the investigating officer who conducted the preliminary
investigation to testify on the admissions is insignificant
as this would only be corroborative. Although petitioners
vehemently deny receiving money from Wandag as their
share in the loot, this information is of no moment. The
concerted acts of the co-conspirators resulted in the
processing and release of the payment for an unfinished
road to the disadvantage and damage to the government.
All these circumstances are based on facts proven by the
prosecution, pointing to Wandag and petitioners as


30 People v. Genobia, G.R. No. 110068, August 3, 1994, 234 SCRA 699,
706; People v. Alvero, G.R. No. 72319, June 30, 1993, 224 SCRA 16, 27.


conspiring to defraud the Government. Finally, we do not

agree with petitioners that as lowly employees, they were
only prevailed upon by Wandag. As succinctly observed by
the Sandiganbayan, if indeed there was duress, this duress
is not the exempting circumstance of “irresistible force” in
Art. 12, par. 5 of the RPC sufficient to exculpate
petitioners. A moral choice was available to them.
Further, we have reviewed the records and we agree
with the Sandiganbayan that the testimony of Angluben
was credible, consistent and categorical in contrast with
the testimony of Mangangey, and there is no need to
corroborate Angluben’s testimony. Corroborative evidence
is necessary only when there are reasons to suspect that
the witness falsified the truth or that his observations
were inaccurate.31
Petitioners are likewise mistaken that the
interpretation of the provision in the pakyaw contract on
the volume of the work accomplished is not factual but
merely a conclusion by the Sandiganbayan. Angluben
testified that that there was only 364.5 cu. m. of excavation
work compared to the projected 5,810 cu. m. per program
of work. The aggregate estimate of 5,810 cu. m. is based on
the cross-section of the project and the Individual Project
Program. The Sandiganbayan observed that the contract
specifies the approximate volume of excavation as a basis
for payment, and consequently, full payment was due only
when the actual work done had been measured and
verified corresponding to the maximum approximate
volume of work. That there was only 364.5 cu. m. of
excavation and there was actual payment for 5,810 cu. m.
are not mere interpretations of the contract as petitioners
want us to believe. These are physical evidence of the
amount of work done and evidence of the incompleteness of
the work on the road. All told, we rule that the guilt of
petitioners has been proven beyond any iota of doubt.


31 Rivera v. People, G.R. No. 139185, September 29, 2003, 462 SCRA
350, 364.


WHEREFORE, we DENY the petition, and AFFIRM IN

TOTO the assailed October 27, 2000 Decision and April 6,
2001 Resolution of the Sandiganbayan Fifth Division in
Criminal Case Nos. 17007-08. No pronouncement as to

Quisumbing (Chairperson), Carpio, Carpio-Morales

and Tinga, JJ., concur.
Petition denied, judgment and resolution affirmed in

Notes.—The words “fraud” or “deceit” need not be used

in an information for the allegations therein to sufficiently
allege the offense of estafa. Whether act involved
constitutes “abuse of confidence” or “deceit” within the
technical meaning of the terms as used in Article 315, it is
inescapable that it falls within the common and generic
signification of “fraud” as used in Section 13 of R.A. No.
3019. (Flores vs. Layosa, 436 SCRA 337 [2004])
A lawyer’s act of notarizing documents without the
requisite commission therefore is reprehensible,
constituting as it does not only malpractice but also the
crime of falsification of public documents. (Zoreta vs.
Simpliciano, 443 SCRA 1 [2004])

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