What Is Mechatronics?: Ieee/Asme Transactions On Mechatronics, NO. MARCH 1996
What Is Mechatronics?: Ieee/Asme Transactions On Mechatronics, NO. MARCH 1996
What Is Mechatronics?: Ieee/Asme Transactions On Mechatronics, NO. MARCH 1996
1, MARCH 1996 5
What is Mechatronics?
David M. Auslander
Abstract-With the explosively increasing costlsize-effectiveness This definition is a generalization of the original definition
of computers, mechatronic systems are becoming common in any of mechatronics which encompassed mechanical components
engineering discipline dealing with the modulation of physical
and electronically based decision making (digital and analog
power. In this article, I attempt a definition of mechatronics that
will allow for its differentiation as an identifiable field of circuitry). The term “mechatronics” has been attributed to the
engineering and then follow this direction to discuss some of the Yaskawa Electric Co. in the early 1970’s, although I have not
associated design philosophy. The definition draws on the seen any authority for that attribution. It makes sense in the
centrality of computing in mechatronic systems. context, for example, of the brushless dc motor which uses
electronics for its commutation decisions rather than relying
I. WHAT’S UNIQUE? on mechanically based decision making and, in the process,
Computers of all sizes and capabilities are used as the Engine Main Sha?
decision making elements in products affecting virtually every Fig. 1. The Watt speed governor
resident in the developed world. From a numerical perspective,
the most common type of computer in use today is the micro-
controller-very small, highly integrated microprocessors used
as decision-making elements in engineering systems. Several
hundred million of these are sold every year!
The following item from a daily newspaper highlights I 1
the extent to which embedded computing in a mechatronics software. eledronics
In particular, it was determined that a number of these intertwined with the computation aspects. This situation
prob-lems were associated with asynchronous operations, relates directly to the first design principle listed above,
which while uncommon in conventional software, are the “documenta-tion should not be an afterthought.” If the
heart and soul of real-time software. Asynchronous operations system engineering is separated from the computational
arise from preemptive, prioritized execution of software technology, then the documentation will have to exist
modules, and from the interaction of the software with the independent of the program; otherwise, documentation can be
physical system under control. viewed as an additional burden.
Because of preemptive execution, it becomes impossible to The following definitions will be used to separate these
predict when groups of program statements will execute roles as they appear in the proposed methodology:
relative to other groups, as it is in synchronous software. System engineering: Detailed specification of the relation-
Errors that depend on particular execution order will only ship between the control software and the mechanical sys-
show up on a statistical basis, not predictably. Thus, the tem.
technique of repeating execution until the source of an error Computational technology: A combination of computa-
is found, which is so effective for synchronous (conventional) tional hardware and system software that enables
software, will not work with for this class of real time error. application software based on the engineering specification
In a like manner, there are errors that depend on the to meet its operational specifications.
coincidence of certain sections of program code and events Using these definitions, the engineering specification de-
taking place in the physical system. Again, because these scribes how the system works; the computational specification
systems are not strictly synchronized, they can only have determines its peformance. As a result of this separation, if a
statistical characterization. suitable paradigm is adopted to describe the engineering
specification, a much broader discussion and examination can be
A. Nasty Software Properties brought to bear because, the details of the engineering can be
Software complexity tends to increase exponentially with discussed by project participants familiar with the problem, not
size. What starts out as a small, manageable project, can ex- just those familiar with computing languages and real time
pand into something which, quite literally, never gets programming conventions. This provides for meaningful design
finished. To compound this problem, the economics of review of projects that are software intensive.
software based products is that over the lifetime of the
product, maintenance costs dominate the total expense.
Both the complexity and the asynchronous nature of real- C. Software Portability
time software lead to situations in which bugs can remain
In mechanical system control, portability has consequences
dormant for long time periods, waiting to do their dirty work
both for product lifetime and for the desigddevelopment
at the most inopportune time.
cycle. The mechanical part of the system can have a
The antidotes to these problems flow from adopting an
commercial lifetime of anywhere from 5-20 years. On the
engineering perspective so that code writing (programming)
other hand, the computational technology used for its control
should not be viewed as a creative activity!
only has a lifetime of 3-5 years. To remain competitive, new
On the engineering side, a method must be found to
versions of the product need to use new computers to take
describe in detail how the control software should behave. This
advantage of the ever-increasing computational capability.
allows both for the needed engineering review function and
Doing this cost-effectively requires software that will “port”
enables the act of code production to become much more routine
since the creative engineering part has been done at the
easily from the original target processor to new ones.
descriptive level. Software portability seriously affects the de-
sigdimplementation cycle as well. Early stages of the
The second way of avoiding at least some of the
software tend to be simulations, done to test hypotheses and
complexity problems is to modularize the software and its
to substitute for hardware not yet built. Later stages use
production process. In this way, specific pieces of software
laboratory prototypes, then pilot prototypes, then, finally, the
are directly connected to certain machine functionality.
actual production system. If software can’t migrate from step-
System malfunc-tions can thus be traced to the relevant
to-step in this process, the whole process can become greatly
software more quickly, system changes can be made with
elongated as new software must be created for each step, and
reasonable assurances that the changes will not adversely
there are significant possibilities for introducing new bugs at
affect some unexpected part of the machine, and individual
each stage.
software elements can be tested more easily.
Portability is complicated by the real-time constraints.
B. Engineering DesignKornputational Perj4ormance
If real-time software environments are used as aids in
meet-ing those constraints (kernels, schedulers, real-time
Too often, the only detailed documentation of real-time
operating systems), software written for one environment
software is the program itself. Furthermore, the program is
usually designed and written for a specific real-time target can require substantial rewriting to run in another.
environment. The unfortunate consequence of this is that the Crossing the full spec-trum from simulation to production
engineering aspects of the design problem become inextricably traverses environments in which program structure itself
is incompatible. The proposed methodology provides a
layer of abstraction one higher than
the real-time environments, so offers a means of bypassing The organization into processes and threads is purely for
these incompatibility problems. performance purposes. As is noted below, there is no theoret-ical
Further portability challenges arise from the operator inter- necessity for such organization at all. The organization serves
face section of the program, and the interprogram communica- only to meet performance specifications when the chosen
tion for those solutions implemented with multiple processors. processor is not sufficiently fast to meet the specs with a single-
thread structure. It does this by shifting processor resources from
D. Control System Organization low-priority to high-priority tasks. As a further note, the
portability requirements enumerated above imply that several
A two-level organization is used on both the engineering
different computational organizations will be used in the course
and computational sides of the control software design. On
of a development project.
the engineering side, a job is organized into
states I have presented an approach to the definition of what
and, on the computational side, into constitutes the field of mechatronics and an approach to the
design of systems based on that definition. The purpose for
processes doing this is to establish the central skills and experience that
threads. are expected of those who are or wish to be mechatronics
specialists. If that is not done, mechatronics will remain a
The breakdown of the engineering specification into tasks loosely defined “mterdisciplinary” area which will greatly
and then states is a subjective process, requiring considerable hamper attempts to move the field forward in a reasonably
engineering judgment. This stage is the primary creative orderly way and will make it difficult to define educational
design step.
paths that will lead to this specialty. I expect that not all
Tasks represent units of work; they are the functional sub-
readers share this vision of mechatronics but I hope that this
units of the job. Tasks can often be designed by breaking a article might lead to enough further discussion so that a
system down along both time scales and physical components. consensus definition will emerge-perhaps in the pages of
For example, there might be separate tasks to handle the high-
new journal.
level part of controls for several motor-driven axes, and other
tasks to handle the higher-speed operations associated with REFERENCES
measurement and actuation of those same motors.
Tasks, in general, are active simultaneously. They are used D. M. Auslander and P. Sagues, Microprocessors for Measurement and
Control. Berkeley, CA: OsborneiMcGraw-Hill, 1981.
to describe the parallelism inherent in the physical system. D. A. Dornfeld, I).M. Auslander, and P. Sagues, “Programming and op-
Internally tasks are organized in a strictly sequential manner timization of mull i-microprocessor controlled manufacturing
into states [l], [2], [5] , and [ 6 ] . States describe specific processes,” Mech. Eng., vol. 102, no. 13, pp. 34-41, 1980.
W. W. Gibb, “Software’s chronic crisis,” Sei. Amer., pp. 8 6 9 5 , Sept.
activities within the task; only one state can be active at a time. 1994.
The active state controls the current activity of the task. N. G . Leveson and C. S. Turner, “An investigation of the Therac-25
accidents,” IEEE Computer, July 1993.
The primary reason for this distinction between the nature M. J. Simms, “Using state machines as a design and coding tool,”
of tasks and states is that sequential activity is a part of many Hewlett-Packard J., vol. 45, no. 6, Dec. 1994.
mechanical systems. Even for systems that do not seem to be P. T. Ward and S . J. Mellor, Structured Development for Real-Time
Systems. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1985.
fundamentally sequential, such as process or web systems,
the sequential breakdown within tasks seems to work quite
well. During normal operation, tasks tend to stay in only one
or two states. However, during start-up and shutdown, the
taskhtate structure describes the operation very well.
The sequential state structure also serves as one test for David M. Auslander completed undergraduate
appropriate task definition. If tasks are aggregated to much, studies at the Cooper Union and graduate studies at
MIT, both in mechanical engineenng.
they will end up with parallel operations which cannot be He is currently a Professor of Mechanical
described effectively by states. Breaking the task into several Engineenng at the University of California at
smaller tasks solves the problem. Berkeley, and has interests in dynamic systems and
control. His research and teaching interests include
On the computational side, processes describe computa- bloengineenng, mechanical control, and real-time
tional entities that do not share an address space (this includes software. Current projects in these areas are cardiac
signal analysis, nanometer mechanical positioning,
independent processors). Threads are computational entities design methodology for real-time control software,
that share an address space but can execute asynchronously. A and control of bioregenerative life-support systems He conwlts in industrial
thread can contain one or more tasks; a process can contain one servo control systems and other control and computer applications.
or more threads. Dr. Auslander is a member of ASME.