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Spreadsheet Reports

Create a new report template from an existing template

To create a new report template, you can create a report based on an existing template and
then make changes to the template. After your changes are made, you can save the existing
template with a new name to create a new template.
1. In the Management Console, right-click a spreadsheet report component, and click Create
Report on the shortcut menu.
2. On the Select Report Template dialog box, click a report template, and click OK.

§ To create a new filter-based report template that returns properties, select one of the
delivered reports that contains a property-based query.
§ To create a new report template with a SQL query, select one of the delivered SQL-
based reports.
3. In the Detail View, right-click the report you created and click Edit Template. The report
template opens in the Report Template Editor with the first tab of the report template
displayed. The following example shows the report template Equipment Finishing Sorted
by Equipment Name.

Use the arrows at the top of the editor to scroll through the Report Template
Editor tabs.
4. The Query tabs always display first in the tab order. In the example above, notice that there
are two query tabs already available. To add a new query, click Tools > Add Query and
select the existing query you want to use as a starting point for your new query. When you
add a query, the software adds it as a tab to the Report Template Editor. For example, you
could add a filter-based query called Processing Equipment and a tab of the same name
would be added to the Report Template Editor.

To set the properties on a filter-based query, see Add a filter-based query to a report
template (on page 156).

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5. To modify queries, modify the statements on the appropriate Query tabs to query the
databases. You can edit the existing query, or delete the existing statements and type a new
query. You can combine two queries to create a single query. If the query contains
parameters, click Edit Query Parameters to make changes to the query prompts
presented when the report runs.
For more information on using queries and correct formats for SQL Server and
ORACLE, see Report Queries to Extract Data (on page 116).
6. To modify property-based queries, specify a different filter or create a new filter in the Filter
box on the appropriate Query tabs.
You can add properties to include in the query by clicking Add. To remove a property,
click a row in the table, then click Remove.

7. Test the query by clicking Execute Query . To see the results of the test, click Show
Results Panel .
8. To add a differential report, use Tools > Add Baseline to add a Baseline tab to specify the
differential report.

9. On the Formatting tab, specify the layout of the report by clicking Design Layout . The
software opens the report template in Excel. For more information, see Design Layout (on
page 131).
10. Select an attribute on the left, click Insert, and then click in the Excel window to place the
attribute. You can also drag and drop the attribute from the left pane to the Excel sheet.
11. Right-click the query in the left pane, and click Properties to specify layout properties such
as grouping, sorting, and comparing.
12. Under Formatting Parameters in the Design Layout hierarchy, click and drag parameters
as needed onto the report template sheet.
13. To add a customizable attribute to the report template, right-click the User Defined item and
select Properties. On the Define User Item dialog box, you can add new attributes, modify
existing attributes, or delete an existing attribute. For more information, see Define User
Item Dialog Box (on page 146).
14. Exit Excel, and save the workbook when prompted.
15. Use File > Save Report Template to save the modified report template and its components
to the Catalog. Use the File > Save Report Template As command to save the selected
report template and components to a location that you specify. You could also change the
names of report templates and their components before saving.
16. To copy the report template to the database, use the Tools > Copy to Catalog command.
Copy a report template to the catalog (on page 150)

§ The software combines the options you set on all the tabs to form the report template. You
can add tabs by clicking the commands on the Tools menu. Each report template can have
multiple queries and baselines, but only one format and one display.
§ If you want your report templates to be available to others, you must make changes to the
names and locations of report templates on the Report sheet of the Reports.xls
spreadsheet and then bulk load the reference data into the catalog database. All of the

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report files (.rtp, .rqe, etc.) must be saved to a folder to which everyone has access, such as
the SharedContent folder.
§ It is recommended that you save new or modified template files with unique names different
from the templates delivered with the software. You should not use the same names as the
delivered report templates.

Create and update a delivered report

1. Verify that at least one spreadsheet report component exists in the Console hierarchy. If
none exists, add a component for reports.
Add a package of components (on page 62)
2. Right-click the spreadsheet report component, and click Create Report on the shortcut
menu. For more information, see Create Report (Report Shortcut Menu) (on page 117).
3. On the Select Report Template dialog box, click a report template, and click OK. The
software creates the report document in the Detail View.
The software prompts for parameters or a filter if the selected report template requires
these inputs.
4. Right-click the report, and click Update Now. The software generates the report. For more
information, see Updating Documents (on page 98).
You can modify the report template if needed. In the Drawings and Reports task, right-
click the report in the Detail View, and click Edit Template. You can add tabs using commands
on the Tools menu, and you can save the report template using File > Save Report Template.
For more information, see Edit a Report Template (on page 121).

Select Report Template Dialog Box

Selects a report template. This dialog box displays when you click the Create Report command
for a spreadsheet report component or when you click Place Report when a drawing
template is open. By browsing through the hierarchy, you can find any report template in the
Catalog database. After you select a template, the software generates the report. You can
resize the dialog box and the columns to view the information more clearly.

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Displays the properties of the selected item. All properties on the Properties dialog box are

List View
Sets the dialog box to display items in a list view.

Grid View
Sets the dialog box to display items in a spreadsheet-style grid view.
The Create Report and Place Report commands create reports based on a selected
report template. You can also select a report template and view its properties. The buttons that
are grayed out are not available when using these commands.
See Also
Create Report (Report Shortcut Menu) (on page 117)
Appendix: Report Descriptions (on page 242)

Edit Template (Report Shortcut Menu)

Modifies a template for a report. This command opens the Report Template Editor (on page
125), which includes several tabs you use to set query, formatting, display, and baseline
This command is only available in the Drawings and Reports task. It is not available
through the Tools > Drawings Console command in the 3D modeling tasks.

What do you want to do?

§ Edit a Report Template (on page 121)
§ Add Sheets to a Report Template (on page 123)
§ Embed Labels in a Report (on page 124)

Edit a Report Template

1. Right-click a report in the Detail View, and click Edit Template.
2. To modify SQL queries, modify the SQL statements on the appropriate Query tabs to query
the databases. Click Show Results Pane to open a lower window that displays the
results of the query. Test the query by clicking Execute Query .
You can also type a different description for the query in the Description box at the
top of the tab.

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3. To modify property-based queries, specify a different filter, or create a new filter in the Filter
box on the appropriate Query tabs.

§ You can add or remove properties in the query using the Add and Remove buttons.
§ Filters created with the Create New Filter command must be moved to the Catalog
before running the report. Select More in the dropdown to create filters directly in the

4. On the Formatting tab, specify the layout of the report by clicking Design Layout . The
software opens a window in Excel.
If you have already opened the Excel layout for the template, the software asks if you
want to overwrite it in the temporary location.
5. Select an attribute on the left, click Insert, and then click in the Excel window to place the
attribute. You can also drag and drop the attribute from the left pane to the Excel sheet.
6. Right-click items in the left pane, and click Properties to specify layout properties, such as
grouping, sorting, and comparing. For more information, see Properties (Shortcut Menu in
Microsoft Excel) (on page 132).
7. Under Formatting Parameters in the Design Layout hierarchy, click and drag parameters
as needed onto the report template sheet.
8. To add a customized attribute to the report template, right-click the User Defined item and
select Properties. On the Define User Item dialog box, you can add new attributes, modify
existing attributes, or delete an existing attribute. For more information, see Define User
Item Dialog Box (on page 146).
9. Save the changes to the template by clicking File > Save Report Template. The software
saves the edited template in the Model database.
10. If you added or modified parameters for any query, right-click the report in the Detail View,
and then click Parameters to redefine parameters before you run the report.

§ The software combines the options you set on all the tabs to form the report template. You
can add tabs by clicking the commands on the Tools menu. Each report template can have
multiple queries and baselines, but only one format and one display.
§ You can save the template in another location by clicking File > Save Report Template As.
By default, templates saved using this command are personal reports that you can run in
most of the tasks in the software using the My Reports tab of the Run Report dialog box.
§ You can make new report templates available to others by making changes to the names
and locations of report templates on the Report sheet of the Reports.xls spreadsheet and
then bulk loading the reference data into the Catalog database. All of the report files (.rtp,
.rqe, and so on.) must be saved to a folder to which everyone has access, such as the
SharedContent folder.

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Add Sheets to a Report Template

The following procedure steps you through adding sheets to an existing report. You can add as
many sheets as you like to a report, associate queries to the sheets, and set the layout of each
sheet independently.
1. Right-click a report, and select Edit Template.
The Report Template Editor displays.

2. On the Formatting tab, click Design Layout to open the report layout in Microsoft
3. You can add a sheet using Excel commands. Right-click an existing sheet and select Insert
to insert a new sheet. You can also rename the sheet by right-clicking the new sheet and
selecting Rename. For more information on creating new sheets, see your Microsoft Excel

4. To populate the new sheet and set its properties, make sure the new sheet is displayed and
right-click Report in the Design Layout hierarchy, then select Properties.

The Report Properties of <SheetName> dialog box displays, showing the layout property
settings for the active sheet. For more information, see Report Properties of <SheetName>
Dialog Box (on page 132).
5. If you want header rows on the new sheet, define them in the Header section. If you want all
the sheets in the report to have the same header, check Repeat on every sheet.
6. Specify custom macros as needed.
7. Set the Filling Mode as needed.
8. To populate the active sheet with report query items, select a query in the Report Items
Available list and click Add.
You can also Remove report query items from the active sheet by selecting them in the
Report Items on Sheet list and clicking Remove.
To clear the contents of the active sheet, click Clear All.

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9. Click OK to save the changes to the active sheet. The Report hierarchy for the active sheet
now shows the content you specified, and you can drag-and-drop items on the active sheet.
10. Save your changes to the report template using either File > Save Report Template or File
> Save Report Template As. For more information, see Save Report Template (File Menu)
(on page 153) and Save Report Template As (File Menu) (on page 153).

Embed Labels in a Report

The following procedure steps you through embedding labels in a report.
1. Right-click a report, and select Edit Template. The Report Template Editor displays.
2. Add a filter-based query to the report using Tools > Add Query. The Add Report Query
dialog box displays.
3. Select a filter-based query to add to the product and click OK. For example, you could add a
basic Filter Based Query to the report template.
4. Name the query on the Add Query dialog box. For example, FBQ is the name of the added
query in this procedure example.
5. When you click OK, the software displays the Select Filter dialog so you can specify the
appropriate filter for the report, then adds the new query to the Report Template Editor.
6. You can use the CONSTANT property to further define the query. To add an embedded
label, you add a CONSTANT as a string with a value of the label you want displayed in the
report. For example, you could create LAB CONSTANT using a string value of [403] to tell
the software to use the label value instead of the value returned by the query.

§ The square brackets [ ] around the label value are required. They signal the software at
report runtime that the query value is not used "as is" but is actually a label that needs to
be evaluated.
§ The software evaluates the embedded label for the object whose oid is included in the
query. For example, for the 403 label, the oid of the pipe part needs to be part of the
query. If not, the software ignores the label.

7. On the Formatting tab, click Design Layout to open the report layout in Microsoft
Excel. The new query CONSTANTs show up in the Design Layout hierarchy.
8. You can drag-and-drop the query CONSTANT attributes as needed to define the layout of
the report.
9. Save your changes to the report template using either File > Save Report Template or File
> Save Report Template As. For more information, see Save Report Template (File Menu)
(on page 153) and Save Report Template As (File Menu) (on page 153).
When you run the modified report, the label CONSTANT is used to populate the report instead
of the value returned by the query.

§ For more information on adding filter-based queries, see Add a filter-based query to a report
template (on page 156).
§ To add additional sheets to the report, see Add Sheets to a Report Template (on page 123).

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§ To enable recursive expansion of embedded labels, the report RFM file must set the
ToParse flag to Yes, as in the following example:

Report Template Editor

Sets options for report templates. The software combines the options you set on all the tabs to
create the report template. The Report Template Editor is available by clicking Edit Template
on the shortcut menu that displays when you right-click a report in the Detail View.

You can add Query and Baseline tabs by clicking the commands on the Tools menu. Each
report template can have multiple query tabs and multiple baseline tabs, but only one formatting
tab and one display tab.
Baseline Tab (Report Template Editor Dialog Box) (on page 131)
Query Tab (Report Template Editor Dialog Box) (on page 126)
Formatting Tab (Report Template Editor Dialog Box) (on page 130)
Display Tab (Report Template Editor Dialog Box) (on page 130)

Report Name and Description

Report Name - Identifies the name of the report template. This field is read-only in the editor
window. You can edit the report name when the Report Template Editor is closed. Right-click
the report document in the Detail View and select Rename on the shortcut menu.
Report Description - Specifies a description for the report template. When you change the
report description in the Report Template Editor, the description is updated in the report .rtp
and .rqe files.
To save the report to the Catalog, use File > Save Report Template. For more information, see
Save Report Template (File Menu) (on page 153). You can use File > Save Report Template
As to save the report template and components to a location that you specify. You can also
change the name of the report template and its components when you use Save Report
Template As. For more information, see Save Report Template As (File Menu) (on page 153).
For more information on the files associated with reports, see Report Templates Folder (on page
See Also
Create a new report template from an existing template (on page 118)
Report Templates (on page 112)
Edit a Report Template (on page 121)
Add a filter-based query to a report template (on page 156)

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Query Tab (Report Template Editor Dialog Box)

Specifies the syntax to retrieve data for the reports. This tab allows you to execute the query
and view the results.
You can create multiple query tabs for one report template by clicking Tools > Add Query. For
more information on adding queries, see Add a filter-based query to a report template (on page
The first graphic shows the base query for the report, while the second shows the filter-based
query used to further define the report.

Show Results Pane

Displays a pane at the bottom of the tab. When you execute the query, the results display
Execute Query
Runs the query specified on the tab.

Edit Query Parameters

Displays the Query Parameters Designer for modifying the query prompts that are
presented to you when you run the report. For example, a prompt can ask you for the
system parent name. This button is only available if the query is not filter-based.
Displays the name for the query. This field is read-only.
Describes the query. When you change the query description in the Report Template
Editor, the description is updated in the report .rqe file.
Displays the name of the filter on which this query is based. This field is only available if the

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query is filter- based.

Displays the Filter Properties dialog box to change the properties of the filter if necessary.
This button is only available if the query is filter-based.
Allow runtime filter selection
When checked, requires a filter selection be made when you run the report using Tools >
Run Report in a 3D task. If this box is not checked, the report runs using the filter defined
within the report.

Displays the Select Properties dialog box to add a new property to a filter-based query.
This button is only available if the query is filter-based.
Removes a property that was added to a filter-based query. This button is only available if
the query is filter-based.
If the report is saved to the catalog and the filter is not a catalog filter, an error message
displays: Cannot copy report to the catalog filter is not a catalog filter. You should edit the
report template to correct the problem.

Queries in Design Layout

The Query tabs in the Report Template Editor populate the attributes you see when you open
the report template in Microsoft Excel. To open the report template in Excel, click Design
Layout on the Formatting tab of the Report Template Editor. In the Design Layout
window in Excel, the query attributes are shown in the Report Items hierarchy. You click and
drag to place the query attributes in the report layout window. The graphic below shows how you
can populate the layout of a report template. For more information, see Design Layout (on page

See Also
Create a new report template from an existing template (on page 118)
Report Templates (on page 112)
Edit a Report Template (on page 121)
Report Template Editor (on page 125)

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Query Parameters Designer Dialog Box

This dialog box is accessible in both the Common task and the Drawings and Reports task.
In both tasks, you first select a label with query parameters (a SQL label) on the Label
Editor dialog box. For more information, see Label Editor. Then, click in the Properties
area to display the Query Parameters Designer dialog box.
You can also view this dialog box if you edit a report template with query parameters in
Drawings and Reports.
Provides an internal name for the parameter.
Specifies an index number for the parameter. This number provides a mapping between the
prompt that displays at runtime and the query syntax. The reason for this number is the
SQL/ADO limitation of positional parameters only.
Provides a caption for the parameter at runtime.
Prompt Category
Specifies the category of prompt for the query parameter.
Prompt Type
Specifies the type of prompt. This list is based on your selection under Prompt Category.
SQL Data Type
Specifies a data type available in the SQL query language.
Default Value
Defines the default value for the parameter.
Specifies whether or not the parameter displays on the report.
You can move the parameters up and down in the list on the dialog box by clicking Move
Up and Move Down.

Select Properties Dialog Box

Browses the data model and selects properties on types. You use the Select Properties dialog
box when specifying filter properties for the workspace and when defining labels. This dialog box
is accessible in both the Common task and the Drawings and Reports task.
In Common, you can access this dialog box when you use the File > Define Workspace
command or the Tools > Select by Filter command to view the properties of a filter. On the
Filter Properties dialog box, click the Properties tab, and in the Property column, click More.
You can also access this dialog box by clicking Tools > Options and selecting the ToolTips
tab. Click Edit Tooltip, and then click Add in the Properties section.
In Drawings and Reports, you can access this dialog box when you use the Edit Template
command on a report template to add properties to a filter query.

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Object type used as the basis for the property identification

Specifies an object type. Click More to access the data model tree. For more information,
see Select Object Type Dialog Box (on page 129).
Specifies a direct property or a correlation between object types. These relationship names
are sorted alphabetically.
Related object type
Selects another object type. Click More to access the data model tree.
Display properties in this category
Specifies a category. You can define categories in the reference data workbooks on the
Custom Interfaces sheets.
Select one or more properties
Specifies properties. Press SHIFT to select more than one property.
See Also
Select Object Type Dialog Box (on page 129)

Select Object Type Dialog Box

Specifies the categories of objects, the feature type, and the component to which you want to
add a ToolTip or label. This dialog box is available for multiple tasks.
In the Common task, you can access this dialog box when you are specifying an object type for
filter properties. You can also access this dialog box when you are editing labels for ToolTips.
When you are working with filter properties or labels, this dialog box opens after you click More
in the Object type box on the Select Properties dialog box. When you are working with
ToolTips, the Select Object Type dialog box opens after you click the browse button on the
ToolTips tab on the Options dialog box.
In the Drawings and Reports task, you can access this dialog box when you use the Edit
Template command on a report template to add properties to a filter query.
In the Project Management task, you can access this dialog box when you use the Configure
Default Colors command to add default style rules.
When the Select Object Type dialog box opens, a tree view lists categories of objects available
in the software. When you double-click an object, the view expands to show the available
feature types. After you select a feature type, another level is available for some categories to
show the component features you can select. For example, double-click HVAC, double-click
HVAC Features, and then click HVAC Transition as the feature, and accept the dialog box.
If objects appear in italics, you cannot select that object on this dialog box. The software uses
your previous selections as the basis for this determination. Italicized text for objects in the
Workspace Explorer indicates the objects are hidden with the Show/Hide options.

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Formatting Tab (Report Template Editor Dialog Box)

Formats the results of queries for reports. This tab allows you to place attributes on an Excel
sheet in the layout that you want. You can have only one Formatting tab for each report

Design Layout
Opens an Excel window in which you can drag and drop formatting parameters within the
report layout. In the Design Layout window in Excel, the Formatting Parameters are shown
in the Report hierarchy. You click and drag to place the formatting parameters in the report
layout window. For more information, see Design Layout (on page 131).
Specifies a name for the formatting template. This field is read-only. You can change the
name of the report formatting (.rfm) when you use Save Report Template As. For more
information, see Save Report Template As (File Menu) (on page 153).
Describes the formatting template. When you change the format description in the Report
Template Editor, the description is updated in the report .rfm file.
Layout Template
Displays the name of the Excel template used for the layout of the report.
See Also
Create a new report template from an existing template (on page 118)
Report Templates (on page 112)
Edit a Report Template (on page 121)
Report Template Editor (on page 125)

Display Tab (Report Template Editor Dialog Box)

This tab is not currently available.
See Also
Create a new report template from an existing template (on page 118)
Report Templates (on page 112)
Edit a Report Template (on page 121)
Report Template Editor (on page 125)

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Baseline Tab (Report Template Editor Dialog Box)

This tab is not currently available.
See Also
Create a new report template from an existing template (on page 118)
Report Templates (on page 112)
Edit a Report Template (on page 121)
Report Template Editor (on page 125)

Design Layout
The actual design of a report layout is done within Microsoft Excel. You access this functionality
by clicking Design Layout on the Formatting tab of the Report Template Editor.
The report Design Layout displays within Excel, allowing you to configure properties associated
with the layout of the report. You can use Excel commands to modify the layout as necessary,
adding color or other graphical definition to make the report meet your corporate standards. You
can change the header information, drag and drop additional fields or parameters onto the
report, and change the organization of the attributes. The items shown in the Design Layout
window represent the query content and format definition of the report, while the spreadsheet
window shows the report layout.

You can edit the properties of the report by right-clicking the Report node at the top of the
Design Layout hierarchy. You can also edit the properties for report items by right-clicking
them. For more information on setting report level properties, see Properties (Shortcut Menu in
Microsoft Excel) (on page 132).
To modify the report formatting parameters, select an item in the Design Layout hierarchy
Formatting Parameters folder and click-and-drag it to the appropriate position in the report
template. You can add customized attributes to your report by right-clicking the User Defined
item in the Design Layout hierarchy and selecting Properties on the shortcut menu. The
Define User Item dialog displays so you can add, modify, or delete attributes that you must
define before the report runs. For more information, see Define User Item Dialog Box (on page
Other commands that may prove helpful in layout of a report are the Expand All and Collapse
All commands. For more information, see Expand All (Shortcut Menu in Microsoft Excel) (on
page 148) and Collapse All (Shortcut Menu in Microsoft Excel) (on page 148).
When you are finished modifying the design layout, save your changes and close Excel.
To optimize report generation, save the Excel template in Normal view layout.

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After you make changes to a template, you can test the template by using the Update
Document(s) or Update Now command.
See Also
Formatting Tab (Report Template Editor Dialog Box) (on page 130)
Add Sheets to a Report Template (on page 123)
Embed Labels in a Report (on page 124)

Properties (Shortcut Menu in Microsoft Excel)

Sets report and item properties as well as query and formatting parameters, if applicable. You
access the Properties command by right-clicking on an item in the Design Layout window in
Excel. The Design Layout is displayed in Excel when you click Design Layout on the
Formatting tab of the Report Template Editor.
If you right-click the User Defined item in the Formatting Parameters folder in the hierarchy,
you can add, edit, and delete customized attributes used in the report template.
See Also
Edit a Report Template (on page 121)
Design Layout (on page 131)
Report Properties of <SheetName> Dialog Box (on page 132)
Item Properties Dialog Box (on page 136)
Define User Item Dialog Box (on page 146)

Report Properties of <SheetName> Dialog Box

Sets options for the active sheet, identified in the dialog box title. You can open this dialog box
by right-clicking Report in the Design Layout hierarchy, then selecting Properties.

The Design Layout is displayed in Excel when you click Design Layout on the Formatting
tab of the Report Template Editor.


Start Row
Specifies the starting row for the report header. The default is $1 for the header.

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End Row
Specifies the ending row for the report header. The last row of the header is the yellow-
shaded row with the column header text.
Repeat on every sheet
Tells the software to use the same header information for each sheet in the design layout.

Post-Formatting Macros

Removes the selected Custom Macro row.
Custom Macros
Specifies macros or add-ins to apply after a report runs. You use macros and add-ins to
apply formatting to cells in a report. Six macros are delivered: Hide or Display Rows, Show
Difference in Colors, Simple Automatic Sum, Copy CoG, Copy Part Class Name To Sheet
Name, and Copy Symbol Icon Path. The code for these macros is available in [Reference
Data Folder]\SharedContent\Reports\Components for
Reports\Addins\SP3DReportMacros.xla on the server.

Macro Name Description

HideOrDisplayRows This macro is used in the context of a grouping report. The

reporting software always outputs all rows of data resulting
from the query. If grouping is used, the rows are organized
into groups according to the design time grouping definition.
HideOrDisplayRows is used to hide all but one row of
each group giving the expected grouped appearance.

ShowDiffInColors This macro is used in differential reports. If a row in the

output shows a row deleted since the first (baseline) report
ran, the row displays in red with strike- through lettering. If
the row is old (was present in the baseline), the row has the
same color as that of the baseline output and any values
modified since the baseline are italicized. New rows are
untouched by this macro.
The software determines differences in rows (old,
new, deleted) by the set of properties named at report
design time. If any of these identity properties changes, a

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Macro Name Description

row is considered new or deleted compared to the baseline

SimpleAutoSum This macro supports the summation of a column of visible

numbers. The SimpleAutoSum macro provides a summing
function that operates only on the visible data, in effect
allowing a sum of the sums. It allows you to define a sum
function on an output cell and a separate total cell
elsewhere on the report to which the macro displays the
sum of grouped data.
The reporting software has quantity functionality that
adds the values of a particular column of a group. Quantity
values output with each row of the group, whether the row
is hidden or not. If a typical Microsoft Excel formula is
applied, all rows are included in the sum.

CopyCoG This macro is used only with the Solids of Design

Equipment with Composite CoG report. It copies the CoG
formula and pastes the formula in a location that is
convenient to read. For more information, see Solids of
Design Equipment with Composite CoG (Equipment) (on
page 345).

CopyPartClassNameToS This macro is only used with reports found in the

heetname [Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit\Parts folder.
The macro replaces the [cable tray part class name] sheet
name with the active plant name.

CopySymbolIconPath This macro is only used with reports found in the

[Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit\Parts folder.
The macro copies the SymbolIconPath values from the
Index sheet and pastes them under the Symbol Icon
section in the [cable tray class name] sheet.

Filling Mode

Fill Values
Outputs the values to the specified cells for each row of data. The Fill Values mode can be
used when performance is more important than other content considerations. The system
does not check or validate the contents of the template and no new rows are inserted. Any
text content of cells is overwritten, but existing formatting such as font or color is not

Reports User's Guide 134

Spreadsheet Reports

Insert Values, Copy Formats and Formulas
Creates the newly inserted row with the same formats and formulas as the row definition in
the report template. For example, you can have justification of a cell set to Center. When
you select Insert Values, Copy Formats and Formulas, each row has the designed
template formatting and each entry is centered.
Although the report output can use either mode, it is recommended that you use the
Insert Values, Copy formats and Formulas mode. In this mode, the properties of the Excel
template row(s) required for output of a row of data are saved and row(s) are inserted in Excel
with the same property values prior to generating the report data.

Report Items
When designing a report, you must assign explicitly the queries to the sheets before the report
items display in the report tree view, even if there is only one sheet. To add sheets to the report,
see Add Sheets to a Report Template (on page 123).

Report Items Available

Shows a list of the report queries available in the report definition.
Report Items on Sheet
Shows the list of report queries included on the active sheet.
Adds the selected report query to the active sheet.
Removes the report query from the active sheet.
Clear All
Clears all the previous report query settings from the active sheet.

§ By default, all items are associated to the same sheet.

Reports User's Guide 135

Spreadsheet Reports

§ The software updates implicitly a report to the new multi-sheet layout if you edit the report or
if you create a new report based on a report created in a previous version of the software.
See Also
Properties (Shortcut Menu in Microsoft Excel) (on page 132)
Report Templates (on page 112)
Edit a Report Template (on page 121)

Item Properties Dialog Box

Sets formatting options for the selected item in the Design Layout window. You can open this
dialog box by right-clicking a single item in the Design Layout window and then selecting
Properties. The Design Layout is displayed in Excel when you click Design Layout on the
Formatting tab of the Report Template Editor.
General Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box) (on page 136)
Attributes Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box) (on page 138)
Labels Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box) (on page 139)
Group Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box) (on page 140)
Sort Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box) (on page 142)
Compare Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box) (on page 143)
Hierarchy Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box) (on page 145)
See Also
Edit a Report Template (on page 121)
Report Templates (on page 112)
Properties (Shortcut Menu in Microsoft Excel) (on page 132)
General Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box)
Sets general options for the selected item in the Design Layout window in Excel.

Reports User's Guide 136

Spreadsheet Reports

Start Row
Specifies the starting row for the report header for this particular report item.
End Row
Specifies the ending row for the report header for this particular report item.
Repeat on every sheet
Tells the report to use the same header information for each additional sheet in the design
Rows to reserve per item
Specifies the number of rows for the item. For example, you could have one attribute in Row
10, another attribute in Row 11, and another attribute in Row 12. The row spread in this
case would be three rows.
See Also
Item Properties Dialog Box (on page 136)

Reports User's Guide 137

Spreadsheet Reports

Attributes Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box)

Sets attribute options for the selected item in the Design Layout window in Excel.

Attribute Name
Lists the attribute names in the SELECT statement for this particular report item. You can
add more attribute names by editing the queries in the Report Template Editor.
Is Locked?
Specifies whether the attribute is locked or not. You can lock cells to prevent changes. For
more information about locking cells and protecting data, see the Microsoft Excel Help.
See Also
Item Properties Dialog Box (on page 136)

Reports User's Guide 138

Spreadsheet Reports

Labels Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box)

Sets labeling options for the selected item in the Design Layout window in Excel.

Use Labels
Enables the controls on this tab.
Removes the selected Label row.
Specifies a label to place on the report. When you click More in the dropdown list, the
Select Label dialog box displays, allowing you to select labels from the catalog. When you
click New Format in the dropdown list, the Label Editor displays, allowing you to specify a
new format for a label. For more information, see Label Editor in the Drawings and Reports
Reference Data Guide.
Any labels you add using the New Format functionality are only available for the
current report. They are not available for use in other reports.
Identifies the output of the label on the report. In cases where a returned property from a
query has the same name as the label name, you must give a different name for the label.
Is Locked?
Specifies whether the label is locked or not. You can lock cells to prevent changes. For
more information about locking cells and protecting data, see the Microsoft Excel Help.
Specifies when the software populates the label and places it on the report. The values for
the label trigger are After Query, After Grouping, After Comparison, and After
Numbering. For example, if you have a material takeoff (MTO) report, you might want the
sum of weights for a group to display on the label. In this case, you will want the label trigger

Reports User's Guide 139

Spreadsheet Reports

after the grouping of the MTO sections.

See Also
Item Properties Dialog Box (on page 136)
Group Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box)
Sets grouping options for the selected item in the left pane of the Excel window. The grouping
options define the properties that group the input data into composite rows when one row of
output is based on multiple rows of input, such as in MTO reports.
Many of the delivered reports use grouping definition. The graphics below show the properties
identified by the delivered Piping Pipe Total Length Sorted by NPD report.
Use Grouping
Enables the controls on this tab.

Grouping By
Lists the attributes available for grouping. You use the single arrow buttons to move
individually selected attributes in the direction of the arrow, or use the double arrow buttons
to move all attributes in the direction of the arrow.
Attributes used for grouping
Lists the columns you want to use for grouping. You can move items back and forth
between the two main boxes on this dialog box by using the arrow keys in the middle of the
dialog box.

Item Tag Number

Specifies the style applied to the item tag number. Values are Numeric (default setting) and
Base value
Specifies the counting starting point for the item tag number. The default is 1 for Numeric
and A for Alphabetic. If the style is Alphabetic, only the letter values A through Z will be
accepted, and you are limited to six letters in length. Lowercase characters are changed to
uppercase automatically.

Reports User's Guide 140

Spreadsheet Reports

Identifies the counting increment value. The default is 1. This field is numeric only.
Is continued?
If checked, specifies that the numbering starting point continues from the previous item tag
number in the report layout. This checkbox overrides the Base value setting. Default is
Column name
Identifies the name of the item column in the spreadsheet.
Is Locked?
Specifies whether the cell is locked or not. You can lock cells to prevent changes. For more
information about locking cells and protecting data, see the Microsoft Excel Help.

Removes the selected quantity attribute row from the Quantities table.
Quantity attribute
Provides a dropdown list of all report attributes. You select an attribute for which you want to
include totals and sum totals in the specified total column.
Quantity total column name
Specifies the name of the quantity column for the selected attribute.
Is Locked?
Specifies whether the cell is locked or not. You can lock cells to prevent changes. For more
information about locking cells and protecting data, see the Microsoft Excel Help.

See Also
Item Properties Dialog Box (on page 136)

Reports User's Guide 141

Spreadsheet Reports

Sort Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box)

Sets sorting options for the selected item in the Design Layout window in Excel.

Use Sort
Enables the controls on this tab.
Removes the last sorting order from the tab.
Sort By/Then By
Specifies an item by which to sort the report. After the first sort order is selected, a Then By
section is added, allowing multiple sorting specifications.
Sorts in alphanumeric ascending order.
Sorts in alphanumeric descending order.
All attributes specified for sorting must be used for grouping. If you have attributes
involved in sorting on the Sort tab that do not match the attributes in the Attributes used for
grouping field of the Group tab, an error message displays.
See Also
Item Properties Dialog Box (on page 136)

Reports User's Guide 142

Spreadsheet Reports

Compare Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box)

Sets comparison options for the selected item in the Design Layout window in Excel. These
options apply to differential reports.

Compare Attributes
Enables the controls on this tab.

Identity Attributes
Lists properties used as identifiers of rows. The software uses identifiers to check to see if
rows in the baseline report and the current report match. If the rows have different
identifiers, then the rows were deleted or added. If the rows have the same identifier, then
the row was modified.
You can move properties back and forth between the boxes by using the arrow keys in the

Reports User's Guide 143

Spreadsheet Reports

Identity Attributes
Lists properties used as identifiers of rows.

Lists properties compared between the two reports to determine if differences exist between
matched rows. You can move properties back and forth between the boxes by using the
arrow keys in the middle.
Scope Attributes
Lists properties compared between the two reports.

Display Deleted?
Displays deleted rows on the report. Deleted rows are in the baseline report but not in the
current report.
Deleted Location?
Specifies the location on the report where the deleted rows display. The location can be the
top of the report, the bottom of the report, or in-line (between other rows).
Display Modified?
Displays modified rows on the report. Modified rows can either be old or new. Old rows are
from the baseline report. New rows are from the current report.
Added Location?
Specifies the location on the report where the added rows display. The location can be the
top of the report, the bottom of the report, or in-line (between other rows).

Output attribute name
Specifies the header text for the attribute that shows the difference flags. The following table
shows the flags and their meanings.

Flag Meaning

A The row is not in the baseline report but is in the current report.

D The row is in the baseline report but not in the current report.

O One or more of the compared attributes in this row are different between
the baseline and the current reports. The row is from the baseline report.

N One or more of the compared attributes in this row are different between
the baseline and the current reports. The row is from the current report.

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Spreadsheet Reports

U The row is the same in the baseline and current reports.

Is Locked?
Specifies whether the attributes are locked or not. You can lock cells to prevent changes.
For more information about locking cells and protecting data, see the Microsoft Excel Help.
All attributes specified as comparison identifiers must be used for grouping. If you have
differences between the attributes chosen in the Attributes used for grouping field of the
Group tab and the attributes chosen in the Identity fields on the Compare tab, an error
message displays.
See Also
Item Properties Dialog Box (on page 136)
Hierarchy Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box)
Sets hierarchy options for the selected item in the Design Layout window in Excel.

Reports User's Guide 145

Spreadsheet Reports

The list of attributes on this tab is controlled by the values set in the Attributes used for
grouping grid on the Group tab of the Item Properties dialog box. If the Group tab is disabled,
the Hierarchy tab is disabled also. You can enable both tabs by checking the Use Grouping
box on the Group tab.
Use Hierarchy
Enables the controls on this tab.
Attribute Name
Lists all of the report attributes from the Group tab.
Hierarchy Level
Specifies the hierarchy level for the attribute. The hierarchy levels are all set initially to
Create a new sheet every time a Level 1 property value changes
Specifies that a new sheet is created in Excel whenever a Level 1 value is changed in the
See Also
Item Properties Dialog Box (on page 136)

Define User Item Dialog Box

Allows you to add, modify, and delete customized attributes for reports. Attributes defined in this
dialog box are included in the Parameters dialog box that displays when you run the report. You
access this dialog when editing a report template. On the Formatting tab in the Report
Template Editor, click Design Layout to open the report template in Microsoft Excel.
Expand Formatting Parameters folder in the Design Layout hierarchy, right- click a User
Defined item and select Properties.

Deletes the selected attribute from the dialog box. On OK, the attribute is removed from the
report template.

Reports User's Guide 146

Spreadsheet Reports

Names the customized attribute. The name must be unique.
Provides a caption that will label the input field on the Parameters dialog box when the
report runs. The default caption is the same as the specified Name.

You can add new items, edit an existing one, or delete an item. Click OK to save the changes to
the Design Layout hierarchy, and then you can click-and-drag the customized items to the
report template. Click Cancel on the dialog to discard changes.

Customized Attribute Definitions in Report Template Files

Customized attributes in the Design Layout are saved in two file locations:
§ Report XLS File - You can open the report XLS file and go to the SP3DReport_Definition
sheet to see where the customized attributes are saved for the specified report template
sheet. For example, the following shows where field parameter ABC was added to Sheet1
in the report template, but another attribute bcd was added to Sheet2.

§ Report RFP File - You can see where the Formatting Fields are added for field parameters
in every layout sheet. For example:

Reports User's Guide 147

Spreadsheet Reports

See Also
Report Templates Folder (on page 114)
Design Layout (on page 131)
Create a new report template from an existing template (on page 118)

Expand All (Shortcut Menu in Microsoft Excel)

Opens all branches of the Design Layout in Microsoft Excel. The Design Layout is displayed
in Excel when you click Design Layout on the Formatting tab of the Report Template
See Also
Edit a Report Template (on page 121)
Design Layout (on page 131)

Collapse All (Shortcut Menu in Microsoft Excel)

Closes all branches of the Design Layout in Microsoft Excel. The Design Layout is displayed
in Excel when you click Design Layout on the Formatting tab of the Report Template
See Also
Edit a Report Template (on page 121)
Design Layout (on page 131)

Smart 3D View Definition Explorer Dialog Box

Displays all of the view definitions defined in component setup. You can drag a view definition
from the dialog box into your drawing sheet to add that fixed layout region. After you drop a view
definition on your drawing sheet, you can resize it.

After you drag a view definition from the dialog box to your drawing sheet, the icon changes to a
check mark to indicate that the definition has been added. If you delete a region from the
drawing sheet, the icon returns to its previous state.
When you create drawings, the software assigns views to the region according to the layout
defined in the edit template. For more information, see Edit Template (Report Shortcut Menu)
(on page 121).

§ If you select a region in the drawing sheet, the view definition highlights in the dialog box. If
you select a view definition in the dialog box, that region highlights on the drawing sheet.
§ You cannot place multiple regions for a single view definition. The software displays the
following message in the status bar:
The selected view definition is already placed

Reports User's Guide 148

Spreadsheet Reports

§ You can select only one view definition at a time. If you select multiple definitions, the
software displays the following message in the status bar:
Multi-Select of view definitions is not supported.

Region Properties Dialog Box

Displays properties for a layout region on a drawing sheet.
Displays the same name as the view definition.
Displays the description of the layout region.
Layout Style
Displays the location of the layout region style definition file. By default, this is \Drawing By
Rules\Region Layout Rules\Fixed Layout.xml.
Maintain Aspect
Indicates whether the aspect ratio of the layout region is maintained when you resize it.
Lock Region
Indicates whether the layout region is locked.

Parameters (Report Shortcut Menu)

Specifies the parameters for a report, such as units of measure and coordinate systems. You
can access this command by right-clicking a report document. The parameters required by the
report are defined in the report template. For more information on the parameter definition, see
Edit Template (Report Shortcut Menu) (on page 121).
To add customized attributes to the parameter definition, see Define User Item Dialog Box (on
page 146).
Report Parameters Dialog Box (on page 149)
See Also
Report Templates (on page 112)

Report Parameters Dialog Box

Specifies parameters for a report deliverable, such as units of measure and coordinate systems.
This dialog box only appears when you run a report that requires input for the parameters. In
addition, the controls on this dialog box may vary, depending on the report definition. For more
information on configuring parameters for a report, see Designing Report Layout in the Reports
User's Guide.
Unit of Measure
Sets the units of measure for the report.

Reports User's Guide 149

Spreadsheet Reports

Specifies information about the coordinate system.

§ For some reports, several dialog boxes requiring report parameters appear. The dialog
boxes take the form of a wizard with Back, Next, and Finish buttons at the bottom.
§ The query you set up for running a report can generate dialog boxes that prompt for certain
report parameters. In this way, your query can customize the report creation.

Copy Report To Catalog (Report Shortcut Menu)

Copies a modified report template to the catalog so it can be used by everyone.
The Copy To Catalog command is available when you right-click a report document.
Select Location Dialog Box (on page 152)

§ The Copy To Catalog command is not available when multiple report documents are
selected. You can only copy one report template to the catalog at a time. If the report
template has not been modified from its original state, the command is not available.
§ The report does not have to be up-to-date because only the report template is copied. All
drawing views are copied as part of the template, but the drawing view content is not

Copy a report template to the catalog

The Copy Report To Catalog command is available on the shortcut menu of a report document
with a modified report template.

Reports User's Guide 150

Spreadsheet Reports

1. Right-click a report that has a modified template you want to copy to the catalog, and select
Copy Report To Catalog. The Select Location dialog box displays, showing the modified
report template in the Report Name field.

2. Select an existing folder location, or create a new folder by clicking New . If you create a
new folder, you can change the name of the folder or leave it with the default name. For
example, in the graphic above, a new folder was created and renamed New Reports.
3. Click OK to copy the report to the selected folder in the catalog. The report template is now
stored in the catalog for everyone to use.

§ You can copy only one report template at a time. This command is not available if multiple
documents are selected or if the report template has not been modified.

Reports User's Guide 151

Spreadsheet Reports

§ To delete a report template, select it and click Delete . You are only able to delete a
report template if you have appropriate catalog permissions.

§ To rename a report template, select it and click Rename . You are only able to rename a
report template if you have appropriate catalog permissions.

Select Location Dialog Box

Lists available catalog locations to which you can copy your report template.

If you select the New folder in the hierarchy, the Delete and Rename buttons are
enabled. When you select an existing catalog folder, most of the buttons on the dialog box
toolbar are disabled.
Creates a new folder named New Folder under the selected item in the hierarchy. You can
rename the folder or keep the name.
Deletes the selected report template, if you have the correct permissions. A warning
message displays. You cannot undo a delete action after it is accepted.

Renames the selected report template, if you have the correct permissions.
Displays the properties for the selected report template.

List View
Displays the catalog report hierarchy on the left and the report documents on the right.

Reports User's Guide 152

Spreadsheet Reports

Detail View
Displays the catalog report hierarchy on the left side and a detailed grid view of the report
documents on the left.
Permission Group
Shows the catalog permissions for the selected folder or report document.
Shows the name of the report being copied to the catalog.

Save Report Template (File Menu)

Saves the modified report template and its components to the Catalog. If you want to be able to
edit your report in the Detail View, save the report to the Catalog before exiting the Report
Template Editor.
If you want your report templates to be available to everyone, you must make changes to the
names and locations of report templates on the Report sheet of the Reports.xls spreadsheet
and then bulk load the reference data into the Catalog database.
See Also
Save Report Template As (File Menu) (on page 153)
Create and update a delivered report (on page 120)

Save Report Template As (File Menu)

Saves the selected report template and components to a location that you specify. You can also
change the names of report templates and their components before saving. This command is
available only on the File menu when you are editing a report template in the Report Template
By default, templates saved using this command are personal reports. You can run these
reports in most of the tasks in the software using the Run Report command on the Tools menu.
For more information, see Run an Existing Personal Report. Personal reports are located on the
My Reports tab of the Run Report dialog box. The file location, defined under the File
Locations tab in the Options dialog box, must be set to the folder that contains the .rtp file of
your report. For more information on file locations, see the Smart 3D Common User's Guide.
You can make new report templates available to everyone by making changes to the names and
locations of report templates on the Report sheet of the Reports.xls spreadsheet and then bulk
loading the reference data into the Catalog database. Create new reports with names different
from those delivered with the software.
For more information on saving templates, see Save Template As Dialog Box (on page 155).
For more information on editing reports, see Report Template Editor (on page 125).

Save a report template to a specified location

The following procedure saves the report template to a location that you specify using the File >
Save Report Template As command. To save a modified report template and its components
to the Catalog, use the File > Save Report Template As command. For more information, see

Reports User's Guide 153

Spreadsheet Reports

Save Report Template (File Menu) (on page 153) and Save Report Template As (File Menu) (on
page 153).
1. Right-click a report in the Detail View and select Edit Template. Modify the report template
as needed.
2. Click File > Save Report Template As. The Save Template As dialog box displays.

3. To rename a component of the report, select the component in the table, and then click
Rename . After you type the new name of the component, the file name changes
4. To save parts of the report template, click the check boxes to the left of the names to clear
the components you do not want to save.
5. Specify the saving mode and location of the report template and components, and click
Save. By default, the files are saved to the personal reports location defined on the File
Locations tab of the Options dialog box in Common. For more information, refer to the
Common User's Guide.
6. Click Save to save the report template to the specified location.

§ If you added or modified parameters for any query, right-click the report document, and then
click Parameters to redefine parameters.
§ If you want your report templates to be available to everyone, you must make changes to
the names and locations of report templates on the Report sheet of the Reports.xls
spreadsheet, and then bulk load the reference data into the Catalog database.
§ Do not overwrite delivered templates. Save new or modified template files with unique
names different from the templates delivered with the software.

Reports User's Guide 154

Spreadsheet Reports

See Also
Edit a Report Template (on page 121)
Spreadsheet Reports (on page 109)
Report Templates (on page 112)
Report Queries to Extract Data (on page 116)
Appendix: Report Descriptions (on page 242)

Save Template As Dialog Box

Sets options for saving the components of a report template or label. You can open this dialog
box by clicking File > Save Report Template As in the Report Template Editor window.

Renames the components of a report template or label. To modify a component, select a
report component in the table and then click Rename . When you change the name of a
component, the file name changes automatically.
Displays the name of the report template or label component. You can save parts of the
report template or label by clicking the checkboxes to the left of the names.
Displays the file name of the component.
All Project
Saves all components of the report template or label in a folder structure similar to drawing
labels and report templates. You choose a root folder, and the templates are all saved in the

Reports User's Guide 155

Spreadsheet Reports

root folder.
Saves each component separately. You can specify a different location for each component.
Save To Folder
Displays the name of the folder to save the report template or label. To change the location,
click Browse. By default, the files are saved to the personal reports location defined on the
File Locations tab of the Options dialog box in the Common task. You can change the
default file locations. For more information, see the Smart 3D Common User's Guide.

Add Query (Tools Menu)

Adds an existing query to the selected report template. Only those .rqe files that are included in
the bulk loaded catalog data are available for selection.
Add Report Query Dialog Box (on page 158)

Add a filter-based query to a report template

1. In the Management Console, verify that at least one spreadsheet report component exists.
If none exists, add a component for reports.
Add a package of components (on page 62)
2. Right-click the spreadsheet report component, and click Create Report on the shortcut
menu. For more information, see Create Report (Report Shortcut Menu) (on page 117).
3. On the Select Report Template dialog box, click a report template, and click OK. The
software creates the report document in the Detail View.
The software prompts for parameters or a filter if the selected report template requires
these inputs.
4. Right-click the report, and select Edit Template.
The Report Template Editor displays.
5. Select Tools > Add Query. The Add Report Query dialog box displays.
6. Select a filter-based query to add to the product and click OK. For example, you could add a
basic Filter Based Query to the report template.

Reports User's Guide 156

Spreadsheet Reports

7. Name the query on the Add Query dialog box.

8. When you click OK, the software displays the Select Filter dialog so you can specify the
appropriate filter for the report, then adds the new query to the Report Template Editor.

9. To require the person running the report to select the filter at runtime, check the Allow
runtime filter selection.

10. Add properties to the query as needed using the table provided. Click Add to display
the Select Properties dialog box and define the property. When you click OK the property
is added as a new row to the Query tab. For example, you could add a property for the
Insulation Requirement on certain equipment.
11. To remove any properties you do not need in the query definition, select a property row and
click Delete .

12. To test run the query, click Execute Query . The Query tab updates to show the results
in a panel at the bottom of the tab. You can turn the results panel on and off by clicking
Show Results Panel . The graphic below shows an example query results pane for a

Reports User's Guide 157

Spreadsheet Reports

query that uses a filter called ProcessingEquipmentFilter and the Insulation

Requirement property.

13. Save your changes to the report template using either File > Save Report Template or File
> Save Report Template As. For more information, see Save Report Template (File Menu)
(on page 153) and Save Report Template As (File Menu) (on page 153).
See Also
Report Templates (on page 112)

Add Report Query Dialog Box

Specifies a query template to add to the report. This dialog box displays when you click Tools >
Add Query from the Report Template Editor. By browsing through the hierarchy, you can find
any query template in the Catalog database. This dialog box is resizable.

Displays the properties of the selected item. All properties on the Properties dialog box are

List View

Reports User's Guide 158

Spreadsheet Reports

Sets the dialog box to display items in a list view.

Grid View
Sets the dialog box to display items in a spreadsheet-style grid view.
The grayed out tools on this dialog box are not available with the Tools > Add Query
See Also
Add Display (Tools Menu) (on page 159)
Add Formatting (Tools Menu) (on page 159)
Add Query (Tools Menu) (on page 156)
Remove Report Component (Tools Menu) (on page 161)
Report Templates Folder (on page 114)
Report Queries to Extract Data (on page 116)
Add a filter-based query to a report template (on page 156)

Add Formatting (Tools Menu)

Adds a Formatting tab to the selected report template. Each report template can contain only
one Formatting tab. If a Formatting tab is already defined for the selected report template, this
command is not available.
See Also
Report Templates Folder (on page 114)
Create a new report template from an existing template (on page 118)
Edit a Report Template (on page 121)
Report Template Editor (on page 125)

Add Display (Tools Menu)

Adds a Display tab to the selected report template. Each report template can contain only one
Display tab.
This command is not currently available.
See Also
Report Templates Folder (on page 114)
Create a new report template from an existing template (on page 118)
Edit a Report Template (on page 121)
Report Template Editor (on page 125)

Reports User's Guide 159

Spreadsheet Reports

Add Baseline (Tools Menu)

Adds a Baseline tab to the selected report template. Each report template can contain only one
Baseline tab. If a Baseline tab is already defined for the selected report template, this command
is unavailable to you.
Add Report Baseline Dialog Box (on page 160)
See Also
Report Templates Folder (on page 114)
Create a new report template from an existing template (on page 118)
Edit a Report Template (on page 121)
Report Template Editor (on page 125)

Add Report Baseline Dialog Box

Specifies a baseline template to add to the report. This dialog box displays when you select
Tools > Add Baseline from the Report Template Editor. Each template can contain only one
baseline. By browsing through the hierarchy, you can find any baseline template in the Catalog

Displays the properties for the selected report template.

List View
Displays the catalog report hierarchy on the left and the report documents on the right.
Detail View
Displays the catalog report hierarchy on the left side and a detailed grid view of the report
documents on the left.
The grayed out tools on this dialog box are not available with the Tools > Add Baseline
See Also
Report Templates Folder (on page 114)
Add Baseline (Tools Menu) (on page 160)

Reports User's Guide 160

Spreadsheet Reports

Remove Report Component (Tools Menu)

Removes the selected report component from the report template. To select a component to
remove, click the tab for that component in the Report Template Editor. The name of this
command changes to reflect the name of the component tab you select. For example, if you
select a tab called Query: Plant, the command name changes to Remove Query: Plant. For
example, if you wanted to delete a tab called Query: Processing Equipment, click the tab,
then select Tools > Remove Query: Processing Equipment. The software displays a
confirmation message before removing the query definition and tab from the report template.
You cannot use this command to remove display, formatting, or baseline components from a
See Also
Report Templates Folder (on page 114)
Create a new report template from an existing template (on page 118)
Edit a Report Template (on page 121)
Report Template Editor (on page 125)

Use the SmartPlant Review Spreadsheet Report for

SPRDirect enables you to publish Smart 3D native objects and Smart 3D referenced objects
(DGN/DWG, PDS, and Reference 3D, for example) directly to graphic (VUE) and label data
(MDB2) files. These files can then be opened in SmartPlant Review. SPRDirect provides a
SmartPlant Review spreadsheet report type in Smart 3D that contains labels used to generate
the attribute information for SmartPlant Review. This method offers an easier, faster way to get
your Smart 3D project to SmartPlant Review (SPR) where you can interactively review and
analyze 3D model data.

In addition to faster data exchange, SPRDirect provides these features:
§ You have a WYSIWYG operation in that the attributes you see in Smart 3D can also be
seen in SmartPlant Review.
§ The process of adding or removing attributes is simplified.

Reports User's Guide 161

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