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The document discusses user interfaces, screens, fields, lookups, filters and other basic concepts in QAD.

Dashboards allow combining different types of content like browses, charts and metrics into panels for quick summaries. Dashboards can be created and customized by users.

To create a new dashboard, select 'Create Dashboard' and provide a name. Then content like panels can be added.

42 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Fig. 2.27 
Screen Navigation Bar

If the program opens in .NET UI mode, a navigation bar is displayed along the top of the screen
indicating where you are as you proceed through the program screens. For example, the screen for
Purchase Order Maintenance includes a navigation bar indicating the parts of a purchase order:
Header, Tax Info, Lines, and Trailer.
The Screen Navigation Bar option in the Desktop section of the Options menu (choose Tools|
Options) specifies whether your QAD .NET UI client displays the navigation tool.

Entering Data on Screens

Many fields display a small magnifying glass icon. This indicates that a lookup is associated with
the field. Click the icon or use the Alt+L keyboard shortcut to display the lookup. The lookup lists
valid values for the field.
A drop-down list is displayed when only a few values apply to a field.
Logical fields represent Yes and No choices. These display as check boxes on HTML screens. A
clear check box indicates a No value; a selected box indicates a Yes value.

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Dashboards bring together browses, web pages, business intelligence charts, and metrics within
panels. Each panel offers a quick summary; to find out more, you click on the panel. Here is an
example dashboard for a customer support manager:

You can create, edit, and delete dashboards directly in the QAD .NET UI. To create a new
dashboard, you open Create Dashboards and then add content. You can double or triple the width
of a panel. You can also copy and edit an existing dashboard. As an administrator, you can share
the dashboard with others and assign it to one or more roles.
System administrators can change the maximum number of panels allowed in a dashboard, copy
dashboards between systems, and modify access and display settings.

QAD Sample Dashboards

You can start creating dashboards right away, but you can also get sample dashboards that can be
associated with roles in your system. The sample dashboards are available for download from the
QAD Store ( To install the sample dashboards, use the package installation
tool included with the download. After installing the dashboards, edit the role assignments for
dashboards (see “Editing Dashboard Role Assignments” on page 47).

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Creating a Dashboard
You can start a new dashboard or copy and edit and existing dashboard.
To start a new dashboard:
1 Go to Dashboards | Create Dashboard.
(Alternatively, open a dashboard and choose Tools | New.)
2 In the Name field, enter a label (or text string).
QAD suggests that you use existing labels (if appropriate) to assure consistency and
translation of text.
3 Add content (see Adding content).
4 When done, click Save Dashboard.
When you save a dashboard, the dashboard is included under My Dashboards on the menu.
You can then share the dashboard by choosing Tools | Publish.
Once a dashboard has been published, you can associate the dashboard with one or more roles if
you are an administrator.
Note that you can also access the menu functions by right-clicking anywhere in the dashboard

Adding Content
You can add panels containing browses, web pages, business intelligence, and metrics by clicking
Add Content, which opens the Add Content to Dashboard window. By default, a dashboard can
include up to 12 panels.

Adding Browse Panels

To add browse panels:
1 Click Add Content.
2 In the Add to Dashboard window, click Browse.
3 Use the search field to find the browse you want. Scroll through the list and double-click on
the browse so that you can further configure the browse. Note that you can include browse
charts (for more information on browse charts, see “Using Browse Chart Designer” on
page 121).
(Clicking the Configure button is the same as double-clicking on the browse.)
4 Note that you can go back and choose a different browse by clicking Back.
5 In the Search filter, enter any filter conditions you would like to use.
6 Click Add to Dashboard.

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Adding Web Page Panels

To add web page panels:
1 Click Add Content.
2 In the Add to Dashboard window, click URL Page.
3 In the URL field, enter a full URL to a web page (such as
(Note that qadsh:// links are not currently supported for use in the URL field.)
4 Click Preview to verify the view of the web page.
5 Click Add to Dashboard.

Adding Business Intelligence (BI) Panels

To add Business Intelligence panels:
1 Click Add Content.
2 In the Add to Dashboard window, click BI.
(Note that if you do not have BI installed, the BI option will not be available here.)
3 Use the search field to find the BI item you want. Scroll through the list and double-click on
the BI item so that you can configure it further.
4 Note that you can go back and choose a different BI item by clicking Back.
5 Click Add to Dashboard.

Adding Metrics Panels

To add metrics panels:
1 Click Add Content.
2 In the Add to Dashboard window, click Metrics.
(Note that if you do not have Metrics installed, the Metrics option will not be available here.)
3 Use the search field to find the metric collection you want. Scroll through the list and double-
click on the browse so that you can further configure the browse. For more information on
metrics, see “Creating Browse Operational Metrics” on page 124.
(Clicking the Configure button is the same as double-clicking on the metric.)
4 Note that you can go back and choose a different browse by clicking Back.
5 To configure the metric for use in the panel, choose whether to display the Operational Metric
Summary or Operational Metric History.
6 If choosing the Operational Metric History:
a Choose the individual metric whose history you want to have in the panel.
b Choose the data range for the chart using the drop-down near the bottom of the window.

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46 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

7 Click Add to Dashboard.

Editing Panels
To edit a panel:
1 Move the cursor to the panel.
2 Click the gear (Edit) icon near the upper-right corner.
3 You can now configure the panel. For example, you can change the Search filter on a browse
or change the date range of an operational metrics history chart.

Adjusting Browse Panel Widths

You can double or triple the width of browse panels by clicking on the resizing buttons located on
the lower-left corner of the panel.

Refreshing Panels
To refresh a panel's data display:
1 Move the cursor to the panel.
2 Click the circular arrow (Refresh) icon in the upper-right corner.

Deleting Panels
To delete a panel from a dashboard:
1 Move the cursor to the panel.
2 Click the X (Delete) icon in the upper-right corner.

Editing a Dashboard
Choose Tools | Edit to access the editing controls, including Add Content.
If a published dashboard is open (launched from under Published Dashboards on the menu), as an
administrator, you can also edit its role assignments by choosing Tools | Edit.

Renaming a Dashboard
1 Choose Tools | Rename.
2 In the Name field, enter a label (or text string).
QAD suggests that you use existing labels (if appropriate) to assure consistency and
translation of text.

Publishing a Dashboard
To share a dashboard with other users:

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1 Open the dashboard.

2 Choose Tools | Publish.
The dashboard is now included under Published Dashboards on the menu.

Editing Dashboard Role Assignments

As an administrator (a user with Dashboard administration access as set in the client session
configuration file, client-session.xml), you can assign roles to dashboards.
When you assign a role to a dashboard, only users in that role can see the dashboard under
Published Dashboards. (Administrators can see all published dashboards, however.)
The sample dashboards, which are available for download from the QAD Store, do not at first have
any roles assigned to them. After installing the sample dashboards, a system administrator must
assign roles to the dashboards. The roles that are available for dashboards depend on the roles that
customers have defined in their systems.
To assign a role to a dashboard:
1 Open a published dashboard (go to Published Dashboards and click on a dashboard).
2 Choose Tools | Edit.
3 The Edit Dashboard window includes Name and Roles options.
4 The Roles pane lists the roles currently implemented in the system.
5 Choose the role (or roles) you want to assign to the dashboard by selecting the check boxes.
6 Click OK.

Exporting and Importing Dashboards

You can export a dashboard as an .xml file. This file can be shared with other users (by e-mail, for
instance), who can then import the .xml file for their own use.
To export a dashboard:
1 Open the dashboard you want to export.
2 Choose Tools | Export.
3 By default, in the Save As dialog box, the .xml file is given the name of the dashboard and will
be saved to Local Disk (C drive).
4 Click Save.
To import a dashboard:
1 From any dashboard page, choose Tools | Import.
2 In the Open dialog box, navigate to the dashboard .xml file, select it, and click Open.
3 The dashboard is now available under My Dashboards.

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4 If is a dashboard in the system with the same name, the system adds a number in parentheses
to the menu name but the dashboard title is the same.

Deleting a Dashboard
To delete a dashboard:
1 Open the dashboard.
2 Choose Tools | Delete.

QAD Messaging
QAD Messaging is a messaging and internal e-mail system within QAD applications. You use
Messaging to send messages to other users of the system. When using programs, browses,
inquiries, and process maps, the QAD Messaging sidebar is permanently available on the left side
of the application area for sending and receiving messages. You can also use Messaging to process
program or browse workflow messages, which include links to programs or browses.
Important QAD Messaging is currently available in QAD .NET UI version 2.9.1 for Standard
Edition only.
Note Workflow is described in more detail in “Workflow” on page 68.

Fig. 2.28
QAD Messaging

QAD Messaging is enabled by default and is displayed as a panel on the left of the main screen.
The feature consists of a button toolbar and Folders area.

Messaging Toolbar
The Messaging toolbar features Create Folder, Delete, and Refresh buttons.

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Fig. 2.29
Messaging Toolbar

The Create Folder button is available when you select the Folders option, and lets you create
separate messages folders in which to organize messages. You can create sub-folders within
folders as required.
The Delete button is available when you select any sub-folder, and you use it to delete unwanted
folders. You cannot delete the parent Folder, or sub-folders that contain sub-folders of their own.
The Refresh button is available for all messaging features, and refreshes the current view for each
messaging folder. The Poller Frequency option in Tools|Options sets the interval in milliseconds
after which the system automatically polls the mail server. See “Options Menu” on page 20.

Filter Area
The Filter area is available for all message types, and you can use the Filter drop-down list to filter
messages by From, Date, or Subject.
Fig. 2.30
Messaging Filter Area

For example, to filter messages whose subject begins with “Sales,” select the Subject drop-down
option and enter Sales in the Filter field.
Note that the filter displays messages whose subject begins with Sales, and not messages whose
subject contains Sales. Similarly, the From filter filters on the first character entered in the Filter
field. For example, if you enter S in the Filter field, the results display all messages from users
whose system name begins with S.
When filtering by date, the filter displays messages whose date begins with the number entered.
For example. if you filter by date and enter 1 in the Filter field, the filter displays messages whose
date begins with 1, which may include 1/9, 1/19, 10/4, 10/5, 11/6, and 11/7.

Messaging Area
The Messaging area contains icons for the following folders and features:

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50 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide


Click to display the inbox of current messages. Similar to standard e-mail, the Inbox folder name
indicates the number of unread messages in brackets.
You can open messages in a separate tab by selecting the View option. In the Inbox, right-click on
the message title and select View or double-click on the message title. The View button is also
included as the first button on the Inbox’s toolbar.
The Inbox screen features an e-mail toolbar, with options to create, move, delete, and print
messages, and to reply, reply to all, and to forward selected messages.
The Hide Details button toggles the message details area on the bottom of the screen, and you can
choose to view the message list only, or the message list with details of the selected message
displayed below.


Click to display the Drafts folder. When you click to save an unfinished message, the message is
saved to the Drafts folder for future sending. You can edit, forward, move, and delete drafts, and
you send a draft by selecting the message and clicking Send.


Click to display the folder for deleted messages. Deleted messages are retained in this folder until
you select the message and click Delete. The Delete menu options are Restore, Delete, Refresh,
and Show Hide Details.
You restore deleted messages by selecting the message, clicking Restore, and then specifying the
folder to restore the message to. The number of days for which messages are retained in the
Deleted folder is set in the Empty Deleted Folder Frequency option in Tools|Options. Messages are
automatically deleted from the folder after this time. See “Options Menu” on page 20.


Click to display the folder of QXtend alerts. Alerts are application messages generated by
workflow in response to QXtend events. The alerts are delivered to subscribers by standard e-mail
or by QAD Messaging, depending on how the subscription was configured.
The Alerts menu options include New, Forward, Move, Delete, Print, Refresh, and Show/Hide
Note Because alerts are system-generated, the New menu option on this screen lets you create a
new message, and not a new alert.


Click to display the folder of workflow messages. You create workflow messages in other
applications, which are then displayed and processed in QAD Messaging. A workflow message
consists of a hyperlink to the application object (for example, a sales order browse) and optional
information and instructions.

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Click Folders and then click the Folders icon on the toolbar to create separate messages folders in
which to organize messages. You can also use the right-click New Folder option when the main
folder or a sub-folder is selected.
To delete a folder and its messages, select the folder name and click the Delete button on the
Messaging toolbar, or use the right-click Delete option when the folder is selected. You cannot
delete the parent folder.

Creating a New Message

The QAD Messaging interface operates as a standard e-mail function. When creating a new
message, you select recipients by clicking the To link to display a list of current system users and
Fig. 2.31
Selecting Email Recipients

You can also enter the three-letter login initials of the recipient directly into the To field of the
message header.
The recipient fields (To, Cc, and Bcc) include a “type-ahead” (auto complete) capability, so the
system suggests user names based on the first letters you enter. Additionally, you can click on the
To, Cc, or Bcc field names to use a menu for selecting recipients. The Select Recipients window
lists all the users and allows you to filter the list of users. You can then select the user names for the
To, Cc, or Bcc fields.

Moving Messages
Click the Move button to display the existing folders into which you can move the currently
selected message:

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52 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Fig. 2.32
Messaging Folders

New Messages Prompt

Each folder label (except Drafts) automatically indicates in bold the number of unread messages,
and the system also displays a brief prompt to notify you that a new message has been received:
Fig. 2.33
Message Prompt

You display or hide the New Message Prompt depending on the Displays Alerts option in Tools|
Options. See “Options Menu” on page 20.

Using the Translation Option

The Description fields for most component-based records support a translation option. The initial
description is essentially language neutral. However, clicking the Translation button to the right of
the Description field copies that description into a record for each available language.
The Use Language Specific Object Description field in Change System Settings determines
whether the system displays translated descriptions in the user’s native language. If this field is
selected, field descriptions are displayed in the language associated with a user’s ID in User
Maintenance, provided that translated descriptions are loaded or entered for this language. If the
Use Language Specific Object Description option is enabled, the system also retrieves translated
descriptions when the user runs API queries. When the Use Language Specific Object Description
option is enabled system wide, you can disable it in Change System Settings for a specific user.
Note One of these languages is the language of the current domain. While most descriptions are
likely to be entered in that language initially, the description is linked to a language only by setting
up the translations.

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Fig. 2.34
Translating Account Description

If you choose to use this feature, you must develop your own policies to ensure that the translation
of descriptions is completed for the languages that need to be supported in your organization.
Some financial data is also displayed and accessed in other operational functions. These functions
do not support multiple language-dependent descriptions. When only one description exists, it is
always used in the operational functions.
Note Unless you are using a Unicode database, some restrictions exist on which languages can be
used in a single database. See the appropriate installation guide for information on the Unicode
database deployment.

Screen Calendars
When you click the pull-down icon next to a date field, a calendar tool is displayed. You can also
use the Alt+L keyboard shortcut for this option.
Fig. 2.35 

Use the calendar to choose and insert a date into the active field. You can use the keyboard or your
mouse to navigate this calendar.
Using the keyboard, use the Tab key to move the cursor through the calendar. Tabbing begins with
the arrows at the top of the calendar.
With an arrow button selected, press the spacebar to display previous and next months and years as
shown in the figure. Press the spacebar when a date is selected to enter that date in the date field.

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Using the mouse, click the arrows for the next and previous months or years; then click the day in
the displayed month to insert it into the active field.
You can select a date on the calendars without using the mouse. To do so, launch the calender, then
use the arrows to get to the date you want. Use Enter to choose the selected date. Use Enter again
to submit the frame.

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QAD .NET User Interface Overview 55

QAD .NET UI and Terminal Keyboard Shortcuts

The following tables summarize keyboard shortcuts in QAD .NET UI.

Terminal Mode

These shortcuts can be used in all programs in Character terminal mode.

Keystroke Action Description
F2 Help Display help for current cursor focus.
Ctrl+P Display user-selected Displays a list of user-selected programs
F1 Next frame Submit current data in current frame and move to the next frame. Equivalent
or to Next button click, Go, Enter or Tab in the Character UI.
F4 Exit frame Exit current frame (Back button click) and move back to previous frame.
or Equivalent to End in the Character UI.
F5 Delete record Execute the Delete Record command when valid. (Delete button click.) In a
or text field, delete a single character.
F7 Recall Recalls the last saved value in a field.
Shift+? Clear Date Clears the value date in date fields.
Enter Next field Move forward to next field within a frame or to next row within a selection
or list.
Ctrl+U Previous field Move back to previous field within a frame or to previous row within a
selection list.
up arrow Previous record In a field where next/previous processing is enabled, display the previous
or record. Equivalent to using the up arrow key in the Character UI.
F10 Next record In a field where next/previous processing is enabled, display the next record.
or Equivalent to using the down arrow key in the Character UI. This shortcut
Ctrl+J applies if only one program is open in terminal mode.
F3 Insert mode toggle Toggles insertion mode.
F8 Clear field Clear the value in a field.
Shift+? Clear date field Clear the value in a date field.
Ctrl+F Field information Displays information about the current program context, including the field
Ctrl+C Exit program Close currently running program.
Esc+M Browse Menu bar Accesses the browse menu bar. Use the mouse instead in Windows character

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Keystroke Action Description

F7 Browse options Opens the browse options window.
Esc+F Browse Options Toggles the Browse Options on and off. Use the mouse instead in Windows
Toggle character clients.

QAD .NET User Interface

This section lists general QAD .NET UI interface shortcuts.

Keystroke Action Description
Ctrl+R Run dynamic inquiry Run a dynamic inquiry. Dynamic inquiries display in a dynamic, hierarchical
(bucketed) format that makes them more convenient to use.
Ctrl+E Export dynamic Export a dynamic inquiry to Excel.
inquiry to Excel
Ctrl+Shift+P View dynamic inquiry View a dynamic inquiry in the PDF format.
as PDF
Ctrl+M Activate the menu Places the cursor in the menu search bar
search bar.
Ctrl+F6 Displays a list of The current workspace is highlighted. Hold the Ctrl key and use the down
active workspaces, and up arrow keys to scroll through the list. Release the Ctrl key to select the
from most recently highlighted workspace.
used to least recently
Ctrl+Shift+F6 Displays a list of The current workspace is highlighted. Hold the Ctrl key and use the down
active workspaces, and up arrow keys to scroll through the list. Release the Ctrl key to select the
from least recently highlighted workspace.
used to most recently
Ctrl+Tab Display a scrollable The most recently active window is highlighted. Hold the Ctrl key, use the
list of current active arrow keys or Tab key to scroll, and release the Ctrl key to select.
Ctrl+Shift+Tab Display a scrollable The least recently active window is highlighted.Hold the Ctrl key, use the
list of current active arrow keys or Tab key to scroll, and release the Ctrl key to select.
Ctrl+F4 Close current Closes the currently active window.
Alt+L Run Lookup. Opens the lookup for the field in which the cursor is placed.
Alt+F4 Exit application. Close the QAD .NET UI.
Right arrow Expand parent record Expands the parent record in a grid when there is one or more child records.
Left arrow Collapse parent Collapses the parent record in a grid when there is one or more child records.
Up arrow Increment the When a date field is selected, increments the date by one day.
calendar date by one. Scrolls up through drop-down menu records.
Scroll through drop-
down menus.
Alt+Up/Down Displays drop-down Displays drop-down menu options or displays calendar in date fields.
arrow menu options.

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Keystroke Action Description

Down arrow Decrement the When a date field is selected, decrements the date by one day.
calendar date by one. Scrolls down through drop-down menu records.
Scroll through drop-
down menus.
Ctrl+Right Expand a menu group Expands the menu group in the Applications area when the group has sub-
arrow folder. menus (indicated by a +)
Ctrl+Left arrow Collapse a menu Collapse the menu group in the Applications area when the group has sub-
group folder. menus (indicated by a +)
Space bar Selects/De-selects Selects or de-selects check fields.
F1 Displays Help. Displays field help if the cursor is in a field, and the QAD Assist panel if the
cursor is not focused on one field.
Alt+Space Displays application Displays the system menu, also displayed by clicking the QAD logo in top
system menu. right of the menu bar.

QAD .NET UI Maintenance Screens

These shortcuts apply to non-component based maintenance screens in the .NET UI.
Keystroke Action Description
Enter Same as Next button Moves cursor to next key field
Ctrl+Enter Same as Back button Moves cursor to previous key field.
CTRL+F Field Information Displays Properties dialog for the current field.
Up arrow Previous value Displays the previous value for the field.
Down arrow Next value Displays the next value for the field.
Ctrl+P Pivot Sorts data in a selection list by a different column.
Alt+B Drill down Drills down to the lookup for the current field.
Tab Next field Moves the cursor to the next key field.
Shift+Tab Previous field Moves the cursor to the previous key field.
Space bar Select field in Selects the current highlighted field in a selection list.
selection list
Page Up Previous page in For selection lists which span multiple screen pages, displays the previous
selection list page.
Page Down Next page in selection For selection lists which span multiple screen pages, displays the next page.

Product Structure Maintenance

These shortcuts are specific to Product Structure Maintenance.

Keystroke Action Description
down arrow Navigate down In Product Structure Maintenance ( .NET User Interface mode), navigate
hierarchy downwards in the product structure hierarchy.
up arrow Navigate up hierarchy In Product Structure Maintenance ( .NET User Interface mode), navigate
upwards in the product structure hierarchy.

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Keystroke Action Description

right arrow Open hierarchy item In Product Structure Maintenance ( .NET User Interface mode), open an
item in the product structure hierarchy.
left arrow Close hierarchy item In Product Structure Maintenance ( .NET User Interface mode), close an
item in the product structure hierarchy

Enterprise Financials

These shortcuts apply to component-based Enterprise Financials programs.

Keystroke Action Description
F3 Balance transaction In Enterprise Financials transaction grids, place the cursor in the debit or
amounts credit field and press F3 to balance the transaction amount.
Ctrl+Z Undo last action When creating a record, this cancels the create activity without saving any
record details.
Ctrl+S Save current record Used when creating or modifying records. Saves the current data
Ctrl+N Switch to Create Switches to this activity from any other component activity.
Ctrl+B Switch to View Switches to this activity from any other component activity.
Ctrl+O Switch to Modify Switches to this activity from any other component activity.
Ctrl+D Switch to Delete Switches to this activity from any other component activity.
Insert Insert a row Inserts a new row into a grid
Delete Delete a row Deletes a row from a grid
Tab Moves the cursor to Moves the cursor and highlights the next key field on a form or grid.
the next field in a grid
or form
Shift+Tab Moves the cursor to Moves the cursor and highlights the previous key field on a form or grid.
the previous field in a
grid or form
Enter Saves the current Saves the current record in a Create or Modify screen.
F1 Displays program Displays context-sensitive help for the current screen.
F2 Focuses the cursor on Highlights the first key field in a grid, and toggles to highlight the grid itself.
the first key field in a
grid, and toggles
between field and grid

QAD Messaging

These shortcuts are specific to the QAD Messaging feature.

Keystroke Action Description
Ctrl+N Create a message Enabled when you select a Messaging folder.
Ctrl+E Edit a message Enabled when you select a message.
Ctrl+S Send a message Enabled when you select a message in the Drafts folder.
Ctrl+Shift+R Restore a message Enabled you select a message in the Deleted folder.

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Keystroke Action Description

Ctrl+M Move a message Moves messages to different folders.
Ctrl+R Reply to a message Reply to the current message.
Ctrl+Shift+A Reply to all for a Reply to all recipients of the current message.
Ctrl+F Forward a message Forward the current message.
Delete Delete a message Delete the currently selected message.
Ctrl+P Print a message Print the current message.
Ctrl+Shift+M Refresh the message Refresh the current Inbox folder.
Ctrl+G Send a message Save the current new message.
Ctrl+S Save a message. Save the message (to the Drafts folder).

Browse Maintenance
Keystroke Action Description
Ctrl+N New browse Create new browse in Browse Maintenance.
Ctrl+O Open browse Open browse in Browse Maintenance.
Ctrl+S Save browse Save browse in Browse Maintenance.
Ctrl+D Delete browse Delete browse in Browse Maintenance.
Ctrl+T Add tables Add tables in Browse Maintenance.
Ctrl+R Run browse Run browse in Browse Maintenance.
Ctrl+I Import browse Import browse in Browse Maintenance.
Ctrl+E Export browse Export browse in Browse Maintenance.
Shift+Delete Delete multiple Delete multiple browses in Browse Maintenance.

Keystroke Action Description
Ctrl+S Browse search panel In a browse, place cursor focus on the search panel.
Enter Refresh browse with In the browse search panel, refresh the query based on the current search
current search conditions in the browse search panel.
up arrow Set browse search In the browse search field, when the field is a date, use the up arrow or down
and date arrow keys to enter the current date and then move up or down from the
down arrow current date.

Alt+up arrow First set of browse Display first set of records in a browse.
Alt+left arrow Previous set of Display previous set of records in a browse.
browse records
Alt+right arrow Next set of browse Display next set of records in a browse.
Alt+down arrow Last set of browse Display last set of records in a browse.

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Keystroke Action Description

up arrow Previous browse Select the row previous (above) the current row in a browse.
or record
right arrow
down arrow Next browse record Select the row after (below) the current row in a browse.
left arrow
Tab Next field in browse Move focus to next field or button in browse toolbar.
Shift+Tab Previous field in Move focus to previous field or button in browse toolbar.
browse toolbar
Alt+  Rotate 3D browse Rotate 3D browse chart.
move mouse chart
Alt+  Zoom 3D browse Zoom 3D browse chart.
move mouse chart
scroll wheel
Ctrl+F4 Exit browse Close the browse. Cursor must be in browse record display area for this
or shortcut to take effect.

Ctrl+Enter Note that if the cursor is in the Search panel of a browse, Ctrl+Enter opens
and closes the panel.
Ctrl+P Print browse Print the current browse.

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Chapter 3

Programs in QAD .NET UI

The QAD .NET UI lets you use programs using advanced features of .NET technology. This
section describes using programs in the QAD .NET UI.
This section includes the following topics:
Using Programs in the QAD .NET UI 62
Describes the features of programs in the QAD .NET UI.
Using Reports and Inquiries 73
Describes how to use reports and inquiries in the QAD .NET UI.
Using Fixed Assets Programs 74
Describes additional navigation features in specific programs.
Recording Program Actions 74
Describes how to record program actions in the QAD .NET UI.
Saving and Browsing Drafts 76
Describes saving and browsing drafts in component-based functions.
Extended Program Button Labels 77
Describes how to use extended program button labels.
Creating Custom Links 77
Describes how to customize the interface by adding links on a program screen that let you access
other programs.
Sending Program Links by E-mail 78
Describes how to send QAD .NET UI program links in an e-mail.
Entering Transaction Comments 78
Describes how to enter transaction comments on programs such as Sales Order Maintenance,
Purchase Order Maintenance, and Work Order Maintenance.
Using Terminal Mode Screens 79
Describes features of programs in Terminal mode, which emulates the Character UI.
Programs in Terminal Mode Only 80
Lists the programs that are only available in Terminal mode.
62 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Using Programs in the QAD .NET UI

This section describes program types and program menu features in the QAD .NET UI.
Use the program menu bar to run and maintain QAD programs. Most of the menu options are the
same for both component-based programs and non-component programs.
Some options, however, are only available for one type. Some individual menus can also have
different options depending on the program being used.
Fig. 3.1
Non-Component Based Program Menu Bar

Fig. 3.2
Component-Based Program Menu Bar

Component and Non-Component Based Programs

QAD Enterprise Applications contains two types of programs:
• Component-based programs use a business component-based technology that offers additional
features not available in standard functions. Most Financials programs (such as GL Account
Create), some administration programs (such as Entity Create), and some security programs
(such as Role Create) are component-based programs.
Note Component-based programs are available only in Enterprise Edition.

Fig. 3.3
Component-Based Program

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Programs in QAD .NET UI 63

• Non-component based programs use traditional procedural-written Progress-based

technology. The majority of Manufacturing programs (such as Work Order Maintenance) and
Supply Chain programs (such as Warehouse Maintenance) are non-component based.
Financials programs that are non-component based (such as Sales Order Maintenance) are
described in the Enterprise Edition Financials documentation as operational programs, to
distinguish them from the component-based financial programs.
Fig. 3.4
Non-Component Based Program

Note Many non-component based programs can be run in both the QAD .NET UI and in the
Character UI. Component-based functions, however, are available in the QAD .NET UI only.
Both component-based and non-component based programs work within the QAD .NET UI and
use the same menu system for navigation and the standard menu bar available through the
QAD .NET UI for all programs.
QAD Enterprise Applications – Enterprise Edition uses component and non-component based
functions (programs). QAD Enterprise Applications – Standard Edition uses only non-component
based functions (programs).

Go To Menu
The Go To menu for non-component based programs such as Purchase Order Maintenance
displays the Add Link option. Use Add Link to create links to other programs using User Tool
Maintenance (36.20.4). The links you add display on the Program Links drop-down.

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64 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Fig. 3.5 
Add Link Selection

They also display when you right-click a program screen. See “Creating Custom Links” on
page 77.

Go To for Component-Based Programs

Go To also displays links for component-based programs but in a different way. It displays
commonly used views and reports that apply to the record you are currently working with.
Go To behaves differently depending on whether the current field has data in it:
• If the field has a value, Go To invokes the View activity.
• If the field is blank, Go To invokes the Create activity.

Fig. 3.6
Go To Menu for Component-Based Programs

All of the related views take the record you are currently using as the base for the information. So
if you are viewing a particular customer’s record, you can simply click the Go To to see the
customer’s balance and open invoices.
Note Go Tos are enabled only when:
• The corresponding function is an activity, not a standard program.
• The user has security permission to the linked activity.

The Actions menu displays the active commands that apply to your current program context. For
non-component based programs, these commands include navigation commands such as Next,
Back, Next Record, and Previous Record. These commands let you navigate to the next or
previous frame, or display the next or previous record for the current field. You can also use the up
and down arrows on your keyboard to display next and previous records in key fields or when the
field has been defined to support next/previous processing.

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Programs in QAD .NET UI 65

Fig. 3.7 
Action Pull-Down Menu

Action menu commands can also include the following:

• Commands that display in the Progress status bar in a character session can be found in the
Actions menu on HTML screens. This includes Delete, Page Up, Page Down, and Pivot.
These commands are only available when the program frame supports them. For example,
Page Up and Page Down typically display in selection lists where the up/down keys cannot be
• The Delete, Insert, Page Up, and Page Down keys on your keyboard operate as shortcuts to the
Actions menu. However, shortcuts do not exist for special operations such as Pivot.
• Pivot is used in a number of selection lists that support sorting by different columns, such as
the call lookup in Call Maintenance ( It is also used to display the next set of data in
programs such as Line Utilization Maintenance (33.15.9) and Simulation Line Utilization
Maintenance (33.17.19).

Actions Menu for Component-Based Programs

The Actions menu functions in a similar way for component-based screens, with some additional
Fig. 3.8
Actions Menu for Component-Based Screens

General activities are available on this menu or as buttons on the activity screen. These include
Undo, Save, Save and Create, Save as Draft, and Properties.

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66 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Record-Specific Activities

Record-specific activities are also available on this menu. For example, for the Customer Create
program, the Actions menu includes Create, View, Modify, Delete, and Maintain Credit Limit. You
can choose record-specific activities in multiple ways:
• By selecting from this menu
• By selecting from the main application menu
• By right-clicking on a record within a browse and selecting from the context menu, as shown
in Figure 3.9
Fig. 3.9
Right-Click Menu for Customer Browse

Create, view, modify, and delete are standard activities available for most types of records.
Note You can see only the activities to which you have access based on the set of roles associated
with your user ID.

General Activities

The general activities correspond to the command buttons on the screen:

• Undo discards any changes without saving them. This is the same as the Cancel button.
• Save updates the database with your current changes. All validations associated with the type
of record are executed before the save is completed. Any errors or warnings are displayed on
the screen so that you can correct them before continuing with the save.
• Save and Create saves changes to the current record and then clears all data from the
maintenance screen so you can create a new record. This command is available only when you
are creating a new record; it is not available for all functions.

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Programs in QAD .NET UI 67

The Properties action is available for all records and displays technical information about the
current record, such as who last updated it, as well as details about the current build number. This
information can be useful for troubleshooting problems and may be requested by technical
You can use the Dump XML button to create a file containing the XML data for the current
component. (This can be useful as a starting point for loading data with the XML daemon.)
Fig. 3.10
Object Properties

Field Descriptions

Business Component Shortname. Displays the internal Business Component code name for
the object.
Internal Object Identification. Displays the unique numeric identifier for the object.

Last Updated By. Displays the login ID of the user who last modified the object.

Last Updated On. Displays the date and time when the object was last updated.

Business Component Version. Displays the version of the business component.

UI Component Version. Displays the UI component version.

Dump Location. Specify a directory where you want the XML description of this component
to be located. This field applies only when you click Dump XML.

Save as Draft

When enabled, this option lets you save component-based records in draft mode. You can access
them at a later stage (for example, following approval) in order to complete them. See “Saving and
Browsing Drafts” on page 76.

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68 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide


Workflow is available for both types of program and is visible as an Actions menu option for non-
component based programs and as a Tools menu option for component-based programs. When you
click Workflow in a non-component based program, the system creates an e-mail message for
another system user, with the current screen as an attached link. This e-mail is then posted to the
user’s Inbox in the QAD Messaging side-bar. Workflow for component-based programs is
described in “Workflow” on page 70.

The Copy menu is only available for non-component based programs and lets you to copy the text
of the current screen to the clipboard, or copy an image of the current screen to the clipboard.
Fig. 3.11

The Print menu is common to both types of program and prints the current screen to the default

The Preview menu is also common to both types of program and gives a preview of what will print
for the current screen.

The Attach menu is available for both program types. You can also use Attachment Maintenance
to create attachments for specific fields in non-component based programs.

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Programs in QAD .NET UI 69

Attach lets you attach any type of document—such as a Microsoft Word file, graphics file, or
PDF—to a record within the application. This integration ensures that all required documentation
is immediately accessible when needed. You can attach and view any type of file if the
corresponding viewing software is available on the client.
A copy of the attached document is stored in the system database, which means that the document
will always be available and consistent with the application data. This storage facility ensures that
the feature is very secure. However, the storage facility is not suitable for very large objects of over
a gigabyte. If your system contains a large number of records with attachments, you must consider
the effect of these objects on the available database space. In other application modules, you can
link documents to objects by means of a URL or a Universal Naming Convention (UNC).
Example Use the Attach option to associate a summary of a customer’s business activities with a
customer record or attach a PDF of an invoice to a supplier invoice record.
If you have set up the Scan daemon, you can poll a directory for documents to attach to new
records and have the system send work objects to the Inboxes of designated users. For example,
the Scan daemon can create a new supplier invoice record, attach a scanned PDF to it, and send a
link to the Inboxes of all members of the AP clerk role. When a user clicks on the link, the
Supplier Invoice Create screen opens with the scanned document automatically attached.
To create a new attachment manually, choose the Attach menu option to display a dialog for
selecting the file to attach.
Fig. 3.12
Document Attach

When you click Attach, a standard Windows Open dialog displays so you can select the document
you want to attach. The number of attached documents displays in the menu. To see the
attachments, click the chevron in the top bar on the screen. Each linked document displays in this
view and can be removed if necessary.

The Tools menu is only available for component-based programs and has two options: Design
Mode and Workflow.

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70 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Design Mode

Design mode lets you modify the screen layout and add user-defined fields to a screen. It also lets
you remove fields from the screen, to create new tabs in a tab folder, and to create different views
for grids. Design mode is enabled only if you are a member of a role with access to updating the
design at a specific level. The levels of access are:
• You can make changes just for yourself that are seen only when you execute the screen.
• You can make changes that can be shared with other users that are members of your default
• You can make changes that can be used by all users in the system.

This feature can be used to streamline data entry and reduce training costs by customizing the UI
for your particular business needs. However, only knowledgeable designers that understand the
function they are modifying should be allowed to make significant screen changes.
See QAD System Administration User Guide for more information on the design mode for
Financials functions.


This option is the equivalent of the non-component based Workflow, which is available in the
Actions menu for non-component based programs.
Workflow lets you forward final or draft work items to one or more individuals—identified by a
role—in the organization for completion or validation. You activate workflow using System and
User Settings.
Workflow can be used for most records created with component-based functions. The ad-hoc
workflow sends a link to the current record to another user’s QAD Messaging Inbox and
optionally notifies them by e-mail. The recipient can double-click to open the item and complete
the assigned task. If the Return to Sender option is included in the workflow, the record is returned
to the originator’s Inbox when the recipient saves it.
Note Return to Sender does not apply when the View activity is selected.

When workflow is initiated, the system routes the record to all users with the specified role. As
soon as one user opens the object, it is removed from the Inbox of the remaining users. The system
refreshes the Inbox by default every 5 minutes.
Note If you want to direct workflow to an individual, create a role that includes just that user. The
role does not need to have any permissions assigned and can be used just to direct the workflow.
The following are examples of processes for which workflow can be used:
• Approve supplier invoices.
• Release invoices for payment.
• Notify stakeholders of changes to accounts, GL data, and customer or supplier data.
• Escalate overdue customer invoices.
• Approve transient journal entries.
• Create supplier invoices based on scanned documents. See “Attach” on page 68.

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Programs in QAD .NET UI 71

You can optionally use e-mail notification to inform users who do not regularly log in to the QAD
application that they have activities to be performed. These users can then access the necessary
function to perform the required activity. Any instructions included in the workflow are also
included in the e-mail.

Example of Inbox

Workflow items display as a list in the QAD Messaging inbox by component name and activity.
The key fields that identify the component are displayed in parentheses. In Figure 3.13, a single
item displays in the Inbox. The customer record ID is included in the parentheses.
Fig. 3.13

To refresh the display, right-click the inbox and choose Refresh.

Configuring Workflow

When you select Workflow from the menu, the work flow for the component displays. You can
specify the recipient’s role and link an activity—such as approve, comment, complete. Then add
instructions and indicate whether the system should route the record back to you when the
recipient’s activity is complete. You can also specify that the recipient be notified by e-mail about
required activities.

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72 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Fig. 3.14
Workflow Object Create

Field Descriptions

Workflow Name. Select an existing workflow from the drop-down list or enter a code
(maximum 140 characters) to define a new workflow name. If you select an existing
workflow, click Load to display its details. After configuring a new workflow, click Save to
save it for reuse.
The workflow name is optional. You can also create a one-off, ad-hoc workflow, and leave this
field blank.
Role. Select the role to receive the work item. The list contains only roles with permission to
execute activities related to the type of record you are updating. For example, if you access the
workflow from Customer Invoice Create, the list of roles includes only those with permission
to activities related to customer invoices.
The linked record is sent to all members of this role.
Required Activity. Select the activity that the recipient of the work item should perform. The
list contains all activities that can be performed on the record you are currently updating.
Note If you select the view activity, you cannot request Return to Sender. The Return to
Sender option is initiated when the recipient saves the record; this is not possible in view
Return to Sender. Select this field if you want the work object routed back to yourself when
the recipient has completed the assigned activity. When this field is selected, the record is sent
back to you when the recipient saves their changes.
Instructions. Enter any comments or instructions (maximum 200 characters) for the recipient
of the record. These can be viewed by the recipient by selecting Workflow from the linked
record. Instructions are also included in the e-mail, if that option is enabled.
E-mail Notification. Select this field if you want the members of the recipient roles to receive
an e-mail notification regarding a pending action item. To use this option, each user must have
a valid e-mail address defined in User Maintenance (36.3.1) and you must have configured the
e-mail server appropriately.

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Programs in QAD .NET UI 73

Special Characters
Fields in component-based programs do not permit the use of special characters such as the
comma (,) and pipe (|). This limitation is imposed because the comma and pipe are often used as
list separators, and may cause the input to be misinterpreted. Fields in non-component (Progress-
based) programs do not impose this limitation.
It is recommended as good practice to avoid using special characters in all QAD EE fields. For
example, it is recommended not to use asterisks (*) or periods (.) in any codes because these may
be interpreted as wild cards and hinder the behavior of browses.

Using Reports and Inquiries

Reports and inquiries in QAD .NET UI are displayed in the same way as maintenance programs.
Some programs update both the database and produce report output. These programs display in the
same way as other reports. Sales Order Print (7.1.3) is an example of a program that generates
output and updates the Print Sales Order field in the sales order record. You use and navigate
report programs like maintenance programs with a few exceptions.

Generating Report Output

In programs that generate report output, you choose an output device. In general, you can use any
device previously defined in Printer Setup Maintenance (36.13.2). However, if you want to display
the report output on your terminal, you must select a device that has Scroll Output set to Yes in
Printer Setup Maintenance. Typically, you can use the Page option, which is a system default that
has Scroll Output set to Yes. Or you can define another printer with this setting. You can also use
the Email option in Desktop or Desktop (Web Browser) reports and inquiries.
Important System administrators should set a page limit on the Output to Page option for reports
and inquiries. If you output a report or inquiry of more than 1000 pages to Page, the retrieval of the
data puts a burden on client resources and can cause system instability. For this reason, you should
use browse filters carefully when generating a browse. When generating a Product Line Inquiry
and outputting to Page, for example, you should refine the inquiry results as much as possible. A
default Product Line Inquiry generated without filtering produces a report well in excess of the
1000-page limit.
You can set up a text printer, which is essentially a version of the “page” printer output setting. The
text printer renders a non-formatted report that can be saved to your local client computer as a text
file or PDF file, or can be printed on a standard printer. To set up report output to a text printer, use
Printer Setup Maintenance (36.13.2), setting the Initialize Ctrl field to text.
Output to terminal is not supported in Desktop or Desktop (Web Browser) screens.

Canceling HTML Reports

In other interfaces, you can use the Ctrl+C key combination to stop a report that is currently
In QAD .NET UI, this key combination has no effect. Instead, a Cancel button displays. Click the
Cancel button to stop the report. You can also use the close button in the program title bar to stop
the report execution.

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74 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Enhanced Report Format

You can enhance the appearance of selected reports. For more information, see QAD .NET UI
Administration Guide.

Using Fixed Assets Programs

Some programs in the Fixed Assets module include additional navigation buttons that are used to
modify information or access additional screens with a program. For example, Fixed Asset
Maintenance (32.3) includes multiple navigation buttons in the QAD .NET UI:
• The currently active button is indicated by the darker frame around it.
• You can use the Tab key to move forward between the buttons and Shift+Tab to move
• Press the spacebar to execute the function associated with the active button.
• Pressing Enter is the same as clicking Next. This typically has no effect when the buttons are
• The End button and the Back link execute the same function; similarly, the two Delete buttons
execute the same function.
Fig. 3.15 
Fixed Asset Maintenance (32.2)

Recording Program Actions

The Program Export File function is a test utility in the QAD .NET UI and is available in the
Actions menu for all non-component based programs. This function lets you record your actions as
you complete an application process and save the recorded actions to an .XML or .XLS file that
you store locally. You then execute the saved .XML or .XLS file in the Execute Document Import
function to reproduce the recorded process on screen. Saved files can be exported for testing to
another QAD .NET UI environment, or imported into the current environment.
For example, if an error is occurring in the Purchase Order Maintenance flow, select Export File
before creating a purchase order. As you process the purchase order, the system records each
mouse and keyboard action you take, and also the values you select in each stage of the process.
The saved file lists each program, field, and value selected.
Execute Document Import lets you replay the process, loop the recorded file, and step through or
pause each action or selection in the process.

To Record Program Actions

1 Launch a program.
2 Choose Actions|Export Data. An Export Data screen is displayed (minimized) on the screen
while the system is recording your user actions. Each user action is immediately listed in the
Actions grid of this screen, and you can pause, name, and save the recording in this dialog.

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Programs in QAD .NET UI 75

Fig. 3.16
Export Data

The Options menu in the Export Data dialog lets you define the data being recorded. Select Record
Changes Only to record changed values only, or Record All to record all of your actions, including
the values you select during navigation.
3 Run the program, and perform the program tasks you want to record. Recording automatically
starts, and the Export Data dialog lists the actions, frames, and fields being recorded.
An Export Data screen is displayed (minimized) on the screen while the system is recording
your user actions. Each user action is immediately listed in the Actions grid of this screen, and
you can pause, name, and save the recording in this dialog. The Options menu in the Export
Data dialog lets you define the data being recorded. Select Record Changes Only to record
changed values only, or Record All to record all of your actions, including the values you
select during navigation.
4 When you have completed the actions you want to record, choose Save in the Export Data
dialog, and save the file to a location. You can save as an .xml file or an .xls file.

To Run Saved Program Actions

1 To run the saved recording, choose Execute Document Import in the Applications Pane, under
Fig. 3.17
Execute Document Import

2 From the External Import menu, browse to the file you have saved (the .xml or .xls file).
3 Open the file and click Go. You can also Loop the recording or Step through the actions.

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76 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

A .log file that reports the results of the actions is created when the recording is run. This file
has the same prefix as the recording file but is appended with .log.

Saving and Browsing Drafts

The Save as Draft and Browse Drafts options are available for component-based programs only
and must be enabled in Change System Settings (
When Save as Draft is enabled, you can save selected records without completing all the
validations required to ensure that the record is complete. You can then finish adding data to the
record at a later time by using the Browse Drafts option to find the incomplete record.
Only the following subset of components provides the ability to save unfinished records as drafts
to be completed and approved later:
• Banking Entry
• Business Relation
• Petty Cash
• Customer
• Customer Invoice
• Finance Charge
• Journal Entry
• Supplier Invoice
• Supplier

Save as Draft

Selecting Save as Draft displays the following dialog.

Fig. 3.18
Save as Draft

The Activity field has a value based on the activity you invoked the Save options from. You can
specify reference text to identify the draft record. The system supplies a default number, but you
should give the draft a name that will help you or others recognize it easily.
When Shared is selected, other users can update the record; otherwise, only you can complete the
record and change its draft status.

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Programs in QAD .NET UI 77

Browse Drafts

Selecting Customer Browse Drafts opens the Draft Customer Search screen. Use this screen to
select, open, and finalize draft instances that you or other users have created. Drafts created by
other users are available only if they selected the Shared field when saving the draft.
Fig. 3.19
Draft Customer Search

Extended Program Button Labels

For improved usability of selected program screens, the Back button is labeled End Lines when
you get to the Line Number field. When you are on the format field, the Back button is now Trailer
(or End if there is no trailer section). The Next button is labeled Lines. Programs that include these
buttons include the following:
• Requisition Maintenance (5.2.3, rqrqmt.p)
• Purchase Order Maintenance (5.7, popomt.p)
• Blanket Order Maintenance (5.3.1, poblmt.p)
• Sales Quote Maintenance (7.12.1, sqqomt.p)
• Sales Order Maintenance (7.1.1, sosomt.p)
• Pending Invoice Maintenance (7.13.1, soivmt.p)
• Material Order Maintenance (11.11.1, fseomt.p)

Creating Custom Links

The QAD .NET UI lets you customize the interface by adding links on a program screen that let
you access other programs.
To add links on a program screen to another program, complete the following steps:
1 Open the program you want to update.
2 Choose Go To|Add Link at the top of the program screen. The User Tool Maintenance screen
displays in a separate browser window.
Specify your user ID if you want the program links to display only when you execute the
parent program. Alternatively, leave the field blank to create a generic record of settings. This
generic record is automatically associated with every user in the system who does not have a
user-specific record.

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78 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

3 Enter the name of the program where you want the link to display. Leave Program blank to add
the link to all programs that do not already have a user-specific record.
4 Click Next to continue.
5 In the Exec field, enter the name of the program you want to execute when you click a link.
6 In the Label field, specify a text string to appear in the link area. If you leave this field blank,
the standard menu description from Menu System Maintenance (36.4.4) is used.
7 Leave the Image field blank. Images do not apply in the QAD .NET UI.
8 For the changes to take effect, close the program you are updating and then reopen it.

Sending Program Links by E-mail

You can send QAD .NET UI program links in an e-mail using the Email feature:
1 Open a program. For example, open Sales Order Maintenance (7.1.1).
2 From the Actions pull-down menu, choose Email.
Alternatively, right-click in the program screen and choose Email from the pop-up menu.
3 A pop-up Information window informs you that a URL to the program will be copied to the
clipboard. Click OK.
4 Your default email client program launches, opening a new e-mail for you to compose. By
default, the subject of the e-mail is the name of the QAD .NET UI program.
5 In the body of the e-mail message, paste the URL to the program from the clipboard (for
instance, enter Ctrl+V). Note that if a record was selected when you created the link, the
program opens with that record selected when the recipient clicks on the link.
Note Your default e-mail client is defined in the browser Tools|Internet Options|Programs setting.
You can also set the e-mail program from the QAD .NET UI using Tools|Internet Options.

Entering Transaction Comments

Programs such as Sales Order Maintenance, Purchase Order Maintenance, and Work Order
Maintenance include the option to enter comments. Comments have a limit of 15 lines. You can
cut, copy, and paste ASCII text. In general, any rich text formatting is removed from copied text
when the text is pasted.
Note When you are in the comments field, pressing Enter places a carriage return in the entered
text. If you are not in a comments field, pressing Enter submits the current data and advances you
to the next frame (or screen), which is the equivalent of clicking the Next button on the screen.
Note You use CTRL + Enter to place a carriage return in the Comments tab of component-based
programs such as Customer Create.

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Programs in QAD .NET UI 79

Using Terminal Mode Screens

You can choose which programs to run in Terminal mode using the Properties, Program, Opens
With pull-down menu. Right-click a program name to display its Properties.
By default, the display mode is determined by settings in Program Information Maintenance
( Any program that is not defined in Program Information Maintenance automatically
displays in Terminal mode.
Note While you can have many instances of a Desktop or Desktop (Web Browser) screen open,
you cannot run two instances of the same program in Terminal screens.
Terminal display mode includes the following features:
• Configuring multiple language support for terminal client
• Telnet support for Windows (limited only by how Georgia Softworks and Desktop use Telnet)
• Telnet, SSH1 and SSH2 support for UNIX, specified in the Client Session Configuration file’s
<TerminalProtocol> setting
• Right-click paste from clipboard in multiple languages
• Custom key mappings
• Multiple language support for UNIX
• Cut and Paste capability (in multiple languages)
• Print and print preview capability
• Autosizing font capability
• Authentication using ShellUser, ScriptUser, or PromptUser, specified in the Client Session
Configuration file’s <TerminalAuthentication> setting
• vt320 terminal emulation
• Custom fonts and colors

Note If record locking occurs in an environment where the database is running on a Windows
server and the QAD Application Server (Tomcat) is running on a Linux server, you cannot close a
program displayed in Terminal mode by using Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Break. Instead, you must close the
program by clicking on the “x” in the program tab. For example, if you open Sales Order
Maintenance in Desktop mode and open a record named 1234, and then open Sales Order
Maintenance in Telnet mode and open a record named 1234, the Telnet mode displays an error
message telling you to use Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Break to close the program. However, to close the
program, you must click the “x” in the program tab instead.
You can use standard function keys to navigate in character programs. A status line at the bottom
of the screen displays active function keys.
Terminal mode screens automatically resize to fill the available application space. You can use the
mouse to select text on the screen to paste into another application. Otherwise, you cannot use the
mouse to navigate programs in Terminal mode screens.
You can also use the Print and Print Preview commands to send images of Terminal mode screens
to an output device.

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80 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Programs in Terminal Mode Only

Some programs are only available in Terminal mode, which emulates the Character UI within the
.NET UI. You navigate the program in the same way as in the Character UI. The following
programs are only available in Terminal mode:
• Accounts Not To Convert Maint
• AP Integrity Report
• Archive File Reload
• Call Queue Manager
• Change Deferred/Accrued Accounts
• CIM Data Load Process Monitor
• Combined Integrity Checks
• Compile Programs
• Convert Ship Qty in Ship UM
• Count Program
• Create Records for Printer Output
• Database Connect
• Database Disconnect
• Database Table Size Inquiry
• Debug CIM Document
• Dump Export/Import Doc for Edit
• End User Time Zone Change Util
• Escalation Monitor
• Exit to Operating System
• Export/Import Document Query
• Field Eligibility Maintenance
• Fixed Asset Maintenance
• Fixed Assets Integrity Report
• GL Integrity Report
• GLRW Mismatch A/C Code
• Initial Euro Exchange Rate Copy
• Inventory Integrity Report
• License Registration
• Multiple Time Zones Startup Util
• PO Integrity Report
• Process Import Documents
• Program Level
• Program/Text File Display
• Receive Import Documents

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Programs in QAD .NET UI 81

• Reload Edited Export/Import Doc

• Required Ship Schedule Update
• Send Export Documents
• Sequence Maintenance
• Server Time Zone Change Util
• Set Multiple BOL Print Utility
• Ship-From to AR
• Trading Partner Library Load
• Trading Partner Library Unload
• WIP Integrity Report

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82 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

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Chapter 4

Browses in QAD .NET UI

The QAD .NET UI lets you use browses using advanced features of .NET technology. This
section describes using browses in the QAD .NET UI.
This section covers the following topics:
Introduction to Browses 84
Introduces browses in the QAD .NET UI.
Using Browse Menu Options 86
Describes how to use browses in the QAD .NET UI.
Working with Browse Results 92
Describes how to manage and maintain browse results.
Browse Maintenance 104
Describes the Browse Maintenance program, which includes a new graphical tool for creating,
editing, duplicating, and deleting browses.
Using Browse Chart Designer 121
Describes how to use the chart designer feature to generate graphical representations of data.
Creating Browse Operational Metrics 124
Describes Operational Metrics, which let you create visible metrics from browse data.
Creating Excel Output from Browses 138
Describes how to export browse data to Excel.
Integrating with Microsoft Excel 139
Describes advanced integration with Excel.
Accessing Links in Browses 144
Describes how to setup browse data columns links.
Browse URL Maintenance 145
Describes how to create URL links that users can activate from QAD .NET browses using Browse
URL Maintenance.
Browse Link Maintenance 151
Describes how to define browse program links using Browse Link Maintenance.
Browse Collections 154
Describes browse collections, which feature a main browse displayed with related programs and
84 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Introduction to Browses
Browses display selected data in the form of a table. Column headings are field labels; rows are
field values. The field values in a browse come from any table in the QAD Enterprise Applications
schema. A browse includes selected values from one table or several joined tables.

Non-Component Based Browses

There are two types of non-component based browse:
• Look-Up Browses. A look-up browse returns the value you select to the active field in the
calling program. By default, it returns the field value of the first column. Look-up browses can
display and sort up to seven columns of fields. Look-up browses cannot filter, graph, or print
data. For example, when you select the lookup for purchase orders in Purchase Order
maintenance, you launch a lookup browse of Purchase Order Master.
Fig. 4.1
Purchase Order Lookup Browse

• Power Browses. A power browse can filter, graph, and print data. Any column can be sorted,
and the first ten columns can be filtered. Power browses are available as menu options in the
Applications area, for example, Sales Order Browse (7.1.2), Purchase Order Browse (5.8).
When attached to a field, power browses are called drill-downs. Drill-downs return a selected
value to the active field of a calling program.

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 85

Fig. 4.2 
Example of Sales Order Browse

The New and Edit menu bar options are only available for non-component based browses. See
“Navigating in Browses” on page 93.

Component-Based Browses
Component-based browses are launched when you view, modify, or delete a record created with a
component-based activity. For example, Supplier Invoice View (, Supplier Invoice
Modify (, and Supplier Invoice Delete ( all launch browses, in which you select
the record on which you want to perform the activity.
Fig. 4.3
Supplier Invoice Browse for Modify

Other component activities for which you want to select a record also launch browses. For
example, there are also browses for Supplier Invoice Allocate (, Supplier Invoice
Approve (, and Supplier Invoice Reverse (
You also launch browses from lookup fields in component-based screens.

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86 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Fig. 4.4
Supplier Invoice, Credit Terms Lookup

The Stored Searches browse option is only available for component-based browses. See “Stored
Searches” on page 90.

Using Browse Menu Options

Any browse defined using standard QAD functions can be viewed from the QAD .NET UI,
including custom browses developed to meet your specific business requirements.
Browses and lookups in the QAD .NET UI have a consistent appearance and features. The only
significant difference is that browses can be added to the menus and invoked from a menu, while
lookups must be associated with a field and displayed from a program.
Note Because lookups are not invoked from a menu, you cannot save search criteria in lookups or
add the saved searches to your Favorites.

Browse Menu Bar

Use the options on the Browse menu bar to manage your browses.
Fig. 4.5
Browse Menu Bar

The Actions menu contains export and reporting options, and for non-component browses,
additional workflow and e-mail options.


Select Actions|Chart or Actions|Grid View to toggle between viewing a chart or the grid view of a
browse. If a chart has not been created for the browse, the Chart option is not available.

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 87


Select Actions|Print to print the current browse.

The system displays the standard Windows print dialog so that you can select a remote or local
printer or print to file. You can also use the Print and Print Preview commands on the menu to print
the browse data.
Note Make sure that the printer is online before trying to print to it. No error is displayed when
you attempt to print to an offline printer.
When you print a browse, all columns in the browse are printed and scaled to fit the paper size of
your printer. Depending on what data you want to print, you might want to hide some columns
from the browse before you print it. For information on hiding columns, see “Column Options” on
page 97.

Export to CSV

Actions|Export to CSV exports the contents of the current browse to a comma-separated-value

(.CSV) file, which you can open in supporting spreadsheet applications. The export includes only
the columns that are marked as visible, which lets you exclude columns from the export by hiding
those columns on the browse grid.
The left-to-right position of the visible columns in the browse grid determine the order of the data
fields in the exported CSV file. The sort order of the rows in the browse determine the order in
which the exported CSV lines are written to the file.
When you create groups in a browse, the groups are maintained in the exported file, and columns
within groups are also sorted according to the original browse. The group-by column is positioned
at the beginning of each line of exported data.
Note In many non-US English environments, the delimiter for CSV export/import is a semicolon
rather than a comma. You can now specify the delimiter in the client session configuration file
(client-session.xml) browse settings:
The default is a comma. To use a semicolon as the delimiter, use the following setting:

Export to Excel

Select Actions|Export to Excel to generate an Excel worksheet with the browse data. For details,
see “Creating Excel Output from Browses” on page 138.

Export to PDF

Select Actions|Export to PDF to generate a PDF file with the browse data.
Important When you output a report or browse to PDF, you should not attempt to create a PDF of
more than 1000 pages, as this seriously affects application performance. Use a third-party PDF
generation utility to create large PDF files.

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88 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

System administrators should also set a page limit on the Output to Page option for reports. If you
output a report of more than 1000 pages to Page, the retrieval of the data puts a burden on client
resources and can cause system instability.


Select Actions|Workflow to send the current browse as an e-mail attachment to a current system
user. When the user double-clicks on the link in the e-mail message, the browse is displayed.
Note See “Workflow” on page 70.


Select Actions|Email to send this browse as a program link in an e-mail using the Email feature.
See “Sending Program Links by E-mail” on page 78.


Select Actions|Report to generate a report of the current browse results:

Fig. 4.6
Browse Report

Auto Go

You can have a displayed browse automatically refresh the data at a specified rate.
1 To start the automatic refresh, choose Actions|Auto Go|Start.
2 To stop the automatic refresh, choose Actions|Auto Go|Stop.
3 To change the refresh rate, choose Actions|Auto Go|Rate, click and edit the value. (The default
value is 30 seconds.)

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 89


Chart Designer

For further information, see “Using Browse Chart Designer” on page 121.

The Cancel button becomes active when a browse is running. To stop the currently running
browse, click the Cancel button.

Record Set Navigation Buttons

Use the navigation buttons to move through browse records:
Icon Keyboard Action
Alt+Up Arrow Key First set of records

Alt+Left Arrow Key Previous set of records

Alt+Right Arrow Key Next set of records

Alt+Down Arrow Key Last set of records

For more information, see “Navigating in Browses” on page 93.

Refresh Button
The browse toolbar includes a refresh button next to the paging buttons so you can easily refresh
the display of browse data. The refresh button is included on both drill-down and lookup browses.

Add to Favorites
Save browse search criteria for reuse in a file and then retrieve them later, or create customized
browse searches and add them to the Favorites menu area.
When you save a browse as a favorite, the QAD .NET UI will save any sort column settings. When
you launch the browse from the favorites menu, the QAD .NET UI will apply the sort conditions,
as well as all of the other saved state that you might have set, including summaries, charts, and
search conditions. If you want to save multiple versions of a browse that use different filters, you
can rename the favorite to reflect the filter (for example, an Items browse can be filtered for Site
100 and then named Items for Site 100, or for product line 1000 and then named Items for Product
Line 1000).

Browse, Hybrid, and Screen Views

With the browse, hybrid, and screen views, you can move seamlessly between seeing a record in a
browse and viewing and modifying the details for that record. As you do so, you can take
advantage of screen display options that allow you to focus on the details of interest.

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90 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

When in a browse, you can double-click on a record and have the details display in a pane that
opens to the right of the browse. You can then quickly view and edit those details. For example, in
Item Browse, you can double-click on an item number, and then the details about that item display
(in Item Master Maintenance). Meanwhile, in the browse display, you can select some other item
number, and the display on the right automatically updates to show you the details of the item you
have just selected. If you want to have the screen display only the details for a particular item, you
can click on the Screen View icon along the upper right of the display. You can then return to the
hybrid view by clicking the Hybrid View icon or just have the browse display by clicking the
Browse View icon.

View, Modify, and Create

While in the browse, if you want to create a new item, click the Create icon, located next to the
Screen View icon. You can also toggle between View and Modify, depending on whether you want
to just view the details of an item or modify those details.

Stored Searches
Stored searches are available for component-based browses only.
Use this option to save your current lookup settings under a name. The stored search is then listed
for selection when you launch this browse and can be reused. The settings you save apply to this
browse only and are not listed in browses for other types of records.
Fig. 4.7
Stored Searches

Field Descriptions

Name. Enter a code (maximum of 80 characters) to identify the saved search settings. The
name must be unique to that browse.
Level. Choose an option to determine which users can access the stored search. The options
available in the Level drop-down list depend on your role permissions.
User <Current User ID>: Only you can access the stored search. It is not available in the stored
search list of other users. This setting is the default.
Role <Current Role>: Only users who have the same role as your default role can access the
stored search. It is not available in the stored search lists of users who do not have this role.
System: The stored search is available to all users in the system.
Note This option is available only to users who have a role assigned that lets them define a
stored search on the system level.

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 91

Entity-Dependent. Select the field if you do not want the stored search to be available across
Customer Default. The stored search settings become the initial settings for this browse for all
users. They replace the factory default initial settings.
The availability of these choices depends on the access you have been given in Role Permissions
Maintain to the stored search activities.
The system saves all the field, filter operator, and row and column information you configure in
the Lookup Settings dialog.

Manage Filter Fields

This option displays all the search fields possible for this type of record. You can use the Manage
Filter Fields tab to:
• Specify whether a filter field should appear on the Selection Criteria tab (Visible column).
• Specify in which order the filter fields should appear.
• Specify what operator to use when finding data to view.
• Define a persistent initial value or range of values for the filter field. The values for search
criteria entered in the actual Search Panel are not saved with the stored search. However, the
initial values entered in Manage Filter Fields are saved.
Example You can refine the default search for GL accounts to retrieve only accounts with codes
that are within a number range of 1000 to 5000.
Fig. 4.8
Manage Filter Fields

The browse is then populated with these conditions, and you click Search to conduct the search.

Ordering Fields

You can also change the order in which fields display in the filter criteria by right-clicking the field
and using one of the Move commands (Figure 4.9). If you right-click in a logical field such as the
Visible column, you can clear or select all of the Visible fields at one time.

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92 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Fig. 4.9
Rearranging Search Fields


Field Descriptions

Label. This read-only field displays the field label, which is also the column heading of the
Visible. Select this field to include the field in the browse search criteria. This field does not
affect the columns displayed in the browse; use the right-click Columns menu for that. It
affects only which fields you can use for finding records.
Operator. Select an operator to apply to this field.

First Initial Value. Enter a value for this selection criterion or select a value from the drop-
down list. The list displays certain variables that are interpreted by the system, such as $Today,
which represents today’s date.
These variables let you save stored search criteria that work correctly regardless of the date.
Second Initial Value. This field is editable only when the range operator is specified. Enter the
ending value in a range for selecting records.

Saving Non-Component Based Browse Searches

You can save a browse search by adding it to your favorites:
1 Click the Save button.
2 The browse is saved to your Favorites area and named based on the name of the browse.
If it is the first instance you have saved, the browse name in the Favorites area is the name of
the browse. If you save the same browse again, the name in the Favorites area is the browse
name with a (2) at the end. If you save again, the name includes a (3) at the end, and so on.
Once you have saved the browse to the Favorites pane, you can rename the browse and
organize it as you can other items saved in the Favorites pane.

Working with Browse Results

Browse features include the following:

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 93

• The default sort order for the multiple columns in a browse can be set using Browse
Maintenance. In Browse Maintenance, the value of the Sort Order field for each column
specifies the order in which the columns are sorted relative to each other, and the Sort field
specifies whether a column is sorted in ascending order, descending order, or unspecified
• Use the navigation buttons in the top left to move through the records. The buttons from left to
right move to the first set, previous set, next set, last set. See “Navigating in Browses” on
page 93 for details.
Use the Records per page drop-down to determine how many records display at one time in the
browse. The default value can be set using the Rows Per Page setting in Tools|Options.
Use caution in displaying all records, especially when the number of records is large. Attempting
to display a large number of records at once can adversely affect performance. Instead, use the
Search conditions to focus on the specific records you want to review.
Drag columns by their headings to rearrange the display.
Note As a shortcut, instead of clicking Edit, you can double-click on the row that includes the

Navigating in Browses
You can use the navigation buttons to move through browse records.
Icon Keyboard Action
Alt+Up Arrow Key First set of records

Alt+Left Arrow Key Previous set of records

Alt+Right Arrow Key Next set of records

Alt+Down Arrow Key Last set of records

You can also use Tab and Shift+Tab to move through the buttons and fields in the browse toolbar.
In this case, pressing Enter is the same as a right-mouse click. When you are in the browse search
panel, press Enter to execute the search with the current conditions. After you have selected a row,
you can use the up arrow or right arrow keys to move the row selection up one row; the down
arrow and left arrow keys move the row selection down one row.
Note You may notice slower performance during paging when a large number of records is
displayed. Paging performance may worsen as you get to the bottom of the list. To reduce this
problem, click a relevant column to reverse the sort and page through those records at the top of
the list.

Using Browses and Search

The Search options in component activities let you filter your search results in a number of ways,
and save customized search settings for reuse.

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94 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

The top pane of the browse provides tools for managing the data you are viewing. You can retrieve
stored searches, filter search results, and update browse settings. The bottom pane of the browse
displays the retrieved records. Browses that return large numbers of records display a progress
indicator while the records are being retrieved.
Fig. 4.10
Browse Progress Indicator

The existing records are displayed on scrollable pages and you can set the number of records per
page. When many records exist, choosing to display all of them may take some time.

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 95

Fig. 4.11
Typical Browse
Select a stored search or
display Manage Filter Fields.

Enter filter

Set no. of
per page

Click to
next page
of records.

Search Criteria
The Search Criteria area displays the fields for filtering your search. If stored search criteria exist,
you can select one by name from the drop-down list at the top of the search criteria. This sets up
the filter criteria to produce preconfigured results.
Otherwise, the search fields display with a default configuration. You can refine the search using
combinations of filters and wild cards (*). Click the + and X buttons to add and remove search
Initially, one search condition displays. Choose the field that you want to search from the drop-
down list.
1 Choose a search operator from the drop-down list. The search operators include the following:
• equals
• not equals
• contains
• range
• starts at (the default)
• greater than
• less than

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96 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

• is null
• is not null

2 Enter a value in the search box or select a value from the associated lookup.
For character fields, the asterisk (*) is a wildcard character, matching any number of
characters when the search operator is equals or contains. If you want to search for the *
character, precede with a backslash ( \* ). If you want to search for the backslash character, use
two backslashes (\\).
You can enter a comma-separated list of values in the search field for browses. When the
search conditions include the equals or not equals operators and the search is against values of
the string data type, the search query will perform a logical OR on the results.
When configuring a browse, you can enter variables in search values. For example, when
browsing for sales order bills, you can select SessionID, UserID, Entity ID, or Domain from
the Search Variable drop-down list. Different components display different search variables in
the drop-down list. The Toggle Search Variable Mode button toggles this option.
You can also use database fields of the same type as filters. For example, you can filter a
browse to retrieve records for which Sold-To equals Ship-to, Date Due is greater than Date
Shipped, or Quantity Ordered is greater than Quantity Shipped. The Toggle Search Variable
Mode button also toggles this option.
Fig. 4.12
Toggle Search Variable Mode

Toggle Search Variable Mode

Note When searching according to a range of values, be aware that the string comparison
method used by the .NET environment can produce a different sort order than the Progress
database sort order in certain situations. For instance, .NET treats the dash (-) character as
greater than the zero (0) character but the Progress database does not.
3 Click Search.
4 To refine your search further, click the plus (+) icon to add another search row. You can add as
many rows as needed, each with different search values and operators. If you choose the range
search operator, the second search box is enabled for the ending value of the range. When you
specify several criteria, note the following:
• Multiple criteria for the same field are treated as a logical OR condition.
• Multiple criteria for different fields are treated as a logical AND condition. The not equals
and not null criteria are always treated as a logical AND condition, even with other criteria
on the same field.
5 To remove a search criteria row, click on the delete (x) icon.
You can use the Manage Filter Fields option (see “Manage Filter Fields” on page 91) to display
more fields or other fields on component-based browses. Adding and removing Filter Fields with
+ and X or using the Manage Filter fields menu option provides the same result. However, with the
Manage Filter fields option, you can also give the fields persistent initial values if you save the
changes in the Stored Search menu.

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 97

Using Manage Filter Fields, you can also change the order of the filter fields by right-clicking and
choosing Move Up, Move Top, Move Down, or Move Bottom. You can also select a field and
move it by pressing the Alt key and then pressing the Arrow Up or Arrow Down key.

Column Options
Right-click a column heading to display a list of options.
Fig. 4.13 
Browse Column Options

With the column options, you can:

• Use Autosize Columns to resize browse columns based on the size of the displayed data. By
default, the browse displays with columns already autosized. If you turn this option off and
manually adjust column sizes, your settings for each browse are retained between sessions. If a
cell’s data exceeds the column width, three dots (...) are displayed on the right.
Note When you are viewing all records in a browse (Records to show set to All) and
Autosize Columns is on, the autosized column widths are based on the first 500 records for
performance reasons.
• Use the Group By functions to create and manage custom views of the browse data. Group By
functions are available only when all records are being viewed.
• Use Summary to get a summary of the data in the browse column. If the data in the column is
numerical, you can get a summary based on the following:
Count. Displays the number of items in an x-axis group. (This is the only summary option
available for non-numerical data.)
Sum. Displays the sum of the values in the column.
Average. Displays the average of the values in the column.
Minimum. Displays the minimum of the values in the column.
Maximum. Displays the maximum of the values in the column.
The summaries are displayed below the column in a Summaries area.
• Use Hide Column to remove a column from display.
• Use Reset to Factory Settings to return to the default column display settings. The search
conditions, autosizing, page sizing, and chart definition are all reset.
• Use Columns to display a list of all columns defined for the browse and toggle the show/hide
settings. You can use this to restore a column that was previously hidden. This option displays
the Column Maintenance screen, in which you select the columns to be displayed and the

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98 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

position in which they appear on the screen. The position numbers range from left to right on
the screen, and you assign new numbers to columns according to where you want them to
• Use Properties to display technical information about the data in the column. This includes the
name of the current program and the database table and field where the data for the column is

Using Browse Column Filter

You can filter the results in a column using the browse column filter. Each column includes a filter
so that you can refine the browse to display the data of interest.
In a browse column header, click the funnel icon.
A pull-down list displays the items displayed for the column along with options for (All),
(Custom), (Blanks), and (NonBlanks).
• To filter the column to display all data, choose (All). This is the default.
• To filter the column according to some custom criteria, choose (Custom).
• To filter the column to include only blank items, choose (Blanks).
• To filter the column to display everything except blank items, choose (NonBlanks).
• To filter the column for a particular item, select the item from the list.

Defining a Custom Browse Column Filter

1 In a browse column header, click the funnel icon.

2 To filter the column according to some custom criteria, choose (Custom).
Fig. 4.14
Browse Column Custom Filter

The Enter filter criteria pop-up menu displays.

By default, the menu includes an initial criteria. You can add additional criteria by clicking the
Add a condition button.
3 In the left-hand Operand column, select an operation. You can select the following:
Does not equal
Less than

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 99

Less than or equal to

Greater than
Greater than or equal to
Matches regular expression
Starts with
Ends with
Does not start with
Does not contain
Does not end with
Does not match
Not like
4 In the right-hand Operand column, choose the item to which you want to apply the operation.
Note You can use the symbol * as a wildcard. If you want to search for the * character,
precede with a backslash ( \* ). If you want to search for the backslash character, use two
backslashes (\\).
5 Click OK.

Summarizing Results
The Summary right-click option lets you display summary information, depending on the column
header in which you have clicked.
Note You must be able to view all the records on the screen page to enable the Summary option.
If there are more records than can be displayed, set the Records per Page field to All.
Example By right-clicking the BC Amount column in the results grid for Supplier Invoice
Browse, you can display the following summary information:
Sum. Displays a total sum of the invoice amounts

Count. Displays the number of invoice records

Average. Displays the average of the invoice amounts.

Minimum. Displays the lowest invoice amount.

Maximum. Displays the maximum invoice amount.

Note You only see meaningful results if the operator you choose applies to the data type. For
example, applying the average operator to a date column does not produce a meaningful result.
Minimum and maximum are useful with dates, and summary and average with numeric fields.

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100 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Fig. 4.15
Results Columns Option

Summary is also available within Financials grids. For example, if you select the Tax tab on a
supplier invoice, and right-click Columns while on a column header, you have the option to select
a Summary type for the column.
Fig. 4.16
Summary Option, Financials Grid

You can then display a summary for the individual column.

Grouping Results
Use the right-click Group option to group data by column type. The grid now displays a summary
of the column data, with the different elements sorted into groups.

Each group in the list can be expanded—to view the details of individual elements—using the plus
sign next to the group.

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 101

You can also add other columns to the grid to create a group hierarchy.
Figure 4.17 illustrates a GL BC Balances browse in which the GL Description, GL Account, and
System Type columns have been selected to form a hierarchy.
Fig. 4.17
Group Hierarchy

The browse data is now grouped by GL Description, GL Account, and then by System Type.
Ungroup the data by dragging the column headers back into the result list.
Note The group options that you have configured are saved automatically in your last used
settings, and can be reused when you open this browse again. You can also save these options as a
stored search.
The column header menu also has a Properties option, which shows the internal field name that, in
most cases, also matches the database field name.

Results Grid Options

The results grids for both component and non-component based browses have right-click options.
• For non-component based browses, blue underlined text indicates values where you can drill-
down for additional details. Right-click any value to display a list of associated links: either a
more detailed browse, a related program, or an external Web page. See “Accessing Links in
Browses” on page 144 for details about the kinds of links available in browse data fields.
Fig. 4.18
Browse Results Drill-Down

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102 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

For component-based browses, there are additional drill-down and configuration options for
individual records, but not individual fields. For example, when you right-click a grid line in the
Supplier Invoice Browse for Modify browse, you can select a supplier invoice activity to apply to
this record.
Fig. 4.19
Component-Based Browse Right-Click

There are two additional component-based options: Dump XML and Force Publish.

Dump XML

The right-click Dump XML option on results grids lets you export selected lines to an XML file
for analysis.
Specify a filename and location in the Dump Location field. The XML file is stored on the server
on which the appserver is running. The option lets you specify which fields to include in the dump
Fig. 4.20
Dump XML

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 103

Force Publish

The Force Publish option is used with event publishing and the Event daemon. When you have
configured event publishing, which enables changes to master data to be published and
synchronized with other external systems, the Event daemon only processes events when a change
has taken place. This option lets you publish events at any stage.

Browse Grid Vertical and Horizontal Splitters

With non-component browses, you can split the browse view grid both vertically and horizontally,
which gives you a way to keep some part of the view stationary while you scroll through another
part. You can create as many vertical and horizontal splits as you need.
To create a splitter, click and drag on the upper right or lower left locations on the browse grid as
Fig. 4.21
Creating Browse Grid Splitters

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104 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Vertical and horizontal split views display as follows:

Fig. 4.22
Browse Grid Vertical and Horizontal Splitters

Browse Maintenance
Browse data is defined with Browse Maintenance (36.20.13) and View Maintenance (36.20.18).
The Browse Maintenance (36.20.13) program includes a new graphical tool for creating, editing,
duplicating, and deleting browses. This tool is only available with the QAD .NET UI.

Fig. 4.23 
Browse Maintenance ( .NET UI mode)

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 105

In the Desktop (Web Browser) and Terminal (Character UI, or CHUI) modes, to define a browse,
you must create both a view and a browse using View Maintenance and Browse Maintenance.
With Browse Maintenance in the .NET User Interface mode, you do not need to create a view
using View Maintenance. Rather, you can simply use Browse Maintenance to specify the
components of a browse. The system automatically stores the browse definition.
Note Although all browses created by Browse Maintenance ( .NET User Interface) can be
maintained in the Character UI, some legacy browses defined using the Character UI might not be
maintainable by Browse Maintenance ( .NET User Interface). In the Character UI, you create a
browse by entering data in two maintenance programs, View Maintenance and Browse
Maintenance. You have to enter the join data in View Maintenance’s Join Phrase field, where join
data is a clause of the form <from table>.<from field> = <to table>. <to field>.
However, more than just join data can be entered in View Maintenance’s Join Phrase field. For
example, you can include field filters of the form <field name> <operator> <value>.
Browse Maintenance ( .NET User Interface) only supports maintaining join data.

Browse Performance Guidelines

Before developing browses, please note the following guidelines:
• You should have a good working knowledge of RDBMS, schema and Progress indexing when
using Browse Maintenance. If you include a join, filter, or sort field that is not indexed,
Progress performs a full table scan whenever the browse is run, which causes performance
issues. For this reason, you should use the Table Indexes feature in Browse Maintenance to
display the types of indexes available for selected tables, before you save the browse. See
“Viewing Table Indexes” on page 109.
• A browse on a database table that has many records (for example, tr_hist) can take a long time
to save and run. You should consult the data dictionary before defining a browse to check the
number of records being retrieved by a browse.
• There is no limit to the number of tables you can include using the .NET UI Browse
Maintenance; however, including a large number of tables can cause performance issues. In
general, keep the browse definition as simple as possible.
• The .NET UI Browse Maintenance was created to simplify the creation and modification of
browse definitions. Although the majority of browses defined by Character UI (CHUI)
Browse Maintenance are maintainable in .NET UI Browse Maintenance, a number of
definitions will not open for modification. The most common reason that a browse defined by
CHUI Browse Maintenance cannot be opened in .NET UI Browse Maintenance is that a non-
standard RDBMS join exists in the View’s Join Phrase field. Typically, this is a join between a
table in the definition and a string literal (for example, itm_prefix = “CA”) as opposed to a join
between two fields. The former is actually a filter condition and not a relationship between
tables. The .NET UI Browse Maintenance does not allow for display of filters in the Join
• Indexing (you can view the indexes defined for a table, right-click the table in .NET UI
Browse Maintenance and select Table Indexes).
• Join tables by indexed fields.
• Supply sufficient join fields to take advantage of indexing.
• You want indexes available for all your joins, filters, and sort columns.

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106 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

• Organize the table order to optimize likely queries. For instance, you could have Items first
and then Orders, or Orders first and then Items. The efficiency varies depending on the data
setup, table size, and filter conditions. If necessary, create some similar browses to accomplish
different tasks. A “one size fits all” browse can perform poorly when used outside its original
• In general, avoid pre- and post-processor logic. The biggest drawback besides general
performance issues is the problem of multiple users running the same browse at the same time.
The pre- and post-processor code is executed for each browse request.
• Keep browse functions simple so that the browse is easier to understand. Complex calculations
should be done outside of the browse engine to allow for better data tracking. Avoid having
browse results which depend on other data that could change unexpectedly.
• Avoid use of OR in filter conditions.
• If using .NET UI Browse Maintenance, allow it to automatically join the tables to the domain.
This is the default and is set on the Header tab using the Join to Domain check box. This
ensures that the first table added is filtered by global_domain and any other related tables are
joined on their Domain field.
• If creating a browse to run in .NET UI only, you should use the .NET UI Browse Maintenance.
If the browse is intended only for use in the Character UI, you should use CHUI View
Maintenance and CHUI Browse Maintenance. In some cases, the result set for a browse
defined using .NET UI Browse Maintenance can vary depending on whether the browse is run
in the .NET UI versus the CHUI. When developing a browse, you should first test the browse
in both .NET UI and CHUI to verify that the results are as expected.
• Avoid filters on calculated fields. The browse is run first using the Progress query on database
fields. Then the calculated field filters are applied. Try to get the database fields to restrict the
amount of calculation required.
• The calculated fields are computed each and every time a browse is run. If the calculation is
used commonly and is something the users want to filter on, consider adding a side table with
the proper join. A menu-level program can be run to fill the table at convenient times.
• Browses on large tables with mixed data (for instance, tr_hist) can be simplified by extracting
the desired subset of data into a side table specific to the function (for instance, Item-based
transactions only). Fill a table with all the current data at scheduled times, or have a menu
program do this on demand and then browse this table. Note that using Preprocessor logic to
do this is extremely inefficient because this work is done for each browse request. Each next
page will run the calculations again.
• Limit browse table joins to accomplish what is required. A complex browse need not be used
as a look-up. Browse Maintenance makes copying browses simple. Avoid using one unwieldly
browse to meet all requirements.

Browse Performance Checking

The system can do a performance check on the index use of a new browse definition when you
save it from Browse Maintenance. The performance check, Show Index Information, helps to
avoid the creation of poorly performing browses with non-indexed fields in joins, filters, and sorts.
When a browse definition is saved from Browse Maintenance, the Progress Query Parser’s
INDEX-INFORMATION is examined. Checks are made to determine whether indexes can be
used. Improperly defined query definitions are indicated as whole index scans and are displayed in

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 107

red in the Index Information tab. For instance, the browse definition could result in a table scan
that could cause performance issues and you might need to modify the definition so that no whole
index scans occur. Tables with large numbers of records might negatively impact performance, so
you might need to analyze the query string to identify possible causes. To do so, open the Query
String tab to view the dynamically generated query string as determined by the Browse Engine.
The performance check is on by default, but can be changed from the Show Index Information
setting Tools | Options or from the config-session.xml file, which now includes the following:

The setting specifies whether the output of the Progress INDEX-INFORMATION attribute for a
query is displayed when there is an issue.
Note The ability to examine what the Progress Query Parser determines as the indexes for a
query is limited. The Browse Engine currently only exposes the dynamic query string prior to
appending sorts, local variables, pre and post processor commands, and so on. This performance
check will help eliminate most poorly performing browses that have been built from improperly
constructed definitions. However, this check does not cover situations where users apply search
conditions and sorts after the browse has been displayed in the user interface.

Starting Browse Maintenance

To start Browse Maintenance:
1 The Browse Maintenance program must first be set to open in .NET User Interface mode. In
the Application pane, right-click on Browse Maintenance and select Properties.
2 Set the Open With field to .NET User Interface and click OK.The Browse Maintenance screen
includes a toolbar, a metadata manager area, and a query grid area. The toolbar provides
options for creating new browses, opening existing browses, saving browses, and deleting

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108 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Creating a New Browse

To create a new browse, click the New icon or enter Ctrl+N. The system automatically displays the
Select Database Tables screen.
Fig. 4.24
Browse Maintenance

Next, add the left and right tables you want to use.
Fig. 4.25
Select Database Tables

From the window, double-click on the name of the table you want to add as the left table, and then
double-click on the name of the table you want to add as the right table. Click Close to close the

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 109

Click the Add Tables menu icon to display this screen at any time.
Note You can print the visual relationships between tables shown in Browse Maintenance by
choosing File | Print.

Field Descriptions

Filter For. A pull-down list of the columns in the table list. The value selected specifies which
column is filtered using the value entered in the Filter field.
Table. The list of tables available for use in the browse definition.

Show System Tables. When checked, the Progress database system tables (such as *_Db,
*_File, and *_Field) are displayed in the Table List. When unchecked, the system tables
are not displayed.
Add. Click to add selected tables to the metadata manager area in Browse Maintenance.

Note The tables displayed for each program are defined in the client-session.xml file. The
Browse Maintenance function reads this .XML file before populating the Select Tables screen.
You can prevent tables from being displayed by modifying this file.
Example If the administrator wants to restrict access to so_mstr to the users with the logins
pjt and jjp, but allowing all other users to access to the table, they add a line specifying
these logins to the <DotNetBrowseMaintenanceRestrictedTables> section of the file:
<Table name="cnt_mstr" database="qaddb" restricted="*"></Table>
<Table name="hwm_det" database="qaddb" restricted="*"></Table>
<Table name="lcap_hist" database="qaddb" restricted="*"></Table>
<Table name="lpm_mstr" database="qaddb" restricted="*"></Table>
<Table name="lpmd_det" database="qaddb" restricted="*"></Table>
<Table name="lua_det" database="qaddb" restricted="*"></Table>
<Table name="lvr_det" database="qaddb" restricted="*"></Table>
<Table name="pin_mstr" database="qaddb" restricted="*"></Table>
<Table name="pex_mstr" database="qaddb" restricted="*"></Table>
<Table name="so_mstr" database="qaddb" restricted="pjt,jjp"></Table>

You can also restrict user groups by specifying the user group name in place of the user logins.
When you restrict a user group, all users within that group are restricted.
Note that an asterisk (*) indicates no users have access, and the table is completely restricted.

Viewing Table Indexes

When defining a browse, it may be useful for performance purposes to view the indexes defined
for the browse tables you are using. To view the index for a table, right-click the table window or
header and select the Table Indexes context menu.

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110 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Table 4.1 
Browse Table Indexes

Each table index is displayed in a separate tab with the index name as the tab caption. The primary
index is displayed as the first tab. Each tab displays the index attributes and the table fields that
make up the index. For each field the sequence, field name, and sort type is listed.
Index Name. The name of the index as defined in the database schema.

Description. The index description as defined in the database schema (this is often blank).

Primary. Whether the index is the primary index for the table. There can only be one primary
index defined for a table.
Unique. Whether the index is unique. A unique index does not allow duplicate values.

Active. Whether the index is currently active.

Fields. The list of fields making up the index.

Sequence Number. The order in which the field appears in the index

Field Name. The name of the field

Sort. The sort type: ascending or descending

You now use the Query tab to add fields to the browse.

Using the Query Tab

To add a field from a table to the browse, drag-and-drop a field from the table to a column in the
Query section. Note that you can view and modify the properties by clicking the Properties button
at the bottom of the column.

Field Descriptions

Field. The field name from the database schema. The default value is retrieved from the
dragged field object.
Table. The table name from the database schema.

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 111

Sort. Specifies whether the column is a column used to sort the Browse results. The combo
box lists the options: Ascending, Descending, and Unspecified.
Show. Specifies whether the column is displayed (returned) in the results when the browse is
executed against the data source.
Filter Criteria. Enter up to nine filters that are processed using a logical or operation for the
filter in each row. The format of the filter criteria is: <operator> <value>, where
<operator> is =, <>, <, >,<=, matches, or begins and where <value> is a valid string for the
entered operator. Although there are nine rows per column for filter criteria, the total length of
the filter generated from this data is limited to 256 characters.
Properties. Each column includes a Properties button, which opens a Properties screen for
entering additional field information.
You can filter the fields displayed using the Select Fields screen.

Inserting New Columns in the Query Grid

To insert new blank columns into the grid, right-click the column header to display the column
Fig. 4.26
Query Grid Right-Click Options

Insert. Select to insert a new blank column.

Clear. Select to clear the contents of the selected column.

Delete. Select to delete the selected column

Insert Calculated Field. Select to display the Field Properties screen, in which you define a
calculated field that is then inserted into a new column.

Displaying Fields in the Field List

The table areas display all the fields defined in the schema for that table. To display only the fields
you require, right-click on the table area and choose Select Fields.

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112 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Fig. 4.27
Select Fields

Field Descriptions

Filter For. Use this filter to filter by field name or field label.

Filter. Use this field to enter a string by which to filter the columns. For example, to view AR
columns, filter by field labels, and then enter AR in the Filter field. Do not include carriage
returns (CR or CR/LF) in the filter, because carriage returns are removed when the filter is
saved. The text before and after a carriage return will then be merged into one string.
Field List. This area displays the list of fields available for display in the Table Control.

Deselect QAD Field. Click this field to automatically deselect/select the QAD system fields;
that is, fields containing a double underscore (__).
Select All. Click to automatically select all the currently displayed fields.
If the field list is filtered by the Filter textbox, only the displayed fields are checked.
Select None. Click to automatically deselect all the currently displayed fields.
Note If the field list is filtered by the Filter textbox, only the displayed fields are unchecked.

The Select Fields dialog has the following constraints:

• A field used in a table join may not be unchecked and is displayed as grayed-out text in the
dialog field list.
• A minimum of one field must be checked in the dialog field list before you can click OK to
exit the screen.
When a subset of fields for a table have been selected (any number of fields less than all of the
fields available for the table), only the selected fields are displayed in the table control area. Note
the filter icon displayed in the upper right corner of the Table Control to indicate to the user that a
filtered list of fields is being displayed.
Note Fields that have been added to a screen using Configurable Screens are displayed for that
table in Browse Maintenance.

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 113

Field Properties
Use the Field Properties screen to view and modify field properties.
Fig. 4.28
Field Properties

Field. This field displays the database schema field name.

Table. This field displays the database schema table name to which the Field belongs.

Default Label. This field displays the default label from the database schema.

Table Description. This field the default table description from the database schema.

Label Term (Optional). This field specifies the key or label term from the label master table
which is used to retrieve the field label displayed in the column in the browse results.
The following algorithm is applied to the label term entered when saving the browse
• If the label term does not exist in the label master table, the system creates a new label
master record using the string entered (the string is set to all uppercase and spaces are
replaced with underscores).
• The new label master record’s value is the entered label term. For example, if you enter the
new term Red Book, the label master table would be queried and the term would not be
found. A new label master record would be created with the key RED_BOOK and the value
Red Book.
This field contains an associated lookup that allows the user to select an existing label term
from the label master table.
Note When creating a browse, you cannot use the following characters in a label term:
asterisk (*), ampersand (&), question mark (?), colon (:), semi-colon (;), dollar sign ($), hash
mark (#), at sign (@), plus sign (+), equals sign (=), less-than sign (<), greater-than sign (>), or
period (.).
Field Label. This field displays the value for the label term retrieved from the label master
Sort Order (Optional.). This field specifies the sort order for the column as an integer from 1 to
8. For a given browse, the value of the sort order for each column specifies the order in which
the columns are sorted relative to each other. By default, this field is set to Unspecified and

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114 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

read-only until the Sort field on the query grid is set to Ascending. As you specify the Sort
field, the Sort Order is automatically set to reflect the order in which you specify the Sort field
for various columns, but you can then change the Sort Order as needed.
Expression. This field is required when Field is a local variable (that is, has the name local-
varNN, where each N is an integer from 0 to 9). When Field is a local variable, the Expression
is the Progress 4GL syntax that defines the local variable. The string entered must be valid
Progress syntax. You can enter an expression of up to 512 characters.
Data Type. This drop-down list specifies the Progress data type for the local variable. This
field is required when the Field is a local variable (that is, has the name local-varNN, where
each N is an integer from 0 to 9). Valid data types are character, date, integer, decimal, logical,
and recid. If the Field is a table field, this value should not be changed.
Format. Specifies the display format for the local variable. This field is required when the
Field is a local variable (that is, has the name local-varNN, where each N is an integer from
0 to 9). These are Progress database formats, such as NN/NN/NN for dates or x(N) for
characters. If the Data Type is logical, a label term such as Yes/No or True/False should be
entered. Note that this setting only applies to the display of browses in the Character UI; it
does not apply to browses displayed in the QAD .NET UI.
Max Length. (Optional). Specifies the maximum display length for the field. Note that this
setting only applies to the display of browses in the Character UI; it does not apply to browses
displayed in the QAD .NET UI.

Creating Table Joins

To define join properties between two tables, drag-and-drop a field from one table to a field in the
other table. The screen displays a line indicating the join. Right-click the line to display the Join
Properties screen.
Fig. 4.29
Join Properties

This screen displays the table name and description, field name and label, and character type for
the left and right join elements.

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 115

Using Join Types

An inner join returns the records selected for the first table combined with related records selected
from the second table. If a record does not exist in the second table, no records are returned. Only
related records selected from both sides of the relationship display in the view.
An outer join returns the records found by an inner join. However, in addition, for each value in the
first table, it returns unknown values from the second table when no related record is found. As a
result, all matching records from the first table are preserved for unmatched records in the second
The default join type is inner. Using the outer join can give you more flexibility in displaying
Example An inner join between customers and sales orders displays only customers with sales
orders. An outer join includes all customers, even those who do not have orders.
The fields in a join must be of the same datatype, and the Conversion drop-down list lets you
convert the left or right datatype to ensure that they match. When you attempt to create a join of
fields of differing datatypes, the system warns you of the difference, and automatically displays
the Join Properties screen to let you convert one of the datatypes.
The other options on this screen are:
Only include records where the joined fields from both tables are equal (inner join). If a record
from the left table does not have a related record in the table on the right, no row is returned.
Include all records from the left table and only those records from the right table where the
fields are equal (outer join). If a record from the left table does not have a related record in the
table on the right, return the data from the left table and null for the data for the table on the
Click OK to save any changes or Cancel to exit without saving changes.

Header Data Tab

Use the Header Data tab to complete the browse information:
Browse Name. Enter the name of the browse. The name entered must have the format xxNNN,
where each x is an alphabet character and each N is an integer from 0 to 9. The convention is
that the two letters indicate the module name. Once the browse has been saved, the name is
read-only and cannot be changed.
Description Term. Enter the label term for the label master records whose value is used in the
description for the browse. The format is an upper case alphanumeric string with no spaces.
You can specify the label term in the following ways:
Leave the field blank. If you do not enter a Description Term, this field defaults to the
value you entered for the Browse Name and a label master record will be created with the
browse name as the label term and default description text when you save the browse. For
example, if you enter xx007 as the Browse Name and leave Description Term blank, the
Description Term field is assigned the value XX007, which creates the label master record
XX007 when you save the browse.

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116 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Use the lookup to select an existing label term from the Label Master window, which
displays labels as listed in Label Master Browse for your language.
Enter a value in the Description Term field that does not yet exist as a label term. The system
will create a new label master record for your language when you save the browse.
When a new label term is created, either because you left the Description Term field blank or
because you entered a value that did yet exist as a label term, you must then enter a description
for it using Label Master Maintenance ( You must enter the description in the Long
Label field. You must do this for each language you support in your system environment using
Label Master Maintenance (, selecting the appropriate Language field for the label
term and entering the appropriate description in the Long Label field. If you do not do this,
Browse Master Browse (and Browse Maintenance’s Open Browse window, which is driven by
Browse Master Browse) will not list the new browses in the other language environments
because Browse Master Browse does not show browses that do not have a label master record
for a given user’s language.
Description. Displays the description text associated with the label term entered in the
Description Term field. If you leave the Description Term field blank or enter a label term that
does not yet exist, you must use Label Master Maintenance ( to enter the
User IDs/Groups (Optional). Specifies a user or group ID to restrict editing permissions for
this browse. Only those users authorized can edit the browse or use the generated view to
create browses. To allow access to all users, leave this field blank.
Value-Returned Column (Optional.). Specifies the column from the query grid whose value
you want returned when the user double-clicks a row in the browse or lookup.
Filter By Current Domain. Applies the global_domain filter to the primary table (parent table)
for the browse (for example, pt_mstr.pt_domain = global_domain). Joins tables on
their domain fields where appropriate (for example, so_mstr.so_domain =
sod_det.sod_domain for a browse containing so_mstr and sod_det in the definition).
These changes appear in the Join Phrase field in the vue_mstr table of the Browse
Maintenance database schema.
Current Entity Only. If the Filter by Current Domain check box in the Header Data tab is
selected, you can then select Current Entity Only to filter the browse by the current entity. If
the Company table from the Financials schema is present in the definition, the
Company.CompanyCode is filtered by the current_entity global variable (for example,
Company.CompanyCode = current_entity). The Enterprise Financials schema is highly
normalized and thorough knowledge of the schema is required to create definitions against it.
In order to create legitimate browses (that is, limiting the results to the current domain and
entity), the Company table must be included and joined (on Company_ID) appropriately.
When selected, only records for the current domain and entity will be included in the result set.
This check box is only applicable for QAD Enterprise Applications – Enterprise Edition and is
not displayed in Standard Edition.
Power Browse. Specify the browse to be a power browse. (A power browse is a browse that
can be run from the menu.)
Look-up Browse. Specify the browse to be a look-up browse. (A look-up browse is a browse
run as a look-up from a field.)

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 117

Note The Power Browse and Look-up Browse check boxes duplicate the function of the
CHUI fields, allowing a definition to only be used as a browse and/or lookup in CHUI.
However, it is important to note that in the QAD .NET UI no such distinction exists. A
definition can be used as either a Browse or a Look-up regardless of this Browse Type setting
in the database.
Right-click the Header Data tab to include the Local Variables, Pre-processor Commands, Post-
processor Commands, and History tabs.
The Pre-Processor Commands and Post-processor Commands tabs are available only for
backwards compatibility with browses defined using the Character UI. These tabs provide a way
to enter Progress 4GL code that can run either before (pre-processor) or after (post-processor) the
browse runs. You do not need to use these tabs when creating a new browse using the QAD .NET
The History tab displays revision history for this browse.
Click Save to save the browse. When you save a browse from Browse Maintenance, the system
does not save the browse source code .p files. The system only generates the .p files automatically
when you save a browse from Browse Maintenance in Terminal mode. However, you can generate
the .p files using the Browse Generation Utility (36.25.70), which allows you to generate the .p
files by entering the browse name. The system writes the files to the working directory of the
Connection Manager scripts, which is the same as for reports. In a default installation, this
directory is where the /com directory is located.
When you save a browse definition to the database, an attempt to run the browse is made to
validate the definition after the definition is saved to the database. The attempt to run the browse
can identify both definition errors and performance problems. The Save dialog box includes a
progress indicator so you can get an indication of the browse’s performance. If the performance is
poor, you can cancel the attempt to run and validate the browse by clicking the Cancel button in
the Save dialog box. After clicking Cancel, you can undo the save of the browse definition to the
database. Click Yes to remove the definition you have just saved and restore the browse definition
to the previous definition. Click No to save the new browse definition in the database even though
it was not validated.

Modifying a Browse
To modify an existing browse:
1 Launch Browse Maintenance (36.20.13).
2 Click the Open icon or enter Ctrl+O.
The Open Browse window is displayed.
3 From the Open Browse window, double-click on the browse you want to modify.
If you know the name of the browse you want to open, you can click the Browse Name or
<Unspecified> menu labels, enter the browse name, and then press Tab or Enter to display the

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118 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Fig. 4.30
Browse Open Shortcut

You can also use the Up and Down arrow keys to scroll through browse names. For example, to
retrieve a browse whose name begins with ‘ad’, enter these letters in the Browse Name field, and
press the down arrow key to scroll through the browse names that begin with those letters. The
system prompts you if you enter an incorrect browse name, but does not attempt to load a browse
whose name does not conform with the xxNNN name format.
You can add fields and table joins to existing browses, and edit current field properties.
In the query grid area, you can view and modify the following values: Query, Header Data, Local
Variables, Pre-processor Commands, Post-processor Commands, and History.
Important Only a user specified in the UserID/Groups field can access a browse in Browse
Maintenance ( .NET UI mode). If you have not been specified in UserID/Groups, you can run the
browse but cannot open the browse in Browse Maintenance.

Deleting a Browse
Use Browse Master Browse (36.20.14) to view all the browses in your system.
To delete a browse:
1 Click the Delete icon.
2 The system prompts you to confirm. Once you delete the browse, you cannot undo the delete.
3 Click OK to delete the browse.

Browse Maintenance Menu Options

The GoTo and Actions menus on the Browse Maintenance menu bar provide additional
maintenance functions.


Use the GoTo menu to select the following related maintenance activities:
• Browse Link Maintenance
• Browse URL Maintenance
• Drill Down/Lookup Maintenance

When you select one of the activities, the current browse is opened in the new maintenance menu.


The Actions menu has the following options:

• Import

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 119

• Export
• Delete Multiple Browses


To import a browse, open Browse Maintenance and choose Actions|Import (shortcut: Ctrl+I). Use
the Input File field to specify the location and filename of the browse data you want to import. The
browses you have selected are listed in the Available pane.
From the Available pane, select a browse by clicking on it and then click right angle bracket (>)
button to move the browse to the Selected pane. Note that you can select multiple browses by
using the Ctrl key and can place all the browses in the Selected area using the double angle bracket
(>>) button.
Importing includes the browse and view data for the browse, but you can specify whether to
include associated browse data in the Associated Data pane, which includes check boxes for
including the Drill Master, Field Help, Program Information, Label Detail, Procedures, Source
Detail Data, and URL Data.
If you are importing a browse that has the same name as an existing browse, specify whether you
want the system to replace the existing browse with the one you are importing by choosing the
Overwrite Existing check box in the Options pane. Finally, click the Import button.
Click the Name, Description, or User IDs/Groups column headings to sort by that column.
Fig. 4.31
Browse Import

An imported browse includes all the labels for languages supported by the system, not just the
ones for the user’s current language. If the browse includes labels for languages that are not
defined in the system, a warning message is included in the system log file (“WARNING: The
Language language for the Label Term label term does not exist in the target language. Label not
imported for this language”).


To export a browse, open Browse Maintenance and choose Actions|Export (shortcut: Ctrl+E). An
Export menu displays, listing the browses and their associated data.

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120 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Use the Output File field to specify the location and filename of the browse data you want to
By default, the location is C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application
Data\QAD\Shell\version\\ BrowseMaintenance, and the
filename is your user ID followed by a numerical string and then the .brwx extension.
From the Available pane, select a browse by clicking on it and then click right angle bracket (>)
button to move the browse to the Selected pane. Note that you can select multiple browses by
using the Ctrl key and can place all the browses in the Selected area using the double angle bracket
(>>) button.
Exporting includes the browse and view data for the browse, but you can specify whether to
include associated browse data in the Associated Data pane, which includes check boxes for
including the Drill Master, Field Help, Program Information, Label Detail, Procedures, Source
Detail Data, and URL Data. Finally, click the Export button.
Click the Name, Description, or User IDs/Groups column headings to sort by that column.
Fig. 4.32
Browse Export

Note Prior to QAD .NET UI 2.9.5, when a browse was exported using Browse Maintenance, the
labels used in the browse were included for all the supported languages. However, when imported,
only the labels for the user importing the browse were included with the imported browse. Starting
with QAD .NET UI 2.9.5, an imported browse includes all the labels for languages supported by
the system, not just the ones for the user’s current language. If the browse includes labels for
languages that are not defined in the system, a warning message is included in the system log file
(“WARNING: The Language language for the Label Term label term does not exist in the target
language. Label not imported for this language”).

Delete Multiple Browses

To delete one or more browses, open Browse Maintenance and choose Actions|Delete Multiple
Browses (shortcut: Shift+Delete). A Delete menu displays, listing the browses and their associated
data. From the Available pane, select a browse by clicking on it and then click right angle bracket
(>) button to move the browse to the Selected pane. Note that you can select multiple browses by

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 121

using the Ctrl key and can place all the browses in the Selected area using the double angle bracket
(>>) button. Finally, click the Delete button. Deleting will remove the browse and view data along
with the associated data.
Fig. 4.33
Multiple Browse Delete

Browses are stored in an XML-based file format with the .brwx file extension.


The ability to export, import, and delete browses should be limited to authorized users. The
client-session.xml file (located in
TomcatInstallDir/webapps/qadhome/configurations/ SysEnv/) now includes a
setting for authorizing access to the import, export, and delete features. A new
<DotNetBrowseMaintenanceUtilities> element includes a <Utility> element whose
attributes specify authorization. The format is as follows:

<Utility name=name enabled=boolean authorization=users></Utility>


Where name can be "Import", "Export", or "MultipleDelete", enabled can be "true" or

"false", and users can be "*" for all users or some list of user IDs.

Using Browse Chart Designer

With the browse chart designer feature, you can quickly generate graphical representations of
browse data. You can toggle between the standard browse display (called the grid view) and the
new chart view. Using the chart view editor, you can select data in a browse and have it displayed
as a pie chart or bar graph, for example.

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122 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Fig. 4.34
Example of a Browse Chart

To create charts from browses:

1 Start a browse and choose Setup | Chart Designer.
2 Design a chart using the Browse Chart Designer.
Fig. 4.35
Browse Chart Designer

The Browse Chart Designer lets you choose settings that define a chart:
X-Axis Label. Enter the label for the chart’s x-axis data.

X Variable. Select the variable for the x-axis data from a pull-down menu listing the available
columns in the browse.
Y-Axis Label. Enter the label for the chart’s y-axis data.

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 123

Y-Variables. Select the variables for the y-axis data from a pull-down menu listing the
available columns in the browse. You can select up to five variables, depending on the type of
chart you would like to use. For example, for a stacked bar chart you can select two or more
Group By X Values. Select Yes if you want to display all the common x-axis data together in
groups. Select No if you want to display the x-axis data individually. The x-axis data can be
grouped in the following ways:
• Count displays the number of items in an x-axis group.
• Sum displays the sum of the values in an x-axis group.
• Average displays the average value in an x-axis group.
• Minimum displays the minimum value in an x-axis group.
• Maximum displays the maximum value in an x-axis group.

Chart Title. Enter a title for the chart.

Chart Type. Select from among the following types of charts:

• Column Chart
• Column Chart 3D
• Bar Chart
• Bar Chart 3D
• Pie Chart
• Pie Chart 3D
• Stacked Column Chart
• Stacked Column Chart 3D
• Stacked Bar Chart
• Stacked Bar Chart 3D

Preview. Click the Preview Chart button to view the chart before you save it.

3 Click Apply to view the chart.

Note Rendering charts with many elements can be CPU-intensive. To prevent users from
attempting to render large charts that could degrade their computer’s performance, the system
checks the number of elements in a chart before rendering the chart and provides a warning if the
number of elements might degrade performance.
In a chart without grouping, the number of elements in a chart is the number of records in the
browse display. In a chart with grouping, the number of elements is the number of groups of
records. The default value for the maximum number of elements allowed before a warning is
displayed is 100 by default. An administrator can change this default setting by editing the
<ChartElementsForChartWarning> setting in the Client Session Configuration file.

For stacked bar and column charts, the data values must be all positive or all negative.
For stacked 3D bar and column charts, you must have at least one row and one numeric column,
and the data values must be all positive or all negative.

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124 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

You can toggle between the chart view and the grid view of the browse by clicking on the Show
Grid View or the Show Chart View icons. If you are in chart view, the Show Grid View icon is
displayed, and if you are in grid view, the Show Chart View icon is displayed.
While in chart view, you can do the following:
• Rotate and Zoom 3D Charts. You can rotate 3D charts by pressing the Alt key and moving the
mouse. Similarly, you can zoom 3D charts by pressing the Alt key and moving the mouse’s
scroll wheel.
• Search Charts. The QAD .NET UI’s browse search capabilities apply to the chart view as well
as the grid view. By using the search capabilities you can interactively change the chart view
of the browse.
• Hide Titles and Legends. Chart titles and legends are shown by default. You can hide (or show)
titles by right-clicking and selecting Hide Titles (or Show Titles). Similarly, you can hide (or
show) the legend by right-clicking and selecting Hide Legend (or Show Legend).
• Launch Chart in New Window. To launch a chart in a new window, right-click on the chart and
select Launch in New Window.
• Copy Chart to Clipboard. You can copy the chart to the clipboard so you can paste it in other
applications. To copy the chart to the clipboard, right-click in the chart area and select Copy to
• Edit Chart Design. To return to the chart editor, click the Edit Chart Design icon.
• Interactive Charting. For any item in the chart that has a drill-down, you can have a split-
screen view of both the chart and the drill-down browse, which can also be displayed as a
chart. When you click on an item in the first chart, the drill-down chart will automatically
change to reflect the changed data for the drill-down. Clicking on an item in the chart also
selects the associated row in the browse. Conversely, clicking on a row in a browse also selects
the associated item in the chart.

Creating Browse Operational Metrics

The Browse Operational Metrics option lets you create a visible metric from browse data.
Operational metrics provide you with a live snapshot of production data, which lets you monitor in
real-time how the system is being used. You can use operational metrics to visually track any type
of browse data, including data from customized browses created in Browse Maintenance.
You create operational metrics using the following components:
• Metric collection. This is the container for the metric data. Name the collection for the area for
which you want to display data (for example, Inventory, Sales, Purchasing, Accounts
Receivable). You add one or more metric groups to the metric collection.
• Metric group. Metric groups contain the metrics that display the data. For example, the metric
group Customers by Site can contain separate metrics for each site you want to view. The
metric group can contain any number of metrics. You select a parent browse (in this case,
Customer) when you create the metric group.
• Metric. The metric consists of the parent browse filtered for specific data. For example, the
metric Customers at Site 10000 is based on the Customer browse results filtered for Site
equalled to 10000. When you set the metric result to display by percentage of the total, the

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 125

metric indicates the number of items for which the status is not Active, this number as a
percentage of the total, and the total number of items. See “Creating an Operational Metric” on
page 128.
You can design a metric collection to contain a single metric group with a number of related
metrics. For the example described above, you create a metric collection that contains a metric
group based on the parent browse Customer. You then create metrics for each site you want to
Fig. 4.36
Customers by Site Operational Metric

A metric collection can also contain multiple metric groups. For example, a metric collection to
display item planning statistics can contain metric groups for Item Master, Manufactured Items,
Purchased Items, and MPS Items.

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126 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Fig. 4.37
Operational Metrics

In the above example, note that one of the metrics used is Blank Buyer/Planner. This metric
indicates the number of items for which no buyer or planner was specified. You can use
operational metrics to monitor incomplete records in browses. Metrics are hyperlinked to the
original filtered browse, and you can drill down to the actual records to complete or correct them.
You set the thresholds for the colored slider when you create the metric. Thresholds are most
useful for setting limits on data beyond which you need to take corrective action (for example,
item inventory levels or customer credit limits). The following operational metric displays
different views of customer credit limits:

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 127

Fig. 4.38
Accounts Receivable Operational Metric

In this case, the color thresholds on the slider are set to acceptable limits for customer credit, and
the slider counter indicates immediately when the limit is exceeded.
There are three metric colors: green, red, and yellow. You customize the order in which they
appear on the slider, and the limits of each. The Total pie chart indicates the percentage of results
for the whole metric group that appear in each color band. In the above example, 75% of results
appear in the green band, and 25% in the red.

Viewing Metrics by Field

Each metric is linked to the original filtered browse. When you right-click the metric name and
select Break By, you can select another browse field by which to view the data:
Fig. 4.39
Operational Metric Break-By Feature

In this example, you can choose to view the browse filtered for Country Code:

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128 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Fig. 4.40
Metric Break By Country Code

Licensing for Operational Metrics

Operational Metrics is provided through Active Maintenance, and you require the Active
Maintenance license key in order to use this function. The license key is available on the QAD
Support Web site at the following URL:
Click the Term License Key Request link to receive the Active Maintenance license. The
Support Web site requires your Support login information.

Creating an Operational Metric

Use the following steps to create an operational metric collection for Customers by Site.
1 Select Create Metric Collection from the Administration menu to create the initial metric
The system prompts you to name the collection:

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 129

Fig. 4.41
Create Metric Collection

2 Right-click the collection title, or select Edit|Create Metric Group to create a metric group for
the collection.
You are prompted to select the parent browse for the group. Double-click the name of the
browse to select it.
Fig. 4.42
Edit, Create Metric Group

Note You can also select the parent browse by dragging a browse from the Applications area
and dropping it onto the metric group area.
3 Enter a name for the metric group (for example, Customers by Site) and click OK.
The system prompts you to create the first metric.

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130 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Fig. 4.43
Create Metric

Title. Enter a title for the metric (for example, Customers at site 10000).

Type. The default type is Count. When you select the Count type, the browse filter drop-down
is unavailable.
Type options depend on the type of browse. For browses that produce numerical values as
results, you can also choose Sum, Average, Maximum, or Minimum as the Type option. When
you select a type other than Count, you can then select the value to which you apply the type.
For example, if the parent browse is Salespersons, you can choose to select Average as the
type, and Commission as the value. This metric displays the average commission of
Salespersons, and does not display this value as a percentage of the total.
Percent/Range. Select Percent to display the metric as a percentage of the browse total.
Select Range to display the metric as a range of figures. This option lets you increase the
granularity of the results. For example, when a metric displays results in low figures. it may be
more useful to set the metric to display results within a range 1 to 20, rather than the default
percentage range of 1 to 100.
Search. Select the browse filter, operator, and value to define the metric. For example, this
metric is based on the number of customers in Customer browse whose site code equals
10000. You therefore select the site code filter to equal 10000. You can set multiple filters for
the metric, as you do on a normal browse.
Click Search to find out how many sites meet the criteria (in this case, the number is 33). This
information is displayed as a percentage of the total (when you have selected the Percent
display option).
4 Use the slider controls on the percentage bar to set the color code for thresholds.
Fig. 4.44
Percentage Bar

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 131

The percentage bar is a visual indicator in up to three colors. There are four sets of slider
controls, and you can create up to five separate sections on the slider. In this example, the red
section indicates 0% to 33%. Drag the slider controls along the bar to set a percentage range
for the yellow section (for example, 33% to 66%), and again for the green section (66% to
100%). You can also manually set a percentage range up to four decimal places by entering the
number in the colored number field.
Click OK to view the main screen. Click Refresh to update the metric data.
Fig. 4.45
Metric Group with Totals

The main screen now indicates the total of customers (113), the metric result (33), and the
percentage of the total (29%).
Click the linked metric name to view the metric data in browse form.
Fig. 4.46
View Metric Data

5 Add additional operational metrics to this group by right-clicking the metric group name and
selecting Create Metric.

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132 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Fig. 4.47
Operational Metric Group

You can edit metric details by right-clicking the metric name on the main screen and selecting
6 Click on the Save button to save the operational metric to the Metrics folder, New to save the
metric for the first time, and Replace to replace an existing metric.
The metric is now available in the Metrics folder. You can also add operational metrics to
You can change the metric group within a collection. However, this invalidates the metrics within
a group, which are based on the initial browse you selected.
To refresh the metric information, re-run the individual browses from within their metrics.

Operational Metrics and Process Maps

Operational metrics are accessible from the menu bar, and can be embedded into the process map
for the related data area. The embedded metric is hyperlinked, and lets you run the metric from
within the process map.
Fig. 4.48
Operational Metric within Process Map

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 133

For this, you require the metric URL and Key, which you can view by right-clicking the metric
name in the Metrics folder and selecting Properties.
Fig. 4.49
Operational Metric Properties

Operational Metrics History

With the QAD Operational Metrics History, you can view changes in operational metrics over
time. The system stores the history of operational metric activity and then generates charts of the
data for you.

You can then explore the chart data further, change the time range, scroll right and left or zoom in
and out of particular areas of interest, and export the chart data to Excel for further analysis.
When you open an operational metric page, the system uses the most recent history data to display
the initial view of the metric page if the data is less than 24 hours old. This allows the page to be
displayed more quickly than if the underlying metric browses were queried to retrieve the data.
The system saves history data whenever the browse queries for the metrics are run. In addition to
the history data, a pie chart that summarizes the metric results is also saved so that the Operational
Metrics View process map can show the most recently generated results.
The system queries the metric browses (and saves history data) in the following situations:
• When you click an operational metric’s Refresh button.

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134 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

• When you open an operational metric and the history data is more than 24 hours old. (Note
that 24 hours is the default; the interval is configurable and applies to all metrics in the
• When the QAD_OpMetricsAutoRun report is run. Typically, this report is run when metrics
are scheduled for periodic running, but if a report administrator runs this report from the report
designer, it will also run the metric and its processes.
The history data is never deleted from the system.
A new “as of” label next to the metric name indicates the date and time of the metric data being
displayed. If the browse queries are currently running, “loading...” is displayed next to the metric
name; when they finish running, the “as of” time will show the current time.
Metric history data contains at most one history record per day for a given metric. If the metric’s
browses run more than once in a given day, the history reflects the most recent run.

Configuring Operational Metrics History

Operational Metrics History Update Interval

By default, if operational metric history data is more than 24 hours old, the system updates the data
(by running the metric browses) when you launch a metric collection; otherwise, the most recent
history data is used to display the metric more quickly.
You can change the time interval by adding (and modifying) the following to the client-
session.xml configuration file:

The time interval applies to all metrics in the system.

Operational Metrics History and the QAD Reporting Framework

Operational Metrics History uses the QAD Reporting Framework report server’s scheduled batch
mode to auto-run a special report that runs the desired metric and generates and stores metric
history data. The new QAD-supplied report, QAD_OpMetricsAutoRun, is used for auto-running
the metrics in scheduled batch mode.
Your system must be configured to run scheduled reports in scheduled batch mode (see the
Scheduled Batch Mode section in the QAD Reporting Framework User Guide Administering
Reports chapter).
Additionally, the Set Up a Scheduled Batch section in the QAD Reporting Framework User Guide
Administering Reports chapter describes how to create a parameter file to contain command line
parameters with fixed values, using a file as an example. In that file, you must add the
following line in order for the metric report to run properly:

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 135


Using Operational Metrics History

With the QAD Operational Metrics History, you can view changes in operational metrics over
time. The system stores the history of operational metric activity and then generates graphs of the
data for you.
For example, in the Sales Orders metric collection, open the Sales Orders Past Due metric. Notice
the thumbnail images to the right of the displays for Past Due Orders and Past Due Cost. Click the
thumbnail image for Past Due Orders:

When you click the chart thumbnail, a metric history chart displays:

Navigating the History Chart

Under the thumbnail image of the chart, click the icons that allow you to:
• Change the time range of the display (1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 3

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136 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

• Toggle the Zoom control to:

• Zoom in
• Zoom out
• Zoom horizontally
• Zoom vertically
• Export the history data to Excel for further analysis.
• Detach the chart to a separate window to enlarge the view.

You can also click-drag to navigate the metric history chart.

If you mouse over a data point, the system displays its value. The color of the dot on a given day
corresponds to the metric result for that day. Boundaries for the result ranges (where red indicates
an error, yellow indicates a warning, and green indicates good) are also displayed on the chart as
colored dotted lines.
Click the chart thumbnail again to hide the metric history chart.

Scheduling Batch Processes for Operational Metrics History

Although metric history gets generated whenever a user manually refreshes a metric (or opens a
metric that does not have recent history data), you can schedule metrics to be run at regular
intervals to guarantee the regular creation of history data. For example, you might want to
schedule a certain metric to be auto-run daily and a different metric to be auto-run weekly.
Operational Metrics History uses the QAD Reporting Framework report server’s scheduled batch
mode to auto-run a special report that runs the desired metric and generates and stores metric
history data.

Scheduling and Running Batch Processes

You can schedule and edit these batch processes directly from a metric display.
From the toolbar, choose Schedule to schedule batch processes:

The Schedule pull-down options include:

• New — schedule a new batch process. Enter a valid batch ID.

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 137

Note Batch IDs must first be defined by an administrator using Batch ID Maintenance. It can
be useful to name the batches according to the time interval at which the report server is
configured to run that batch. For example, you might define a batch called “daily” that is
configured to run every day and another batch called “weekly” that is configured to run once a
week. When a batch ID is specified by the user, the metric auto-running only occurs if a report
server is configured to process that batch ID.
• View Schedule — view currently scheduled batch processes in a browse. You can view further
details and modify the batch process by right-clicking on the ID and chooosing Scheduled
Report History, Parameters, and Scheduled Report Maintenance. Use Scheduled Report
Maintenance to modify batch details.
• View History — view previously run batch processes in a browse that includes their status,
such as New, Waiting, Running, Complete, or Error.

Saving Operational Metrics as Favorites

To save a metric as a favorite, you can either:
• Drag the menu item for the metric from the Applications pane to the Favorites pane.
• When the metric is open, click the Add to Favorites button in the toolbar.

Important These two ways do not create the new favorite in the same way:

When you drag the metric from the Applications pane to the Favorites pane, the new item in the
Favorites pane points to exactly the same metric with the same history data. Clicking on the
favorite opens the same metric as clicking on the metric in the Applications pane.
When you click Add to Favorites, however, a new metric is created and the new item in the
Favorites pane points to the new metric. The reason it creates a new metric is that you are free to
make custom changes to it before saving it as a favorite. As with all favorites, the new favorite
metric is only visible to the user that saved it. Although the new favorite can have the same name
(by default) as the one on the Applications pane, clicking on the favorite opens the new metric.
Although the new metric is based on the same browses, the history data saved for the new metric is
different. Addtionally, the new metric saved as a favorite by using Add to Favorites does have the
scheduling functionality.
Note If you want the metric saved as a favorite to be the same metric (with the same history data)
as the one on the Applications pane, be sure to drag the menu item from the Applications pane to
the Favorites pane.

Attaching Metrics History Manually

Metrics history is attached to specific metrics collections that reside as XML files on the QAD
home server. If these XML files are replaced by new or modified files (during an upgrade, for
example) the system will reconnect the existing history to the new XML files. However, in some
cases, due to certain changes in the new (or old) XML files (changes in metric names, for
example), the history might not get reconnected. To address this, a history connection screen can
be enabled, allowing an administrator to manually connect the history to metrics. To enable this

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138 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

1 Edit the client-session.xml file, and find the <Metrics> element.

2 Inside the <Metrics> element, add the following:
3 Launch the QAD .NET UI client.
When an administrator (someone with access to create metric collections) runs a metric and right-
clicks on the metric name, a History menu item offers the following options:
• Merge — this brings up a window in which the current history chart is displayed along with a
chart in which can be displayed one or more sets of history that are available to merge with the
current history.
• Replace — this brings up the same window as above, only the selected history set completely
replaces the current history, instead of merging with it.
• Unlink — this disconnects the metric from any history allowing history to start fresh.

The changes done in all three cases only take effect if the collection is saved using the Replace

Creating Excel Output from Browses

All browse data can be exported to Excel. Component-based browses can also be exported to
Excel, edited, and re-imported as Enterprise Financials data. See “Integrating with Microsoft
Excel” on page 139.
1 Click the Export to Excel button.
2 The export creates three worksheets in an Excel workbook, which is opened for display.
Fig. 4.50 
Example of Export to Excel

Data. This page contains the actual data columns and headings from the printed browse.

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 139

Search Conditions. This page displays any search conditions used to filter the printed data.
The conditions listed are field name, operator, value, and, for a range operation, the ending
Info. This page lists details about the report generation including the ID of the user generating
the report, the date the report was generated, the name of the browse, and the browse program.
Note If you have grouped data in the browse, the grouping is preserved in Excel as a collapsible
After exporting to Excel, you can use the Excel chart features to create visual displays of your
data, such as a pie chart showing quantity on hand of various inventory items.

Integrating with Microsoft Excel

Excel integration is a utility for component-based programs that lets you export data into Excel
spreadsheets, create new data within Excel, and import it to the system database, where it is
validated before being saved. Export to Excel for reporting is available in all browses and grids.
The more advanced bi-directional Excel integration is supported in only a subset of components.
With advanced Excel integration, you can:
• Export all records for remote maintenance. You then modify the data and reimport the saved
results into the system database.
• Create a blank template that consists of column headings for all of the fields in a business
component and export this template for remote maintenance. You can then create the data in
the spreadsheet or load data from another application into the template for importing to the
system database.
Advanced integration with Excel is available as a menu activity for the following business
• Alternate COA Group
• Alternate COA Structure
• Business Relation
• COA Cross Reference
• Cost Center
• Cost Center Mask
• Country
• County
• Credit Terms
• Customer
• Customer Bank Number
• Daybook
• Employee
• End User
• Exchange Rate

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140 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

• GL Account
• Journal Entry
• Journal Entry Repair
• Mirroring Daybook
• Mirroring GL Account
• Project
• Project Mask
• Reporting Daybook
• SAF Code
• SAF Concept
• SAF Structure
• State
• Sub-Account
• Sub-Account Mask
• Supplier
• Supplier Bank Number

Note You can also use Excel integration when maintaining budgets. However, the budget
integration is maintained in real time and is referred to as a hotlink.
Excel integration is also available for payment formats. However, Payment Format Excel
Integration does not include a Load option.
The integration requires that you have one of the following versions of Microsoft Office installed:
• Microsoft Office 2003 International
• Microsoft Office 2003 with a MUI (Multilingual User Interface) Pack
• Microsoft Office XP International
• Microsoft Office XP with a MUI Pack
• Microsoft Office 2007

Exporting Data to Excel for Reporting

To export data directly into an Excel spreadsheet:
1 Choose Export to Excel from the Actions menu of a full or filtered browse search.
The browse results grid is displayed in a new Excel window. The formatting of the original
grid is preserved in the new spreadsheet; for example, the font type and size and the order of
headings are the same as those in the original results screen.
Note The Export to Excel option from a browse search only lets you create spreadsheets. You
cannot re-import the data from these spreadsheets into the database.

Advanced Excel Integration

This activity has multiple steps:

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 141

• Choose the Excel Integration activity from the menu.

• Load data into the grid using the Load option (right-click the empty grid to select Load). The
Load option lets you retrieve all database records for a supported business component.
• Export the data to a spreadsheet, open the data in Excel, and modify it (right-click the grid
again to select Export to Excel).
• After saving your changes, you return to the QAD application and import the modified data
(right-click the empty grid to select Import from Excel, and click Save to create or update the
data in the system database).
To export data for maintenance:
1 Choose the Excel Integration activity for one of the supported record types, such as supplier.
The system displays a blank grid containing the data fields for this business component as
column headings.
2 Right-click on the blank grid and choose Load Suppliers.
Fig. 4.51
Supplier Excel Integration

The system retrieves all supplier records from the database and loads them into the grid. The order
of columns in the grid is determined by the sequence of the fields in the original data model, and
this is the order in which they appear in the spreadsheet.
You can also make modifications directly on screen before exporting to Excel, once the business
component data is loaded. Your modifications are validated when you click Save.
Important You should not customize the display by hiding columns before export. When you
hide a column, the corresponding field is not exported to the spreadsheet. If the field is mandatory
for this business component, the system attempts to validate it before saving to the database, and
will generate validation errors. You can, however, move and resize columns.

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142 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Export Data to Excel for Modification

To export the data:

1 Right-click in the grid and choose Export to Excel for Maintenance.
2 At the prompt, enter the name of the spreadsheet in which to save the data.
3 Open the spreadsheet in Excel and make your modifications.
Note You do not have to exit the QAD application before working in Excel. For minor
maintenance, it is more convenient to run the applications simultaneously, and to switch back to
your QAD application to import the saved data.
If you want to modify only a subset of the records that were loaded from the database into the grid,
you can delete the redundant rows from the grid before exporting to Excel. Only the records that
remain are then updated in the following steps. Excel integration does not delete records from the
The spreadsheet has the following features:
• The first row of every spreadsheet contains the column header labels for the business
component fields. You can edit these headers for maintenance purposes within Excel. When
you import your saved data into the system, your edits are discarded.
• The second row contains technical field names for the business component fields, as illustrated
in Figure 4.52. The names correspond directly to the database fields, and must not be edited.
Any change you make to a logical identifier generates an error during validation.
• The other rows contain your business component data.
• The spreadsheet contains business component ID columns, which identify the business
component instances in the databases. You cannot edit these IDs, and you should leave these
columns blank for any new rows you create. Each spreadsheet can contain a number of ID
columns. For example, when you export Business Relation data to a spreadsheet, there are ID
columns for business relation, address, default SAF, contact, and tax number.
Important All rows are imported into the system, which allows you to hide unnecessary rows
while working with large spreadsheets. You should avoid hiding columns, however, as hidden
columns are not imported. You can create extra columns for maintenance purposes, which are also
not imported. You can, however, move and resize columns in the Excel sheet.
Fig. 4.52
Exported Excel Spreadsheet

Business Component
ID Column
Column Label Row

Logical Identifier Row

Data Row

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 143

• Avoid using the Sort option in Excel.

Most business components contain sublevel information. For example, the business relation
can contain separate address rows for head office, delivery, invoice, reminder and remittance,
and can also contain contact details.
When you export to Excel, the main business component data and its sublevel data are
grouped together in a hierarchy, with each main business component row followed by sublevel
rows. If you sort the data in Excel, the sublevel rows are rearranged throughout the
spreadsheet, and the hierarchical relationship is lost. This creates a conflict and prevents you
from importing the saved data.
• Ensure that your column widths are set to Autofit before saving. If the column width is too
narrow and the data is not readable, the data does not import correctly.
• The spreadsheet you create has the Shared attribute, which allows other network users to
modify the data.
Be aware of mandatory fields while you are modifying data. For example, you must specify a bank
number, currency, and banking profile when you create a GL bank account. If you do not enter
valid information for these fields while creating a new GL bank account in the spreadsheet, an
error occurs after import when you try to save the data.

Import Modified Data from Excel

When you have completed the modifications:

1 Save the changes to your Excel spreadsheet.
2 Switch back to your QAD application.
3 Right-click in the business component data grid and choose Import from Excel.
4 When prompted, select your spreadsheet and click OK.
5 Click Save to validate the data and save to the database.
If the system returns validation errors, you can resolve them on screen at this stage, and save again
to validate. The system only saves multiple records to the database if there are no errors. The
system treats the entire Excel spreadsheet as a single transaction, and does not make partial
updates for rows without errors.

Creating a Template to Export to Excel

This option creates a blank spreadsheet for maintenance that contains the relevant fields as column
headings. You use the template to add your own data and import it, which creates new records in
the system.
This is similar to the previous activity, but you do not load existing system data. It is recommended
to load one existing record from the database that can be used as an example of how to fill the
fields. To do this, load all records and then delete all except one from the grid.
1 Choose the Excel Integration activity for a supported business component such as customer.
The system displays the blank grid consisting of the data fields as column headings.
2 Right-click on the blank grid and choose Export to Excel for Maintenance.

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144 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

3 Open your spreadsheet in Excel and make your modifications.

Important You must leave the first column with the <component name>_ID field blank.
The system supplies the IDs when you import the data.
Fig. 4.53
Blank Spreadsheet Exported for Maintenance

4 Save your spreadsheet and import the data into the application, as described in Import
Modified Data from Excel on page 143.

Accessing Links in Browses

Browse data columns can contain multiple types of links, which display in colored text in
individual browse cells. You set link attributes using the Cell Font and Link Font Color settings in
Tools|Options. You access the link by right-clicking in the cell to display the linked choices.
Fig. 4.54 
Example of Browse Links

Browses can contain links to other browses. These links are defined in Drill Down/Lookup
Maintenance (36.20.1).
Browses also can contain uniform resource locator (URL) links defined in Browse URL
Maintenance (
Two different kinds of URL links can be defined:

Links to External Web Sites

For example, a supplier Web site associated with a supplier ID or to an intranet resource, such as a
document containing the design specifications for an item.
Right-click to display the list of links; select one to launch a new browser window and display the
intranet or Internet resource to which that URL refers.

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 145

For example, the supplier ID field in the Supplier Browse is associated with a URL link to that
supplier’s company Web site. When you right-click the supplier ID underlined in blue text, you
can choose the URL to launch. This automatically launches a Web browser to display the
supplier’s Web site.

Links to Other Menu-Level Programs

These links let you use browses as a means of navigating directly to maintenance programs while
passing specific data values to them. Right-clicking and selecting one of these links opens the
program from within the browse and fills in any fields that are part of the link. The program
launches in a split-screen subtab below the browse. You can use the up and down arrows on the
keyboard to select new drill items as listed in the browse if the Cancel transaction on drill change
option in Tools|Options is True (the default).
When you close the browse, the program in the split-screen subtab also closes. For example, the
supplier ID field in the Supplier Browse is associated with a link to Supplier Maintenance. Right-
clicking this supplier ID, underlined in blue text, displays available links. Selecting Supplier
Maintenance automatically launches Supplier Maintenance with the currently selected supplier ID
filled in so you can make any required updates.
While in Supplier Maintenance, you can use the down arrow to choose the next supplier ID (or use
the up arrow to choose the previous one) as listed in the browse without having to go to the browse
itself to select the next supplier ID.
More than one browse, URL, or program link can be associated with a browse field. Right-click in
a cell or column containing links to display a list of all the links associated with that cell or

Browse URL Maintenance

Use Browse URL Maintenance ( to create URL links that users can activate from
QAD .NET browses. For more information, see “Accessing Links in Browses” on page 144.
When a browse cell contains a URL link, double-clicking it launches a new browser window and
displays the intranet or Internet resource associated with the URL. You can use these URLs in two
• Create links to external Web sites that users can activate from QAD .NET browses, such as a
supplier Web site associated with a supplier ID.
• Create links to other programs and pass specific data values to the programs. This lets you use
browses as a means of navigating directly to maintenance programs.
You can access links to other programs only from drill-down browses, not lookups. Drill-down
browses are typically available directly from the menus, but can also be associated with program
fields in Drill Down/Lookup Maintenance (36.20.1).
Note When using Browse URL Maintenance, and Drill Down/Lookup Maintenance, you need to
identify the field name associated with a field. What you see on the screen is the field label and not
the field name. To find out the field name for a program field, place the cursor in the field and enter
Ctrl+F. To find out the field name of a browse column, place the cursor in the column heading,
right-click, and choose Properties.

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146 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Defining Links from Browses to Programs

Use Browse URL Maintenance ( to create links to other programs. In Browse URL
Maintenance, you can use the QAD Shell URL (qadsh:\\) as the URL or use the run-HTML
string URL.

run_HTML String URL

This section describes how to use the run_html string URL to create a link to other programs
from a browse.
For example, you can set up links in an item browse to directly access Item Master Maintenance
(1.4.1), passing the current item number to the maintenance program, and executing the Next
command any number of times. When a user clicks the link, Item Master Maintenance displays in
a detached window. Multiple columns of data in a browse can contain links so that you can access
maintenance programs for any data related to a record. However, data for only one field can be
passed to each program.
To support this kind of URL link, use the run_html setting to indicate that you want to build a
URL for programs. The string must include the beginning and ending indicators required for other
strings in URLs:
• Enter #b# to indicate the beginning of the string.
• Enter #e# to indicate the end of the string.

Then specify values that determine:

• The name of the program to be executed when a user clicks the link.
• The field in the designated program to which you want to supply a value. You can specify up
to five fields.
• The value to be passed to the specified field.
• The number of times the Next command should be executed in order to reach the field

You can also use the HTTP Parameters frame to automatically create the build command. To build
the URL, leave the URL and URL Script fields blank and click Next to display the HTTP
Parameters frame, in which you enter the values required:
Fig. 4.55
Browse URL Maintenance, HTTP Parameters

Field Name Value

Browse sobr009.p
User ID *
Field Name sod_part

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 147

Field Name Value

Value *
URL Leave Blank
Description Link to Item Master Maintenance
Program Name ppptmt.p
Field pt_part
Value sod_part
Index 2

In this case, the system builds the URL including the run_html setting using the values you
The URL that the system builds based on these input values looks like the following example:

When the user clicks item 01053 in the sobr009.p browse, Item Master Maintenance is
displayed with 01053 entered in the Item Number field and the active cursor focus in the Name
field below it.

Auto Next Field

Select this field to have up/down arrow keys applied to the first field. When the program supports
this, it will allow the first frame of data to be populated on launch of the program.

Defining URLs from Browses to Web Pages

Use Browse URL Maintenance ( to create links to external URLs with information
that is related to items in the browse, as in the following example.
You want to establish a URL link in the Purchase Order Browse from supplier ID GS10100 to the
corresponding supplier’s company Web site, located at To do
this, enter the values in listed here in Browse URL Maintenance:
Field Name Value
Browse pobr006.p
User ID *
Field Name po_vend
Value gs_10100
Description General Supplies Web Site
Primary Yes

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148 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Fig. 4.56
Browse URL Maintenance

URLs can contain special strings that are automatically replaced by field values in the browse.
Selecting a link containing this type of string automatically replaces that string with the
corresponding field value in the row.
Follow these steps to define this type of special string in a URL:
1 Enter #b# to indicate the beginning of the string.
2 After the #b#, enter a field name associated with the specified browse.
3 Enter #e# to indicate the end of the string.
4 The Web site for one of your primary suppliers contains a catalog of items. Entering an item’s
identifier at this Web site accesses the catalog entry for that item, containing information such
as item cost, quantity available, and ship weight. To create links from the supplier item
numbers to their corresponding catalog entries at the supplier’s Web site, create the following
Note You must include http:// in the URL. For example, you must use and not just

5 Next, associate the URL with the Supplier Item column in the Supplier Item Browse.
6 After you establish this link, selecting a supplier item number in the Supplier Item Browse
automatically inserts the selected field value. For example, selecting supplier item 10-1005
creates this URL:
7 The system then launches a Web browser to display the relevant catalog information for that
item located at that URL address.

Browse URL Link to E-mail

You can also define a URL link that will launch e-mail from within a browse. This feature is
useful, for example, when you are viewing purchase orders or sales orders and need to get e-mail
confirmation or update on order details.

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 149

In the following example, you configure an e-mail link for fields in Purchase Order Browse. The e-
mail link automatically creates an e-mail with the message header:
Changes requested to Purchase Order order number Line line number
where the order number and line number are retrieved from the purchase order you select in the
browse results screen.
The e-mail body contains the message:
We request you to change PO order number, Line: line number, Due Date: PO due date
You must create a .JSP file that contains the message header and body, and also contains the code
that retrieves values for each of the fields in the message from the browse. The .JSP file also
invokes the mail client configured for this client instance. The .JSP file is stored on the Tomcat
appserver directory, and is called by the URL link when the link is activated.
Use the following steps:
1 Navigate to the QAD UI desktop Tomcat directory; for example,

2 Create a .JSP file called mail.jsp in this directory.

This file invokes the e-mail client and retrieves values for the following purchase order fields:
Purchase Order (pod_nbr); Line Number (pod_line); Due Date (pod_due_date)
You also specify these fields in the URL you define in Browse URL Maintenance for the
Use the following sample code for the file:
<head> <title>Changes requested to Purchase Order</title> </head>
<a href="mailto:<%=request.getParameter("mailto")%>?subject=Changes requested to
Purchase Order <%=request.getParameter("podnbr")%> Line <%=
request.getParameter("podline")%>&body=We request you to change PO: <%=
request.getParameter("podnbr")%>, Line: <%=request.getParameter("podline")%>, Due Date:
<%=request.getParameter("podduedate")%>.">Send a mail.</a>
You now define the URL link in Browse URL Maintenance.
3 In Browse URL Maintenance, select Purchase Order Browse as the browse for which you
want to create the e-mail link.
4 Specify pod_nbr as the field for which you want to add a link.

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150 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Fig. 4.57
Browse URL Maintenance, Email Link

5 Enter the following URL:

http://<your server>:<port
[email protected]&pod_nbr=#b#pod_nbr#e#&podline=
where <your server>:<port number>/webapps/<application> is the name and port
number of your server, and <application> is the home directory of your application. In the
section [email protected] is the e-mail address to which the e-mail is
to be sent, and mailto is the parameter used in the JSP file.
Note that every browse field begins with #b# and ends with #e#.
6 Ensure that your client PC is configured to invoke the correct e-mail client
In your Web browser, open Internet Options|Programs, and select the e-mail program of
Fig. 4.58
Internet Options, Email Configuration

7 In QAD Enterprise Applications, Select Purchase Order Browse.

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 151

8 Right-click on the Purchase Order column.

9 Click Send Email.
Fig. 4.59
Purchase Order Browse, Send Email option

10 Click the Send a Mail link on the screen.

Fig. 4.60
Purchase Order Browse, Email Link

Browse Link Maintenance

Selected browses include Create and Modify buttons at the top of the browse display in the
• The Create button is a link to the maintenance program you use to create an item in the
• The Modify button is a link to the program you use to modify an item in the browse.

The Create and Modify buttons provide browse program links. When you click on a browse
program link Modify button, data from the currently selected row in the browse is passed to the
linked program.
For example, in Sales Order Browse, click Create to open Sales Order Maintenance to enter a new
sales order. Click Modify to open Sales Order Maintenance to modify the order for the currently
selected row in Sales Order Browse.

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152 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

The browse program link buttons are defined and maintained using the Browse Link Maintenance
program and can be browsed using Browse Link Browse (36.20.22). The columns list the browse,
the description for the button, whether to launch is the primary action, and the URL to execute.
The URL to Execute field specifies the program to run, and also any fields that should be
populated based on the current row in the browse.
To define browse program links, open Browse Link Maintenance (36.20.21).
Fig. 4.61
Browse Link Maintenance

Field Descriptions

Browse. Specify the browse to which you want to add a browse program link button.

URL. Specify a URL (optional).

Description. Specify the description for the link.

Primary. Set the checkbox to indicate the browse program link is the primary action.

URL to Execute. Specify the URL to execute, which is the program to be run when the link is
clicked. When defining the URL to execute, use the following format:
a Enter #b# to indicate the beginning of the string.
b After the #b#, enter run_html.
c Enter #e#.
d Enter ?id=program_name. For example, ?id=sosomt.p specifies to launch Sales
Order Maintenance.
Example The following URL to Execute launches Sales Order Maintenance:
Click Next to display the HTTP Parameters screen for the URL you have defined.

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Browses in QAD .NET UI 153

Fig. 4.62
Browse Link Maintenance, HTTP Parameters

Program Name. This field displays the program you have defined to be executed by the link.
Click the lookup to select a different program, if required.
Index. The index value is the number of Go commands (or submits) that a program will
execute when launched using this link.
The index field is used to store the number of times the program will execute an Enter action
(similar to pressing the Next button). This has the effect of processing the active fields that
were enabled for input and then executing any program logic that occurs until the next prompt
for data is encountered.
In simple maintenance programs, this is set to 1 to simply enter the key field values and access
the fields that can be maintained in the linked record.
For more complex maintenance programs, there may be multiple sets of input prompts to be
processed to access the frame of maintainable data.
For example, the first prompt for data in addkmt.p requires a value for the field Shipto. The
program link record provides the value of ad_ref from the browse and executes the first
Enter action. The next prompt for data in the maintenance program requires a value for the
field ad_addr and the browse link provides the value of ad_addr from the browse and
executes a second Enter action. This advances the maintenance program to its frame of
maintainable data for the user. Each time the program asks for data to be entered, the browse
link logic offers up the fields it has and if there is a match between the field names it has data
for and the fields the program is looking for, the field value is provided and an Enter action is
executed (if there are any left to execute).
Field. Enter the name of the variables that the target program is using to prompt for data. To
find this information, execute the program, advance the cursor to the desired fields, and press
Ctrl-F. The value fields (Value[1], Value[2], and so on) are the variables names from the
browse providing the data and must be contained within #b# and #e#. The browse link logic
uses these tags to parse out the value of the field from its record buffer.
Field[1]: shipto; Value[1] : #b#ad_ref#e#
Field[2]: ad_addr; Value[1] : #b#ad_addr#e#
Important Progress has a limit in the size of the data that can be stored in an index. In versions
prior to 10.1B, the limit is around 200 characters (the sum of all the data contained in the fields of
an index of a record). This limit has been increased to around 2000 characters in version 10.1B and
beyond. Within Browse Link functionality, you are restricted to the 200-character limit unless you
have upgraded your version of Progress. This limits the number of parameters that can be defined
in a browse link, usually to four or less, although a fifth parameter is possible if the names of all of
the involved fields are small.

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154 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Browse Collections
A browse collection features a main browse displayed with related programs and browses. The
fields and records selected in the related programs and browses are based on the currently selected
record in the main browse. The QAD .NET UI displays the other browses and programs in the
lower part of a horizontal split-screen, with the main browse located in the upper part. On the
Applications pane, browse collections are located in the Browse Collections folder, located in the
Collections folder.
When you drill-down a couple of times, the screen can start to display a lot of useful information.
So that you can focus on an area of interest, buttons that can hide or show the display are available
on the left side of the toolbar for a browse or program. The buttons display as two up-arrow
symbols when a view is open and as two down-arrow symbols when a view is closed.
Additionally, on the right side of the toolbar, two icons, Tile Screen and Full Screen, allow you to
switch between the tile screen view (the default) and the full screen view. When you select the full
screen view for a program or browse driven by the main browse, the screen expands to show just
the selected program or browse. To return to view all the driven programs and browses, click on
the Tile Screen icon. Next to the Tile Screen and Full Screen icons, the browse hybrid view icons
(Browse View, Hybrid View, and Screen View) are included for controlling the main browse.
The following summarizes the browse collection display icons:
• Tile Screen (the default “split-screen” view) for the collection
• Full Screen (display the current view in full screen mode)
• Browse View (display the browse, focusing on the row for the currently selected item)
• Hybrid View (display a combination of the row for the currently selected item and the program
that can modify the item)
• Screen View (displays the program that can modify the currently selected item in a full screen)

These icons provide you with a useful way to control the display and focus on the information you

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Chapter 5

Process Maps in QAD .NET UI

Processes, or process maps, are graphical models of workflows that link to programs, browses, and
other process maps. This chapter describes how to view and edit process maps with the Process
Viewer and Process Editor. Starting with QAD .NET UI 2013 – Enterprise Edition, the Process
Viewer and Process Editor use HTML5. Be sure to upgrade your system to use the most recent
version of Internet Explorer available for your version of Windows. For instance, if running
Windows 7 or Windows Vista, upgrade to Internet Explorer 9, which supports HTML5.
This chapter includes the following sections:
Using the Process Viewer 156
Describes how to view the process maps within the Process Viewer.
Editing Process Maps from the Process Viewer 157
Describes how to edit a process map from the Process Viewer.
Using the Process Editor 157
Describes how you can use the Process Editor to build graphical models of workflows that link to
programs, browses, and other process maps.
Process Map Configuration Settings 171
Describes how to configure the process map environment in the client session configurtion file
Using Process Admin 171
Describes how to set the administrative settings for the Process Editor.
156 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Using the Process Viewer

The Process Viewer displays process maps, which are graphical representations for workflows.
The process maps display the workflows you need to follow as you use the system. Process maps
can link to programs, browses, documents, or other process maps.
When you open a process map from the menu system, the Process Viewer launches and displays
the map. For example, in the Applications pane, navigate to Processes | Process Maps and click
Supply Chain View to view the Supply Chain Process Model map.

Next, click any of the ovals (or, nodes) in the Supply Chain View map to go to other maps. For
example, click the Forecasting node to view the Forecasting Sales map.
Process map nodes can include tool tips that pop up when you move your cursor across a node.
To resize the display of a process map, use the resize (indicated as a percentage) slider or the Auto
Resize checkbox, both located near the upper-right corner of the viewer.
On the upper-left, the following options are available:
• Edit Process. Click this button to access menus for customizing the process map. For more
information, see “Editing Process Maps from the Process Viewer” on page 157.
• Process Label Maintenance. Click this button to get a listing of all the process map labels.
These are the labels for all the text on the process maps. For more information, see “Process
Label Maintenance” on page 176.

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Process Maps in QAD .NET UI 157

• Add To Favorites. Click this button to add the process map to your Favorites pane.
• Print. Click this button to print the process map.

Editing Process Maps from the Process Viewer

To edit a process map from the Process Viewer:
1 Click on the Edit Process icon in the upper-left corner of the screen.
2 Along the left side of the screen, a set of menus is displayed:
• Title. Enter a new title for the process map.
• Grid Properties. For more information, see “Grid Properties Menu” on page 162.
• Style Properties. For more information, see “Style Properties Menu” on page 163.
• Process Properties. For more information, see “Process Properties Menu” on page 164.
• Connector Properties. For more information, see “Connector Properties Menu” on
page 165.
• Node Properties. For more information, see “Node Properties Menu” on page 166.
• Row and Column Properties. For more information, see “Row and Column Properties
Menus” on page 171.
3 Click Save to save the modified process map or click Close to exit edit mode.

Using the Process Editor

With the Process Editor, you can build graphical models of workflows that link to programs and
browses. These processes, or process maps, are clickable image maps that have associated URLs.
The URLs can point to various resources such as images, video, audio, and documents, as well as
programs. Any application that can be viewed in a browser can be associated with one of the
locations on a process map.
Note The QAD .NET UI only displays Administration programs such as the Process Editor for
users who have security privileges or who are members of a defined administration group.
To open the Process Editor, choose Administration|Process Editor.

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158 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Fig. 5.1 
Process Editor

The Process Editor has the following areas:

• On the top, options for creating a new process, opening a process, and saving a process.
• Tabbed views for developing the process map (Designer) and previewing the process map
• On the right, a grid displays the process being created or maintained.
• On the left, various property editors let you modify aspects of a process. Use a different
property editor for process information, process properties, nodes, connectors, styles, and the
process grid.
Some editors become active only when the appropriate object is selected. For example, the Node
Properties editor is available only when a node is selected.
Before you begin creating processes, you can update default properties, or use those supplied with
the system. You can:
• Define the appropriate size for the drawing grid.
• Set up styles you want to use.
• Set up any variables needed for URLs.

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Process Maps in QAD .NET UI 159

To begin creating a process:

1 Click in the grid to add a node with the default rectangular shape.
2 Use Node Properties to modify the node and assign other values.
3 To add a connector, select the first node by clicking. Hold down Shift and click the second
node. A connector is added pointing from the first to the second node.
4 Use the Connector Properties to modify the connector and assign other values.
To delete a node or connector:
1 Click the node or connector to select it.
2 Press the Delete key on your keyboard or right-click the node and choose Delete from the
context menu.

Creating a Process
Processes are built with two basic components:
• Nodes are represented by various shapes and typically indicate a step within the process.
• Connectors are lines with arrows that indicate the direction of execution for the steps (nodes)
within the process.
To create a new process:
1 Click New at the top of the Process Editor. The grid is cleared so you can begin defining a new
2 Assign the process a name and optional description and owner; then click Save. Process names
can contain letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens; spaces are not allowed.
3 Add nodes and connectors as needed.

Opening a Process
You can modify an existing process by opening it in the Process Editor:
1 Click Open on the Process Editor Menu Bar.
2 To reorder processes, click a column heading to sort by that column. Click the same column
heading for a reverse sort. The arrow next to the primary sort column name indicates the
direction of the sort (ascending or descending).
3 Click the name of the process you want to edit. The process displays in the grid and the Open
screen is closed.
4 If you leave the index open for a period of time, click Refresh to regenerate the index based on
your latest changes.

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160 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Previewing a Process
Previewing a process lets you see the process the way users would see it in a browser. You can also
test links to ensure they work correctly. If you are using variables defined with Process Properties,
the variables are fully expanded during preview.
To preview a process:
1 Create a new process or open a process to preview.
2 Click the Preview tab in the Process Editor.
3 The process displays in the tab window. All of the URLs that are part of the process are active.
You can click them to test the related actions. In addition, images not viewable in the editor
display in preview mode.
Use the Language drop-down list to select a language in which to preview the map. This option
allows you to edit processes in the language in which they will be saved.
The preview slide button lets you view the map at up to 200% of original size, and you can select
the Auto-Resize field to ensure that the map resizes to the screen width and height when you click
to preview it.

Saving a Process
Click Save at the top of the Process Editor to save your updates. the system displays a
confirmation prompt.
If this is a new process, you must specify a name in Process Properties before you can save your

Deleting a Process
To delete a process:
1 Click Open at the top of the Process Editor.
2 Click the check box next to the name of the process you want to delete. Click multiple check
boxes to delete multiple processes. You can sort columns to facilitate selection.
3 Click Delete All Checked.
4 You are prompted to confirm the deletion. Click OK to continue.
5 The process file or files are removed from the operating system.

Associating URLs with Processes

One of the powerful features of the Process Editor is its ability to associate URLs with nodes and
connectors. These URLs can point to many different types of files. You can configure them to open
in a new window, or replace the content in an existing window.
You can use URLs to:
• Execute audio files.

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Process Maps in QAD .NET UI 161

• Display movies.
• Open documents in portable document format (PDF).
• Display images.
• Open Microsoft Word documents
• Open catalogs, training material, and help files.

In addition to these external resources, processes typically link to other processes and programs.
For instance, you can create nested processes that together build a more complex model.
When you specify a URL, you can enter the full path relative to your computing network.
However, if you do this, you may not be able to use the processes if your network setup changes.
You will also have problems executing them from other systems if you want to deploy them to
multiple sites.
To execute a program from a process requires knowing the application program interface (API) for
calling the program.
To simplify the use of URLs and ensure that they are portable, you can use a set of variables when
defining URLs. Values for these variables are defined in a file named process-config.xml. This file
is located in:
These values can be updated if needed using the Process Admin menu. All of the processes that
use the variables are then updated automatically.
Note In addition to variable values, process-config.xml contains default values for other
process properties. These can also be modified if necessary.
Several variables are supplied with the Process Editor. These variables have a global scope since
they apply to all processes. They cannot be modified in the Process Editor.
You can also create your own variables. The scope of user variables is local. They apply only to
the current process. See “Process Properties Menu” on page 164.

Process Editor Menu Bar

The Process Editor menu bar includes the following:
New. Clears the grid so you can begin creating a new process map.

Open. Opens a window from which you can choose an existing process map. Select a map by
clicking the hyperlinked name.
When you have modified a process map, and saved your changes, use the Refresh button in the
Open screen to refresh the
Save. Saves the process map currently in development

Process Label Maintenance. Use this option to define the text for the label keys in all the
available languages. See “Process Label Maintenance” on page 176.

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162 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Process Information Menu

Use Process Information to assign a name, title, and owner to a process.
Name. Assign the process a name. The process name is the physical file name on the operating
system. You can use alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores in the name; you
cannot use spaces or the following characters:
! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) + = [ ] { } | \ : ; " ' < , > > / ? ` ~
You must assign a name before you can preview or save a process.
Title. Assign a title to the process map. You can use any characters in the title. Assigning a title
to the process map is recommended.
Owner. Assign the process an owner. This is the person responsible for updating and
maintaining the process. Owner is optional.
Note Owner information is maintained within the process file. It does not indicate operating
system file permissions, which are managed on the Web server.

Grid Properties Menu

Use the Grid Properties menu to customize the grid.
Fig. 5.2
Grid Properties

Rows. The number of rows in the grid. A warning displays if your change would cause nodes
or connectors to be deleted.
Columns. The number of columns in the grid. A warning displays if your change would cause
nodes or connectors to be deleted.
Note You can specify from 1 to 12 rows and columns in the grid. The default is 6. If you
specify a larger number, you may need to reduce the size of the cells in the grid or reduce the
zoom percentage so that you can see the entire process definition as you work with it.
Note If you are displaying header rows, you can also add and remove columns and rows
directly within the grid. When your cursor hovers over the header row, a plus (+) and minus (-
) sign appear. Click the plus to add a row or column; click the minus to remove it.
Show Gridlines. Specify whether to show the lines of the grid.

Height. The height in pixels of each grid cell.

Width. The width in pixels of each grid cell.

Padding. The distance in pixels from the edge of a cell to the node in a cell. The padding
defines the space around a node within a cell.

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Process Maps in QAD .NET UI 163

Zoom. The scaled view of the grid expressed as a percentage.

Background Color. The background color of the grid. Use the color selector adjacent to the
field to click on a color.
Show Headers. Specify whether to show the row (1, 2, 3, ...) and column (A, B, C, ...) headers.
These are the rows with numbers and letters that can be used to identify grid blocks.

Style Properties Menu

Use Style Properties to modify attributes of system-defined styles. Associate styles with nodes in
Node Properties and with connectors in Connector Properties. Style attributes are immediately
visible when applied to a node or connector in the grid.
Fig. 5.3
Style Properties

Style ID. The predefined styles include the following:

• Connector is the default style associated with a connector.
• Link Node is the default style associated with a link node.
• Mouse Over Node changes the style of a node when the mouse is pointing to it.
• Node is the default style associated with a standard node.
• Plan is the default style for plan nodes in QAD-supplied process maps.
• Source is the default style for source nodes in QAD-supplied process maps.
• Make is the default style for make modes in QAD-supplied process maps.
• Warehouse Mgmt is the default style for warehouse management nodes in QAD-supplied
process maps.
• Financial & Acct Mgmt is the default style for financial and account management nodes in
QAD-supplied process maps.
• Human Resource Mgmt is the default style for human resource management nodes in
QAD-supplied process maps.
• Setup is the default style for setup nodes in QAD-supplied process maps.
• Style 1, Style 2, Style 3, and Style 4 are predefined styles you can further customize.
• Text Node is the default style for a text node.
• Disabled lets you disable a node in a process map without deleting it.

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164 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Font. Use the pull-down menu to choose from a variety of fonts. When you select the default
option, the system selects the most appropriate font for the language in which you are
Font Style. Use the pull-down menu to choose a normal or italic font style.

Font Size. Use the pull-down menu to choose the font size.

Font Weight. Use the pull-down menu to choose bold, bolder, lighter, or normal.

Text Color. The text color of the node. Use the color selector adjacent to the field to click on a
Stroke Color. The stroke color, which is the color of the node border line. Use the color
selector adjacent to the field to click on a color.
Fill Color. The fill color, which is the background color inside the node. Use the color selector
adjacent to the field to click on a color.
Opacity. The opacity of the fill color. Use the pull-down menu to select from .1 (nearly
transparent) to 1 (opaque).
Stroke Width. The width in pixels of the border line of the node (or the connector between two
nodes, if the style applies to connectors).

Adding or Modifying Styles

A system administrator can add additional styles or modify the default attributes of the system-
defined styles.
Styles and their attributes are defined in the TomcatInstallDir/webapps/qadui/WEB-
INF/conf/process-config.xml file. Any changes you make to this file are reflected in the
Style Properties editor.
However, if you modify styles, be aware that the style attributes are embedded in the XML used to
define a process. If you change a style that has already been used, existing processes are not
To change the style in an existing process, you must open it and change the style attributes in the
Style Properties editor.

Process Properties Menu

The Process Properties menu displays variables for use with individual processes. You can create
your own local variables for use with individual processes. You can see the value of global
variables, but you cannot modify them with this editor.

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Process Maps in QAD .NET UI 165

Fig. 5.4
Process Properties

Name. The name of a variable.

Value. The value of the variable. For example, the value for the QAD_SHELL global variable is
qadsh://menu/invoke?menuitem-key=, which invokes the QAD Shell URL.

Scope. The scope of the variable, which can be either global or local.

URL Parameter. This check box indicates if the variable is added automatically to every URL
in the process.
New. Click this button to create a new local variable. For more information, see “Creating
Process Properties Local Variable” on page 179.
Delete. Click this button to delete a local variable. You cannot delete QAD-reserved variables,
which are global.

Creating a Process Properties Local Variable

Use Process Properties to create your own variables for use with individual processes. These
variables have local scope. You can see the value of global variables, but you cannot modify them
with this editor.
To create a local variable, follow these steps:
1 Click New. You are prompted to specify the name of the new variable.
2 Enter a name and click OK. The new variable is added to the drop-down list in the Process
3 Choose the new variable from the list. Scope automatically defaults to local and cannot be
4 Enter a value for the variable.
5 Click the URL Parameter check box if you want the new variable to be added automatically to
every URL in this process.
You can use the Delete button to delete a local variable. You cannot delete QAD-reserved variables
(global scope).
See “Process Properties Menu” on page 164

Connector Properties Menu

Use Connector Properties to modify attributes of connectors.

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166 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Fig. 5.5
Connector Properties

Label. A text string that specifies a label for the connector. The label uses the font attributes
associated with the style. While you can specify a long label, you typically want to constrain
the label to the size of its connector.
Link. A URL associated with the connector. When a user clicks on the connector, the URL is
launched in a new or current window, based on the value of Target. You can use variables with
URLs so that your processes are not confined to one computing environment.
Target. The target window to use when the URL specified in the Link field is activated.
Choose the following from the pull-down menu:
• New Window. The URL opens in a new window. The process window remains open.
• Current Window. The URL replaces the contents of the current window.

Shape. The shape of the connector. Choose one of the following shapes from the pull-down
Straight Line
Straight Arrow
Top Elbow Line
Top Elbow Arrow
Bottom Elbow Line
Bottom Elbow Arrow
Style. The style of the connector. The style determines the color, line width, and font attributes
of the connector’s label. The available styles are defined in the Style Properties menu. For
more information, see “Style Properties Menu” on page 163.

Node Properties Menu

Use Node Properties to modify aspects of a node.

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Process Maps in QAD .NET UI 167

Fig. 5.6
Node Properties

Label. A text string that specifies a label for the node. The label uses the font attributes
associated with the style. While you can specify a long label, you typically want to constrain
the label to the size of its associated node. To specify line breaks, you can include the <br> tag
in the text. Use the up and down arrow keys to select from the existing label definitions.
Tooltip. A text string that specifies a tool tip for the node. To specify line breaks, you can
include the <br> tag in the text. You can have up to four lines. The title for the tool tip is the
node label, as specified in the Label field.
Link. Enter a URL or select from the pull-down menu options, which include the following:
Choose File. Use this option to browse to and select a file, such as an MS Word document.
Menu Lookup. Use this option to select a program.
Process List Lookup. Use this option to select a process map.
Target. The target window to use when the URL is executed. Choose the following from the
pull-down menu:
New Window. The URL is opened in a new window. The process window remains open.
Current Window. The URL replaces the contents of the current window. You must use this
setting whenever the destination URL is a program.
Image. The full path or URL for an image to be associated with this node. This image is used
instead of any shape specified in the Shape field. This image displays in the Process Editor
only when you specify a literal path. If you use the QAD_DT_IMG variable, you must click
Preview to expand the variable and view the graphic. The system sizes the image to fit into the
cell height and width. Ensure that the image is correctly proportioned for the cell size or it may
be distorted.
Icon. The full path or URL for an image of an icon to be associated with this node. The icon
displays in the lower right corner of the node when viewed in the Process Viewer. To view the
icon included in the node while using the Process Editor, click the Preview button.
Shape. The shape of the node. Choose the following shapes from the pull-down menu:
Rectangle. (If your grid height and width are the same, the Rectangle setting displays as a
Ellipse. (If your grid height and width are the same, the Ellipse setting displays as a

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168 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Manual Operation
Manual Input
Style. Choose a style from the pull-down menu. The style determines font attributes, color,
line width, and filter. Style attributes are immediately visible in the grid area. The available
styles are defined in the Style Properties menu. For more information, see “Style Properties
Menu” on page 163.
Background Color. The background color of the node. Use the color selector adjacent to the
field to click on a color.
Dash Width. The length in pixels of dashed lines and the spaces between dashed lines for the
node border (or the connector between two nodes, if the style applies to connectors). If set to
zero (0) or left blank, the line is a solid line. You can enter two values separated by a space to
specify the length in pixels of each dash and the space in pixels separating each dash. For
example, 2 5 specifies that each dash has a length of two pixels and that the space between
each dash is five pixels.
Add More Links. You can add up to eight URLs as links on a process map node. Enter text in
the Label field for the label text of the link. Enter the URL in the Link field.
Fig. 5.7
Add More Links

Cell Borders. You can specify the color, width, and dash width of the top, bottom, left, and
right borders of the cell in which the node is located.
Fig. 5.8
Cell Borders

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Process Maps in QAD .NET UI 169

Adding an Operational Metric to a Process Map

Operational metrics are visual representations of browse data, and can be imported into process
maps as node images.
When you generated and save a metric, the saved metric is stored in the
directory and can be imported into a process map as a .PNG file. The metric can only be used in a
process map when it has been generated and saved.
To access these files, you must:
• Identify their storage folder as a Process Properties variable.
• Identify the name of the metric graphic file URL as a process map node link. This ensures that
the metric image is linked to the original operational metric, and lets you drill down from
within the process map.
• Identify the name of the metric graphic file as a process map node image.

Use the following steps to import metrics as map images:

1 Set the metrics storage folder in the QAD_METRICS_IMAGE variable on the Process
Properties screen.
The Metric Groups variable has the syntax
where <environment> is the name of the environment to which you log in.
See “Process Properties Menu” on page 164 for details.
2 Click Apply to apply the change, and Refresh to refresh the configuration.
3 In the Metrics folder of the Applications area, select the metric you want to import into the
process map.
4 Right-click the metric name to view its properties.

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170 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Fig. 5.9
Operational Metric Image Properties

The properties dialog identifies the metric URL and the metric image name.
The metric URL consists of a QAD Shell command followed by the name of the metric image,
for example:
The identifying keys for metrics are typically long random strings; for example:

5 Run Process Editor, and open an existing process map or create a new one.
6 Select a Node Cell.
7 In the Node Properties, Link field, enter the metric URL. For example:

8 In the Node Properties, Image field, enter the identifying key for the metric.
You must include the metric variable prefix and the .PNG file extension in the metric key.
For example, to include the Manufacturing Diagnostics metric displayed in Figure 5.9, enter
the following in the Image field:
{QAD_METRICS_IMAGES} 0e52091e-5820-46e8-a06c-c8b3bc91a152.png

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Process Maps in QAD .NET UI 171

Click Preview to view the metric image in the map. The metric image is now displayed in the
process map cell, and you can click the metric image to display the operational metric.

Row and Column Properties Menus

Use the Row Properties or Column Properties menu to specify the background color of a row or
To access the menu, select a row or column by clicking on the row header or column header.
Background Color. The background color of the row or column. Use the color selector adjacent to
the field to click on a color. The most recently selected color takes precedence in a cell whose row
and column have different colors.

Process Map Configuration Settings

Starting with QAD .NET UI 2013 – Enterprise Edition, the process map viewer, editor, and related
components are installed on the home server as a stand-alone web application named pronav
(tomcat/webapps/pronav). The following settings in the client session configuration file
(client-session.xml) specify the default configuration:
<!-- Process map settings -->

Previously, the process viewer and editor were in /tomcat/webapps/<environment> and

the process map content was in /tomcat/webapps/<environment>/WEB-
Now, process maps are included in an environment named pronav
(/tomcat/webapps/pronav) by default. A benefit of this approach is that you can now
define a single process map installation that can be shared across multiple environments.
Note The configuration setting for the process map images (QAD_IMG), set in Administration |
Process Admin, requires a fully qualified domain name. The settings include a
QAD_PMAP_ROOT setting to specify the URL to the process map installation
(, and then the QAD_IMG setting is

Using Process Admin

You can configure the process map context parameters and process properties using Process
Admin. To access Process Admin, select Administration|Process Admin.
Click Refresh to update the view of context parameters and process properties.

Setting Context Parameters

The Process Admin’s Context Parameters page displays variables needed by the Process Editor.

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172 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Note Double-check any changes you make to the settings. A mistake that is easy to make but
difficult to notice is a blank space at the end of a value. The value appears to be correct but is really
incorrect because of the blank space at the end.
1 Choose Process Admin|Context Parameters and edit the Context Parameters page. For more
information, see “Context Parameters Screen” on page 172.
2 The page displays with defaults for all context parameters. Some of these are derived from
values specified during the build process. Typically, most of these parameters do not need to
be changed.
3 Click Save when you are done making any changes.


When you modify a Process Map context parameter, click Save to save the change, and then
Refresh to update the process map function configuration. The screen now displays a refresh
status, and indicates when the refresh is complete.
Note Deleting the browser history also has the effect of refreshing the configuration. You can use
Tools, Delete History to delete the Internet Explorer history cache.

Context Parameters Screen

Use the Process Admin’s Context Parameters page to set administration parameters. Typically,
these parameters are set for you during the QDT-based installation process for QAD Enterprise
Applications — Enterprise Edition, but are described here for your reference.
Menu Lookup Result Size. Enter a value that determines the number of records returned when
a user displays the Program Lookup associated with the URL field in Node Properties and
Connector Properties. The default is 100.
Menu Lookup Timeout. Enter the number of minutes the system should retain menu
information in memory. When a user uses the Program Lookup, the system connects to the
active database using the URL specified in Menu Lookup URL and reads the menu
information from the database. This information is held in memory for the number of minutes
specified in this parameter. The default is 30.
Menu Lookup URL. Enter the full URL the system should use to connect to a database when it
reads menu records to display in the Program Lookup. The URL is the WebSpeed Workshop
path, except instead of /workshop at the end of the URL you have the string for the
WebSpeed API menu lookup: /com/qad/nav/xmenu.p?Action=MenuLookup.
For example, if the WebSpeed Workshop path is:
The Menu Lookup URL would be:
If the home server and port is and the environment
is production-1, the Menu Lookup URL would be as follows:

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Process Maps in QAD .NET UI 173
Note that you can verify the Menu Lookup URL by entering it in a web browser; if the URL is
valid, an XML listing of menu items is displayed.
Properties Directory. Specifies the directory path where the language properties files are
located (such as WEB-INF/pronav/properties).
SVG Directory. Specifies the directory path where the SVG files created with the Process
Editor are stored. The path is relative to the TomcatInstallDir/webapps directory.
URL Lookup. Specifies the file to use for generating the listing of programs associated with the
URL field in Connector and Node Properties. By default, this is MenuLookup.jsp.
XML Directory. Specifies the path to the directory where the XML files created with the
Process Editor are stored. A file created with the Process Editor is initially saved in XML
format and then converted to SVG using a stylesheet built with the Extensible Stylesheet
Language (XSL). The path is relative to the TomcatInstallDir/webapps directory. For
Enterprise Edition, process maps are stored in the TomcatInstallDir/webapps/WEB-
INF/pronav/xml/eB3 directory, so the default setting is /WEB-INF/pronav/xml/eB3.

SVG XSL Path. Specifies the path to the XSL file used to convert process files from XML to
SVG format, typically WEB-INF/pronav/xsl/process.xsl. The path is relative to the
TomcatInstallDir/webapps directory. This file was installed during installation.

Silverlight XSL Path. Specifies the path to the XSL file used to convert process files from
XML to Silverlight format, typically WEB-INF/pronav/xsl/process_sl.xsl. The path
is relative to the TomcatInstallDir/webapps directory. This file was installed during
Use Silverlight Viewer. Use this option to set the default process map viewer. Default is Yes.

Setting Process Properties

The Process Admin’s Process Properties page displays variables that let you set up URL links in
the Process Editor without using hard-coded values. This ensures that your processes can be used
in multiple environments, if necessary.
The Process Admin’s Process Properties page displays variables that let you set up URL links in
the Process Editor without using hard-coded values. This ensures that your processes can be used
in multiple environments, if necessary.
Note Double-check any changes you make to the settings. A mistake that is easy to make but
difficult to notice is a blank space at the end of a value. The value appears to be correct but is
incorrect because of the blank space at the end.
1 Choose Process Admin | Process Properties.
2 Edit the Process Properties page. For more information, see the “Process Properties Screen”
on page 174

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174 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

3 The process properties variables also display in the Process Properties Menu, but cannot be
changed there. The default values can only be changed using Process Admin|Process
Properties. The only variable you may need to change is QAD_DT_DOC_ROOT. The values
of other properties are determined by QAD.
4 After making any changes, click Apply to save the new values.
5 Click New to insert a new row for defining a variable. When you create variables with the
Process Properties editor, you can create local variables only. You can define new global
variables using Process Admin | Process Properties, and delete existing variables.
Warning If you delete any of the QAD-supplied variables, the sample processes no longer work

Process Properties Screen

These variables display in the Process Properties Menu, but cannot be changed there. The default
values can only be changed using Process Admin | Process Properties. The only variable you may
need to change is QAD_DT_DOC_ROOT.
Attachments. Specifies a full URL or a directory path for locating attachments for easy on-
boarding (EOB) process maps. If just a directory path is specified, the link to the attachment
will be relative to the URL to the process map (pronav) environment. Note that the pronav
URL is shown in the Help | View Configuration menu (search for the “processmapbaseurl”
QAD_CONTENT. Specifies a URL for locating content in a directory under
QAD_DT_DOCROOT, such as:
QAD_CONTENT_IMG. Specifies the directory name for locating content (typically images)
such as:
QAD_DT. Invokes a menu item based on the program name. Set to {QAD_SH}. (Previously
set up the API between a process and the Desktop.)
QAD_DT_DOC_ROOT. This directory is unique to each installation. It specifies the root
directory where Desktop is installed on the Web server.
You can append other directories to this variable to locate specific resource files.
QAD_DT_IMG. This variable points to the images directory below the Desktop installation
directory defined in QAD_DT_DOC_ROOT.
QAD_HOMESERVER. This variable is a URL that points to the root directory for the
QAD .NET UI application home server. The home server URL is shown in the Help | View
Configuration menu (search for the “homeserver” setting). Note that the
QAD_HOMESERVER setting typically requires a backslash at the end of the URL (example:
http://localhost:8080/qadhome/) because this variable is used to define URLs in
other variables such as QAD_METRICS_IMAGES.
QAD_IMG. This variable points to the images directory in the process map installation
directory defined in QAD_PMAP_ROOT.

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Process Maps in QAD .NET UI 175

Note If you want to store your images in some other location, you can create a new variable
such as QAD_IMAGES and specify its value as the full path (for example,
http://path/images/) to where you are storing the images. The path value must be
explicitly specified or you can use the {QAD_PMAP_ROOT} or {QAD_HOMESERVER} variables
as part of the path.
QAD_IMG_DOCUMENT. This variable points to the image file used as the icon in a node
when in the Process Editor you select the Choose Document option from the Link pull-down
in Node Properties. The image file is located in the directory set by the {QAD_IMG} variable.
QAD_IMG_MENUITEM. This variable points to the image file used as the icon in a node when
in the Process Editor you select the Menu Lookup option from the Link pull-down in Node
Properties. The image file is located in the directory set by the {QAD_IMG} variable.
QAD_IMG_PROCESS. This variable points to the image file used as the icon in a node when
in the Process Editor you select the Process List Lookup option from the Link pull-down in
Node Properties. The image file is located in the directory set by the QAD_IMG variable.
QAD_METRICS_IMAGES. This variable uses a JSP page to retrieve operational metrics
images from the home server.
For example,
For the config= setting, enter the environment name (for example, env-1). The key
element of the variable is used to import operational metric images into process maps. See
“Creating Browse Operational Metrics” on page 124.
QAD_PMAP_ROOT. Specifies the URL to where the process map environment (pronav) is
installed. (The default setting is http://localhost:8080/pronav/). The URL is shown
in the Help | View Configuration menu (search for the “processmapbaseurl” setting). Note that
the QAD_HOMESERVER setting typically requires a backslash at the end of the URL
(example: http://localhost:8080/qadhome/) because it can be used to define other
variables, such as QAD_IMG.
QAD_PV. This variable opens the Process Viewer (default is

QAD_PE. Use this variable to open the Process Editor

(default is ProcessEditor.jsp?Action=load&ProcessName=).
QAD_SEARCH. This variable specifies the URL for searching the QAD Document Library
(default is

QAD_SEARCH_LBL. This variable specifies the text of the link on process maps for searching
the QAD Document Library (default is Documentation Search).
QAD_SEARCH_LOCALE. This variable specifies the language code for searching the QAD
Document Library (default is en).
QAD_SH. This variable is the QAD Shell URL for invoking a menu item based on the
program name (qadsh://menu/invoke?menuitem-alias=). For example, for Sales
Order Maintenance, you would use sosomt.p as the program name.

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176 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

QAD_SH_MENU_KEY. This variable is the QAD Shell URL for invoking a menu item based
on the program key (qadsh://menu/invoke?menuitem-key=). For example, for Sales
Order Maintenance, you would use 7.1.1 as the program key.
QAD_SH_REPORT. This variable is the QAD Shell URL for invoking a report based on the
report code (qadsh://report/invoke?report-code=).

Multiple Language Support for Process Maps

In a process map, each node has a label that specifies the text that is displayed on the node.
Although you can enter text directly in the Label field, a better approach is to reference a label key.
The process maps include many label keys whose text has been translated into multiple languages.
You can review all the available label keys using Process Label Maintenance (see “Process Label
Maintenance” on page 176).
If you are customizing a map and cannot find a label that you would like to use, you can create a
new label key using Process Label Maintenance. You can then reuse that label key in other maps
you create rather than re-entering the text, which can help assure consistency.

Process Label Maintenance

Administrative users can use the Process Label Maintenance program to create and maintain each
label key and its associated text for all the available languages.
Fig. 5.10
Process Label Maintenance

From the Language pull-down, select a language; the text for each label is displayed in the selected
language. You can search on any label key from the Search field. From the Records per page field,
specify the number of records displayed on a page, and use the First Page, Prev Page, Next Page,
and Last Page icons to view each page.

Questions? Visit

Process Maps in QAD .NET UI 177

Editing Label Text

You can edit the label text simply by placing the cursor in the text area and modifying the existing
text. Fields with modified text display a yellow exclamation mark (!) next to them to show they
have been modified. If you want to save the modifications, click the Save button in the lower right
corner of the screen.

Adding New Label Keys and Text

To add a new label key and text, click the New button in the lower right corner of the screen. In the
Process Label Maintenance pop-up window, enter the label key in the Key field and the label text
in the Text field. The label key format should be in uppercase with no spaces (for example,
ADD_ASSETS). Finally, click Save to add the new label key and text. Note that if the label key you
enter is the same as an existing label key, the existing key will be replaced by the new one.

Deleting Label Keys

To delete a label key, select the check box next to the label key and then click the Delete button in
the lower right corner of the screen. Do not delete a label key unless you are sure you will no
longer need it.
Note A button to access the Process Label Maintenance program is also available from the
Process Viewer. The button is located in the upper left corner, next to the button for accessing the
Process Editor from the Process Viewer.

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178 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

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Chapter 6

Character User Interface

Unlike the QAD .NET user interface, the character user interface depends completely on input
from the keyboard. Because it is not a graphical user interface, all navigation is based on:
• A command-prompt interface to execute programs
• Combinations of keystrokes to issue commands within programs
• Navigation without use of a mouse through the UNIX character interface

Component-based functions are accessible only through the QAD .NET UI. You cannot access any
of these functions from the Character UI.
This chapter describes the appearance and use of programs from the character user interface.
Starting in Character Mode 180
Describes how to access the system using the character user interface.
Program Interface Elements 180
Describes program features in the character user interface.
Using Browses in Character UI 184
Describes how to use browses in the character user interface.
Output Devices 189
Describes how you can send the output from reports, inquiries, and browses to a number of
Character-Mode Keyboard Commands 190
Lists the keyboard shortcuts for the character user interface.
180 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Starting in Character Mode

To start a character session, follow the procedures provided by your system administrator.
The first screen you see after launching the system lets you log in to the system. Enter the login ID
assigned by your system administrator and your password. If you have been given access to more
than one domain in the system, enter its name in the Domain field. If you have access to only one
domain, this domain displays in read-only mode.
You must be a valid user to log in. Your password can be blank only if the password in your user
record is blank.
Fig. 6.1 
Character Login Screen

Program Interface Elements

This program includes the following:
• “Menu System” on page 180
• “Menu Substitutions” on page 181
• “Program Screen Elements” on page 182

Menu System
MFG/PRO has locations for 36 modules on the character-based Main Menu. In turn, each module
has one or more menus attached to it. Menus are lists of programs you use to look up or input data.
The menus that you will see depend on the security access that has been granted to your role. Only
menus with programs that you have access to display.

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Character User Interface 181

Fig. 6.2
Main Menu in Character Mode

Enter a menu number or Progress program name and press Enter.

When you enter a menu number on the command line, the system either executes a program or
displays a lower-level menu. You can keep drilling down through the menus until you reach the
appropriate level. Alternatively, you can access a program directly by entering its Progress name—
such as ppptmt.p for Item Master Maintenance—or number at the command prompt.
Note You can only run Progress programs that are on the menu this way.

To run a program from the current submenu, enter just its number on that menu; for example, 1. If
it is on a different submenu, you must enter its full menu number preceded by a period.
Example If the current menu displayed is System Admin (36), you can enter 24.1 to access
Database Control (36.24.1). However, you must enter .1.4.1 to run Item Master
Maintenance (1.1.4) because it is on a different submenu.
You can also use the arrow keys to move around the menu, then press Enter to execute the
highlighted selection.

Menu Substitutions
Menu substitution lets you toggle between displaying browses and inquiries on the menu. You can
also use it to switch between customized and noncustomized versions of a program. The system
administrator can use Menu Substitution Maintenance ( to specify which programs are
substituted for others when you select this option.
By default menu substitution is disabled. It can be enabled for individual users in User
Maintenance (36.3.1).

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182 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Program Screen Elements

The following is an example of a program in character mode.
Fig. 6.3
Program in Character Mode
Title bar

Program window

Data frame

status bar

Elements of the character user interface are explained in the following sections:
• “Title Bar” on page 182
• “Program Window” on page 183
• “Progress Status Bar” on page 183
• “User Menu” on page 183

Title Bar

The title bar identifies the program currently running. What displays in the title bar depends on the
Header Display Mode setting in Security Control (36.3.24). Based on that setting, you may see any
of the following elements:
• The title bar includes—from left to right—the program name, the version of the program, the
menu number and title, and the current date.
• The Progress program name, such as sosomt.p
• The program version, such as 99
• The menu number and title, such as 7.1.1 Sales Order Maintenance
• The current date
• The title bar is the same as previous except that the login ID of the current user replaces the
current date.
• The title bar includes—from left to right—the short name and currency of the current working
domain, the menu number and title, and the current date.
• The title bar is the same as previous except that the login ID of the current user replaces the
current date.
Some regulatory environments may require the name associated with the ID of the logged-in user
to be available from any program. In the character interface, you can use the Ctrl+F key
combination to review this information and other context details.

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Character User Interface 183

Header Display Mode also affects what you see in the menu titles, which is either:
• The name associated with the current domain followed by the current database name defined
in Database Connection Maintenance (36.6.1).
• Only the current database name.

Program Window

The program window displays the frames and fields of the current program.

Getting Help

Two help tools that are accessible from any program window:
• Lookup browses
• Online help

In the character user interface, access help by pressing F2 successively. Up to three help windows
• The first time you press F2, a lookup browse displays if one is attached. If not, field help
displays first.
Use lookup browses to view records available to specified fields. You then choose a record to
enter in the field.
If you enter a value and press Enter, the list in the bottom of the browse frame scrolls to the
first record that matches that value. Use the arrow keys to scroll through the list, then select the
record by pressing Enter.
• Press F2 again to display field help. It describes a specific field and how it is used in the
program. Most updateable fields have field help. Display-only fields do not.
• Press F2 again to display procedure help. It describes the program and how it is used in the
module. Procedure help is not generally provided for reports, inquiries, browses, or control
Press F4 successively to exit all levels of help and return to the program window.

Progress Status Bar

The status bar shows the basic commands needed to navigate through the specific program
currently displayed in the program window. See “Character-Mode Keyboard Commands” on
page 190 for a complete list.

User Menu

The User Menu saves time by letting you access a set of predefined programs directly, without
entering menu numbers or program names at the command prompt. This way, you can execute a
program without having to remember its menu number or Progress name.
Although the menu bar is available only with browses, you can access a User Menu from any
program or menu by pressing F6. This listing includes programs specified in User Function
Maintenance (36.4.10).

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184 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

User Function Maintenance lets you assign programs to individual users or to all users. Use the
following steps to navigate through the User Menu:
• Press F6 to open a pop-up window listing the programs assigned specifically to your user ID.
If no programs are assigned, the list includes programs assigned to the blank user ID (all
• Press F4. If you have both user-specific and blank-ID programs assigned, the list updates to
display programs assigned to all users. Otherwise, the pop-up window closes.
• Press Tab to move the cursor between the menu number and the program label. The system
sorts lexically; for example, 28.13 is listed before 3.18. When you move the cursor to the
program label column, the system re-sorts the list alphabetically.
• To run a program from the user menu, use the up and down arrows to select the program. Then
press Enter.

Using Browses in Character UI

Browses display selected data in the form of a table. Browses in the character UI are similar to
those in the QAD .NET UI, but have a simpler set of features. Two types of browses are available:
• Look-up browses return the value you select to the active field in the calling program.
• Drill-down browses display, filter, or print data.

The field values in the browse can come from a table or a view. A view is a table that has selected
values from one table or several joined tables.
Fig. 6.4
Character Browse

Browses display several records at a time. To scroll through the records, use the Up and Down

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Character User Interface 185

Configuring Lookups for Multiple Return Values

The majority of field lookups in character mode return one value to the calling field. However, a
number of fields return values to several screen fields. For example, when you select a sales order
in Sales Order Maintenance, the system returns the sold-to, bill-to, and ship-to address codes for
the sales order (when they have been defined).
This mechanism is controlled by the lookupreturnfields.xml file, which is stored in the
/tomcat/webapps/<appname>/net/lookups/ folder. Use the following XML element to
configure the option:
<program name="<program.p>" screenid="f:<first field>" lookupfield="receiver">
<returnvalue screenfield="rcvr_line" fieldinlookup="prh_hist.prh_line"/>

<program name> is the menu-level program name.

<screenid> is a combination (separated by a colon) of the frame name and the first enabled
field on that frame.
<lookupfield> is the name of the field that the lookup is attached to. Use CTRL+F to view
the name of the field.
<fieldinlookup> can be determined by running the lookup, right-clicking on the column of
the data you are interested in returning, and selecting Properties.
If more than one additional return value is needed, add another <returnvalue> element with
the appropriate attributes.
Once you have added your data into the XML document, save it, close the QAD .NET UI, and
then restart the application.

Menu Bar
In character mode, browses have a menu bar that you can use to perform various tasks.
Fig. 6.5
Browse Menu Bar

To access the menu bar, press Esc-M while a browse is running. You can then select a menu item
with one of the following methods:
• Use the left and right arrows to move across to the menu you want. Then use the up and down
arrows to highlight an item on the menu. Press Enter to select the item.
• Press the underlined letter for the menu you want to select. The cursor moves to that menu and
displays the menu items. Use one of these methods to select an item:
• Use the up and down arrows to highlight the item you want and press Enter.
• Press the underlined letter for the item you want.

Note You can use the mouse from Windows character clients.

The following sections describe the items available on each menu in browses.

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186 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

User Menu

The User Menu in the browse menu bar differs from the User Menu accessed by pressing F6. The
User Menu in the browse menu bar provides access to:
• User Menu Items
• Print Options
• Run Program
• Exit

Note You can only run programs that are defined in the menu system.

User Menu Items

User Menu items are user defined; you can use them to jump to other programs. When you exit the
second program, the system returns you to the program that was running when you accessed the
User Menu.
Programs displayed on the User Menu are defined in User Function Maintenance (36.4.10). This
list is always the same, regardless of which program you are running.
Fig. 6.6
User Menu in Character Mode
Defined in
User Function
menu options


Use this command to display the Printer Options dialog box. You can use this dialog to specify the
print destination; for example, a server printer or your terminal. You can also indicate that the
output should be placed in a file.
After you select an output device, the Browse Print Configuration window lets you specify the
fields to be output. When you select fields, the system displays the number of characters in each
line of the output.

Run Program

Run Progress programs with this option. You can run any menu-level program without having to
exit the current program.

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Character User Interface 187

Fig. 6.7
Run Program Dialog Box

1 Press Esc-M to access the drop-down User Menu and select Run Program (or use the keyboard
shortcut Ctrl+R).
2 In the pop-up window, enter one of the following:
• The Progress program name, such as ppptmt. You do not have to enter the file extension
of .p.
• A menu number. To run a program from the same submenu as the current program, enter
just its number on that menu; for example, enter 1. If it is on a different submenu, you
must enter its full menu number preceded by a period; for example, enter .1.4.1 to run Item
Master Maintenance.
3 Press Go.
When you exit the second program, the system returns to the program that was running when you
accessed the User Menu.


You can exit the current program through the User Menu. You can also exit programs by either of
the following methods:
• Press F4.
• Press Ctrl+E.

Edit Menu

Use this drop-down menu to cut, copy, and paste text.

Fig. 6.8
Edit Drop-Down Menu

Cutting text deletes it from its current location and copies it to the clipboard. Copying is similar,
but it leaves the original text in place. In both cases, you can paste the text to another location, such
as a field.
1 Choose the text to cut or copy.
2 Display the Edit menu. This menu choice is available only when text is selected.
3 Choose Cut or Copy.

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188 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

4 Position the cursor in the new location.

5 Display the Edit menu and choose Paste.

Options Menu

To turn an option on or off, access the menu, scroll to the option, and press Enter, or type the
underlined letter.
Fig. 6.9
Options Menu in Character Mode

Browse Options

Use this option to set up filter criteria for browses. The filter criteria limit the viewable records
according to your specifications. For example, you can filter out product numbers or statuses that
you do not want to view.

Toggle Filter

Use the toggle filter setting to turn on and off the filter criteria set up in the browse filter options.

Help Menu

Use this menu to access help on fields, as well as display drill downs and lookup browses on
selected fields.

Field Help

The fastest way to get help for the current field is by pressing F2 twice (press F2 once and, if
available, a lookup browse displays), but you can also bring it up with the Help menu. With the
cursor in the field, drop down the Help menu and choose Field Help.

Procedure Help

Procedure help is not included for browses. Choosing this option displays an error message.


Drill-downs are browses accessed by choosing Drill-Down on the menu. You use drill downs to
view records associated with specified fields and programs.
With the cursor in the field, drop down the Help menu and choose Drill-Down.

Lookup Browse

This is the same browse that displays the first time you press F2, if it is attached to the field.

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Character User Interface 189


This option gives you technical information about the system.

You can use the Program Stack field to display the names of the programs used to call the
current program.
Press Tab to move between the command buttons, then press Enter to move up or down the
program stack.
• Select Up Stack to move toward the main menu.
• Select Down Stack to move toward the current program.

When you reach either the top or the bottom of the stack, the appropriate command button is
Fig. 6.10
Character About Screen

Output Devices
You can send the output from reports, inquiries, and browses to a number of devices, including
the following:
• Your terminal
• A server printer
• An e-mail message

However, the character user interface does not offer as many options as the QAD .NET UI.
• You can send output to Terminal or page, but not to Window. If you select Window, the
system displays an error message.
• The Winprint option is designed only for Windows clients. If you select this option, the
system displays an error message.

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190 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

Otherwise, the output options are the same in both interfaces. If you select a printer as the output
device, be sure to use one that has been defined with a Destination Type of Default in Printer Setup
Maintenance (36.13.2).
Just as in the QAD .NET UI, you cannot use e-mail unless it has been set up properly.

Character-Mode Keyboard Commands

The following tables list the navigation, help, and edit keyboard commands used throughout the
character user interface. When you are using a program, the Progress status bar at the bottom of the
screen summarizes the specific keys used in that program.
Some commands require two keys to be pressed at the same time; other key strokes are sequential.
This table uses a plus sign (+) to indicate keys pressed at the same time and a hyphen (–) to show
keys pressed in sequence.
Navigation Keyboard Control Key
Commands Entry Entry Description
Go F1 Ctrl+X Moves to next frame.
End F4 Ctrl+E Exits a frame, program, or menu.
User Menu F6 Ctrl+P Displays list of user-selected
Previous F9 or up arrow Ctrl+K Retrieves previous record in a key
data field and scrolls up in lookup
Next F10 or down Ctrl+J Retrieves next record in a key data
arrow field and scrolls down in lookup
Enter Enter Moves to next field within a frame.
Tab Tab Moves to next field within a frame.
Back Tab Ctrl+U Moves back one field within a frame.
Menu Bar Esc-M Accesses the menu bar. This is not
(Browse) available from Windows character
clients. Use the mouse instead.

Help Keyboard Control Key

Commands Entry Entry Description
Field Help F2 Opens help on current field.
Procedure Help F2 Opens help on current program.
Lookup F2 Displays choice of records.
Browse F7 Opens the browse options window.
Browse Esc-F Turns the browse options on and off.
Options Toggle This is not available from Windows
character clients. Use the mouse
Field Name Ctrl+F Ctrl+F Displays a screen of information
about the current program context,
including the field name.

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Character User Interface 191

Edit Keyboard Control Key

Commands Entry Entry Description
Insert F3 Ctrl+T Enables text insertion.
Delete Record F5 Ctrl+D Deletes an open record.
Recall F7 Ctrl+R Recalls last saved value in a field.
Cut F8 Clears a field.
Copy F11 Ctrl+B Copies a field.
Paste F11 Ctrl+B Inserts value that you copied.
Multiple Copy F12 Ctrl+A Copies values from one or more fields
and pastes them into the same fields of
another record.
Clear Date Shift+? Clears the value in date fields.

Stored Values for Fields

F12 or Ctrl+A stores values for any number of fields. Values are pasted back when you press F12
or Ctrl+A again. The field values are stored separately for each field and for each user, and the
values are saved between logon sessions.
Example Using Sales Order Maintenance, enter a value in Channel and press F12 while the
cursor is still in the field to store the value. Then enter a value in Credit Terms and press F12 to
store that entry. Finish entering the sales order. The next time you enter a sales order, press F12 in
the empty Channel field and the stored value is entered. Press F12 on the Credit Terms to input the
stored credit terms.
To store field values in a maintenance program, you must select Go or Enter through the frame
containing the field values you stored. If you exit the frame using End, the field values you stored
are not saved. This is only true in maintenance and other update programs. Values stored using F12
in reports and inquiries are saved even if you do not select Go or Enter to complete the frame.

Windows Character Client Interface

Because of performance issues, you may not want to run resource-intensive processes such as
Material Requirements Planning (MRP) from the QAD .NET UI. In an environment that does not
include UNIX character clients, you can run these processes through the Windows character client
Navigation in this interface is almost identical to what is described in this chapter, with some
• Optionally, you can use the mouse to access fields directly instead of pressing Tab to move
from field to field.
• In browses, you cannot use the Esc key normally required for some keyboard shortcuts:
• Use the mouse to access the menu bar instead of pressing Esc-M.
• Pull down the Options menu to access Browse Filter, rather than pressing Esc-F.
• Pull down the User Menu to access Exit, rather than pressing Esc-X.

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192 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

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Product Information Resources
QAD offers a number of online resources to help you get more information about using QAD
QAD Forums (
Ask questions and share information with other members of the user community, including
QAD experts.
QAD Knowledgebase (*
Search for answers, tips, or solutions related to any QAD product or topic.
QAD Document Library (
Get browser-based access to user guides, release notes, training guides, and so on; use
powerful search features to find the document you want, then read online, or download and
print PDF.
QAD Learning Center (*
Visit QAD’s one-stop destination for all courses and training materials.

*Log-in required
194 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

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Symbols Browse URL Link to Email 148

.NET Visual Studio 2 Browse URL Maintenance 144
browses 93, 184
Numerics Chart Designer 121
1.4.1 146 drill-down 5, 84 65 features 62
32.3 74 field display in 91
33.15.9 65 file extensions of 121
33.17.19 65 grouping data 100
36.13.2 73, 190 lookup 5
36.20.1 144, 145 multiple delete 120 144, 145 overview 5
36.20.13 104
36.20.14 118 C
36.20.18 104 C# 2
36.20.22 152 calendar 53
36.25.70 117 Call Maintenance 65
36.3.1 181 cancel transaction on drill change option 20 30 cell font 20
36.3.24 11, 182 Change System Settings 76
36.4.10 186 character client in Windows 191 116 Character UI 3
36.4.4 78 logging in 180 181 Chart Designer 122
36.4) 10 client-bootstrap.xml 27
36.6.1 183 client-session.xml 27, 109, 121
7.1.3 73 column filter operands 98
Column Maintenance 97
A component-based application 2
About... screen component-based programs 62
in character interface 189 Context Parameters
Active Maintenance license key 128 process map 172
Add Link 63, 77 control programs 7
Add to Favorites 29, 89 control tables 7
ad-hoc workflow 72 Copy command
alerts 52 in character interface 187
Allow Save of Grid Settings 37 Ctrl+F display 182
attaching documents 68 Cut command
Attachment Maintenance 68 in character interface 187
Autosize Columns 97
B daemons
Break By metrics feature 127 XML 67
Browse Collection Maintenance 32 data type
Browse Drafts 76 conversion of fields 115
Browse Generation Utility 117 of browse fields 114
Browse Link Browse 152 data types
Browse Maintenance 104 control data 7
Browse Master Browse 118 Database Connection Maintenance 183
browse options 20 deleting multiple browses 120
Browse Options option 188 descriptions
196 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

translating 52 I
design importing browses 119
Configurable Screens option 29 Inbox 71
Design Mode inbox
for component-based screens 70 QAD Messaging 50
design mode 70 indexes
desktop options 21 table 109
display alerts option 50 information grids 36
displaying field help in Character UI 183 inner joins 115
documents, attaching 68 inquiries 4
Drill Down/Lookup Maintenance 144, 145 Item Master Maintenance 146
drill-down browses 5, 84
in character interface 188 K
Dump XML 67, 102 keyboard commands
in Character UI 190
E keyboard commands in Character UI 190
Edit menu keyboard shortcuts 36, 41, 53, 55, 93, 182
in character interface 187
email 88 L
sending from within browses 148 Label Master Maintenance 116
email function 78 Language drop-down
empty deleted folder frequency option 50 in Process Editor 160
error prompt 41 language support
Excel integration 139 for process maps 176
avoiding Sort option 143 Line Utilization Maintenance 65
hiding columns 141 local variable
list of business components 139 browse field as 114
prerequisites 140 Local Variables tab 117
Execute Document Import 74 Log file data 18
exiting programs logging in
in character interface 187 Character UI 180
expand and contract button 39 lookup 93
Export Data function 74 lookup browses 5
Export to CSV 87 in character interface 188
exporting browses 119 lookupreturnfields.xml 185
to PDF 87
F maintenance programs 4
Favorites 92 Manage Filter Fields 91, 96
field display in browses 91 Menu Substitution Maintenance 181
field help menu substitutions
in character interface 188 in character interface 181
field types 8 Menu System Maintenance 78
fields 8 menus
filtering messages 49 in character interface 185
filters, managing 91 overview 8
Fixed Asset Maintenance 74 message prompt 52
Force Publish 103 messaging options 22
frames 9 metric collection 124
metric group 124
G metrics licensing 128
general options 21 metrics options 22
global variables metrics percentage bar 131
and process maps 165
grids, using 36 N
Group By function 97 non-component based programs 63
Guide Me non-component based screens 41
enabling and disabling 27
H operational metrics 124
help and process maps 169
in character interface 188 Options menu
History tab 117 in character interface 188
home page options 21 outer joins 115
Index 197

output devices Save as Draft 76

in character interface 189 Scan daemon 69
Output to Page option screen elements
page limit 73 in character interface 182
screen navigation bar
P for non-component based screens 42
Paste command search 93
in character interface 187 Search Variable Tip 96
percentage bar Security Control 11, 182
for operational metrics 131 Session information 18
poller frequency sign-on screen
for QAD Messaging 49 in character interface 180
Post-processor Commands tab 117 Simulation Line Utilization Maintenance 65
power browses 84 static data 8
Pre-processor Commands tab 117 Summary function 97, 99
Printer Setup Maintenance 73, 190 system and user settings 36
printing System Interface 10
in character interface 189
Process Editor 155–156 T
process maps 33 tables
and operational metrics 132 indexes 105, 109
process-config.xml 164 inner and outer joins 112, 115
Product Line Inquiry 73 limit in browse definition 104
program help tabs
in character interface 188 detaching 34
Program Information Maintenance 30 terminal emulation 9
program stack terminal options 22
in character interface 189 title bar
program types in character interface 182
browses 5 Toggle Filter option
inquiries and reports 4 in character interface 188
maintenance 4 transaction data 7
transaction programs 6 transaction programs 6
utilities 6 transaction tables 7
Progress 4GL 2 translation option
progress indicator 94 for descriptions 52
Properties option translations
column header menu 101 description fields 52

QAD Messaging 48 Unicode database 53
QAD.Applications.log 18, 24 URLs and process maps 160
User Function Maintenance 186
R user interface
Records per page 93 browses 93
related views 64 grids 36
Report function 88 search
reports 4 filters 91
Reset to Factory Settings 97 User Maintenance 181
Return to Sender option 70 User Menu
role in character interface 183, 186
and workflow 72 user name
stored searches 90 viewing 182
role activities 66 User preferences 18
Role Permissions Maintain 91 utility programs 6
Rows Per Page 93
run_html string URL 146 V
running programs variables
from character interface 181 process map 173
from User Menu View Configuration 20, 24
in character interface 186 View Maintenance 104
viewing metrics by field 127
Sales Order Print 73
198 Introduction to QAD Enterprise Applications User Guide

W configuration 71
Windows character client 191 workspaces 18, 21
Workflow 70, 88 activation 23

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