Growth and Yield of Cucumber Varieties As Influenced by Pruning at Abakaliki Agricultural Area, Southeastern Nigeria

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Continental J.

Agronomy 4: 23 - 27, 2010 ISSN: 2141 - 4114

© Wilolud Journals, 2010



Utobo, E.B., L.G. Ekwu, E.O. Ogah and G.N. Nwokwu

Department of Crop Production and Landscape Management, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria.

The effect of pruning on the growth and yield of four cucumber varieties was evaluated using a
4 x 2 factorial laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). Market more 76,
Marketer and Point-sett varieties produced significantly (p<0.05) higher total and marketable
yield than Market more 70. Similar trend was observed for total and marketable fruit weight,
and marketable fruit number per plant. Significant differences in some vegetative growth
parameters were found between the cucumber varieties. Market more 76 and Marketer
varieties had similar but significantly (p<0.01) shorter days to 50% anthesis than Market more
70 followed by Point-sett. Marketer had significantly (p<0.05) longer stem length than the
other cucumber varieties. Market more 76 and Marketer varieties produced similar, but
significantly (p<0.05) higher number of branches per plant than Market more 70 and Point
Sett. Significant differences (p<0.05) in terms of yield and yield components were found
between the two pruning treatments. The no pruning treatment produced the highest total yield
and total fruit number per plant. The pruning treatment produced the highest marketable fruit
yield, total and marketable fruit weight, and marketable fruit number per plant. Pruning
significantly (p<0.05) affected the days to 50% anthesis and stem length. Unpruned cucumber
varieties took shorter days of 26 for the 50% of the plants to flower while pruned cucumber
varieties produced longer stem lengths of 18.46 than the non pruned treatment.

KEYWORDS: Cucumber, pruning, vegetative growth and yield.

Cucumber (Cucumis sativus Linn.) is one of the most popular members of the cucurbitaccae (Vine crop) family.
Written evidence indicates that cucumber originated in India, which spread westward and became popular
throughout the Egyptian and the Greek-Roman eras (Nonnecke, 1992). The crop is cultivated in most parts of
Northern Nigeria and some parts of Eastern Nigeria by peasant farmers who lack information on some important
cultural practices. This has resulted in very low yield and the production of fruits with yellow belles, which are
highly unmarketable (Ekwu, et al., 2007).

The significance of yield may be qualified by factors such as fruit quality, fruit size, or price development of the
market determined by season. Fruit exceeding a certain size are of no value, and nowadays, consumers demand good
fruit shape and quality (Than, 1996). The growth of plants and other factors can be modified by pruning to suit
human needs and desires (Than, 1996). Pruning is the act of cutting off plant branches or twigs so as to encourage
fruiting or flowering. Shoots, foliage, flower and fruit are pruned to maintain a proper balance between the
vegetative growth and fruit load so as to maximize production (Wayne, 1990). There are many purposes for
cucumber vine pruning treatments. These are for mechanical harvesting, hybrid seed production, to easily control
insect and disease, to use the higher plant population without significant yield reduction, and to obtain uniform fruits
(Humphries and Vermillion, 1994). Gobeil and Gosselin (1990) asserted that plant density and pruning are two
factors which most likely affect productivity of cucumber. However, the effects of these factors are also dependent
on soil regime, vigour of the variety or strain and the cultural management being used. Palada and Chang (2003)
reported that the removal of the lateral shoot had a positive effect on the total yield of cucumbers. The first four to
six lateral runners that appear should be removed while the other runners above should be allowed to run (Douglas
and Larry, 2001).

The objective of this study was therefore to determine the effects of pruning on the vegetative growth, yield and
yield components of four cucumber varieties.

Utobo, E.B et al.,: Continental J. Agronomy 4: 23 - 27, 2010


The study was carried out at the Teaching and Research Farm of Crop Production and Landscape Management,
Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki (Lat. 06004'N; Long. 18065'E) from June 2008 to September 2008, which was
repeated from June 2009 to September 2009 in the second year cropping season. The mean monthly rainfall during
2008 is 153.41 and that of 2009 is 162.10. The mean minimum / maximum temperature and relative humidity in
2008 are 21.14 / 29.49 0C and 76.14% and in 2009, 21.43 / 29.71 0C and 80.14%. The soil is shallow with
unconsolidated parent material (shale residuum) within 1m of the soil surface and classified as Dystric leptosol
(Anikwe et al., 1999). The soil was formerly cultivated with yam, cassava and maize intercrop but had been under
grass-legume fallow for 2 years before the start of the experiment.

Data sets analyzed for this study were collected from an experiment originally designed as 4 x 2 factorial laid out in
a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). The eight treatments combination consisted of two pruning
methods [no pruning (P0) and 4 - lateral stem pruning i.e. pruning out the lateral branches on main stem from node 4
down (P1)] and four cucumber varieties (Market more 70, Market more 76, Marketer and Point-sett). The
experimental field measured 26 m x 20 m (520 m2) and it was divided into four equal replicates, 1 m apart. Each
replicate consisted of 8 plots, giving a total of 32 test plots. Each plot measured 2 m x 2 m with 0.5 m between
adjacent plots.

The seeds were sown into well prepared raised beds on June 16, 2008 and June 5, 2009 for the two year trials with
recommended spacing of 50 x 50 cm2 per hill. Seedlings were thinned twice, and kept one plant per hill before 3 true
leaf stages. 187 kg ha-1 each of N, P and K was added to the soil using N-P-K (15-15-15) as basal fertilizer
application. A further 65 kg N ha-1 was split applied at 3 and 6 weeks after sowing (WAS) as top dressing using urea
(46 % N) as the nitrogen source.

Staking with bamboo sticks was done 3 WAS when the tendrils began to appear while the stems were tied onto the
sticks with loosen threads. Weeding was carried out at 3 and 6 WAS to control weeds and mixture of Benomyl
(Benlate) and Dithane M45 was sprayed to the crop weekly starting from 3 WAS as a routine preventive measure
against fungal foliar diseases. Insecticide, Instakill 35 Emulsifiable concentrate was sprayed at 1st, 3rd and 5th WAS.
Pruning was done 4 WAS before flower initiation. Harvesting commenced 8 WAS, thereafter at 2 days interval.

Six randomly selected plants were used for the determination of vegetative growth (days to 50% anthesis, stem
length (cm), number of branches per plant and days to harvest); yield components {number of fruits per plant and
fruit weight per plant (kg)} and yield was computed from fruits harvested from the net plot and converted into tons
per hectare. All data collected was subjected to statistical analysis of variance (combined for the two years) to test
for the significance of treatment effects using GenStat 5.0 (2003).


Effect of Variety
The cucumber varieties differed significantly in some vegetative growth parameters like days to 50% anthesis, stem
length and number of branches (Table 1). Market more 76 and Marketer varieties had similar but significantly
(p<0.01) shorter days to 50% anthesis (21.67 and 23.00) than Market more 70 followed by Point-sett in that order.
Marketer had significantly (p<0.05) longer stem length of 222.5 cm than the other cucumber varieties. Market more
76 and Marketer varieties produced similar, but significantly (p<0.05) higher number of branches per plant (8.17 and
7.50) than Market more 70 and Point Sett. These differentials of growth rates indices according to Ibrahim et al.
(2001) are normally attributed to their genetic make up. Cucumber varieties also differ significantly in yield and
yield components (Table 2). Market more 76, Marketer and Point-sett varieties produced similar, but significantly
(p<0.05) higher total (22.50 t ha-1 , 21.75 t ha-1 and 20.25 t ha-1) and marketable yield (16.50 t ha-1 , 16.25 t ha-1 ,
and 14.75 t ha-1) than Market more 70. Similar results were obtained for total and marketable fruit weight, and
marketable fruit number per plant. Total and marketable yield (t/ha) and marketable number of fruits per plant which
were observed to be highest in varieties Market more 76 > Marketer > Point-sett and Market more 70 least could be
attributed to the fact that the first three varieties are semi-determinate (Market more 76, Marketer and Point-sett) and
as such directed most of their nutrient flow to their reproductive growth (in this case fruits) unlike Market more 70
which is an indeterminate variety whose nature is such that vegetative growth does not terminate at the on set of

Utobo, E.B et al.,: Continental J. Agronomy 4: 23 - 27, 2010

reproductive growth and has to share its nutrient flow both ways (Bodunde et al., 1993; Ibrahim, 1994). The higher
average total and marketable fruit weight per plant (kg) recorded by Market more 76, Marketer and Point-sett than
Market more 70 could be attributed to the fact that the former have bigger fruits (in terms of size) than the latter.

Effect of Pruning
Pruning significantly (p<0.05) affected the days to 50% anthesis and stem length (Table 1). Unpruned cucumber
varieties took shorter days (26 days) to 50% anthesis. This is in agreement with the work of Than (1996) who
reported that pruning prolonged number of days to flowering. Pruned cucumber varieties produced longer stem
lengths of 18.46 than the unpruned ones. This is because pruning maintains a proper balance between the vegetative
growth and fruit load so as to maximize production (Humphries and Vermillion, 1994). Significant differences
(p<0.05) in terms of yield and yield components were found between the two pruning treatments (Table 2). The non
pruning treatment produced the highest total yield (21.50 t ha-1) and total fruit number per plant (11.00). The
pruning treatment produced the highest marketable fruit yield (15.75 t ha-1), total and marketable fruit weight (1.73
kg and 1.45 kg) and marketable fruit number per plant of 8.50. These could be attributed to the more availability of
nutrients, water and light to plants under pruning for marketable fruits yield, weight, fruit number and total fruit
weight, and lack of pruning for non marketable fruits yield, weight and fruit number per plant (Humphries and
Vermillion, 1994; Dao, 1996 and Duong, 1999).

It was observed that pruning had no specific effect on the varieties tested or there was no pruning -variety

Pruning had significant effect on some vegetative parameters, yield and yield components tested. Thus there is need
for pruning in other to increase marketable yield.

Anikwe, M.A.N., Okonkwo, C.I. and Aniekwe, N.L. (1999). Effect of Changing Land use on Selected Soil
Properties in Abakaliki Agroecological Zone S.E. Nigeria. Environmental Education and Information, 18, 79–89.

Bodunde, J.G., Erinle, I.D., Eruator, P.G. and Amans, E.B. (1993). Four heat tolerant varieties. Approved
Recommendation. Institute for Agricultural Institute, Samaru Zaria, pp. 8-7.

Dao, X. T. (1996). Pruning effect on yield of cucumber variety “Poung”. AVRDC Vietnam, pp. 47.

Douglas, C. and Larry, S. (2001). Home garden trellised cucumber. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, North
Carolina State University. Horticultural information leaflet 8014 –B.

Duong, H. X. (1999). Effect of pruning on yield and quality of cucumber. AVRDC training report, Kasetsart
University Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 51.

Ekwu, L.G., Utobo, E.B. and Oyesola, C.A. (2007). Vegetative and Yield Response of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus
L.) to Staking and Nitrogen Fertilizer Application. Journal of Applied Sciences, 19 (4):7509 – 7519.

GenStat (2003). GenStat 5.0 Release 4.23 DE, Lawes Agricultural Trust, Rothamsted Experimental Station.

Gobeil, G. and Gosselin, A. (1990). Influence of Pruning and Season on Productivity of Cucumber Plants Grown in
a Sequence Cropping System. Scientia Horticulturae, 41 (3): 189 – 200.

Humphries, E.G. and Vermillion, D.L. (1994). Pickling cucumber vine pruning treatments and their implications for
mechanical harvesting. V-37 (1) Trans-ASIA, pp. 71-75.

Utobo, E.B et al.,: Continental J. Agronomy 4: 23 - 27, 2010

Ibrahim, R. (1994). Response of three tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) cultivars to N and P fertilizer.
Unpublished M.S. Thesis, Department of Agronomy, Ahmadu Bello Univ., Zaria, pp. 34.

Ibrahim, R., Amans, E.B., Ahmed A. and Abubakar, I.U. (2001). Growth and Yield of Tomato (Lycopersicum
esculentum Mill) Varieties Influenced by Crop Spacing st Samaru, Northen Nigeria. Nig. J. Hort. Sc. 5:52-57.

Nonnecke, I.B. (1992). Vegetable Production. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, pp: 657.

Palada, M.C. and Chang, L.C. (2003). Suggested cultural practices for bitter gourd. AVRDC. Pub. No. 03-547, pp:

Than, T.N. (1996). Pruning effect on yield of different cucumber varieties. ARC Training, pp: 1-5.

Wayne, V. (1990). Greenhouse cucumber production. University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension
Service. HGA – 00434.

Table 1. Effects of cultivar and pruning on cucumber days to 50 % anthesis, stem length (cm), number of branches
per plant and days to harvest.

Treatments Days to 50% Stem Length Number of Days to

Anthesis (cm) Branches/Plant Harvest
Cultivar (C)
Market more 70 28.67b 159.4b 5.79b 53.33
Market more 76 23.00c 162.1b 8.17a 55.67
Marketer 21.67c 222.5a 7.50a 60.33
Point Sett 32.33a 164.3b 5.33b 58.00
F-LSD(0.05) 2.354** 42.10* 1.601* Ns

Pruning (P)
No Pruning 26b 163.5b 6.42 55.67
4-Stem Pruning 29a 184.6a 7.08 58.00
F-LSD(0.05) 1.664* 18.77* Ns Ns

CxP ns ns Ns Ns

Utobo, E.B et al.,: Continental J. Agronomy 4: 23 - 27, 2010

Table 2. Effects of cultivar and pruning on cucumber fruit number per plant, fruit weight per plant (kg) and yield (t/ha)

Treatments Fruit Number/Plant Fruit Weight (kg) Yield (t/ha)

Marketabl Non Total Marketable Non Total Marketable Non Total
e Marketable Marketable Marketable
Market more 70 7.67b 2.50 10.17 0.90b 0.38 1.28b 13.50b 5.75 19.25b
Market more 76 8.57a 2.17 10.74 1.10a 0.40 1.50a 16.50a 6.00 22.50a
Marketer 8.50a 3.00 11.50 1.08a 0.37 1.45a 16.25a 5.50 21.75a
Point Sett 8.33a 2.83 11.16 0.98a 0.37 1.35a 14.75a 5.50 20.25a
F-LSD(0.05) 0.63* ns ns 0.14* ns 0.16* 2.13* Ns 2.42*

No Pruning 8.00b 3.00a 11.00a 0.98b 0.38a 1.36b 14.75b 6.75 21.50a
4-Stem Pruning 8.50a 1.39b 9.89b 1.44a 0.29b 1.73a 15.75a 4.63 20.38b
F-LSD(0.05) 0.13* 0.79* 0.92* 0.24* 0.07* 0.31* 1.50* ns 0.91*

CxP ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns

Received for Publication: 27/02/10

Accepted for Publication: 02/04/10

Corresponding author
Utobo, E.B.
Department of Crop Production and Landscape Management, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria.
Email: [email protected]

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