HDWriterAE (5 3L019) - Manual

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Operating Instructions

High-definition video Management/Easy Editing Software

HD Writer AE 5.3

Thank you for using HD Writer AE.

Before use, please read these instructions completely.
© Panasonic Corporation 2016
Introduction Advanced Features
Read before starting operation............................ 5 Feature overview................................................. 28
General precautions.............................................. 9 Launching HD Writer........................................... 29
Operating environments..................................... 12 Copying videos to a computer........................... 30
Recordable media............................................... 15 About the main window...................................... 33
Switching between window display styles....... 35
Preparation Displaying videos in a folder in list view................................ 35
Displaying videos with the same recording date................... 36
Connect the video camera to a computer......... 17
Disconnecting the video camera when it is connected to the Copying/moving videos...................................... 37
PC via a USB connection cable............................................ 18 Deleting videos.................................................... 38
Using the Smart Wizard Protecting videos................................................ 39
Setting as Favorites............................................ 40
Feature overview................................................. 19 Displaying the Playback window....................... 42
Copying video to a computer via a USB Playing back slide shows................................... 45
connection cable................................................. 20
Playing media...................................................... 52
Copying motion pictures to discs...................... 22
Displaying detailed video information............... 53
Editing videos on your computer...................... 54

HD Writer AE 2
Converting files into JPEG format......................................... 88
Editing motion pictures
Changing several picture file names at one time.................. 89
(Basic operations)......................................... 55 Changing the recording date and time.................................. 90
Creating a new motion picture editing project....................... 55
Adding date and title information to a picture........................ 93
Opening saved edit process................................................. 58
Deleting saved edit process.................................................. 59 Record on storage media................................... 95
About the edit video window................................................. 60 Recording....................................................... 95
Editing motion pictures Recording formats................................................................. 95
(Editing from the storyboard area).............. 62 Top menus............................................................................ 95
Dividing scenes..................................................................... 63 Additional recording on media with existing content............. 96
Trimming one selected portion in the scene......................... 64 Recording motion pictures........................... 97
Adding still pictures or color clips with a set playback time Recording still pictures.............................. 111
between scenes.................................................................... 65 Using convenient features............................... 112
Assigning titles...................................................................... 66 Creating still pictures from motion pictures.... 112
Adding special effects to scenes........................................... 67
Creating short movie stories...................... 113
Adding decorative effects to scenes..................................... 68
Editing BGM.........................................................................117
Adjusting the balance between the sound of the
Editing the order of motion pictures and still pictures in the
motion picture and the BGM................................................. 69
scenario and other settings..................................................118
Adding scene transitions....................................................... 70
Loading a saved story..........................................................119
Setting the BGM for the entire project................................... 71
Deleting stories................................................................... 120
Editing motion pictures Retouching motion pictures....................... 121
(Editing in the timeline area)........................ 73 Adding animation effects to objects.................................... 127
Adding a scene..................................................................... 74 Loading a saved video retouch project............................... 128
Adding a title......................................................................... 75 Deleting video retouch projects........................................... 129
Dividing a scene.................................................................... 76 Advanced “Video retouch” settings..................................... 130
Setting the BGM for a certain scene..................................... 77
Sharing motion pictures recorded using
Editing motion pictures................................ 78 your video camera on the Internet............ 131
Deleting selected portions of a motion picture...................... 78
Opening YouTube or Facebook.......................................... 131
Merging selected motion pictures......................................... 82
Converting data format............................... 132
Editing still pictures...................................... 84
Retouching still pictures........................................................ 84
Printing still pictures................................... 133
Rotating still pictures............................................................. 86
Resizing a picture................................................................. 87

HD Writer AE 3
Formatting discs................................................ 134
Software settings.............................................. 136
Right-click menu list......................................... 158
Troubleshooting................................................ 161
Trademark and License Information................ 173

HD Writer AE 4
Read before starting operation
About the contents of these instructions Important
●●The description of Windows® in these operating instructions is ●●Blu-ray Discs, DVDs and SD cards created with this software can
based on the Windows® 7 screen. only be played on equipment that is compatible with the format
●●Please note that the operation screens shown in these (standard) used.
operating instructions may not match those actually displayed Do not insert these media into incompatible equipment. Not only will
on your PC due to differences in the operating environment or playback be unsupported, it may not be possible to eject the media.
Additionally, valuable content may accidentally be deleted after a
other cause.
●●For instructions on using your computer, optical disc drive,
message is displayed requesting you to format the media.
●●MP4/iFrame SD cards created with this software can only be played
or video camera, or instructions on the Windows® operating back on the video camera that this software is compatible with.
system, refer to the respective Operating Instructions. Any other equipment even if MP4/iFrame compatible, may be
●●The usable operation items on the menu and right-click menu unable to play back cards or may play back cards incorrectly.
depend on the operation status of this software or status of the ●●The recorded and/or edited content is for personal use only and may
selection of the videos. The unusable items are displayed in not be reproduced or exported without permission from the copyright
gray. holder.
●●Pages to be referred to are shown as (→00).
●●The contents of these operating instructions may be subjected Disclaimer
●●Information recorded using this software may be altered or erased
to changes without prior notice.
●●Reproduction of these operating instructions in part or in full
due to erroneous operation, static electricity, accident, malfunction,
or repair, etc.
without permission is prohibited. Please note in advance that Panasonic is not liable in any way for
any direct or indirect damage or loss resulting from the alteration or
Steps to protect important video data vanishing of information including personal information.
●●To be prepared in case of accidents or technical problems,
back up captured data that is important to you by copying it to
your computer and creating a disc or taking other measures.
●●Before deleting the original video data, confirm that it was
recorded correctly to your computer, to disc or to SD memory
●●Do not modify or delete files or folders ([AVCHD], [BDMV],
[DCIM], [PRIVATE], [BDAV], or others) used by this software.

HD Writer AE 5
Read before starting operation

About supported videos

●●Videos recorded with Panasonic high-definition video cameras
compatible with this software

●●Videos recorded with other equipment cannot be copied.

To copy videos recorded with a Panasonic high-definition
video camera model that is older than 2008 (and which is not
compatible with HD Writer AE), use the HD Writer software that
is compatible with that video camera.
If the material to be copied includes videos that were recorded
with a Panasonic high-definition video camera model older than
2008 (and which is not compatible with HD Writer AE) or videos
recorded with other equipment, the unsupported videos cannot
be copied using the [Copy to PC] function.

●●Videos that have been created or edited using other software,

and commercially available DVDs and Blu-ray Discs are not

HD Writer AE 6
Read before starting operation

AVCHD Progressive Scene
This is a standard for recording motion pictures in progressive full This means the motion picture recorded during one recording
high-definition quality. In this manual, motion pictures recorded (after starting recording until it is stopped).
in AVCHD Progressive are referred to as 1080/60p or 1080/50p Top menu
motion pictures*. A feature for displaying an interface similar to a table of contents
* The terms vary depending on the TV system of your video when a disc is played. (Top menu is not displayed on video
camera. cameras. Top menus are only displayed on devices that support
TV system Term this feature.)
NTSC 1080/60p motion picture Project
PAL 1080/50p motion picture The term “project” is used to refer to a video production edited
by combining scenes and still pictures using the motion picture
AVCHD editing functions of this software.
This is a standard for recording high-definition motion pictures SD cards
other than those above. In this manual, images recorded in In these instructions, SD memory cards, SDHC memory cards
AVCHD are referred to as AVCHD motion pictures. and SDXC memory cards are collectively referred to as “SD
iFrame motion picture cards”.
This is the standard format for playing back and editing motion SD card video
pictures on a Macintosh computer. MP4 motion pictures include In these instructions, videos recorded with a Panasonic video
iFrame motion pictures recorded with a video camera that this camera on an SD card inserted in the video camera, or an SD
software is compatible with. card inserted in an SD card slot or SD card reader/writer etc.
Not compatible with AVCHD standard, as it uses a different connected to the video camera, are referred to as “SD card
recording format. videos”.
MP4 motion picture
This is a motion picture in MP4 format (MPEG-4 AVC standard).
Not compatible with AVCHD standard, as it uses a different
recording format*.
* In this manual, MP4 3840x2160 motion pictures are referred to
as “4K motion pictures”.
A format that can be played on most DVD players.
This is a widely used standard picture quality format.

HD Writer AE 7
Read before starting operation

In these instructions, external USB hard disk drives that are
exclusively used in the same way as SD cards as large-volume
storage media for videos recorded using a Panasonic digital
video camera are referred to as “USB HDDs”.
External HDDs
In these instructions, hard disk drives that are connected to the
computer when the capacity of the computer’s built-in hard disk
drive is insufficient, to increase the capacity, or for other reasons,
are referred to as “external HDDs”.

HD Writer AE 8

General precautions
General information about using the software Discs and drive
●●Do not execute the following operations while the software is ●●If the drive is being used by another software (Windows®
running. Doing so may cause defects (damage to media, etc.). Explorer, etc.), the drive cannot be used with this software.
-- Turn off the PC or video camera, or restart the PC. Close the other software before using the drive with this
-- Switch the user or log off. software. (If the drive is being used by this software, the drive
-- Change the screen settings. cannot be used with other software.)
-- Use other software (especially software for writing to disc, or
recording/encoding software with high CPU utilization and large
●●Before using this software, ensure that the Transfer Mode of
memory requirements).
the drive is set to [DMA]. If it is not set to [DMA], set it to [DMA]
-- Use the shared drive of another PC connected to the network. by referring to the Operating Instructions of your drive. (It may
●●BD-RE Ver. 1.0 / Ver. 2.1 standard disc cannot be used. be impossible to set it to [DMA] depending on your PC.)
●●While this software is running, screen saver and power saving ●●Use the type of discs recommended for your disc drive, and
functions (computer hibernation or standby when there is no avoid soiling or scratching them. Reading and recording may
operation for a certain period of time) do not operate. not be possible with dirty or scratched discs.
●●Depending on your PC, editing may take a long time, even Discs that are incompatible with the disc drive may not be
recognized, or recording may not be possible.
when the recommended system requirements are met.
●●The recording speeds (2x, 4x, etc.) for drives and discs indicate
the maximum speed and not the actual recording speed.
(Speeds may vary depending on the combination of drive and
disc or the use conditions.)

HD Writer AE 9
General precautions

Operations during disc recording Playback and use of produced media

If the following actions are executed while the data is being ●●Blu-ray Discs, DVDs and SD cards created with this software
recorded onto a disc, recording may not complete properly, and can only be played on equipment that is compatible with the
the disc, device, or data may be damaged. format (standard) used. (Also , because the file system for
●●Operations for switching the user or logging off from Windows®. AVCHD and BD-RE is in UDF 2.5 format and that for BD-R is
●●Operation of other recording software. in UDF 2.6 format, the files on the disc/card cannot be checked
●●Inserting or removing connection cables for the PC or PC on a computer using Windows® Explorer unless a file system
peripheral equipment, or turning the power on or off. driver that supports the corresponding format is installed.)
●●Other USB devices such as an SD card reader/writer are ●●Still pictures on a disc cannot be copied.
installed or removed. ●●When shifting from the first layer to the second layer of a
●●This software is forcibly closed. single-sided, dual-layer DVD-R disc, video playback may freeze
momentarily or the audio may skip on some players.
Disc creation ●●Normal Playback may not be possible (a narrow, small, or
●●Motion picture recorded in DVD-Video format must be at least incomplete playback window may be displayed) when using
2 seconds long. some models of older equipment (even if the equipment is
●●Already recorded DVD-R, DVD-R (DL) and DVD-RW discs compatible with the disc) or with some types of recorded data.
cannot be used. However, new recordings can be made on a ●●The Recording Mode is not displayed when discs or SD cards
DVD-RW disc by first formatting it to erase the old recordings. created with this software are played back using the HD video
●●Conversion may be required when recording, depending on the camera.
motion pictures. In this case, because the motion picture has
to be encoded again, recording takes longer and picture quality
may also be degraded.
●●When recorded in DVD-Video format, the end section of the
motion picture may be shortened for about 0.5 seconds.

HD Writer AE 10
General precautions

SD cards USB HDDs

●●Use of SDHC memory cards requires SDHC-compatible ●●External HDDs for computer use cannot be used as USB
equipment. HDDs.
●●Use of SDXC memory cards requires SDXC-compatible ●●Scenes that have been output to a USB HDD using the
equipment. [Copy to media] function in HD Writer can be played back by
●●When using an SDXC card in a Windows® operating system, connecting a video camera that is compatible with HD Writer
the computer may display a message asking whether to format and the USB HDD.
the card. Be careful because if you format the card, you will ●●To format the USB HDD, be sure to always use the video
delete all your precious videos. Be sure to check the following camera that this software is compatible with. USB HDDs that
page before using an SDXC card. are formatted using a computer or other equipment than the
http://panasonic.net/avc/sdcard/information/sdxc.html video camera cannot be used together with the video camera
●●Formatting SD cards or deleting card data only modifies file and HD Writer.
management information. Data on SD cards is not completely
deleted. We recommend physically destroying SD cards or
thoroughly deleting all data on SD cards when disposing of SD
cards or transferring ownership. Use discretion in managing
data on SD cards.

HD Writer AE 11

Operating environments
System requirements
PC Intel® Pentium® 4 2.8 GHz or higher CPU (including compatible CPU)
When using playback function, Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz or higher or AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 Dual-Core 5200+ or
higher is recommended.
When editing content, an Intel® Core™ 2 Quad 2.6 GHz processor or higher is recommended.
When using playback or editing function for 1080/60p or 1080/50p, Intel® Core™ i7 2.8 GHz or higher is recommended.
When using playback or editing function for 4K motion pictures, Intel® Core™ i7 3.5 GHz or higher is recommended.
OS Microsoft® Windows® 10 (32 bit / 64 bit) Home
Microsoft® Windows® 10 (32 bit / 64 bit) Pro
Microsoft® Windows® 8 / Microsoft® Windows® 8.1 (32 bit / 64 bit)
Microsoft® Windows® 8 / Microsoft® Windows® 8.1 (32 bit / 64 bit) Pro
Microsoft® Windows® 7 (32 bit) Starter Service Pack 1
Microsoft® Windows® 7 (32 bit / 64 bit) Home Basic Service Pack 1
Microsoft® Windows® 7 (32 bit / 64 bit) Home Premium Service Pack 1
Microsoft® Windows® 7 (32 bit / 64 bit) Professional Service Pack 1
Microsoft® Windows® 7 (32 bit / 64 bit) Ultimate Service Pack 1
●●When using 4K motion pictures, a 64 bit version of Windows® 7 / Windows® 8 / Windows® 8.1 / Windows® 10 is
RAM Windows® 7 / Windows® 8 / Windows® 8.1 / Windows® 10: 2 GB or more (64 bit)
Windows® 7 / Windows® 8 / Windows® 8.1 / Windows® 10: 1 GB or more (32 bit)
For 4K motion pictures playback or editing, a minimum of 8 GB of RAM or more is recommended.

HD Writer AE 12
Operating environments

Display High Color (16 bit) or more (32 bit or more recommended)
Desktop resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels or more (1920 x 1080 pixels or more recommended)
Graphics card complying with DirectX® 9.0c (DirectX® 10 recommended)
DirectDraw® overlay support
PCI Express™ x 16 is recommended
Video memory of 256 MB or more recommended
●●When using playback function for 4K motion pictures, a video card that supports hardware decoding of 4K motion
pictures is required.
(For example)
Intel HD Graphics 4000 or higher
NVIDIA GeForce 600 series or higher
●●In order to play back or edit 4K motion pictures, at least 2 GB of video memory is required.
●●In order to play back motion pictures with a resolution of 4K, a monitor and a video card that support 4K are required.
Direct3D Acceleration: Enabled*
* To check the Direct3D® acceleration settings, enter “dxdiag” in the text field in the [Start] menu. The [DirectX
Diagnostic Tool] window appears. Select the [Display] tab and check [Direct3D Acceleration] under [DirectX Features].
Hard disk Ultra DMA-100 or higher
450 MB or more free space for installing software
●●If the Compression setting is enabled, errors will occur during recording. Clear the check box for [Compress this drive
to save disk space] in [Properties] for the hard disk drive.
Sound DirectSound® support
Drive When writing to a disc, a compatible drive and media are necessary.
Interface USB port
Video cameras
Panasonic high-definition video cameras
connected via USB
Content Videos recorded with Panasonic high-definition video cameras
Other requirements Mouse or equivalent pointing device,
SD card reader/writer (required for reading and recording to SD cards; performing these operations with SDHC
memory cards or SDXC memory cards requires an SDHC-compatible or SDXC-compatible SD card reader/writer), an
environment with Internet access
●●If you are using a multi GPU or a SLI configuration graphics card, please disable the multi GPU or SLI mode.

HD Writer AE 13
Operating environments
●●Even if the system requirements mentioned in these operating ●●Operation is not guaranteed in environments in which virtual drive
instructions are fulfilled, some personal computers cannot be used. software is installed.
●●Editing 4K motion pictures may be slow and smooth playback may ●●For fonts and screen settings, use the standard Windows® settings.
not be possible, even if the recommended system requirements are Characters may not display properly depending on the settings.
fulfilled. ●●This software cannot be used simultaneously with other motion
●●This software is for Windows® only. picture editing software or video capture products. Note that other
●●Windows Operation is not guaranteed on Microsoft, Windows® 7 software running background processes, timer recording in particular,
Enterprise, Windows® 8 Enterprise, Windows® 8.1 Enterprise, may cause this software to malfunction.
Windows® 10 Enterprise and Windows® RT. ●●Non-compatible files are not displayed.
●●For Windows® 8 / Windows® 8.1 / Windows® 10, this software is ●●When the size of the video file is very large or the video is in a special
available only as a desktop app. format, it may not be displayed.
●●When 2 or more USB devices are connected to a PC, or when ●●Before playing back high-definition motion pictures with high
devices are connected through USB hubs or by using USB extension resolution, check your video card for the following points. Otherwise,
cables, proper operation is not guaranteed. the video may not be played back or displayed correctly. Frames in
●●This software does not support the multi-boot environments. the motion picture may skip, or the motion picture may not be played
●●Available only to administrator account or standard account users in, back smoothly.
Windows® 7, Windows® 8, Windows® 8.1 and Windows® 10. --Make sure that the driver software is the latest version.
(Installation and uninstallation of the software requires an --Make sure that the OS and standard graphic modules, such as
administrator account.) DirectX®, are updated to the video card’s recommended versions.
●●Log on with an administrator account or standard user account
before using this software. You cannot use this software with a guest
●●This software does not support the multi-monitor environments.

HD Writer AE 14

Recordable media
Videos shot with your video camera and videos stored on your computer can be copied to various storage media in various recording formats.
The recording format of the copy will depend on the storage media you are using and the selections you make on the picture quality menu
when copying is performed. In this table, the recording formats are indicated with icons. Also note that you need to have playback equipment
that supports the selected recording media and recording format. Select the most suitable type of recording media and recording format for
your purposes.

●●Explanation of the icons

1080/60p (50p) : Motion picture in 1080/60p or 1080/50p format Motion picture with full high-definition picture quality (AVCHD Progressive)
1080/24M : Motion picture in 1080/24Mbps format 1080/60i or 1080/50i motion picture with a high bit rate
1080/60i (50i) : Motion picture in 1080/60i or 1080/50i format Motion picture with high-definition picture quality (AVCHD)
MP4 : MP4 motion picture (MP4 3840×2160)*1 (MP4 1920×1080/50Mbps) (MP4 1920×1080/28Mbps)
(MP4 1920×1080)*1 (MP4 1280×720) (MP4 640×360)
iFrame : iFrame motion picture (MP4 960×540)
MPEG2 : MPEG2 motion picture Motion picture with standard picture quality (MPEG2)

Blu-ray Discs*2 DVDs*2

DVD-RAM (single sided, dual layer)
BD-RE SD cards/
When [Picture
When [Compatibility
Quality Priority]*5 is AVCHD*6 AVCHD*6 DVD-Video*7
Priority]*4 is selected
1080/60p (50p) 1080/60i (50i) 1080/60p (50p) 1080/60i (50i) 1080/60i (50i) MPEG2 1080/60p (50p)
Recording 1080/24M 1080/24M 1080/24M 1080/60i (50i) 1080/60i (50i) MPEG2 1080/24M
format used
1080/60i (50i) 1080/60i (50i) 1080/60i (50i) 1080/60i (50i) 1080/60i (50i) MPEG2 1080/60i (50i)
with the video
camera MP4 ― ― ― MPEG2 MP4
iFrame ― ― ― MPEG2 iFrame

HD Writer AE 15
Recordable media

Blu-ray Discs*2 DVDs*2

DVD-RAM (single sided, dual layer) SD cards/
When [Compatibility When [Picture Quality
Priority]*4 is selected Priority]*5 is selected

DVD-R: Not required
Others Formatting Required Required Required
DVD-RW: Required
Still pictures ― ― ― JPEG (DCF)
Top menu ― ―

*1 This recording mode is not available on some video camera *4 You can also copy to DL discs. Such discs can be played in Blu-
models. ray Disc-compatible players.
(For details, refer to the operating instructions for your video *5 You can also copy to DL and BDXL discs. Such discs can be
camera.) played using equipment that supports AVCHD Progressive
*2 8 cm discs cannot be used. motion pictures.
*3 On DVD+R and DVD+RW discs, you can record files in AVCHD *6 Playable in equipment that supports the AVCHD standard.
or DVD-Video format. *7 Playable in ordinary DVD players.

The number of scenes that can be recorded

The maximum number of scenes, or items containing scenes, that can be recorded is as follows.
Media Number of scenes Maximum number of items that contain scenes
DVD-R/RW/RAM (AVCHD format) 999 99
Blu-ray Disc (with [Compatibility Priority] selected) 4000 200
Blu-ray Disc (with [Picture Quality Priority] selected) 19800 —
SD card 4000 900
USB HDD 4000 900
Note, however, that when items contain scenes with different recording modes, the number that can be recorded may be less.
HD Writer AE 16
Connect the video camera to a computer
By connecting a video camera compatible with this software, you can copy videos saved on the internal storage medium of the video camera or
an SD card inserted in the video camera (→7) to the computer or a disc.

To avoid draining the battery of notebook computers or video
cameras, use an AC adapter with these devices.

If a window like this is displayed,

1 Start the computer.
close it.
●●When using an SD card reader/writer,
select the copy function item without
2 Turn on the video camera.
closing this window.
In this example, select [Copy to PC/
Copy to disc].
3 Connect the video camera to a computer.
When connecting via a USB connection cable
1 Connect with the supplied USB connection cable. Set the
(Example of display window) video camera to PC connection.
●●Insert the USB cable supplied with the video camera firmly
Note that when “Always do this for pictures” is selected, the into the respective USB ports of the camera and computer.
Smart Wizard starts up each time a SD card with pictures ●●See the Operating Instructions for the video camera for
recorded on it is inserted thereafter. details.
2 Confirm that the video camera is recognized by the
●●The video camera is correctly recognized by the computer
if the video camera is added as a drive in [Computer].
When connecting via Wi-Fi
Confirm that the video camera is connected to the PC via
Tips Wi-Fi.
●●For details on connection (Wi-Fi connection, data transmission, etc.) ●●Before making a Wi-Fi connection, you first need to register
refer to the operating instructions for the video camera. the data receive folder. Pictures sent from your video camera
●●If there is no wireless LAN environment or if the video camera is not via the Wi-Fi connection will be stored in this folder. (→138)
compatible with Wi-Fi connection, you cannot transfer data via Wi-Fi.
Connect the video camera to the PC via a USB connection cable
HD Writer AE 17
Connect the video camera to a computer

Disconnecting the video camera when it is connected to the PC via a USB connection cable

●●For further details, also refer to the Operating Instructions for video
1 Confirm that the video camera is not
recording or being accessed in some
●●To record to optical discs or SD cards, use a disc drive or SD card way.
reader/writer. (Some video cameras support recording to the SD card
in the video camera.) Always use the AC adapter when recording to
an SD card.
●●When using an SDXC card in a Windows operating system, the 2 Click or in the task tray.
computer may display a message asking whether to format the card.
Be careful because if you format the card, you will delete all your Example of the
precious videos. Be sure to check the following page before using an task tray icon
SDXC card.
●●Do not operate the video camera or disconnect the USB cable during
the transfer of video camera data. The software may malfunction, and
data may be lost.
●●When connecting the video camera to the computer for the first time,
processing may take some time as the OS installs the driver.
●●If the video camera is not recognized after it is connected, try
connecting it to a different USB connector, such as the USB
connector on the rear of the computer.

SD card connection 3 Safely remove the video camera by

selecting from the menu.
When using an SD card reader/writer, connect the device before
starting this software. (For connection instructions, refer to the When multiple USB devices are displayed, specify one by the
Operating Instructions of the computer or SD card.) drive letter assigned to the video camera.

4 Disconnect
the USB cable from the

5 Turn off the video camera.

HD Writer AE 18
Using the Smart Wizard
Feature overview
Simply by following the instructions on the Smart Wizard window, you can easily copy captured video to a computer or disc.
The Smart Wizard is displayed automatically when you connect the video camera to your computer via a USB connection cable.
●●If data is stored on an SD card, insert the card into the video camera.

●●Use the AC adapter and connect the video camera to the computer.
●●Use a new or formatted disc.
●●The Smart Wizard is not displayed if the software is already running. Close the software before connecting the video camera to the computer.
●●Do not disconnect the video camera from the computer while the Smart Wizard is running.
●●Copying the data takes time. Do not operate the computer until copying is finished
●●While copying to a disc is in progress, do not remove or insert the connection cable of the computer or any peripheral equipment, and do not turn
the power on or off.
●●USB HDDs are not compatible with the Smart Wizard.

Copy to your computer (→20)

Copy to discs (→22)

●●Recording to an SD card cannot be performed with the Smart Wizard.
HD Writer AE 19
Using the Smart Wizard

Copying video to a computer via a USB connection cable

Motion pictures or still pictures on your video camera can be copied to your computer.

●●Connect the video camera to the computer via a USB
connection cable.
If you have used the video camera to record content on an SD
card, insert that card in the video camera.

1 Click [Copy to PC].

2 Select the optical drive.
Select the drive where the video you want to copy is stored.

HD Writer AE 20
Using the Smart Wizard
Copying video to a computer via a USB connection cable

3 Select a video.
For videos shot with a video camera compatible with
this software
●●Videos that have not already been copied to the computer are
selected as default.
●●Video already copied is labeled with .

Thumbnail check marks

Do not copy Copy

4 Click [Execute].

●●Motion picture captured with relay recording on video cameras that
support relay recording is treated as a single motion picture.
●●About saving folders (→137)
●●Copying to a computer can also be performed from [Copy to PC] in
the main window.
HD Writer AE 21
Using the Smart Wizard

Copying motion pictures to discs

Copy the motion pictures recorded with the video camera to the disc in “High-definition quality” or “Standard quality”. The motion pictures are
recorded in order of recording date.

●●Connect the video camera to the computer
If you have used the video camera to record motion pictures
on an SD card, insert that card in the video camera.
●●Set the discs for recording
For details on the supported discs (→15)

1 Click [Copy to disc].

2 Select the optical drive.
Copy to discs in high-definition quality (Blu-ray
Discs or DVDs in AVCHD format)
Create discs for high-quality playback on HD-compatible

Copy to discs in standard quality

(DVD-Video format)
Create discs that can be played on most DVD players.

HD Writer AE 22
Using the Smart Wizard
Copying motion pictures to discs

3 Select a disc.
The picture quality varies depending on the disc type (see
●●Use a new or formatted disc. Click [Format] to format the

Disc type and picture quality

Disc type Picture quality
BD-R/RE High-definition quality
DVD-R/RW High-definition or standard quality
DVD-RAM High-definition quality

“High-definition quality”
You can copy motion pictures with clear and crisp picture
quality. Playback is only possible on high-definition-
compatible equipment.
“Standard quality”
The picture quality is less than high-definition.
The DVD-Video format can be played back on most
ordinary DVD players.

HD Writer AE 23
Using the Smart Wizard
Copying motion pictures to discs

4 Select the picture quality.

The selectable picture quality options differ depending on the
media used.

Blu-ray Disc
[Compatibility Priority]:
In order to be playable in ordinary Blu-ray Disc recorders
and Blu-ray Disc players, 1080/60p or 1080/50p motion
pictures are converted into 1080/60i or 1080/50i motion
Motion pictures in other formats are copied as they are,
without conversion.
[Picture Quality Priority]:
1080/60p or 1080/50p motion pictures can be copied as
they are. However, they can only be played on AVCHD
Progressive-compatible equipment.
●●The disc types that can be recorded with [Compatibility
Priority] and [Picture Quality Priority] are different. (See the
section “Recordable media” (→15))

HD Writer AE 24
Using the Smart Wizard
Copying motion pictures to discs

DVD-R/RW disc
[AVCHD format high-definition images]
●●1080/60p or 1080/50p motion pictures are converted into
1080/60i or 1080/50i motion pictures. 1080/24 Mbps motion
pictures are converted to 18 Mbps or less.
[DVD video format high-quality images (XP)]:
About 60 minutes of motion picture can be recorded on one
DVD (4.7 GB).
[DVD video format standard quality images (SP)]:
About 90 minutes of motion picture can be recorded on one
DVD (4.7 GB).
●●Motion picture recorded in DVD-Video format must be at least
2 seconds long.
DVD-RAM disc
[AVCHD format high-definition images]
●●1080/60p or 1080/50p motion pictures are converted into
1080/60i or 1080/50i motion pictures. 1080/24 Mbps motion
pictures are converted to 18 Mbps or less.

HD Writer AE 25
Using the Smart Wizard
Copying motion pictures to discs

5 Select a video.
6 Click [Execute].
●●Clicking [Cancel] when changing discs or during data conversion
will stop recording in progress. However, recording cannot be
stopped when data is being written.
●●The remaining copy time displayed while copying is the
approximate time for a single disc.

HD Writer AE 26
Using the Smart Wizard
Copying motion pictures to discs

●●Still pictures cannot be recorded with this function. To record still pictures (→111).
●●When creating media of relay recorded motion pictures continuously recorded on different memory (e.g. built-in memory and SD cards) with compliant
video cameras, only selected motion pictures in the memory are copied.
●●When copying to a Blu-ray Disc with [Compatibility Priority] selected, the data is converted to a format with high compatibility before copying. For
details (→15).
●●Motion pictures recorded in MP4/iFrame format are converted to MPEG2 format before being copied to the disc.
●●The data conversion may take some time.
●●Discs created in standard quality are for playback only. Additional content cannot be recorded on them. Also, lower-performance computers may
require a significantly longer time for disc creation.
●●When discs are created in high-definition quality, playback may be interrupted a few seconds between scenes.
●●If [Auto Protect OFF] is set in the [Tools] → [Settings] – [Copy to media] – [AVCHD] – [Auto protection settings for writing to DVD-RAM/RW] menu, you
cannot format a protected AVCHD disc. First, set to [Auto Protect ON] and format.
●●Copying to a disc can also be performed from [Copy to media] in the main window.

HD Writer AE 27
Advanced Features
Feature overview
This section describes more advanced software operations. The following operations are possible.

Copy video to your computer Edit video on your computer Use convenient features
(→30) (→54) (→112)

To play back (→42) • Creating still pictures from motion pictures

• Creating short movie stories
• Retouching motion pictures
To delete (→38) • Uploading & Email
• Converting data format
• Printing still pictures
To protect (→39)

Editing motion pictures

To set as a favorite (→40) Editing still pictures

To play back slide shows Record on storage media

(→45) (→95)

HD Writer AE 28
Advanced Features

Launching HD Writer
●●Before starting, close any other software or resident programs.
●●Before using the software for the first time, be sure to select [Start]
→ [All Programs] → [Panasonic] → [HD Writer **] → [Read this
1 start
the program.
on the desktop to
before starting] and read the supplementary explanation and the
latest information. You can also start the program by selecting [Start] →
[All Programs] → [Panasonic] → [HD Writer **] →
Tips [HD Writer **].
●●The “**” in [HD Writer **] depends on which edition you are using.
●●An update notification may appear when the software is started.
●●In an environment without an Internet connection, this software may
take some time to start up.
●●The first time the software is started, it may take some time until the
window appears, because the software analyzes the videos saved on
the computer.

Exiting the software

1 Click on the window.

●●You can also select [File] from the menu, and then perform this
operation from the menu that is displayed.
HD Writer AE 29
Advanced Features

Copying videos to a computer

You can copy videos saved on the internal storage medium or an SD card inserted in the video camera, as well as videos saved on a USB HDD*, to
your computer. Images on discs created with this software (motion pictures on Blu-ray Discs and motion pictures in AVCHD format on DVDs), and
images recorded using the video camera that this software is compatible with and then copied to a Blu-ray Disc or DVD using the high speed dubbing
function on a Panasonic Blu-ray Disc recorder or DVD recorder can also be copied to your computer. The images can be edited after they have been
copied to the computer.
* Only videos recorded with the video camera that this software is compatible with.
Videos stored on USB HDDs (→8) are treated in the same way as videos stored on SD cards.

●●Do not operate the video camera or disconnect the USB cable during the transfer of video camera data.
●●Only motion pictures or still pictures can be copied to your computer using this software. Other data cannot be copied.
●●Copying requires 1.3 times more free space than the size of the video.
●●Top menus are not copied.
●●Do not use Windows Explorer or a similar method to delete, modify, or move content (folders or files) copied to the computer using this software.
This prevents the content from being managed by this software.

HD Writer AE 30
Advanced Features
Copying videos to a computer

●●Load the media to copy from (connect the video camera and
computer, for example).
When using SD cards, see “SD card connection” (→18).

1 Click [Copy to PC].

2 Select the optical drive.
●●If the connected drive or SD card is not displayed, click

3 Select the videos to copy to the PC.

Video with thumbnails with check boxes selected are copied to
the computer.
●●Click a thumbnail to select or deselect it.
●●Click [Select all] to select all the thumbnails.
●●Click [Deselect all] to deselect all the thumbnails.

HD Writer AE 31
Advanced Features
Copying videos to a computer

4 Select a copying destination.

About saving folders
The following copy destinations are set by default. When
Windows is installed on drive C, the folder locations are as
Pictures C:\Users\(User Name)\Pictures
Videos C:\Users\(User Name)\Videos
To save in a folder that is not displayed
1 Click [Browse...].
2 Select a folder and click [OK].
●●To copy the files to a new folder, click [Make New Folder],
enter the name of the new folder, and click [OK].

5 Select the subfolder into which to sort

the videos.
You can understand information such as the shooting date
from the folder name.
Select your preferred sorting method.
You can set the sorting method in advance. (→142)

6 Click [Execute].
●●You can also select [File] from the menu, and then perform this
operation from the menu that is displayed.
●●To automatically select only the videos that have not already been
copied to the computer, use the Smart Wizard to perform the
(* USB HDDs are not compatible with the Smart Wizard.)
●●Motion pictures captured with relay recording on video cameras that
support relay recording are treated as a single motion picture.
HD Writer AE 32
Advanced Features

About the main window

Use the main window for general operations such as copying, playback, and editing.

Menu bar You can select or deselect all the

Different functions are arranged displayed thumbnails.
by item.
You can change the order of the
Tool bar thumbnail list in the display area
Buttons are provided for frequently and specify the data format for the
used functions. thumbnails to display.
A menu is displayed when some You can select and display videos
of these buttons are clicked. recorded in each format.
Folder display area
You can enlarge or reduce the
Calendar display area
thumbnails in the display area.
The folders or calendar items are
displayed in a list. The thumbnails
of videos in the folder or recording Preview on thumbnails
date that is selected here are When you hold the mouse pointer
displayed in the display area on over the thumbnail of a motion
the right. picture, the playback marker is
The number of videos is displayed displayed. You can check the
on the right of the folder or date. content of the motion picture by
moving the mouse.
Category search area
You can search for videos that
have been set as favorites.
Information area
Displays data such as information on the thumbnail
selected in the display area and the status of the
currently executed function.

HD Writer AE 33
Advanced Features
About the main window

Display area
The thumbnails of the videos specified with the folder or
calendar item on the left are displayed in a list.
●●Files that are not compatible are not displayed.
●●Icon description
: 1080/60p or 1080/50p motion pictures
: 1080[24Mbps] motion pictures
: 1080/60i or 1080/50i motion pictures
: MP4 3840x2160/30p or 3840x2160/25p motion pictures*
: MP4 3840×2160/24p motion pictures*
: MP4 1920x1080/60p [50Mbps] or 1920x1080/50p [50Mbps]
motion pictures
: MP4 1920x1080/60p [28Mbps] or 1920x1080/50p [28Mbps]
motion pictures
: MP4 1920x1080/30p or 1920x1080/25p motion pictures*
: MP4 1920×1080/24p motion pictures*
: MP4 1280x720/30p or 1280x720/25p motion pictures
: iFrame motion pictures (MP4 960x540/30p and 960x540/25p
motion pictures)
: MP4 640x360/30p or 640x360/25p motion pictures
: Still pictures
: Protected videos (read-only)
: Videos set to [Favorite]

* This recording mode is not available on some video camera

models. (For details, refer to the operating instructions for your
video camera.)

●●For motion pictures edited with this software, is displayed in the
thumbnail icon.
●● icon is displayed with thumbnails of video recorded in 4K
PHOTO mode.
HD Writer AE 34
Advanced Features

Switching between window display styles

Displaying videos in a folder in list view
Only videos in a registered folder can be displayed.

1 Click [Folder].
A 2 Click the folder that you want to view.
●●Click or double-click the folder name to expand or hide the

Changing the video order

Select an item by which to sort the data ( A ).
[Name]: Displays in name order.
[Date of recording]: Displays in recording date order.
[File size]: Displays in file size order.
Registered folder ●●Click again to switch from ascending (▲) to descending (▼)

●●In some thumbnail display sizes, there may be black lines on the right
side of the picture during preview. The display can be corrected by
enlarging or reducing the thumbnail size (→33).
HD Writer AE 35
Advanced Features
Switching between window display styles

Displaying videos with the same recording date

1 Click [Calendar].
2 Click on the displayed year, month, and day.
The Calendar display switches to the selected year, month
and day.
●●Years, months and days on which videos are not recorded are
not displayed.
●●Click or double-click a year or month to expand or hide the
months or days.
●●Year Calendar display
Double-click a month that displays a
thumbnail to switch to the month Calendar

●●Month Calendar display

Double-click a day that displays a thumbnail
to switch to the recording date Calendar

●●Recording date Calendar display

Double-click a thumbnail to display the
Playback window.

●●The update date and time is displayed for videos that do not have
recording date and time information.
●●In the year Calendar display or month Calendar display, place the
mouse pointer on a month or day for which a thumbnail is displayed to
display the videos in order that were recorded on that month or day.
HD Writer AE 36
Advanced Features

Copying/moving videos

1 Select a video.
2 To move, drag and drop the video to the
destination folder.

●●To copy, drag and drop while holding down the [Ctrl] key.

●●You can also perform these operations using the keyboard. ●●When copying to an SD card, a Blu-ray Disc, a DVD, or a USB HDD,
Copy: [Ctrl] + C use [Copy to media].
Paste: [Ctrl] + V ●●Select [View] → [Refresh] from the menu to update the display if the
Move: [Ctrl] + X operation result is not reflected.
●●You can also copy videos by selecting a video and using the
right-click menu.
●●Videos can be selected, but they cannot be copied or moved in the
Calendar display.
●●Folders can be moved by dragging and dropping subfolders into a
different folder. (To copy, hold [Ctrl] while dragging and dropping.)
●●Videos on SD cards, Blu-ray Discs, DVDs, or USB HDD cannot be
copied using this operation. Use [Copy to PC].
HD Writer AE 37
Advanced Features

Deleting videos
You can delete videos that are saved on your PC.

1 Select a video.
2 Select [File] → [Delete] from the menu.

●●You can also perform these operations using the keyboard. ●●Scenes that have been protected cannot be deleted. First, clear the
Delete: [Delete] protection (→39).
●●To delete videos recorded on an SD card/USB HDD or in the internal ●●Deletion may take a long time, depending on the video.
recording medium of the video camera, delete them using the video
camera. (See the Operating Instructions for the video camera for
●●Do not use Windows Explorer or a similar method to delete any file
or folder that have been copied to the PC. It will make it impossible to
play back or edit.
●●When all still pictures and motion pictures are displayed, choose a
folder and select [Delete folder] from the right-click menu to delete the
selected folder and all videos contained therein.
Use Windows Explorer to delete folders containing contents that
cannot be deleted with this software, such as non-compatible files.
HD Writer AE 38
Advanced Features

Protecting videos
You can protect against accidental deletion. When protection is set, videos are read-only and cannot be edited or deleted.

1 Select a video.
2 Select
[File] → [Protect] → [ON] from the

●●When [Protect] → [OFF] is selected, the video protection is


Protected video

●● is displayed for protected videos and they cannot be deleted or
overwritten with edited data. To delete or overwrite a video, first
change the [Protect] setting to [OFF] to remove the protection setting.
●●Videos for which protection is set with a supported video camera are
set to [ON] in the [Protect] setting even when copied to a PC.
HD Writer AE 39
Advanced Features

Setting as Favorites
If you set a video as a favorite, will be displayed on the thumbnail.

1 Select a video.
2 Select [File] → [Favorite] → [ON] from
the menu.
●●Select [OFF] to remove the favorites setting.
●●You can easily search for your favorite videos by setting them as
1 Click A : [Filtering pictures].
2 Click [Favorites] on the [Category] tab.
You can display all videos that have been set as
A A video for which Favorite ON is set

HD Writer AE 40
Advanced Features
Setting as Favorites

Registering certain scenes in a motion picture as favorites

You can select your favorite spot in a scene and add to favorites. You can select multiple spots and add to favorites. This lets you easily find
your favorite spots later.

1 Click to start playback, and then

pause playback at the position you want
to register as a favorite.

2 Click to add a mark at the position

you want to register as a favorite.
Click to remove a checkmark.
●●Move to point where you want to unregister favorites scene
and click .
will disappear when the action is executed.
●●If [Favorite] — [ON] is selected for a motion picture, the start
position is added to favorites.
●●If [Favorite] — [OFF] is selected for a motion picture, all favorite
registrations set for that motion picture will be canceled.

●●Favorites settings can only be made for videos copied with this
software to a PC hard disk. Favorites settings cannot be made for
videos stored on media.
HD Writer AE 41
Advanced Features

Displaying the Playback window

You can play back videos that are saved on the PC.

1 Select a video.
2 Click [Playback] → [Playback].
You can also perform this operation by double-clicking the
●●Playback is not performed from the year or month Calendar
display. Switch to the recording date Calendar display or the
Folder display.

●●You can also select [Playback] from the menu, and then perform this
operation from the menu that is displayed.
HD Writer AE 42
Advanced Features
Displaying the Playback window

Operation panel
Button Video Photo Description of buttons
Skip to the beginning of the previous/
next video.
(If there are scenes that have been
/ registered as favorites, skip to the
previous/next registered scene from
the current playback position.)
/ ― Plays back / Pause
― Stop
During motion picture playback Reverse frame-by-frame playback /
A B C / ― Forward frame-by-frame playback
(During pause mode)

Capture (→112)
Register as favorite
Favorite (→40, 41)
During still picture display
/ ― Audio is being output / Audio is muted
Rotate 90° (Counter-clockwise
/ Rotation) / Rotate 90° (Clockwise
ASlider: Drag to the left or right to move the playback position. Expansion / Reduction
BSpots added to favorites: Drag the slider to B and click Fits display to the window size.
to release it. / Displays in the original size.
C Volume adjustment: Drag the slider left or right to adjust the Displays the full-screen view.
Close full-screen view
Exit playback
About the picture panel for the display area
Click the thumbnail of the picture you want to watch to switch
to that picture.
This panel is hidden about 3 seconds after you remove the
mouse pointer from it. Move the mouse pointer towards the
panel to display it again.

HD Writer AE 43
Advanced Features
Displaying the Playback window

●●Double-click the playback window or click to display the full-screen
●●When the mouse pointer is removed from the operation panel during
the full-screen display and no operation is made for about 3 seconds,
the operation panel disappears. Move the mouse to display it again.
●●If scenes are set as 4K clips or favorites, you can use the /
buttons to jump to the previous or next scene.
●●Forward playback by frame or reverse playback by frame is possible
when the mouse wheel is turned while it is paused in the video
playback screen.
You can also save the paused video image, as a still picture clicking
the mouse.
●●Problems such as dropped frames are normal in the preview window
(where picture quality is reduced) and in full-screen mode. For best
results during playback, use AVCHD-compatible video cameras and
playback equipment.
Frame rates for various computer processors are as follows:
(4K motion pictures are excluded. These are guideline values.)
Processor Frame Rate (fps)
Pentium® 4 HT 2.8 GHz 2
Pentium® 4 HT 3 GHz or higher 10 (NTSC)/8 (PAL)
Core™ 2 Duo 2.16 GHz or higher 30 (NTSC)/25 (PAL)
Core™ i7 2.66 GHz or higher 60 (NTSC)/50 (PAL)
●●Actual frame rates may be lower, depending on the computer
environment and conditions of use.
Conditions when frame rates may be lower:
-- When other software is running during installation of this software
-- When other software is running during motion picture playback
with this software
-- When using a computer with a video card that shares memory for
the main memory and video memory
-- When there is minimal free space on the system drive or the drive
where temporary files are created

HD Writer AE 44
Advanced Features

Playing back slide shows

Viewing a slide show immediately

1 Click [Slide show].

2 Select [Playback now].
Operation panel
Button Description of buttons
/ Skip to the previous/next video

/ Pause / Plays back

(Adjust various settings.)
/ Audio is being output / Audio is muted
Volume adjustment
Exit slideshow

Film roll panel

Frames for the pictures that will be played back are listed
from left to right. The frame marked with the white lines
indicates the current playback position. You can move the
playback position to the picture you want to view by clicking
that frame.
●●When you close the playback window, a processing selection
window is displayed with the options to play back the same
slide show once again, to save it, or to convert it to a motion
picture file. (→48)

HD Writer AE 45
Advanced Features
Playing back slide shows

●●You can also select [Playback] from the menu, and then perform this
operation from the menu that is displayed.
●●[Playback now] cannot be performed for the slide show in the year
calendar display or the month calendar display.
●●When there are more than 1,000 displayed pictures, they may not
play back correctly.
●●The slide show function cannot be used in a remote desktop
●●When still pictures with an aspect ratio of 16:9 are played back in a
slide show on the 4:3 screen, the images are displayed with right and
left sides cut off.

HD Writer AE 46
Advanced Features
Playing back slide shows

Selecting pictures to create a slide show

You can create a slideshow using videos you have selected and add effects like music and transitions.
You can then save and register the slide shows you have created, and play them back whenever you want.

1 Click [Slide show].

2 Select [Create new/edit].
3 Select a video.

HD Writer AE 47
Advanced Features
Playing back slide shows

4 Click [Save].
5 Enter a file name and click [OK].

●●You can also select [Playback] from the menu, and then perform this
operation from the menu that is displayed.
●●If you create a slide show with more than 1,000 still pictures, it may
not play back correctly.
●●Please note that depending on the system environment and usage
status slide shows may not play back normally even with the
recommended systems.
- When other software is operating while playing back slide shows
with this software.
- When using a PC equipped with a video card that shares the video
memory and main memory.
- When the free space on the system drive or temporary file storage
drive is extremely low.
●●If the slide show stops during playback, change the picture quality of
the slide show.
HD Writer AE 48
Advanced Features
Playing back slide shows

Converting and saving a slide show as a motion picture file

You can convert slide shows you have created into motion picture files and output them.

1 Click [Convert slide show] in the

processing selection window.

2 Set the save destination, file name and

output format.

3 Click [Execute].

●●Once it has been output as a motion picture file, you cannot re-edit
the contents of the slide show in that motion picture.
HD Writer AE 49
Advanced Features
Playing back slide shows

Deleting a saved slide show

1 Click [Slide show].

2 Select [Delete].
3 Select a file.
4 Click [Execute].

●●You can also select [Playback] from the menu, and then perform this
operation from the menu that is displayed.
HD Writer AE 50
Advanced Features
Playing back slide shows

Playing back saved slide shows

1 Click [Slide show].

2 Select [Load].
3 Select a file.
4 Click [Playback].

●●You can also select [Playback] from the menu, and then perform this
operation from the menu that is displayed.
HD Writer AE 51
Advanced Features

Playing media
You can play videos from media. Videos stored on USB HDDs (→8) are treated in the same way as videos stored on SD cards.

●●Load the media (insert media in the video camera and connect the
camera to the computer, for example).
When using SD cards, see “SD card connection” (→18).

1 Click [Media playback].

2 Select the drive.
3 Select the video that you want to view
and click [Playback].
●●The video in media can be copied to the computer on this
window. Click [Copy to PC] to display the [Copy to PC] window.
●●You can also display the Playback window by selecting a
thumbnail and double-clicking it.

●●You can also select [Playback] from the menu, and then perform this
operation from the menu that is displayed.
●●If errors in reading a disc occur, playback may resume for the next
item after the affected position.
●●Blu-ray Discs copied at high speed using a Panasonic Blu-ray Disc
recorder cannot be played.
HD Writer AE 52
Advanced Features

Displaying detailed video information

For motion pictures
1 Select the video whose detailed
information you want to view.

2 Select
[File] → [Properties] from the

3 Check the information.

●●[-] is displayed for items with no information.
●●The displayed items vary depending on the format of the video
For still pictures
For motion pictures
Item Description
File The file name, file size, file type, file location,
information etc.

For still pictures

Item Description
File The file name, file size, file type, file location,
information etc.
Camera Name of manufacturer of the video camera
information used, model name, recording date, etc.

Tips To enter a comment

●●Camera information of video files that were recorded by a video You can enter any text that you want and save it with the video.
camera not made by Panasonic or that have been processed may not (Up to 128 (single-byte) characters)
be properly displayed. 1 Click [Comment].
●●You can only add a comment to videos that have been copied to your 2 Enter the text and click [Apply].
It is impossible to add a comment to videos on an SD card (→7), etc.*
(* The same is true for USB HDDs (→8).)
HD Writer AE 53
Advanced Features

Editing videos on your computer

Video copied to your computer can be edited.

Video Photo

Editing motion pictures (→55) Retouching still pictures (→84)

Opening saved edit process (→58) Rotating still pictures (→86)

Deleting saved edit process (→59) Resizing a picture (→87)

Deleting selected portions of a Converting files into JPEG format

motion picture (→78) (→88)

Merging multiple motion pictures into Changing several picture file names
a single motion picture (→82) at one time (→89)

Changing the recording date and time

●●When editing a project, at least one motion picture must be selected.
●●Only motion pictures and still pictures you have copied to your
computer can be edited.
●●Although files and folders for video copied to the computer using Adding date and title information to a
other software may be displayed, they cannot be managed with this
software. Always use this software to copy video to the computer.
picture (→93)
●●New files are created after you edit video, leaving the original files in
the state before editing.
●●Editing requires an amount of free work space on the computer at
least equivalent to the size of the video being edited.
HD Writer AE 54
Advanced Features
Editing videos on your computer
Editing motion pictures (Basic operations)
Creating a new motion picture editing project
You can create an original movie by editing a selected video.

Check in advance the file format of the motion picture that you
want to edit in the display area.

1 Click [Edit video].

2 Select [Create a new project].
3 Select the type of motion pictures you
want to edit.
●●Different file formats cannot be combined and edited together.

HD Writer AE 55
Advanced Features

Editing videos on your computer Editing motion pictures (Basic operations)

Edit browsing window

4 Select a video.
●●To add a video from another folder, switch to that folder and
select the video.
●●Note that displaying the edit video window may take a few
minutes depending on the number of video files.

5 Edit a video.
●●You can add titles, merge multiple motion pictures, or perform
various other editing operations.
●●You can switch to the timeline area by clicking [Timeline].
●●By clicking [▼], you can select and add a [Scene] or a [Color
clip]. (→74)
●●Select [View] → [Refresh] from the menu to update the display if
the operation result is not reflected.
Edit video window (→60)

HD Writer AE 56
Advanced Features

Editing videos on your computer Editing motion pictures (Basic operations)

6 Click [File output].

●●Specify the storage destination and file name.
Storage destinations and file names (→137)
You cannot add edits to individual scenes after a motion
picture is saved using [File output]. Before performing
[File output], the save edit process using [Save project] is
convenient, if there is a chance you might want to add or
change motion picture edits.

●●You can also select [Edit] from the menu, and then perform this
operation from the menu that is displayed.
●●Select [View] → [Refresh] from the menu to update the display if the
operation result is not reflected.
●●Recording date information will correspond to information of the
opening scene.
●●Up to approximately 6 hours of a motion picture can be saved.
●●If you move, copy, or rename a file using this software, Windows
Explorer or other software, that file can no longer be handled by this
●●Conversion of some motion pictures may result in out-of-sync or
dropped frames, or conversion may fail.
●●When you convert still pictures to motion pictures by performing the
file output, the pictures may be distorted in rare cases.
HD Writer AE 57
Advanced Features

Editing videos on your computer Editing motion pictures (Basic operations)

Opening saved edit process

You can reload a saved project while editing and restart your work.

1 Click [Edit video].

2 Select [Open project].
3 Select a file.

●●You can also select [Edit] from the menu, and then perform this
operation from the menu that is displayed.
●●Saved projects only contain the file names of each scene and the
edited content that has been set. Never delete a scene file or change
the name of a file or folder in a program other than this software.
Doing so may prevent you from opening a project.
HD Writer AE 58
Advanced Features

Editing videos on your computer Editing motion pictures (Basic operations)

Deleting saved edit process

Deleting saved projects.

1 Click [Edit video].

2 Select [Delete project].
3 Select a file.
●●Once a project has been deleted, it cannot be restored to
original status.

4 Click [Delete].

●●You can also select [Edit] from the menu, and then perform this
operation from the menu that is displayed.
HD Writer AE 59
Advanced Features

Editing videos on your computer Editing motion pictures (Basic operations)

About the edit video window

There are 2 different screens: the storyboard area and the timeline area. When you select a scene (→56), the screen returns to the storyboard
In the storyboard area, you can select motion pictures and still pictures and perform various kinds of editing.
When you click [Timeline], the screen switches to the timeline area, where you can make various detailed settings for each scene (→ below).
For example,
1 after lining up the scenes in the storyboard area and setting the transition effects,
2 you can set a title and BGM for each scene in the timeline area.

●●Confirm the edited contents in the preview window. (→61)

Menu area Features in the timeline area
Buttons for saving, You can edit according to the time flow of the motion picture.
loading and deleting You can make settings for the insertion of titles, BGM, etc.
projects, and operating visually, while keeping an eye on the whole scene.
instructions are
displayed here. Example: A 5-minute project is set that contains 3 motion pictures,
2 titles and 2 BGM tracks
Preview area
Here, you can play 5 minutes
back the result of your
Storyboard area (→62)

Setting area
Here, you can Title 1 Title 2
edit the selected Timeline area/storyboard area
scene. toggle button

In the timeline area, the following kinds of edits are possible.

(For details → 73 to 77)
●●Adding scenes
Timeline area (→73) ●●Adding titles to scenes
●●Dividing scenes
●●Adding BGM to scenes
HD Writer AE 60
Advanced Features

Editing videos on your computer Editing motion pictures (Basic operations)

Preview area 1 Preview window

Here you can play back (preview) the edited content for 2 Slider
confirmation. Indicates the playback position in the motion picture. You can
change the playback position by dragging the slider left or right.
3 Playback position/total playing time
The current playback position and total playing time are displayed.
Display format: hours, minutes, seconds.
4 Set the BGM for the whole project (→71)
1 5 Stop button
6 Play/pause button
During playback, the button changes to a Pause button.
7 Sound output/mute button
8 Volume level
3 8
4 5 6 7

●●The preview window is used to easily confirm edited content, and the
picture quality in the preview window is lower than the actual picture
quality of the motion picture.
●●Depending on your computer environment or the content you have
edited with this software, the audio and video may be out of sync in
the preview window. This is especially likely to occur in the following
--When multiple editing effects, titles, transitional effects etc. have
been set for a single scene.
--For 1080/60p or 1080/50p motion pictures.
However, even if the audio and video are out of sync during playback
in the preview window, the file that is actually output or recorded on
the disc will play back correctly. (The audio and video will not be out
of sync.)
HD Writer AE 61
Advanced Features
Editing videos on your computer
Editing motion pictures (Editing from the storyboard area)
Storyboard area
The images you want to edit are displayed. The selected scenes have a yellow frame. Icons are displayed for scenes with effects or titles
added. You can drag and drop the scenes to change the order.

[Undo] [Random]
Returns to one step earlier in the Automatically sets the transition effects You can enlarge the
edit process. ([Transition] or [Effect] → [Operation]) storyboard area, and return it
between scenes. Each time you click this to the original size.
[Redo] button, a new combination of transition
Starts the edit process over again. effects is used.
You can toggle to
[Add] the timeline area.
Opens the edit browsing window
and lets you add up to 300 scenes
to be edited.
By clicking [▼] you can switch
between [Scene] and [Color clip].
[Scene]: Allows you to add scenes
from the edit browsing
[Color clip]: Lets you add still
pictures in a single

[Delete] The selected scenes have [Transition]

Deletes registration of the a yellow frame. Edited transition effects are displayed by icons. An
selected scene. unset status icon is also inserted between scenes
Multiple scenes can also be where a transition effect is not yet set.
selected. Playback position bar
Even if [Delete] is selected here, Displays the current playback Playback scene designation icon
the selection is only deleted from position with a bar. When the mouse pointer is placed on this position,
the edit video window. The actual This bar cannot be moved by the icon is displayed. Click this icon to perform
original data is not deleted. dragging. playback from the start of that scene.

HD Writer AE 62
Advanced Features
 diting motion pictures
Editing videos on your computer
(Editing from the storyboard area)
Edit the scene in the storyboard area by selecting a tab in the Setting area.
To cancel an edit, click [Undo] or [Redo] in the storyboard area to return to the previous step in the editing process or to redo the editing

Dividing scenes
Scenes can be divided at desired positions. Adding to or removing from favorites cannot be performed on this window. Only playback positions
registered beforehand with the playback device can be used.


1 Select [Divide].
The [Divide] tab is displayed, and the selected scene is
displayed in the storyboard area.

Spots added to
2 ●Click

to play the content.
During playback, the Play button changes to the Pause button.

next frame buttons
3 Click to pause playback at the desired
[Divide] position.
●●You can also adjust the position by using the playback knob.
[Current point]
Displays the position of the Playback knob.
(Example of displayed time) 0:00:03.45
4 Click [Divide].
The results of editing are applied to the edit video window.
(up to two digits after the decimal point)
Playback knob
Drag the knob to the right or left to change the playback position.

HD Writer AE 63
Advanced Features
 diting motion pictures
Editing videos on your computer
(Editing from the storyboard area)
Trimming one selected portion in the scene
You can trim selected portions of scenes. Add to favorites and remove from favorites cannot be performed on this window. Only playback
positions registered beforehand by the playback device are used.


1 Select [Trimming].
The [Trimming] tab is displayed, and the selected scene is
displayed in the storyboard area.

2 ●Click

to play the content.
During playback, the Play button changes to the Pause button.
A : [Current point]: Displays the position of the Playback knob.
[P/B time]: Indicates the motion picture length.
(Example of displayed time) 0:00:03.45
A (up to two digits after the decimal point)

Previous/next frame buttons The [Delete partially]

window is displayed.
3 Pause playback, and then select the
[Trimming] range.
B: [Set start point]: Click to set the starting point.
Playback knob C: [Set end point]: Click to set the ending point.
Drag the knob to the right or left to You can also select the trimming range by adjusting the
change the playback position. Spots added to favorites starting and ending point knobs.
The portion between the starting and ending point knobs is the
portion of the scene that will be trimmed.

B C 4 Click [Apply].
The results of editing are applied to the edit video window.
Starting and ending point knobs
Drag the knobs to the right or left to change
the starting and ending point positions.
HD Writer AE 64
Advanced Features
 diting motion pictures
Editing videos on your computer
(Editing from the storyboard area)
Adding still pictures or color clips with a set playback time between scenes
You can edit still pictures and color clips together with motion pictures by setting the playback times for the still pictures and color clips.

[Still pic.]

1 Select the still picture or color clip you

want to edit.
The [Still pic.] tab is displayed.

2 ●Set

[Playback time].
You can set the time in 0.1 second increments from 0.1 second
(min.) to 10 minutes (max.).
(Example of displayed time)
Hours:Minutes:Seconds (up to two digits after the decimal point)
To change the color of a color clip
1 Click [Color].
The color setting window is displayed.
2 Select the new color that you want to use instead of
the basic color, and then click [OK].

To change the basic color

1 Select the basic color and click [Define Custom
2 Move the slider to adjust the brightness.
3 Click [Add to Custom Colors].
The newly created color is added.
4 Click [OK].
●●In the edit video window, still pictures and color clips are set as motion
pictures with an initial playback time setting of 5 seconds.
●●You cannot use a collection of only still picture scenes or color clip 3 Click [Apply].
The results of editing are applied to the edit window.
scenes to perform motion picture editing.
●●The set playback time may be slightly longer or shorter depending on
the motion picture.
HD Writer AE 65
Advanced Features
 diting motion pictures
Editing videos on your computer
(Editing from the storyboard area)
Assigning titles
You can add a title to each scene selected.

1 Select [Title].
The [Title] tab is displayed.

C 2 Enter the title and set the effects.

A: Select the title motion and background.
B: Select the title font type and background color.
C: Set the starting time and display duration.
A D (Example of displayed time)
B : If several titles have been added to a single scene
in the timeline area (→75), you can skip to the
previous or next title.
D : Select the title placement.

3 Click [Apply].
The results of editing are applied to the edit video window.
E ●●The title icon E will be displayed in the thumbnail.
●●When motion is set for the title with A , click the Play button of
the Preview window and check the title motion.

●●If the free space in the video memory of the video card is low, the
number of title characters that can be entered may be reduced.
If this happens, change the font size or reduce the number of
●●When editing a title from the timeline area, C is not displayed.
HD Writer AE 66
Advanced Features
 diting motion pictures
Editing videos on your computer
(Editing from the storyboard area)
Adding special effects to scenes


1 Select [Effect].
The [Effect] tab is displayed.

2 Click to select a special effect.

●●[Operation] can only be set when a still picture is selected.
If you click [Random] in the storyboard area, the [Operation] is
changed automatically.
Effect Menu Operation Menu

Indicates the motion picture length.

(Example of Displayed Time)
(up to two digits after the decimal point)

3 Click [Apply].
The icon corresponding to the selected effect is displayed.
The results of editing are applied to the edit video window.

Icon corresponding to the selected special effect

●●Some effects in the [Effect] menu cannot be used for still pictures.
●●You cannot set any special effects for color clips.
HD Writer AE 67
Advanced Features
 diting motion pictures
Editing videos on your computer
(Editing from the storyboard area)
Adding decorative effects to scenes
You can set various decorative effects for the scenes.


1 Select [Decorations].
The [Decorations] tab appears.

2 Click the tab to set the decorative effect.

3 Click [Apply].
The icon for the selected effect appears, and the result of the
edit is reflected on the edit video window.
●●The decorative effect will be visible for about 4 seconds.

●●You can also add decorative effects to still pictures and color clips.
HD Writer AE 68
Advanced Features
 diting motion pictures
Editing videos on your computer
(Editing from the storyboard area)
Adjusting the balance between the sound of the motion picture and the BGM


1 Select [Volume].
The [Volume] tab appears.

2 Set the relative volume for the BGM and

the original sound of the motion picture.
Click the mark on the slider, and move the mouse left or
●●If you set the relative volume to 0 here, no sound will be output
even if you adjust the volume in the preview area (→61, 8 ).
●●You can also make fade-in and fade-out settings.

3 Click [Apply].
The result of the edit is reflected on the edit video window.
●●The relative BGM volume is only applied to sections where the
scenes and BGM overlap.

HD Writer AE 69
Advanced Features
 diting motion pictures
Editing videos on your computer
(Editing from the storyboard area)
Adding scene transitions
You can add transition effects between scenes. You can also automatically set the transition effects by clicking [Random] in the storyboard area. (→62)
1 Click the icon between the two scenes
where the transition effect is to be inserted.*
B * The Icon for the transition effect is displayed on the thumbnails
in the editing area in the short movie story editing window.

The [Transition] tab is displayed.

2 Set the transition effect.

A: Select the transition effect type.
B: Set the transition effect duration.
(Example of displayed time) 0:00:03.40
●●Transition effects are set between two consecutive scenes. Therefore, scenes Hours:Minutes:Seconds
before and after transition effects will become shorter after application.
(up to two digits after the decimal point)
Example: When a transition with a display time of 4 seconds is set
between a 3 minute scene and a 2 minute scene, the
●●If you set an effect, check it on the preview window. Depending
on the type of effect, transition effects end instantaneously if the
transition overlaps 4 seconds of each scene.
[Display time] setting is short. You may not be able to check the
(This produces a sequence of a 2 minute 56 seconds
effect during playback on the preview window or when playing
scene, transition of 4 seconds, and a following scene of
the file after performing [File output].
1 minute 56 seconds.)
●●The display time of the transition is between a minimum 0.10 seconds ●●You can also automatically switch between transition effects at
random by clicking [Random] in the storyboard area.
and a maximum 5 seconds. However, if either scene before or after
the transition is less than 0.1 seconds, the transition effect cannot be
set. Also, if either scene before or after the transition is 5 seconds
or less, the maximum time that can be set for the transition is the
3 Click [Apply].
The edited transition effect is indicated by an icon.
playback time of the shorter scene.
Example: When the transition is set between a 4 second scene and
●●You can easily change the transition effect setting by clicking the icon.
a 5 second scene, the display time of the transition will be The results of editing are applied to the edit video window.
4 seconds or less.
HD Writer AE 70
Advanced Features
 diting motion pictures
Editing videos on your computer
(Editing from the storyboard area)
Setting the BGM for the entire project
You can set the BGM for all scenes arranged in the storyboard area.

1 Click on the Preview window.

A BGM registration dialog box is displayed.

2 Click [Register].
The music files on your computer are opened. You can use
WAV (LPCM), WMA and MP3 format files on your computer.

3 Select music and click [Open].

HD Writer AE 71
Advanced Features
 diting motion pictures
Editing videos on your computer
(Editing from the storyboard area)

4 Set the music.

You can register multiple BGMs. The registered BGM are
played in order.
A B A : The BGM file name is displayed.
B : Click to change the order of the BGM files.
C : Click to cancel the registration of the displayed BGM.
D : [Mixing level]: Drag the knob to the right or left to change the
D volume balance between the source sound and the BGM.
E : Set fade-in, fade-out and repeat playback to ON or OFF.
E ● If you set [Repeat playback] to ON and switch to the
timeline area, the BGM track is automatically added for
the duration of the motion picture.
For example, if the playback time of the motion picture
is 40 seconds and you set a 10 second BGM track to
F repeated playback, the BGM clip will automatically be
added 4 times.
G H F : (Volume knob): Drag the knob to the right or left to change
the volume.
G : (Play button): During playback, this changes to the Stop
H : (Playback knob): Drag the knob to the right or left to
change the playback position.
I : ( Starting and ending point knobs): Drag the knobs to the right
or left to change the starting and ending point positions.
J I You can use these knobs to select the BGM range to be used.
J:P  layback position: Displays the position of the Playback knob.
Playback time: Represents the range selected using the
Starting Point and Ending Point knobs.
Display format: “Minutes:Seconds”
●●You cannot change the volume level when outputting files.
●●If you set the BGM in the Timeline area (→77), and there is a gap
between two BGM tracks, the indication [Mute interval] will be
5 Click [OK].
The results of editing are applied to the edit video window.
displayed when you switch to the storyboard area.
HD Writer AE 72
Advanced Features
Editing videos on your computer
Editing motion pictures (Editing in the timeline area)
Timeline area
Perform steps 1 to 5 in “Creating a new motion picture editing project (Creating a new project)” (→55), and then click [Timeline] so that
the video you want to edit appears as a scene clip (a rectangular box). The length of each block corresponds to the playback time of the clip.
A selected scene clip will have a yellow frame.
You can set the BGM individually for each scene clip. When an effect is added to a scene clip, an icon appears.

When there are gaps between scenes, Timescale Use this button
black color clips appear when you toggle to Indicates the timescale of the motion picture. When you adjust to switch to the
the storyboard area. the timescale slider, the timescale is automatically updated. storyboard area.

When you select a scene clip, a yellow frame is

added to it and a slider appears at each end.
Timescale slider
Move the slider left or right to change
the displayed portion of the timescale.

Scene track
Click [Add] to add a scene clip.
Up to 300 scenes can be added.
Playback position bar Sliders Transition
Title track Indicates the current When you click a clip, a slider This icon appears when
Click [Add] to add a title clip playback position. You appears at the beginning and two scene clips overlap.
(blue). can change the playback the end of the clip. When you click the icon,
position by moving this bar. Click the slider and move it left the [Transition] tab appears.
or right to adjust the playback Here you can make settings
BGM track time and display time of the clip. for the transition.
Click [Add] to add a BGM clip Display interval slider
Move the slider left or Note, however, that the playback When the positions of the clips
(green). time of scene clips cannot be
right to change the display are perfectly aligned without any
interval of the timescale. made longer than their original overlap, a black line appears. This
length. indicates a transition that has not
yet been set.
To set it, (→70).

HD Writer AE 73
Advanced Features

Editing videos on your computer Editing motion pictures (Editing in the timeline area)

Adding a scene

1 Click the time on the timescale where

you want to add the scene.
The playback position bar moves to that position.
●●You can also set the time where you want to add the scene by
clicking the playback position bar and moving it left or right with
the mouse.

2 Click [Add].
The edit browsing window is displayed.

3 Add a check mark to the scene you want

to add.
(For details →56, step 4)

Slider Slider 4 Click [OK].

Scene clip (For details →56, step 4)
The screen returns to the edit video window, and the added
scene is entered in the scene track.
To change the position of the added scene
1 Click the scene clip and move it left or right with the
●●If two scenes overlap, a transition appears. Click the transition
to set the transition effect. (→70)
Transition To change the start position or end position of the added scene
1 Click the scene clip.
A yellow frame and two sliders appear.
2 Click one of the sliders and move it left or right with the
●●The playback time of the added scene cannot be longer than its
original length.
HD Writer AE 74
Advanced Features

Editing videos on your computer Editing motion pictures (Editing in the timeline area)

Adding a title

1 Click the time on the timescale where

you want the title to appear.
The playback position bar moves to that position.
●●You can also set the time where you want the title to appear by
clicking the playback position bar and moving it left or right with
the mouse.

2 Click [Add].
The title clip appears.

3 Click the title clip.

Slider Slider A yellow frame and two sliders appear around the title clip,
and the [Title] tab appears in the setting area.
Title clip

4 Enter the title, set the effect, and click

(For details →66)
●●The start time and the display time of the title must be set in the
timeline area.

To change the position of the title

1 Click the title clip and move it left or right with the mouse.

To change the start position or end position of the title

1 Click the title clip.
A yellow frame and two sliders appear.
2 Click one of the sliders and move it left or right with the
●●You can also add titles to still pictures and color clips.
HD Writer AE 75
Advanced Features

Editing videos on your computer Editing motion pictures (Editing in the timeline area)

Dividing a scene

1 Click the time on the timescale where

you want to divide the scene.
The playback position bar moves to that position.
●●You can also set the time where you want to divide the scene by
clicking the playback position bar and moving it left or right with
the mouse.

2 Place
the mouse pointer over the scene


3 Click .
The scene is divided into 2 clips at the position of the playback
position bar.

●●You can also divide still pictures and color clips.
HD Writer AE 76
Advanced Features

Editing videos on your computer Editing motion pictures (Editing in the timeline area)

Setting the BGM for a certain scene

1 Click the time on the timescale where

you want the BGM to start.
The playback position bar moves to that position.
●●You can also set the time where you want the BGM to start by
clicking the playback position bar and moving it left or right with
the mouse.

2 Click [Add].
A window opens that displays the music files on your computer.
You can use any music files in WAV, WMA and MP3 formats.

3 Select the music file you want to use as

the BGM and click [Open].
Slider Slider
A BGM clip appears and the BGM is set.
BGM clip The playback time of the BGM is the same as the playback
time of the music file.
●●If the whole BGM clip is not visible on the timescale, use the
timescale slider to adjust it.

To change the position of the BGM

1 Click the BGM clip and move it left or right with the mouse.

To change the start position or end position of the BGM

1 Click the BGM clip.
A yellow frame and two sliders appear.
2 Click one of the sliders and move it left or right with the
●●You cannot make the BGM clip longer than the playback time of
the music file set as the BGM.
●●You can also set BGM for still pictures and color clips.
HD Writer AE 77
Advanced Features
Editing videos on your computer
Editing motion pictures
Deleting selected portions of a motion picture
Delete unnecessary parts of motion pictures or parts with shooting errors.
●●Motion pictures must be at least 2 seconds long for partial deletion.

1 Select a video.
2 Click [Edit video].
3 Select [Delete partially].
4 Select the portion to be deleted.
Setting a start point
Click to play and click to pause at the starting position
for deletion.
Click [Set start point].
●●Otherwise, you can drag [▼] to identify the starting point.
Setting an end point
Click again to resume playback and click to pause at the
ending position for deletion.
Click [Set end point].
●●Otherwise, you can drag [▲] to identify the ending point
●●Click to fine-tune the position.

HD Writer AE 78
Advanced Features

Editing videos on your computer Editing motion pictures

5 Click [Select] to confirm this selection.

●●The deletion range is displayed in gray.
●●Thumbnails of the starting and ending points are displayed.
●●To select multiple portions, repeat steps 4.
●●To clear the selection, click the corresponding thumbnail and
click [Release].

6 Play the video content to check the

portion that will remain after deletion.

7 Click [Partially delete].

Video data on which [Delete partially] has been performed will
For details about this window (→80) be newly created.
The actual original data is not deleted by [Delete partially].
●●[Partially delete] may take time for data processing.

HD Writer AE 79
Advanced Features

Editing videos on your computer Editing motion pictures

Motion picture at the starting point

Selected portion
The portion that will be deleted is
indicated in gray. Motion picture at the ending point
●●The ending edge of the selected
portion may not match the end point,
but the selection in gray is the portion : Skip approximately 0.5
that will be deleted. sec.
Length of motion picture : Previous/next frame
from the starting to ending point
Thumbnails at the beginning of each
Length of motion picture retained section

Length of motion picture deleted Cancel editing

(Example of displayed time)
(up to two digits after the decimal

Section marker
●●Scenes are divided based on selected portions.

Portion represented by the thumbnail

HD Writer AE 80
Advanced Features

Editing videos on your computer Editing motion pictures

Recommended portion [Highlight assist.]:

Click to set the range excluding
Favorites position the highlight as the deletion range.

Spots added to favorites

●●When there are many Recommendations or Favorites, not all of them

may be displayed at the same time.
●●The selected deletion range to delete will be canceled, if [Highlight
assist.] is clicked.
●●“Recommended portion”, [Highlight assist.] may not be shown,
depending on the shooting conditions.
HD Writer AE 81
Advanced Features

Editing videos on your computer Editing motion pictures

Merging selected motion pictures

You can merge multiple motion pictures into a single one.

1 Click [Edit video].

2 Select [Join Clips].
3 Select a video.
They are played in order from left to right.
●●To change the order
Drag and drop the clips to set the preferred order.
●●To remove from join
Select the clip not to join, and click [Remove from list].
●●To start registering again from the beginning
Click [Deselect all] in the registration area.

HD Writer AE 82
Advanced Features

Editing videos on your computer Editing motion pictures

4 Select the destination folder, save file

name, and output format.

5 Click [Execute].

●●To join the 4K clips, a 64-bit OS environment is required. ●●The limit of file size (time) differ depends on a PC / a SD card or
●●If clips were split into segments by the video camera, we recommend settings of recording video.The below written values are reference
that you register them in the order in which they were recorded. of the each limit. A file will be splitted automatically if the values are
If you try to register the scenes in a different order, or try to merge exceeded.
scenes created from different recordings, the sound may cut out or Recording format Recording mode Size / time (Appox.)
there may be a popping sound between scenes when the output file is 4K MP4 3840×2160/30p
played back.
●●When the output file is written to an SD card, an SDXC card is MP4 1920x1080/60p [50Mbps] or
required when the file size exceeds 4 GB. An SDHC or SD card MP4 1920x1080/50p [50Mbps] motion 96 GB/3 hours
cannot be used. pictures
24p (MP4) All
Videos except the above written ones 4 GB/30 min.

HD Writer AE 83
Advanced Features
Editing videos on your computer
Editing still pictures
Retouching still pictures

A 1 Select [Edit] → [Edit still picture] →

[Retouch] from the menu.
2 Select still pictures.
C A: [Edit] / [Save] / [Operation] tabs
B: Retouch buttons on the [Edit] tab
C: Display window for the selected still picture
D: Undo/Redo buttons
[Undo]: Cancels the retouch operation.
[Redo]: Reapplies the canceled retouch operation.
E : Thumbnails for selected still pictures
F : Buttons to switch the display mode and enlarge the still
D picture in the display window
: Zooms in.
E F G : Zooms out.
: Displays the picture in full size.
: Adjusts the picture to fit the display area.
: Displays a grid to make it easier to define ranges and
G : Return to the pictures selection window

3 Click [Edit] tab.

Retouch the still picture.

HD Writer AE 84
Advanced Features

Editing videos on your computer Editing still pictures

4 Click the [Save] tab.*

* If you select [Retouch] from the short movie story editing screen,
A the [Save] tab is not displayed. (→115)
The retouched still picture will be saved as part of the short
movie story scenario.

Name of File for Storage

A:  ou can save a file under a different name (when A is

JPEG compression ratio

The compression ratio can be set using the slider.
When you move the slider to the left, the file size becomes
smaller but the picture quality deteriorates.

5 Click [Save].

●●Only the still picture displayed in the display window will be retouched.
The retouch operation will not affect other still pictures in the picture
selection area.
●●By switching to the [Operation] tab, you can check the retouch history
and see preview pictures. If you want to return to a previous step in
the process, select that operation and click [Return to here].
Clicking [Operating Instructions] brings up the operating instructions
(this manual).
●●Once the still picture has been saved, the operation cannot be
undone to a previous stage in the procedure.
●●When retouching extremely large still pictures, the picture may be
automatically resized and saved in a smaller size. In this case, it will
no longer be possible to delete and save the original file.
HD Writer AE 85
Advanced Features

Editing videos on your computer Editing still pictures

Rotating still pictures

1 Select still pictures.

2 orClick [Clockwise
[Counter-clockwise Rotation]
The still picture rotates 90 degrees clockwise or counter

●●You can also select [Edit] from the menu, and then perform this
operation from the menu that is displayed.
●●When a still picture without Exif information is rotated.
When a still picture without Exif information is rotated, a still picture in
JPEG format that has Exif information is newly created.
●●For still pictures in JPEG format that have Exif information, rotation
is performed by correcting the Exif information only. With some
software, the still picture may not seem to be rotated.
●●When you rotate many still pictures at one time, it may take time to
finish the process.
HD Writer AE 86
Advanced Features

Editing videos on your computer Editing still pictures

Resizing a picture

1 Select [Edit] → [Edit still picture] →

[Resize] from the menu.

2 Select still pictures.

3 Select the save settings.
JPEG compression ratio
The compression ratio can be set using the slider.
When you move the slider to the left, the file size becomes
smaller but the picture quality deteriorates.

4 Click [Execute].

●●When you select and resize many still pictures at the same time, the
process may take time.
HD Writer AE 87
Advanced Features

Editing videos on your computer Editing still pictures

Converting files into JPEG format

You can convert still pictures in BMP format, TIFF format and MPO format to JPEG format. You can also change the compression ratio of still
pictures in JPEG format.

1 Select [Edit] → [Edit still picture] →

[Format conversion] from the menu.

2 Select still pictures.

3 Select the save settings.
JPEG compression ratio
The compression ratio can be set using the slider.
When you move the slider to the left, the file size becomes
smaller but the picture quality deteriorates.

4 Click [Execute].

●●Even if you convert a still picture in JPEG format to a lower
compression (higher quality) than the original data, the quality will not
HD Writer AE 88
Advanced Features

Editing videos on your computer Editing still pictures

Changing several picture file names at one time

A 1 Select [Edit] → [Edit still picture] →

[Batch Rename] from the menu.
C 2 Select still pictures.
3 Set the file name.
A:  he file name is a combination of the characters entered
F here and a serial number.
(Up to 32 characters (single-byte) can be used.)
B : The file name is a combination of the original file name and
a serial number.
G C : The settable range for the starting number of the serial
number is 0 to 1000.
D : The settable range for the number of digits for the serial
number is 1 to 9.
E : The settable range for the increment of the serial number
is 1 to 1000.
F : Set the order of the character string and number that will
be used as the file name.
G : Check the file name after conversion.

4 Click [Execute].

●●If there already is a file with the same name in the folder, (1) (or (2),
(3), etc.) will be added to the end of the file name after the conversion.
HD Writer AE 89
Advanced Features

Editing videos on your computer Editing still pictures

Changing the recording date and time

If the time setting of the video camera was incorrect at the time of recording, you can correct the recording date and time of still pictures
By applying the same shift (correction time) between the actual recording time and the recorded time to other still pictures, you can
simultaneously correct the recording date of multiple still pictures that were recorded while the time setting was incorrect.

When setting the date and time
When setting the correction time
Recording time before the after the change
Still picture [Date correction] 14
change January 15, 2016
[Time correction] +12:00:00

Reference still January 1, 2016 January 15, 2016 January 15, 2016
picture 0:00:00 12:00:00 12:00:00

Selected still January 1, 2016 January 15, 2016 January 15, 2016
picture 1:00:10 13:00:10 13:00:10

Selected still January 2, 2016 January 16, 2016 January 16, 2016
picture 10:00:30 22:00:30 22:00:30

HD Writer AE 90
Advanced Features

Editing videos on your computer Editing still pictures

1 Select [Edit] → [Edit still picture] →

[Change recording date] from the

2 Select still pictures.

3 Change the recording date and time.
To set the recording date and time
1 Click [Date/time settings].
2 Click to display the calendar, and set the recording
●●You can click the triangles at both ends of the top of the
calendar to change the display in year/month/day. If you click
the year/month or year text between the triangles, you can
also switch to monthly units or yearly units.
3 Set the recording time.

To set the date and time difference

1 Click [Correction time (offset)].
2 Click [Date correction] or [Time correction] and set
how many days or hours to correct the date/time.

HD Writer AE 91
Advanced Features

Editing videos on your computer Editing still pictures

4 Select the save settings.

5 Click [Execute].

●●Change the recording date within a range of 1971 to 2037.
●●The age in months/years and the number of travel days do not
change even when the recording date and time are changed.
HD Writer AE 92
Advanced Features

Editing videos on your computer Editing still pictures

Adding date and title information to a picture

You can create a still picture with added information, such as the recording date or title.

1 Select [Edit] → [Edit still picture] →

[Imprint] from the menu.
●●You can only imprint information to JPEG still pictures that have
Exif information. When the confirmation message is displayed,
click [Yes].

2 Select still pictures.

Information can be imprinted on up to 1,000 still pictures at the
same time.

HD Writer AE 93
Advanced Features

Editing videos on your computer Editing still pictures

3 Set the items that you want to imprint.

Travel Date
Only still pictures recorded using [TRAVEL DATE] on a
video camera that is compatible with the [TRAVEL DATE].

Age in months/years
Only still pictures for which the [AGE] of the baby or pet has
been set in your video camera.

Location information (GPS)

If GPS information has been recorded for the still picture,
you can set which items of location information to print.

4 Select the save settings.

5 Click [Execute].

●●Up to 10 lines are imprinted at the bottom right of the still picture, in
the following order: recording date, travel days and destination, name
and age in months/years, title information, and location information.
●●The color and size of the characters cannot be changed.
●●When imprinting is performed, the picture quality may deteriorate.
●●The date may not be properly imprinted on still pictures if the date
was not set on the video camera when the still picture was taken, or
if the still picture was taken using a digital camera by a manufacturer
other than Panasonic.
HD Writer AE 94
Advanced Features

Record on storage media

Videos saved on a computer can be recorded on various storage media* in a variety of formats. (*Discs, SD cards, USB HDD, etc.)
Videos stored on USB HDDs (→8) are treated in the same way as videos stored on SD cards.
●●Also refer to “General precautions” (→9 to 11).
Recording formats
The recording formats for motion pictures and still pictures differ depending on the type of media used. Select the most suitable media and
recording format for your needs. (→15, 98)

Top menus
Media and recording formats for which a top menu can
be created
Recording media Format
Blu-ray Disc When [Compatibility Priority] is selected
●●Top menus cannot be created in the following cases.
Creating media with this software will create a “top menu” --When recording on a Blu-ray Disc with [Picture Quality Priority]
interface that serves as a table of contents. To view content, select
--When recording on an SD card/USB HDD.
thumbnails in the top menu. Customize the design of top menus as
●●Top menus are displayed only on equipment that supports this
desired when creating them.
feature. They cannot be played on video cameras or in this
●●Creating top menus is optional. (Content is played back in the
order of recording.)
●●Top menu information entered (e.g., title setting and background
design) when creating a media cannot be retained.
The information must be entered again the next time a media is

HD Writer AE 95
Advanced Features

Record on storage media Recording

Additional recording on media with existing content

Media Supporting
Additional Recording
Blu-ray Discs ―

When recording additional content, you can add content to media recorded with this software by using the same recording format as the
existing content.
When you load media with existing content, a confirmation message about additional recording is displayed. Select [Yes] if you will add content.
(If you select [No], content cannot be added.)
●●In the window for creating top menus, a “Recorded” icon is displayed for recorded motion pictures. To cancel adding the motion pictures,
remove the media.

●●Content cannot be added to protected DVD-RAM discs. Clear
Protection settings with the equipment originally used to protect the
disc. When recording in AVCHD format, there is no need to clear the
Protection setting before adding content if Auto Protection is enabled.
●●Additional content can also be recorded to SD cards when still
pictures have been recorded to the cards.*
(* The same is true for USB HDDs (→8))
HD Writer AE 96
Advanced Features
Record on storage media
Recording motion pictures
Using this software, you can select scenes from motion pictures saved in different folders, and record them in any order on various storage
media*. You can record in high or standard definition. (*Discs, SD cards, USB HDD, etc.)

Do not do the following during recording. These operations To record on an SD card, use an SD card reader/writer or a
may prevent successful recording and damage discs or built-in SD card slot in your computer that supports that type of
equipment. SD card.
--Connect/disconnect cables and cords to your computer or ●●Copy the motion picture to the computer (→30).
peripheral equipment, or turn equipment on or off ●●Exit all other software.
--Log off Windows (by switching users, for example) --Be sure to exit other software that may access the optical drive,
--Force this software to close such as Windows Explorer.
--Install or remove an SD card ●●Load the media for recording.
Time required for recording --When using SD cards, see “SD card connection” (→18).
●●Recording will take some time. The amount of time required for --When recording motion pictures to SD cards, use a compatible
recording varies depending on disc specifications and optical drive video camera to format the cards.
performance. For details, refer to the Operating Instructions of the --Motion pictures shorter than 2 seconds cannot be recorded on
disc and drive. SD cards.
●●Recording may take several hours especially in the following case. --Do not insert or remove SD cards when copying data from SD
--Recording small motion pictures in DVD-Video format (because cards or recording data on discs. Removing SD cards during this
specifications require that dummy data be added to files less than process may cause data corruption or SD card damage.
about 1 GB in size to make them about 1 GB) --SD cards must have a capacity of at least 32 MB for motion
picture recording. Additionally, operation is not guaranteed when
recording motion picture to 64 MB – 256 MB SD cards.
SD cards of 8 MB – 256 MB can be used to store still pictures.
--When adding motion pictures to DVD-RAM discs, clear any
protection by using the equipment originally used to protect
the disc. When recording in AVCHD format, there is no need to
clear the Protection setting before adding motion pictures if Auto
Protection is enabled.
--Recording requires twice the amount of free space for the work
area as that being used on the media. To change the work area

HD Writer AE 97
Advanced Features

Record on storage media Recording motion pictures

1 Click [Copy to media].

The [Copy to media] window is displayed.

2 Select a copy destination.

The selectable picture quality settings may differ depending on
the medium you are using. Whether it is possible to create a top
menu also depends on the selected media and picture quality.
●●Videos stored on USB HDDs (→8) are treated in the same way
as videos stored on SD cards.

3 Click [Next].
●●The procedure after Step 4 may differ depending on the selections made in the recording media menu and the picture quality menu.
--The screen in Steps 9-12 only appears when it is possible to create a top menu.
--Step 5 only appears when high-definition picture quality has been selected for another medium than an SD card.
Select the Confirm the information Select the motion Record the motion
Create a top
recording Select the recording format. regarding high-definition picture to record picture on the
Procedure menu.
media. picture quality. on the media. recording medium.
1-2-3 4 5 6-7-8 9-10-11-12 13-14-15
[Compatibility Priority]
[Picture Quality Priority] ―
[AVCHD format high-definition images]
DVD-R/RW [DVD video format high-quality images (XP)] ―
[DVD video format standard quality images (SP)] ―
DVD-RAM [AVCHD format high-definition images]
SD card/ [High definition video] ― ―
USB HDD [MP4 mode videos]* ― ―
* Step 13 can be skipped.
HD Writer AE 98
Advanced Features

Record on storage media Recording motion pictures

4 Select the picture quality.

When using Blu-ray Disc
BD-R/RE [Compatibility Priority]*
[Picture Quality Priority]
* A top menu can be created.

●●When [Compatibility Priority] is selected, 1080/60p or

1080/50p motion pictures are converted to 1080/60i or
1080/50i motion pictures.
Motion pictures in other formats are copied as they are,
without conversion.
●●When [Picture Quality Priority] is selected, 1080/60p or
1080/50p motion pictures can be copied as they are.
However, they can only be played on AVCHD Progressive-
compatible equipment.
●●The disc types that can be recorded with [Compatibility
Priority] and [Picture Quality Priority] are different. (See the
section “Recordable media”)

HD Writer AE 99
Advanced Features

Record on storage media Recording motion pictures

When using DVD-R/RW*

DVD-R/RW [AVCHD format high-definition images]
[DVD video format high-quality images (XP)]
[DVD video format standard quality images
* A top menu can be created.

[AVCHD format high-definition images]

●●1080/60p or 1080/50p motion pictures are converted into
1080/60i or 1080/50i motion pictures. 1080/24 Mbps motion
pictures are converted to 18 Mbps or less.

[DVD video format high-quality images (XP)]:

About 60 minutes of motion picture can be recorded on one
DVD (4.7 GB).
[DVD video format standard quality images (SP)]:
About 90 minutes of motion picture can be recorded on one
DVD (4.7 GB).
●●Motion picture recorded in DVD-Video format must be at least
2 seconds long.

HD Writer AE 100
Advanced Features

Record on storage media Recording motion pictures

When using DVD-RAM

DVD-RAM [AVCHD format high-definition images]*
* A top menu can be created.

[AVCHD format high-definition images]

●●1080/60p or 1080/50p motion pictures are converted into
1080/60i or 1080/50i motion pictures. 1080/24 Mbps motion
pictures are converted to 18 Mbps or less.

HD Writer AE 101
Advanced Features

Record on storage media Recording motion pictures

When using SD card

SD card [High definition video]
[MP4 mode videos]
[DCF format still pictures] (→111)
●●When [High definition video] is selected, you can record
motion pictures with unchanged picture quality on SD cards.

When using USB HDD

USB HDD [High definition video]
[MP4 mode videos]
[DCF format still pictures] (→111)
●●When [High definition video] is selected, you can record
motion pictures with unchanged picture quality on USB HDD.

5 (Only when Blu-ray Disc or High-definition motion picture is

Confirm the message about
high‑definition, and then click [OK].

HD Writer AE 102
Advanced Features

Record on storage media Recording motion pictures

6 Drag and drop motion pictures to the

copy work area.
●●To record still pictures (→111)
●●Repeat this process to choose the motion picture. To select
multiple items, hold the [Ctrl] key while clicking the thumbnails.
●●To add motion pictures from another folder, select the folder and
then perform step 6.
●●The motion pictures will be recorded in the order that you drag
them to the copy work area.
●●To cancel the copying to media, click [Exit].
Removing motion pictures from the copy work area
1 Click a motion picture to remove.
●●To select multiple items, hold the [Ctrl] key while clicking the
Copy work area 2 Click [Remove from list].
●●Motion pictures are only removed from the copy work area.
The data itself is not deleted.
●●Click [Deselect all] to remove all the motion pictures.

●●When this software is using an optical drive, the drive cannot be used
by other software.
●●Motion picture editing is not possible while the copy work area is
displayed. Complete any required editing (such as dividing scenes) in
●●The scene information is retained as chapter points even after
recording, except in the following cases.
--In DVD-Video format, the scene is after the 99th scene
HD Writer AE 103
Advanced Features

Record on storage media Recording motion pictures

Changing the order of motion pictures

1 Drag and drop motion pictures to the desired position.

7 Check the space available at the copy

A: Space taken up on the final disc
B:  otal size of the motion pictures dragged and dropped to
the copy work area
B C : Number of discs required (guideline)
●●If data is already stored on the media, the total amount is displayed.
●●In the case of BD-R/RE (with [Compatibility Priority] selected) and
DVD-RAM • DVD-R/RW (AVCHD format), even if there is enough
space at the copy destination, when 200 or more motion pictures
C A are dragged and dropped to the copy work area, they are split
and recorded on multiple discs. If you group together top menu
thumbnails in the top menu creation window (→105), you can reduce
the number of discs over which the motion pictures are split.

8 Click [Next].
For BD-R/RE (with [Compatibility Priority] selected),
●●The top menu creation window is displayed.
Go to step 9 (→105).

For BD-R/RE (with [Picture Quality Priority] selected),

SD cards*, USB HDD*
●●Recording starts.
Go to step 13 (→109).
 hen recording an MP4 motion picture, click [Execute]
instead of clicking [Next], and then proceed to step  14 (→109).

HD Writer AE 104
Advanced Features

Record on storage media Recording motion pictures

9 Grouping top menu thumbnails.

Click the top left check box of a thumbnail to select or deselect
the check mark.
You can group top menu thumbnails using these check box
●●Check boxes cannot be cleared for the first motion picture or for
a motion picture whose resolution is different from the AVCHD
motion picture that comes before it.
●●When you group thumbnails, playback between the scenes will
be seamless.
●●When you group thumbnails, you can record more motion
pictures onto media. (Because some media have a limit on the
number of top menu thumbnails that can be used together.)

You can display or hide the top menu thumbnails by

selecting or deselecting the check boxes. The top menu thumbnails are grouped.

●●Click [Check all] to select the check boxes of all motion pictures.
●●Click [Clear all] to clear the check boxes of all motion pictures
except for the one listed first.
●●When a created disc is played in a Blu-ray Disc recorder or DVD
player, playback may momentarily freeze between thumbnails
on some players. To play back scenes between thumbnails
seamlessly, deselect the check box and group the thumbnails.

●●Discs recorded this way are for playback only. Additional content
cannot be recorded on them.
HD Writer AE 105
Advanced Features

Record on storage media Recording motion pictures

Previous/next page ●●Due to the DVD-Video standard, at least one of 99 motion

(if there are multiple pages) pictures is automatically set as a thumbnail. Therefore, the
thumbnail setting may remain even after all check boxes are
1 cleared.
●●If the amount of data to be copied to disc (and the necessary
number of discs) changes depending on the way the thumbnails
are grouped and the design and title settings, the scene division
2 point is automatically moved.
●●During multiple disc recording, when the time comes to switch
to the next disc, the scene is automatically divided partway
in accordance with the disc size. In this case, the video from
3 the dividing position is set as the top menu thumbnail (The
thumbnail is not displayed in the copy work area). To change the
thumbnail (→108).

10 Determine a top menu design.

●●[No menu] is also available.
No top menu is created, and motion picture is played in the
order it was recorded. The background design and title cannot
Change disc (if there are multiple discs) be set.
1 Click [Background/Layout].
2 Select your preferred design.
●●To use a particular still picture file as the background:
Select [User still picture], specify a JPEG file on the
computer, and click [Open]. (Still pictures with an aspect ratio
of 4:3 are displayed with black bars at right and left.)
3 Click to select the thumbnail layout.
●●If there are many thumbnails, they will be distributed on
multiple pages.

●●To choose a different thumbnail, click [Back] and change your


HD Writer AE 106
Advanced Features

Record on storage media Recording motion pictures

3 11 Enter the title.

●●Click the title to enable input.
1 Enter the page title.
(Up to 64 single-byte characters.)
●●The same page title is displayed on all pages. For a titleless
1 top menu, leave the title information blank.
2 Enter thumbnail titles.
2 (Up to 24 single-byte characters.)
●●By default, thumbnails are labeled with the name of the
3 Click [Font/Title] and complete the font settings.
(For details →108)
●●If not all text is displayed, or if text covers other thumbnails,
change the font or reduce the size.

12 Change the thumbnail image.

Click [Representative thumbnail], and then select the
thumbnail that you want to change and set the representative
(For details →108)

HD Writer AE 107
Advanced Features

Record on storage media Recording motion pictures

[Font/Title] area [Representative thumbnail] area

1 2

3 2
6 3 5
8 4 6
1 Thumbnail selected in the top menu
2 Current playback position
●●Move the playback slider to change the position.
1 [Disc title] Text settings for page titles 3 Plays back/Pauses
2 [Video title] Text settings for motion picture titles 4 Stops and returns to the start
3 [Font] For selecting the font 5 During pause, performs reverse/forward playback by frame
4 [Size] For selecting the font size 6 [Change thumbnail]
5 [Style] Click to add text styles (Click again to remove text styles) Change the thumbnail
(Bold)/ (Italic)/ (Underlined)/ (Drop shadow) 1. Click a thumbnail in the top menu creation window.
2. Use 3 to play.
6 [Color] For selecting the text color 3. Use 3 to pause in the position that you want to set as the
7 [Shadow] W  hen you have applied a drop shadow by clicking thumbnail.
in 5 , select the drop shadow color (see 6 for color ●●Use 2 and 5 to perform fine adjustment of the playback
settings) position.
8 [Position] For selecting the text position 4. Click [Change thumbnail].
●●The set video may be a few frames off the one that was

●●If after changing the representative thumbnail, the way the thumbnails
are grouped and the disc division point change (→105), the change to
the representative thumbnail will be canceled.
HD Writer AE 108
Advanced Features

Record on storage media Recording motion pictures

13 Click [Execute].
14 When the confirmation message is
displayed, click [Yes].
Recording now begins, and the status is shown with the
progress indicator and thumbnails.
●●Recording will take some time. Do not operate the computer
until recording is finished.
●●When recording on a Blu-ray Disc or in AVCHD format on a DVD
or an SD card and [Make seamless recording even though the
recording modes are different] is set under [Tools] → [Settings] –
[Copy to media] – [AVCHD] – [Seamless setting while writing to
medium], a confirmation message is displayed as recording will
(For BD-R/RE (with [Compatibility Priority] selected), take a long time. If you want to continue with the displayed time,
DVD-RAM (AVCHD format), DVD-R/RW) click [Yes].* (* The same is true for USB HDDs (→8))
●●With media other than DVD-R/RW and BD-R discs, recording
can be stopped by clicking [Cancel]. With DVD-R/RW and BD-R
discs, recording can be stopped by clicking [Cancel] when
changing discs or during data conversion. Recording cannot be
stopped when data is being written.

When recording to a disc

●●Content that does not fit on a single disc will be split and
recorded over multiple discs. Follow the instructions displayed to
switch to a new disc.
●●The remaining copy time displayed while copying is the
approximate time for a single disc.

(For BD-R/RE (with [Picture Quality Priority] selected), SD cards,


HD Writer AE 109
Advanced Features

Record on storage media Recording motion pictures

●●Click [Settings] to perform advanced settings, such as for the
recording speed.
15 When a message is displayed indicating
that recording is complete, select an
●●If there is an unwanted motion picture recorded on a DVD-RAM disc,
formatting the disc will delete all motion pictures. Motion pictures action.
cannot be removed individually. ●●Click [Exit the wizard] if you are finished recording. Click [Copy
●●If the message “Insert a new disc” is displayed, recording on the again] to record the same content to another media.
current disc is not possible. The disc may already have been ●●Some optical drives may switch to a new disc automatically
recorded. Insert a blank or formatted disc. before this final step in recording.
●●If the computer hard disk is compressed, a message regarding drive
compression may be displayed and recording may not be possible. Notes on recording
Clear the check for [Compress this drive to save disk space] in When recording on a Blu-ray Disc or in AVCHD or DVD-Video
[Properties] for the hard disk drive.
format on a DVD
●●Top menu information entered (e.g., title setting and background ●●When the file system of the hard disk that is set as the work area
design) when creating a media cannot be retained.
is FAT32, if the total size of the motion picture thumbnails that are
The information must be entered again the next time a media is
grouped together is larger than 4 GB, the data cannot be copied to the

When recording on a Blu-ray Disc or in AVCHD format on a DVD

●●When you play back with interruption between scenes, you can adjust
[Tools] → [Settings] – [Copy to media] – [AVCHD] – [Seamless setting
while writing to medium] from the menu.

Recording in DVD-Video format

●●Motion picture with Dolby Digital 5.1 channel audio is recorded in 5.1
channel DVD-Video format.

HD Writer AE 110
Advanced Features
Record on storage media
Recording still pictures
Still pictures saved on your computer can be recorded on SD cards and USB HDD. These still pictures are recorded in a format that can be
viewed on digital cameras and similar devices (DCF format).
●●For details on SD cards (→7, 11)
●●For details on USB HDDs (→8, 11)
●●Insert the SD card. (See “SD card connection” →18)

1 Perform steps 1 – 3 in “Recording

motion pictures” (→98).

2 Click [DCF format still pictures].

3 Select still pictures.
●●Content exceeding the available space on the SD card is
indicated in red. In this case, remove some of the still pictures to
be recorded.*
(* The same is true for USB HDDs (→8).)

4 Click [Execute].

●●DCF: Design rule for Camera File system. This recording format
conforms to file system specifications of the Japan Electronics and
Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA).
●●Refer to the Operating Instructions of the video camera for the save
folder and file name structure.
HD Writer AE 111
Advanced Features

Using convenient features

Creating still pictures from motion pictures
You can extract a frame from a playing motion picture and save it as a still picture in JPEG format with Exif information.

1 Select[Capture].
the motion picture, and then click

2 Click to pause the playback at the

point where you want to extract a still

3 Click .
4 Select the save destination folder.
5 Enter the file name.

HD Writer AE 112
Advanced Features
Using convenient features
Creating short movie stories
You can create a video that lasts several minutes by selecting still pictures or motion pictures that you like from among those you have
imported to your PC. You can then record the short movie story you have created on a disc or other media. When editing a short movie story, at
least one motion picture must be selected. You cannot edit a short movie story that only consists of still pictures.

New story creation window

A B 1 Click [Short movie] and then select

[Create a new story].
The window for creating a new short movie story is displayed.

2 Click [Select].
A window is displayed for selecting candidate motion pictures
or still pictures for insertion in the scenario*. Select a motion
picture or still picture, and then click [OK]. The candidate
pictures are displayed in the scene selection area.
C * A scenario is the outline of a series of motion pictures and/or still
D pictures according to a template.

Scene selection area Template selection/

BGM editing area

●●You can also select [Tools] from the menu, and then perform this ●●If you want to save the current contents of your work while creating a
operation from the menu that is displayed. scenario, click [Save story] ( D ).
●●To remove the selected motion picture or still picture from the ●●Depending on the selected picture, the motion may be too fast or the
scenario, select the motion picture or still picture that you want to effect may be otherwise unsuitable. In that case, adjust the effect
remove and click [Deselect] ( A ). manually. (→172)
●●To enlarge the scene selection area, click ( B ). To enlarge the
template selection/BGM editing area, click ( B ).
●●To change the display area, drag the frame. ( C )
HD Writer AE 113
Advanced Features

Using convenient features Creating short movie stories

3 Select a template.
To play back the image and BGM of a template, place the
mouse pointer on the template and click the that appears.
4 Click [Next].
5 When the confirmation message is
displayed, click [Yes].

Motion picture or still picture that

you want to prioritize for display
●●The length of time of the short movie story is determined by the length ●●You cannot use all selected motion pictures and still pictures as
of the BGM. content for the short movie story. There is a limit to the number of
●●To check the BGM, click ( C ). pictures that can be used for each template. From the motion pictures
●●To register music other than the template tune as BGM, select [User and still pictures that you selected, you can specify those that you
specified] ( D ). (→117) definitely want to display in the scenario, or those that you decide
When you select the [BGM-priority] template, a scenario is created you do not want to display by adding a mark to them. (Left: Current
according to the rise and fall of the registered BGM. number of pictures marked with . Right: Upper limit for number of
●●To perform advanced settings such as for picture material sorting, pictures marked with .) ( A )
BGM overlapping or output format, click [Settings] ( E ). (→152, 153) --When you select a motion picture or still picture that you want to
You can also set BGM overlap by clicking ( F ). (→152) display and click ( B ), a mark is added to that motion picture or
●●If a message regarding insufficient PC specifications is displayed still picture.
after clicking [Next], your PC may not have the necessary processing --When you select a motion picture or still picture that you do not want
power. Please refer to “Troubleshooting”. (→172) to display and click ( B ), a / mark is added to that motion picture
●●When the scenario is created, the processing may take some time. or still picture.
--To remove the mark, select the motion picture or still picture and
click ( B ).
HD Writer AE 114
Advanced Features

Using convenient features Creating short movie stories

6 Check the contents of the created

scenario in the preview window.
The structure of the BGM in the selected template (or the
BGM that you have registered yourself) is displayed as a
graph, enabling you to check how the BGM will be used in
relation to the motion pictures and still pictures in the scenario.
B 7 Click [File output].
To edit, click [Edit] ( A ) and select a tab in the setting area (→118).
●●The editing operations for Title (→66), Decorations (→68), Volume
(→69), and Transition (→70) are the same as when editing motion
pictures. Refer to the pages in parentheses. Effects can be
edited using the procedure below.
Preview window buttons To change the display
: Displays the BGM editing window. (→117) You can change the number of motion pictures or still
 plits the scene. (→118)
: S pictures to display per frame.
1 Click [Effect] in the setting area (→118).
: Stops.
: Plays back. To display multiple motion pictures and still pictures in a
: Pauses. single frame, first select the [Picture] tab, click [▼] under
: Mutes the sound when clicked. (When sound is output.) [Window expression] and select the display method, and
: S
 tarts outputting sound when clicked. (When sound is muted.) then drag and drop the motion picture or still picture that you
: Lowers the volume. want to add from the content selection area to the list.
: Raises the volume. ●●To remove a motion picture or still picture from the list,
: Adjusts the volume. select that picture and click .
2 Set the motion picture or still picture transition
method under [Operation].
Tips 3 Set color tone effects for the picture using [Effect].
●●To enlarge the display of the graph contents, click ( B ). 4 Click [Apply].
(Click ( B ) to return to the original window.) ●●By clicking during motion picture selection, you can set the
●●By clicking [Retouch] on the [Effect] – [Picture] tab during still picture playback start position or scene division.
selection, you can open the retouch window to retouch the still ●●When selecting motion pictures, you can change the playback
picture. (→84) speed between 0.1 and 2 times normal speed by moving the
By clicking [Adjustment], you can adjust the display range or direction [Movie setting] knob.
linked with the [Operation] settings. ●●If you select [Texture] on the [Texture fill] tab, a picture with
●●If you click [Back], the scenario you were creating will be lost. If you that color or texture is displayed.
want to save it, use [Save story].
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Using convenient features Creating short movie stories

8 Check the output format and click [OK].

●●To change the output format, click [Change]. (→153)

9 Select the save destination folder.

To save in a folder that is not displayed
1 Click [Browse].
2 Select the desired folder, or create a new folder and
click [OK].

10 Enter a file name.

11 Click [OK].

●●Processing while outputting a file may take some time.
●●Output files cannot be re-edited. We recommend that you save your
●●You can copy the output file to a medium for playback.
HD Writer AE 116
Advanced Features

Using convenient features Creating short movie stories

Editing BGM
You can register an arbitrary music file as BGM in place of the BGM that is set in the template.

1 Ina mark
the new story creation window, add
to [User specified] and click
A window for selecting a music file is displayed.

2 Select a music file and click [Open].

The selected music file is added to the BGM list.
●●By dragging the slider in the song playback gauge to an arbitrary
C position, you can confirm the playback from that position. ( A )
●●To specify the starting and ending positions of the song that you
want to use as BGM, drag the bottom slider. ( B )
●●To deselect a song from the BGM list, select the song and click
( C ).
To register multiple music files as BGMs
1 Click [Select].
2 Select the music files you want to add, and then click
B A B ●●To change the song order, click ( D ) and move the
selected song.
●●To insert a pause of no sound in the BGM, select the
preceding song and click [Mute] ( E ). A minute of no sound is
Tips added to the BGM after that song.
●●You can also edit the BGM by clicking on the operation panel
below the preview window. (→115)
To change song switching positions after creating a scenario, open
the BGM editing window and click at the playback position that
you want to switch to the next song. That position will segue into the
starting position of the next song.
HD Writer AE 117
Advanced Features

Using convenient features Creating short movie stories

Editing the order of motion pictures and still pictures in the scenario and other settings
You can sort, change, merge, and divide motion pictures and still pictures in the scenario.

Short movie story screen

Setting area To sort the motion pictures or still pictures
Drag and drop the motion pictures or still pictures into the
D editing area.
C ●●To undo or redo editing operations, click [Undo] ( A ) or [Redo]
( A ).
●●If you select a motion picture or still picture in the editing
A B area and click [Delete] ( A ), that picture is removed from the

To replace a motion picture or still picture

You can replace the content by clicking [Replace] ( A ) and
dragging and dropping motion pictures and still pictures
Editing area
from the content selection area that is displayed on the left
side of the window into the editing area.

To merge and split motion pictures

When you select a motion picture or still picture that you
want to play back seamlessly in the scenario and click
[Merge] ( B ), the selected motion picture or still picture is
merged with the subsequent motion picture or still picture.
If you pause playback of a motion picture or still picture in
the preview window ( C ) and click at the position where
you want to split the motion picture or still picture, the
Content selection area motion picture or still picture is split at that position.

●●You can also display the content selection window by clicking ( D ).
(Click ( D ) to return to the original window.)
HD Writer AE 118
Advanced Features

Using convenient features Creating short movie stories

Loading a saved story

You can restart work by loading a story that was saved before it was finished.

1 Click [Short movie].

2 Select [Open story].
3 Select a story.

●●You can also select [Tools] from the menu, and then perform this
operation from the menu that is displayed.
●●You can change the display mode of the story file list by clicking
HD Writer AE 119
Advanced Features

Using convenient features Creating short movie stories

Deleting stories
You can delete saved stories.

1 Click [Short movie].

2 Select [Delete story].
3 Select a story.
4 Click [Delete].

●●You can also select [Tools] from the menu, and then perform this
operation from the menu that is displayed.
●●You can change the display mode of the story file list by clicking
HD Writer AE 120
Advanced Features
Using convenient features
Retouching motion pictures
You can add objects (figures, text, etc.) to motion pictures and short movie stories. (“Video retouch”)
You can also perform settings that make the added objects appear to move around, etc. (Animation)

1 Select [Tools] → [Movie] → [Video

retouch] → [Create a new project] from
the menu.

2 Select the type of picture you want to

[Video]: Retouch a motion picture.
[Video editing project]: Retouch a saved motion picture editing
[Short movie story]: Retouch a saved short movie story.

3 Click [Next].
4 Select a motion picture (story), and click
[Execute] ([OK]).
The [Video retouch] screen is displayed.

●●Motion pictures shorter than 5 seconds cannot be retouched.
●●To retouch a motion picture file from an already output short movie
story, select that motion picture from [Video].
HD Writer AE 121
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Using convenient features Retouching motion pictures

About the “Video retouch” screen

Information Menu bar Preview window
Operation hints and other information are displayed here. ●●The X and Y axis values (the number of pixels from the left
( : Display history) edge and the upper edge of the motion picture, respectively) are
●●To display the information bar, select [Information] from the shown at the lower right.
[View] menu. To hide the bar, click . Edit/create object buttons

Preview settings
[Display magnification]: Changes the magnification of the Object setting area
[Display grid]: Shows a grid for easier positioning of the [Save] button
object. Saves the contents of your
●●The actual motion picture is not affected. Click to work.
display the setting screen, and then use [Grid width] ([Grid [Output] button
height]) to adjust the spacing between the vertical and
Saves a motion picture file.
horizontal lines, and [Line color] to adjust the color of the
lines in the grid. [Exit] button
●●To display the options bar, select [Preview settings] from Exits the “Video retouch”
the [View] menu. To hide the bar, click . screen.

Playback operation area

: Reduces the playback speed. (No sound is
Timeline area output.)
Playback position Playback position bar
●●Click to enter a value. : Returns to the display end/start point of
the previous object, or to the playback start
Playback timescale position of the motion picture.
●●You can change the : Moves backwards frame-by-frame.
timescale by dragging : Plays back./ : Pauses.
► (Playback start point) : Moves forwards frame-by-frame.
and ◄ (Playback end : Skips to the display start/end point of the next
point). object, or to the playback end position of the
motion picture.
Scale gradation slider : Mute./ : Sound is output.
Drag the slider to widen/ Track selection area Tracks, Object : Adjusts the volume.
narrow the width of the / : Show/hide object. display period
tracks. : Move track up/down. Undo/Redo buttons
HD Writer AE 122
Advanced Features

Using convenient features Retouching motion pictures

5 Click a Create object button.

If you have already decided when to start displaying the
object, you can drag the playback position bar to that position.

6 Make settings for the objects.

The settings can also be made after creating the object.
●●About the setting items for each object (→124, 125).

7 Create an object on the screen.

The display period of the created object is indicated by the
position of the playback position bar over the track area.

8 Adjust the size, position, etc.

●●When you click the object in the preview window or in the track
with the button selected, you can edit the settings.
●●About animation settings (→127).

9 Set the display time of the object.

Drag the object in the track to move the display period.
To lengthen/shorten the display time, drag the left end to
adjust the start time position, or the right end to adjust the end
time position. You can also adjust the positions by selecting
[Time settings] in the right-click menu.

●●To save your work in progress as a “project”, click [Save].
Note that even if you save a retouched short movie story as a project,
retouching will not be reflected in the original short movie story.
However, if you later edit the original short movie story, the edited
contents will be reflected in the project as well.
HD Writer AE 123
Advanced Features

Using convenient features Retouching motion pictures

Ellipses and rectangles Text

1 Click or . 1 Click .
2 Draw a figure in the preview window by dragging with the 2 Create a bounding box by dragging with the mouse
mouse pointer. pointer in the preview window, and then click inside the
[Color]: S
 ets the border color. outline and enter the text.
[Texture fill]: Sets the color for filled areas. 3 Make text settings using the [Basic] tab.
[Width]: S ets the width of the border. [Font]: S  ets the font type.
[Rounded corners]: Rounds the four corners. (Rectangles only) [Font size]: S  ets the character size.
[Opacity]: S ets the transparency. (Shared by all objects) [Bold]: Makes the text bold.
<Single color setting> (Shared by all objects and grids) [Italic]: M
 akes the text italics.
A : Color palette display
: Sets the alignment after line breaks.
A B : RGB value
[Color]: Sets the color.
B specification [Opacity]: S  ets the transparency.
C : Transparency setting 4 Using the [Border] tab, set the color and width of the
C external border using [External border], and the internal
●●Click the color you want to use on the color palette. By clicking border line using [Internal border].
[Recently used colors], you can select a color from your usage 5 To add shadows to the characters, enable [Add shadows]
history. You can also specify an RGB value. using the [Shadows] tab, set the color of the shadows
<Gradation settings> (Shared by all objects) using [Shadow color], and adjust the blurriness using
A : Edge color settings
[Shadow blur], the direction using [Shadow direction] and
A B B : Gradation direction the distance from the character using [Shadow distance].
C : Intermediate color
6 To add a background to the text (a rectangle behind the
C setting text), enable [Add background] using the [Background]
tab, and use [Color] and [Width] to adjust the color and
●●Click ( A ) to select the edge colors. You can create color crossover width of the background border, and [Texture fill] to select
points ( C ) by clicking the gradation bar. You can drag the points
( A and C ), and delete them by right-clicking them. the background color.
●●You can round the four corners of the background by selecting
3 Adjust the size and position of the figure. [Rounded corners].
●●Drag the light blue square inside the bounding box to make the
object larger/smaller, and drag the pink circles in the four corners to
7 Adjust the position of the text, etc.
rotate the object. ●●You can rotate the text by dragging the pink circles in the four
If you hold down the [Shift] key while dragging to adjust the size, corners of the bounding box.
the object that you are drawing becomes a circle or a square. If the
drawing is already finished, its aspect ratio is maintained.

HD Writer AE 124
Advanced Features

Using convenient features Retouching motion pictures

Stamp Still picture

1 Click . 1 Click .
2 Select a stamp, and click in the preview window to add it 2 Click [Register] on the [Image list], and select the still
there. picture you want to paste.
[Magnification]: Enlarges/reduces the size. ●●The selected still picture is registered on the list as a candidate.
[Angle]: Sets the angle. ●●To remove a still picture from the list, select that still picture and
[Animation interval]: For moving stamps, sets the speed of click [Deselect].
movement. 3 Select a still picture from the list and drag it to the
[Opacity]: S
 ets the transparency. preview window to paste it there.
●●About [Countdown playback] (→127) [Rounded corners]: Rounds the four corners.
●●You cannot change the color of the stamps. [Opacity]: S
 ets the transparency.
3 Add more stamps or switch to and adjust the position, 4 To add a frame around the still picture, enable [Add frame]
etc. of the stamp. using the [Frame] tab, and set the color of the frame using
[Frame color] and the width using [Frame width].
5 To add shadows to the still picture, enable [Add shadows]
using the [Shadows] tab and set the color of the shadows
1 Click .
using [Shadow color], and adjust the blurriness using
2 Draw a line by dragging with the mouse pointer in the [Shadow blur], the direction using [Shadow direction]
preview window. and the distance from the still picture using [Shadow
[Color]: S
 ets the main color of the line. distance].
[Border color]: S  ets the border color of the line. 6 Paste more still pictures or switch to and adjust the
[Width]: S ets the width of the line.
size and position, etc. of the still picture.
[Border width]: S  ets the width of the border. ●●Drag the light blue square inside the bounding box to make the still
[Opacity]: S ets the transparency. picture larger/smaller, and drag the pink circles in the four corners
●●About [Countdown playback] (→127) to rotate the still picture.
3 Draw more lines or switch to and adjust the position, If you hold down the [Shift] key while dragging to adjust the size,
the still picture’s aspect ratio is preserved.
etc. of the line.

●●To remove an object, right-click it and select [Delete]. To copy it and
paste additional copies, select [Duplicate].
●●By right-clicking an object in the preview window and selecting
[Position], you can place the object in one of the standard positions
(from the top of the menu: Left edge of window, Center horizontally,
Right edge, Upper edge, Center vertically, Lower edge).
HD Writer AE 125
Advanced Features

Using convenient features Retouching motion pictures

10 To create additional objects, repeat steps

5 to 9.
●●If the display time of a new object overlaps with that of an
already created object, a display period for the new object will
appear on a lower track. In the motion pictures, objects in the
bottommost track will overlay objects in the tracks above them.
●●To change the overlap priority order between objects, drag the
object to another track.

11 Click [Output].
12 Select the output motion picture file
format, destination and file name, and
then click [OK].
●●By clicking [Output settings] and adjusting the settings, you
may be able to improve the performance during the file output.

13 When the confirmation message is

displayed, click [Yes].

14 Click [OK].
●●By right-clicking on the left edge of a track, you can edit the selected
track. 15 Click [Exit].
[Clear track]: D
 eletes all objects from the track.
[Increase priority]: S
 witches the selected track with the track below.
[Lower priority]: S
 witches the selected track with the track above.
●●When outputting the file, some of the shooting information of the
original motion picture may not be retained, depending on the
selected output file format.
HD Writer AE 126
Advanced Features

Using convenient features Retouching motion pictures

Adding animation effects to objects

By setting a number of change points during the display time of an object, you can make it appear to move.

<With animation enabled>

Start point
Change point
1 Right-click an object you have created
and select [Animation] – [ON].
(key frame) This enables the animation settings, and the start point for the
object’s action appears in the track.
●●You can also enable animations by selecting the object and
checking [Enable animation].
Example of animations you can create
< - Object crosses screen from left to right in 8 seconds.>
2 Move the playback position bar to the point
you want to set as the change point ( A ).
00:00:00 00:00:08
●●You can create a change point where only the position information
differs from the start point either by raising the X value of [Position]
3 Change the object’s settings.
The icon for the changed item turns red. The change point
with the position bar at 8 seconds after the display start point, or by is set at the position ( A ) where the object and the bar
dragging the object on the screen to the right. intersect.
< - Object fades in as it crosses the screen from left to right in 8 ●●You can move the change point by dragging it, or delete/copy
seconds.> it by right-clicking it. To delete all change points, right-click the
object in the track and select [Delete all key frames].
Stamp and pen animation
In addition to regular animation, you can trace a stamp
00:00:00 00:00:08 movement or a pen drawing along with the playback of a
●●In addition, set the [Opacity] to 0 at the start point, and to 1 at the motion picture.
change point to make the object transparent. 1 Click the playback button.
<Animated pen drawing> 2 Create a drawing by dragging with the mouse pointer
00:00:00 in the preview window.
00:00:04 00:00:06 00:00:08
●●When you click [Countdown playback], first [3], [2], [1] appear
on the screen, and then the playback starts. This makes it
easier to adjust the timing for beginning the pen drawing or
the stamp moving.

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Advanced Features

Using convenient features Retouching motion pictures

Loading a saved video retouch project

You can restart work by loading a video retouch project that was saved before it was finished.

1 Select [Tools] → [Movie] → [Video

retouch] → [Open project] from the

2 Select a project.

●●You can change the display mode of the project list by clicking
●●If you move or delete the original motion picture, or delete the saved
motion picture editing project, video retouch project or short movie
story that the project is based on, the project can no longer be loaded.
HD Writer AE 128
Advanced Features

Using convenient features Retouching motion pictures

Deleting video retouch projects

You can delete saved video retouch projects.

1 Select [Tools] → [Movie] → [Video

retouch] → [Delete project] from the

2 Select a project.
3 Click [Delete].

●●You can change the display mode of the project list by clicking
HD Writer AE 129
Advanced Features

Using convenient features Retouching motion pictures

Advanced “Video retouch” settings

A 1 Select [Settings] from the [File] menu on

the video retouch screen.
B The setting window is displayed.

2 Make motion picture output settings.

A: Set whether to save memory during the output process.
B: For details about [Hardware acceleration] (→155).

3 Make preview settings.

C: Set the preview image resolution.
D: Set whether to return the playback position bar to the
C playback start point after preview.

4 Make optional settings.
E: Set the hard disk of your PC to use as a work space.
F: Set whether to automatically save the contents of
your work. If the “Video retouch” process is suddenly
interrupted, the next time you start the software a
confirmation screen will appear, asking whether you want
to resume work from the automatically saved state.
G : Set the default value for the display time of newly created
E objects.
H : Set whether to align the position with other objects when
F the display period of an object is moved.
H 5 ●Click

Click [OK] to apply the settings and close the window.

HD Writer AE 130
Advanced Features
Using convenient features
Sharing motion pictures recorded using your video camera on the Internet
You can share motion pictures recorded using your video camera to YouTube*1 or Facebook*2.
*1 YouTube is a website for sharing motion pictures on the Internet.
*2 Facebook is an Internet SNS (Social Networking Service) site.

●●Because YouTube and Facebook services and specifications are subject to change, operation of online services cannot be guaranteed in the
future. Available services and screens are subject to change without notice.
(This service is available as of November 1, 2015.)
●●Unless you are the copyright holder or you have obtained permission from the copyright holder, do not upload motion pictures protected
under copyright.

Opening YouTube or Facebook

●●Connect the PC to the Internet.
●●Register a YouTube or Facebook account in advance to obtain
login information.

Click [Output]→
1 SNS]→[YouTube] [Share to
or [Facebook] from the

HD Writer AE 131
Advanced Features
Using convenient features
Converting data format

1 Click [Tools] →[Movie] →

conversion] from the menu.

2 Set the storage destination folder and

output format.

3 Click [Execute].

HD Writer AE 132
Advanced Features
Using convenient features
Printing still pictures
You can print still pictures that are saved on a computer.

A B Select [Output] →
1 menu. [Print] from the

2 Select a still picture.

3 Adjust print settings.
A: [Basic Settings]
Set the printer, print layout, which information to print, etc.
B : [Option 1]/[Option 2]
Make detailed settings like the amount of information to
print text color, etc.

4 Click [Execute].

●●The title information or Face Recognition name is usually printed
in the top left or bottom left, but if this will overlap the date setting
position, it is printed on the right side of the picture.
●●If the title has too many letters, it may overlap the date. This can be
prevented by changing the display position setting.
●●Place names or landmarks containing up to 72 single-byte characters
(or 36 double-byte characters) can be printed out. Depending on the
paper and font settings, the characters at the end of place names or
landmarks may not be printed out if they contain too many characters.
●●If [Show date] is selected for a picture that does not have recording
date information, the last update date is printed.
HD Writer AE 133
Formatting discs
Format discs in the following situations. Use this software to format discs that you will use with this software.

●●When recording to new BD-R/RE discs

●●When recording to new DVD-RAM discs in AVCHD standard
●●When reusing DVD-RW discs
●●When using DVD-RAM discs that you have used in other equipment
(Formatting is not required when adding content to DVD-RAM discs recorded with this software.)
●●When deleting all data on BD-RE, DVD-RAM or DVD-RW discs

Important Tips
Formatting deletes all data on a disc. This data cannot be ●●DVD-R discs can be used without formatting them. (Formatting is not
restored. Check the content carefully before formatting. possible for these discs.)
●●Clear any protection by using the equipment originally used to ●●Format both sides of double-sided discs, one side after another.
protect the disc. Otherwise, activate the [Auto protection settings for ●●When recording motion pictures to SD cards, use the video camera
writing to DVD-RAM/RW] setting (→146) before formatting. (Auto compatible with this software to format the cards.
protect is deactivated after formatting.) ●●When recording motion pictures on a USB HDD, be sure to format
the USB HDD using the video camera that this software is compatible

HD Writer AE 134
Formatting discs

1 Select the optical drive.

●●If the optical drive is not listed, click [Refresh] ( A ).

2 Select the type and method of

Specify the type of formatting for the following discs.
●●For BD-R/RE discs
--To record on a BD-R disc: UDF 2.6
--To record on a BD-RE disc: UDF 2.5
●●For DVD-RAM discs
--To record in AVCHD format: UDF 2.5

3 Click [Start].
4 Click [Yes] when the confirmation
message is displayed.
A ●●If you click [No], the previous window is displayed.
●●A message is displayed indicating that complete erasure may
take some time. Click [Yes] to continue.
[Simple erasure]:
Simple erasure is performed.
In a brief period of about one minute, logical formatting is
performed. If data is recorded on a disc, only information in the
5 Click [OK] when a message is displayed
indicating that formatting is complete.
table of contents is deleted.
[Complete erasure]:
Complete erasure is performed.
Discs are physically formatted. Formatting may take a long time,
depending on the speed of the drive and type of disc. Any data
on a disc is deleted.

HD Writer AE 135

Software settings
Adjust functions or appearance of the software.

1 Select [Tools] from the menu.

2 Select [Settings].
3 Select the settings you want to adjust.
4 Change the settings.
●●Settings (→137)

5 Click [Apply].
6 Click [OK].

HD Writer AE 136
Software settings

Settings about the software in general [Registration folder]

1 Click [General] – [Registration folder].

2 Change the settings.
[Registration folder]
A : Currently registered folders
[Add] [Delete]: Add or delete folders to be displayed.

●●Even if you delete the registration folder, the folders that are saved on
the PC and the videos inside the folders are not deleted.
●●A maximum of 30 registration folders can be added.
HD Writer AE 137
Software settings

Settings about the software in general [Registration folder]

[Setting for the Wireless PC Copying destination folder]

You can register or change the receive folder for storing
A videos copied from your video camera to your PC using the
Wi-Fi connection.
A : Currently registered folders
[Add] [Delete]: Add or delete folders to be displayed.
[Settings]: S  etting for the folder.
[Auto-create]: When using the default settings, a receive
folder is created with the name “CamShare”.
Password protection is off.
[Create manually]: Select any folder as the receive folder
and turn password protection on or off.

●●To make these settings, you must log on with an Administrator
When you turn password protection on using [Create manually], log
on with a user account with a password already set.
●●Depending on the OS, the user account (the account name
and password) must be registered using up to 32 single-byte
alphanumeric characters, or it will not be possible to create a data
receive folder.
(If necessary, refer to OS help to create a new user account.)
●●Removable drives and network folders cannot be registered.
●●The copied pictures will be stored in a folder that is created under the
data receive folder and named with the transmission date.
(Example: 11-01-2016)
HD Writer AE 138
Software settings

Settings about the software in general [Basic]

1 Click [General] – [Basic].

2 Change the settings.
[Work area setting]
The work area is an area on the PC’s hard disk that is used
temporarily when working.
Select a drive with twice the size of free space than the size
of the disc to create.
●●When the file system of the hard disk that is set as the work
area is FAT32
--If the total size of the motion picture thumbnails that are
grouped together is larger than 4 GB, the data cannot be
copied to a disc.
--Files larger than 4 GB cannot be saved during motion picture
●●The following may occur depending on the remaining free
--17 GB or less: Cannot perform split recording to discs.
--5 GB or less: Some areas may not operate properly.
--300 MB or less: Some editing is not possible.

HD Writer AE 139
Software settings

Settings about the software in general [Basic]

[Automatic start]
When this check box is selected, the software starts
automatically when the video camera and computer are
By default, the check box is selected.
●●The automatic start can also be enabled or disabled from the
menu that is displayed by right-clicking the icon in the task

[Reset the confirmation message display]

Disabled confirmation screen will be re-enabled.

[Window animation]
If the operation of the PC slows down markedly, turn off
animations by removing the check mark.

HD Writer AE 140
Software settings

Settings about the software in general [Picture display]

1 Click [General] – [Picture display].

2 Change the settings.
[Display picture files in subfolder]
If you select a folder in list view and you do not want the
pictures in its subfolders to be displayed in the display area,
remove the check mark.

[Preview on thumbnail]
[Do not preview]: No preview.
[Preview (set the playback start position with the
mouse)]: A playback marker (a pair of triangles indicating
the playback position) is displayed. When you move
the mouse left and right, the playback position changes
accordingly so that you can preview the picture.
[Preview]: The preview starts from the beginning of the

●●Audio is not played during thumbnail preview.
●●When [Preview] is set and multiple thumbnail videos are collectively
displayed, such as the recording month or recording date in the
Calendar display, frame-by-frame playback is performed for the
collective thumbnails.
●●When Preview is enabled, the videos may not be displayed smoothly
depending on the performance of your PC.
HD Writer AE 141
Software settings

Settings about Copy to PC [General]

1 Click [Copy to PC] – [General].

2 Change the settings.
[Sorting for copying to PC]
[Date of acquisition] : Save in a subfolder for the copying
date (today).
[Recording month] : Save in a subfolder for the recording
[Recording day] : Save in a subfolder for the recording

HD Writer AE 142
Software settings

Settings about Copy to PC [Photo]

1 Click [Copy to PC] – [Photo].

2 Change the settings.
[Operation when the same file name exists]
[Auto]: Modification date, time and size of file are
compared. And if a same file is identified, then it is
judged as an identical file and thus still pictures from
it are not acquired. If one of them is different from
the other, then still pictures are acquired by adding
a numerical character in the brackets at the end of
the file name.
[Manual]: Perform the specified process.
[Add number to the end of the file name]:
Save with a different name.
[Skip]: Do not save.
[Overwrite]: Overwrites if the file is the same (same
update date, size).
If the file is not the same, it does not
overwrite and save but instead adds a
number in parentheses at the end of the file

HD Writer AE 143
Software settings

Settings about Copy to PC [Video]

1 Click [Copy to PC] – [Video].

2 Change the settings.
[File name when copied to PC]
When copying a motion picture to a PC, you can set the
date order that will be used as the file name of the motion
[Year - Month - Day]: Year, month, day
(Example: 2016-01-15)
[Month - Day - Year]: M onth, day, year
(Example: 01-15-2016)
[Day - Month - Year]: D ay, month, year
(Example: 15-01-2016)

HD Writer AE 144
Software settings

Setting about Copy to media [General]

1 Click [Copy to media] – [General].

2 Change the settings.
[Disc write speed setting]
[Max. speed (recommend)]: Write at the maximum speed
of the drive.
[Normal]: Select if recording failed. It may improve.

HD Writer AE 145
Software settings

Setting about Copy to media [AVCHD]

1 Click [Copy to media] – [AVCHD].

2 Change the settings.
[Auto protection settings for writing to DVD-RAM/
[Auto Protect ON]:
The protect setting is turned off temporarily when adding
data to a DVD in AVCHD standard that is set as protected.
(Protect setting is set again when the DVD is ejected.)
[Auto Protect OFF]:
Recording to the protected DVD is not possible.

●●The DVD-RAM/RW that was recorded with Auto Protect enabled is
set as protected, so it may not be possible to format by other DVD
recording software or Windows Explorer.
In this case, formatting the disc with this software will cancel the
Protect setting, and enable other software to format the disc. ([Simple
erasure] is recommended.)
●●When Auto Protect is enabled, protection is set after recording even
for DVDs immediately after formatting for which protection is not set.
HD Writer AE 146
Software settings

Setting about Copy to media [AVCHD]

[Seamless setting while writing to medium]

Specify processing between scenes for uninterrupted playback
when you collect multiple scenes for recording on a Blu-ray Disc
or a disc/card in AVCHD format.
When using the Smart Wizard to create a Blu-ray Disc or a
disc/card in AVCHD format, operation will follow the setting
[Make seamless recording when recording modes are same],
regardless of the settings made here.
[Make seamless recording when recording modes are
Processing for seamless playback between scenes longer than
three seconds that are recorded in the same mode (with the
same resolution, frame rate, and number of audio channels).
●●There will be gaps in playback between scenes of different
recording modes or scenes of three seconds or less.
[Make seamless recording even though the recording
modes are different]:
Processing for seamless playback even between scenes
recorded in different modes and shorter than three seconds.
However, conversion will take some time, and the picture quality
will be inferior. With this option, we recommend using an Intel®
Core™ 2 Quad 2.6 GHz or higher processor. (As a guideline, it
takes about 50 minutes to record 10 minutes of motion picture
with Intel® Core™ 2 Quad 2.6 GHz.)
●●When 1080/60p or 1080/50p motion pictures and AVCHD
motion pictures are mixed, they are all converted to AVCHD
●●The resolution, frame rate, and number of audio channels can
be checked in the [Properties] window.

HD Writer AE 147
Software settings

Settings about Playback [Video]

1 Click [Playback] – [Video].

2 Change the settings.
[Playback method]
[File unit]: Play back the displayed motion picture to the
end and then stop.
[Repeat playback]: Play back one motion picture
[Continuous playback]: Continuous playback of all the
motion pictures displayed as
[Playback quality]
[Play at the appropriate frame rate]:
Play back at a speed suitable for the PC’s CPU
performance. The CPU capacity that was measured
when this software was launched for the first time after
the installation is displayed. You can also redo the
measurement by clicking [Measurement].
[Play at the specified frame rate]:
If playback is not good, select a low number of frames. It
may improve.
The frames may skip or playback may become less
smooth if a higher frame rate than the current setting is

HD Writer AE 148
Software settings

Settings about Slideshow [General]

1 Click [Slide show] – [General].

2 Change the settings.
Uncheck if you do not want to repeat.

HD Writer AE 149
Software settings

Settings about Slideshow [Theme]

1 Click [Slide show] – [Theme].

2 Change the settings.
[Theme]: Select the visual effect to apply to the slide show.
[Still picture display time]: Sets the still picture display

HD Writer AE 150
Software settings

Settings about Slideshow [BGM]

1 Click [Slide show] – [BGM].

2 Change the settings.
[BGM mode]
[No BGM]: No BGM.
[Default music (music file for the effect)]:
Play back the BGM for the selected visual effect.
[User specified]: Play back your desired music as BGM.

[BGM file]
Display a playback list when you select [User specified].

Set the ratio of mixing between BGM and motion picture

●●Music files in MP3, WMA, WAV or MP4 format can be used. However,
it may not be possible to play back some files. (Content with copyright
protection, etc.)
HD Writer AE 151
Software settings

Settings about Short movie story [Material]

1 Click [Short movie story] – [Material].

2 Change the settings.
[Sort materials]
[Follow the template settings]:
Plays back according to the settings of the template
that is prepared in advance.
[Sort by recording date]:
Plays back in the recording date order.
[Sort randomly]: 
Plays back the selected pictures randomly.

Settings about Short movie story [BGM]

1 Click [Short movie story] – [BGM].

2 Change the settings.
Sets the ratio of mixing between BGM and motion picture

[Overlap between BGM]

Sets the overlapping time between BGM tracks.
(0 to 3 seconds)

HD Writer AE 152
Software settings

Settings about Short movie story [Output]

1 Click [Short movie story] – [Output].

2 Change the settings.
You can select the output motion picture file format.

Settings about Short movie story [Option]

1 Click [Short movie story] – [Option].

2 Change the settings.
If the application runs slowly when you are operating, cancel
the settings for each function by deselecting the check

HD Writer AE 153
Software settings

Settings about Hardware acceleration [Playback]

1 Click [Hardware acceleration] –


2 Change the settings.

[Video playback]
If the check box is selected, high-definition motion pictures
may be played back more smoothly.
Depending on your computer environment, playback may
momentarily freeze before or after scene transitions.

●●The [Hardware acceleration] function is valid only with Windows 7 /
Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 and Windows10. Note, however, that this
function may not be available depending on the performance of your
HD Writer AE 154
Software settings

Settings about Hardware acceleration [Edit video]

1 Click [Hardware acceleration] – [Edit


2 Change the settings.

[Video output]
If you put a check mark in the box, the output performance
for AVCHD motion pictures and MP4 motion pictures may
improve. (This function cannot be used for video cards that
are not NVIDIA CUDA-compatible.)
By clicking [Measurement], you can check which has the
highest processing speed in your PC environment, the
CUDA or the CPU.

HD Writer AE 155
Software settings

Settings about Network [General]

1 Click [Network] – [General].

2 Change the settings.
[Proxy settings]
Set whether or not to check for software update information
via a proxy server.

HD Writer AE 156
Software settings

Settings about Network [Support]

1 Click [Network] – [Support].

2 Change the settings.
[Update application]
When the check box is selected, the software update
information is checked every time the software is started.

●●You can also select [Help] from the menu, and then perform this
operation from the menu that is displayed.
●●By default, the update information is checked every time the software
is started.
●●For the software update procedure, refer to the support page that is
●●Software update notifications are not performed while the Smart
Wizard is running.
HD Writer AE 157

Right-click menu list

Functions that cannot be executed because of the operating status or other reasons are displayed in gray and cannot be selected.

When videos (or thumbnails) are right-clicked

Menu item Description Reference
[Playback] Displays the selected video in the Playback window from the start. 42
[Slide show] Plays the videos in the display area as a slideshow. 45
[Cut] Cuts the selected video. ―
[Copy] Copies the selected video. 37
[Change Name] Alters the file name of the selected video. ―
[Delete] Deletes the selected video or folder. 38
[Edit video] [Video retouch] Creates/displays/deletes a motion picture retouching project. 121
[Delete partially] Deletes unnecessary parts from a motion picture. 78
[Format conversion] Converts the format of a recorded motion picture. 132
[Still picture capture] Creates a still picture from a motion picture. 112
[Join Clips] Merging selected motion pictures. 82
[Protect] [ON] Protects a video against accidental deletion.
[OFF] Cancels the protection.
[Favorite] [ON] Sets Favorites to “ON”.
[OFF] Sets Favorites to “OFF”.
[Properties] Displays information about the selected video or folder. 53

HD Writer AE 158
Right-click menu list

When pictures (or thumbnails) are right-clicked

Menu item Description Reference
[Playback] Displays the selected picture in the Playback window. 42
[Continuous playback] Displays each still picture in a selected group of still pictures in the playback ―
[Slide show] Sets the selected pictures in a slide show for viewing. 45
[Cut] Cuts the selected picture. ―
[Copy] Copies the selected picture. 37
[Change Name] Changes the file name of the selected picture. ―
[Delete] Deletes the selected picture. 38
[Edit still picture] [Counter-clockwise Rotates a still picture 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
Rotation] 86
[Clockwise Rotation] Rotates a still picture 90 degrees clockwise.
[Resize] Resizes a picture. 87
[Retouch] Changes the brightness or color of a picture. 84
[Format conversion] Converts the file format of a still picture. 88
[Batch Rename] Changes the file names of multiple still pictures. 89
[Change recording date] Corrects an incorrect recording date and time. 90
[Imprint] Creates still pictures with the recording date, place-name or other information 93
[Protect] [ON] Protects a picture against accidental deletion.
[OFF] Cancels the protection.
[Favorite] [ON] Sets the selected pictures as favorites.
[OFF] Cancels favorites.
[Delete place-name information] Deletes the place-name information. (Still pictures only) ―
[Properties] Displays information about the selected picture. 53

HD Writer AE 159
Right-click menu list

When [All files] is right-clicked in the folder display area

Menu item Description Reference
[Folder registration] Adds and registers the folder to display. 137

When folders are right-clicked

Menu item Description Reference
[Create folder] Creates a new folder.
[Change folder name] Changes the folder name. 137
[Delete folder] Deletes the folder.
[Refresh folders] Updates the display of the selected folder. ―
[Cut] Cuts the selected folder. ―
[Copy] Copies the selected folder. ―
[Paste] Pastes the cut or copied folder. ―
[Open in Explorer] Displays the contents of the folder with Explorer. ―

When you right-click in the display area

Menu item Description Reference
[Select all] Selects all pictures displayed in the display area. 33
[Sort] [Name] Displays in name order.
[Date of recording] Displays the pictures in order of recording date and time.
[File size] Displays in file size order. 35
[ascending order] Sorts the picture display in ascending order.
[descending order] Sorts the picture display in descending order.
[Paste] Pastes cut or copied pictures. ―

HD Writer AE 160

Symptom Corrective Action
Log on with an administrator account or a standard user account before using this software.
The software will not function with a Guest account.
●●Multiple users cannot start the software at the same time. Make sure another user has not
started the software.
The software does not start.
●●It takes time for the software to start, or the software may not start, if there are any damaged
or corrupted videos.
●●Installation of the necessary modules may not be completed, so please restart the PC.
●●Check the display resolution setting, and use a display setting that is 1024x768 or higher.
Also, if the text font size is set to a value higher than the default 100%, the font size must be
reduced or the display setting must be changed to an even higher resolution.
Startup may be slow on PCs that are not connected to the Internet.
Application startup is slow.
Check whether the PC can connect to the Internet.
While this software is started, the screen saver or the power-saving functions (function to make
The screen saver or the power-saving
the PC enter the standby or sleep modes after a certain time has elapsed without any operation
functions do not operate.
on the PC) are disabled.

HD Writer AE 161

Symptom Corrective Action
●●You can display only motion pictures that were recorded with this software or a video camera
compatible with this software.
Motion picture cannot be displayed.
●●This software cannot process a motion picture recorded with the video camera compatible
with this software if it was edited with other devices or software.
Can be displayed in thumbnail mode
The supported maximum size is exceeded.
but cannot be displayed in the Playback
If still pictures have thumbnail pictures as Exif data, only their folders can be displayed.
When 2 files are linked (associated files), they have the same name except for the extension.
There are 2 files with the same name. If the association between these files is broken, such as by changing one of the names,
playback may not be possible on the video camera.
If the [Error] thumbnail remains even after selecting [View] → [Refresh] on the menu, the cause
could be one of the following:
●●The video file does not exist.
The file may have been moved or deleted by a different software program.
If you click a thumbnail for which [Error] is displayed, an update confirmation message is
[Error] is displayed for the thumbnail.
displayed for the folder in which the selected video is saved.
●●The registration folder does not exist.
Check whether the folder exists, such as by using Windows® Explorer.
If a removable device such as an external HDD has been set as a registration folder, check
that the device is connected properly, and then select [View] → [Refresh] from the menu.

HD Writer AE 162

Symptom Corrective Action

●●Close any other software that is running.
●●Update the device driver for the sound card or video card.
●●Videos may be played back with frame drops color-dulling, or a jerky effect depending on the
[Windows Aero] functions, the PC environment, or the videos themselves. Also, there may be
noise or videos may not play back smoothly at points where the image resolution or sound
Videos do not play back properly. ●●Even in an environment with adequate performance to play back high-quality, high-definition
motion pictures, high-definition motion pictures may not play back smoothly if [Windows Aero]
is set.
To cancel [Windows Aero]:
--Click [Control Panel] → [Change the theme], and then select a theme from [Basic and High
Contrast Themes].
●●The frame rate may drop for playback if the processing performance of the computer is
inadequate, preventing smooth playback.
●●In order to play back 4K motion pictures smoothly, a video card that supports hardware
decoding of 4K motion pictures is required.
(For example)
4K motion pictures are not played back Intel HD Graphics 4000 or higher
smoothly. NVIDIA GeForce 600 series or higher
●●In order to play back 4K motion pictures, at least 2 GB of video memory is required.
(In order to play back motion pictures with a resolution of 4K, a monitor and a video card that
support 4K are required.)
When the check box for [Hardware
Try updating the video card device driver. (For instructions on how to update the device driver,
acceleration] (→155) is selected,
consult your PC or video card manufacturer.)
videos are not played back properly.

HD Writer AE 163

Symptom Corrective Action

The check box for [Hardware Your computer is not compatible with DXVA2.0. It might become compatible if you update the
acceleration] (→155) cannot be video card device driver.
selected because the function is (For details on DXVA2.0 compatibility and instructions on how to update the device driver,
disabled. consult your PC or video card manufacturer.)
●●Select [Control Panel] → [Hardware and Sound] → [Sound] → [Speakers] and then click
[Properties]. Confirm that [Use this device (enable)] is selected under [Device usage] on the
Voice is not audible.
[General] tab, and that [Speakers] and [Line input] are not muted on the [Levels] tab.
●●Voice will not play back while the image is paused.
●●Breaks of a few seconds can occur between scenes when using the Smart Wizard to copy
content to disc in high-definition.
●●When processing has been performed so as to have more than 99 consecutive scenes
Playback pauses a few seconds when play back seamlessly, a break will occur between playback of the 99th and 100th scenes.
playing a video recorded on a created (However, if the 99th and 100th scene are from the same video, the break in playback will
Blu-ray Disc or an SD card, DVD or USB occur where the video starts.)
HDD in AVCHD format. ●●If you record with [Make seamless recording when recording modes are same] in the [Tools]
→ [Settings] – [Copy to media] – [AVCHD] – [Seamless setting while writing to medium],
playback is interrupted for scenes that are less than 3 seconds or between scenes with
different recording modes (resolution, frame rate, or number of sound channels).
Media produced in the DVD-Video
The sound of MPEG2 files recorded on the media is in Dolby Digital format. This sound will not
format cannot be played back using
be played back on PCs which do not have Dolby Digital Codec installed.
Windows Media® Player.
Motion picture with an aspect ratio of MPEG2 motion picture with an aspect ratio of 16:9 may be played back at 4:3 in Windows
16:9 is displayed at 4:3. Media® Player and similar software.
Even though the data is played back
The top menu will be displayed on a player capable of playing back the top menu. The top
on the video camera, top menu is not
menu will not be displayed on a video camera.
played back.

HD Writer AE 164

Symptom Corrective Action

When the produced disc is played back
Portions of the area around the video may not be displayed on some playback equipment such
on another device, zones surrounding
as televisions.
the video are not displayed.
A created Blu-ray Disc or an SD card or Blu-ray Discs created using this software and DVDs and SD cards in AVCHD format can only
DVD in AVCHD format cannot be played be played on equipment that is compatible with the corresponding standard.
back. ●●Some video cameras do not support playback of motion picture on SD cards.
Audio recorded in Dolby Digital 5.1 ch and played back through stereo (2 ch) speakers may
When the produced SD card or disc is
be heard from one side only. If available on your TV receiver, we recommend turning on the
played back with another device, audio
surround sound function.
may be heard from one side only.
Refer to the Operating Instructions of your TV receiver for instructions.
When the produced disc is played back,
When recorded in DVD-Video format, the end of a motion picture may be truncated by about
the end of the motion picture is slightly
0.5 seconds.
1080/60p or 1080/50p motion pictures on SD cards can only be played on AVCHD Progressive-
1080/60p or 1080/50p motion pictures
compatible equipment. For the latest information about these playback devices, check the
on an SD card you have created cannot
following support website.
be played back.

Connection/Copy to PC
Symptom Corrective Action
If other software is already running, this Other programs may prevent this software’s automatic start-up function from operating correctly
software does not start up automatically when the video camera is connected. Please change the settings of the other software or
when the video camera is connected. uninstall it completely.
The video camera is connected but not
displayed on the window or recording Click [Refresh]. The camera may be displayed by refreshing the drive information.

HD Writer AE 165

Symptom Corrective Action

When an SD card is inserted, the card is SDHC memory cards and SDXC memory cards will not be displayed unless a compatible
not displayed. device such as a reader/writer is used.
●●Thumbnails cannot be displayed for video created with software that is not made by
Panasonic or with video cameras other than those compatible with this software.
●●When selecting multiple motion pictures and recording them on a Blu-ray Disc or in AVCHD
format on a DVD or SD card using this software, scenes processed for seamless playback
Thumbnails are not correctly displayed may be displayed as a single thumbnail.
on the copying window. (You can set [Tools] → [Settings] – [Copy to media] – [AVCHD] – [Seamless setting while
writing to medium] in the menu.)
●●Motion pictures recorded with devices not compatible, or motion pictures created with other
software cannot be displayed as a thumbnail, or “?” is displayed in the thumbnail and they
cannot be played back.
The video camera is connected, but the Try connecting to a different USB connector, such as the USB connector on the rear of the
Smart Wizard does not start. computer.
Data is not transferred, even though the
Copying is not possible if the computer is in standby or sleep mode.
video camera is connected via Wi-Fi.

Symptom Corrective Action
Only video (motion pictures or still pictures) stored on the computer can be edited or copied to
Videos cannot be edited.
media. Copy video stored on other media to your computer before use.
●●Check the operating environment (→12, 13). If your PC environment doesn’t meet the
Cannot perform motion picture editing recommended specification, this software may not operate correctly.
correctly. ●●Try updating the video card device driver. (For instructions on how to update the device
driver, consult your PC or video card manufacturer.)

HD Writer AE 166

Symptom Corrective Action
Motion pictures recorded in DVD-Video format must be at least 2 seconds long.
Data cannot be recorded.
AVCHD motion pictures that are less than 2 seconds long cannot be recorded to a disc.
The number of scenes or the number of items that contain scenes exceeds the specifications of
the format or the software. The upper limits are as follows:
Number of Maximum number of items
scenes that contain scenes
DVD-R/RW/RAM (AVCHD format) 999 99
A message stating that the
Blu-ray Disc (with [Compatibility Priority]
specifications have been exceeded is 4000 200
displayed, and recording cannot be
Blu-ray Disc (with [Picture Quality Priority]
performed. 19800 —
SD card 4000 900
USB HDD 4000 900
Note, however, that when items contain scenes with different recording modes, the number that
can be recorded may be less.
Cannot record still pictures to an optical Still pictures cannot be recorded on an optical disc. Use an SD card/USB HDD to record still
disc. pictures.
●●Close any other software using the drive.
An error message is displayed when I ●●An error message may be displayed when media is replaced. Reselect the drive.
select the drive to record to. ●●Other recording software may be interfering with the operation. In this case, uninstall the
other recording software.
The video is distorted during copying
Close this software and restart the PC.
and is not copied properly.
Commercially available DVD-RAM discs are sold in UDF 2.0 format. To record in AVCHD
Cannot record on a new DVD-RAM disc.
format with this software, format them as UDF 2.5.

HD Writer AE 167

Symptom Corrective Action

●●When using this software to record on optical discs, use this software to format the discs. SD
Cannot record on storage media that cards must be formatted by using the video camera compatible with this software.
have been formatted using Windows® Optical discs formatted by using applications other than this software (such as Windows®
Explorer. Explorer) are not supported.
●●Be sure to format the USB HDD with the video camera that this software is compatible with.
●●If the disc is protected, recording is not possible. Clear any protection by using the equipment
originally used to protect the disc. When you are recording in AVCHD format, data can be
appended by enabling Auto Protection, even without clearing the protection.
Cannot write/add to the DVD-RAM.
●●If writing is impossible even though there appears to be sufficient free space, the reason
may be that the writable area is smaller than the actual free space. When recording, it is
necessary to ensure the contiguity of the data, which means that only contiguous free space
is writable. Try reducing the number of motion pictures to record, or use another recording
media such as a DVD-R/DVD-RW disc.
With DVD-R/RW and BD-R discs, recording can only be stopped by clicking [Cancel] when
Cannot stop recording midway through.
changing discs or during data conversion, not when data is being written.
Recording is not possible using unsupported types of discs or discs in unsupported formats.
A disc error message is displayed.
(For a list of supported discs: →15)
Consider the following as factors for this problem:
●●The media is not supported. (For a list of supported media: →15)
Error occurs while data are being ●●When recording on SD cards, the cards must be formatted with a file system compatible with
recorded. this software.
Use the video camera compatible with this software to format SD cards. (The
recorded data is deleted.)

HD Writer AE 168

Symptom Corrective Action

●●When recording on a USB HDD, it must be formatted with a file system compatible with this
Format the USB HDD with the video camera that this software is compatible with.
(The recorded data is deleted.)
●●There may be a compatibility problem between the drive and disc.
Use discs recommended for the drive. (With some discs, playback may not be
possible even if recording is completed normally. Check playback after recording.)
●●Recording may be affected by the state of the hard disk drive where the operating system is
installed or the drive used for working space.
Optimize the hard disk if necessary. From the start menu, select [Computer],
right-click the hard disk icon and select [Properties] → [Tools] → [Defragment
now...] → [Defragment disk]. However, do not optimize the hard disk while this
software is running.
●●Other software may be running.
Error occurs while data are being Exit other applications. Using other software at the same time may cause recording
recorded. (Continued) to fail, or it may damage discs. (In particular, do not use DVD or CD recording
software or other recording or encoding software that requires a large amount of
●●Other DVD writing software, packet writing software, or similar software that uses the optical
drive may be installed, or an ASPI driver may be installed.
Uninstall the other software and drivers and then reinstall this software.
●●Other software with features for reading UDF discs may be installed.
In this case, temporarily stop the software or uninstall it.
●●Multiple peripherals may be connected to the computer.
Disconnect SD card readers/writers and other USB devices and confirm that they
function properly (particularly if you are using an external drive for recording).
However, do not connect or disconnect these devices during recording.
●●Video cameras, optical drives, hard disk drives, or SD card adapters may be connected via
Use a different USB port (for example, a USB port on the back of the computer).

HD Writer AE 169

Symptom Corrective Action

●●Operation may be affected by the firmware (a control program stored on the equipment) of
your optical drive.
Update the firmware of your computer or optical drive. (Firmware updates may be
available on the manufacturer’s website.)
Error occurs while data are being ●●Operation may be affected by CD recording functions provided by the operating system as a
recorded. (Continued) standard feature.
Disable these functions.
●●Because some video cameras cannot play back motion pictures from SD cards, an error
message is displayed if you attempt to use this software to record on SD cards formatted by
using these video cameras. (Recording is possible, however.)
Recording additional video content is only possible on the following media:
Videos cannot be added.
●●Blu-ray Discs, DVD-RAM discs, SD cards and USB HDD that were recorded using this
●●SD cards and USB HDD that were recorded using the video camera

Recording (SD card/USB HDD)

Symptom Corrective Action
SD cards cannot be formatted on this software. Format them on the video camera compatible
Cannot format an SD card.
with this software.
USB HDDs cannot be formatted with this software. Format the USB HDD using the video
Cannot format a USB HDD.
camera that this software is compatible with.

Symptom Corrective Action
If you haven’t created a YouTube channel, you cannot log in, even if you have a YouTube account.
Cannot log in to YouTube.
Create a YouTube channel on the YouTube home page.

HD Writer AE 170

Symptom Corrective Action

Check whether the login information (user name or password, etc.) is correct.
Check whether the computer is connected to the Internet.
Cannot upload to YouTube/Facebook. Check whether resident software such as an antivirus or firewall is blocking access to YouTube/
Also check the corrective actions on the YouTube/Facebook website.
Cannot play a playlist that has been
Confirm that the motion pictures included in the playlist are marked as [Public].
uploaded to YouTube.
Cannot access the optical drive using Other software cannot access an optical drive currently in use by this software. Exit this
Windows® Explorer or other software. software before accessing the optical drive.
The free space displayed on this When you record on a Blu-ray Disc or in AVCHD format on a DVD, the free space indicated by
software is less than the free space this software is the space available on the disc for continuous recording, which may be less
displayed on Windows® Explorer. than the free space indicated by Windows® Explorer.
●●Since the media recorded in AVCHD standard is recorded in UDF 2.5 format, it cannot be
Cannot see the produced media on displayed on a PC where the UDF 2.5 driver is not installed.
Windows® Explorer. ●●Since motion pictures are recorded in UDF 2.6 format on BD-R or in UDF 2.5 format on BD-
RE, they cannot be viewed on a PC where the corresponding UDF driver is not installed.
DVD-RAM/RW discs recorded with [Auto Protect ON] selected are protected and it may not be
DVD-RAM/RW discs recorded with this possible to format them with other recording software or similar programs. In this case, you can
software cannot be formatted. format the discs using formatting functions of this software. Because complete erasure may
take a long time, we recommend simple erasure.
If recording is started on a different date
than when it is finished, which date is “Recording date” indicates the date a recording is started.
identified in “Recording date”?

HD Writer AE 171

Symptom Corrective Action

An error message indicating insufficient memory may appear when handling large volumes
of motion pictures or still pictures. Please increase the amount of available memory. (In some
A message appears indicating
cases, this problem may also be solved by increasing the amount of virtual memory.) For
insufficient memory.
instructions on how to increase the amount of memory or virtual memory, please consult your
PC’s manufacturer.
In order to be able to use the short movie story functions, your computer must have adequate
When working with a short movie story,
specifications. Even if your computer was deemed to have adequate specifications for playback
an error message about inadequate
at the time of installation, those specifications may be inadequate for using the short movie
specifications (capacity) is displayed.
story functions.
Depending on the selected picture, the created short movie story may scroll too fast or too slow.
The scrolling speed can be adjusted in the short movie story [Edit] mode.
You want to change the motion of 1. In [Edit] mode, select a fast-moving picture.
a short movie story effect (picture 2. Select [Effect], then [Picture], and then click the [Adjustment] button to open the [Move
scrolling). (Make it slower or faster.) settings] dialog box.
3. Shorten the length of the start point and the end point to make the motion slower.
* You can preview the picture using the playback button ( ) in the [Move settings] dialog box.

HD Writer AE 172

Trademark and License Information

●●Microsoft®, Windows®, Windows Vista®, Windows Media®, DirectX®, DirectDraw® and DirectSound® are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
●●IBM® and PC/AT are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation of the U.S.
●●Intel®, Pentium®, Celeron® and Intel® Core™ are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.
●●SD Logo is a trademark of SD-3C, LLC.
●●SDHC Logo is a trademark of SD-3C, LLC.
●●SDXC Logo is a trademark of SD-3C, LLC.
●●“AVCHD”, “AVCHD Progressive” and the “AVCHD”, “AVCHD Progressive” logo are trademarks of Panasonic Corporation and Sony
●●Microsoft product screen shot(s) reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation.
Copyright© 1991-2005 LEAD Technologies, Inc.
●●Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories.
Dolby and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.
Confidential unpublished works. Copyright 1992-1997 Dolby Laboratories. All rights reserved.
●●YouTube is a trademark of Google Inc.
●●Facebook® is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc.
●●Mac and Mac OS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
●●Other names of systems and products mentioned in these instructions are usually the registered trademarks or trademarks of the
manufacturers who developed the system or product concerned.
●●This product is licensed under the AVC patent portfolio license for the personal and non-commercial use of a consumer to (i) encode video in
compliance with the AVC Standard (“AVC Video”) and/or (ii) decode AVC Video that was encoded by a consumer engaged in a personal and
non-commercial activity and/or was obtained from a video provider licensed to provide AVC Video.
No license is granted or shall be implied for any other use.
Additional information may be obtained from MPEG LA, LLC.
See http://www.mpegla.com/.

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