Reading Phrase

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1. BULAN RITONGA : 1820300101

2. SAYIDAH ISNAINI : 1820300119

3. YUNI ANNISA HAFNI : 1820300063







First of all, We say great thanks to Allah swt the most gracious who has given his
mercy and blessing to finish this paper timely. Also thanks to Rasulullah Muhammad
SAW who has brought us from the ignorence era to be knowledgeable until now. We
would like to express deep gratitude to Mrs. Eka Sustri Harida, M.Pd. for her
valuable assistance and inspiration to guide us to be better and also thanks to all
those who have guided us in completing thispaper.

This paper is entitled PHRASES READING to improve our reading skills by

knowing kind of phrases so that, it can make easier and better for students to
understand and also to get the point of the material while reading.

Hopefully, this paper can help the reader of English to expand their knowledge
about phrases reading. We realized this paper is far for being perfect, but we hope it
will be beneficial for us. Therefore, critics and suggestions are needed to make this
paper to be conplete and beneficial for all expecially in educational department.


1. Bulan Ritonga

2. Sayyidah Isnaini

3. Yuni Annisa Hafni


ACKNOWLEDGMENT .......................................................................................... I

TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................................ II

A. Introduction .................................................................................. 1

B. Discussion .....................................................................................2

1. The natureofPhrase .............................................................3

2. KindsofPhrase..................................................................... 4

AdjectivePhrase ............................................................ 5

Adverb Phrase… ........................................................... 6

Noun Phrase .................................................................. 7

3. Reading Phrases.................................................................... 8

C.Conclusion ..................................................................................... 9

REFERENCES................................................................................ 10

A. Introduction
As we know that, phrase is a small group of words standing together as
conceptual unit but it does not include subject and verb completing an action.
It is supported in Cambridge Dictionary, about the definition of phrase means
a short group of words that are often used together and have a particular
meaning. Therefore, from the definition given above, we can take a simple
meaning from the phrase that phrase is a small group of word that has a sense
and particular meaning of a sentence.

A. Discussion

1. The Nature of Phrases

Phrase is a group of word which has no finite verb in it and acts to

complete the sentence for making it meaningful. In lingusitic analysis, a
phrase is a group of word ( possibly a single word ) that has function as a
contituent in the syntax of a sentence, a single unit within a grammatical
hierarchy. And a phrase usually is always present with a clause, but a phrase
can not have a clause in it1. It is because phrase is part of clause.

2. Kinds of Phrases

Kinds of phrase can be classified into three forms, they are adjective
phrase, adverb phrase, noun phrase. In understanding ideas of a sentence we
should be able to identify and analyse the structure from the text include to
sentence, clauses, and also phrase2. So that, the phrases must be understood by
the learner of English to get the meaning or point of phrases well.

2.1 Adjective Phrase

Adjective phrase is a group of words that has an adjective as its head.

And the adjective in this phrase as a attributive position (an adjective comes
before the noun) or predicative position (an adjective comes after linking
verb), that accomponied by other words such as determiners, modifiers,and

Oxford Dictionary, “Definition of Phrase”, accessed from
http://www.oxforddictionaries.comon Oktober 20, 2019 at 14:25 pm.
Eka Sustri Harida, Dictate of Reading Comprehension I, Padangsidimpuan, 2019, p.9

others3. Adjective phrase including adjective perform five main grammatical

function within sentences in the English language. In conlusion, adjective
phrase is he phrase that has the condition as an adjective.

a) Attributive Adjective is an adjective that comes before anoun.

 Rina is an efficient worker.

 I like short story.

 My girlfriend likes writing long and romantic letters4.

b) Predicative Adjective is an adjectice modifies the noun after the

linking verb such as be (is, am, are), look, taste,appear5.

 She lookedtired.

 The baby feel asleep.

 He feltbad.

 The duck soup is hot and spicy.

No. Adjective Adjective Phrase

1. Young reader My favorite writer for young reader is Baverly
2. Best service We always get best service in this hotel.
3. Fractured skull He was found with a fractured skull.
4. Fairly bored She was fairly bored with you.
5. Rich She married a rich businessmen.
6. Dark brown Adi was wearing a dark brown suit.

It can be seen that young is an adjective that modifies the word “reader”
whereas belongs to favorite writer of the subject. The same condition is also
seen in the next example. Best is an adjective that modifies the word service.

Greenbaum, Rodney and Pullum Geoffray, The Cambridge Grammar of the English
Language, (UK: Cambridge University Press, 2002).
4 Accessed on October.20
Hagen A. Stacy, Azar S. Betty, Understanding and Using English Grammar fourth edition
with answer key, (Pearson Longman, 2009).
The word “rich” modifies noun businessman. And on the fourth example we
know that word “fractured” include to adjective to modifies noun “skull” in the
sentence. For the last example, in number sixth here A dark brown called
adjective phrase that modifies the noun “suit”.

2.2 Adverb Phrase

An adverb phrase is a group of two or more words that function as an
adverb in a sentence. In other hand, adverb phrase is a group of words that
does the work of an adverb6. Adverb phrase typically answer the questions
how, where, why or when something was done. For example: I parked the
car right here. This sentence contain the adverb phrase “right here”, which
enphasizes where the car wasparked.

a) Adverb Phrase Describing How

a) Surprisingly well

b) In totalsilence

c) In total silence

d) Very carefully

e) Quiteeasily

f) Often under duress

b) Adverb Phrase Describing Where:

a) Near to the edge

b) Through the looking glass

c) Over the rainbow

d) By the mailbox

e) Around the sun

Nuttal, Christine, Teaching Reading Skill in a Foreign Language, (London: Parkway Group,

c. Adverb Phrase Describing Why:

a) To understand better

b) For her happily ever after

c) To make the most ofit

d) To end descrimination

d. Adverb Phrase Describing When:

a) As quickly as possible

b) Any time

c) Yesterday afternoon

d) Never at midnight7

These are some examples of adverb phrase:

1) Sometimes I do not clean under the bed.

(This adverb phrase explain about the type of place)

2) She runs five miles every day.

(This adverb explain about the type of time)

3) He responded very rudely.

(This adverb explain about the type of manner)

4) She performed the tasks without care.

(This adverb explain about the focusing)

5) Reno flew the plane through the fog calmly and skillfully

(This adverb explain about the type of manner)8

Douglas H. Brown, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. (New York : Longman,

From the example above, we know that the word rudely in the third
sentence modifies the verb run (manner) to give information how it can be
happens. And in the first sentence that “under the bed” modifies the verb
clean (place or position) to give information where. In the forth sentence the
word “without care” modifies the verb performed (focusing) to give
information how to doit.

a. Noun Phrase

Noun phrase is a group of word that work together to name, and

describe a person, place, thing, or idea. The srtucture noun of phrase consist of
head, pre-modifier and post modifier. And it can be comes before and after the
noun. If it is comes before the noun such as an article, possesive noun,
possesive pronoun, adjective, or participle. So, in a simple definiton noun
phrase is groups of words that function like a noun or work of a noun9.

Here are some function of noun phrase:

 A noun phrase can be a subject.

 A noun phrase can be direct object

 A noun prase can be the object of a preposition

 A noun phrase can be indirect object10.


 The yellow house is for sale (as a subject)

 I want a skate board (as a direct object)

 Jefri rode on a skate board (as a object of preposition)

Syllabus Team, Buku Silabus: Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi Jurusan Tarbiyah. (Kudus:
STAIN Kudus Press, 2008).
Wignel, Linda and Gerot, Making Sense of Functional Grammar, (Commery: Gerd Stabler,
Miller Jim, Keith and Brown, Syntax: A Linguistic Introduction to Sentence Structure,
second ed, (London, UK: Harper Collins Academic, 1991).

 Lisa gave the litttle boy, a candy (Indirect object)11

e) Reading Phrases

By learning the three phrases, it will help the student to understand well
about the phrases in the text. Moreover, they can find the ideas or the topic
easily and also develop our knowledge about English especially for reading
activities12. Because phrase is one of the important unit that we have to know
as a learner, firstly before coming to sentence. Other function from
understanding kind of phrases is to modify others words from the sentence.

So, by identyfying kind of phrases from the paragraph the reader do not
spend the long time to comprehend and to get the point from what they have
read inslude to the printed text or source of other information.

C. Conclusion

Thus, by learning phrases reading we can improve our skill in reading

activities and also to master the grammatical of the sentence. Phrase reading is
a technique that builds fluency, aids comprehensien, and improves oral
reading. Phrase reading can also be used to teach grammar, punctuation and
vocabulary. This type of activity should be a regular part of reading lesson for
non fluent learner13. In the other beneficial, from learn about phrase reading it
will progress and develop our languange skill in reading activities. Of course
this topic designed to be easy for english student and also it can helpful to
solve some difficulties to built the meaning in reading activities.

Bruce, Liles, Basic Grammar of Modern English. Second edition, (Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice Hall), 1987.
Frawley,William, Linguistic Semantics, (Hillsdale NJ: Lawrence Earlbaum Associates,
Gay R. L., Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Application. (Ohioo:
Merrill Publishing Company, 1987).


Oxford Dictionary, “definition of phrase”, http://www.oxforddictionaries.comon Oktober 20,

2019 at 14:25 pm.
Eka Sustri Harida, Dictate of Reading Comprehension I, Padangsidimpuan, 2019 p.9

Pullum Geoffray, Rodney, and Greenbaum, The Cambridge Grammar of the English
Language, UK: Cambridge University Press,2002).
Hagen A. Stacy, Azar S. Betty, Understanding and Using English Grammar fourth edition
with answer key, (Pearson Longman: 2009)
Christine, Nuttal, Teaching Reading Skill in a Foreign Language, (London: Parkway Group,
Douglas H. Brown, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. (New York : Longman,
Syllabus Team, Buku Silabus: Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi Jurusan Tarbiyah. (Kudus:
STAIN Kudus Press, 2008).
Wignel, Linda and Gerot, Making Sense of Functional Grammar, (Commery: Gerd Stabler,
Jim Miller, Keith, and Brown, Syntax: A Linguistic Introduction to Sentence Structure, second
ed, (London, UK: Harper Collins Academic, 1991).
Bruce, Liles, Basic Grammar of Modern English. Second edition, ( Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice Hall, 1987).
William, Frawley, Linguistic Semantic, (Hillsdale NJ: Lawrence Earlbaum Associates, 1992)
R. L. Gay, Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Application. (Ohioo:
Merrill Publishing Company,1987).


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