What Are Tilings and Tessellations and How Are They Used in Architecture
What Are Tilings and Tessellations and How Are They Used in Architecture
What Are Tilings and Tessellations and How Are They Used in Architecture
What are Tilings and Tessellations and which means ‘to pave’ or ‘tessella’, which means a
small, square stone. Tessellations have been found
how are they used in Architecture? in many ancient civilizations across the world. They
often have specific characteristics depending on
Tilings and tessellations are an important area of where they are from. Tessellations have been traced
mathematics because they can be manipulated for all the way back to the Sumerian civilizations (around
use in art and architecture. One artist in particular, MC 4000 BC). Tessellations were used by the Greeks, as
Escher, a Dutch artist, incorporated many complex small quadrilaterals used in games and in making
tessellations into his artwork. mosaics [Figure 2]. Muslim architecture shows
evidence of tessellations and an example of this is the
Tilings and tessellations are used extensively in everyday Alhambra Palace at Granada, in the south of Spain
items, especially in buildings and walls. They are part [Figure 4]. The Fatehpur Sikri [Figure 3] also shows
of an area of mathematics that often appears simple to tessellations used in architecture.
understand. However, research and investigation show
that tilings and tessellations are in fact complex. Nowadays tessellations are used in the floors, walls
and ceilings of buildings. They are also used in art,
What are Tilings and Tessellations? designs for clothing, ceramics and stained glass
A tessellation is any repeating pattern of symmetrical
and interlocking shapes. Therefore tessellations must Mauritus Cornelius Escher had no higher knowledge
have no gaps or overlapping spaces. Tessellations are of mathematics, yet he contributed to the mathematics
sometimes referred to as “tilings”. Strictly, however, of tessellations significantly. He was the youngest son
the word tilings refers to a pattern of polygons of a hydraulics engineer and was born in Leeuwarden
(shapes with straight sides) only. Tessellations can be in the Netherlands in 1898. At high school he was an
formed from regular and irregular polygons, making indifferent student and the only part of school that
the patterns they produce yet more interesting.
History of Tessellations
The Latin root of the word tessellations is tessellare, Figure 1: Tessellations of hexagons and squares
Which Shapes can Tessellate and Why To determine how many polygons are needed to fill
The simplest type of tessellation is formed from regular the space around a vertex and allow the polygon to
polygons. Regular tessellations are tessellations that tessellate, another formula is used: k(n)= 360/a = 2n/
are made up of only one kind of regular polygon. (n-2), where k(n) is the number of polygons needed.
After some experimentation it can be deduced that
equilateral triangles, squares and regular hexagons Therefore, it can be deduced that regular polygons
form regular tessellations. However, pentagons and that can fill the space around a vertex can tessellate. In
heptagons cannot do this without leaving gaps or more mathematical terms, regular polygons with interior
producing overlaps. angles that are a factor of 360, can tessellate. Because
of this, only regular polygons with 3, 4 or 6 sides –
In order for a shape to tessellate, the interior angles equilateral triangles, squares and regular hexagons
must fill all of the space around a vertex (i.e., their – can perfectly fill 360° and tessellate by themselves.
angles must add up to 360°). It is therefore important
for us to work out the interior angles of a shape. In Symmetry and Transformations
order to do this we must know that the exterior angles
Symmetry is the process of taking a shape and
of any polygon will add up to 360°. From this we can
through certain movements, matching it exactly to
deduce the interior angles of the polygon and check
another shape. A tessellation is created through this,
to see if they are factors of 360. If they are, we know
that they will completely fill the space around a point, by repeating the same motion a number of times. For
called a vertex. A vertex is the point at which adjacent example, the straight section of a railway line forms a
sides of polygons meet. If this space is filled, the tessellation as it uses the simplest type of symmetry.
shape will tessellate. The same shape is repeated, moving a same fixed
distance in the same fixed direction each time a
An algebraic formula summarizes this. The formula movement is made.
This show the translation of whole shapes, not just one point. This is
one of the main principals of how tessellations are formed, once the
basic pattern is known
to the movement of the shape along the x and y axis. once rotated and translated, fit together to produce
Therefore the vector tells us to move the shape five
rectangles. These rectangles have interior angles of
units along the x-axis and four units up the y-axis. 90° and so four of them (4 × 90) will completely fill
Vectors can also have negative values, to show the
the space around a vertex, producing a tessellation.
shape is being moved in the opposite direction.
If a tessellation has rotational symmetry it means that the
Another type of symmetry is rotational symmetry.
This is where a shape is moved a certain number of tessellation can be rotated a certain number of degrees
degrees around a central point, called the centre of (other than 360°) to produce the same tessellation.
rotation. The amount that the shape is turned is called
the angle of rotation. The most familiar type of symmetry is reflective
symmetry. Reflections occur across a line called an
Rotations are used in tessellations to make shapes axis. The distance of a point from this axis must be
fit together. For example, the trapeziums above, the same in the reflection. Therefore corresponding
The tessellation on the right has When writing the polygon configuration around a
reflective symmetry. vertex, we begin with the shape with the least sides
and proceed clockwise around the vertex.
around a vertex.
In conclusion, semi-regular tessellations are more require various transformations before they fit into a
complex tessellations, with the same configuration shape that will tessellate automatically. Non-regular
of at least 3 polygons at each vertex. tessellations are those in which there is no restriction
on the order of the polygons around vertices.
Examples of semi-regular tessellations:
Other types of tessellation are demi-regular All triangles and quadrilaterals will tessellate, but not
tessellations. These are similar to semi-regular
all pentagons and hexagons will. When tessellating,
tessellations, except there can be more than one
different polygon arrangement at a vertex. we must remember that we are trying to find a polygon
arrangement that will fill the 360° around a vertex.
Tilings and Tessellations of Non-Regular
Polygons Triangles
Non-regular polygons are those in which the interior All interior angles of all triangles, whether equilateral,
angles are not the same, nor are the sides of the isosceles or scalene, will add up to 180°. Therefore
polygon of equal length. Non-regular polygons we can fill the space around a vertex, if we use two
are slightly more difficult to tessellate, as they first of each of the angles of the triangle.
The method used to tessellate quadrilaterals is very
similar to the method of tessellating triangles. We Now, to extend the pattern, we can
must first take into account that the interior angles either translate (move) the pattern:
of a quadrilateral add up to 360°. Therefore, we only
need one of each angle to fill the space around a
vertex. Again there are many possibilities that will In order to form a tessellation, the pattern can then
not tessellate. We need therefore need to line up the be translated or reflected.
sides to create a pattern that will tessellate.
The second method requires the pentagon to contain
Pentagons two non-adjacent right angles, as well as two pairs
Pentagons, as seen before, become much more of sides of equal length (as shown in the diagram).
difficult to tessellate because the sum of the interior
angles of a pentagon is 540°, not 360°. Therefore, This method ensures that all of
the right angles meet at a vertex,
Note the arrangement of angles
around the central vertex
in order to fill the 360°. This
method uses multiple reflections,
and takes advantage of the sides
of equal length, to tessellate the
Rotatiing the quadrilateral around the midpoints of its sides pentagon.
produces an arrangement that will tessellate.
Tessellations in Nature
Tessellations can be found everywhere we look.
Nature contains many different tessellations, some
being arrangements of polygons. Figure 6 shows
some examples of tessellations found in nature.
Tessellations in Architecture
Tessellations are used extensively in architecture,
both two-dimensional and three-dimensional.
Tessellations are easy to use in architecture,
especially in two-dimensional, because even the
simplest repeating pattern can look astonishing
when it covers a large area. Tessellations are used
in Islamic architecture, for example the Taj Mahal
[Figure 7], Agra and Fatehpur Sikri (a palace in India)
[Figure 7]. Tessellations were also used by the Greeks
and Romans in mosaics.
Figure 8: (Above) Hagia Sophia, Istanbul and (below) the Blue Mosque,
Figure 11: Louvre, Paris – Again the Louvre projects a 2-D tessellation
Figure 10: London City Hall – This building projects a 2-D tessellation onto a 3-D structure. Each separate face of the pyramid contains a
onto a ring. Each ring of the building is then slightly displaced section of a 2-D tessellation. A rhombus is used as the main shape