Makalah: Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris " Parts of Speech "

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Dosen Pembimbing :
Dina Amaliyah Mushthoza, S.Pd.I., M.Pd

Disusun Oleh :
M. Faizul Muttaqin



With all the praise and thanks to God the Almighty, who has given His
love and mercy so that a paper entitled " PARTS OF SPEECH " can we finish
well. The paper is structured to meet one of the tasks of the courses Translation 1.
On this occasion, we would like to thank profusely to all those who have
helped us in completing the writing of this paper, Dina Amaliyah Mushthoza,
S.Pd.I., M.Pd as lecturer for the support and motivation and also to friends who
have contributed their ideas and motivation for writing this paper.
We are fully aware that the many flaws in the writing of this paper, in
terms of material, technical and presentation material. Therefore, we expect
criticism and constructive suggestions to further refine the writing of this paper.
Finally, we hope that the writing of this paper can be useful for readers.

Gresik, 14 November 2019

The writer


TITLE PAGE......................................................................................................i
TABLE LIST OF CONTENT PREFACE ....................................................iii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION......................................................................1
1.1 Background Of The Paper.....................................................................1
1.2 Problem Formulation.............................................................................1
1.3 Writing Purpose.....................................................................................1
CHAPTER II THEORY AND DISCUSSION................................................2
2.1 Noun (Kata benda)................................................................................2
2.2 Pronoun (Kata ganti).............................................................................2
2.3 Verb (Kata kerja)...................................................................................3
2.4 Adjective (Kata sifat)............................................................................3
2.5 Adverb (Kata keterangan).....................................................................4
2.6 Preposition (Kata depan).......................................................................4
2.7 Conjunction (Kata sambung)................................................................5
2.8 Interjection ( Kata Seru ).......................................................................5
CHAPTER III CLOSING................................................................................6
3.1 Conclusion...............................................................................................6
3.2 Suggestions..............................................................................................6


1.1 Background Of The Paper

Parts of Speech in English means types of words or word classes. Called parts of
speech because parts of speech or parts of sentences (remember, basically sentences in
language are sentences that are not spoken).
So, the words are "basic ingredients" in a sentence "building", not the word
"function" in the sentence. Why is that? Because a word can have several (more than one)
functions in a sentence.
There are several types of Parts of speech, namely noun, adjective, adverb,
pronoun, and so forth. Each type has a different meaning and function.

1.2 Problem Formulation

Based on the above background, the authors formulated a number
of things that were discussed in this paper, namely:
1. Noun (Noun)
2. Pronoun (pronouns)
3. Verb (verb)
4. Adjective
5. Adverb (Adverb)
6. Preposition (Preposition)
7. Conjunction (conjunction)
8. Interjection

1.3 Writing Purpose

The purpose of writing this paper is to increase our knowledge and
our expertise in understanding Parts of Speech.


2.1 Noun ( Kata Benda )

A noun is a word used to name an object both abstract and
concrete. Abstract is an object that cannot be felt by the human senses.
Examples are happiness, love, gas, water, and so on. While the
concrete is the opposite example is a table, book, chair, boy, and so on.
Various types of Noun include:
 Countable and Uncountable Noun
 Proper and Common Noun
 Abstract and Concrete Noun
 Collective Noun

Example in the sentence:

    I bought a book.
    She is beautiful girl.
    They have much money today.

2.2 Pronoun ( Kata Ganti )

Pronoun is a word used to replace objects. Examples are I, you, we, they,
it, he, she, her, him, me, me, us, your, their, our, my, and many more.
Various types of Pronoun include:
 Personal Pronoun (I, you, they, she)
 Demonstrative Pronoun (this, those)
 Interrogative Pronoun (who, what, which)
 Relative Pronoun (who, which, that)
 Indefinite Pronoun (anything, none)
 Reflexive Pronoun and Intensive Pronoun (myself, yourself)
 Reciprocal Pronoun (each other, one another)

Example in the sentence:
    I love her
    Dea send me a parcel.
    This is our class.
    He kicked the ball.

2.3 Verb ( Kata Kerja )

This is a word that states an activity or condition. Based on its function in
the sentence, verb is divided into two namely as auxiliary verbs and main
verbs. There are very many verbs, some examples are as follows: Be,
Have, Do, Will, Can, Study, Speak, Love.
Verb types include:
 Transitive and Intransitive Verb
 Regular and Irregular Verb
 Action and Stative Verb
 Finite and Non-Finite Verb
 Linking Verb
 Causative Verb

Example in the sentence:

    They are studying english.
    He can do this job.
    Dika speaks English well.

2.4 Adjective ( Kata Sifat )

Adjective is a word used to describe nouns or pronoun which can be in the
form of person, place, animal, and concrete and abstract objects. Examples
are beautiful, lazy, smart, sleepy, late, tired, delicious, tall, short, white,
busy, red, and so on.

Example in the sentence:
    I was so busy last night.
    I love smart girl.
    He is angry with me.

2.5 Adverb ( Kata Keterangan )

Adverb is a form of words that functions to be able to explain verbs,
adjectives, or other adverbs. Examples are: always, often, very, quickly,
beautifully, completely, well, enough, really, now, today, yesterday, likely,
maybe, maybe, and so forth.
Adverb types include:
 Adverb of Time (yesterday, now)
 Adverb of Manner (softly, quickly)
 Adverb of Degree (very, so)
 Adverb of Modality (likely, maybe)
 Adverb of Frequency (always, sometimes)
 Adverb of Place (here, somewhere)
 Adverb of Focus (also, only)

Example in the sentence:

    They often wear flat shoes.
    The room was good enough for me.
    I completely agree with you.
    She speaks really fast.

2.6 Preposition ( Kata Depan )

Preposition There are many including a preposition, some of which are of, to,
from, in, on, with, behind, because of, in spite of, despite, in front of, and so
Example in the sentence:
    She comes from America.
    My house is in front of Budi’s house.
    Put it on the table, please!

2.7 Conjuction ( Kata Sambung )
Conjunction is a word or group of words that functions to connect between
words, phrases, clauses, or between paragraphs. Examples are and, but, or,
so, while, when, where, after, before, because, although, and so on.
Example in the sentence:
    Budi plays music well, but he can't sing.
    I will pick you up after I finish my job.
    Nobody knows where she lives now.

2.8 Interjection ( Kata Seru )

Interjection is a short word that is used to express something like emotion,
admiration, disappointment, and so on. Example of interjection: wow !,
ach !, pardon !, sorry !, excellent !, wonderful !, amazing !, good !, well !,
oh my god !, and so on.
Example in the sentence:
    Oh my god! Are you okay?
    Aww! It hurts!
    Sorry! I didn't hear you.


3.1 Conclusion
From the above explanation it can be concluded that parts of
Speech in English means the types of words or word classes. Called parts
of speech because parts of speech or parts of sentences.
So, the words are "basic ingredients" in a sentence "building", not
the word "function" in the sentence. There are several types of Parts of
speech, namely Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb, Preposition,
Conjunction, Interjection. Each type has a different meaning and function.

3.2 Suggestions
From the material that has been discussed, it is expected to increase
knowledge both for writers and readers. We hope that input from readers
can even add information to us both directly and indirectly. Hopefully can
add knowledge for us.
Please understand if there is something wrong in the explanation of
this material especially if it is not in accordance with the opinions of the
resource persons, we are ordinary people and will be open if there is
correction from any party.


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