Emulsion Pickering
Emulsion Pickering
Emulsion Pickering
Pickering Stabilisation
7.1 Introduction 94
7.1 Introduction
It is well known that oil 1 does not mix with water unless when vehemently shaken or
when an emulsifying agent is added. The ordinary emulsions then formed, abundant
in many food and daily life products, are characterized by big polydisperse oil drops
which eventually will demix due to drop coalescence. In order to stabilise these
emulsions the oil and water mixtures are usually exposed to prolonged periods of
mechanical agitation and emulsifiers are added in the form of surfactants which adsorb
to the bare oil-water interface thus preventing drop coalescence.
Another class of emulsions, the microemulsions, are characterized by a small stable
droplet size in the order of ∼ 100 Å. The small size of the droplets explains the
colorless appearance of these emulsions. Unlike ordinary emulsions, microemulsions
are usually obtained upon mixing the ingredients2 without the requirement of the high
shear conditions necessary to stabilize ordinary oil-water emulsions yet are considered
thermodynamically stable, i.e. microemulsions are a distinct thermodynamic phase.
Depending on the type of surfactant and concentration of the components involved
several microemulsionphases exist: water-in-oil droplets, oil-in-water droplets and
even bicontinuous structures are known to be formed.
In the classical Pickering emulsion [3], the emulsion is stabilised by the adsorp-
tion of small colloidal particles at the oil-water interface. Opposed to the case of
surfactant stabilised emulsions, where the shape and chemical properties of the sur-
factant molecules determine the emulsifying behaviour, in Pickering emulsions the oil
droplet is stabilised by a reduction of the bare oil-water interface by adsorption of
small particles. The parameter of choice here to describe these Pickering emulsions is
the contact angle of the adsorbed particles. It has been shown that for contact angles
in the range 30◦ − 90◦ oil-in-water emulsions are formed, whereas larger values of the
contact angle lead to water-in-oil emulsions. Stabilising emulsions using nanoparticles
is not limited to the class of Pickering emulsions. In commercial products, particle
attachment is controlled by using both surfactants and colloidal particles which lead
to a new class of emulsions. Recently, people even succeeded stabilising foams using
nanoparticles [167, 168]. Stabilising foams, however, is an active process, i.e. one
also has to supply sufficient (mechanical) energy to prepare these particle-stabilised
For a long time, the stabilisation of the Pickering emulsion was attributed to a
kinetic barrier resulting from a viscosity increase of the continuous medium between
the Pickering droplets, or to the mechanism of particle adsorption itself. Recently,
Sacanna et. al. [169] reported on a monodisperse emulsion created from water, oil
and nanoparticles. The oil phase was of the methacrylate type and the nanopar-
ticles employed were all charged but varied in nature (silica, iron-oxide and cobalt-
ferrite). Under the appropriate conditions these constituents self-assemble into stable,
“Oil” and “water” are generic terms: one should read oily phase and the water phase which
both could contain many components.
In general oil, water, surfactant and co-surfactant.
7.2 Thermodynamics 95
monodisperse droplets with diameters in the range of 30 − 150 nm. As in the case of
microemulsions, these Pickering emulsions form without the need for any mechanical
agitation. This observation in combination with the fact that one observes a spon-
taneous evolution towards one droplet size after mixing leads to the speculation that
the Pickering emulsion is a thermodynamically stable state just like in microemulsions.
From another recent study [170] we can infer that Pickering emulsions are most
stable when the Pickering droplets are homogeneously covered by nanoparticles. This
implies that the Pickering drops should be large (> 100 nm) since small droplets can-
not be covered completely. Any “bare” parts of the oil-water interface will lead to
drop coalescence/flocculation over time since the system always strives to minimize
the total interfacial area of the oil-water interface. This means that Pickering emul-
sions in which the droplets are small are expected to destabilize (e.g. by creaming)
over time.
The goal in this chapter is to analyze the Pickering emulsion using a theory origi-
nally derived for microemulsions. By using the Gibbs adsorption equation we derive
expressions for the surface tension and compare with the experiments done by Sacanna
et al. [169]. We end with some conclusions.
7.2 Thermodynamics
In what follows we largely follow the analysis presented by Ruckenstein [171]. We
assume water to be the continuous phase and the Pickering droplets to consist of the
dispersed oil phase. In order to simplify the analysis it will be assumed that
• the colloidal particles are only soluble in the continuous phase or are adsorbed
on the surface of the Pickering droplet.
• the Pickering droplets are spherical with radius R and are uniform in size
In our system we keep the volume V , total amount of particles Ni of component i
and the temperature T fixed, so that the thermodynamic potential of choice is the
Helmholtz free energy. It reads
F = σA + μi Ni − p1 V1 − p2 V2 + Fent , (7.1)
where i marks a summation over the components (in this case water, oil and col-
loid), V1 , V2 are the volumes of the continuous and dispersed phases respectively with
pressures p1 , p2 and Fent is due to the dispersion of the drops in the medium and is
entropic in nature. The surface tension σ is the surface tension of the oil-water inter-
face coated by the colloidal particles which we will assume to depend on the radius
of the Pickering droplet σ = σ(R). In appendix E we present a detailed analysis of
the surface tension in a Pickering droplet.
From the free energy we can construct the phase diagram but here we focus on
the equilibrium properties of Np Pickering droplets.
7.2 Thermodynamics 96
Np 3
If φ = 4π3 V
R denotes the volume fraction of the Pickering droplets, then the
interfacial area per unit volume is A/V = 3φ/R. Using this constraint we then have
for the free energy density
F 3φ
f≡ =σ + μi ρi − p1 φ1 − p2 φ2 + fent , (7.2)
V R i
where the partial volumes fractions φ1 and φ2 are related to the volume fraction of
Pickering droplets by φ1 = 1 − φ and φ2 = φ. The pressures in the continuous phase
and inside the drop are related according to Laplace’s law p2 = p1 + 2σ/R. The
equilibrium drop radius Re can be determined by using
= 0. (7.3)
∂Re Ni ,p1 ,T
σ = σow − π. (7.7)
7.2 Thermodynamics 97
μc = μ
c + kB T ln c/c , (7.10)
where μ
c is the standard chemical potential, c a reference bulk concentration, kB
is Boltzmann’s constant and c the concentration of colloids in the bulk3 . If we now
combine Eq. (7.9) and Eq. (7.10) one obtains
1 dπ
Γc = . (7.11)
kB T d ln c
This equation relates the adsorbed amount of colloids to the surface pressure. In
order to calculate the surface tension we thus need information regarding the surface
pressure π. Here we use Szyskowski’s equation given by [172]
π = α ln +1 , (7.12)
where α, β are constants. Several choices can now be made for the surface excess
amount of colloids. Here we take a Langmuir isotherm [173],
Γc = Γ∞
c , (7.13)
where Γ∞c is the adsorption at closest packing and k is a temperature dependent rate
function [174]. It is related to the heat of adsorption via
k = k exp , (7.14)
kB T
where k is the molarity of water (k = 33.35 molecules /nm−3 ) and Δμads is the
chemical potential difference for a colloidal particle due to adsorption (a negative
quantity in general). Eq. (7.13) is derived by neglecting any interactions between the
adsorbed colloidal particles but does describe a monolayer reasonably well [175]. One
Formally the activity a should replace c. However, here we treat the emulsion as ideal.
7.2 Thermodynamics 98
of the striking features follows from the fact that the constants α and β appearing in
Szyskowski’s equation Eq. (7.12) are related to Γc and k:
α = kB T Γ∞
β = k. (7.15)
With all the model parameters defined, inserting Eq. (7.12) into Eq. (7.7) gives
σ = σow − kB T Γ∞
c ln( ), (7.16)
with k defined in Eq.(7.14).
Inserting expression (7.16) for the surface tension into Eq.(7.6) one obtains:
k+c R2 ∂fent
σow − kB T Γ∞
c ln − e = 0. (7.17)
k 3φ ∂Re
This equation minimizes the free energy in Eq. (7.2). The bulk concentration of
colloids c can be determined by considering the condition of mass balance. Denoting
by nc = Nc /V the number of colloids per unit volume in the entire system, one can
Γc + c(1 − φ) = nc . (7.18)
Now using this expression in Eq. (7.13) and solving for c one obtains
c = (−3φΓ∞
c + nc R + Rφk − Rk
2R(φ − 1)
+ 9φ2 (Γ∞ 2 ∞ 2 ∞ ∞
c ) − 6φΓc nc R − 6φ Γc kR + 6φΓc kR
+n2c R2 − 2nc φkR2 + R2 φ2 k 2 − 2nc kR2 − 2R2 k 2 φ + R2 k 2 . (7.19)
Since the derivative of the dispersion entropy is much smaller than the oil-water
surface tension, we can ignore the last term in Eq. (7.17). With this approximation
one obtains
3φΓ∞ c Λ
(Λ − 1)
Re = , (7.20)
k [(1 − φ)(1 − Λ)] + nc
Λ ≡ exp(σow /Γ∞ c kB T ), (7.21)
Note that this result differs slightly from the one obtained in ref. [171] due to a
different choice for the mass constraint.
One of the main features of this theory is the fact that the surface pressure π is
radius dependent. This in turn causes the surface tension to depend on the radius,
which is a direct consequence of the fact that the distribution of colloids between the
continuous phase and the droplets depends on the surface area of the droplets which
itself depends on Re .
In the next section we test this model on the type of emulsions created by Sacanna
et al. [169].
7.3 Testing the model on the work of Sacanna et al. 99
σ σow 1 k+c
= − ln( ), (7.26)
kB T kB T A0 k
with c given in Eq. (7.19). We have plotted the surface tension for several values of
Γc and φ in Figure 7.1.
The model predicts larger drops for increasing values of the volume fractions of
Pickering drops. If the Pickering drops can adsorb more colloidal particles the surface
tension drops faster to lower values and on average larger drops will be formed. This
confirms the picture that the reduction of the tension in the bare oil-water interface
due to adsorption of the colloids is the primary driving force behind the stabilization
mechanism. As can be inferred from Figure 7.1 the model is rather insensitive to
changes in the volume fraction.
In Figure 7.2 the surface tension is plotted versus the bulk concentration of col-
loids. It is an empirical rule that in surfactant systems the surface tension scales
linearly with log c for concentrations well below the cmc (i.e. in this regime the
surface pressure may be transformed to π ∼ α ln(c/β)). For low concentrations of
colloids the surface tension shows linear behavior as can be seen in Figure 7.2. To
the author’s knowledge no experimental results for the surface tension as a function
of magnetite concentration exists, so whether this surfactant approach is applicable
in Pickering emulsions remains an open question.
Better agreement may be obtained if some data becomes available from exper-
iments like better values for the adsorption energy, measurements of the volume
fraction of drops and adsorption isotherms for magnetite on water/TPM interfaces.
Despite the model’s simplicity it does reproduce the essential features as observed in
7.4 Discussion
It was shown that if Pickering drops are thermodynamically stable the theory devised
for swollen micelles could act as a good starting point for the theoretical description
of Pickering emulsions. The key part of the theory is the introduction of a radius
dependent surface tension. This has its origin in the fact that the colloids can be
distributed between the continuous and dispersed phases and the latter is uniquely
defined by the drop’s radius R.
When comparing our model to the Pickering emulsions in the work of Sacanna et
al. [169], still too many assumptions have to be made in order to make an accurate
7.4 Discussion 101
7.4 Discussion 102
Figure 7.1 Surface Tension (in units of kB T /nm2 ) as function of the droplet
radius for different values of Γc (in units of nm−2 ) for values of φ = 0.001, 0.01
and φ = 0.02. We have taken k = 33 exp(−10)nm−3 and nc = 6.6·10−8 nm−3 .
comparison. Many parameters entering the theory still need to be determined exper-
imentally before we can put them to use. Still, despite the approximations made and
using the data available we do find that the model predicted Pickering droplets are of
the same order in size. This agreement brakes down however, when we use Henry’s
law for the adsorption. It would be of special interest to see what the model predicts
when adsorption isotherms become available for these kind of systems.
We have calculated the interfacial tension and found that it decreases with increas-
ing R. It should be noted that these radii merely serve to reflect the different stages
of the adsorption process and are not to be considered equilibrium radii. To obtain
the equilibrium radius the free energy F0 of a reference state needs to be constructed
and compared with the free energy presented in this chapter. Only by minimizing
the difference between both free energies one obtains the equilibrium droplet shape.
Both in Pickering emulsions and microemulsions (for which the original theory
was derived) the reduction of the bare oil-water interface is the driving force towards
aggregation. The observation that both the reduction of the surface tension is not
that pronounced combined with the fact that Eq. (7.25) overestimates the radius
implies that, opposed to the case of microemulsions, the bare oil-water interface still
plays a non-negligible role in Pickering emulsions.
This model is far from complete. We have ignored double layer effects which,
7.4 Discussion 103
Figure 7.2 Surface Tension (in units of kB T /nm2 ) as function of the bulk
concentration colloids c (in units of nm−3 ) for different values of Γc (in units
of nm−2 ). Here k = 33 exp(−10) nm−3 , φ = 0.001 and nc = 6.6 · 10−8 nm−3 .
especially when constructing the phase diagram, will be important in describing the
interactions between drops. Furthermore, the assumption of the nonexistence of in-
terparticle interactions is especially expected to break-down at high surface coverages.
Yet, the rationale here is that the colloidal particles adsorb strongly to the interface
in a monolayer and we expect the interparticle interactions here to be smaller than
in surfactant systems for which the theory was originally derived.