Skeletal System Lesson Plan

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Republic of the Philippines

Bulacan State University

Bustos Campus
College of Education

A Detailed Lesson Plan

In Biological Science


At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

1. Describe the functions and label the major parts of Skeletal System in our body;
2. Collaborate through group activity on how different bones in our body works as a
3. Create short skits, poster or commercial showing the proper ways of protecting and
taking care of our bones in our body.


A. Topic: Major parts and functions of Skeletal System

B. Reference:
Biological Science by Editha N. De Regla and Butch Stephen C. Duay
page 158-166
C. Materials:
For teacher:
Power point Presentation, Video Presentation, Book, Mock-up
Model, Whiteboard, Whiteboard Marker
For Students:
Marker, Brown envelope, and White Cartolina
D. Teaching Strategies:
Inductive Method, Discovery Approach, and Integrative Approach


Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activity

1. Prayer

Everybody please stand up. (Students standing up)

May I request Mr/Ms ________ to lead the (Students praying)

2. Greetings

Good Morning class! Good morning Sir.

Before you take your seats, please pick up those (Students picking up pieces of
pieces of paper and candy wrapper under your paper and candy wrapper under
chair. their chairs.)

You may now take your seats.

Thank you sir!
How are you today?
We are good sir!
That’s great!

3. Checking of Attendance

Miss Secretary, do we have any absentees today?

There’s no absent in the class
I’m glad to hear that we don’t have any absentees sir!

4. Checking of Assignment

Did I give you an assignment last meeting?

Ok, Please get your assignment and pass it

forward. Yes sir.

5. Review (Students passing their

What we have discussed last meeting?

Very Good!

To fully assess if all of you understand our last Sir, last meeting, we’ve
topic, I will present some questions and if you discussed about Endocrine
want to answer, just raise your hands. Is that System.
clear class?

1. What is Endocrine System?

a. A collection of glands that produces
b. A series of organs that converts Yes sir!
food into essential nutrients

Very good! The correct answer is A.

2. What gland is often referred as the “master

gland” of our body?
a. Hypothalamus The answer is A sir!
b. Pituitary gland

Nice answer! The correct answer is B.

3. Which of the following reproductive glands,
produces testosterone?
a. Testes The answer is B sir!
b. Ovaries

That’s great! The correct answer is A.

4. Axel is a 25 years old man who really loves

to eat sweets. One day, he felt a sudden
abdominal pain, and observable frequent The answer is A sir!
urination, weight loss, thirst and extreme
hunger. When he went to a clinic, the doctor
said that it is due to lack of insulin. What
endocrine disease does Axel have?
Excellent! You answered very well.

It seems like everyone already understood the

functions and disorders of Endocrine System.
Sir, the answer is
6. Energizer Diabetes.

Class, before we start on our new topic, I

prepared a 2 minute video clip and all you have
to do is to watch, listen and learn.

(Video presentation……)

After 2 minutes…….

What did you observe? Did you enjoy the


Very well said! That’s right!

(The student will watch
And for today, our topic is all about bones. attentively.)
Among the systems inside our body, which of
them is composed of bones?
Sir! We observed a singing
Excellent! and dancing skeleton! It also
pointing some important
B. Motivation bones that composed our
In order to learn more about different bones in
our body, I prepared a very enjoyable activity
for all of you.

It is entitled “Bone to be with you” Sir! The answer is Skeletal

In this activity, we will help Scooby doo to
have his meal. And to be able for us to do that, I
need three volunteers from the class.

Are you ready class?

Alright, based on the note that Scooby left to

me, shabby wants to bake cookies for him,
unfortunately, the other half of the cookies are
missing. Can you help Scooby to get it back?
Once you find it, look for the correct pair that
you think based on the clues attached on it. And
after you correctly paired it, bring it back to the
Scooby snack machine then copy the picture
that flash on the screen.

Do I make myself clear class? Yes sir!

C. Lesson Proper/Discussion

Based upon on our simple activity, we paired

organs and the bones that protects them.
Can you cite again the bone that protects major
organs of our body?

Very good!

How about the last pair? What do you think is

the relationship between fingers and the piano? Yes sir!

Nice answer!

The bones in our body has many functions aside

from protecting our brain and heart and for
playing piano.

In connection with that, let’s find more about Sir, The skull protects the
the bone system. brain and the rib cage
protects the heart.
The skeletal system has 6 functions.

1. Protection – Bones such as skull and

rib cage protects the vital organs of our Sir, we used our fingers to
body from injury. play the piano so that it create
Why do you think we need to be careful with
these organs?

Very good!

2. Support – Bones provides a rigid

framework known as skeleton that
supports the body and maintains its

If we humans have no bones, what would be

our appearance?

3. Movement - With the strength of our

bones, we are able to move our muscles,
as a simple mechanical lever system to
produce body movements.
Serious damage on such vital
How the bone in our body is really important in organs can causes severe
our everyday movement? pains, paralysis and even

Very well said!

4. Mineral Storage – Bones serve as a

reservoir for calcium and phosphorus,
the essential minerals for various
cellular activities throughout the body.
Without skeleton, many
Calcium is very essential to our body because it vertebrates like us humans will
strengthen our bones. become a jelly like creatures, a
soft and immobile.
In regard with this, do you know what kind of
food we need to eat to sustain the sufficient
amount of calcium in our bones?

Excellent! And aside from foods rich in

Vitamin D, sunlight also helps to strengthen our
bone because it activates Vitamin D in our body
Without it, we can’t freely
5. Blood cell production – the move to what position we
production of blood cell or want or perform like walking,
haematopoiesis, occurs in the red eating, jumping, gripping,
marrow found within cavities of certain dancing, running and many
bones. more.

The red marrow produces red blood cells, white

blood cells and blood platelets which are very
important to us.

How important the blood cells?

6. Energy storage – our bones are the Sir, to sustain the amount of
store house of fat and certain essential calcium in our bones, we need
minerals. to eat foods that are rich in
vitamin D.
If we have red marrow, we also have the yellow
marrow which is responsible for storing fats.

Do you still remember the other term for fat?

Different Types of Bones

Did you know how many bones does a human


Very good!

And addition for that, did you know class that a

baby is composed of 270 bones at birth, and
when adulthood came, some bones are fused
together and the number of bones decreases into
206 bones.
It is very important because it
Also, with that numbers, have you notice why regulates the circulatory
the bones are not looks the same? system; the continuous flow of
blood cells affects other
Nice answer! systems and organs in our
The bones in our body are different in each
other in terms of their shapes. Some are long,
short, flat and irregular in shape.

To further discuss the different bones in our

body, let me present to you the famous bone
model in BulSU, let’s meet Mr. Bone.
(The teacher will show the mock-up model of Sir, the other term for fat is
the skeletal system and label its parts) adipose tissue and lipids.

Parts of the Skeletal System

Skeletal System is divided into two divisions. Sir, human has 206 bones.
What are those?

Very good!

The Axial skeleton functions to protect and

support the organs in the head, neck and body.

Who would like to locate and label the axial

skeleton using our model?

Sir, it because of their shapes.

Good job!

The other division of skeletal system is also

attached in the axial skeleton. It is called
appendicular skeleton.

Appendicular skeleton is formed by the pectoral

girdle, pelvic girdle and the upper and lower
limb. Its function is to allow us to move and to
protect the major organs of digestion, excretion
and reproduction.

What part of your body makes movements?

You’re right!
The axial and appendicular
The arms and legs are part of the appendicular skeleton sir!
skeleton. Who wants to locate and label the
appendicular skeleton using our model?

(The students will raise their

hands and the selected student
Good job! will name the parts)

The bone system in our body plays a vital role The parts of axial skeleton are:
of making us strong and helps in our daily skull, cranium, mandible, rib
living. cage or thoracic cage, sternum,
and vertebrae or spinal
But you know what class, as we know; all column.
things have its limit. We know that bones make
us strong yet, the truth is the bone can be fragile
at all.

Have you experience unexpected fall or your

fingers accidentally hit a hard object and you
felt discomfort like it going to detached in your

Or have you observed your grandmother or

grandfather having difficulties in walking and
their back is bended?

Maybe, that’s a sign that their bones have Sir, the arms and legs makes
something wrong. movements.

Common Skeletal System Diseases

(The students will raise their
Proper taking care in the bone system is very hands and the selected student
important to prevent it from the following will name the parts)
Sir, the parts of appendicular
1. Fracture – a break in the bone skeleton are: clavicle, scapula,
2. Dislocation – the bones get out of a joint humerus, radius, ulna, carpals,
3. Arthritis –inflammation of joints due to metacarpals, ilium, ischium,
infectious, metabolic or constitutional causes. pubis, femur, patella, tibia,
4. Osteoporosis – a disease which the bone fibula, metatarsals, tarsals and
mineral density is reduced and bones become phalanges.
fragile and prone to fracture.
5. Rickets – caused by insufficient supply of
Vitamin D, calcium and phosphate and lack of
exposure to sunlight.
6. Tendinitis – a painful condition in which a
tendon becomes inflamed.
7. Clubfoot – a birth defect resulting one or
both feet pointing inward and downward.
8. Leukemia – a very serious disease in which
the bones forms too many white blood cells.
9. Bone Cancer – tumor arise in bones
10. Scoliosis – characterized by an abnormal
curvature of the spine. Yes Sir!

D. Activity Proper

It seems that all of you are learning well about

Skeletal System, are you excited to have our Yes sir!

Let’s group yourself into 3 by head counting.

Are you ready?

Since you already have your group number,

may I request everyone to join their respective

Group one will form a circle on the left corner.

Group two on the right corner and the last
group will be at the center.
Group leaders, please come forward and pick an
envelope that contains your activity.

And to grade your works, I will present to you

the rubrics.

Cooperation of the group members – 5 points

Presentation – 5 points
Content – 5 points
Total – 15 points

I will give you 10 minutes to answer your

activity. You may start now.

(The teacher will facilitate and guide the

students throughout the process of the activity)

It seems that all groups are done with the

activity, after finalizing your answers be ready
group one for the presentation of your activity
then follow by group 2 and so on.

Group 1 – Strong Girl: Do Bone-Soon

Group 2 – The Bone Legacy
Group 3 – The Bone Actor

Everyone arrange your chairs into its original

position. Group one send your presentor here in Yes sir!
front to discuss what you have observe on your
activity. And for the remaining groups, review
your answers and flow of presentation. We’re ready sir!

(The students will count into

After the presentation of the activity output of 3.)
group 1, anyone from group 2 and 3 will
comment and so on and so forth for the next

E. Generalization (Students will form their

As a review class, I have here a chart showing the
summary of our lesson. Who would like to synthesize?

F. Application and Valuing

Humans are vertebrates, having a vertebral

column or backbone. We rely on a sturdy
frame that protects the vital organs and allow
us to make movements. However, we neglect
sometimes to take care our bones. We need to
be more cautious because prevention is better. (The students will proceed in
Usually, doctors treat a bone condition with doing their activities.)
medication, balanced food, exercise and yoga.
If all fails, they suggest surgery which is

G. Evaluation

Multiple choice: Choose the letter of the

correct answer.
(The students will present their
1. Which of the following is NOT included in the group of answers)
functions of skeletal system?
a. Support
b. Movement
c. Mineral Water Storage
d. Fat Storage

2. What bone is responsible for protecting lungs?

a. Scapula
b. Clavicle
c. Thoracic cage
d. Vertebrae column
(Students answer may vary)
3. At the age of 65, Maya’s back is bended and she can’t
walk comfortably, she also suffering fragile and prone to
fracture bone. What skeletal disease does Maya have?
a. Arthritis
b. Spina Bifida
c. Osteoporosis
d. Leukemia

4. Sunlight is very essential in helping our bone strong.

Why is this possible?

a. Sunlight is rich in Calcium

b. Sunlight activates Vitamin D in our body. (The students will synthesize
c. Sunlight has the power to regenerate our bone the discussion)
d. Sunlight gives nutrients to the bone

5. What is the function of carpals, metacarpals and

a. Gripping
b. Walking
c. Jumping
d. Kicking

H. Assignment

Assignment #1:

1. List down five foods you usually eat that

helps your bones strong.

Assignment #2
1. What is Respiratory System?
2. What are the function and major parts of
Respiratory System
3. What are the common diseases of
Respiratory System?

Class do you have any questions about our

topic for today?

If none, that will be all for today. Class

dismiss. Before you leave the room please pick
up all the small pieces of paper and candy
wrappers under your chairs, turn off the aircon
and ceiling fan, and unplug all the electrical
appliances. Good bye.
None, sir.

Prepared by:

Jeremy DC. Domingo

Student Teacher

Checked by:

Editha N. De Regla, MAE

Cooperating Teacher

Butch Stephen C. Duay, MAE

Area Chair, COEd

Edwin A. Estrella, Ph.D

Student-Teaching Supervisor
Activity 1: The Bone Legacy

Student Long before there were rulers, people could measure things:
Information:  A cubit is the length from the elbow to the fingertips.
 A span is the measure of your outspread fingers.
 A fathom measures your outstretched arms.
 A pace is a walking step.

Procedures: 1. Use your own cubit to find some measures in the classroom.

a. Find something in the classroom that in the same size as

your cubit. What is it?
b. Guess how many cubits long the teacher's desk is. Now use
your body to find how many cubits long it really is.
c. Guess how many cubits wide the whiteboard is. Measure to
find how may cubits wide it really is.

2. On a piece of paper, draw a line to show the size of your span.

3. How many friends standing side by side fit in your fathom?

4. How many paces is it from the classroom door to your seat?

Assessment: Suppose a weaver sells five fathoms of cloth for three hundred pesos.
Would you agree to use such non-standard measurement? Why?
Group 3
Activity 1: The Bone Actor

Student Integrating technology with teaching means the use of learning technologies
Information: to introduce, reinforce, supplement and extend skills. Also, technology
broaden the parameter of mankind to disseminate information, awareness
and care.

Procedures: Students will make a 2-3 minute commercial that shows why people need to
take care their skeletal system and promote wellness.

Assessment: Why is it important to take care our bones?

How commercial influences the audience in giving information and
Group 1
Activity 1: Strong Girl: Do Bone-Soon
Student Your bones hold you up. They give your body its shape. Bones are very
Information: strong and hard on the outside in order to support your body. On the
inside, bones have a spongy layer around the marrow to make them
lighter and allows you to freely move.

Materials: two cardboard tube

small rocks
kitchen sponges
masking tape

Procedures: Students will fill one tube with rocks and the other with sponges, taping
the ends of the tubes. Students will make comparisons of the two "bones"
in terms of strength and mass.
Assessment: Which materials made the "bones" lightweight and strong?
Why is it important for bones to be lightweight and strong?
How is this material like bone marrow?

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