Get To Know About The Symptom of Vertigo (Phenomena of Vertigo in Human Daily Life)

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Get to Know about the Symptom of Vertigo (Phenomena of Vertigo in Human Daily Life)

The term ‘Vertigo’ is defined as a condition which makes people who have experience on
this illness will feel terrible headache and consider everything is spinning around them. Certainly,
level of vertigo which people might have could be in various depends on level of serious risk it
takes. Based on this level, the duration of how long people feel or suffer vertigo (terrible headache),
ideally could be last on several minutes even hours depends on the level which has been mentioned
previously. Accordingly, if vertigo has already been high risk or in serious condition, it risks the
sufferer becomes fainted or fall down unconsciously which means that vertigo could not be
considered as trivial disease because of the impact it could be effected if it is not cured intensively
and seriously.
Moreover, besides feeling headache terribly or feeling everything spinning around, Vertigo
also could be along with any other symptoms as well, such as follows.
1. Sick headache
2. Disgrasp
3. Vomit
4. Uncontrolled eye movement like up and down movement rapidly, turning left or right
or in other words called Nystagmus
5. Sweaty
6. Deaf (hearing loss)
7. Tinnitus or ears ringing, rustling or any other types of sound which come from ears or
head. In many cases, this is not as serious problem because it does not periodically
happen which will be disappear lastly.
Basically, people who suffer vertigo, need to get serious medicinal treatment immediately to
avoid high risk vertigo. If not, as the result, it could be worse even worst and endanger the sufferer
because of late treatment s/he got. Bring the patient or the sufferer to the doctor as soon as the
signs or symptoms is advisable because of any other negative impacts could appear to the sufferers.
Those signs or symptoms which have to be considered or paid attention for whom it is seen are as
1. Any parts of bodies (head, ears, eyes, hands, feet, arms, and many others) feel weak or
lack of energy
2. Loss of sight (shaded sight)
3. Difficulty in speaking (speaking loss/ speaking difficulty)
4. Abnormal eye movements (Nystagmus)
5. Slow response
6. Slow awareness (decreasing awareness of surrounding)
7. Difficulty in walking
8. Fever
Then, beside knowing what vertigo is and the symptoms of vertigo, it is necessary to know
more the caution of vertigo and factors which cause vertigo why it could attack people. In this
following part, it will be discussed shortly to show you closer on what is vertigo, the
characteristics, negative effect, caution, and treatment. Firstly, vertigo is caused by various
condition, such as:
1. Diabetes
2. Migraine
3. Stroke
4. Parkinson (a neurodegenerative disorder that affects predominately dopamine-
producing (“dopaminergic”) neurons in a specific area of the brain called substantia
5. Brain tumor (a collection, or mass, of abnormal cells in your brain.)
Considering those, the fact that vertigo more takes risk to the people who smoke habitually
and consume alcohol frequently. Moving on from the caution of vertigo and how it influences the
sufferer to the treatment of vertigo in order to have knowledge on facing people who suffer vertigo.
Absolutely, people can overcome vertigo by sitting down quietly when the symptoms of vertigo
appear. Any kinds of medicine can also be used to relieve symptoms, but must be in doctors’
prescription. Treatment which is given by doctors to patients can be vary depending on the
underlying cause. Lastly, Vertigo can be prevented in several ways, including:
1. The position of head is higher than the body when you are sleeping
2. Sittdown quietly when you just awake from sleep
3. Move your head slowly
4. Avoid bent position so that vertigo does not recur.
At last, those elaborative arguments in getting to know about the Symptom of Vertigo
(Phenomena of Vertigo in Human Daily Life) could widen our knowledge in defining and
overcoming vertigo in our daily life.

Mengenal Gejala tentang vertigo

Get to Know about the Symptom of Vertigo (Phenomena of Vertigo in Human Daily Life)

Pengertian Vertigo
Vertigo adalah kondisi yang membuat penderitanya mengalami pusing, sampai merasa dirinya
atau sekelilingnya berputar. Penderita dapat mengalami vertigo dengan tingkat keparahan yang
Tergantung tingkat keparahan, vertigo dapat berlangsung selama beberapa menit atau jam. Jika
vertigo yang dialami cukup berat, beresiko membuat penderitanya terjatuh.
Gejala vertigo selain kepala terasa berputar, vertigo juga dapat disertai dengan gejala lain, seperti:
 mual
 muntah
 pergerakan bola mata yang tidak normal (nistagmus)
 berkeringat
 hilangnya pendengaran
 tinnitus
Pada dasarnya vertigo perlu mendapatkan penanganan dengan segera. Jika tidak, kondisi yang ada
dapat memburuk dan membahayakan penderitanya. Dianjurkan untuk segera membawa penderita
ke dokter jika terdapat tanda atau gejala berupa:
 anggota tubuh terasa lemah
 penglihatan berbayang
 kesulitan berbicara
 pergerakan mata yang tidak normal
 penurunan kesadaran
 respon melambat
 kesulitan berjalan
 demam
Penyebab dan faktor resiko vertigo
Vertigo dapat disebabkan oleh beragam kondisi, diantaranya:
 diabetes
 migraine
 stroke
 penyakit Parkinson
 tumor otak
vertigo lebih beresiko terjadi pada seseorang yang memiliki kebiasaan merokok dan mengonsumsi
minuman beralkohol.

Pengobatan vertigo
Pasien dapat mengatasi vertigo dengan duduk diam saat gejala kambuh. Beberapa jenis obat juga
bisa digunakan untuk meredakan gejala, namun harus dengan resep dokter. Pengobatan yang
diberikan dokter kepada pasien dapat berbeda-beda, tergantung penyebab yang mendasarinya.
Vertigo bisa dicegah dengan beberapa cara, antara lain:
 tidur dengan posisi kepala lebih tinggi
 duduk diam sejenak saat bangun tidur
 gerakkan kepala secara perlahan
 hindari pisisi membungkuk agar vertigo tidak kambuh.

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