21st Century Literature

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The Revolution According to Raymundo Mata


By Gina Apostol

It was a bolt – a thunder bolt. A rain of bricks, a lightning zap. A pummeling of mountains, a heaving
violent storm at sea – a whiplash. A typhoon. An earthquake. The end of the world. And I was in ruins. It
struck me dumb. It changed my life and the world was new when I was done. And when I raised myself
from bed two days later, I thought: It’s only a novel. If I ever met him, what would my life be? I lay back
in bed. But what a novel! And I cursed him, the writer – what was his name – for doing what I hadn’t
done, for putting my worlds into words before I even had the sense to know what the world was. That
was his triumph – he’d laid out a trail, and all we had to do is follow his wake. Even then, I already felt
the bitter envy, the acid retch of a latecomer artist, the one who will always be under the influence, by
mere chronology always slightly suspect, a borrower, never lender be. After him, all Filipinos are tardy
ingrates. What is the definition of art? Art is reproach to those who receive it. That was his curse upon all
of us. I was weak, as if drugged. I realized: I hadn’t eaten in two days. Then I got out of bed and boiled
barako for me.

Later it was all the rage in the coffee shops, in the bazaars of Binondo. People did not even hide it –
crowds of men, and not just students, not just boys, some women even, with their violent fans –
gesticulating in public, throwing up their hands, putting up fists in debate. Put your knuckle where your
mouth is. We were loud, obstreperous, heedless. We were literary critics. We were cantankerous: rude
raving. And no matter which side you were, with the crown or with the infidels, Spain or Spolarium, all of
us, each one, seemed revitalized by spleen, hatched by the woods of long, venomous silence. And yes,
suddenly the world opened up to me, after the novel, to which before I had been blind.


Still I rushed into other debates, for instance with Benigno and Agapito, who had now moved into my
rooms. Remembering Father Gaspar’s cryptic injunction - “throw it away to someone else,” so that in
this manner the book traveled rapidly in those dark days of its printing, now so nostalgically glorious,
though then I had no clue that these were historic acts, the act of reading, or that the book would be
such a collector’s item, or otherwise I would have wrapped it in parchment and sealed it for the highest
bidder, what the hell, I only knew holding the book could very likely constitute a glorious crime – in
short, I lent it to Benigno.


These are all personal interpretations. The reader may or may not agree with the following answers.


1. Why did Noli Me Tangere have such a big impression on the Narrator? Could you relate to the feelings
of the Narrator’s experience of reading? Why or why not?

Noli Me Tangere has a big contribution to the Philippines' acquisition of freedom. Just imagine a
book -- A SINGLE BOOK! made such big turmoil in the society, leading for the Filipinos to be what they
are today. The feeling is like as if having the exact cross where Jesus Christ was crucified. Just imagine
how intensifying that can be.

2. What does the line, “Art is reproach to those who receive it” mean?

Art is composed of different kinds of genre. It includes music, visual arts, literature, and so on. We
can say that the "Art" that is being pointed out in this excerpt is the Noli Me Tangere. Art can become a
reproach to those who receive it when its content becomes contradictory to what the people do and
makes them reflect on what they failed to do. With the Spaniards, upon reading Noli Me Tangere felt the
books attempt to contradict the government that they have established in the country. With the Filipinos
it became a reproach to them realizing what they failed to do to free their country, thus it leads to

3. When the narrator says the act of reading is a historic act, what did he mean?

Specifically in the Philippines, reading became a historic act. with the act of reading Noli Me
Tangere, it inspired them to fight and free the country.

Even with hundreds of copies of Noli Me Tangere were produced and if it was just left sitting
around the corner, nothing will happen. By reading, people created history.

4. Why is the Noli Me Tangere, a book that was banned in the past, now a required reading in Philippine
schools? Why did the Catholic Church go against making Noli a requirement.

Noli Me Tangere was banned because of its portrayal of corruption and abuses by the Spanish
government and the Catholic Church in the Philippines before.
when Noli became a requirement in the Philippines' educational system, the Catholic feared that
students may have the wrong impression of the church, but this taboo has been overthrown because of
the Rizal Law.

2. 5. Do you think there should ever be a time when certain books should be banned? Why or why not?

With bans there is always a way out. Even with many restrictions if an individual seeks to get
something, they will come and get it. A lot of books has been banned but people still have their hands
acquired it. If people wants to read, let them. If you're afraid that it may overthrow beliefs, ask about
their opinions. If you feel like you have to speak, then speak. Now it will all just fall on guided

Padre Faura Witnesses the Execution of RizalDanton Remoto

(for Beni Santos)

I stand on the roof of the Ateneo Municipal,shiveringon this December morning.Months ago,Pepe came
to mein the bservatory.I thought we could tal! about the starsthat do not collidein the s!y.Instead, he
as!ed me about purgatory."#is chee!s still ruddy from the sudden sunafter the bitter wintersin $urope.%
And on this day with the year beginning to turnsalt stings my eyes.I see Pepe,a blur between the soldiers
with their Mausers raisedand the early morning&sstar'still shimmeringeven if millions of miles away,the
star itself is already dead.

Padre Faura Witnesses the Execution of Rizal Danton Remoto

Who is Pepe? Explain.

Pepe is Jose P. Rizal. He is our National Hero. The author of the famous book Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo. He is the great and remarkable captain of revoulution and one of the most notable
propagandist and prominent contributor in the Philippine history as well as in the Phillipine Literature.

Why does Pepe ask the persona about the purgatory?

Meriam Webster Dictionary stated that in Roman Catholic, purgatory is a place of suffering of the souls
who died. And I think he asked the persona about it because he thinks that purgatory is the
consequences for rebelling the Outsiders and waking up the Filipinos to use the sword against them and
on the top of that, he asked about it because he nearly feel that his life is about to end.

The poem talks about the nature of stars. Can you explain what he means, in terms of science?
A star is a big, hot ball of fire. Stars are born to do its duty and function in the universe. It is to give heat
and light to the planets and other heavenly bodies. And once it reaches the coldest temperature, it will
stop living but it will continue to shine as if it is not dead.

This discussion of a star is also a metaphor. What is it a metaphor for? Explain.

The star refers to Jose Rizal. Like a star, he was born to do his purpose here on earth. It is to bring hope
and light not just to the Filipinos but also to other nations who suffer the same way as we witness it to
the hands of the foreign subjugator. Like a star that is million miles away from us, his light will still
continue to shine conquering our mind and soul through his Literature Artworks.

Why was Rizal executed? How is this similar to the idea of a star? Relate this to Philippine history.

Rizal was executed because his writings are act of rebellion against the Spanish Government. It is similar
to a star because his works will remain as part of the Philippine History. I am assured that Rizal and other
valiant writers left a mark that will always be remembered through generations.

What do you think the persona felt for Rizal? Give textual evidence.

“And on this day, with the year beginning to turn, Salt sting my eyes.” As analyzing this phrase, I think the
persona felt for Rizal is too painful and forlorn because he knows that Rizal wants to be free in ur own
country. And the words are not enough to unite all Filipino as one to fight and to make the Spaniards
leave in our own land.

Do you feel the same way? Why or why not?

I feel the same way because First, Rizal just stated the fact about the way of ruling of Spaniards in our
nation and he just wanted to be free from their abusive hand. Secondly, he also put an effort to write in
order to know what is the true face or identity of the outlanders. And lastly, as the bible says in the Ten
Commandments which is the teaching of the Roman Catholic, a man should not kill a man. Rizal is a
human, we don’t have the right to take away anyone’s life.

What would you say was Rizal’s greatest contribution to Philippine society?

I think the greatest contribution of Rizal in our country is his sayings and published works, The Noli Me
Tangere and El Filibusterismo because without this, we will not be aware of what they’ve (Spaniards)
done to us as well as not knowing what our history is.

If you were in Rizal’s place, would you have supported the Katipunan? Why or why not?
If you think critically, a Spaniard with a big gun versus Filipino with a bolo. Spaniards have tons of army
who are trained well. Filipinos will never win against their cannons and guns. If I were Rizal, I will not
support the Katipunan. Supporting them is a suicide. We have no match against the foreign subjugator.

Who do you consider as our national hero? Jose Rizal or Andres Bonifacio?

“Pen is mightier than the sword.” And because of that I will still consider Rizal as our National Hero.
Through his skills in writing, he use this to lead a rebellion and he clearly stated the immorality and
villainy of Spaniards toward Filipinos. And because of his patriotism in his published works, every Filipino
who reads it awaken his mind and soul to start a revolution and be united as one to fight against the
vulgar Spaniards. Unlike Bonifacio who prefer a remorseless bloody rebellion, Jose Rizal stays a silent
warrior who leaves a primary source or evidence of what he really did for our country.

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