TNNLU National Med-Arb Competition

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1| 2nd TNNLU National Med-Arb Competition


The Tamil Nadu National Law University has always considered ADR an important dispute
resolution mechanism and has aimed at conditioning the law students to efficiently resolve
such disputes.

In pursuance to its goal, the TNNLU through its Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee
(ADRC) cordially invites all the law students to participate in its 2nd National Med-Arb
Competition to be held at the TNNLU Campus from 31st January 2020 to 2nd February 2020.

This distinct hybrid of Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanism aims at nurturing the
upcoming members of the Indian legal fraternity and to enable them to brace themselves for
the dynamic Indian Justice System.


Events Important Dates

Commencement of Provisional Registration 28.09.2019
Deadline for Provisional Registration 18.10.2019
Release of Rules and Regulations 03.10.2019
Release of Problem 20.10. 2019
Deadline for seeking clarification on the 30.10.2019
Deadline for Payment with Registration 01.11.2019
along with payment of fee and sending the
soft copy of DD/ Net Bank Receipt Online
Deadline for sending hard copy for 10. 11. 2019
registration form and DD/ Net Banking
Deadline for submitting soft copy of 28.12.2019
Arbitration Memorials
Deadline for submitting hard copy of 22.01.2020
Arbitration Memorials
Inauguration & Registration 31. 01. 2020
Valedictory Ceremony 02.02.2020

2| 2nd TNNLU National Med-Arb Competition


This competition consists of two separate rounds of Mediation and Arbitration. The team
portraying the role of Client- Counsel in the Mediation rounds will become the Counsels
in the Arbitration rounds. The participant portraying the role of a Mediator in the
Mediation rounds will become the Arbitrator in the Arbitration Rounds. All the
participants will be judged by a separate panel of Judges in both the rounds.

a. “Clarifications” refers to procedural order(s) and/or any clarification(s) issued
by ADRC.
b. “Speaker” refers to a participant who presents oral arguments in any given
round of the arbitration competition.
c. “Oral Rounds” refers to a team’s pleadings submitted by both the speakers
before the panel of arbitrators/ arbitral tribunal on behalf of one of the parties
against the opponent party.
d. “Penalty” refers to the deductions imposed on the participating
team/individual in breach of any rules, as provided by ADRC.
e. “Plagiarism” refers to the direct or substantial duplication of the work from
the memorial of any other team through offline or online source(s).
f. “Preliminary Rounds” refers to the initial oral rounds for the purpose of
determining the scores and ranks of the participants based on the average
scores in both mediation and arbitration competition.
g. “Scouting” refers to the act of a person observing the sessions/oral rounds of a
team other than the team he/she is a part of.
h. “Tribunal” means a collective reference to the arbitrators present at the oral
round, where an “arbitrator” is an adjudicator of the oral rounds.
i. “Written submissions” means the written arguments submitted by each team
participating in arbitration competition, according to these Rules.


The competition will be solely conducted in English language. All the law students
currently pursuing three-year LL.B. or five-year LL.B. are eligible to participate in the

3| 2nd TNNLU National Med-Arb Competition

competition. However, all the recognised universities are allowed to send only one team
for the event.


a. Participants shall complete their registration process by submitting the Registration
form, copy of the payment receipt and other details.
b. Payment procedure: Students shall pay before the deadline (Soft copy on or before
01/11/2019 and hard copy on or before 10/11/2019) in either of the following ways
for the completion of their registration process:
1) A Demand Draft of Rs. 3,500/- only drawn in favour of ‘The Registrar, Tamil Nadu
National Law University’ payable at :Tiruchirappalli shall be sent to the following
“The Registrar, Tamil Nadu National Law University (TNNLU), Dindigul Main
Road, Navalurkuttapattu, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu – 620 027.”
2) Payment through NEFT and RTGS for Rs. 3,500/-:

❖ Account Number: 16560110029565

❖ IFSC Number: UCBA0003003
❖ Account Holder Name: The Registrar, Tamil Nadu National Law University Bank
Details: UCO Bank, TNNLU Branch.

Clarifications shall be sent to [email protected]. The subject line should be
“Clarifications: Problems or Rules”.


Participants will be provided with food and accommodation facilities at the TNNLU
campus from 31st January, 2020 (Morning) till 02nd February, 2020 (Night).
a. Use of mobile phones, tablets, laptops or any other electronic device inside the
designated rooms is strictly prohibited. Any team(s) or individual(s) caught
using the abovementioned gadgets will face disqualification by the ADRC
after an immediate enquiry.

4| 2nd TNNLU National Med-Arb Competition

b. Scouting is strictly prohibited. Violation of this rule shall result in
disqualification after an immediate enquiry.
c. Participants shall not attend any of the sessions of other teams or individuals
during the competition, or receive information from any person who has
attended any previous rounds.
d. In cases of plagiarism or any such activities, ADRC reserves the right to
disqualify the team(s) after an immediate enquiry.
e. Participants shall not reveal their identity to the panel of arbitrators/Mediators
or Judges.
f. Teams are not allowed to switch their roles during the competition. The
participant portraying the role of a mediator shall be the arbitrator in the
arbitration rounds and the client-counsel team in mediation round will portray
the role of counsels in the arbitration rounds.
g. If any team fails to be present for the oral rounds/mediation sessions, for more
than 10 minutes even after the commencement of the session, they shall be not
allowed to appear for that particular round.
h. The ADRC shall serve as the final authority for the implementation and
interpretation of these Rules and of any Supplementary Rules or clarifications.
If there is any situation which is not contemplated in the rules, the ADRC’s
decision on the same shall be final and binding.
a. Participants are required to be dressed in black and white formals throughout
the competition.
b. For Gentlemen: Western Formals (white formal shirt and black formal blazer,
pants & shoes)
c. For Ladies: Western Formals (white formal shirt and black formal blazer,
pants & shoes) or Indian Formals (white kurta and black pants,
blazer/waistcoat & shoes)


a. Structure of the Written Submissions:

5| 2nd TNNLU National Med-Arb Competition

i. Each participating team must prepare written submissions on behalf of the Claimant and
Respondent of maximum 20 pages.

ii. All the teams are requested to send a soft copy of both the written submissions in the PDF
format at

titled “Claimant (Team Code)” and “Respondent (Team Code)”.

iii. Teams are required to submit 6 sets of written submissions from both Claimant and
Respondent side. It must be printed double-sided on A4 size sheets, with an equal margin of
at least one inch on all sides. It is mandatory to mention “Claimant” or “Respondent” on the
cover page along with team codes mentioned at the top right corner of the page.

iv. The hard copies can be soft or spiral bound. Any changes witnessed in the hard copy visà-
vis the soft copy will entail disqualification. The decision of ADRC will be final in this

b. Format of the Written Submissions:

Each Written submission must contain all of, and only, the following components in the
following order:

▪ Cover page;

▪ Table of Contents;

▪ Table of Abbreviations;

▪ Index of Authorities;

▪ Statement of Jurisdiction;

▪ Statement of Facts

▪ Issues Raised;

▪ Summary of Arguments;

6| 2nd TNNLU National Med-Arb Competition

▪ Arguments Advanced/Pleadings;

▪ Prayer.

i. Text font for the Arguments Advanced and Prayer, including that of all headings and
subheadings, must be Times New Roman, size 12 with 1.5 line spacing and the text
must be justified.
ii. The footnote style to be followed must be 19th Edition Blue Book Citation and text
font of the footnotes must be Times New Roman, size 10 with 1.0 line spacing and the
text must be justified.
iii. There must be no additional space between two footnotes. Character spacing should
not be condensed in any manner.

c. Format of the Arbitral Awards:

The arbitrators are required to draft an award, in accordance with the Arbitration and
Conciliation Act, 1996 (Act) after each arbitration session. The award shall be
prepared by the participants who have registered as Mediator/Arbitrator after the oral
submissions of both the parties in the Arbitration Preliminary Rounds i.e. on 1st
February, 2020. However, the arbitral award shall broadly contain the following (page
limit 2-6 pages):
1) Heading
2) Date, Identification of the parties and method of appointment of arbitrator
3) Nature of award
4) Brief on nature of the dispute
5) Brief on procedure adopted
6) Issues of facts and law
7) Summary of both parties contentions
8) Relevant facts and laws applicable
9) Reasons and Conclusion
10) Interest and liability if, with cost
11) Finality and Enforceability
Note: Arbitral Award Includes an Interim Award, as defined under the Arbitration and
Conciliation Act, 1996. However, unless required, Arbitrators are not expected to
draft interim awards.

7| 2nd TNNLU National Med-Arb Competition

a. Team composition:
Each participating team shall consist of 3 members, where 2 members shall act as a client
and counsel pair and 1 member as Mediator/Arbitrator. The role of the members shall
not be changed (i.e., the participant in the role of Mediator/Arbitrator shall continue to
play the role throughout the competition). No team shall be accompanied by
b. Structure of the rounds:
The structure of the competition is as follows:
● Preliminary Round I
● Preliminary Round II
● Semi-Final
● Finals (Qualification to the Finals will be on a knock-out basis).

All the teams shall participate in both the sessions (a Mediation Session followed by an
Arbitration session) in all the rounds (Prelims, Semi-Finals & Finals).

a) There will be two preliminary rounds for Mediation and two preliminary rounds for

b) The participants acting as Arbitrators for a particular session shall individually prepare an
arbitral award within the allotted time after the Arbitration session.

c) Time Allotted:

i. Mediation Session – 25 Minutes + 10 Minutes Post Discussion & Evaluation

ii. Arbitration Session – 30 Minutes + 2 minutes for Rebuttals and Sur-rebuttal per

iii. Preparation of Arbitral Award by the Arbitrators – 45 Minutes

iv. Time allotted for the entire round – Maximum of 150 Minutes

d) A Mediation Session Comprises of:

i. Opening Statement of Mediators [2 mins]

ii. Opening Statement of Advocate-Client Team [2 mins each]

8| 2nd TNNLU National Med-Arb Competition

iii. Caucuses and Conferences [15 mins]. It is the Mediators' discretion as to when
to call for Caucuses or Conferences. However, there has to be at least one
caucus and conference in the mediation session.
iv. Closing Statement of Advocate- Client Teams [2 mins]
iv. Closing Statement of Co-Mediators [2 mins]

vi. Post-Mediation Session [3 mins each]. During this Session, the judges may ask
questions to the teams.

e) Caucuses and Conferences:

i. A caucus session will be conducted by the mediators with one Advocate - Client Team at a
time in the absence of the other team. Here, the parties in the caucus session can freely share
their interests, position, strategies and goals with the Mediator. Sharing of any information
with any other team(s) will lead to immediate disqualification.

ii. During the conference session, both the parties shall remain in the room and shall try to
resolve the dispute through negotiation. f) Release of Confidential Information Confidential
information for the mediation session shall be released 20 minutes prior to the
commencement of the session.


a. Evaluation Criteria for the Mediator:
▪ Opening and Closing Statement
▪ Caucus conducted
▪ Style of reaching a settlement, if possible in the dispute
▪ Code of Conduct and Control of the session
▪ Post-session, Self-evaluation of the dispute
b. Evaluation Criteria for the Client- Counsel:
▪ Opening and Closing Statement
▪ Negotiating style and code of conduct during the Caucus.
▪ Negotiating style and code of conduct during the Conference
▪ Teamwork
▪ Post-session, Self-evaluation of the dispute
c. Evaluation Criteria for Arbitrators:

9| 2nd TNNLU National Med-Arb Competition

Evaluation criteria for the Mediator-Arbitrator will be evaluated on the basis of their
performance in the preliminary rounds of both Mediation & Arbitration and scores
obtained in their arbitral award.
Oral rounds:
∙ Efficiency in Organizing and Controlling the Process of Arbitration.
∙ Knowledge and application of Relevant Laws, Rules and Policies.
∙ Consideration and Analysis of Exhibits or any such evidences put before the Arbitrator.
∙ Code of Conduct as an Arbitrator (Neutrality, Independence, and Impartiality, Role of
Disclosure of Information, Ensuring Fairness and Expediency, Maintenance of
Confidentiality and Other Ethical Roles). Arbitral Award:
∙ Structure of the Award (Compliance with the Act)
∙ Proper inclusion of parties, identification of issues and nature of relief sought
∙ Originality in presentation
∙ General impression and clarity of thought
∙ Grammar and style of presentation
∙ Cogent, Completeness, Certainty, Finality, Enforceability
∙ Knowledge of Relevant Laws and Policies

NOTE: Only notes taken by arbitrators during the course of the oral rounds shall be admitted.

d. Evaluation Criteria for Counsels in Arbitration:

Oral Rounds:
∙ Knowledge of Facts and evidence on record
∙ Proper articulation of the Issues, Knowledge of law, its interpretation and application
∙ Skill of advocacy, persuasiveness and response to questions
∙ Use of authorities and Exhibits in Persuading the Arbitrators
∙ General Impression and Mannerism.
e. Memorial:
∙ Proper inclusion of parties, identification of issues and nature of relief sought – 10 marks
∙ Knowledge and Application of facts and law – 15 marks
∙ Quality of Analysis and organization – 10 marks
∙ Persuasiveness of argument– 10 marks
∙ Use of authorities and Exhibits/any such evidences – 15 marks
∙ Proper citation and correct format – 10 marks
10 | 2nd TNNLU National Med-Arb Competition
∙ Originality in presentation – 10 marks
∙ General impression and clarity of thought – 10 marks
∙ Grammar and style of presentation - 10 marks


S.No Contravention Penalty

a) Sharing/discussing confidential Disqualification from the
information with other participants. competition.
b) Breaching memorial anonymity. Disqualification from the
c) Incorrect or inadequate order of contents 1 mark each.
d) Incorrect formatting of the main content or 0.5 mark each.
footnotes in the memorial.
e) Exceeding the page limit of the main 1 mark per page.
f) Incorrect or inadequate information/ 2 marks.
Formatting of the cover page.
g) Scouting. Disqualification.
h) Usage of Internet during the session or for Disqualification from the
confidential information competition.


Participation certificates will be given to all the participants. Following awards will be
distributed during the valedictory ceremony:

1. Best Med-Arb Team: Rs. 15,000

2. First Runners-up team: Rs. 10,000

3. Best Mediator-Arbitrator: Rs. 8,000

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4. Best Med-Arb Client-Counsel: Rs. 8,000

5. Best Memorial: Rs. 6,000


For any queries, feel free to drop us an email at [email protected] or contact the following:

❖ V. Ravindran (9442790378) /(8072697490)

❖ Nilanjan (7980618878)
❖ Aadhishankaran (9500844559)

12 | 2nd TNNLU National Med-Arb Competition

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