Application of RFID in Aviation Industry: An Exploratory Review

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Application of RFID in Aviation Industry: An Exploratory Review

Article  in  Promet - Traffic - Traffico · October 2010

DOI: 10.7307/ptt.v22i5.201


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Alok Mishra
Atilim University


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A. Mishra, D. Mishra: Application of RFID in Aviation Industry: An Exploratory Review

ALOK MISHRA, Ph.D. Transport Telematics

E-mail: [email protected] Review
DEEPTI MISHRA, Ph.D. Accepted: Oct. 14, 2009
E-mail: [email protected] Approved: Sept. 15, 2010
Atilim University, Department of Computer Engineering
Kızılcaşar Mahallesi, 06836 İncek, Ankara,
Republic of Turkey



ABSTRACT these goals, and today many innovative solutions are

available to assist in this regard. According to a 2008
Recently, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has re- baggage report by SITA, the aviation industry lost 12.4
ceived considerable attention and is considered to be the billion in 2007 as a result of mishandled baggage, re-
next wave of information technology revolution. The number
flected in the increasing passenger numbers and con-
of RFID applications in different industries is increasing con-
tinuously. Cumulative sales of RFID tag is up in 2006 which gestion, cost pressures and tougher security regula-
shows RFID adoption trend in industries to improve their ef- tions, making it more difficult to track and trace bags;
ficiency of operations and to gain a competitive advantage. a concerted effort is being made with RFID to help ad-
In the aviation industry, major airports, airlines have been dress this and there is still hope that the technology
also planning the RFID adoption in baggage handling and could soon become the panacea to lost luggage [2]. In
customer services areas for a long time. Many pilot tests Civil aviation baggage handling application, the RFID
have been performed at various airports and RFID tags were tags are used to enhance the ability for baggage track-
found to be far more precise along with better performance ing, dispatching and conveyance, so as to improve the
than bar codes. This paper provides a review on RFID sys-
management and the customers’ satisfaction.
tems, associated technology, advantages, limitations and
applications in various fields. Further, this paper reports the This paper reviews RFID applications and also
preliminary review of state of RFID adoption planning, archi- reports how RFID implementation will ensure effec-
tecture and implementation plan in a major airline, focusing tive management of baggage tracking/delivery and
on improved baggage handling, increased airport/airline se- providing customized and personalized services to
curity and customer services. the premium customers. There have been reports of
airlines and airports abandoning RFID system imple-
KEYWORDS mentations and pilot tests due to the lack of dem-
onstrateable return on investment but here tangible
aviation, airline, baggage handling, customer-service, Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID) and intangible benefits like efficient baggage handling
and improved services to premium customers will out-
weigh the costs.
1. INTRODUCTION The article is structured as follows: In section 2,
RFID technology is described. Section 3 addresses the
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an emerg-
related work of the topic. Section 4 presents the real
ing technology that is increasingly being used in busi-
life RFID adoption planning and initial implementation
ness and industry. RFID technology provides enormous
as a case study. Finally, section 5 concludes with dis-
economic benefits for both business and consumers
while simultaneously potentially constituting one of
the most invasive surveillance technologies threaten-
ing consumer privacy [1]. 2. RFID SYSTEM
Airline industry is just one of many industries that
could benefit from RFID technology. In the travel indus- RFID is an automatic identification technology
try, the pressure to provide better customer service widely used to identify, track, and detect various ob-
has never been greater. Yet, the pressure to reduce the jects. It allows an object or person to be automatically
operating costs is equally strong. This is an industry identified at a distance using an electromagnetic ex-
which operates on average profit margins of less than change [3][4]. An RFID system comprises tags and a
4%. Airport automation can play a key role in attaining reader-writer that includes an antenna and scanner.

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A. Mishra, D. Mishra: Application of RFID in Aviation Industry: An Exploratory Review

The RFID tag, an electronic label attached to objects RFID technology allows users to capture, store, and
used to store data, contains a small integrated circuit communicate ID information as well as detailed data
chip and antenna encapsulated in a protective shell. on tags. RFID is a proven technology ready to be de-
The RFID reader-writer antenna and scanner reads/ ployed to capture data efficiently, and it makes items
sends data to and from RFID tags through radio fre- intelligent enough to provide both basic identification
quency. The RFID system consists of five components information as well as relevant critical data [9].
as shown in Figure 1: The technology used is similar to that in bar code
–– Tag: Tags are attached with an object and contain labelling, which uses radio waves rather than light
microchips that store the unique identification (ID) waves to read tags [10]. RFID offers the following ad-
of each object [5]. The ID is a serial number stored vantages over other well known auto-ID technologies
in the RFID memory [5]. RFID memory chip can be such as the barcode [11]:
permanent or changeable depending on the read/ –– Unique identification: Applying for instance the
write characteristics [5]. “Electronic Product Code” (EPC) standards, RFID
–– Antenna: The antennas are the conduits for the tags can identify classes of products as well as in-
communication of data between the tag and the dividual items.
reader [6]. –– No line of sight: RFID tags can be read without di-
–– Reader: Although named as reader, technically, the rect line of sight even if the tag is covered, dirty or
units are transceivers – a combination of transmit- otherwise obscured from view.
ter and receiver. An RFID reader is a device that can –– Bulk reading: If they are in the reader’s range, mul-
read data from and write data to compatible RFID tiple RFID tags can be read at the same time.
tags [6]. It reads tag data through the RFID antennas –– Storage capacity: RFID tags can store significantly
at a certain frequency [7]. All the tags in the read- more information than just an identification num-
er range may reply at the same time, in this case ber.
the reader must detect signal collision (indication –– Dynamic information: RFID tags with read/write ca-
of multiple tags) [8]. The reader consists of a built- pability allow information to be updated or changed
in anti-collision schemes and a single reader oper- whenever necessary.
ating on multiple frequencies [5]. Communication
Additionally, RFID tags are more durable and require
between tag and reader enables the location infor-
less maintenance than barcodes. Unfortunately, RFID
mation of an item to be recorded and transferred
is not yet a mature technology. There are still a number
to the database server through the application
of issues that remain to be solved [12] such as:
software via a computer network thus allowing the
–– Effects of metal and liquid: Tags operating on radio
movement of the item to be tracked and traced [6].
frequency are not completely unaffected by materi-
–– Communication infrastructure: the communication
als in their close vicinity. Signals can be attenuated
infrastructure is a collection of wired or wireless
or detuned by metals or liquids.
network communications that transfers the data
–– Multiple standards: In the past, several different
between tag and reader; and also between reader
frequencies and standards have been used for
and database server through application software.
RFID solutions. Although the standardization orga-
–– Softwares: These include appropriate application
nization EPC global has now designed a compre-
software, database management software, middle-
hensive new framework, it will take some time to
ware etc. operating in different computer systems.
establish these standards.
–– Amount of data: Collection and communication of
Computer enhanced object information inevitably leads to
huge amounts of data. It is unclear how this data
should best be integrated into the enterprise infor-
Communication Area mation systems. A common approach is to endorse
Communication Area

Communication Area

the ERP systems with RFID middleware. Moreover,

Antenna enterprises still lack reasonable services and do
not know what to do with the additional data.
Reader Tag
Some RFID application areas are given in Table 1.
System Communication Area

In aviation industry, major airports have been look-
Tag ing for the opportunities in baggage handling area
since 1999 [28]. Many pilot tests regarding RFID have
Figure 1 - A simplified view of an RFID System been done at numerous U.S. and European airports

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A. Mishra, D. Mishra: Application of RFID in Aviation Industry: An Exploratory Review

Table 1 - RFID applications and available literature

Application area References
E-passport Ezovski and Watkins, 2007 [13]; Meingast et al. 2007 [14]; Juels et al., 2005 [15]
Health care Tzeng et al., 2008 [16]; Venkatesan and Grauer, 2004 [17]
Customer loyalty management Bayraktar and Yilmaz, 2007 [18]; Capizzi and Ferguson, 2005 [19]
Tracking children or people
Konkel et al., 2004 [20]
with special needs
DeVries, 2008 [21]; Fung et al., 2007 [22]; Viswanadham et
Baggage handling and tracking
al., 2006 [23]; Wyld, Jones and Totten, 2005 [24]
Airport security Sample, Taylor and Rao, 2004 [25]; Feder, 2004 [26]; Cerino and Walsh, 2000 [27]
Aircraft Maintenance Chang et al., 2006 [28]
Amusement park Kelly, 2006 [29]
Animal Detection Artmann, 1999 [30]; Wismans, 1999 [31]; Streit et al., 2003 [32]
Cargo Hsu et al., 2008 [33]
Food and beverage management Gandino et al., 2007 [34]; Swedberg, 2006 [35]; Roberti, 2007 [36]
RFID-tagged casino chips Gellatly, 2005 [37]
Hotel Oztaysi et al., 2009 [38]; O’Connor, 2006 [39]
Restaurant Ngai et al., 2008 [6]; Tan and Chang, 2010 [40]
Library Kwok et al., 2008 [41]; Coyle, 2005 [42]; Fabbi et al., 2005 [43]
Karkkainen, 2003 [44]; Jones et al., 2004 [45]; Eckfeldt, 2005
[46]; Jones et al., 2005 [47]; Prater et al.,2005 [48]
Waste management Wager et al., 2005 [49]
Toll collection system Blythe, 1999 [50]
RFID-tagged public transport cards Hassan and Chatterjee, 2006 [51]
Museum Hsi and Fait, 2005 [52]; Raptis et al., 2005 [53]; Fuschi et al., 2005 [54]
Shopping Liao and Lin, 2007 [55]; Foroohar et al., 2004 [56]
Supply chain Manage- Lee et al., 2008 [57]; Kim et al. 2008 [58]; Bottani and Rizzi, 2008
ment/Logistics [59]; Hsu et al., 2008 [60]; Martinez-Sala et al. 2009 [61]
Building management Sommerville and Craig, 2005 [62]
Construction Jaseiskis and Ei-Misalami, 2003 [63]; Yagi et al., 2005 [64]

[28]. In the U.S. tests, RFID tags were far more accu- Even though the value of RFID-enabled technolo-
rate than bar codes when applied to baggage handling gies in handling passenger bags is generally accepted
operation [28]. Nath, Reynolds and Want [65] advo- in the industry, the adoption of these technologies is
cates embedding RFID tags in luggage labels as it hindered by concerns relating to inadequate return
could eliminate the need for manual inspection and on investment on them [23]. Viswanadham et al. [23]
routing by baggage handlers. A network of readers argued that the reason most of the projects failed to
placed along conveyor belts could read the tags’ rout- demonstrate the needed financial return was because
ing information and provide feedback to a system that they focused primarily on increased labour productivity
could then direct the bags onto the correct path [65]. in the baggage scanning process, instead of consider-
Automatic routing could reduce the number of misrout- ing other more valuable applications of RFID-enabled
ed bags, lowering costs and improving customer sat- technologies, such as the saving in time, money and
isfaction [65]. Al-Ali et al. [66] described the design effort from the avoidance of costly baggage handling
and implementation of a prototype system for baggage exceptions. Other issues that needs to be worked out,
handling in the airport to enhance the management other than tag costs: the infrastructure and tags them-
and tracking of passengers’ luggage while as a side ef- selves. It is unclear who will foot the bill for installing
fect improving airport security. Wyld et al. [24] showed RFID systems because the responsibility for baggage
by specifically focusing on Delta Airlines how RFID handling varies around the world. Experts recommend
technology can improve customer service through bet- that it will be more beneficial if the airports rather than
ter operational efficiency in baggage handling, which the individual airlines adopt the system [21]. Viswa-
has been demonstrated to be an integral component nadham et al. [23] tried to address this issue by high-
of an airline’s customer service equation. lighting scenarios in the baggage handling process

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A. Mishra, D. Mishra: Application of RFID in Aviation Industry: An Exploratory Review

where RFID-enabled technologies may be uniquely po- nate stolen luggage at arrival halls as well as pro-
sitioned to create value. The prediction is that as more viding the air carrier with logged proof in the event
airlines start to implement radio frequency technology of the later falsified claims against the baggage
for baggage tagging, the cost of tags and readers will delivery process.
drop, which in turn will likely encourage more airlines
to follow suit. Some RFID applications in aviation sec-
tor are [27]:
–– Passenger Baggage Sorting: The inability to obtain This is a case-study of an airline which is a member
high read rates of barcode, once the baggage tags of the Star Alliance group. The airline needs to main-
having barcode have experienced some measure tain top level of flexibility to face new challenges from
of handling. Some RFID tag systems tested result- competitors around the world, and to identify and cre-
ed in read-rates in excess of 98% for both originat- ate new services to improve customer satisfaction and
ing and transfer baggage. reduce costs.
–– Containers: Passenger baggage containers or uni-
versal loading devices (ULDs) are used to store
many individual pieces of luggage and are loaded 4.1 Weaknesses of current system
as a single unit. The process of sorting luggage
by destination and container positioning, besides The increase in passenger and baggage volumes,
supporting minimized ground turn-around time, plus the development of global alliances and dual
is important to support the security procedure of transfer flights, all create big challenges to airlines
passenger bag matching and also for operational and airports. This is especially true for an airline
efficiency. handling over 2 billion passengers per year. This puts
–– Passenger/Baggage Matching: This necessitates an extra load to the existing baggage handling sys-
ensuring that only boarded passengers’ baggage is tem,  which relies on an aging Barcode system. The
loaded onto the aircraft. Similarly, if a multi-flight airline, therefore, requires a highly efficient method
segment passenger decides to terminate their jour- to handle the increasing passenger and baggage vol-
ney prior to the final destination, the container with umes, and RFID technology has drawn the attention of
that person’s baggage needs to be located and re- the airline.
moved from the aircraft so as to locate and remove
the passengers’ baggage. 4.2 Project goals
–– Cargo: Large size cargo parcels would require
larger read volumes and hence could render some One of the key priorities for the airline is to offer
technologies inadequate for cargo but adequate excellent service to its clientele and, in addition, the
for passenger baggage. As such, only an RFID sys- company appears to target mainly the premium seg-
tem with enough flexibility and performance fea- ment of the market. The major advantage of targeting
tures to allow achievement of cargo and passenger the top end segment of the market is that it gives the
baggage sorting requirements would be a realistic airlines the opportunity to maximize revenue and profit
option for most of the aviation community. generation, a key factor in the highly competitive and
–– Baggage/Cargo/Container Tracking and Locating: not very profitable airline industry. The RFID project
The application of RFID for tracking and rapid locat- was started with the following objectives:
ing of baggage cargo and containers not only would –– To improve baggage tracking and delivery: To en-
be more time and labour efficient but also more ac- sure better services, especially in terms of service
curate. It can offer the opportunity for: centralized delivery. Improvement in baggage tracking and
monitoring; continuous or near-continuous survey- baggage delivery has been identified as key busi-
ing; automatic event logging; and more rapid find- ness drivers.
ing of items when retrieval is mandatory. –– To improve security: The additional functionality of
–– Verification/Authentication: Certain passenger’s RFID allows information to be changed at different
baggage is screened and considered to be cleared points in the airline system. This makes it possi-
for loading onto the aircraft. Consequently, it is im- ble to hold bags for security checking and release
perative that the process should be able to accu- them for loading when checked, provided the RFID
rately verify that the bag in question definitely is the system is linked to the baggage reconciliation sys-
bag that has been deemed to be cleared for load- tems.
ing. Moreover, RFID baggage tags and RFID tickets –– To provide better services to premium customers:
provided to the passenger would allow identifica- To initiate a new Frequent Flyer Program (FFP) ex-
tion/matching of the person who checked the bag- perimental project for premium members based
gage on departure with the person who retrieved on RFID technology in order to provide customized
the baggage upon arrival. This would virtually elimi- and personalized services.

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A. Mishra, D. Mishra: Application of RFID in Aviation Industry: An Exploratory Review

–– To ensure better services: RFID will be used to company selected the system which follows ‘EPC glob-
track passenger progress through airports, reduc- al UHF Gen 2’ standard protocol, the most reliable and
ing the number of passengers arriving late at the accepted standard in implementing RFID projects. The
gate and in doing so ensuring that planes leave on specifications of the system are illustrated in three
time. sections: Architecture, Hardware, and Software.

4.3 Business process analysis 4.5.1 System architecture

The simplified view of the system architecture is

A business process refers to the business rules,
shown in Figure 2. The system is made up of an RFID
strategies, and unique ways in which an organiza-
passive card which transmits radio frequency data
tion coordinates work, information, and knowledge,
that is collected by RFID wired reader, which in turns
as well  as to how management coordinates work
transmits data to a filtering system. This filtering sys-
[67]. RFID is an emerging and innovative technology
tem filters data based on the business rules and trans-
that  can enable redesigning of business process in
mit it to an appropriate application which is connected
order to optimize operational efficiency and produc-
to a host of database, via network. The database pro-
tivity. Three official surveys are written and published
cesses the data and sends it back to an appropriate
for  three different classes of target groups: passen-
application. This process will work in the same way for
gers, managers and stakeholders. Additionally, inter-
baggage tags as well as frequent flyer tags. For the
views were conducted with these target groups. These
baggage tag, it will ensure that the bag is directed to
surveys and interviews helped to understand the cur-
the correct belt while for frequent flyer tags, it will in-
rent process, operating environment and their weak-
form staff about the presence of the member.
nesses. It was found that the following key systems
need to be changed to accommodate RFID functional-
–– check-in systems, Database
–– belt and tray conveyors,
–– sorting systems, Application Layer
–– baggage screening,
–– baggage reclaim,
Filtering System
–– IT control and instrumentation technology.

4.4 Requirement analysis Reader Reader

The following issues and requirements are found to

be crucial from the users’ perspective: Antenna Antenna Antenna
–– security / privacy policy;
–– scalability, reliability, availability;
–– system performance and speed; Baggage Premium Baggage Premium
–– mobility of hardware parts; Tag Passenger Tag Passenger
Tag Tag
–– initial price and total ownership cost;
–– self-managed system, automatic failover; Figure 2 - Simplified view of the system architecture
–– using contactless remote-controlled cards;
–– ISO-18000 compliant. The main key point of the system is a sophisticated
filtering algorithm which improves the performance of
4.5 System design the system and makes it highly scalable as well (the
system works with paralleling ability, and if the num-
Keeping the above facts in mind, the design of ber of bags or passengers increases, there will only
the system was produced. The users were involved be a need for adding another filtering system, without
in the system architecture design process indirectly, any drastic change in the system architecture). While
from surveys and initial interviews as well as directly the tags on the baggage will be for single-time use
via interviews and meetings throughout the designing only, the cards for the members should theoretically
process. The users were not directly involved in other be long-lasting. The system will differentiate between
parts like hardware and software specification. The RFID chips for frequent flyer members and RFID lug-
selected technologies were chosen based on the  us- gage tags based on the data that are stored in a card
ers’ requirements, their compatibility with other parts and the response will be based on a set of clearly laid-
of airlines IT infrastructure and cost implications. The out business rules.

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A. Mishra, D. Mishra: Application of RFID in Aviation Industry: An Exploratory Review

4.5.2 Hardware specification 4.6 System implementation

In this phase, surveys and consultants were used The project will be implemented in phases based
for making decisions besides special consideration on the functionalities and logistics issues.
about “Price / Total cost of ownership”, and being ISO- –– Phase one: The system will be implemented for
18000 compliant. RFID baggage tags between airport where the air-
RFID tags: Tags are based on the IATA standard line is based and key airports which already have
of RP1740c and uses 850MHz to 950MHz frequen- RFID capability. Premium passengers can use their
cy, also known as UHF, which is licensed by different RFID tags in the premium terminal at the airport
countries at different bands and powers. The air inter- where the airline is based to get more personalized
face protocol employed is ISO-18000-6-C, which is an service in the lounge.
open standard. –– Phase two: The system will be implemented for
RFID card: Cards are of the same size as cred- RFID baggage tags between airport where the air-
it cards which follow ISO-7813 with “Tag Model: line is based and high value/volume destinations.
116501 GAO” which follows ISO-18000 6-C (IATA ac- The system will use premium passengers’ RFID
cepted standard) very low weight and is contactless tags for the decision-support system, analysing
with the ability of 5-500 tag read per second. As a customer behaviour, travel trends and booking/
passive tag it follows security and privacy policy regu- travelling habits of customers for better customer
lations. relationship management.
–– Phase three: The system will be implemented for
RFID reader: Fixed readers are selected due to the
all destinations in the airlines network. Premium
fact that they are used mainly for monitoring. The read-
passengers can use passengers’ RFID tags at all
er chip is ‘Intel® UHF RFID Transceiver R1000 which
stations in the network.
meets EPCglobal Gen 2 and ISO 18000-6C specifica-
tions (IATA mandatory standard) and is appropriate for
the purpose of the project. 4.7 System testing and evaluation
Network: It is high-speed wired fibre optical LAN.
Testing is done at all three levels:
The reasons for selecting this are network area, re-
–– Unit Testing: The system has been tested to ensure
sistance to noise, highly secure and resistant to se-
that it is error-free. This test has been done by sys-
curity breaches, high performance and very high
tem creator and their related team. In this stage,
speed. Although this technology is expensive, the
each part of the system is tested separately; for
advantages outweigh the costs. All parts of the net-
example, RFID readers have been tested to ensure
work were wired with firewalls and all the transmitted
that they work properly in real environment. Other
messages are encrypted because of the security con-
parts of the system have been tested by following
the same approach.
Servers: Intel Xeon 2.8GHz processor, Intel Xeon –– System Testing: At this stage, the system has been
3.4GHz processor with minimum 4 GB RAM and re- tested as an integrated unit (testing the system as
quired hard disk volume based on the volume of data. a whole). The main concept of this test is to check
These servers are used for hosting database, applica- whether all parts of the system are compatible
tion server and load balancing purpose. and work in harmony with each other. This test has
been performed by special team of system archi-
4.5.3 Software specification tects. The penetration test has been done in this
stage to check the system scalability, performance
Oracle application servers, with Oracle sensor edge and maximum workload in which the system can
Server as the middleware between the Oracle Data- operate without any problems.
base and the application. The main reason for using –– Acceptance Testing: This has been the final test and
this technology is that the product has an approved as suggested by its name, stakeholders, managers
ability of filtering data from sensor-based technology and passengers play the main roles in this stage.
like RFID which collects unstructured data from the The main question which needs to be answered in
environment. this stage is if the system fulfils all the needs of the
One of the main factors for selecting the Oracle target groups. This has been a broad, precise test
product is that the airline is already using many and has a documented test plan which has been
Oracle products such as Oracle ERP system e-busi- written by the system developers and their clients.
ness suite; therefore, the system will be compatible. For the airport tests, the focus has been on system
Oracle Enterprise Linux 4 Operating system is free, durability, user-friendliness (stakeholders are able to
open source and highly compatible with Oracle prod- work with applications easily) and whether the system
ucts. users can manage other related tasks without any

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A. Mishra, D. Mishra: Application of RFID in Aviation Industry: An Exploratory Review

additional workload. Another focus has also been to RFID project will help the airline to build a strong brand
check if there are any bugs which still exist in the sys- image and set new standards of passenger service.
tem. Furthermore, the baggage tagging initiative is also
expected to reduce the overall operating cost other
than the savings associated with baggage claims. With
5. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION an improved efficiency in baggage handling and track-
ing, the reduced number of baggage claims will free
RFID applications in different industries such as customer service resources to carry out more impor-
aviation, hospitality, supply chain logistics, manufac- tant activities like customized services for frequent
turing, military, health care, are increasing in number. travellers. Enhanced baggage handling will improve
As one of the leading airline, this airline needs to stay the resources planning capability and strengthen the
competitive by offering highest quality of passenger decision-making capabilities of the airline. The swift
services and services level. One of the key preferences tracking function of the RFID system will help the air-
for the airline is to offer excellent service to its clientele line to identify areas of failure, and can help to iden-
and differentiate itself by implementing RFID technol- tify the problem caused by other carriers or airports.
ogy to tag the passengers’ baggage in phase one, and By feeding the information to IT tools like dashboards,
also the passengers themselves during later stages. it can help the airline to manage its global productiv-
The objectives of the RFID business case were cost ity and performance, and allow to make necessary
savings and other benefits such as enhanced safety changes and decisions efficiently and effectively.
and quality control, increased customer satisfaction
The result and logging of performance can contrib-
etc. The adoption of RFID technology for the baggage
ute to key service level measurement. It can assist the
sorting and handling along with the global supply chain
airline to plan for the resources allocation on one hand
provides a Win-Win-Win for the three main stakehold-
and become a key reference for negotiating the con-
ers, the airlines, the airports and the passengers [68].
tract with ground handlers on the other hand.
According to the survey performed by IATA [68], The RFID project can improve the security manage-
the RFID project is expected to offer a 9.7% saving ment for airline and airport. After the 9/11 incident,
opportunity. While barcode reading problems account FAA imposed great pressure on airlines to ensure
for 9.7% of the total baggage mishandlings to the air- proper baggage/passenger matching. This in return
line, airports deal with a much larger baggage volume. increased the requirement of tracking and visibility
An airport requires manual interaction to ensure that for all luggage. The airline can add different security
the baggage makes the intended flight. If RFID tech- levels into the baggage tag, together with the track-
nology is put into use, it allows the airport to increase ing mechanism; any misplaced bag can be identified
the efficiency in the baggage handling operation. It is and located immediately. The system and information
estimated as a 12.5% saving opportunity based upon logged could become key references for security audit.
an analysis of airport baggage statistics [68]. Another The overall transparency of information can help both
factor contributing to baggage mishandling is the fail- the airlines and the airports to enhance and optimize
ure to receive a baggage status message. The airline’s the baggage handling process. The result and logging
survey results state that this factor alone will contrib- of performance can contribute to the key service level
ute to savings of around 11% [68]. measurement.
While cost saving is the key business driver, there After the successful implementation of the RFID
are other benefits that the RFID project can create. By baggage tagging system, the next phase of the proj-
implementing the latest RFID technology, it can im- ect will be to extend the system to passenger tagging.
prove the overall passenger service level by improving By tracking the location of passengers with the RFID
the tracking of mishandled baggage. The RFID tech- cards, customized services can be offered to increase
nology tracks and records the baggage location when the customer satisfaction and create a positive impact
it is delivered to the wrong terminal or flight. This will on the sales turnover. Through reading the information
enable more responsive and faster delivery of mishan- on the RFID embedded card of the premium passen-
dled baggage. gers, they can be greeted in the language they prefer,
On top of these benefits, the new technology will and they can be offered their favourite newspaper and
also enhance the speed and accuracy of baggage han- drinks once they enter the premium passenger lounge.
dling, especially when dual flight transfer is required. This RFID cards can also be tracking devices to help
Passengers will be better informed, and the baggage the airlines better understand their passengers’ pro-
delivery status can be tracked easily. All these func- files. By tracking which duty-free shops passengers
tions set passengers’ minds at ease and in return in- visit, which restaurants they prefer etc., the cards can
crease the passenger satisfaction toward the airline. be a source of information for the customer relation-
With the increasing transparency of baggage handling ship management system, which in turn can allow for
process and a reduced baggage claiming record, the custom-made programs to enhance business perfor-

Promet – Traffic&Transportation, Vol. 22, 2010, No. 5, 363-372 369

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