21st Century Third World Geography

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Laguna Senior Highschool

Poblacion I, Laguna Provincial Capitol Compound Sta. Cruz, Laguna

Allegorical Analysis

of Martial Law

to The Poem “ Third World Geography’’

Submitted by:

Andrei AJ S. Baltera

John James S. Bautista

Wilson D. Gaming

Submitted to:

Mrs. Sacluti


July 10, 2019


The Third World Geography is a poem that was written by Cirilo Bautista. Cirilo Bautista is a

canonical writer, it only means that his works is seen valuable in Philippine Society. The theme of this

poem is about abuse of power, dictatorship and inequality in short this poem is all about oppression.

The time that he wrote this poem is the time that Ferdinand Marcos ruled or oppressed the Philippines

and also the birth of Martial Law. The Third World Geography described the society and how greed is

the government in the Philippines during 1972.

The Body

Third World Geography depicts the life of every Filipino during Martial Law. Third World

Geography became an eye opener for all Filipinos out there and for those Filipinos who didn’t know

about Martial Law or to those people that wasn’t born yet in that era. This poem explained how the

Philippines suffered from poverty in the hand of a dictator. It depicts the selfishness and greediness of

the government; egoism in human rights and freedom. It also described how the government abused

some Filipinos. The message in the poem shows impossibleness of the Filipinos. During Martial Law the

people suffered and pleaded to have a food, to have a voice to speak out all their sentiment and

concerned to the government and to have a proper treatment for human. But that time, the

government is deaf and shows no concern to the tirades and rants of the society and people didn’t

obtain all the rights that a human must have. During the era of dictatorship, Filipinos are praying for

miracles but only the wind hears the words. Even if they begged for the freedom, the government

wouldn’t show any interest for the complaints. The prayer of the Filipinos became useless. The

government didn’t even worry for the people in the country. In addition, the poem depicts the poverty,

famine and the utter agony of the people but it also talks about hope or chance and how the people

clung in that hope waiting and holding on, that one day they will taste the freedom that they want.

The poem literally builds up an imaginary visualization. The author denotes how one man

snatched away all the peoples hope on turning down their country's problems and replaced it with a

false fantasy. This airy hope chase away the heavy burden felt by the government who considered

everything insignificantly. Some stanza uses repetition of the word to emphasize the lies and the light

treatment of the government in human kind. The poem also teaches to be resilient and selfless, to not

give up even though their pushing you down not letting you to breathe. Past and Present, the past is the

shadow of the present. Maybe it is good or bad no matter what happened in the past, it is one of the

factors of who you are today. Regardless of what you've gone through, you wouldn’t change a piece of

thing because you made everyone strong and you have that confident to solve an issue.

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