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'· !Pobsolute Values of both internal b determined.

wever, change in internal energyen:(U)rgy (U) and ~nthalpy (H) .:Wot b: determined.
and charge m enthalpy can

p,.ccording · to( principle

h . of conservat,on
· • of energy of first law of therrnodynarnics.
, /), lJ : :;:; q +- w w ere V.w 1s work done On the system).

w::::: -2 •303nRTlog-
v. =-2 ·030nRTlog-
' R2

c1iange in internal energy and change in enthalpy are related as AH aU + p"V or AH

' tu+t/gRT.
. standard enthalpy changes (Ml") are measured at 298 K and I atmosphere pressure.
' co1nbustion is an exothennic reaction and the enthalpy of combustion is always
' .
, According to Gibb's Helmholtz equation, AG= AH-TAS.

, free energy change and useful work are related as: AG =-W non-expansion·

. In case useful work is electrical work.


, iG0 === -nFE


, iG0 === -2.303RT log K

, According to third Jaw of thermodynamics,

re dT
Sr =11 s D T =J.J.-
Use the following data to calculate ~lattice If for NaBr.
Lisub If for sodium metal==l08.4KJ mor
Ionization enthalpy of sodium==496KJ mor
Electron gain enthalpy of bromine== -325 1

Bond dissociation enthalpy ofbromine==192 KJ mor

MI for NaBr (s) == -360.l KJ mor'

I ,
tifY the state functions and path fun .
1, 1defl lpY, entropy, heat, temper tu ct10ns out of the following:
1 . e11tba a re, work, free energy.

fb' e11th~PY 2;7orization ofCCl, is 30.5 KJ mor' Calculate the heat required
for the
3, vaporization° g of CCl4 at constant pressure. (M~lar mass CC1 4=154g mor )-

fhe enthalpy of reaction for the reaction:

4, zf!z (g) + 02 (g) -+ 2H2O (I) is ~rH = -572KJ
W}lat will be standard enthalpy of formation ofH2o (I)?
(a) Although _the dis~olution of NaCl(s) in water is endothermic but it dissolves. Explain.
15, (b) Whe~ a piece of ice is placed on your hand, you get a cold sensation. Why? ·
(c) Why 1s standard heat of formation of diamond not zero although it is an element?

(i) For a reaction both M! and ~Sare negative. Under what conditions does the reaction
occur spontaneously?
(ii} For a reaction both M! and ~Sare positive. Under what conditions does the reaction
occur spontaneously? ·
7, (a) An exothermic reaction may not be always thermodynamically spontaneous. Ju Oifyf ·.
(b) Explain why entropy of a perfectly crystalline substance is less than that · its
imperfect crystals.
(c) The entropy of steam is more than that of water at its boiling point. Explain.

8; The reaction N2 (g) + 0 2 (g) 2NO (g) is endothermic reaction but is spontaneous.
1 Neither q nor w are state functions but q + w is a state function. Why?

10. Out of diamond and graphite which has greater entropy?

1: How can a chemical reaction with positive enthalpy and entropy changes be made
entropy driven?
2. From the available data predict at what temperature will the reaction. given below
becomes spontaneous? ·
N2 (g) + 02 (g) 2NO (g) 1 1
Given: SN2(g)= 191.4 JK" 1 mo1" ; S02(g)= 204.9 JK" mor
1 1
and SNO(g)~ 210.5 JK"1 mor and Aff=180.8 KJ mor

3. At 300 K the_standard enthalpi~s of fonnation of C6H5COOH (s), CO2 (g) and H20 (l)
are -408, -393 and -286 KJ mol 1. Calculate the heat of combustion ofbenzoic acid at (i)
constant pressure (ii) constant volume (R=8.314KJ K" mor1).
· . th ·dation of glucose is -288.0 KJ mor 1• Tw .
Q14. The enthalpy change in~olved_ ID ef~: muscular work. If 100 KJ of muscularenty ft1v ii
percent of this energy is available . th imum ·distance that a person will b War~
needed to walk one kilometer, what is e max e abl~t1
walk after eating 120g of glucose.
½ (g) · ---+ CO2 (g) at 300 K1is spontane 0
Q15. Show that the reaction CO (g) + 20 2 is . KJ mor K" Th us c1~
0 094
exothermic when the stand~d entropy chang~ ~~(g·) are -394.4 and _·13 7 ; ;.t~nctc\t
Gibb's free energy of formation of CO2 (g) an · l'-J 11\())·
Q16. Using the data given below, calculate the· value Of the equilibrium constant fior th
reaction at 298 K
3HC = CH (g)~C6H/g)
Given that /:J.1G0 (HC =CH)= 2.09 x10 5 mor
/:J.1G0 (CJ16) = 1.24 x105 mor 1
R = 8.314 JK." 1 mor 1

Q17. Derive the .relationship

/:J.G = -T/:J.S 101a1

Q18. What is meant by total entropy change for a process, assuming the thermodynamj

Q19. For a hypothetical process, A !:J.H is positive and T/:J.S is also positive. T/:J.S is greate
than /:J.H. predict whether above process is spontaneous or not.

Q20. Calculate the amount of work done by 2 mole of an ideal gas at 298 K in a reversibl
isothermal expansion from 10 liters to 20 liters. ·

Q21. Calculate the standard internal energy change for the reaction OFi(g)+ H2O(g) Oi(g)
2HF(g) at 398 K, given that enthalpies of formation of OFi(g), H2O(g), and HF(g) ar
+20, -250 and -270 KJ mol" 1 respectively.

Q22. The heat change for the reaction:

Ni(g) + 3H2 2NHJ(g) is -92.2KJ. Calculate the heat of formation of ammonia.

Q23. The thermo chemical equations for solid and liquid rocket fuels are given below:
2Al(s) + 3/2O2(g) AhO3(s); trH = -1667.8 KJ.
H(g) 1/2O2(g) H2O(s); L'.1rH = -285.9 KJ.
If equal masses of aluminium and hydrogen are used, which is a bettenocket fuel.
A cylinder of cooking gas is ass . h thermo
, (a) b rnical equation for th b . urned to contam 11.2kg of butane. T e
,i4 c e + 13/2 0 e com ustion of butane is:
C4B1 1(g)_ . 2 (g) 4 CO2 (g) + SH2O (!)· 1::,. H = -2658 KJ
· If a. family ?needs 15000 KJ 0 f energy per day ' c for cooking, how long wouId the
cyhnder 1ast.
(c) Assuming that 3 o per cent of the gas is wasted due to incomplete combu 5tion, how
long would the cylinder last in that case?

5 calculate ~e enthalpy of transition when C (diamond) changes to C (graphite) given that

2 · the enthalp1e~ of combustion of C (diamond) and
1 c (graphite) are -393.5 and -395.4 KJ
Jt10r 1 respectively.

, • Calculate the h:at of combustion of glucose from the following data:

26 (i) C (graphite)+ 0 2 (g) CO2 (g); 1::,.tH9 = -395.0 KJ.
1::,.tH9 = -269.4 KJ.
(iii) 6C (graphite)+ 6H2(g) + 302(g) C6H 12Q6; 1::,.rW = -1169.8 KJ.

27, Calculate the enthalpy of formation of anhydrous aluminium chloride (AhC16) from rthe
following data: .
(i) 2Al (s) + 6HC1 (aq) AhC1 6(aq) + 3H2 (g); !::,.H = -1004.0 KJ

(ii) H2 (g) + Ch (g) 2HC1 (g); !::,.H = -183 .9 KJ

(!ii) HCl (g) + aq HCl (aq); !::,.H = -73.2 KJ
(iv) AhC16 (s) + aq AliC16(aq); MI= -643.0 KJ

28. Calculate the enthalpy of formation of acetic acid, given that the enthalpy of compounds
of acetic acid is -867.0 KJ and the enthalpy of formation CO2 (g) and H20 (!) are -393.5
KJ and -285.9KJ respectively.
29. Calculate that bond energy of C -H bond energy is 416 KJ mor •
(i) 2C (graphite)+ 3H20 (g) C2~(g); l::,.H = -84.67 KJ
!::,.H = + 716.7 KJ
(ii) C (graphite) C(g);
(iii) . H2 (g) 2H (g);
Assume that bond energy of C - H bond energy is 416 KJ mor • 1
30. Using the data provided, calculate the multiple bond energy (KJ mor ) of C
= C bond in
. C2H2, (take the bond energy of a C - H bond as 350 KJ mor ) · ·
2C(s) + H2(g) C2H2(g); !::,.H = 225 KJ mor
2C(s) 2C(g); !::,.H = 1410 KJ mor

~H = 330 KJ mor 1
the lattice energy of NaCl from the foUo ,
Q31. Construct Born - Haber cycle to calculate • \\r1~
data: _1 = + 108.4 KJ mo1"
i'.\H NaCl (s) = -411.2 KJ mol , !'.\(sub) H Naes) _1
1 H Cl (g) - + 242 0 KJ mol ,
i'.\HNa (g) = + 495.8 KJ mor, L\o 2 - ·
i'.\(egJ HCl (g) = -348 KJ mor' · ,
h · creased or decreased and conse
Q32. In the following changes state whether order as m · quen.11
the direction of change of entropy of the system.
(i) Stretched rubber band Loose rubber band

(ii) H20(l) H20(s)
(iii) Dry ice (solid carbon-dioxide) C02(g)
(iv) Water
(v) Cr3++ 6H2O(aq) Cr(H20)i+
(vi'I1 CO2 +H2O Light
Phorosythesis Denaturing
+0 2
(vii) Proteins (helical Proteins (random coil form)
(viii) Natural egg Hard boiled egg..
(ix) Temperature of a crystalline solid from OK to 115 K.
(x) 2NaHC03(s) Na2C03(s) + C02(g) + H20(g)
(xi) Hi(g) 2H(g)

Q33. For the reaction,

NfiiCl(s) NH3(g) + HCl(g)
At 25°C, enthalpy change, i'.\H = +177KJ and entropy change, i'.\S = +285 JK" 1• Calcul
the free energy change, i'.\G at 25°C and predict whether the reaction is spontaneous
Q34. Determine whether or not it is possible for sodium to reduce aluminium oxide
aluminium at 298 K.
Given: L\fJ0 Ah03(s) = -1582 KJ mol" 1; L\fJ8 Na20(s) = -377 KJ mor 1•

Q35. What is the equilibrium constant (Kc) for the following reaction at 400 K
2NOCl(g) 2NO(g) + Ch(g)
Given: L\H = 77.2 KJ mo1" 1 and i'.\S = 122.JK.· 1 at 400 K.

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