Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 6: Second Quarter

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Department of Education

Division of Bukidnon
District of Quezon II
Mibantang Elementary School

Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 6

Second Quarter
Prepared by: Angel R. Cortes

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to:
1. Identify the parts of the skeletal system
2. Explain the functions of skeletal system
3. Demonstrate the ways of taking care the skeletal system

II. Content
Parts and Functions of Skeletal System

III. Learning Resources

A. Reference
Textbook Pages: Science Beyond Borders 6, pp. 40-44
CG Code: S6LT-IIa-b-1
Strategies: 5 E’s, Cooperative Learning, Reporting, Graphic Organizer, Computer Assisted Instruction
Value Focus: Respect and self-love to one’s body and health; Cooperation
B. Other Learning Resources
cut out pictures, pictures, manila paper, pentel pen

IV. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Drill
Everybody stands, let’s have some exercise. (Participating)
(Playing the music video)

B. Motivation/Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

Have you ever saw a house? How it is built (house made of tree)?
What are some parts in the structure of the house? -post(poste), joist (parallel series
supporting the house), rafter (diagonal sa
babaw butanganan ug sen/roofboards)

Why a house must have post, rafter or joist?

-lig-on/ strong

Activity #1
(Grouping the pupils into 2)
I have here cut out pictures (Skeletal System). Connect/arrange these
pictures. Those who can finish first will be given stars.

(Supervising the pupils)

(Checking the work)

C. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Activity #2
Guessing game
Let the pupils label the parts of the skeletal system.
The teacher asks the following questions:
What do you think is our lesson for today?
Today we will talk about “The Skeletal System”.
What is skeletal system?
--Skeletal System
Very good. --Skeletal system is a system that gives
our body structural support and shape.
D. Presenting Examples/Instances of the new lesson

(The teacher asks questions to the pupils)
- Have you imagined yourself without bones? (Possible Answers)
- What do you think will happen to you if you have no bones? - Yes/ No
- What is the purpose of the skeletal system? - Without the bone we would be unable to
do anything, because our nerves, blood
flow, lungs, organs would be blocked and
E. Discussing New Concepts squeezed.
--supports and gives the body its shape.
Explanation --protects the delicate vital organs and
helps in movement
Kindly open your books on page 40
(Using of Science Textbooks)
(Reading the introduction)

Again, what is skeletal system? -skeletal system gives the body structural
support and shape.
 there are around 206 bones in our body (305 baby)
 have two divisions (axial skeleton and appendicular skeleton).
What is Axial Skeleton?
-axial skeleton protects the delicate organs
What is Appendicular Skeleton? in the body
-appendicular skeleton provides support
and aids the body in movement

What are bones in the axial skeleton? --the skull, backbone, breastbone, and ribs
-Skull protects the brain
What is the function of the Skull? -Backbone holds/supports the head at the
What is the function of the Backbone? top and gives protection the spinal cord
-Breastbone and ribs protect the heart and
What is the function of the Breastbone?
What is the function of the Ribs? --these include the collarbones, the
shoulder blades, kneecap, and hipbone
How about in the appendicular skeleton what parts or bones are under it? (Touching their collarbones)

Where is your collarbones?

Very good, in which collarbones protrude at the base of the neck. (Touching their hip bone)
Your hip bone, where is it? -Connect the backbone and the legs
What is the function of it? (Touching their kneecap)

Kneecap, where is your kneecap? Located between the upper and lower
It functions or acts as shield for your knee joint.
-a joint is formed when two bones
Next page, kindly open. connect.(Touching / locating)
What are Joints?
 we have types of joints (touching/ locating it)
 gliding joint –located on the wrists
 hinge joints –ankles, knees, elbows
 ball-and-socket joints --shoulders
 saddle joints –thumbs
 pivot joints –head and neck -bones that have their ends coated with
smooth and slippery tissue.
What is Cartilage?
- made up of very thick and elastic
material, making them tough

How about the ligaments, what is ligaments?

 connect the muscle to the bone

F. Finding Practical Applications of concepts and skills in daily living

(Reflective Approach) - Your bones protect your internal organs
and provide support for your
Elaboration muscles/support your participation in
Why should bones be strong? social activities, such as dancing, and
(Possible Answers)
-Eat and drink calcium-rich foods like
milk, cheese, and other dairy products.
How will you take care of your bones? -Exercise at least twice a week to build
healthy bones and prevent osteoporosis.
-Always maintain a proper posture.
-Avoid smoking and drinking alcoholic
-Always wear safety gears.

What else?

Activity #3 (Possible Answers)

(Grouping the pupils)
The same group, group 1 and group 2. Choose your secretary and a Taking care of the Skeletal System
representative for the reporting. Each group will be provided pentel pen
and manila paper.
Instruction: Fill in the graphic organizer. You have to write the do’s and Eat and drink
calcium-rich foods
don’ts in taking care of our bones or skeletal system. You have 5 minutes like milk, cheese,
to answer. (Possible answer)
and other dairy
Don’t smoke
-We learned about
products. the skeletal system, its
(Supervising the pupils) parts and functions Don’t drink
-we learned about takingalcoholiccare ofdrinks
(5 minutes later) skeletal system excessively
-skull, ribs, breastbone, joints, …
Exercise at least
Time is up, Group 1 post your output and start reporting to be followed Skull—protects
twice a week to the brain
Avoid too much
by the Group 2. Ribs and
build breast
healthy bones bone—protects the heart
and prevent salt
lungs. …

G. Generalization
What have you learned today? There is Teacher! / None Teacher!

What are the parts of skeletal system?

What are their functions?

Very good/ Good job.

Skeletal system supports and gives our body its shape and protects
delicate vital organs and helps in movement.

Any questions regarding with our lesson?

V. Evaluation
A. Label the parts of the Skeletal System and give its functions.

(Possible Answers)
1. The skeletal system works as a support
structure for your body. It gives the body
its shape, allows movement, makes
blood cells, provides protection for
organs and stores minerals. The skeletal
system is also called the musculoskeletal
2. A band of tissue connecting muscle to
the bone is called tendon, an elastic band
of tissue connecting bone to bone that
also provides stability to the joint is
called a ligament. Soft padding gel-like
sponge between the bones plays the role
in facilitating movement and protecting
the joints is called cartilage.
VI. Assignment
Answer the following question correctly.
1. Why is the skeletal system important?
2. Differentiate cartilage, tendon and ligament.

VII. Reflection
A. No. of learners who earned 75% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation
C. No. of learners who caught up with the lesson
D. No. of students who continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did this work?

Prepared by:
Student Teacher

Cooperating Teacher:
Teacher I/ Grade VI- Adviser

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