Fawaidul Fawaad

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Fawaidul Fuaad

(Hazrat Nizam Uddin Aulia)

Essence of the majalis as revealed to

Faridullah Khan, Islamabad.
In memor� of
The light that g�ided me throughout
showing me how compassion love and
gentleness can prevail over ever�-
thing...my divine teacher my mother
Akhter Sultana
Majlis – 1
The Repentant is superior to the Pious.
Repent from the world to help you last
through post humously.
Sy�bolize Tr�th and its Light shall shine
Ascension and Exaltation must never to get
into you; Murshid comes first.
Ex��eme care and caution when talking to
Little sleep, eat and talk with minimum
interaction with the people shall help.
Majlis – 2
In the world of “Love” there are no slaves &
Masters. The Purer in love the more success-
f�l you are.
All “Ebadaat” i-e Prayers are but for Allah
sourced from Love.
Majlis – 3
There is a Special Person in all t��es and all
kinds of people.
Unique and righteous (never condemn a
g�oup for there would always be the “Right”
one somewhere) within ever� g�oup.
Special one would always shine out in the
common lot. Never look down upon a collec-
tivit� of people.
Majlis – 4
Special prayers for special persons.
(Specialized t�eat�ent needed individually)
by ever�one.
Majlis – 5    
The miracles and mystery of prayers (Sa‐
laat). are dawned from on high . 
The Koran. The frequency and the layers of 
‘meanings’ each time you capture it by 
reciting it from end to end (Khatam) are the 
preserve of the related ones. 
All a matter of Grace bestowed upon from 
above Do put in your humble effort though. 
Majlis – 6
Abstinence from the world. Sustain on what-
ever is there. No g�eed & ex�ectation from
the worldly sources.
He provides.
Excel the self. Self-abnegation a
sine-qna-non for all elevations
others & your ‘self ’ should be t�eated at par
in all respects.
Rit�als mean nothing if the hear� remains
hijacked by the world.
Majlis – 7
Indication & nuances of mystical/ spirit�al
mannerism! cannot easily be understood or
appreciated but with Masters help
“Four Edged” water container i-e (Kooza)
Taharat be done in an easy manner (Easy to
hold Luqmani Kooza having four edges). Do
not make it difficult for others rather facili-
tate them. Masters only help when they push
you into sit�ations not easily scr�table from
appearances. Little can a Imam understood
other�ise. Human mind and knowledge can
scarcely help if not suppor�ed and g�ided by
the Master (the vicegerent of the Divine)
Majlis – 8
Prayers (Salat) if t��ly imbibed in meaning
can t�anspor� you into the hidden realms of
knowledge & protection.
The doors such prayers open would be
simply captivating when peeped in.
The visions, unfold and the superficialit� of
this world is laid bare.
The condition is not to be touched by the
contamination of this world in any way.
Majlis – 9
Whatever comes from the unseen, unknown
is welcome and a special blessing.
Company makes all the difference.
The choices we make would always impact
what we get &what we don’t. It is inevitable
when the “cheap” is forsaken the “Valuable”
must follow.
Majlis – 10
Feed all with dig�it�.
Never inquire if someone is fasting lay food
To inquire is to infringe upon the privacy of
this Ebadat. No one is to be made to reveal if
he is obser�ing. Difficult both for the one
fasting & one asking if he asks. Fasting a
ver� private rit�al, a host never�heless
should lay food instead of enquiring if
anyone is fasting or not.
Majlis – 11
Blessed Masters spread blessings wherever
they set their feet on.
They cause & commit ex��a ordinar� deeds /
things sometimes unintended as they
cannot help it.
The Kamil however keeps the secrets buried,
never bet�aying what t�easures / secrets he is
car��ing in his bosom.
Majlis – 12
To be under the super�ision of a t��e Master
is the ultimate t�eat.
Better be dependent than be on your own.
Never be tied to or be identified by a place a
communit� or a home like lesser creations
(animals). Be emancipated and free from
spaces which tie down ants, war�s and spi-
ders. Man is above them all.
Majlis – 13
Obligator� compliance of rit�als beneficial
for oneself whereas to be good to others is a
far better and easier vir��e with a g�aranteed
The for�er is contingent upon “Ikhlas” while
the latter is free from such conditions.
Majlis – 14
Friends of Allah have t�o packages; one is
their dealings with fellow men, the other
their relation with the Creator, respectively
called Walayat & Wilayat. The for�er he
may or may not bequeath to any one the
latter he takes away with himself.
The For�er ought to be a universal blessing
for all not shutting out anyone, latter
bet�een him & his Creator.
Ir�espective of ones capacities and effor�s-
Grace and Choice, however will descend
upon the chosen one .
Majlis – 15
Once against all worldly impediments, you
ascend & cross over, “Beings” from another
dimensions interact.
You can feel & hear them but must not show
eager�ess to see and enquire f�r�her than
allowed & g�anted at that stage.
Once taken to flight and ar�ived at the
“Beyond” there cannot be a better place.
Majlis – 16
The road to “Unit�” is marked by t�eacher-
ous milestones.
There can be road-blocks one should be
acutely aware of.
If st�ck at any stage conscious effor�s be
immediately put in place for ar�esting the
moving away of the beloved or the slide out
of g�ace can assume moment�m and all can
be lost. The slide out will first be the “t�r�ing
away” of the friend them “coming in of the
veil” then “distance” followed by “distaste”
which will increase their “resig�ation” and
finally by animosit�”
Majlis – 17
Charit�, giving food to all & r�ndr� protects
against dangers and hazards in this world
Dangers of evil, a hazard to the Hear�
demands protection of Allah, the Creator of
Evil too.
Hear� obtains stabilit� against the insidious
threats through Allah’s g�ace obtained
through Tauba. Even the Masters suffer
these threats in a g�aver way. The hear� must
be completely cleansed to prevent relapse of
The select ones are poised at a high delicate
pedestal and the slightest slip could spell
their “death”.
Majlis – 18
Star�ing the body (Roza) be a reg�lar feat�re
of life as by indulging it, the body infects the
Biological abnegation a must feat�re, to be
practiced in reasonable moderation but
Majlis – 19
Special suras in prayers tailored for specific
times & needs.

Timings &words uttered from Koran (suras)

have a special link with and for special g�ace
Majlis – 20
Losses of the beloved ones are but oppor��-
nities for ascension. Those who know are
never moved by such worldly losses.

To be attached to this t�ansitor� world and

its ephemeral relations is to be in loss hence
God consciousness thus for both men and
women alone is the key to salvation.
Majlis – 21
Company matters. Those who are closer to
Love and Tr�th be kept company with.
The Special prayers prevail upon biological
destiny. Prayers associated with Friends of
Allah can unleash all kinds of blessings and
unlock all doors of knowledge including
Majlis – 22
The House of God reflects the state of Umma
and humanit�.
When people driſt away House of God will
cease to be the House.
No benefit and blessings will spread on the
g�ound as all g�ace would flow back up into
the heaven, God shall wrap up His dwelling
upon this Ear�h. Clear sig�s of Qiyama will
be breaking out.
Majlis – 23
Spend all time in pursuit of Tr�th (through
prayers or other books). Never remain idle.
We are here to search for “Bandagi” which
demands ceaseless Inquir�, Int�ospection
and Ebadat.
Majlis – 24
Perseverance shall not pay unless done
un-conditionally in the Way of Allah, no
matter how long and hard.
Ikhlas only for the pleasure of the Creator
alone shall bless your worldly endeavors.
Majlis – 25
Not ever�one can access the love, care and
super�ision of the Murshid.
Once admitted however, the disciple inex��i-
cably immerses in the love he ex�eriences at
the hands of his Murshid.
No worldly knowledge and accomplishment
can supersede the loving submission the
disciple feels for the Murshid, who tailors
him for his rise and ascension.
Throughout all this submission, the Mur-
shid watches and g�ards and t�ains his
disciple closely.
Majlis – 26
Man’s job is to embark upon a mission and
jour�ey. Along the way wherewithal is pro-
vided by the One above.
Destiny is pre-set.
Along the way shor�age of resources and
oppor��nit� is provided through the special
Grace and Relief Man’s job just emborse.
Majlis – 27
Fidelit� to one single Murshid must and
once held on, must be held fast & st�ong.
Multiple g�ides & teachers can be hazard-
ous and one could lose ones’ way and desti-
One must be content.
Gluttony is unhealthy unless for a higher
cause and selflessness.
day’s recital to alleviate persistent t�ial and
difficult� to be read bet�een Asr and
Majlis – 28
The leave to record in writing the Odyssey of
Tr�th is allowed and endorsed. (Fawaidul
Pining for t��th which wrecks the body &
soul is acknowledged initially, to be palliated
in due course with the love of the Murshid
who g�ides and cor�ects once in his com-
Allah inter�enes in the most un-likeliest of
sit�ations only if t��ly t�r�ed towards Him.
But the are we equipped for the Tr�th!!?
Majlis – 29
If you are chivalrous to his creations, He
shall be chivalrous to you. If you continue in
this path the realit� of the glitter of this
world would be revealed to you. But once all
is revealed the t�ial comes to an end and this
temporal existence ter�inates. Not a
moment more should one car�� here thereaf-

Such revelations (Kashf ) (Kiramat) are but

t�ansitor� milestones to be excelled.
Majlis – 30
The spirit�al height of a Master must not be
measured by the number of his followers.
Majlis – 31
Immersion in Haq (Wajd) is from Him
(Al-Wajid). Those who are blessed ex�erience
absolute Disconnect from this t�ansitor�
illusor� world through such immersion.
Majlis – 32
To be content with one’s station is salvation,
ir�espective of high or low.
We come to this world rightly poised so be
happy and accepting wherever ‘Nat�re’
places us.
Majlis – 33
Allah’s Word once impacts may be cultivated
through reiteration ‘Samaa’ and ‘Tilawa’ and
the states which these generate are light/rev-
elation (Anwaar) physical stat�s (Ahwaal)
and Effects (Aasaar); each one of these ema-
nate from different sources, each one
impacting soul, hear�(spirit) and limbs
respectively. These are registered in the
descending order from the soul to the limbs.
‘Sadqa’ if to be accepted must be from
Halaal source, received by morally upright,
to be given nicely and respectably and pri-
vately and finally not to be mentioned again.
Conditions as above would make it “Sidq” or
genuine and t��e.
To spend and giveaway the wealth whether in
the way of Allah or by avoiding apparent
worldly profits or even better by feeding
friends and others far better than hanging
on to it.
Majlis – 34
Life is not dependent on what we perceive as
lifesaving or life threatening objects and
He alone causes through whatever reasons
and objects He chooses to enable this world
and its life to sustain.
To access this “See through” beyond the
perceptions of faculties “Ikhlas” a state of
genuine and complete submission one has to
Ikhlas pre supposes abnegation of all desires
and wants. Any�hing coming your way one
may avail without wanting and desiring it.
Life itself becomes an object to be shunned
voluntarily by those who have shunned all its
desires wants objects and reasons which
apparently sustain it. A choice is given thus
to Lord over life and death (so-called).
Majlis – 35
Those who are meant to excel far and
beyond this world show early sig�s of disin-
terest in the people and this world.
Majlis – 36
There is always a thirst in the hear� of the
Disciple to be with the Teacher as oſten as
possible. To be “blessed” however is not
linked with the frequency and leng�h of
visits and association. It is how “Ready” one
is to receive the Grace.
Majlis – 37
This moment this life shall never ever be as it
never ever was. Right “Now” is the most
precious as we live and breathe.
Do not fritter away this most precious of
giſts this present life.
Be always acutely aware and t��e and
remember “Haq”
Majlis – 38
Knowledge is distinction but amelioration of
affairs occurs only when there is a Guide who
would ex�ose the st�dent (seeker) to the
limits of acquired knowledge and vir��e
Absence of the cushions of a teacher (Guide)
can be ver� tough and painf�l and t��ing for
the seeker confronting Cosmic Realit� on his
own. Perceiving it at the moment of Death
however, would lead nowhere.
Majlis – 39
For t��th and teaching to persist through
cent�ries (time) it need not be reduced to
Remembering Death and adopting “given”
recitals from the Koran helps in easy t�ansi-
The blessed ones are ones who ex�erience
Death as the most delicious real life ex�eri-
ence of re-uniting with the long lost beloved.
They act�ally don’t die as we understand
The rigors of such t�ansition can thus be
soothed and pacified.
Majlis – 40
Wealth has the tendency to monopolise the
soul and sprit of man. The more it accumu-
lates the more and g�eater its hold and the
desire to acquire more. This t�ait is genetic,
endowed by destiny.

The real pleasure of wealth is in its spending

not accumulation which stifles the soul.
Majlis – 41
All motion all movement in the Universes
from micro to the macro from individual to
the cosmic is from Him and through Him.
None of His creation enjoys inherently
autonomous will or movement but with His
previous sanction and authorit�.
Majlis – 42
Sweet and tender remembrance of ones’
Teacher. Hazrat Baba Farid how with such
loving care would share meals with his disci-
ples. His love for them that in his life st�le
was most touching that when in even illness
he would t�ain his disciple and pray for their
spirit�al elevation.
Majlis – 43
Timely prayers prevents a calamit� or mis-
for��ne before it descends. Aſter that prayers
don’t help once calamit� has st��ck. Then
when it does, Patience and Acceptance (Res-
ig�ation) be practiced to lessen the hur� and
impact. Focus on the “Beloved” does alleviate
suffering and pain in such sit�ation. Submit
totally to the Beloved & he would take over
the sit�ation setting one free. Thereaſter
Reward is given in this ver� world sensually
as well.
Majlis – 44
Worldly means of livelihood and income
even if withdrawn are brought back many
folds by Divine dispensation.
Happiness is contained in life itself which is
the source of all blessings and a window
open for deliverance.
Faith and love must suffice.
Majlis – 45
Indeed Grace and blessing when destined is
received from the most unex�ected sources
whence one least ex�ect or imagine it.
Majlis – 46
Grace is dist�ibuted similarly not through
what one wills but through a divine Dispen-
Majlis – 47
There are appointed times and phases (spe-
cific months) and specific days when prayers
are most met. Nawafil (additional prayers) if
perfor�ed go towards filling in the missed
obligator� ones.
Majlis – 48
Complete t�ansfor�ation occurs with a
disciple enters into the pat�onage of a
Master. The Disciple stands absolved com-
pletely of his earlier life.
Majlis – 49
Others be forgiven for wanting means and
material resources of the world. The stor� of
one’s own self is different which must be
g�arded at all cost from avarice and lust of
this sensual world.
Majlis – 50
With one’s Master one could not have
enough of proximit�. Even if allegiance had
been swor�, it can be renewed with the
Master as and when felt and needed. At the
time of ex��eme circumstance and even
death the thought of Master is a g�eat relief
and help.
Majlis – 51
Seeking inter�ention for relief from pain and
illness from the mar���s is the done thing;
As those who lay down their lives or consume
themselves in the Right way have the privi-
lege of intercession g�anted to them.

The especially chosenones can have and

desire any�hing from the Creator.
Majlis – 52
The power of “Koranic” recitals can open
buried and closed cases. The secret is com-
plete identit� with the Cosmic Tr�th (Ha�).
All elemental forces of nat�re become sub-
ser�ient to the one so immersed who might
live and exist and do the nor�al chores of
life at the same time as well. While praying
there shouldn’t be remorse or pride but a
mental state to approach the Creator.

Love alone heals and conquer be it through

a single hair from this Masters beard.
Majlis – 53
Rhy�hm and music is the key which opens
Hear�s of the seekers. Through such poetic
recitals (Samaa) one can ex�erience the Fire
of love. When one Pines for the Friend such
pining is act�ally dying off this world as the
world shrivels up into nothing�ess before
the new vistas.
Majlis – 54
When one is immersed into one’s Murshid,
then Murshid g�ides one in different ways
onto paths which are least imagined and
most profitable.
In ones dreams one could obtain clear
inst��ctions which saves one the t�ouble of
worldly planning and calculation.
Majlis – 55
The Master will always “cure” the Disciple
provided the latter has the unshakeable faith
(Etiqaad) in the for�er.
Even if the Disciple “slips” then the Master
will come up for him.
“Intent” similarly if genuine will find f�ll
compensation even not executed e.g. if one
dies with the intent of by hear� memorizing
the Koran will be resur�ected among those
who had act�ally done it in their lives.
In this world as well from most unex�ected
sources help and succor will come if compas-
sion, generosit� and love become the hall-
mark of one’s character in this world while
dealing with people.
Majlis – 56
Love bet�een the Master and the Disciple in
limitless and the for�er at times needs the
latter more and misses him more.
Even far younger in age in the chosen Disci-
ple the Master sees what the world may not
and bestows upon him favour and a pedes-
tal that others find difficult to understand.
Majlis – 57
Envy (Evil Eye) is a fact and Realit� to be
g�arded against.
Magic, miracle excelling the Ordinar� per-
for�ing the ex��aordinar� are all real and
can happen from people of different spirit�al
g�ades & levels of accomplishment.
Essentially there are three domains of life the
sensuous, the Mind and the Hear�, through
which Man t�avels and understands the
world either through inbor� or acquired
methods respectively.
Believers shall never be condemned to eter�al
damnation even if they er� and commit sins
as they cannot escape the knowledge and
awareness of the One & Only.
Obser�ed phenomenon however will not lead
you far, the Hear� must be the final arbit�a-
tion of Tr�th and the level of redemption.
The Word (Koran) shall always be the
window and the door if read & ex�erienced
in His living presence to g�aduate into higher
states of bliss.
Majlis – 58
Abjuring the world, self-abnegation is the
highest wisdom. Avoiding the food itself can
help in achieving wor�hwhile worship or else
it could be an obstacle. The whispering
doubt within is the "Khannas" which nor-
mally resides deep inside the human
bosom/Psyche. One could only get rid of it
through conscious effor� at abjuring com-
pletely this worldly life & remembering Haq.
Majlis – 59
The word (Koran) can if approached for
inter�retation cor�ectly provide g�idance &
advice for the menial & mundane affairs of
this life & world. However the t��ly emanci-
pated masters abjure this world completely
in all its aspects. They never seek this world
nor care about its so-called needs &
Majlis – 60
Resolving all difficulties & challenges Surah
Fateha (the opening verses) can do the need-
f�l. It has to be read in a cer�ain manner
for that.
Besides in substance Sura Fateha contains
80% of the Koran. Koran has 10 topics, out
of those 8 are touched in Fatheha. Holy
Utterances are only effective if they emanate
from a person who act�ally lives them. Gen-
uine ar�iculation comes from the person who
Majlis – 61
The Master if t��ly loved and connected to,
can salvage & protect anyone at any stage &
place of invoked in mor�al danger the
Master shall appear and cause the sit�ation
to alter in manner not understood by the
Majlis – 62
Greet whoever comes Feed him and then
interact and talk. Greeting & feeding must
precede any talk which is thus blessed so.
Majlis – 63
So much empathizing unit�, Masters feel for
his followers; if they eat something the
for�er can taste in his own mouth. Whatev-
er they go through their loving masters
know and ex�erience exactly that.
Soul, Hear� and body can f�se and one
deter�ines the others state. Unit� of all
cosmos f�sed in this manner! Nothing is
hidden and is present right here. Could it be
the stor� of Meraj wherein the Prophet per-
ceived it all; if so that state of Unit� excels
physical t�avel in essence.
Master’s hand however must be held person-
ally and disable should remain steadfast in
thats one allegiance only.
Majlis – 64
Once immersed in cosmic Glor� one contin-
ues to bask in it for the rest of one's life.
Worldly blessings must never precede ones’
love for Allah. If the latter is per-sued, the
Owner of all shall provide yet g�eater, bless-
ings but never be attached to them losing
sight of the Giver. The way of the Masters
must never be abandoned for such depar-
t�re could spell g�ief.
The blessed ones and the Masters conclude
this worldly existence together in g�eat satis-
faction comfor� & ease. Eager to meet “Him”
they depar� happy and complete in all
Majlis – 65
The t��ly immersed ones in the Haq are least
ar�iculate in nor�al life. They avoid seeking
primacy unlike the polemical academics who
create mere noise pollution.
Tr�e g�aduation is when one ceases to talk
Dress speaks of the person wearing it,
Dreams too speak to us if someone can
inter�ret then cor�ectly.
Similarly words of Koran have ready remedy
for specific ailments of the body and even
deter�ines aſter death states of the body. If
e.g Sura Naziath is recited aſter Asr, Soul
attains the st�eng�h that it capt�res & evapo-
rates the body of the deceased and ascends
from the g�ave.
Majlis – 66
Those who excel this finite world of time &
space, knowing its sham “Realit�” (Dar�esh)
always readily accept and prefer, the Infinit�
awaiting on the other side.

The act�al place to be is the other side. This

side is mere illusion not fit and “liked” by the
Cosmic Master as it is not from Him or like
him being t�ansitor� and casual.
Majlis – 67
In love ever� day ever� moment ever� f�nc-
tion is new / afresh.
Some however incinerate themselves in love
& devotion. But ALLAH g�ants such eleva-
tion Himself, it cannot be ear�ed through
out�ard prayers. The world may castigate
you but your “Maamla” is only bet�een you
and Him. But that needs Marhood (Kamil).
First in that direction is elevating the finer
and suppressing the animal aspect.
At the hear� of all this, must always remain
Abnegation from this "World" in toto. No
amount of rit�alistic worship will do unless
the love for this world is completely
Majlis – 68
When the time comes. Cosmos assig� you a
role to play. Just comply with what’s whis-
pered to you and things shall happen.
It is impossible however to describe the
Divine knowledge one is revealed. It is an
ineffable t��st st�ictly bet�een the t�o;
“when you come to me, come all by yourself
not even accompanied by your shadow”. Ego
shall not exist all pretense evaporates, Unit�
does not brook any of it.
Majlis – 69
Soſt�ess forgiveness and forbearance be the
hallmark of all social interaction. Even if
excess is committed in reaction there should
be soſt forgiveness. If harshness is responded
with harshness societ� shall be f�ll of thor�s
and bitter�ess.
Majlis – 70
Brothers in faith are the t��e and real broth-
ers not the biological ones as the for�er lasts
through this world into the nex�.

Friends and companions in worldly indul-

gences (Sharab aur Bagh ke sathi) are act�-
ally enemies not friends of each other.
Majlis – 71
A believer should t�r� in submission and
prayer at all times and sit�ations to his Cre-
ator. Salaat is an easy inst��ment therefore
to ex�ress submission.
Majlis – 72
Blessed are the believers for they can never
be unclean even if touched by the exigencies
and needs of ordinar� life.
Wife is ‘halal’ and physical intimacy is a
protection for the Man against non-kosher
“Kamil” Teacher knows all about the needs
of his st�dents & tests & t�ains them accord-
Majlis – 73
Closest to and highest stage of Tr�th ema-
nates from is Obser�ation and Knowledge
–followed by and consequentially the vir��e
& God fear, stage to be followed yet again by
emancipation from worldly desire & acquisi-
Decline sets in when this World takes over,
Humanit� becomes secondar�. Acquisition
takes priorit�. Lowest stage when animosit�
f�r�her degenerates into crime, murder and
physical elimination of man at the hands of
man for the World and its possessions.
To be immarsed and engaged in Tr�th is the
only job wor�hwhile. Even the records/ books
and nar�atives cannot replace such an ex�e-
rience. Rather Books / Nar�ations / Repor�s
of others or even one-selves become veils.
Tr�th thus envelops you first hand.
Majlis – 74
St�dents and Masters are one organic body
,hur� caused to either is act�ally felt by the
other. Through prayer & concent�ation
health both spirit�al and physical is
restored. Even aſter passing away the Mas-
ters can ameliorate and alleviate the lot of
the seekers.
Majlis – 75
Fateha’ the opening of Koran has the key to
the rest of the book, with its power the entire
rest of the book can be retained & memo-
Dreams are commands Once the Prophet
desired to see the “Ashaabe Kahaf ” instead
they were made to embrace his Message.
Physical t�anspor�ation needed to reach
their cave was topped with spirit�al embrace.
Elements of Nat�re become subser�ient in
this regard.
Majlis – 76
Recitations of cer�ain given ‘Zikar’ (Words)
have specific impact "La Ilaha illah Wahda-
ho la shareeka laho lhul Mulk Wa lahul
Hamd Wa hua Ala Kullay Shain Qadeer"
creates int�insic happiness without any
worldly reasons. Sura Naba similarly brings
one closer to Haq event�ally making the
reciter Aseer�l Ha�, the slave of Haq.
Majlis – 77
To wish and to speak ill does not touch the
God fearing ones. They own nothing have
nothing hence do not feel offended and
readily forgive the ill-wishers.
No indulgence of any kind of the sensual
world thus comes close to them. Absor�tion
in Haq (Hazoor) they do acquire through
the “apparent” means.
All means e.g. ‘Samaa’ music must solely be
towards the point of achieving a state of
Hazoori (Presence).
Once that is achieved one reaches the stage
of bliss wherein all negative forces melt,
Shifa prevails and ever� utterance becomes
“Isme Azam”
Majlis – 78
Bet�een the lover and the loved, the Master
& his disciple there is no schedule, no for-
malit� no timing when to meet when to call.
No holy places can bestow aſter visiting them
any elevation of the soul if there is ‘Riya’ in it.
Ser�ice rendered of it master is being ser�ed.
Action ‘Amal’ alone is the lit�us test of such
Majlis – 79
Proper�� and possessions simply do not
ag�ee with the t�avelers on the path of Tr�th.
Lands orchards bring t�ials, miser� and
t�ibulations enslaving men and t�ing them
to this world of pain and miser�.
One has to stick with reg�larit� to the given
recitations (Awraad) to stay clear of t�oubles.
Missing on these can lead to senses invading
threatening the t�avel on the path of Tr�th.
Majlis – 80
Ever� one speaks & understands differently,
inter�rets differently what he hears/reads in
verse or other�ise. The essence of human will
& Mind being free in pursuing his own
Complete faith & dedication in reliance
(Tawakkal) in all affairs upon Haq is the key.
Sustenance in this world is promised to all,
deviation from this belief dest�oys all, ir�e-
spective of the diversit� of understanding.
Majlis – 81
Islam (Muhammad’s PBUH message) is
leaving a lot to the individual voluntar�
submission and sur�ender.
Whether in prayer or in alms (Zakaat) there
is pronounced individual freedom as com-
pared to earlier religious prog�ams/ pre-
In worldly careers unforeseen oppor��nities
and chances boost up men and in ascenden-
cy however g�eatest care must always be
exercised so that ego should not secretly
invade your soul. The higher the worldly
stations the g�eater the worldly care needed.
The fr�its of this world like prefer�ed food
dish must be enjoyed as our Prophet did as
well however marked by “Faqr”.
Majlis – 82
Awe & respect coming out of love for the
Master bestows perfect knowledge. Similarly
st�ict obser�ance of t��st and conscientious-
ness also opens doors of knowledge & eleva-
However whatever stations one attains to
link of g�atef�l remembrance with the
source is mandator�. Mundane & worldly
obstacles & challenges can just vanish.
Majlis – 83
He knows best, He is just and beneficent.
He owns all hence whatever He does is right-
f�l & cor�ect.
Yet His beneficence is so vast and deep that
He does not but reward whatever we acquire
in knowledge & wisdom in this world. He
operates through understandable r�les
(Hikma) for our redemption through sig�s
laid open and made known to us through
means he provides.
Majlis – 84
To be accepted in bondage by the Supreme
frees and unleashes one from all bondages
of this world.
Majlis – 85
To spend and give in the way of Allah only
enhances the wealth. Whether less or more
give it. By not giving you shall neither stop it
if it is flowing away you cannot prevent
any�ay so rather give with your own hands.
Majlis – 86
Allahs’ men eat of this world par�aking only
for Him. Their body nourishment is only &
only for Him. Allah’s men exists bodily
through, for & by Him.
Majlis – 87
Place of residence ought to be healthy and
clean. It nor�ally impact, ones’ happiness
but blessed are those selected few who are
emancipated from it all.
Time & place do not impact them one way or
the other.
Their hear� is where Haq lives and they
speak & live through that.
Incong��ous places of residence for the ordi-
nar� nor�ally however would result in dete-
rioration of their qualit� of hear� & soul.
Music would save if it could impact first the
physical environment these per�eates deep
into unleashing the connection of one’s’ soul
with the Cosmic cent�e.
Majlis – 88
Transmission of prophetic t�aditions and
sayings has been historically a specialized
f�nction assig�ed to specially qualified Indi-
Those not so assig�ed these specialized f�nc-
tions are ex��emely war� while repor�ing.
The companions of our Prophet were mut�-
ally protective and ex��emely regardf�l on
this score.
Majlis – 89
This world and its love vitiates the soul &
spirit and no elevation is possible thereby.
The world st�ck are blinded and cannot see.
The lust for this world finally debars them of
the f�ndamental ethics of happy commerce
& t�ade. Physical dest��ction is not too far
thereaſter when the requisites of societ� are
so compromised.

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