A Fast Clustering Algorithm To Cluster Very Large Categorical Data Sets in Data Mining

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3, MARCH 2012 413

A Link-Based Cluster Ensemble Approach

for Categorical Data Clustering
Natthakan Iam-On, Tossapon Boongoen, Simon Garrett, and Chris Price

Abstract—Although attempts have been made to solve the problem of clustering categorical data via cluster ensembles, with the
results being competitive to conventional algorithms, it is observed that these techniques unfortunately generate a final data partition
based on incomplete information. The underlying ensemble-information matrix presents only cluster-data point relations, with many
entries being left unknown. The paper presents an analysis that suggests this problem degrades the quality of the clustering result, and
it presents a new link-based approach, which improves the conventional matrix by discovering unknown entries through similarity
between clusters in an ensemble. In particular, an efficient link-based algorithm is proposed for the underlying similarity assessment.
Afterward, to obtain the final clustering result, a graph partitioning technique is applied to a weighted bipartite graph that is formulated
from the refined matrix. Experimental results on multiple real data sets suggest that the proposed link-based method almost always
outperforms both conventional clustering algorithms for categorical data and well-known cluster ensemble techniques.

Index Terms—Clustering, categorical data, cluster ensembles, link-based similarity, data mining.


D ATA clustering is one of the fundamental tools we have

for understanding the structure of a data set. It plays a
crucial, foundational role in machine learning, data mining,
algorithm, Squeezer [9] makes use of a prespecified
similarity threshold to determine which of the existing
clusters (or a new cluster) to which a data point under
information retrieval, and pattern recognition. Clustering examination is assigned. LIMBO [10] is a hierarchical
aims to categorize data into groups or clusters such that the clustering algorithm that uses the Information Bottleneck
data in the same cluster are more similar to each other than (IB) framework to define a distance measure for catego-
to those in different clusters. Many well-established rical tuples. The concepts of evolutionary computing and
clustering algorithms, such as k-means [1] and PAM [2], genetic algorithm have also been adopted by a partition-
have been designed for numerical data, whose inherent ing method for categorical data, i.e., GAClust [11].
properties can be naturally employed to measure a distance Cobweb [12] is a model-based method primarily exploited
(e.g., euclidean) between feature vectors [3], [4]. However, for categorical data sets. Different graph models have also
these cannot be directly applied for clustering of categorical been investigated by the STIRR [13], ROCK [14], and
data, where domain values are discrete and have no CLICK [15] techniques. In addition, several density-based
ordering defined. An example of categorical attribute is
algorithms have also been devised for such purpose, for
sex ¼ fmale; femaleg or shape ¼ fcircle; rectangle; . . .g.
instance, CACTUS [16], COOLCAT [17], and CLOPE [18].
As a result, many categorical data clustering algo-
Although, a large number of algorithms have been
rithms have been introduced in recent years, with
introduced for clustering categorical data, the No Free
applications to interesting domains such as protein
interaction data [5]. The initial method was developed Lunch theorem [19] suggests1 there is no single clustering
in [6] by making use of Gower’s similarity coefficient [7]. algorithm that performs best for all data sets [20] and can
Following that, the k-modes algorithm in [8] extended the discover all types of cluster shapes and structures presented
conventional k-means with a simple matching dissim- in data [21]. Each algorithm has its own strengths and
ilarity measure and a frequency-based method to update weaknesses. For a particular data set, different algorithms,
centroids (i.e., clusters’ representative). As a single-pass or even the same algorithm with different parameters,
usually provide distinct solutions. Therefore, it is difficult
for users to decide which algorithm would be the proper
. N. Iam-On is with the School of Information Technology, Mae Fah Luang
University, Muang, Chiang Rai, 57100, Thailand.
alternative for a given set of data. Recently, cluster
E-mail: [email protected]. ensembles have emerged as an effective solution that is
. T. Boongoen is with the Royal Thai Air Force Academy, 171/1 Klongth- able to overcome these limitations, and improve the
anhon, Saimai, Bangkok, 10220, Thailand. E-mail: [email protected].
. S. Garrett is with the Aispire Consulting Ltd., Tanyrallt, Aberystwyth,
robustness as well as the quality of clustering results. The
SY23 3PG, UK. E-mail: [email protected]. main objective of cluster ensembles is to combine different
. C. Price is with the Department of Computer Science, Aberystwyth clustering decisions in such a way as to achieve accuracy
University, Llandinam Building, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 3DB,
UK. E-mail: [email protected].
superior to that of any individual clustering. Examples of
well-known ensemble methods are:
Manuscript received 4 Mar. 2010; revised 11 Aug. 2010; accepted 14 Aug.
2010; published online 21 Dec. 2010.
For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to: 1. The No Free Lunch theorem seems to apply here because the problem
[email protected], and reference IEEECS Log Number TKDE-2010-03-0125. of clustering can be reduced to an optimization problem—we are seeking to
Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TKDE.2010.268. find the optimal set of clusters for a given data set via an algorithm.
1041-4347/12/$31.00 ß 2012 IEEE Published by the IEEE Computer Society

1.the feature-based approach that transforms the

problem of cluster ensembles to clustering catego-
rical data (i.e., cluster labels) [11], [22], [23], [24],
2. the direct approach that finds the final partition
through relabeling the base clustering results [25],
3. graph-based algorithms that employ a graph parti-
tioning methodology [27], [28], [29], and
4. the pairwise-similarity approach that makes use of
co-occurrence relations between data points [30],
[31], [32].
Fig. 1. The basic process of cluster ensembles. It first applies multiple
Despite notable success, these methods generate the final
base clusterings to a data set X to obtain diverse clustering decisions
data partition based on incomplete information of a cluster (1 . . . M ). Then, these solutions are combined to establish the final
ensemble. The underlying ensemble-information matrix clustering result ( ) using a consensus function.
presents only cluster-data point relationships while com-
pletely ignores those among clusters [33]. As a result, the partition. This metalevel methodology involves two major
performance of existing cluster ensemble techniques may
tasks of: 1) generating a cluster ensemble, and 2) producing
consequently be degraded as many matrix entries are left
the final partition, normally referred to as a consensus
unknown. This paper introduces a link-based approach to
refining the aforementioned matrix, giving substantially function.
less unknown entries. A link-based similarity measure [34], 2.2 Ensemble Generation Methods
[35], [36] is exploited to estimate unknown values from a
It has been shown that ensembles are most effective when
link network of clusters. This research uniquely bridges the
constructed from a set of predictors whose errors are
gap between the task of data clustering and that of link
dissimilar [37]. To a great extent, diversity among ensemble
analysis. It also enhances the capability of ensemble
members is introduced to enhance the result of an ensemble
methodology for categorical data, which has not received
[38]. Particularly for data clustering, the results obtained with
much attention in the literature. In addition to the problem
of clustering categorical data that is investigated herein, the any single algorithm over many iterations are usually very
proposed framework is generic such that it can also be similar. In such a circumstance where all ensemble members
effectively applied to other data types. agree on how a data set should be partitioned, aggregating
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 the base clustering results will show no improvement over
presents the cluster ensemble framework upon which the any of the constituent members. As a result, several heuristics
current research has been established. The proposed link- have been proposed to introduce artificial instabilities in
based approach, including the underlying intuition of clustering algorithms, giving diversity within a cluster
refining an ensemble-information matrix and details of a ensemble. The following ensemble generation methods yield
link-based similarity measure, is introduced in Section 3. different clusterings of the same data, by exploiting different
cluster models and different data partitions.
Then, Section 4 exhibits the evaluation of this new approach
against other cluster ensemble methods and categorical data . Homogeneous ensembles. Base clusterings are created
clustering algorithms, over real data sets. Similarity and using repeated runs of a single clustering algorithm,
differences between the proposed method and many with several sets of parameter initializations, such as
clustering algorithms for categorical data are discussed in cluster centers of the k-means clustering technique
Section 5. This underlines the novelty of the link-based [31], [22], [39].
ensemble framework and its unique application to catego- . Random-k. One of the most successful techniques is
rical data clustering. The paper is concluded in Section 6 randomly selecting the number of clusters (k) for
with suggestions for further work. each ensemble member [31], [38].
. Data subspace/sampling. A cluster ensemble can also be
2 CLUSTER ENSEMBLE METHODOLOGY achieved by generating base clusterings from differ-
ent subsets of initial data. It is intuitively assumed that
2.1 Problem Formulation and General Framework each clustering algorithm will provide different levels
Let X ¼ fx1 ; . . . ; xN g be a set of N data points and  ¼ of performance for different partitions of a data set
f1 ; . . . ; M g be a cluster ensemble with M base clusterings, [27]. Practically speaking, data partitions are obtained
each of which is referred to as an ensemble member. Each base by projecting data onto different subspaces [40], [24],
Ski returns a set of clusters i ¼ fC1i ; C2i ; . . . ; Cki i g, such choosing different subsets of features [29], [41], or data
that j¼1 Cj ¼ X, where ki is the number of clusters in the ith sampling [42], [26], [43].
clustering. For each x 2 X, CðxÞ denotes the cluster label to . Heterogeneous ensembles. A number of different
which the data point x belongs. In the ith clustering, CðxÞ ¼ clustering algorithms are used together to generate
“j” (or “Cji ”) if x 2 Cji . The problem is to find a new partition base clusterings [30], [44], [45].
 of a data set X that summarizes the information from the . Mixed heuristics. In addition to using one of the
cluster ensemble . Fig. 1 shows the general framework of aforementioned methods, any combination of them
cluster ensembles. Essentially, solutions achieved from can be applied as well [27], [31], [33], [38], [32],
different base clusterings are aggregated to form a final [23], [29].

similar to that given in Fig. 2c. To achieve the final

clustering result, this graph is partitioned into a
definite number of approximately equal-sized parti-
tions, using METIS [46]. In addition, the binary
cluster-association matrix shown in Fig. 2d is used
for generating a bipartite graph whose vertices
represent both data points and clusters. According
to [28], the solution to a cluster ensemble problem is
to divide this graph using either METIS or Spectral
graph partitioning (SPEC) [47].

2.4 Cluster Ensembles of Categorical Data

While a large number of cluster ensemble techniques for
numerical data have been put forward in the previous
decade, there are only a few studies that apply such a
Fig. 2. Examples of (a) cluster ensemble and the corresponding methodology to categorical data clustering. The method
(b) label-assignment matrix, (c) pairwise-similarity matrix, and (d) binary
cluster-association matrix, respectively. Note that X ¼ fx1 ; . . . ; x5 g, introduced in [48] creates an ensemble by applying a
 ¼ f1 ; 2 ; 3 g, 1 ¼ fC11 ; C21 ; C31 g; 2 ¼ fC12 ; C22 g, and 3 ¼ fC13 ; C23 g. conventional clustering algorithm (e.g., k-modes [8] and
COOLCAT [17]) to different data partitions, each of which
2.3 Consensus Functions is constituted by a unique subset of data attributes. Once an
Having obtained the cluster ensemble, a variety of ensemble has been obtained, the graph-based consensus
consensus functions have been developed and made functions of [28] and [29] are utilized to generate the final
available for deriving the ultimate data partition. Each clustering result.
consensus function utilizes a specific form of information Unlike the conventional approach, the technique devel-
matrix, which summarizes the base clustering results. From oped in [49] acquires a cluster ensemble without actually
the cluster ensemble shown in Fig. 2a, three general types of implementing any base clustering on the examined data set.
such ensemble-information matrix can be constructed. First, In fact, each attribute is considered as a base clustering that
the label-assignment matrix (Fig. 2b), of size N  M, provides a unique data partition. In particular, a cluster in
represents cluster labels that are assigned to each data such attribute-specific partition contains data points that
point by different base clusterings. Second, the pairwise- share a specific attribute value (i.e., categorical label). Thus,
similarity matrix (Fig. 2c), of size N  N, summarizes co- the ensemble size is determined by the number of
occurrence statistics among data points. Furthermore, the categorical labels, across all data attributes. The final
binary cluster-association matrix (BM) (Fig. 2d) provides a clustering result is generated using the graph-based con-
cluster-specific view of the original label-assignment ma- sensus techniques presented in [29]. Specific to this so-called
trix. The association degree that a data point belonging to a “direct” ensemble generation method, a given categorical
specific cluster is either 1 or 0. In light of this background, data set can be represented using a binary cluster-associa-
consensus methods can be categorized as follows: tion matrix, whose example is shown earlier in Fig. 2d. Such
an information matrix is analogous to the “market-basket”
. Feature-based approach. It transforms the problem of numerical representation of categorical data, which has been
cluster ensembles to clustering categorical data. the focus of traditional categorical data analysis [50], [51].
Specifically, each base clustering provides a cluster
label as a new feature describing each data point (see
Fig. 2b), which is utilized to formulate the ultimate
solution [11], [23], [39], [24]. Existing cluster ensemble methods to categorical data
. Direct approach. It is based on relabeling i and analysis rely on the typical pairwise-similarity and binary
searching for the  that has the best match with all cluster-association matrices [48], [49], which summarize the
i ; i ¼ 1 . . . M [25], [26], [22]. Conceptually, the underlying ensemble information at a rather coarse level.
underlying relabel process allows the homogeneous Many matrix entries are left “unknown” and simply recorded
labels to be established from heterogeneous cluster- as “0.” Regardless of a consensus function, the quality of the
ing decisions, where each base clustering possesses a final clustering result may be degraded. As a result, a link-
unique set of decision labels (see Fig. 2b). based method has been established with the ability to
. Pairwise-similarity approach. It creates a matrix, discover unknown values and, hence, improve the accuracy
containing the pairwise similarity among data points of the ultimate data partition [33]. In spite of promising
(see Fig. 2c for an example), to which any similarity- findings, this initial framework is based on the data point-
based clustering algorithm (e.g., hierarchical cluster- data point pairwise-similarity matrix, which is highly
ing) can be applied [30], [31], [32]. expensive to obtain. The link-based similarity technique,
. Graph-based approach. It makes use of the graph SimRank [52], that is employed to estimate the similarity
representation to solve the cluster ensemble problem among data points is inapplicable to a large data set.
[27], [28], [29]. Specifically to the consensus methods To overcome these problems, a new link-based cluster
in [27] and [29], a graph representing the similarity ensemble (LCE) approach is introduced herein. It is more
among data points is created from a pairwise matrix efficient than the former model, where a BM-like matrix is

and d attributes, an N  q data subspace (where q < d) is

generated by

q ¼ qmin þ bðqmax  qmin Þc; ð1Þ

Fig. 3. The link-based cluster ensemble framework: 1) a cluster where  2 ½0; 1 is a uniform random variable, qmin and qmax
ensemble  ¼ f1 ; . . . ; M g is created from M base clusterings, 2) a are the lower and upper bounds of the generated subspace,
refined cluster-association matrix is then generated from the ensemble respectively. In particular, qmin and qmax are set to 0:75d and
using a link-based similarity algorithm, and 3) a final clustering result ( ) 0:85d. An attribute is selected one by one from the pool of d
is produced by a consensus function of the spectral graph partitioning.
attributes, until the collection of q is obtained. The index of
each randomly selected attribute is determined as
used to represent the ensemble information. The focus has
h ¼ b1 þ dc, given that h denotes the hth attribute in the
shifted from revealing the similarity among data points to
pool of d attributes and  2 ½0; 1Þ is a uniform random
estimating those between clusters. A new link-based
variable. Note that k-modes is exploited to create a cluster
algorithm has been specifically proposed to generate such
ensemble from the set of subspace attributes, using both
measures in an accurate, inexpensive manner. The LCE
Fixed-k and Random-k schemes for selecting the number of
methodology is illustrated in Fig. 3. It includes three major
steps of: 1) creating base clusterings to form a cluster
ensemble (), 2) generating a refined cluster-association 3.2 Generating a Refined Matrix
matrix (RM) using a link-based similarity algorithm, and Several cluster ensemble methods, both for numerical [28],
3) producing the final data partition ( ) by exploiting the [29] and categorical data [48], [49], are based on the binary
spectral graph partitioning technique as a consensus cluster-association matrix. Each entry in this matrix
function. BMðxi ; clÞ 2 f0; 1g represents a crisp association degree
3.1 Creating a Cluster Ensemble between data point xi 2 X and cluster cl 2 . According
to Fig. 2 that shows an example of cluster ensemble and the
Type I (Direct ensemble). Following the study in [49], the first corresponding BM, a large number of entries in the BM are
type of cluster ensemble transforms the problem of unknown, each presented with “0.” Such condition occurs
categorical data clustering to cluster ensembles by con- when relations between different clusters of a base cluster-
sidering each categorical attribute value (or label) as a ing are originally assumed to be nil. In fact, each data point
cluster in an ensemble. Let X ¼ fx1 ; . . . ; xN g be a set of N can possibly associate (to a certain degree within ½0; 1) to
data points, A ¼ fa1 ; . . . ; aM g be a set of categorical several clusters of any particular clustering. These hidden or
attributes, and  ¼ f1 ; . . . ; M g be a set of M partitions. unknown associations can be estimated from the similarity
Each partition i is generated for a specific categorical among clusters, discovered from a network of clusters.
attribute ai 2 A. Clusters belonging to a partition i ¼ Based on this insight, the refined cluster-association
fC1i ; . . . ; Cki i g correspond S
to different values of the attribute matrix is put forward as the enhanced variation of the
ai ¼ fai1 ; . . . ; aiki g, where kj¼1
Cji ¼ ai and ki is the number original BM. Its aim is to approximate the value of unknown
of values of attribute ai . With this formalism, categorical associations (“0”) from known ones (“1”), whose association
data X can be directly transformed to a cluster ensemble , degrees are preserved within the RM, i.e., BMðxi ; clÞ ¼
without actually implementing any base clustering. While 1 ! RMðxi ; clÞ ¼ 1. For each clustering t ; t ¼ 1 . . . M and
single-attribute data partitions may not be as accurate as their corresponding clusters C1t ; . . . ; Ckt t (where kt is the
those obtained from the clustering of all data attributes, number of clusters in the clustering t ), the association
they can bring about great diversity within an ensemble. degree RMðxi ; clÞ 2 ½0; 1 that data point xi 2 X has with
Besides its efficiency, this ensemble generation method has each cluster cl 2 fC1t ; . . . ; Ckt t g is estimated as follows:
the potential to lead to a high-quality clustering result.

Type II (Full-space ensemble). Unlike the previous case, the 1; ifcl ¼ Ct ðxi Þ;
following two ensemble types are created from base RMðxi ; clÞ ¼ t ð2Þ
simðcl; C ðxi ÞÞ; otherwise;
clustering results, each of which is obtained by applying a
clustering algorithm to the categorical data set. For this study, where Ct ðxi Þ is a cluster label (corresponding to a particular
the k-modes technique [8] is used to generate base cluster- cluster of the clustering t ) to which data point xi belongs.
ings, each with a random initialization of cluster centers. In In addition, simðCx ; Cy Þ 2 ½0; 1 denotes the similarity
particular to a full-space ensemble, base clusterings are between any two clusters Cx ; Cy , which can be discovered
created from the original data, i.e., with all data attributes. To using the following link-based
P algorithm. Note that, for any
introduce an artificial instability to k-modes, the following clustering t 2 , 1  8C2t RMðxi ; CÞ  kt . Unlike the
two schemes are employed to select thep number of clusters in measure
P of fuzzy membership, the typical constraint of
each base clusterings: 1) Fixed-k, k ¼ d N e (where Npisffiffiffiffiffithe 8C2t RMðx i ; CÞ ¼ 1 is not appropriate for rescaling
number of data points), and 2) Random-k, k 2 f2; . . . ; d N eg. associations within the RM. In fact, this local normalization
Type III (Subspace ensemble). Another alternative to will significantly distort the true semantics of known
generate diversity within an ensemble is to exploit a associations (“1”), such that their magnitudes become
number of different data subsets. To this extent, the cluster dissimilar, different from one clustering to another. Accord-
ensemble is established on various data subspaces, from ing to the empirical investigation, this fuzzy-like enforce-
which base clustering results are generated [48]. Similar to ment decreases the quality of the RM, and hence, the
the study in [41], for a given N  d data set of N data points performance of the resulting cluster ensemble method.

to features that are common to most of the pages. For WTQ,

(4) can be modified to discriminate the quality of shared
triples between a pair of clusters in question. The quality of
each cluster is determined by the rarity of links connecting
to other clusters in a network. With a weighted graph G
presented in Fig. 4, the WTQ measure of clusters Cx ; Cy 2 V
with respect to each triple Ck 2 V is estimated by
W T Qkxy ¼ : ð5Þ
Fig. 4. An example of a cluster network, where each edge is marked with Wk
its weight. P
Here, Wk is defined as Wk ¼ 8t2Nk wtk , where Nk  V
denotes the set of clusters that is directly linked to the
3.2.1 Weighted Triple-Quality (WTQ): A New cluster Ck , such that 8Ct 2 Nk ; wtk 2 W . The accumulative
Link-Based Similarity Algorithm WTQ score from all triples ð1 . . . qÞ between clusters Cx and
Given a cluster ensemble  of a set of data points X, a Cy can be found as follows:
weighted graph G ¼ ðV ; W Þ can be constructed, where V is
the set of vertices each representing a cluster and W is a set X
W T Qxy ¼ W T Qkxy : ð6Þ
of weighted edges between clusters. Formally, the weight
assigned to the edge wxy 2 W , that connects clusters
Cx ; Cy 2 V , is estimated by the proportion of their over- The WTQ algorithm is summarized below:
lapping members.
jLx \ Ly j G ¼ ðV ; W Þ, a weighted graph, where Cx ; Cy 2 V ;
wxy ¼ ; ð3Þ Nk  V , a set of adjacent neighbors of Ck 2 V ;
jLx [ Ly j P
Wk ¼ 8Ct 2Nk wtk ;
where Lz  X denotes the set of data points belonging to W T Qxy , the WTQ measure of Cx {and} Cy ;
cluster Cz 2 V . Fig. 4 shows the network of clusters that is (1) W T Qxy 0
generated from the example given in Fig. 2. Note that circle (2) For each c 2 Nx
nodes represent clusters and edges exist only when the (3) If c 2 Ny
corresponding weights are nonzero. (4) W T Qxy W T Qxy þ W1c
Shared neighbors have been widely recognized as the (5) Return W T Qxy
basic evidence to justify the similarity among vertices in
a link network [35], [36]. Formally, a vertex Ck 2 V is a Following that, the similarity between clusters Cx and Cy
common neighbor (sometimes called “triple,” which is can be estimated by
short for “center of the connected triple”) of vertices W T Qxy
Cx ; Cy 2 V , provided that wxk ; wyk 2 W . Many advanced simðCx ; Cy Þ ¼  DC; ð7Þ
W T Qmax
methods extend this basis by taking into account common
neighbors that may be many edges away from the two where W T Qmax is the maximum W T Qpq value of any two
under examination: for instance, Connected-Path [34], clusters Cp ; Cq 2 V and DC 2 ½0; 1 is a constant decay factor
SimRank [52], and a variation of random walk algorithms (i.e., confidence level of accepting two nonidentical clusters
[53], [54]. Despite reported effectiveness, these techniques as being similar). With this link-based similarity metric,
are computationally expensive, or even impractical for a simðCx ; Cy Þ 2 ½0; 1 with simðCx ; Cx Þ ¼ 1, Cx ; Cy 2 V . It is
large data set. Henceforth, the Weighted Triple-Quality also reflexive such that simðCx ; Cy Þ is equivalent to
algorithm is proposed, as part of the current research, for
simðCy ; Cx Þ. Following the example shown in Figs. 2 and
the efficient approximation of the similarity between
4, the WTQ similarity among different clusters and the
clusters in a link network. Unlike the technique in [55] that
resulting RM are presented in Figs. 5a and 5b, respectively.
simply counts the number of triples, WTQ aims to
differentiate the significance of triples and hence their 3.3 Applying a Consensus Function to RM
contributions toward the underlying similarity measure. Having obtained an RM, a graph-based partitioning method
WTQ is inspired by the initial measure in [56], which is exploited to obtain the final clustering. This consensus
evaluates the association between home pages. In particu-
function requires the underlying matrix to be initially
lar, features of the compared pages pa and pb are used to
transformed into a weighted bipartite graph. Given an RM
estimate their similarity sðpa ; pb Þ as follows:
representing associations between N data points and P
X 1 clusters in an ensemble , a weighted graph G ¼ ðV ; W Þ can
sðpa ; pb Þ ¼ ; ð4Þ
8z 2Z
logðfrequencyðzc ÞÞ be constructed, where V ¼ V X [ V C is a set of vertices
representing both data points V X and clusters V C , and W
where Z denotes the set of features shared by home pages denotes a set of weighted edges that can be defined as follows:
pa and pb , and frequencyðzd Þ represents the number of times
zd appearing in the studied set of pages. Note that the . 6 W when vertices vi ; vj 2 V X .
wij 2
method gives high weights to rare features and low weights . wij 26 W when vertices vi ; vj 2 V C .

using a simple discretization process. For each attribute,

any value less than the median is assigned a label “0,”
otherwise “1.” Note that the selected set of data records
covers 20 different connection classes. These two data sets
are specifically included to assess the performance of
different clustering methods, with respect to the large
numbers of dimensionality and data points, respectively.

4.2 Experiment Design

Fig. 5. The illustrations of (a) WTQ similarity degrees between different
clusters and (b) the resulting RM, where DC ¼ 0:9. The experiments set out to investigate the performance of
LCE compared to a number of clustering algorithms, both
.Otherwise, wij ¼ RMðvi ; vj Þ when vertices vi 2 V X specifically developed for categorical data analysis and
and vj 2 V C . Note that the graph G is bidirectional those state-of-the-art cluster ensemble techniques found in
such that wij is equivalent to wji . literature. Baseline model is also included in the assess-
Given such a graph, a spectral graph partitioning ment, which simply applies SPEC, as a consensus function,
method similar to that in [47] is applied to generate a final to the conventional BM (see Section 4.2.2). For comparison,
data partition. This is a powerful method for decomposing as in [28], [31], [22], each clustering method divides data
an undirected graph, with good performance being ex- points into a partition of K (the number of true classes for
hibited in many application areas, including protein each data set) clusters, which is then evaluated against the
modeling, information retrieval, and identification of corresponding true partition using the following set of
densely connected online hypertextual regions [57]. Princi- label-based evaluation indices: Classification Accuracy
pally, given a graph G ¼ ðV ; W Þ, SPEC first finds the K (CA) [23], Normalized Mutual Information (NMI) [29] and
largest eigenvectors u1 ; . . . ; uK of W , which are used to Adjusted Rand (AR) Index [59]. Further details of these
formed another matrix U (i.e., U ¼ ½u1 ; . . . ; uK ), whose rows quality measures are provided in Section I of the online
are then normalized to have unit length. By considering the supplementary.3 Note that, true classes are known for all
row of U as K-dimensional embedding of the graph data sets but are explicitly not used by the cluster ensemble
vertices, SPEC applies k-means to these embedded points process. They are only used to evaluate the quality of the
in order to acquire the final clustering result. clustering results.

4.2.1 Parameter Settings

4 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION In order to evaluate the quality of cluster ensemble methods
This section presents the evaluation of the proposed link- previously identified, they are empirically compared, using
based method (LCE), using a variety of validity indices and the settings of cluster ensembles exhibited below.
real data sets. The quality of data partitions generated by
this technique is assessed against those created by different . Five types of cluster ensembles are investigated in
this evaluation: Type-I, Type-II (Fixed-k), Type-II
categorical data clustering algorithms and cluster ensemble
(Random-k), Type-III (Fixed-k), and Type-III (Ran-
dom-k). The k-modes clustering algorithm is speci-
4.1 Investigated Data Sets fically used to generate the base clusterings.
The experimental evaluation is conducted over nine data . Ensemble size (M) of 10 is experimented.
sets. The “20Newsgroup” data set is a subset of the well- . The quality of each method with respect to a specific
ensemble setting is generalized as the average of
known text data collection—20-Newsgroups,2 while the
50 runs.
others are obtained from the UCI Machine Learning
. The constant decay factor (DC) of 0.9 is exploited
Repository [58]. Their details are summarized in Table 1.
with WTQ.
Missing values (denoted as “?”) in these data sets are
simply treated as a new categorical value. The “20News- 4.2.2 Compared Methods
group” data set contains 1,000 documents from two news- To fully evaluate the potential of the proposed method, it is
groups, each of which is described by the occurrences of compared to the baseline model (referred to as “Base”
6,084 different terms. In particular, the frequency hereafter), which applies SPEC to the BM. This allows the
(f 2 f0; 1; . . . ; 1g) that a key word appears in each quality of BM and RM to be directly compared. In addition,
document is transformed into a nominal value: “Yes” if five clustering techniques for categorical data and five
f > 0, “No” otherwise. Moreover, the “KDDCup99” data methods developed for cluster ensemble problems are
set used in this evaluation is a randomly selected subset of included in this evaluation. Details of these techniques are
the original data. Each data point (or record) corresponds to given below.
a network connection and contains 42 attributes: some are Clustering algorithms for categorical data. Based on their
nominal and the rest are continuous. Following the study in notable performance reported in the literature and avail-
[17], numerical attributes are transformed to categorical ability, five different algorithms are selected to demonstrate

2. http://people.csail.mit.edu/jrennie/20Newsgroups/. 3. Available at http://itschool.mfu.ac.th/~natthakan/tkde2012/.


TABLE 1 (MCLA). The first two algorithms are based principally on

Description of Data Sets: Number of the pairwise similarity among data points. Given a cluster
Data Points (N), Attributes (d), ensemble  ¼ f1 ; . . . ; M g of a data set X ¼ fx1 ; . . . ; xN g,
Attribute Values (A
A), and Classes (K) an N  N similarity matrix (CO) is constructed by
COðxi ; xj Þ ¼ M1 M m¼1 Sm ðxi ; xj Þ, where COðxi ; xj Þ 2 ½0; 1 re-
presents the similarity measure between data points
xi ; xj 2 X. In addition, Sm ðxi ; xj Þ ¼ 1 if C m ðxi Þ ¼ C m ðxj Þ,
and Sm ðxi ; xj Þ ¼ 0 otherwise. Note that C m ðxi Þ denotes the
cluster label of the mth clustering to which a data point xi 2
X belongs. Since CO is a similarity matrix, any similarity-
based clustering algorithm can be applied to this matrix to
yield the final partition  . Specifically to [31], the single-
linkage (SL) and average-linkage (AL) agglomerative hier-
archical clusterings are used for such purpose.
To consolidate the underlying evaluation, three well-
the efficiency of conventional techniques to clustering known graph-based cluster ensemble algorithms are also
categorical data: Squeezer, GAClust, k-modes, CLOPE, examined: CSPA, HGPA, and MCLA [29]. First, the Cluster-
and Cobweb. Squeezer [9] is a single-pass algorithm that based Similarity Partitioning Algorithm creates a similarity
considers one data point at a time. Each data point is either graph, where vertices represent data points and edges’
placed in one of the existing clusters if their distance is less weight represent similarity scores obtained from the CO
than a given threshold, or used to form a new cluster.
matrix. Afterward, a graph partitioning algorithm called
GAClust [11] searches for a data partition (referred to as the
METIS [46] is used to partition the similarity graph into K
“median” partition), which has the minimum dissimilarity
clusters. The Hypergraph Partitioning Algorithm constructs
to those partitions generated by categorical attributes. Note
a hypergraph, where vertices represent data points and the
that the similarity (or closeness) between two partitions is
same-weighted hyperedges represent clusters in the en-
estimated by using a generalization of the classical condi-
semble. Then, HMETIS [60] is applied to partition the
tional entropy. A genetic algorithm has been employed to
underlying hypergraph into K parts with roughly the same
make the underlying search process more efficient, with the
size. Unlike the previous methods, the Metaclustering
partitions being represented by chromosomes.
k-modes [8] extends the conventional k-means technique, Algorithm generated a graph that represents the relation-
with a simple matching dissimilarity measure. The distance ships among clusters in the ensemble. In this metalevel
is estimated by the number of common categorical graph, each vertex corresponds to each cluster in the
attributes shared by two data points. It iteratively refines ensemble and each edge’s weight between any two cluster
k cluster representatives, each as the attribute vector that vertices is computed using the binary Jaccard measure.
has the minimal distance to all the points in a cluster (i.e., METIS is also employed to partition the metalevel graph
the cluster’s most frequent attribute values). CLOPE [18] is into K metaclusters. Each data point has a specific
a fast and scalable clustering technique, initially designed association degree to each metacluster. This can be
for transactional data analysis. Its underlying concept is to estimated from the number of original clusters to which
increase the height-to-width ratio of the cluster histogram. the data point belongs, in the underlying metacluster. The
This is achieved through a repulsion parameter that final clustering is produced by assigning each data point to
controls tightness of transactions in a cluster, and hence the metacluster with which it is most frequently associated.
the resulting number of clusters. Cobweb [12] is a
4.3 Experiment Results
conceptual clustering method. It creates a classification
tree, in which each node corresponds to a concept. Based on the classification accuracy, Table 2 compares the
Observations are incrementally integrated into the classifi- performance of different clustering techniques over exam-
cation tree, along the path of best matching nodes. This is ined data sets. Note that the presented measures of cluster
guided by the heuristic evaluation measure, called category ensemble methods that implement the ensemble Type-II
utility. A given utility threshold determines the sibling and Type-III are the averages across 50 runs. In addition, a
nodes that are used to form the resulting data partition. measure is marked “N/A” when the clustering result is not
In this experiment, a similarity threshold, a repulsion obtainable. For each data set, the highest five CA-based
value, and a category utility threshold, which are required values are highlighted in boldface.
(as an input) by Squeezer, CLOPE, and Cobweb, respec- The results shown in this table indicate that the LCE
tively, are set particularly for each data set such that a methods usually perform better than the investigated
desired number of clusters is obtained. As for the GAClust collection of cluster ensemble techniques and clustering
algorithm, the population size is set to be 50, the seed algorithms for categorical data. In particular to Type-II and
parameter 2 f1; . . . ; 10g and other parameters are left to Type-III ensembles, LCE also enhances the performance of
their default values. k-modes, which is used as base clusterings. According to
Cluster ensemble methods. LCE is also assessed against five the findings with the 20Newsgroup data set, LCE is
ensemble methods of CO+SL, CO+AL, Cluster-based Simi- effective for such high-dimensional data, where Squeezer
larity Partitioning Algorithm (CSPA), Hyper-Graph Parti- and Cobweb fail to generate the clustering results. Likewise,
tioning Algorithm (HGPA), and Metaclustering Algorithm LCE is also applicable to a large data set such as

Classification Accuracy of Different Clustering Methods

The five highest CA scores of each data set are highlighted in boldface. Note that unobtainable results are marked as “N/A.”

KDDCup99, for which several cluster ensemble techniques In order to further evaluate the quality of identified
(CO+SL, CO+AL, and CSPA) are immaterial. techniques, the number of times that one method is
With the measures of LCE models being mostly higher significantly better and worse (of 95 percent confidence
than those of the corresponding baseline counterparts level) than the others are assessed across experimented data
(Base), the quality of the RM appears to be significantly sets. Let X C ði; Þ be the average value of validity index C 2
better than that of the original, binary variation. As fCA; NMI; ARg across n runs (n ¼ 50 in this evaluation)
compared to the LCE models that use Type-II and Type- for a clustering method i 2 CM (CM is a set of 40
III ensembles (both “Fixed-k” and “Random-k”), the LCE experimented clustering methods), on a specific data set
with Type-I (or direct) ensemble is less effective. This is  2 DT (DT is a set of six data sets). To obtain a fair
greatly due to the quality of base clusterings, which are comparison, this pairwise assessment is conducted on the
single attribute and multiattribute for Type-I and the others, results with six data sets, where the clustering results can be
respectively. Despite its inefficiency, CSPA has the best obtained for all the clustering methods. Also note that CM
performance among assessed ensemble methods. In addi- consists of five clustering algorithms for categorical data
tion, Cobweb is the most effective among five categorical and 35 different cluster ensemble models, each of which is a
data clustering algorithms included in this evaluation. unique combination of ensemble type (i.e., Type-I, Type-
Similar experimental results are also observed using NMI II(Fixed-k), Type-II(Random-k), Type-III(Fixed-k), and
and AR evaluation indices. The corresponding details are Type-III(Random-k)) and ensemble method (i.e., LCE, Base,
given in Section II-A of the online supplementary. CO+SL, CO+AL, CSPA, HGPA, and MCLA).

The 95 percent confidence interval, ½LXC ði;Þ ; UXC ði;Þ , TABLE 3

for the mean XC ði; Þ of each validity criterion C is The Pairwise Performance Comparison among
calculated by Examined Clustering Methods

SC ði; Þ
LXC ði;Þ ¼ XC ði; Þ  1:96 pffiffiffi
SC ði; Þ
and UXC ði;Þ ¼ XC ði; Þ þ 1:96 pffiffiffi
Note that SC ði; Þ denotes the standard deviation of the
validity index C across n runs for a clustering method i and
a data set . The number of times that one method i 2 CM
is significantly better than its competitors, BC ðiÞ (in
accordance with the validity criterion C), can be defined as
BC ðiÞ ¼ betterC ði; i Þ; ð8Þ
82DT 8i 2CM;i 6¼i

1; ifLXC ði;Þ > UXC ði ;Þ ;
betterC ði; i Þ ¼ ð9Þ
0; otherwise:
Similarly, the number of times that one method i 2 CM is
significantly worse than its competitors, WC ðiÞ, in accor-
dance with the validity criterion C, can be computed as
WC ðiÞ ¼ worseC ði; i Þ; ð10Þ
82DT 8i 2CM;i 6¼i

1; ifUXC ði;Þ < LXC ði ;Þ ;
worseC ði; i Þ ¼ ð11Þ
0; otherwise:
Using the aforementioned assessment formalism, Table
3 illustrates for each method the frequencies of significant
better (B) and significant worse (W ) performance, which
are categorized in accordance with the evaluation indices
(CA, NMI, and AR). The results shown in this table
For each evaluation index, “B” and “W ” denote the number of times that
indicate the superior effectiveness of the proposed link- a particular method performs significantly “better” and “worse” than the
based methods, as compared to other clustering techni- others.
ques included in this experiment. To better perceive this
comparison, Fig. 6 summarizes the total performance link-based methods perform better than their competitors.
(B  W ) of each clustering method, sorted in the In fact, these LCE models have the highest five statistics
descending order, across all evaluation indices and six of B  W , while CO+AL with a Type-II(Fixed-k) ensemble
data sets. Note that the total performance (B  W ) of any is the most effective among compared techniques. In
particular algorithm is specified as the difference between addition, Cobweb and Squeezer perform better than the
corresponding values of B and W . It can be seen that all other three categorical data clustering algorithms. Another

Fig. 6. The statistics of total performance (B  W ) at 95 percent confidence level, summarized across all evaluation indices and six data sets, and
sorted in descending order.

Fig. 7. The relations between DC 2 f0:1; 0:2; . . . ; 0:9g and the perfor-
mance of the LCE models (the averages across all validity indices and
six data sets), whose values are presented in X-axis and Y-axis,
respectively. Note that the performance of other clustering methods is Fig. 8. Performance of different cluster ensemble methods in accor-
also included for a comparison purpose. (a) Ensemble Type I. dance with ensemble size (M 2 f10; 20; . . . ; 100g), as the averages of
(b) Ensemble Type II-Fixed-k. (c) Ensemble Type II-Random-k. validity measures (CA, NMI, and AR) across six data sets. (a) Ensemble
(d) Ensemble Type III-Fixed-k. (e) Ensemble Type III-Random-k. Type II-Fixed-k. (b) Ensemble Type II-Random-k. (c) Ensemble Type III-
Fixed-k. (d) Ensemble Type III-Random-k.
important investigation is on the subject of relations
between performance of experimented cluster ensemble this assessment. Another important observation is that the
methods and different types of ensemble being explored effectiveness of the link-based measure decreases as DC
in the present evaluation. To this point, it has been becomes smaller. Intuitively, the significance of disclosed
demonstrated that the LCE approach is more accurate associations becomes trivial when DC is low. Hence, they
than other cluster ensemble methods, across all examined may be overlooked by a consensus function and the quality
ensemble types. Further details of the results and of the resulting data partition is not improved.
Another parameter that may determine the quality of
discussion regarding the effect of ensemble types on the
data partition generated by a cluster ensemble technique is
performance of LCE are provided in Section II-B of the
the ensemble size (M). Intuitively, the larger an ensemble is,
online supplementary.
the better the performance becomes. According to Fig. 8
4.4 Parameter and Complexity Analysis which is obtained with a DC of 0.9, this heuristic is
generally applicable to LCE with Type-II and Type-III
The parameter analysis aims to provide a practical means
ensembles, where its average quality measures (across all
by which users can make the best use of the link-based
validity indices and six data sets) gradually incline to the
framework. Essentially, the performance of the resulting increasing value of M 2 f10; 20; . . . ; 100g. Furthermore, LCE
technique is dependant on the decay factor (i.e., performs consistently better than its competitors with all
DC 2 ½0; 1), which is used in estimating the similarity different ensemble sizes, while CO+SL is apparently the
among clusters and association degrees previously un- least effective. Note that a bigger ensemble leads to an
known in the original BM. improved accuracy, but with the trade-off of runtime—but,
We varied the value of this parameter from 0.1 through again, even the worst results of LCE are better than the best
0.9, in steps of 0.1, and obtained the results in Fig. 7. Note results of the other methods.
that the presented results are obtained with the ensemble Besides previous quality assessments, computational
size (M) of 10. The figure clearly shows that the results of requirements of the link-based method are discussed here.
LCE are robust across different ensemble types, and do not Primarily, the time complexity of creating the RM is
depend strongly on any particular value of DC. This makes OðP 2 þ NP Þ, where N is the number of data points. While
it easy for users to obtain high-quality, reliable results, with P denotes the number of clusters in a Type-II or Type-III
the best outcomes being obtained with values of DC ensemble, it represents the cardinality of all categorical
between 0.7 and 0.9. Although there is variation in response values in a direct ensemble (i.e., Type-I). Please consult
across the DC values, the performance of LCE is always Section III in the online supplementary for the details of the
better than any of the other clustering methods included in scalability evaluation.

5 DISCUSSION corresponding similarity exceeds a user-defined threshold.

With tuples being initially regarded as singleton clusters,
The difficulty of categorical data analysis is characterized
ROCK merges clusters in an agglomerative hierarchical
by the fact that there is no inherent distance (or similarity)
fashion, while optimizing a cluster quality that is defined in
between attribute values. The RM matrix that is generated
terms of the number of links across clusters. Note that the
within the LCE approach allows such measure between
graph models used by ROCK and LCE are dissimilar—the
values of the same attribute to be systematically quantified.
graph of data points and that of attribute values (or
The concept of link analysis [34], [35], [36] is uniquely
clusters), respectively. Since the number of data points is
applied to discover the similarity among attribute values,
normally greater than that of attribute values, ROCK is less
which are modeled as vertices in an undirected graph. In
efficient than LCE. As a result, it is unsuitable for large data
particular, two vertices are similar if the neighboring
sets [15]. Also, the selection of a “smooth function” that is
contexts in which they appear are similar. In other words,
used to estimate a cluster quality is a delicate and difficult
their similarity is justified upon values of other attributes
task for average users [17].
with which they co-occur. While the LCE methodology is
CACTUS [16] also relies on the co-occurrence among
novel for the problem of cluster ensemble, the concept of
attribute values. In essence, two attribute values are
defining similarity among attribute values (especially with
strongly connected if their support (i.e., the proportion of
the case of “direct” ensemble, Type-I) has been analogously
tuples in which the values co-occur) exceeds a prespecified
adopted by several categorical data clustering algorithms.
value. By extending this concept to all attributes, CACTUS
Initially, the problem of defining a context-based
searches for the “distinguishing sets,” which are attribute
similarity measure has been investigated in [61] and [62].
value sets that uniquely occur within only one cluster.
In particular, an iterative algorithm, called “Iterated
These sets correspond to cluster projections that can be
Contextual Distances (ICD),” is introduced to compute the
combined to formulate the final clusters. Unlike LCE, the
proximity between two values. Similar to LCE, the under-
underlying problem is not designed using a graph based
lying distance metric is based on the occurrence statistics of
concept. It is also noteworthy that CACTUS and its recent
attribute values. However, the fundamental information
extension [65] assume each cluster to be identified by a set
model that is used by ICD and LCE to capture the
of attribute values that occur in no other cluster. While such
associations between data points and attribute values are
conjecture may hold true for some data sets, it is unnatural
notably different: a sequential probabilistic chain and a link
and unnecessary for the clustering process [15]. This rigid
network for ICD and LCE, respectively. Note that LCE
constraint is not implemented by the LCE method.
makes use of WTQ that is a single-pass similarity algorithm,
Besides these approaches, traditional categorical data
while ICD requires the chain model to be randomly
analysis also utilizes the “market-basket” numerical repre-
initialized and iteratively updated to a fixed point.
sentation of the nominal data matrix [50], [51]. This
Despite pursuing an objective analogous to that of the
transformed matrix is similar to the BM, which has been
LCE approach, several categorical data clustering methods
refined to the RM counterpart by LCE. A similar attempt in
have been developed using different mechanisms to specify
[66] identifies the connection between “category utility” of
a distance between attribute values: STIRR, ROCK, and
the conceptual clustering (Cobweb) [12] and the classical
CACTUS, for instance. STIRR [13] is an iterative algorithm
objective function of k-means. As a result, the so-called
based on nonlinear dynamical systems. A database is
market-basket matrix used by the former is transformed to a
encoded into a graph structure, where each weighted node
variation that can be efficiently utilized by the latter. The
stands for a specific attribute value. STIRR iteratively
intuitions of creating this rescaled matrix and the RM are
updates the weight configuration until a stable point (called
fairly similar. However, the methods used to generate them
“basin”) is reached. This is achieved using a user-defined
are totally different. LCE discovers unknown entries (i.e.,
“combiner function” to estimate a node weight from those
“0”) in the original BM from known entries (“1”), which are
of others that associate to the same data records. Unlike
preserved and left unchanged. On the other hand, the
LCE, the similarity between any node pair cannot be
method in [66] maps the attribute-value-specific “1” and
explicitly measured here. In fact, STIRR only divides nodes
“0” entries to the unique, standardized values. Unlike the
of each attribute into two groups (one with large positive
RM, this matrix does not conserve the known fact (“1”
weights and the other with small negative weights) that
entries), whose values are now different from one to
correspond to projections of clusters on the attribute. Yet,
another attribute.
the postprocessing required to generate the actual clusters
Despite the fact that many clustering algorithms and
is nontrivial and not addressed in the original work. While
LCE are developed with the capability of comparing
LCE is generally robust to parameter settings, it is hard to attribute values in mind, they achieve the desired metric
analyze the stability of the STIRR system for any useful differently, using specific information models. LCE un-
combiner function [63]. Rigorous experimentation and fine iquely and explicitly models the underlying problem as the
tuning of parameters are needed for the generation of a evaluation of link-based similarity among graph vertices,
meaningful clustering [64]. which stand for specific attribute values (for Type-I
ROCK [14] makes use of a link graph, in which nodes ensemble) or generated clusters (for Type-II and Type-III).
and links represent data points (or tuples) and their The resulting system is more efficient and robust, as
similarity, respectively. Two tuples are similar if they compared to other clustering techniques emphasized thus
shared a large number of attribute values. Note that the far. In addition to SPEC, many other classical clustering
link connecting two nodes is included only when the techniques, k-means and PAM among others, can be

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[43] B. Minaei-Bidgoli, A. Topchy, and W. Punch, “A Comparison of cal data analysis, advance database technology
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[45] M. Law, A. Topchy, and A.K. Jain, “Multiobjective Data Tossapon Boongoen received the PhD de-
Clustering,” Proc. IEEE Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recogni- gree in artificial intelligence from Cranfield
tion, vol. 2, pp. 424-430, 2004. University and worked as a postdoctoral
[46] G. Karypis and V. Kumar, “Multilevel K-Way Partitioning research associate at Aberystwyth University,
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[47] A. Ng, M. Jordan, and Y. Weiss, “On Spectral Clustering: Analysis Science, Royal Thai Air Force Academy,
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Clustering Categorical Data,” Information Fusion, vol. 6, no. 2, University in the Department of Computer
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Rules between Sets of Items in Large Databases,” Proc. ACM clustering, which have been his interests for
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[51] P.N. Tan, M. Steinbach, and V. Kumar, Introduction to Data Mining. his contribution to artificial immune systems, and
Addison Wesley, 2005. has done work on their ability to cluster data and
[52] G. Jeh and J. Widom, “Simrank: A Measure of Structural-Context find cluster centers quickly and efficiently.
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Data Mining (KDD), pp. 538-543, 2002.
[53] F. Fouss, A. Pirotte, J.M. Renders, and M. Saerens, “Random-Walk
Computation of Similarities between Nodes of a Graph with Chris Price received the BSc degree in com-
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[54] E. Minkov, W.W. Cohen, and A.Y. Ng, “Contextual Search and building artificial intelligence systems in industry,
Name Disambiguation in Email Using Graphs,” Proc. Int’l Conf. returned to academia in 1986. He received the
Research and Development in IR, pp. 27-34, 2006. PhD degree in computer science from Aberyst-
[55] P. Reuther and B. Walter, “Survey on Test Collections and wyth University in 1994, where he was made a
Techniques for Personal Name Matching,” Int’l J. Metadata, full professor in 1999. Much of his research has
Semantics and Ontologies, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 89-99, 2006. concentrated on reasoning from models to build
design and diagnosis tools for use by engineers
[56] L.A. Adamic and E. Adar, “Friends and Neighbors on the Web,”
in automotive and aerospace companies.
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[57] U. Luxburg, “A Tutorial on Spectral Clustering,” Statistics and
Computing, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 395-416, 2007.
[58] A. Asuncion and D.J. Newman, “UCI Machine Learning Reposi- . For more information on this or any other computing topic,
tory,” School of Information and Computer Science, Univ. of please visit our Digital Library at www.computer.org/publications/dlib.
California, http://www.ics.uci.edu/~mlearn/MLRepository.
html, 2007.
[59] L. Hubert and P. Arabie, “Comparing Partitions,” J. Classification,
vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 193-218, 1985.
[60] G. Karypis, R. Aggarwal, V. Kumar, and S. Shekhar, “Multilevel
Hypergraph Partitioning: Applications in VLSI Domain,” IEEE
Trans. Very Large Scale Integration Systems, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 69-79,
Mar. 1999.
[61] G. Das and H. Mannila, “Context-Based Similarity Methods for
Categorical Attributes,” Proc. Principles of Data Mining and Knowl-
edge. Discovery (PKDD), pp. 201-211, 2000.
[62] G. Das, H. Mannila, and P. Ronkainen, “Similarity of Attributes by
External Probes,” Proc. ACM SIGKDD Int’l Conf. Knowledge
Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), pp. 16-22, 1998.
[63] Y. Zhang, A. Fu, C. Cai, and P. Heng, “Clustering Categorical
Data,” Proc. Int’l Conf. Data Eng. (ICDE), p. 305, 2000.
[64] M. Dutta, A.K. Mahanta, and A.K. Pujari, “QROCK: A Quick
Version of the ROCK Algorithm for Clustering of Categorical
Data,” Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 26, pp. 2364-2373, 2005.

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