HILADO Laboratory Report 6 (Individual)

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Experiment 106: Uniform Circular Motion

Brian Christopher P. Hilado

School of Civil, Environmental and Geological Engineering
Mapua Institute of Technology

1. Conclusion

Centripetal force is a force that allows an object to move on a curved path. The object has the same magnitude
however its velocity is always changing because the object is changing in direction. this force acts outwards along the
radius when a body exhibits a circular path. that is why when the weights tied to string is made to move the string
remains stretched. Therefore, when an object is moving in a circular path, then find the components of the forces on
the particle towards the center of the path. Add these components and the result will be the centripetal force which is
the net radially inward force or the net force.

By doing this experiment, we we’re able to determine the centripetal force by using different lengths of radius
of the rotation with constant mass, centripetal force by using a constant radius with changing mass of rotating body
and we’re also able to determine the mass of the rotating body with constant radius and changing centripetal force

2. Application

In our everyday life, if an object rotates at a constant rate then the speed does not change because speed is a
scalar quantity and does not depend upon direction. The velocity does change, due to the changing direction, and the
acceleration is directed towards the center, this is called uniform circular motion. For example, you can spin something
around by a string, like a yoyo, or take a picture of the yoyo itself spinning. You can also take a picture of any spinning
object in the air. Also, a continuous clock second hand (not a 'jumpy one' that only moves once a second) on an analog
clock. Turning a door handle or opening a door or cupboard could be considered uniform for part of the motion (though
it needs to speed up and slow down at the end). Screwing in or out a light bulb, turning the rod on a set of blinds, or
opening a water valve might work as well.

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