Design of Double Pipe Heat Exchanger: Mrs. Kirti B.Zare, Ms. Dipika Kanchan, Ms. Nupur Patel
Design of Double Pipe Heat Exchanger: Mrs. Kirti B.Zare, Ms. Dipika Kanchan, Ms. Nupur Patel
Heat exchanger is one of the important devices in cooling and heating process in Factories, buildings,
transports and others. The heat exchanger is found in large Construction to support cooling process such as
fossil fuel power plant. In the present study, heat transfer from hot water to cold water by double pipe heat
exchanger consists concentric tube is experimentally investigated. The horizontal double pipe heat exchanger is
made from Galvanised iron tube with inner tube and outer tube. The inner tube is consists of 26mm internal &
34 mm outer diameter. The outer tube is consisting of 68 mm internal & 76 mm outer diameter.
A set of the experiments were carried out to investigate for counter flow & parallel flow to determine heat
transfer coefficient in a double pipe heat exchanger.
Keywords: Coefficient of heat transfer, counter flow, Double pipe, Heat Exchanger parallel flow.
Horizontal double pipe heat exchanger uses various inserts inside tube so as to enhance heat transfer and hence
increase heat transfer coefficient [1, 2, 3].These types of heat exchangers found their applications in heat recovery
processes, air conditioning and refrigeration systems, chemical reactors, and food and dairy processes The
double pipe heat exchanger would normally be used for many continuous systems having small to medium
headuties. The heat exchanger is a device which transferred the heat from hot medium to cold medium without
mixed both of medium since both mediums are separated with a solid wall generally. There are many types of
heat exchanger that used based on the application. For example, double pipe heat exchanger is used in chemical
process like condensing the vapour to the liquid. When to construct this type of heat exchanger, the size of
material that want to uses must be considered since it affected the overall heat transfer coefficient. For this type
of heat exchanger, the outlet temperature for both hot and cold fluids that produced is estimated by using the
best design of this type of heat exchanger.
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Figure No: 1.1 Double pipe Heat Exchanger
The double pipe heat exchanger is used in industry such as condenser for chemical process and cooling fluid
process. This double pipe heat exchanger is designed in a large size for large application in industry. For this
research, the small heat exchanger of double pipe type is constructed which wants to make it practicality in daily
life such in cooling the hot air from engine bay into intake manifold of car [7]. To make this small double pipe
heat exchanger type become practicality, the best design for this small double pipe heat exchanger is choose.
The objectives of this research are as follows:
i. To study about heat transfer analysis in heat exchanger.
ii. To design the heat exchanger based on TEMA specification
The most popular are those of recuperative type. The fluids are physically separated by heat transfer surface and
the heat is transferred from hot to cold agent [4].
1.1 Classification According To Transfer Processes
Heat exchangers are classified according to transfer processes into indirect- and direct contact types.
1.1.1Indirect-Contact Heat Exchangers
In an indirect-contact heat exchanger, the fluid streams remain separate and the heat transfers continuously
through an impervious dividing wall or into and out of a wall in a transient manner. Thus, ideally, there is no
direct contact between thermally interacting fluids. This type of heat exchanger also referred to as a surface heat
exchanger, can be further classified into direct-transfer type, storage type, and fluidized-bed exchangers [12].
`fluids because each fluid flows in separate fluid passages. In general, there are no moving parts in most such
heat exchangers. This type of exchanger is designated as a recuperative heat exchanger or simply as a
recuperate. {Some examples of direct transfer type heat exchangers are tubular, plate-type, and extended surface
exchangers. Note that the term recuperate is not commonly used in the process industry for shell 4and-tube and
plate heat exchangers, although they are also considered as recuperates. Recuperates are further sub classified as
prime surface exchangers and extended-surface exchangers. Prime surface exchangers do not employ fins or
extended surfaces on any fluid side. Plain tubular exchangers, shell-and-tube exchangers with plain tubes, and
plate exchangers are good examples of prime surface exchangers. Recuperates constitute a vast majority of all
heat exchangers [13].
162 | P a g e Storage Type Exchangers
In a storage type exchanger, both fluids flow alternatively through the same flow passages, and hence heat
transfer is intermittent. The heat transfer surface (or flow passages) is generally cellular in structure and is
referred to as a matrix or it is a permeable (porous) solid material, referred to as a packed bed. When hot gas
flows over the heat transfer surface. The thermal energy from the hot gas is stored in the matrix wall, and thus
the hot gas is being cooled during the matrix heating period. As cold gas flows through the same passages later
(i.e., during the matrix cooling period), the matrix wall gives up thermal energy, which is absorbed by the cold
fluid. Thus, heat is not transferred continuously through the wall as in a direct-transfer type exchanger
(recuperate), but the corresponding thermal energy is alternately stored and released by the matrix wall [12]. This
storage type heat exchanger is also referred to as a regenerative heat exchanger, or simply as a regenerator. The
actual time that hot gas takes to flow through a cold regenerator matrix is called the hot period or hot blow, and
the time that cold gas flows through the hot regenerator matrix is called the cold period or cold blow. For
successful operation, it is not necessary to have hot- and cold-gas flow periods of equal duration. There is some
unavoidable carryover of a small fraction of the fluid trapped in the passage to the other fluid stream just after
switching of the fluids; this is referred to as carryover leakage. In addition, if the hot and cold fluids are at
diff erent pressures, there will be leakage from the high-pressure fluid to the low-pressure fluid past the radial,
peripheral, and axial seals, or across the valves [13]. This leakage is referred to as pressure leakage. Since these
leaks are unavoidable, regenerators are used exclusively in gas-to-gas heat (and mass) transfer applications with
sensible heat transfer; in some applications, regenerators may transfer moisture from humid air to dry air up to
about 5%. For heat transfer analysis of regenerators, the "-NTU method of recuperates needs to be modified to
take into account the thermal energy storage capacity of the matrix [12]. Fluidized-Bed Heat Exchangers
In a fluidized-bed heat exchanger, one side of a two-fluid exchanger is immersed in a bed of finely divided solid
material, such as a tube bundle immersed in a bed of sand or coal particles[11]. If the upward fluid velocity on the
bed side is low, the solid particles will remain fixed in position in the bed and the fluid will flow through the
interstices of the bed. If the upward fluid velocity is high, the solid particles will be carried away with the fluid.
At a „„proper‟‟ value of the fluid velocity, the upward drag force is slightly higher than the weight of the bed
particles. As a result, the solid particles will float with an increase in bed volume, and the bed behaves as a
liquid. This characteristic of the bed is referred to as a fluidized condition. Under this condition, the fluid
pressure drop through the bed remains almost constant, independent of the flow rate, and a strong mixing of the
solid particles occurs . This results in a uniform temperature for the total bed (gas and particles) with an
apparent thermal conductivity of the solid particles as infinity. Very high heat transfer coefficients are achieved
on the fluidized side compared to particle-free or dilute-phase particle gas flows. Chemical reaction is common
on the fluidized side in many process applications, and combustion takes place in coal combustion fluidized
beds. The common applications of the fluidized-bed heat exchanger are drying, mixing, adsorption, reactor
engineering, coal combustion, and waste heat recovery [12].
1.2 Direct-Contact Heat Exchangers
In a direct-contact exchanger, two fluid streams come into direct contact, exchange heat, and are then separated.
Common applications of a direct-contact exchanger involve mass transfer in addition to heat transfer, such as in
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evaporative cooling and rectification; applications involving only sensible heat transfer are rare. The enthalpy of
phase change in such an exchanger generally represents a significant portion of the total energy transfer. The
phase change generally enhances the heat transfer rate. Compared to indirect contact recuperates and
regenerators, in direct-contact heat exchangers:
(1) Very high heat transfer rates are achievable
(2) The exchanger construction is relatively inexpensive
(3) The fouling problem is generally non-existent
The absence of a heat transfer surface (wall) between the two fluids. However, the applications are limited to
those cases where a direct contact of two fluid streams is permissible [10].
1.2.1 Immiscible Fluid Exchangers
In this type, two immiscible fluid streams are brought into direct contact. These fluids may be single-phase
fluids, or they may involve condensation or vaporization. Condensation of organic vapours and oil vapours with
water or air are typical examples [13].
1.2.2. Gas–Liquid Exchangers
In this type, one fluid is a gas (more commonly, air) and the other a low-pressure liquid (more commonly,
water) and are readily separable after the energy exchange. In either cooling of liquid (water) or humidification
of gas (air) applications, liquid partially evaporates and the vapour is carried away with the gas. In these
exchangers, more than 90% of the energy transfer is by virtue of mass transfer (due to the evaporation of the
liquid), and convective heat transfer is a minor mechanism [11]. A „„wet‟‟ (water) cooling tower with forced- or
natural-draft airflow is the most common application. Other applications are the air-conditioning spray chamber,
spray drier, spray tower, and spray pond.
1.2.3 Liquid–Vapour Exchangers
In this type, typically steam is partially or fully condensed using cooling water, or water is heated with waste
steam through direct contact in the exchanger. Noncondensables and residual steam and hot water are the outlet
streams. Common examples are desuperheaters and open feed water heaters (also known as deaerators) in power
plants [10].
2.1 Scopes of Research
The scopes of this research are as follows:
i. Study on heat transfer for heat exchanger specific to double pipe heat Exchanger types.
ii. Design the double pipe heat exchanger by using Solid- Works
iii. Temperature distribution in parallel flow & counter flow heat exachger.
iv. Analysis the heat exchanger specific to flow rate of hot and cold fluid.
vi overall heat transfer coefficient in parallel & counter flow.
vii. To obtain effectiveness in parallel ae well as counter flow.
The important parts of experimental set-up are blower, the test section containing horizontal concentric copper
pipes, hot air tank and cold water tank, rotameter, monoblack pump, whose selection is already discussed in
previous section.
All these instruments are selected as per the requirements depending upon their measuring range, accuracy and
availability in the market. The test section is made up of copper tubes as it has higher thermal conductivity.
1. Inner Tube Material: Galvanizing Iron
Internal diameter of inner tube (di) = 26mm
Outer diameter of inner tube (do) = 34 mm
Length of inner tube (Li) = 1.2 m
Thickness of inner Tube (ti) = 4 mm
2. Outer Tube Material: Galvanizing Iron
Internal diameter of inner tube (di) = 68mm
Outer diameter of inner tube (do) = 76 mm
Length of inner tube (Lo) = 1.2 m
Thickness of inner Tube (to) = 4 mm
3. Specific Heat of Water = 4.186 Kw/kg0K
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Figure No: 3.1 Inlet & Outlet flow of Double pipe Heat Exchanger
To achieve a particular engineering objective, it is very important to apply certain principles so that the
product development is done economically. This economic is important for the design and selection of good
heat transfer equipment. The heat exchangers are manufactured in different types, however the simplest
form of the heat exchanger consist of two concentric pipes of different diameters known as double pipe heat
exchanger. In this type of heat exchanger, one fluid flows through the small pipe and another fluid flows
through the space between both the pipes . The flows of these two different fluids, one is at higher
temperature called hot fluid and another is at lower temperature called cold fluid, can be in same or in
opposite directions. If the flows are in same direction then the heat exchanger is called as parallel flow heat
exchanger and if the flows are in opposite direction then the heat exchanger is called as counter flow heat
Figure No: 3.2 Double pipe heat exchangers with different flow and their respective temperature profile
for Parallel flow
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Figure No: 3.3 Figure No: 3.2 Double pipe heat exchangers with different flow and their respective
temperature profile for counter flow
Figure No: 3.4 Double pipe Heat Exchanger (Isometric view in solid works)
The further development is done in the heat exchangers to facilitate them in different applications as per
requirement. These heat exchangers are different from the conventional heat exchangers such that they have
large heat transfer surface area per unit volume and are known as compact heat exchanger [8]
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4.1 Parallel Flow:
Hot water cold water Hot water Hot water cold water cold water
Sr No. Flow rate Qh Flow rate Qc Inlet temp. Outlet temp. inlet Tci outlet Tco
(lpm) (lpm) Thi (T1) Thi (T2) (T3) (T4)
1. 1.1 4 51 49 29 30
2. 1.4 1 53 48 36 33
3. 1.5 0.9 55 47 38 31
Table No: 4.1 Parallel flow
Graph No: 4.1 Hot water profile for hot water flow rate vs. inlet temp. of hot water
Graph No: 4.2 Hot water profile for hot water flow rate vs. outlet temp. of hot water
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Graph No: 4.3 Cold water profile for cold water flow rate vs. inlet temp. of cold water
Graph No: 4.4 Cold water profile for cold water flow rate vs. outer temp. of cold water
4.2 counter flow:
Hot water cold water Hot water Hot water cold water
cold water
Sr No. Flow rate Qh Flow rate Qc Inlet temp. Outlet temp. outlet Tco
inlet Tci (T3)
(lpm) (lpm) Thi (T1) Thi (T2) (T4)
1 1.1 4 51 48 29 30
2 1.4 1 53 49 36 33
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Graph No: 4. 5 Hot water profile for hot water flow rate vs. inlet temp. of hot water
Graph No: 4. 6 Hot water profile for hot water flow rate vs. outlet temp. of hot water
Graph No: 4. 7 Cold water profile for cold water flow rate vs. inlet temp. of cold water
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Graph No: 4. 8 Cold water profile for cold water flow rate vs. outlet temp. of cold water
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Graph No: 5.1Profile of Parallel flow
Graph No: 5.3 Effectiveness profile for parallel flow &counter flow
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Experimental investigations of heat transfer characteristics of double pipe heat exchanger fitted with inserted
concentric tubes for parallel & counter flow. The review indicates that Heat Exchangers are the heat transfer
devices which are used in different applications. The heat exchangers can be used to recover the resources like
water as it is converted into the steam which is condensed by using the condenser. Heat exchangers also useful
for the economical running of industries and to control the pollution as in case of economizer and air pre-heater.
A good agreement is obtained between the experimental results of counter & parallel flow in that counter flow is
more efficient for same flow rate.
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This research was supported by Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Engineering, Management &Research, Akurdi, and
Pune.We are thankful to our Principal Dr. Mrs .A. V. Patil. for provided expertise that greatly assisted the
We have to express our appreciation to the Mr.Bhushan Zare for sharing their pearls of wisdom with us during
the course of this research.
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