Problem Set 5 - Evaporation

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1. A single effect evaporator is concentrating a feed solution of organic solids from 5 to 40

wt.%. The solution has a negligible boiling point elevation. The heat capacity of the feed
is 4.6 kJ/kg K and the feed enters at 20 °C. Saturated steam at 101.325 kPa is available for
heating and the pressure in the vapor space is 15.3 kPa. A total of 4,000 kg/h of water is
evaporated. The overall heat transfer coefficient is 2000 W/m2·K. Calculate the required
surface area, the steam consumption, and the steam economy.

2. A solution of organic colloids is to be concentrated from 10 to 55 wt.% solids in an

evaporator. Saturated steam is available at 200 kPa absolute and the pressure in the
condenser is 70 cm Hg vacuum. The feed enters at 25°C and its specific heat is 4.0 J/g·°C.
The solution has a negligible elevation in boiling point. OHTC is 2,300 W/m2·°C and the
evaporator must evaporate 8,000 kg/h.
a. Determine the steam consumption, kg/h
b. How many square meters of heating surface are required?
c. What is the steam economy?

3. In order to concentrate 5,000 kg/h of an NaOH solution containing 10 wt.% NaOH to a 25

wt.% solution, a single effect evaporator is being used with an area of 25.9 m2. The feed
enters at 20.5 °C. Saturated steam at 120 °C is used for heating and the pressure in the
vapor space of the evaporator is 60.1 kPa abs. Calculate the kg/h of steam used and the
over-all heat transfer coefficient.

4. A single effect evaporator is being used to concentrate a feed of 5,000 lb/h of a cane sugar
solution at 90 °F and containing a sugar content of 10 °Brix (°Brix = wt.% sugar) to 30
°Brix for use in a food process. Superheated steam at 3 MPa and 600°C is available for
heating. The vapor space in the evaporator is at 1 atm absolute. The OHTC is 550
BTU/h·ft2·°F and the heat capacity of the feed is 0.92 Btu/lb·°F. The boiling point can be
estimated using BPR (°F) = 3.24x + 10.95x2, where x = wt. fraction of sugar in solution.
The heat of solution is considered negligible and can be neglected. Calculate the area
required for the evaporator and the amount of steam used per hour.

5. A 10 wt.% NaOH at 90 °F is to be concentrated in a single effect evaporator to 35 wt.%.

Steam is supplied at 25 psig and the vacuum pressure of the barometric condenser is 20 in.
Hg. 125 gpm of water is fed to the condenser and the water leaving the condenser
(including the condensate) is at 100 °F. OHTC of evaporator is 250 BTU/h·ft2·°F.
Calculate the heating surface required for the evaporator.

6. An organic solution is to be concentrated from 15 wt.% to 65 wt.% in a single-effect

evaporator. The inlet steam used is at 25 psig and comes out at 150°F. The vapor space in
the evaporator has 20 inches Hg vacuum. Ten metric tons of organic solution per hour are
fed at 80°F. The specific heat of the feed is 0.65 Btu/lb·°F and U = 800 BTU/h·ft2·°F. Find
the amount of steam consumed in lb/h, the heating surface of the evaporator in ft2, and the
steam economy.

7. A solution with a negligible boiling point rise is being evaporated in a triple effect
evaporator using saturated steam at 121.1°C. The pressure in the vapor of the last effect is
28.9 kPa abs. The heat transfer coefficients are U1 = 3150, U2 = 2075, and U3 = 1670
W/m2·K and the areas are equal. Estimate the boiling point in each of the evaporators.

8. A triple effect evaporator is supplied with saturated steam at 240 °F. The temperature at
the last effect is 160 °F. The OHTCs are 250, 300, and 350 BTU/h·ft2·°F in the 1st, 2nd, and
3rd effects, respectively. If the total BPR in the three effects is 65 °F and the steam used is
9,000 lb/h, calculate the area of the evaporators in ft2.

9. A triple effect evaporator is evaporating a sugar solution with negligible boiling point rise
(less than 1.00 K, which will be neglected) and containing 4 wt.% solids to 20 wt.% solids.
Saturated steam at 180 kPa abs is being used. The pressure in the vapor space of the third
evaporator is 10 kPa. The feed rate is 25,000 kg/h and the temperature is 300 K. The liquid
heat capacity is Cp = 4.75 – 2.45x, where Cp is in kJ/kg·K and x in wt. fraction of solids.
The heat transfer coefficients are U1 = 3200, U2 = 2700, U3 = 1200 W/m2·K. Calculate the
surface area of each effect if they are of the same area, the steam rate, and the steam
economy for the following:
a. forward feed
b. backward feed
c. mixed feed

10. A feed containing 3 wt.% dissolved organic solids in water is fed to a double effect
evaporator with reverse feed. The feed enters at 130 °F and is concentrated to 20 wt.%
solids. The boiling point rise can be considered negligible, as can the heat of solution. Each
evaporator has a 1100 ft2 surface area, and the heat transfer coefficients are U1 = 600 and
U2 = 750 BTU/h·ft2·°F. The feed enters evaporator number 2 and steam at 125 psia is fed
to evaporator number 1. The pressure in the vapor space of evaporator number 2 is 1 psia.
Assume that the heat capacity of all liquid solutions is that of liquid water. Calculate the
feed rate and the product of a solution containing 20 wt.% solids.

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