Ringwood Borough Review Stdlong RL 825070

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55 Water Street, 38th Floor

New York, NY 10041-0003

tel 212-438-2000
reference no.: 40264872

February 17, 2017

The Borough of Ringwood

Ringwood Borough Hall
60 Margaret King Avenue
Ringwood, NJ 07456
Attention: Ms. Debbie Buchanan, Chief Financial Officer

Re: Ringwood Borough, New Jersey, General Obligation Bonds

Dear Ms. Buchanan:

S&P Global Ratings has reviewed the rating on the above-listed obligations. Based on our review,
we have raised our credit rating from "AA" to "AA+" and changed the outlook to stable from
positive. A copy of the rationale supporting the rating and outlook is enclosed.

This letter constitutes S&P Global Ratings’ permission for you to disseminate the above rating to
interested parties in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. However, permission for
such dissemination (other than to professional advisors bound by appropriate confidentiality
arrangements) will become effective only after we have released the rating on
standardandpoors.com. Any dissemination on any Website by you or your agents shall include the
full analysis for the rating, including any updates, where applicable.

To maintain the rating, S&P Global Ratings must receive all relevant financial and other
information, including notice of material changes to financial and other information provided to us
and in relevant documents, as soon as such information is available. Relevant financial and other
information includes, but is not limited to, information about direct bank loans and debt and debt-
like instruments issued to, or entered into with, financial institutions, insurance companies and/or
other entities, whether or not disclosure of such information would be required under S.E.C. Rule
15c2-12. You understand that S&P Global Ratings relies on you and your agents and advisors for
the accuracy, timeliness and completeness of the information submitted in connection with the
rating and the continued flow of material information as part of the surveillance process. Please
send all information via electronic delivery to [email protected]. If SEC rule
17g-5 is applicable, you may post such information on the appropriate website. For any
information not available in electronic format or posted on the applicable website,

Please send hard copies to:

S&P Global Ratings
Public Finance Department

PF Ratings U.S. (4/28/16)

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55 Water Street
New York, NY 10041-0003

The rating is subject to the Terms and Conditions, if any, attached to the Engagement Letter
applicable to the rating. In the absence of such Engagement Letter and Terms and Conditions, the
rating is subject to the attached Terms and Conditions. The applicable Terms and Conditions are
incorporated herein by reference.

S&P Global Ratings is pleased to have the opportunity to provide its rating opinion. For more
information please visit our website at www.standardandpoors.com. If you have any questions,
please contact us. Thank you for choosing S&P Global Ratings.

Sincerely yours,

S&P Global Ratings

a division of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC


PF Ratings U.S. (4/28/16)

S&P Global Ratings
Terms and Conditions Applicable To Public Finance Credit Ratings

General. The credit ratings and other views of S&P Global Ratings are statements of opinion and not statements of fact.
Credit ratings and other views of S&P Global Ratings are not recommendations to purchase, hold, or sell any securities
and do not comment on market price, marketability, investor preference or suitability of any security. While S&P Global
Ratings bases its credit ratings and other views on information provided by issuers and their agents and advisors, and
other information from sources it believes to be reliable, S&P Global Ratings does not perform an audit, and undertakes
no duty of due diligence or independent verification, of any information it receives. Such information and S&P Global
Ratings’ opinions should not be relied upon in making any investment decision. S&P Global Ratings does not act as a
“fiduciary” or an investment advisor. S&P Global Ratings neither recommends nor will recommend how an issuer can or
should achieve a particular credit rating outcome nor provides or will provide consulting, advisory, financial or
structuring advice. Unless otherwise indicated, the term “issuer” means both the issuer and the obligor if the obligor is
not the issuer.

All Credit Rating Actions in S&P Global Ratings’ Sole Discretion. S&P Global Ratings may assign, raise, lower,
suspend, place on CreditWatch, or withdraw a credit rating, and assign or revise an Outlook, at any time, in S&P Global
Ratings’ sole discretion. S&P Global Ratings may take any of the foregoing actions notwithstanding any request for a
confidential or private credit rating or a withdrawal of a credit rating, or termination of a credit rating engagement. S&P
Global Ratings will not convert a public credit rating to a confidential or private credit rating, or a private credit rating to
a confidential credit rating.

Publication. S&P Global Ratings reserves the right to use, publish, disseminate, or license others to use, publish or
disseminate a credit rating and any related analytical reports, including the rationale for the credit rating, unless the
issuer specifically requests in connection with the initial credit rating that the credit rating be assigned and maintained
on a confidential or private basis. If, however, a confidential or private credit rating or the existence of a confidential
or private credit rating subsequently becomes public through disclosure other than by an act of S&P Global Ratings or
its affiliates, S&P Global Ratings reserves the right to treat the credit rating as a public credit rating, including,
without limitation, publishing the credit rating and any related analytical reports. Any analytical reports published by
S&P Global Ratings are not issued by or on behalf of the issuer or at the issuer’s request. S&P Global Ratings reserves
the right to use, publish, disseminate or license others to use, publish or disseminate analytical reports with respect to
public credit ratings that have been withdrawn, regardless of the reason for such withdrawal. S&P Global Ratings may
publish explanations of S&P Global Ratings’ credit ratings criteria from time to time and S&P Global Ratings may
modify or refine its credit ratings criteria at any time as S&P Global Ratings deems appropriate.

Reliance on Information. S&P Global Ratings relies on issuers and their agents and advisors for the accuracy and
completeness of the information submitted in connection with credit ratings and the surveillance of credit ratings
including, without limitation, information on material changes to information previously provided by issuers, their
agents or advisors. Credit ratings, and the maintenance of credit ratings, may be affected by S&P Global Ratings’
opinion of the information received from issuers, their agents or advisors.

Confidential Information. S&P Global Ratings has established policies and procedures to maintain the confidentiality
of certain non-public information received from issuers, their agents or advisors. For these purposes, “Confidential
Information” shall mean verbal or written information that the issuer or its agents or advisors have provided to S&P
Global Ratings and, in a specific and particularized manner, have marked or otherwise indicated in writing (either
prior to or promptly following such disclosure) that such information is “Confidential.”

Ratings U.S. (4/28/16)

S&P Global Ratings Not an Expert, Underwriter or Seller under Securities Laws. S&P Global Ratings has not
consented to and will not consent to being named an “expert” or any similar designation under any applicable
securities laws or other regulatory guidance, rules or recommendations, including without limitation, Section 7 of the
U.S. Securities Act of 1933. S&P Global Ratings has not performed and will not perform the role or tasks associated
with an "underwriter" or "seller" under the United States federal securities laws or other regulatory guidance, rules or
recommendations in connection with a credit rating engagement.

Disclaimer of Liability. S&P Global Ratings does not and cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness
of the information relied on in connection with a credit rating or the results obtained from the use of such information.
OR USE. S&P Global Ratings, its affiliates or third party providers, or any of their officers, directors, shareholders,
employees or agents shall not be liable to any person for any inaccuracies, errors, or omissions, in each case regardless
of cause, actions, damages (consequential, special, indirect, incidental, punitive, compensatory, exemplary or
otherwise), claims, liabilities, costs, expenses, legal fees or losses (including, without limitation, lost income or lost
profits and opportunity costs) in any way arising out of or relating to a credit rating or the related analytic services
even if advised of the possibility of such damages or other amounts.

No Third Party Beneficiaries. Nothing in any credit rating engagement, or a credit rating when issued, is intended or
should be construed as creating any rights on behalf of any third parties, including, without limitation, any recipient of
a credit rating. No person is intended as a third party beneficiary of any credit rating engagement or of a credit rating
when issued.

Ratings U.S. (4/28/16)

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