w::::: -2 •303nRTlog-
v. =-2 ·030nRTlog-
' R2
, free energy change and useful work are related as: AG =-W non-expansion·
fb' e11th~PY 2;7orization ofCCl, is 30.5 KJ mor' Calculate the heat required
for the
3, vaporization° g of CCl4 at constant pressure. (M~lar mass CC1 4=154g mor )-
(i) For a reaction both M! and ~Sare negative. Under what conditions does the reaction
occur spontaneously?
(ii} For a reaction both M! and ~Sare positive. Under what conditions does the reaction
occur spontaneously? ·
7, (a) An exothermic reaction may not be always thermodynamically spontaneous. Ju Oifyf ·.
(b) Explain why entropy of a perfectly crystalline substance is less than that · its
imperfect crystals.
(c) The entropy of steam is more than that of water at its boiling point. Explain.
8; The reaction N2 (g) + 0 2 (g) 2NO (g) is endothermic reaction but is spontaneous.
1 Neither q nor w are state functions but q + w is a state function. Why?
1: How can a chemical reaction with positive enthalpy and entropy changes be made
entropy driven?
2. From the available data predict at what temperature will the reaction. given below
becomes spontaneous? ·
N2 (g) + 02 (g) 2NO (g) 1 1
Given: SN2(g)= 191.4 JK" 1 mo1" ; S02(g)= 204.9 JK" mor
1 1
and SNO(g)~ 210.5 JK"1 mor and Aff=180.8 KJ mor
3. At 300 K the_standard enthalpi~s of fonnation of C6H5COOH (s), CO2 (g) and H20 (l)
are -408, -393 and -286 KJ mol 1. Calculate the heat of combustion ofbenzoic acid at (i)
constant pressure (ii) constant volume (R=8.314KJ K" mor1).
· . th ·dation of glucose is -288.0 KJ mor 1• Tw .
Q14. The enthalpy change in~olved_ ID ef~: muscular work. If 100 KJ of muscularenty ft1v ii
percent of this energy is available . th imum ·distance that a person will b War~
needed to walk one kilometer, what is e max e abl~t1
walk after eating 120g of glucose.
½ (g) · ---+ CO2 (g) at 300 K1is spontane 0
Q15. Show that the reaction CO (g) + 20 2 is . KJ mor K" Th us c1~
0 094
exothermic when the stand~d entropy chang~ ~~(g·) are -394.4 and _·13 7 ; ;.t~nctc\t
Gibb's free energy of formation of CO2 (g) an · l'-J 11\())·
Q16. Using the data given below, calculate the· value Of the equilibrium constant fior th
reaction at 298 K
3HC = CH (g)~C6H/g)
Given that /:J.1G0 (HC =CH)= 2.09 x10 5 mor
/:J.1G0 (CJ16) = 1.24 x105 mor 1
R = 8.314 JK." 1 mor 1
Q18. What is meant by total entropy change for a process, assuming the thermodynamj
Q19. For a hypothetical process, A !:J.H is positive and T/:J.S is also positive. T/:J.S is greate
than /:J.H. predict whether above process is spontaneous or not.
Q20. Calculate the amount of work done by 2 mole of an ideal gas at 298 K in a reversibl
isothermal expansion from 10 liters to 20 liters. ·
Q21. Calculate the standard internal energy change for the reaction OFi(g)+ H2O(g) Oi(g)
2HF(g) at 398 K, given that enthalpies of formation of OFi(g), H2O(g), and HF(g) ar
+20, -250 and -270 KJ mol" 1 respectively.
Q23. The thermo chemical equations for solid and liquid rocket fuels are given below:
2Al(s) + 3/2O2(g) AhO3(s); trH = -1667.8 KJ.
H(g) 1/2O2(g) H2O(s); L'.1rH = -285.9 KJ.
If equal masses of aluminium and hydrogen are used, which is a bettenocket fuel.
A cylinder of cooking gas is ass . h thermo
, (a) b rnical equation for th b . urned to contam 11.2kg of butane. T e
,i4 c e + 13/2 0 e com ustion of butane is:
C4B1 1(g)_ . 2 (g) 4 CO2 (g) + SH2O (!)· 1::,. H = -2658 KJ
· If a. family ?needs 15000 KJ 0 f energy per day ' c for cooking, how long wouId the
cyhnder 1ast.
(c) Assuming that 3 o per cent of the gas is wasted due to incomplete combu 5tion, how
long would the cylinder last in that case?
27, Calculate the enthalpy of formation of anhydrous aluminium chloride (AhC16) from rthe
following data: .
(i) 2Al (s) + 6HC1 (aq) AhC1 6(aq) + 3H2 (g); !::,.H = -1004.0 KJ
28. Calculate the enthalpy of formation of acetic acid, given that the enthalpy of compounds
of acetic acid is -867.0 KJ and the enthalpy of formation CO2 (g) and H20 (!) are -393.5
KJ and -285.9KJ respectively.
29. Calculate that bond energy of C -H bond energy is 416 KJ mor •
(i) 2C (graphite)+ 3H20 (g) C2~(g); l::,.H = -84.67 KJ
!::,.H = + 716.7 KJ
(ii) C (graphite) C(g);
(iii) . H2 (g) 2H (g);
Assume that bond energy of C - H bond energy is 416 KJ mor • 1
30. Using the data provided, calculate the multiple bond energy (KJ mor ) of C
= C bond in
. C2H2, (take the bond energy of a C - H bond as 350 KJ mor ) · ·
2C(s) + H2(g) C2H2(g); !::,.H = 225 KJ mor
2C(s) 2C(g); !::,.H = 1410 KJ mor
~H = 330 KJ mor 1
the lattice energy of NaCl from the foUo ,
Q31. Construct Born - Haber cycle to calculate • \\r1~
data: _1 = + 108.4 KJ mo1"
i'.\H NaCl (s) = -411.2 KJ mol , !'.\(sub) H Naes) _1
1 H Cl (g) - + 242 0 KJ mol ,
i'.\HNa (g) = + 495.8 KJ mor, L\o 2 - ·
i'.\(egJ HCl (g) = -348 KJ mor' · ,
h · creased or decreased and conse
Q32. In the following changes state whether order as m · quen.11
the direction of change of entropy of the system.
(i) Stretched rubber band Loose rubber band
(ii) H20(l) H20(s)
(iii) Dry ice (solid carbon-dioxide) C02(g)
(iv) Water
(v) Cr3++ 6H2O(aq) Cr(H20)i+
(vi'I1 CO2 +H2O Light
Phorosythesis Denaturing
+0 2
(vii) Proteins (helical Proteins (random coil form)
(viii) Natural egg Hard boiled egg..
(ix) Temperature of a crystalline solid from OK to 115 K.
(x) 2NaHC03(s) Na2C03(s) + C02(g) + H20(g)
(xi) Hi(g) 2H(g)
Q35. What is the equilibrium constant (Kc) for the following reaction at 400 K
2NOCl(g) 2NO(g) + Ch(g)
Given: L\H = 77.2 KJ mo1" 1 and i'.\S = 122.JK.· 1 at 400 K.