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2 - Calibrations in T3 Direct AC14.3 v1.0 DRAFT

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Calibrations in T3 Direct – tractors with AC version 14.3 1.9.

Version 1.0

Contents of the calibration instructions

1. General
2. Available calibrations
3. Saving and loading indexes
4. Calibration using the ACGO EDT
5. Calibration instructions
6. Adjusting the function specific indexes of the transmission
7. Examples of calibration screens on the EDT

1. General

Calibrations can be accessed with the Agco EDT service tool or through the
service mode of the tractor terminal.

Always use the newest software versions. If there is an outdated version of the
software in the tractor, update the software. Tractor functions and calibration
functions are greatly improved on the new software versions.

2. Available calibrations

Calibrations are presented in the order they appear in the tractor terminal service
mode display. It is the order you should perform the calibrations.

Name of the calibration

Service display on TT EDT

10 Main gear calibration Main gear calibration

11 Range gear calibration Range gear calibration
20 Hydrostatic unit calibration Hydrostatic unit calibration
51 Steering, middle position calibration Steering, middle position
60 Speed sensor calibration Speed sensor calibration
31 F clutch, pre-filling pressure calibration F-clutch calibration
41 F clutch, initial pressure calibration
32 R clutch, pre-filling pressure calibration R-clutch calibration
42 R clutch, initial pressure calibration
37 (PTO clutch, pre-filling time calibration) Not yet functional, adjust indexes
47 (PTO clutch initial pressure calibration) Not yet functional, adjust indexes

3. Saving and loading indexes

It is recommended to save the index values to the EDT. This makes it possible to
restore the indexes once the programming procedures have been completed.
This speeds up the settings and adjustments after the programming.

Saving the indexes to the EDT:

1. Open the configuration tab.

2. Select Save TC1 indexes to the EDT.
3. Push on Start.
4. Select a memory slot. There are three memory slots available for each
tractor in the EDT. The tractors are separated by the frame number.
5. Push on the save -icon to save the indexes.
6. Push on OK on the dialog box after the saving of the indexes.
7. Push on OK to exit the save indexes -page.

Make sure, that the frame number displayed on the top of the Save Indexes
screen matches the frame number of the tractor being calibrated.

Saving indexes takes a few seconds. After the saving has been completed
successfully, a dialog box with the text “operation ok” will appear.

Loading the indexes from the EDT:

1. Open the configuration tab.

2. Select Load TC1 indexes from the EDT.
3. Push on Start.
4. Select a memory slot. Select one of the three memory slots to load the
indexes from.
5. Push on the load –icon to load the indexes from the EDT
6. Push on OK on the dialog box after the loading of the indexes
7. Push on OK to exit the save indexes –page.

4. Calibration using the Agco EDT service tool

Note! Before starting the calibrations, move to the main menu of the tractor
terminal. If this is not done, the tractor terminal opens the customer setting menu
when the preprogramming button is used during the calibrations. Customer
settings mode may not be used while calibrating!
In the main driving display, press ESC to enter the main menu.

In the EDT software, choose the Calibration tab. The calibrations should be done
in the following order:

1. Main gear calibration

2. Group gear calibration
3. Hydrostatic unit calibration
4. Steering middle position calibration
5. Speed sensor calibration
6. F clutch calibration
7. R clutch calibration

To start a calibration, select it and push on start. After this the calibration
programs will instruct you to check for preconditions. After you have finished a
calibration, remember to save the result by pressing the preprogramming button.

5. Calibration instructions

Main gear calibration

This calibration tests the function of the position sensor in the main gear shifting
cylinder. It saves the values of the position sensor in different positions of the
selector fork. By using the saved values, the system can control and monitor the
position of the selector fork.

The preconditions for the calibration are:
- parking brake is engaged
- engine is running
Choose the calibration and push on start. The calibration procedure is automatic,
wait for it to complete.

Group gear calibration

This calibration tests the function of the position sensor in the main gear shifting
cylinder. It saves the values of the position sensor in different positions of the
selector fork. By using the saved values, the system can control and monitor the
position of the selector fork.

The preconditions for the calibration are:
- parking brake is engaged
- engine is running

Choose the calibration and push on start. The calibration procedure is automatic,
wait for it to complete.

Hydrostatic unit calibration

This calibration performs two functions for the hydrostatic unit: it calibrates the
standstill point and the changing point of the C1 and C2 –clutches.
By the standstill point calibration the active standstill function and the starting and
stopping of the tractor is calibrated.

By the calibration of the changing point between the C1 and C2 clutches the
change-over point is determined so, that there is no jerk when the change

While calibrating, the internal function of the hydrostatic unit is also tested,
because the calibration program adjusts the swash plate angle is adjusted
between the minimum and maximum angles and the output speeds are

measured at the same time. If there is a problem with the internal function of the
hydrostatic unit or the output speed measurement, the calibration will fail.

The preconditions for the calibration are:
- parking brake is engaged
- engine is running
- transmission must be in operating temperature (at least +30 °C)

If you start the tractor just before the calibration, let the engine run for at least a
minute before starting the calibration to ensure that the hydrostatic unit warms up
and bleeds itself.

Start the calibration by choosing it and pushing on Start. Calibration is finished

when a dialog box appears on the screen.

Note! The calibration must not be aborted. However, if the calibration process
takes several minutes, you can abort it, because it will most likely fail. This might
be caused by a problem in the hydrostatic unit.

Steering middle position calibration

This calibration saves the value of the steering angle sensor, when the front
wheels are in the middle position. The saved value is used when calculating the
position of the front wheels during the operation of the tractor. This is used by, for
example, the differential lock automatics.

Before the calibration the following preconditions must be true:
- engine is running
- 4WD is disengaged
- differential lock is disengaged

Drive straight ahead and center the front wheels so that the tractor goes straight.
(The best way is to choose a fixed point in the distance and drive straight
towards it to ensure that the wheels are centered.) While driving straight, start the
calibration by choosing it and pushing on Start. Do not touch the steering wheel
after starting the calibration!

Speed sensor calibration

This calibration measures the signals of all the driving speed sensors in relation
to the ground speed radar, when driving straight and when there is no wheel slip.
By the calibration values the system can calculate, for example, slip persentages
for controlling the four-wheel drive and differential lock automatics.

The sensors calibrated are: gearbox output speed sensor B6, rear wheel speed
sensor B9 and front axle speed sensor B17.

Warning! The system will take control of the tractor during the calibration! It will
choose the correct transmission ratio and engage the cruise control. The tractor
will be traveling faster than 2,5 km/h for approximately 5 seconds during the

Before the calibration the following preconditions must be true:
- engine is running
- 4WD and differential lock are disengaged
- speed range B is selected
- the speed lever is at maximum position
- the speed balance control knob is in the middle position
- the traction force control knob is in the minimum position
- steering middle position sensor calibration must be successfully completed

Choose a location with level ground and sufficient unobstructed space for the
calibration. You must have at least 100 metres of space for the tractor to move
straight forward. Choose the calibration, start driving and start the calibration by
pushing on start. The calibration takes over the speed control. Steer the tractor
straight ahead.

After the calibration is successful, the speedometer must start indicating the
driving speed.

F- and R-clutch calibrations

With these calibrations the basic function of the F- and R-clutches is calibrated.
The values calibrated are the prefill pressure and the initial pressures. With these
values the system is able to control the clutch packs correctly. Each clutch pack
is unique, depending on, for example, wear of the clutch discs in the clutch in

During the calibration, the power shuttle – power shift –combination is locked so,
that the power shuttle output shaft can not rotate (See table below).
This way pressurizing the clutch pack will slow down the engine and the torque
curve of the clutch can be calculated and compared to the target values.

The prefill value defines the closing of the clutch pack so, that the clutch is closed
and it starts to transfer some torque.

With the initial pressure the purpose is to find the pressure, when the clutch
starts to transfer torque.

The base calibration values for the clutches must never be changed manually,
but always with the graphical calibration. The fine tuning of different operating
situations can be done by adjusting different indexes, see index adjustment

Transmission must be in operating temperature when performing the calibrations.
The recommended temperature range, when the best calibration results can be
achieved is +40 … +50 °C and the allowed range +30 … +60 °C.

The preconditions for the calibration are:

- engine is running
- parking brake is engaged
- air conditioning is off
- PTO (rear and front) are off
- hydraulics are off
- all the lights are off

The calibration is started by choosing it from the Calibration tab on the EDT and
pushing on Start. The system will instruct on the preconditions. The calibration
program starts, the engine rpm rise up to 1000 rms and the calibration display
opens. You must wait until the text “Press HiShift to measure” appears on the
bottom right corner of the display.

After this the calibration is started by pressing on the HiShift –button. After
pressing the button, the set prefill and initial pressures are applied to the clutch
and the torque curve is calculated and plotted on the EDT display. Compare the
measured curve to the target values and adjust accordingly.
The general rules are:
- the prefill pressure determines how high and how fast the beginning of the
curve will rise.
- the initial pressure determines the form of the torque curve, after the prefill
moment, so after the curve has reached a certain level.

If the measurement has to be repeated for multiple times before the correct
values can be reached, let the clutch cool down for a period of at least 30
seconds between the measurements.
Perform the clutch calibration to each cluth separately.

Table: locked clutches during the calibrations

F-clutch calibration Clutches R and C1 are closed
R-cluch calibration Clutches F and C1 are closed

Closing the clutches as above prevent the power shuttle output shaft from
rotating while performing the calibration. This makes the calculation of the torque
curve possible.

After the calibration test the function of the clutches:
1. Engage C-range and automatic transmission mode
2. Set the maximum speed with the transmission adjustment lever to 1 km/h
3. Set the engine rpm to approx. 1400 by using the drive pedal
4. Change the direction of travel quickly with the power shuttle. The changing
of direction must feel as a small “jerk”. Tractor must not creep to either
direction. Engaging the direction must not increase the driving speed over
1,2 km/h.
5. If one of the clutches is not working correctly, perform the calibration for
the clutch again.
6. Shut down and re-start the tractor between clutch pack calibrations and
clutch pedal calibration.

Clutch pedal calibration

With the clutch pedal calibration the function of the clutch pedal, when starting
from standstill with it, is adjusted.
Note! Set indexes 7 to 9 (Clutch pedal engagement position) to 1 before
performing the clutch pedal calibration in order to the calibration results to be

The indexes adjusted by the clutch pedal calibration

Index Unit Min Max Standard Description
no. value
510 mbar 0 5000 F-dir clutch pedal prefill pressure decrement
511 mbar 0 1400 F-dir clutch pedal initial pressure decrement
513 mbar 0 5000 R-dir clutch pedal prefill pressure decrement
514 mbar 0 1400 R-dir clutch pedal initial pressure decrement

The calibration is started by choosing Clutch pedal calibration from Calibration
tab of the EDT and pushing on Start. The clutch pedal calibration screen opens.

1. Engage the manual drive mode by setting the index 140 value to 1 with
the EDT. Note! Do not use the tractor terminal to engage the manual drive
mode. The calibration uses the same commands to adjust indexes as the
tractor terminal and using the terminal might interfere with the calibration.
2. Select range A for testing the clutch pedal function and set the speed lever
to about half way.
3. Adjust the initial pressures
a. Adjust indexes 511 (F direction initial pressure decrement) and 514
(R direction initial pressure decrement) to 0.
b. Select the direction and let the clutch pedal up until the tractor is
moving normally. Slowly press the clutch pedal down until the
clutch pedal value on the top of the EDT screen is 5. Hold the
clutch pedal on this position.

c. Start increasing the index (F direction 511, R direction 514) until the
speed of the tractor starts to slow down. Observe the tractor speed
from the speedometer. Save the values between changes for the
adjustments to become effective.
4. Adjust the prefill pressures
a. Push down the clutch pedal
b. Release the clutch to reach position value 5 on top of the EDT
screen. Hold the clutch pedal in this position.
c. Change the driving direction. When changing direction, you should
feel a little jerk, but the tractor must not move.
d. If the operation of the clutch is not correct, adjust the corresponding
index accordingly:
- to make the clutch more aggressive, decrease the value
- to make the clutch less aggressive, increase the value
5. Check the function of the clutch. The tractor must not start creeping under
the clutch position value 10, and above the value 10 the engagement must
be correct.

When the calibration is complete, save the index values.

After the clutch pedal calibration perform the fine tuning of different drive
functions by adjusting the function -specific indexes, if needed.

6. Adjusting the function -specific indexes of different transmission

By adjusting the function –specific indexes it is possible to adjust the behavior of

the tractor in different transmission operating situations. Before the adjustment of
the different transmission functions, the calibration of the transmission clutches
must be performed.

Adjust these indexes only if the function of the transmission is not correct after
the clutch calibrations.

F and R start out index adjustment

With these indexes in Direct, the function of the active standstill is adjusted

The indexes adjusted when adjusting F and R starting

Index Unit Min Max Standard Description
no. value
517 Mbar -5000 7000 F start out prefill pressure increment
518 Mbar -2000 4000 F start out initial pressure increment
521 Mbar -5000 7000 R start out prefill pressure increment
522 Mbar -2000 4000 R start out initial pressure increment

Choose Power shuttle adjustment on the Calibration tab of the EDT
1. Have the tractor on a slight uphill
2. Have the transmission in automatic mode
3. Engage the B range.
4. Drive uphill slowly and stop the tractor only by raising the drive pedal
5. Wait until the tractor stops (=active standstill mode) Note! Do not wait for
too long, so that the tractor does not enter the passive standstill mode
6. Change the driving direction using the shuttle lever. Note! Do not touch
the other drive controls!
7. When the direction is changed, the tractor is allowed to move down the hill
a little.
8. Adjust the indexes according to the feel of the function. If the tractor
moves down too much when using the power shuttle lever, increase the
index values.

F and R direction changing index adjustment

With these indexes, the possible to adjust the behavior of the power shuttle
clutches when the driving direction is changed using the power shuttle lever.

The indexes adjusted when adjusting the F and R direction changing

Index Unit Min Max Standard Description
no. value
525 mbar -5000 7000 R to F changing prefill pressure increment
526 mbar -2000 4000 R to F changing initial pressure increment
529 mbar -5000 7000 F to R changing prefill pressure increment
530 mbar -2000 4000 F to R changing initial pressure increment

Choose Power shuttle adjustment on the Calibration tab of the EDT
1. Have the tractor on a flat surface
2. Engage gear B1 and have the engine running at approximately 1500 rpm
3. Change driving direction with the power shuttle for several times
4. Adjust the indexes according to the feel of the function

F and R re-engaging index adjustment

With these indexes, it is possible to adjust the behavior of the power shuttle
clutches in a situation, when the clutch is re-engaged while tractor is still moving.
E.g. driving forward and the HiShift button is pushed and released while tractor is
still moving. This adjustment affects the HiShift button, the power shuttle lever
and the clutch pedal in such a situation.

The indexes adjusted when adjusting the F and R re-engaging

Index Unit Min Max Standard Description
no. value
533 mbar -5000 7000 F re-engaging prefill pressure increment
534 mbar -2000 4000 F re-engaging initial pressure increment
537 mbar -5000 7000 R re-engaging prefill pressure increment
538 mbar -2000 4000 R re-engaging initial pressure increment

Choose Power shuttle adjustment on the Calibration tab of the EDT
1. Have the tractor on a flat surface
2. Drive ahead at about 10 km/h and push on HiShift –button. Use C range
so that the C2 clutch will not engage before you push the HiShift.
3. Let the tractor slow down to about 6 km/h and release the HiShift –button
4. Adjust the indexes according to the feel of the function

7. Example of calibration screens in the EDT

Fig. 1. Good calibration curve. The average of the torque curve is inside the
target values. Because of the calculation process of the torque curve, it is normal
to have some peaks on the curve outside of the target area.

Fig. 2: Prefill pressure of the clutch is too low. The level of the torque curve is too
low right from the beginning. Increase the prefill pressure to make the torque
curve rise higher.

Fig. 3: Prefill pressure of the clutch is too high. The level of the torque curve goes
too high right at the beginning. Decrease the prefill pressure to make the torque
curve level lower.

Fig. 4. Initial pressure of the clutch is too high. The torque curve starts to climb
after the correct prefill. Decrease the initial pressure to level the torque curve.

Fig. 5. Initial pressure of the clutch is too low. The torque curve starts to lower
after the correct prefill. Increase the initial pressure to level the torque curve.


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