Microeconomics I Fall 2007 Prof. I. Hafalir: Chris Almost

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Microeconomics I

Fall 2007
Prof. I. Hafalir∗
Chris Almost†


Contents 1

1 Demand Theory 2
1.1 Preference relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Utility functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Choice functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4 Consumer preferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.5 Comparative statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.6 Weak axiom of revealed preference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.7 Utility maximization problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.8 Expenditure minimization problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.9 Strong axiom of revealed preference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

2 Aggregate Demand 19

3 Production 22
3.1 Properties of production sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.2 Profit maximization and cost minimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.3 Single-output firm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.4 Aggregation of production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

4 Choice Under Uncertainty 25

4.1 Lotteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.2 Money Lotteries and Risk Aversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Index 33

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2 Microeconomics I

1 Demand Theory

1.1 Preference relations

Let X be the set of feasible alternatives in some economic situation. Let B ⊆ X × X
be a binary relation and write x B y if (x, y) ∈ B. Let ¥ be such a preference
relation. We say

1. a is weakly preferred to b if a ¥ b.

2. a is indifferent to b if a ∼ b.

3. a is strictly preferred to b if a  b.

1.1.1 Definition. ¥ is rational (or regular) if it is complete and transitive.

Reflexivity follows from completeness, so a rational preference is simply a total

order on X .
A preference relation is negative transitive if for all x, y, z ∈ X , if ¬(x ¥ y) and
¬( y ¥ z) then ¬(x ¥ z). A preference relation is acyclic if for all n ∈ N and for all
x 1 , . . . , x n ∈ X , if x i ¥ x i+1 for all i = 1, . . . , n − 1 then x 1 ¥ x n .

1.1.2 Exercises.
1.  is irreflexive and transitive.

2. ∼ is reflexive and transitive.

3. If x  y ¥ z then x  z.

4. ¥ is acyclic.

1.1.3 Example. Suppose we have a family with a mother, father, and child that
makes decisions on what to do for fun by majority rule. Suppose they choose
between opera, skating, and concert and the preferences are as follows: mother
likes o  s  c, father likes c  o  s, and the child likes s  c  o. But then
o  s  c  o by the family, so democratic preference is not rational. This is
known as the Condecet paradox.

1.2 Utility functions

1.2.1 Definition. A function u : X → R is a utility representation for a preference
relation ¥ if for all x, y ∈ X we have u(x) ≥ u( y) if and only if x ¥ y.

Clearly a preference has a utility representation if and only if it is order iso-

morphic to a subset of (R, ≥).

1.2.2 Proposition. Let ¥ be a preference relation. If it has a utility representation

then it is rational.
Demand Theory 3

1.2.3 Proposition. Suppose u represents ¥. For any strictly increasing function

f : R → R the function f ◦ u represents ¥ as well.

It follows that (in all nontrivial cases) there is no unique representation.

1.2.4 Proposition. Suppose that X is finite. Then a rational preference relation

¥ has a utility representation.

PROOF: A representation is defined by u(x) := #{x 0 | x ¥ x 0 }. ƒ

1.2.5 Proposition. Suppose that X is countable. Then a rational preference rela-

tion ¥ has a utility representation.

PROOF: Construct a representation u as follows. Write X = {x 1 , x 2 , . . . }. Set

u(x 1 ) = 0, and for n > 1, if x n ∼ x k for some 1 ≤ k < n then set u(x n ) := u(x k ). If
there is no such k then the maximum element of {u(x k ) | x n  x k } ∪ {−1} is less
than the minimum element of {u(x k ) | x k  x n } ∪ {1}, so set u(x n ) to be any real
number strictly between them. u is a utility representation by the transitivity and
completeness of ¥. ƒ

1.2.6 Example (Lexicographic preference). Take X = R2+ . Define the lexico-

graphic preference ¥ L on X by (x, y) ¥ L (x 0 , y 0 ) if [x > x 0 ] or [x = x 0 and y ≥ y 0 ].
It is easy to see that ¥ L is rational.

1.2.7 Proposition. Lexicographic preference ¥ L on [0, 1] × [0, 1] cannot be rep-

resented by a utility function.

PROOF: Suppose that u : X = [0, 1] × [0, 1] → R represents ¥ L . For any a ∈ [0, 1],
(a, 1)  L (a, 0), so u(a, 1) > u(a, 0). Let q : [0, 1] → Q be a map such that
u(a, 1) > q(a) > u(a, 0). If a0 > a then q(a0 ) > q(a) by definition of lexicographic
preference. But then q is one-to-one since it is increasing, which contradicts that
[0, 1] is not countable. ƒ

From now on we assume that there is a (sufficiently nice) topology on X .

We give two definitions for a preference to be continuous, and prove they are

1.2.8 Definition. We say that ¥ is continuous if whenever a  b then there are

neighbourhoods Ba , B b ⊆ X such that for all x ∈ Ba and all y ∈ B b we have x  y.

1.2.9 Definition. Let R+ (x) := {x 0 | x 0 ¥ x} and R− (x) := {x 0 | x ¥ x 0 } be

the upper contour set and lower contour set, respectively. We also say that ¥ is
continuous if both R+ (x) and R− (x) are closed for all x. (This is clearly equivalent
to the requirement that if (an , bn ) is a sequence in X × X satisfying an ¥ bn for all
n and an → a and bn → b, then a ¥ b.)

1.2.10 Proposition. The two definitions of continuity are equivalent.

4 Microeconomics I

PROOF: Suppose that an ¥ bn for all n, an → a, bn → b, but that b  a. By the

first definition, if ¥ is continuous, then there are neighbourhoods Ba and B b such
that for all x ∈ Ba and y ∈ B b , y  x. But for sufficiently large n we have an ∈ Ba
and bn ∈ B b , so an  bn for sufficiently large n, a contradiction.
Let a  b, and assume for contradiction that there are an ∈ Ba ( 1n ) and bn ∈
B b ( 1n ) such that bn ¥ an . But an → a and bn → b, so by the second definition we
have b ¥ a. ƒ

1.2.11 Definition. We say that ¥ (a preference on Rn ) is monotone if for all x, y ∈

R+ if x ≥ y then x ¥ y and if x  y then x  y. We say ¥ is strongly monotone
if x ≥ y and x 6= y imply x  y.

1.2.12 Theorem. Suppose that ¥ is rational and continuous. Then there exists a
continuous utility function that represents this preference relation.

PROOF: For this proof we will also suppose that ¥ is monotone. Let e be the unit
vector in the direction of the vector of all ones. For every x ∈ R+ , monotonicity
implies that x ¥ 0. There is some ᾱ such that ᾱe  x, so ᾱe  x. Continuity
implies that there is some α(x) such that α(x)e ∼ x. We will show that u(x) =
α(x) is a utility representation. Now x ¥ y if and only if α(x)e ¥ α( y)e, if and
only if α(x) ≥ α( y) again by monotonicity since these points are on the diagonal
ray. That α is continuous is in Problem Set 1 (the proof is also in MWG). ƒ

1.3 Choice functions

Now consider a set B ⊆ 2X \ {∅}.

1.3.1 Definition. A choice function is a function c : B → 2X \ {∅} such that for all
B ∈ B, c(B) ⊆ B.

1.3.2 Definition. The choice function c satisfies the weak axiom of revealed pref-
erence (or WARP) if the following holds. If there is B ∈ B with x, y ∈ B such that
x ∈ c(B) then for any B 0 ∈ B with x, y ∈ B 0 , if y ∈ c(B 0 ) then x ∈ c(B 0 ). In words,
“if x is ever chosen when y is available then there can be no feasible set for which
y is chosen but x is not.”

1.3.3 Definition. Given a choice structure (B, c), the revealed preference relation
¥∗ is defined by x ¥∗ y if and only if there is B ∈ B such that x, y ∈ B and
x ∈ c(B). The strict preference becomes x ∗ y if and only if there is B ∈ B such
that x, y ∈ B and x ∈ c(B) and y ∈/ c(B).

WARP is equivalent to [x ¥∗ y =⇒ ¬( y ∗ x)].

1.3.4 Definition. Given a preference ¥, the preference maximizing choice c ∗ (·, ¥)

is defined by c ∗ (B, ¥) := {x ∈ B | x ¥ y for all y ∈ B}. A rational preference
relation ¥ rationalizes (B, c) if c(B) = c ∗ (B, ¥) for all B ∈ B. We also say that ¥
is consistent with c.
Demand Theory 5

1.3.5 Proposition. Let ¥ be a rational preference relation. Then c ∗ (·, ¥) satisfies


The converse is not true.

1.3.6 Example. Let X = {x, y, z}, B = {{x, y}, {x, z}, { y, z}}. Define

c({x, y}) = {x}, c({x, z}) = {z}, c({ y, z}) = { y}.

If there were a preference relation rationalizing (B, c) then we would have x  y

and y  z, but z  x so this cannot be the case.

1.3.7 Proposition. If c satisfies WARP on B and B includes all subsets of X of up

to three elements then there is a rational preference relation rationalizing (B, c).

PROOF: In this case the revealed preference relation ¥∗ rationalizes (B, c). ƒ

It follows that if B = 2X \ {∅} and |X | ≥ 3 then WARP is a necessary and

sufficient condition for rationalizability.
We can define the strong axiom of revealed preference (or SARP) as a kind of
“recursive closure” of WARP—SARP requires that ¥∗ to be acyclic.

1.4 Consumer preferences

A consumer is a rational agent making choices between available commodities.
From now on we take X = R+L to be amounts of L different commodities. An
element of X is called a bundle.

1.4.1 Definition. ¥ is convex if x ¥ y and α ∈ (0, 1) implies that αx + (1 −

α) y ¥ y. We also say that ¥ is convex if R+ (x) is a convex set (and indeed these
definitions are equivalent).

1.4.2 Definition. ¥ is strictly convex if for every a, b ¥ y with a 6= b then αa +

(1 − α)b  y for all α ∈ (0, 1).

1.4.3 Examples.
p p
1. u(x) = x 1 + x 2 is strictly convex.

2. u(x) = min{x 1 , x 2 } is convex but not strictly convex.

3. u(x) = x 1 + x 2 is convex but not strictly convex.

4. u(x) = x 12 + x 22 is not convex.

1.4.4 Definition. A function u is quasi-concave if for all x ∈ X the set {x 0 | u(x 0 ) ≥

u(x)} is convex. Equivalently, u is quasi-concave if u(x 0 ) ≥ u(x) implies u(αx 0 +
(1 − α)x) ≥ u(x) for all α ∈ (0, 1).

1.4.5 Exercise. Suppose that ¥ is represented by u. Show that ¥ is convex if and

only if u is quasi-concave.
6 Microeconomics I

1.4.6 Definition. A function u is strictly quasi-concave if u(x) ≥ u( y) implies

u(αx + (1 − α) y) > u( y) for all α ∈ (0, 1).

Recall that u is concave if for all x, y ∈ X and α ∈ (0, 1) then

u(αx + (1 − α) y) ≥ αu(x) + (1 − α)u( y).

1.4.7 Exercises.
1. Prove u is quasi-concave if it is concave.

2. Find a convex preference relation and a utility function representing it which

is not concave.

3. Prove that quasi-concavity is preserved for any monotonic transformation,

but concavity is not.

Let p  0 be a vector representing the prices of the L commodities in X .

We assume that commodity prices are constant. A consumption bundle x ∈ R+L is
affordable if it does not exceed the consumer’s wealth level.

1.4.8 Definition. The Walrasian budget set for prices p  0 and wealth w ∈ R is
the set of affordable bundles B(p, w) := {x ∈ R+L | p· x ≤ w}. The set {x | p· x = w}
is called the budget hyperplane.

The consumer choice problem is to find the set c ∗ (B(p, w), ¥) of bundles from
B(p, w) that are maximal for a given preference relation ¥.

1.4.9 Proposition. If ¥ is rational and continuous then the consumer choice prob-
lem has a solution (i.e. c ∗ (B(p, w), ¥) 6= ∅).

PROOF: Obviously B(p, w) is convex (it is a half-space intersected with R+L ) and
compact. ¥ can be represented by a continuous utility function u, so u(B(p, w))
attains a (finite) maximum value. ƒ

1.4.10 Proposition. If ¥ is convex then c ∗ (B(p, w), ¥) is convex.

PROOF: Recall that ¥ is convex if for all x ¥ y we have αx + (1 − α) y ¥ y for all

α ∈ (0, 1). From this it is clear that c ∗ (B(p, w), ¥) is convex. ƒ

1.4.11 Proposition. If ¥ is strictly convex then there is at most one solution to

the consumer choice problem.

PROOF: Recall that if ¥ is strictly convex and x ∼ y then αx + (1 − α) y  x, y for

all α ∈ (0, 1). ƒ

In particular, if ¥ is rational, continuous, and strictly convex then there is a

unique solution to the consumer choice problem.
From now on we assume that consumer preferences are such that for any
B(p, w) the consumer choice function has a unique solution. We denote this solu-
tion by x(p, w), the Walrasian demand function.
Demand Theory 7

1.4.12 Definition. We say that x(p, w) is homogeneous of degree 0 (or HD0) if for
any α > 0 we have x(αp, αw) = x(p, w) for all p, w, and x(p, w) is said to satisfy
Walras’ Law if for every price p  0 we have p · x(p, w) = w.

Note that Walras’ Law is always satisfied if the preference is monotone.

1.5 Comparative statistics

We will now think about how consumer choice changes with wealth and prices.
We assume that x(p, w) is a function and is differentiable. Fix prices p̄ and con-
sider what happens as wealth varies. Let E p̄ = {x(p̄, w) | w > 0}. This set is
a curve in R+L (for sufficiently nice preferences) and is called the Engel curve or
wealth expansion path.

1.5.1 Definition. ∂ w` (p, w) is called the wealth effects for good ` at wealth level
w. A commodity ` is called normal (resp. inferior) at wealth level w if the wealth
effects at that level is non-negative (resp. strictly negative).

Similarly, we may consider the curve x(p̂, w̄) as one price pk varies and w̄ is
held fixed.
1.5.2 Definition. The price effects of pk on commodity ` is ∂ p ` (p, w). Usually the
price effects are strictly negative. A commodity for which the price effects are
sometimes strictly positive is called a Giffen good, otherwise the commodity is an
ordinary good.

We have some relationships between the wealth and price effects. Since x(p, w)
is HD0, for all α > 0 we have x(αp, αw) − x(p, w) = 0. Taking the derivative with
respect to α and setting α = 1, we get

0= (x ` (αp, αw) − x ` (p, w))

dα α=1
X ∂ ∂
= x ` (αp, αw)pk + x ` (αp, αw)w

∂ pk ∂w α=1

X ∂ ∂
= x ` (p, w)pk + x ` (p, w)w
∂ pk ∂w

In vector notation, D p x(p, w)p = −Dw x(p, w)w.

1.5.3 Definition. The elasticity of x ` with respect to pk and w are

∂ x ` (p, w) pk ∂ x ` (p, w) w
"`k (p, ω) = · and "`w (p, ω) = · .
∂ pk x ` (p, w) ∂w x ` (p, w)
8 Microeconomics I

Dividing by x ` (p, w) we get equations relating the elasticities

"`k (p, w) = −"`w (p, w).

If the demand function satisfies Walras’ Law (p · x(p, w) = w) then (by differ-
entiating with respect to pk ) we get
X ∂
p` x ` (p, w) + x k (p, w) = 0.
∂ pk

In vector notation, p · D p x(p, w) + x(p, w) T = 0 T . This is known as Cournot ag-

gregation, that the total expenditure does not change when only prices change.
Differentiating Walras’ Law with respect to w yields Engel aggregation,
X ∂
p` x ` (p, w) = 1,

that total expenditure must change by the size of the wealth changes.

1.6 Weak axiom of revealed preference

1.6.1 Definition. We say that a demand function x(p, w) satisfies WARP if p ·
x(p0 , w 0 ) ≤ w and x(p0 , w 0 ) 6= x(p, w) together imply p0 · x(p, w) > w 0 for any
(p, w) and (p0 , w 0 ).

The idea is that if we ever choose x(p, w) when x(p0 , w 0 ) is feasible then choos-
ing x(p0 , w 0 ) implies x(p, w) is not feasible. This is exactly the same WARP as
before but adapted to the specific choice framework we are now dealing with
(specifically, ({B(p, w) | p  0, w ≥ 0}, x(p, w))).
Given an old price and wealth level (p, w) and a new price p0 , the compensated
price change in wealth is w 0 = w +(p0 − p)· x(p, w). The idea is that the new wealth
is chosen so that x(p, w) is still available on the boundary, i.e. p0 · x(p, w) = w 0 .
Compensated price changes preserve a consumer’s real wealth and allow us to
study the effects of changes in the relative costs of commodities.

1.6.2 Definition. x(p, w) satisfies the compensated law of demand (or CLD) if for
any compensated price change from (p, w) to (p0 , w 0 ) = (p0 , p0 · x(p, w)) we have

(p0 − p) · (x(p0 , w 0 ) − x(p, w)) ≤ 0

and the inequality is strict if x(p, w) 6= x(p0 , w 0 ).

The CLD says that “demand moves opposite to prices.”

1.6.3 Proposition. Suppose that x(p, w) is HD0 and satisfies Walras’ Law. Then
x(p, w) satisfies WARP if and only if x(p, w) satisfies CLD.
Demand Theory 9

PROOF: Assume WARP. If x(p, w) = x(p0 , w 0 ) then CLD clearly holds. If x(p, w) 6=
x(p0 , w 0 ) then

(p0 − p) · (x(p0 , w 0 ) − x(p, w))

= p0 · x(p0 , w 0 ) − p0 · x(p, w) − p · x(p0 , w 0 ) + p · x(p, w)
= w 0 − w 0 − p · x(p, w) + w
< −w + w = 0

Conversely, suppose that CLD holds but WARP does not. Then there are (p, w)
and (p0 , w 0 ) such that p·x(p0 , w 0 ) ≤ w and p0 ·x(p, w) ≤ w 0 and x(p, w) 6= x(p0 , w 0 ).
Without loss of generality we may assume that p · x(p0 , w 0 ) = w (see MWG). But

p · (x(p0 , w 0 ) − x(p, w)) = 0 and p0 · (x(p0 , w 0 ) − x(p, w)) ≥ 0,

contradicting CLD. ƒ

1.6.4 Example. A simple price change is one for which only one component of
p changes. Applying the CLD to simple price changes implies that increasing one
price (and holding all others fixed) decreases the component of the demand func-
tion for that commodity.

Consider (p, w) and a differential price change d p and let dw = x(p, w)d p
be the corresponding compensated price change in wealth. The CLD becomes
d p · d x ≤ 0. We have

d x = D p x(p, w)d p + Dw x(p, w)dw

= D p x(p, w)d p + Dw x(p, w)(x(p, w)d p)
= (D p x(p, w) + Dw x(p, w)x(p, w) T )d p

so d p · (D p x(p, w) + Dw x(p, w)x(p, w) T )d p ≤ 0.

S(p, w) := D p x(p, w) + Dw x(p, w)x(p, w) T

∂ x (p,w) ∂ x ` (p,w)
is called the Slutsky matrix. Specifically, S`k = δp
+ ∂w
x k (p, w) and is the
effect of pk on x ` with compensated price change.

1.6.5 Proposition. Suppose that x(p, w) satisfies WARP, Walras’ Law, and is HD0.
Then at any (p, w), S(p, w) satisfies v · S(p, w)v ≤ 0 for all v ∈ R L (i.e. S(p, w) is
negative semidefinite, or NSD).

In particular, S`` ≤ 0 for all `, so the effect of the price of a commodity on its
consumption is negative. Again,

∂ x ` (p, w) ∂ x ` (p, w)
S`` (p, w) = + x ` (p, w) ≤ 0.
δp` ∂w
10 Microeconomics I

∂ x ` (p,w)
Recall that when δp`
> 0, commodity ` is a Giffen good, and this implies that
∂ x ` (p,w)
< 0, so Giffen goods are inferior.
Now S(p, w) is not symmetric in general (unless L = 2). We will see that
the symmetry of S is connected with it being associated with a demand function
arising from rational preferences.

1.6.6 Proposition. If x(p, w) is differentiable, satisfies Walras’ Law, and is HD0,

then S(p, w)p = 0.
PL ∂ x` ∂ x` PL
PROOF: We have k=1 ∂ pk pk + ∂w
w = 0, so noting that w = k=1 pk x k by Walras’
Law, we get
L L L  L
∂x ∂ x` X ∂x ∂ x`

` `
0= pk + pk x k = + xk pk = S`k pk .
∂ pk ∂w k=1 k=1
∂ pk ∂w k=1 ƒ

1.6.7 Example (WARP does not imply rationality).

p1 = (2, 1, 2), p2 = (2, 2, 1), p3 = (1, 2, 2)
x 1 = (1, 2, 2), x 2 = (2, 1, 2), x 3 = (2, 2, 1).
/ B1 , x 1 ∈
These data do not violate WARP, but x 2 ∈ / B2 , and x 3 ∈
/ B2 so x 1 ∗ x 3 ∗
2 ∗ 1
x  x and the revealed preference is not rational.

1.6.8 Summary.
1. WARP (plus HD0 and Walras’ Law) is equivalent to CLD.

2. CLD implies that S(p, w) is NSD.

3. WARP (plus HD0 and Walras’ Law) does not imply that S(p, w) is symmetric
(except when L = 2).

4. (We will see that) SARP implies that S(p, w) is symmetric and the underlying
(revealed?) preferences are rational.

1.7 Utility maximization problem

1.7.1 Definition. ¥ is locally non-satiated (or LNS) if for every x ∈ X and every
" > 0 there is y ∈ X such that k y − xk ≤ " and y  x.

1.7.2 Exercise. Show that if ¥ is monotone then it is LNS.

1.7.3 Definition. A monotone preference relation ¥ is homothetic if x ∼ y implies

αx ∼ α y for all α > 0.
Demand Theory 11

1.7.4 Definition. A preference relation ¥ on X = R × R+L−1 is quasi-linear with

respect to the first commodity (called the numeraire) if
1. x ∼ y implies x + αe1 ∼ y + αe1 for all α ∈ R; and
2. x + αe1  x for all x and α > 0.

1.7.5 Example. Consider the preference ¥ on R2+ defined by

x ¥ x 0 ⇐⇒ min{x 1 , x 2 } ≥ min{x 10 , x 20 }.
This is called the Liontief preference. This preference cannot be represented by a
differentiable utility function.

1.7.6 Exercises.
1. A continuous ¥ is homothetic if it admits a utility representation u which is
HD1, i.e. u(αx) = αu(x).
2. A continuous ¥ is quasi-linear with respect to x 1 if it admits a utility repre-
sentation u which is of the form u(x) = x 1 + ϕ(x 2 , . . . , x n ).

The utility maximization problem is to maximize u(x) subject to the constraint

that p · x ≤ w, where u is a utility representation of a rational, continuous, LNS
1.7.7 Proposition. If u is a continuous function representing a LNS preference
relation ¥ on R+L then x(p, w) satisfies
1. HD0: x(αp, αw) = x(p, w) for all α > 0
2. Walras’ Law: p · x(p, w) = w
3. If ¥ is convex (whence u is quasi-concave) then x(p, w) is a convex set, and
if ¥ is strictly convex then x(p, w) consists of a single element.
Continuity and LNS will henceforth be known as the usual conditions on a utility

The Kuhn-Tucker conditions for the UMP say that if x ∗ ∈ x(p, w) then there
exists a Lagrange multiplier λ ≥ 0 such that for all ` ∈ {1, . . . , L} we have
(x ∗ ) ≤ λp`
∂ x`
and the relation holds with equality if x `∗ > 0. Equivalently
∇u(x ∗ ) ≤ λp and x ∗ · (∇u(x ∗ ) − λp) = 0.
(This is complementary-slackness from linear programming.) In particular, when
x ∗  0 the Kuhn-Tucker conditions imply that ∇u(x ∗ ) = λp, so we have
∂ x`
(x ∗ ) p`
= .
∂ xk
(x ∗ ) pk
12 Microeconomics I

The left hand side is known as the marginal rate of substitution (or MRS) of good
` for k at x ∗ . (There is a bit more to say about this. See MWG.) Changes in u
induced by changing w, for x(p, w)  0, satisfy

u(x(p, w)) = ∇u(x(p, w)) · Dw x(p, w) = λp · Dw x(p, w) = λ.
The marginal change in utility from a marginal increase in wealth is λ. Note that
the K-T conditions are necessary only. If u is quasi-concave and strongly monotone
then they are sufficient. If u is not quasi-concave then x ∗ is a local maximum if
u is locally quasi-concave at x ∗ . See Appendix M in MWG for more equivalent

1.7.8 Example (Cobb-Douglas). The Cobb-Douglas utility function is

u(x) = kx 1α x 21−α ,

where α ∈ (0, 1). We wish to maximize α log x 1 +(1−α) log x 2 subject to x · p ≤ w.

Since log 0 = −∞ the maximizer is in the interior of R+L . Therefore by the Kuhn-
Tucker conditions we have
∂u α ∂u 1−α
= = λp1 and = = λp2 .
∂ x1 x1 ∂ x2 x1

α (1−α)w
We get p1 x 1 = p x ,
1−α 2 2
so a maximizer is x ∗ = ( αw
, p2

1.7.9 Definition. For (p, w)  0, the utility value for the utility maximization
problem is denoted v(p, w), i.e. v(p, w) = u(x ∗ ) for x ∗ ∈ x(p, w). Then v(p, w) is
called the indirect utility function. It is a utility function on price-wealth pairs. See
Rubinstein for examples and explanation.

1.7.10 Proposition. Let u satisfy the usual conditions. Then v(p, w) is

1. HD0;

2. strictly increasing in w and non-increasing in prices;

3. quasi-convex, in that {(p, w) | v(p, w) < C} is convex for all constants C;

4. continuous in p and w.


1. The solution to the UMP does not change when p and w are multiplied by
the same scalar, so the value of v does not change.
∂ v(p,w) ∂ v(p,w)
2. ∂w
= λ > 0 by Kuhn-Tucker, so v is strictly increasing in w, and ∂ p`

0 since B(p, w) gets smaller when p` increases.
Demand Theory 13

3. Suppose that v(p, w), v(p0 , w 0 ) ≤ C and consider

(p00 , w 00 ) = α(p, w) + (1 − α)(p0 , w 0 ),

where α ∈ (0, 1). It suffices to show for all x such that p00 · x ≤ w 00 that
u(x) ≤ C (since then it will certainly be true for the maximizing x). Now

αp · x + (1 − α)p0 · x ≤ αw + (1 − α)w 0 ,

so either p · x ≤ w or p0 · x ≤ w 0 . In either case u(x) ≤ C.

4. When x(p, w) is a function then v(p, w) is composition of continuous func-

tions and so is continuous. The assertion holds true in general. ƒ

1.7.11 Example. Take u(x) = α log x 1 + (1 − α) log x 2 . In the example above we

have seen x(p, w) = ( αw
, αw
), so
1 2

v(p, w) = α log α + (1 − α) log(1 − α) + log w − α log p1 − (1 − α) log p2 .

1.8 Expenditure minimization problem

The expenditure minimization problem (or EMP) is to minimize the level of wealth
required to reach a given utility level. Formally, for p  0 and u > u(0), the
problem is to minimize p · x subject to the constraint u(x) ≥ u. The EMP is the
dual problem to the UMP.

1.8.1 Proposition. Let p  0 and u satisfy the usual conditions.

1. If x ∗ is optimal in the UMP when wealth is w then x ∗ is optimal in the EMP

when the required wealth level is u(x ∗ ).

2. If x ∗ is optimal in the EMP when the required utility level is u then x ∗ is

optimal in the UMP when wealth is p · x ∗ .


1. Suppose that x ∗ is not optimal in the EMP. Then there is some feasible x 0
such that u(x 0 ) ≥ u(x ∗ ) and p · x 0 < p · x ∗ . By LNS there is some x 00 very
close to x 0 such that u(x 00 ) > u(x ∗ ) and p · x 00 < p · x ∗ . This contradicts the
optimality of x ∗ in the UMP.

2. Similarly, suppose that x ∗ is not optimal in the UMP. Then there is some
feasible x 0 such that u(x 0 ) > u(x ∗ ) and p · x 0 ≤ p · x ∗ . Take α ∈ (0, 1) and
consider αx 0 . By continuity, for α close to 1, u(αx 0 ) > u(x ∗ ) and p · (αx 0 ) <
p · x 0 ≤ p · x ∗ , which contradicts the fact that x ∗ is optimal for the EMP. ƒ
14 Microeconomics I

1.8.2 Definition. Given p  0 and u > u(0), the value attained in the EMP is
denoted e(p, u) and is called the expenditure function. e(p, u) = p · x ∗ for an
optimal solution x ∗ to the EMP.

1.8.3 Proposition. For u continuous and monotonic, e(p, u) is

1. HD1 in p;

2. strictly increasing in u and non-decreasing in p;

3. concave in p;

4. continuous in p and u.

PROOF: The proofs are in MWG. The intuition for 3. is as follows. For fixed prices
p̄ and optimal x̄, if we change prices to p then the expenditure level for x̄ is p · x̄,
which is linear in p, and probably less than e(p, u). Hence e(p, u) lies below the
line and is concave. ƒ

Note these very important facts: e(p, v(p, w)) = w and v(p, e(p, u)) = u.
Denote the set of optimal commodity bundles for the EMP by h(p, u), the Hick-
sian demand function (or Hicksian compensated demand function).

1.8.4 Proposition. Under the usual assumptions, h(p, u) satisfies

1. HD0 in p;

2. no excess utility, i.e. u(x) = u for any x ∈ h(p, u);

3. if the preference relation is convex then h(p, u) is a convex set and if the
preference relation is strictly convex then h(p, u) is single-valued;

1.8.5 Exercises.
1. Assume that u is differentiable. Prove the Kuhn-Tucker conditions for the
EMP (or first order conditions)

p ≥ λ∇u(x ∗ ) and x ∗ · (p − λ∇u(x ∗ )) = 0.

2. h(p, u) = x(p, e(p, u))

3. x(p, w) = h(p, v(p, w))

As prices vary h(p, u) gives the demand if consumer wealth is also adjusted
to keep the utility level constant. This is why h(p, u) is the called a compensated
demand function.

1.8.6 Proposition. Under the usual assumptions and the assumption that h(p, u)
is single-valued, h(p, u) satisfies the CLD, i.e.

(p − p0 ) · (h(p, u) − h(p0 , u)) ≤ 0.

Demand Theory 15

PROOF: For p  0, h(p, u) achieves a lower expenditure level than any available
consumption vector, so p00 · h(p00 , u) ≤ p00 · h(p0 , u), and the reverse. Adding these
completes the proof. ƒ

An implication of this is that the own price effect is non-positive,

(p`00 − p`0 ) · (h` (p00 , u) − h` (p0 , u)) ≤ 0.

1.8.7 Exercise. Find h(p, u) and e(p, u) for the Cobb-Douglas utility function.

1.8.8 Proposition (Shepard’s Lemma). Assume that u is continuous, differen-

tiable, ¥ is LNS and strictly convex, h and x are single valued, and p  0. Then
h(p, u) = D p e(p, u) or equivalently, h` (p, u) = ∂∂pe (p, u).

PROOF: Recall the Envelope Theorem, that for the minimization problem

min f (x, α) subject to g(x, α) = 0


the minimum value φ as a function of the parameters α satisfies

∂φ ∂f ∂g
(α) = (x ∗ (α), α) − λ (x ∗ (α), α).
∂ αm ∂ αm ∂α

Since e(p, u) = min x p · x subject to u(x) = u, we get

e(p, u) = x `∗ − λ0 = x `∗ = h` (p, u).
∂ p` ƒ

It follows that the expenditure depends only on the consumption level.(?)

1.8.9 Proposition. Under the usual assumptions plus differentiability, we have

the following.

1. D p h(p, u) = D2p e(p, u)

2. D p h(h, u) is NSD

3. D p h(p, u) is symmetric

4. D p h(p, u) · p = 0.


1. 1.8.8.

2. The expenditure function is concave in p.

3. As above.

4. h is HD0 in p. ƒ
16 Microeconomics I

Note that the NSDness of D p h(p, u) is an analog of the CLD.

1.8.10 Definition. Commodities ` and k are complements if
∂ h` (p, u) ∂ hk (p, u)
= ≤0
∂ pk ∂ p`
and substitutes if this quantity is at least zero.
∂ h (p,u)
Recall that ∂` p ≤ 0, so D p h(p, u) · p = 0 implies that there will be some
commodity k for which ` and k are substitutes.
1.8.11 Proposition (Slutsky Equation). For all (p, w) and u = v(p, w) we have
∂ h` ∂ x` ∂ x`
(p, u) = (p, w) + (p, w)x k (p, w)
∂ pk ∂ pk ∂w
for all ` and k. In matrix form, D p h(p, u) = D p x(p, w) + Dw x(p, w)x(p, w) T .

PROOF: Consider a consumer facing (p̄, w̄) and attaining ū (note that w̄ = e(p̄, ū)
and hk (p̄, w̄) = x k (p̄, w̄)). Recall h` (p, u) = x ` (p, e(p, u)), so differentiating this
with respect to pk and evaluating at (p̄, w̄) we get the result. ƒ
If ∂ w` > 0 (i.e. good ` is normal) then the slope of the graph of h` with respect
to p` is steeper at (p, w) than the graph of x ` with respect to p` , and visa versa for
inferior goods.
Another implication of 1.8.11 is that D p h(p, u) = S(p, w), the Slutsky matrix,
where w = e(p, u) is the minimized expenditure. We proved in 1.8.9 that D p h(p, u)
is NDS and symmetric, so we obtain that the Slutsky matrix is symmetric when it
comes from the maximization of a utility function. See the discussion in MWG
about the intuition surrounding this result. From before, WARP implied that the
Slutsky matrix was NSD, but that it was not necessarily symmetric for L > 2. In
particular, WARP is not as strong of an assumption as that of preference maxi-
1.8.12 Proposition (Roy’s Identity). Make the usual assumptions on the demand
function plus differentiability and assume ¥ is strictly convex and differentiable.
Then for any (p, w)  0 we have
∂ v(p, w)/∂ p`
x ` (p, w) = −
∂ v(p, w)/∂ w
PROOF: Recall that v(p, w) is the optimal value of
max u(x) subject to p · x = w.
Whence by the Envelope Theorem
∂ v(p, w) ∂ u(x ∗ ) ∂ (p · x ∗ − w)
= −λ = −λx `∗ .
∂ p` ∂ p` ∂ p`
∂ v(p,w)
and λ = ∂w
, again by the Envelope Theorem, so we are done. ƒ
Demand Theory 17

“dual” problems

Slutsky Equation
x(p, w) o / h(p, u)
K D p h=D p x+Dw x x T S

Roy’s Identity Shepard’s Lemma

∂ v/∂ p` v(p,w)=u(x(p,w)) e(p,u)=p·h(p,u))
x ` =− ∂ v/∂ w
h(p,u)=D p e(p,u)

inverses (for fixed prices)

v(p, w) o / e(p, u)
e(p,v(p,w))=w, v(p,e(p,u))=u

We have seen that rational preferences imply Walras’ Law, HD0, and that
S(p, w) is NSD and symmetric. Do Walras’ Law, HD0, and S(p, w) being NSD
and symmetric imply that the implied preferences are rational? (It turns out to
be “yes.”) To recover ¥ from x(p, w), we precede in two steps. First we recover
e(p, u) from x(p, w) and then recover ¥ from e(p, u).
To do the second of these, given e(p, u) we need to find an at-least-as-good set
Vu ⊆ R+L such that e(p, u) = min x∈Vu p · x. The Vu give the indifference curves for ¥
since we have x  x 0 if x ∈ Vu but x 0 ∈/ Vu for some u. Proposition 3.H.1 in MWG
shows that Vu := {x ∈ R+L | p · x ≥ e(p, u)} works.
For the second part, in MWG they show that for a fixed utility level u and
wealth level w we have
(p) = x ` (p, e(p))
∂ p`
for all ` = 1, . . . , L. This is a system of PDE. Existence of a solution is possible only
when the Hessian matrix D2p e(p) is symmetric. A result called Frobenius’ Theorem
implies that this condition is sufficient. Since D2p e(p) = S(p, w), a solution exists
when the Slutsky matrix is symmetric. Therefore we obtain (along with Walras’
Law, HD0, and NSDness) that ¥ exists if and only if S(p, w) is symmetric.

1.9 Strong axiom of revealed preference

We have seen that WARP does not imply the existence of a rational preference.
What is a necessary and sufficient condition? The answer was found by Houthakker
in 1950, as SARP.
Remember that the (direct) revealed preference relation is defined by x ∗ x 0
if there are (p, w) such that x = x(p, w) and p · x 0 ≤ w (assuming, as we do this
entire section, that x(p, w) is single-valued).

1.9.1 Definition. x 0 is indirectly revealed preferred to x, written x 0 ∗∗ x if either

x 0 ∗ x or there exist x 1 , . . . , x n such that

x 0 ∗ x 1 , x 1 ∗ x 2 , . . . , x n−1 ∗ x n , x n ∗ x.
18 Microeconomics I

1.9.2 Definition. A demand function x(p, w) satisfies the strong axiom of revealed
preference (or SARP) if it is never the case that x ∗∗ x.

SARP is equivalent to saying that there do not exist x 1 , . . . , x n such that

x ∗ x 1 ∗ . . . ∗ x n ∗ x,

or equivalently that ∗ is acyclic, or equivalently that ∗∗ is irreflexive.

1.9.3 Proposition.

1. The demand function resulting from UMP satisfies SARP.

2. SARP implies WARP.

3. WARP implies SARP when L = 2.


1. If x 0 ∗ x 00 then u(x 0 ) > u(x 00 ). If SARP did not hold then there would be
x, x 1 , . . . , x n such that u(x) > u(x 1 ) > · · · > u(x n ) > u(x), a contradiction.

2. This is in the definition.

3. Exercise. ƒ

1.9.4 Proposition. If x(p, w) satisfies SARP then there is ¥ that rationalizes x(p, w),
i.e. x(p, w)  y for all y ∈ B(p, w), y 6= x.

PROOF: Define ∗ and ∗∗ as above. Observe that by construction ∗∗ is transitive.
Zorn’s Lemma tells us that every partial order has a total extension (?) so there is
∗∗∗ such that x ∗∗ y implies x ∗∗∗ y and ∗∗∗ is complete. Define indifference
via x ¥ y if x ∗∗∗ y or x = y. Confirm that ¥ is rational and x(p, w)  y for all
v ∈ B(p, w), y 6= x. ƒ
Aggregate Demand 19

indirect expenditure
utility o / function
v(p, w) QQQQ ll 5 e(p, w)
QQQ lll
QQQ l l lll
QQQ lll
Roy’s lll Shepard’s
Identity UMP EMP Lemma
kkk k hypotheses
kk vv JJ
k kkkk vvv JJ TTTTTTT
76 54 76 u)54
01x(p, w)23 01 23
k v
 ukkkk vvv JJ
vv JJ
vvHouthakker’s integrability JJ
vv JJ
v JJ
Theorem problem
S=D p h
v J 
SARP o / symmetric


2 Aggregate Demand
The sum of the demands arising from all of the economy’s consumers is the ag-
gregate demand. What kind of structure is imposed on aggregate demand when
individual demand is utility driven? Can we find a utility function u such that
it generates aggregate demand? For a representative consumer, would u generate
aggregate demands?

2.0.5 Definition. Suppose there are I consumers with rational preference rela-
tions ¥i , wealths w = (w 1 , . . . , w I ), and Walrasian demand functions x i (p, w i ).
Given prices p ∈ R+L , aggregate demand is x ∗ (p, w) = i=1 x i (p, w i ).

2.0.6 Example. Individual WARP does not imply aggregate demand WARP.

1. Consider two individuals with the same income under two price sets p and
q. They demand x 1 , y 1 and x 2 , y 2 respectively. See diagrams.

2. Consider two consumers with utility functions ui (x) = x 1 x 2 + x 2 and wealth

levels w i at p = (1, 1). Solving we get x 1i = w 2−1 and w2i = w 2+1 if w i ≥ 1,
i i

otherwise x 1= 0 and x 21 = w i . At w = (1, 1) we have x 1 + x 2 = (0, 2), whereas

at w = (2, 0) we have x 1 + x 2 = ( 12 , 32 ). Finish this.

2.0.7 Definition. Aggregate demand is independent of income distribution if x ∗ (p, w) =

x (p, w̄) whenever i w = i w̄ i .

P i P

2.0.8 Proposition. Aggregate demand is independent of the distribution of in-

come if and only if all consumers have the same homothetic preferences.
20 Microeconomics I

PROOF: Suppose all the consumers have the same homothetic preferences.
x ∗ (p, w) = x i (p, w i ) = x(p, w i ) = x(p, w)w i = x(p, 1) wi,
i i i i

so the aggregate demand is independent of the distribution of income.

Conversely, suppose x ∗ (p, w) is independent of the distribution of income.
Consider the specific distribution of wealth w j = wδi j . Then x i (p, w) = x ∗ (p, w)
in this case, so the demand functions for the consumers are the same. Since they
are the same, x ∗ (p, w) is additive in wealth. The only increasing functions satisfy-
ing this property are linear, so x ∗ (p, w) = w x ∗ (p, 1). ƒ

Suppose that the aggregate demand is independent of the distribution of wealth.

P ∂ xi
For every small chance in the wealths with i dw i = 0 we would like i ∂ w`i dw i =
∂ x `i ∂ x`
0 for all `. This (somehow) implies that ∂ wi
= ∂ wj
for all ` and i, j, so the wealth
expansion paths are linear.

2.0.9 Proposition. Consumers exhibit linear, parallel wealth expansion paths if

and only if indirect utility functions are of Gorman normal form, i.e.

v i (p, w i ) = a i (p) + b(p) · w i .

PROOF: For the forward direction see Deaton and Muellbouer, 1980. For the re-
verse direction notice that
∂ ai
∂ v i (p, w)/∂ p` ∂ p`
(p) + ∂∂ pb (p)w i
x `i =− =− ,
∂ v i (p, w)/∂ w i b(p)
∂ x `i
so ∂ wi
= − ∂∂ pb (p)/b(p). ƒ

2.0.10 Exercise. Show that this condition holds when all consumers have iden-
tical preferences that are homothetic or when all consumers have quasi-linear
preferences with respect to some good.

P = αi w, where αi is the fixed share of agent i in the total

Even supposing that w
wealth w (so αi ≥ 0 and i αi = 1), it is not the case that individual WARP implies
aggregate WARP. The CLD is not preserved under aggregation since a necessary
condition for the CLD is the WARP.

2.0.11 Definition. A demand function x(p, w) satisfies the uncompensated law of

demand (or ULD) if
(p − p0 ) · (x(p, w) − x(p0 , w)) ≤ 0
for any p, p0 , w with strict inequality when x(p, w) 6= x(p0 , w). An analogous
definition applies for aggregate demand x ∗ .

2.0.12 Exercise. x(p, w) satisfies ULD if and only if D p x(p, w) is NSD.

Aggregate Demand 21

2.0.13 Proposition. If x i (p, w i ) satisfy the ULD then so does the aggregate de-
mand x ∗ . As a consequence, aggregate demand satisfies WARP.

PROOF: Consider (p, w) and (p0 , w) with x ∗ (p, w) 6= x ∗ (p0 , w). Then we must have
x i (p, w i ) 6= x i (p0 , w i ) for some i. For all i we have the ULD

(p − p0 ) · (x i (p, w i ) − x i (p0 , w i )) ≤ 0,

(with at least one of the inequalities strict) so adding these up,

(p − p0 ) · (x ∗ (p, w i ) − x ∗ (p0 , w i )) < 0

so x ∗ satisfies the ULD.

We now prove that the ULD implies WARP. Take any (p, w) and (p0 , w 0 ) with
x(p, w) 6= x(p0 , w 0 ) and p · x(p0 , w 0 ) ≤ w. Define p00 = ww0 p0 . Since x is HD0,
x(p00 , w) = x(p0 , w 0 ), and by the ULD,

0 > (p00 − p) · (x(p00 , w) − x(p, w))

= p00 · x(p00 , w) − p00 · x(p, w) − p · x(p00 , w) + p · x(p, w)
= w − p00 · x(p, w) − p · x(p0 , w 0 ) + w
≥ w − p00 x ƒ

How restrictive is the ULD?

2.0.14 Proposition. If ¥ is homothetic, then x(p, w) satisfies the ULD.

PROOF: D p x(p, w) = S(p, w) − Dw x(p, w)x(p, w) T = S(p, w) − w1 x x T since ho-

mothetic preferences have linear wealth expansion paths. Therefore D p x is NSD
since S(p, w) is NSD and v x x T v = (v · x)2 for all v ∈ R L . This is sufficient. ƒ

2.0.15 Proposition. Suppose that each agent i has a fixed share αi of the total
wealth, and that each i has and HD1 utility function (homothetic preferences).
Then there is a utility function U that generates the aggregate demand.

PROOF: Skipped. See MWG §4.D for related discussion. In fact,

U(x) = max (u1 (x i ))αi

x i = x for feasible x i .
where the max is taken over all i ƒ

To summarize, homothetic preferences (but not necessarily identical) plus

fixed income shares imply that there is a representative consumer.
Suppose that the demand functions x i (p, w) are utility generated. Then what
are the restrictions at the aggregate level? Only Walras’ Law and HD0 are reserved
– symmetry and NSDness of S(p, w) and SARP are not preserved. Anything goes!
22 Microeconomics I

2.0.16 Proposition. Suppose that all consumers have identical preferences with
individual demands x(p, w) and that individual wealth is uniformly distributed
over [0, w̄]. Then the aggregate demand function
Z w̄
x(p) = x ∗ (p, w)dw

satisfies the ULD.


Note that since the ULD is additive, we don’t need to have identical prefer-
ences for all consumers. We need the distribution of wealth conditional on each
preference to be uniform over some interval that includes zero.

3 Production

3.1 Properties of production sets

Production theory is the theory of the firm, a rational agent aiming to maximize
profit. Again we consider L commodities. A production vector y ∈ R L describes
(net) outputs of L commodities. Positive numbers are outputs, negative numbers
are inputs. A set of production vectors that are (technologically) feasible is a
production set, commonly denoted Y . Production sets Y ⊆ R L are primitives of the
The following properties may apply to production sets Y .

1. Y is closed and non-empty;

2. 0 ∈ Y ;

3. there is no y ∈ Y such that y ≥ 0 and y 6= 0 (no free lunch);

4. if y ∈ Y and y 0 ≤ y then y 0 ∈ Y (free disposal);

5. if y ∈ Y and y 6= 0 then − y ∈
/ Y (irreversibility);

6. Y exhibits non-increasing returns to scale, i.e. if y ∈ Y and α ∈ [0, 1] then

αy ∈ Y;

7. Y exhibits non-decreasing returns to scale, i.e. if y ∈ Y and α ≥ 1 then

αy ∈ Y;

8. Y exhibits constant returns to scale, i.e. if y ∈ Y and α ≥ 0 then α y ∈ Y (so

Y is a cone);

9. Y is additive, i.e. if y, y 0 ∈ Y then y + y 0 ∈ Y ;

10. Y is convex;
Production 23

11. Y is a convex cone, i.e. if y, y 0 ∈ Y then α y + β y 0 ∈ Y for all α, β ≥ 0.

Note of course that many of these properties are consequences of others.

3.1.1 Exercises.
1. Find a cone that is not a convex cone.

2. Prove Proposition 5.B.1 in MWG.

3.2 Profit maximization and cost minimization

In this section we investigate the behavior of a firm. We always assume competi-
tive (i.e. constant) prices p ∈ R+L and that Y is non-empty, closed, and there is free
disposal. The profit maximization problem (or PMP)) is to maximize p · y over Y .
The profit function π(p) = max y∈Y p · y is an analog of the indirect utility
function. The supply function (or supply correspondence in general) is the solution
set to the PMP, y(p) = { y ∈ Y | p · y = π(p)}.

3.2.1 Exercise. Prove that if Y exhibits NIRS then π(p) = ∞ or 0 for all p.

3.2.2 Proposition. Assume the production set Y is closed and has free disposal.

1. π(p) is HD1 in p.

2. y(p) is HD0 in p.

3. π(p) is convex in p.

4. If Y is convex then Y = { y ∈ R L | p · y ≤ π(p) for all p  0}.

5. If Y is convex then y(p) is a convex set. If Y is strictly convex then y(p) is



1. Changing p to αp does not alter Y (as it does not depend upon p at all), but
multiplies the objective function by α.

2. As above.

3. π(αp + (1 − α)p0 ) ≤ απ(p) + (1 − α)π(p0 ) since π is a supremum, clearly.

4. A convex set is the intersection of all the hyperplanes containing it.

5. We have seen this before. ƒ

3.2.3 Lemma (Hotelling). If y(p) is single-valued and π(p) is differentiable then

∇π(p) = y(p).
∂ π(p)
PROOF: By the envelope theorem ∂ p`
= y` (p). ƒ
24 Microeconomics I

3.2.4 Definition. If y 0 is the optimal production at p0 and y 00 is optimal at p00

then (p0 − p00 ) · ( y 0 − y 00 ) ≥ 0. This is the law of supply.

This is analogous to substitution effects in the consumer theory. Notice that

there are no analogous to wealth effects since the production set is fixed and does
not depend on prices.
3.2.5 Proposition. If y(p) is C 1 then the matrix D y(p) = D2 π(p) is symmetric
and positive semi-definite with D y(p)p = 0.

PROOF: Positive semi-definiteness follows from the law of supply. ƒ

3.2.6 Definition. A production vector y is efficient if there does not exist y 0 ∈ Y

such that y 0 ≥ y and y 0 6= y. Let Y e ⊆ Y denote the efficient vectors in Y .

3.2.7 Theorem. Suppose that the production set Y is closed and satisfies free
disposal. Then there is a continuous function F : R L → R, the transformation
function for Y , such that y ∈ Y if and only if F ( y) ≤ 0, and y ∈ Y e if and only if
F ( y) = 0.

PROOF: Omitted, but similar to the proof of the existence of a utility function. ƒ

3.3 Single-output firm

Suppose now that there are L − 1 inputs and good L is produced by using these
inputs. We may write q = f (z) for (−z, q) ∈ Y e , so q is the biggest quantity that
can be produced by using z (here f : R+L−1 → R). Suppose that input prices are
w = (w1 , . . . , w L−1 ). The cost minimization problem (or CMP) is to minimize w · z
(over z ≥ 0) subject to f (z) ≥ q. The problem is to find the most economical way
of producing q units of output. Define c(w, q) = minz≥0, f (z)≥q w·z, the cost function.
The cost function is analogous to the expenditure function in the consumer theory.
Optimal input choices are given by z(w, q) = {z ≥ 0 | f (z) ≥ q, w · z = c(w, q)}, the
conditional factor demand function or input demand function.
3.3.1 Proposition.

1. z(w, q) is HD0 in w.
2. c(w, q) is concave in w if and only if Dw2 c(w, q) is NSD.
3. (Shepard’s Lemma) Dw c(w, q) = z(w, q).
4. Dw z(w, q) is NSD, z is downward sloping in w.
5. c(w, q) is HD1 in w and non-decreasing in q.

The property of CRS (constant returns to scale, or that of being a cone) cor-
responds in the single-output case to αq = f (αz) for all α ≥ 0, i.e. that f is
HD1. The property of NIRS (or DRS) corresponds to c(w, q) being convex, and the
property of NDRS (IRS) corresponds to c(w, q) being concave.
Choice Under Uncertainty 25

3.3.2 Definition. For fixed prices, the average cost is AC(q) = q
and the marginal
cost is M C(q) = dq

3.3.3 Exercise. Show that if q̄ minimizes AC(q) then AC(q̄) = M C(q̄).

3.4 Aggregation of production

Recall that individual supply is not subject to an analog of wealth effects, so the
law of supply holds and is preserved under addition. Consider J firms with pro-
duction sets Y1 , . . . , YJ , profit functions π j (p), and (single-valued) supply func-
tions y j (p). The aggregate supply function y ∗ (p) is the sum of the individual sup-
ply functions. From the law of supply, D p y j (p) is symmetric and PSD, so their
sum y ∗ (p) is symmetric and PSD. Therefore the law of supply holds in aggregate.
Does there always exist a representative producer? Yes, use the production set
Y ∗ := Y1 + · · · + YJ .

3.4.1 Proposition. For all p  0, we have

1. The profit function associated with Y ∗ is the profit function of the aggregate

2. y ∗ (p) is the supply function for Y ∗ .

4 Choice Under Uncertainty

4.1 Lotteries
So far we have considered “actions,” “decisions,” and “choice” to be equivalent
and deterministically leading to consequences. In this section we consider where
choices lead to uncertain consequences. The idea is that the decision maker is
choosing a lottery ticket.
Let C = {C1 , . . . , CN } be a finite set of possible outcomes. We assume the
probabilities of the various outcomes to arise are objectively known.

4.1.1 Definition. A simple lottery (or simply lottery) is a probability measure on

C, which in the case that C is finite is simply a non-negative vector p such that
p · e = 1. Let L be the set of lotteries over C, so

L = {p ∈ RN | p ≥ 0, p · e = 1}.

Our decision maker now chooses (rationally) between lotteries.

4.1.2 Definition. Given K simple lotteries L k = {p1k , . . . , pnk } and probabilities

α1 , . . . , αK , the compound lottery (L1 , . . . , L K , α1 , . . . , αK ) is the risky alternative
that yields the simple lottery L k with probability αk .
26 Microeconomics I

A compound lottery is a lottery whose outcomes are lotteries. For any com-
pound lottery there is a simple lottery L that
P generates the same ultimate distribu-
tion over the outcomes. It is given by L = k αk L k . The convention that we use in
this class is that only the consequences and their probabilities matter, so the fact
that compound lotteries can be reduced to simple lotteries implies that we need
only consider preferences on simple lotteries.
We assume that the decision maker has a rational preference relation on L .
When can such preferences the preference by a utility function? As before, if the
preference is continuous then a utility representation exists. We consider a “sim-
pler” (more structured) utility representation that assigns utilities to each conse-

4.1.3 Definition. ¥ on L is continuous if for any L, L 0 , L 00 ∈ L the sets {α ∈

[0, 1] | αL + (1 − α)L 0 ¥ L 00 } and {α ∈ [0, 1] | L 00 ¥ αL + (1 − α)L 0 } are both

Continuity means that small changes in probabilities should not change the
ordering between lotteries. In other words, preferences are not “overly sensitive”
to small changes in probabilities.

4.1.4 Example. Take C = {trip by car, death by car accident, stay home}. If the
decision maker is a safety fanatic then we would have

1(1, 0, 0) + 0(0, 1, 0)  (0, 0, 1) but (0, 0, 1)  (1 − ")(1, 0, 0) + "(0, 1, 0)

for any " > 0. In this case the preference relation is not continuous.

4.1.5 Definition. ¥ on L satisfies the independence axiom if for all L, L 0 , L 00 ∈ L

and α ∈ (0, 1) we have

L ¥ L 0 ⇐⇒ αL + (1 − α)L 00 ¥ αL 0 + (1 − α)L 00

In words, if we mix two lotteries with a third one then the preference ordering
should be independent of the third.

4.1.6 Exercise. Show that if ¥ satisfies the independence axiom then  and ∼
also do. Also show that L  L 0 and L 00  L 000 then

αL + (1 − α)L 00  αL 0 + (1 − α)L 000 .

4.1.7 Definition. The utility function u : →R has an expected utility form if there
is an assignment of numbers u1 , . . . , uN to the N outcomes such that for every
simple lottery L we have u(L) = u · L. A utility function with an expected utility
form is called a Von Neumann-Morgenstern (or VNM) expected utility function.

Observe that if we let L n denote the lottery that yields outcome n with proba-
bility one, then u(L n ) = un .
Choice Under Uncertainty 27

4.1.8 Proposition. A utility representation u has an

P expected utility form if and
only if it satisfies the property that u( k αk L k ) = k αk u(L k ) for any compound

lottery (L, α) (i.e. linearity).

PROOF: For the reverse direction, consider forPany simple lottery L the compound
lottery (L 1 , . . . , L N , p1 , . . . , pN ). Then u(L) = i pi u(L i ) so u has an expected util-
ity form. The forward direction is simply linearity of expectation. ƒ

The expected utility form of a preference relation (if it has one) is not unique,
as any positive affine transformation also gives an expected utility form. The
converse is also true (exercise).
4.1.9 Proposition. Suppose that u is VNM for ¥. Then ũ is another VNM if and
only if there are two scalars β > 0 and γ such that ũ(L) = βu(L) + γ.

PROOF: Consider the best and worst lotteries L and L such that for all L ∈ L we
have L ¥ L ¥ L and L  L. Consider any L ∈ L and define λ L ∈ [0, 1] by

u(L) = λ L u(L) + (1 − λ L )u(L).

Since u is linear λ L L + (1 − λ L )L ∼ L. If ũ represents the same preferences and is

VNM then it is also linear, so we have
ũ(L) = λ L ũ(L) + (1 − λ L )ũ(L).
Equating expressions for λ L it follows that ũ(L) = βu(L) + γ with
ũ(L) − ũ(L) ũ(L) − ũ(L)
β= >0 and γ = ũ(L) − u(L) .
u(L) − u(L) u(L) − u(L) ƒ

Now we prove the Expected Utility Theorem.

4.1.10 Theorem. Suppose that ¥ is a rational preference relation L that satisfies
the independence axiom and is continuous. Then ¥ admits a utilityPrepresenta-
tion of the expected utility form, i.e. we have L ¥ L 0 if and only if n=1 un pn ≥
PN 0
n=1 un pn for some numbers u1 , . . . , un .

Again we consider the best and worst lotteries L and L.

4.1.11 Lemma. If 0 ≤ α < β ≤ 1 then β L + (1 − β)L  αL + (1 − α)L.

PROOF: Define γ = 1−α
. Then

β L + (1 − β)L = γL + (1 − γ)(αL + (1 − α)L)

by definition of γ and
L = αL + (1 − α)L  αL + (1 − α)L
by the independence axiom. Again by independence,
γL + (1 − γ)(αL + (1 − α)L)  αL + (1 − α)L ƒ
28 Microeconomics I

4.1.12 Lemma. For every L ∈ L there is α L such that L ∼ α L L + (1 − α L )L.

PROOF: By continuity and completeness of ¥ the sets

{α | αL + (1 − α)L ¥ L} and {α | L ¥ αL + (1 − α)L}

are both closed. Therefore they intersect, and the intersection point is unique by
the last lemma. ƒ

PROOF (OF 4.1.10): Define u(L) = α L . Note that L ¥ L 0 if and only if α L ≥ α L 0 by

the first lemma. We must show that

u(β L + (1 − β)L 0 ) = βu(L) + (1 − β)u(L 0 )

for any β ∈ [0, 1]. We have

β L + (1 − β)L 0 ∼ β(u(L)L + (1 − u(L))L) + (1 − β)(u(L 0 )L + (1 − u(L 0 ))L)

= (βu(L) + (1 − β)u(L 0 ))L + (1 − (βu(L) + (1 − β)u(L 0 )))L

By the uniqueness in the second lemma,

u(β L + (1 − β)L 0 ) = βu(L) + (1 − β)u(L 0 ). ƒ

If a person’s preferences do not satisfy the independence axiom then we can

take advantage of them. See the Dutch Book Argument.
On the other hard, Allais paradox is as follows. Consider the pairs of lotteries
¨ ¨
$3000 0.25 $4000 0.2
L1 : and L2 :
$0 0.75 $0 0.8

and ¨ ¨
$3000 1 $4000 0.8
L3 : and L4 :
$0 0 $0 0.2
Most people would prefer L2 to L1 and L3 to L4 , but these choices are not compat-
ible with the independence axiom. Solutions to this paradox can be obtained by
expanding the utility to consider things like “regret.” There are other issues (see

4.2 Money Lotteries and Risk Aversion

For this section we look at preferences on risky alternatives whose outcomes are
amounts of money. We assume money is a continuous variable, so we have in-
finitely many outcomes. We take L to be the collection of lotteries over wealth
levels, where a lottery is a distribution function F : R → [0, 1], i.e.

1. F (−∞) = 0;
Choice Under Uncertainty 29

2. F (+∞) = 1;

3. F is non-decreasing; and

4. F is right continuous.

We may also identify a lottery with a random variable with distribution function
F , or with its density function with respect to Lebesgue measure. The Expected
Utility Theorem in the continuous case is as follows.

4.2.1 Theorem. Given a continuous preference relation on lotteries, if it satisfies

the independence axiom then thereR exists a function u : R → R (the Bernoulli
utility function) such that U(F ) = u(x)d F (x), the Von Neumann-Morgenstern
utility function.

The idea is that u(x) is the utility of the degenerate lottery that pays x for cer-
tain. We may assume that u is continuous and increasing. It is typically assumed
that u has an upper bound. If u does not then for every m ∈ Z+ there is x m ∈ R
such that u(x m ) > 2m . We obtain the St. Petersburg paradox. Consider the lottery
L that is defined by “toss a coin until tails comes up and P∞ receive x m if the tails
occurs on the mth toss.” Then the utility of this lottery is m=1 21m u(x m ) = +∞.

R Definition. RAn individual with Bernoulli utility function u is risk averse if
u(x)d F (x) ≤ u( x d F (x)) for every given lottery F .

4.2.3 Proposition. An individual is risk averse if and only if u is concave.

4.2.4 Exercises.
1. An individual is strictly risk averse if and only if u is strictly concave.

2. An individual is risk neutral if and only if u is linear.

4.2.5 Example. Let u(x) = x and F (x) = x 2 , so d F (x) = 2x d x and
Z 1 Z 1
3 4
u(x)d F (x) = 2x 2 d x =
0 0
R1 Æ
but E(x) = 0
x d F (x) = 32 , so u(E(x)) = 2
> 54 .

4.2.6 Definition. The certainty equivalent of F , denoted by C(F ), is the amount

of money for which the individual is indifferent between the gamble F and the
certainty amount C(F ), i.e.
u(C(F )) = u(x)d F (x).

Notice that if the individual is risk averse then C(F ) < E(x) = x d F (x). The
quantity E(x) − C(F ) is called the risk premium.
30 Microeconomics I

Measuring risk aversion

When is ¥1 more risk averse than ¥2 ? We might say that ¥1 is more risk averse
than ¥2

1. if the certainty equivalent for ¥1 is less than the certainty equivalent for ¥2
for all lotteries.

2. if the utility representation u1 is more concave than u2 , i.e. if there is a con-

cave function ϕ such that u1 (x) = ϕ(u2 (x)).

A proof that the two definitions are equivalent is in Rubinstein.

4.2.7 Definition. If u1 and u2 are twice differentiable Bernoulli utility functions

representing ¥1 and ¥2 then ¥1 is more risk averse than ¥2 if r2 (x) ≤ r1 (x) for
u00 (x)
all x, where ri (x) = − u0 (x) , the Arrow-Pratt coefficient of absolute risk aversion.

4.2.8 Proposition. This third definition is equivalent to the first two.

PROOF: u1 ◦ u−1
2 is concave if and only if

d 1
u1 (u−1 0 −1
2 (t)) = u1 (u2 (t))
dt u01 (u−1
2 (t))

is non-increasing. This happens if and only if u01 (x) u0 1(x) is non-increasing, which
happens if and only if log of it is non-increasing. This happens when the derivative
is non-positive. ƒ

4.2.9 Example. Consider u(x) = −αe−ax + β with α, a > 0. Then u0 (x) = aαe−ax
u00 (x)
and u00 (x) = −a2 αe−ax , so r(x) = − u0 (x) = a. This utility function is the constant
risk aversion function.

Note of course that this ordering on utility representations is a partial order.

Consequentialism and invariance to wealth

Consider the following experiment. You have $2000 in your bank account and
you must choose between the lottery L1 which involves losing $500 with certainty
and L2 which involves losing $1000 with probability 21 or losing nothing. Consider
also, with $1000 in your account, the choice between getting $500 with certainty
or getting $1000 with probability 12 or getting nothing.
Consider a decision maker who has wealth w. Denote decision makers pref-
erences over lotteries in which the prizes are interpreted as wealth changes by
p ¥w q ⇐⇒ w + p ¥ w + q. When is ¥w independent of wealth? This happens
only with the constant absolute risk aversion utility function.
We may compare lotteries (distributions) in terms of return is riskiness. If the
probability of returning at least x is greater for one lottery than another for all x
then the former should be preferred.
Choice Under Uncertainty 31

4.2.10 Definition. RF is preferred to

R G with respect to first-order stochastic domi-
nance (or FOSD) if u(x)d F (x) ≥ u(x)dG(x) for every non-decreasing function
u : R → R.

4.2.11 Proposition. F FOSD G if and only if F (x) ≤ G(x) for all x

PROOF: Define H(x) = F (x) − G(x) and suppose that H(x̄) > 0 for some x̄. Then
u(x)d F (x) − u(x)d G(x) = 1(x̄,∞) (x)dH(x) = −H(x̄) < 0,

contradicting FSOD. The converse is by integration by parts (for u differentiable)

Z 1 Z
u(x)d H(x) = u(x)H(x) − u0 (x)H(x)d x ≥ 0.

0 ƒ
F FSOD G implies x d F (x) ≥ x dG(x), but not conversely. We now restrict
our attention to distributions with the same mean. (Why?)

4.2.12 Definition. F is preferred to G with respect toRsecond-order stochastic

R dom-
inance (or SOSD) if F and G have the same mean and u(x)d F (x) ≥ u(x)dG(x)
for every non-decreasing concave function u : R → R.

4.2.13 Definition. G is a mean preserving spread of F if G can be obtained from F

in the following manner. At the first stage choose x randomly with distribution F
and at the second stage choose z with distribution H x , where H x has zero mean,
and G is the reduced lottery for x + z.

4.2.14 Example.

( ( (
1 1 1 4
2 2
−1 2
−2 2 1
If F : 1 and H2 : 1 and H3 : 1 then G: 3 2
3 2
1 2
2 2
 1
5 4

If G is a mean preserving spread of F then for any concave u : R → R, by

Jensen’s inequality,
u(x)d G(x) = u(x + z)d H x (z)d F (x)
Z  Z  Z
≤ u x + zdH x (z) d F (x) = u(x)d F (x)

with equality for u(x) = x (hence “mean preserving”).

4.2.15 Definition. F SOSD G if for all x

Rx Rx
1. −∞ F (z)d x ≤ −∞ G(z)dz; and
32 Microeconomics I

R∞ R∞
2. −∞
F (z)dz = −∞

Integration by parts shows that the second condition is equivalent to F and

G having the same means. This definition of SOSD is equivalent to the previous
acyclic, 2
additive, 22
affordable, 6
aggregate demand, 19
aggregate supply function, 25
Allais paradox, 28
Arrow-Pratt coefficient of absolute risk aversion, 30
average cost, 25

Bernoulli utility function, 29

budget hyperplane, 6
bundle, 5

certainty equivalent, 29
choice function, 4
CLD, 8
CMP, 24
Cobb-Douglas, 12
compensated law of demand, 8
compensated price change, 8
complements, 16
compound lottery, 25
concave, 6
conditional factor demand function, 24
consistent with, 4
constant returns to scale, 22
constant risk aversion function, 30
consumer choice problem, 6
continuous, 3, 26
convex, 5
convex cone, 23
cost function, 24
cost minimization problem, 24
Cournot aggregation, 8

distribution function, 28

efficient, 24
elasticity, 7
EMP, 13
Engel aggregation, 8
Engel curve, 7
expected utility form, 26
expenditure function, 14
expenditure minimization problem, 13


firm, 22
first order conditions, 14
first-order stochastic dominance, 31
FOSD, 31
free disposal, 22

Giffen good, 7
Gorman normal form, 20

HD0, 7
Hicksian compensated demand function, 14
Hicksian demand function, 14
homogeneous of degree 0, 7
homothetic, 10

independence axiom, 26
independent of income distribution, 19
indifferent, 2
indirect utility function, 12
indirectly revealed preferred, 17
inferior, 7
input demand function, 24
irreversibility, 22

Kuhn-Tucker conditions, 11, 14

law of supply, 24
lexicographic preference, 3
linearity, 27
Liontief preference, 11
LNS, 10
locally non-satiated, 10
lottery, 25, 28
lower contour set, 3

marginal cost, 25
marginal rate of substitution, 12
mean preserving spread, 31
monotone, 4
more concave, 30
more risk averse, 30
MRS, 12

negative semidefinite, 9
negative transitive, 2
no free lunch, 22
non-decreasing returns to scale, 22

non-increasing returns to scale, 22

normal, 7
NSD, 9
numeraire, 11

ordinary good, 7

PMP, 23
preference maximizing choice, 4
preference relation, 2
price effects, 7
production set, 22
production vector, 22
profit function, 23
profit maximization problem, 23

quasi-concave, 5
quasi-linear, 11

rational, 2
rationalizes, 4, 18
regular, 2
representative consumer, 19
revealed preference relation, 4
risk averse, 29
risk premium, 29

SARP, 5, 18
second-order stochastic dominance, 31
simple lottery, 25
Slutsky matrix, 9
SOSD, 31
St. Petersburg paradox, 29
strictly convex, 5
strictly preferred, 2
strictly quasi-concave, 6
strong axiom of revealed preference, 5, 18
strongly monotone, 4
substitutes, 16
supply correspondence, 23
supply function, 23

transformation function, 24

ULD, 20
uncompensated law of demand, 20
upper contour set, 3

usual conditions, 11
utility maximization problem, 11
utility representation, 2

VNM, 26
Von Neumann-Morgenstern, 26
Von Neumann-Morgenstern utility function, 29

Walras’ Law, 7
Walrasian budget set, 6
Walrasian demand function, 6
WARP, 4, 8
weak axiom of revealed preference, 4
weakly preferred, 2
wealth effects, 7
wealth expansion path, 7

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