Baseball Drills Packet PDF

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The packet provides details on running practice activities like warmups, drills, meetings and games for baseball teams between ages 5-12.

Some drills and activities described include warm up sequences, fielding ground balls, throwing drills, base running drills and hitting stations.

Safety tips emphasized include only swinging bats 20 feet away from others and only throwing balls to players looking at you.

Clifton Park Baseball League

Practice and Drill Packet

Practice Plans
The best coaches prepare for practices before getting to the field. Baseball teams – especially youth teams – will take the lead
from a good, organized coach. When practices are well-defined and all players have continuous activity, it helps the athletes get
excited about the sport.
That said, most coaches are parents with lives outside of their volunteer responsibility as coach. So pulling together a practice
after a day full of business meetings can be difficult. This packet was assembled to make practice development easier for coaches of
players between the ages of 5 and 12. It has been provided in electronic format (Microsoft Word) to make it easy for coaches to mix
and match drills, creating a practice plan that gets all players and coaches involved throughout the practice session.
A typically practice session will be one hour (t-ball) or two hours (7-12 year old). The following would be typical schedules
for practices of each length:

Typical 2 Hour Practice Schedule Typical 1 Hour Practice Schedule

In the following pages, there are details on how to run practice activities (meetings, warmups, station drills, team drills and
games)  that  have  been  used  by  many  of  Clifton  Park’s  rec  and  travel  team  coaches  through  the  years.    Refer  to  the  left  hand  column
and the number graphics ( 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ) indicating ages that might get the most of each drill. The rough duration for each
drill is also provided in the left-most column.
(start and end practices with a message)
Duration (Ages) Drill/Activity Coaching/Learning Points
5 min Meeting: Start of Practice (Young Players) As players progress through higher
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Safety: age groups, they will get most of
o if  you’re holding a bat, you must have a helmet their quality communication from
on your head coaches as they kneel in a small
o only swing a bat if you are 20 feet away from the circle on the outfield grass. The
next closest person (show how big 20 feet is) coaches should all be on a knee in
o only throw a ball to another person if they are these meetings so they can make
looking at you sure they have eye contact with
Review the drills to be included in practice and explain every player. Eye contact is a sign
the game that will be played at the end of practice of respect and increases the chance
(anticipation of the game will help keep them engaged) that the message is being delivered.

The message about safety is

particularly important at this age
group as a bat injury is almost a
certainty every season.
5 min Meeting: End of Practice Like the meeting at the start of
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Review the one or two important skills learned at practice, this is a ritual meeting that
practice will continue through every age
Give specific examples of new skills that were group. No need to make it drawn
demonstrated by players during practice out, but the players should get some
Compliment players (by name) for showing respect or reinforcement for the time spent
hustle or effort together.
Remind players about next practice or game
Younger players: (try ending practices with a run around
the  bases…it  makes  them  smile)
Pull group together and do a team cheer (hands in the
middle) at the end of every practice
Warm Up
(get players ready for athletic activity and generate some team identification)
Duration (Ages) Drill/Activity Coaching/Learning Points
10 min Warmup: Sequence Every practice should begin with
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Jog 2 or 3 times around the inside of the fence. Have the team the same warmup sequence. The
stay together to reinforce teamwork. older the players, the more
Bring team together in the outfield and run through a series of important the warmup. At younger
stretches. ages, the warmup sequence is done
to begin a discipline that will be
4 required of the players as they
2 3 5 6 progress. It also gives the team a
chance to interact and do an
activity together before being
1. Quads (pull ankle up to buttocks, hold for 10 broken up into stations.
seconds…either  lying  on  stomach  or  standing)
2. Hamstring (sitting, extend one leg, other tucked into inner
thigh, bend at hips and reach for toe)
3. Spinal twist (sitting, cross leg, twist to that side)
4. Groin stretch (sitting, butterfly legs in front, push knees to
5. Shoulder stretch (standing, arm to middle of back over
head, pull on elbow to stretch)
6. Tricep stretch (place hand between shoulder blades, grab
elbow with other hand and gently pull, hold for 10
Pair up, do 4 throwing drills
o On knees, forearm with wrist snap, 10x each
o On knees, full windup, 10x each
o Standing throws with quick feet, 10x each
o Long toss, 20x progressively longer
Wind  sprints  from  foul  line  to  second  base…do  it  together,  
coach  calls  out  “go”…walk  back  to  line,  repeat  4x
Team meeting to discuss practice plan
Duration (Ages) Drill/Activity Coaching/Learning Points
5 min Warmup: Pickoff Sprints This is more fun than plain wind
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Players line up on foul line in outfield sprints and it focuses the team on
Coach stands in roughly the same orientation that a pitcher watching the pitcher when leading
would have to the runners off on base. These should be
Coach  mimics  pitcher’s  motion, stepping on the pitching sprints, not jogs, to simulate a
rubber and getting into a stretch position stealing situation during a game.
When  coach’s  foot  is  on  the  “rubber”,  runners  move  off  of  the  
line as if leading
Coach either mimics a pickoff move or a delivery to home
Players watch the coach and go back to line if pickoff
If  the  coach  “delivers”  the  pitch,  runners  sprint  70  feet  into  
centerfield (a coach can line up 70 feet from line as a marker
for distance to run)
Players jog back to the foul line and repeat sprints 4x
10 min Warmup: Playing Catch (Beginner) Catching is the hardest skill for a
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Pair up players with parents young player to learn. By using a
Line up perpendicular to foul line in the outfield: waffle or tennis ball and no glove,
you’ll  be  doing  two  things:    (1)    
increasing  the  player’s  confidence  
in  their  ability  so  they  don’t  turn  
away or close their eyes when a
ball approaches, and (2) conditions
the player to catch with two hands.

Players should learn to do their

throwing warmups in the outfield
Play catch using a wiffle ball or tennis ball and no glove as  they’ll  be  doing  that  for  as  long  
Start about 10 feet apart and back up if the player is catching as they play baseball. Having them
the ball easily throw in parallel prevents injuries.
Coach can toss underhand or overhand, depending upon the
skill of the player Have players keep track of number
of consecutive catches without
dropping the ball.
Duration (Ages) Drill/Activity Coaching/Learning Points
10 min Warmup: Base Running Many older players (9-12 year
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Line up at home plate olds)  don’t  run  hard  “through”  first  
Each player takes an imaginary swing and runs to first base base, opting to slow down on the
A coach is at first base encouraging the runner to go fast last few steps. The sooner the
Repeat the drill, but start at first base, second base or third players learn this simple skill, the
base less frustrated older age group
End the drill by having the players run out a home run coaches will be. Also, by having a
touching all bases coach shout encouragement from
the  coach’s  box,  the  players  learn  
to listen to the base coach –
something that will become
important in later years. Strangely
enough, this drill will help ensure
that players run the right way
around the diamond during games.
The home run is fun for kids of all
ages  (since  that’s  what  their  
baseball heroes do on television) so
be sure to end with the home run.
Duration (Ages) Drill/Activity Coaching/Learning Points
10 min Warmup: Side to Side Drill Great warmup drill. Only do this
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Players pair up. \ drill after players have done some
One player (tossing) kneels on ground with 6 balls in front of warmup as they will work their
him. legs hard and get winded after one
Other player stands 8-10 feet away, facing the tosser. cycle. The coach should toss the
Kneeling player tosses ball to one side of the fielder then the ball farther to each side for players
other. Fielder taps the first 5 balls with his closed glove, that are quicker. Stop the drill if
diving and catching the 6th – which is thrown farther to the the player is standing still and just
opposite side. moving their glove back and forth.
Tosses should be far enough that the fielder must move his feet
one or two steps, but not too far that fielder can’t  get  to  it. The fun part of this drill is the dive
on the last toss. Encourage players
to exert themselves trying to make
that last catch. Players that do this
drill well tend to be the best middle
(run several stations in parallel, keeping all players busy at the same time)
Duration (Ages) Drill/Activity Coaching/Learning Points
5 min Station: Fielding Triple Play This is a very basic drill that every
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Place 3 balls on the ground, spaced apart by 5 feet player can do, regardless of skill. It
Have players, one at a time, run up to the first ball, throw provides the opportunity to teach
it  to  a  coach  about  15  feet  away…run  to  the  second  ball,   how to field a ball (alligator hands),
throw  to  coach…and  run  to  third  ball,  throwing  to  coach set the feet and make a throw to
Coach should be at an angle to the line of balls, on a line another fielder. Coaches should be
towards first base: teaching proper arm position for the

Repeat  the  drill  until  it’s  time  to  rotate  stations

5 min Station: Baserunning on Pop-Ups Younger  players  don’t  always  

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Have players in batting helmets lined up behind 1st base understand when to run and when
One player at a time moves onto the base as baserunner not to run. This is a drill that
Coach plays at deep 2nd base and another coach tosses reinforces the rules on pop-ups. At
pop-ups from near home plate this age, do not teach the infield fly
When ball is in the air, player runs 3 to 5 steps off of first rule…just  teach  going  back  to  the  
base and watches to see if the ball is caught base or running to the next. Make
If caught, the player runs back to 1st base this more fun by having the rest of
If not caught, the player runs fast to 2nd base and stops on the  team  yell  “BACK!”  if  the  ball  is  
the  base  (doesn’t  over-run) caught  or  “GO!”  if  it  is  dropped.    
The coach at 2nd base should catch
A coach can be in position at 1st and 2nd base to make the
some balls and drop others
play on the runner if they read the situation incorrectly
(randomly) to give players a chance
to see both situations.
Duration (Ages) Drill/Activity Coaching/Learning Points
5 min Station: Force Out at 1st Base This is a basic fielding drill
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Put players in a line behind 1st base designed to help players understand
Each player, in turn, moves to fielding position off of where they should be playing when
first base fielding the ball and how to move
Coach plays at 2nd base and coach is at home plate rolling to 1st base, put the correct foot on
grounders to 2nd the base, and make the catch from
When grounder is thrown to 2nd base (coach), the fielder an infielder. For right handed 1st
moves from fielding position to 1st base to make the force basemen, the right foot should be
out on the base when catching a throw.
After each turn, switch players at 1st base Lefties use the left foot. Teach the
player to stand tall at 1st base until
the ball is thrown, then to stretch
toward the ball. This will make it
easier to field bad throws.
5 min Station: Force Out at 2nd Base This is a basic fielding drill
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Put players in a line in center field designed to help players
Each player, in turn, moves to a fielding position at 2nd understand how to make a force out
base (i.e., between 1st and 2nd) at 2nd base. At these younger ages,
Coach is playing shortstop and another is rolling the goal is to ingrain the movement
grounders to the shortstop position to the base for a force out and to
When grounder is thrown to shortstop (coach), the fielder make the catch. This drill can be
moves from fielding position to 2nd base to make the augmented with a baserunner
force out coming from 1st base. If so, make
After each turn, switch players at 2nd base sure the runner is wearing a helmet
Repeat the drill with players at shortstop and coach at 2nd and he starts running only after the
base coach tosses the grounder.
Duration (Ages) Drill/Activity Coaching/Learning Points
10 min Station: Middle Infielder Force Outs Covering the base on a force out at
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Split players into two groups with half the group lined up 2nd is confusing to younger players.
behind 2nd base and half the group behind shortstop This drill helps condition players to
Coach hits grounders from home plate to either 2nd learn the roles of the 2nd baseman
baseman or shortstop and shortstop on the force out play
– staying in position to field the
grounder and learning how and
when to run to the base to make the
catch. Make this a more advanced
play by hitting some balls into the
hole between SS and 3rd and
between 1st and 2nd.

The player fielding the ground ball must stay in position

to read where the grounder is going and the player not
fielding the grounder must break to 2nd base to make the
force out
After each play, players switch lines
Coach hitting grounders should mix up the position
getting the grounder to make sure players learn to stay in
position to make the play
Duration (Ages) Drill/Activity Coaching/Learning Points
10 min Station: Ground Ball Fundamentals During this drill, the player needs to
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 In infield, pair up three players with three coaches, stay low to the ground. Emphasize
separated by 12-15 feet fielding the ball in the center of the
Players get into a fielding position body, with glove low to the ground
in front of the feet. Throwing hand
should be above the glove in an
“alligator  mouth”  position. If the
player stays low throughout the
drill, their legs should feel the burn.
Explain to players that in a real
Coach rolls the ball to the player who fields the ball and game, they would throw the ball
tosses it back to the coach, never leaving the fielding back  while  standing  (i.e.,  wouldn’t  
position stay low).
Coach quickly rolls the ball back
Repeat for 6 reps, with 3 sets per player
10 min Station: Fielding Short Field Pop-Ups There are several important lessons
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Put a player at 1st base, 2nd base and right field to be learned in this drill: (1)
Remaining players are in a line by the 1st base dugout player roles on short field fly balls,
(out of the way) with gloves on (2) communication between
Coach stands at home plate and tosses pop-ups behind 1st fielders, and (3) hustle getting to
base and into short left-center field the ball. A surprising number of
Players run to make the catch older  players  can’t  make  this  play  
well – including major leaguers.
The coach should strive to toss the
ball in a location that forces players
to run hard and to communicate.
5 min Station: Soccer Ball Hitting Drill Every player should be able to hit a
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Place a soccer ball on top of the T (if the T is an open soccer ball off the T. And every
tube place a small bathroom plunger inside the tube) time  they  do,  they’ll  gain more
The batter hits the ball hard off the Tee. confidence in their hitting.
If  the  ball  doesn’t  explode  off  the  ball  then  the  player   Coaches should stress all of the
isn’t driving through the ball same hitting mechanics (e.g., squish
the bug, etc.) that apply when
hitting a baseball
Duration (Ages) Drill/Activity Coaching/Learning Points
5 min Station: Batting Derby By making the hitting into a
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Set up a T at home plate, but have the batter aligned to an contest, players will stay more
imaginary pitcher at roughly 2nd base (allows other engaged. At this age, players are
stations to run in left field safely) naturally competitive and will try
Hit 3 balls off the T into the outfield harder and listen to instruction
After hitting, have the batter find the ball that went the better…just  to  out  perform  one  of  
farthest and stand in that spot in the field their peers. Reinforce good hitting
Have the next player hit 3 balls and stand at the spot of mechanics and take every
his/her  farthest  hit…repeat  for  each  player opportunity to connect good hits
The object is to have each player hit the ball farther than with good mechanics.
his teammates
Coaches should be in the field to help retrieve balls and
find the farthest of each trio of hits
5 min Station: Bounce to a Bucket Coaches should stress good
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Put a large bucket or cooler on a base with the open end throwing technique including
on the side, not up. getting feet set, good arm position
Outfielders try and throw the ball into the container. before the throw and full follow-
Make this drill into a game where players get 10 points through. Teach the players to take
for throwing it into the bucket and 5 points for hitting the their time and make a good throw
bucket instead of rushing and making a
bad one.
Duration (Ages) Drill/Activity Coaching/Learning Points
10 min Station: Throwing Momentum Drill This drill gives each fielder a better
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Setup 3 cones approximately 6 feet apart along the understanding of how to create
basepath between 2nd and 3rd base momentum when throwing the ball
Players should have their gloves on and standing in a line and following the throw after
at 3rd base release. The cones help the fielder
A coach has a bucket of balls at mid infield between to visualize their momentum during
home plate and 3rd base and another coach stands near 2nd the throw. When making throws,
base the coach should be emphasizing
The first player moves to the first cone and gets into a the proper position of the feet and
fielding position shoulders (pointed toward the
The coach with the bucket rolls a ball to the fielder who target).
fields the ball and shuffles toward the second cone
(toward 2nd base) where he makes the throw to the coach
at 2nd base
After making the throw, the fielder continues to move
past the third cone then returns to the back of the line
10 min Station: Catcher Pop-Ups Catching pop-ups behind home
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Have the catcher suit up in full gear including mask plate is one of the most difficult
Pitcher throws pitches and coach stands behind catcher skills to develop in a catcher. This
with a few balls ready to toss in air drill  helps,  but  isn’t  a  replacement  
When pitcher  throws  the  ball,  coach  shouts  “up”  to   for game experience. Emphasize
indicate if the pitch is fouled up in the air – if so, catcher getting the face mask popped off of
throws off mask, finds the ball and makes the catch the  catcher’s  head  to  make  seeing  
If not, catcher returns the ball to the pitcher the ball easier. Also, teach the
Coach should alternate between pop-ups and not at catcher to turn their back to the
random intervals to prevent catcher from over field when making the catch.
anticipating the drill
Pop-ups should be thrown straight up and to either side
of home plate to develop skills in moving to the ball and
making the catch
Duration (Ages) Drill/Activity Coaching/Learning Points
15 min Station: Catcher Blocking and Throwdown Coach  can  start  with  “dry  blocks”,  
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Blocking drill, 3 dry blocks each side, 5 blocks each side where the coach simulates the toss
with equipment: of a ball into the dirt, to help
catchers develop proper mechanics.

Actual blocks should be done with

coach tossing ball into dirt on either

Step and throw drill should develop

a quick orientation of feet and arms,
ball out of mitt quickly, direct
Step  and  throw…coach  feeds  ball,  quick  jump  to  align   throw without an extra step.
feet, direct throw with good throwing mechanics
Duration (Ages) Drill/Activity Coaching/Learning Points
15 min Station: Batting Practice in Two Cages Soft toss hitting should focus on
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Players awaiting their turn in the cage practice soft toss quality, not quantity. Players
from the side, then from behind: should work on mechanics and a
coach should be nearby to provide
tips. When hitting soft toss from
behind: toss the ball low, starting
slow and increasing speed. Player
should work on hitting ball in front
of plate.

In batting practice, emphasize

hitting  pitches  inside  (left  “x”),  
down  middle  (center  “x”),  outside  
Inside cage, batting practice off of machine or coach (right  “x”):
Start with 3 bunts toward third base, 3 bunts toward first
10 hits per player – any touch of the ball counted as a hit

30 min Station: Infield – Rapid Fire Grounders Emphasize good fielding mechanics
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Split group of players into two groups with half in a line with legs wide, glove out and
behind shortstop and half at 2nd base down, and throwing hand open
One coach stands about 20 feet to the left of home plate, above  the  glove  (“alligator  
another stands 20 feet to the right mouth”). After several passes
Each coach has 30+ balls at their feet ready to hit through the line, increase the speed
Coaches hit grounders to the fielders on their side of the of the grounders. Also, make the
infield, one at a time drill more advanced by hitting the
As players field the ball, they drop the ball into a bucket ball to either side of the fielders.
sitting on top of second base, then switch lines
When coaches run out of balls, a player runs in the
bucket,  dumps  half  the  balls  at  each  coach’s  location  and  
the drill repeats
Duration (Ages) Drill/Activity Coaching/Learning Points
10 min Station: Infield – Four Corners Throwing Emphasize good throws on the
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Setup bases at ¾ distance to shorten the throws runner side of the base, leading the
Have a player standing at each base fielder. Have players work on ball
Start throwing around the bases clockwise transfer between glove and
After  several  warmup  throws  each,  coach  signals  “go”   throwing hand and on good throws.
and then counts the number of catches made in 60 Keep several balls handy as there
seconds will be throws that get past the
Repeat the drill throwing the ball counter-clockwise fielders.

30 min Station: Outfield Each of these drills reinforces

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Blind toss important outfielding skills: (1)
o Younger ages: start with back to coach, toss ball good first step when chasing down
in  air,  yell  “ball”, and have player find and catch a fly ball, (2) picking up the ball in
o Older ages: start with back to coach, hit the ball the air and running to make the
of the bat and have player react to the sound of catch, (3) making accurate throws
the hit on a line to home plate. These
Hit  the  helmet  (place  helmet  10’  in  front  of  helmet,  toss   drills should be repeated so each
ball to fielder, throw to hit helmet on a fly): player gets 5 to 10 touches on each
drill. Also, to make this drill
effective, it must be repeated in
several  practices…not  just  one.    
Coaches should position themselves
to make corrections in technique
with  each  player  once  they’ve  
rotated to the back of the line.
Duration (Ages) Drill/Activity Coaching/Learning Points
10 min Station: Rapid Fire Throws – Infield Run through the line of players no
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Station a player as 1st baseman, in position to make a more than twice to ensure arms
catch (foot on the base), with an empty bucket on the don’t  get  hurt.    Emphasize  good  
ground position of both hands in front of
Remaining players, with gloves, positioned behind 2nd the chest when making the catch at
base in a line 2nd base. Demonstrate the proper
Coach has bucket of baseballs adjacent to 2nd base on the position of the shoulders (lined up
shortstop side with the 1st baseman) prior to each
Each player at 2nd base straddles the base and takes 8 throw. And work on a fast transfer
rapid tosses from coach in succession, transferring the of the ball from glove to throwing
ball from glove to throwing hand and making a throw to hand. To add some excitement for
1st baseman: the 1st baseman, have the last throw
from each player be in the dirt –
and work with 1st baseman on
proper fielding mechanics when
scooping bad throws.
1st baseman drops ball into the empty bucket on each
throw and gets ready for the next throw
For younger ages, a coach can play 1st base for safety
After 8 throws, player returns to the end of the line
10 min Station: Pitcher Covering First Base The purpose of this drill is to teach
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Station a player at pitcher, 1st base, and shortstop pitchers to cover first base on
Coach is at home plate grounders hit to the right side of the
Pitcher to coach at home who tosses a grounder to either infield (toward 1st or 2nd base). It
shortstop or 1st base also teaches the first baseman when
When grounder is to 1st base, the pitcher moves to cover to toss it to the pitcher or to tag the
the base base himself. Teach the first
The 1st baseman should toss the ball to the pitcher while baseman to wave the pitcher off if
they’re  on  the  run he takes it himself. Teach the
Coach mixes up with grounders to short so the pitcher pitcher to approach 1st base at a 45
doesn’t  over-anticipate degree angle. If necessary, setup
cones  to  guide  the  pitcher’s  run  to  
Repeat drill with a runner from home plate
the base.
The first baseman can decide whether to make the putout
by themselves or toss it to the pitcher.
Duration (Ages) Drill/Activity Coaching/Learning Points
10 min Station: Pitching – Hitting Spots Pitchers at the age of 10 and above
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Pair up a pitcher with a catcher in the bullpen (setup two should be working towards better
pitchers/catchers if there is space) control of their fastball, hitting
Have each pitcher throw 12 pitches with catcher setup spots inside and outside on batters.
down  the  middle…first  6  pitches  are  fastballs  down  the   This drill involves enough throws
middle, next 3 pitches are changeups, final 3 pitches are that it allows good initial control
fastballs increasing in speed progressively (down the middle) followed by
Pitcher throws 12 more pitches, with 4 thrown inside, 4 practice hitting spots.
down the middle, and 4 outside (catcher sets up in each
position before the throw)
Pitcher keeps track of number of pitches that hit the
glove in the proper position
10 min Station: Infield Grounders This is a drill that seeks to put basic
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Station players at each infield position, including catcher infielding skills to the test, but also
(no gear) do  it  at  “game  speed”.    By  having  
Coach hits grounders: throws go rapidly from fielder to 1st
o to 3rd base, throw to 1st, then to catcher, back to to catcher then back to the base, all
3rd for a tag on the base, then back to catcher players must remain engaged in the
o to shortstop, throw to 1st, then to catcher, back to play. Encourage the throws and
shortstop (tag on 2nd base), then back to catcher tags to be done rapidly, simulating
o to 2nd base, throw to 1st , then to catcher, back to a fast-paced game.
2nd (tag on 2nd base), then back to catcher
o to 1st, make the tag 1st base, throw to catcher,
back to 1st (for a repeat tag), then back to catcher
o bunt to catcher, throw to 1st, then back to catcher
(tag at home plate)
Repeat sequence doing double plays from 3rd to 1st to
catcher and the same from 2nd to 1st to catcher
10 min Station: “Hot  Potato” This is instructional, a little
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4-6 players get into in circle and in position to field a competitive and fun for the team.
ground ball (no gloves) The coach should be helping
Player/coach rolls the ball to wherever they wish players focus and giving pointers
Any player letting ball past them is out on fielding position.
Last player standing wins, using deception adds fun,
using two balls adds more fun.
Duration (Ages) Drill/Activity Coaching/Learning Points
15 min Station: Hitting Inside, Middle, Outside Batters become more effective
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Using cones behind 2nd base and shortstop positions, when they learn to recognize the
divide the field into thirds pitch they are hitting, and adjust
Setup L-screen 35 feet from home plate for batting their hitting accordingly. For a
practice right handed batter, the location
Position a player in left, center and right field where the bat should make contact
Remaining players wearing helmets and wait in dugout to with  the  ball  is  indicated  by  x’s:
Coach pitches ball at ¾ speed
Batter works to recognize whether pitch is inside, down
the middle or outside
Inside pitches should be pulled; down the middle should This drill works well in conjunction
be hit up the middle and outside pitches should be hit to with separate hitting stations for
opposite field soft toss and batting cage hitting.
Coach should vary pitch location to work on all three
After 3 hits to each zone, batters rotate
10 min Station: ESPN Pop-ups At younger ages, players  don’t  
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Use a tennis or wiffle ball always realize that they should run
Coach tosses a pop-up, making the player run for the ball for pop-ups, thinking that another
Players attempt ESPN  “highlight”  plays by running and player will make the catch. This
diving or sliding to make the catch game reinforces the importance of
Don’t  hit  or  throw  the ball too high; arc the ball as a 6 or going after the ball – and the ESPN
7 year old would hit it angle makes it a blast.
(teach players how to interact with others on the field)
Duration (Ages) Drill/Activity Coaching/Learning Points
15 min Team Play: Situation Drills – Infield The coach should work with
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Players in position at 1st, 2nd, 3rd and shortstop baserunners on judging whether to
Coach is at home plate hitting grounders break for 3rd base or not. The
Remaining players are in a line in centerfield wearing infielders should be communicating
helmets, ready to be baserunners with each other to alert the 1st
Baserunner starts at 2nd base baseman whether or not the runner
Grounder is hit to any one of the infielders is attempting to advance. Ensure
Runner attempts to advance from 2nd to 3rd base on the that the 3rd baseman is in the proper
throw to first base position to make the tag.
First baseman makes the catch at first and runs the ball
into the infield
If the runner breaks for 3rd base, the 1st baseman throws
the ball to 3rd where the 3rd baseman attempts to make the
tag out
Baserunners should slide into 3rd base on this drill
If the infield is too hard, move the drill to the outfield
and setup bases to make the slide safer into 3rd base
Rotate new players into positions after several rounds
through the infield with grounders
15 min Team Play: Throwing Star The coaches should make sure that
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Setup a player at 1st base, 2nd base, shortstop, 3rd base and players  stay  in  position  and  don’t  
catcher (no gear) cheat into infield. Emphasize good
Remaining players are behind home plate with helmets throws and rapid transfer of ball
Drill starts with a baserunner starting from home plate from glove to throwing hand. If
running to 1st base fielders make good catches and
When runner gets ½ way to 1st base, the coach throws a throws, they should beat the runner
ground ball to the 2nd baseman who fields the ball and every time.
throws to the 3rd baseman, who throws the ball to the 1st
baseman, who throws it to shortstop, who throws it home
Baserunner keeps running around the bases and tries to
beat the throw to home
Rotate players into positions every few runners
Duration (Ages) Drill/Activity Coaching/Learning Points
15 min Team Play: Bunting This is a good drill for practicing
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Infield and catcher take positions in the field bunting (hitters) and proper infield
Remaining players put on helmets and make a line by the rotations during the bunt.
3rd base dugout Emphasis should be placed on
The coach sets up two orange cones, separating the communication between 1st and 2nd
bunting zones into three sections: right side, middle, and basemen. Make sure all the
left side infielders get back to normal depth
The coach has a bucket of balls about 40 ft. from the before the next pitch is delivered.
plate for pitching to player that is bunting This drill can be repeated with
An empty bucket is placed at all three bases where force plays at 2nd and 3rd base.
infielders deposit fielded balls Prior to running a specific situation,
When the coach pitches, the bunter at the plate pushes the coach should walk the infield
the ball toward either line. through their proper motions after
the bunt.
The 1st and 3rd basemen charge the bunt and throw it to
the 2nd baseman covering the bag at 1st. The fielders must
play the ball out, even if it is not fielded cleanly.
After bunting, the batter goes to the end of the line
Rotate players in the field after ~10 bunt plays
Duration (Ages) Drill/Activity Coaching/Learning Points
15 min Team Play: Throwing Ball to Infield (Young Players) Young  players  don’t  always  know  
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Split team into two groups, with one group lined up in what to do when playing the
center field and the other lined up at second base outfield. This is a simple, but
effective, drill that teaches the
outfielder to make a play on the ball
and teaches the 2nd baseman to
cover the base.

Coach throws grounder or popup to center fielder

Second baseman runs to cover second base
Outfielder chases down the ball and throws to second
Outfielder goes to the back of the infielder line
Infielder goes to the back of the outfielder line
Duration (Ages) Drill/Activity Coaching/Learning Points
20 min Team Play: Situation Drills – Outfield These drills are focused on getting
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Players are positioned in left, center and right field the outfield to understand its role
Catcher should be in pads at home plate during different situations. The
1st baseman is mid-infield as the cutoff man coach should use each success and
Remaining players have helmets on and are in a line failure as an opportunity to teach
near bases involved in the drill the right thinking and skill. This is
Coach sets the drill as one of the following: also a good opportunity for runners
o Hit and run, with runner at second and attempted to make good decisions – whether
throw out at home to run home or not or whether or
o Shallow outfield popup with tag at 3rd, throw to not to take an extra base.
o Runners leading off of 1st and 3rd…catcher
attempts pickoff at 1st or 3rd with outfield
backups (coach pitches and coaches at bases)
o Overthrow of base on a force-out with outfield
backup and throws ahead of the runner (coaches
at bases)
Rotate outfielders and runners after 10 plays
15 min Team Play: Situation Drills – Infield/Outfield In this drill, everyone should be
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Players in positions – remainder of players wear helmets moving on every play. With
and are baserunners runners in position and hits to the
Coach is at home plate hitting ball to different positions outfield, there are lots of
No outs, runner at first base, coach at third, hit to players possibilities. Before each play,
in  outfield…throw  in  front  of  runner coach calls out the situation. After
No  outs,  runner  at  2nd  base,  grounder  to  infield…check   each play, coach comments on what
runner and throw to first base (repeat for runner at 3rd was done correctly and what should
base) be improved. If done wrong, repeat
No  outs,  runner  at  2nd  base,  fly  ball  to  outfield…hold   the situation with the same players
runner at second to reinforce the learning.
One  out,  runner  at  1st  base,  grounder  to  infield…get  the  
sure out
One out, runner at 1st and 3rd base, fly ball to
outfield…make throw to home OR hold runner at 1st,
depending upon depth of hit
Rotate runners and fielders every few plays
Duration (Ages) Drill/Activity Coaching/Learning Points
15 min Team Play: Ball in the Dirt A coach should be positioned at 1st
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Put players in all infield positions, including catcher base and one should be near the
(with full gear) catcher. The 1st base coach should
Remaining players put on helmets and wait in line at the be talking to the baserunner as if in
1st base dugout a game situation – telling them how
Drill can be run with coach or player as the pitcher much to lead and whether to go on
Start with runner at 1st base a passed ball or to come back (good
Pitcher throws from a stretch position and 1st baseman practice for the 1st base coach).
holds runner on base Provide instruction on primary and
Pitcher throws pitch to catcher and baserunner reads secondary lead. Coach near catcher
whether  the  ball  is  in  the  dirt  or  not…pitcher  should  vary   should be watching for blocking
pitches randomly, throwing roughly 1/3 of the pitches in technique and providing catcher
the dirt with critique. Drill can include a
throwdown to the base by the
If in the dirt, the catcher works to block the pitch from
catcher. It can also be run with
getting past and the baserunner extends their lead –
baserunners at 2nd or 3rd base.
stealing 2nd base, if possible
After each ball thrown in the dirt, rotate runners
Duration (Ages) Drill/Activity Coaching/Learning Points
15 min Team Play: Pick-off, Steal, and Catcher Throwdown This is a fun drill for the team, but
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Have players man positions at pitcher, catcher (in gear, it also teach many skills associated
including mask), 1st base and shortstop with stealing. The 1st baseman
One runner with helmet at 1st base practices giving the pitcher a target
Remainder of players have helmets on and wait in foul and making a good tag on a pickoff.
territory near the 1st base dugout The pitcher practices their pickoff
First base coach in coach’s  box move and their delivery from a
Runner leads off from 1st base stretch. The catcher gets to practice
Pitcher throws from stretch position while 1st baseman their throwdown, including
holds on the runner footwork. The shortstop can
practice proper positioning for the
Pitcher either delivers to the plate or executes pickoff
tag at second and the timing of the
move to 1st base
break for the base. And the
If pitcher delivers, runner steals 2nd base
baserunner learns how to take a
Shortstop breaks to 2nd base on the pitch to take the lead, the proper distance from 1st
throwdown from catcher base, the dive back into 1st on a
Runner  rotates  to  end  of  runner’s  line pickoff, reading the pitcher and
Change catchers and pitchers after each full rotation of sliding into 2nd base.
runners (to preserve arms)
If catchers and pitchers complain of
arm pain, the drill can be simplified
with coaches doing throws, with
players on 1st, 2nd and as runners.
(fun competition that reinforces basic skill development)
Duration (Ages) Drill/Activity Coaching/Learning Points
5 min Game: Tag This is more fun than instructional.
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Have all players wear their baseball gloves and stand in Even so, having the players run
the infield around with their gloves increases
Have players guess a number from 1 to 12 (or whatever their comfort with the glove. By
number  of  players  are  present)…the  person  who  guesses   teaching them to tag with the ball in
is  “it” the  glove,  they’ll  be  learning  a  skill  
The  person  that’s  “it” chases others around the infield that will become more important at
and only tags them if he/she uses the glove with the ball 8 years old and above. If the ball
in it doesn’t  stay  in  a  player’s  glove,  
have them tag with two hands.
20 min Game: Nickels This game is good practice for
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Make up 2 teams of 6 players offense and defense. Players hit the
In this game, there is no baserunning ball  so  it  can’t  be  fielded. The
Each player gets an at-bat coach can reinforce hitting
Outs are any ground ball fielded cleanly by infielder, any mechanics that are obviously wrong
ball in the air that is caught, or 3 strikes (it’s  hard  to  do  too  much  mechanics  
A single is any hit where there is an error in the infield or work during a game like this).
a ground ball gets through the infield Defense must be ready to make the
A double is any base hit that gets by the outfielders play  and  must  use  the  skills  they’ve  
been practicing in drills.
A triple is any ball hits the fence (or put another marker
up in the field)
A HR is a ball that makes it past a pre-set marker or
clears the fence
Have players in different positions every inning
Once  a  team  is  ready  to  hit  the  coach  pitches…if  
defensive players are not ready, too bad – this
encourages having gloves ready and running on and off
the field
Duration (Ages) Drill/Activity Coaching/Learning Points
5-10 min Game: Crosswise Throwing Relay Running this drill with a tennis ball
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Line up players in two lines as shown without gloves: and no gloves concentrates players
on catching with two hands and
making accurate throws.

Start with a tennis ball on one end of each group

Players throw back and forth to the next person in line
(crosswise) until the ball gets to the last person
Run this as a relay race with two teams or have all
players on one team and compete against time
15-30 min Game: Wiffle Home Run Derby This is a great game because it is
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Setup a base within 30 feet of the outfield fence fun and it forces players to have
Split group into two teams good hitting mechanics. The ball
One team is in the field, guarding the fence won’t  clear  the  fence  unless  there  is  
Other team is at-bat good bat speed and good contact.
Use small waffle balls (practice golf balls) This game can be played even
Each player on the batting team gets an at bat when it is drizzling or raining – in
fact,  it’s  probably  more  fun  in  the  
Count balls hit over the fence – balls intercepted by the
rain (for the players). Move the
fielding  team  (whether  or  not  caught)  that  don’t  clear  the  
base farther from the fence if too
fence do not count as a home run
many home runs are being hit.
Keep score (number of home runs total by each team)
Duration (Ages) Drill/Activity Coaching/Learning Points
5 min Game: Grounder Relay While a simple race, this activity
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Split team into two relay teams provides the opportunity to teach a
Line up both teams perpendicular to the foul line in the few simple, but important, skills:
outfield (Figure 1) Proper fielding position on
Players wear their fielding gloves grounders
Two coaches stand in center field and create a finish line Running with the glove
for runners tucked into the chest
Each coach has a soft (t-ball) baseball and rolls a Being ready to make a play
grounder to the first runner when its your turn (baseball
First runner fields the ball with their glove and runs to is a game of waiting,
the coach in center field interrupted  by  action…like  
When runner reaches coach, he/she throws a grounder to this race)
the next player in line who fields and runs to center field
(repeat until all players have made it to center field)
If there is an odd number of players, a coach or
brother/sister can fill in the last spot
Repeat the relay two or three times, mixing up teams if
they are very unbalanced
10 min Game: Baserunning Relay Race Before starting this race, show
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Split the team into 2 groups with half of the group lined runners  how  to  “round”  each  base  
up behind home plate and half of the group behind 2nd and how the foot should touch the
base base on the inside corner. For
safety, have a coach managing each
line to be sure the line of runners
stays out of the way of the runner
with the ball.

First runner in each line starts with a ball in hand and, on

the  coach’s  signal,  runs  around  the  bases  until  returning  
to  their  starting  base…where  the  ball  is  handed  to  the  
next runner
Continue through the group until each player has run
Duration (Ages) Drill/Activity Coaching/Learning Points
20 min Game: Cut-Throat Scrimmage While a fun game, cut-throat
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Divide team into three groups of 4 provides the opportunity to make
Two teams are on defense, one is at bat force-outs, for good baserunning,
Each time a team comes to bat, put a runner onto 1st base and is a way to give players many
4  runs  or  3  outs  ends  each  team’s  at  bat swings of the bat without running a
Coach pitches and players make plays like a real game boring batting practice.
15 min Game: Wiffle Ball Game The most important part of this is
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Use a large wiffle ball and an oversized plastic bat that  it’s  a  game.    Kids  like  games  
Split into two teams, have parents fill in positions on more than drills, so every practice
field should end with some kind of
If a ball is hit to a parent, the ball should be handed to the game. By using a wiffle ball and
next closest player with instructions on where to throw bat, the stress of getting hurt or of
the ball (be sure the player receiving the ball is looking) not getting a hit is eliminated. Kids
Team at bat stays in dugout or where dugout would can just play and enjoy the game.
normally be located There are a few technical points
Coach does soft toss to batter from 8 feet away in foul that can be reinforced during the
territory (i.e., not from direction of pitchers mound but game:
from the side) Running through first base
Run out all hits; if a force-out is made, then have player Running fast between bases
return to the bench and stopping on 2nd and 3rd
Every player bats, then switch teams at bat Batter should watch the ball
Three innings is the longest this game should last until it hits the bat
“Squish  the  bug”  (during  
the swing) with the foot
farthest  from  the  pitcher’s  
Players in the field can
shout  “1  – 2 – 3, hit the ball
to  ME!”  to  keep  them  
focused on the batter
Explain force-out if it
Have players race in and out
of dugout to reinforce hustle
on the field
Duration (Ages) Drill/Activity Coaching/Learning Points
15 min Game: Throwing Baseball Game The fun part of this game is that it
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Split into two teams, have parents fill in positions on looks like baseball, with fielding
field and running – but without the
Use a soft (t-ball) baseball complication of hitting. By
Team at bat stays in dugout or where dugout would whispering the position to which a
normally be located “hit”  should  be  directed,  the  coach  
Coach whispers to each batter which position to throw can teach the positions on the field.
the  ball  to  (i.e.,  their  “hit”) Those players that can throw the
Run  out  all  “hits”;;    if  a  force-out is made, then have ball hard enough to reach the
player return to the bench outfield will feel a real sense of
If  a  ball  is  “hit”  to  a  parent,  the  ball  should be handed to accomplishment doing that (and it
the next closest player with instructions on where to might give them a chance to stretch
throw the ball (be sure the player receiving the ball is their  “hit”  into  a  double).    
looking) Reinforce the following during the
Every  player  “hits”,  then  switch  teams  at  bat
Running through first base
Three innings is the longest this game should last
Running fast between bases
and stopping on 2nd and 3rd
Players in the field can
shout  “1  – 2 – 3, hit the ball
to  ME!”  to  keep  them  
focused on the batter
Explain force-out if it
Have players race in and out
of dugout to reinforce hustle
on the field

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