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This thesis was accepted as one of the requireptment to get

the title of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.)


Mei Afriani

NIM. 12250084



Alhamdulillah, all the praise is to Allah SWT, within His blessing, the
writer could finish this thesis. The thesis was written based on the research that
the writer conducted in English Education Study Program of UIN Raden Fatah
Palembang. This thesis was written to fulfill one of the requirements to obtain
Sarjana Degree (S1) in English Education Study Program, Tarbiyah and Teaching
Faculty of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang.

The writer would like to express gratitude to her two advisors, M.

Holandyah, M.Pd and Ms. Winny Agustria Riznanda, M. Pd. for their advice,
patience, and guidance in writing this thesis. Second, she would like to extend her
appreciation to the Dean of Tarbiyah and Teaching Faculty and all the staff
members, and also the head of English Study Program for the administration
In addition, the writer also would like to address her gratitude to all the
lecturers in English Education Study Program who had taught during her study at
English Education Study Program of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang. Also, for all
of the students in the second, fourth, and sixth semester students for their help
during the writer’s research.
Finally, the writer would like to express the deepest appreciation and
thanks to her beloved parents, young sister, young brothers, classmates in
academic years 2012, and her closed friends for everything they helped during
writing this thesis. Hopefully, this thesis will be very useful for the future
academic world.

The researcher,

Mei Afriani

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................... i

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................... ii

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................... v

LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... vi

LIST OF FIGURE .......................................................................................... vii

LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................ viii

1.1. Background ............................................................................................ 1
1.2. Problem(s) of the Study ......................................................................... 6
1.3. Objective(s) of the Study ....................................................................... 7
1.4. Significance of the Study ....................................................................... 7


2.1. Correlational Research ........................................................................... 8
2.2. Classroom Environment ........................................................................ 9
2.2.1. Characteristic of an Effective Classroom ..................................... 10
2.2.2. Characteristic of Highly Effective Learning Environment ........... 12
2.2.3 The Aspects of Environment ........................................................ 16
2.2.4 Conducive Classroom Environment ............................................ 19
2.3. Academic Achievement ......................................................................... 19
2.3.1. Grade Point Average .................................................................... 20
2.3.2. Cumulative GPA .......................................................................... 20
2.4. Relationship between Classroom Environment and Academic Achievement
................................................................................................................ 21
2.5. Previous Related Studies ....................................................................... 22
2.6. Hypotheses ............................................................................................. 23
2.7. Criteria of Testing Hypotheses .............................................................. 24


3.1. Research Design .................................................................................... 25
3.2. Research Variables ................................................................................ 26
3.3. Operational Definitions.......................................................................... 26
3.4. Population and Sample ......................................................................... 27
3.4.1. Population .................................................................................... 27
3.4.2. Sample ......................................................................................... 28
3.5. Data Collection ..................................................................................... 29
3.5.1. Questionnaire ............................................................................... 29
3.5.2. Documentation ............................................................................. 31
3.6. Data Instrument Analysis ..................................................................... 32
3.6.1. Test Validity ................................................................................ 32
3.6.2. Test Reliability ............................................................................ 33
3.7. Data Analysis ........................................................................................ 33
3.7.1. Instrument Analysis ..................................................................... 33 Questionnaire Analysis .................................................... 33 Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) ........................ 34
3.7.2. Pre-requisite Analysis .................................................................. 34 Normality Test .................................................................. 34 Linearity Test .................................................................... 35
3.7.3. Correlation Analysis .................................................................... 35
3.7.4. Regression Analysis .................................................................... 36


4.1. Research Findings ................................................................................ 37
4.1.1. Result of Classroom Environment ............................................ 37
4.1.2. Result of Students’ Academic Achievement ............................. 39
4.2. Statistical Analysis ............................................................................... 40
4.2.1. Normality Test and Linearity Test ............................................. 41 Result of Normality Test ................................................ 41 Result of Linearity Test ................................................. 43
4.3. Correlation between Classroom Environment and Academic Achievement
.............................................................................................................. 44
4.4. Influence of Classroom Environment and Academic Achievement ... 45
4.5. Interpretations ....................................................................................... 47


5.1. Conclusions ............................................................................................ 51
5.2. Suggestions ............................................................................................ 51



The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between
classroom environment and academic achievement of English Education Study
Program students of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang by conducting correlational
research. 366 students of English majors of the second, fourth, and sixth semester
took part in the study as the sample by using convenience sampling. The data of
this study were collected by administering a questionnaire of College and
University Classroom Environment Inventory (CUCEI) to assess classroom
environment of the students and and the students’ cumulative GPA was also used
to get the students’ academic achievement score. Pearson Product Moment and
regression analysis were used to analyze the data. Therefore, the r was 0.296 and
it was higher than than r-table (0.1059) and the level of probability (p)
significance (sig.2-tailed) was 0.000. It means that H0 was rejected and H1 was
accepted. Additionally, the regression analysis showed that classroom
environment contributed only 8,8 % to academic achievement. Finally, the result
indicated that there was significant correlation between classroom environment
and academic achievement and classroom environment influenced academic

Keywords: Classroom Environment, Academic Achievement


Table 1 : Correlational Coefficient ............................................................... 9

Table 2 : Students’ Academic Achievement Category ................................. 21

Table 3 : Distribution of Population ............................................................. 28

Table 4 : Distribution of Sample ................................................................... 29

Table 5 : The Specification of the CUCEI Questionnaire ............................ 30

Table 6 : Categories of Classroom Environment Scale ................................. 31

Table 7 : Academic Achievement Category ................................................. 32

Table 8 : Descriptive Analysis of Classroom Environment .......................... 38

Table 9 : Distribution of Classroom Environment ........................................ 39

Table 10 : Descriptive Statistic of Students Academic Achievement ........... 39

Table 11 : Distribution of Academic Achievement ....................................... 40

Table 12 : Test of Normality .......................................................................... 41

Table 13 : Test of Linearity ........................................................................... 44

Table 14 : Correlation Result ......................................................................... 45

Table 15 : The Regression Analysis ............................................................. 46

Table 16 : The influence Result .................................................................... 46


Figure 1 : Research Design ........................................................................... 25

Figure 2 : Distribution of Classroom Environment ...................................... 42

Figure 3 : Distribution of Academic Achievement ....................................... 43


APPENDIX 1 Questionnaire of College and University Classroom

Environment Inventory

APPENDIX 2 Students’ Response to CUCEI Questionnaire

APPENDIX 3 The Result of Classroom Environment (Tabulation)

APPENDIX 4 Students’ Cumulative GPA


APPENDIX 6 Documentation

APPENDIX 7 Students Attendance List



This chapter presents (1) the background, (2) the research questions, (3) the

objectives of the study, (4) the significance of the study.

1.1 Background

As one of the most spoken and international language, English is learned

most in all countries in the world. English is important because it is used to

communicate and interact with others. It is also used as communication tools in

various fields such as transportation, commerce, banking, tourism, technology,

diplomacy, and scientific research (Brown, 2001, p. 118). For this reason, English

is known as lingua franca, as stated by Mauranen (2009, p. 1) that, “English has

established its position as the global lingua franca beyond any doubt; along with

this status, it has become one of the symbols of our time, together with

globalizations, networking, economic integration, and the internet”.

Considering the importance of English, learning English for some countries

in the world is a necessity, including Indonesia. The role of English in Indonesia

is essential in many parts especially education (Lauder, 2008, p.11). It can be seen

that English has been taught from the early education up to higher. It is also

increasingly used as a medium of instruction in schools and universities. Knowing

how important English is, English department is established almost in every

university in Indonesia, in which the students are trained to be succesful in

academic because the students are needed to be prepared for a better life in this
globalization era. Brockman and Russell (2012) consider, that academic success is

directly linked to the successful outcomes and values for youth in society.

Furthermore, Musthaq and Khan (2012) argue that, the social and economic

development of the country is directly linked with students’ academic

performance. Performance is how well or badly something is done. In educational

parlance, performance is indicated through academic achievement (Siahi &

Maiyo, 2015). Hisken (2011) defines academic achievement as the level of actual

accomplishment or proficiency one has achieved in an academic area, as opposed

to one's potential. Therefore, the quality of student experiences during college is

shown by ones academic achievement.

Academic achievement is important for students to prepare them for future

career and also to allow students to enter competitive fields. It also plays an

important role in producing the best quality graduates who will become great

leader and manpower for the country thus responsible for the country’s economic

and social development (Ali, Mokhtar & Kamaruzaman, 2009). This fact clearly

shows that beside skills, academic achievement is one of the things that should be

considerated in looking for a job. Moreover, academic achievement serves as a

key criterion in order to judge students’ true potentials and capabilities (Daulta,

2008 & Nuthanap, 2007), which can help students in all areas of their lives.

In the teaching and learning process, it can be seen that there is a

difference in students achievement. This is caused by’ different factors that affect

the academic achievement of students. Some factors which may affect students’

academic achievement are gender difference, teacher’s education and teaching

style, class environment, socio economic factor, family education background

(Mushtaq & Khan, 2012), age, peer influences, course assessment, class

attendance, class size and entry qualification (Daniel, 2016).

One of factor that affects students’ academic achievement is classroom

environment. The classroom is a basic structural unit of our educational system

(Talton & Simpson, 2007). It is a miniature community in which members’

interest influences the behaviour of others. Vygotsky (1978, as cited in Wei &

Elias, 2011, p. 240) says that classroom environment is the culture that can be the

place to study and learn about knowledge. Classroom environment is an

embodiment of physical psychosocial conditions. According to Carpenter (2006),

physical environment which is made up of chairs, desks, tables, lightening,

ventilation, space, acoustics and instructional materials, while psychosocial which

refers to the feeling, a type of classroom that has to do with interactions in the


Classroom environment plays important part of students educational

succes. Based on Vygotsky’s theory of social development (1978, as cited in Wei

& Elias, 2011, p. 240), students’ learning development can be determined by the

classroom environment because students spend their time to learn mostly in the

classroom, although learning can take place in other venues, classroom still

remains to be the main learning environment in an institution (Falsario, Muyong,

Nuevaespana, 2014). Moreover Yan (2006, p.5) said that, for foreign language

learners, classroom is the main place where they are frequently exposed to the
target language because, EFL students have little chance to use the target

language in daily life, they have to depend entirely on classroom activities.

So, creating a conducive learning environment by providing sufficient

classroom environment as physically and social psychologically are very

important. In addition, an effective classroom environment for EFL as suggested

by Yi (2010), learning must contribute to a relaxed atmosphere in which the

students feel easy and eager to involve themselves into the classroom activities.

Being taken into the consideration of affecting students’ academic

achievements, the students’ perceptions of classroom environment are very

important. Therefore, students who fail some subject is probably because they do

not engage in classroom activities sufficiently. The finding of study done by

Ziegler, Cheryan, Plaut and Metzoff (2014) shows, the physical classroom

environment such as inadequate lighting, noise, low air quality, and deficient

heating in the classroom are significantly related to worse student achievement. In

too cold and too hot classrooms, students feel uncomfortable. According to

Halstead (1974), high temperature and humidity creates physiological and

psychological problems and people work more slowly apply much efforts and

causes make more mistakes and errors.

Physical environment is not only the main problem that caused poor

achievement, interaction in classroom also can be the factor. As stated by William

(1997, p.9) classroom environment is a dynamic system where students interact

each other and teachers. It is the place where the interaction between student and

student or between students and instructor occur most frequently. According to

Dewey (2006), the poor student relationship may lead to poor achievement while

good student/teacher relationship may lead to better achievement. Moreover,

Bucholz and Sheffler (2009) revealed that a warm interaction in a classroom

environment can lead to increased academic achievement and a sense of pride

and belonging in a college.

Preliminary study was conducted by interviewing students of English

Education Study Program of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang, some students enjoy

studying because they felt that classroom is already well-structured, clean enough,

conducive lighting, and they felt comfortable with air temperature, because every

class already has two air-conditioners. But the problem starts when the electricity

stop working, the temperature of the classroom is going to be hot and dark

especially for students who sit on the back. In such those situations the students

start feel sleepy, and made some of them lost their focus to gain the lecture as

well. Students also said that they were dissatisfied with their academic

achievement because the class sometime seems boring so they did not participate

in the class as well. And the interaction within the class influences their feeling.

Some researchers have tried to investigate the correlation between

students perception of classroom environment and their academic achievement.

Kaur (2001) shows that there is a positive correlation between classroom

environment and academic achievement. Temperature and ventilation also

affected the classroom learning environment. In the study, Ziegler (2014),

found that the building’s structural facilities influence students achievement. But,
one study did not find this relationship between structural condition and student

performance in Wyoming (Picus, Marion, Calvo, & Glenn, 2005).

From the explanations above, the researcher believes that classroom

environment has a great role in academic achievement. The higher classroom

environment as perceived by the students is, the better their achievement will be. As

stated by Kekare (2015), a comfortable and conductive classroom environment

motivates the students to perform better and encourage the learning process. So,

the researcher is interested in conducting the study to find out whether or not there

is any significant correlation between students classroom environment and their

academic achievement by conducting a study entitled: “The Correlations between

Classroom Environment and Academic Achievement of English Education Study

Program Students of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang”.

1.2 Problems of the Study

The problems of the study are formulated in the following questions :

1) Is there any significant correlation between clasroom environment and

academic achievement of the English Education Study Program

Students of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang?

2) Does classroom environment significantly influence academic

achievement of the English Education Study Program Students of UIN

Raden Fatah Palembang?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

Based on the research questions, the objectives of the study were:

1) To find out whether or not there is a significant correlation between

clasroom environment and academic achievement of the English

Education Study Program Students of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang?

2) To know whether or not classroom environment significatly

influences academic achievement of the English Education Study

Program Students of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang?

1.4 Significance of the Study

It is expected that this study provide a meaningful contribution for; (1) The

lectures, in providing information of classroom psycho-social environment, may

sensitize the lectures to help creating a better interaction in the classroom and also

providing conducive learning atmosphere. (2) For the students, it is hope that this

study can help them to build a positive interaction among themselves in classroom

that can increase academic achievement of undergraduate EFL students of UIN

Raden Fatah Palembang especially students of English education study program.

(3) For other researcher who will conduct the research that concern about

classroom environment, and bring this to be one of the resources (4) Finally, this

study is useful for the researcher to increase knowledge about the importance of

classroom environment, also as an experiences in educational research.



This chapter presents: (1) the correlational study, (2) the concept of

classroom environment, (3) the concept of academic achievement, (4) the

correlation between classroom environment and academic achievement, (5)

previous study, (6) the hypotheses, and (7) criteria of testing hypotheses.

2.1 Correlational Study

Simon and Goes (2011), claims that in the correlation research, some of the

researcher investigates one or more characteristics of a group to discover the

extent to which the characteristics vary together. Usually some of the researcher

studies the relationship between one or more quantitative independent variables

and one or more quantitative dependent variables. However, the main purpose of a

correlational study is to determine relationship between variables, and if a

relationship exists, to determine a regression equation that could be make used

make predictions to a population.

Through statistical analysis, the relationship will be given a degree and

direction. It means, the degree of relationship determined how closely the

variables are related.Fraenkel, Wallen, and Hyun (2012, p. 340) said that when

variables are correlated, a correlation coefficient is produced. This is usually

expressed as a number between -1 and +1, and known as the correlational

coefficient. A zero correlation indicates no relationship. As the correlation

coefficient moves toward either -1 or +1, the relationship gets stronger until there
is a perfect correlation at the end points. The significant difference between

correlational research and experimental or quasi-experimental design is about the

causality cannot be established through manipulation of independent variables.

Cohen, Manion, and Morrison (2007, p. 536) proposedthe meaning of a

given correlation coefficient as follow:

Table 1
Correlation Coefficient

Interval Coefficient Level of Correlation

0.20 – 0.35 Slight
0.35 – 0.65 Moderate
0.65 – 0.85 Strong
Over 0.85 Very Strong
Source: Cohen, L., Manion, L, & Morrison, K. (2007, p. 536).

2.2 Classroom Environment

Classroom environment is the place in which teaching and learning

process occurs. Akubue (2001) defined the classroom as a base forall types of

activities. It holds students together and offers them the opportunities of achieving

the purpose ofeducation. A greater part of educational activities of any school or

college occurs in thisroom.Hannah (2013) also described that classroom is where

the student develops what they want their future to look like, as well as

knowledge of the skills needed to reach that goal.The classroom environment also

defined in terms of the students’ and teachers’ shared perceptions in that

environment (Fraser & Pickett, 2010). In addition, the classroom is a place for
interaction amongteachers, materials and students in order to create students


2.2.1. Characteristic of an Effective Classroom

According to Ministry Education of Guyana (2014) proposed six

characteristics of an effective classroomconducive to learning as follow:

a. Behavioral expectations are clear

Students need to understand their teacher's expectations for their

behaviorwhile in class. Clear and concise classroom rules and discipline

plans should be posted in the room. Students should understand exactly

what the consequences are for misbehavior. Further, teachers should

enforce rules consistently and fairly.

b. Assignment and assessment expectations are clear

Students need to understand their teacher's expectations for both

school work and classroom behavior. Classroom rules and discipline plans

should be clearly posted in the room. Further, students should be able to

tell someone visiting the classroom exactly how their grades are

determined. Assignments that are often repeated, like book reports, should

have a standard rubric that students understand. Finally, grading should be

completed quickly so that students have feedback from which they can

review for quizzes and exams.

c. Students are engaged

When you walk into a classroom and see the students engaged in

what is going on, learning is taking place. Teachers who are able to have

students involved and working have the best chance of success. One way

to accomplish this is to help your students become more involved in

decision making for their own educational experience.

d. Learning is student centered

In an effective classroom setting, the focus of lessons is the

student. In a classroom where the teacher does little more than stand in

front of the class and talk, there is a much greater chance of losing student

interest. Lessons should be developed with the students, their interests, and

abilities in mind.

e. Instruction is varied

Continuing with the last item, students are engaged to a much

greater degree through varied instruction. Sticking to one method of

delivery is monotonous and should be avoided. Instead, a mix of learning

activities like whole group discussions, teacher-led discussions, and role

playing exercises can help keep students involved in the curriculum while

meeting the needs of those with different learning styles.

f. Learning is related to life

In the best classrooms, students are able to see the connection

between what they are learning about and real life. By making these

connections, learning becomes much more personal and teachers have a

much greater chance of keeping students engaged. Without connections,

students often lose focus, complaining that they just don't see why they

need to learn the topic being taught. Therefore, try to fit how what you are

teaching relates to the student's world in your lessons every day.

2.2.2 Characteristics of A Highly Effective Learning Environment

Wherever, the teacher should think the classrooms are “intellectually

active” places. Therefore, highly effective and conducive to student-centered

learning need to be provided. So teacher put together one take on the

characteristics of a highly effective classroom. They can act as a kind of criteria to

measure your own against–see if you notice a pattern (Heick, 2016).

Heick (2016) proposed ten characteristics of a highly effective learning

environment, they are:

a. The students ask the questions, good questions

This is not a feel-good implication, but really crucial for the whole

learning process to work. The role of curiosity has been studied (and

perhaps under-studied and under-appreciated), but suffice to say that if a

learner enters any learning activity with little to no natural curiosity,

prospects for meaningful interaction with texts, media, and specific tasks

are bleak.

b. Questions are valued over answers

Questions are more important than answers. So it makes sense

that if good questions should lead the learning, there would be value
placed on these questions. And that means adding currency whenever

possible grades (questions as assessment), credit (give them points they

love points), creative curtain (writing as a kind of graffiti on large post-it

pages on the classroom walls), or simply praise and honest respect. See if

you don’t notice a change.

c. Ideas come from a divergent sources

Ideas for lessons, reading, tests, and projects the fiber of formal

learning should come from a variety of sources. If they all come from

narrow slivers of resources, you’re at risk of being pulled way off in one

direction (that may or may not be good). An alternative? Consider sources

like professional and cultural mentors, the community, content experts

outside of education, and even the students themselves. Huge shift in


d. A variety of learning models are used

Inquiry-based learning, project based learning, directs instruction,

peer-to-peer learning, school-to-school, eLearning, Mobile learning, the

flipped classroom, and on and on the possibilities are endless. Chances are

none are incredible enough to suit every bit of content, curriculum, and

learner diversity in your classroom. A characteristic of a highly-effective

classroom, then, is diversity here, which also has the side-effect of

improving your long-term capacity as an educator.

e. Classroom learning “empties” into a connected community

In a highly-effective learning environment, learning doesn’t need

to be radically repackaged to make sense in the “real world,” but starts and

ends there. As great as it sounds for learners to reflect on Shakespeare to

better understand their Uncle Eddie and they might depending on that kind

of radical transfer to happen entirely in the minds of the learners by

design may not be the best idea. Plan on this kind of transfer from the


f. Learning is personalized by a variety of criteria

Personalized learning is likely the future, but for now the onus for

routing students is almost entirely on the shoulders of the classroom

teacher. This makes personalization and even consistent differentiation a

challenge. One response is to personalize learning to whatever extent you

plan for by a variety of criteria not just assessment results or reading level,

but interest, readiness-for-content, and others as well. Then, as you adjust

pace, entry points, and rigor accordingly, you’ll have a better chance of

having uncovered what the learners truly “need”.

g. Assessment is persistent, authentic, transparent, and never punitive

Assessment is just an (often ham-fisted) attempt to get at what a

learner understands. The more infrequent, clinical, murky, or threatening it

is, the more you’re going to separate the “good students” from the “good

thinkers.” And the “clinical” idea has less to do with the format of the test,

and more to do with the tone and emotion of the classroom in general.
Why are students being tested? What’s in it for them, and their future

opportunities to improve? And feedback is quick even when the “grading”

may not be.

h. Criteria for success are balanced and transparent

Students should not have to guess what “success” in a highly-

effective classroom looks like. It should also not be entirely weighted on

“participation,” assessment results, attitude, or other individual factors, but

rather meaningfully melted into a cohesive framework that makes sense—

not to you, your colleagues, or the expert book on your shelf, but the

students themselves.

i. Learning habits are constantly modeled

Cognitive, meta-cognitive, and behavioral “good stuff” is

constantly modeled. Curiosity, persistence, flexibility, priority, creativity,

collaboration, revision, and even the classic Habits of Mind are all great

places to start. So often what students learn from those around them is less

directly didactic, and more indirect and observational.

j. There are constant opportunities for practice

Old thinking is revisited. Old errors are reflected on. Complex

ideas are re-approached from new angles. Divergent concepts are

contrasted. Bloom’s taxonomy is constantly traveled up and down, from

the simple to the complex in an effort to maximize a student’s

opportunities to learn and demonstrate understanding of content.

2.2.3 The Aspects of Environment

Classroom environment aregenerally composed of the three factors which

affect theclassroom teaching, and are respectively independent butclosely

associated with each other. Theclassroom environments include the material

elementswhich consist of subject course and learning tasks, thesocial elements

which are made up of the relationshipbetween the teachers and the students and

theirinteractivity, and also the cultural elements that consist ofeducational

concept, social norms and expectations (Li &Yin, 2010). Sun (2010) also believed

that classroomenvironments generally included physical environmentsand

humanistic environments. The latter refers to thesocial psychological

environments in the classroom and iscreated by both teachers and students.

Many researchers discussed the most influenced aspect of classroom

environment they are the physical environment, the social psychological

environment. Physical environment refers to physical characteristics of the room.

Physical classroom environment is a combination of different things i.e., lighting,

temperature, ventilation system, size of the room, floor, walls, desks, chairs, rugs,

whiteboards, computers etc. (Sulleman & Hussain, 2014). The social

psychological classroom refers to the level of speed of teaching, cohesiveness,

distractions, interests, motivating, anxieties, confusion and difficulty of the

classroom learning activities and the interactions involve in it (Carpenter, 2006).

The interaction between teacher and students’interactions, students and students

interactions, students and instructional materialinteraction, and students,

instructional materials and teacher interaction. It also refers to the extent the
teachers and thestudents perceive the classroom environment and how they want

it to look like. Moreover the both aspects of physical and socio psychological

discussed in the following :

a. Physical environment

A of scientific work has revealed the physical classroom environment’s

important on students’ academic performance. Evidence demonstrates that

classrooms’ structural features (e.g., noise, lighting) can facilitate or hinder

student learning and achievement. It has been suggested that assessing the

structural conditions with the educational purpose in mind is a better predictor of

student performance than engineering assessments of structural quality (Roberts,

2009). Based on Ziegler, (2014) the physical classroom environment


a. Lighting

Students exposed to more natural light (i.e., daylight) in their

classrooms perform better than students exposed to less natural light.

b. Acoustics

The source of classroom noise can vary, but commonly includes

heating and ventilation units. Classrooms with greater external noise are

more likely to have lower student achievement. Classroom noise is an

even more serious concern for students with hearing loss or attention

c. Temperature

The optimal temperature range for learning appears to be between 68°

and 74°. Heating is reported as unsatisfactory or very unsatisfactory for

U.S School.

d. Air Quality

Exposure to low quality air is related to decreased student attendance

and affects teachers’ abilities to teach well, schools serving students of

color and low income students are disproportionately likely to have low air


b. Social Psychological Environment

For foreign language learners,classroom is the main place where they are

frequently exposed to the target language (Yan, 2006, p.5). The

primaryimportance of EFL class is active practice and interactions in language

learning. Therefore, EFLclass must inevitably be of a communicative nature.

Krashen (1981, as cited in Yi, 2010) considers that EFL students have little

chanceto use the target language in daily life, they have to depend entirely on

classroomactivities. For most of them, the classroom is the only environment in

which they can practice communicating in the target language. Moreover Yi

(2010) clearly state that :

“An EFLclass should be student-centered rather than teacher-

centered. The teacher shouldreduce his talk to minimum and
give the students adequate opportunities to practiceon the
instruction and produce their own ideas. So an effective
classroom environment for EFL learning must contribute to a
relaxed atmosphere in which the students feel easy and eager to
involve themselves into the classroom activities.”
So an EFL teacher must bear it in mindthat setting an appropriate

environment for learning in the class will really helpful for English Foreign


2.2.4 Conducive Classroom Environment

Creating a classroom environment which is conducive to learning is one of

the most important things a teacher can do. This becomes even more crucial as

students enter classrooms with their cell phones, pagers, and beepers.

Additionally, many students are tardy for class, leave early, or may not appear in

class on numerous occasions. Therefore, classroom management takes on greater

significance at the university level. Effective classroom management starts at the

first class meeting. Everything a teacher does on Day One will set the stage for the

procedures, routines, and expectations throughout the course. Having a detailed

syllabus, outlining requirements for the course, defining expectations for

attendance and participation, and explaining the “rules of the road” are just the

beginning of how a teacher models expected behavior of the students (Findley

&Varble, 2006)

2.3 Academic Achievement

Students’ academic achievement refers to the grades obtained by students

upon accomplishing the courses in the end of their study of an instructional

environments, specifically in school, college, and university. Hisken (2011)

defines academic achievement as the level of actual accomplishment or

proficiency one has achieved in an academic area, as opposed to one's potential.

Academic achievement play a vital role for students future life. As stated

by Zwick (2012, p. 3) that grades awarded to individuals at the end of an

academic study are important indicators of ability and productivity when those

individuals look for their first jobs. Moreover, the quality of student experiences

during college is shown by ones academic achievement. In short, academic

achievementallows students to enter competitive fieldsand get a good job after

graduate from their school.

2.3.1 Grade Point Average (GPA)

In the university level, the students’ academic achievement in each

semester is represented by Grade Point Average (GPA) that achieve at the end of

their college. Normally, university’s students finish their school at least on 5 years

(10 semesters) and they will get get their cummlative GPA. Before finish their

school, they will get GPA for each semester. Grade (GPA) are given at the end of

each 14 week meeting (once a week). According to the administration of Adelaide

University, the grade poin average (GPA) is a numerical index that summeries

academic performance and range from a minimum of zero to a maximum 4 (scale


2.3.2 Cummulative GPA

In general terms, the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is a

measure of a student’s academic achievementthat can be earned in a required

ISLLC-based educational leadership program of studies. It is calculatedby

dividing the total number of grade points received by the number of credits
attempted(TheFreeDictionary, 2012).Cumulative GPA obtained by having score

from each subject from the whole semester that already take. At the end of

semester, learners would get score for each subject. When the GPA only present

the current semester, the cummulative GPA present the whole score of students

that already take. Both GPA and Cummulative GPA have a similiarities in scoring

system. The score will be A with point 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1, E = 0. All of that

scored will be added and the total score will be divided with the number of

subject.The category of the students’ academic achievement is as follows :

Table 2

Students’ Academic Achievement Category

No Score Range Category

1 4.00 Summa Cumlaude

2 3.51 – 3.99 Cumlaude

3 3.01 – 3.50 Very Good

4 2.51 – 3.00 Good

5 2.00 – 2.50 Enough

Source: Buku Panduan Akademik Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Raden
Fatah Palembang

2.5 Relationship between Classroom Environment and Academic


The role of classroom environment in influencing academic outcomes has

been shown by many researchers in recent years (Sulleman & Hussain, 2014;

Fraser 1986). The psychosocial environment in a classroom can significantly

predict academic achievement (Joanna, 2009). Recent research in retention rates

of university students has contributed evidence for the positive relationship

between the perception of classroom environment and academic achievement

(Mokhtar, 2003).

Fraser (1986, as cited in MacAulay, 1990) asserts that the classroom

environment is such a potent determinant of student outcomes that it should not be

ignored. Because,students will perform better and have more positive attitudes in

learning when they perceive classroom environment positively. As reported by

Gazelle (2006) that a positive classroom learning environment is closely related to

students’ enhanced academic achievement. Therefore, it can be said that students’

perception of classroom environment will affect students’ academic achievement

because the students who have the positive perception of their classroom

environment will have a high interest with the lesson and it may increase their


2.6 Previous Related Studies

There are two previous studies that related to this study. The first studywas

conducted by Singh and Benipal in 2014 entitled “A study of academic

achievement of adolescents in relation to their perception of classroom

environment in Punjab. This study was aimed at finding out the academic

achievement of adolescents in relation to their perception of classroom

environment. A sample of 200 adolescents, which comes from two different

schools, Government and Private School of Ludhiana district of Punjab were

selected. This study revealed that there exist a positive relationship between
academic achievement and classroom environment among adolescents of schools

of Ludhiana District.

The second study was conducted by Akomolafe and Adesuain 2015.

Theyinvestigated the relationshipbetween classroom environment and academic

achievementof all students of senior secondary schools in South West Nigeria

whichconsist of Lagos, Ogun, Osun, Oyo and Ekiti State. The sample for this

study comprised one 1050 senior secondary school students from three states, out

of the six states in the South West Geo-politicalzone. The sample were taken from

the three states, such as are Osun, Ondo and Ekiti. The result showed that there

was a significant relationship between classroom environment and the academic

performance of senior secondary school students.

2.7 Hypotheses

The hypotheses of this study are proposed in the forms of null and research

hypotheses below:

1. Ho : there is no significant correlation between classroom environment

and academic achievementof English Education Study Program

students of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang.

Ha : there is asignificant correlation betweenclassroom environment

and academic achievement of English Education Study

Programstudents of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang

2. Ho : classroom environment does notsignificantly influence

onacademic achievementof English Education Study Program students

of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang.

Ha : classroom environmentsignificantly influence academic

achievement of English Education Study Program students of UIN

Raden Fatah Palembang.

2.8 Criteria of Testing Hypotheses

There are some criteria in testing hypotheses provided from Cohen,

Manion, and Marrison, (2007, p. 519), Creswell (2012, p. 188-189), and

Fraenkel, Wallen, and Hyun (2012, p. 228-232), as follow:

1. If p-value is higher than 0.05 (p>0.05), H0 is accepted and Ha is rejected

2. If p-value is less than 0.05 (p<0.05), H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted



This chapter presents: (1) research design, (2) research variable, (3)

operational definition, (4) the population and sample, (5) data collection,

(6) data instrument analysis, and (7) data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

In this study, correlation research was used. Creswell (2012, p.338)

states that a correlation is a statistical test to determine the tendency or

pattern for two (or more) variables or two sets of data to vary consistently.

Correlation research design was used to find out the correlation between

classroom environment and academic achievement of English Education

Study Program students of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang. The research

design as follow :

Figure I
Research Design


X = Classroom environment

Y = Students’ academic achievement

The procedures in this study were; to get the perception from the

students about classroom environment, the researcher usedcollege and

university classroom environment inventory (CUCEI) questionnaire from

Treagust, Frasher, and Dennies (1986). And to obtain students’ academic

achievement, the researcher asked the students’ GPA (Grade Point

Average). Moreover, to find the correlation among those two variables, the

data of questionnaire and students’ GPA distributed into SPSS version 16.

3.2 Research Variables

Creswell (2012, p. 112) explains, “A variable is a characteristic or

attribute of an individual or organization that (a) researchers can measure

or observe and (b) varies among individuals or organizations studied. In

this study, there were three variables. There were two kind of variables,

independent variable, and dependent variable. An independent variable is

an attribute or characteristic that influences or affects an outcome or

dependent variable while a dependent variable is an attribute or

characteristic that is dependent on or influenced by the independent

variable (Creswell, 2005, p. 115-116).

Related to this research, the independent variable is classroom

environment while the dependent variables is academic achievement of the

undergraduateEFL Students’ of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang.

3.3 Operational Definitions

There were terms that need to be defined in this study. First, the

word correlation means the researcher try to find the correlation or

association between two variables. In the context of correlation, the

researcher correlatethe classroom environment and academic achievement

using pearson product moment of SPSS version 16.

The term classroom environment is a place where almost all the

students’ learning activities and interactions occur, and where student’s

behavior influenced by classroom aspects, such as students’ interaction,

participation, etc, as measured by college and university classroom

environment inventory (CUCEI) questionnaire

And the last is students academic achievement. Thus, the word

academic achievement refers to standardized test scores, grades, and

overall academic ability and performance outcomes.Especially, the

students’ Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA). It is the results of the

students’ study from all the courses they have taken starting from the first

semester to their current semester.

In this study, The Correlation between Classroom Environment and

Academic Achievement of the English Education Study Program Students’

of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang means the action of identifying the

significant relationship between Classroom Environment and Academic

Achievement of English Education Study Program Students’ of UIN

Raden Fatah Palembang.

3.4 Population and Sample

3.4.1 Population

Population is the large group to which a researcher wants to

generalize the sample results (Jhonson & Christensen, 2012, p.218). The

population of this research were all active students of English Education

Study Program in Academic year 2013/2016. The distribution of

population of the study can be seen below.

Table 3.

Distribution of Population

No Semester Number of Students

1 II 144

2 IV 120

3 VI 102

4 VIII 75

5 X 139

Total 580

Source: English Education Study Progarm Students’ of UIN Raden Fatah

Palembang Academic Years 2016/2017

3.4.2 Sample

Sample is a subgroup of the target population that the researcher

plans to study for generalizing about the target population (Creswell, 2012,

p. 142). In this study, convenience sampling were used to get the sample.

According to Creswell (2012, p. 145), convenience sampling is a method

where researcher selects participants because they are willing and

available to be studied.

The consideration for taking the sample were the students who are

still active in the lectures and classroom. The eight and tenth semester
students have already finished all of the lectures in the class and they are

working with their thesis. For those reasons, only the second, fourth and

sixth semester students was contemplated and available as a sample.

Therefore, there were about 366 students. The distribution of the sample

can be seen below.

Table 4.

Distribution of Sample

No. Semester Number of Students

1 II 144

1 IV 120

2 VI 102

Total 366

3.5 Data Collection

In this research, there were two kinds of instrument used to collect

the data; questionnaire, and documentation.

3.5.1 Questionnaire

In this study, the data of classroom environment was measured by

using CUCEI (College and University Classroom Environment Inventory)

questionnaire. This questionnaire wasdeveloped by Treagust, Fraser and

Dennies (1986) to measure the students’ perceptions of classroom

environment. Likert-scale method was used by the researcher in this study,

which are strongly agree, agree, disagree and strongly disagree of each

statement. The CUCEI questionnaire, consists of 49 items. These 49

statements are the combination of positive (non underline) and negative

(underline) statement, and divided into seven groups of statements based

on students’ perceptions of classroom environment scale (Personalization,

Involvement, Student Cohesiveness, Satisfaction, Task Orientation,

Innovation, Individualisation). The specification of the items can be seen

in Table 5.

Table 5

The Specification of the CUCEI Questionnaire

Items Number
Positive Negative of items
Personalization 1,8,15,22, 29,36,43 7
Involvement 9,23,37 2, 16, 30, 44 7
Student cohesiveness 10,17,,38, 3, 24,31, 45 7

Satisfaction 4,18,39,46 11, 25,32 7

Task Orientation 5,12,33,47 19,26, 40 7

Innovation 20,27,41 6,13, 34, 48 7

Individualization 14,21,28,35 7, 42, 49 7

Total Items 25 24 49

The minimum score of each item is 1 and the highest score is 5,

and missing case is scored 3. In this research, the researcher will divide the
classroom environment into three categories. The categories were high,

average, and low. In deciding the interval between points on the scale, the

formula is used; range of the score divided by the number of level. Since

the total items were 49, the possible highest scores would be 245, and the

possible lowest score would be 49.To get the category of classroom

environment, the calculation was 245 minus 49 which 196. Then the score

196 was divided by 3 which was 65. It means that the interval between

scores was 65. From the calculation, the researcher used score interval as

presented in table6.

Table 6
The Categories of Classroom Environment Scale

Score Interval Category

180 – 245 High

114 - 179 Average

49 - 113 Low

3.5.2 Documentation

In this research, the researcher used documentation as one of the

instrument. The documentation in this research was students Cumulative

Grade Point Average (GPA). Students Cumulative Grade Point Average

(GPA) is required to gain information about students’ classroom

environment influences their academic achievement, specially their

GPA.The category of the students’ academic achievement is as follows.

Table 7.

Academic Achievement Category

No Score Range Category

1 4.00 Summa Cumlaude

2 3.51 – 3.99 Cumlaude

3 3.01 – 3.50 Very Good

4 2.51 – 3.00 Good

5 2.00 – 2.50 Enough

(Source: Buku Panduan Akademik Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Raden
Fatah Palembang)

3.6 Data Instrument Analysis

Before the questionnaire were administered, the researcher firstly

considerd their validity and reliability.

3.6.1. Test Validity

Validity” refers to the appropriateness, meaningfulness, and

usefulness of any inferences of researcher draws based on the data

obtained through the use of an instrument (Fraenkel and Wallen, 2012). It

means that validity test is used to measure whether the instruments are

used valid or not.

In this research the construct validity was used. Moreover, the

CUCEI (college and university classroom environment inventory)

questionnaire has been validated by Treagust, Frasher and Dennies

(1986).The CUCEI first has 12 item of each scale with total of items were
84,were assessed with a sample of 372 Australian and American

undergraduate and postgraduate students (Fraser et al., 1986). The result of

validity showed that 35 items (5 items in each scale were eliminated) and

left 49 items. Moreover, 49 items of CUCEIquestionnaire in this research

was considered valid.

3.6.2. Test Reliability

According to Creswell (2005, p.162), reliability means that scores

from an instrument are stable and consistent.According to Johnson and

Christensen (2012), the score is considered reliable if the score of

significance is at least or preferably higher than 0.70.

The reliability of the CUCEI were assessed with a sample of 372

Australian and American undergraduate and postgraduate students

(Treagust et al., 1986). The result showed that the CUCEI had good

internal consistency, with the alpha coefficient ranging from .70 to .90.

3.7 Data Analysis

After distributing the questionnaire and cumulative GPA, the

researcher checked and analyze the collected data.

3.7.1 Instrument Analysis Questionnaire Analysis

The students were asked to answer the 49 items of CUCEI

questionnaire using Likert-scale consist of strongly agree, agree, disagree

and strongly disagree. If the student checks strongly agree in positive

statement the score is 5, if student checks strongly disagree the score is 1.

While in negative statement is scored in reverse manner. After the the data

of questionnaire was obtained, the score of which item is added up. Since

the total number of CUCEI questionnaire are 49 items, the possible highest

score was 245 (in which the students get 5 for each statement) and the

possible lowest score will be 49 (in which the students get 1 for each

statement). The interval of classroom environment was classified into three

categories. Score 180 to 245 were in high categories, score 114 to 179

were in average categories, and the score 49 to 113 were in low categories. Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA)

After the data was obtained, the students’ cumulative GPA were

classified into several categories. The highest is 4.00, and it is categorized

summacumlaude, from 3.51-3.99 is categorized cumlaude, 3.01- 3.50 is

categorized very good, 2.51-3.00 is good, and the last 2.00-2.50 is

categorized enough.

3.7.2 Pre-requisite Analysis

In terms of correlation and regression, it was necessary to know

whether the data was normal for each variable and linear between two

variables. Normality Test

In this study, normality test was used to find out whether the data

of classroom environment (CUCEI) questionnaire and cumulative GPA are

normal or not. The researcher used I-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov in

SPSS. If p-value is higher than .05 then it is normal. Linearity Test

In this study, linearity test was conducted to know whether the data

of classroom environment (CUCEI) questionnaire and cumulative GPA is

linear or not. If the score is higher than 0.05, the two variables are linear.

Linearity test in SPSS is used to see if the data is linear or not.

3.7.3 Correlation Analysis

After all of data find normal and linier, the analysis will do. The

result from the instruments of both questionnaire and students’ GPA were

calculated to find any potential correlation between variables through

Pearson Product Moment Coefficient in SPSS with 5% significant level.

Then, the significance of the correlation coefficient is used to determine by

comparing the data of the coefficient (r data) in the level of significance of

5 percent in the table of product moment (r table). The correlation

coefficient is significant if r table in the level of significance of 5 percent

less than r data. When the result shows positive r value, it means that there

is a significant positive correlation, but if the result shows negative r

value, there is a significant negative correlation. The meaning of a given

correlation coefficientaccording to Cohen, Manion, and Marison (2007, p.

536), there was a correlation if p-value is higher than 0.20.

3.7.4 Regression Analysis

In order to know the contribution of classroom environment and

academic achievement of undergraduate EFL students’ of UIN Raden

Fatah Palembang regression analysis was applied to examine whether or

not classroom environment influence their academic achievement. At last,

after research are conducted and the correlation are found, linier regression

was used to find whether or not classroom environment significantly

influence academic achievement.



This chapter presents (1) research finding, (2) statistical analyses, and (3)


4.1. Research Findings

There arefive kinds of research findings in this study: (1) the result of

students’ classroom environment and (2) the result of students’ academic


4.1.1 Results of Classroom Environment

In this study, the total active students in the English education study

program of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang were 366 students. 345 students

participated in this study, and the others were absent whenthis study was

conducted. The 49 items of College and University Classroom Environment

Inventory (CUCEI) questionnaire were used to investigate the students’ classroom


In answering each statement of the questionnaire, there were 4 Likert

scales that had to be chosen by the students based on their own perception about

their classroom environment. They are SA (strongly agree), A (agree), D

(disagree), and SD (strongly disagree). Because there were positive and negative

statements in the questionnaire, the both type of statement were valued in reverse

manner. Inthe positive statements, SA has 5 point, A has 4 point, D has 2 point,
SD has 1 point. While in negative statements were given point in reverse manner.

Then invalid statement (the students didn’t give the check or check twice in one

statement)has point 3.After the questionnaire was distributed to the students, then

the students chose the responses, the point was written beside the response. After

all,the result would be analyze by adding up the answer and wrote the total.

The desriptive statistical analysis of CUCEI for the participants is shown

below. The maximum score is 220, and the lowest score is 103. The mean of the

classroom environment scores for the participants is171.74 and the standard

deviation is18.047.

Table 8
Descriptive Analysis of Classroom Environment

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

classroom_environment 345 103 220 171.74 18.047

Valid N (listwise) 345

It was revealed that from the questionaire, the three levels of classroom

environment all perceived by the students with different numbers. In the table

distribution of College and University Classroom Environment Inventory

(CUCEI) the result showed that 115 students (33.3 %) were in high category, 208

students (60.3 %) whose score belonged to average category, thus in the low

categorywere 22 students (6.4 %).

Table 9

Distribution of Classroom Environment

Score Interval Category Frequency Percentage

180 – 245 High 115 33.3 %

114 – 179 Average 208 60.3 %

49 - 113 Low 22 6.4 %

Total 345 100 %

4.1.2 Result of Students’ Academic Achievement

The desriptive statistic analysis of academic achievement for the

participants is shown below. The maximum score is 4.00, and the lowest score is

1.45. The mean of academic achievement for the participants is3.4503, and the

standard deviation is 0.28468.

Table 10

Descriptive Statistics of Students Academic Achievement

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Academic_Achievement 345 1.45 4.00 3.4503 .28468

Valid N (listwise)

The distribution of students academic achievement is presented in table 9.

3 students (0.9 %) obtained in summa cumlaude category, while 152 students

(44%) were in cumlaude category, 175 students (50,7 %) were in very good

category, 12 students (3.5 %) were in good category, 3 students (0.9 %) were in

enough category. The percentage is shown the following table:

Table 11

Distribution of Academic Achievement

Interval Category Students Percentage

4.00 Summa Cumlaude 3 0.9 %

3.51 – 3.99 Cumlaude 152 44 %

3.01 – 3.50 Very Good 175 50.7 %

2.51 – 3.00 Good 12 3.5 %

2.00 – 2.50 Enough 3 0.9 %

Total 345 100 %

4.2 Statistical Analyses

There were three statistical analyses that the researher applied in this


1. The statistical analysis of normality and linearity

2. The statistical analysis of correlation analysis between classroom

environment and academic achievement in all participants.

3. The statistical analysis of regression analysis between classroom environment

and academic achievement in all participants.

4.2.1. Normality test and Linearity test

Normality test and linearity test were conducted prior to data analysis

through SPSS 16th version for windows. As parametric statistics, in term of

correlation and regression were used in this research, it was fundamental to see if

the distribution of data were normal for each variable and linear between

variables. Result of Normality Test

The dataare interpreted normal if p> 0.05.If p< 0.05, it means the data are

not normal. Kolmogorov-smirnov was used to see the normality. The results of

normality test is shown in table below indicated that both of the data variable were

normalwith coeficients .192 for classroom environment and .058 for academic


Table 12
Normality Test

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

Classroom_Envir Academic_Achie
onment vement
N 345 345
Normal Parametersa Mean 171.7391 3.4503
Std. Deviation 18.04682 .28468
Most Extreme Differences Absolute .058 .072
Positive .029 .053
Negative -.058 -.072
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1.083 1.332
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .192 .058
a. Test distribution is Normal.
The normal Q-Q plot of each variable is illustrated in the following

figures. The figure of the distribution normality of students classroom

environment show that the dissemination of the score straight in the line, from

lower to higher. It can be inferred that the students’ classroom environment score

show normal.

Figure 2. Distribution of Classroom Environment Data

Normal Q-Q Plot of Classroom Environment

The figure distribution of normality of students’ academic achievement

show that the dissemination of the score also straight in the line, from lower to

higher. It can be inferred that the students’ academic achievement score show

Figure 3. Distribution of Academic Achievement Data
Normal Q-Q Plot of Academic Achievement Result of Linearity Test

For linearity test, deviation of linearity was obtained. If probability is more

than .05, the two variables are linear. The results showed that, the deviation from

linearity between classroom environment and academic achievementwas .343. To

sum up, all the data were linear for each correlation and regression.
Table 13
Linearity Test


Sum of Mean

Squares df Square F Sig.

Academic_Achieveme Between (Combined) 8.000 72 .111 1.520 .009

nt * Groups
Linearity 2.442 1 2.442 33.416 .000
Deviation from
ent 5.558 71 .078 1.071 .343

Within Groups 19.878 272 .073

Total 27.878 344

4.3 Correlation between Classroom Environment and Academic


To answer the first research problem, Pearson Product Moment Correlation

was used.Based onPearson Product Moment Correlation Coeficient, the result

indicated that there was slight relationship between classroom environment and

academic achievement. The correlation coeficient or the r-obtained (.296) was

higher than r-table (0.1059). Then the level of probability (p) significance (sig.2-

tailed) was .000. It means that p (.000) was lower than .05. Thus, there

wassignificant relationship between the students’ classroom environment and their

academic achievement.
Table 14
Correlation between Classroom Environment and Academic Achievement


Classroom Academic

Environment Achievement

Classroom_Environment Pearson Correlation 1 .296**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 345 345

Academic_Achievement Pearson Correlation .296** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 345 345

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

4.4. Influence of Classroom Environment on Academic Achievement

This section answeredthe second research problem. By analyzing the result

of desriptive statistic for the College and University Classroom Environment

Inventory (CUCEI) and academic achievement.

In addition, since there was a correlation between classroom environment

and academic achievement, it can be inferred that students’ classroom

environment has influence on their academic achievement. However, regression

analysis was still used to find out if students’ classroom environmentinfluenced

their academic achievement.

The results indicated that the students’ classroom environment influenced

academic achievement with tvalue(5.739) was higher than ttable(1.967) with sig.

value (.00) was lower than probability (.05). Therefore, there was an influence

betweenclassroom environment toward their academic achievement of English

Education Study Program of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang. It means that there

was aninfluence of classroom environment toward academic achievement.

Table 15

The Regression Analysis of Classroom Environment and Academic




Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

1 (Constant) 2.648 .140 18.852 .000

.005 .001 .296 5.739 .000

a. Dependent Variable: Academic_Achievement

In addition, to know the percentage of classroom environment influence

on academic achievement, R-Square was obtained. The result of the analysis

revealed that the R Square (R2) was .088 or 8%.. It means thatclassroom

environmentonly give influence 8 %toward academic achievement. Table 14 is

shown as the result of Model Summary follow.

Table 16

Model Summary

Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of the
Model R R Square Square Estimate
.296a .088 .085 .27232

a. Predictors: (Constant), Classroom_Environment

4.5. Interpretation

In order to strengthen the value of this study the interpretations are made

based on the result of data analyses.According to the findings, there was a positive

and significantcorrelation between classroom environment and academic

achievement, and also an influence of classroom environment toward academic

achievement of English Education Study Program Students of UIN Raden Fatah


First, based on the result of questionnaire, the three levels of classroom

environment were perceived by the students with different numbers. There are

115 students (33.3 %) who score belonged to high category, 208 students (60.3 %)

whose score belonged to average category, thus in the low categorywere 22

students (6.4 %). In other word, classroom environment of English education

study program students of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang was high enough.

Second, For their academic achievement, 3 students (0.9 %) whose belonged to

summa cumlaude category, while 152 students (44 %) were in cumlaude category,
175 students (50.7%) were in very good category, 12 students (3.5 %) were in

good category, 3 students (0.9 %) were in enough category. From the data, it can

be inferred that most of the students were in very good category.

Third, the result of Pearson Product Moment Correlationswas found that

there was a positive correlation between classroom environment and academic

achievementstudents of English Education Study Program at UIN Raden Fatah

Palembang (r- .296). This means that classroom environmenthadslight relation to

their academic achievement. Tough it was a slight correlation, classroom

environment can give an impact toward students’ academic achievement. It is in

line with Fraser (1998) who stated that the quality of the classroom environment

is the significant determinant of students’ learning.

SimilarlySingh and Bennipal in 2014, in their study, found thatthere exist a

positive relationship between academic achievement and classroom environment

among adolescents of schools of Ludhiana District. In addition, a study conducted

by Akomolafe and Adesua in 2015 showed that, there was a significant

relationship between classroom environment and the academic performance.

Fourth, studentsclassroom environmentgave slight influence

onstudentsacademic achievement.Students spend their time to learn mostlyin the

classroom, classroom is remains to be the main learning environment in an

institution (Falsario, Muyong, Nuevaespana, 2014). However, it did not ensure

that classroom environment take larger part in influencing students’ academic

achievement.In this study, classroom environment gave only8.8% effect toward

academic achievement. It means that from 345 students, classroom environment

influence 30students academic achievement, and 91,2 % was influenced by other

factors.Those factors are gender difference, teacher’s education and teaching

style, class environment, family education background (Mushtaq & Khan, 2012),

age, peer influences, course assessment, class attendance, class size and entry

qualification (Daniel, 2016).

Home environment may affect individual since the parents are the first

socializing agents in an individual’s life. This is because the family background

and context of a child affect his reaction to life situations and his level of

academic achievement. Since no nation can rise above the level of education of

her citizens (MeenuDev, 2016, p.71).

In addition, Farooq,Chaudhry, Shafiq, and Berhan (2011, p. 2) stated that,

not only environment and the personal characteristics of learners that play an

important role in their academic success. Socioeconomic status is one of the most

researched and debated factor among educational professionals that contribute

towards the academic performance of students. The most prevalent argument is

that the socioeconomic status of learners affects the quality of their academic

performance. Moreover the findings of research studies by Hijazi and Naqvi

(2006, p.1) focused that student performance is affected by different factors such

as learning abilities because new paradigm about learning assumes that all

students can and should learn at higher levels but it should not be considered as

constraint because there are other factors like race, gender, sex that can affect
student’s performance. Therefore, the influence of classroom environment toward

students’ academic achievement was not strong.

In short, based on the data analysis researcher found that the total

contribution of classroom environment and academic showed slight correlation

and slight influences.Finally, this study found there was relationship and influence

between classroom environment and academic achievement of English Education

Study Program students of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang.



This chapter presents: (1) conclusions, and (2) suggestions bassed on the

findings of the research.

5.1 Conclusions

From the findings and interpretations in the previous chapter, some

conclusions could be presented. First, the correlation coefficient or the r-obtained

(.296) was higher than r-table (0.1059), it means thatthe result indicated that there

was a positive and significant relationship between classroom environment and

academic achievement of English Education Study Program Students of UIN

Raden Fatah Palembang. So, the lower classroom environment as perceived by

the students, the lower their academic achievement would be. Second, the findings

revealed that there was a slight influence of classroom environment toward

academic achievement of English Education Study Program Students of UIN

Raden Fatah Palembang. It was shown that classroom environment gave only 8 %

contribution to their academic performance.So, it can be inferred that the null

hypothesis (H0) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted.

5.1 Suggestions

Based on the conclusion above, suggestions in this study are provided forthe

students, teachers and other researchers who are interested in further research.
1) For the students

The students need to pay attention to their classroom environment and

enhance their consideration of how important classroom environment is.

Because classroom environment is one of the predictor that influence their

academic achievement, the better classroom environment as perceived by

students, the better their academic achievement will be.

2) For the lecturers

The lecturers need to pay attention and find the information on classroom

psycho-social environment that occur in the classroom. Lecturers need to help

creating a better interaction in the classroom and also providing conducive

learning atmosphere.

3) For future researcher

For future researchers who have interest on this study, the researcher

recommended to investigate more deeply the correlation between classroom

environment and academic achievement.


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College and University Classroom Environment Inventory (CUCEI)


Name : Class :
NIM : Date :

This questionnaire assesses your opinion about what this class is actually like.
Indicate your opinion about each questionnaire statement by giving the tick (  ) only
one option in the blank, with the scale :

SA if you strongly agree

A if you agree
D if you disagree
SD if you strongly disagree

Item Statements of Classroom Environment SA A D SD
of item
1 The instructor considers students' feelings.
2 The instructor talks rather than listens.
The class is made up of individuals who don't know
each other well.
4 The students look forward to coming to classes.
Students know exactly what has to be done in our
6 New ideas are seldom tried out in this class.
All students in the class are expected to do the same
work, in the same way and same time.
8 The instructor talks individually with students.
9 Students put effort into what they do in class.
Each student knows the other members of the class
by their first names.
Students are dissatisfied with what is done in the
Getting a certain amount of work done is important
in this class.
New and different ways of teaching are seldom
used in this class.
14 Students are generally allowed to work at their own
The instructor goes out of his/her way to help
16 Students 'clockwatch' in this class.
17 Friendships are made among students in this class.
After the class, the students have a sense of
The group often gets sidetracked instead of sticking
to the point.
The instructor thinks up innovative activities for
students to do.
21 Students have a say in how class time is spent.
The instructor helps each student who is having
trouble with the work.
Students in this class pay attention to what others
are saying.
Students don't have much chance to get to know
each other in this class.
25 Classes are a waste of time.
26 This is a disorganized class.
Teaching approaches in this class are characterized
by innovation and variety.
Students are allowed to choose activities and how
they will work.
The instructor seldom moves around the classroom
to talk with students.
30 Students seldom present their work to the class.
It takes a long time to get to know everybody by
his/her first name in this class.
32 Classes are boring.
Class assignments are clear so everyone knows
what to do.
The seating in this class is arranged in the same
way each week.
Teaching approaches allow students to proceed at
their own pace.
36 The instructor isn't interested in students' problems.
There are opportunities for students to express
opinions in this class.
38 Students in this class get to know each other well.
39 Students enjoy going to this class.
40 This class seldom starts on time.
The instructor often thinks of unusual class
There is little opportunity for a student to pursue
his/her particular interest in class.
The instructor is unfriendly and inconsiderate
toward students.
44 The instructor dominates class discussions.
Students in this class aren't very interested in
getting to know other students.
46 Classes are interesting.
Activities in this class are clearly and carefully
Students seem to do the same type of activities
every class.
It is the instructor who decides what will be done in
our class.
(Source : Treagust, D.F. & Fraser, B, J. (1986). Validity and Use of a classroom
environment instrument for higher education. National Association for Research
in Science Teaching, San Francisco)

Students’ Cumulative GP

Students GPA Students GPA Students GPA

Student 1 3.82 Student 37 3.75 Student 73 3.45
Student 2 3.64 Student 38 1.45 Student 74 3.45
Student 3 3.82 Student 39 3.82 Student 75 3.21
Student 4 3.51 Student 40 3.91 Student 76 3.21
Student 5 3.36 Student 41 3.91 Student 77 3.82
Student 6 3.64 Student 42 3.64 Student 78 3.09
Student 7 3.36 Student 43 3.64 Student 79 3.55
Student 8 3.64 Student 44 3.55 Student 80 3.55
Student 9 4 Student 45 3.73 Student 81 3.82
Student 10 3.64 Student 46 3.73 Student 82 4
Student 11 3.88 Student 47 3.82 Student 83 3.28
Student 12 3.72 Student 48 3.73 Student 84 3.73
Student 13 3.55 Student 49 3.82 Student 85 3.18
Student 14 3.73 Student 50 3.55 Student 86 3.73
Student 15 3.73 Student 51 3.55 Student 87 3.45
Student 16 3.64 Student 52 3.73 Student 88 3.55
Student 17 3.73 Student 53 3.64 Student 89 3.73
Student 18 3.55 Student 54 3.73 Student 90 3.91
Student 19 3.45 Student 55 3.73 Student 91 3.91
Student 20 3.64 Student 56 3.27 Student 92 3.73
Student 21 3.55 Student 57 3.55 Student 93 3
Student 22 3.55 Student 58 3.55 Student 94 3
Student 23 3.64 Student 59 3.64 Student 95 3.55
Student 24 3.55 Student 60 3.73 Student 96 3.27
Student 25 3.91 Student 61 3.55 Student 97 3.73
Student 26 3.55 Student 62 3.09 Student 98 3.55
Student 27 3.55 Student 63 3.64 Student 99 3.64
Student 28 3.55 Student 64 3.64 Student 100 3.45
Student 29 3.64 Student 65 3.64 Student 101 3.64
Student 30 3.47 Student 66 3.27 Student 102 3.64
Student 31 3.55 Student 67 3.73 Student 103 3.45
Student 32 3.64 Student 68 3.45 Student 104 3.82
Student 33 3.55 Student 69 3.73 Student 105 3.64
Student 34 3.55 Student 70 3.91 Student 106 2.27
Student 35 3.64 Student 71 3.55 Student 107 3.64
Student 36 3.45 Student 72 3.55 Student 108 3.82
Students GPA Students GPA Students GPA
Student 109 3.91 Student 145 3.3 Student 181 3.2
Student 110 3.82 Student 146 3.09 Student 182 3.68
Student 111 3.73 Student 147 3.43 Student 183 3.15
Student 112 3.64 Student 148 3.18 Student 184 3.15
Student 113 3.55 Student 149 3.31 Student 185 3
Student 114 3.55 Student 150 3.34 Student 186 3.1
Student 115 3.73 Student 151 3.64 Student 187 3.18
Student 116 3.73 Student 152 3.39 Student 188 3.68
Student 117 3.45 Student 153 3.49 Student 189 3.54
Student 118 3.33 Student 154 3.79 Student 190 3.38
Student 119 3.14 Student 155 3.71 Student 191 3.26
Student 120 3.82 Student 156 3.19 Student 192 3.1
Student 121 3.55 Student 157 3.43 Student 193 3.63
Student 122 3.08 Student 158 3.35 Student 194 3.66
Student 123 3.36 Student 159 3.69 Student 195 3.44
Student 124 3.48 Student 160 3.68 Student 196 3.79
Student 125 3.48 Student 161 3.67 Student 197 3.06
Student 126 3.91 Student 162 3.06 Student 198 3.56
Student 127 3.73 Student 163 3.18 Student 199 3.49
Student 128 3.55 Student 164 3.56 Student 200 3.82
Student 129 3.91 Student 165 3.11 Student 201 3.09
Student 130 3.1 Student 166 3.54 Student 202 3.66
Student 131 3.64 Student 167 3.46 Student 203 3.44
Student 132 3.94 Student 168 3.38 Student 204 3.09
Student 133 3.75 Student 169 3.46 Student 205 3.76
Student 134 3.81 Student 170 3.63 Student 206 3.1
Student 135 3.28 Student 171 2.9 Student 207 3.59
Student 136 3.21 Student 172 3.66 Student 208 3.57
Student 137 3.45 Student 173 3.25 Student 209 3.13
Student 138 3.27 Student 174 3.26 Student 210 2.85
Student 139 3.3 Student 175 3.56 Student 211 3.47
Student 140 3.05 Student 176 3.29 Student 212 2.29
Student 141 3.41 Student 177 3.3 Student 213 3.29
Student 142 3.18 Student 178 3 Student 214 3.29
Student 143 3.83 Student 179 3.12 Student 215 3.44
Student 144 3.81 Student 180 3.56 Student 216 3.1
Students GPA Students GPA Students GPA
Student 217 3.34 Student 253 3.24 Student 289 3.32
Student 218 3.5 Student 254 3.36 Student 290 3.38
Student 219 3.26 Student 255 3.4 Student 291 3.33
Student 220 3.5 Student 256 3.16 Student 292 3.5
Student 221 3.04 Student 257 3.64 Student 293 3.65
Student 222 3.48 Student 258 3.09 Student 294 3.3
Student 223 3.69 Student 259 3.27 Student 295 3.35
Student 224 3.47 Student 260 3 Student 296 2.8
Student 225 3.35 Student 261 3.34 Student 297 3.42
Student 226 3.24 Student 262 3.55 Student 298 3.4
Student 227 3.14 Student 263 3.42 Student 299 3.32
Student 228 3.06 Student 264 3.43 Student 300 3.16
Student 229 3 Student 265 3.31 Student 301 3.11
Student 230 3.24 Student 266 3.02 Student 302 3.15
Student 231 3.84 Student 267 3.59 Student 303 3.5
Student 232 3.5 Student 268 3.41 Student 304 3.36
Student 233 3.35 Student 269 3.48 Student 305 3.29
Student 234 3.13 Student 270 3.31 Student 306 3.66
Student 235 3.59 Student 271 3.28 Student 307 3.47
Student 236 3.38 Student 272 3.43 Student 308 3.5
Student 237 3.06 Student 273 3.28 Student 309 3.13
Student 238 3.24 Student 274 3.28 Student 310 3.42
Student 239 3.13 Student 275 3.69 Student 311 3.56
Student 240 3.53 Student 276 4 Student 312 3.69
Student 241 3.35 Student 277 3.42 Student 313 3.72
Student 242 3.16 Student 278 3.25 Student 314 3.46
Student 243 3.53 Student 279 3.73 Student 315 3.42
Student 244 3.68 Student 280 3.77 Student 316 3.05
Student 245 3.29 Student 281 3.4 Student 317 3.86
Student 246 3.19 Student 282 3.58 Student 318 3.22
Student 247 3.35 Student 283 3.05 Student 319 3.73
Student 248 3.48 Student 284 3.67 Student 320 3.35
Student 249 3.17 Student 285 3.7 Student 321 3.6
Student 250 3.44 Student 286 3.4 Student 322 3.14
Student 251 3.16 Student 287 3.35 Student 323 3.47
Student 252 3.45 Student 288 3.43 Student 324 3.54
Students GPA
Student 325 3.05
Student 326 3.39
Student 327 3.48
Student 328 2.81
Student 329 3.32
Student 330 2.98
Student 331 3.6
Student 332 3.37
Student 333 3.41
Student 334 3.48
Student 335 3.05
Student 336 3.26
Student 337 3.62
Student 338 3.82
Student 339 3.47
Student 340 3.39
Student 341 3.47
Student 342 3.15
Student 343 2.96
Student 344 3.3
Student 345 3.36

Descriptive Statistics of Classroom Environment

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

classroom_environment 345 103 220 171.74 18.047

Valid N (listwise) 345

The frequency of Students’ Classroom Environment

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 103 1 .3 .3 .3
123 1 .3 .3 .6
126 1 .3 .3 .9
127 1 .3 .3 1.2
128 1 .3 .3 1.4
132 1 .3 .3 1.7
134 1 .3 .3 2.0
137 3 .9 .9 2.9
138 1 .3 .3 3.2
139 3 .9 .9 4.1
140 2 .6 .6 4.6
141 3 .9 .9 5.5
142 2 .6 .6 6.1
143 1 .3 .3 6.4
144 4 1.2 1.2 7.5
145 1 .3 .3 7.8
146 2 .6 .6 8.4
147 9 2.6 2.6 11.0
148 3 .9 .9 11.9
150 4 1.2 1.2 13.0
151 7 2.0 2.0 15.1
152 4 1.2 1.2 16.2
153 1 .3 .3 16.5
154 3 .9 .9 17.4
155 2 .6 .6 18.0
156 8 2.3 2.3 20.3
158 7 2.0 2.0 22.3
159 7 2.0 2.0 24.3
160 7 2.0 2.0 26.4
161 5 1.4 1.4 27.8
162 8 2.3 2.3 30.1
163 1 .3 .3 30.4
164 8 2.3 2.3 32.8
165 10 2.9 2.9 35.7
166 4 1.2 1.2 36.8
167 6 1.7 1.7 38.6
168 7 2.0 2.0 40.6
169 4 1.2 1.2 41.7
170 6 1.7 1.7 43.5
171 7 2.0 2.0 45.5
172 5 1.4 1.4 47.0
173 11 3.2 3.2 50.1
174 8 2.3 2.3 52.5
175 8 2.3 2.3 54.8
176 11 3.2 3.2 58.0
177 7 2.0 2.0 60.0
178 13 3.8 3.8 63.8
179 8 2.3 2.3 66.1
180 4 1.2 1.2 67.2
181 9 2.6 2.6 69.9
182 7 2.0 2.0 71.9
183 7 2.0 2.0 73.9
184 14 4.1 4.1 78.0
185 2 .6 .6 78.6
186 5 1.4 1.4 80.0
187 5 1.4 1.4 81.4
188 5 1.4 1.4 82.9
189 5 1.4 1.4 84.3
190 3 .9 .9 85.2
191 2 .6 .6 85.8
192 13 3.8 3.8 89.6
193 4 1.2 1.2 90.7
194 3 .9 .9 91.6
195 5 1.4 1.4 93.0
196 1 .3 .3 93.3
197 3 .9 .9 94.2
198 2 .6 .6 94.8
200 4 1.2 1.2 95.9
202 4 1.2 1.2 97.1
208 5 1.4 1.4 98.6
214 1 .3 .3 98.8
215 3 .9 .9 99.7
220 1 .3 .3 100.0
Total 345 100.0 100.0

Descriptive Statistics of Academic Achievement

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Academic_Achievement 345 1.45 4.00 3.4503 .28468

Valid N (listwise)

The frequency of Students’ Academic Achievement

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 1.45 1 .3 .3 .3
2.27 1 .3 .3 .6
2.29 1 .3 .3 .9
2.8 1 .3 .3 1.2
2.81 1 .3 .3 1.4
2.85 1 .3 .3 1.7
2.9 1 .3 .3 2.0
2.96 1 .3 .3 2.3
2.98 1 .3 .3 2.6
3 6 1.7 1.7 4.3
3.02 1 .3 .3 4.6
3.04 1 .3 .3 4.9
3.05 5 1.4 1.4 6.4
3.06 4 1.2 1.2 7.5
3.08 1 .3 .3 7.8
3.09 6 1.7 1.7 9.6
3.1 5 1.4 1.4 11.0
3.11 2 .6 .6 11.6
3.12 1 .3 .3 11.9
3.13 4 1.2 1.2 13.0
3.14 3 .9 .9 13.9
3.15 4 1.2 1.2 15.1
3.16 4 1.2 1.2 16.2
3.17 1 .3 .3 16.5
3.18 5 1.4 1.4 18.0
3.19 2 .6 .6 18.6
3.2 1 .3 .3 18.8
3.21 3 .9 .9 19.7
3.22 1 .3 .3 20.0
3.24 4 1.2 1.2 21.2
3.25 2 .6 .6 21.7
3.26 4 1.2 1.2 22.9
3.27 5 1.4 1.4 24.3
3.28 5 1.4 1.4 25.8
3.29 5 1.4 1.4 27.2
3.3 5 1.4 1.4 28.7
3.31 3 .9 .9 29.6
3.32 3 .9 .9 30.4
3.33 2 .6 .6 31.0
3.34 3 .9 .9 31.9
3.35 8 2.3 2.3 34.2
3.36 6 1.7 1.7 35.9
3.37 1 .3 .3 36.2
3.38 4 1.2 1.2 37.4
3.39 3 .9 .9 38.3
3.4 4 1.2 1.2 39.4
3.41 3 .9 .9 40.3
3.42 5 1.4 1.4 41.7
3.43 5 1.4 1.4 43.2
3.44 4 1.2 1.2 44.3
3.45 11 3.2 3.2 47.5
3.46 3 .9 .9 48.4
3.47 7 2.0 2.0 50.4
3.48 7 2.0 2.0 52.5
3.49 2 .6 .6 53.0
3.5 6 1.7 1.7 54.8
3.51 1 .3 .3 55.1
3.53 2 .6 .6 55.7
3.54 3 .9 .9 56.5
3.55 29 8.4 8.4 64.9
3.56 5 1.4 1.4 66.4
3.57 1 .3 .3 66.7
3.58 1 .3 .3 67.0
3.59 3 .9 .9 67.8
3.6 2 .6 .6 68.4
3.62 1 .3 .3 68.7
3.63 2 .6 .6 69.3
3.64 26 7.5 7.5 76.8
3.65 1 .3 .3 77.1
3.66 4 1.2 1.2 78.3
3.67 2 .6 .6 78.8
3.68 4 1.2 1.2 80.0
3.69 4 1.2 1.2 81.2
3.7 1 .3 .3 81.4
3.71 1 .3 .3 81.7
3.72 2 .6 .6 82.3
3.73 23 6.7 6.7 89.0
3.75 2 .6 .6 89.6
3.76 1 .3 .3 89.9
3.77 1 .3 .3 90.1
3.79 2 .6 .6 90.7
3.81 2 .6 .6 91.3
3.82 13 3.8 3.8 95.1
3.83 1 .3 .3 95.4
3.84 1 .3 .3 95.7
3.86 1 .3 .3 95.9
3.88 1 .3 .3 96.2
3.91 9 2.6 2.6 98.8
3.94 1 .3 .3 99.1
4 3 .9 .9 100.0
Total 345 100.0 100.0
Tests of Normality

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

Classroom_Envir Academic_Achie
onment vement

N 345 345

Normal Parametersa Mean 171.7391 3.4503

Std. Deviation 18.04682 .28468

Most Extreme Differences Absolute .058 .072

Positive .029 .053

Negative -.058 -.072

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1.083 1.332

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .192 .058

a. Test distribution is Normal.

Q-Q Plot Classroom Environment

Q-Q Plot Academic Achievement

Tests of Linearity

Case Processing Summary


Included Excluded Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Academic_Achievement *
344 99.7% 1 .3% 345 100.0%

Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.

Academic_Achieveme Between (Combined) 8.000 72 .111 1.520 .009

nt * Groups
Linearity 2.442 1 2.442 33.416 .000
Deviation from
ent 5.558 71 .078 1.071 .343

Within Groups 19.878 272 .073

Total 27.878 344

Measures of Association

R R Squared Eta Eta Squared

Academic_Achievement *
.296 .088 .540 .292

Correlation Result

Classroom Academic
Environment Achievement

Classroom_Environment Pearson Correlation 1 .296**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 345 345

Academic_Achievement Pearson Correlation .296** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 345 345

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

The Regression Analysis


Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

1 (Constant) 2.648 .140 18.852 .000

.005 .001 .296 5.739 .000

a. Dependent Variable: Academic_Achievement

Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of the
Model R R Square Square Estimate
.296a .088 .085 .27232

a. Predictors: (Constant), Classroom_Environment



Maret 2017

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