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Performance Evaluation of Maize Hybrids (Zea mays L.)

Article in International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences · November 2018
DOI: 10.20546/ijcmas.2018.711.139

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3 authors, including:

B. Manjunatha Dr Niranjana Kumara

University of Agricultural & Horticultural Keladi shivappanayaka university of agricultural and Horticultural sciences


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Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(11): 1198-1203

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences

ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 7 Number 11 (2018)
Journal homepage: http://www.ijcmas.com

Original Research Article https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2018.711.139

Performance Evaluation of Maize Hybrids (Zea mays L.)

B. Manjunatha*, B. Niranjana Kumara and G.B. Jagadeesh

Agricultural and Horticultural Research Station, Kathalagere, University of Agricultural and

Horticultural Sciences, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India

*Corresponding author


The study was conducted to evaluate the performance of 100 maize hybrids and to assess
Keywords the association between yield and yield component traits of maize hybrids. The
Experiment was carried out in randomized complete block designs (RCBD) with three
Heritability, Hybrids,
Genetic advance,
replications in 2017 main cropping season. The analysis of variance revealed significant
Correlation, PCV, GCV differences between hybrids for all measured parameters. The highest and lowest grain
yield were recorded for VH132059 (11.11ton/ha) and VH141651 (6.06 ton/ha)
Article Info respectively. Among the Hybrids VH15471 and VH15884 were early maturing varieties,
Accepted: while VH11153 and VH112944 are late maturing hybrids. Higher phenotypic coefficient
10 October 2018 of variation (PCV) and Genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) were recorded for the
Available Online: traits plant aspect, ear aspect, number of cobs per plant and grain yield. High heritability
10 November 2018 and high genetic advance were recorded for plant height, number of grain per row and cob
length VH132059 and VH11128 are good performed hybrids.

Introduction high infestations of striga and stalk borers

(Assefa, 1998). As a result, evaluating the
Maize (Zea mays L.) is the third most performance of hybrid maize genotypes in
important cereal crop after wheat and rice. specific agro ecology on different traits is very
Improving maize production is considered to crucial. Maize improvement in India started an
be one of the most important strategies for century ago and several promising hybrids and
food security in the developing countries composite varieties were introduced and
(Iqbal et al., 2001). Maize grain today is evaluated at different locations (Benti et al.,
recognized worldwide as a strategic food and 1997).
feed crop that provides an enormous amount
of protein and energy for humans and However, the changing environmental
livestock (FAOSTAT, 2008). conditions affect the performance of maize
genotypes which requires a breeding program
Maize production in the area suffers much that needs to take into account the
from low fertility, low management, lack of consequences of environment and genotype
improved varieties, and very severe infections interaction in the selection and release of
of foliar diseases like turcicum leaf blight, improved varieties. Hence, the overall

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(11): 1198-1203

objectives of this study were to evaluate the Results and Discussion

performance of the tested hybrid maize and to
identify superior maize germplasms for better Analysis of variance
productivity to maize growers.
The results of analysis of variance (ANOVA)
Materials and Methods of the quantitative traits of the tested
genotypes are presented in (Table 2). The
The experiment was laid out in a randomized analysis of variance result showed that there
complete block design (RCBD) with three were considerable amount of variation
replications composed of 100 hybrids (Table between the tested hybrids. Results showed
1) conducted under rain fed condition during highly significant variation (p<0.01) for days
2016 in kharif season at Agricultural and to 50% anthesis, days to 50% silking, days to
Horticultural Research Station, Kathalagere, 50% maturity, plant height, plant aspect, cob
Davangere district under University of weight, cob length and number of grains per
Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences, row and significant variation (p<0.05) for ear
Shivamogga, Karnataka. height, ear aspect, number of cobs per plant,
grain yield. This result is in agreement with
Each plot comprised of 5.1m long with the the findings of Soza et al., (1996); Sallah et
spacing of 0.60m between rows and 0.30m al., (2001); Ram Reddy et al., (2013).
between plants. Two seeds were planted per Maximum grain yield (11.11 ton/ha) was
hill and later thinned out to one healthy plant. observed for VH132059 whereas the
The recommended fertilizer dose (urea@150 minimum grain yield (6.06 ton/ha) was
kg/ha and DAP@150 kg/ha) was used. DAP recorded for VH141651 (Table 2).
fertilizer was applied once at planting while
urea was applied twice equally at planting and Phenotypic and genotypic variation
at knee height stage of the crop. All other
management practices were uniformly applied The phenotypic variance was separated into
to all experimental plots as per package of genotypic and environmental variances to
practice. estimate the contribution of each to the total
variation. The minimum (0.2) and maximum
Data were recorded on plot and plant basis for (50.9) percentages of phenotypic coefficient of
the following characteristics; days to 50% variation (PCV) were observed for plant
anthesis, days to50% silk emergence, days to height and number of diseased cobs,
maturity, grain yield, plant height, ear height respectively.
and number of cobs/plant.
The PCV values for number of diseased cobs
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was done by and ear height were high. It indicates on these
using INDOSTAT software. The phenotypic traits the phenotypic difference between the
and genotypic coefficients of variation were tasted genotypes is high. PCV values for
estimated according to the method suggested number of cobs per plant, cob weight and
by Burton and De Vane (1953). number of grains per row, stand count at
harvest and cob length were medium. It
Broad sense heritability (h2) expressed as the indicates the phenotypic difference between
percentage of the ratio of the genotypic the tested maize genotypes with the above
variance to the phenotypic variance as traits is moderate (Bello et al., 2012; Golam et
described by Allard (1960). al., 2014). Days to maturing, plant height,

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(11): 1198-1203

days to anthesis, days to silking and grain indicating that there is a minimal influence of
yield had low PCV values (Ram Reddy et al., environment on the expression of these traits.
2012). Low PCV observed for days to In addition, it indicates the presence of
maturing, plant height, days to anthesis and sufficient genetic variability for observed
days to silking Genotypic coefficient of traits may facilitate the selection process.
variation measures the genetic variability with Therefore, selection based on phenotypic
in a character. The extent of the environmental performance of the traits would be effective to
influence on any character is indicated by the bring considerable improvement in these
magnitude of the differences between the traits.
genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of
variation. Large differences reflect high Heritability and genetic advance
environmental influence, while small
differences reveal that the influence of Heritability is the proportion of genetic
environment on the genetic variance is low variance and phenotypic variance. It is a major
(Manjunatha et al., 2018). The small parameter for the selection of superior
difference between PCV and GCV of these population improvement method. Knowledge
traits indicated the possibility of genetic about heritability of quantitative traits of a
improvement of the traits. Genotypic crop plant is of extreme interest to plant
coefficients of variability (GCV) values were breeders. The heritability estimates detected
low for days to maturing, days to anthesis and for the characters studied ranged between
days to silking. Medium GCV was observed 39.7% for number of cobs per plant to98.9%
for plant height, ear height, number of cobs for date of anthesis. High levels of heritability
per plant, number of grain per row, cob weight were estimated for days to anthesis, days to
(Golam et al., 2014). silking, days to maturing, plant height, number
of grains per row, stand count at harvest and
Higher PCV and GCV were recorded for the cob length (Beyene, 2005); Muhammad
traits number of cobs per plant, grain yield and (2009) for days to anthesis and number of
number of diseased cobs. It shows that the grains per row Sarlangue et al., (2007).
selection can be effective for these traits and
also indicated the existence of substantial High heritability of the above traits indicated
variability, ensuring ample scope for their that influence of environment on these
improvement through selection. From this characters is negligible or low. Therefore,
result by selecting the genotype with higher selection can be effective on the basis of
number of cobs per plant, better grain yield phenotypic expression of these traits in the
and less number of diseased cobs can improve individual plant by implementing simple
the grain yield of maize. selection methods. Medium heritability was
recorded for ear height, number of cob per
The difference between PCV with the plant, cob weight, grain yield. The moderate
corresponding GCV values was relatively levels of heritability indicated that this trait
higher for plant height, ear aspect andgrain was moderately influenced by environmental
yield, indicating the higher influence of the factors (Lorenzana and Bernardo, 2008).
environment on the traits. However, this Genetic advance under selection (GA) refers
difference was comparatively low for days to to the improvement of traits in genotypic
anthesis, days to silking, days to maturing, value for the new population compared with
number of grain per row, stand count at the base population less than one cycle of
harvest and cob length. The small difference population at a given intensity (Singh, 2001).

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(11): 1198-1203

Table.1 List of hybrids

1 VH131306 VH131306 51 VH112744 VH112744

2 VH133273 VH133273 52 VH141640 VH141640
3 VH141552 VH141552 53 VH121082 VH121082
4 VH125 VH125 54 VH11128 VH11128
5 VH11431 VH11431 55 ZH112035 ZH112035
6 VH11301 VH11301 56 VH123389 VH123389
7 VH11441 VH11441 57 VH141651 VH141651
8 VH113012 VH113012 58 VH123061 VH123061
9 VH13296 VH13296 59 VH12328 VH12328
10 VH13305 VH13305 60 VH13554 VH13554
11 VH13306 VH13306 61 VH141682 VH141682
12 VH13700 VH13700 62 VH15911 VH15911
13 VH13729 VH13729 63 ZH115995 ZH115995
14 VH13740 VH13740 64 KH141554 KH141554
15 VH112888 VH112888 65 VH16161 VH16161
16 VH11131 VH11131 66 VH122850 VH122850
17 VH11153 VH11153 67 VH131199 VH131199
18 VH112944 VH112944 68 VH123031 VH123031
19 VH11134 VH11134 69 VH11812 VH11812
20 VH13917 VH13917 70 VH131376 VH131376
21 VH1640 VH1640 71 VH133765 VH133765
22 VH132079 VH132079 72 VH153409 NK30
23 VH132059 VH132059 73 VH153410 Swarna
24 VH151139 VH151139 74 VH153411 Mukta
25 VH132169 VH132169 75 VP15297 African tall
26 VH16100 VH16100 76 TA5024 TA5024
27 VH123015 VH123015 77 TA5104 TA5104
28 VH1230 VH1230 78 TA5114 TA5114
29 VH161055 VH161055 79 TA5144 TA5144
30 VH15471 VH15471 80 TA5084 TA5084
31 VH15496 VH15496 81 VH112651 NK6240
32 VH132461 VH132461 82 VH112649 900MGold
33 VH1652 VH1652 83 VH131025 DKC8101
34 VH15884 VH15884 84 VH112667 30V92
35 VH1660 VH1660 85 VH153412 D2244
36 VH15537 VH15537 86 VH112655 HTMH5101
37 VH141618 VH141618 87 VH131019 P3396
38 VH112972 VH112972 88 31Y45 31Y45
39 VH11150 VH11150 89 VH151758 Pratap QPM Hybrid-1
40 VH11138 VH11138 90 AH1223 9108
41 VH1253 VH1253 91 DHM121 DHM121
42 VH12264 VH12264 92 WIN Orange WIN Orange
43 VH11130 VH11130 93 Hema Hema
44 VH112906 VH112906 94 VH171212 Ravi-81
45 VH113027 VH113027 95 VP1760 Pant Sankar Makka-3
46 VH12241 VH12241 96 VH171213 P3502
47 VH151280 VH151280 97 VH171214 HTMH5106
48 VH131026 VH131026 98 VH171215 DKC9144
49 VH141229 VH141229 99 VH171254 Shaktiman-4
50 VH112740 VH112740 100 VH151757 Shaktiman-5

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(11): 1198-1203

Table.2 Estimates of range, mean and genetic parameters on the tested maize hybrids

Grain Days to Days to Plant Ear Ear Lodging Cobs/plant

yield Anthesis Silking height height position root
Mean 8.17 51.3 54.9 260.8 107.4 0.42 2.9 1.10
Min 3.74 45.1 49.4 196.6 77.3 0.32 -1.4 0.65
Max 12.14 56.7 59.7 294.2 136.6 0.52 70.8 1.63
Lower Limit 0.00 50.0 50.0 30.0 30.0 0.10 0.0 0.00
Upper Limit 15.00 110.0 110.0 250.0 200.0 0.70 101.0 3.00
Phenotypic 1.76 10.3 9.2 324.5 140.4 0.00 73.9 0.02
Error Variance 0.62 3.7 3.2 138.4 79.4 0.00 17.5 0.01
Genotypic 1.14 6.5 6.0 186.1 61.0 0.00 56.4 0.01
Heritability 0.65 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.15 0.8 0.66

The genetic advance as percent of mean (GA%) ground from which the hybrids where
was high for plant height, ear height, plant developed. VH132059 and VH11128 were
aspect, ear aspect, cob weight, number of grains shown higher grain yield compared to others.
per row, stand count at harvest, grain yield, Consequently, these hybrids can be a preferable
number of diseased cob and cob length choice for further crop improvement. The
(Emmanuel, 2013). Genetic advance as percent higher grain yield of the above genotypes could
of mean was moderate for days to 50% anthesis, be correlated to the higher number of grain per
days to 50% silking and number of cobs per row and cob weight. Among the tested hybrids
plant. Genetic advance as percent of mean was VH15471 and VH15884 are early maturing,
low for days to 50% maturity (Badu et al., while VH11153 and VH112944 are late
2012). maturing varieties.

In view of the fact that, high heritability does Acknowledgement

not always indicate a high genetic gain,
heritability should be used together with genetic The authors are highly acknowledged to
advance in predicting the ultimate effect for CIMMYT, Global maize programme,
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How to cite this article:

Manjunatha, B., B. Niranjana Kumara and Jagadeesh, G.B. 2018. Performance Evaluation of Maize
Hybrids (Zea mays L.). Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 7(11): 1198-1203.
doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2018.711.139


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