Course Brochure: Global Initiative of Academic Networks
Course Brochure: Global Initiative of Academic Networks
Course Brochure: Global Initiative of Academic Networks
Course Coordinators
Prof N C Kothiyal, Prof B S Kaith and Dr Sangeeta Garg
Organized by
Department of Chemistry
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology
Jalandhar – 144 011 (Punjab) India
About GIAN
Union Cabinet has approved a programme titled Global Initiative of Academic Networks (GIAN) in
Higher Education aimed at tapping the talent pool of Scientists and Entrepreneurs Internationally to
encourage their engagement with the Institutes of Higher Education in India so as to augment the
country's existing academic resources, accelerate the pace of quality reforms, and elevate India's
Scientific and Technological capacity to global excellence. GIAN is envisaged to catalyse higher
Education Institutions in the country that will initially include all IITs, IIMs, Central Universities, IISc
Bangalore, IISERs, NITs and IIITs, also subsequently cover good State Universities where the spinoff is
vast. GIAN is an evolving scheme which will initially include participation of foreign faculty in Institutes as
Distinguished / Adjunct / Visiting faculty / Professors of Practice. They will be delivering their expertise in
Short or Semester-long Courses. In addition to Short/Long Term Courses other activities will also be
included in due course of time.
1. To increase the footfalls of reputed International faculty in the Indian academic Institutes.
2. To provide opportunity to our faculty to learn, share knowledge and teaching skills in cutting edge areas.
3. To provide opportunity to our students to seek knowledge and experience from reputed International
4. To create avenue for possible collaborative research with the International faculty.
6. To provide opportunity for the students of different Institutes/Universities to interact and learn subjects in
niche areas through collaborative learning process.
7. To provide opportunity for the technical persons from Indian Industry to improve their understanding and
update their knowledge in relevant areas.
8. To motivate the best International experts in the world to work on problems related to India.
9. To develop high quality course material in niche areas, both through video and print media that can be
used by a larger body of students and teachers.
10. To document and develop new pedagogic methods in emerging topics of National and International
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology was established in the year 1987 as Regional
Engineering College and was given the status of National Institute of Technology (Deemed University) by
the Government of India on October 17, 2002 under the aegis of Ministry of Human Resource
Development, New Delhi. Now the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India has
declared the Institute as “Institute of National Importance” under the act of Parliament-2007. A large
number of reputed Industrial houses in the country visit the Institute for the placement of final year
students of Engineering/ Management and Science Streams.
As one of the National Institutes of Technology (NIT), the Institute has the responsibility of providing high
quality education in Engineering, Technology, Management and Sciences to produce competent
Technical and Scientific manpower for the country. The Institute offers B Tech, M Tech, M Sc, MBA
and Ph D programmes in the several disciplines of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities &
To build a rich intellectual potential embedded with interdisciplinary knowledge, human values and
professional ethics among the youth, aspirant of becoming Engineers and Technologists, so that they
contribute to society and create a niche for a successful career.
To become a leading and unique Institution of higher learning, offering State-of-the-Art Education,
Research and Training in Engineering and Technology to students who are able and eager to become
change agents for the industrial and economic progress of the Nation. To nurture and sustain an
academic ambience conducive to the development and growth of committed professionals for sustainable
development of the Nation and to accomplish its integration into the global economy.
Quality Policy
Further, the programme will provide better exposure to the participants about the synthesis of
nanoparticles and nanomaterials, structure-property relationships, characterization and their applications.
The aim of the programme is also to make the participants ready to take up independent research in the
advanced areas of nanotechnology and nanofabrication.
1. To understand what is Nanotechnology, its fundamentals, Nanomaterials and their applications in the
modern day Technology and life.
2. To understand the subject with ease by presenting the contents in a simplified and logical sequence at a
level appropriate for students/teachers/researchers.
3. To give exposure to the participants in different areas like method of synthesis of Nanomaterials,
structure-property relationships and their characterization using modern methods.
4. To highlight important concepts related to each topic covered under the course.
Course Coverage
Applications of Nanotechnology
Fee Details
Material Scientists
Scientists with Physics, Chemistry and Biology backgrounds
Faculty members and students from academic Institutions (Technical Institutes/Universities) and
Industry/Research organizations involved in production of new innovative products/materials
Reaching to NITJ
It is situated at a distance of 146 km from its capital Chandigarh and is at a distance of 350 Km from New
Delhi on Delhi-Amritsar National Highway. Nearest Airports in the vicinity are at Amritsar and
Chandigarh. The Shatabdi Express trains plying from New Delhi in the morning at 07.20 hrs and in the
evening at 16.30 hrs, are the best modes of travel to Jalandhar from Delhi. Train takes about 5 hours to
reach Jalandhar City.
Registration Process
Step 1: One Time Registration
Registration for GIAN courses is not free because of constraint in the maximum number of participants
allowed to register for a course. In order to register for any course under GIAN, candidate will have to get
registered one time first to GIAN Portal of IIT Kharagpur using the following steps:
1. Institute registration process is an offline process. Interested candidates are requested to download the
Registration Form (docx/pdf)
5. Hard copy of the above mentioned documents must reach to the Programme Coordinator of the
programme on or before May 25, 2016 by 5 PM.
How to Apply
1. Registration Form should accompany demand draft(s) of respective registration fees (non-refundable)
and/or accommodation fees (non-refundable) as applicable, which should be drawn in favour of “GIAN:
Nanotechnology: Synthesis, Characterization, Fabrication and Applications” payable at Jalandhar.
Payment can also be done through National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) to the account of
“GIAN: Nanotechnology: Synthesis, Characterization, Fabrication and Applications” (Account No.
: 65249528626) State Bank of Patiala, IFSC Code : STBP0000841.
2. Scanned copy of duly filled up Registration Form, and the demand draft/NEFT must be E-mailed to the
coordinator: [email protected] on or before May 23, 2016.
3. Hard copy of the Form and draft must also be sent by Speed post/Registered post to
Dr N C Kothiyal,
Professor and Course Coordinator GIAN,
Department of Chemistry,
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology,
Jalandhar-144 011, Punjab
4. Selection will be made purely on First Come First Serve Basis and Eligibility (Subject to fulfilling of
the seats available).
6. The Brochure and the Registration Form may be downloaded from the Institute website
Important Information
1. The students will obtain academic credits for this course based on the evaluation and grading process.
The host Institute will only provide information on the grading system, subject syllabus and the academic
policy. The home/sponsoring University/Institute of the student will be mainly responsible for transferring
academic credits.
2. As per the host Institute and instruction from GIAN, the course consisting of 30 lectures is of TWO credits.
This credit can be included in the student’s marks for seminar/presentation/college tour or any other
suitable subject as per the participating Institute/ College rules and regulation.
3. Participants will be provided registration kit and course material covering the entire course.
4. After successful completion of the course, all participants will get participation certificates alongwith
grades and credits as per Institute norms.
6. Limited accommodation is available in the Institute campus which will be provided on First Come
and First Serve Basis on payment mode.
7. Additional Fees for accommodation (if required):
8. List of selected participants will be available on Institute website on May 28, 2016.
The Faculty
Prof A. K. Ganguli
Institute of Nanoscience & Technology (INST)
Mohali, Punjab
([email protected])
Professor N C Kothiyal
Professor of Chemistry
& Dean faculty
Department of Chemistry
Dr B R Ambedkar NIT Jalandhar
Email :- [email protected]
Phone: +91 94172-74496,
Professor B S Kaith
Coordinator (NSCFA)
Professor of Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
Dr B R Ambedkar NIT Jalandhar
Email :- [email protected]
Phone: +91 97806-84883,
Dr Sangeeta Garg
Associate Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
Dr B R Ambedkar NIT Jalandhar
Email: [email protected]
Phone : +91 98728-26903,
Web Links:-
Organised by:-
Department of Chemistry
(DST-FIST sponsored Department)
Dr.B.R.Ambedkar National Institute of Technology
Jalandhar-144 011 (Punjab) India
EPABX:- 0181-2690301, 2690453, 3082000
151024B06 : Nanotechnology: Synthesis, Characterization, Fabrication and Applications
(6th June 2016 to 11th June 2016)
Department of Chemistry
Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology
G T Road Bye Pass, Jalandhar-144011, Punjab (India)
[A Summer Term Course, as per the MHRD Scheme “Global Initiative on Academic Network (GIAN)”]
Organization: ...........................................................................................................................................
Address: ..................................................................................................................................................
Application Id (Generated during One time registration at GIAN portal of IIT Kharagpur):
Course Fee: Covers only course materials without boarding and lodging
Students/Research Scholars: Rs. 1000/-
Faculty/Staff of Academic Institutions: Rs. 2000/-
Industry/Research Personnel: Rs. 2500/-
Participants from abroad: US $100/-
Limited shared accommodation is available in Institute Guest House/Hostels on request against the
advance payment on first come and first serve basis.