Casa Del Niño Montessori School of Roxas San Rafael, Roxas, Isabela Curriculum Map Mathematics 10 GRADE LEVEL: Grade 10

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San Rafael, Roxas, Isabela

Mathematics 10
GRADE LEVEL: Grade 10 TEACHER: Noel Ayap Palapuz


No. of Lesson Content Performanc Learning Essential Enduring Integration of Resource
Assessment Strategies/Activiti
Days Number Standard e Standard Competencies Question Understanding Core Values s
3 Lesson 1.1 The The learner The learners … How can pattern Patterns allow SINCERITY Homework -Lecture and Ready to
Sequences learner is able to  Identify and leads someone to someone to -Valuing oneself examples print
and Series demonstra formulate generate patterns make educated make educated -Taking tasks Oral response worksheet
tes and solve  Find the nth term of guesses? guesses assigned -Question and from online
understan problems a sequence seriously Demonstration Demonstration sources
ding of involving  Find the general
key sequences, term of a sequence EMPATHY Quizzes -Presentation Pictures of
3 Lesson 1.3 concepts and series, The learners … What is geometric A geometric -Understanding real life
Geometric of  Illustrate a sequence and sequence is a the capacity of Unit test -Investigation application
Sequence sequence geometric sequence how do you find sequence in other learners to of
and series s  Determine the nth its terms and which the ratio learn Notebook -cooperative sequence
term of geometric sums? of consecutive checking learning
sequence terms is fixed. RESPECT
 Differentiate a finite -Collaboration Project -Discussion
geometric sequence -Communication
from an infinite Performance -Drills
sequence VIGOR task
 Find the geometric -Showing
means and sum of interest in all the Students’
the arithmetic classroom presentation
sequence activities and
 Solve problems explanation of
involving geometric INTEGRITY their work
sequence and series -Being honest in
taking exams
3 Lesson 1.4 The learners … In what objects or Patterns appear -Doing tasks
Harmonic  Illustrate Harmonic things do patterns in nature religiously
Sequences and Fibonacci present?
and Other sequence COMMITTMENT
 Find the harmonic -Taking
mean of a given sets responsibility for
of number the assigned
3 Lesson 1.5 The learners … How can you Binomial works
Binomial  Expand powers of show that expansion is an -Avoiding
Expansion binomials binomial example of procrastination
 Find specific terms Expansion is a geometric
in a binomial geometric sequence EXCELLENCE
expansion sequence? -Innovation
-Critical Thinking
-Effective use of


Performanc Integration of Teaching
NO. of Content Enduring
Lesson e Learning Essential Core Strategies/Activities Resources
DaysNO Standard Understanding Assessment Teaching
Number//Title StandardPe CompetenciesLearni QuestionEssenti ValuesIntegrati Resource
. of Unit Topic Content Enduring Assessment Strategies/Activiti
rformance ng Competencies al Question on of Core s
Days Standard Understanding es
Standard Values
2 Lesson 2.1 The The learner The learners … How do you A polynomial SINCERITY Homework -Lecture and Ready to
Polynomial learner is able to  Illustrate polynomial determine the function has -Valuing oneself examples print
Functions demonstra conduct function end behavior of distinguishing -Taking tasks Oral response worksheet
and tes systematical the polynomial characteristics. assigned -Question and rom online
Application understan ly a function? Knowing its seriously Demonstration Demonstration sources
ding of mathematic algebraic form
key al leads to knowing EMPATHY Quizzes -Presentation Copy of
concepts investigation its graph and -Understanding graphs of
of involving vice versa. the capacity of Unit test -Investigation polynomial
polynomia polynomial other learners to functions
2 Lesson 2.2 l functions functions The learners … How do you Synthetic learn Notebook -cooperative
Synthetic  Performs division of divide polynomial division is checking learning Graphing
Division polynomials using expressions using shortcut way of RESPECT board
long division and synthetic dividing -Collaboration Project -Discussion
synthetic division division? polynomial by -Communication Desmos
using only its Performance -Drills App.
numerical VIGOR task
coefficients. -Showing
2 Lesson 2.3 The learners … 1. How can the 1. The interest in all the Students’
 Prove the remainder Remainder classroom presentation
Remainder Theorem theorem be used Theorem can be activities and
The  Factor polynomials to evaluate used to evaluate explanation of
Remainder polynomials? polynomial INTEGRITY their work
Theorem function -Being honest in
1. How can the taking exams
Remainder -Doing tasks
Theorem be used 2. The religiously
to determine if a Remainder
number is a zero Theorem can be COMMITTMENT
of a polynomial used to -Taking
function of degree determine if a responsibility for
greater than 2? number is a zero the assigned
of a polynomial works
function of -Avoiding
degree greater procrastination
than 2.
1 Lesson 2.4 The learners … How can you use The factor EXCELLENCE
The Factor  Prove the factor the factor theorem can be -Innovation
Theorem theorem theorem to used to -Creativity
 Use the Factor determine the determine the -Critical Thinking
theorem to zeros of a zeros of a -Solving
determine whether polynomial polynomial problems
the binomial x-c is a function? function? -Effective use of
factor of the given Technology
4 Lesson 2.5 The learners … How do you find The Rational
Finding  Use the Rational all real zeros of a Zero Theorem
Rational Zero Theorem to polynomial helps to find all
Zeros of find the zeros of a function? the possible
polynomial polynomial function zeros of a
function polynomial
3 Lesson 2.6 The learners … How can Descartes’ Rule Formatted: Font: 10 pt
Descartes’  Use Descartes’ Rule Descartes’ Rule of Signs and the
Rule of of Signs and the of Signs and the theorem of Formatted: Centered
Signs theorem on bounds theorem of Lower Lower and Formatted: Font: 11 pt
to find the zeros of a and Upper Upper bounds
polynomial function bounds be used help to narrow
to narrow down down possible
possible zeros of zeros of a
a polynomial polynomial
function? function
3 Lesson 2.7 The learners … How does the The degree of a Formatted: Centered
degree of a polynomial
Graphs of  Graph polynomial polynomial function helps
Polynomial function function helps describe the
Function describe the behavior of a
behavior of a graph of and the
graph of and the number of
number of algebraic
algebraic solutions
UNIT TOPIC: CIRCLES Formatted: Centered
NO. of Lesson Content Performanc Learning Essential Enduring Integration of Assessment Teaching Resources
Days Number//Title Standard e Standard Competencies Question Understanding Core Values Strategies/Activities Formatted: Centered
2 Lesson 3.1 The The learner The learners … 1. How can one 1. The measure SINCERITY Homework -Lecture and Worktext Formatted: Font: 9 pt
Central learner is able to  Derive inductively identify the of an angle can -Valuing oneself examples
Angles demonstra formulate the relations among measure of an be found by its -Taking tasks Oral response Ready to Formatted: Font: 10 pt
tes and find chords, arcs, central angle in a circle? position in circle assigned -Question and print Formatted: Centered
understan solution to angles and inscribed seriously Demonstration Demonstration worksheetf
ding of challenging and 2. How are 2. Angles in a rom online
key situations  Prove theorems central angles circle are related EMPATHY Quizzes -Presentation sources
concepts involving related to arcs and related to the arcs to their -Understanding
of circle circles and central angles they formed? intercepted arc the capacity of Unit test -Investigation Pictures of
other  Apply the theorems other learners to circles
related to solve problems learn Notebook -cooperative
2 Lesson 3.2 terms in The learners … 1. How can one 1. The measure checking learning Desmos Formatted: Centered
Inscribed different  Prove theorems identify the of an angle can RESPECT app
Angles disciplines related to inscribed measure of an be found by its -Collaboration Project -Discussion
through angles and angle in a circle? position in circle -Communication
appropriate quadrilateral Performance -Drills
and  Find the measure of 2. How are 2. Angles in a VIGOR task
accurate the unknown angles inscribed angles circle are related -Showing
representati or arcs using the related to the arcs to their interest in all the Students’
ons. theorems on chords. they formed? intercepted arc classroom presentation
 Apply the theorems activities and
to solve problems explanation of
2 Lesson 3.3 The learners … 1. How do Relationships INTEGRITY their work Formatted: Centered
Tangents  Prove theorems tangents relate to exist among -Being honest in
related to tangents circle? tangents and taking exams enrichment
 Find the length of tangent -Doing tasks acitvity
the tangent segment 2. How would you segments in a religiously
and measure of apply the circle
angles and arcs concepts on COMMITTMENT
using the theorems tangents to a -Taking
on tangents real-life responsibility for
2 Lesson 3.4 The learners … How are the Relationships the assigned Formatted: Centered
Chords and  Prove theorems lengths of the exist among works
Arcs related to chords chords related angles, chords, -Avoiding
 Find the measure of and applied? and intercepted procrastination
angles and length of arc in a circle
chords using the EXCELLENCE
theorems on chords -Innovation
 Find the distance of -Creativity
a chord using the -Critical Thinking
theorems on chords -Solving
3 Lesson 3.5 The learners … What relationship Angles formed problems Formatted: Centered
Angles  Prove theorems exists between by two -Effective use of
Formed by related to secants angles formed by intersecting lines Technology
Secants and and tangents two intersecting within and
Tangents  Find the measures lines within and outside a circle
of angles formed by outside a circle have special
two intersecting with the relationship to
secants intercepted arc? the intercepted
 Find the measures arc.
of angles formed by
a tangent and a
2 Lesson 3.6 The learners … How the lengths Relationships Formatted: Centered
The Power  Prove the power of the segments exist among the
Theorem theorems are related when segments when
 Apply the power two chords and two tangents,
theorem in solving two segments two chords, two
geometric problems and a tangent secants and a
and a chord secant and
intersect? tangent
3 Lesson 3.7 The learners … How do you find Area and Formatted: Centered
Area and  Illustrate segments the area and circumference of
Circumferen and sectors of a circumference of a circle depend
ce of a Circle circle a circle? on its radius and
 Prove theorems on diameter.
arcs, sectors, and
segments of a circle
 Solve problems on Formatted: Centered
NO. of Lesson Content Performanc Learning Essential Enduring Integration of Assessment Teaching Resources Formatted: Centered
Days Number//Title Standard e Standard Competencies Question Understanding Core Values Strategies/Activities
Formatted: Font: Bold
2 Lesson 4.1 The The learner The learners … 1. How would you The distance SINCERITY Homework -Lecture and Worktext Formatted: Centered
The learner is able to  Derive the distance derive the formula is an -Valuing oneself examples
Distance demonstra formulate formula distance formula? application of -Taking tasks Oral response Ready to
Formula te and solve  Apply the distance the Pythagorean assigned -Question and print
understan problems formula to prove 2. How would you Theorem seriously Demonstration Demonstration worksheetf
ding of involving some geometric find the distance rom online
key geometric properties between two EMPATHY Quizzes -Presentation sources
concepts figures on points? -Understanding
2 Lesson 4.2 of the The learners … How can the There possible the capacity of Unit test -Investigation Desmos Formatted: Centered
The Midpoint coordinate rectangular  Derive the midpoint midpoint of a relationship other learners to app
Formula geometry coordinate formula segment be between learn Notebook -cooperative
plane with  Apply the midpoint explored with the midpoint and checking learning
perseverance formula to prove coordinate plane? bisector RESPECT Formatted: Font: 9 pt
and some geometric -Collaboration Project -Discussion
accuracy properties -Communication
3 Lesson 4.3 The learners … How a coordinate The coordinate Performance -Games Formatted: Centered
Placing  Apply the properties plane does plane allows VIGOR task
Figures in of some geometric communicates? precise -Showing -Concept
the figures to place communication interest in all the Students’ development
Coordinate them in the about graphical classroom presentation
Plane coordinate plane representations activities and
of geometric explanation of
figures INTEGRITY their work
4 Lesson 4.4 The learners … How do algebra The coordinate -Being honest in Formatted: Centered
Coordinate  Verify the properties and geometry plane permits taking exams Enrichment
in Proofs of geometric figures work together to the use of -Doing tasks activity
using the coordinate get geometric algebraic religiously
geometry results within the methods to get
 Solve problems coordinate plane? geometric COMMITTMENT
involving geometric results -Taking
figures on the responsibility for
coordinate plane the assigned
3 Lesson 4.5 The learners … How can Coordinate works
Formatted: Centered
Equation of  Illustrate the center- coordinate geometry can be -Avoiding
a Circle radius equation of a geometry be used used to write procrastination
circle to write equation equation of
 Determine the of circles? circles. EXCELLENCE
center and radius of -Innovation
a circle given its -Creativity
equations and vice -Critical Thinking
versa -Solving
 Graph a circle and problems
other geometric
figures in the -Effective use of
coordinate plane Technology


NO. of Lesson Content Performanc Learning Essential Enduring Integration of Assessment Teaching Resources
Days Number//Title Standard e Standard Competencies Question Understanding Core Values Strategies/Activities Formatted: Centered
4 Lesson 5.1 The The learner is The learners … What are There are SINCERITY Homework -Lecture and Worktext Formatted: Font: 9 pt
Quartiles. learner able to  Illustrate Quartiles. the measures that -Valuing oneself examples
Deciles, and demonstra conduct a Deciles, and measures show position of -Taking tasks Oral response Ready to Formatted: Centered
Percentiles te mini-research Percentiles that show one in relation to assigned -Question and print
understan app[lying the  Calculate a specified positions? others seriously Demonstration Demonstration worksheet
ding of different measure of position from
key statistical  Interpret measure of EMPATHY Quizzes -Presentation online
concepts methods position -Understanding sources
of … use  Solve problems the capacity of Unit test -Investigation
measures precise involving measures other learners to Sets of
of counting of position learn Notebook -cooperative data
position, technique and  Use appropriate checking learning
combinati probability in measure of position RESPECT Sample
ons, and formulating and other statistical -Collaboration Project -Discussion research
probability conclusion methods in -Communication
. and making analyzing and Performance -picture analysis
decisions. interpreting data VIGOR task
 Formulate a -Showing
statistical mini- interest in all the Students’
research classroom presentation
3 Lesson 5.2 The learners … How can There are activities and Formatted: Centered
Fundamental  Illustrate and apply you list all shortcuts and explanation of
Principles of the Fundamental the possible scientific ways INTEGRITY their work
Counting Principle of Counting outcomes of counting the -Being honest in
systematical number of taking exams Research
ly? occurrences of -Doing tasks
an event religiously
3 Lesson 5.3 The learners … How can There are Formatted: Centered
Permutation  Illustrate the you several ways to COMMITTMENT
permutation of an generate all generate all the -Taking
object the possible possible responsibility for
 Derive the formula outcomes of outcomes of an the assigned
for finding the an event? event. works
number of -Avoiding
permutations of n procrastination
objects taken r at a
 Solve problems -Innovation
involving -Creativity
permutations -Critical Thinking
3 Lesson 5.4 The learners … How can There are -Solving Formatted: Centered
Combination  Illustrate the factorials be numbers of problems
combination of an used to ways to arrange -Effective use of
object arrange objects by using Technology
 Derive the formula objects in the principle of
for finding the different factorials
number of ways?
combinations of n
taken n at a time
 Solve problems
7 Lesson 5.5 The learners … How are An event can or
Probability  Illustrate events, rational cannot occur.
union, and expectation
intersection of s
events represented
 Illustrate the ?
probability of a union
of two events
 Find the probability
of (A union B)
 Illustrate
independent events
 Solve problems
involving probability

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Subject Teacher Assistant Principal Principal

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