Skeletal System Lesson Plan
Skeletal System Lesson Plan
Skeletal System Lesson Plan
A. Preparatory Activity
1. Prayer
Before you take your seats, please pick up those (Students picking up pieces of
pieces of paper and candy wrapper under your paper and candy wrapper under
chair. their chairs.)
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Checking of Assignment
Very Good!
To fully assess if all of you understand our last Sir, last meeting, we’ve
topic, I will present some questions and if you discussed about Endocrine
want to answer, just raise your hands. Is that System.
clear class?
(Video presentation……)
After 2 minutes…….
C. Lesson Proper/Discussion
Very good!
Nice answer!
In connection with that, let’s find more about Sir, The skull protects the
the bone system. brain and the rib cage
protects the heart.
The skeletal system has 6 functions.
Very good!
6. Energy storage – our bones are the Sir, to sustain the amount of
store house of fat and certain essential calcium in our bones, we need
minerals. to eat foods that are rich in
vitamin D.
If we have red marrow, we also have the yellow
marrow which is responsible for storing fats.
Very good!
Skeletal System is divided into two divisions. Sir, human has 206 bones.
What are those?
Very good!
Good job!
You’re right!
The axial and appendicular
The arms and legs are part of the appendicular skeleton sir!
skeleton. Who wants to locate and label the
appendicular skeleton using our model?
The bone system in our body plays a vital role The parts of axial skeleton are:
of making us strong and helps in our daily skull, cranium, mandible, rib
living. cage or thoracic cage, sternum,
and vertebrae or spinal
But you know what class, as we know; all column.
things have its limit. We know that bones make
us strong yet, the truth is the bone can be fragile
at all.
Maybe, that’s a sign that their bones have Sir, the arms and legs makes
something wrong. movements.
D. Activity Proper
G. Evaluation
H. Assignment
Assignment #1:
Assignment #2
1. What is Respiratory System?
2. What are the function and major parts of
Respiratory System
3. What are the common diseases of
Respiratory System?
Prepared by:
Checked by:
Student Long before there were rulers, people could measure things:
Information: A cubit is the length from the elbow to the fingertips.
A span is the measure of your outspread fingers.
A fathom measures your outstretched arms.
A pace is a walking step.
Procedures: 1. Use your own cubit to find some measures in the classroom.
Assessment: Suppose a weaver sells five fathoms of cloth for three hundred pesos.
Would you agree to use such non-standard measurement? Why?
Group 3
Activity 1: The Bone Actor
Student Integrating technology with teaching means the use of learning technologies
Information: to introduce, reinforce, supplement and extend skills. Also, technology
broaden the parameter of mankind to disseminate information, awareness
and care.
Procedures: Students will make a 2-3 minute commercial that shows why people need to
take care their skeletal system and promote wellness.
Procedures: Students will fill one tube with rocks and the other with sponges, taping
the ends of the tubes. Students will make comparisons of the two "bones"
in terms of strength and mass.
Assessment: Which materials made the "bones" lightweight and strong?
Why is it important for bones to be lightweight and strong?
How is this material like bone marrow?