Giao An Tieng Anh 8 Thi Diem

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Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……

I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- review the main grammar points and vocabulary of English 7
2. Skills: speaking, listening, writing.
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1. Vocabulary: vocabulary of 6 themes
2.Grammar: -present simple tense, present progressive tense, present perfect tense, future tense, past simple
and past progressive tense
- Passive voice
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) - Answer the T’s questions Warm – up.( 5’):
- T asks Sts some questions: Chatting
? Can you tell me what you’ve
learned in english 7?
Revision : (10’)
1. The tenses : - Listen and repeat the uses and forms
- Present simple of them
- Present progressive
- Present perfect tense - Copy down
- Simple future
- Near future
- Past simple
- Past progressive tense
=> Ask Ss to repeat the uses and
forms of each tense.
III. Practice. (25 mins)
Exercise 1 : Change these sentences - Work in pairs to practice changing 1. She is in Grade 8
into other tenses ( Present simple , these sentences into other tenses . 2. They are playing soccer
Present progressive , Present perfect 3. She went to Ha Noi last
tense, near future , Simple future and week
Past simple, Past progressive tense) 4. I will visit my sister
and add appropriate adverbs of time. next week
- Ask Ss to work in pairs 5. Mai is going to build a
- Call some pairs to demonstrate in Some pairs give the answers in front new house .
front of class . of the class
- Give feedback
Exercise 2. Supply the correct tense St do the exercise in person then give 1. are/ have known/
of the verbs in brackets the answers in front of the class. moved/ has lived/ came.
1. Mary and John (be) _________ 2. is/ doesn’t go/ stays/ is
neighbors. They (know) _________ doing/ has done.
each other for a long time. Mary 3. am/ came/ has lived/
(move) _________ into her house in knows
1990, and John (live) _________ next 4. goes
door since he (come) _________ to 5. was/ didn’t have
the area in 1988. 6. didn’t go/ wasn’t
2. Today (be) _________ Sunday. 7. have done
Nga (not go) _________ to school. 8. have you lived
She (stay) _________ at home. She 9. has taught/ graduated
(do) _________ her homework now. 10. left/ have met
She (do) _________ it for two hours. 11. did you spend
3. I (be) _________ in New York. I 12. were/ lived
(come) _________ here two years 13. am reading
ago. My friend, Nancy (live) 14. have you known
_________ here since 1982. So she 15. have not seen/ were
(know) _________ the area very 16. hasn’t finished
well. 17. saw
4. Trung usually (go) _________ to 18. have you been/ went
the library three times a week. 19. haven’t eaten
5. Yesterday I (be) _________ busy, 20. moved/ have lived
so I (not have) _________ time to
phone you.
6. Mrs. Trang (not go) _________ to
work last week. She (not be)
_________ feeling well.
7. I (do ) _________ all the
housework. The flat is really clean
8. How long you (live) _________
here? – Since 1997.
9. Mr. Quang (teach) _________ in
this school since he (graduate)
_________ from the university in
10. My brother (leave) _________
home 10 years ago. I (never meet)
_________ him since then.
11. Where you (spend) _________
your summer holiday last year, Tam?
12. When we (be) _________ small,
our family (live) _________ in the
13. I (read) _________ an interesting
book at the moment.
14. How long you (know) _________
Mrs. Chi? – I (know) _________ here
for five years.
15. We (not see) _________ her since
we (be) _________ on holiday in Ha
Long bay.
16. Phuong (not finish) _________
her homework yet.
17. It’s three years since I last (see)
_________ Nam.
18. You (be) _________ away? – Yes.
I (go) _________ to the country last
19. I (not eat) _________ anything
for two days.
20. They (move) _________ to Ho
Chi Minh City in 1990 and (live)
_________ there since then.
- T calls some Sts to write their - Do as the T asks.
answers on the board -and has other
students to give remarks.
- Give the right answers.

IV/ Homework : (5 mins)

- Learn by heard all the uses and the - Write down.
forms of the tenses above.

By the end of the unit, Ss will be able to:
-Use verbs of liking + gerund
-Use verbs of liking + to-infinitive
-Pronounce clusters :/br/ and /pr/
-Read for general and specific information about the possibleeffects of spending too much time on the computer
-Listen for specific information about ways of spending time with friends
-Talk about “good” and “bad” sides of leisure activities
-Write to discuss an opinion about leisure activities

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 1: Getting Started–It’s right up my street.
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
-understand new words and structures in the dialogue
-answer the questions after reading the dialogue.
2. Skills: Drill listening ,speaking ,reading and writing mainly.
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1. Vocabulary: lexical items related to the topic
2.Grammar: Verbs of liking +gerunds
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Ss work in pairs Warm – up.( 5’):
-Ask Ss prepare photos or magazine Describing pictures
cut-outs about some popular leisure
activities including those you often
do in their spare time
-Ask Ss to describe them in
English .Then ask them to guess
which activities you may enjoy doing
.Encourage Ss to do the same in pairs
.One S writes a short list of activities
and the other guesses
Presentation (10’)
Vocabulary Class work *Vocabulary
-trick (n)
-craft (n)
-craft kit (n)
-leisure (adj)
-folk songs (n)
-melody (n)
-It’s right up street
*New structure:
-> Verbs of liking
-I like reading comics
-I’ll enjoy listening to the
Set the scene Class work melodies
-Ask Ss open their books to the
picture .Introduce Mai, Phuc and Questions may include :
Nick +What can you see in the picture ?
-Ask Ss to guess where they are and +Why do you think Mai ,Phuc and
what they are doing .For more able Nick are there ?
classes ,brainstorm questions with Ss +What are they holding in their hands
and wire them on the board ?
+What are they talking about ?
Practice (20’)
a. Circle the correct answer: - Ss do part a individually Key:
-Let Ss read the dialogue in front of 1.library
the class
-Ask Ss do part 1a individually
-Call Ss read their keys before the 4.craft kit
class 5.folk music
b. Which leisure activities do you Ss work in groups
thinkPhuc, Mai and Nick have ? Phuc Mai Nick
Tick (V) the boxes .Then find the
information from the conversation training
to explain your choice 2.making
-Ask Ss read the dialogue again to do crafts
part “b” in groups 3.reading
-Let Ss answer before the class 4.listening
-Call Ss tick the board to music
-Ask Ss look at the board and correct 5.learning
with DIY

*c. Answer the questions Key:

-Let Ss practice part “c” in pairs -to check out something
-Have Ss to practice before the class means to examine
in pairs something to get more
information about it order
to be certain that is
suitable (on true or safe)
-It’s right up your street ,it
is the type of thing that
you are interested in or
that you enjoy doing
2. Find words / phrases in the box to Ss work in pairs Key:
describe the photos .Then listen to 1. playing computer
check your answers : games
-Ask Ss work in pairs to match the 2. playing beach games
words / phrases in the box to the 3.Doing DIY
photos , then they listen together to 4.taxting
check their answers 5.visiting museums
-It’ s time aloud ,ask Ss to use 6.making crafts
adjectives to say what they think of
these activities eg exciting ,
interesting ....
3.Complete the following sentences Ss work individually Key:
with the words in the box. 1.satisfied
-Ask Ss work individually to do the 2. exciting , relaxing
task then compare their answers with
a partner 4. boring
Tell Ss they need to look for the 5.good
surrounding key words in order to
complete the task .Note that good and
satisfied fit both items 1 and 5
.Acknowledge the point with Ss who
have them the other way round
Further practice (7’)
*Game : Changing partners Pair work
Can use :
-describe the leisure activity
-say if you have done this activity or
-share you feeling about the activity
Prepare unit 1 lesson 2

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 2: A closer look 1
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
-use the lexical items related to leisure activities
-pronounce /br/ and /pr/ .
2. Skills: Drill listening and speaking mainly.
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1. Vocabulary: lexical items related to the topic
2.Grammar: Verbs of liking +gerunds
3.Pronounce /br/ and /pr/
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Warm – up.( 5’): Ask and
-Ask Ss use network to answer the - Use this network to answer : answer
question : What do you often do in your free
Pre-listening (5’) time?
Vocabulary Class work *Vocabulary
-socialize (v)
-communicate (v)
Practice (20’)
1.Look at the following pie chart Ss work in pairs Key:
on leisure activities in the US and 1. In 2012 ,people in the UK
answer the questions : spent 5.1 hours a day on sport
-Ask Ss look at their book and read and leisure activities
in silence 2.The main activities they did
-Let Ss work in pairs to examine include : relaxing and thinking
the pie-chart closely in order to , using the computer for
understand its contents ,including leisure , participating in
the heading , subheading , figures , sports , socializing and
colour codes and notes communicating , watching TV
-Allow enough time for this step and other leisure activities
.Do not give correction 3.The 3 most common
-Then ask Ss to answer the activities were : watching TV,
questions that follow the chart socializing and communicating
-Ask Ss practice before the class : and using the computer for
2/ Complete the table with Pair work Key:
information from the pie chart Name of Verb
--Have Ss to prepare part 2 activities
individually to complete the task 1relaxing relax
.After giving corrective feedback , 2.thinking think
draw their attention to the part of 3.using use
speech of the words mentioned 4.doing do
(eg .relaxing comes from the verb 5.socialising socialise
relax with-ing added and it refers to 6.communica communicate
the activity) 7.watching watch
-Then introduce the concept of 8.reading read
gerund ( a noun made from a verb
by adding-ing )
-Give Ss some examples where a
gerund is transformed from a verb
and used as a noun .For more able
class ,ask Ss to make their own
3. Look at the words .Match them Ss work in pairs Key:
to the category labels : 1-e 5-d
-Ask Ss to cover the category labels 2-b 6-h
-Have Ss look at the words and try 3-f 7-c
to guess what these words have in 4-a 8-g
common .T may elicit from Ss by
asking questions
-Ask Ss to work in pairs to
complete the task .Once they have
finished and T has given corrective
feedback , encourage them to add
more words in each category
4. How much time do you spend a Ss work in groups
day on leisure activities ? What
are the three activities that you do
the most ? Share your ideas with a
-Have Ss work in small groups
.Allow them enough time 6to think
about what their average day may
look like (including ,study and
work) and how much time is spent
on leisure activities .If there is
plenty of time encourage them to
calculate these times as percentages
and put them in a simple pie chart
similar to 1
-Have Ss write down how much
time they spend leisure on an
average day and three activities
they do the most.
-Ask Ss move around and talk with
at least three other classmates to
find out who spends most time on
leisure and what the most popular
activities in the class are
Post-speaking (12’)
5.Complete the words under the Ss work in pairs Key:
pictures with /br/ or /pr/ .Listen to 1.apricot 5.princess
check your answers and repeat 2.bridge 6.president
-Have Ss work individually to 3.bracelet 7..present
complete this task .Once they have 4.bread 8.broccoli
-Ask Ss work in pairs to compare
their answers.
-Play the recording for Ss to check
and then repeat
-Pause the recording to drill
difficult items
-Ask Ss to add more words which
contain these clutters. For a more
able class .Ss may make sentences
with these words and practice
saying them
6. Listen and repeat : Key:
-Ask Ss to add more words which 1. ricot jam
contain these clutters. For a more 2. bread
able class .Ss may make sentences 3. president
with these words and practice 4. bracelets
saying them 5. brush
Homework(3’): 6, present
Prepare unit 1 lesson 3
Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……
Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 3: A closer look 2
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
-understand new grammar :
+Verbs of liking +gerunds
+Verbs of liking +to –infinitive
-practice by using them to do exercises
2. Skills: Drill listening , speaking and writing mainly.
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1. Vocabulary: lexical items related to the topic
2.Grammar: +Verbs of liking +gerunds
+Verbs of liking +to –infinitive
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Warm – up.( 5’):
-Answer teacher’s questions Questions : Chatting
+Do you like playing sports ?
+Which sports do you like best ?
Class work
Presentation (10’) +Verbs of liking +gerunds
1. Read the conversation in Getting +Verbs of liking +to –
started again .Underline verbs that infinitive
are followed by a gerund :
-Explain new grammar :
If we want to follow a verb with
another action, we must use a gerund
or an infinitive
-Let Ss read or play the recording in
Getting started for Ss to listen and
ask them to underlined the verbs of
liking followed by gerunds or to-
infinitives that they find in the text
-May ask Ss to cover the text and just
listen to identify these verbs
-Go through the Look out box with *Look out : * Learning trip :Verbs of
Ss The verbs :love, like ,hate and prefer liking :
-Tell Ss that verbs of liking / disliking
can be used with both gerunds and to- -adore
are often followed by gerunds but infinitive without much change in -love
verbs such meaning -like
-She loves going out with her friends -enjoy
-Introduce Ss to the Learning tip box = She loves to go out with her friends -fancy
where they can differentiate the -don’t mind
diffirence in terms of degree these -dislike
verbs of liking / disliking -don’t like
Practice (15’) -detest
2.Tick the appropriate box . Then Pair work Key:
listen to check : a. Followed by gerund
-Ask Ss work individually and then only : enjoy , detest and ,
compare the answers with their fancy
partner b. Followed by both
-Then play the recording for Ss to gerund and to-infinitive :
check their answers love, prefer
3. Write the correct form of the verbs Ss work in pairs Key:
-Have Ss work in pairs to complete 1.....making ....
this task watch or
-Then give feedback to Ss as a class watchimg.....
3....skateboarding ....
4...learning .....
5....sitting .....
4. Write sentences about what you Ss work in groups Key:
like or don’t like doing in your free 1.I adore ........
time , beginning with the 2. I love ..........
following .Then share what you 3. I fancy ..........
have written with your partner 4. I don’t mind ..........
-Ask Ss practice in groups of 5 or 6 5. I don’t like ............
-Give Ss to work individually at first 6. I detest................
and write each sentence on a trip of
paper , then in their group mix the
-Ask Ss guess who wrote that
5. Look at the following e-mail that Ss work individually Key:
Minh Duc wrote to a new penfriend 1. like do -> like to do /
a. There are 6 grammar mistakes in doing
his e-mail .Can you find and correct 2.enjoy do -> enjoy doing
them : 3.don’t like have ->don’t
-Have Ss quickly familiarise like to have / don’t like
themselves with the e-mail by having
asking : 4.don’t mind to do ->
+Who wrote this e-mail ? don’t mind doing
+ To whom ? 5.hate spend -> hate
+What is it about ? spending eat out -> love to
eat out/ love eating out
*bAnswer the questions : Pảiwork Key:
-Have Ss scan the e-mail to find 1. The activities Duc
answers mentions in his e-mail
-Ask Ss work individually and are ; playing video
compare their answers with a games , watching TV ,
classmate going to the park , playing
football , helping his
parents , doing homework
and eating out with his
2.The two activities he
enjoys the most are
Further practice (12’) Ss work individually playing football with his
6. Write a similar e-mail to tell your friends and eating out with
friend about your free time , using his family
the verbs of liking +gerunds or verbs
of liking + to-infinitives .Swap your
work with a partner and check for
-Ask Ss work individually to write
the e-mail then exchange it with their
partners and check for mistakes .If
there is time , have them the e-mails
ask and answer about afterwards ,
using the questions in 5b as a guide
.If there is not enough time , this task
can be done as a group –writing task
Prepare unit 1 lesson 4

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 4: Communication
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- read and understand articals
-practice by using them to do exercises
2. Skills: Drill listening , speaking and writing mainly.
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1. Vocabulary: lexical items related to the topic
2.Grammar: +Verbs of liking +gerunds
+Verbs of liking +to –infinitive
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Warm – up.( 5’):
-Ask Ss answer the questions : -Questions : Chatting
+Do you like reading in your free
time ?
+What kind do you like best ?
+Do you often read articles on the
magazine ?
Pre-speaking (10’) Class work *Vocabulary:
Vocabulary -window shopping
-Refer to any words in the Extra -to sound weird
vocabulary box that Ss do not jet -to be hooked on
know something
-Ask Ss to try to guess what the -to be addicted to
meaning is and how that may relate something
to leisure activities
1. Read the following article on the Individual work
magazine 4 Teen website
-Explain to Ss that they are going to
read about some activities teenagers
do in their free time
-Have Ss cover the text and just look
at the photos (with name and
country )
-Encourage Ss to guess what these Ss
in the photos like doing as leisure
-Then set a reading time limit and
have Ss speed read the text
-Let Ss close the books and play a
memory game dividing Ss into
competing groups to tell how much
information they can remember from
the text
While-speaking (15’)
2. Can you understand the Now add to the dictionary other
abbreviations in the text ? Use this abbreviations used for online chatting
‘netlingo’ dictionary if necessary / texting that you know
-Ask Ss if they notice any other
particular features of the text .Elicit Ss work in pairs or small groups
answers Ss by drawing their attention
to the form of the text
-Explain that is from webpage and
that these abbereviation
-Then have Ss work in pairs to
complete the task
-Have Ss write short text or messages
-Have Ss work in pairs or small
groups to complete the table
3.Find information in the text to Key:
complete the table Ss work in pairs 1.Emily :
-Have Ss work in pairs to complete -hanging out with friends (
this task window shopping)
-Then give feedback to Ss as a class -working as a volunteer
She loves it
2.Hang :
-cloud watching
She adores it .It’s easy
3.Linn :
going to community
centre , painting ,
dancing , doing drama
She loves it
4.Minh :
-playing football
-helping his aunt in
running cooking classes
He likes it .It’s fun
-playing computer games
-doing judo
Post-speaking (12’) He’s addicted to it .It’s
4. Work with your partner and put Ss work in pairs OK
the activities in 3 in order from the
most interesting to the most
boring .Then compare you ideas
with other pairs
-Have Ss work in pairs to put the
leisure activities in the text in order
from the most interesting to the most
-Allow plenty of time for this
activities where Ss are encoraged to
disuss , give opinions and negotate
with each other in order to agree on a
mutual list
Prepare unit 1 lesson 5
Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……
Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 5: Skills 1
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
-read for general and specific information about the possible effects of spending too much time on the computer
-talk about good and bad sides of leisure activities
2. Skills: Drill reading and speaking mainly.
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1. Vocabulary: lexical items related to the topic
2.Grammar: +Verbs of liking +gerunds
+Verbs of liking +to –infinitive
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Warm – up.( 5’):
-Ask Ss answer the questions : Questions : Chatting
-Do you have a computer /
+Doyou like it ?
+What are the benefits of using
computers ?
Pre-speaking (10’) Class work *Vocabulary:
Vocabulary -mind (n)
-rely (v)
-ban (n)
-gaming (n)
Pre-questions -get out (v)
1. What are the benefits of using Class work
computers or mobile phones for
leisure activities ? What are the Pairwork
harmful things it may bring us ?
-Start the lesson by doing a quick
class survey on how many Ss use
computers frequently and what they
use them for (eg. Watching movies
listeningto music,
playinggames,accessing social media,
-Ask Ss give examples of your own
use of computers and mobile phones
-Then have Ss work in pairs to
discuss the questions .Call on some
pairs to share their ideas once they
have finished their discussion
-Ask Ss write the ideas on the board
While-reading (15’)
2. Read the text and choose the Ss work in dividually Key:
correct answer : 1-B
-Ask SS look at the title and the 2-C
picture and predict what they are
going to read .Say that they are going
to read about a student named Quang
-Encourage to develop their ideas by
guesing what Quang’s story is about
-Then ask Ss to read the text and
underline any work they don’t know
-Have Ss discuss any unfamiliar
words from the text
-Let Ss work individually to choose
the best answer .They need to be able
to explain their choise as well
3. Write the questions for the Ss work in pairs Key :
answers based on information from 1. Is Quang ‘s garden
the text real ?
-Tell Ss for this exercise they will 2. What is problem with
need to look at the keywords in the using technology in your
responses in order to find out the free time ?
questions 3.What leisure activities
-Have Ss work individually then do teenagers do these days
compare their answers with a partner ?
4.What are the benefits of
Post-reading (12’) using the computer?
4. Quang and his parents are Ss may work in pairs or in groups Keys :
talking about how he should spend B. Speaking Quang’s parents : Go on
his free time .Decide which *Language notes : and play a sport .It’s good
statements are from Quang and -Giving an opinion : for you
which are from his parents + I think that ..... -Quang : I’ve made lots of
-Explain to Ss that these speech + In my opinion...... friends from the game
bubbles are from Quang and his -Asking for an opinion : network
friends . Ss may work in pairs or in + What do you think ? -Quang : I think computer
groups but they will need to say why + How do you feel about that? games train my mind and
they think who says what , based on -Agreeing : my memory
the information from the passage .Go + I agree with you -Quang’s parents : You see
through the phrases in the Language + That so true your real friends less and
notes box with Ss .For one of the + Exactly less
speech bubbles , demonstrate how -Disagreeing : -Quang : my English is
you can use this language +I’m afraid I don’t agree much better because i surf
A; In my opinion , computer games + I don’t think so the net
train your mind and your memory Quang’s parents : Sitting
B; That so true for too long in front of the
-In pairs , have Ss choose a speech computer makes your eyes
bubble and combine it with the tired
language in the Language notes box
-Ask for volunteer to demonstrate
their short exchanges
5. Role-play : WHAT “S THE Ss work in groups
Quang , his parents , and his
teacher are discussing the impacts
of his using the computer .Play the
following roles
-Before the role-play starts , arrange
Ss into 3 groups : the group that play
Quang , The group that plays
Quang’s parents and the group that
plays his teacher
-Ask each group to brainstorm how
they are going to express their
opinion .When they are ready , put Ss
into new qroups which contain
Quang ,Quang’s parents and Quang’s
-Tell Ss that they can use the
language in 4 for their role-play and
emphasise that the phrases in the
Study skill box should be used in
their discuusion
-if the time allows , call on 2 or 3
groups to repeat their role-play for
the class
Prepare unit 1 lesson 6

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 6: Skills 2
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
-listen for specific information about ways of spending time with friends
-write to discuss an opinion about leisure activities
2. Skills: Drill listening , speaking and writing mainly.
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1. Vocabulary: lexical items related to the topic
2. Structure: +I think computers are useful
+I agree with you
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Warm – up.( 5’):
-Ask Ss answer the questions : What do you think about computers? Chatting
Class work
Pre-listening (10’)
Vocabulary Class work *Vocabulary:
+ obesity
+ virtual
Pre-questions +get out
1. What do you usually do with your Pairwork
friends in your free time ?
-Share some of the things you often
enjoy doing with friends in your free
-Ask Ss to tell each other what they
usually do with their friends
-Ask some pairs to volunteer to tell
the class if they find each other’s
answers interesting
While-listening (15’)
2. Listen to the radio programme Ss work individually Key:
and answer the questions 1. The topic of this week’s
-Tell Ss that they are going to listen programme is hanging out
to a radio programme with your friends
-Ask Ss to look at the questions and 2.There are 2 main ways :
underline the key words before T hanging out indoors or
plays the recordimg outdoors
3. Listen again and complete the Ss work in pairs
table Hanging out with your best friends
-Play the recording as many times as What to do Why
needed Watching .. ....than a ...
-Ask Ss work individually then ..(1) ..... (2)
compare answers with their partner Making ... creative
Playing ... good for
(4) your ..(5)
Watching .. fun
.(6) ....
Going to .. educating
(7) yourself
Post-listening (12’) Ss work individually Key :
4. Complete the following B. Writing : 11.In my opinion /I
paragraph with the words in the Writing to give an opinion believe
purple box : -> Organising your ideas : 2.Firstly
-Ask Ss work individually to *.Introducing your opinion : 3.Secondly
complete the task and discuss their +In my opinion 4.Besides /Also/ In
answers with a partner +I believe addition
. Remind Ss that for some gaps there *.Explan your opinion : 5.For these reasons /In
is more than one correct answer + Firstly , secondly, thirdly, finally short /As I have noted
+besides , also , in addition
*. Concluding / summarising your
opinion :
+For tree reasons
+in short
+As I have noted
Ss work in groups
5. Now write a similar paragraph to
answer one of the following
questions -This task can be done in
small groups where each group
chooses one question .They then
agree on an opinion and work
together to brainstorm the ideas to
argue for thei points .Each member
will need to write his/her own piece
-Remind Ss to use the connectors
they have learnt earlier in order to
better organise their ideas
Prepare unit 1 lesson 7
Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……
Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 7: Looking back & project
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
-use grammar to do exercises
-give plently of time to brainstorm ideas for a group activity
2. Skills: Drill reading , speaking and writing mainly.
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1. Vocabulary: lexical items related to the topic
2.Structure: +I like using computers because they are useful
+I prefer to live in the city
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Warm – up.( 5’):
Use network to practice : What are you going to join your Network
leisure activity?
Class work
Presentation (10’)
1.Which one is the odd one out Ss complete this exercise individually Key:
-Ask Ss complete this exercise or in pairs 1. DIY
individually or in pairs 2.hanging out
-Ask once they have finished they
should be able to explain their 4.detest
answers as well .Accept different 5.boring
answers if Ss can explain their
decisions logically
2. Rearrange the letters to find the Ss work individually Key:
name of the activities 1.socialising
-Ask Ss complete this task 2.relaxing
individually 3.communicating with
-Let Ss to give their leys before the friends
class 4.doing DIY
-Ask one S write the keys on the 5.using computers
board +besides , also , in addition 6.making crafts
*. Concluding / summarising your
opinion :
+For tree reasons
+in short
+As I have noted
Practice (15’)
3.Fill the gaps with the correct form Ss work individually Key :
of the verbs 1.working
-Have Ss work individually to 2.learning /to learn
complete the exercise .If the time 3.seeing
allows ,T may ask Ss to swap their 4.doing
work with each other for peer 5.meeting
4.Complete the following sentences Ss work individually
with your own ideas
-Have Ss complete the sentences
using their own ideas .Remind them
to use gerunds or to=infinitives
-Have some Ss read out their
sentences .Accept all answers as long
as they make sence
5. Read this paragraph from Ss work individually .Then compare Key: by CEOP , their answers with a partner 1.Firstly
the UK govement agency that helps 2.Secondly
protect children from harm online 3.Thirdly
and offline in the UK and 4.In addition
internationally .Choose the most 5.In short
suitable words / phrases to fill the
-Ask Ss work individually .Then
compare their answers with a partner
-Ask Ss practice before the class
-Call Ss write the keys before the
Further practice (12’)
6.Choose from the leisure activities B. Project : Join our
in this Unit .Explain why you think leisure activity
so .Then exchange your ideas with a
partner -Plan a trip to local
-Allow Ss plenty of time to do this cultural centre to find out
task .For each activity they choose , what slasses /clubs
they should be able to give at least /activities are being
one reason to be protected when they offered to teenagers .Note
go online down as much detailed
*Finished Ss into groups of about 6 information about these
-Ask Ss to complete the self- activities
assessment -Visit your local or school
-Have Ss discuss as a class what library as a group .Each
difficulties remain and what areas the group member chooses a
Ss have mastered book to read .
Prepare unit 2 lesson 1

By the end of the unit, Ss will be able to:

-Review comparative forms of adjs
-Use comparative forms of advs
-Pronounce clusters :/b/ and /d/
-Read for specific information about an unusual lifestyle in thhheee countryside : Mongolian nomadic life
-Listen for specific information about changes in the countryside
-Talk about what you like or dislike about life in the countryside
-Write about changes in the countryside

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 1: Getting started-It’s harvest time
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
-understand new words and structures in the dialogue
-answer the questions after reading the dialogue .
2. Skills: Drill listening ,speaking ,reading and writing mainly.
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1. Vocabulary: lexical items related to the topic
2.Structure: +How ‘s your stay in the countryside ?
+I would like to visit the countryside at harvest time
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Warm – up.( 5’): Review
-Rewiew the previous unit by calling Class work
on some Ss to act out some leisure
activities .The class makes a guess .
-Then ask Ss to decide which leisure
activities are more common in the
countryside and why
-Write the word : “countryside” on
the board .Brainstorm words and
phrases describing activities which
take place in the countryside .For
more advanced classes ,some
comparisons of the countryside and
the city can be encouraged here
-Encourage Ss to answer the
questions .Their answers can be as
simple as one word or phrase
Presentation (10’) Class work *Vocabulary:
Vocabulary: -expect (v)
-buffallo-drawncarts (n)
-herd (v)
Class work -envious (adj)
Set the scene: -It’s right up my street
-Ask Ss to look at the title of the Activities which take place in the
conversation and the picture and ask countryside :
them some prediction questions about +load the rice onto buffallo-drawn
what they are going to read carts
+What is the conversation about ? +fly a kite
+Which searon is harvest time in ? +goherding the buffallo
+What do you think the countryside
is like at harvest time ?
+What do farmers do ?
+What do the children do ?
Practice (15’)
-Play the recording ,Ss listen and read
-Ask Ss if their predictions are
a.Are these sentences true(T) or Ss work individually Key:
false (F) 1.T
-Ask Ss work independently 2.F :Nguyen joins the
-Ask Ss to read the sentences and boys in herding the
decide if they are true or false buffalloes
-Let Ss compare answers with a 3.F :rice is transported
partner home on buffallo-drawn
-Have Ss correct the false carts
sentences ,T write the correct answers 4.T
on the board 5.T
b.Answer the following questions Ss work individually .Then compare Key:
-Ask Ss to try to answer the questions their answers with a partner 1.He ‘s in the countryside
without refering to the conversation 2.Right on his first day
first there
-Then ask Ss refer to the conversation’s big and colourful
again for the correct answers 4.His grandfather
-Correct the answers as a class 5.He means that he wishes
he were in the countryside
c.Complete the sentences with the Key :
words in the box 1.colourful
-Ask Ss to look at the words and 2.move slowly
make sure they understand their 3.harvest time
meaning .If they do not ,ask them to 4.paddy field
refer to the conversation and have a 5.herding
guess 6.buffallo-drawn cart
-Then ask them to do the exercise
.When they finish , ask them to check
their answers with their partner
d.In groups , discuss and find how Ss into groups of about 6 Key:
Nguyen feels about his stay in the He likes it :
countryside .Tick(v) +It’s more exciting than I
the appropriate box .Look for expected
expresstions from the conversation +It looks great up there in
to support your ideas : the sky
-Have Ss work in small groups to +I live more happily and
discuss and tick the correct box and there ‘s still a lot more to
look for expressions to support their explore
2.Match the activities with the Pairwork Key:
pictures 1-e 4-c
-Ask Ss work independenly to label 2-f 5-d
the pictures 3-a 6-b
-Have them compare their answers
with a partner
-Write the correct answers on the
3.Can you think of some more Ss work in pairs
things that children do in the
countryside ?Make a list
-Ask Ss work in pairs to brainstorm
some more countryside activities
.Give them a time limit .For examples
,two minutes to make their lists
-Call on each pair to share their list
with the class .
-Write the combined list of activities
on the board and leaves it there to be
based in the next activity .Before
moving on ,T makes sure everybody
understands all the vocabulary on the
Further practice (12’)
4.Game : Team work
Countryside charades
-Divides the class into two teams for
this game .They can give themselves
a relevant team name such as the
“horses” and the “buffalloes’ .They
charades with the countryside activity
vocabulary from Activity 2 and the
Ss list on the board .To increase the
fun element , give the teams a time of
10 seconds to guess the activity
before it moves to the other team .T
keeps score on the board and
announces the winning team at the
Prepare unit 2 lesson 2
Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……
Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 2: A closer look 1
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
-use the lexical items related to the topic of life in the countryside
-pronounce correctly words containg the clusters /bl/ and /cl/ .
2. Skills: Drill listening and speaking mainly
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1. Vocabulary: lexical items related to the topic
2. Structure: +Vietnamese people are friendly
+life in the countryside is boring
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Warm – up.( 5’): Review
Remind Ss of the vocabulary they Class work
before moving on to this lesson
which focusses on words
describing the countryside
Pre-listening (10’)
Vocabulary: Class work *Vocabulary:
-vast (adj)
-brave (adj)
1.Listen and repeat the words Class work -nomadic (adj)
-Ask Ss listen to the recording and
repeat the words .Make sure that
they pronounce the words with the
correct stress pattems
-Explain new words and ask Ss
repeat new words
-Nowcheck understanding of these
2.Put the words in 1 into the Ss work individually Key:
appropriate category .Some wprds to Words
can be used in more than one describe
category; people friendly,brave ,
-Ask Ss work individually boring,nomadic ,
-Let Ss compare their answers with colourful
a partner and then discuss as a class life slow,hard,boring,
.There may be some variations in inconvenient,
the answers .For a more able peaceful,nomadic,
class ,encourade Ss to explain why colourful
they choose that word for the scenery colourful, vast,
category - Ss work independently or in pairs peaceful
3.Match the nouns / noun phrases Key:
in the box with each verb -ride : a horse , a camel
-Make sure Ss understand the -put up : a tent , a pole
meaning of the verbs first .There -collect : hay , water
may be some cofusion abot the -herd : the buffalloes , the
difference between /pick/ and /pick cattle
up/ is the specific vebs used for -pick : wild flowers , apples
collecting fruit ,vegetalbes or
flowers through the action is the
same as the more general
-Ask Ss then work independently or
in pairs .When they have finished
,let them exchange their answers
with a partner/another pair .Then T
alicts the correct answers Ss into groups of about 6 Key :
4.Use the words from 1 and 3 to 1.picking
complete the sentences .Remember 5.peaceful
to use the correct form of the 2.inconvenient /collect
verbs 6.nomadic
-Ask Ss use the vocaabulary they 3.herd
have learnt in activities 1 and 3 to 7.vast
do this exercise 4.ridden/ brave
-Ask Ss to look at the sentences and 8.put up/ hard
decide if an adjective or a verb is
missing .This narrows down the
area of words they need to refer to
-Ask Ss then complete the sentence
by themselves
-Let Ss check their answers as a
class Individual work Key:
Post-listening (12’) -/bl/ : blackberry,blind, bloom,
5.Listen and repeat the words .Pay blossom
attention to the initial clusters -/cl/ : clothing, climb, click,
-Ask Ss listen and repeat .Pause the clay, clock,clear
recording to drill difficult
-Have Ss say the words Ss work in pairs Key:
individuaaly or in small groups 1.blame
6.Listen and circle the word you 2.blast
-Have Ss listen and circle the words 4.clock
-Have Ss do the activity in pairs 5.close
and challenge each other to choose Key:
the correct words 1....blowing ....
7.Listen to the sentences and 2...climbed......
repeat 3....bloom....
-Have Ss look at the sentences and 4..clear , blue...
underline the words with clusters 5....Blind ....
/bl/ and /cl/ first
-Ask Ss listen and repeat
Prepare unit 2 lesson 3
Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……
Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 3: A closer look 2
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
-review comparative forms of adjectives
-learn comparative forms of adverbs
2. Skills: Drill listening , speaking and writing mainly
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1. Vocabulary: lexical items related to the topic
2. Structure+ I can get up earlier than usual
+A village is less densely populated known as the countryside
3. Grammar: + comparative forms of adjectives
+comparative forms of adverbs
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’): Review
-Remind Ss of comparative forms of
adjectives learnt in previuos lesson
by asking questions like :
+Which river is longer ,the Mekong
or the Red river ?
+Who is the tallest boy in our class ?
+Who is the tallest girl in our class ?
Presentation (10’)
1.Complete the passage below with a Ss work individually Key:
suitable comparative form of the 1.higher
adjectives provided 2.easier
-Ask Ss do exercise 1 .Go round and 3.better
help Ss if necessary 4.more exciting
-let Ss exchange their answers .Check 5.more convenient
as a class and write the answers on 6.happier
the board with the full forms of 7.more friendly
comparisions .Keep them for later
reference when the comparative of 9.safer
adverbs is taught
-First revise the different use of an *Comparative of adverbs :
adjective and an adverb.For 1.more/less +adverb-(than) is the
example , T writes : form of comparative for almost all
+Life in the city is slow/slowly adverbs of manner ending in –ly
+He is moving slow/slowly -Can you walk omre slowly ? I can’t
-Ask Ss to choose the right word for catch up with you
each sentence. -Hanh acts less responsibly than
-Introduce the comparative form of anyone here
adverbs by chaning the sencond 2.Adverb+er +(than) is the form of
sentence to compararive adverbs of manner with
He is moving more slowly than the same form as adjectives
before +fast->faster
-Elicit the formof comparative from +hard-.harder
Ss before letting them read number 1 +ealy->ealier
in the table +late->later
-Then introduce comparatives of -The rain is coming .Let’s run faster
irregular adverbs like /fast/ , 3.Some irregular forms of adverbs of
/hard/,late/,/early/ well/ manner
-Let Ss read number 2 and 3 in the +well->better
table +badly->worse
-I believe you’ll do better in the next
2.Complete the sentences with Ss prepare Ex2 individually Key:
suitable comparative forms of the 1.more slowly
adverbs in the box 2.more soundly
-Ask Ss prepare Ex2 individually 3.less traditionally
-Ask Ss give the keys 4.more generously
-Ask Ss write their keys on the board 5.more healthy
3.Finish the sentences below with a Ss prepare Ex2 individually Key:
suitable comparative forms of 1.better 4.harder
hard ,late,fast,welland badly 2.faster 5.worse
-Ask Ss prepare Ex3 individually 3.later 6.earlier
-Ask Ss practice before the class
4.Underline the correct comparative Ss do this exercise independently Key :
forms to complete the sentences 1.more optimistically
-Have Ss do this exercise 2.more popularly
independently 3.less densely populated
-Check the answers as a class 4.more quickly
5.more easily
Further practice (7’) 6.better
5.Write the answers to the questions Ss do independently Key:
-Ask Ss do independently .Walk 1.The countryside is more
around and help Ss who have peaceful than the city
difficulty writing the answers 2.A computer works faster
-let Ss check their answers with a at calculus than a human
partner .Check as a class and write being
the correct answers on the board 3.Life in a remote areas is
underlining the comparatives hader that that in a modern
4.HoChiMinh City is
more expensive than Hue
5.A buffallo can plough
Homework(3’): better than a horse
Prepare unit 2 lesson 4

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 4: Communication
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- read for spesific information about an unusual lifestyle in the countryside through visitors’ eyes
-practice by using them to do exercises
2. Skills: Drill learning , speaking ,reading and writing mainly.
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1. Vocabulary: lexical items related to the topic
3. Grammar:
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’): Introduction
This page looks at online posts
which are common features of
sicial media sites .They allow
people to review things or give
their opinions about things .they
also allow others to respond to the
posts with their own opinions .As
such an online dialogue occurs
.The writing style of online posts is
usually short ,informal and honest
or direct
Pre-speaking (10’)
Vocabulary: Class work *Vocabulary:
-Refer to the words in the Extra -disturb (v)
vocabulary box -beehives (n)
-Ask Ss if they know their -dig hole (n)
neaning .if they don’t ,wait until Ss -unforgetable (adv)
have done the reading
-Then ask them to guess the
meaning of each word in context
Set the scene:
1.Read the posts on “Holidays in Class work
the countryside”
-Explain that Ss are going to read
some online posts from people all
over the world
-Elicit from the Ss where these
people live .Establish that they all
live in big cities .They are talking
about their experiences of staying
in the countryside .They all have
very different opinions of the
-Now ask Ss to read the posts
.Check that everybody understands
the meaning of each post before
moving on
2.What are the attitudes of these Ss prepare Ex2 individually Key:
people towards their experiences ? Positive Neutral Negative
Tcik (v) the appropriate box from
-Elicit from the Ss where these London
people live .Establish that they all Julie
live in big cities .They are talking Paris
about their experiences of staying Phirun
in the countryside .They all have from
very different opinions of the Penh
experience Yumi
-Now ask Ss to read the posts from
.Check that everybody understands Seoul
the meaning of each post before from
moving on Tokyo
Ha Noi
Post-speaking (12’)
3.Work in groups .Reply to the Ss work in groups Sample example:
osts in 1 .Write down your replies Discuss and share your replies
-Explain that now they have a with the class
chance to reply to each post with -Bob : In my opiniom ,the
their own opinions countryside has benefits that a
-Hand out a piece of blank paper boring person would never
for each post
-Have the group write the name of discover
each post at the top eg Bob from -Bob ; I think this is one of the
London reasons for urbanisation
-Ask each S write a short reply to a
post and then passes the paper to
the person on their left .They take
the next paper from the person on
their right ,They read the reply and
then add their own
-Ask Ss refer to the examples as
models for their answers
.Encourade Ss to choose a variety
of posts with different attitudes
-Ask Ss write down their replies
-Then ask each group to read out
one of their reply chains to a post
and discuss it as a class
Prepare unit 2 lesson 5

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 5: Skills 1
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
-read for spesific information about an unusual lifestyle in the countryside Mongolian nomadic life
-talk about what they like or dislike about life in the countryside
2. Skills: Drill reading and speaking mainly.
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1. Vocabulary: lexical items related to the topic
4. Grammar:
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’):
-Write the phrase “Gobi Highlands” Brainstorm
on the board and ask Ss if they know
what and where it is
-Then write the word Mongolia next
to it
-Ask Ss brainstorm what they know
about this country and its people
-if possible T shows Ss some pictures
and ask Ss to pick the ones they think
are of Mongolia
Pre-reading (5’)
Vocabulary: Class work *Vocabulary:
-nomadic (adj)
-nomad (n)
While-reading(15’) -ger(n)
1.Quickly read the passage and Individual work Key:
choose the most suitable heading 1.The importance of cattle
A,B,C for each paragraph to the nomads
-Ask Ss to read the headings first and 2.The nomads’ home
make sure they understand their 3.Nomadic children’s lives
meanings .They then read each part
of the passage and choose the correct
heading for it .if time allows ,ask Ss
to underline the words /phrases which
help them make their decision .
-Let Ss exchange their answers
-Allow them some time to explain to
one another about their choice
-Check the answers as a class Key:
2.Match the descriptions with the Ss complete the task independently 1-b 4-a
words and phrases from the passage 2-d 5-c
-Ask Ss to read the passage again and 3-e
underline the words (a-e)
-Have Ss try to guess the meaning of
these words ,based on the context
-Let Ss complete the task
independently Key:
3.Read the passage again and Ss do the exercise independently 1-A 4-B
choose the best answer A,B,C or D 2-C 5-B
-Let Ss remember the main 3-A 6-D
information of the passage without
having to reread it
-Ask them to read the questions and
do the exercise independently
-May guide Ss to look for key words
which can help them find the part of
the passage where the information for
the answers is given
Post-reading (12’) Example
4.Work in pairs .Interview your Ss work in pairs A;What do you like about
partner to see if he/she likes or their nomadic like ?
dislikes mongolian nomadic life ; They can then start the inteview : B;Well, the children learn
-Ask Ss individually refer to the +one asks to ride a horse
passage and underline atleast one +other answers A;And what don’t you like
thing they like about Mongolian Based on the facts they have about it ?
nomadic life and one thing they don’t underlined B;they can’t live
like about it . permanently in one place
-Encourage them to follow up and
talk about as many different details as
-To follow up ,T can ask some pairs
to report on their likes and dislikes .T
can make two list of their likes and
dislikes on the board and see which
ideas are the most common
*likes :
*dislikes :
5.a: Work in pairs .Discuss and find Ss work in pairs
-two things you both like about the
-two things you both dislkie about the
-Let Ss move from talking about
nomadic life to the coutryside in VN
-Ask Ss work in pairs ,discussing
which two things they both like and
which things they both dislike .They
can make a list in order to report the
class later
-For more advanced Ss and if time Example :
allows , let the whole class listen to Both of us love picking
each list and discuss what they think fruit in the summer .It can
about these likes /dislikes be hard work but very
5.b:Report your findings to the class satisfying
Prepare unit 2 lesson 6

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 6: Skills 2
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
-listen for specific information about changes in the countryside
-write a short paragraph about changes in the countryside
2. Skills: Drill listening , speaking and writing mainly.
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1. Vocabulary: lexical items related to the topic
5. Grammar:
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’):
-Use Netword to ask Ss answer -What do you like about the Network
coutryside ?
-What don’t you like about the
Pre-listening (5’) countryside ?
1.listen to a boy talking about Class work
changes in his village and tick the
changes he mentions
-Give Ss time to look at the changes
(A-F) .Ask questions to make sure
that Ss understand the meaning of the
words / phrases
Whilelistening(15’) Key:
-T plays the recording and Ss tick the B.Electrical appliances in
changes which are mentioned the homes
-Give Ss time to -Check if they know C.Means of transport
the word “earthen” E.School
-Ask Ss listen to the recording again F.Visitors
(as many times as neede or if time
allows ) and complete the exercise .
-T checks their answers as a class
2.Listen again and say if the Ss complete the task independently Key:
sentences are true (T) or false (F) 1.F 4.T
-Ask Ss to read the questions first to 2.T 5.T
see what kind of information they 3.F
need to find
3.Listen again and answer the Ss do the exercise in pairs Key:
questions in no more than Four 1.His parents
words outside their village
-Let some Ss might be able to answer 3.Nearby/ Near the village
some questions without listening to 4.The way of life
the recording again
-Play the recording Ss listen and
decide what words / phrase to write
down for the answer
-Ask Ss compare their answers with a
partner .
-Check as a class
-First ,remined Ss of the changes in
the villages from the listening
-Can help by writing the changes in
brief on the board as a guide for the
writing exercise
For example :
earthen houses ->brick houses
Post-listening (12’)
4.What do you think ? Ss work in groups Example
Which changes in the listening do It’s good for the villagers
you see as positive ?which do you to have tVs .They can now
see as negative ? have more fun and learn
Support your opinion with a more about different
reason .Write it out people and different
-Place Ss into small groups of 3 or places
4 .Ss in each group work together to
decide which rural area they will talk
-Then Ask them discuss and note
down some changes they can find in
this area
5.Work in groups .Discuss and find Ss work in groups
some changes in a rural areas
.Make notes of the changes
-Ask Ss use their notes about te
changes in a rural area to write a
paragraph describing the changes
-Can guide their writing by providing
them with some key words/ phrases
like “the list change is “ or “The
change we are most interested in
is” .If there is not enough time to
write the paragraph in class
6.Write a short paragraph about the Individual work
-Write down the changes in the
Prepare unit 2 lesson 7

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 7: Looking back & project
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
-use grammar to do exercises
-give plently of time to brainstorm ideas for a group activity
2. Skills: Drill reading , listening , speaking and writing mainly.
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1. Vocabulary: lexical items related to the topic
2.Structure: +My father works harder than Lans’
+A lion runs faster than a horse
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’):
Encourage Ss to complete Looking -What do you like about the Introduction
Back without refering to the previuos coutryside ?
sections in the unit .Ss should use -What don’t you like about the
what they remember from the unit to countryside ?
complete this section Class work
Presentation (10’)
1.Use the words and phrases in the Ss complete this exercise Key:
box to describe the picture .A word / independently Picture a:
phrase may be used for more than peaceful,vast,quiet,
one picture pasture,paddy field
-Ask Ss complete this exercise Picture b:quiet ,
independently paddy field,harvest time ,
-Correct the answers rice
Picture c:
2.look at each picture and write a Ss complete the task independently ,pasture,cattle,horses
sentence describing each person is Key:
doing .Use the verbs in brackets 1.A boy is riding a horse
-Ask Ss complete this task 2.A man is herding his
independently .They can then cattle/sheep
exchange their answers with a partner 3.A girl is picking apples
-Check as a class (fromn apple tree )
4.A boy is flying a kite
5.The children are around
in the fields /countryside
Practice(15’) 6.A woman is collecting
3.Look at the pictures and complete Ss do the exercise in pairs water from the river
the sentences .Use suitable Key:
comparative of the adverbs in 1.faster than
brackets 2.earlier than
-Ask Ss to read the situations 3.better than
carefully and decide which two 4.more skillfully than
things are being compared 5.more beautifully than
-Let Ss may refer to the completed
sentences in 3 as a guide for this
sentence completion
4.Read the situations below and Pairwork
complete the sentences with suitable Key:
forms of the adverbs in brackets 1...faster than a camel
-Ask Ss complete the exercise 2...more happily than
independently and then compare their those in the city
answers with a partner 3...more heavily on the
-Check as a class weather than people in
Further practice (12’) many other jobs
5.Work in groups Ss work in groups 4..worse than I do
You are planning a trip to the What will you do during the trip ?
countryside .Work together and Write the answers in the table below
answer the question :
-Ask Ss work in groups .They take
turns to ask the questions and note
down the answers
-Call the groups then assigns a group
representative to report
*Finished : Ss work individually
-Ask Ss to complete the self-
-Let Ss discuss what difficulties
remain and what areas
B. Project :I love the countryside Ss work in groups
-Divides Ss into groups and instructs
them on what they have to do
-Hand out two pieces of paper –one
for brainstorming ideas
-Have Ss present their countryside
pictures in the next lesson .when all
the groups have given their
presentation ,the whole class can vote
for the best
Prepare unit 3 lesson 1


By the end of the unit, Ss will be able to:

- Pronounce words containing clusters: /sk/, /sp/ and /st/ correctly in isolation and in context.
- Use the lexical items related to cultural groups of Viet Nam.
- Ask and answer different question types.
- Use articles a, an, the.
- Talk about the life of ethnic groups.
- Listen for specific information about a traditional groups.
- Read a passage about the life of ethnic groups.
- Write a recipe for a traditional dish.

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 1: Getting started-At the museum of Ethnology
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
-get acquainted with the topic about ethnic groups of Viet Nam.
2. Skills: Drill reading , listening , speaking and writing mainly.
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: Different cultural groups of Viet Nam.
3.Grammar: + Questions with question words.
+ Articles: a, an, the.
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Team work Warm – up.( 5’):
T: Ask Sts to do in two teams to solve the cross word Crossword
puzzle. The team with the more points wins the game
1. I’d like to ………buffaloes in the fields
2. The farmers are very busy during harvest time
3. Have you ever ridden a ……….?
4. People in the country are often open and
5. There are many ……. paddies in my hometown
6. I think ……. life is more interesting than ……….
city life

Presentation (10’)
Class work *Vocabulary
-Ethnic (a)
-ethnic group (n)
Set the scene: -majority
Ask Sts to look at the picture in Getting started and -minority
Ask Sts some questions: Class work -southern
1. Can you guess who are they?
2. Where are they?
3. What are they talking about?
Ss: Answer the questions
T: Quickly write Ss’ answers on the board
- Play the recording
Ss: Listen and read the dialogue
T: Ask Ss if their guesses on the board are correct
T: Give some new words
1 a: Find the opposite of these words
T: Ask Ss to do Ex individually
T: Ask them to share the answers with their partner Ss to do Ex individually Key:
T: Ask one to write the answers on the board 1. interesting
S: Write the answers on the board, others correct then 2. largest
give the right answers. 3. minority
1 b: Answer 4. southern
T: Ask sts to answer the questions orally without 5.
reading the dialogue Ss work in pairs Key:
Ss: Ask and answer in pairs 1.They are in the
T: Call two Ss write on the board Museum of Ethnology
Ss: Write the answers on the board 2.They want to know
T: Ask them to read the conversation and check the about the ethnic
answers groups of VN
Ss: Read then check the answers 3. They are 54
T: Call Ss to correct 4. The Viet ( Kinh)
have the largest
1 c: Find the expressions 5. Yes, they do.
Ask Sts to read the conversation again then find the
expressions Ss work individually
T: Ask Ss to do Ex a individually
T: Ask them to share the answers with their partner Expression:
T: Ask one to write the answers on the board + Exactly
S: Write the answers on the board, others correct then + How interesting!
give the right answers + I see
1d: Work in pairs + That’s awesome!
Ask Sts to role- play the example conversation in pairs
Encourage Sts to use How + adj ! Ss work in pairs
2: Label the picture
T: Ask Sts to look through the pictures ten read the Key:
words and phrases then work in pairs and label each Work in pairs 1.five- colored sticky
picture rice
Ss: Work in pairs 2.terraced fields
T: Help Sts to read the words correctly 3.festivals
T: Ask Sts to give their matching 4.folk dance
S: Give their answers – air market
T: Ask Sts to give their explanation for their matching 6.musical instrument
and give the meaning of the words and phrases 7.costume
T: Help them if necessary 8.stilt house
3: Complete the sentences
T: Ask Ss work individually to fill the words or Key:
phrases from the box in to each gap Ss work individually 1. ethnic
Ss: Work individually 2. heritage site
T: Have them compare the answers with their partners 3. stilt houses
Ss: Compare 4. festivals
T: Ask for Sts’ answers then give correction 5. member
Further practice (7’) 6.terraced fields
4: Complete the table
Ask Ss to work in pairs and complete the table Quick quiz game:
Ask them to write answers on the board Ss work in pairs 1-Which ethnic group
Ask sts to add more words to the table has the smallest
Ss: Add more words to the table. population? – The Odu
T: Ask Ss to play the game : Quick quiz group
T: Guide how to play the game 2- Do the Hmong have
Divide the class into two teams, the monitor controls their own language?
the game. The team which is faster and has more Yes
correct answers wins the game 3- Where do the Coho
live?- Lam Dong
4- What color is the
Nung’ s clothing?
Dark indigo
5- Which group has
the largest population,
the Tay or the Thai? –
The Tay
6- Whose arts are
displayed at the
Homework(3’): museum in Da Nang?
Prepare unit 3 lesson 2 The Cham’s
Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……
Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 2: A closer look 1
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- Practice the vocabulary and pronunciation of the unit
2. Skills: Drill reading , listening , speaking and writing mainly.
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: Different cultural groups of Viet Nam.
2.Grammar: + Questions with question words.
+ Articles: a, an, the.
3. Sounds: / sk / , / sp / , /st/
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’)Brainstorm Class work Warm – up.( 5’):
+ Where the H’mong live Brainstorm
+ What their costumes are
+ Their way of life
+ Their culture
T: Help Sts some information if they
don’t know
Pre-listening (10’)
Vocabulary Class work *Vocabulary
+ major
+ basic
+ ceremony
+ waterwheel
+ shawl
1: Match T: Ask Sts to read the Ss do Ex individually + basket
adjectives in column A and match
them with the opposites words /
phrases in column B
S: work in individually then compare
with their partner
T: Ask them to give the answers
S: Compare the answers with their
friends’ on the board then give the
correct answers
2: Use some words from 1 to Ss work individually Key:
complete the sentences 1.major
T: Ask Sts to work in individual 2.minor
Ss: Work in individual 3.complicated
T: Ask some Ss to give the answers 4.insignificant
Ss: Sts write the correct answers on 5.basic
the board
T: Ask the whole class to give
Ss: Give comment and correct
T: Ask Sts to read the whole
3:Work in pairs Ss work in pairs Key:
T: Ask Ss to work in pairs to 1. ceremony
complete the words form the pictures 2.pagoda
given 3.temple
Ss: Work in pairs 4.waterwheel
T: Have them complete the words 5.shawl
Ss: Complete the words 6.basket
T: Ask them to write the words on the
Ss: Remark and correct
T: Ask them to give other words
which are related to the life of ethnic
minority people
Post-listening (12’)
4: Listen and repeat the words Ss work individually
T: Ask them to listen to the recording
then repeat the words they hear
S: Listen and repeat the words they
T: Call some Sts to read the words
they hear aloud
S: Read aloud the words
T: Correct their pronunciation
5: Listen and put the words in the Ss work in pairs Key:
right column /sk/ skate board, school,
T: Ask Sts to listen again basket, task
S: Listen then compare the answers /sp/: speech, display, crisp,
with their partner space
T: Ask them to give the answers then /st/: stamp, first, station,
correct. instead
6: Listen and read the following Individual work
T plays the recording two or three
times, helps St recognize all the
words with /sk/, /sp/, /st/
T: Ask Sts to find the words that have
the sounds /sk/ , /sk/ , /st/
Prepare unit 3 lesson 3

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 3: A closer look 2
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- Review: + Articles ( a, an, the)
+ All types of questions and question words
2. Skills: Drill reading , listening , speaking and writing mainly.
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: Different cultural groups of Viet Nam.
2.Grammatical structure: All types of questions and question words
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’): Review
Asking: How many types of
questions have you learned?
Sts: work in groups of 4 then find out
the answer for the question in only
two minutes
Ask Sts to give answers
Call others to give comment
T: Correct Sts’ answers on the board
then ask them to make some
examples for each type of questions
S: Make examples
Presentation (5’) *Vocabulary:
Vocabulary: Class work
Ss do Ex individually

Questions: Review: Tay family

When, where, who, which how…..

1: Read the passage Ss work individually

Stilt house
T: Ask Sts to do the exercise
individually in 5’
S: work in individually then read
aloud to the class
T: Correct their pronunciation ,
intonation and stress and give
explanation if necessary
2: Write the questions for the Ss work in pairs
1.Who is living in the
T: Ask Sts to work in individual
2.How many children do
Ss: Work in individual
they have?
T: Ask some Ss to give the answers
3.Do the grandparents stay
Ss: Sts write the answers on the at home?
board 4.How often does Mrs.
T: Ask the whole class to give Pha go shopping?
comment 5.How far is Vang’s
Ss: Give comment and correct boarding school?
T: Ask Sts to read the whole 6.When does Vang go
sentences home?
7.How do they live?
8.Would they like to live
in the city?
3: Complete the questions and Ss work in pairs Key:
answers 1. who
T: Ask Ss to work in pairs to 2. Which
complete the sentences 3.Which
Ss: Work in pairs 4.Which
T: Ask them to write the missing 5. What
words on the board
Ss: Remark and correct
4: Work in pairs Ss work in pairs Key:
T: Ask Ss to work in pairs to 1.Who does the shopping
complete the sentences in your family?
Ss: Work in pairs 2.Who is the principal of
T: Ask them to write the sentences on our school?
the board 3.Which subject do you
Ss: Remark and correct like better, English or
4.What is the most
important festival in VN?
( The Lunar New Year)
5.Which ethnic group has
a larger population, the
Khmer or the Cham? (The
5: Underline the correct article to Individual work Khmer: 1,260,600. The
finish the sentences The usage of articles: a, an, the Cham: 161,700)
T: Ask Sts to repeat the use of : a, an,
the .
T: Ask them to look at the LOOK
OUT in the book to know more about
T: Ask Sts to do the Ex individually
S: Work individually
T: Call some Sts to read aloud their
T: Call other Sts to comment
Further practice (7’)
6: Write the sentences
T: Ask Ss to do this exercise
S: Do individually then compare the
answers with their partner
T: Call some Sts to write the answers
on the board
S: Write on the board
T: Call others to remark then give
right answers
Prepare unit 3 lesson 4

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 4: Communication
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
-describe and give opinions about peoples of VN.
2. Skills: Speaking
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: Different cultural groups of Viet Nam.
2.Grammatical structure: Giving opinions about ethnic groups
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Group work Warm – up.( 5’): Kim’s
Play Kim’s game: game
- T divides the class into two groups.
- T shows ss pictures about some
and asks ss to have a quick look, then
write on the board what activities
there are in the pictures
- The group has more words wins the

Pre-speaking (5’)
Northwest region,
Northeast region, Red
River Delta, The Central
Highlands, Mekong River

While-speaking(15’) Pair work Key:

1. What do you know about ethnic 1.B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5.
groups of VN? C 6. A
T: Ask Sts to work in pairs to do the
S: work in pairs
T: Check and give explanation. Groupwork Key:
2.Matching: Northwest region: Viet, H
T: Ask sts to do this task in groups . mong, Lao
Let them discuss then write down the Northeast region: Viet,
ethnic groups in the correct box Hmong, Nung, Tay
Ss: do this exercise in groups and Red River Delta: Viet
give T the answers. The Central Highlands:
T : confirms the correct answers. Viet, Bahnar, Brau, Ede,
Encourage sts to add other ethnic Giarai, Sedang
groups they know to the list Mekong River Delta: Viet,
S: add some more if they know Cham, Khmer
T: move round the groups and give
assistance where needed .
T: Bring the groups back together Groupwork
Post-speking (12’)
Write on the board subject that Sts
can talk about in relation to these
Elicit these subject if possible
Give some facts to facilitate the
Give sts time to prepare and then let
them talk in groups
- Complete your speaking about the
ethnic groups
Prepare unit 3 lesson 5

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 5: Skills 1
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- Read for general and specific information about ethnic minorities
- Talk about our own ethnic group
2. Skills: Reading,speaking
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: Different cultural groups of Viet Nam.
2.Grammatical structure: Giving opinions about ethnic groups
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’):
Ask sts to look at the picture then Guessing game

+ Who are they?

+ Where do they live?
+ What is their population?
Pre-reading (5’)
Class work *Vocabulary:
canal, cattle, poultry
( chim muông), bamboo,
weave cloth
( thổ cẩm), ornament ( đồ
Pair work trang trí )
T: Give sts time to discuss the
questions in pairs and then as a class.
Encourage sts to make guesses if they
are not sure
Call some sts to read the questions
from aloud.
As sts read the questions aloud, T
reminds the rest of the sts to think
about what the answer will be,
without looking at the text.
Ask sts to read the text and underline
any words they don’t know.
Let sts read in chorus once.
Call on some sts to read aloud to the
Check their pronunciation and
Explain the new words and clarify
anything difficult.
2. Task 2:- Ask sts to read the text
Individual work 1. farmers
again and answer the question
2. bamboo
3. stilt
- Have sts compare the answers with
4. songs
a classmate.
5. ceremonies
- Call some sts to write the answers
on the board and T : ask them to
explain their answers.
- T: confirm the correct answers.
3.Exercise 3: Pair work Key:
- Ask sts to read the text again and 1.Yes, they do
answer the questions in pairs. 2.Their main food is rice
- Have sts compare the answers with 3.It is well known for
a classmate. being unique, colorful and
- Call some sts to write the answers strong
on the board and T: ask them to 4.Thai women do
explain their answers. 5.They worship their
- T: confirm the correct answers ancestors
Post-reading (12’)
4.Read some facts about the Bru- Group work
Van Kieu peolple and the Khmer Look at the two pictures and ask and
people answer some questions about them.
-Ask sts to read the facts about the
Bru- Van Kieu people and Khmer
-Divide the class into two groups, ach
preparing to talk about one ethnic
group. Otherwise, Ss may work in
apirs, each of them talks about about
one ethnic group.
-Some volunteers to present to the
rest of the class
5.Talk about your own ethnic Group work
Work in group to talk about their own
ethnic group. Ask them to focus on
one or two aspect such as clothing,
food, ways of living, customs, and
traditions, festivals, beliefs,..
Encourage sts to talk about changes
in the life of the people over time
Prepare unit 3 lesson 6
Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……
Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 6: Skills 2
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- Listen to get specific information about a traditional apeciality
- Write a paragraph about how to cook a traditional dish
2. Skills: Listening, writing
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: Words related the topic.
2.Grammatical structure: lexical items related to the topic
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’):
Give Sts some suggestions: rice, Guessing game
colour, Tet, tradition -> Which food is

Ss: Discuss then give the answer

-> Sticky rice
Pre-listening (5’)
1.Pre task. Class work
+ Do you like sticky rice?
+ When do we traditionally have Structures: Questions with question
sticky rice? words.
While-listening(15’) General questions.
2.T or F.
-Play the recording once then ask sts Individual work Key:
to listen carefully and tick True or 1. T
False according to what they hear in 2. F
the passage 3. T
- Ask them to give the answer 4. T
- Play the recording again then check 5. F
3.Complete sentences
- Ask sts to listen again then complete Individual work Key:
the sentences 1.
- Sts listen then write down the words 2.
they hear 3.
- Play the recording again for them to 4.
check 5.
- T: Correct as a class
Post-listening (12’)
4.Read thwe notes Individual work
Ask sts to read the note carefully
S: Read the note carefully
5.Change the notes
Have sts write full sentences to show Individual work
the steps to cook the rice
Make sure that they use proper
connectors first/ firstly/ second/ Connectors: first/ firstly, second/
secondly/ … and pay attention to secondly…..
spelling and punctuation
Collect some Sts’ writing papers and
mark them then give comments to the
Prepare unit 3 lesson 7

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 7: Looking back & project
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- Use action verbs to talk about ethnic peoples
- ask and answer different question types
- Use articles: a, an, the
- Pronounce the words containing cluters/ sk/ , / sp/ , and / st/ - write a paragraph about how to cook a
traditional dish
2. Skills: Listening, writing
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: Words related the topic "People of Viet Nam "
2.Grammatical structure: lexical items related to the topic
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’):
Ask sts to come to the board to write Brainstorm
as many ethnic peoples as possible.

Presentation (10’)
Vocabulary: Individual work Ex 1;
T: Let sts repeat the words as a class 1. cultural groups
to practice pronunciation 2. communal,
Ask sts to complete the exercise activities
individually 3. costumes, diverse
Ask them to share the answers with 4. ethnic
their partner 5. unique
Ask them to give the answer with Individual work Ex 2
ethe whole class 1. Cultural
Give the correct answers 2. Peaceful
3. Richness
4. diversity
Practice(17’) 5. Traditional
3.Activity 3 Key.Make questions
Ask sts to read the passage aloud 1. What are these houses
Clarify any difficulties built on?
Ask sts to do the task in pairs 2. Where is the entrance?
Call them to give the answers aloud 3. Which house is the
Ask class to give comments largest, tallest and the
Give the correct answers most elaborate building in
the village?
4. What is it built for?
5.Who can sleep in this
4.Activity 4: Individual work
T: Ask sts to complete the exercise
individually Review Article: a, an, the.
Ask them to share the answers with
their partner
Ask them to give the answer with the
whole class
Give the correct answers
Activity 5 : Write true sentences Individual work
about yourself
Ask sts to work individually then
compare the answers with their Article: a, an , the
T: Call some sts to write the answers
on the board
T: Confirm the answers
Further practice (15’)
* Communication. Role play Pairwork
T: Ask sts to work in pairs. Take turn
to ask about the cultural groups of
VN. The person asking can look at
the book. The first person to get five
correct answers is the winner
Prepare Review 1 lesson 1

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 1: Language
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
-revise what they have studied and practiced in units 1, 2 and 3.
2. Skills: Listening, writing
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: From unit 1 to unit 3.
2.Grammar: Comparative, article, gerund and infinitive after some verbs.
3. Pronunciation: /sk/, /sp/, /st/, /br/, /pr/, /bl/, and /cl/
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’):
Ask Ss some Questions Chatting
T may ask Ss what they have learnt
so far in terms of language and skills.
Summarize their answers and add
some more information if necessary.
Encourage Ss to recall and speak out
as much as possible.
Presentation (15’)
1. Listen and repeat the following Class work
words and phrases.
T plays the recording and Ss repeat.
Play the recording as many times as
necessary. Pause and correct Ss’
2. Listen to the sentences and Individual work Key:
underline the words with /sk/, 1. I used to climb tress
/sp/, /st/, /br/, /pr/, /bl/, and /cl/ in when I was small.
the following sentences. Then read 2. How can we improve
the sentences aloud. our speaking skills?
Play the recording two or more times, 3. How annoying, the
if necessary. Help Ss recognize all the stadium has closed!
words with /sk/, /sp/, /st/, br/, pr/, /bl/, 4. I want to buy a blue
and /cl/ then underline them ad skirt for my mother.
instructed. T may ask Ss to read the 5. ‘On a dark day, I saw a
sentences as a class, or individually. witch riding a broom in
Check pronunciation and intonation. the sky…’
3. Organize these words and Individual work Key:
phrases into pairs of opposites and Peaceful – noisy
write them in the blanks. hard - easy
Ss do the task individually and then boring - exciting
share their answers with a partner. Forget – remember
Check Ss’ answers. traditional – modern
country life - city life
Love - hate
majority - minority
4. Put a verb in the correct form in Individual work Key:
each gap to complete the sentences. 1. like/ enjoy, listening,
Ss do this exercise individually. T visiting
may ask some Ss to write their 2. forget
answers on the board. T corrects as a 3. flying/ to fly
class. 4. mind, to do/ doing
5. Playing/ to play
5. Complete the sentences with the Individual work Key:
correct comparative form of 1. later 2. more
adverbs from the adjectives in 3. more
brackets. fluently 4.
Ss do this individually and compare Better
their answers with a partner. Call 5. more simply 6.
some Ss to go to the board to write Faster 7. More
their answers. Others Ss comment. T carefully
corrects as a class.
6. Fill each blank with an article (a, Ss do the task individually Key: 1. a 2.
an, or the) to complete the passage. an 3. the
Ss do the task individually. T checks. 4. the 5.
Call some Ss to read the whole the 6. a
Further practice (5’)
Everyday English
7.Match the sentences in A with Ss do the task individually Key: 1. b 2. e
those in B. Then practice with a 3. a
friend. 4. c 5. d
Ss do the task individually. Then they
practice in pairs. After checking their
answers, ask one or two pairs to act
out the dialogues.
Prepare Review 1 lesson 2

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 2: Skills
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
-revise what they have studied and practiced in units 1, 2 and 3.
2. Skills: Reading, speaking, listening, writing.
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: From unit 1 to unit 3.
2.Grammar: Comparative, article, gerund and infinitive after some verbs.
3. Pronunciation: /sk/, /sp/, /st/, /br/, /pr/, /bl/, and /cl/
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’):
Ask Ss some Questions Chatting
T may ask Ss what they have learnt
so far in terms of language and skills.
Summarize their answers and add
some more information if necessary.
Encourage Ss to recall and speak out
as much as possible.
Presentation (15’)
1. a.Read the following letter from Individual work Key: 1. T 2. T
Kim to her pen friend, Jon. 3. F
a Tick (v) true or false. 4. T 5. F
Ss do the task individually, then
check with a partner. T corrects.
b. Write questions for the Pairwork Key:
underlined phrases in the letter. 1. Which museum does
Ss do the exercises in pairs. T Kim love to visit an
corrects as a class. Saturday afternoon?
2. How many (clay and
stone) objects are display
at the museum?
3. What can you learn in
this museum/ Da Nang
Practice(15’) Museum?
2 Work in pairs. Talk about what Pairwork
your family members like to do in
their free time.
Ss work in pairs and talk about what
their family members like to do in
their free time. Encourage them to
talk as much as possible, using the
verbs of liking they have learnt. After
some time, T may last Ss swap pairs
and continue to talk. T goes round
and gives assistance if necessary.
3 Listen to the passage and choose Pairwork Key: 1. B
the correct answer. 2. A
Play the recording once or twice. Ss 3. A
listen and choose their answers. 4. C
Play the recording again for Ss to 5. B
check their answers. Explain the new
words or anything difficult if
Further practice (7’)
4 Giving your opinion Sample writing:
Write a paragraph giving your Ss do the task individually Inmy opinion, life in the
opinion about life in the You may begin like this: countryside has many
countryside. In my opinion/ I think life in the good points. Firstly,
Before writing, have Ss brainstorm countryside has many good points. country folk are friendlier
ideas about life in the countryside: Firstly,… than city folk. Secondly,
advantages, disadvantages, what they life as slower and simpler
like and dislike, ect…Then explain You may use the following cues: than in the city. The food
the writing task. Also have them * People (friendly…) is fresher and the air is
brainstorm words and phrases they * Life (peaceful, simple, slow…) cleaner. Finally, there are
may need for their writing. * Food (fresh, cheap…) lots of traditional activities
Give Ss time to do the writing task. * Traditional activities that we can do in the
Then collect their papers to check out countryside such as horse
of class. - riding, swimming in the
river or kite - flying. Fro
Homework(3’): these reasons, I like
Prepare Unit 4 lesson 1 country life.

By the end of the unit, Ss will be able to:

- Pronounce words containing clusters: /spr/, /str/ correctly in isolation and in context.
- Use the lexical items related to the topic “ customs and traditions”.
- Use should and shouldn’t correctly and appropriately to give advice.
- Express obligation and necessity using the correct form of have to.
-Ask about and describe different customs and traditions.
- Listen to get specific information about a traditional dance of an ethnic group in Viet Nam.
- Read for specific imformation about family customs and traditions.
- Write a description of a traditional Japanese dance.

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 1: Getting started
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- get some information about our customs and traditions
2. Skills: Reading, speaking, listening, writing.
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: customs, tradition, accept, to pass down, generation, table manner
2.Grammatical structure: lexical items related to the topic
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’): Review
Give some pictures of some ethnic Review vocabularies related to ethnic
monorities and their traditions and minorities.
customs to help students know more
about the words “ customs “ and ‘
traditions” before leading to the
Getting started

Presentation (15’)
Vocabulary: Class work *Vocabulary:
-custom ( n)
-accept (v)
Set the scene: -table manner
1: Listen and read -to pass down
Ask Sts to look at the picture in Class work
Getting started and Ask Sts some
1. Can you guess who are they?
2. Where are they?
3. What are they taking about?
Ss: Answer the questions
T: Quickly write Ss’ answers on the
- Play the recording
Ss: Listen and read the dialogue
T: Ask Ss if their guesses on the
board are correct
Practice(15’) Key:
1a/ Find the the words or phrases Individual work 1-accepted
that means: 2-generations
T: Ask Ss to do Ex a individually 3-spot on
T: Ask them to share the answers 4-sharp
with their partner 5-social
T: Ask one to write the answers on 6-table manners
the board
S: Write the answers on the board,
others correct then give the right
answers then read out the lines in the
dialogue that contains the words
b/ True or false
T: Ask Ss to do Ex a individually Individual work Key:
T: Ask them to share the answers 1- T
with their partner 2- F
T: Ask one to give the answers ( there are also social
S: Write the answers on the board, ones
others correct then give their 3- T
explanation 4- F
( there are a lot of customs
for table manners in the
UK )
c/ Answer Pairwork Key:
T: Ask sts to asnwer the questions 1.It’s eating dinner at 7
orally without reading the dialogue p.m. sharp
Ss: Ask and answer in pairs 2.He’s surprised
T: Call two Ss write on the board 3.They both refer to foing
Ss: Write the answers on the board somethuing that develops
T: Ask them to read the conversation over time
and check the answers 4.A custom is something
Ss: Read then check the answers accepted. A tradition is
T: Call Ss to correct something special and it is
passed down through the
5.They should find
information about a
d/ Find the sentences in the Individual work custom or tradition
conversation and fill in the missing Key:
words - Modal verb: Should and have to. 1- have to
Ask Sts to read the conversation 1- have to: it’s an obligation – you 2- should
again then find the sentences in the have no choice
conversation then fill in the missing 2- should: It’s a suggestion or advice –
words It would be best to follow it
T: Ask Ss to do Ex a individually
T: Ask them to share the answers
with their partner
T: Ask two sts to write the answers
on the board
S: Write the answers on the board,
others correct then give the right
2: a/ Match Pairwork Key:
T: Ask Sts to look through the 1- C 2- C or T 3- C
pictures then ask them what they see 4- T
in each of them then tell tem to fill in 5- C 6- C 7- T
the gaps with some customs and 8- C or T
traditions of Vietnames people
Ss: Read the identify the new words
they do not know
T: Help Sts to read the words
T: Ask Sts to give their matching
S: Give their answers
T: Ask Sts to give their explanation
for their matching and give the
meaning of the words and phrases
T: Help them if necessary
b/ Write ( C )custom or T Individual work
( tradition) under each picture
T: Ask sts to do individually
T: Ask them to compare the answers
in pairs
T: Ask them to give the answers
S: Give the answers then eplain their
Further practice (7’)
3: Game : Customs and traditions Group work
T: Ask Ss to work in groups of four
Set a time limit of five minutes
S: Write down as many local
customss and traditions as possible
The goups with the most customs
and traditions is the winner
T: Ask the winning group to present
their customs and trditions
Other groups add some more if they
Prepare Unit 4 lesson 2

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 2: A closer look 1
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- Practice the vocabulary and pronunciation of the unit 4.
2. Skills: Reading, listening, writing.
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
2.Grammatical structure: lexical items related to the topic
3.Sounds: / spr / , / str /
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’): Review
Give some pictures of some ethnic Review vocabularies related to ethnic
monorities and their traditions and minorities.
customs to help students know more
about the words “ customs “ and ‘
traditions” before leading to the
Getting started

Vocabulary: Class work * Some expressions:
- It’s the custom for Sb to
do St.
- There is a tradition that
- According to tradition +
- Words and expressions
related to customs and
While -listening(20’) traditions.
1: Match Individual work Key:
T: Ask Sts to read the first halves of 1- e 2- d 3- a 4- g 5-
sentences in column A them with b 6- c 7- f
the second halves in column B
S: work in individually then
compare with their partner
T: Ask them to give the answers
S: Compare the answers with their
friends’ on the board then give the
correct answers.
2: Complete the expressions Individual work
T: Ask Sts to work in individual
Ss: Work in individual
T: Ask some Ss to give the answers
Ss: Sts write the correct answers on
the board
T: Ask the whole class to give
Ss: Give comment and correct
T: Ask Sts to read the whole
3:Read the following customs and Pairwork
T: Ask Ss to work in pairs to
complete the activity
Ss: Work in pairs
T: Ask them to give their ideas
Ss: Remark and give comments
4: complete the sentences Individual work
T: Ask Sts to work in individual
Ss: Work in individual
T: Ask some Ss to give the answers
Ss: Sts write the correct answers on
the board
T: Ask the whole class to give
Ss: Give comment and correct
T: Ask Sts to read the whole
Post-listening (12’) Clusters: /spr/, /str/
5: Listen and complete the words Pairwork Key:
T: Ask them to listen to the recording 1- straw
then complete the words they hear 2- street 3- spring
S: Listen and complete the words 4- spray 5- astronaut
they hear 6- frustrated 7- espresso
T: Call some Sts to read the words 8- newsprint
they hear aloud
S: Read aloud the words
T: Correct their pronunciation
Pay attention to the sounds / spr /
And / str /
6: Listen and circle the words with Individual work
the sounds / spr / And / str /
T: Ask Sts to listen to the recording
S: Listen then compare the answers
with their partner
T: Ask them to give the answers then
play the recording again to check
their answers
T: Ask Sts to find the words that have
the sounds /spr/ , /str/
Prepare Unit 4 lesson 3
Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……
Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 3: A closer look 2
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- Review : + “should and shouldn’t” to express advice
+ “have to” to express obligation or necessity
2. Skills: Reading, writing.
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
2.Grammatical structure: related to modal verbs: should, have to.
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’): Review
T: Give a situation: “ Your brother is Modal verbs:
going out with a friend. The weather Should, have to.
forecast says it’s a hot sunny day.
Give hime some advice
T: Encourage sts to give their advice
If sts mention “ should or shouln’t ,
tell them that in this lesson they are
going to review “ should or shouln’t
to express advice about customs and
Remind sts of the modal verbs
1: Look at the pictures and Individual work Key:
complete the sentences with “ 1- should 2- shouln’t
should or shouln’t” 3- should
T: Ask sts to look at the pictures and 4- shouln’t 5- should
quickly describe what they see
T: Ask Sts to do the exercise
individually in 5’
S: work in individually then read
aloud to the class
T: Correct their pronunciation ,
intonation and stress and give
explanation if necessary.
2: Match the situations in A with the Individual work Key:
advice in B. 1- b 2- c 3- e 4- d
T: have the sts read the situations in A 5- a
to make sure they understand them
T: Ask Sts to work in pairs
Ss: Work in pairs
T: Ask some Ss to give the answers
Ss: Sts read the answers aloud
T: Ask the whole class to give
Ss: Give comment and correct
T: Ask Sts to give some other advice
for these situations.
Introduction Class work
Ask sts to pay attention to the “Have to” is used to express
Remember box first obligation or necessity.
3: Complete the sentences with the Individual work Key:
correct form of “ have to’ 1- have to
Ask sts to pay attention to the 2- have to
Remember box first 3- has to
T: Ask Ss to work in individually to 4- had to/ don’t have to
complete the sentences 5- does… have to
Ss: Work in individually 6- didn’t have to
T: Ask them to write the missing
words on the board
Ss: Remark and correct
4:Choose A or B to convey the Individual work
meaning of the first sentence.
T: Ask Ss to work in individually
Ss: Work in individually
Ss: Remark and correct
5: Read the e-mail. Find and correct Individual work
T: Ask sts to read the e- mail quickly
T: Ask Sts to do the Ex individually
to find out the mistakes
S: Work individually
T: Call some Sts to read aloud their
T: Call other Sts to comment
Further practice (7’)
6: Write the sentences Pair work
T: Ask Ss to do this exercise in pairs
S: Do in pairs then share the ideas
with the whole class
Prepare Unit 4 lesson 4

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 4: Communication
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
-describe the table manners in the UK and compare with those in VN
2. Skills: Speaking , listening
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: prong, culery, palm, tray, mat, host/ hostess
2.Grammatical structure: Giving opinions about the table manners .
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’)Play Kim’s game: Group work Warm – up.( 5’): Kim’s
- T divides the class into two groups. game
- T shows ss pictures about some
table manners in VN and UK and
asks ss to have a quick look, then
write on the board the differences b/
w them.
Vocabulary Class work *Vocabulary about table
- Introduce some new words in the manners.
box + prong(n)
- Use the pictures in (1) to give the + tray (n)
meanings of the words : “ prong, tray, + mat (n)
mat, cutlery” + cutlery (n)
- To teach the word “ palm” point to + palm (n)
the T’s palm + host (n)
- To teach the word “ host, hostess” , + hostess (n)
give an explanation: when you invite
some guests to your house, your
mother is the hostess and your father
is the host
1: Look at the pictures then discuss Pair work
the differences b/w them
T: Ask Sts to work in pairs to do the
S: work in pairs
T: Check and give explantation
-In the first picture, people are sitting
on the mat to have the meal. In the
second picture, they sitting around
the dining table
-In the first picture, people are using
rive bowls and chopsticks. In the
second picture, they are suing cultery
2: Write T/ F Pair work
T: Ask sts to do this task in pairs .
Ss: do this exercise in pairs and
give T the answers.
T : confirms the correct answers.
3: Listen Individual work Key:
T: Ask sts to listen to Nick giving a 1.F ( You hold the folk in
presentation on the table manners in the left and the knife in
Britain the right
S: listen to the recording twice 2.T
T: Ask sts to give the answers and the 3.F ( There is also a spoon
reason for their choice and a forl for dessert)
Ask them to correct the false 4.T
sentences 5.F ( You should never use
your own cultery to take
more food from the
serving dish – use the
serving spoon)
6.F ( You should break off
the bread with your hands)
7.F ( Guests have to wait
until the host or hostess
starts eating)
4 . Work in pairs Pair work 8.T
Ask sts to read the table manners in
the book first
Ask sts to discuss if they folow the
same table manners in their family
S: Discuss then give their ideas
T: Ask them to add some more table
manners in 3’
Call some sts to represent their ideas
T: quickly write some of the Ss’ extra
table manners on the board
Post -speaking (12’)
5 ; There is a British exchange Pair work
student in your class. You invite her
to dinner at your home. Play the
Ask ss to work in pairs and role –
Ask them to continue the
conversation in the book or make
their own
After some time, call some pairs to
act out the conversation in front of
the class
Call others to give comments
Give praise and feedback on Ss’
Prepare Unit 4 lesson 5

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 5: Skills 1
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- Read for general and specific information about customs and traditions
- Talk about customs and traditions
2. Skills: Speaking , readng
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: celebrate, anniversary, lasagne
2.Grammatical structure:
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’)Play Kim’s game: Class work Warm – up.( 5’): Kim’s
T asks Ss some questions about their game
families’ customs and traditions.
Vocabulary Class work *Vocabulary :
celebrate, anniversary,
Set the scene: lasagne
1: Answer the questions Pair work Suggestion:
Ask sts to look at the pictures and - Picture 1: A family is
answer the questions in pairs celebrating a birthday
Elicit answers from Ss - Picture 2: People are
making Chung cake
- Picture 3: A family is at
While-reading(20’) an amusement park
Activity 2: Individual work
Ask Ss to read the passage quickly
and tell if Mi is writing about her
family or her society
Elicit answers from Ss
- She’s writing about her family
Exercise 3:Decide in which Individual work Key:
paragraph each detail is mentioned. 1- C 2- A 3- C 4- B 5-
Wtite A, B, C in the blank A 6- B
Introdude the new type of reading
Instruct the way to do this kind of
-Read the statements and underline
the key words
Eg: in statement 1, the key words are
‘ name” and “ Italian dish”
-Begin with statement 1, read
thhrough the passage quickly and
locate the key words
-Stop to read the part that includes
the key words more carefully to make
sure the information matches
T may model with the first satement
S: Work individually then compare
their answers with a classmate.
Exercise 4: Answer the questions Pair work Key:
- Ask sts to read the text again and 1/ They are: having lunch
answer the questions in pairs. together on the second day
- Have sts compare the answers with of Tt, spending Sunday
a classmate. together, and celebrating
- Call some sts to write the answers her grandparents’ wedding
on the board and T : ask them to anniversary on the first
explain their answers. Sunday of October.
- T: confirm the correct answers. 2/ They usually go to the
cinema or go for a picnic
3/ They don’t remember
4/ They made five-
colored sticky rice served
with grilled chicken
5/ They love family
Post -reading (12’) customs and traditions
5:Work in pairs and discuss the Pair work because they provide a
questions sense of belonging.
-Ask sts to take to ask each other the
three questions about their own
family customs and traditions
-T can move about the class
facilitating where necessaary and
assessing how Ss are doing.
6.Exercise 6: Pair work
T: Ask two pairs of Ss to join
together. One pair interviews the
other. One S interviews and the other
notes down the answers in the table,
then the second pair interviews the
first pair
Ask sts to present what they’ve fount
out to the whole class.
Prepare Unit 4 lesson 6

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 6: Skills 2
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- Listen to get specific information about a traditional dance of an ethnic group in VN
- Write a paragraph about a traditional dance
2. Skills: Listening , writing
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: Words related to the topic
2.Grammatical structure: lexical items related to the topic
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’):
- T asks Ss to tell about some ethnic Chatting
groups’ traditions they know.
Vocabulary: Class work *Vocabulary:
- spiritual (adj)
- conical (adj)
- scave (n)
- reflect (v)
- The Obon dance.
- honour (v)
1.Activity 1 Individual work
Ask sts to look at the picture and
share what they know about this
tradition with a partner
Elicit sts’ answers and have them
share as much information as
Write the name of the traditional
dance on the board: The xoe dance
Exercise 2: Ask sts to listen to Mai’s Individual work Key:
presentation on the xoe dance and 1-happpy and weathy
complete the table 2- private gathering
- Play the recording once then ask sts 3- 30
to listen carefully and complete the 4- the cirle dance
table 5- social
- Ask them to give the answer 6- fire
- Play the recording again then check. 7- the music
Make changes to the answers on the 8- culture and lifestyle
board but do not confirm the correct
asnwers now
Exercise 3: T/ F? Pair work Key:
- Ask sts to listen again then decide if 1- T 2- F 3- F 4- T 5- T
the sentences are T or F
- Sts listen then write down the
answers they hear
- Play the recording again for them to
- T: Correct as a class
Post -listening (12’)
Exercise 4: Pair work
Ask sts to work in pairs and make
sentences using the given information
Encorage sts to write the full
T: Move round then give comments
Exercise 5: Individual work
Ask Ss to write their description
individually based on the sentences
they have made beginning with the
given sentence.
Ss write this in groups on big pieces
of paper
Exercise 6 Group work
Ask the groups exchange their
descriptions to spot any mistakes
Share them with the whole class
Collect some ss’ work to mark at
Sts know more about traditional
dance of some ethnic groups and tell
about them.
Prepare Unit 4 lesson 7

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 7: Looking back & project
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- Use action verbs to talk about a traditional dance
- Use : should and shouldn’t , have to
- Pronounce the words containing cluters/ sk/ , / sp/ , and / st/
2. Skills: Speaking , writing
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: Words related to the topic
2.Grammatical structure: lexical items related to the topic
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’): Review
Ask sts to come to the board to
write as many customs and
traditions they know as possible.
Activity 1 Individual work Key:
Ask sts to complete the exercise 1- respect 2- worshipping
individually 3- wwrap 4- host 5-
Ask them to share the answers cultery 6- generations
with their partner
Ask them to give the answer with
ethe whole class
Give the correct answers.
Activity 2: Individual work
- Have sts read through the Some expressions:
expressions . - There’s a tradition that..
- Ask sts to work individually -According to tradition…
Ask them to compare the answers - follow the tradition of..
with their partners - break with tradition by….
Check and confirm the correct - have the custom of…
Give comments
Activity 3: Complete the Individual work
Set a time limit for this activity
about 5’
Ask sts to write down as many
family and social customs and
traditions in the worwebs as
T and others give comments on the
Activity 4: Complete the sentences Individual work Key:
Ask sts to complete the exercise 1- should wait
individually 2- shouldn’t write 3-
Ask them to share the answers shouln’t break
with their partner 4- should follow
Ask them to give the answer with 5- shouldn’t touch
the whole class
Give the correct answers.
Activity 5:Underline one mistake Individual work Key:
T: Ask sts to complete the exercise 1- has to -> . have to
individually 2- should ->
Ask them to share the answers shouldn’t
with their partner 3- have to has ->
Ask them to give the answer with have to have
the whole class 4- should to ->
Give the correct answers should
5.have avoid - > have to avoid
Further pratice (7’)
Activity 6: Game “ What should I Group work
Ask sts to work in groups , take
turn to choose one of the scenarios
for each other.
The secretary writes down the
advice each member gives
The group votes for the person
giving the best advice
- T can conduct if there is time left.
Prepare Unit 5 lesson 1

By the end of the unit, Ss will be able to:
- Stress correctly multy- syllable words with –ion and – ian endings.
- Use the lexical items related to the topic “ Festivals in Viet Nam”.
- Use simple and compound sentence.
- Review complex sentences.
- Write complex sentences using subordinators because, if, when, although, even though.
- Talk about festivals.
- Listen for specific information about festivals.
- Read for specific imformation about festivals.
- Write about festival Ss like or have been to.

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 1: Getting started
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- get some information about the festivals in Viet Nam
2. Skills: Speaking , writing
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: Vocabularies related to festivals.
2.Grammatical structure: lexical items related to the topic
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’): Review
Give some pictures of some festivals
in the world as well as in Viet Nam to
help students know more about the
festivals before leading to the Getting
Vocabulary: Class Work *Vocabulary:
oriental, reunion, regret,
Set the scene: bamboo swings, wristling,
Activity 1: Listen and read Individual work dragon boat.
Ask Sts to look at the picture in
Getting started and the heading
Which festival should I see? Ask Sts
some questions:
1. Where are Duong and Peter?
2. What are they doing?
3. What might they be taking about?
Ss: Answer the questions
T: Quickly write Ss’ answers on the
- Play the recording
Ss: Listen and read the dialogue
T: Ask Ss if their guesses on the
board are correct
1a/ Tick True or false
T: Ask Ss to do Ex individually Individual work
T: Ask them to share the answers Key:
with their partner 1- T
T: Ask one to give the answers 2- T
S: Write the answers on the board, 3- F
others correct then give their 4. F
explanation. 5. T
1b/ Answer Pair work Key:
T: Ask sts to asnwer the questions 1. In April. They can see a
orally without reading the dialogue grand opening ceremony,
Ss: Ask and answer in pairs ao dai festion show, Dem
T: Call two Ss write on the board Phuong Dong or oriental
Ss: Write the answers on the board night show, royal court
T: Ask them to read the conversation music
and check the answers performances........and
Ss: Read then check the answers sport activities.
T: Call Ss to correct 2. Duong's family prepare
a five-fruit tray and chung
3. Because there are many
interesting things to see
and enjoy, it would take
too long to describe them.
4. In Bac Ninh, on 12th of
the first lunar month.
5. Because it is near Ha
Noi, it takes place right
after Tet holiday and is
1c/ Find the following in the full
conversation and explain the Individual work Key:
meaning. 1. Used as sugestion or
- Ask sts to look at the dialouge again give advice.
and underline the phrases 2. Sounds +adj: used to
- Have sts use the context to try to give your first impression
explain when they may use the of what you hear
phrases. 3. To stress that it is worth
- Call sts to explain each phrase spending time or money
before class and others remark. doing something
4. To show surprise and to
d/ Make short conversations with Pair work check that something is
the four expressions in C. T: Why don't you come with us to the really ok to do.
- Have sts role-play, practising the Lim festival
phrases in C. S: sounds great.
- Call on some pairs to perform to the T: you won't regret it.
class. S: Are you sure?
T: Of course.
Activity 3: Match the words with the Pair work Key
pictures of the festivals a. ceremony 1.d 2.a 3.c 4.b
- Ask sts to look at the pictures and b.anniversary 5.e 6.f
guess which festival it is. c. reunion
- Have sts read the names of the d. procession
festivals in the box and work e. carnval
individually, match the names of the f. performance
festivals with the approriate pictures.
then cross check with a partner.
Activity 4: Match the festivals in 3 Individual work Key:
with their description. 1.c 2.b 3.e 4.d 5.a
- Ask sts to read all the description in
the box. -
- Have sts work in pairs, matching the
descriptions of the fetivals with their
- Call sts to give their answer and T
check sts' answers.
Further pratice (7’)
Game : Festivals Group work
T: Ask Ss to work in groups of four
Set a time limit of five minutes
S: Write down as many festivals as
The goups with the most festivals is
the winner
T: Ask the winning group to present
one of the festivals.
Other groups add some more if they
Prepare Unit 5 lesson 2

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 2: A closer look 1
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
-Practice the vocabulary and pronunciation of the unit
2. Skills: Speaking , writing
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: Vocabularies related to festivals.
2.Grammatical structure: lexical items related to the topic
3. Sounds: / ion / , / ian /
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’): Review
Ask sts to call out some festivals
they remember from the previous
lesson. Tell them that in this leson
they are going to learn some
expressions with the word related to
the topic
Pre-listening(10’) Class Work *Vocabulary:
Vocabulary: preserve, ritual,
commemorate, incense,
Checking vocab: companion,politician.
Activity 1: Match Individual work Key:
T: Ask Sts to read the first halves of 1. c 2.e 3. a 4. b 5.d
sentences in column A them with the
second halves in column B
S: work in individually then compare
with their partner
T: Ask them to give the answers
S: Compare the answers with their
friends’ on the board then give the
correct answers.
Activity 2: Complete the sentences Individual work Key:
using words in 1. 1- commemorate
T: Ask Sts to work in individual 2- worship
Ss: Work individually 3- preserve
T: Ask some Ss to give the answers 4- ritual
Ss: Sts write the correct answers on 5-performance
the board
T: Ask the whole class to give
Ss: Give comment and correct
T: Ask Sts to read the whole
Activity 3:Match the nouns with Pair work Key:
each verb. A noun can go with more 1. Watch: ....a ceremony, a
than one word show
T: Ask Ss to work in pairs to match 2. Have... (all can fit)
verbs with nouns on a piece of paper 3. Worship: ...... a god, a
the swap the answers with another hero
pair to check. 4. Perform: ..... a ritual, a
Ss: Work in pairs ceremony, a show.
T: Ask them to give their ideas -Stress of words ending
Ss: Remark and give comments in-ion and-ian
Post- listening (12’) Stress of words ending in-ion and-ian
Activity 4 a: Look at the table below Individual work Key
what can you noticeabout these 1. They are all words with
words. more than two syllables.
T: Ask Sts to look at the word list. 2. They end with the
Then ask " What do you notice about suffix -ion and -ian
the endings?" How many syllable
does each word have?"
- Have sts answer and sum up.
T: Model stress in different words
with the ending -ion and-ian. Ask sts
to look at the rules in the Remember
box. Discuss the rule with the class
and elicit some pronunciations from
T: Remember : With the words
ending in the suffix -ion and- ian the
syllable immediately before the
Activity 4b: Listen and repeat the Individual work Key:
words. - competition
T: Play the recording and ask sts to - commemoration
listen and repeat the words, pay - procession
attention to the stress on the syllable - preservation
immediately before the ending -ion - confusion
and -ian. -magician
T: Call some Sts to read the words -musician
they hear aloud, pay attention to the -vegeterian
stress of the words. -companion
T: Correct their pronunciation
Activity 5: listen and stress the Individual work Key:
words below. 1. pro'cession
T: Play the recording and ask Sts to 2. com'panion
listen to the recording and stress the 3. pro'duction
words. Ask them to pay attention to 4. compe'tition
the stress on the syllables 5. poli'tician
immediately before the ending-ion 6. mu'sician
and - ian. 7. his'torian
S: Listen then compare the answers 8. lib'rarian
with their partner
T: Ask them to give the answers then
play the recording again to check
their answers
Prepare Unit 5 lesson 3

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 3: A closer look 2
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- Review : + Simple sentences and compound sentences
2. Skills: Speaking , writing
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: Vocabularies related to festivals.
2.Grammatical structure: lexical items related to the topic
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’):
Asking some questions 1. My mother likes cooking very Chatting
T: Recommend about simple much
sentences and compound sentences. ===> simple sentence
-T: Give some examples and ask sts 2. While my mother was cooking in
"which sentence is a simple sentence the kitchen, my father came.
and which sentences is compound ===> compound sentence.
sentence? "
S: sentence 1: simple sentence
S: S2 : compound sentence simple
T: What is a simple sentence?
S: A simple sentence is one
independent clause.
T: OK. Notice that a sentence that has
two verbs as in the sentence is still a
simple sentence because it has only
one clause.
T: What is a compound sentence?
S: A compound sentence is two or
more independent clauses joined
T: OK. Each clause is of equal Ex: I was tired, so I went to bed early.
inportance and could stand alone.
They can be joined with conjunctions
and, but , or, so, yet or conjunctive
adverbs however, neverthless,
moreover, therefore, otherwise.
Presentation(10’) *Vocabulary:
Vocabulary: neverthless, moreover,
otherwise, therefore.
Activity 1: Write S for simple 1- S 2- C 3- C 4- S
sentences and C for compound 5- S
T: have the sts read all the sentences
to make sure they understand them
T: Ask Sts to work in pairs
Ss: Work in pairs
T: Ask some Ss to give the answers
Ss: Sts read the answers aloud
T: Ask the whole class to give
Ss: Give comment and correct
T: Ask Sts to read the sentences aloud
Activity 2: Connect each pair of Individual Work
sentences with an approriate Key:
conjunction in a box to make 1. At the Mid-fall festival
compound sentences. we can carry beautiful
- Have sts read all the sentences and lanterna, so it's a
all the conjunction in the box. memorable childhood
Ask sts to pay attention to the experience
Remember box first 2. and
T: Ask Ss to work in individually to 3. but
join the sentences using conjunction 4. or
in the box 5. yet
Ss: Work in individually
T: Ask them to write the sentences on
the board
Ss: Remark and correct
1. At the Mid-fall festival we can
carry beautiful lanterna, so it's a
memorable childhood experience.
Activity 3: Connect each pair of Individual work
sentences with an approriate Key:
conjunctive adverbs in the box to 1. however/ neverthless
make compound sentences. 2. therefore
- Have sts read all the sentences and 3. moreover
all the conjunction in the box. 4. otherwise
Ask sts to pay attention to the 5. neverthless/ however
Remember box first
T: Ask Ss to work in individually to
join the sentences using conjunctive
adverbs in the box
Ss: Work in individually
T: Ask them to write the sentences on
the board
Ss: Remark and correct
Activities 4:Match the independent Individual work
clause with the independent ones to Key
make complex sentences. 1. b 2. d 3. e 4. f
- Ask sts to read the grammar box 5. a 6. c
Complex sentences carefully . Go
through the grammar point with the
class to make sure every body
T: Explain the meaning of the
subordinators, translating if
T: Ask sts to read all the sentences in
the box and match the clause Pair work
individually and check them with one
or more partners.
T: corrects as a class.
Activity 5: Fill in the blank with one Individual work
suitable subordinator when, while, Key:
even though, although, because or 1. because
if. 2. if
- Ask sts to read the passage about 3. when
elephant race festival fill in the blank 4. while
with a suitable subordinator. 5. when
- Call some sts to give their answers 6. although/even though.
and others remark.
Further practice (12’)
Activity 6:Use your own words/ Individual work
phrases to complete the sentences
below. compare your sentences with
your partners.
- have sts work in pairs to complete
the sentences.
- ask sts to swap their senrences with
other pairs.
- Have sts read their answer aloud.
- T: Call other sts to remark and T
give feedback.
Prepare Unit 5 lesson 4

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 4: Communication
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- describe and give opinions about festivals in VN.
2. Skills: Speaking ,listening
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: Vocabularies related to festivals.
2.Grammatical structure: making dialouge about festivals.
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Group work Warm – up.( 5’): Kim’s
Play Kim’s game: game
- T divides the class into two groups.
- T shows ss pictures about some
table manners in VN and UK and
asks ss to have a quick look, then
write on the board the differences b/
w them.
- Introduce some new words in the
Vocabulary: Class work *Vocabulary:
bamboo archway,
coconut , green rice
claspedhands, floating
1. Look at the pictures. Discuss the Individual Work lantern
following questions with a partner
and then write the right words
under the pictures.
a. What are the things in the pictures?
b. Do you know the festival at which
they appear?
Ask Ss to look at the pictures and
answer the questions.
2. Now listen to an interview Pair work
between a TV reporter and a man Key:
about a festival to check your a. 1.bamboo archway
answers. 2. Green rice flakes
Play the recording and let Ss check 3. Potatoes
their guesses. 4. Coconuts
5. pia cake
6. Clasped hands
7. Lanterns
8. Dragon boat race
3. Listen to the interview again and Pair work b. Ooc bom boc festival
complete the table below with the Suggested questions:
answers to the suggested questions. 1. Where is the festival
Where? held?
1. ……………………… 2. When is the festival
When? held?
2. ……………………… 3. Who do the people
Who is worshipped? worship at the festival?
3. ………………………. 4 – 6. What activities do
What activities? people do at the festival?
4. ………………………. Key: 1. Soc Trang
Ask SS to work in pairs, making full 2. 14th, 15th
questions based on the given queston evenings od the 10th lunar
words and giving as many answers as month 3. Moon
possible based on what they can God.
remember from the previous 4. have a
listening. Play the recording again for worshipping ceremony
Ss to answer. If Ss haven’t been able 5. float paper lanterns
to answer all the questions, play the 6. hold dragon boat races
recording another time. Check the
answers with the whole class.
Post-speking (12’)
4. Role - play in groups of three. Group work of three
One of you is a reporter; two of you Example:
are locals. Do an interview about a A: Good morning. Can I
local festival. It can be a real or an ask you some questions
imaginary festival. about this festival?
What’s the festival called? B:Yes, of course.
It’s………………. A: What is the festival
Before the role-play begins, give Ss a called?
little timeto decide which festival to B: It’s……………. It’s
talk about and assign roles. Note that help in………………
Ss could also invent a festival. Use A: Who do you worship at
the example in 4 and the listening in the festival?
3 as models. When everyone has C: We
finished, ask some groups to role- worship………………….
play in front of the whole class.
Ask ss to work in pairs and role –
Ask them to continue the
conversation in the book or make
their own
After some time, call some pairs to
act out the conversation in front of
the class
Call others to give comments
Give praise and feedback on Ss’
Prepare Unit 5 lesson 5

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 5: Skills 1
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- Read for general and specific information about festival in Viet Nam.
- Talk about festivals in Viet Nam.
2. Skills: Speaking ,reading
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: Vocabularies related to festivals.
2.Grammatical structure:
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Group work Warm – up.( 5’): Kim’s
- T asks Ss some questions about game
traditions in Viet Nam. 1. What are the people doing in each
1. Below are pictures from websites picture?
about festivals in Viet Nam. Work 2. Who do people worship at the
in groups to answer the following Hung King Temple Festival?
questions. 3. Who do people worship at the
A HUNG KINH TEMPLE Huong Pagoda Fastival?
In small groups, have Ss look at the
pictures and answer the questions, but
don’t check the answers with the
Vocabulary: Class work *Vocabulary:
bamboo archway,
coconut , green rice
Whille-reading(20’) claspedhands, floating
2. Now read the information about Individual Work lantern
these festivals to check your ideas.
Give Ss two minutes to skim the
passages and check their answers in
1. Explain that to skim, they must
move their eyes very quickly over the
text to get a general idea of the
3. Find words in the passage that Pair work
have similar meaning to these
words or phrases.
Now give Ss one minute to scan the
passages to find the words. Explain
that to scan they must move their
eyes quickly over the text to look for
specific information, rather than
reading every word. Ask Ss ti
ubderline or cirle the words they find
with a pencil. T may help Ss work out
the meanings of these words from the
context. Then check with the whole
4 Read the information again and Pair work
answer the following questions. Key:
Set a longer time limit for Ss to read 1. When does the Hung Kinh Temple 1. The Hung King Temple
the text again and answer the Festival take place? festival takes place from
questions. Ask Ss to note where they 2. What is included in the offerings to the 8th to 11th day of the
found the information that helped the Hung Kings? third lunar month.
them ta answer the questions. Ss can 3. Why is it joyful to go to the Hung 2. Incense, specialities
compare answers with apartner King Temple Festival? such as chung cakes, day
before discussing them as a class. 4. What do people do to worship cakes and five-fruit trays.
Buddha at the Huong Pagoda 3. Because there are many
Festival? joyful activities including
5. Which of the activities at the bamboo swings, lion
Huong Pagoda Festival do you like dances, wrestling and
most? xoan singing
4. People join a procession
and make offerings of
incense, flowers, fruit and
Post-reading (12’) candles.
5. a work in pairs. Your teacher is Pair work 5. Ss’ own answers.
organizing a trip. You have two 1. Which place do you prefer to go
options: going to Huong Pagoda or to? Explain your choice.
going to Hung Kinh Temple. You Example:I prefer to go to Huong
have to decide the following: Pagoda because I really want to travel
First, ask Ss to work in pairs, along Yen Stream by boat.
choosing one of the two places: 2. What things should you take with
Huong Pagoda or Hung King Temple you? Why?
to go to. Remind Ss to give a reason Example:I think we should take a
for their choice like in Example 1. bottle of water because we’ll need it
when we’re climbing the mountain.
b. Now report your decisions to the Individual work
class. Which location is more
popular and why?
Ask Ss to report their decisions to the
class and decide which location is
more popular. Remember to ask Ss to
say why the chosen location is more
Prepare Unit 5 lesson 6

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 6: Skills 2
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- Listen to get specific information about festivals in VN
- Write a paragraph about a festivals in VN.
2. Skills: Listening ,writing
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: Vocabularies related to festivals.
2.Grammatical structure: lexical items related to the topic
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Individual work Warm – up.( 5’):
T writes the word ‘hero’ on the board Network
as the centre of a word web and asks
volunteers to come up and add any
words or phrases to the word-web
connected with the topic of ‘heroes’.
(Accept all ideas and don’t correct
anything. Then tell Ss they are going Class work
to listen to a passage about a
Vietnamese ‘hero’ and open the
1. Work in pairs. Describe the Pair work
picture and answer the questions.
1. Who is Saint Giong?
2. What did he do for the country?
T asks to work in pairs, describing
the picture and then answer the
2. Listen to a tour guide giving Pair work Key:
Information about the Giong 1. B 2. A
Festival and circle the correct 3. C
answer A, B, or C.
Tell Ss that they are going to listen to
a tour guide giving information about
the Giong Festival. Ask them to read
the questions carefully and try to
predict the answers based on what
they know. Remind them to pay
attention to key words in the options.
Play the recording and ask Ss to
circle the right answers. Check their
answers with the whole class.
3. Listen to the talk again and write Pair work Key:
answers to the questions below. Audio script: 1. He is a mythical hero,
Have Ss underline key words in the The Giong Festival is celebrated who grew from a three-
questions. Play the recording. Ask every year in Phu Linh Commune, uear-old child into a giant
them to write answers on a piece of Soc Son District, Ha Noi. This overnight.
paper. If necessary, plat the recording festival commemorates the hero, 2. The preparations begin
again for Ss to check the answers. Saint Giong. He is considered a one month before the
Then select Ss to read out their mythical hero because he grew from festival.
answers to the class. Elicit any a three-year-old child into a giant 3. A religious ceremony.
corrections from the class as you overnight. He is worshipped for 4. There is a cheo
write their answers on the board. defending the country from foreign performance.
invaders-the An. 5.This festival shows the
Altrough this festival is held from the love for our motherland
6th to the 12th day lunar month, people and the preservation of
of the 4th lunar month, people start our cultural heritage.
preparing traditional clothing for the
procession and for various festival
performances one month beforehand.
During the festival, the procession
starts at the Mother Temple and goes
to Thuong Temple where a religious
ceremony is performed. When night
falls, a cheo pay is performed. Then
the festivities end with a thanksgiving
procession on the 12th.
This festival shows our love for the
motherland and the preservation of
our cultural heritage.
Post-listening (15’) Pair work
4. Work in pairs. Discuss with your
partner the festival in Viet Nam
that you like best. Use the web
below to take notes.
Set a time limit for Ss to brainstorm
ideas and write their notes. Move
around, helping Ss with ideas where
necessary. Individual work
5. Now use the notes to write an
article about this festival for the - Connectors used to make
school website. Remember to add compounds and complex sentences.
any necessary connectors below to When ,while because
make compound and compound And but
and complex sentences. so
Ask Ss to refer back to the reading First then
passages in skills 1 for useful moreover
language and ideas, and note some
necessary expressions and language
as well as connectors they may need
on the board.
Ask Ss to work individually to write
a first draft.
Display all or some of the articles on
the wall/ board. Other Ss and T give
comments. Ss edit and revise the
articles as homework.
Prepare Unit 5 lesson 7

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 7: Looking back & project
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- Use lexical items related to the topic “ Festivals in VN”.
- Use : Conjunctions: and, but, or, yet, so and conjunctive adverbs: However, nevertheless, moreover, therefore,
2. Skills: Speaking ,writing
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: Vocabularies related to festivals.
2.Grammatical structure: lexical items related to the topic
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’):
Ask sts to come to the board to write Network
as many festivals in VN they know as
Activity 1 Individual work Key:
Ask sts to complete the exercise 1. incense
individually 2. offerings
Ask them to share the answers with 3. pray
their partner 4. Lantern
Ask them to give the answer with 5. crowds
ethe whole class 6. cheering
Give the correct answers.
Activity 2: Individual work Key:
- Have sts read through the text. 1. ethnic
- Ask sts to work individually 2. commemorates
Ask them to compare the answers 3. respect
with their partners 4. ritual
Check and confirm the correct 5. ancient 6.
answers procession
Give comments 7. perform 8.
Practice(15’) Performances
Activity 3:Choose the correct Pair work Key:
answer. 1. if 2. Even
Ask sts to work individually though 3. Because 4.
Ask them to compare the answers While 5. When
with their partners
Check and confirm the correct
T and others give comments on the
Activity 4: Use your own words or Pair work Suggested answers:
ideas to complete the sentences 1. When the Lim festival
below. begins, people come to see
Ask sts to complete the exercise the quan ho singing
individually performance.
Ask them to share the answers with 2. Because we have many
their partner festivals in January, we
Ask them to give the answer with the call it the month of fun
whole class and joy.
Give the correct answers. 3. If you go to the Hue
festival, you can enjoy an
ao dai fashion show.
4. Even though/ Although
sticky rice is very tasty,
it’s hard to eatit every day.
5. While/ When we are
boiling chung cakes, we
often listen to our
Further practice (12’) grandparents’ stories.
Activity 5:Put the follow things and Individual work Key:
activities in the correct right New Year Festival
columns. family reunion
T: ask Ss to do the task individually the first-footer
to sort the words and phrases for the firework displays
two festivals. kumquat
Ask them to give the answer with the visiting relatives
whole class
Activity 6: Work in pairs, find out Pair work
which festival your partner prefers.
Which three things or activities
does your partner like best in the
festival he/ she chooses? Why?
Ask Ss to interview each other about
the 3 activities that like best and give
reasons. Encourage them to give as
many reasons as possible.
- T can conduct if there is time left.
Prepare Unit 6 lesson 1


By the end of the unit, Ss will be able to:

- Use an exclamatory sentence with the correct intonation.
- Use the lexical items related to the topic “ Folk tales”.
- Use the past continuous tense correctly.
- Distinguish between the past continuous tense and the simple past tense.
- Talk about a legend/ folk tale/ fairy tale/ fable( its plot, main character….).
- Listen to get specific information I a fairy tale.
- Read for specific information in a fairy tale.
- Write a narrative of a legend/ folk tale/ fairy tale/ fable.

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 1: Getting started-A suggestion for Nick’s project
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- Introduce the topic of the unit.2. Skills: Speaking ,writing
2.Skill: L, S, R, W.
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: lexical items related to the topic.
2.Grammatical structure: Review: Past simple, past continuous, exclamations.
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’): Hang
Game: Hanging man man
- Play in 2 big groups.
- Topic: F O L K T A L E S
Lead in:
T: Ask sts some questions:
+ Have you ever read a famous
Vietnamese legends?
+ What is its title?
+ What is it about?
+ What are the main characters in it?
S: Answer in turns
T: Collect sts’ answers then write on
the board then lead to the new lesson
Vocabulary: Class work *Vocabulary
-a legend
-a folk tale
-a fairy tale
-a fable
- title(n)
- genre (n)
- character (n)
Activity 1: Introduction Class work - plot (n)
Ask sts to look at the picture in
Getting started and ask sts some
+ Where are Duong and Nick?
+ What are they doing?
+ What are they talking about?
Ss: Answer the questions
T: Quickly write Ss’ answers on the
- Play the recording
Ss: Listen and read the dialogue
T: Ask Ss if their guesses on the
board are correct
Activity 1a: Choose the correct Individual work Key:
answer: 1.
T: Ask Ss to do Ex a individually 2.
T: Ask them to share the answers 3.
with their partner 4.
T: Ask one to tick on the board 5.
S: Write the answers on the board,
others correct the false sentences then
give the right answers
Activity 1b: Matching Individual work Key:
T: Ask Ss work individually to match 1.
the words or phrases with their 2.
meanings 3.
Ss: Work individually 4.
T: Have them compare the answers
with their partners
Ss: Compare
Activity 1c: Complete the table Pair work Key:
Ask Ss to work in pairs and complete Title Lac Long Quan, Au Co
Genre Legend
the table Main Lac Long Quan, Au Co and
Ask them to write answers on the characters their sons
The plot - Lac Long Quan married Au
Ask sts to add more words to the Co.
- Au Co gave birth to 100
table baby boys.
Ss add more words to the table. - LLQ missed the sea.
- LLQ took fifty of their sons
to the sea.
- Au Co took others to the
Activity 1d: Grammar: Pair work
Exclamations 1.handsome/man. * Exclamatory sentenses:
Have ss discuss the questions in 2.interesting/game. -What + a/ an + Adj +
pairs. 3.good/news. N(singular countable) +
Then, draw ss’ attentions to the 4.lovely/dogs. S + V!
structure, 5.brave/women -What + Adj +
meaning and the use of exclamatory N(uncountable/ plural
sentences -What a handsome man! coun) + S + V!
by analyzing the instructions and -What a interesting game!
examples in -What good news!
the remember box. -What lovely dogs!
Write these words and phrases on the -What brave women!
Elicit the first answer from the ss.
Then give ss a minute to write out the
rest of the sentences.
Check the answers with the class.
Activity 2: Matching: Individual work Key:
Have ss quickly match the types of 1. C 2. D 3. B
stories with their definitions. 4. A
Play the recording for ss to check
their answers.
Put ss into pairs to think of an
example or each type of story.
T can add time limit to increase the
Ss raise their hands when they have
completes their lists.
Check them with the class.
Further practice (12’)
Activity 7: Game: Guess the story. Individual work
Have ss work individually, filling in
the table with information of the
legend, folk tale, fable, or fairy tale
they know.
First, model this activity with a more
able student.
Then, ask ss to work in pairs.
T may go around to help ss.
Call some pairs to practice in front of
the class.
Prepare Unit 6 lesson 2

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 2: A closer look 1
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- Practice the vocabulary and pronunciation of the unit.
2.Skill: Speaking, Listening and writing.
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: lexical items related to the topic.
2.Grammatical structure: .
3.Pronunciation: intonation in exclamatory sentences.
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’): Review
Ask sts to repeat the words or
phrases indicating the folk tales they
have learned in the previous lesson
Lead to the new lesson
Activity 1: Match the characters Individual work Key:
with the pictures 1. G
T: Ask sts to read the characters in the 2. C
box and match them with the suitable 3. E
pictures. 4. B
S: work in individually then compare 5. H
with their partner 6. A
T: Ask them to give the answers 7. D
S: Compare the answers with their 8. F
friends’ on the board then give the
correct answers
Activity 2: Match the adjectives Pair work Key:
with the pictures 1. G
T: Ask sts to work in pairs 2. F
Ss: Work in pairs 3. A
T: Ask some Ss to read the words in 4. E
the box carefully to make sure they 5. B
understand the sentences 6. C
S: Read the sentences carefully then 7. H
share their answers 8. D
T: Ask Sts to write the correct
answers on the board
Activity 3a:Complete the table Individual work Adjectives
T: Ask Ss to work individually. Positive
Ss: Work individually generous
T: Have them complete the table brave
Ss: Complete the table
T: Ask Sts to write the correct Negative
answers on the board cruel
evil (điều ac)
wicked (hung ác)
3b. fierce (dữ tợn)
- Ask ss to do in pairs using the adjs Pair work cunning (xảo quyệt)

in a to describe characters in one of Notes:

their favorite folk tales. The intonation of the exclamatory
- Then, asks some ss to say the sentences:
sentences in front of the class. - Falling tone at the end of the
Post-listening (12’)
Activity 4: Listen and repeat Whole class
T: Ask Ss to read out the sentences
S: Read the words silently
T: Ask them to listen and repeat the
recording, pay attention to the
intonation of each sentence.
S: Listen and repeat the words they
T: Call some sts to read the words
they hear aloud
S: Read aloud the words
T: Correct their pronunciation
Activity 5: Listen and repeat Pair work
T: Ask Ss to read the sentences in
pairs. Class work
Call some ss to practice before the
T: Ask them to listen and repeat the
recording, pay attention to the
intonation of each sentence.
S: Listen and repeat chorally.
T: Correct their pronunciation.
Prepare Unit 6 lesson 3

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 3: A closer look 2
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
-know how to use the grammar points correctly.
2.Skill: Speaking and writing
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: words related to the topic
2.Grammar: + Past continuous & Past simple. .
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’):
Chatting Chatting
- What did you do yesterday?
- What did you do last Sunday?
- What were you doing at 8 pm
- What were you doing at 9 am last
+ Lead in
Presentation(10’) Class work * Past continuous.
* Past continuous. 1. Form:
Activity 1: Form and use (-) Positive: S + were/ was
a. Form: + V-ing
T: Ask sts to do the exercise (+) Negative: S + weren’t/
individually wasn’t + V-ing
S: work in individually then compare (?) Questions: Were/ Was
with their partner + S + V-ing ?
T: Ask them to give the answers * Short answers:
S: Compare the answers with their (+) Yes, S + were/ was.
friends’ on the board then give the (-)No, S + weren’t/
correct answers wasn’t.
b.Use: Class work 2. Use
T: Elicit some rules from ss. - To describe an action
Ss: Think about T’s requests and give that was in progress at a
the rules they guess. stated time in the past.
T: Give feed back and ask them to Ex: At 6 pm yesterday, I
read the Grammar box. was cooking.
T: analyzes the examples in the - To describe an action
Grammar box. that was in progress when
Ss: Give some more examples. another shorter action
happened. (this shorter
action is expressed by the
simple past.)
Ex: When she phoned me
last night, I was sleeping.
She phoned me last night
Practice(22’) while I was sleeping.
Activity 2: Completing the Individual work Key:
sentences. 1. was wearing
T: Ask Ss to work individually. Ask 2. were you going
them to look at the grammar box if 3. was going
necessary. 4. ran
S: do the exercise and compare the 5. was not waiting
answers in pairs before checking
with the whole class.
Activity 3: Individual work Key:
a. Describing the pictures 1.The servant was
T: Ask Ss to do this exercise spinning in the wood.
individually 2.The girl was picking
S: Do individually then compare the flowers by the side of the
answers with their partner road.
T: Call some sts to write the answers 3.The knights were riding
on the board their horses to the castle.
S: Write on the board 4.Ciderella was dancing
T: Call others to remark then give with the prince.
right answers 5.Sait Giong was flying to
the heaven.
6.The ogre was roaring
Pair work with anger.
b. Ask and answer: Model:
T models with one more able student. T: What was the servant doing?
Then, ask ss to practice in pairs. S: She was spinning
T goes around the class to provide
help. 2. What was the girl doing?
Call some pairs to practice in front of The girl was picking flowers by the side of
the class. the road.
3. What were the knights doing?
They were riding their horses to the
4. What was Ciderella doing?
She was dancing with the prince.
5. What was Sait Giong doing?
He was flying to the heaven.
6. What was the ogre doing?
It was roaring with anger.
Individual work Key:
Activity 4: Write the correct form of 1.
the verbs: 2.
T: Ask Ss to work individually. Ask 3.
them to look at the grammar box 4.
and the Look out! box 5.
S: do the exercise and compare the 6.
answers in pairs before checking
with the whole class
Activities 5: Individual work Key:
a. Complete the fable with the 1.
correct form of the verbs: 2.
T: Ask Ss to do this exercise 3.
individually 4.
S: Do individually then compare the 5.
answers with their partner 6.
T: Call some sts to write the answers
on the board
S: Write on the board
T: Call others to remark then give
right answers
Further practice(10’) Pair work
b. Discussion:
- Have ss discuss the question in
- Ask some pairs to give the answers
to the whole class.
- T gives some comments and invite
comments from ss.
Prepare Unit 6 lesson 4

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 4: Communication
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
-use the functional language in everyday life contexts.
2.Skill: Speaking
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: extra words related to the topic
2.Grammar: Past continuous & Past simple.
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’): Kim’s
Play Kim’s game: game
- T divides the class into two groups.
- T shows ss pictures with folk tales
and asks ss to have a quick look, then
write on the board.
- The group has more words wins the
Introduction: Class work
- What fairy tales did you like to read
when you were very little?
- How fairy tales are structured?
Lead in: Today, we are going to do
some activities with a fairy tale.
Please think of what information is
normally at the beginning, in the
middle, and at the end of a fairy tale.
Vocabulary Class work Vocabulary
- granny:
- scream: tiếng hét
While-speaking(22’) - swallowed: nuốt
1b. Matching: Individual work Key:
Ss do this exercise individually and 1.h 2. a 3.e 4.f 5.d
give T the answers. 6.c 7.b 8.g
T confirms the correct answers.
T asks ss to make one sentences with
each picture (if time allows)
Activity 2: Retell the fairy tale: Group work
Ask ss to work in group of six, in turn
retelling the fairy tale to the group
member in their won words.
Set a three-minute time limit per
story and have one group member
keep time.
Then they can choose the best
storyteller in their group.
Activity3: Discussing and writing Group work
an ending for the fairy tale.
- Ask ss to work in groups, discussing
and writing an ending for the fairy
- Encourage then to have fun and be
- Choose a student from each group
to read the ending to the whole class.
- After each student has finished,
invite some comment from ss in other
- T makes some comments and
corrects ss’ mistakes if there are any.
- Have ss vote for the best fairy tale
Prepare Unit 6 lesson 5

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 5: Skills 1
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
-Read for general and specific information about fairy tale
2.Skill: Reading , speaking
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’):
Guessing Game: Guessing Game:
What story is it?
These words related to the story:
two brothers, fruit, bag, eager, gold,
-> The Starfruit Tree
Activity 1: Vocabulary: Vocabulary
- Ask sts to scan the passage to find Class work  fortune: a large amount
the words in the box. of money.
- Help Ss work out the meanings of  Starfruit Tree: tree with
these words from the context. green fruit shaped like
a star.
 ripe: ready to be eaten.
 filled: put gold into the
gab until there is no
more space.
 replay: pay back
load: something that is
being carried.
While-reading(22’) Key:
Activity 2: Answer the questions: Pair work 1. He gve his younger
- Ask sts to read the text again and brother only a star ftuit
answer the question individually. tree.
- Have sts compare the answers with 2. The eager promised to
a classmate. repay him in gold.
- Call some sts to write the answers 3. He offered to swap his
on the board and T : ask them to fortune for his brother’s
explain their answers. Sts can either starfruit tree.
paraphrase the original information 4. He filled a very large
from the text or read out loud the part bag and all his pockets
of the text where the answer to each with gold.
answer is located 5. He was dropped (by the
- T: confirm the correct answers. eager) into the sea.
Activity 3: Complete the table: Team work Key:
- Ask sts to read all the sentences and 1. greedy
decide which word form the blanks 2. time
need. 3. fortune
- Sts try to complete the sentences 4. gold
without reading the text again. 5. swapped
- Have sts compare the answers with 6. dropped
a partner.
- Check and confirm the correct
answers from the text.
Activity 4: Read the stories Individual work
summarizes and decide …
- Ask sts to work individually to read
the stories summarizes.
- Help them with any new
Activity 5: Pair work
- Ss work in pairs, asking and
answering about the stories
- T goes around the class to provide
- Call sts to answer the questions.
Game: Who am I? Group work
- First, remind ss of the words to
describe characters or creatures in the
fairy tales/legends/fables.
- Ss play in groups of five.
- One member choose a character in
any of the stories in 4.
- The others ask Yes/No questions to
discover who that person is.
- T goes around to provide support.
Prepare Unit 6 lesson 6

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 6: Skills 2
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- Listen to get specific information about the topic
- Write a paragraph about the topic.
2.Skill: Listening and writing.
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: Words related the topic.
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’):
T writes the word ‘ fairy tale’ on the Network
board as the centre of a word web and
asks volunteers to come up and add
any words or phrases to the word-
web connected with the topic of
‘fairy tale’. (Accept all ideas and
don’t correct anything. Then tell Ss
they are going to listen to a fairy
Activity 1: Individual work
Ask Ss to look at the pictures and
make some guesses about the fairy
? What/ who do you thimk the main
characters in the fairy tale?
? What may happen in the fairy tale?
Activity 2: Pair work Key:
- Have sts read through the word web 1. castle
and guess the words or phrase to fill 2. give gold
in each blank . 3. with anger
- Ask sts to write their guesses on the 4. breath
board.. 5.strong back
T: Now you are going to listen to the
- Play the recording twice and ask sts
to listen and complete the word web.
- Ask sts to compare their answer
with each other and then with the
word / phrase on the board.
- Play the recording again for pairs to
check their answers.
Activity 3 Individual work Sample story:
T: Ask sts to make notes about one Make notes 1.Once upon a time, there
of their favorite fairy tale or invent - Title: was a king, a qeen, and a
their own fairy tale. - Main characters: princess.
- Call one to write his or her story on - Plot: 2. One night an ogre
the board. captured the princess and
- Others sts and T comment on the put her in his tower.
story on the board. 3. One day a dragon heard
- T: collect some writings to correct the princess cry for help.
at home 4. At the end of the story,
T: Ask sts to retell about his or her the dragon married the
story princess.
Activity 4 Class work
Rewrite the story.
Prepare Unit 6 lesson 7

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 7: Looking back & project
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- Review the lexical items related to the topic.
- Review the grammar of the unit.
- Make questions and answers about the topic.
2.Skill: Speaking and writing.
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: Words related the topic.
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Group work Warm – up.( 5’): Lucky
Play: Lucky number number
- T explains the rule.
- T gives the explanation and ss say
the word.
- Ss play in 2 big groups.
. Lucky number
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
Activity 2: Individual work Key:
Ask Ss to look at the pictures and 1. witch
write the correct words under the 2. hare
pictures 3. knight
4. ogre
5. fairy
6. tortoise
7. giant
8. dragon
Activity 3: Matching: Individual work Key:
- Ss do this task individually to match Characters
the words in two columns. woodcutter
- T corrects their mistakes. witch
Activity 4: Pair work
- Ss work in pairs.
- T tells ss to write the answers in
their note books.
- T gives explanation if necessary.
- T corrects the mistakes.
Activity 5 Pair work
-T asks Ss to ask and answer
Activity 6 Individual work
-T asks Ss to make exclamatory
Further practice(7’)
Activity 7 Group work
T: Ask sts to number the lines of the
dialogue in th correct order
Prepare Unit 7 lesson 1


By the end of the unit, Ss will be able to:

-Review conditional sentences types 1
-Use conditional sentences types 2
-Pronounce the words ending in –ic and al
-Readfor general and specific information about water pollution
-Listen for specific about thermal pollution
-Talk about causes and effects of water pollution as well as solutions to this problem
-Write about the causes abd effects of a pollution type

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 1: Getting Started–A project on pollution.
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
-understand new words and structures in the dialogue
-answer the questions after reading the dialogue .
2. Skills: Drill listening ,speaking ,reading and writing mainly.
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
6. Vocabulary: lexical items related to the topic
2.Grammar: Review: conditional sentences type 1 and type 2.
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Ss work in two big groups A and B. Warm – up.( 5’):
Review the previous before Ss open Make a paper ball. Throw the ball to Fairytale
their books by asking them to take one student in group A and he/ she
part in a small game. The game stops has to call out one fairytale. If he/ she
when time is up. The group with is right group A gets one point, then
more points wins. he/ she throws the ball to a student in
group B.
Presentation (10’)
Ask Ss if they know any story about
the environment or pollution. Vocabularies related to pollution. *Vocabulary
Write the unit title on the board 1. Dead (adj)
“pollution”. Ask Ss to call out things 2.Aquatic(adj)
which cause pollution, e.g., cars, 3.Dump(v/n)
factories, cows,… Now start the 4.Poison(v/n)5.
lesson. Polluted(adj)
Ask Ss to open their books and look 6. To come up with
at the picture. Ask them some Ss answer the questions as a class.
Who can you see in the
Where do you think they are?
What can you see in the
What do you think the people
in the picture are talking about?
Play the recording and have Ss follow
along. After that, Ss can compare
their answers with the information in
the dialogue and add some more
details to their answers.
Practice (22’)
1a Find a word/ phrase that means:
Allow them to share answers before Ss work independently to find the Key:
discussing as a class. Remember to words with the given meanings in the 1. Dead 2. Aquatic
ask Ss to read out the lines in the conversation 3. Dump 4.
dialogue that contain the words. Poison 5. Polluted 6.
Quickly write the correct answers on To come up with
the board.
Have Ss look at the Watch out! Box Look at the Watch out!
and quickly read the information. Ask
them if they know what I can’t
believe my eyes means. Then explain
to them that this expression means
you are very surprised at something
you see.
1b Answer the questions.
Have Ss read the questions to make Ss read the conversation again to Key: 1. They are in Mi’s
sure they understand them. Call on answer the questions. Ss exchange home village.
some Ss to write their answers on the their answers with a classmate 3. She’s surprised
board. Check their answers. because she sees the fish
are dead.
4. It’s dumping
poison into the lake.
5. He’s sneezing so
much because the air is
not clean.
1c Tick (v) T (true) or F (false) or
NI (no information). Do the task individually Key: 1. F(It’s polluted
Have Ss read the sentences quickly to by the factory). 2. T
make sure they understand them. Ask 3. NI 4. T 5. T
them firstly to decide if the sentences
are true, false or there is no
information without reading the
dialogue. Then have some Ss write
their answers on the board. Now ask
Ss to read the conversation again to
check their answers. Confirm the
correct answers.
2. There are different types of
pollution. Write each type under a Key:
picture. A. Radioactive pollution
Have Ss look at the pictures. Ask Ss read these and identify any new B. noise
them what they see in each picture. words they do not know. Explain the pollution C. visual
Now tell Ss that in the box are some new words so that Ss can understand pollution D. Thermal
types of pollution. Call on some Ss to the pollution types. Ss do this activity pollution
give their answers and write them on in pairs E. Water pollution
the board. F. land/ soil pollution G.
Light pollution H. air

3. Complete the sentences with the

types of pollution. Key:
Have Ss read through the sentences to Ss do this activity individually and 1. thermal pollution 2.
get a general understanding. T may then compare their answers with a Air pollution 3.
teach some words which T thinks Ss classmate. radioactive pollution 4.
do not know such as contamination. light pollution
Call on some Ss to stand up and give 5. Water pollution 6.
their answers. Confirm the correct Land/ Soil pollution 7.
answers. Noise pollution 8.
Further practice (5’) visual pollution
4. Work in groups. Which types of
pollution in 3 does your
neighbourhood face ? Rank them
in order of seriousness. Give
reasons for your group’s order.
Vote for the group with the best
Organise game for this activity. Call Ss work in groups of six. In five
group representatives to present their minutes, Ss write down the pollution
group’s order and reasons. Have the types their neighbourhood faces and
class vote for the group with the best rank them in order of seriousness.
reasons. They also have to give reasons for
If time does not allow, do not have Ss their order.
do this activity. Instead just ask Ss to
quickly review the pollution types.
Ask students to complete all the
Prepare unit 7 lesson 2
Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……
Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 2: A closer look 1
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- Practice the vocabulary and pronunciation of the unit.
2. Skills: Drill listening ,speaking , writing
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1. Vocabulary: words related to the topic.
2.Grammar: exclamatory sentences.
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) - Use this network to answer : Warm – up.( 5’):
-Ask Ss use network to answer the What do you often do in your free Chatting
question : time?
Pre-lítening (5’)
Vocabulary Class work *Vocabulary
-socialize (v)
-communicate (v)
-Ask Ss look at their book and read Ss work in pairs
in silence :
-Let Ss work in pairs to examine the
pie-chart closely in order to
understand its contents ,including the
heading , subheading , figures ,
colour codes and notes
-Allow enough time for this step .Do
not give correction
-Then ask Ss to answer the questions
that follow the chart
-Ask Ss to practice before the class :
While-listening (17’)
1.Look at the following pie chart on Ss have learnt so, because of. Quickly Key:
leisure activities in the US and go through the rest of words/ phrases -> The answers :
answer the questions : as follows: 1. In 2012 ,people in the
-Have Ss to prepare part 2 - Because/ since and due to/ because UK spent 5.1 hours a day
individually to complete the task of are used to talk about the causes of on sport and leisure
.After giving corrective feedback , something. activities
draw their attention to the part of Because and since are synonyms and 2.The main activities they
speech of the words mentioned (eg they come before a clause. did include : relaxing and
.relaxing comes from the verb relax Due to and because of are synonyms thinking , using the
with-ing added and it refers to the and they come before a noun phrase. computer for leisure ,
activity) participating in sports ,
-Then introduce the concept of socializing and
gerund ( a noun made from a verb by communicating , watching
adding-ing ) TV and other leisure
-Give Ss some examples where a activities
gerund is transformed from a verb 3.The 3 most common
and used as a noun .For more able activities were : watching
class ,ask Ss to make their own TV, socializing and
sentences communicating and using
Post-speaking (5’) the computer for leisure
Stress in words ending in – ic and –
Ask Ss to look at the rules in the box
and the examples. Go through the
rules with them. For a more able
class, have Ss give some more Ss compare their answers with a
examples. partner before giving the answers to
5. Listen and mark the stress in the teacher.
each word, then repeat it. Key:
Play the recording for Ss to tress the 2. Oil spills from ships in
words. Ask some to say where the oceans and rivers lead to
tress in each word is. Confirm the the death of many aquatic
correct answers. Play the recording animals and plants.
again for Ss to repeat the words. Call 3.Households dump
on some Sts to pronoun. waste into the river so it is
6. Underline the words ending in – polluted.
ic and circle the words ending in – 4. Since the parents
al in the following sentences. Mark were exposed to radiation
the stress in each word. Listen and their children have birth
check your answers, then repeat defects.
the sentences. 5. We can’t see the stars
Have Ss do the activity individually. at night due to the light
Play the recording for Ss to check pollution.
their answers. Then elicit the correct Now Ss have to combine each pair of
stress patterns from Ss. Play the sentences in 3a into a complete
recording again for Ss to repeat the sentence using the word/ phrase in
sentences. Ask some Ss ro read out brackets. To save time assign Suggested answers:
the sentences. sentences 2 to 5 to different Ss and 2. The soil is polluted, so
Ask students to complete all the have Ss work only these. plants can’t grow.
exercises 3. We won’t have fresh
Homework(3’): water to drink because of
Prepare unit 7 lesson 3 water pollution.
4. We plant trees, so we
Ss work in pairs to write sentences can have frest air.
showing cause/ effect relationships.
Ss look at the rules in the box and 1. ar’tistic 6.
the examples ’physical
2. ath’letic 7. he’roic
3. his’toric 8. po’etic
4. his’torical 9.
5. ’logical 10.
Ss repeat the words Bo’tanical
1. scien’tific 2.
’national 3. ’madical
4. ’chemical
5. dra’matic

Ss repeat the sentences.

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 3: A closer look 2
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- know how to use the grammar points correctly.
2. Skills:speaking , writing
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1. Vocabulary: words related to the topic.
2.Grammar: Conditional sentences type 1& 2.
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’): Conditional Team work Conditional sentences
sentences type 1: review type 1
Elicit the form and use of the If + subject + V (present
conditional sentence type 1 from Ss. simple), subject + will/
Ask Ss to give some example can/ may.. + V (bare
sentences. infinitive)
Ex: If I have a lot of
money, I will buy a bog
Presentation (10’) *Vocabulary:
Pre-teach vocab: permanent: give the
definition (lasting forever;
never changing) or give
the antonym (this is the
opposite of temporary).
- earplug: draw a pair of
earplugs on the board and
explain. We put these into
our ears to keep out noise
or water.
- affect: tell Ss that this is
the verb form of the noun
1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Ss do this exercise individually then Key:
correct from. compare their answers with a partner. 1. recycle; will help 2.
+ Lead in won’t dump; fines 3.
Have Ss read out their answers. travel; will be 4. will
Confirm the correct ones. save; don’t waste 5. use;
2. Combine each pair of sentences Ss work in groups and write the will have
to make a conditionalsentence type sentences on a big piece of paper.
Have Ss read the pair of sentences.
Ask two Ss ro write the new
conditional sentences type 1 on the
board while other Ss write their own
sentences. Ask Ss to comment on the
sentences on the board. Give
feedback on these sentences and
other Ss to correct them if necessary.
Teacher can make this activity a
game. Go through the groups’
sentences and give marks to the
groups with all correct sentences.
Conditional sentences type 2
Write this incomplete sentence on the Ss look at the structure as the Conditional sentences
board: conditional sentence type 2 in the type 2
If I were a billionaire, I would ... language box. The conditional sentence
. Ask some Ss to complete the type 2 describes a thing
sentence orally. Write the most which is not true or is
original answer on the board. Tell Ss unlikely to happen in the
that this sentence is an example of the present or future.
conditional sentence type 2. If + subject + V (past
Have Ss look at the structure as the simple), subject + would/
conditional sentence type 2 in the could/ might + V (bare
language box. Draw Ss’ attention to infinitive)
the example sentence on the board. Example: If it wasn’t
Underline the subject, verb, etc. in noisy in here, I could hear
this example and explain the structure you clearly. (But it’s very
of the sentence at the same time. noisy in here)
Tell them that this sentence is a pieceSs read the second example in the The conditional sentence
of advice. language box type 2 can be used to
Ask Ss give one or two example. give advice.
Example:If I were you, I
While-speaking (12’) would see the doctor
3.Match anif - clause in A with a Ss do this exercise individually, and immediately.
suitable main clause in B then compare their answers with a Note: We can use both
Check Ss’ answers. classmate was and were with I/ he/
4. Put the verbs in brackets into the Ss do this exercise individually. she/ it in the if-clause.
correct from.
Invite two Ss to the board to write
their answers. Go through the
answers with the class. Have other Ss
correct the answers if necessary.
5. Write a conditional sentence type Ss do this exercise individually and Key:
2 for each situation, as in the then compare the answers with a 2. If there weren’t so
example. classmate. many billboards in our
Have Ss quickly read the example. city, people could enjoy
Ask Ss to comment on the example. the view.
They may see that the meaning of the 3. If there wasn’t/ weren’t
original sentences was made opposite so much light in the city at
in the new conditional sentence (i.e. night, we could see the
positive into negative form for the stars clearly.
first sentence and negative into 4. If we didn’t turn on the
positive for the second sentence). Ask heater all the time, we
one or two Ss to write their sentences wouldn’t have to pay three
on the board. million dong for
Further practice (5’) electricity a month.
CHAIN GAME 5. If the karaoke bar didn’t
Work in groups. Student A begins make so much noise
with a conditional sentence type 1 almost every night, the
or type 2. Student B uses the end of residents wouldn’t
student A’s sentence to begin his/ complain to its owner.
her own sentence. Student C does 6. She wouldn’t have a
the same. Continue the game until headache after work every
the teacher tells you to stop. day if she didn’t work in a
Which group has the most noisy office.
Put Ss in groups of five or six to play
this chain game. Explain that the aim
of the game is to keep the chain going
for as long as possible using type 1 or
2 conditional sentences. If a group
hesitates for more than 10 seconds
they are out. Walk around the class
listening to groups and monitoring
the game. Groups that are still going
when the five minutes is up are the
winners. Note that the aim is to
practice the language in a fun, verbal
way so be sure to keep the
atmosphere light.
Tell that in this lesson they will have
the opportunity to explore noise
pollution, a common pollution type
that not many people recognize as a
Prepare unit 7 lesson 4

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 4: Communication
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- talk about noise pollution, a common pollution type that not many people recognise as a
2. Skills:speaking
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1. Vocabulary: extra words related to the topic
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’): Kinds of Whole class
pollution.: review
Ask Sts to tell kinds of pollution.
Tell Ss that in this lesson they will
have the oppoturnity to explore noise
pollution, a common pollution type
that not many people recognise as a
Presentation (10’) *Vocabulary:
Pre-teach vocab: permanent(adj)
- T goes trough the extra vocabulary earplug(n)
with Ss. If Ss donot know any word affect(v)
in the box, T quick teaches it. hearing loss(n)
+ permanent(adj): Give the bloodpressure(n)
definition(lasting forever; never
change) or give the antonym (this is
the opposite op temporary).
+ earplug: draw a pair of earplug on
the board and explain “ we put these
into our eara to keep out noise or
+ affect: It is the verb form of the
noun effect.
+ hearing loss: ask if Ss know the
verb form of loss. If they do not, give
them the verb to lose. Then give a
simple explanation “When you have
hearing loss, you can’t hear things
+ blood pressure: give an example
(My father has high blood pressure.
Whenever he goes to hospital, the
nurse measures his blood pressure.)
and ask if Ss can guess the meaning.
T may give the Vietnamese
Practice (12’)
1.Complete the questionaire by Ss answer the questionnaire Key: 1. B 2. C
circling the correct answer A,B,C individually 3. A
Have Ss read the questions in the 4. B 5. C
questionnaire to make sure they 6. A
understand everything. Explain any 7. A
unclear points. Then Ss answer the
questionnaire individually. Remind
them to circle their answers.
2.Compare your answers with those Ss work in pairs to compare their
of a classmate answers and see if they have any
Ss work in pairs to compare their different answers
answers and see if they have any
different answers. They do not have
to reach an agreement at this stage.
Ask some pairs to report on their
3.How many correct answers have Ss correct them.
you got?
Play the recording for Ss to check
their answers. Ss listen to the
recording twice. If there are any
incorrect answers, Ss correct them.
Ask Ss if any of the answers has
surprised them, and if so, why.

Audio script:
Noise is constant an loud sound. To
measure the loudness, or volume of
sounds, people use a unit called a
decibel. When a sound is louder than
70 decibels, it can cause noise
pollution. Do you know that the noise
from a vacuum cleaner or a
motorcycle can result in permanent
hearing loss after eight hours? The
sounds of a concert are even more
serious. They can reach as high as
130 decibels and may cause
immediate and permanent hearing
loss. Noise pollution can also lead to
headaches and high blood pressure.
If you are listening to music through
headphones, and other people can
hear it, it means the music is too loud
and unsafe. If there seems to be a
ringing or buzzing in your ears, it
means the noise is effecting you and
damaging your hearing. Wearing
earplugs when you go to concerts or
other loud events, and listening to
music through headphones or
headsets at safe levels can help you
reduce the effects of noise pollution.
Further practice (5’)
4.Discuss other ways to prevent Ss work in groups
noise pollution
Ask Ss which of the eight questions
in the questions ways to prevent noise
pollution. Have Ss work in groups in
five minutes to discuss more ways to
reduce noise pollution. Ss write their
answers on a big piece of paper and
then prevent their answers. Have Ss
vote for the best ways.
This activity can be carried out as a
game to find out which group in five
minutes can come up with the most
ways. The winning group then
presents the answers to the whole
class. Other groups add more if they
have any different ways.
Prepare unit 7 lesson 5

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 5: Skills 1
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
-Read for general and specific information about water pollution.
- Talk about causes and effects of water pollution as well as the solution to water pollution.
2. Skills:speaking , reading
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1. Vocabulary: extra words related to the topic: water pollution.
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’): Kinds of Whole class
pollution.: review
- Ask Ss to tell kinds of pollution.

Pre-reading (10’)
Pre-teach vocab:
1. T may model asking and answering Ss do this activity in pairs. One *Vocabulary:
questions with a strong student. For student looks at the picture A on page + groudwater: the water
example: 12 while the other looks at picture B beneath the earth’s
T (picture A): Are there five ducks in on page 15. They ask each other Yes/ surface.
your picture? No questions to find out the + Pesticide(n):
S (picture B): Yes, there are. Are the differences between the two pictures. + Herbicide(n)
ducks black in your picture? + “point sourse” pollution:
T: No, they aren’t. They’re white. + “ non- point sourse”
… pollution:
Call on one student to report on the
differences. Other Ss can
add some more.
Ask Ss what the pictures tell them
(water pollution). Lead to the second
Picture A (p.14)
- The ducks are white.
- They’re going to the lake.
- There aren’t any factories near the
- The lake water is clean.
Picture B(p.15)
- The ducks are black.
- They’re going from the lake.
- There are some factories near the
- The lake water is dirty/ black.
While-reading (15’)
2. Mi and Nick have decided to give Ss can underline past of the text that Key:
a presentation on water pollution to help them with the answers. Ss 1. The second paragraph
the class. Read what they’ve compare their answers before giving tells about the causes of
prepared and answer the questions. the answers to T. water pollution.
Ask Ss to read the passage quickly 2. The third paragraph
and answer the questions. Tell Ss that tells about the effects of
the first two questions ask for general water pollution.
information while the rest focus on 3. It’s the water beneath
details. Ss can underline past of the the Earth’s surface..
text that help them with the answers. 4. They are industrial
Ss compare their answers before waste, sewage, pesticides,
giving the answers to T. and herbicides.
5. They are pollutants
from storm water and the
6. They use herbicides to
kill weeds.
3. Read the text again and complete Ss read the sentences quickly to Key: 1. cholera
the notes about the effects of water underline the key words. For 2. die 3. polluted water
pollution. Fill each blank with no example, in sentence 1, the key words 4. dead 5.
more than tree words. are drinking water, untreated and aquatic pants
Remind Ss quickly of the way to do outbreak. Then they locate the key
this type of exercise. Have some Ss words in the passage and pick the
read aloud their answers. Confirm the suitable words to fill each blank. For
correct ones. instance, for the blank in sentence 1,
a noun should be filled in.
Post-reading (12’)
4. Work in group and discuss the Ss work in groups to discuss the
solutions to water pollution. Make solutions to water pollution.
notes of your answers. They can then give through each
To help them focus their ideas, T can cause in the presentation and think of
suggest they make two sub-headings. the solutions. For example:
Point source pollution. Factories dump industrial waste.
Non-point source pollution. Solution 1: Give heavy fines to
companies that are found doing this.
Solution 2: Educate companies
about the environment.
Solution 3: Give tax breaks to
companies that find “clean” ways to
dispose of their waste.
They make notes of the answers on a
piece of paper. Invite one group to
quickly present their solutions. Other
groups add any ideas if necessary. As
it is an open activity, accept all the
answers as long as they make sense.
5. Now complete the diagram of Ss work in groups to give a Water pollution:
water pollution. Use the presentation about water pollution. + Definition:
information from the text for the Other groups listen anf give Causes:
causes and effects and your groups’ comments. The class may vote for the + Point source pollutants:
idias for the solutution. best presentation + Non- point sourse
T can give them marks. If the class polltutants:
size is small and time allows, all the Effects:
groups can present. + Human:
6. Make a presentation about the + Animals:
water pollution based on the + Plants:
diagram. Sollutions:
Ask some groups to give a +
presentation about water pollution. +
Other groups listen and give +
comments. The class may vote for the
best presentation and T can give them
marks. If the class size is small and
time allows all the groups can
Prepare unit 7 lesson 6

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 6: Skills 2
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- Listen to get specific information about the topic: Thermal pollution.
- Write a paragraph about the causes and effects of one type of pollution in your area.
2. Skills:listening, writing
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
3. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1. Vocabulary: extra words related to the topic: water pollution.
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’): Chatting Whole class Words related to thermal
T asks: What do you know about the pollution.
thermal pollution?

Pre-listening (10’) *Vocabulary:

Pre-teach vocab: + algal bloom
+ cooling tower
+ power station
1. 1. Describe what you see in the Ss work in pairs describing the Key: The first picture
picture and talk about the pictures and the relationship between shows an algal bloom in
relationship between them. them. coastal seawater.
Call on one or two Ss to give their The second picture
answers. Play the recording for Ss to shows the cooling towers
check their answers. from a power station.
Ask Ss what they know about thermal They are both
pollution. related to thermal
While-listening (15’) pollution.
2. Play the recording once. Ask for Have Ss quickly read the diagram and Key: 1. hotter
Ss’ answers and write them on the identify the from of the word/ phrase 2. cooler 3.
board. If all the answers are correct, to befilled in each blank. For cool 4.warm rivers 5.
more to the next activity. If Ss are not example, the words for blanks 1 and warmer water
sure about their answers, play the 2 are adjectives. 6. fish population
recording again for Ss to check. 7. Harmful 8.
Make changes to the answers on the colour 9. Poison
board. 10. Cool down
Audio script:
Reporter: Does thermal
pollution mean that bodies of water
get hotter, Mr Nam?
Mr Nam: Not always.
Sometimes the water becomes colder,
and that’s thermal pollution.
In general, thermal
pollution means a change in the
water temperature.
Reporter: That’s interesting!
What causes it?
Mr Nam: Power stations are
factor. They use water
in the nearby lakes or
rivers to cool their
equipment, which Key:
heats up the water. 1. The second paragraph
Then they dump the tells about the causes of
hot water back water pollution.
into its source. 2. The third paragraph
Reporter: Are there any other tells about the effects of
causes? water pollution.
Mr Nam: Yes. Thermal pollution 3. It’s the water beneath
may also happen due the Earth’s surface..
to the discharge of 4. They are industrial
cold water from waste, sewage, pesticides,
reservoirs into warm and herbicides.
rivers. 5. They are pollutants
Reporter: Thermal pollution can from storm water and the
have dramatic effects. atmosphere.
Right? 6. They use herbicides to
Mr Nam: Certainly. Most kill weeds.
aquatic creatures need Key: 1. cholera
a certain temperature 2. die 3. polluted water
to survive. Warmer 4. dead 5.
water has less oxygen aquatic pants
in it, and this can
harm fish populations.
Beside, warmer water
can cause harmful
algal blooms. This can
change the colour of
the water like in the
first picture and more
seriously, the algae
poisons the fish.
Reporter: What can we do, Mr
Mr Nam: In many places, they
build cooling towers
like in the second
picture to cool down
the water from power
Reporter: Anything else we can
do? …
Post-reading (12’)
Writing In this writing part, Ss are asked to
write about the causes and effects of
one pollution type in their area.
Recap on the types of pollution by
turning quickly back to the beginning
of the unit in the GETTING
STARTED section.
3. Have Ss take notes of the causes Ss work in pairs and decide which
and effects. Move around to offer pollution type their area they are
help as pairs discuss their ideas. going to discuss
4. Remind Ss to use markets like Ss stay with their partner. One writes
firstly, secondly finally to navigate about the causes and the other writes
through their points. Move around to about the effects based on their notes
offer help and take notes of any from 3.
structures or language that Ss are
struggling with. Bring the whole
group together if there is a point T
wants to clarify, then they can
continue with the writing.
5. Tell them that they should add one Now have Ss share their work with Sample article:
or two sentences at the beginning to each other and combine it to make a Water pollution
introduce the topic and other ones at complete article. There are several types of
the end to conclude their article. pollution. However, water
Note, if Ss need more support, post pollution is the most
the sample article (see next page) on serious in our area.
the board as a reference when Ss get It is caused by several
to this stage of the lesson. This will factors. Firstly, families
help them structure their work. Next, dump sewage into the
have pairs swap and read each other’s river. In the past it was a
articles. Finally, ask for volunteer very beautiful river, but
pairs to read their articles out to the now the water is almost
class and have Ss comment on them. black. Secondly, there are
Then collect all the articles for two new factories in our
marking. area, and they are
dumping chemical waste
into the lake and river.
Thirdly, pesticides are
another source of
pollution. Farmers in our
area usually use these to
kill insects.
Water pollution badly
affects our area. We do
not have enough fresh
waster to water the plants
and crops. People cannot
raise fish in the river and
the lake because the water
there is so polluted. In
addition, there are no
more wild ducks near the
river today since they
cannot find fish for food.
Another negative effect is
that sometimes in the
afternoon there is a bad
smell from the polluted
river, so people do not like
walking along it anymore.
People in our area al
aware of this problem,
Homework(3’): and we are thinking of
Prepare unit 7 lesson 7 ways to solve it.

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 7: Looking back & project
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- Review the lexical items related to the topic: pollution.
- Review the grammar of the unit: Conditional sentence I and II.
- Make questions and answers about the topic.
2. Skills:listening, writing
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards doing exercises
4. Competencies: Self-assessment
II. Main languages:
1. Vocabulary: Words related to the topic
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’): Play: Lucky - Ss play in 2 big groups. Lucky number
number 1 2 3 4
- T explains the rule. 5 6 7 8
- T gives the explanation and ss say 9 10 11 12
the word.
Presentation(15’) *Vocabulary:
Pre-teach vocab: + algal bloom
+ cooling tower
+ power station
1. Complete the sentences with the Ss do this activity individually then Key: 1. pollution
correct form of the words in compare their answers with a partner. 2. contaminated
brackets. 3. death 4.
Check Ss’ answers. Poisonous 5.
2. Write types of pollution in the Ss do this exercise individually. Key:
word web. 1. radioactive pollution
Ask some Ss to write their answers 2. noise pollution
on the board. Confirm the correct 3. visual pollution
answers. 4. thermal
5. water pollution
6. land/ soil
pollution 7. light
pollution 8. air
3.Rewrite the sentences, using the Ss write the sentences using the Key:
words in brackets. words in brackets. Ss compare their 1. The residents of the
Have two Ss write sentences on the sentences with a partner. street cannot sleep
board. T and other Ss give comments. Ss write the sentences in pairs. because of the loud noise
This activity may be conducted as a from the music club.
game if T wants to lighten the 2. Vy had stomachache
atmosphere. Pick the sentences of since she eat a big dinner.
three quickest pairs. Announce the 3. The road in from of my
winning pair with the most correct house was flooded due to
sentences. the heavy rain.
4. His mother is unhappy
because his room is
5. Too much carbon
dioxide (CO2) in the
atmosphere causes global
Practice (15’)
4. Put the verbs in brackets into the Ss do this exercise individually and
correct forms. then share the answers with a Key:
Check their answers classmate. 1. Won’t be; don’t take
2. Continue; will
be 3. Were/
was; would wear
4. do; will see 5.
Woud…travel; didn’t have
6. Wouldn’t be;
5. Complete the sentences, using Ss complete the sentences didn’t take care
your own ideas. individually using their own ideas.
Remind them to identify whether the
sentence is a conditional sentence
type 1 or type 2. Call some Ss to
share their sentences. Accept all the
sentences if they make sense.
Further practice (7’)
6. Work in groups. Discuss what Ss work in groups to discuss what
your would do or say in each they would do or say in each
situation. situation.
Ask Ss to read the example. Move Ss may not need to discuss all the
around the class to listen to their situations. Two or three groups may
ideas. discuss the same situation.
What would you do if…??? Ss complete the project.
Ask Ss to read the information about Ss work in groups to do the project
the project. Ask if Ss still remember following the instructions in the
what a collage is. They made a book.
collage in Grade 7. If they do not
remember clearly, tell them that a
collage is a picture made by sticking
photographs, pictures or drawings
onto a surface. Remind Ss that they
should use conditional sentences type
2 to give the presentation.
Answer Ss’ questions if there are any.
Remember to have Ss present their
collage in the next lesson and vote for
the best.
Ask students to complete the project.
Prepare unit 8 lesson 1

By the end of the unit, Ss will be able to:
-Review present tense
-Use present simple for future
-Pronounce the words ending in -ese and -ee
-Read for special information about an English speaking country
-Listen for specific information about a day trip to a town in an English speaking country
-Talk about an English speaking country
-Describe a schedule for a visit or a tour

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 1: Getting Started–How’s your summer camp?
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
-introduce people and places of interest in English speaking countries
2. Skills: Drill listening ,speaking ,reading and writing mainly.
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1. Vocabulary: lexical items related to the topic “ English speaking countries”
2.Grammar: Review: use the present simple to talk about future activities
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) +whole class. Warm – up.( 5’):
- Prepare some photos or magazine Guessing
cut-outs of some famous monuments
or items from English speaking
countries. Show them to Ss and have
them guess what country each
monument/item is from. Ask Ss if
they know of a common thing among
these countries. It’s the language:
Presentation (10’)
Pre-teach vocab: Whole class *Vocabulary
Write the title “English speaking 1.Awesome
countries” on the board. Ask Ss to 2. Any of the following:
call out names of English speaking Absolutely/ Right.
countries and their main cities. Then 3. It’s hard to say
ask Ss to share any interesting facts
they know about these places.Ask Ss 4. Perhaps
to open their books and look at the + accent (n)
picture. Ask them some questions: Ss answer the questions as a class.
1. Ask Ss to look at the title of the
conversation and the picture. Ask
them some questions:
* Where are the children?
* What do you think they are doing?
Ss answer the questions as a class.
Play the recording and have Ss follow
Practice (22’)
1a Find a word or an expression
from the conversation which you
use when you….
. Guide Ss to look at the beginning of Ss work independently Key:
a reply/ a sentence for the answers. 1. Awesome, just awesome
Allow Ss to share answers. Check 2. Any of the
their answers. following: Absolutely/
Ask Ss: Do you know any other Right.3. It’s hard to say
expressions which have the same 4. Perhaps
b. Read the conversation again and
answer the questions.
Play the recording again without Ss read the conversation again to Key: 1. He’s at an
letting Ss read along. Ask ss to try to answer the questions. Ss exchange international summer
answer as many questions as their answers with a classmate camp (in Singapore).
possible. Ss then read the 2. They come from
conversation again to check their different countries/ from
answers. Have some Ss read out their all over the world.
answers. Correct the answers as a 3. He has made
class. new friends, visited
places, (and taken part in
different activities.)
4. Because he uses
English every day with
people from different
5. Two boys from
Australia and a girl from
the USA.
6. After July 15th.
2. Complete the sentences with the Ss work independently to complete * Grammar: Review: use
words or phrases from the box. the sentences then share their answers the present simple to talk
Ask Ss to underline these words/ in pairs. about future activities
phrases in the conversation and make Key:
sure they understand their meanings. 1. summer camp 2.
Ss work independently to complete native English speaking
the sentences. Have them share their countries 3. native
answers in pairs. Then elicit the speakers
answers from the whole class. 4. the USA 5.
Note: accents
Your first language is often known as 6. official language
your mother tongue, and your second
language may refer to a language
used as an official language in your
country, like English in Malaysia,
Singapore, India or it could simply
mean the foreign language you learn
at school as part of the curriculum. Key:
3. Put the names of the countries Ss work in pairs/ groups to match the 1. the USA 2. The United
under their flags. flags with the countries. Kingdom 3. Singapore
T checks. 4. Australia 5.
Canada 6. New Zealand
The UK, or the United
Kingdom = Great Britain
+ Northern Ireland
Great Britain/ Britain =
England + Scotland +
The USA = The United
States of American. It is
also known as the US, or
the united States, or even
just the States.
In Canada, there are two
official languages: English
and French.
Further practice (5’)
4. GAME: Where are they? Ss work in groups of five or six
From groups of five or six. The first
group to find all the countries wins. If
possible, prepare a black and white
world map on A3 paper or quickly
draw a world map on the board. Ask
one student from the winning group
to go to the board and mark the six
countries so that other groups can see
and check.
Prepare for unit 8 lesson 2

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 2: A closer look 1
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- Practice the vocabulary and pronunciation of the unit.
2. Skills: Speaking, Listening and writing.
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1. Vocabulary: words related to the topic: English speaking countries
2.Grammar: Review: use the present simple to talk about future activities
3. Pronunciation: Stress. In words ending in – ese and –ee.
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) +whole class. Warm – up.( 5’): Review
- Ask Ss to call out the names of
some English speaking countries they
learnt in the previous lesson. Tell
them that in this lesson they are going
to learn different forms of some
words as well as some words/ phrases
related to the topic.
1. Write the names for the people Ss work individually Key:
who belong to these places. Then 1. the Americans
listen and repeat the words. 2. The English
Ask Ss to work individually. Then 3. The Scottish/ the Scots
allow them to share their answers
with a partner. Play the recording for 4. The Welsh
Ss to check their answers. 5. the Irish
Ss listen and repeat. (Point out the 6. The Canadians
change of stress from ‘Canada to 7. The Australians
2. Change the words into a noun(N, Ss work individually or in pair. 8. The New Zelanders
an adjective (A) or verb (V). Key:
Ask Ss work individually or in pair. 1. N = history
Check the answers as a class. If time 2. V = symbolize
allows, have two Ss write their 3. A = legendary
answers on the board and then 4. N = icon
confirm the correct answers. 5. A = spectacular
6. N = festival
While-speaking (17’) 7. A = scenic
3. Use the words in the box to Ss work independently 8. V = attract
complete the sentences. Key: 1. icon 2.
Firstly T asks Ss to read each symbolizes 3. scenic
sentence and decide what the part of 4. unique
speech is for each word to be filled in 5. attracts
the blank.
For example, the word for the blank
in sentence 1 is a noun. They then
complete the sentences. Confirm the
correct answers as a class.
4. Match the words/ phrases with Ss work independently Key: 1. castle 2. loch 3.
the pictures. parade 4. monument 5.
T has Ss look at the pictures. Ask state 6. cattle station
them what they see in each of them.
Allow them then to work individually
to match the words/ phrases to the
pictures. Check the answers as a class
by asking Ss in which countries, from
the list in 1, they might see these
things or ask them to give an example
of these things.
Post-speaking (5’)
Stress in words ending in-ese and - ee
5. Listen and repeat the words. Ss say the words individually. Key: - ese
Ask Ss to listen and repeat. Then - ee
have Ss say the words individually. Audio script:
With stronger groups, have Ss mark Canto’nese
the stress in the words first and say employ’ee
the words aloud before they listen to Taiwa’nese
the recording. Then play the adop’tee - ese:
recording for them to listen, check Contonese, Taiwanese,
and repeat. Japanese, Portuguese
- ee: employee, adoptee,
addressee, interviewee
6. Mark the stress in the Ss work in pairs Key: 1. Chi’nese 2.
underlined words. Then listen and refu’gee
repeat the sentences. 3. trai’nee
T puts the underlined words on the 4. Japa’nese
board. Have volunteer Ss come and 5. guaran’tee
mark the stress in the words first. Ask
for a show of hands from the rest of
the class if they think the stress is
correct or not. Then play the
recording. Ss listen, check and say
the sentences. Have Ss correct the
stress on the board if necessary. Call
on some Ss to say the sentences
Prepare for unit 8 lesson 3

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 3: A closer look 2
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- know how to use the grammar points correctly.
2. Skills: Speaking, Listening and writing.
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1. Vocabulary: words related to the topic
2.Grammar: Present tenses.
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) +whole class. Warm – up.( 5’): Review
T asks Ss to tell something they’ve
known about English speaking
Grammar points: +whole class.
present simple, present continuous or
present perfect tense ( the uses and
the forms)
Practice (20’)
1. Complete the sentences with the Ss work individually Key: 1. has served
correct forms of the verbs ( present 2. is increasing 3.
simple, present continuous or symbolizes 4. from5.
present perfect tense) has celebrated 6. is
Remind Ss about the use of the
present simple, present continuous
and present perfect and their distinct
time signals. Then let them do 1
individually. Allow Ss to share ideas
in pairs or small groups. Encourage
Ss to explain how they decided on the
tense in each sentence. Correct as a
2. Four of the underlined verbs in Ss work individually first. Then Key:
the passage are incorrect tense. share and discuss in pairs or small In the passage
Find and correct them. groups. 2. visit  have visited
Check, and have Ss explain why a 3. increases is
certain tense is used. increasing
5. has celebrates 
7. are dancing dance
Present simple for the
3a. Read the schedule and whole class future
underline the verbs in the sentences Key:
describing the activities. 1. The Debating
Ask Ss to read the monthly schedule Competition takes place
for the extra activities at Vancouver in the Main Hall on April
Christian School. Then have them 3 rd.
underline the verbs in the sentences. 2. The bus for the
excursion to the chocolate
factory leaves at 8.00 a.m
3b. Work in groups. Discuss the Ss work in groups os April 14th.
questions. Key: 1. The future
Allow Ss time to discuss and find the REMEMBER! 2. The
answers to the questions. If Ss are We use the present simple with a present simple
having difficulty answering question future meaning when we talk about
2, T may ask questions such as ‘Is a schedules, programmes, ect ( for
schedule usually for present or future example: publis transport, cinemas,
activities?’ Then have Ss read the television, school….)
+ The train to Bristol leaves at 11.45
from platform four.
+ Our school year starts next week on
September 5 th.
4. Use the verbs in the box in the Ss s work individually. Key:
correct forms to complete the 1. starts – finishes
sentences describing other 2. taken place
activities. 3. holds
T check the answers as a class. 4. hosts
5. Lasts

Further practice (7’)

5. Make notes of some activities Ss do this exercise independently.
your school has planned for next Ss can use the sentences in 4 as a
week. Write five sentences about model.
the activities, using the simple
present with a future meaning.
T encourages them to be imaginative.
Walk around and help Ss with new
vocabulary. Ss can exchange and talk
about their schedule with a partner
first. Once they have done this, ask
them to write down the sentences.
Remind Ss that in this case, the
present simple is used to talk about
practical information: place, time,
day, date, so this should be the focus
of their sentences. If time allows, let
them share with the class. Otherwise,
T may set the writing for homework.

Prepare for unit 8 lesson 4

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 4: Communication
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- have some general knowledge of peoples and landmarks in English speaking countries.
2. Skills: Speaking, Reading and writing.
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1. Vocabulary: words related to the topic
2.Grammar: Present tenses.
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) +whole class. Warm – up.( 5’):
T can start with a brainstorming Brainstorming: English
session to see how much Ss know speaking countries
about English speaking countries.
Encourage Ss to talk in English.
Pre-teac vocab: +whole class. *Vocabulary:
Tell Ss that in this lesson they will + territory (n): land that is
have the oppoturnity to explore under the control of a
peoples and landmarks in English particular country.
speaking countries. + North Pole (n): the point
- T goes trough the extra vocabulary on the surface of the Earth
with Ss. If Ss donot know any word that is furthest north.
in the box, T quick teaches it. + Arctic Circle (n): an
invisible ring on the most
nothern part of our planet,
including the Arctic
region; the center of the
While-speaking (20’) Arctic Circle is the North
1. Do the quiz and choose the Ss work individually first. Then Pole.
correct answers. share and share their answers in pairs Key:
Have Ss do the quiz individually as 1. C 2. A 3. C
quickly as possible. Set a time limit 4. B 5. B
to keep the pace lively and increase 6. B 7. C
the fun element. Ss then share their 8. A 9. B
answers in pairs or small groups and 10. A
discuss where their answers differ.
Check as a class by asking for a show whole class
of hands for each question. Note that
the quiz format should be kept light
and fun.
2. Write the names of the countries Ss work independently. Then Ss Key:
next to the facts. compare their answers in pairs. 1. the USA 2. New
T confirms the correct answers as a Zealand
class. 3. The United Kingdom
Both activities 1 and 2 are to confirm 4. Canada
and broaden Ss’ knowledge of 5. Australia
English speaking countries and focus
on English fluency. Encourage them
to discuss with one another. The
experience will be more meaningful
this way.

Further practice (7’)

3. GAME: How much do you know Ss work in groups of five or six.
about a country?
a. Work in groups. Choose a
country and together find out as
much about it as possible.. Then
prepare a small introduction of
that country. Don’t say the name of
the country.
Explain that now they have a chance
to put together what they know about
a country, including all the
information they have got so far from
the lesson too. Ask them to write the
information in short notes first
without mentioning the name of the
country (e.g: -far north/ north
America; -cold; -two languages:
English and French…).
b. Each group then presents their Ss present their introduction to the
introduction to the class. The class
Ask each group to stand up in font of
the class. Each member of the group
will give one fact about the country.
When they have finished, the rest of
the class can guess what country it is.
Where every group has done their
presentation, the class can vote for
the most informative and interesting

Prepare for unit 8 lesson 5

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 5: Skills1
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
+ Read for specific information about the attractions of a country.
+ Talk about interesting facts of a country.
2. Skills: Speaking, Reading
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1. Vocabulary: extra words related to the topic: English speaking countries
2.Grammar: Present tenses.
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) +whole class. Warm – up.( 5’):
- Ask Ss to tell about How much you Chatting
know about a country.
Pre-teac vocab: +whole class. *Vocabulary:
+ haunt (v)
+ piping (n)
1. Discuss the questions. Then read Ss work in pairs + fire brigade (n)
the passage. Key:
1. Where is Scotland? 1. It’s in the north of Great
2. What is this land famous for? Britain.
Allow Ss two or three minutes to 2. Any or all of the
discuss the questions. Draw a map of following: It’s famous for
Great Britain and highlight Scotland its rich and unique culture
on the map. Leave it on the board as well as its amazing
while the class reads the passage Ss call out their answers and say natural beauty, its historic
silently. T may ask Ss to underline where they found the information in castles, its traditional
the things that Scotland is famous for. the passage. festivals, and its whisky.It
While-reading (15’) is also famous for various
2. Match each place or event with Ss work individually, then check their inventions.
its two features. work in pairs. Key: 1. Edinburgh:
Ask Ss to read the passage again. Ask d, f 2. Castles:
them to scan the places first. Read a, c
carefully the information about each 3. Highland
place and choose the two features Game: b, h 4. Lochs: e, g
related to it.
Ask Ss to call out their answers and
show where the information appears.
3. Read the passage again and Key:
answer the questions 1. Yes, it is.
T may invite two Ss to write their Ss read the passage again and write 2. A ghost
answers on the board. Confirm the out the answers independently. 3. Piping, drumming,
correct answers. For a more able dancing
class, T may ask Ss to answer the 4. the telephone,
questions without reading the passage television, penicillin, the
again. rain coat
5. In 1824
Post-reading (12’)
Speaking Whole class
T asks Ss some questions.
4. Work in pairs. Talk about the Ss work in pairs Example:
thing(s) you like most about + What do you like about
Scotland. Give reasons. Scotland?
Give Ss a minute to think about the I like the castles
thing they like most about Scotland, + Why?
and prepare their reasons. They then Because I want to see the
work in pairs, asking and answering ghost.
about their choice. If time allows, call
on some pairs to share with the class.
Encourage Ss come up with more
questions about Scotland.
5. Work in groups. Read and Ss work in small groups. AUSTRALIA- interesting
discuss these interesting facts about facts:
Australia. Prepare a short - world’s only country
introduction of Australia. Then which covers an entire
present it to the class. contonent.
Ask them to look through the - world’s capital of sports
interesting facts, and discuss if there and outdoor
is any piece of information they are activities( 70% of the
not clear about. Check as a class to population regularly
make sure that the information is participate)
understood correctly. Only then can - world’s longest
Ss start working on preparation for fence(5,400 km; built to
their presentation. Tell them that they protect world’s largest
can add some facts they know, or population of sheep( about
delete some facts they do not like 175 milliom); claimed
from the provided notes. Then call on tobe seen from outer
some groups to present. The class space.
may then vote for the best - world’s largest cattle
presentation. station( Ann Creek
Homework(3’): station); larger than
Prepare for unit 8 lesson 6 Belgium.

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 6: Skills 2
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- listen for specific information about a day trip to an amazing town
- write a description of a schedule for a visit or a tour
2. Skills: Listening, writing
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
II. Main languages:
1. Vocabulary: extra words related to the topic: English speaking countries
2.Grammar: Present tenses.
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) +whole class. Warm – up.( 5’): Review
- T asks Ss to tell about Australia.
Pre-teac vocab: +whole class. *Vocabulary related to
Wanaka - New Zealand
Set the scene:
Wanaka - New Zealand +whole class.
A tour guide is talking about the
schedule for a day trip to Wanaka, a
town in the far south of New Zealand.
Ask Ss to look at the pictures and
read the introduction to the listening.
Ask them what features from the
pictures they are interested in. and
what they think Wanaka is like.
While-listening (15’)
1. Listen and fill in the time for the Ss work individually Key:
schedule of events. 1. 9.30 2. 12. 30
Ask Ss to read the questions. T then 3. 4.00 4. 4.15
plays the recording and Ss write the
answers. T can play the recording at
least twice. Elicit the answers from
Ss and write the correct on the board.
2. Listen again and choose the right Ss work in pairs Key:
answer A, B, or C. 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. B
Give Ss some time to read the 5. A
events. Check if they know the
meaning of the words “ illusion” “ illusion” ( something
( something that appears tobe there that appears tobe there but
but is not) and “ 3- hologram” (three - is not)
dimensiomal image). Ss then listen to “ 3- hologram” (three -
the recording anain, as many times as dimensiomal image).
needed if time allow, and choose the
correct answers.
T checks the answers as a class.
Post-listening (12’)
3a. Choose four activities from the Ss work in groups of three or four. *Vocabulary related to
list that you would like to do in a Read the activities and decide on the Washington D.C.
two-day visit to Washington D. C., four activities they would like to do
the capital of the USA. together in their two – day visit to
Ask Ss to work in groups of three or Washington D.C.
four. Read the activities and decide
on the four activities they would like
to do together in their two – day visit Ss fill in the schedule:
to Washington D.C. Day Time Activity
b Schedule your visit. 1
Once they have made their decision,
allow them time to schedule their 2
visit and fill in the schedule table.
4. Write a passage describing the Ss work in groups Sample writing:
schedule for your visit. You can This is the schedule for
start with: our group’s two-day visit
Have each group write a description to Washington D.C. On
of their visit. The description should the first day we plan to go
include: the name of the activity, the to the White House early
time they do it, and what it involves. at 8 o’clock. This way, we
If possible, give each group a big avoid the crowds. Then
piece of paper to write their answers. we get on a Hop-on Hop-
Ask the two quickest groups to off trolley, which rides
present their answers. Other groups around the city. We do
and T give comments. Give marks to some shopping and go for
the groups. Other groups complete a nice lunch. Then we see
their writing as homework and bring some of the sights of the
it back in the next lesson. city. On the second day,
we take the 8.30 shuttle
bus to the canoe club to
join a canoe trip along the
C & O canal. This canal is
famous for its beautiful
scenery, especially in
autumn. The trip takes
about three hours. In the
afternoon, we visit the
National Children’s
Museum. The brochure
says that this museum
offers children a lot of fun
activities where they can
learn through playing.
Prepare for unit 8 lesson 7

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 7: Looking back & project
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- Review the lexical items related to the topic: English speaking countries.
- Review the grammar of the unit.
- Make questions and answers about the topic.
2. Skills: Listening, writing
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude while doing the tasks together
4. Competencies: Recycle the language from the previous sections.Self-assessment
II. Main languages:
1. Vocabulary: Words related to the topic
2.Grammar: The simple present tenses.
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’)Lucky number Group work. Warm – up.( 5’):
- T explains the rule.
- T gives the explanation and ss say
the word.
- Ss play in 2 big groups.
Pre-teac vocab: +whole class. *Vocabulary:
- lock: a Scottish for
- Kilt: a male skirt which
is often worn on special
- Puzzling: confusing or
- castle:
- legend:
- accent:
1. Match the words with the Ss work individually Key:
definitions. 1. c 2. e 3. f
Ss complete this exercise 4. b 5. d 6. a
independently. Check their answers
as a class.
2. Choose the best answer A, B, or Ss work individually. Key:
C to complete the sentences. 1.C 2. A 3. C
They can then double check with
their partner. Confirm the correct 4. B 5. B 6.A
Practice (15’)
3. Decide if the sentences have a Ss complete this task independently Key:
present meaning (P) or a future or in pairs. 1. F 2. F 3. P 4. P
meaning (F). 5. F
Check as a class
4. Complete the sentences with the Ss complete the exercise Key:
appropriate present tense of the independently and then exchange 1. faces 2. doesn’t set
verbs in brackets. their answers. 3. has won 4. has done
Ask Ss to read the sentences carefully
and look for clues that help them 5. is 6. are trying
decide which tense should be used for
each blank. Ask two Ss to write their
answers on the board. Confirm the
correct answers.
Further practice (12’)
Check your knowledge! Key:
5. Work in groups. Discuss if the Ss work in groups 1. Scottish men wear kilts.
statements are correct. 2. The USA has the
They discuss the statements and biggest population.
decide if they are true. If they are 3. California is a state in
true. If they are not, find the true the USA.
answer. Check as a class. 4.They live in Astralia.
5. English and French.

Finished! Ss work individually

Ask Ss to complete the self-
assessment. Discuss as a class what
difficulties remain and what areas Ss
have mastered. Background knowledge of
PROJECT Work in groups English speaking
Explore us! countries.
This project aims to encourage Ss to These can help decide:
do more research about the capitals in - Which attractions you
English speaking countries, to would include in your
explore them and find out as much as poster.
possible about their culture, they - What information about
historic and natural beauty… This the attraction you would
means they can research whatever introduce.
they are interested in and think can - Which picture you
attract people. would use for your poster.
Divide Ss into groups of four or five - the design for your
and instruct them on what they have poster.
to do. Encourage them to think
creatively and daringly. Tell them to
keep in mind who this poster is for.
Have Ss present their poster in the
next lesson. When all groups have
given their presentations, the whole
class can vote for the best.
Prepare for unit 9 lesson 1

Description of unit 9

By the end of the unit, Ss will be able to:

-Review passive voice
-Use present perfect
-Pronounce the words ending in-logy and –graphy
-Read for specific information about how to prepare for a natural disaster
-Listen for specific information about a natural disaster
-Talk about natural disasters and ways to prepare for them
-Write a news report on a natural disaster

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 1: Getting started-Shocking news
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- listen for specific information about a day trip to an amazing town
- write a description of a schedule for a visit or a tour
2. Skills: Listening, writing
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards facing natural disaster
4. Competencies: Describing natural disasters
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: lexical items related to the topic “ Natural diasters”
2.Grammar: Review: use the past perfect tense to talk about an action before a stated time or another action in
the past
- Passive voice: review

III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures

IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Team work Warm – up.( 5’): Game
- T helps Ss review the previous unit
by asking them to take part in a quick
game. - T divides the class into two
teams. Using a soft ball or rolled up
ball of paper, have a student in Team
A throw the ball to the other team,
calling out an English speaking
country, e.g., England. Whoever
catches the ball must think of a thing
or a place that country is famous for
e.g., Big Ben, London, Liverpool,
afternoon tea. The Beatles, etc.
Continue with other countries until
the time is up.
Pre-teac vocab: Whole class *Vocabulary:
Vocabularies related to
“ Natural diasters”
- volcano (n)
- tornado (n)
- flood (n)
- forest fire (n)
- earthquake (n)
- tsunami (n)
- mudslide (n)
- drought (n)
Set the scene: Work individually - debris (n)
1. Ask Ss to look at the title of the - trap (v)
conversation and the picture. Ask
them some questions:
Write the unit title on the board
‘Natural Disasters’.
Elicit any information Ss know about
natural disasters by asking about
natural disasters that have happened
where they love or anywhere else in
the world that they know of.
What was the natural
When did it happen?
Was there any damage to
people or property?
Practice (20’)
1a. Read the conversation again Ss work independently. Then share Key:
and fill in the gaps with no more answers before discussing as a class. 1. tropical storm
than three words. 2. Injured
Ask Ss to read each sentence and 3.damage
locate the information in the 4. trapped
conversation, then choose suitable 5. medical supplies
words/ phrases to fill each blank. 6.temporary
b. Responding to news In pairs, Ss practice saying the accommodation
T model an exchange with a student phrases with correct intonation.
by giving some bad news, ‘My cat
died.’ and eliciting ‘That’s terrible!’
from the student. Focus on
intonation, stressing the first syllable
of ‘terrible’. Do the same with other
Ss around the class. Encourage Ss to
have fun exaggerating their
intonation as they reply to T. Tell Ss
to refer back to the conversation to
find the other phrases. (Play the
recording a model if necessary)
2a Write the responses into the Ss work independently. Responding to good
corrects columns. Then listen, news- bad news
check and repeat. Wow!
First, have Ss work independently. Oh dear!
Then allow them to share answers That’s great!
before playing the recording for them That’s awful!
ti check. Play the recording for Ss to
repeat the phrases. Remind Ss to play That’s a relief!
attention to their intonation as they How terrible!
practice. How wonderful!
Oh no!
That’s shocking!
b. Match the sentences (1-6) to the Ss work independently. Then share Key:
responses (a-f). Then practise the answers before T gives comments. 1. b 2. d
exchanges with a partner. 3. f
First, have Ss work independently. 4. c
Then allow them to share answers 5. a
before T gives comments. Point out 6.e
that some of the responses could fit
more than one statement. If Ss can
justify their choice, then accept it.
Ask Ss to work in pairs, practicing
the exchanges with good intonation.
T goes around the class to provide
3. Match the natural disasters with Ss work in pairs to match the words/ Key:
the pictures. Then listen, check phrases to the pictures. 1. C 2. D
your answers and repeat. Can you 3. F
add more? 4. B 5. G
First, have Ss work in pairs to match 6.A
the words/ phrases to the pictures. 7. H 8. E
Then allow them to share answers
with another pair before playing the
recording for them to check. Play the
recording for Ss to repeat the words/
Further practice (7’)
4. Work in pairs. Ask and answer Work in pairs
questions about common natural
disasters in some areas in Viet
Ask Ss which of these natural
disasters can happen in Viet Nam.
Then model this activity with a more
able student. Next ask Ss to work in
pairs. Go around to provide help. Call
on some pairs to practice in front of
the class.
Prepare for unit 9 lesson 2

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 2: A closer look 1
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- Practice the vocabulary and pronunciation of the unit 9.
2. Skills: Listening, speaking
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards facing natural disaster
4. Competencies: Coping with diasters
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: erupt (v), strike (v), rage (n/v), collapse (v), shake (v), scatter (v),
evacuate (v), put out (v)

3. Pronunciation:- Stress in words ending in –logy and – graphy.
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Whole class Warm – up.( 5’): Review
Ask sts to tell about some natural
disasters they’ve experienced.
Pre-teach vocab: Whole class
rage(n/v) collapse(v)
shake(v) scatter(v)
put out (v)
bury (v)
rush into(v)
debris (n)
While-lítening (20’) shelter (n)
1. Fill in each blank with a suitable Ss work independently to do the Key:
verb in the correct from from the activity. Then share their answers 1. struck 2. erupted
box below. Then listen, check and with one or more partners. 3. shook
repeat. 4. buried
Write the first verb erupt on the board 5. raged 6.
and elicits the past tense from Ss, Collapsed
writing erupted on the board. Do the
same with all the verbs. T may ask
for a translation of the verbs to check
their understanding. Leaving them on
the board as a reference. Play the
recording for Ss to repeat the
sentences. With a stronger class, T
may wish to ask Ss to make some
more examples with the verbs in the
box.Finish all the exercises
Audio script:
1. Yesterday, a terrible storm struck
the rural area of Ha Giang Province.
2. Villagers rushed into public
shelters as soon as the volcano
3. Hundreds of buildings were
completely destroyed when the
earthquake shook the city.
4. The mudslide buried the whole
village while people were still
sleeping in their houses.
5. The forest fire raged for eight
hours and some animals were badly
injured or killed.
6. We managed to run out of the
house into the street before the walls
2. Match the verbs in column A to First, Ss work independently. Then, Key: 1. b 2. d 3. a
the nouns in column B. Then listen, share their answers with one or more 4. e 5. C
check and repeat. partners.
T may ask for translation of some
phrases to check their understanding.
Play the recording for Ss to repeat the
Audio script: 1. scatter debris
2. take shelter 3. evacuate the village
4. provide aid 5. Put out the
forest fire
3. Now use the phrases in 2 in the
correct from to complete the Ss complete the sentences Key:
sentences. individually, using the phrases in 2. 1. Provide aid 2. Put
Have some Ss read out their answers out the forest fire 3.
before checking with the whole class. Took shelter 4.
Confirm the correct answers. Scattered debris 5.
Post-listening(7’) Evacuate the village.
Stress in words ending in -logy and
-graphy Words ending in -logy and -graphy
4. Listen and repeat these words. REMEMBER
Pay attention to the stressed For the words ending in – logy and
syllables. – graphy, place the stress on the
Play the recording and ask Ss to third syllable from the end.
listen and repeat the words, playing soci’ology clima’tology
attention to the stressed syllables of zo’ology as’trology
each word. T may play the recording bibli’ographyde’mography
as many times as necessary. Explain Ss listen and repeat
the rule in the REMEMBER! Box
and ask some Ss to give some words
ending in -logy and -graphy.
5. Listen and mark the stress on the
correct syllable in the words below. Work in pairs
Pay attention to Key: 1. soci’ology
-logy and -graphy. 4.
Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice clima’tology
saying the words and mark the 2. zo’ology
stress on the correct syllable in each 5. as’trology
word. Then T plays the recording. Ss 3.
listen and check. T may pause after bibli’ography 6.
each word and ask them to repeat de’mography
chorally. Correct their pronunciation
if necessary.
6. Read the following sentences and
mark (‘) the stressed syllable in the Ss work in pairs
underlined words. Then listen and Key:
repeat the sentences. 1. We are studying
Ask Ss to work in pairs to mark the the ge’ography of
stress in the words and practice Asia.
saying the sentences. Call some Ss to 2. I had a bi’ology
give the answers and say the lesson this
sentences in front of the class. Then afternoon.
ask Ss to listen while T plays the 3. They share a
recording. T may pause after each common interest in
sentences and ask them to repeat pho’tography.
chorally. Correct their pronunciation. 4. A bi’ography is
If there is not enough time, after Ss a book that tells
mark the stress, play the recording for the story of
them, then check their answers and someone’s life,
repeat the sentences. written by
Homework(3’): someone else.
Prepare for unit 9 lesson 3 5. Zo’ology is the
scientific study of
animals and their

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 3: A closer look 2
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- know how to use the grammar points correctly.
2. Skills: Listening, speaking
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards facing natural disaster
4. Competencies: Coping with diasters
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: words related to the topic
2.Grammar: Passive voice, past perfect tenses.
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Whole class Warm – up.( 5’): Review
- T asks Ss to tell something they’ve
known about natural disasters.
Grammar Whole class
The passive voice: review Grammar points:
Ask if Ss remember how to from the The passive voice:
passive voice. T may ask one student review
to write the from on the board and The passive voice is
have other Ss give examples. formed with the verb tobe
If they do not remember well, ask to in the appropriate tense
read the REMEMBER! box. Draw and form, and the past
Ss’ attention to how the passive voice participle of the main
is formed by analysing the rule. Then verb. Only verds which
ask some more able Ss to give some can take an object can be
examples to illustrate this. used in the passive.
- Only a few minor
injuries were reported.
- Medical supplies, food
and recue equipment have
Practice (20’) also been sent.
1. Read the conversation in Pairwork Key:
GETTING STARTED and Was anyone injured?
underline any sentence in the Only a few minor injuries
passive voice that you can find. were reported.
Check your findings with a partner. It seems many houses and
Ask Ss to read the conversation in public buildings were
GETTING STARTED again and destroyed or flooded, and
underline all instances of the passive thousands of peoplewere
voice that they can find. Then, ask left homeless.
them to share their findings with one They’ve sent recue
or more partners before checking workers to free people
with tha whole class. who were trapped in
flooded homes.
Medical supplies, food
and recue equipment have
also been sent.
They’ve been taken to a
self place where
temporary accommodation
will be provided for them.
2. Complete the sentences using the Key:
correct passive from of the verbs in Ss work independently. 1. was scattered
brackets. Then share their answers with one or 2. Are built
Have Ss work independently. Then, more partners. 3.
ask them to share their answers with Were taken
one or more partners. Ask some Ss to 4. will be predicted 5.
say their answers aloud. Confirm the Will be delivered/ are
correct answers. going to be delivered
3. Rewrite the following sentences Key:
using the corrects passive voice. 1. Food and blankets have
Invite two Ss to write the sentences Ss work independently. Then, share been given out to
on the board while other Ss write the their answers with one or more homeless people (by
sentences in their notebooks. Ask partners. volunteers)
some Ss to give comments on the 2. Ten people trapped in
sentences on the board. Confirm the collapsed buildings have
correct sentences. been freed (by the rescue
For a class that needs more support, workers) so far.
model the first sentence for Ss. Have 3. Was the whole village
Ss write the next two sentences and destroyed (by the storm)?
correct them carefully. The rest can 4. If the area is hit by the
be done as homework. storm, a lot of damage
will be caused.
5. A garden party is going
to be organized to raise
money for the victims of
The past perfect the flood.
4a Read part of the conversation
from GETTING STARTED. Pay The past perfect
attention to the underlined part. * Forms:
Ask Ss to read part of the (+) Positive
conversation from GETTING Subject + had + past
STARTED, paying attention to the participle
underlined part. Then, refer to the (-) Negative
yellow box, explaining the from of Subject + had not/ hadn’t
the part perfect tense and going + past participle
through the examples. (?) Questions:
b When do we use the past perfect? Had + subject + past
Can you think of any rules? participle
Now ask Ss to think about the rules Had + subject + not +
for the past perfect tense. First, try to past participle
elicit them from Ss. Then go through Hadn’t + subject + past
the rules in the boxes by analyzing participle
the examples given. Then ask Ss to * Short answers to Yes/ No
give some more examples of their questions:
own. (+) Yes, subject + had
(-) No, subject + hadn’t
* The usage:
- The past perfect is used to describe
an action before a stated time in the
People had managed to leave the
flooded villages by 11 o’clock last
- The past perfect is used to describe
an action that happened before
another action in the past.
Ex: People had already left the
flooded villages when the rescue
5. Complete the sentences by workers arrived. Key:
putting the verbs in brackets into First Ss work independently. Then 1. had left, erupted
the simple past or past perfect. share their answers with one or more 2. arrived, had
First, have Ss work independently. partners. stopped 3. had
Then, ask them to share their answers spent, arrived
with one or more partners. Ask some 4. got, hadn’t taken 5.
Ss to say their answers aloud. T give Found, had bought
comments, and makes any correction
if available.
6. Work in pairs. Ask and answer
the following questions about you. Pairwork
First, ask Ss to prepare their answers
independently. Then model the
activity by asking a student one of the
given questions. Ask Ss to work in
pairs. T may go around to provide
help. Call some pairs to practice in
front of tha class.
Further practice(7’)
Work in two teams. Take turns to Team work
give reasons why you were pleases/
upset/ happy/ angry, etc. Use the
past perfect for the event that had
happened. Each correct sentence
gets one point. The team with the
most points wins.
Model the game with the whole class
first. Divide the whole class into two
teams (e.g. left side and right side).
Then allow members from the two
teams to take turns in giving reasons
why they were pleased/ upset/ happy/
angry, ect. Count the correct
sentences to find the winning team.
If time does not allow, T can choose
either activity 6 or 7 for Ss to do.
Prepare for unit 9 lesson 4

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 4: Communication
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will :
have some general knowledge of natural disasters.
2. Skills: Reading, speaking ,writing
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards facing natural disaster
4. Competencies: Coping with diasters
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: words related to the topic
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Whole class Warm – up.( 5’): Discuss
Before Ss open their books, ask them
to work in groups to discuss the
question. Can we prevent natural
disasters with the help of modern
Pre-teach vocab: Whole class *Vocabulary:
Help Ss understand the meanings of - climate change = a
the words in Extra vocabulary, and permanent change in
any other words from the text you weather conditions.
think they won’t know, by using - victim = a person who
examples, definitions or even has been attacked, injured
traditions. or killed as the result of a
crime, a disease, an
accident, ect.
- in charge = in a position
of having control or
While-speaking(20’) responsibility for sb/ sth.
1. Listen to a radio programme on Audio script: Key:
4 Teen News. Then fill in the gaps Welcome to ‘Nature and You.’ Today 1. flooded
with the words you hear. we have asked our listener our 2. warming
First, have Ss read the interview and listeners around the world to call us 3. used
guess what the missing word for each to express their views on these two 4.unprepared
gap in the interview is. Write the Ss’ questions: ‘Are there more natural 5. Reminding
ideas on the board. Ask Ss to say disasters now than there were in the
which question each person is past?’’’ and ‘Are we prepared to deal
answering (Sarah and Peter: the first with natural disasters?’
question; Nubita and Linh: the - Hi, I’m Sarah from Sydney,
second question). Then play the Australia. I think there are more
recording. The first time, ask Ss to naturaldisasters now than there used
close their books and listen only. to be. Whenever I what the news on
Then play the recording again and TV, I see places that are flooded or
allow Ss to fill in the gaps as they affected by drought. I’m certain this
listen. Ask Ss to share their answers is the result of climate change and
in pairs before playing the recording global warming.
a final time to allow pairs to check - Hello, I’m Peter from London,
their answers. Refer Ss back to the England. I don’t think that there are
ideas on the board and decide more natural disasters now than in the
together if all of them are possible past. But more are being reported on
options. If time is limited, T may play the news in shorter time periods.
only the sentences that include the We’ve seen them so often on the
information Ss need for their news that we’ve become used to
answers. them.
- Hi, everyone, I’m Nubita from
Tokyo, Japan: I think recent
earthquakes and tsunamis just show
how unprepared we are to deal with
them. Despite all the technology and
knowledge available to us nowadays,
many people become victims of
natural disasters.
- Good evening everyone, I’m Linh
from ha Noi, Viet Nam. I don’t think
we can prepare for natural disasters
as nobody knows when or where they
are going to strike. It’s Nature’s way
of reminding us who is in charge and
that we should show more respect to
2. Read the listeners’ views on the natural environment.
natural disasters again and decide
who you agree with and who you Work invidually
disagree with.
Ask Ss to decide whose opinions they Ss make notes of the reasons for their
agree with and who they disagree decision
3. Answer the two questions. Pairwork
Express your own views and write
them down below.
Have Ss make notes of their answers
to the two questions in the interview.
Remind Ss that it does not matter
what their answers are, and that it is
more important that they justify their
answers. T may go around to provide
4. Work in pair. Now compare your Ss work in pairs to share their
views with a partner. Do you share answers with a partner.
the same views?
Encourage each pair to negotiate for
the same views. If time allows, have
some Ss report on their answers.
Otherwise, move around the class
while Ss do this activity and give
Prepare for unit 9 lesson 5

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 5: Skills 1
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- Read for general and specific information about how to prepare for a natural disaster..
- Talk about natural disasters and ways to prepare for them.
2. Skills: Reading, speaking
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards facing natural disaster
4. Competencies: Coping with diasters
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: essential wreak havoc destructive guidelines emergency
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’):
- Before Ss open their books, ask the Chatting
question: ‘What can we do to prepare
for a natural disaster?’
- See if any Ss can come up with
some ideas.
- Make notes on the board.
- As an option, this could be done in
Vietnamese with T showing how to
express these ideas in English.
- Now have Ss open their books.
1- Read an article about how to Individual work Suggested answers:
prepare for a natural disaster. - Wreak havoc: do great
Look at the words in the box, then damage or harm to
find them in the article and sombody/ something.
underline them. What do they - essential: necessary.
mean? - destructive: causing
- Ask Ss to scan the article to find major damage, from the
where the words/phrases wreak verb destroy.
havoc, essential, destructive, - guidelines: rules or
guidelines, and emergency are in the instructions telling you
article. how to do something,
- Ask if Ss know the meaning of the espescially something
words/ phrases. difficult.
- If they do not, T may help Ss work - emergency: a suddenly
out the meanings of these words from serious and dangerous
the article. event or situation.
- T can also explain the words/
2. Read the article again and Ss work in pairs to share their Key:
answer the questions answers with a partner. - Because they can wreak
- T may set a longer time limit for Ss havoc across large areas
to read the article again and answer and cause loss of life or
the questions. damage to property.
- Ask Ss to note where they found the - Learn about the risk in
information that helped them to your area and read the
answer the questions. information about natural
- Ss can compare answers before disasters on local
discussing them as a class. government sites.
- Enter all the emergency
contact numbers in your
mobile phone so you can
call the rescue and
emergency workers if
- Your emergency supply
kit should include food,
water, medication,
personal hygiene items,
copies of personal
documents and some
- We need to know the
evacuation routes and
3a. Read the news reports (A-C) Individual work shelters.
and match each one to the correct Key :
picutre (1-3). 1. C 2. B 3. A
- First, ask Ss to read each news .
- T may help with the new
- Then ask Ss to match each news
report to the correct picture.
- Have some Ss read out their
answers before checking with the
whole class.
3b. Work in pairs. Each pair can Work in pairs
choose one of the reports in 3a.
Role-play telling each other about
the news. Use the example below.
- First, remind Ss of the responses
they practised in GETTING
STARTED, e.g., That’s shocking!;
refer them back to this section if
- Now ask Ss to work in groups of
three and role-play telling each other
about one of the news reports in 3a.
- T may go around to provide help.
- After finishing, T may call on some
groups to do the role-play in front of
the class.
4a. Make a list of things to do Pairwork
before, during and after each of the
disasters in your area. You can read
the article in 1 again for ideas.
- Ask Ss what disasters often happen
in their area.
- Elicit the answers from Ss and
choose two disasters that happen the
- Divide the class into two groups;
each will discuss one disaster.
- Ss work in pairs within each group
to discuss and write down what to do
before, during and after this disaster.
- Move around the class to help Ss if
4b Discuss what you should do in Pairwork
the event of a natural disaster in
your area. Use the information
from the table above.
- Now have Ss form new pairs: one
student from each group above.
- Have Ss ask and answer questions
about the things they should do in the
event of each disaster they had
discussed in a.
- If time allows, invite some pairs to
demonstrate their conversations in
front of the class.
Prepare for unit 9 lesson 6

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 5: Skills 2
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- Listen for specific information about a natural disaster.
- Write a news report on a natural disaster.
2. Skills: Reading, speaking
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards facing natural disaster
4. Competencies: Coping with diasters
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: words related the topic.
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’):
Ask Ss to tell kinds of natural Chatting
Pre-teach vocab: Whole class *Vocabulary:
-weather bureau
1. Listen to the news report and Individual work Key:
correct the following statements. Audio script: 1- A typhoon hit Nghe An
- Remind Ss about listening for Nghe An Province was badly affected Province last night.
keywords in statements. again when a typhoon hit the area last 2- Dozens of people were
- Play the recording and ask Ss to night. The storm began at around 11 seriously injured in the
correct the statements. p.m. and raged throughout the night. storm.
- Then ask two or three Ss to write Dozens of people were seriously 3- There was extensive
their answers on the board. injured and hundreds of others were damage to property in Cua
- Play the recording again for Ss to left homeless. The severe winds Lo, a coastal town in
check the answers. caused extensive damage to property, Nghe An.
including homes and businesses, 4- The storm had already
particularly in Cua Lo, a coastal town weakened when rescue
in Nghe An. The storm had already workers arrived in the
weakened by the time emergency area.
workers arrived in the area. Rescue 5- According to the
operations have started and many weather bureau, heavy
people trapped in collapsed or rain will continue over the
damaged buildings have been freed. next few days.
Workers are now clearing up the
debris left behing by the severe
storm. The government has already
sent rescue equipment to Nghe An, as
well as food and medical supplies.
People left homeless have been taken
to safe areas, where temporary
accommodation will be built to house
them. The weather bureau has issued
flood warnings for Nghe An and
nearby provinces as heavy rain is
expected to continue over the next
2. Listen again and complete the few days. Key:
data chart. 1.winds 2.homeless
- First, ask Ss to work in pairs to Ss work in pairs 3.damage
discuss the missing word for each gap 4.flood
from the information they have heard 5.debris
in 1. 6.accommodation
- Then play the recording again and
allow Ss to fill the gaps as they listen.
- Ask Ss to share their answers in
pairs before playing the recording a
final time to allow pairs to check
their answers.
- If time is limited, T may play only
the sentences that include the
information Ss need for their
3. Have you or one of your family Work in pairs
members experienced a natural
disaster? Make notes about it in the
table below. Alternatively, you can
write about a natural disaster you
have read about.
- Ask Ss to make notes about a
natural disaster they or one of their
family members have experienced in
the given table.
- Remind them that they do not have
to write full sentences and they can
use abbreviations.
- Then, ask Ss to share their notes
with their partners.
- T may ask some more able Ss to
read out their notes to the whole
4a. Use your notes in 3 to write a group work
new report.
4b. Swap new reports with a
partner and review each other’s
drafts. Make revisions and
corrections if necessary. Then
present your final news report to
the class.
- Set up the writing activity.
- Remind Ss that first and most
important thing is always to think
about what they are going to write.
- In this case, Ss can use the chart in
3 as a model for their report.
- T may still need to provide some
help with the language necessary for
- Ask Ss to write a draft report first.
- Then have them write their final
version in class or at home,
depending on time allowed.
- If they write in class, they can also
do it in pairs or groups.
- T may display all or some of the
reports on the wall/ board and invite
other Ss to give comments.
- Ss edit and revise their reports as
- Note that the audio script provides a
good model of a news report.
- This structure can be used to write
another news report.
+ Write the news report in the
+Prepare for unit 9 lesson 7

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 7: Looking back & project
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- Use the words to talk about natural disasters.
- Use the words and phrases to complete the sentences.
- Use past simple and past perfect to write about bad things that happened yesterday.
2. Skills: Reading, speaking
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude while doing the task together
4. Competencies: Recycle the language from the previuos sections.Self-assessments
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: words related the topic.
2.Grammar: lexical items related the topic
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’):
- This is the review section of the Chatting
unit, so encourage Ss not to refer
back to the unit pages.
- Instead they can use what they have
learnt during the unit to help them
answer the questions.
- That will help T and Ss see how far
they have progressed, and which
areas need further practice.
- The questions in Looking Back
match the Finished! Self-assessment
statements at the end of this lesson.
- Ss should check how well they did
on each question and use that
information when filling the self-
Pre-teach vocab: Whole class *Vocab:
1. Match the words (1-6) to their Work individually earthquake
definitions (A-F). Work in pairs Key:
- Have Ss work independently. 1.C 2.F
- Then they can check their answers 3.D
with a partner before discussing the 4.B
answers as a class. 5.A
- However, tell Ss to keep a record of 6.E
their original answers so they can use
that information in their self-
2. Use the words form the box in Work individually Key:
the correct form to complete the Work in pairs 1.evacuated
sentences. 2.put out
- Have Ss work independently. 3.take
- Then they can check their answers 4.provided
with a partner before discussing the 5.scattered
answers as a class.
- However, tell Ss to keep a record of
their original answers so they can use
that information in their self-
II) Grammar
3. Decide which of the sentences Work individually Key:
can be changed to passive voice. Work in pairs 1. The tickets will be
Write them down. Explain why two collected (by Mr.Smith).
of them cannot. 2. A play was put on (by
- Have Ss work independently. the students) at the end of
- Then they can check their answers term.
with a partner before discussing the 3. The sentence cannot be
answers as a class. written in the passive
- However, tell Ss to keep a record of because its main verb is is
their original answers so they can use not a transitive verb.
that information in their self- 4. The message was taken
assessment. (by Julie).
5. The picture as painted
by a local artist.
6. The sentence cannot be
written in the passive
because its main verb
4. Match the two parts to make Work individually arrive is3not a transitive
complete sentences. Work in pairs verb.
- Have Ss work independently. Key:
- Then they can check their answers 1.d
with a partner before discussing the past simple or past perfect 2.f
answers as a class. 3.a
- However, tell Ss to keep a record of 4.b
their original answers so they can use 5c
that information in their self- 6e
5a. Imagine five bad things that Pair work
happened to you yesterday, and
write them down.
- First, ask Ss to work individually
writing down, or inventing five bad
things that happened to them
- Then allow them to share the
sentences with a partner.
5b. Work in groups. Add time Group work
clauses to your sentences as the
following examples. Remember to
use the past perfect.
- Ask Ss to work in groups.
- Remind them to add time clauses
and use the past perfect with their
- Then ask each student to take turns
to say out their sentences to the
members of their group.
- T may go around to provide help.
Further practice(7’)
III) Communication
6. Read the news headlines. In Group work
pairs, use the expressions from the
respond to them.
- First, model this activity with a
more able student.
- Then ask Ss to work in pairs, using
the expressions from the box in
GETTING STARTED to respond to
the news headlines.
- T may go around to provide help.
- Call on some pairs to practise in
front of the class.
Prepare for review 3 lesson 1

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
REVIEW 3 ( Unit 7-8-9)
Lesson 1: Language
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- Use the words to talk about natural disasters.
- Use the words and phrases to complete the sentences.
- Use past simple and past perfect to write about bad things that happened yesterday.
2. Skills:writing, speaking,listening
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude while doing the task together
4. Competencies: Recycle the language from the previuos sections.Self-assessments
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: words related the topic.
2.Grammar: lexical items related the topic
III. Teaching aid: Text books, cassette, chalk, visual pictures and some boards.

IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’): Chatting
- Ask Ss what they have
learnt so far in terms of
language and skills.
- Summarise their
answers in3notes in a
top corner of the board
and add some more if
Presentation(15’) Whole class *Vocabulary:
Pre-teach vocab: prediction
I) Pronunciation pollution
1. Markthe stress on the - Ss listen again and repeat, Key
correct syllables in the words. in chorus and individually. Nepa’lese ath’letic eco’nomic ge’ography
‘musical tech’nology bi’ology ‘physical
Then listen and repeat. pho’tography refe’ree Japa’nese exami’nee
- Review the rules of stress in
words ending in –ic, -al, -ee,
-ese, -logy, and –graphy with Ss
as a class.
- Have Ss then mark the stress
- Play the recording.
- Ss listen and correct their
- Confirm their answers.
- Ss listen again and repeat, in
chorus and individually.
II) Vocabulary
2. Complete each sentence - Ss can then share their Key:
with the suitable form of the answers with a partner.
word provided. 1. predict 2. Iconic 3. natural
- Ask Ss to read the sentences 4. culture 5. flooded 6. polluted
and decide what kind of word is
needed for each sentence (a
noun? a verb? an adjective? ...).
- Elicit their answers.
- Let Ss do the exercise
- Check and write the answers
on the board.
3. Match the definitions with - Ss do this exercise
their words. individually. Key:
- Check Ss’ answers and write
the correct ones on the board 1. c 2. a 3. f 4. b 5. d 6. e
III) Grammar
4. Choose the correct answer Work individually
A, B, C or D to complete the Key:
- This exercise revises the use of 1. A 2.B 3. 4. A 5. C 6. B
present tenses, conditionals, and C
passive voice.
- Have a brief revision if
- Then have Ss do it
- Ss exchange their answers and
discuss if there is any difference
in their answers.
- Check and write the correct
answers on the board.
5. Use the verbs in brakets in - Ss do this exercise
the corect form to complete independently Key:
the conditional sentences. 1. get; will grow 4. don’t act; will
- Have Ss read and decide lose
which type of conditional is
2. was/were; 5. was/ were;
used in each sentences.
would not have to would be
- Elicit their answers.
- Check and write the correct
3. could choose; 6. used; would
answers on the board.
would go be
6. Choose the correct voice to - Ss do the exercise in pairs.
complete the sentences.
- Ask Ss to look ate the subjects
and the verbs to decide if an 1. have 2. organised 3. is made
active or a passive is needed. been sent up
- Check and write the correct 4. is 5. was 6. have
answers on the board. caused chosen replaced
Further practice(7’)
IV) Everyday English
7. Match the sentences in A - Have Ss do this exercise in
with replies in B. pairs. Key:
- Correct their answers and ask 1. e 2. a 3.g 4. b 5. d 6. f
some pairs to act out the mini
Prepare for review 3 lesson 2
Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……
Date of teaching: ……/……/……
REVIEW 3 ( Unit 7-8-9)
Lesson 2: Skills
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- practise the skills they have practised in Units 7,8 and 9
2. Skills: Reading, speaking ,listening,writing
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude while doing the task together
4. Competencies: Recycle the language from the previuos sections.Self-assessments
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: words related the topic.
2.Grammar: lexical items related the topic
III. Teaching aid: Text books, cassette, chalk, visual pictures and some boards.
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’):
Ask Ss about types of pollution and Chatting
natural disasters.
Pre-teach vocab: *Vocabulary:
I) Reading
1. Read the text and choose the Pair work Key
correct answer A, B, C, or D for 1.B
each question. 2.D
- Ss read the text and answer the 3.A
questions independently. 4.B
- Ss comapre their answers with a 5.C
partner before giving them to T.
- Have Ss explain where they got the
answers from in the text.
II) Speaking
2. Work in pairs. Choose one of the Pair work
topics and make a short
- The focus of this speaking exercise
is on fluencly.
- Let Ss work in pairs to choose their
topic and think about their questions
and answers.
- Remind them to use expressions
they have learnt from the
conversations in GETTING
STARTEDto respond in a natural
way to what they hear.
- They then practise between
- Ss in pairs act out their
conversations in front of the class.
III) Listening
3. Listen to Nguyen talking with his Work individually Key:
friend Phong, who has just come Audio script: 1.T
back from a visit to Singapore and Nguyen: Is Singapore really as clean 2.T
decide if the sentences are true (T) as it’s advertised? 3.F
or false (F). Phong: Yes, it is. 4.F
- Ask Ss to read the statements Nguyen: How can they do that? 5.F
carefully first. Phong: They have a very strict policy 6.T
- T then plays the recording. on keeping the environment clean.
- Ss listen and decide if the Before we started our tour, the tour
statements are true or false. guide warned us that we could be
- Write Ss’ answers on the board. fined or arrested for spitting or
- Don’t confirm their answers at this littering.
stage. Nguyen: But how would they know?
- Have Ss listen again and check their Phong: There are hundreds of
own answers. officers in plain clothes. Their job is
- Correct their answers. to blend into the crowd and spot
anyone who breaks the law.
Nguyen: Really? But how could you
know about it?
Phong: There are posters in public
places to tell people what they should
or shouldn’t do.
Nguyen: That’s a good idea.
Phong: And from a young age,
children are taught how to behave at
school and in the family.
Nguyen: Habits start early, right?
Phong: Yes. Once you’ve learnt
Further practice(12’) them, they become lifetime habits.
IV) Writing - For example:
4. The school is organising FIGHT The event takes place on
POLLUTION DAY to raise Saturday, 4 April.
students’ awareness of the dangers The event tatrs at 8.30
of pollution. Choose one activity and finishes at 12.00.
you would like your friend to We pick up trash and sor
participate in and write to him/ her it for recycling.
introducing it.
- First, have Ss read to understand the
schedule of the Fight Pollution Day.
- They then choose the activity they
would like their friend to participate
in and write to him/ her to introduce
- Remind Ss that they can use the
present simple to talk about practical
aspects of an event in the future.
- For example:
- T can call on a student to write his/
her letter on the board.
- Other Ss and T comment on it.
- Ss then refer back to their own work
and see if they want to make any
- Collect some work to correct at
Prepare for One period test 3

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……

I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
-To check the languages and skills Ss learnt from Unit 7 to Unit 9
-To appreciate the result of teaching and learning.
-To encourage Ss to work harder
2. Skills: Reading, listening,writing
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude while doing the test
4. Competencies: Recycle the language from the previuos sections
II. Main languages:
III. Teaching aid: Paper, preparation,cassette,tape
Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……
Date of teaching: ……/……/……

I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
-To check the languages and skills Ss learnt from Unit 7 to Unit 9
-To appreciate the result of teaching and learning.
-To encourage Ss to work harder
2. Skills: Reading, listening,writing
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude while doing the test
4. Competencies: Recycle the language from the previuos sections
II. Main languages:
III. Teaching aid: Paper, preparation,cassette,tape

By the end of the unit, Ss will be able to:
-Pronounce the words ending in –ity and – itive correctly in isolation and in context.
-Use lexical items related to the topic ‘Communication’
-Use some verbs that are followed by to –infinitive, tenses.
-Talk about communication now and in the future.
-Listen for general and specific information about netiquette.
-Read for general and specific information about communication in the future.
-Rrite an email using netiquette.

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 1: Getting started- My battery was flat
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- Talking about communication now and in the future
- Using netiquette when communicating online.
2. Skills: Reading, speaking ,listening,writing
3. Attitude:Ss will be active while practising doing exercises
4. Competencies: Ss are interested in doing exercises
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: lexical items related to the topic “ Communication”
2.Grammar: Review: use the future continuous and verbs that are followed by to –infinitive, tenses.
III. Teaching aid: Lesson plan, visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’): Review
Before starting this unit, T does a
quick whole - class activity to review
the past perfect learn in Unit 9. For
example, T can write two sentences
on the board and ask Ss to change
them into one sentence using past
I missed the school bus. I was
(I was annoyed, as I had missed the
school bus./ I had missed the school
bus so I was annoyed.)
Now start the new lesson. T can
prepare one of these lead – ins for
this unit.
*. Prepare two photos: one of people
talking to each other face – to – face
using verbal language, gestures,
facial expressions, body language ect,
and one of people communicating
with animals. Ask Ss to guess the
topic of this unit. Once Ss have got
the answer, ask them to work in pairs
to list down as many ideas as they
can about how people communicate.
*. Bring a mobile phone into the
class. Elicit the phone’s functions
from Ss and write them on the board.
Then discuss with Ss which functions
are helpful for communicating, and
which functions are not. Ask Ss to
explain their choice.
Pre-teach vocab: Whole class *Vocabulary:
Vocabularies related to
“Communication forms
Set the scene: Questions may include: and communication
Ask Ss to open their books and look What do you think Phuc and technology”
at the pictures but cover the text. Nick are talking about on the phone?
Introduce Phuc and Nick talking Where are Mai and Phuc in the
on…; the phone and the other first picture?
pictures of Phuc, mai, and Nick. What are they doing there?
Brainstorm questions with Ss and Where is Nick in the second
write then on the board. picture? What is he doing there?
Accept all possible answers from Ss. What is it in the third picture?
Remember not to give correction at What does it mean?
this stage. What is a possible connection
Practice(20’) between picture 1, 2 and 3?
Tell Ss they are going to listen to the
conversation between Phuc and Nick.
Play the recording. Elicit the
connection between the pictures.
Were their earlier guesses correct?
1a Find words or phrases in the Ss work individually then in pairs to Key:
conversation that mean: find the words/ phrases. 1 wait for ages
Tell Ss they can uncover the text. 2. Show up
Play the recording again. 3. Get through
4. “My battery was flat.”

1b Decide if the statements are true Ss work individually then in pairs to 5. “Are you kidding”.
(T) or (F). compare answers with each other. 6. “We can try again.”
Correct the task as a class and Key:
encourage Ss to explain for both T 1. T 2. T
and F options. 3.F (Nick was waiting
outside the wrong
1c Why couldn’t Phuc, Mai, and Ask Ss to work in groups of three or cinema.)
Nick see the fim together as was four and discuss the questions. 4. T 5. T 6. T
their plan? What was the problem? Key:
Was it only because of Nick’s They couldn’t see the film
mobile phone? together because Nick
For a more able class, ask the groups went to the wrong cinema.
to play the roles of Phuc, Mai, and They didn’t communicate
Nick. What would they do if they clearly the name and
were them? address of the cinema
beforehand. Then they
were not able to contact
2 Match the words/ phrases with Ss work in pairs to complete this task. each other because the
the photos about ways of battery of Nick’s mobile
communication. Then listen to phone was flat.
check your answers. Key:
After they have finished, go through 1. having a video
each item as a whole class. Ask Ss to conference
further explain the meaning of the 2. Emailing 3. Video
words/ phrases in the box, and/ or chatting
how they work. Allow Ss to use 4. Meeting face-to-face
Vietnamese if necessary. 5. using social media
If there is time, ask Ss to work in 6. Using telepathy
pairs to tell each other if they have 7. Sending letters (snail
ever used these ways of mail)
3. Fill the gaps with the correct Pair work Key:
from of the words/ phrases from 1. Using social media 2.
the box in 2. Look out! meet face – to face 3.
Draw Ss’ attention to the words/ These noun can be used as verbs: email; sending letters/
phrases from the word box in 2 again. email- to email; emailing. snail mail
Tell them to do this task by first conference – to conference; 4. Using telepathy
underlining the cues in each item. conrefencing. 5. video chatting
Also remind Ss to consider the part of 6. have a
speech of the missing words (where video conference
applicable). Explain the Look out!
Further practice(7’)
In groups, brainstorm all the Ss work in groups.
different ways you have
communicated so far today. The
person with the most ideas in the
Set a time limit and ask Ss to write
down as many different ways they
have communicated so far today as
they can. The person with the most
ideas is the winner.
Alternative, this can be a competition
between groups where they collect
information from each member and
collate it to find the winning group
with the most communication ways.
Prepare for Unit 10 lesson 2

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 2: A closer look 1
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
- Practice the vocabulary and pronunciation of the unit 10.
2. Skills: Speaking ,listening
3. Attitude:Ss will be active while practising doing exercises
4. Competencies: Ss are interested in doing exercises
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: Form of communication: Verbal meeting F2F, Non- verbal using signs, multimedia texting.
2.Grammar: lexical items related the topic
- Stress in words ending in – ity and – itive.
III. Teaching aid: Text books, cassette, chalk, visual pictures and some boards.
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’):
Ask sts to tell about some kinds of Chatting
communication they often use.
Pre-listening(5’) *Vocabulary:
Pre-teach vocab: - chat room
- multimedia
- landline phone
- smart phone
Practice(20’) - message board.
1. Choose words/ phrases from the individual Key:
box to describe the photos about pair work 1. using music
other ways of communication. 2. using signs
Ss work individually first then in 3. leaving a note
pairs. Encourage them to describe 4 painting a picture
how the communication happens in 5. communication non-
each picture. verbally with animals
For a more able class, ask Ss to 6. using codes
describe how each way of 7. sending flowers
communication is different from the 8. using body language
2. Communication technology. Ss then work individually or in pairs Key:
Match the words with the to complete the exercise. 1. d 2. e 3. b
definitions. Some useful websites (for learning 4. c
If it is possible, prepare some photos and teaching English): 5. a
of the technology mentioned. If you Chat room:
have a computer connected to the http:// www.
Internet in the classroom, go online http:// www.
and show Ss an example of how these http:// www.
communication channels work, message board:
especially a chat room and a message http:// www.
Similar to exercise 1, after giving http://www.
corrections, T can share with Ss some
of their own experiences of using
these technologies.
3. Complete the diagram with the Group work
communication examples you have Forms of communication:
learn so far. Some can be put in - Verbal meeting F2F
more than one category. Can you - Non- verbal using signs
add more ideas? - Multimedia texting
This task can be done in groups
where Ss discuss and write down
their ideas. Encourage Ss to think of
all communication forms they have
learnt, or the ones they know, and put
them in the correct categories.
4. Debate. Choose one or more
pairs of ways of communicating. Pair work
Which one is better? Why? Individual
T can arrange a debate where two
teams complete with each other. Each
team is assigned one from of
communication. The rest of the class
will be the audience. The two
competing teams have to try every
way possible to convince the
audience their communication from is
better. Then the audience will decide
which team is the winner.
For a less able class where debating
might be too challenging, this can be
done as pair work. Ss discuss each of
the communication pairs and decide
which one is better. Tell Ss they will
need to think about both the
advantages and the disadvantages.
Back as a class, elicit some pairs of
Ss, or ask for a show of hands about
which mode of communication is
better. Then elicit why.
Further practice(12’)
Pronunciation Whole class Words ending in -ity and
Stress in words ending in -ity and -itive
For words ending - ity and - itive, For the words ending in
place the stress on the syllable – ity and – itive, place
before the suffix. the stress on the syllable
Stress in words ending in-ity and – before the suffic.
Ask Ss to cover the pronunciation
box. Write the words ‘opportunity’
and ‘positive’ on the board. Ask Ss to
read them aloud and try to identify
which syllable is stressed. Find two
more words ending with the suffixes
–ity and –itive. Ask Ss to say them
aloud. Then elicit the pronunciation
rule with tha class. Have Ss read the
pronunciation box and check if their
rule is correct.
5. Mark the stress for the following individual Key:
words, then listen and repeat. 1. com'petitive
Ss work individually then in pairs to 2. in’finitive 3.
compare their answers. Tell Ss to re’petitive 4. ‘positive
mark the word stress. Play the 5. a’bility 6.
recording and have Ss check the possi’bility 7. curi’osity
answers. Have Ss practice these 8. natio’nality
6. Fill the gaps with the words in 5 individual Key:
and practice saying the sentences. 1. nationality 2.
Then listen and check. repetitive 4.
Ss work individually then compare possibility 5. Ability
the answers with their partners. Play
the recording for Ss to check. Allow
them plenty of time to practice these
sentences with correct stress.

Prepare for unit 10 lesson 3

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 3: A closer look 2
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :
-know how to use the grammar points correctly.
2. Skills: Speaking, reading and writing
3. Attitude:Ss will be active while practising doing exercises
4. Competencies: Ss are interested in doing exercises
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: words related to the topic
2.Grammar: Future continuous tense, Verb + to- infinitive.
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan, visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’):
- T asks Ss tell something they’ve Chatting
known about communication
The future continuous: review Whole class Key:
1. Listen again to part of the Grammar points:the future 1. He will be having his
conversation in GETTING continuous tense Vietnamese class
STARTED. Underline the future * The use: 2. They will be watching a
continuous tense and answer the We use the future continuous tense to film at the cinema.
questions. express being in the process of doing
Review something at a specific time in the
We use the future continuous tense future.
to express being in the process of * Forms:
doing something at a specific time (+) Positive
in the future. Subject + will be + V-ing
Remind Ss of the story in GETTING (-) Negative
STARTED: how Phuc, Mai and Nick Subject + won’t be + V-
planned to see a film together but ing
Nick went to the wrong cinema and (?) Questions:
they were not able to contact each Will + subject + be + V-
other. Ask Ss what Phuc and Nick ing?
decide on the phone about how they
would try it again this Sunday * Short answers to Yes/ No
afternoon. questions:
Write ‘2.30.p.m. show’ and ‘ (+) Yes, subject + will.
show’ on the board. Ask Ss if they (-) No, subject + won’t.
remember which show Phuc and Ex:
Nick chose and why. Tonight at 8.30 p.m Mai will be
Play the recording and ask Ss to watching TV at home.
answer the two questions.
Then draw Ss’ attention to the Note: A specific time is often
Review box. Write different times of included when using the future
the day on the board (e.g. 7 a.m., 10 continuous tense.
a.m., 12 p.m., ect.) and ask Ss to
work in pairs to tell each other what
they will be doing at these times
2. Complete the sentences with the Ss work individually then on pairs to Key:
future continuous. compare their answers. 1. will he still be sleeping;
Draw Ss’ attention to the Look out! will be studying
box. Then ask them to underline the 4. Will she be
specific time expression in each item. staying; will be writing
Ss work individually then on pairs to 2. will be having
compare their answers. 5. Will be playing
3. will be eating
6. Will be learning
3. Look at the years provided. Ss work in groups to decide which
Work in groups to predict when year to put in the gaps.
the following may happen in the
future. Then compare your
answers with other groups.
Have Ss work in groups to decide
which year to put in the gaps. Then
go through each sentence with Ss,
asking each group to call out their
choice. If there is any difference in
the answers among the groups, ask
them for an explanation for their
particular choice.

Verb + to – infinitive
4. Look at the conversation in Group work.
GETTING STARTED again and Individual
write down all the verbs that are
followed by to – infinitive that you Verbs + to- infinitive
can find. If we want to follow a verb with
Verb + to – infinitive another action, we must use either a
If we want to follow a verb with gerund or an infinitive.
another action, we must use either Ex: They want to see Superman this
a gerund (Unit 1) or an infinitive. Sunday.
Ss work individually to complete the
task. Write on the board: Some common verbs followed by to-
I also wanted to call you want to infinitive:
do something. - want, try, need, choose. Decide,
Ask some volunteers to write the rest love…..
on the board in a similar way.
Tell Ss to look at the watch out! box. Note: some verbs such as love, hate,
Provide the list of common verbs prefer can be followed by both a
followed by to -infinitive. Ask Ss if gerund and to -infinitive.
they know any other verbs that are
followed by to – infinitive.
Remind Ss that some verbs such as
love, hate, prefer can be followed by
both a gerund and to -infinitive.
If time allows, ask Ss to practice
marking sentences with these verbs.
5. Choose the best answer. Group work. Key:
Ss work individually then in pairs to Individual 1. c 2. b 3. a
compare their answers 4. c 5. a
Further practice(12’)
6.The dream list .Image we are in Work in pairs Example:
the year 2050. Work in pairs and We’ll be using video
select 3 ways of communication conferencing in every
that you think will be most meeting
common .Then make the list longer We’ll be using telepathy
by sharing your ideas with another devices regularly
pairs using full sentences. We’ll be using the
Homework(3’): interactive signs
Prepare for unit 10 lesson 4

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 4: Communication
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will:
some general knowledge of communication.
2. Skills: - Speaking, reading and writing.
3. Attitude:Ss will be active while practising doing exercises
4. Competencies: Ss are interested in doing exercises
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: words related to the topic
2.Grammar: Future continuous tense, Verb + to- infinitive.
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan, visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’):
YOUR VIEWS On kinds of Chatting
Communication breakdown
Pre-teach vocab: Whole class *Vocabulary:
- Language barrier:
When people can’t
communicate because
they don’t talk the same
- cultural difference:
-communication channel
- shrug (shoulders)
to raise your shoulders
and then drop them to
show that you do not
know or care about sth
Introduction Whole class - glance(n, v): a quik
First have Ss guess what they think look/ to look quikly at
communication breakdown means. st/sb.
Refer to the Look out! box. Remind
Ss of what happened in the text in
they think this communication
breakdown happened and how to
avoid it. T can share with Ss an
experience of communication
breakdown that T has had.
Then go through the Extra
vocabulary box with Ss. Give
examples to furture explain each
word where needed.
1. Match the following possible Work in pairs
reasons for communication Key:
breakdown with the examples. Can 1. A 2. B
you add in some more reasons and 3C 4. C
examples? 5. A 6. B
Do the first item with Ss. Then Ss
work in pairs to complete this task.
Once they have finished, encourage
them to add in some more reasons
and examples.
2. If you don’t understand body Work in pairs
language, communication Key:
breakdown may happen. Match the 1. c 2. A
body language with the meaning. 3. e 4. b
Add more examples if you can. 5. d
Elicit from Ss what body language is.
Explain that understanding body
language can help people avoid
communication breakdown. T may
give an example and ask Ss to guess
what trying to say.
Ask Ss to cover the text and just to
look at the pictures. In pairs Ss work
out the messages from the pictures.
Then Ss can uncover the text and do
the matching.
Confirm the correct answers.
If time allows, ask Ss if they have
ever used these body communication
ways before. Ask them to add more
examples and demonstrate these for
the class to guess their meaning.
3. Using abbreviations for online Abbreviations for online chatting
chatting and texting is not always and texting: Key:
easy to understand. Can you 1. Where are you? We are
decode the following sentences 1. Where r u? at Lotte on the second
written in texting/ chatting style We r @ Lotte on 2/F. floor.
without looking at the cues? 2. I’ll b 5 mins late. CUS. 2. I’ll be 5 minutes late.
Write on the board some of the 3 Wanna c a movie this wkd? See you soon.
language for online communication 4. Pls call me rite bck. Thx. 3 Do you want to see a
learnt in Unit 1 and ask Ss if they can 5. Hi! Wox r u doin 2nite? movie this weekend?
read them in the full form. Explain 6. Did u c it: LOL. 4 Please call me right
that using abbreviations for online back. Thanks.
chatting and texting is not always 5. Hi! What are you doing
easy to understand. Ss then work in tonight?
pairs to complete this task. 6. Did you see it? Laugh
If time allows, ask Ss to add more out loud!
online communication shorthand that
they know and write a short message
to their partner using this language.
Further practice(12’)
4. Ideas Bank. Work in groups. For Ss work in groups
each communication breakdown
mentioned in 1, think of a future
technology idea that will help avoid
it. Share your ideas with the class.
Ss work in groups to make their
group’s ideas Bank by discussing a
technology solution that will help
people avoid the communication
breakdown mentioned in 1. The
groups then make a short presentation
of their ideas to share with the class
to make a big ideas Bank.
Prepare for unit 10 lesson 5

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 5: Skills 1
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will:
- Read for general and specific information about communication in the future.
- Talk about communication in the future.
2. Skills: - Speaking, reading and writing.
3. Attitude:Ss will be active while practising doing exercises
4. Competencies: Ss are interested in doing exercises
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: in real time, interact, three - dimensional images, cyber world, network
2.Grammar: Future continuous tense, Verb + to- infinitive.
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan, visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’):
- Before Ss open their books, ask the Chatting
question: ‘What can we do to avoid
communication breakdown?’
- What do you think of
communication in the future?
- See if any Ss can come up with
some ideas.
- Make notes on the board.
- As an option, this could be done in
Vietnamese with T showing how to
express these ideas in English.
- Now have Ss open their books.
Set the scene: individual work
1. Look at the letters the children
from Viet Nam and Sweden sent to
each other in a penfriend project.
Why do you think they chose this
way to communicate with each
Ask Ss when was the last time they
sent somebody a real letter, to whom,
and on what occasion. Then ask Ss to
look at the photos. Explain that these
are the letters Ss from two schools in
Viet Nam and Sweden sent to each
other in a penfriend project. Ask Ss to
brainstorm the reasons why they
think these Ss chose this way to
communicate with each other.
Then ask Ss what they think is
happening in the two other photos in
the text.
2. Read the text. Pair work Key:
COMMUNICATION IN THE 1. in real time 2. interact
US? dimensional images 4.
Look at the highlighted words and cyber world 5. network
match them with their meanings.
Ss read the text quickly for the first
time. Ask them to pay attention to the
highlighted words and do the
matching task.
3. Answer the following questions. Pair work
Ss try to find the answers individually
first then compare the answers in
pairs. Once they have agreed on the
answers they can practice asking and
answers with each other.
Speaking Work in groups
4. In small groups, decide whether
you agree with the author of this
text. Why/ why not? Share your
ideas with the class.
First ask Ss where in the text the
author’s opinion is expressed. Then
they work in pairs or small groups to
tell each is they agree with the
author’s opinion or not, and explain
why. Then call on some pairs/ groups
to share what they have discussed.
5. Class survey. What ways of Work in groups
communication do you use for the
following purposes now and what
will they be in the year 2030?
This can be done as a mingle activity
where Ss stand up and talk to
different classmates to complete the
survey. Otherwise, Ss can do it in
groups of five or six where each
member completes the survey
himself/ herself and shares it with the
group. The group leader will then
report to the class either the ways of
communication that are most
mentioned or the ways of
communication that the group likes
Prepare for unit 10 lesson 6

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 6: Skills 2
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will:
- Listen for specific information about netiquette.
- Write an email using netiquette.
2. Skills: - Speaking, reading and writing.
3. Attitude:Ss will be active while practising doing exercises
4. Competencies: Ss are interested in doing exercises
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: words related to the topic.
2.Grammar: lexical items related to the topic.
III. Teaching aid: lesson plan, visual pictures
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’):
Ask Ss to tell about communication Chatting
in the future.
Pre-listening(5’) *Vocabulary:
Pre-teach vocab: netiquette
/ˈnetɪket /
the rules of correct or
polite behaviour among
people using the Internet
COPS LOCK: a function
Discussing: Group work that turns all letters into
Netiquette capital form.
1. Look at the way this message is
posted on an e – learning message
board. Can you find any problems
with it?
Ask Ss to look at the message board.
Ask them who posted the message
and who they think the massage is
for. Ask them to try to identify what
problems in terms of communication
politeness they think the message has.
2. Listen to this interview between Pair work Key:
a 4 Teen magazine reporter and Dr 1. The word is a
Minh Vu about netiquette and combination of ‘net’ and
answer the questions. ‘etiquette’. It’s a set of
Write on the board ‘netiquette’ and rules for behaving
ask Ss what they think it means. properly online.
Explain they are going to listen to a 2. Don’t say and do
researcher talking about the way we unpleasant things online,
communicate online. Explain just like in real life.
CAPSLOCK in the box if necessary. 3. It’s how we
Have Ss look at the questions first. Pair work communicate with each
Encourage them to give some other online.
answers. Then play the recording. Ss
work individually then in pairs to
compare their answers.
3. Listen again to the interview and Work in groups Key:
complete the following grid. Audio script: Should Shouldn’t
Before playing the recording again, Reporter: Dr Minh Vu, what Why/ why not
first ask Ss to look at the grid and try exactly is ‘netipuette’? 1. Use CAPS LOCK in
to complete it with as much Dr Minh Vu: The word is a email, posts, and
information from the recording as combination of ‘net’ and ‘etiquette’. comments v It looks
they can remember. Elicit the answers It’s a set of rules for behaving like are shouting at people
from Ss. If their answers are correct, properly online. 2. Check your email for
move to the next activity. Otherwise, Reporter: Could you tell us the mistakes or errors v
play the recording again. main rule of netiquette? It shows
Dr Minh Vu: Remember that the respect for your reader.
people we’re communicating with 3. Use a lot of shorthand
online are real people. Don’t
say and do unpleasant v This may
things online, just like in real life. confuse your reader.
Reporter: But sometimes perhaps 4. Respect discussion
it’s not what we communicate, but rules and use polite
how we communicate…? language v
Dr Minh Vu: Absolutely. For People may not
example, if you write emails, or post know who you are but
comments using caps lock,
this means you are
shouting at people! you’ve
Reporter: Of course it’s not polite at judged by the quality of
all. What else should we do when your writing
sending emails?
Dr Minh Vu: Check your message for
spelling mistakes before you send it.
It shows respect towards
the other person.
Don’t use too much shorthand. This
may confuse your reader.
Reporter: How about behaviour
in chat rooms and on message board?
Dr Minh Vu: Follow discussion rules.
Use polite language. People may not
know who you are
but you’ve judged by
Post-listening(12’) the quality of your writing.
Writing an email using netiquette. Individual work
Draw Ss’ attention to the
REMEMBER! box. If possible, REMEMBER:
illustrate each of the bullet points - Always check that you’ve
mentioned by an example you find completed the Subject line and/ or
from the Internet, or those that you have included the attachment.
create yourself. - An email to a senior person should
5. Put the following parts in their be more formal than to a friend.
correct place to make an email. - Keep the message short and
- Always check your work for
6. Write a short email to your mistakes.
teacher to submit your group
homework for this week. Check if Individual work
you have used the netiquette learnt.
First Ss work in groups to discuss
what information they would include
in the mail. They may look at the
email in 5 for ideas. Then Ss work
individually on this task. Ask them to
pay attention to the netiquette they
have learnt. When Ss have finished,
they swap the writing with their
partner to check before handing it in
to T. For a more able class, T may ask
Ss to try the following tasks as
homework (Ss may look at 4 for
more ideas): Write a short post on
your class message board to ask how
many words the final essay should
Write a short post on a message board
to help somebody answer the
question what does communication
breakdown mean?
- Write the news report in the
Prepare for unit 10 lesson 7

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 7: Looking back & project
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will:
-complete all the exercises in the book as well as understand what to do for the project
2. Skills: - reading and writing.
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude while doing the tasks together
4. Competencies: Recycle the language from the previous lessons .Self-assessment
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: words related to the topic.
2.Grammar: lexical items related to the topic.
III. Teaching aid: Text books, cassette, chalk, visual pictures and some boards.
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’):
Encourage Ss not to refer back to the
unit. Ask them to keep a record of
their answers to each exercise so that
thay can use that information to
complete the self – assessment box at
the unit.
1. Complete the sentences using the They work individually first and then Key:
cues provided. compare with a partner. 1. body language
Ask Ss to complete the sentences by 2. Multimedia
using the support from the picture, 3. Face - to - face
the letter cues, and the meaning of the 4. cultural differences
sentences. 5. Telepathy
6. Netiquette
2. Write the following text individually Key:
messages/ chat lines in shorthand 1. Thx 4 ur gift
form. pair work 2. BTW, wot r u
Challenge Ss to try this task without doin this wkd?
looking back at 3. Pls call me rite now4.
COMMUNICATION. Have two or LOL! 5. C U 2nite.
three Ss write their answers on the
3. Have you ever used music, art, Ss work in pairs for this task.
codes, signs or any non – verbal
ways to communicate? Tell a
partner what you did. Was the
communication successful?
Ss work in pairs for this task. Remind
Ss that these are non – verbal ways of
communication. Then call on some
pairs to report their talk.
4. Underline the correct answer. Ss work individually then in pairs to Key:
compare their answers. 1. will not be sleeping
The future continous tense 2. Will be playing
3. Will he be doing
4. will be waiting
5 will not be using; will be
using 6. Will be raining
5. Gerund or to - infinitive? Key:
If time allows encourage Ss to think Ss work individually then in pairs to 1. talking 2. To use
of other verbs that are followed by compare their answers. 3. To show
gerunds and by to - infinitives and Gerund or to - infinitive 4. communicating
make sentences using them. 5. Chatting 6. To have
Further practice(12’)
6 Choose any three forms of Ss discuss this task in pairs.
communication in this unit and work
with a partner to decide if people will Ss complete the self - assessment
be using them in the year 2100 or not. box.
Give at least two reasons for each
PROJECT Work in groups Key: (NB. Encourage each
“Action. Take one! Action. Take Sketch 1 group to try to find their
two!” Communication breakdown = own reasons and provide
Remind Ss of: cultural differences these keys only if they ask
- The reasons for communication In Viet Nam it is typical to deny the for help.)
breakdown in COMMUNICATION compliments you receive. This is a
- different ways of communicating in way to show your modesty. However,
GETTING STARTEDand A in western cultures, people who give
CLOSER LOOK 1 compliments often expect you to take
Put them into groups and ask them to about them, and denial of
think of a sketch or a role – play of a compliments, especially if it is
communication breakdown. Give repeated, may be rude and make the
them time to brainstorm some ideas. other person feel uncomfortable. In
Move around the class, giving help this situation, Lien may just politely
where necessary. thank her teacher.
Alternatively, T can prepare the Sketch 2
following scenarios if Ss are short of Communication breakdown =
ideas or time. Print each sketch on a cultural differences
piece of paper and fold it up. Each In the USA, holding up one thumb
group will pick one piece of paper and index finger to maker a circle
and prepare their performance. More means OK, good, excellent, while in
than one group can have the same France, this gesture means something
sketch, because they will interprete it not so good, event worthless.
differently. Ss may prepare the sketch Sketch 3
out of class if more time is needed. Communication breakdown =
On the performance day, more than language barrier
one group may act out a similar play, When the people in Ha Noi and some
put look for their different other provinces in northern Viet Nam
interpretation of the communication say ‘dĩa’ they mean a fork, while this
breakdown as well as their solution. word means a palate for the people in
Make sure everyone gives each group southern Viet Nam.
lot of encouragement and praise for Meanwhile, ‘chén’ in northern Viet
their acting attempts. Nam means a small teacup whereas
in southern Viet Nam the word means
Homework(3’): a bowl you use to eat when having
Prepare for unit 11 lesson 1 meals.


By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to:

- pronounce the words ending with the prefix un- and im- correctly in isolation and in context.
- use lexical items related to the topic “ science and technology”.
- use the future simple and future continuous to talk about science and technology in the future.
- use the direct speech and indirect speech to report what people say or tell.
-Read for specific information about life on another planet
-Listen for specific information about people on another planet
-Talk about life on another planet
-Describe people on another planet

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 1: Getting started-At the Science Club
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will:
 Pronounce words with the prefix un- and im- correctly in isolation and in context.
 Use the lexical items related to science and technology.
 Use the future simple and future continuous to talk about science and technology in the future.
 Use direct speech and indirect speech to report what people say or tell.
 Read for specific information about the role of science and technology in the future.
 Talk about the roles of science and technology.
 Listen for specific information about how science and technology solve some problems in the future.
 Write to express agreement and disagreement about the roles of science and technology.
2. Skills: - spwaking,listening,reading and writing.
3. Attitude:Ss will be active while practising doing exercises
4. Competencies: Ss are interested in doing exercises
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: words related to the topic.
2.Grammar: lexical items related to the topic.
III. Teaching aid: Text books, cassette, chalk, visual pictures and some boards.
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Group work Warm – up.( 5’): Game
- Review the previous unit by asking
Ss to call out all the forms of
communication that they can
remember from the previous unit.
- Then divide the class into two
- Call out a form of communication,
e.g., body language.
- The first group to give an exmple of
body language gets a point, and so
Vocabulary Whole class *Vocabulary:
- science: knowledge
about the world,
Set the scene: Whole class especially based on
- Put the heading ‘Science and examining, testing and
Technology’ on the board. proving facts.
- Do a brainstorming session by - technology: things and
asking Ss to suggest any words or ways of doing things that
phrases related to this topic. are based on knowledge
- Accept all ideas, organize them in a about science and
word web if possible. computers.
1. Listen and read Ss answer the questions as a class.
- Ask Ss to open their books to Unit
11, cover the conversation and look at
the picture.
- T asks prediction questions:
What can you see in the pictures?
Do you know these characters?
Where are they now?
What are they talking about? ...
Ss answer the questions as a class.
- Play the recording and have Ss
listen and follow along.
- Check if Ss’ predicted answers
match the conversation.
- If not, have Ss correct them.
a) Find the words in A in he - Ask Ss to read the conversation Key:
conversation. Then match them to again and do the exercise in pairs. 1.c
the words in B with similar 2.b
meanings. 3.d
- Ask Ss to read the conversation 4.e
again and do the exercise in pairs. 5.a
- Elicit the correct answers and write 6.f
them on the board.
- Have Ss subtitute the B words into
the conversation to check that they
- Finally, explain the meaning of any
complex words in Vietnamese if
b) Answer the questions. Ss work in pairs Key:
- Ss work individually to answer the 1.They are at the Science
questions. Club.
- Ss compare answers with a partner 2.It is the roles of science
and then discuss as a class. and technology in the 21st
- Have Ss say wher they found the century.
answers in the conversation. 3.Science and technology
are greatly changing
4.He told Nick that only
robots would work in
factories and clean our
homes in the future.
5.He/ She said that there
would be no more
schools: they’d just stay at
home and learn on the
c) Work with partner. What fields Ss work in paris. Key:
are mentioned in the conversation 1.the economy (economic
which are affected by science and development)
technology? 2.the workplace ( robots in
- Ss work in paris. factories)
- Tel Ss to refer back to the 3.the home ( robots
conversation and do the task. cleaning our homes)
- Check their answers. ( traffic james)
d) Put a word/ phrase from the box ( school via
in each blank the internet)
- Have Ss do this exercise in pairs. Key:
- Ask some Ss to present their 1.field
- Confirm the correct answers. 3.the key
4.economic development
2 Put one of the words/ phrases Individual work 5.flying cars
from the box in each gap. There is Key:
one extra. subjects
- Tell Ss that in the box are some
more words and phrases related to 3.reserchers
science and technology. 4.machines
- Let them work in pairs. 5.scientific progress
- Check their work by calling on
some Ss to read out their sentences.
- Allow Ss to write the translations
next to the words.
3 Give the opposite of the words in pair work Key:
brackets using the prefix un- or im- 1.unknown
- Tell Ss to look at the example. 2.unrealistic
- T may give some more. 3.impossible
- Then let them do the task by 4.unimportant
themselves. 5.unpolluted
- After that, they swap their answers
with a partner.
- Correct Ss’ answers as a class.
- Then let them repeat the words in
Further practice(10’) pair work
4 GAME: FIND SOMEONE WHO Reference: Some scientists of Viet
... Nam:
- Set this up as a mingle activity. 1.Võ Hồng Anh
- Let Ss stand up and move around 2.Lê Văn Thiêm
with pens and paper/ notebooks to 3.Trần Đại Nghĩa
ask questions and take notes. 4.Hà Đình Đức
- Observe and assist where needed. 5.Hoàng Tụy
- Once a student has a name in each 6.Phan Lương Cầm
box they should sit back down.
- Continue until all, or most, Ss have
sat back down.
- Congratulate the winner(s).
- T calls on the winning Ss to present
their results to the class.
Prepare for unit 11 lesson 2

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 2: A closer look 1
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to:
get acquainted with the topic about science and technology.
2. Skills: - listening,reading and writing.
3. Attitude:Ss will be active while practising doing exercises
4. Competencies: Ss are interested in doing exercises
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: words about science and technology.
2.Grammar: lexical items related to the topic.
3.Pronunciation : - Stress in words starting with un- and im-
III. Teaching aid: Text books, cassette, chalk, visual pictures and some boards.
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’): Chatting
- Explain to Ss that there are
three common ways of
forming nouns indicating
people, but don’t say what
they are.
- Write the following on the
to learn -->
to invent -->
science -->
- Try to elicit from Ss how
these words are changed to
mean a person who does these
- Now see if Ss can give some
more examples.
- Finally, have Ss open their
books and read the Look out!
1. Complete the following class work Key:
sentences with nouns v+ -er/ -or/ -ist = N 1.adviser/advisor
indicating people 2.chemist
- Do this activity the first time 3.designer
around as a quiz. 4.programmer
- Divide the class into two 5.biologist
- Read out item one and ask
Team A to answer.
- If they get it wrong, the
option goes to Team B to
- Keep a score on the board to
increase the fun element.
- Now have Ss work
individually to do the task in
their books.
- Finally, ask some Ss to write
the answers on the board.
- Correct their answers as a
2. Write a noun from the Individual work Key:
list under each picture. 1.chemist
- Ss work in pairs and discuss developer
what the word is for each
picture. 4.physicist
- T checks as a class.
- For more able Ss, have pairs 6.coservationist
write the descriptions of these 7.explorer
people in the same style as 8.archeologist
activity 1.
- Then put pairs together to
read out their descriptions and
challenge each other to guess
the person, like the quiz in 1.
3) Give the correct form of - Ss work individually. Key:
the words in brackets. 1.developments
- T ask Ss to read the 2.scientists
sentences and guess part of 3.exploration
speech of the word to be filled 4.medical
each blank. 5.economic
- Have Ss call out their
- Ask some Ss to write their
answers on the board.
- Check their answers as a
Stress in words starting with
un- and im-
- Explain to Ss that the
prefixes un- and im- are used
to make adjectives (and
adverbs) negative.
- Explain to them that when
these prefixes are added, the
stress of the new word does
not normally change.
- Give some examples.
4 Listen and repeat the Ss work individually.
following words. Mark the
stressed syllables in the
- Play the recording for Ss to
repeat the words.
- Play the recording as many
times as necessary.
- Correct Ss’ pronunciation,
especially the stress.
- Then have Ss mark the stress
on the words by drawing
circle above the stressed
5 Put the words from 4 in group work Key:
the right columns. oO oOo ooO oOoo
un’wise un’lucky unfore’seen un’limited
- Have Ss read out the words im’pure un’healthy imma’ture im’possible
first. un’hurt im’patient impo’lite un’natural
- Then they work in groups to
put the words in the right
- Call on some Ss to write the
answers on the board.
- Confirm the correct answers.
6 Fill the gaps with one of individual work Key:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
the words in 5. Listen and impure unhealthy impossible unlimited impatient
check, then read the
- Have Ss work individually to
write down the words.
- Play the recording two or
three times for Ss to check.
Prepare for unit 11 lesson 3

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 3: A closer look 2
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to:
get acquainted with the topic about science and technology.
2. Skills: - listening,reading and writing.
3. Attitude:Ss will be active while practising doing exercises
4. Competencies: Ss are interested in doing exercises
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: words about science and technology.
2.Grammar: - Future tenses.
- Reported speech.
III. Teaching aid: Text books, cassette, chalk, visual pictures and some boards.
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’):
- Ss have already learned the future Chatting
simpe will do and the future
continuos will be doing.
- Tell Ss that this is a review section.
- T may help Ss recall the form and
uses of these two tenses.
- Also remind them of the uses of
present simple and going to to
express future actions.
1. Put the verbs in brackets into - Ss work individually. Key:
the correct tenses. will + V 1.will have
- Have Ss work individually. will be + V-ing 2.will be working
- Check their answers as a class. 3.will she be
- Tmay ask why a certain tense is 4.won’t pass
used to check that Ss understand the 5.decide;will support
2. Work in pairs. Read the - They work in pairs to do the
following predictions about the activity.
year 2040 and say whether you
think it will happen.
- Tell Ss to study the example first.
- Then they work in pairs to do the
- Encourage them to talk as much as
- Remember that there is no ‘right’ or
‘wrong’ as long as their sentences are
grammatically correct.
- Move around the class and listen to
- If there is a point which everyone is
confused about, bring the class back
together and do a quick review of it.
Reported speech:
- Explain to Ss the differences
between direct speech and reported
- Go through the table carefully,
using the examples to clarify the
3) Look at the conservation in Individual work Key:
GETTING STARTED again. Find Well, my dad told me that
and underline the examples of only robots would work in
reported speech. factories and clean our
- Tell Ss to refer back to the homes in the future.
conversation in GETTING Our science teacher said
STARTED and find the examples of that there would be no
reported speech. more schools: we’d just
- Focus them on the use of the verbs. stay at home and learn on
the internet.
4- Complete sentence b in each pair - Ss work in pairs. Key:
so that it means the same as 1. Nick said that he came
sentence a, using reported speech. from a small town in
- Ss work in pairs. England.
- Ask them to write down the 2. My friend said that
sentences in their notebooks. Brazil would win The
- Call on some Ss to read out what World Cup.
they have done. 3. Olive told Chau that she
- For a class which needs more was leaving Viet Nam the
support, have two Ss write their next day/ the following
answers on the board. day.
- Correct their mistakes. 4. David told Catherine
that he was unable to read
her writing.
5. Minh said that he had
overslept that morning.
5 Change the following sentences Ss work individually. Key:
into reported speech, using the 1. He said (that) he hadn’t
words given in brackets. said anything at the
- Ss do this task individually. meeting the week beofre/
- While they are working, some Ss the previous week.
may write their sentences on the 2. She told me that letter
board. had been opened.
- Correct their sentences as a class. 3. Tom said that in 50
years’ time we would
probably be living on
4. Mi said she hoped they
would build a city out at
5. Son told us that his
wish was to become a
Further pratice(17’) young inventor.
6 GAME: MY FRIEND SAID ... Pairwork
- This speaking activity could be
daunting for some Ss, so allow the
pairs to plan what they are going to
say before they come to the front of
the class.
- This should help Ss to speak with
fluency and accuracy, and as
naturally as possible.
- Encourage them to give true
sentences about themselves.
- Ideally, all Ss should have a chance
to talk before the class.
Prepare for unit 11 lesson 4

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 4: Communication
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to:
- talk about the role of science and technology.
2. Skills: - speaking
3. Attitude:Ss will be active while practising doing exercises
4. Competencies: Ss are interested in doing exercises
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: words about science and technology.
III. Teaching aid: Text books, cassette, chalk, visual pictures and some boards.
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’): Review
- Quickly revie the grammar points
that are used in this section; the past
simple and reported speech.
Vocabulary: Class work *Vocabulary:
the light bulb
the internet
the telephone
While-speaking(20’) the airplane
1- Match the inventors in A with - Ss work individually. Key:
their inventions in B. -Ss answer questions: - Thomas Edison invented
- This activity can be done as a class + Are they still alive/ dead? the light bulb.
competition. + What are they famous for? - Sir Alexander Fleming
- Ss work individually. + Do you know anything interesting discovered penicillin.
- Give them one minute to match by about them? - Alexander Graham Bell
drawing lines from the inventors to + Do you know any interesting invented the telephone.
the inventions. sayings by them? (Graham Bell: - The Wright brothers
- For increased fun, count down the ‘Self-education is a lifelong affair.’/ invented the airplane.
fina 10 seconds and then tell Thomas Edison: ‘Genius is one - James Watt invented the
everyone to stop. percent inspiration and ninety-nie steam engine.
- Now have Ss swap books and mark percent perspiration.’...) - Mark Zuckerberg
each other’s answers. invented Facebook.
- Elicit the answers from Ss in full - Tim Berners – Lee
sentences, Thomas Edison invented invented the Internet.
the ligh bulb.
- Ask for a show of hands for those
who got all eight right, then seven,
and so on.
- If time allows, T may ask questions
about these inventors to find out what
Ss know about them
2. Work in groups. Discuss the Group work
question: Which invention is more
- Form groups of three or four Ss to
discuss the inventions.
- Encourage Ss to talk as much as
possible; this is a fluency state, so
don’t worry about accuracy at this
- Move around the groups and give
assistance where needed.
- Invite some groups to present their
- Other groups can add some ideas if
3a. Ha had an interesting dream Ss work in pairs. Suggested answers:
last night in which she met and - Alexander Bell said/ told
interviewed Alexander Graham me (that) he was born in
Bell, the inventor of the telephone. 1847 in Scotland.
3b Two days later, Ha told her - He said/ told me (that)
friend what Alexander Bell said. he had always liked ...
Now report what Ha told her - He said/ told me (that)
friend, using reported speech. he had taught ...
- Call on two confident Ss to come to - He said/ told me (that)
the front and act out the dialogue he had invented ...
between Ha and Alexander Graham
- Then put Ss into pairs to report on
the conversation.
- Have Ss make notes of their
answers to the two questions in the
4. Work in pairs. One of you is a Pairwork
reporter, and the other is Tim
Bernes- Lee. Role-play, using the
information given.
- Let Ss work in pairs to role-play,
using the information given.
- Walk around to observe and give
help if needed.
- If time allows, ask some pairs to
role-play in front of the class.
- The class then votes for the best
Prepare for unit 11 lesson 5

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 5: Skills 1
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to:
- Read for general and specific information about the role of the science and technology in the future.
- Talk about the role of the science and technology in the future.
2. Skills: - reading,speaking
3. Attitude:Ss will be active while practising doing exercises
4. Competencies: Ss are interested in doing exercises
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: words about science and technology.
2.Grammar: - Future tenses.
III. Teaching aid: Text books, cassette, chalk, visual pictures and some boards.
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’):
Write these headings on the board: Brainstorming
Travel Health
Brainstorm with the class some
predictions for future developments Class work
in these three fields. Encourage Ss to
use their imagination. Now open the
book and do the reading tasks.
1. Quickly read the passages. - Ss work individually. Key: 1. B 2. A
Match the headings with the 3. C
Ask Ss to read the passages quickly
looking for key words and then match
them with the headings.
2. Underline the flowing words and - Ss work individually. Key: 1. D 2. A
phrases in the text. Match each of 3. E 4. B
them with its explanation. 5. F 6. C
Have Ss do the task individually.
Then Ss can check their answers in
pairs. Elicit the answers from Ss.
3. Answers the questions. Ss work in pairs. Key:
Ask Ss to read the passages again and 1. To explore Mars/ To
answer the questions. Ss can ask and find out if there is, or ever
answer in pairs. T corrects the has been, life there/ To
answers as a class. If time allows, explore the possibility of
have Ss show where they found the being able to live there.
answers. 2. They help people live
3. 70 or 75 years.
4. Solar panels and solar
5. They can do chose such
as cleaning, cooking,
Post-reading(15’) washing, and organizing
Speaking things.
Set up the SPEAKINGstage by
getting Ss to think about the pros and
cons of advancement in science and
technology. Explain that nothing is
‘black and white’; there are always
advantages and disadvantages. For
example, say:
More and more robots will be
invented and used in the future. One
of the advantages of this is that
robots will be able to do dirty or
dangerous jobs that humans don’t
want to do. At the same time, there
are disadvantages - robots will
replace people in some areas so there
will be unemployment.
4.Think about your ideas about Ss work in pairs to think about these Nuclear energy:
scientific advances in these fields. pros and cons. - convenient, clean,
Look at the example and make available…
notes. - expensive, unsafe,
Encourage Ss to think of as many environmentally
ideas as possible. Move around to unfriendly…
give some cues and observe. Nutrition pills:- people
can live longer,
- expensive, create an
ageing population, create
Smart phones:
- convenient, quick,
- environmentally
unfriendly, discourage
communication, people
can be tracked at all
Space travel: - exciting,
5. Work in groups. Express your Group work - expensive dangerous…
agreement and disagreement about
how scientific advances can help us
solve problems in the future.
Divide the class into groups of five or
six. Each group talks about one of the
fields in 4. Tell Ss to read the
example before they start. Encourage
them to use the phrase give in the
Look out! box. While Ss are talking,
T goes around to give assistance if
If time allows, have Ss summarise
their group’s ideas and present to the
Prepare for unit 11 lesson 6
Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……
Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 6: Skills 2
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to:
- Listen for specific information about how science and technology solve some problems in the future..
- Write to express agreement and disagreement about the roles of science and technology.
2. Skills: - listening, writing
3. Attitude:Ss will be active while practising doing exercises
4. Competencies: Ss are interested in doing exercises
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: words about science and technology.
2.Grammar: lexical items related the topic
III. Teaching aid: Text books, cassette, chalk, visual pictures and some boards.
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 7’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’):
Ask Ss to tell something about Chatting
science and technology.
Vocabulary: Class work *Vocabulary:
While-reading(15’) high yields
1. Listen to the conversatin and - Ss work individually. Key:b. The benefits and
choose the best summary drawbacks that advances
- Have Ss read the three options. in science and technology
- Then play the recording and elicit may bring to people’s
the answer frm Ss. lives.
2. Listen again to the conversation Ss work in pairs. Key: 1. ,2. ,4, 6
between Nick, Duong, and Chau.
Circle the words and phrases as
you hear them
- Play the recording again, once or
- Ask Ss to listen carefully and tick
the words/ phrases according to what
they hear in the passage.
3. Listen again and answer the Ss work in pairs. Key:
questions. Audio script: 1. High yields in farming
- Play the recording again. Nick: Hey, Duong and Chau, do you will (help feed the
- Tell Ss to take notes/ write down the remember Dr. Nelson’s talk on growing population on
key wordq as they listen. science and technology? earth).
- Then they answer the questions in Chau: Yes. He said that science and 2. (We may be able to
writing or verbally. technology would help us solve the live) on other planets.
- Correct their answers as a class. world’s problems in the future. 3. He says he likes the
Nick: Right. I think world hunger is a idea of having lessons at
problem now, and developing ways to home with a robot, and on
ge high yields in farming will help the internet.
feed the growing population on earth. 4. Yes, she does.
Duong: Good point. Also we may be 5. He thinks there will be
able to live on other planets, so many new problems.
overcrowding won’t be a problem
any more ...
Nick: And I like the idea of having
lessons at home with a robot, and on
the internet.
Duong: And no more paper books.
We’ll have e-books, and tablets for
Chau: That doesn’t sound like a
benefit to me. I’d still want to go to
school. I’d like to communicate face-
to-face with teachers and friends. In
my opinion, science and technology
will bring new problems to people.
Duong: Like what?
Chau: Well, robots will bring
unemployment, and high yields in
farming may destroy the environment
and sending people to Mars may
cause pollution ...
Post-listening(15’) Nick: You’re right. So many new
- Tell Ss to read the notes in the box problems ...
4. Look at the sample paragraph Group work I agree/ disagree with the
and fill the outline below. idea that...
- Have S read the sample paragraph. Firstly, Secondly
- Explain that the first sentence in the Furthermore, In addition...
sample is the topic sentence which In short/ For these
tells the reader whether the author reasons...
agrees or disagrees with the
- The following sentences express the
- The last sentence is the concluding
sentence, which summarises the main
points in the paragraph.
- Now have Ss work in pairs to fill
the outline.
- Check as a class.
5. Make notes, then write a Group work
paragraph on the following topic.
- Have Ss read the argument put
- Then work in pairs to make notes
using the model in 4.
- They must decide if they agree or
disagree, give three supporting
points, then conclude their argument.
- Move aroud to provide help.
- If time allows, have Ss work from
their notes to write the paragraph in
about 100 words.
- Make sure that they use proper
connectors first/ firstly, second/
secondly, ... and pay attention to
spelling and punctuation.
- T may collect some Ss’ work and
mark them, then give comments to
the class.
- Otherwise, help Ss develop a good
outline for their writing and write the
paragraph as homework.
Prepare for unit 11 lesson 7

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 7: Looking back & project
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to:
-look back what they have learnt in Unit 11 through the exercises in the book
2. Skills: -Revise unit 11 with vocabulary , grammar
-Recycle the language from the previous sections
-Consolidate and apply what they have learnt in Unit 11
3. Attitude:Ss must have good co-operation in working .
4. Competencies: having good overview after a lesson
II. Main languages:
III. Teaching aid: Text books, cassette, chalk, visual pictures and some boards.
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 7’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’):
- This is the review section of the unit Chatting
- Tell Ss to record their results for
each exercise in the LOOKING
BACK section in order to complete
the final Finished! Now I can ...
Presentation(10’) Class work *Vocabulary:
Vocabulary: productive
I) Vocabulary Ss work in pairs.
1. Write the correct form of the Key:
words in brackets. 1.scientific
- Ss can do the task by themselves or 2.environmental
in pairs. 3.developments
- Correct as a class. 4.discoveries
- After that let some Ss read the 5.unnatural
sentences aloud. Ss work individually
2. Complete the word web with the
fields that could benefit from
science and technology
- Give Ss a few minutes to complete
the word web.
- T may give some cues/ examples:
- Engineering - Medicine
- Farming - Space exploration
- Home life - Communication
- Entertainment - Architecture
- Energy - Leisure
- Have Ss read out loud their answers.
Ss work individually 1.inventions
3. Fill each gap with a word from
the box to complete the passage.
- Let Ss read the passage and
complete this exercise individually.
- Less advanced classes can complete
this exercise in pairs.

Review: reported speech Key:
II) Grammar
Ss work individually 4.
4. Change the sentences into
1. He said that they were
reported speech
doing an experiment.
2. She told me that I had
to sign the paper again.
3. Tam said that they had
watched a television
documentary on the future
of nuclear power.
4. They announced that
the 10 o’clock flight to
Kuala Lumpur would be
an hour late.
5. Scientist said that in 50
years’ time we might be
Review: reported speech living on the moon.
5. Rewrite these sentences in direct Ss work individually 5.
speech. 1. Kien said, “I missed/
- First, let Ss repeat the rules of have missed the train.”
changing the pronouns, the verb(s), 2. Duong said, “I can run
and ime and place expression in very fast.”
reported speech. 3. “I’ll hand in the report
- Have them do tasks 4 and 5 in their tomorrow,” Mia told me.
notebooks. 4. She said, “I’m reading a
- Then call on some Ss to read their science fiction book about
answers, sentence by sentences. life on Venus.”
- Correct their answers. 5. “I’ll be a lawyer I grow
up,” he told me.
Further practice(12’)
III) Communication Ss work individually.
6. Write one prediction for each of
the following fields, based on the
cues and your own ideas. Then
share it with the class.
- Tell them to be imaginative.
- Make sure they write a prediction
for at least three of the fields.
- Have Ss read out one of their
predictions to the class.
- Others can ask them questions about
their prediction.
- This can also be done in small
groups. Class work
- Tasks Ss to complete the self-
- Discuss with the class what
difficulties remain and what areas Ss
have mastered.
- Provide further practice on the weak
areas of the class.
Prepare for Review 4 lesson 1

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 1: Language
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be ablbe to:
-revise pronunciation, vocab,grammar from unit 10,11
2. Skills: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able
-Revise unit 11 with vocabulary , grammar
-Recycle the language from the previous units
-Consolidate and apply what they have learnt from Unit 10,11 by doing various activites and
3. Attitude:Ss must have good co-operation in working .
4. Competencies: having good overview after a lesson
II. Main languages:
III. Teaching aid: Text books, cassette, chalk, visual pictures and some boards.
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’): Free-
Presentation(5’) Class work
Ask Ss to review the reported speech
Practice (32’):
*Period 1:
T uses Language review as a self-
test. Ss do the exercises in 32’
(Pronunciation, Vocabulary,
Grammar, Everyday English )
then T checks their answers.
Otherwise , T can conduct each
activity separately.
2.Organize this as a game. Ss do this Ss work in pairs. Key:
in pairs. Which pairs add the most 1.colorless
words will go to the board and write 2.unidentified
their answers. Other pairs may want 3.interactive
to add more words .Write other words 4.capability
on the board 5,meaningful
Vocabulary 6.impossible
3.Check their answers Ss do this individually and then share Key:
their answers with a partner face-to -face
2.make inventions information into space
5.move round the sun
6.benifit from science and
4.Ask Ss what kind of words can be Ss do this exercise individually.Two Key:
filled in each blank (i.e. noun, verb, Ss write their answers on the board 1.scientist
ect.).Elicit their answers. Confirm the 2.chemistry
correct answers. 3.inventor
Grammar 6.invention
5.Ask Ss what form of verbs can be Ss work individually Key:
used in each blanket 1.will be buy read
5.will be
6.will appear read
8.will appear
6.Ask Ss to rewrite the sentences in Ss work in pairs Key:
reported speech 1.Lan told me she enjoyed
chatting on the phonewith
her friends
2.The teacher told us a
breakdown might happen
due to cultural differences
3.Duong asked me what
the inhabitants of Jupiter
might look like
4.Chau asked me if we
would have traffic jams in
30 years’time
5.Phuc told me he had
read a book about life on
Everyday English other planets
7.After checking their answers , ask Ss do this in pairs Key:
one or two pairs to act out the 1.D 2.F 3.E
conversation 4.G 5.A 6.C
Homework(3’): 7.H 8.B
Prepare for Review 4 lesson 2

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 2: Skills
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be ablbe to:
-revise pronunciation, vocab,grammar from unit 10,11
2. Skills: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able
-Revise unit 11 with vocabulary , grammar
-Recycle the language from the previous units
-Consolidate and apply what they have learnt from Unit 10,11 by doing various activites and
3. Attitude:Ss must have good co-operation in working .
4. Competencies: having good overview after a lesson
II. Main languages:
III. Teaching aid: Text books, cassette, chalk, visual pictures and some boards.
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’): Free-
Presentation(5’) Class work
Ask Ss to review the reported speech
Practice (32’):
1.Ask Ss to read the passage and Ss read and do the task individually Key:
make the sentences T or F 1.T 2. F 3.F 4.T
5.F 6.T
Speaking Ss work in groups and discuss the
2. Summarise Ss’ answers questions.Ss report their groups’
answers to the class .
Listening Ss work in pairs. Key:
3.Play the recording for the first Audio script: 1.C
time . Ss listen and choose the correct Nick:I had a disastrous morning 2.B
Mike:Oh, what happened?
answer .Elicit the answers from Ss Nick: I couldn’t find my mobile phone so I
and write them on the board. went out to find a phone box.It took me half 4.A
an hour to find a phone box that worked- the 5.C
first three were all out of order.After that, I
dialled Tom’s number and heard the phone
ringing, but then there were a silence!
Mike:And then?
Nick: I dialled again and got a wrong
number.The third time I had a crossed line-I
could hear 2 people having a personal
conversation.The fourth time,I managed to
speak to Tom, and we exchanged a few
words , then we were cut off and we lost the
connection.I got very angry.
Nick:When I tried again later, he wasn’t in
the office
Mike:But Nick,tell me,what did you want to
tell your brother so urgently?
Nick:That my home telephone is out of
order.Tom is the Head of the Telecom
Writing Ss do this individually Sample example:
4.Ss write their message I got an iPad.It is very
interesting but also makes me
individually.Ask one ss to write the confused.It is also time –
message on the board.Other Ss and cosuming because there are
teacher comment the message on the much information I would like
board. Collect some messages to to know and I spend much time
correct at home. on it.And the battery is flat,I
just can use it in 5-6 hours
.Sometimes the wifi is not very
good and I will have no
connection with Internet.I think
I could be due to to the problem
with the wifi connection output
of my iPad.When I open 2-3
applications at the same time,
the touch screen is not very
sensitive and sometimes the
iPad stands by.If I have free
time,I will have it repaired in
Apple shop.
Prepare for One-Period Test 4

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……

I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: After the lesson Ss will be able to use the knowledge that they
have been studied exactly.
2. Skills: Develop listening, writing,reading skills
3. Attitude:Ss do the test in a serious and strict manner.
4. Competencies: having good overview after doing the test
II. Main languages:
2.Grammar: reported speech( statements, questions)
III. Teaching aid: papers,pens ,cassette player and cassette tape
Tổng số câu:34 . Nhận biết: 3đ (30%).Thông hiểu:4đ(40%).Vận dụng:3đ(30%)
-Listen and answer 4
2 4

B/Use of language
-But, so ,and 4
-Vocab 8 19
2 5

-Verb form

-Read and choose the correct 2

answers 0,5
-Read and answer questions 3

-Change into reported speech 4 4

1 1
Total 12 11 2 7 32
3 4 0,5 2,5 10

I.Listen and answer the questions (2 pts)
1. What will help feed the large population on Earth?
2. Where may we be able to live?
3. What does Nick say he likes?
4. Does Chau think science and technology may bring problems?
II. Find one word that does not belong in each group. ( 1 pt)
1. A. developer B. researcher C. cooker D. technician
2. A. explore B. communicate C. disagree D. biologist
3. A. physics B. economic C. technical D. enormous
4. A. zoology B. apology C. anthropology D. archaeology
III. Choose A, B, C, D for each gap in the following sentences. (2pts)
1. Facebook was built on the ………of earlier social network sites like MySpace and Bebo.
A. succeed B. successful C. successfullyD. success
2. It is thought that driverless cars will transform the way we move………cities in the future.
A. around B. away C. along D. ahead
3. Little Pascal ……a mechanical calculator which could do additions or subtractions very quickly.
A. discovered B. found C. found out D. invented
4. Robots save workers from ………dangerous tasks.
A. making B. having C. performing D. carrying
5. Many people believe that robots have made workers jobless………that is not necessarily true.
A. but B. and C. so D. or
6. Recent ………developments have made robots more user-friendly and intelligent.
A. science B. scientist C. scientific D. scientifically
7. Teenagers spend most of their time playing computer games, ………they lost their interests in daily
A. moreover B. so C. however D. as a result
8. Science and technology have ………the life safe, secure and comfortable.
A. transformed B. made C. done D. changed
IV.Put the vrbs in brackets in the correct form. (2pts)
1. Our teacher says that new technology (make) ……………………….…….many workers jobless in the future.
2. If you use robots to do the housework, you (become) ……………………………..lazy and you (not get)
……….………………..enough exercise.
3. People say that technology (change) ………..…………….. our lives, but not all the changes are good for the
4. Computers that once (take) ……………………….. up entire rooms are now small enough to put on desktops
and into wristwatches.
5. Look at those clouds – I think it (rain) …………………………….
6. I (watch) …………………………. a science fiction film on TV at 9.00 tonight.
7. This time next week, I (lie) …………………….. on a beach on Phu Quoc Island.

V.Change these sentences into reported speeches. (1 pt)

1. “This room is cleaned every day by my sister.” said the boy.
2. “I have something to show you now” Quang said to his teacher.
3. “I’m leaving here for Ha Noi tomorrow” he said.
4. “I’ll come with you as soon as I am ready” Lan said

VI. Read the following passage.

A mobile phone, also known as a cell phone, is one that we can use to make telephone calls to anyone from
a great distance via a radio link. Apart from telephony, modern smart mobile phones also support a number of
other services including text messaging, internet access, gaming, photography, and many business applications.
The first cell phone weighed about 2 kilograms and was demonstrated in 1973 by Dr. Martin cooper and John F.
Mitchell of Motorola. Ten years later, in 1983, the first model of cell phone went on sale to the public. By 2011,
over six billion people, 87% of the world’s population, used mobile networks.
In spite of the many advantages a cell phone has, it also brings about several problems that users should be
awear of. Mobile phone radiation is believed to be harmful to human health. Some recent studies have found an
association between cell phone and certain kinds brain disease. Another serious problem can be privacy and
tracking. Once users have the phone on, they can be interupted in many ways, and they can alsobe tracked by
location data.

*Chooose the correct answer A, B or C for the questions.(0,5pt)

1/ Which statement below is NOT correct?
A. We can use a mobile phone to make telephone calls to anyone from a great distance via a radio link.
B. The first cell phone weighed about 2 kilograms.
C.87% of the world’s population, used mobile networks by 2012.
2/ Besides advantages , a cell phone brings _______________.
A. problems. B. benefits C. usefulness
*Answer the following questions.(1,5pt)
3/ When was the first cell phone demonstrated?
4/ How many percents of the world’s population did use mobile networks by 2011?
5/ Should students be allowed use cell phone at school? Why/ why not?


Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to:
-check their knowlege about the newwords and grammartical from unit 10 to unit 11.
2. Skills: Develop listening, reading,writing skills
3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude to the subject
4. Competencies: making questions and answers
II. Main languages:
III. Teaching aid: Text books, cassette, chalk, visual pictures and some boards.
IV. Procedures
Audio script:
Nick : Hey, Duong and Chau , do you remember Dr. Nelson’s talk on science and technology?
Chau: Yes. He said that science and technology would help us solve the world’s problems in the future.
Nick: Right. I think world hunger is a problem now , and developing ways to get high yields in farming will help
feed the growing population on earth.
Duong : Good point . Also we may be able to live on other planets , so overcrowding won’t be a problem any
Nick: And I like the idea of having lessons at home with a robot , and on the Internet.
Duong : And no more paper books. We’ll have e-books, and tablets for everything.
Chau: That doesn’t sound like a benefit to me. I’d still want to go to school. I’d like to communicate face-to-
face with teachers and friends. In my opinion , science and technology will bring new problems to people
Duong: Like what?
Chau :Well, robots will bring unemployment , and high yields in farming may destroy the environment and
sending people to Mars may cause pollution…
Nick: You’re right: so many new prolems…
I.Listen and answer the questions (2 pts)
1.High yields in farming will
2.On other planets
3.He says he likes the idea of having lessons at home with a robot , and on the Internet
4.Yes, she does
5.He thinks there will be many new problems
II. Find one word that does not belong in each group. ( 1 pt)
1C 2D 3A 4B
III. Choose A, B, C, D for each gap in the following sentences. (2pts)
1D 2A 3D 4C 5A 6C 7D 8B
IV.Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. (2pts)
1. will make
2. will become / won’t get
3. has changed
4. took
5. is going to rain
6. will be watching
7. will be lying
V.Change these sentences into reported speeches. (1 pt)
1.The boy said that room was cleaned every day by his sister
2.Quang told his teacher that He had something to show him then
3.He said that he was leaving there for HN the following day
4.Lan said that she would come with me as soon as she was ready

VI.Read the passage and do as required:

*Choose the correct answer A, B or C for the questions.(0,5pt)

1/ C
*Answer the following questions.(1,5pt)
3/In 1973
4/87 % of the world’s population
5/ Yes, they should. They can use cell phones for research purpose


By the end of the unit , Ss will be able to:

* pronounce correctly the words ending in -ful and -less in isolation and in context
* use the lexical items related to the topic ‘Life on other planets’
* use may and might correctly
* report questions
* pronounce correctly the words ending in -ful and -less in isolation and in context
* use the lexical items related to the topic ‘Life on other planets’
* use may and might correctly
* report questions
* talk about what life may be like on other planets
*listen for specific information about liens
*read for general and specific information about life on other planet
*describe an alien

Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 1: Getting started-What could happento Earth?
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be ablbe to:
-pronounce correctly the words ending in -ful and -less in isolation and in context
-use the lexical items related to the topic ‘Life on other planets’
-use may and might correctly
2. Skills: Speaking,listening,reading
3. Attitude:Ss will be active while practising doing exercises
4. Competencies: Ss are interested in doing exercises
II. Main languages:
III. Teaching aid: Text books, cassette, chalk, visual pictures and some boards.
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Group work Warm – up.( 5’):
Before Ss open their books review Brainstorm
the previous unit by asking them to
play a game.
On the board write the words
transportation communication,
housing and energy and ask two
groups of four Ss to list the future
technologies they expect to see in
these fields. Set a time limit and the
game stops when the time is up. The

team with more items wins.

Ask Ss where and how fast they think
we can travel with new technology.
Ask them if we could travel to other
planets with those means of transport
that they have listed.
Vocabulary Class work *Vocabulary:
Prediction Class work galaxy
Ask Ss to look at the picture and the
heading What could happento Earth?
and answer the questions as a class:
Where are Duong and Nhi?
What are they doing?
What might they be talking about?
Practice (25’):
Now have Ss listen to the
conversation without reading the text
to see if their predictions were
correct. Follow up with the same
1a. Tick (v) true (T) or false (F). Ss work independently . Key:
Play the recording and have Ss work 1. F 2. T
independently . Ss do not read the 3. F 4. T
conversation. Play the recording once 5. F
or twice. Pause the recording at the
appropriate place if Ss need help with
comprehension. Then allow Ss to
share their answers with a partner
before discussing as a class.
b. Read the conversation again and Ss work in pairs Key:
answer the questions. 1. James Kirk is the
First, ask Ss not to look at the captain of the spaceship.
conversation to answer the questions, 2. They went to Nibiru
then have them read the conversation planet.
again and check their answers. If time 3. It happens in 2259.
allows, have them show where to find 4. It’s the name of the
the answers in the conversation. spaceship that the crew
travels on.
5. He wants to destroy
c. Can you find the sentences in Ss work in pairs Key:
reported speech in the 1. That’s funny, Trang also
conversation? Underline them. asked me what I thought
Ask Ss to look at the conversation would happen to Earth in



again and underline the sentences in the future?

reported speech. Have Ss read aloud 2. I said I didn’t know but
the sentences. that Earth moght be run by
2. Use the words/ phrases in the Ss work in pairs Key:
box to label the pictures. Then 1. aliens 2. Space
listen and repeat. buggy 3. UFO
Have Ss work in pairs to match the 4. Weightless
words with the pictures. Then check 5. galaxy 6.
their answers. Explain that UFO is an Spaceship 7. Solar
acronym, which stands for system 8. planet
unidentified flying object. Afterwards,
have Ss repeat the words chorally.
Correct their pronunciation if
necessary. Check their understanding
if necessary.
3. Use the words/ phrases in 2 to fill Ss work independently Key:
in the blanks. 1. aliens 2.
Have Ss work independently to fill UFO 3. Space
the words/ phrases in the blanks, then buggy 4. Planet;
check with a partner. Elicit Ss’ planet
answers. 5. weightless 6. Solar
system 7. Galaxy
Production(7’) Group work 8. spaceship
Listen and follow the teacher’s
instructions to play the game.
Ask Ss to play the game.
* Draw a word web with several
circles on the board. Elicit the words/
phrases in 2 from the class and write
them in the circles, one word circle.
* When all the words/ phrases are
written in the circles, give Ss one
minute to remember the position of
each word/ phrase.
* Now rub out the words as Ss say
them out loud, leaving only the
* Ss work in two big groups. Ask
them to take turns to fill in the circles
with the correct words.
* The group that has more correct
answers in the winner.
Prepare for Unit 12 lesson 2



Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……
Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 2: A closer look 1
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be ablbe to:
-get acquainted with the topic life on other planet.
2. Skills: Speaking,listening,reading
3. Attitude:Ss will be active while practising doing exercises
4. Competencies: Ss are interested in doing exercises
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: words about life on other planet.
3.Pronunciation : pronounce correctly the words ending in -ful and -less in isolation and in context
III. Teaching aid: Text books, cassette, chalk, visual pictures and some boards.
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Group work
Write letters M, V, N, J, S on the
board and ask Ss to volunteer to write
any name of any planet that they
know beginning with these letters.
Give them three minutes.
Pre-listening(5’) * Vocabulary:
Vocabulary Mercury
While-listening (20’):
1. Use the manes of the planets in Ss work independently.
the box to label the diagram of the
solar system.
Now have Ss open the books and
work independently. Then, ask them
to share their ansers with a partner. If
necessary, ask for translation of some
words or phrases in the box to check
thei understanding. Key:
2. Now scan the passage and Ss work in pairs A. Mercury B. Venu
checkyour answers. C. Mars D. Jupiter E.
Have Ss work in pairs, read the Saturn F. Neptune
passage and check their answers in 1. Key:



Then check Ss’ answers as a class. 1. Neptune 2. Saturn

3. Mars 4. Jupiter 5.

Suggested answers:
Weightless waterless
resourceless airless
beautiful wonderful

3. Write the names of the planets Ss work independently .

that match the Roman Gods.
Have Ss work individually to fill in
the blanks without reading the
passage again. Have them compare
their answers in pairs. Ss read the
passage again to confirm their
answers. Afterwards, check Ss’
answers as a class.
4a. Add suffixes -ful or -less to the Ss work in pairs
words in the box. Note that some
words can use either suffix.
T can explain that to from adjectives,
we can add suffixes -ful or -less to a
noun or a verb. Ask Ss to work in
pairs to from words with the ending
-ful or -less. Ask Ss to swap pairs to
check their answers, then check their
answers as a class. Ask Ss to add



some words that are formed in this

way if time allows.
b. now use the topic of space to Ss work in pairs
make a sentence for each new
word. Compare your sentences
with a partner.
Ask Ss to work in pairs to write a
sentence about the topic of space for
each word. Then swap their sentences
with another pair’s to peer check.
Afterwards, have some Ss read out
loud their sentences and correct Ss’
work if necessary.
Stress in words ending in -ful and
5. Put the stress in the correct place Ss work independently Audio script:
in the words. Then listen and ‘thoughtless ‘me
check. aningful ‘helpless
Explain to Ss that when we add ‘meaningless ‘helpful
suffixes -ful or -less to a word, the ‘thoughtful
tress of the word remains unchanged. ‘useless ‘ple
Play the recording and ask Ss to ntiful ‘useful
listen and stress the words. Checks Audio script:
Ss’ answers as a class. 1. her speech on the
6. Read the following sentences and Individual work environment was
mark the stressed syllable on the Pairwork ‘meaningful.
words in italics. Then 2. My teacher is so
listen and repeat. ‘helpful when we don’t
First, have Ss work individually to understand something.
mark the stress in each word. Then 3. I was ‘helpless to stop
ask Ss to compare their answers with the dog biting me.
a partner. Have them practice reading 4. This dictionary is so
the sentences. Play the recording and ‘useful.
ask Ss to listen, check their answers 5. There is ‘plentiful water
and repeat the sentences. If time for life on earth.
allows, call on some Ss to read out
the sentences, paying attention to the
stress in each italicized word. .
Prepare for Unit 12 lesson 3
Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……
Date of teaching: ……/……/……




Lesson 3: A closer look 2
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be ablbe to:
- get acquainted with the topic life on other planet.
2. Skills: Speaking, writing
3. Attitude:Ss must have good co-operation in working .
4. Competencies: having good overview after a lesson
II. Main languages:
2.Grammar: - Modal verbs: may, might.
- Reported speech.
III. Teaching aid: Text books, cassette, chalk, visual pictures and some boards.
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Class work Warm – up.( 5’): Review
May and might: review
Draw Ss’ attention to the
Then ask some more able Ss to give
1. Use may/ might to fill in each of Moda verbs: may, might. Key:
the blank. Individual work 1. may/ might
Ask Ss to work individually to fill in Pairwork 2. may/ might
the gaps. 3. may/ might
Have them compare the answers 4. may
with a partner and explain their 5. may/ might
answers. Check the answers as a 6. may/ might
class and ask for Ss’ explanations. 7. may/ might
Note that in relation to points 1 and 8. may
2 in the REMEMBER! box. May
and might are both equally correct in
this activity. Ss much only
distinguish between these and point
3 in the box: may for permission.
Reported speech: questions Reported speech.
We use the verb ask when Class work
reporting questions. In reported
questions we use the statement
word order and the question mark
is omitted.
Ask Ss about the rules of changing
statements from direct into reported
speech that they learn in the



previous unit. Tell them that in this

lesson they are going to learn about
reported questions.
Ask Ss to read again the
conversation between Duong and
find the question in reported speech.
Then have a student read aloud the
reported question and write it on the
board. Get a student to come to the
board to rewrite the question in
direct speech. Correct it if necessary.
Ask Ss to look carefully at the two
questions (one is reported and one is
direct) to compare them in terms of
the verb tense, order of verb and
auxiliary. Then ask them what verb
is used as the reporting verb. Have
some Ss answer, give feedback or
correction if necessary.
Write the question that Nhi asked
Duong in GETTING
STARTED:could Earth ever be in
that kind of danger? On the board.
Ask a volunteer to come to the board
to write that question in reported
speech. If the S can write the
reported question correctly, ask all
other Ss to look at it and the direct
question to compare them interms of
verb tense, order of verb and the
connection between the reporting
verb and the question part. If the S
does not write the reported question
correctly, ask the whole class to give
comments and correct it.
Now draw Ss’ attention to the
language box on reported questions,
ask them to read the box carefully.
Practice ( 15’ )
2. Nick claimed that he had seen a Ss work in pairs Key:
UFO. Read the interview between 1. what 2. Had seen;
a reported and Nick, and finish had landed 3.
the following sentences. What 4. Had been
Have Ss work in pairs and do the going
exercise. Ask some Ss to read out 5. had looked 6. Had been;



their answer, and correct the answers had looked like 7. Had
as a class. seen 8. Had hidden

3. Circle the correct word in Ss work individually Key:

italicsto complete each sentence. 1. ask 2. if
Let Ss work individually and check 3. before
their answers with a classmate. Then 4. different
check the answers as a class.
4. Read other questions by the Ss work individually Key:
interviewer. Rewrite them as 1. The interviewer asked if
reported questions. he went for a walk every day.
Ask Ss to work individually to write 2. He asked how Nick had
questions in reported speech. Have left when he had seen the
one student write the answers on the alien.
board and get feedback from other 3. He asked what the alien
Ss. Afterwards, check the answers as had looked like.
a class. For a class which needs 4. He asked why Nick hadn’t
more support, have Ss write the first taken a photo of the alien.
two reported questions and correct 5. The interviewer asked how
these carefully with the whole class. long the UFO had stayed
Have Ss explain the changes they there.
have made. Have them do the rest 6. The interviewer asked if
for homework. Nick had seen any UFOs
since then.
Production ( 7’ )
5. Work in groups of three. One is Group work
Nick and the others are Nick’s
friends. Ask and answer questions
about what Nick saw. Then report
the friends’ questions and Nick’s
answers to the whole class.
Have Ss work in groups of three for
5 to 10 minutes. Go around to see if
Ss need help. Then ask the student
who plays Nick’s role to report
orally the questions he was asked.
Get another student in the group to
report what Nick answered. Ask the
whole class to listen carefully and
give feedback. Correct this group’s
work if necessary. Ask other groups
to do the same if there is enough
Prepare for Unit 12 lesson 4



Period: Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……
Lesson 4: Communication
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be ablbe to:
- talk about lifes on other planets.
2. Skills: Speaking
3. Attitude:Ss must have good co-operation in working .
4. Competencies: having good overview after a lesson
II. Main languages:
2.Grammar: - Modal verbs: may, might.
- Reported speech.
III. Teaching aid: Text books, cassette, chalk, visual pictures and some boards.
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’)- Introduction Class work Warm – up.( 5’):
Before Ss open their books, ask Introduction
them which planet they would like
to goto if they had a chance. Ask
them to give the reasons why. Then
tell Ss that they will join a teenagers’
blog to read some discussions on
whether they believe in the existence
of other life forms in the galaxy.
Check if Ss understand the meanings
on the words in Extra vocabulary. If
they do not, quickly teach the words
by using synonyms or even
Class work *Vocabulary:
NASA stands for national
While-speaking ( 17’ ) Aeronautics and Space
1. Five teenagers are discussing Administration
the possibility of other life forms Ss work individually
in our galaxy. Read the comments
they have posted on an online
Have Ss read the comments. Ask
them to do the reading as fast as fast



as possible and remember the ideas.

Move around the class. Bring
everyone together if there are ideas
or words that need clarifying.
2. Work in groups to decide if you
agree or disagree with each of the Ss work in groups Suggestions for
opinions and ideas in 1. Say why disagreements:
or why not. - I disagree with Nhi because
Ask Ss to work in groups. Tell Ss the inhabitants there may be
that they can look at the blog and able to live in high
use the example to discuss the five temperatures. They may have
ideas. bodies which can resist heat.
If Ss agree, ask them to add any Or they may have a special
details from their imagination about machine to cool down the
the planet. Elicit the reasons why atmosphere of the place
there may be inhabitants there, what where they live.
those inhabitants may look like, how - I disagree with Duc
they can communicate, how they can because the inhabitants there
travel… be able to extract liquid from
If Ss disagree, ask them to justify underground to survive.
their choice. Their bodies may be adapted
to the environment there.
They may not need oxygen
but hydrogen or nitrogen to
- I disagree with Anh. Any
planet can be considered
Post-speaking ( 15’ ) powerful. Any inhabitant is
3a. Work in pairs. Imagine you proud of his/ her own planet.
are going into space. Decide Pairwork
together what you will take with
you. You can add any item you
think necessary. Remember to give
Put Ss in pairs. Make sure that Ss
work with a new partner for a
change. Ask to use the suggestions
in the pictures and the example.
encourage Them to add any items
they may think necessary. Remind
them to give a reason for each
choice. Go around to help Ss. Note
this is not meant to be serious; Ss
can suggest silly or funny things as
long as they justify them.
b. Report your decisions to



another pair or to the class. Pairwork

Ask Ss to report their decisions to
the class or to another pair. Give
feedback if necessary.
Prepare for Unit 12 lesson 5


Lesson 5: Skills 1
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be ablbe to:
- Read for general and specific information about life on other planets.
- Talk about life on other planets
2. Skills: Reading,speaking
3. Attitude:Ss must have good co-operation in working .
4. Competencies: having good overview after a lesson
II. Main languages:
2.Grammar: - Modal verbs: may, might.
- Reported speech.
III. Teaching aid: Text books, cassette, chalk, visual pictures and some boards.
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’Chatting Class work Warm – up.( 5’): Chatting
1a. Look at the pictures and Ss work individually
discuss the
Ask Ss to cover the reading passage,
look at the pictures of the two
planets and answer the questions.
Ask them: What else can you infer
from the picture?
While-reading ( 17’ )
b. Read the text below and check Ss work individually
your answers.
Give Ss two minutes to skim the
passage and check their answers.
2. Find words in the passage that Ss work individually Key:
have similar meaning to these 1. poisonous
words or phrases. 2. twice
Have Ss scan the passage to find the 3. experiences
words in red and match them with 4. traces
the definitions. Ss should check the 5. surface
meanings of the words from the 6. climate



context. Then check their answers as 7. accommodate

a class.
3. Match the headings with the Key:
paragraphs (1-3). There is one 1. C 2. B
extra. 3. A
Tell Ss that to finish this part, they
should underline key words in the
headings. Next, sak Ss to skim the
text again, using the key words in
the headings to do the matching.
4. Read the text again and answers Pairwork Key:
the questions. 1. It is also called the Red
Set a longer time limit for Ss to read Planet
the text again and answer the 2. The lowest temperature is
questions. ask Ss to note where they -87 degrees Celsius and the
found the information that helped highest may be a bit higher
them answer the questions. Ss can then zero.
compare answers with a partner 3. Because 95% of the
before discussing them as a class. atmosphere is carbon
For a class which needs more dioxide.
support with the previous exercises, 4. A day on Mars is a bit
let them do this exercise as longer.
homework. Remember to check 5. It is twice as long as a year
their answers in the next lesson. on Earth.
Post-reading ( 15’ )
5. Work in pairs. One is a human Group work
and the other is a Martian. Use the
suggestions below to ask and
answer about life on Earth and life
on Mars.
First, have Ss read the table of
information carefully. Answer their
questions if they have any. Ss work
in pairs to ask and answer questions
based on the suggested information
in the table and the example. Set a
time limit of 5 to 10 minutes. When
they finish, ask the student who
plays the role of the human from one
pair, and the student who plays the
role of Martian from another pair to
role – play in front of the whole
class. Have them ask and answer
questions about food and drink.
Have another pair do the same,
asking and answering about sleep



and travel. Then have a third pair to

finish with environment and
6. Now swap pairs. The human of Group work Sample exchange
one pair works with the Martian New human: What kind of
of the other pair. Take turns to food did the human say she
report what your previous partner ate?
said about life on their planet your New Martian: She said that
new partner to see if he/ she said she ate rice, break, meat and
similar things. fruit and vegetables.
Ask the ‘humans’ and ‘Martians’ to New human: Yes, that’s right!
from new pair. This time they use
reported speech to report their
previous partner’s answers:
Prepare for Unit 12 lesson 6


Lesson 6: Skills 2
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be ablbe to:
- Listen for specific information aboutlife on other planets.
- Describe an alien.
2. Skills: Reading,speaking
3. Attitude:Ss must have good co-operation in working .
4. Competencies: having good overview after a lesson
II. Main languages:
1.Vocabulary: words related the topic.
2.Grammar: lexical items related the topic.
III. Teaching aid: Text books, cassette, chalk, visual pictures and some boards.
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’) Introduction Class work Warm – up.( 5’):
Ask a couple of Ss to come to the Introduction
board and draw their versions of an
alien. Ask Ss how they would feel if
they saw an alien. Ask Ss if they
think aliens are very different from
humans, and what differences there
may be
1. Work in pairs. Describe the Ss work in pairs
pictures and answer the questions.
Ask Ss to work in pairs to describe

the pictures and answers the

While-listening ( 12’ )
2. Listen to Tom’s imagined Ss work individually Key:
description of what an alien from 1. Jupiter 2. Much
another planet may be like. Fill bigger 3. More
each blank with no more than powerful 4. Lots of hair
three words from the recording. 5. Thick skin
Before Ss listen, ask them to read 6. four eyes 7. Happiness
the information in the table carefully 8. Fear
and try to predict the answers. Tell 9. Energy
them that to do this they should 10. rocks
highlight key words in the questions
and decide the part of speech of the
words they will need to fill in the
blanks, then listen carefully to find
the words from the recording. Play
the recording twice. Have two Ss
write their answers on the board.
Confirm the correct answers.
3. Listen again and tick (v) true Individual work Key:
(t), false (F) or not given (NG). Audio script: 1. F 2. NG
Have Ss work individually to I think the inhabitants of Jupiter 3. T
underline the key words in the may be very different to human 4. F
statements. Ask Ss to do the exercise beings. This is how I imagine them: 5. F
They may be much bigger and more
without listening to the recording 6. F
powerful than humans. Jupiterians
first. Write their answers on the may have eight legs and be able to
board without confirming the correct move very fast. They may have a
answers. Play the recording again lot of hair all over their bodies and
for Ss to check. T may pause at the their skin might be very thick so
sentences that include the they can live in temperatures of
information Ss need for the answers. around -145 degrees Celsius. They
may have four eyes and be able to
see very far. They may also have a
very good sense of smell and they
may even be able to sense others’
feelings like happiness or fear. And
I don’t think they eat and drink like
us. Instead, they get all their energy
from he rocks. They may charge
their bodies by plugging their feet
into the rock, just like charging a
battery. That way, they don’t even
need to breathe air.
The only way they may be similar
to use is they live in family units of
parents and children. They may also



use language to communicate with

Post-listening ( 15’ ) each other.
4. Work in pairs. Imagine what an
alien may be like. Use your Ss work in pairs
imagination to fill in the web
Set a time limit for Ss to brainstorm
ideas and write their notes. Move
around and help Ss if necessary. Ask
Ss to refer back to the speaking in 5,
SKILLS 1 and listening in 2 and 3,
SKILLS 2 for useful language and
5. Now use the notes to write a Beginning with:
description of your alien. Ss work individually I agree/ disagree withthe idea
Now have Ss work individually to that...
write descriptions of their alien. Firstly, Secondly
Give Ss a time limit for this. For a Furthermore, In addition...
class which needs more support, In short/ For these reasons...
make copies of the audio script and
give each student one. The script can
act as a writing model, but make it
clear that Ss should change the
content to match their own ideas.
6. Swap your work with your
partner. How different is your Pairwork
description from your partner’s.
Ss swap their writing with a partner.
They comment one each other’s
work. Ss revise and edit their writing
in class if time allows, or else as
Prepare for Unit 12 lesson 7


Lesson 7: Looking back & project
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be ablbe to:
-Look back what they have learnt in Unit 12 through the exercises in the book
2. Skills: -Revise unit 12 with vocabulary , grammar
-Recycle the language from the previous
-Consolidate and apply what they have learnt in Unit 12
3. Attitude:Ss must have good co-operation in working .
4. Competencies: having good overview after a lesson

II. Main languages:

1.Vocabulary: words related the topic.
2.Grammar: lexical items related the topic.
III. Teaching aid: Text books, cassette, chalk, visual pictures and some boards.
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents
Warm – up.( 5’)Introduction Class work Warm – up.( 5’):
- This is the review section of the Introduction
- Tell Ss to record their results for
each exercise in the LOOKING
BACK section in order to complete
the final Finished! Now I can ...
1. Encourage Ss not to refer back to
the unit pages. Instead, they can use
what they have learn during the unit
to help them do the exercises.
1. Rearrange the letters to Ss work in pairs Key:
label the pictures. 1.
1. aliens 2.
space buggy 3. weightless
4. solar
5. planet 6.
spaceship 7.
Flying saucer 8. Galaxy
2. Fill each gap with a suitable Ss work individually 2.
word from the box. 1. accommodate
1 &2 Ask to work individually, then 2. surface
compare their answers with a 3. traces
partner. Ask some Ss to write their 4. experienced 5. climate
answers on the board. 6. NASA
Practice ( 15’)
3, 4 & 5 Ask Ss to do them
individually first. Then have Ss
check their answers with a partner
before having them discuss as a
class. Remind Ss to keep record of
their original answers so that they
can use that information in their self
– assessment.
3. Underline the correct answers. Individual work Key:



1. if 2. had been 3. who

4. had been
5. how 6. ate
7. what
4. Put the words. Phrases in the Ss work in pairs Key:
correct order to make reported 1. He asked me how I would
questions. react if I saw an alien.
2. The teacher asked me
which planet was most
suitable for human life.
3. My friend asked me when
humans had first landed on
the moon.
4. She asked me hat the
difference between a planet
and a star was.
5. They asked if there was
water on Mars.
5. Change the following questions Ss work individually Key:
into reported questions. 1. The teacher asked her
students what the essential
conditions for human life
2. Samuel asked the scientist
if humans had been able to
communicate with people on
other planets.
3. Nick asked the journalist if
the Roswell UFO incident
had taken place in the U.S in
June 1947.
4. Vanessa asked her uncle
who the witness in the
Roswell UFO incident had
5. The son asked his father
when humans would be able
to travel from one planet to
another more easily.
6. Diane asked her mother
why people couldn’t move to
Mars immediately.
Post-listening ( 12’ )
6. Choose the right sentences (A- Pairwork Key:
E) to put into the dialogue. 1. B 2. D



First, ask Ss to do the task in pairs. 3. A

Then check Ss’ answers as a class. 14. C
Set a time limit of two minutes for 5. E
Ss to re-read and to remember the
dialogue as much as they can. When
they finish, ask some pairs to
rehearse the dialogue.
Finished! Now I Individual work
Finally ask Ss to complete the self-
assessment. Identify any difficulties
and weak areas and provide further
Prepare for Revision




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