Singalling Note

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F'lag Sip,rriris
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Morsc Codc is a binary code for thc transmission of vcrbal An irnproved version, known as the International Morse Code, r+as

messages> dcr.ised during the r83os by Srrrnuel drvised ilt il l-:uropeJlt confererrce in i85t. has eontinued to he
used in ship-to-shore contnrnnicatiolr and various other contexts, but
Each lcttcr of thc alphabct, nurrrcral, and punetuation rnar.k
moclern telegraphv hrs made greater use of the nr.tre economical
was assigned a distinctive cornbination of (.shor.t) dol.s Brudtrt crrde, devised in 1874 h), !'rench engineer ,Ieun Muurice
and Qong) dtrshes. 'fhc rnust famons cornbination of Errtilc Battdol (r84S-r903). In 1988, tlre International Maritime
rvhich is ;rr:obabll' thc distress call, SOS ( " " " ^-- ",',,) . Organiz:rtion (the Unitetl Nrtirrns hody on shipping safety) agreed to
introduce trom rg93 the Globrl Maritime Distress ancl Satety System,
which uses satellite technology and dispenses with the tapping out of
signals blr a radio operalor.

In t838 Morse devised a code of dots and dashes. If Inventor of Mor'se Cotle
" Sarnuel Fir tley lh'eese M, rvas a US artrst and inventor. Alrl?)s
the duration of a dot is taJien to be one rrnit then that of a
inlerested in novellies, he derised an electric telegr-rph systern in r83z
dash is three units. 'l'he spuce belween the conrltonents ot and improved it t*-ith technical help from Joseph IIen4'and linancial
one character is one trnit, betu'een charactels is three help frorn Allied Vail. Bj' l8:18, at rn exhibitjon of his telegruph in New
}i:rk. I\lrlrse trrnsmittcd ten w,rrds Lrer nrinute. IIe hrtl dispensed uilh
units and betrr'een r.l'orcls ser-en units. 'l'o inclicate thut a
his number-rvorcj dictionary', using instead the dot-drsh code clirectly
mistake has been made and for the receiver to delete tlre for letters. Though changes in detail rrere to be made later, the Morse
Iast word 5gnd oooooor; (etcTttt ctots). code that ra'as to become standard throughout the world hrd essentially
come inlo being.
* In t84g Morse set up a 4o ntiles telegraph line fronr
Washington to Baltirrrorc. 'I'hcn on z4 Ma1' r844, fi.onr the
Capitol building in Wu^shington, Morse r.r{to,s a ltighll'
rcligious rnan, scnt a Biblical quotation as thc flrst tbrnial
message on the line to his frieud Vail in Bnltirrror.c. 'l'lrc
message on the nerv linc, was 'ruhnt GorI hath wrought'
in rvhich he rertealed l.ris ourr scnsc of u,ondcr that God irad
choscn hirn to rcvcal thc usc of clcctricity to nran.

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Quotation Mark "'or'/and'"'

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