Syahruddin Maulana

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Syahruddin Maulana


Instrument pharmacy

1. Erlenmeyer

Erlenmeyer tube is a container for conical

chemicals with a neck as a handle and can also be
used to attach a stapler / use a stopper. Erlenmeyer
flasks are used to measure, calcify and store
liquids. The shape makes this bottle very stable.
This laboratory instrument is one of the most
commonly used tools in chemical laboratories.

2. Distilled gray

a method of separating chemicals based on differences

in speed or ease of evaporation (volatility) of
materials. In the distillation process, the mixture of
ingredients is boiled so that it evaporates, and this
vapor is then cooled back into liquid form. Substances
that have a lower boiling point will evaporate first.
This method is included as a mass transfer type
chemical operation unit. The application of this
process is based on the theory that in a solution, each
component will evaporate at its boiling point. The
ideal model of distillation is based on Raoult's Law and Dalton's Law.
Pumpkin Distillation Tool Has a pipe towards the side, the pipe towards
this side will be connected with a cooling glass tool when used for
distillation purposes.

Distillation function

distillation flask serves to separate the solution into each of its

components or a method of separating chemicals based on differences in
speed or ease of evaporation. The principle of distillation is based on the
difference in boiling points of the substance.

3. Beaker glass

a container that is used to stir, mix and heat liquids

which are usually used in laboratories. Goblet cups
are generally cylindrical with a flat base and are
available in various sizes, ranging from 1 mL to
several liters.

Beaker glass function

The beaker glass function is a container that is used to stir, mix, and heat
liquids. Beaker glasses are cylinders and are available in various sizes,
ranging from 1 mL to several liters.

In conducting chemical experiments, always use a beaker (glass beaker)

which serves to prepare the solution to be used, for the place of reacting
substances in a large volume and to dissolve solids into liquid substances
in the process of making a solution.
4. Long neck measuring flask

Laboratory glass equipment that is shaped like a

pear fruit, has a flat bottom and round with a long
neck. Measuring gray is usually made of glass or
plastic, this is intended so that the contents in the
measuring flask can be seen (transparent). Mouth
on the measuring flask is used to hold lid made
of plastic. Stomach part in a volumetric flask that
has a circular measuring line, this is intended to
facilitate the calculation of the volumetric flask

5.Stirring rod

a laboratory equipment used to mix chemicals and liquids for laboratory

purposes. Usually made of solid glass, with sizes almost the same as
drinking straws, only slightly longer and rounded edges. Like most other
laboratory glassware, the stirring rod is made of borosilicate (commonly
known as pyrex).

Function of the stirring rod

to help decantate the solution, induce
crystallization and break the emulsion in an
6. Mortar stamper

a tool for smoothing powder, destroying tablets to make powder and semi-
solida preparations.
Mortars and stampers: made of porcelain, glass or granite stone that can
be used to destroy and mix chemical solids.
Work principle.

stampler mortar function

to mash or smooth the ingredients, it can also be used
to mix, but the ingredients are dense. Like, powder or
tablet. If the handle or for grinding is called stampher,
and place mortar.

7. Test tube

a tube made of a kind of glass or plastic that can withstand changes in

temperature and is resistant to chemical reactions. The Reaction Tubes are
equipped with a lid and some are closed. Consisting of various sizes
depending on needs. The reaction tube is also called Test Tube or Culture
tube. Culture Tube is a lipless test tube which is usually used for breeding
microorganisms in a liquid medium.
Test tube functions include:
-As a place to react to chemicals
-To carry out small-scale chemical reactions
-As a place for microbial breeding in liquid media

8. Burette
one of the glass laboratory tools or cylindrical Glassware that has a
measuring line and tap plug at the bottom. It is used to drip a number of
liquid reagents in experiments that require precision, such as in titration
experiments. Burette is very accurate, class A burette has an accuracy of
up to 0.05 cm3.
burette function
to drip a number of liquid reagents in experiments that require precision,
such as in titration experiments. Burette measurement is very accurate,
class A burette has accuracy up to? 0.05 cm3 is more accurate than a
measuring cup or drop pipette. Because of the high accuracy of burette,
careful measurement of volume with burettes is very important to avoid
systematic errors.

9. Funnel

Made of boroksiliat or plastic type. The funnel has a diameter of 35 - 300

mm and some have long, medium and short funnel stalks.

Work principle :
helps insert fluids in a container with a small mouth size.

Funnel function
used to filter liquid or solid samples.

10. Test tube rack

as a container put a test tube when practicing

reacting chemicals. The Reaction Tube Rack
consists of 6 holes and there are also 12
holes. Reaction Tube Racks are usually
made of wood, there are also stainless steel.
The size and capacity vary in the diameter of
the test tube depending on its needs.

Test tube function

as a place to store test tubes, dry and keep the test tube so it does not

11. Buchner funnel

The Buchner funnel is a laboratory

equipment used in vacuum filtration. It is
usually made of porcelain, but sometimes
there are also made of glass and plastic. At
the top there is a cylinder with a porous base.
Hirsch funnel also has the same structure and usability, but it is smaller
and usually made of glass.
The function of the Buchner funnel itself is to filtrate or separate a liquid
(filtrate) from its deposits (residue), and usually it is the filtrate that will
be used in the next process. But in some cases, a number of residues are
separated from the filtrate in order to speed up the drying of the residue

12. Separating funnel

Separating funnels or separating funnels are

laboratory equipment used in liquid-liquid
extraction to separate components in a mixture of two-phase solvents
with different unmixed densities.
Generally one phase is a water solution and the other is a lipophilic
organic solvent such as ether, MTBE, dichloromethane, chloroform, or
ethyl acetate. Most organic solvents are above the water phase except for
solvents that have atoms of halogen elements.
Separate Funnel Function
The function of the Split Funnel is to make and or dilute the solution
with high accuracy. In addition to separating two liquids that are not
mixed because of their different polarity. This separating funnel is also
used to do extraction separations. Separation with a separating funnel
can only be used for liquid and liquid separation.
13. Desiccator

Desiccator is a container made of glass material that is airtight and

contains desiccation which functions to remove water and crystals from
purified products. A closed vessel desiccator containing a drying agent
to dry other substances, which is commonly used is concentrated sulfuric
acid, calcium chloride or silica gel. Also used to
store substances in dry conditions Desiccator
consists of two parts, in the bottom filled with
drying materials such as silica gel so that the
influence of water vapor during drying can be
absorbed by the silica gel.
Desiccator function
Laboratory desiccator is a pan / container made of glass / glass which is
arranged to remove water and purified crystals. This tool contains a
drying agent which functions to dry other substances.

14. Filler (suction rubber)

The rubber bulb is a basic tool that must be

possessed in a laboratory. Although classified as
a basic tool but its existence is needed for
various purposes in practical activities and experiments in the laboratory.
Function of Filler / Rubber Bulb Pipette
Filler pipettes are used to move a volume of solution, which is usually
called aliquots. Filler is a tool to suck a solution that can be installed at
the base of a measuring pipette. Rubber as a filler
material is a rubber that is resistant to chemicals.

15. measuring cup

Measuring cups are general laboratory equipment used to measure fluid

volume. This tool has a cylindrical shape and each marker line on the
measuring cup represents the amount of liquid that has been measured.
The function of a measuring cup is as a liquid
volume gauge that does not require high accuracy,
for example reagents / reagents for qualitative
chemical analysis or for the manufacture of
secondary standard solutions in titrimetric /
volumetric analysis. There are various sizes of this
measuring cup, ranging from 5 mL to 2 liters.

16. Volume pipette

Volume pipettes or goiter pipettes are one of the highest accuracy

quantitative measuring instruments, marked with a slim shape on the
volume pointer and there is only one volume size. Volume pipettes are
used to move fluids from one container to
another, usually to move the primary standard
solution or sample during the titration process.

17. Reaction bottle

Used to store chemical solutions or often used to store acid-base

indicators such as phenolphthalin.

18. Spray bottle

usually used to store distilled water and used to

wash or rinse materials that are not soluble in water. In addition, it is also
used to wash or neutralize the equipment to be used. How to use: pressing
the bottle then the distilled water will come out.

19. Watch glass

Watch glass is a glass plate, circular in shape and slightly concave, used
by chemists to vaporize liquids and seal beakers during experiments.

The function of a watch or watch glass is to weigh hygroscopic chemicals,

as a cover when heating chemicals, and as a container for drying a material
in a desiccator.

20. Dropper dropper

Dropper pipette is a type of pipette in the form

of a small pipe made of plastic or glass with a slightly tapered bottom with
a rubber top.

Drop Pipette Function

Dropper pipette is used to help move liquids from one container to
another in very small amounts, drop by drop. The transfer of liquid using
a pipette drops does take a very long time if the ones that are moved
very much. But as the name implies, pipette drops are only used to move
liquids with very small or little quantities.

Submitted : 13-08-2015 Reviewed : 15-08-2015 Accepted: 25-11-2015


Based on Standard of Pharmaceutical Quality in Hospitals, there are methods are applied to
distribute pharmaceuticals. One outpatient care efforts is to obtain medication prescribed by a
doctor in a short time. The quality of outpatient pharmacy services as measured by the time of
complete prescription at the pharmacy installation hospitals are based on reliability,
responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibles. The study use cross-sectional’s method,
which is done by January-February in 2015, to analyze pharmacy quality standard and time of
complete prescription. The data used in this study are primary data. This study was used sample
of 157 respondents for quetioners and 787 outpatients prescriptions. The results showed that the
highest satisfaction turn around time is 13 minutes. For the five variables tested showed that the
responsiveness had the highest scores of 3.18 and tangibles has the lowest score of 2,53.
Conclusion, time of complete prescription less than 13 minutes and supported by quetioners
shows the highest variables of responsiveness at 3,29 are agreed that time to wait is not too long.

Keywords: time services, prescription, outpatient

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