Civil Service Exam Complete Reviewer Philippines

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Finally the best Civil Service exam Reviewer Online in the Philippines is
here and it’s free! You have asked for it so we made it. This site has all the
content for this free online reviewer comprising the latest scope and
coverage of the Civil Service Exam in the Philippines, also known as
Career Service Exam.


 Take time to review or self-review days before the exam so you are well-
prepared. Remember “Preparation could only take you so far….” Reviewing will
also sharpen up your knowledge and will add confidence in passing the exam.
It will also allow you to rehearse answering hard and unfamiliar questions. If
you want a free reviewer.

 Make sure you know your Testing Center already. Spend some time before
the exact day to visit your Testing Center and Room Assignment so you will
know where to go on the exam day. You can avoid being late too.

 Eat your favorite breakfast before going to the Testing Center. A satisfied
tummy creates a healthy mind. Besides, you need enough energy in a half-
day-exam. Believe me, it is not only time consuming, it is also energy
consuming because it is a brain workout.
 Don’t be late. Come earlier like 40 minutes before the time of the exam. It will
relax and prepare you well.

 Don’t forget to write your Examination Number and shade the appropriate
circles corresponding to your complete Name. Just imagine if you have
answered all the questions and you’re so sure to the moon and back you’re
going to be a Career Service Professional so soon but you forgot your name.
Too much excitement is not so good.

 Follow Instructions Carefully – yeah that includes listening to your

instructor. Listen to what he/she will say. They will always tell you what to fill out
and what not to fill out. They will also tell you what subject you will take and
what time you need to finish on that subject.

 Don’t open the Test Booklet until the instructor told you so. Likewise, don’t
return the Test Booklet until the instructor told you so.

 Shade the circles corresponding to your answers. Don’t

overshade and don’t halfly shade for that matter. There may be excess
numbers, if the time is nearly finished and there are still unanswered numbers,
make sure you only shade until the last number of the last question. Some
people shade all the items not knowing that this is excessive. You would end
up failing.

 Follow specific direction and instruction in a given test.

 Never leave an item blank unless the given instruction directs you accordingly.

 Shade lightly and erase gently to avoid damaging the answer sheet.
Sometimes we can’t avoid erasing something, we must erase as gentle as
possible and shade our chosen answer.
 Make sure you have extra pencils and that they are already sharpened to
avoid sharpening them again and again. Remember, time in the exam is vital.

 Avoid too much sharpened and pointed pencils because they might damage
your answer sheet. It will be easier for you to shade a circle too if your pencil is
not too pointed.

 Time is really pressuring so make sure you have done your Restroom
ritualsbefore the exam. Make sure you have all your pencils prepared. Don’t
spend too much time on a hard question because time is really just enough.

 Again, never leave an item unanswered. Go back to those questions you

skipped and choose the best reasonable and educated answer.

 Relax and enjoy the exam. Avoid panicking because it can only worsen
things. If you relax and enjoy the exam, it will make you happy and it will
condition your brain.

 Pray before and after the exam. It always does wonders!


The Civil Service Exam coverage, scope and passing rate are discussed here. If you
are taking the Career Service Eligibility exam this year, either for professional and
sub-professional level or Paper and Pencil (PPT) or Computer-assisted test (CAT), it
is so important to know the CSC exam coverage, scope and passing rate so you
know what you are getting into and so that you can prepare well before the big day.


you need to pass each test in order to pass the whole piece
According to the CSC, the exam will cover the following scope:

 English and Filipino:

 Vocabulary
 Grammar and correct usage
 Paragraph organization
 Reading comprehension
 Analogy
 Logic
 Numerical reasoning
 Clerical Operations
 General Information about – Philippine Constitution; Code of Conduct and
Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees (R. A. 6713); peace and
human rights issues and concepts; and environment management and


We made some English Grammar and Correct Usage tests here including sample
questions with answer keys, sentences including correct and incorrect ones. Passing
this part of the examination will help you big time in taking other exams as well
because correct grammar is so important. We provided tips and helpful lessons you
need to pass this English exam.

English Grammar and Correct Usage Sample Tests

by Marifel Dungo 125 Comments

We made some English Grammar and Correct Usage tests here including sample
questions with answer keys, sentences including correct and incorrect ones. Passing
this part of the examination will help you big time in taking other exams as well
because correct grammar is so important. We provided tips and helpful lessons you
need to pass this English exam.



If you know and understand Correct Usage of Verbs, Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives,
Adverbs and grammar, you will surely pass the English exam. It will also help you in
answering the other parts like Numerical Reasoning, Logic, Analogy, Reading and
Comprehension since they are all in English.
Don’t worry, we will give the blueprint and the best tips here.

Understanding Verbs – their Forms and Usage

Verbs are action words. Their main usage is simple to remember.

Present Tense

Add S when talking about Singular Nouns (he, she, it, everyone, everybody, no
one, nobody, either, neither, someone, somebody, anyone, anybody)


 Taylor writes her original lyrics.

 Harry dreams of being a wizard.

 She wants to marry you.

 Nobody cares for your Facebook status.

 Everyone knows this is the best reviewer.

Don’t add S when talking about Plural Nouns like – I, You, We, They and other plural


 I love her to the moon and back.

 You care for me more than you should.

 We review the CSE pointers to ace the coming exam.

 They watch the concert to see Justin.

 Her children study together every night.

 Many students volunteer for the show.

Past Tense

Add D or ED to regular verbs, used when talking about the past.


 Cathy baked a chocolate muffin for me last night.

 The farmers received their first check yesterday.

Irregular verbs, change their spelling:


 give – gave – Last Christmas, I gave you my heart.

 write – wrote – I wrote a letter yesterday when I was absent.

Past Participle

Use Has (if singular noun) or Have (if plural noun) following the past participle form
of the verb.


 She has written the most romantic poem. – since “she” is a singular noun,
use HAS + Past participle form of verb

 They have written the funniest story. – since “they” is a plural noun, use
HAVE + Past participle form of the verb
Understanding Pronouns and their Antecedents

Pronouns are words that substitute nouns. Every pronoun has antecedents and they
must be near each other.

Sentences examples:

 Every weekend, Sheila practices her piano lessons in her house. (Correct)

 Every weekend, Sheila practices piano lessons in her house. (Incorrect)

Understanding Prefix and Suffix

Prefixes are syllables attached at the beginning of root words.
Suffixesare syllables attached at the end of root words.

Examples and meanings:

Synonyms and Antonyms

 Synonyms are words with the same meaning.

 Antonymsare words with opposite meaning.

English Verbal Ability Sample Questions with Answers

Answers are already highlighted.

Instruction: Choose the correct answer for each question.

1. Which sentence uses “famish” correctly?

1. After the straight exam, I felt too exhausted and famished to eat my favourite
2. I could eat a horse, I am famish now.
3. I famished my stomach next time you treat me to a meal out.
4. I will bring lots of pizza, that’s a famish.

2. Priscila _______ rather not invest her savings in the stock market.

1. must
2. has to
3. could
4. would

3. Did you have any problem ______ our house?

1. search
2. to search
3. searching
4. for searching

4. I hope you don’t mind _____ joining you.

1. to be
2. I had been
3. that I may
4. my

5. Most basketball players are 6 ____ tall or more.

1. foot
2. feet
3. foots
4. feets

6. These children _____ how to improvise more props for the play.

1. knew
2. knows
3. know
4. known

7. The company will upgrade ______ computer systems next week.

1. there
2. their
3. its
4. it’s

8. Clara ___________ three thousand words for her essay.

1. have wrote
2. has wrote
3. have written
4. has written

9. You have too many _______ but few time to prove you’re right.

1. hypothesis
2. hypotheses
3. hyphothesises
4. hypothesess

10. Neither Sarah nor Tina _______ the crime yesterday.

1. witness
2. witnesses
3. witnessed
4. witnessing

11. You do like going to the party alone. _____ you?

1. Does
2. Doesn’t
3. Do
4. Don’t

12. We had our house _______ in yellow.

1. painting
2. painted
3. paint
4. to paint

13. He has been exercising but his immune system was steadily _________.

1. weak
2. weaken
3. weakened
4. weakening

14. I was ______ that the weather would be sunny and we would be able to enjoy
our swimming.

1. hopeless
2. hopeful
3. hopelike
4. hopely

15. I think it’s not a great idea. I totally ______.

1. misagree
2. unagree
3. inagree
4. disagree

16. So many ___________ I found in the library, now I’m ready to report.

1. information
2. informations
3. infoes
4. infos

17. My grandpa always feed his flock of _______ early in the morning.

1. sheeps
2. sheep
3. ships
4. ship

18. Happy memories are always remembered, not ________.

1. forget
2. forgets
3. forgot
4. forgotten

19. Flight Z735 ______ yesterday. 350 passengers died in that accident.

1. crush
2. crushed
3. crash
4. crashed

20. There is a ________ message when you look closely at her painting.

1. hid
2. hide
3. hided
4. hidden


The vocabulary part of the Civil Service exam is tough and difficult for many but you
can pass the test if you know how to choose the best and right answers. The
techniques in getting the right answer is analysing the given sentences – know
their consistency and parallelism.

Often, the given choices seem similar and related to each other but there is really
one choice that is different and unique among all of them and this is always the best
answer that relates to the question.
We are giving free samples of questions here that will help you review well. These
vocabulary words are very unfamiliar so you must practice your skills in determining
the right answers.

Watch out for conjunctions especially the following: They usually give clues
because they connect phrases, clauses and sentences.

Are you ready to take the test? I hope you are ardent in passing the exam like this
kitty below.

English Vocabulary Questions with Answers:

Note that we already highlighted the correct answers.

Instruction: Choose the word that is most similar in meaning to the underlined word
or phrase.

1. If you are ambivalent with the answers, analyze the given problem.

1. confusion
2. innocent
3. uncertain
4. unaware
2. He left the country because of the ominous experiences he had in the past.

1. unforgettable
2. threatening
3. ugly
4. remarkable

3. Teenagers are easily susceptible to peer influence.

1. flexible
2. inspired
3. dependable
4. inclined

4. My mother is always adamant in eating breakfast before leaving the house.

1. resolute
2. uncertain
3. forgetful
4. clueless

5. Reading words without understanding their meaning is futile.

1. helpless
2. useless
3. unnecessary
4. avoidable

6. She wears gold but people knows how ostentatious she can be.

1. pretentious
2. ambitious
3. gorgeous
4. rebellious

7. He submitted a grotesque artwork that nobody in the class could relate to.

1. different
2. weird
3. beautiful
4. colorful

8. Their clandestine affair remained unknown for three years.

1. forbidden
2. surprise
3. secret
4. unacceptable

9. They say love is like a firework, a fleeting moment.

1. brief
2. unforgettable
3. shinny
4. remarkable

10. Cara is repulsive and rebellious. She always speaks sordid words.

1. dirty
2. vulgar
3. weird
4. bizarre

11. Every time I see Cathy looking at me, I feel Euphoria in my bones.

1. gravity
2. ecstasy
3. erotic
4. numb

12. I bought this book because when I read the blurb at the back, I fell in love with it.

1. summary
2. teaser
3. blog
4. plot

13. Finding a way out of the labyrinth is the last challenge of the competition.

1. castle
2. forest
3. maze
4. box

14. There is still love in our hearts amidst our seemingly mundane existence.

1. complicated
2. modern
3. worldly
4. wealthy

15. Cassy has a strong penchant in collecting cars.

1. belief
2. fondness
3. hobby
4. route

16. Diskettes and CDs are going obsolete.

1. recycled
2. refurbished
3. updated
4. outdated

17. The Queen of the Night dances vivaciously.

1. lively
2. awkward
3. kindly
4. sweetly

18. The court released a dogmatic statement that made people more hopeful.

1. naive
2. unbelievable
3. assertive
4. unclear

19. This generation is prone to plethoric use of mobile gadgets.

1. essential
2. crucial
3. important
4. excessive

20. I am usually haphazard in composing my poetry but they turn out so well anyway.

1. disorganized
2. blank
3. puzzled
4. strategic



by Marifel Dungo 25 Comments

There are also given questions about choosing the correct spelling of words or
selecting the misspelled one. In my honest opinion, spelling is the most challenging
exam since words seem to spell correct and you are just choosing from a given set
of words. Sometimes there is also an option for “none” or all “are correct.”

This part of the exam is very tricky considering the words may look familiar and
common but their spellings are confusing. Often you may think you already know the
correct spelling, yet you may be wrong. That’s why we provided the most confusing
words with correct spellings here.

We’re giving some of the words usually given for this type of test. Review them well
and master them by heart.

committee separate melancholy

occasion license oxymoron
knowledgeable liaison execute
acknowledgment receipt zoologist
meringue anonymous withdrawal
queue yacht vacuum
spontaneous whimsical privilege
malicious accessible nuisance
commission continuous nauseous
eccentric ecstasy lingerie
rhythm fluorescent judgment
accommodate ambiguous hemorrhage
embarrass turquoise equilibrium
maintenance occurrence dilemma
conscience mayonnaise bizarre
etiquette Mediterranean assimilate
bourgeoisie grotesque hygienic
dearth irresistible jeopardy
luscious negligible omniscience
pandemonium quintessential rendezvous

Idiomatic Expressions with Meaning and Examples

Idioms are words and phrases that have figurative meaning, separate from their
literal meaning like proverbs and sayings.


 Burning the midnight oil – means working or studying late into the night

 Don’t judge the book by its cover – means don’t judge something by its

 Blessing in disguise – something unexpectedly turned out good

 It takes two to Tango – means actions or communications need more than

one person.

 Break a leg – means do your very best

Colors -Out of the Box CC BY Flickr
Idiomatic Expressions Questions and Ansers

Note that we already highlighted the correct answers.

Instructions: Choose the meaning of the underlined phrases from the given

1. If you don’t spill the beans now, you might gonna regret it.

1. spread rumors
2. let out a secret
3. plant some seeds
4. none of the above

2. Hey, man, you are absolutely barking up the wrong tree here because I’m

1. choosing the wrong dog

2. giving up a fight
3. accusing the wrong person
4. setting up an event in a tree

3. One proven way to beat an enemy is find his Achilles heel.

1. secret strategy
2. amulet
3. strong point
4. weak spot

4. His new Ferrari costs an arm and a leg so he is now looking for another job.

1. very expensive
2. got fired
3. met an accident
4. was stolen

5. He married a woman who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.

1. born very beautiful

2. born very poor
3. born into a very rich family
4. born very talkative

6. She has different investments because she doesn’t want to put all eggs in one

1. doesn’t want to put all resources in one possibility

2. doesn’t want to cook everything at once
3. doesn’t want to go bankrupt
4. none of the above

7. Whenever his crush passes by the hallway, he’s having butterflies on his stomach.

1. he feels sick
2. he feels nervous
3. he feels like flying
4. he feels so handsome

8. Even though they had a nasty fight, they decided to bury the hatchet and move

1. kill the enemy

2. remember the past
3. bury the dead
4. forget the past quarrel

9. My father always reminds us, “don’t count your chickens before the eggs have

1. Don’t eat your eggs before they are cooked.

2. Don’t make plans for something that might not happen.
3. Don’t deal with your problems before they are solved.
4. All of the above.

10. iphones became so popular not only to teens, even my grandparents jumped on
the bandwagon and bought some.

1. ride on the gadget and sell Apple

2. jump for technology and sell iphones
3. joined the new trend and bought iphones
4. bought Android and Apple
Analogy and logic test in the Civil Service Exam is so challenging as well because it
requires tough analysis of words and logical meanings between them. The key to
finding the right answers to questions in this type of exam is understanding word
meanings and analyzing the relationship between words, ideas, phrases in the given
set of words.

If you know the famous game on the iphone, ipad and mobile gadgets called 4 pics,
1 word, this type of exam is sort of like that strategy, only easier because in this type
of test, you will be given choices, unlike that game, you have no choice at all but to
guess the one word or thought that defines the relationship between the given

courtesy of 4 Pics, One Word

Tips in getting the right answer in Analogy and Logic:

1. Determine the thought and relationship between the first set of words
2. Apply the same thought and relationship among the choices for the next set of

According to some English Test Reviewers, Analogy questions usually have the
following relationship and thoughts:

 Synonym – pretty: beautiful: big: huge

 Antonym – big: small: fast: slow

 Group – wolf: pack: tree: forest

 Cause and effect – rain: flood: quake: sink-hole

 Sequence – study: graduate: plant: harvest

 Classification – blue: color: pants: clothing

 Degree – warm: hot: cold: freezing

 Effort and result – paint: painting: write: letter

 Problem and Solution – tired: sleep: itch: scratch

 Function – keyboard: to type: phone: to call

Analogy and Logic Questions and Answers

Note that we already highlighted the correct answers.

Test your analogy skills by choosing the best word that expresses similar relationship
to the given set of words.

1. Iron: metal: : granite: ______

1. marble
2. rock
3. sand
4. solid

2. Decibel: sound: : volt: ______

1. watts
2. fire
3. electricity
4. lightning

3. Coward: brave: : philanthropist: _______

1. selfish
2. kind
3. pessimist
4. optimist

4. Logic: reasoning: : ethics: _______

1. character
2. behavior
3. subject
4. traits

5. Antenna: signal: : net: ______

1. web
2. catch
3. gross
4. fish

6. Stanza: poem: : act: ______

1. movie
2. opera
3. song
4. lyric

7. Astrology: Astronomy: :Alchemy: _________

1. Chemistry
2. Biology
3. Physics
4. Science

8. Census: population: : inventory: __________

1. accounting
2. merchandise
3. cost
4. list

9. Oath: promise: : contract: __________

1. license
2. contact
3. agreement
4. paper

10. Glimmer: Flicker: : murmur: _______

1. whisper
2. shout
3. rumor
4. speak

11. Bouquet: flowers: : flock:

1. dogs
2. sheep
3. ship
4. cats

12. Rescind: law: : withdraw: _______

1. bank
2. candidacy
3. deposit
4. resume

13. Hoax: deceive: : filibuster: ______

1. delay
2. refuse
3. stop
4. none

14. Syllabus: course: :agenda: _______

1. subject
2. platform
3. meeting
4. lesson

15. Cat: kitten: :horse: _______

1. cab
2. puppy
3. stallion
4. pony

16. Evaporate: vapor: : petrify: _______

1. liquid
2. stone
3. magnify
4. cold

17. Canvas: painter: : marble: ________

1. sculptor
2. rock
3. statue
4. form

18. Hammer: anvil: : pestle: _________

1. ground
2. grinder
3. mortar
4. knife

19. Librarian: books: : curator: _______

1. atlas
2. encyclopedia
3. room
4. paintings
20. Archive: manuscript: arsenal: ________

1. soldier
2. weapon
3. castle
4. king

21. Bodyguard: protection: : mentor: _______

1. advice
2. counsel
3. teacher
4. leader

22. Novelist: plot: : Architect: _______

1. building
2. design
3. blueprint
4. house

23. Molecule: atoms: : tissue: _______

1. organ
2. cells
3. body
4. neutrons

24. Call: telephone: : type: ________

1. cellphone
2. ipad
3. keyboard
4. piano

25. Eavesdrop: conversation: : trespass: _________

1. property
2. house
3. land
4. assets


One of the challenging exams given from many kinds of test is Reading
Comprehension because it is very time consuming. It involves with reading lots of
paragraphs, articles, passages, and sections. Do not worry because this reviewer is
made to help you pass the exam in one take. Reading Comprehension will be easy if
you follow our helpful tips and strategies here. We always provide sample test
questions and exercises for this site reviewer.
How to pass the reading comprehension in an exam? The following tips, strategies
and exercises are the best reviewer. It will help you practice in finding the right
answers in this type of quiz. It really measures how you can comprehend and grasp
about the topic in a passage.

Tips in getting the right answers for Reading and Comprehension Exam

Stay calm and don’t panic. As you open the booklet, you’ll definitely see long
passages and paragraphs. Do not stress yourself into thinking “wow should I really
have to read all of this?” because you really should darling Unless you don’t want
to pass the test and just waste your chance.

Read with your eyes not with your mouth. Avoid lips movement and whispering
because reading with your lips is time consuming besides it will distract everyone.
Reading with your eyes is also reading with your mind, it will help you understand
what you are reading better.

Do not read word for word. Instead, read group of words or sections at a time for
they will help you get the main topic of the paragraph. It will also help you save time
and finish the test on time.

Do not read the answers first before the questions and the paragraph, it will only
confuse you.

Read fast and understand what you’re reading to get the main idea of the whole
passage. Questions are always related about the main idea. What is the main
idea? It is simply the main topic and the center of what is being talked about in the

Concentrate on the parts of the paragraph where the possible answer can be found.

Take note of the following:

 Main idea – is simply what the story is mainly about

 Climax – is the peak point or highlight of the story

 Plot – is the pattern of events of the story

 Conflict – is the tension and struggle part of the story

 Setting – is where and when the story takes place

 Best or alternative title – is usually being asked too so you must choose the
best one that talks about the main idea

Focus on reading and everything will be taken into your mind like a movie playing
inside your head. If you focus, you’ll never be disturbed. If you’re disturbed by
something in the room, you lose an important key to ace this part of the test.
CC BY Sean MacEntee Flickr
Reading Comprehension Test Sample Questions and Answers

Instruction: Read each paragraph or passage below and select the best answer for
what is being asked.

1. Boracay, the most famous beach in the Philippines, is also known as a

blessed island. I have never met anyone who has not been enthralled and fascinated
when they visited Boracay. The first time you set foot on its powder-like sand, you’ll
surely feel lucky to be in a paradise island. The moment you see its crystal pristine
water, you’ll be so thankful you’re alive. Many locals and foreigners go there again
and again not only because of the breathtaking view but also because to celebrate
life and its blessings.

The best title for the above article is:

1. Famous Beach in the Philippines

2. The Beach of Boracay
3. Boracay, a Blessed Island
4. Why People Go to Boracay

2. Malaysia Airline Flight MH370’s disappearance is still under investigation.

Many countries joined in the search for what really happened and where the aircraft
is now. The flight lost contact with air traffic controllers about an hour after its take
off. The weather was fine when the aircraft was flying so it adds more theories about
other possible reasons of the aircraft’s fate. The oil slick spotted off Vietnam’s coast
turned out to be fuel oil used in cargo ships so it has nothing to do with the aircraft.
Interpol also says the disappearance of the jet plane has nothing to do with terrorist
attack. More questions are adding to this quest and no specific answer is given and
proven yet.

The above selection supports the idea:

1. That Flight MH370 is somewhere under the sea
2. That Flight MH370’s disappearance is still a mystery
3. That Flight MH370 must have crashed after loss contact
4. That Flight MH370 is in Bermuda Triangle

3. Flappy Bird, a mobile game created in 2013 by Dong Nguyen from Vietnam
became a hit at the start of 2014. At the end of January 2014, it was the most
downloaded game in the iOS App Store. The game is extremely addictive and
difficult so users strive harder to score higher. Due to its intense popularity, the
creator decided to remove it from the App Store. Because of its millions of
downloads, Nguyen claimed he was making $50,000 per day from it. The demand of
Flappy Bird made some gadgets owners to sell their devices with Flappy Bird
installed for twice or thrice their original price.

What is the best title for the above article?

1. Most Downloaded Game

2. The Demand of Flappy Bird Game
3. Flappy Bird App
4. The Rise of Game Apps

4. According to NASA, effects that scientists had predicted in the past would
result from global climate change are now occurring like loss of sea ice, accelerated
sea level rise and longer, more intense heat waves. Even our Earth’s average
temperature has increased about 1 degree in Fahrenheit in the 20th century. Many
experts and scientists believe that global temperature will continue to rise from 2.5 to
degrees Fahrenheit over the next century.

Which of the following conclusions best summarizes the selection above?

1. Climate change will continue to get worse until humanity takes serious actions
to stop it.
2. Global climate change is happening on earth now.
3. The effects of climate change are getting extremely dangerous.
4. Global climate change and its effects are occurring and are likely to increase
over time.

5. Mark Zuckerberg, Co-Founder and CEO of Facebook spoke with President

Barack Obama to discuss about internet privacy impositions by the U.S. government.
Zuckerberg said, “The Internet works because most people and companies do the
same. We work together to create this secure environment and make our shared
space even better for the world.

This is why I’ve been so confused and frustrated by the repeated reports of the
behavior of the U.S. government. When our engineers work tirelessly to improve
security, we imagine we’re protecting you against criminals, not our own government.

The U.S. government should be the champion for the Internet, not a threat. It needs
to be much more transparent about what it’s doing, or people will believe the worst.
I’ve called President Obama to express my frustration over the damage the
government is creating for all of our future. Unfortunately, it seems like it will take a
very long time for true full reform.
So it’s up to us — all of us — to build the Internet we want. Together, we can build a
space that is greater and a more important part of the world than anything we have
today, but is also safe and secure. I’m committed to seeing this happen, and you can
count on Facebook to do our part.”

Why is Internet Privacy very important to all of us?

1. Because it is not safe to trust anyone with our online accounts.

2. Because nobody really owns the internet. It is a free space.
3. Because it protects and secures not only our online accounts but also our
online activities.
4. Because the government’s protection is not enough.

6. Search Engine Optimization a.k.a. SEO is vital for a website to stay

successful for a long time. The world of internet continues to evolve so website
owners must stay in the game by making updates while practicing effective SEO.
Great content and correct SEO are the blood of a website because without them, a
site could die.

The paragraph is mainly about what?

1. The importance of Search Engine Optimization

2. The life of a successful website
3. The secrets of making a website successful
4. How to apply Search Engine Optimization

7. There are around 2 million Filipinos without jobs today. That includes
graduates and undergraduates. According to survey, there will be another half-million
to graduate this year without possible job placements. Unemployed people complain
about job shortage. Many go to the cities to apply to some companies but end up
going home with nothing. Unemployment rate increases each year even though
there are many job fairs.

The paragraph states that…

1. Unemployment in the Philippines is common

2. Unemployment rate in the Philippines is seriously increasing
3. Unemployment in the Philippines must be solved
4. Unemployment solutions for Filipinos

8. “In the Olympic Peninsula of northwest Washington State, a small town

named Forks exists under a near-constant cover of clouds. It rains on this
inconsequential town more than any other place in the United States of America. It
was from this town and its gloomy, omnipresent shade that my mother escaped with
me when I was only a few months old. It was in this town that I’d been compelled to
spend a month every summer until I was fourteen. That was the year I finally put my
foot down; these past three summers, my dad, Charlie, vacationed with me in
California for two weeks instead.

It was to Forks that I now exiled myself – an action that I took with great horror. I
detested Forks.
I loved Phoenix. I loved the sun and the blistering heat. I loved the vigorous,
sprawling city.”
-Stephenie Meyer, “The Twilight Saga”

Provide the specific setting of the story

1. Phoenix
2. Rainy day
3. Forks, Washington
4. Twilight

9. “It’s twenty-five after six and the sky still has some shades of purple and
orange…oh well just like me, I am standing here, in this secretive rooftop,
overjoyed…yet there are still some fragments of fear and haze… I wonder if the sky
is glad and excited about the night or if it is crying over the bright day that
passed.” – Fehl Dungo – “Higher than the Rooftop”

What is the mood of the story?

1. Happiness
2. Sorrow
3. Confusion
4. Grief

10. Investing has been a hot topic for quite a while. Many people especially
employees and entrepreneurs don’t rely on time deposits and regular savings
account to save and earn interests. The most common investments in the Philippines
are through real estates, mutual funds and trust funds. Although few people also join
trading in the stock market, more and more Filipinos are not reluctant to invest their
money and diversify them to different money making wheels.

What does the article try to convey?

1. Filipinos are now willing to open different investments.

2. Filipinos are wise in saving their money.
3. Filipinos rely mainly on savings and deposit accounts.
4. Filipinos invest in real estates, mutual funds and trust funds.

If you want to be a Professional, act like a professional”


Next to Reading Comprehension, Paragraph Organization in the Civil Service exam

is another challenging part. It is not so difficult however, it is also very time
consuming. Why? Because it is about finding the correct arrangement of the
sentences to form the correct paragraph, article or story. You need to organize
sentences – which comes first, then next and so on. Thus, it is called “Paragraph
Usually, in this type of test you will be given shuffled sentences and you need to
arrange them to form a story or a passage with sense. How would you know, you got
the arrangement right? Simple re-read your sequence and ask yourself if it makes
sense. No worries darlings, we are giving effective techniques and strategies here
because the purpose of this reviewer is for you to pass the exam in one take.

CC BY Andy Rennie Flickr

As usual, we provide paragraph organization test samples and questions below
which you can use as reviewer. I will make a PDF version of this book soon. This
tutorial and these tips will help you to prepare for your big day at the Testing Center.
Relax and you will pass the test.

Tips in Paragraph Organization

Every paragraph, story or an article has a pattern and your goal is to organize the
whole pattern to present the main thought chronologically. If it’s hard for you, make
an outline of each topic in the sentences.

Watch out for signal words which indicates time or events.

Watch out for the following signal words:

Order or sequence:

 First, second, third, first and foremost, afterwards, then, next, at last, until,
finally, lastly

Comparison: Similarities and differences:

 But, however, on the other hand, than, likewise, nonetheless, nevertheless,
similarly, oppose to, apparently

Cause and effect:

 Because, hence, thus, therefore, consequently, subsequently

Paragraph Organization Techniques:

1. Find the topic sentence. It usually contains the main idea or the main topic
2. Next find the supporting sentences that support that topic sentence.
3. Find the concluding sentence or the closing sentence. It usually the final
thought or conclusion and marks the end of the article, paragraph or story.

So easy right? Now, prepare yourself and answer the following quiz below.

Paragraph Organization Test Samples Civil Service Exam:

Instruction: Choose the best order and sequence of the following sentences to form
a well-organized paragraph.
A. One effective way is to diversify his funds to different investments like real estate,
stocks and money instruments like bonds and trust funds.
B. It is always best to expand money to different investment wheels.
C. A wise investor must not put all his eggs in one basket.
D. He should always consider the risks involved in investing his money.


A. It is very vital to have social media presence however personal blogs serve as
web domains.
B. Most people including celebrities and businessmen have blogs nowadays.
C. Therefore, building them will help anyone in promoting himself or his business.
D. Apparently blogs are like our offices only they are in the internet.


A. The basic steps in building a website are easy to remember and registering a
domain name is the usual priority.
B. Designing a layout will come after that.
C. Finally, adding more content and social media presence are required to keep your
site active.
D. Then you need a hosting provider to host your site’s content in the World Wide


A. Speaking in English every day is also proven effective.
B. Another way is watching English movies and TV shows particularly with English
C. Reading articles in books, newspapers, and magazines is just among the helpful
D. There are many ways to improve and develop English proficiency.


A. Others don’t realize yet what to pursue because they have many dreams.
B. Finding the right course in college is one of the most challenging decisions
anyone can make.
C. Some people want to pursue their dreams ever since they were just little.
D. Indeed destiny is a matter of choice.


A. While passport, airline tickets and valid IDs are required, proof of financial
capacity may be required for visa application.
B. Many Filipinos rejoiced hearing that good news.
C. The Bureau of Immigration announced recently that proof of financial capacity is
not a primary requirement at the airport.
D. Positive points go to the bureau for this.


A. This will be one of your tickets to land a job in the government.
B. That is why many people apply to take the Career Service examination.
C. If you passed the exam, you will get a certificate of eligibility.
D. Career Service Eligibility is a major requirement to apply for a job position in the


A. Your passport will arrive in 7 days if you choose the rush processing.
B. Getting a passport is faster nowadays.
C. Now, it only takes about 10 working days.
D. Compared before, it would take about a month for the regular processing.


A. Facebook has been the number one social network in the web and the world for
quite long now.
B. Mobile instant messaging apps are also dominating social presence in the
C. After many acquisitions, Facebook bought Instagram, one of the fastest growing
photo sharing networks.
D. Because of that, Facebook acquired WhatsApp, a leading instant chat platform
like Kakaotalk.

A. They will help you to purchase through zero-interest installment schemes.
B. Thus, you must be wise and pay in full if you want to avoid never-ending debts.
C. Credit cards are helpful if you know how and when to use them wisely.
D. However, they will produce interests from interests if you didn’t pay the whole
amount at the due date.


Numerical Reasoning Practice Test – Civil Service Exam

by Marifel Dungo 51 Comments

We are sharing here the best Numerical Reasoning practice test for the Civil Service
exam. This page includes the most common questions for this part of the CSE. Just
like our other posts, we also include effective tips and techniques to get the best and
correct answer to every question. Eventually, the PDF version of this whole online
reviewer will be done and the release will be announced in this site. Meanwhile, you
can just use this free online reviewer because it contains the complete scope of the
Civil Service exam anyway.

Even though there is no calculator allowed, Quantitative Numerical Reasoning is

not so difficult in the Civil Service exam especially if the examinee is very good in
Math and logic. It involves mainly with the basic Mathematical processes – addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division for fractions, ratios, equations, and some
problem solving or word problems. There are many series and sequence-questions
as well.


 Relax and just enjoy answering your Math quizzes. If you’re relaxed, you’ll
never lose focus and that is so important.

 Know the basics of Math like adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing
fractions, ratios, decimals, and equations. If you know these concepts, you’ll
surely get everything. Otherwise, you won’t know what to do. (see our
techniques below)

 You can use scratch paper for your computations and solutions. Note that you
will also have to pass your scratch papers.

 Love Math because it is easy for someone who loves Math.

 Focus in solving problems. Think, analyze, and solve.

 Pray before the exam. It always helps.

Techniques in Numerical Reasoning Test

For the purpose of reviewing better, I’m going to share here some concepts of Math
because like I said, you have to know the basics before you solve everything. I know
I have to share these because this is an online reviewer in the first place. Reviewing
is practice.


For Addition and Subtraction, it is very simple and easy. Just line up the given
numbers though their decimal point. If it has no decimal point, put one or convert
one. Put zeros to complement the numbers if needed.

I remember there are many questions about decimals when I took the exam. Lots
involve with multiplication and division. Same with fractions, I think I enjoyed that part
so much because fractions are my thing.

 Examples:

5.98 + 6 + ¾ = ______

1.25 + 1.5 + 7.875 ______

25 – 8.35 – 1.3 + _______

For Multiplication, don’t take it too hard because it is very simply too. Just multiply
the numbers and count the decimal places to the right of the given numbers then
move in that decimal (count) from the right answer to the left.

 Example: 3.05 x 1.4 =?

For Division, you have to divide the classic way by making the divisor a whole
number. You need to move the decimal place to the right to make it a whole number
then do the same way with the dividend. Add zeros to the dividend if necessary. See
example below.

 Example: 0.35 ÷ 1.4 (0.35 is the dividend and 1.4 is the divisor here)


Some of the questions in Math and Quantitative Numerical Reasoning tests involve
with fractions because they are also related to decimals, percent, mixed numbers
and algebraic expressions. Again, if you master solving fractions, it will be a great
edge for you.
Addition and Subtraction of Fractions

In this process, the easiest way is to always simplify the fractions by finding the LCD
aka least common denominator, then apply the operation. If the result is improper
fraction (numerator is bigger than denominator), simplify it too by giving the mixed
number. Watch this helpful video.

How to Multiply and Divide Fractions?

To multiply fractions is easier. Just multiply both the numerator then multiply both the
denominator. Simplify the product is you must.

 Example: ½ x ¾ = 3/8

To divide fractions, inverse the second fraction then we follow the rules in
multiplication. You can also cross-multiply the given fractions.

 Example: How many 1/3’s are there in ½?

Converting Fractions to Decimals and vice versa

In converting fractions to decimals, just divide the numbers and round them off.

 Examples:

1/3 = .333
5/8 = .625
7/8 = .875

Another way is to find a number to multiply by the denominator to make it 10, 100 or

 Example:
Positive and Negative Numbers:

Addition and Subtraction

 Positive + Positive = Positive

 Negative + Negative = Negative

 Positive + Negative = Subtract the two and use the sign of the bigger number

 Positive – Negative = Change the sign of the Subtrahend and follow the rules
of Addition

 Negative – Negative = Change the sign of the Subtrahend and follow the rules
of Addition

Multiplication and Division:

 Multiplying and dividing numbers with similar sign equals Positive ( + x + = +)

and (– x – = + )

 Multiplying and dividing numbers with different signs equals Negative ( + x – =

– ) and ( – x + = – )

Number Series and Sequence:

There are also logical sequence and number series in this Math exam. Of course
you have to find the next number from the pattern. You will know the right answers
by applying the same method you used in a sequence to get the next number or the

3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13
2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128

Problem Solving:

We cannot miss to include this scope here because every Math exam has problem
solving. The key to find the correct answers is to analyse the given case well and
understand what is being asked. Apply your magical Math logic.

Numerical Reasoning Test Samples:

Instruction: Solve the following Math quizzes.

1. 2187, 729, 243, 81, 27, 9, ____?

1. 6
2. 3
3. 4
4. 2

2. 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, ___ ?

1. 72
2. 75
3. 81
4. 90

3. 13 -21 34 -55 89 ___?

1. -95
2. 104
3. -123
4. -144

4. AZ CX EV GT ____?

1. IR KP
2. IR KQ
3. IS KQ
4. IS KP

5. A5 D25 G125 J625 M3125 ____?

1. P15525
2. P15625
3. O15525
4. O15625

6. What is -25 + 16?

1. 9
2. -9
3. -41
4. 41

7. What is 107 – (-17) ?

1. -90
2. 90
3. 124
4. -124

8. (-9) (-22) = ____?

1. 198
2. -198
3. 31
4. -31

9. (21) (-4) + (8) (-2) = ____?

1. -100
2. 100
3. -23
4. 23

10. (-560) ÷ 7 = ___?

1. -80
2. 80
3. -553
4. 553

11. 6/8 + 2 ½ + 4/12 is also the same as?

1. ½ + 2.5 + ¼
2. ½ + 5/2 + 1/6
3. ¾ + 2.5 + 1/6
4. ¾ + 5/2 + 1/3

12. What is the Least Common Denominator of 1/8, ¾, and 1/16?

1. 4
2. 8
3. 16
4. 2

13. What is the Greatest Common Factor of 36 and 54?

1. 6
2. 12
3. 18
4. 9

14. What is the sum of ½ + 8/4 + 6/12 ?

1. 15/12
2. 3/12
3. 3
4. 3 1/12

15. 3/9 x 2/3 = ____

1. 6/27
2. 2/9
3. 9/18
4. 1/9

16. ¾ ÷ 1/8 = ____

1. 8
2. 4
3. 12
4. 6

17. What is the decimal form of ¾ %?

1. .0075
2. .075
3. .75
4. .00075

18. Convert 3.4% as a fraction.

1. 34/100
2. .34/100
3. 3.4/1000
4. 3.4/100

19. What is ¼ in decimal?

1. .025
2. .25
3. 2.5
4. .0025

20. What is the ratio of ½ to 2/5?

1. 3:4
2. 5:4
3. 1:3
4. 2:5
21. 2.12 is multiplied by 10 to the sixth power is?

1. 212.000
2. 2,120,000
3. 212,000
4. 21,200

22. 25 is multiplied by 10 to the fifth power is?

1. 2,500,000
2. 250,000
3. 25,000
4. .000025

23. Find the value of x in the equation: 5x + 25 =10

1. 5
2. 3
3. -3
4. -5

24. If x=8, find the value of y in the equation: 4x – 2y = 28.

1. -4
2. -2
3. 4
4. 2

25. Find the value of x if y= 8 in the equation: 2x + 4y = 50

1. 9
2. 8
3. 10
4. 4

Problem Solving / Word Problems:

26. Kit is twice as old as his friend Sam. Sam is 5 years older than Cara. In 5 years,
Kit will be three times as old as Cara. How old is Sam?

1. 2 years old
2. 3 years old
3. 4 years old
4. 5 years old

27. James’s dad is 5 times older than James and James is twice as old as his sister
Sara. In two years, the sum of their ages will be 58. How old is James now?

1. 6 years old
2. 7 years old
3. 8 years old
4. 9 years old

28. Cathy scored 85, 87, 90, 95, and 100 in her Math exams. What will be her
average grade in Math from this period?

1. 91.40
2. 91.50
3. 92
4. 93.50

29. Letty left home and drove at the rate of 50 miles per hour for 2 hours. She
stopped for lunch then drove for another 4 hours at 65 mph to reach Los Angeles.
How many miles did Letty drive to reach LA?

1. 115 miles
2. 360 miles
3. 310 miles
4. 100 miles

30. Michelle went to SM for the 3-day sale. She bought a new pair of shoes and paid
only P2,450 discounted for 20% off. What was the original price of the shoes?

1. P3,062.50
2. P3,260.50
3. P3,620.50
4. P3,026.50


Clerical Operations or Clerical Reasoning is also covered in the Civil Service Exam
in the Philippines especially for the Sub-professional level. As a Career Service
Professional, you should know the basic clerical work procedures and office jobs. If
you are familiar with the basic job descriptions and responsibilities of a clerk, you will
surely enjoy this part of the exam.

You might be wondering how much of the exam has Clerical Operations questions.
It’s not much but some questions in English such as filing up alphabetically,
arranging chronological orders and office questions are related to Clerical

There is no need to tackle more about Clerical Reasoning. The best tip is to
familiarize yourself in a real-time clerical workplace and you will surely get the
correct answers in this quiz.

Again, the objective of this Online Reviewer is to pass the exam in one take. We
don’t want you to have information overload. So relax and answer the following
Civil Service Exam Clerical Operations Questions:

1. Which department of an office is responsible for hiring new personnel?

1. Office of the President

2. Accounting Department
3. Logistic and Supply
4. Human Resource Department

2. Which computer program should you go if you want to email a company?

1. Word
2. Excel
3. Outlook
4. Powerpoint

3. This is a telephonic transmission of scanned documents of texts and images to a

telephone number connected to a printer.

1. Photocopying Machine
2. Fax Machine
3. Typewriter
4. Inkjet Printer

4. The chief financial officer is responsible for the financial matters and financial
management of a corporation, she is also known as the _______.

1. Auditor
2. Treasurer
3. Chief Executive Officer
4. Manager

5. Which department of a company is responsible for cash register operations and

payment processing?

1. Cashier
2. Billing
3. Accounting
4. Budget

6. What is the correct filing arrangement for the following names?

1. Angeles, Mario P.
2. Angeles, Maricel P.
3. Angeles, Marissa P.
4. Angeles, Maria P.

1. 4,2,1,3
2. 4,1,2,3
3. 4,3,2,1
4. 4,1,3,2

7. All of the following items are found in the Official Receipt form except _____.

1. Name and address of the buyer

2. Signature of the recipient
3. Quantity of the items paid
4. Credit Card Number of the customer

8. The method of indexing and filing where names are in alphabetized order.

1. Numeric
2. Metric
3. Geographic
4. Alphabetic

9. Which is the best way to address a correspondence for the President of the

1. His Excellency Benigno Aquino III

2. His Excellency President Benigno Aquino III
3. President Benigno Aquino III
4. President Noynoy

10. How do you address the Queen of England when you talk about her?

1. Her Highness the Queen

2. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
3. Queen Elizabeth II her Highness
4. Queen Elizabeth II her Majesty
11. Your boss asked you to send her a soft copy of your latest résumé. An example
of a soft copy is:

1. A print out copy usually in a paper

2. Original copy written in a paper
3. A copy saved in a computer and sent through email
4. A copy from a Xerox machine

12. When a company asked you to submit your latest CV, what does CV stand for?

1. Curriculum Vitum
2. Curriculum Virtue
3. Curriculum Vitae
4. Curriculum Vital

13. It is the section of Accounting Department in a company that records goods and
services that it receives and the payments it owes.

1. Budget
2. Payroll
3. Accounts Payable and Receivable
4. Inventory

14. Which of the following is not a function of Accounting Department in a big


1. Prepare Interim Financial Statements

2. Inventory Management
3. Bank Reconciliation
4. Internal and External Auditing

15. He is the highest ranking executive manager in a corporation and he is the top
person in command in an organization.

1. Chief Financial Executive

2. Chief Executive Officer
3. Executive Admin. Officer
4. Chief Executive Assistant

16. Which of the following is not a responsibility of a clerical worker?

1. Marketing and promotion for customers

2. Filing and updating purchase orders
3. Updating and billing buyer’s account
4. Answering business emails

17. Arrange the proper filing of the following in alphabetical order:

A. Lieutenant Colonel Mark David

B. Atty. Elen Rodriguez
C. Captain Max Aquino
D. Dr. Juan Castro


18. Arrange the proper filing of the following in alphabetical order:

A. Sec. Dinky Soliman

B. Sec. Richard Gordon
C. Sec. Voltaire Gazmin
D. Sec. Armin Luistro


19. How much is the present Value-Added-Tax in the Philippines?

1. 12% of gross profit

2. 12% of cost of goods sold
3. 12% of gross sales
4. 12% of net income

20. This department of the company is responsible for preparing and updating
customers’ accounts:

1. Purchasing section
2. Cashier section
3. Billing Section
4. Releasing section

21. This is a type of document issued by a seller to a buyer relating to a sale

transaction and indicating the products, quantities and prices sold to the buyer.

1. Check voucher
2. Purchase order
3. Delivery receipt
4. Sales invoice

22. Which of the following is not a usual document used in a sales company?

1. Form 137
2. Delivery receipt
3. Sales invoice
4. Purchase order
23. One of the responsibilities of a clerical job is answering and tending phone calls.
Which is the best way to answer a phone call in a company?

1. Say “Hello,” and wait for the caller to speak.

2. Run and get a pen and notebook then pick up the phone.
3. Answer the phone politely and give your department or company name.
4. Wait for fellow employees to answer the phone.

24. An example of a hard copy document is:

1. PDF file letter

2. Company email message
3. A business letter saved in USB
4. Business letter in a paper

25. What does a CC means in an email message?

1. Copy sent
2. Copy furnished
3. Copy cat
4. Client copy


The Civil Service Exam for Professional and Sub-professional levels also have
coverage about Philippine Constitution, Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for
Public officials and Employees based on R.A. 6713; peace and human rights issues
and concepts; and environment management and protection, General Information
and current events, latest and newly enacted laws and environmental issues.

It is best to know and understand the important parts and sections about the
Philippine Constitution and Republic Act 6713. Have enough knowledge about
updates and current events happening in the government.

Honestly, this part of the exam is kind of hard to many examinees because lots of us
are not very familiar with the political terms, constitution, civil rights, old and new
laws. Heck, we must know some from now on.

If you want to go to the complete page of the best Civil Service Exam Reviewer, go
in this page :
Civil Service Exam 2014 Philippine Constitution, General Information, Current

We are sharing here some of the most common questions given in the Civil Service
exam for the General information, Philippine Constitution and current events. You’re
not taking the BAR Exam so relax and chill out. You don’t wanna tire your brains out
darlings. In case you do, here’s the whole Article.

1. What are the 3 main branches of the Government of the Philippines?

1. Senate, Supreme Court, Congress

2. Presidential, Unicameral- Parliamentary, Bicameral-Parliamentary
3. Legislative, Executive, Judicial
4. The Legislature, The Senate, The Supreme Court

2. The Supreme Court shall be composed of a Chief Justice and how many
Associates Justices?

1. 12
2. 13
3. 14
4. 15

3. The Commander-in-Chief of all armed forces of the Philippines this 2014 is


1. Air Force Commanding General Jeffrey Delgado

2. President Benigno Aquino III
3. Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno
4. AFP Chief Lieutenant Gen. Emmanuel Bautista
4. The executive power shall be vested in the _________.

1. President of the Philippines

2. House of Representatives
3. The Supreme Court
4. The Congress

5. The legislative power shall be vested in the _________ which shall consist of a
Senate and a House of Representatives.

1. Congress of the Philippines

2. House of Ombudsman
3. The Supreme Court
4. Bureau of Internal Revenue

6. The Senate shall be composed of how many senators elected at large by voters of
the Philippines?

1. 21
2. 22
3. 23
4. 24

7. How long shall the term of office of the senators be commenced?

1. 3 years
2. 4 years
3. 5 years
4. 6 years

8. The term of office of the President and Vice-president of the Philippines shall be
up to how many years?

1. 3 years
2. 4 years
3. 5 years
4. 6 years

9. The members of the House of Representatives shall be elected for a term of


1. 3 years
2. 4 years
3. 5 years
4. 6 years

10. The following shall be exempted from taxation except:

1. Lands and buildings

2. Churches and convents
3. Charitable institutions
4. Non-profit cemeteries

11. The Congress, by a vote of ____ of both Houses in joint session assembled,
voting separately, shall have the sole power to declare a state of war.

1. Two-thirds
2. One-half
3. Three quarters
4. Minority

12. It states that “no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due
process of law, nor any person be denied the equal protection of the laws.”

1. Article VI
2. Bill of Rights
3. Republic Act
4. Court Order

13. All of the following is TRUE except:

1. No person shall be compelled to be a witness against himself

2. No person shall be imprisoned for non-payment of debt or poll tax.
3. No ex post facto law or bill of attainder shall not be enacted.
4. No person shall be detained solely by reason of his political beliefs and

14. The following are citizens of the Philippines except:

1. Those fathers or mothers are citizens of the Philippines

2. Those who are born before January 17, 1973, of Filipino mothers, who elect
Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of majority
3. Those who are naturalized citizens of the Philippines in accordance with law.
4. All of the above are true.

15. It is the right and obligation by all citizens, who are at least 18 years of age, and
qualified by law, to vote in the election of national and local officials of the
government without literacy,, property, or other substantive requirement.

1. Suffrage
2. Election
3. Voting power
4. Civil Right

16. The three inherent powers of the state are the following except one:

1. Police Power
2. Power of Eminent Domain
3. Power of Taxation
4. Power to Impeach

17. It is the power of the State to promote public welfare by restraining the use of
both liberty and property of all people.
1. Police Power
2. Power of Eminent Domain
3. Power if Taxation
4. Power to Impeach

18. It is the power of the State to take properties for the purpose of public use upon
payment of just compensation.

1. Police Power
2. Power of Eminent Domain
3. Power if Taxation
4. Power to Impeach

19. It is the power of the State to impose charge or burden to persons and
properties, and property rights for the purpose of raising revenues to protect the
people and extend public projects and services.

1. Police Power
2. Power of Eminent Domain
3. Power if Taxation
4. Power to Impeach

20. The following are members of the Constitutional Commission except:

1. Commission on Civil Rights

2. Commission on Elections
3. Civil Service Commission
4. Commission on Audit

21. It states that public office is public trust and that public officers and employees
must, at all times, be accountable to the people, serve them with utmost
responsibility, integrity, loyalty and efficiency; act with patriotism and justice and lead
modest lives.

1. Public Trust
2. Constitutional Rights
3. Accountability
4. Responsibility

22. Who shall have the exclusive power to initiate all cases of impeachment?

1. House of Blue Ribbon Committee

2. House of Representatives
3. House of the Senate
4. Speaker of the House

23. R.A. 6713 is an act to uphold the time-honored principle of public office being a
public trust, granting incentives and rewards for exemplary service, enumerating
prohibited acts and providing penalties for violations thereof and for other purposes.

1. Preamble
2. Code of Ethics
3. Code of Government Officials
4. Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees

24. The following are duties and responsibilities of Public officials and Employees

1. Act promptly on letters, inquiries, calls or any other form of communications

sent by the public.
2. Submit performance reports of the agency or office regularly
3. Accept gifts from the public upon prioritizing their queries.
4. Process documents and papers expeditiously.

25. It is a written instrument containing the proposition and required number of

signatories and shall be in a form determined by and submitted to the Commission
on Elections.

1. Bill
2. Law
3. Proposition
4. Petition

26. It is the electoral process by which an initiative on the Constitution is either

approved or rejected by the people.

1. Referendum
2. Plebiscite
3. Petition
4. Initiative

27. It is the power of the electorate to approve or reject a legislation through an

election called for the purpose.

1. Referendum
2. Plebiscite
3. Petition
4. Initiative

28. This law promotes responsible family planning and proper use of reproductive
methods to eliminate over-population growth.

1. RH Bill
2. Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law
3. Reproductive Law
4. Family Planning

29. It is a specialized agency of the United Nations that concerns international public

1. Department of Health
2. World Health Organization
3. International Health Organization
4. All of the above
30. APEC is a summit that promotes free trade and economic cooperation
throughout the Asia-Pacific region countries. APEC stands for:

1. Asia Pacific Economic Corporation

2. Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
3. Asia Pacific Economic Council
4. Asia Pacific Economic Countries

31. Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) aims to accelerate economic

growth, stability, social progress and cultural development in the spirit of equality and
partnership to strengthen prosperous and peaceful community along Southeast
Asian Nations. Which of the following countries is not a member of ASEAN?

1. Hong Kong
2. Philippines
3. Singapore
4. Thailand

32. It is a law in the Philippines that aims to address legal issues concerning online
interactions and harmful internet behavior in the Philippines. It aims to prevent and
punish cybercrime in the country.

1. Cybersquatting
2. Cybercrime Act
3. Cybercrime Prevention Act
4. Cyber Identity Theft Act

33. __________waste breaks down into natural components and can be recycled
into the life cycle naturally.

1. Bio-chemical
2. Recyclable
3. Biodegradable
4. Non-biodegradable

34. The following are examples of non-biodegradable waste except:

1. Plastics
2. Metals
3. Styrofoam
4. Papers

35. It is a project of DOST for more accurate, integrated and responsive disaster
prevention and mitigation system especially in high-risk calamity areas of the

2. I am Ready
3. DOST-Advanced Disaster Program
4. Project NOAH
36. PAGASA is the official government agency for weather forecasting, flood control,
astronomical observations, and time service. PAGASA stands for _______?

1. Philippine Atmospheric Geographical and Astronomical Services

2. Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration
3. Philippine Atmospheric Geological and Astronomical Services Association
4. Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Association

37. PHIVOLCS is a branch of DOST to moderate disasters that may arise from
volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunami and other related geotectonic phenomena
in the Philippines. What is PHIVOLCS?

1. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology

2. Philippine Institute of Volcanic and Seismic Services
3. Philippine Institute of Volcanic and Seismology Services
4. Philippine Institute of Volcano and Seismic System

38. Which of the following is a renewable source of energy?

1. Geothermal energy
2. Solar energy
3. Wind energy
4. All of the above

39. It is a process by which thermal radiation from the earth’s surface is absorbed by
atmospheric greenhouse gases and is re-radiated in all directions.

1. Global Warming
2. Greenhouse Effect
3. Ozone Layer
4. Solar Radiation

40. USB is an industry standard that connects computers and electronic devices like
keyboards, digicams, portable media devices, disk drivers, smartphones, and
network adapters to any computer. USB stands for?

1. Unit Serial Box

2. Unit Serial Bolt
3. Universal Serial Bin
4. Universal Serial Bus

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