GM Section 7 The Robot

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7.0 The Robot

7.1 Overview
A FIRST Tech Challenge Robot is a remotely operated vehicle designed and built by a registered FIRST Tech
Challenge Team to perform specific tasks when competing in the annual game challenge. This section
provides rules and requirements for the design and construction of a Robot. Teams should be familiar with the
Robot and game rules before beginning Robot design.

7.2 Robot Control System

A FIRST Tech Challenge Robot is controlled by an Android-based platform powered by Snapdragon
processors. Teams will use two (2) Android devices to control their Robot and compete in a “Sports Start”
model of competition. One Android device is mounted directly onto the Robot and acts as a Robot Controller.
The other Android device is connected to a pair of gamepads and acts as the Driver Station.

For more information, tutorials, and to access our Android Technology forum, please visit:

7.2.1 Robot Technology Definitions

Core Device Interface Module – A USB-enabled device that can be used to provide input/output ports for the
Robot Controller. The Core Device Interface Module has 8 digital I/O ports, 8 analog input ports, 2 analog
output ports, 2 PWM output ports and 6 high speed (100kHz) I2C ports.

Core Motor Controller – A USB-enabled DC motor controller with two (2) motor control channels.

Core Power Distribution Module – The electronic device that connects the Robot Controller Android device to
one or more USB-enabled modules such as the Core Motor Controller, Core Servo Controller, and the Core
Device Interface Module. The Core Power Distribution Module draws power from an approved 12V battery to
power an internal USB Hub, DC motor controllers and servo controllers, and certain specified electronics.

Core Servo Controller – A USB-enabled servo controller with six (6) servo control channels.

Driver Station – Hardware and software used by a Drive Team to control their Robot during a Match. The
Driver Station consists of an Android device; FIRST Tech Challenge supplied Android App; adapter cable(s);
optional USB Hub; an optional, commercial, off the shelf, USB external battery connected to the USB Hub to
charge the Android device; and up to two controllers to drive the Robot. Teams may use either of the two
models of controller device(s) in any combination– either the Logitech F310 Gamepad Controllers or the Xbox
360 Controller for Windows (Part #: 52A-00004). The Driver Station also includes any components used to
hold the above listed legal devices.

Java – The recommended programming language for the Robot Controller.

Logic Level Converter – An electronic device that allows an encoder or sensor, that operates using 5V logic
levels, to work with the REV Expansion Hub, which operates using 3.3V logic levels. This device may contain a
step-up voltage converter (from 3.3V to 5V) and a dual channel, bidirectional logic level converter. This device
may be used directly with a 5V digital sensor or with an I2C Sensor Adaptor Cable to a 5V I2C sensor.

I2C Sensor Adapter Cable – An adapter to change the pin orientation of the REV Robotics Logic Level
Converter to match a Modern Robotics compatible I2C sensor.
Mini USB to OTG (On-The-Go) Micro Cable – The connection between the Robot Controller and the Core
Power Distribution Module or REV Expansion Hub.

Modern Robotics Core Control Modules – The Core Motor Controller, the Core Servo Controller, the Core

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Power Distribution Module, and the Core Device Interface Module are all considered to be Core Control

Modern Robotics Sensors – Sensors designed by Modern Robotics that connect to the Core Device Interface

Op Mode – An Op Mode (short for "operational mode") is software that is used to customize the behavior of a
competition Robot. The Robot Controller can execute a selected Op Mode to perform certain tasks during a

OTG Micro Adapter – Connects a USB hub to Micro USB OTG (On-The-Go) port on the Driver Station Android

REV Expansion Hub – An integrated electronic device with four (4) DC motor channels, six (6) servo channels,
eight (8) digital I/O channels, four (4) analog input channels, and four (4) independent I2C buses. The REV
Expansion Hub draws power from an approved 12V battery to power these input/output channels.

REV SPARK Mini Motor Controller - An electronic device that accepts a PWM control signal (from a servo
controller) and supplies 12V power to a DC motor.

REV Robotics Sensors – Sensors designed by REV Robotics that connect to the REV Expansion Hub.

REV Servo Power Module – An electronic device that boosts the power supplied to 3-wire servos. A REV
Servo Power Module has 6 input servo ports and 6 matching output ports. It draws power from a 12V source
and provides 6V power to each output servo port. A REV Servo Power Module can provide up to 15A of
current across all output servo ports for a total of 90 Watts of power per module.

Robot Controller – An Android device located on the Robot that processes Team written software, reads on-
board sensors, and receives commands from the Drive Team by way of the Driver Station. The Robot
Controller sends instructions to the motor and servo controllers to make the Robot move.

USB Mini Type B Cable – These cables are used to connect the USB-enabled modules (Core DC Motor
Controller, Core Servo Controller and Core Device Interface) to the Core Power Distribution Module. The
cables provide 5V DC power to the modules and send information to/from the modules.

UVC Compatible Camera – A USB Video Class (UVC) Compatible Camera is a digital camera that conforms to
the USB Video Class specification.

7.3 Robot Rules

Anyone that has attended a FIRST Tech Challenge tournament knows that Teams think outside the kit-of-parts
to create unique and creative Robots. The intent of the Robot construction rules is to create a level playing field
and a framework for Teams to build Robots that safely play the annual game challenge. Teams should read all
the Robot rules before building. Teams can also reference our Legal and Illegal Parts List on our website for
common legal and illegal Robot parts. Some suppliers’ websites may claim that a part is FIRST Tech
Challenge approved. The only official references for the legality of parts and materials are the Game Manual
Part 1, the Legal and Illegal Parts List, and the Official Game Q&A Forum.

7.3.1 General Robot Rules

It is the intent of FIRST to encourage creativity in design as long as it does not present a safety hazard or
unfairly affect the opportunities of any opposing-Alliance Teams to compete. Although there is significant
creative freedom allowed in the Robot design rules, Teams should consider the adverse effects of any design
decisions that they make. When considering your Robot design and your game strategy, ask yourself the
following questions. If the answer to any of these questions is yes, the design part is not allowed:

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• Could it damage or disable another Robot?

• Could it damage the Playing Field?
• Could it injure a participant or volunteer?
• Is there already a rule that restricts this?
• If everybody did this, would the game play be impossible?

<RG01> Illegal Parts - The following types of mechanisms and parts are not allowed:

a. Those used in a Robot drive system that could potentially damage the Playing Field and/or Scoring
Elements such as high traction wheels (for example, AM-2256) and high grip tread (for example, Rough

b. Those that could potentially damage or flip other competing Robots.

c. Those that contain hazardous materials such as mercury switches, lead, or lead containing
compounds, or lithium polymer batteries (except for the Android devices’ internal batteries).

d. Those that pose an unnecessary risk of entanglement.

e. Those that contain sharp edges or corners.

f. Those that contain animal-based materials (because of health and safety concerns).

g. Those that contain liquid or gel materials.

h. Those that contain materials that would cause a delay of game if released (for example, loose ball
bearings, coffee beans, etc.).

i. Those that are designed to electrically ground the Robot frame to the Playing Field.

j. Closed gas devices (for example, gas storage vessel, gas spring, compressors, etc.).

k. Hydraulic devices.

<RG02> Maximum Starting Size - The maximum size of the Robot for starting a Match is 18 inches (45.72
cm) wide by 18 inches (45.72 cm) long by 18 inches (45.72 cm) high. A Robot Sizing Tool will be used as the
official gauge to make sure Robots comply with this rule. To pass inspection a Robot must fit within the sizing
tool while in its Match start configuration without exerting force on the sides or top of the sizing tool. Robots
may expand beyond the starting size constraint after the start of the Match. Preloaded game elements may
extend outside the starting volume constraint.

The Robot must be self-supporting while in the Robot Sizing tool by either:

a. A mechanical means with the Robot in a power-OFF condition. Any restraints used to maintain starting
size (that is, zip ties, rubber bands, string, etc.) must remain attached to the Robot for the entire Match.

b. A Robot Initialization Routine in the Autonomous Op Mode that may pre-position the servo motors, with
the Robot powered on, to the desired stationary position.

i. If the Robot Initialization Routine moves the servos when a program is executed, there must be
an indication label on the Robot. A warning label placed near the Robot’s main power switch is
required. Attach the image (“WARNING! - Robot moves on Initialization”) to your Robot near the
Robot main power switch if servos are commanded to move during the initialization routine. To
be easily seen by field personnel the label should be at least 1 in x 2.63 in (2.54 cm x 6.68 cm,
Avery Label # 5160) and placed on a flat surface (not wrapped around corners or cylinders).:
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<RG03> Robot Controller Mount – It is recommended the Robot Controller be accessible and visible by field
personnel. If a Team’s Robot Controller is not accessible or visible to field personnel, the Team may not
receive adequate support from the field personnel.

The Robot Controller should be mounted so the display screen is protected from contact with the Playing Field
elements and other Robots. This and other electrical parts (for example, batteries, motor and servo controllers,
switches, sensors, wires) make poor bumpers and are unlikely to survive Robot-to-Robot contact during game

Important Note: The Robot Controller contains a built-in wireless radio that communicates with the Android
device in the Driver Station. The Robot Controller should not be obscured by metal or other material that could
block or absorb the radio signals from the Robot Controller.

<RG04> Maximum Robot Weight – Robots must not weigh more than 42 pounds (19.05 kg) including battery.
To account for variances between scales, there will be a .5 pound (.23kg) overage allowance on top of the 42
pound weight limit. This weight constraint includes one set of Team supplied Alliance Marker (either red or
blue) and it does not include the Team Scoring Element. If a Team is using multiple mechanisms that will be
swapped out between Matches, all parts and the Robot must be weighed together during weight inspection.
The Robot and all mechanisms must not weigh more than 42 pounds.

<RG05> Team Number Display - Robots must prominently display their Team number (numerals only, for
example “12345”) on two separate signs.

a. The judges, referees, and announcers must be able to easily identify Robots by Team number.

b. Team number must be visible from at least two opposite sides of the Robot (180 degrees apart).

c. The numerals must each be at least 2.5 inches (6.35 cm) high, at least in 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) stroke
width, and in a contrasting color from their background. Minimum size requirements can be met with
Arial Font, Bold, 250 point.

d. Team numbers must be robust enough to withstand the rigors of Match play. Example robust materials
include: 1) self-adhesive numbers (mailbox or vinyl numbers) mounted on polycarbonate sheet, wood
panel, metal plate, etc. or 2) Ink jet or laser printed numbers on paper and laminated.

<RG06> Alliance Marker – Robots must include a Team supplied, Alliance specific marker on two opposite
sides of the Robot to easily identify which Alliance a Robot is assigned to. The Alliance Marker must be
displayed on the same side of the Robot as the Team number, within a 3” distance of the number. The Alliance
Marker must be visible to the Referees during a Match.

a. The Red Alliance Marker must be a solid red square, approximately 2.5 inches x 2.5 inches (6.35 cm x
6.35 cm) +/- 0.25 inches (0.64 cm).

b. The Blue Alliance Marker must be a solid blue circle, approximately 2.5 inches (6.35 cm) +/- 0.25
inches (0.64 cm) in diameter.

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c. Both Alliance Markers must be removeable in order to swap them between Matches.

d. The Alliance Marker must be robust enough to withstand the rigors of Match play. Example robust
materials include: 1) Alliance Marker template printed and laminated; mounted on polycarbonate sheet,
wood panel, metal plate, etc.

The intent of this rule is to allow easy identification of the Robot and their Alliance to field personnel. Alliance
flags will no longer be provided by Tournament Directors. A template for Teams is located on our website.

<RG07> Allowed Energy Sources - Energy used by FIRST Tech Challenge Robots (that is, stored at the
start of a Match), shall come only from the following sources:

a. Electrical energy drawn from approved batteries.

b. A change in the position of the Robot center of gravity.

c. Storage achieved by deformation of Robot parts. Teams must be careful when incorporating spring-like
mechanisms or other items to store energy on their Robot by means of part or material deformation.

<RG08> Launching Robot Parts - Parts of the Robot itself may not be launched, even if the part launched is
still connected to the Robot by a tether (for example, wire, rope, or cable).

<RG09> Launching Game Scoring Elements – Robots can launch scoring elements through the air unless
limited by a game specific rule. Teams must only launch the elements with enough velocity to score. Launching
elements with excessive velocity could create a safety hazard for other Teams and field personnel. If the
referees feel that a Robot is launching scoring elements with excessive velocity, the Robot must be re-
inspected. Robots must then show that a launched scoring element cannot travel in the air more than a 16 ft.
(4.88 m) distance or more than 6 ft. (1.83 m) in elevation.

7.3.2 Robot Mechanical Parts and Materials Rules

<RM01> Allowed Materials - Teams may use raw and post-processed materials to build their Robots,
provided they are readily available to the majority of Teams from standard distributors (for example, McMaster-
Carr, Home Depot, Grainger, AndyMark, TETRIX/PITSCO, MATRIX/Modern Robotics, REV Robotics, etc.).

Examples of allowed raw materials are:

• Sheet goods
• Extruded shapes
• Metals, plastics, wood, rubber, etc.
• Magnets
Examples of allowed post-processed materials are:
• Perforated sheet and diamond plate
• Injection molded parts
• 3D printed parts
• Cable, string, rope, filament, etc.
• Springs of all types: compression, extension, torsion,
surgical tubing, etc.

<RM02> Commercial Off-The-Shelf Parts - Teams may use Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) mechanical
parts that have a single degree of freedom. A single degree of freedom is a system whose motion is defined by

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a single, independent, co-ordinate (or function)1.

It is the intent of FIRST to encourage Teams to design their own mechanisms rather than buying pre-designed
and pre-manufactured solutions to achieve the game challenge. Purchased mechanism kits (for example,
grippers) that violate the single degree of freedom rule, either assembled or requiring assembly, are not
allowed. COTS drive chassis (for example, AndyMark TileRunner, REV Robotics Build Kit) are allowed
provided none of the individual parts violate any other rules.

Examples of allowed single degree of freedom parts:

• Linear Slide
• Single Speed (non-shifting) gearboxes
• Pulley
• Lazy Susan
• Lead screws
Examples of illegal multiple degrees of freedom parts:
• Gripper assemblies or kits
• Ratcheting wrenches

<RM03> Holonomic Wheels - Holonomic wheels (omni or mechanum) are allowed.

<RM04> Modifying Materials and COTS Parts - Allowed materials and legal COTS parts may be modified
(drilled, cut, painted, etc.), as long as no other rules are violated.

<RM05> Allowed Assembly Methods - Welding, brazing, soldering, and fasteners of any type are legal
methods for assembling a Robot.

<RM06> Lubricant - Any COTS lubricant is allowed, if it doesn’t contaminate the Playing Field, scoring
elements or other Robots.

7.3.3 Robot Electrical Parts and Materials Rules

There are many possible ways to build and wire a Robot. These rules provide specific requirements on what is
and is not allowed. Teams must ensure that electrical and electronic devices are used consistently with
manufacturer's requirements and specifications. Teams are encouraged to review the FIRST Tech Challenge
Robot Wiring Guide for suggestions on how to build a Robot with safe and reliable wiring.

<RE01> Main Power Switch - The Robot Main Power Switch must control all power provided by the Robot
main battery pack. FIRST requires Teams to use either the TETRIX (part # W39129), MATRIX (part # 50-
0030), or REV (REV-31-1387) power switch. This is the safest method for Teams and field personnel to shut
down a Robot.

The Robot main power switch must be mounted or positioned to be readily accessible and visible to field
personnel. A Main Robot Power label must be placed near the Main Power Switch of the Robot. Attach the
image (“POWER BUTTON”) to your Robot near the Main Power Switch. To be easily seen by field personnel
the label should be at least 1 in x 2.63 in (2.54 cm x 6.68 cm, Avery Label # 5160) and placed on a flat surface

See Accessed on 7/10/2018

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(not wrapped around corners or cylinders).

The Robot Main Power Switch should be mounted on

the Robot so it is protected from Robot-to-Robot
contact to avoid inadvertent actuation or damage.

<RE02> Battery Mount - Batteries must be securely attached (for example, VELCRO, zip tie, rubber band) to
the Robot in a location where they will not make direct contact with other Robots or the Playing Field.

<RE03> Robot Main Battery – All Robot power is provided by a single 12V Robot main battery.

The only allowed Robot main power battery packs are:

a. TETRIX (W39057, formally 739023) 12V DC battery pack

b. Modern Robotics/MATRIX (14-0014) 12V DC battery pack

c. REV Robotics (REV-31-1302) 12V DC Slim Battery pack

Note: There are similar looking batteries available from

multiple sources, but the ONLY legal batteries are those
listed above.

<RE04> Fuses - must not be replaced with fuses of higher rating than originally installed or according to
manufacturer's specifications; fuses may not be shorted out. Fuses must not exceed the rating of those closer
to the battery. If necessary, a fuse may be replaced with a smaller rating. Replaceable fuses must be single
use only; self-resetting fuses (breakers) are not allowed.

<RE05> Robot Power - Robot power is constrained by the following:

a. Allowed electronic devices may only be powered by power ports on the Core Power Distribution Module
or the REV Expansion Hub except as follows:

i. The Core Power Distribution Module or REV Expansion Hub is powered by the Robot main

ii. REV SPARK Mini Motor Controllers are powered by the Robot main battery.

iii. Allowed sensors connected to the Core Device Interface Module or the REV Expansion Hub.

iv. Light sources per <RE12>.

v. Video cameras per <RE13>.

b. The Robot Controller Android device must be powered by its own internal battery or by the built-in
charging feature of the REV Expansion Hub; external power is not allowed.

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<RE06> Android Devices - The following Android devices are allowed:

a. ZTE Speed

b. Motorola Moto G 2nd Generation

c. Motorola Moto G 3rd Generation Starting in the 2020-2021 season, the

ZTE Speed, Google Nexus 5, and
d. Motorola Moto G4 Play Samsung S5 will no longer be allowed
for use at any FIRST Tech Challenge
e. Motorola Moto G5 Tournament.
f. Motorola Moto G5 Plus

g. Motorola Moto E4 (USA versions only, includes SKUs XT1765, XT1765PP, XT1766, and XT1767)

h. Motorola Moto E5 (includes XT1920 and XT1925)

i. Google Nexus 5*

j. Samsung Galaxy S5*

i. No other devices may be used as Robot Controllers or in Driver Stations. See Rule <RS03> for
the approved list of Android Operating System versions.

ii. Exactly one (1) Android device must be used as the Robot Controller and the USB interface
may only connect to the Core Power Distribution Module, a REV Expansion Hub, or a USB hub.

*Does not support Wi-Fi Direct channel changing through the Robot Controller app. Having the ability to switch
to a different channel during an event is important if there is any wireless interference or bandwidth issues on a
specific channel.

<RE07> Control Module Quantities - Robot control module quantities are constrained as follows:

a. Exactly one (1) Core Power Distribution Module is required for Teams using any Modern Robotics Core
Control Modules.

b. No more than two (2) Core Device Interface Modules are allowed.

c. Any quantity of Core Motor, or Core Servo Controllers are allowed.

d. Any quantity of REV Servo Power Modules is allowed.

e. No more than two (2) REV Expansion Hubs are allowed.

f. Any quantity of REV SPARK Mini Motor Controllers are allowed.

g. The REV Control Hub is not allowed.

h. The Core Legacy Module is not allowed.

<RE08> Motor and Servo Controllers - Motor and Servo Controllers are allowed in the following
configuration: Core Motor Controllers, Core Servo Controllers, REV Expansion Hub, REV Servo Power
Module, and REV SPARK Mini Motor Controllers in any combination.

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<RE09> DC Motors – A maximum of eight (8) DC motors are allowed in any combination. The only allowed
motors are:

a. TETRIX 12V DC Motor

b. AndyMark NeveRest series 12V DC Motors

c. Modern Robotics/MATRIX 12V DC Motors

d. REV Robotics HD Hex 12V DC Motor

e. REV Robotics Core Hex 12V DC Motor

No other DC motors are allowed.

<RE10> Servos – A maximum of twelve (12) servos are allowed. Any servo that is compatible with the
attached servo controller is allowed. Servos may only be controlled and powered by an allowed Servo
Controller, REV Expansion Hub or REV Servo Power Module (when used with an allowed Servo Controller or
REV Expansion Hub). Servos may be rotary or linear but are limited to 6V or less and must have the three-wire
servo connector.

Teams should be prepared during Robot inspection to show

documentation confirming that the servos individually and together on
the same servo controller do not exceed the manufacturer specifications
for the controller.

The VEX EDR 393 motor is considered a servo and it is subject to the maximum, an overall total of twelve (12)
servos. Core Servo Controllers may control up to two (2) VEX EDR 393 Motors per module. A VEX Motor
Controller 29 must be used between a servo module and each VEX EDR 393 motor. REV Expansion Hubs
must use a REV Servo Power Module between the REV Expansion Hub and the VEX Motor Controller 29. A
maximum of two (2) VEX EDR 393 Motors may be controlled/powered per REV Servo Power Module.

<RE11> Sensors - Sensors are subject to the following constraints:

a. Compatible sensors from any manufacturer may be connected to the Core Device Interface Module or
REV Expansion Hub.

b. Compatible sensors from any manufacturer may be connected to the Logic Level Converter and/or the
I2C Sensor Adapter Cable. Refer to Rule <RE14.k> for details on the use of Logic Level Converter and
the I2C Sensor Adapter Cable.

c. Passive electronics may be used as recommended by sensor manufacturers at the interfaces to the

d. Voltage sensors are allowed; except on an output port of a motor or servo controller.

e. Current sensors are allowed; except on an output port of a motor or servo controller.

f. Simple I2C multiplexers are allowed and they may only be connected to and powered from the I2C
connections available on the Core Device Interface Module or the REV Expansion Hub.

g. Voltage and/or current sensors are also allowed to connect between the battery pack and the REV
Expansion Hub or Core Power Distribution Module.

<RE12> Light Sources - Functional and/or decorative light sources (including LEDs) are allowed with the
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following constraints:

a. Focused or directed light sources (for example: lasers and mirrors) are not allowed except for the REV
Robotics 2m Distance sensor (REV-31-1505).

b. Light-source control by compatible ports on the REV Expansion Hub and Modern Robotics Core
Control Modules is allowed.

c. Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) interface modules (without user programmable microprocessors) are
allowed between the light source and the components listed in <RE12>b.

d. The only approved power sources for lights are as follows:

i. Internal (as supplied by the Commercial Off the Shelf manufacturer) battery pack or battery

ii. Power ports on the Core Power Distribution Module.

iii. Motor-control ports on the Core Motor Controller Module.

iv. REV Expansion Hub Motor-control ports, spare XT30 ports, 5V auxiliary power ports, and I2C
sensor ports.

<RE13> Video Cameras

a. Self-contained video recording devices (GoPro or similar) are allowed providing they are used only for
non-functional post- Match viewing and the wireless capability is turned off. Approved self-contained
video cameras must be powered by an internal battery (as supplied by the manufacturer).

b. UVC Compatible Cameras are allowed for computer vision-related tasks. It is recommended that UVC
Compatible Cameras be connected to the Robot Controller through a powered USB hub that is in turn
connected to the Robot Controller through an OTG adapter.

<RE14> Robot Wiring - Robot wiring is constrained as follows:

a. USB Surge Protectors connected to USB cables are allowed.

b. Ferrite chokes (beads) on wires and cables are allowed.

c. A Mini USB to OTG (On-The-Go) Micro Cable or any combination of a Mini USB cable, a USB hub, and
an OTG Micro Adapter may be used to connect the Robot Controller Android device to the Robot
electronics. Note that the OTG Micro Adapter may be integrated into the USB hub. These devices may
connect to the Robot electronics in the following ways:

i. Built-in USB input port of the Core Power Distribution Module, or

ii. Built-in USB input port of the REV Expansion Hub, or

iii. A USB hub that connects to the built-in USB input port of the REV Expansion Hub. If a powered
hub is used, it must draw its energy from either

i. A commercial USB battery pack, or

ii. A 5V auxiliary power port on a REV Expansion Hub.

d. Non-powered USB hubs connected to the Core Power Distribution Module are allowed.

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e. Anderson Powerpole, and similar crimp or quick-connect style connectors are required to connect
downstream electronics with the Core Power Distribution Module and are recommended for joining
electrical wires throughout the Robot. Power distribution splitters are recommended where appropriate
to reduce wiring congestion. All connectors and distribution splitters should be appropriately insulated.

f. Installed connectors (such as battery-pack connectors, battery charger connectors, and Core Power
Distribution Module power input connectors) may be replaced with Anderson Powerpole or any
compatible connector.

g. Power and motor control wires must use consistent color-coding with different colors used for the
positive (red, white, brown, or black with a stripe) and negative/common (black or blue) wires.

h. Wire and cable management products of any type are permitted (for example, cable ties, cord clips,
sleeving, etc.).

i. Wire insulation materials of any type are permitted when used to insulate electrical wires or secure
motor control wires to motors (for example, electrical tape, heat shrink, etc.).

j. Power, motor control, servo, encoder, and sensor wires and their connectors may be extended,
modified, custom made, or COTS subject to the following constraints:

i. Power wires are 18 AWG or larger.

ii. Motor control wires as follows:

ii 22 AWG or larger for TETRIX Max 12V DC motors and REV Robotics Core Hex (REV-
41-1300) 12V DC motors

ii 18 AWG or larger for all other 12V DC motors

iii. PWM (servo) wires are 20 AWG or 22 AWG.

iv. Sensor wires should be the same size or larger than the original wiring.

Teams should be prepared during Robot inspection to show

documentation confirming the wire gauges used; particularly
for multi-conductor cables.

k. Logic Level Converters – Logic Level Converters that are used to connect a REV Expansion Hub to a
5V-compatible I2C sensor or a 5V-compatible digital sensor are allowed. Exactly one Logic Level
Converter per I2C device and one Logic Level Converter per digital sensor are allowed. A Logic Level
Converter should only draw power from the REV Expansion Hub.

l. Electrically grounding the Control System electronics to the frame of the Robot is only permitted using
a FIRST-approved, commercially manufactured Resistive Grounding Strap. The only Resistive
Grounding Strap approved for use is the REV Robotics Resistive Grounding Strap (REV-31-
1269). Teams that have electronics with Powerpole-style connectors may also use the REV
Robotics Anderson Powerpole to XT30 Adapter (REV-31-1385) in conjunction with the REV Robotics
Resistive Grounding Strap. No other grounding straps or adapters are permitted. For additional details
on installation of the grounding strap or adapter, please see the Robot Wiring Guide.

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<RE15> Modifying Electronics - Approved electrical and electronic devices may be modified to make them
more usable; they may not be modified internally or in any way that affects their safety.

Examples of modifications that are allowed:

• Shortening or extending wires
• Replacing or adding connectors on wires
• Shortening motor shafts
• Replacing gearboxes and/or changing gears
Examples of modifications that are not allowed:
• Replacing an H-Bridge in a motor controller
• Rewinding a motor
• Replacing a fuse with a higher value than specified by the manufacturer
• Shorting out a fuse

<RE16> Driver Station Constraints – Teams provide their own Driver Station and it must comply with the
following constraints:

a. The Driver’s Station must consist only of:

i. One (1) Android device

ii. One (1) OTG Cable

iii. No more than one (1) USB hub

iv. No more than one (1) COTS USB external battery

v. No more than two (2) gamepads

vi. Any components used to hold the above listed legal devices.

b. The Driver Station Android device USB interface may only connect to either:

i. A Mini USB to OTG (On-The-Go) cable or combination of cables connected to a USB Hub, or

ii. One (1) gamepad and an OTG Micro Adapter.

c. One optional COTS USB external battery connected to the USB Hub to charge the Android device is

d. The only allowed gamepads are listed below. They may be used in any combination.

i. Logitech F310 gamepad (Part# 940-00010)

ii. Xbox 360 Controller for Windows (Part# 52A-00004)

e. The touch display screen of the Driver Station must be accessible and visible by field personnel.

Important Note: The Driver Station is a wireless device with a built-in wireless radio. During a Match, the
Driver Station should not be obscured by metal or other material that could block or absorb the radio signals
from the Driver Station.

<RE17> Additional Electronics – Electronic devices that are not specifically addressed in the preceding rules
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are not allowed. A partial list of electronics that are not allowed includes: Arduino boards, Raspberry Pi, relays,
and custom circuits.

7.3.4 Robot Software Rules

<RS01> Android Device Names - Each Team MUST “name” their Robot Controller with their official FIRST
Tech Challenge Team number and –RC (for example, “12345-RC”). Each Team MUST “name” their Driver
Station with their official Team number and –DS (for example, 12345-DS). Teams with more than one Driver
Station or Robot Controller Android device must name these devices with the Team number followed by a
hyphen then a letter designation beginning with “A” (for example, “12345-A-RC”, “12345-B-RC”).

<RS02> Recommended Programming Language - Java and the Blocks Development Tool are the
recommended programming languages for the FIRST Tech Challenge. The minimum allowed app version
number is 5.2. Programming must be done using one of the following applications:

a. FTC Blocks Development tool – a visual, blocks-based programming tool hosted by the Robot

b. Android Studio – a text-based integrated development environment.

c. Java Native Interface (JNI) & Android Native Development Kit (NDK) – Teams can incorporate native
code libraries into their apps using the JNI framework and the Android NDK.

d. FTC OnBot Java Programming tool – a text-based integrated development environment hosted by the
Robot Controller.

If mandatory updates are announced by FIRST later in the season, Teams must install them before the time of
competition. Additionally, beta versions of the software are allowed at official tournaments.

<RS03> Allowed Android Operating Systems - The only allowed operating systems for the Robot Controller
and Driver Station Android devices are:

a. ZTE Speed: 4.4 or higher (Kit Kat)

b. Motorola Moto E4, Motorola Moto E5, Motorola Moto G4 Play, Motorola Moto G5, Motorola Moto G5
Plus,: 7.0 or higher (Nougat)

c. Motorola Moto G 2nd Generation, Motorola Moto G 3rd Generation, Google Nexus 5, Samsung Galaxy
S5: 6.0 or higher (Marshmallow)

IMPORTANT: Rules <RS02> or <RS03> do not require that Teams upgrade to the latest version of
the software. A mandatory upgrade would only be required if FIRST determined there was a critical
software fix that must be adopted by Teams. Mandatory upgrades will be communicated in the
following ways:
• Via Team Blast – The mandatory upgrade and version number will be communicated to
Teams on the Team Blast, which will also show the date the required upgrade must be
• Online – the minimally required software will be listed on our Technology Resources page,
with the date Teams are required to make the mandatory software upgrade.
• Forum – The minimally required software will be listed in the Technology Forum page, with
the date Teams are required to make the mandatory software upgrade.
Templates for all programming choices are available through the links located at

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<RS04> Autonomous to Driver-Controlled Transition - Teams that expect to operate their Robot during the
Autonomous period must demonstrate during Field Inspection the Driver Station switches the Robot Controller
between Autonomous mode and Driver-Controlled mode.

<RS05> Robot Controller App - The Robot Controller must have a designated “FTC Robot Controller” app
that is the default application for the Core Robot modules (Servo, Motor, and Device Interface) or the REV
Expansion Hub. The Robot Controller App must not be installed on the Driver Station Android Device.

<RS06> Driver Station App – Teams must install the official “FTC Driver Station” app onto their Driver Station
Android Device and use this app to control their Robot during a Match. The Driver Station software version
number must match the version number of the Robot Controller app. The Driver Station App must not be
installed on the Robot Controller Android Device.

<RS07> Android Device Operating System Settings - The Robot Controller and Driver Station must be set

a) Airplane mode must be turned on

b) Bluetooth must be turned off

c) Wi-Fi must be turned on.

<RS08> Wi-Fi Direct Channel Changing App - The Robot Controller must have the FIRST Tech Challenge
“Wi-Fi Direct Channel Changing” App installed (ZTE Speed ONLY).

<RS09> Software Modification - Teams are not allowed to modify the FIRST Tech Challenge Driver Station
App in any fashion. When using the Robot Controller SDK, Teams are not allowed to replace or modify the
portions of the SDK which are distributed as binary .AAR files.

<RS10> Driver Station Communication - Communication between the Robot and Driver Station is only
allowed via the Robot Controller and Driver Station applications.

Communication between the Robot Controller and the Driver Station is limited to the unmodified mechanisms
provided by the official FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) software, which consists of the official FTC Software
Development Kit (SDK), the FTC Robot Controller app, and the FTC Driver Station app. Teams are not
permitted to stream audio, video or other data using third-party software or modified versions of the FTC
software. Teams may only use the unmodified telemetry feature included with the FTC software to transfer
additional data between the Robot Controller and the Driver Station. Software that is preinstalled by an
approved phone’s manufacturer and cannot be disabled is exempt from this constraint.

During a Match, a Team’s Robot Controller and a Team’s Driver Station are not allowed to be connected
wirelessly to any other device besides each other.

7.4 Team Scoring Element

The Team Scoring Element is an object that Teams create and bring to a competition to be used in the current
season’s game. The Team Scoring Element must pass Inspection before it can be used in a Match.

For the 2019-2020 SKYSTONE℠ game, the Team Scoring Element is called the Capstone.

<TE01> Material Constraints - The Team Scoring Element is subject to the Robot Mechanical Parts and
Materials Rules in section 7.3.2.

<TE02> Size Constraints - The maximum size of the Team Scoring Element is 4 inches (10.16 cm) by 4
inches (10.16 cm) by 8 inches (20.32 cm). The minimum size of the TSE is 3 inches (7.62 cm) by 3 inches
(7.62 cm) by 4 inches (10.16cm).
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<TE03> Team Number - The Team Scoring Element must be labeled with their Team number (numerals only,
for example “12345”) The letters must be legible when viewed from 12 inches away. The Team number needs
to appear only once on the Team Scoring Element.

<TE04> Illegal Parts - The following types of mechanisms and parts are not allowed:

a. Electronics.

b. Any other part or material that violates Robot construction rules outlined in section 7.3.

<TE05> Current season’s Scoring Elements may not be used as the Team Scoring Element.

Section 7 – The Robot Revision 1.1: 9.9.2019

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